unsigned char *filter(unsigned char *source, int width, int height, int *width2, int *height2);
-#define TEXBSP
+//#define TEXBSP
#ifdef TEXBSP
typedef struct _texbsp
struct _texbsp *right;
} texbsp;
-static int nbTex = 0;
-static texbsp *list = NULL;
-#elif defined(TEXREDBLACK)
-typedef struct _texbsp
- unsigned int id;
- int color;
- struct _texbsp *left;
- struct _texbsp *right;
- struct _texbsp *parent;
-} texbsp;
static int nbTex = 0;
static texbsp *list = NULL;
-// utilitie function for red-black tree
-// taken from Wikipedia
-// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-black_tree
-#define BLACK 0
-#define RED 1
-//**** Family stuff ****
-texbsp *grandparent(texbsp *n)
- if ((n != NULL) && (n->parent != NULL))
- return n->parent->parent;
- else
- return NULL;
-texbsp *sibling(texbsp *n)
- if ((n != NULL) && (n->parent != NULL))
- if (n == n->parent->left)
- return n->parent->right;
- else
- return n->parent->left;
- else
- return NULL;
-texbsp *uncle(texbsp *n)
- texbsp *g = grandparent(n);
- if (g == NULL)
- return NULL; // No grandparent means no uncle
- if (n->parent == g->left)
- return g->right;
- else
- return g->left;
-//**** Search functions ****
-texbsp* lookup_node(GLuint key)
- texbsp* n = texlist;
- while (n != NULL) {
- int comp_result = (int)key - (int)n->id;
- if (comp_result == 0) {
- return n;
- } else if (comp_result < 0) {
- n = n->left;
- } else {
- n = n->right;
- }
- }
- return n;
-GLuint rbtree_lookup(GLuint key)
- texbsp* n = lookup_node(key);
- return n == NULL ? NULL : n->id;
-//**** Basic insertion / replace ****
-texbsp* new_node(GLuint id, int node_color, texbsp* left, texbsp* right)
- texbsp* result = malloc(sizeof(texbsp));
- result->id = id;
- result->color = node_color;
- result->left = left;
- result->right = right;
- if (left != NULL) left->parent = result;
- if (right != NULL) right->parent = result;
- result->parent = NULL;
- return result;
-void replace_node(texbsp* oldn, texbsp* newn)
- if (oldn->parent == NULL) {
- list = newn;
- } else {
- if (oldn == oldn->parent->left)
- oldn->parent->left = newn;
- else
- oldn->parent->right = newn;
- }
- if (newn != NULL) {
- newn->parent = oldn->parent;
- }
-//**** Rotation functions ****
-void rotate_left(texbsp* n)
- texbsp* r = n->right;
- replace_node(n, r);
- n->right = r->left;
- if (r->left != NULL) {
- r->left->parent = n;
- }
- r->left = n;
- n->parent = r;
-void rotate_right(texbsp* n)
- node L = n->left;
- replace_node(n, L);
- n->left = L->right;
- if (L->right != NULL) {
- L->right->parent = n;
- }
- L->right = n;
- n->parent = L;
-//**** Insertion cases ****
-void insert_case1(texbsp *n)
- if (n->parent == NULL)
- n->color = BLACK;
- else
- insert_case2(n);
-void insert_case2(texbsp *n)
- if (n->parent->color == BLACK)
- return;
- else
- insert_case3(n);
-void insert_case3(texbsp *n)
- texbsp *u = uncle(n), *g;
- if ((u != NULL) && (u->color == RED)) {
- n->parent->color = BLACK;
- u->color = BLACK;
- g = grandparent(n);
- g->color = RED;
- insert_case1(g);
- } else {
- insert_case4(n);
- }
-void insert_case4(texbsp *n)
- texbsp *g = grandparent(n);
- if ((n == n->parent->right) && (n->parent == g->left)) {
- rotate_left(n->parent);
- n = n->left;
- } else if ((n == n->parent->left) && (n->parent == g->right)) {
- rotate_right(n->parent);
- n = n->right;
- }
- insert_case5(n);
-void insert_case5(texbsp *n)
- struct node *g = grandparent(n);
- n->parent->color = BLACK;
- g->color = RED;
- if (n == n->parent->left)
- rotate_right(g);
- else
- rotate_left(g);
-void rbtree_insert(GLuint key)
+#ifdef TEXBSP
+void print_tex(bool detail=false)
- texbsp* inserted_node = new_node(key, RED, NULL, NULL);
- if (list == NULL) {
- list = inserted_node;
- } else {
- texbsp* n = t->root;
- while (1) {
- int comp_result = (int)key - (int)n->id;
- if (comp_result == 0) {
- free (inserted_node);
- return;
- } else if (comp_result < 0) {
- if (n->left == NULL) {
- n->left = inserted_node;
- break;
- } else {
- n = n->left;
- }
- } else {
- if (n->right == NULL) {
- n->right = inserted_node;
- break;
- } else {
- n = n->right;
- }
- }
- }
- inserted_node->parent = n;
- }
- insert_case1(t, inserted_node);
+ texbsp *bsp = list;
+ int i=0;
+ if (!bsp) {
+ printf("empty list (%s)", (nbTex==i)?"OK":"/!\\ KO");
+ return;
+ }
+ bool ok=true;
+ while (bsp->left) bsp=bsp->left;
+ do {
+ i++;
+ if (detail) printf("%u\t", bsp->id);
+ if (bsp->right) if (bsp->id>=bsp->right->id) ok=false;
+ bsp=bsp->right;
+ } while (bsp);
+ printf("%s%s (taille %i/%i %s)\n",(detail)?"\n":"", (ok)?"OK":"KO", nbTex, i, (nbTex==i)?"OK":"/!\\ KO");
+ if (nbTex!=i && !detail) print_tex(true);
-//**** Removing cases ****
void remove_tex(unsigned int idmin, unsigned int idmax)
#ifdef TEXBSP
+if ((idmin==18449 && idmax==22545) || (idmin==28689 || idmax==30737)) {printf("delete %u->%u, list=", idmin, idmax); print_tex(true);}
GLuint texlist[nbTex];
int nbdel = 0;
// 1st look at initial point that is <= at idmin and than go right until id > idmax. Deleting all in between, and reattach list is needed
if (list==NULL) return;
if ((idmin==0x00000000) && (idmax==0xffffffff)) {
// delete everything, quite easy
- debut = list->right;
- fin = list->left;
- while ((debut) && (fin)) {
+ debut = list->left;
+ fin = list->right;
+ while ((debut) || (fin)) {
if (debut) {
- temp = debut->right;
+ temp = debut->left;
debut = temp;
if (fin) {
- temp = fin->left;
+ temp = fin->right;
fin = temp;
glDeleteTextures(nbdel, texlist);
nbTex = 0;
// General case, range delete
// find starting point.
debut = list;
- while ((debut->id > idmin) && (debut->right!=NULL)) {
- debut = debut->right;
+ while ((debut->id > idmin) && (debut->left!=NULL)) {
+ debut = debut->left;
- while ((debut->left!=NULL) && (debut->left->id < idmin)) {
- debut = debut->left;
+ while ((debut->right!=NULL) && (debut->right->id <= idmin)) {
+ debut = debut->right;
- fin = debut->right;
+ fin = debut->left;
// and now delete
while ((debut!=NULL) && (debut->id >= idmin) && (debut->id < idmax))
- temp = debut->left;
+ temp = debut->right;
+ if (!nbdel) return;
// rechain the list
- if (fin) fin->left = debut;
- if (debut) debut->right = fin;
+ if (fin) fin->right = debut;
+ if (debut) debut->left = fin;
if (debut) list = debut; else list = fin; //change ankor
- glDeleteTextures(nbdel, texlist);
nbTex -= nbdel;
+ glDeleteTextures(nbdel, texlist);
+printf("deleted (%i) %u->%u, list=", nbdel, idmin, idmax); print_tex();
unsigned int *t;
void add_tex(unsigned int id)
#ifdef TEXBSP
-//printf("add_tex(%u)\n", id);
if (list == NULL) {
-//printf("add root\n");
list = (texbsp*)malloc(sizeof(texbsp));
list->left = NULL; list->right = NULL;
list->id = id;
texbsp *bsp = list;
+if (id>TMU_SIZE*2) {printf("/!\\ add (%u), anchor=%u, list=", id, bsp->id); print_tex();}
if (bsp->id>=id) { // go left
-// printf("Go left\n");
- while ((bsp->left!=NULL) && (bsp->left->id > id))
+ while ((bsp->left!=NULL) && (bsp->id > id))
- if (bsp->id = id) return;
- texbsp *aux = bsp->left;
+ if (bsp->id == id) return;
texbsp *ins = (texbsp*)malloc(sizeof(texbsp));
- ins->left = aux;
- ins->right = bsp;
ins->id = id;
- bsp->left = ins;
- if (aux) aux->right = ins;
+ if ((bsp->id > id) && (bsp->left==NULL)) {
+ bsp->left = ins;
+ ins->right = bsp;
+ ins->left = NULL;
+ } else {
+ texbsp *aux = bsp->right;
+ ins->left = bsp;
+ ins->right = aux;
+ bsp->right = ins;
+ if (aux) aux->left = ins;
+ }
list=bsp; // new ankor
} else { // go right
-//printf("Go right\n");
- while ((bsp->right!=NULL) && (bsp->right->id < id))
+ while ((bsp->right!=NULL) && (bsp->id < id))
-//printf("stopped at %u\n", bsp->id);
- if (bsp->id = id) return;
- texbsp *aux = bsp->right;
+ if (bsp->id == id) return;
texbsp *ins = (texbsp*)malloc(sizeof(texbsp));
- ins->right = aux;
- ins->left = bsp;
ins->id = id;
- bsp->right = ins;
- if (aux) aux->left = ins;
+ if ((bsp->id < id) && (bsp->right==NULL)) { // add at end of chain !
+ bsp->right = ins;
+ ins->left = bsp;
+ ins->right = NULL;
+ } else { // insert in chain
+ texbsp *aux = bsp->left;
+ ins->right = bsp;
+ ins->left = aux;
+ bsp->left = ins;
+ if (aux) aux->right = ins;
+ }
list=bsp; // new ankor
// nbTex = 0;
if (!texture) texture = (unsigned char*)malloc(2048*2048*4);
+ #ifdef TEXBSP
+ list = NULL;
+ nbTex = 0;
+ #endif
void free_textures()