$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -O2 -ggdb -DPPROF -DPPROF_TOOL -I../../ -I. $^ -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
pico/pico_int_offs.h: tools/mkoffsets.sh
- make -C tools/ XCC="$(CC)" XCFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)"
+ make -C tools/ XCC="$(CC)" XCFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" XPLATFORM="$(platform)"
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
CXX += -miphoneos-version-min=5.0
CC_AS += -miphoneos-version-min=5.0
CFLAGS += -miphoneos-version-min=5.0
- use_svpdrc = 0
# PS3
use_fame ?= 1
use_drz80 = 0
use_cz80 ?= 1
+use_svpdrc = 0
asm_memory = 0
asm_render = 0
/* spacial version of call for calling C needed on ios, since we use r9.. */
static void emith_call_c_func(void *target)
+ EOP_STMFD_SP(M2(7,9));
+ EOP_LDMFD_SP(M2(7,9));
#define emith_call_c_func emith_call
HOSTCC ?= cc
- CC="$(XCC)" CFLAGS="$(XCFLAGS)" sh ./mkoffsets.sh ../pico
+ if [ -f "offsets/$(XPLATFORM)-offsets.h" ]; then \
+ ln -sf "../tools/offsets/$(XPLATFORM)-offsets.h" ../pico/pico_int_offs.h; \
+ else \
+ CC="$(XCC)" CFLAGS="$(XCFLAGS)" sh ./mkoffsets.sh ../pico; \
+ fi
$(TARGETS): $(addsuffix .c,$(TARGETS))
$(HOSTCC) -o $@ -O $@.c
--- /dev/null
+/* autogenerated by mkoffset.sh, do not edit */
+/* target endianess: le, compiled with: mipsel-linux-gnu-gcc -mabi=32 */
+#define OFS_Pico_video_reg 0x0000
+#define OFS_Pico_m_rotate 0x0040
+#define OFS_Pico_m_z80Run 0x0041
+#define OFS_Pico_m_dirtyPal 0x0046
+#define OFS_Pico_m_hardware 0x0047
+#define OFS_Pico_m_z80_reset 0x004f
+#define OFS_Pico_m_sram_reg 0x0049
+#define OFS_Pico_sv 0x008c
+#define OFS_Pico_sv_data 0x008c
+#define OFS_Pico_sv_start 0x0090
+#define OFS_Pico_sv_end 0x0094
+#define OFS_Pico_sv_flags 0x0098
+#define OFS_Pico_rom 0x0554
+#define OFS_Pico_romsize 0x0558
+#define OFS_Pico_est 0x00c8
+#define OFS_EST_DrawScanline 0x0000
+#define OFS_EST_rendstatus 0x0004
+#define OFS_EST_DrawLineDest 0x0008
+#define OFS_EST_HighCol 0x000c
+#define OFS_EST_HighPreSpr 0x0010
+#define OFS_EST_Pico 0x0014
+#define OFS_EST_PicoMem_vram 0x0018
+#define OFS_EST_PicoMem_cram 0x001c
+#define OFS_EST_PicoOpt 0x0020
+#define OFS_EST_Draw2FB 0x0024
+#define OFS_EST_HighPal 0x0028
+#define OFS_PMEM_vram 0x10000
+#define OFS_PMEM_vsram 0x22100
+#define OFS_PMEM32x_pal_native 0x90e00
+#define OFS_SH2_is_slave 0x055c
+#define OFS_SH2_p_bios 0x0080
+#define OFS_SH2_p_da 0x0084
+#define OFS_SH2_p_sdram 0x0088
+#define OFS_SH2_p_rom 0x008c
+#define OFS_SH2_p_dram 0x0090
+#define OFS_SH2_p_drcblk_da 0x0094
+#define OFS_SH2_p_drcblk_ram 0x0098
--- /dev/null
+/* autogenerated by mkoffset.sh, do not edit */
+/* target endianess: le, compiled with: mipsel-linux-gnu-gcc -mabi=64 */
+#define OFS_Pico_video_reg 0x0000
+#define OFS_Pico_m_rotate 0x0040
+#define OFS_Pico_m_z80Run 0x0041
+#define OFS_Pico_m_dirtyPal 0x0046
+#define OFS_Pico_m_hardware 0x0047
+#define OFS_Pico_m_z80_reset 0x004f
+#define OFS_Pico_m_sram_reg 0x0049
+#define OFS_Pico_sv 0x0090
+#define OFS_Pico_sv_data 0x0090
+#define OFS_Pico_sv_start 0x0098
+#define OFS_Pico_sv_end 0x009c
+#define OFS_Pico_sv_flags 0x00a0
+#define OFS_Pico_rom 0x0588
+#define OFS_Pico_romsize 0x0590
+#define OFS_Pico_est 0x00d8
+#define OFS_EST_DrawScanline 0x0000
+#define OFS_EST_rendstatus 0x0004
+#define OFS_EST_DrawLineDest 0x0008
+#define OFS_EST_HighCol 0x0010
+#define OFS_EST_HighPreSpr 0x0018
+#define OFS_EST_Pico 0x0020
+#define OFS_EST_PicoMem_vram 0x0028
+#define OFS_EST_PicoMem_cram 0x0030
+#define OFS_EST_PicoOpt 0x0038
+#define OFS_EST_Draw2FB 0x0040
+#define OFS_EST_HighPal 0x0048
+#define OFS_PMEM_vram 0x10000
+#define OFS_PMEM_vsram 0x22100
+#define OFS_PMEM32x_pal_native 0x90e00
+#define OFS_SH2_is_slave 0x0a18
+#define OFS_SH2_p_bios 0x0098
+#define OFS_SH2_p_da 0x00a0
+#define OFS_SH2_p_sdram 0x00a8
+#define OFS_SH2_p_rom 0x00b0
+#define OFS_SH2_p_dram 0x00b8
+#define OFS_SH2_p_drcblk_da 0x00c0
+#define OFS_SH2_p_drcblk_ram 0x00c8
--- /dev/null
+/* autogenerated by mkoffset.sh, do not edit */
+/* target endianess: le, compiled with: mipsel-linux-gnu-gcc -mabi=n32 */
+#define OFS_Pico_video_reg 0x0000
+#define OFS_Pico_m_rotate 0x0040
+#define OFS_Pico_m_z80Run 0x0041
+#define OFS_Pico_m_dirtyPal 0x0046
+#define OFS_Pico_m_hardware 0x0047
+#define OFS_Pico_m_z80_reset 0x004f
+#define OFS_Pico_m_sram_reg 0x0049
+#define OFS_Pico_sv 0x008c
+#define OFS_Pico_sv_data 0x008c
+#define OFS_Pico_sv_start 0x0090
+#define OFS_Pico_sv_end 0x0094
+#define OFS_Pico_sv_flags 0x0098
+#define OFS_Pico_rom 0x0554
+#define OFS_Pico_romsize 0x0558
+#define OFS_Pico_est 0x00c8
+#define OFS_EST_DrawScanline 0x0000
+#define OFS_EST_rendstatus 0x0004
+#define OFS_EST_DrawLineDest 0x0008
+#define OFS_EST_HighCol 0x000c
+#define OFS_EST_HighPreSpr 0x0010
+#define OFS_EST_Pico 0x0014
+#define OFS_EST_PicoMem_vram 0x0018
+#define OFS_EST_PicoMem_cram 0x001c
+#define OFS_EST_PicoOpt 0x0020
+#define OFS_EST_Draw2FB 0x0024
+#define OFS_EST_HighPal 0x0028
+#define OFS_PMEM_vram 0x10000
+#define OFS_PMEM_vsram 0x22100
+#define OFS_PMEM32x_pal_native 0x90e00
+#define OFS_SH2_is_slave 0x055c
+#define OFS_SH2_p_bios 0x0080
+#define OFS_SH2_p_da 0x0084
+#define OFS_SH2_p_sdram 0x0088
+#define OFS_SH2_p_rom 0x008c
+#define OFS_SH2_p_dram 0x0090
+#define OFS_SH2_p_drcblk_da 0x0094
+#define OFS_SH2_p_drcblk_ram 0x0098
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file