.equ VDP16_MAP_H64, 0x01
.equ VDP16_MAP_H128, 0x03
+.equ MMODE_MAIN, 0
+.equ MMODE_GOTO, 3
+# convert a6 to normal addr
+# destroys d0
+.macro mk_a6_addr reg
+ move.l a6,\reg
+ moveq.l #0,d0
+ move.b \reg,d0
+ lsr.l #8,\reg
+ add.l d0,\reg
+.macro change_mode mode_new mode_back
+ and.w #0xc0ff,d7
+ or.w #(\mode_back<<11)|(\mode_new<<8),d7
# #
# DATA #
dc.w 0; dc.b 0x05; dc.b 0; dc.w 0x6002; dc.w 0
+ .ascii "- edit -\0"
+ .ascii "A-confirm\0"
# #
move.w #0x2700,sr
movea.l #0,a6
- moveq.l #0,d7
+ move.l #0x8000,d7
moveq.l #0,d6
/* Init pads */
# global regs:
# a6 = page_start[31:8]|cursor_offs[7:0]
-# d7 = old_inputs[31:16]|byte_mode[15]|g_mode[10:8]|irq_cnt[7:0]
-# d6 = autorep_cnt[3:0]
+# d7 = old_inputs[31:16]|edit_bytes[15:14]|g_mode_old[13:11]|g_mode[10:8]|irq_cnt[7:0]
+# d6 = edit_word[31:8]|edit_done[7]|edit_pos[6:4]|autorep_cnt[3:0]
jmp (a0)
dc.l mode_main
- dc.l mode_edit
- dc.l mode_main
- dc.l mode_main
+ dc.l mode_val_input
+ dc.l mode_edit_val /* edit val in editor */
+ dc.l mode_goto
dc.l mode_main
dc.l mode_main
dc.l mode_main
/* status bar */
movea.l #0xe004+64*2*27,a0
jsr load_prepare
- move.l a6,d2
- moveq.l #0,d3
- move.b d2,d3
- lsr.l #8,d2
- add.l d3,d2
+ mk_a6_addr d2
move.l #0x4006,d3
jsr print_hex_preped
do_dpad 16+11, add, #0xd800
moveq.l #0,d1
- btst.l #15,d7
- seq d1
- neg.b d1 /* 1 if word sel */
- add.b #1,d1
+ move.w d7,d1
+ lsr.w #7,d1
+ lsr.w #7,d1
do_dpad 0, subq, #0x0008
do_dpad 1, addq, #0x0008
do_dpad 11, add, d1
+ /* update addr */
+ move.l a6,d1
+ cmp.b #0xf0,d1
+ blo 0f
+ sub.l #0xd800,a6
+ add.w #0x00d8,a6
+ bra 1f
+ cmp.b #0xd8,d1
+ blo 1f
+ add.l #0xd800,a6
+ sub.w #0x00d8,a6
+ /* other btns */
moveq.l #0,d1
btst.l #12,d0 /* B - switch byte/word mode */
beq input_nob
- bchg.l #15,d7
+ bclr.l #15,d7
+ add.w #0x4000,d7 /* changes between 01 10 */
move.l a6,d1
and.l #1,d1
sub.l d1,a6 /* make even, just in case */
btst.l #13,d0 /* C - edit selected byte */
beq input_noc
-# and.w #0xf8ff,d7
- or.w #0x0100,d7 /* switch to edit mode */
write_vdp_reg 12,(VDP12_SCREEN_V224 | VDP12_SCREEN_H320 | VDP12_STE)
- /* update addr */
- move.l a6,d0
- cmp.b #0xf0,d0
- blo 0f
- sub.l #0xd800,a6
- add.w #0x00d8,a6
- bra 1f
- cmp.b #0xd8,d0
- blo 1f
- add.l #0xd800,a6
- sub.w #0x00d8,a6
+ btst.l #5,d0 /* Start - goto */
+ beq input_nos
+ change_mode MMODE_GOTO, MMODE_MAIN
+ write_vdp_reg 12,(VDP12_SCREEN_V224 | VDP12_SCREEN_H320 | VDP12_STE)
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d5/a0-a5
move.w #0x2004,d3
btst.l #15,d7
- beq draw_cursor_word
+ bne draw_cursor_word
move.b (-8,a1,d0),d2
jmp draw_chars_pre
-##################### edit #######################
+#################### hedit #######################
+ btst.l #7,d6
+ bne mode_hedit_finish
+ /* read val to edit */
+ mk_a6_addr d1
+ move.l d1,a0
+ moveq.l #0,d0
+ btst.l #15,d7
+ bne 0f
+ move.b (a0),d0
+ bra 1f
+ move.w (a0),d0
+ lsl.l #8,d0
+ and.l #0xff,d6
+ or.l d0,d6
+ and.b #0x0f,d6 /* not done, reset pos */
+ jmp vbl_end
+ /* write the val */
+ mk_a6_addr d1
+ move.l d1,a0
+ move.l d6,d0
+ lsr.l #8,d0
+ btst.l #15,d7
+ bne 0f
+ move.b d0,(a0)
+ bra 1f
+ move.w d0,(a0)
+ and.l #0xf,d6 /* forget val and pos */
+ bra return_to_main
+##################### goto #######################
+ btst.l #7,d6
+ bne mode_goto_finish
+ or.w #0xc000,d7 /* 3 bytes */
+ bclr.l #7,d6
+ jmp vbl_end
+ move.l d6,d0
+ lsr.l #8,d0
+ move.l d0,d1
+ and.l #7,d1
+ and.b #0xf8,d0
+ lsl.l #8,d0
+ or.l d1,d0
+ move.l d0,a6
+ and.w #0x3fff,d7
+ or.w #0x8000,d7 /* back to 2 bytes */
+ bra return_to_main
+################### val edit #####################
+ /* frame */
+ movea.l #0xe000+14*2+11*64*2,a1
+ moveq.l #6-1,d1
+ move.w a1,a0
+ jsr load_prepare
+ moveq.l #11-1,d0
+ move.w #0,(a0)
+ dbra d0,1b
+ add.w #64*2,a1
+ dbra d1,0b
+ /* text */
+ lea txt_edit,a0
+ move.l #15,d0
+ move.l #11,d1
+ move.l #0xc000,d2
+ jsr print
+ lea txt_a_confirm,a0
+ move.l #15,d0
+ move.l #15,d1
+ move.l #0xc000,d2
+ jsr print
+ /* edit field */
+ moveq.l #0,d0
+ moveq.l #0,d1
+ moveq.l #0,d3
+ move.w d7,d3
+ lsr.w #7,d3
+ lsr.w #7,d3
+ move.b #19,d0
+ sub.b d3,d0
+ move.b #13,d1
+ move.l d6,d2
+ lsr.l #8,d2
+ add.b d3,d3
+ or.w #0x8000,d3
+ jsr print_hex
+ /* current char */
+ moveq.l #0,d0
+ moveq.l #0,d1
+ and.w #6,d3
+ move.b #19,d0
+ move.b d3,d1
+ lsr.b #1,d1 /* length in bytes */
+ sub.b d1,d0
+ move.b d6,d1
+ lsr.b #4,d1
+ and.b #7,d1 /* nibble to edit */
+ add.b d1,d0
+ sub.b d1,d3
+ sub.b #1,d3 /* chars to shift out */
+ lsl.b #2,d3
+ add.b #8,d3
+ move.l d6,d2
+ lsr.l d3,d2
+ move.b #13,d1
+ move.w #0xa001,d3
+ jsr print_hex
+ /* handle input */
+ jsr get_input /* x0cbrldu x1sa00du */
+ move.w d0,d1
+ and.w #0x0f00,d1
+ beq ai_no_dpad
+ move.w d7,d1
+ lsr.w #7,d1
+ lsr.w #7,d1
+ add.b d1,d1 /* nibble count */
+ sub.b #1,d1 /* max n.t.e. val */
+ move.b d6,d2
+ lsr.b #4,d2
+ and.b #7,d2 /* nibble to edit */
+ move.b d0,d3
+ and.b #3,d3
+ beq ai_no_ud
+ moveq.l #0,d3
+ moveq.l #0,d4
+ move.b #0xf,d3
+ move.b #0x1,d4
+ sub.b d2,d1
+ lsl.b #2,d1
+ add.b #8,d1
+ lsl.l d1,d3 /* mask */
+ lsl.l d1,d4 /* what to add/sub */
+ move.l d6,d1
+ and.l d3,d1
+ btst.l #8,d0
+ beq 0f
+ add.l d4,d1
+ bra 1f
+ sub.l d4,d1
+ and.l d3,d1
+ eor.l #0xffffffff,d3
+ and.l d3,d6
+ or.l d1,d6
+ jmp vbl_end
+ btst.l #10,d0
+ bne 0f
+ add.b #1,d2
+ bra 1f
+ sub.b #1,d2
+ cmp.b #0,d2
+ bge 0f
+ move.b d1,d2
+ cmp.b d1,d2
+ ble 0f
+ move.b #0,d2
+ and.b #0x8f,d6
+ lsl.b #4,d2
+ or.b d2,d6
+ jmp vbl_end
+ move.w d0,d1
+ and.w #0x1020,d1
+ beq ai_no_sb
+ and.l #0xf,d6 /* forget val and pos */
+ bra return_to_main
+ btst.l #4,d0
+ beq ai_no_input
+ bset.l #7,d6
+ move.w d7,d1
+ and.w #0x3800,d1
+ lsr.w #3,d1
+ and.w #0xc0ff,d7
+ or.w d1,d7
+ jmp vbl_end
+# go back to main mode
+ bclr.l #7,d6
+ change_mode MMODE_MAIN, MMODE_MAIN
+ write_vdp_reg 12,(VDP12_SCREEN_V224 | VDP12_SCREEN_H320)
jmp vbl_end
-# Prepare to write to VDP RAM @a3
+# Prepare to write to VDP RAM @a0
# sets a0 to VDP data port for convenience
# a0: VRAM base
# destroys d0
# a0 - string
# d0 - x
# d1 - y
+# d2 - tile_bits[15:11]
# destroys a1
move.l a0,a1
jsr load_prepare
- moveq.l #0,d0
+ move.l d2,d0
+ and.w #0xf800,d0
move.b (a1)+,d0