(some) OMAP hardware support for SDL by notaz (notasas@gmail.com) About ----- This is a quick SDL driver to make use of some OMAP features, namely double buffering and hardware scaler. The backstory of this is that SDL on Pandora console was suffering from tearing and stuttering problems because SDL default x11 driver doesn't work that well there. Almost 6 months have passed after pandora's release, no improved SDL versions appeared (not blaming anyone here, pandora's availability was low and there where were several SDL improvement in the works though). This encouraged me to create this quick version until something better appears (if ever). Although this was created for pandora, there is nothing preventing this to work on other OMAP platforms as well (well, nothing intentional at least). Usage / environment ------------------- To enable this driver, SDL_VIDEODRIVER environment variable must be set to "omapdss". It can be set by calling setenv() in the code, but it's better to just set it in launcher script so that it can be changed easily without recompiling as needed: --- #!/bin/sh export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=omapdss ./your_program_here --- Other environment variables: SDL_OMAP_LAYER_SIZE: Output layer size. Regardless what you set with SDL_SetVideoMode(), output will be scaled to this size using hardware. Valid values: "WxH", for example "640x480" "fullscreen" for to cover whole screen. SDL_OMAP_VSYNC: Enables waiting for vertical sync on SDL_Flit() calls. Set to "1" to enable, "0" to disable. Config file ----------- Optionally a file named "omapsdl.cfg" can be created in the game's working directory. It has lower priority than environment variables, and has these options (only when omapdss driver is active): # same as SDL_OMAP_VSYNC force_vsync = 1/0 # can be used to bind a key to SDL keysym, good for quick ports. # Example: # bind ev_home = sdlk_space bind ev_ =