this was only there for mp3 and is now causing problems
on caanoo due to it's sample rate limitations
void *state = NULL;\r
int target_fps = Pico.m.pal ? 50 : 60;\r
- // not all rates are supported in MCD mode due to mp3 decoder limitations\r
- if (PicoAHW & PAHW_MCD) {\r
- if (!(11025-100 <= PsndRate && PsndRate <= 11025+100) &&\r
- !(22050-100 <= PsndRate && PsndRate <= 22050+100) &&\r
- !(44100-100 <= PsndRate && PsndRate <= 44100+100))\r
- PsndRate = 22050;\r
- PicoOpt |= POPT_EN_STEREO; // force stereo\r
- }\r
if (preserve_state) {\r
state = malloc(0x204);\r
if (state == NULL) return;\r