Place 'crowdin.yml' & the 'intl' and '.github' folder, including content, into the root of the repo. In '.github/workflows' are two files: 'crowdin_intl.yml' & 'crowdin_prep.yml' In each of those are place holders, which need to be replaced as follows: -> replace with the path from the root of the repo to the directory containing 'libretro_core_options.h' (it is assumed that 'libretro_core_options.h' & 'libretro_core_options_intl.h' are in the same directory) -> replace with the full path from the root of the repo to the 'libretro_core_options.h' file -> replace with the full path from the root of the repo to the 'libretro_core_options_intl.h' file From the root of the repo run (using bash): python3 intl/ '' (If python3 doesn't work, try just python) Push changes to repo. Once merged, request Crowdin integration. Crowdin integration: On the project page, go to the Applications tab. Choose GitHub. There are two options: connecting a GitHub account, which has write/commit permissions to the repo or providing a GitHub token, which will unlock these permissions. Then add a repository, a new interface opens. Pick the repository as well as the branch, which you want to sync. On the right, Crowdin will display the default name of the repository it will use for creating PRs. Below, set the sync schedule and then save. With that the synchronisation should be set up. If there are still problems, you might need to manually modify the configuration (double click on the branch in the lower frame). Here's what the file paths should look like (the '/' at the start is very important!): Source files path: /intl/_us/*.json Translated files path: /intl/_%two_letters_code%/%original_file_name% Once Crowdin successfully creates the PR & it has been merged, the automatically created branch can be deleted on GitHub.