const char *renderer_names32x[] = { "accurate", "faster", "fastest", NULL };
enum renderer_types { RT_16BIT, RT_8BIT_ACC, RT_8BIT_FAST, RT_COUNT };
-static int vsync_sema_id;
-typedef struct ps2_video {
- GSGLOBAL *gsGlobal;
+static GSGLOBAL *gsGlobal;
- GSTEXTURE *g_menuscreen;
- uint32_t g_menuscreen_vertices_count;
- GSPRIMUVPOINT *g_menuscreen_vertices;
+static GSTEXTURE *g_menuscreen;
+static GSPRIMUVPOINT *g_menuscreen_vertices;
- GSTEXTURE *g_screen;
- uint32_t g_screen_vertices_count;
- GSPRIMUVPOINT *g_screen_vertices;
+static GSTEXTURE *g_screen;
+static GSPRIMUVPOINT *g_screen_vertices;
- uint32_t osd_vertices_count;
- GSPRIMUVPOINT *osd_vertices;
+static GSTEXTURE *osd;
+static uint32_t osd_vertices_count;
+static GSPRIMUVPOINT *osd_vertices;
- GSTEXTURE *cdleds;
- uint32_t cdleds_vertices_count;
- GSPRIMUVPOINT *cdleds_vertices;
+static GSTEXTURE *cdleds;
+static GSPRIMUVPOINT *cdleds_vertices;
- uint32_t offset;
- int32_t vsync_callback_id;
- uint8_t *g_menubg_ptr;
- uint8_t vsync; /* 0 (Disabled), 1 (Enabled), 2 (Dynamic) */
- uint8_t pixel_format;
-} ps2_video_t;
-ps2_video_t *ps2_video = NULL;
+static int vsync_sema_id;
+static int32_t vsync_callback_id;
+static uint8_t vsync; /* 0 (Disabled), 1 (Enabled), 2 (Dynamic) */
#define is_16bit_mode() \
(currentConfig.renderer == RT_16BIT || (PicoIn.AHW & PAHW_32X))
return 0;
-static void set_g_menuscreen_values(ps2_video_t *ps2_video)
+static void set_g_menuscreen_values()
- GSTEXTURE *g_menuscreen = (GSTEXTURE *)calloc(1, sizeof(GSTEXTURE));
- size_t g_menuscreenSize = gsKit_texture_size_ee(ps2_video->gsGlobal->Width, ps2_video->gsGlobal->Height, GS_PSM_CT16);
- g_menuscreen->Width = ps2_video->gsGlobal->Width;
- g_menuscreen->Height = ps2_video->gsGlobal->Height;
+ if (g_menuscreen != NULL) {
+ free(g_menuscreen->Mem);
+ free(g_menuscreen);
+ free(g_menubg_ptr);
+ free(g_menuscreen_vertices);
+ }
+ g_menuscreen = (GSTEXTURE *)calloc(1, sizeof(GSTEXTURE));
+ size_t g_menuscreenSize = gsKit_texture_size_ee(gsGlobal->Width, gsGlobal->Height, GS_PSM_CT16);
+ g_menuscreen->Width = gsGlobal->Width;
+ g_menuscreen->Height = gsGlobal->Height;
g_menuscreen->PSM = GS_PSM_CT16;
- g_menuscreen->Mem = (uint32_t *)malloc(g_menuscreenSize);
+ g_menuscreen->Mem = malloc(g_menuscreenSize);
- ps2_video->g_menuscreen = g_menuscreen;
- ps2_video->g_menubg_ptr = (uint8_t *)malloc(g_menuscreenSize);;
+ g_menubg_ptr = (uint8_t *)malloc(g_menuscreenSize);
g_menuscreen_w = g_menuscreen->Width;
g_menuscreen_h = g_menuscreen->Height;
g_menubg_src_w = g_menuscreen->Width;
g_menubg_src_h = g_menuscreen->Height;
g_menubg_src_pp = g_menuscreen->Width;
- g_menubg_ptr = ps2_video->g_menubg_ptr;
- uint32_t g_menuscreen_vertices_count = 2;
- GSPRIMUVPOINT *g_menuscreen_vertices = (GSPRIMUVPOINT *)calloc(g_menuscreen_vertices_count, sizeof(GSPRIMUVPOINT));
+ g_menuscreen_vertices = (GSPRIMUVPOINT *)calloc(2, sizeof(GSPRIMUVPOINT));
- g_menuscreen_vertices[0].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(ps2_video->gsGlobal, 0, 0, 0);
+ g_menuscreen_vertices[0].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(gsGlobal, 0, 0, 2);
g_menuscreen_vertices[0].uv = vertex_to_UV(g_menuscreen, 0, 0);
g_menuscreen_vertices[0].rgbaq = color_to_RGBAQ(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0);
- g_menuscreen_vertices[1].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(ps2_video->gsGlobal, g_menuscreen->Width, g_menuscreen->Height, 0);
+ g_menuscreen_vertices[1].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(gsGlobal, g_menuscreen->Width, g_menuscreen->Height, 2);
g_menuscreen_vertices[1].uv = vertex_to_UV(g_menuscreen, g_menuscreen->Width, g_menuscreen->Height);
g_menuscreen_vertices[1].rgbaq = color_to_RGBAQ(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0);
- ps2_video->g_menuscreen_vertices_count = g_menuscreen_vertices_count;
- ps2_video->g_menuscreen_vertices = g_menuscreen_vertices;
-void set_g_screen_values(ps2_video_t *ps2_video) {
- GSTEXTURE *g_screen = (GSTEXTURE *)calloc(1, sizeof(GSTEXTURE));
+void set_g_screen_values() {
+ if (g_screen != NULL) {
+ free(g_screen->Mem);
+ free(g_screen);
+ free(g_screen_vertices);
+ }
+ g_screen = (GSTEXTURE *)calloc(1, sizeof(GSTEXTURE));
size_t g_screenSize = gsKit_texture_size_ee(328, 256, GS_PSM_CT16);
g_screen->Width = 328;
g_screen->Height = 256;
g_screen_ppitch = 328;
g_screen_ptr = g_screen->Mem;
- ps2_video->g_screen = g_screen;
- uint32_t g_screen_vertices_count = 2;
- GSPRIMUVPOINT *g_screen_vertices = (GSPRIMUVPOINT *)calloc(g_screen_vertices_count, sizeof(GSPRIMUVPOINT));
+ g_screen_vertices = (GSPRIMUVPOINT *)calloc(2, sizeof(GSPRIMUVPOINT));
- g_screen_vertices[0].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(ps2_video->gsGlobal, 0, 0, 2);
+ g_screen_vertices[0].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(gsGlobal, 0, 0, 0);
g_screen_vertices[0].uv = vertex_to_UV(g_screen, 0, 0);
g_screen_vertices[0].rgbaq = color_to_RGBAQ(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0);
- g_screen_vertices[1].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(ps2_video->gsGlobal, ps2_video->gsGlobal->Width, ps2_video->gsGlobal->Height, 2);
+ g_screen_vertices[1].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(gsGlobal, gsGlobal->Width, gsGlobal->Height, 0);
g_screen_vertices[1].uv = vertex_to_UV(g_screen, g_screen->Width, g_screen->Height);
g_screen_vertices[1].rgbaq = color_to_RGBAQ(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0);
- ps2_video->g_screen_vertices_count = g_screen_vertices_count;
- ps2_video->g_screen_vertices = g_screen_vertices;
if (is_16bit_mode())
PicoDrawSetOutBuf(g_screen_ptr, g_screen_ppitch * 2);
PicoDrawSetOutBuf(g_screen_ptr, g_screen_ppitch);
-void set_cdleds_values(ps2_video_t *ps2_video) {
- GSTEXTURE *cdleds = (GSTEXTURE *)calloc(1, sizeof(GSTEXTURE));
+void set_cdleds_values() {
+ if (cdleds != NULL) {
+ free(cdleds->Mem);
+ free(cdleds);
+ free(cdleds_vertices);
+ }
+ cdleds = (GSTEXTURE *)calloc(1, sizeof(GSTEXTURE));
size_t cdledsSize = gsKit_texture_size_ee(14, 5, GS_PSM_CT16);
cdleds->Width = 14;
cdleds->Height = 5;
cdleds->PSM = GS_PSM_CT16;
cdleds->Mem = (uint32_t *)malloc(cdledsSize);
- ps2_video->cdleds = cdleds;
- uint32_t cdleds_vertices_count = 2;
- GSPRIMUVPOINT *cdleds_vertices = (GSPRIMUVPOINT *)calloc(cdleds_vertices_count, sizeof(GSPRIMUVPOINT));
+ cdleds_vertices = (GSPRIMUVPOINT *)calloc(2, sizeof(GSPRIMUVPOINT));
- cdleds_vertices[0].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(ps2_video->gsGlobal, 4, 1, 2);
+ cdleds_vertices[0].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(gsGlobal, 4, 1, 1);
cdleds_vertices[0].uv = vertex_to_UV(cdleds, 0, 0);
cdleds_vertices[0].rgbaq = color_to_RGBAQ(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0);
- cdleds_vertices[1].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(ps2_video->gsGlobal, cdleds->Width, cdleds->Height, 0);
+ cdleds_vertices[1].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(gsGlobal, cdleds->Width, cdleds->Height, 1);
cdleds_vertices[1].uv = vertex_to_UV(cdleds, cdleds->Width, cdleds->Height);
cdleds_vertices[1].rgbaq = color_to_RGBAQ(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0);
- ps2_video->cdleds_vertices_count = cdleds_vertices_count;
- ps2_video->cdleds_vertices = cdleds_vertices;
-void set_osd_values(ps2_video_t *ps2_video) {
- GSTEXTURE *osd = (GSTEXTURE *)calloc(1, sizeof(GSTEXTURE));
+void set_osd_values() {
+ if (osd != NULL) {
+ free(osd->Mem);
+ free(osd);
+ free(osd_vertices);
+ }
+ osd = (GSTEXTURE *)calloc(1, sizeof(GSTEXTURE));
size_t osdSize = gsKit_texture_size_ee(512, 8, GS_PSM_CT16);
osd->Width = 512;
osd->Height = 8;
osd->PSM = GS_PSM_CT16;
osd->Mem = (uint32_t *)malloc(osdSize);
- ps2_video->osd = osd;
- uint32_t osd_vertices_count = 2;
- GSPRIMUVPOINT *osd_vertices = (GSPRIMUVPOINT *)calloc(osd_vertices_count, sizeof(GSPRIMUVPOINT));
+ osd_vertices_count = 2;
+ osd_vertices = (GSPRIMUVPOINT *)calloc(osd_vertices_count, sizeof(GSPRIMUVPOINT));
- osd_vertices[0].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(ps2_video->gsGlobal, 0, 0, 0);
+ osd_vertices[0].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(gsGlobal, 0, 0, 1);
osd_vertices[0].uv = vertex_to_UV(osd, 0, 0);
osd_vertices[0].rgbaq = color_to_RGBAQ(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0);
- osd_vertices[1].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(ps2_video->gsGlobal, osd->Width, osd->Height, 0);
+ osd_vertices[1].xyz2 = vertex_to_XYZ2(gsGlobal, osd->Width, osd->Height, 1);
osd_vertices[1].uv = vertex_to_UV(osd, osd->Width, osd->Height);
osd_vertices[1].rgbaq = color_to_RGBAQ(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0);
- ps2_video->osd_vertices_count = osd_vertices_count;
- ps2_video->osd_vertices = osd_vertices;
static void video_init(void)
sema.init_count = 0;
sema.max_count = 1;
sema.option = 0;
- ps2_video = (ps2_video_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(ps2_video_t));
vsync_sema_id = CreateSema(&sema);
- GSGLOBAL *gsGlobal;
gsGlobal = gsKit_init_global();
gsGlobal->Mode = GS_MODE_NTSC;
gsGlobal->Height = 448;
gsGlobal->PrimAlphaEnable = GS_SETTING_OFF;
gsGlobal->Dithering = GS_SETTING_OFF;
- // gsKit_set_primalpha(gsGlobal, GS_SETREG_ALPHA(0, 1, 0, 1, 0), 0);
gsKit_set_clamp(gsGlobal, GS_CMODE_REPEAT);
- // gsKit_set_test(gsGlobal, GS_ZTEST_OFF);
- // gsKit_set_test(gsGlobal, GS_ATEST_OFF);
gsKit_mode_switch(gsGlobal, GS_ONESHOT);
gsKit_clear(gsGlobal, GS_BLACK);
- ps2_video->gsGlobal = gsGlobal;
- ps2_video->vsync = 0;
- ps2_video->vsync_callback_id = gsKit_add_vsync_handler(vsync_handler);
+ vsync = 0;
+ vsync_callback_id = gsKit_add_vsync_handler(vsync_handler);
- set_g_menuscreen_values(ps2_video);
+ set_g_menuscreen_values();
static void video_deinit(void)
- if (!ps2_video) return;
+ free(g_menuscreen->Mem);
+ free(g_menuscreen);
+ free(g_menuscreen_vertices);
+ free(g_menubg_ptr);
- free(ps2_video->g_menuscreen->Mem);
- free(ps2_video->g_menuscreen);
- free(ps2_video->g_menuscreen_vertices);
- free(ps2_video->g_menubg_ptr);
- gsKit_clear(ps2_video->gsGlobal, GS_BLACK);
- gsKit_vram_clear(ps2_video->gsGlobal);
- gsKit_deinit_global(ps2_video->gsGlobal);
- gsKit_remove_vsync_handler(ps2_video->vsync_callback_id);
+ gsKit_clear(gsGlobal, GS_BLACK);
+ gsKit_vram_clear(gsGlobal);
+ gsKit_deinit_global(gsGlobal);
+ gsKit_remove_vsync_handler(vsync_callback_id);
if (vsync_sema_id >= 0)
- free(ps2_video);
static int get_renderer(void)
static void blit_screen(void)
- gsKit_TexManager_invalidate(ps2_video->gsGlobal, ps2_video->g_screen);
+ gsKit_TexManager_invalidate(gsGlobal, g_screen);
- gsKit_TexManager_bind(ps2_video->gsGlobal, ps2_video->g_screen);
+ gsKit_TexManager_bind(gsGlobal, g_screen);
- ps2_video->gsGlobal,
- ps2_video->g_screen,
- ps2_video->g_screen_vertices_count,
- ps2_video->g_screen_vertices
+ gsGlobal,
+ g_screen,
+ 2,
+ g_screen_vertices
static void cd_leds(void)
unsigned int reg, col_g, col_r, *p;
- gsKit_TexManager_invalidate(ps2_video->gsGlobal, ps2_video->cdleds);
+ gsKit_TexManager_invalidate(gsGlobal, cdleds);
reg = Pico_mcd->s68k_regs[0];
- p = (unsigned int *)ps2_video->cdleds->Mem;
+ p = (unsigned int *)cdleds->Mem;
col_g = (reg & 2) ? 0x06000600 : 0;
col_r = (reg & 1) ? 0x00180018 : 0;
*p++ = col_g; *p++ = col_g; p+=2; *p++ = col_r; *p++ = col_r; p += 512/2 - 12/2;
if (!osd_cdleds) return;
- gsKit_TexManager_bind(ps2_video->gsGlobal, ps2_video->cdleds);
+ gsKit_TexManager_bind(gsGlobal, cdleds);
- ps2_video->gsGlobal,
- ps2_video->cdleds,
- ps2_video->cdleds_vertices_count,
- ps2_video->cdleds_vertices
+ gsGlobal,
+ cdleds,
+ 2,
+ cdleds_vertices
-static void flipScreen(void *data, bool vsync)
+static void flipScreen()
- ps2_video_t *ps2 = (ps2_video_t*)data;
- gsKit_queue_exec(ps2->gsGlobal);
+ gsKit_queue_exec(gsGlobal);
+ gsKit_flip(gsGlobal);
- if (ps2->vsync)
- gsKit_sync(ps2->gsGlobal);
- gsKit_flip(ps2->gsGlobal);
- gsKit_TexManager_nextFrame(ps2->gsGlobal);
- gsKit_clear(ps2->gsGlobal, GS_BLACK);
+ gsKit_TexManager_nextFrame(gsGlobal);
+ gsKit_clear(gsGlobal, GS_BLACK);
- flipScreen(ps2_video, ps2_video->vsync);
+ flipScreen();
/* wait for start of vertical blanking */
void plat_video_wait_vsync(void)
+ gsKit_sync(gsGlobal);
/* switch from emulation display to menu display */
/* start rendering a menu screen */
void plat_video_menu_begin(void)
- gsKit_TexManager_invalidate(ps2_video->gsGlobal, ps2_video->g_menuscreen);
+ gsKit_TexManager_invalidate(gsGlobal, g_menuscreen);
/* display a completed menu screen */
void plat_video_menu_end(void)
- gsKit_TexManager_bind(ps2_video->gsGlobal, ps2_video->g_menuscreen);
+ gsKit_TexManager_bind(gsGlobal, g_menuscreen);
- ps2_video->gsGlobal,
- ps2_video->g_menuscreen,
- ps2_video->g_menuscreen_vertices_count,
- ps2_video->g_menuscreen_vertices
+ gsGlobal,
+ g_menuscreen,
+ 2,
+ g_menuscreen_vertices
- flipScreen(ps2_video, 1);
+ flipScreen(1);
/* terminate menu display */
- // plat_get_data_dir(rom_fname_loaded, sizeof(rom_fname_loaded));
+ plat_get_data_dir(rom_fname_loaded, sizeof(rom_fname_loaded));
void plat_finish(void) {
/* prepare for entering the emulator loop */
void pemu_loop_prep(void)
- set_g_screen_values(ps2_video);
- set_cdleds_values(ps2_video);
+ set_g_screen_values();
+ set_cdleds_values();
/* terminate the emulator loop */