Index of /md/verification/
<name>.txt - various notes (movie links, hardware used, input
modifications (if any), etc)
<name>.bkm - input data formatted as frames, headerless bkm format.
Somewhat similar to what emulators use, but lacks frames
where game doesn't read inputs, and has multiple lines for
single frame if game does multiple reads per frame. Not
suitable for games that use complex input reading routines,
was mostly made for more convenient editing for a few games.
<name>.raw.txt - raw data sent to the console in printable format, see below
'type' can be:
'e' - edge. After TH (aka select/mux) pin changes to given value
(like e0 means low), set all other pins as indicated.
First entry is for poweron state, which is input with pullup
on MD side, visible as high on controller port.
'debug': list of pressed buttons, for reference/debug
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