/* name=path and file to load. returns 0 on failure, 1 on success */
FCEUGI *FCEUI_LoadGame(char *name);
+extern int LoadGameLastError;
/* allocates memory. 0 on failure, 1 on success. */
int FCEUI_Initialize(void);
void block_or(void *src, size_t n, int pat);\r
void block_andor(void *src, size_t n, int andpat, int orpat);\r
void spend_cycles(int c); // utility\r
+void soft_scale(void *dst, unsigned short *pal, int offs, int lines);\r
bx lr
+.global soft_scale @ void *dst, unsigned short *pal, int offs, int lines
+ stmfd sp!,{r4-r11,lr}
+ mov lr, #0xff
+ mov lr, lr, lsl #1
+ mov r9, #0x3900 @ f800 07e0 001f | e000 0780 001c | 3800 01e0 0007
+ orr r9, r9, #0x00e7
+ mov r11,r3 @ r11= line counter
+ mov r3, r1 @ r3 = pal base
+ mov r12,#320
+ mul r2, r12,r2
+ add r4, r0, r2, lsl #1 @ r4 = dst_start
+ add r5, r0, r2 @ r5 = src_start
+ mul r12,r11,r12
+ add r0, r4, r12,lsl #1 @ r0 = dst_end
+ add r1, r5, r12 @ r1 = src_end
+ sub r1, r1, #64 @ skip borders
+ mov r2, #256/8
+ ldr r12, [r1, #-8]!
+ ldr r7, [r1, #4]
+ and r4, lr, r12,lsl #1
+ ldrh r4, [r3, r4]
+ and r5, lr, r12,lsr #7
+ ldrh r5, [r3, r5]
+ and r4, r4, r9, lsl #2
+ orr r4, r4, r4, lsl #14 @ r4[31:16] = 1/4 pix_s 0
+ and r5, r5, r9, lsl #2
+ sub r6, r5, r5, lsr #2 @ r6 = 3/4 pix_s 1
+ add r4, r4, r6, lsl #16 @ pix_d 0, 1
+ and r6, lr, r12,lsr #15
+ ldrh r6, [r3, r6]
+ and r12,lr, r12,lsr #23
+ ldrh r12,[r3, r12]
+ and r6, r6, r9, lsl #2
+ add r5, r5, r6
+ mov r5, r5, lsr #1
+ sub r6, r6, r6, lsr #2 @ r6 = 3/4 pix_s 2
+ orr r5, r5, r6, lsl #16
+ and r6, lr, r7, lsl #1
+ ldrh r6, [r3, r6]
+ and r12,r12,r9, lsl #2
+ add r5, r5, r12,lsl #14 @ pix_d 2, 3
+ and r6, r6, r9, lsl #2
+ orr r6, r12,r6, lsl #16 @ pix_d 4, 5
+ and r12,lr, r7, lsr #7
+ ldrh r12,[r3, r12]
+ and r10,lr, r7, lsr #15
+ ldrh r10,[r3, r10]
+ and r12,r12,r9, lsl #2
+ sub r8, r12,r12,lsr #2 @ r8 = 3/4 pix_s 1
+ add r8, r8, r6, lsr #18
+ and r7, lr, r7, lsr #23
+ ldrh r7, [r3, r7]
+ and r10,r10,r9, lsl #2
+ orr r8, r8, r10,lsl #15
+ add r8, r8, r12,lsl #15 @ pix_d 6, 7
+ sub r10,r10,r10,lsr #2 @ r10= 3/4 pix_s 2
+ and r7, r7, r9, lsl #2
+ add r10,r10,r7, lsr #2 @ += 1/4 pix_s 3
+ orr r10,r10,r7, lsl #16 @ pix_d 8, 9
+ subs r2, r2, #1
+ stmdb r0!, {r4,r5,r6,r8,r10}
+ bne soft_scale_loop_line
+ subs r11,r11,#1
+ bne soft_scale_loop
+ ldmfd sp!,{r4-r11,lr}
+ bx lr
/* buggy and slow, probably because function call overhead
@ renderer helper, based on bitbank's method
-int InitSound(FCEUGI *gi)
+int InitSound(void)
- Settings.sound=22050;
- FCEUI_Sound(Settings.sound);
+ FCEUI_Sound(Settings.sound_rate);
gp2x_sound_volume(soundvol, soundvol);
- printf("InitSound() sound_rate: %d\n", Settings.sound);
return 1;
#include "gp2x.h"
#include "minimal.h"
#include "fonts.h"
+#include "asmutils.h"
static char fps_str[32];
static int framesEmulated, framesRendered;
int gp2x_palette[256];
+unsigned short gp2x_palette16[256];
-int scaled_display=0;
int paletterefresh;
#define FPS_COLOR 1
+// 16: rrrr rggg gggb bbbb
void FCEUD_SetPalette(uint8 index, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b)
gp2x_palette[index] = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
+ gp2x_palette16[index] = ((r & 0xf8) << 8) | ((g & 0xfc) << 3) | (b >> 3);
gp2x_video_setpalette(gp2x_palette, index + 1);
paletterefresh = 1;
prevsec = tv_now.tv_sec;
- if (!scaled_display)
+ if (Settings.scaling == 0)
if (needfpsflip)
if (Settings.showfps)
- gp2x_text(screen+32, 0, 0, fps_str, FPS_COLOR, 0);
+ gp2x_text(screen+32, 0, 0, fps_str, FPS_COLOR, 0); // TODO: firstline
+ if (Settings.scaling == 3)
+ soft_scale((char *)gp2x_screen + 32, gp2x_palette16, 0, 240);
XBuf = gp2x_screen;
- AC(Settings.sound),
+ AC(Settings.sound_rate),
static int docheckie[2]={0,0};
ARGPSTRUCT DriverArgs[]={
- {"-sound",0,&Settings.sound,0},
+ {"-sound",0,&Settings.sound_rate,0},
Settings.cpuclock = 150;
Settings.frameskip = -1; // auto
Settings.mmuhack = 1;
- Settings.sound = SOUND_RATE;
+ Settings.sound_rate = SOUND_RATE;
+ Settings.turbo_rate_add = (8*2 << 24) / 60 + 1; // 8Hz turbofire
+ Settings.gamma = 100;
// default controls, RLDU SEBA
Settings.KeyBinds[ 0] = 0x010; // GP2X_UP
Settings.KeyBinds[ 4] = 0x020; // GP2X_DOWN
Settings.KeyBinds[ 6] = 0x080; // GP2X_RIGHT
Settings.KeyBinds[13] = 0x001; // GP2X_B
Settings.KeyBinds[14] = 0x002; // GP2X_X
- Settings.KeyBinds[15] = 0x100; // GP2X_Y
- Settings.KeyBinds[12] = 0x200; // GP2X_A
+ Settings.KeyBinds[12] = 0x100; // GP2X_A
+ Settings.KeyBinds[15] = 0x200; // GP2X_Y
Settings.KeyBinds[ 8] = 0x008; // GP2X_START
Settings.KeyBinds[ 9] = 0x004; // GP2X_SELECT
if (mmuhack_status > 0)
+ set_gamma(100);
-void gp2x_cpuclock_update(void)
+void gp2x_cpuclock_gamma_update(void)
- static int prev_cpuclock = 200;
+ static int prev_cpuclock = 200, prev_gamma = 100;
if (Settings.cpuclock != 0 && Settings.cpuclock != prev_cpuclock)
prev_cpuclock = Settings.cpuclock;
+ if (Settings.gamma != 0 && Settings.gamma != prev_gamma)
+ {
+ set_gamma(Settings.gamma);
+ prev_gamma = Settings.gamma;
+ }
// gp2x specific
int KeyBinds[32];
int JoyBinds[4][32];
- int turbo_rate_add;
- int sound;
+ int turbo_rate_add; // 8.24 int
+ int sound_rate; // in Hz
int showfps;
int scaling; // unscaled=0, hw_hor, hw_hor_vert, sw_hor
int frameskip; // -1 ~ auto, >=0 ~ count
int sstate_confirm;
- int region_force; // 0 ~ off, 1 ~ PAL, 2 ~ NTSC
+ int region_force; // 0 ~ off, 1 ~ NTSC, 2 ~ PAL
int cpuclock;
int mmuhack;
int ramtimings;
extern DSETTINGS Settings;
void gp2x_opt_setup(void);
-void gp2x_cpuclock_update(void);
+void gp2x_cpuclock_gamma_update(void);
extern uint8 Exit; // exit emu loop
-extern int scaled_display;
/* UsrInputType[] is user-specified. InputType[] is current
(game loading can override user settings)
static uint8 fkbkeys[0x48];
unsigned long lastpad=0;
-extern void ResetNES(void);
-extern void CleanSurface(void);
char soundvolmeter[21];
int soundvolIndex=0;
-int L_count=0;
-int R_count=0;
static void setsoundvol(int soundvolume)
void FCEUD_UpdateInput(void)
static int volpushed_frames = 0;
+ static int turbo_rate_cnt_a = 0, turbo_rate_cnt_b = 0;
long lastpad2 = lastpad;
unsigned long keys = gp2x_joystick_read(0);
uint32 JS = 0; // RLDU SEBA
int acts = Settings.KeyBinds[i];
if (!acts) continue;
JS |= acts & 0xff;
+ if (acts & 0x100) { // A turbo
+ turbo_rate_cnt_a += Settings.turbo_rate_add;
+ JS |= (turbo_rate_cnt_a >> 24) & 1;
+ }
+ if (acts & 0x200) { // B turbo
+ turbo_rate_cnt_b += Settings.turbo_rate_add;
+ JS |= (turbo_rate_cnt_b >> 23) & 2;
+ }
- ACA(lastLoadedGameName),
if(ntschue>=0) DriverInterface(DES_SETNTSCHUE,&ntschue);
+static void LoadLLGN(void)
+ char tdir[2048];
+ FILE *f;
+ int len;
+ sprintf(tdir,"%s"PSS"last_rom.txt",BaseDirectory);
+ f=fopen(tdir, "r");
+ if(f)
+ {
+ len = fread(lastLoadedGameName, 1, sizeof(lastLoadedGameName)-1, f);
+ lastLoadedGameName[len] = 0;
+ fclose(f);
+ }
+static void SaveLLGN(void)
+ // save last loaded game name
+ if (lastLoadedGameName[0])
+ {
+ char tdir[2048];
+ FILE *f;
+ sprintf(tdir,"%s"PSS"last_rom.txt",BaseDirectory);
+ f=fopen(tdir, "w");
+ if(f)
+ {
+ fwrite(lastLoadedGameName, 1, strlen(lastLoadedGameName), f);
+ fclose(f);
+ sync();
+ }
+ }
static void CreateDirs(void)
char *subs[]={"fcs","snaps","gameinfo","sav","cheats","cfg"};
- FCEUI_SetVidSystem(1);
+ Settings.region_force=2;
- gp2x_cpuclock_update();
+ gp2x_cpuclock_gamma_update();
+ LoadLLGN();
if (fceugi)
+ if (Settings.region_force)
+ FCEUI_SetVidSystem(Settings.region_force - 1);
- strcpy(menuErrorMsg, "failed to load ROM");
+ {
+ switch(LoadGameLastError) {
+ default: strcpy(menuErrorMsg, "failed to load ROM"); break;
+ case 2: strcpy(menuErrorMsg, "Can't find a ROM for movie"); break;
+ case 10: strcpy(menuErrorMsg, "FDS BIOS ROM is missing, read docs"); break;
+ case 11: strcpy(menuErrorMsg, "Error reading auxillary FDS file"); break;
+ }
+ }
if(Exit || !fceugi)
gp2x_video_changemode(Settings.scaling == 3 ? 15 : 8);
- gp2x_video_RGB_setscaling(0, 320, 240);
- gp2x_start_sound(22050, 16, 0);
+ switch (Settings.scaling & 3) {
+ case 0: gp2x_video_RGB_setscaling(0, 320, 240); gp2x_video_set_offs(0); break;
+ case 1: gp2x_video_RGB_setscaling(0, 256, 240); gp2x_video_set_offs(32); break;
+ case 2: gp2x_video_RGB_setscaling(0, 256, 240); gp2x_video_set_offs(32); break; // TODO
+ case 3: gp2x_video_RGB_setscaling(0, 320, 240); gp2x_video_set_offs(32); break;
+ }
+ gp2x_start_sound(Settings.sound_rate, 16, 0);
if (fceugi)
+ SaveLLGN();
return 0;
static void DriverKill(void)
- SaveConfig(NULL);
+ // SaveConfig(NULL); // done explicitly in menu now
extern char lastLoadedGameName[PATH_MAX];\r
-extern int mmuhack_status;\r
-//extern int state_slot; // TODO\r
+extern int mmuhack_status;\r
+extern int soundvol;\r
extern uint8 Exit; // exit emu loop flag\r
+extern int InitSound(void);\r
typedef struct { char *name; int mask; } bind_action_t;\r
-// b_turbo,a_turbo RLDU SEBA\r
-static bind_action_t ctrl_actions[] =\r
- { "UP ", 0x010 },\r
- { "DOWN ", 0x020 },\r
- { "LEFT ", 0x040 },\r
- { "RIGHT ", 0x080 },\r
- { "A ", 0x001 },\r
- { "B ", 0x002 },\r
- { "A TURBO", 0x100 },\r
- { "B TURBO", 0x200 },\r
- { "START ", 0x008 },\r
- { "SELECT ", 0x004 },\r
static void draw_key_config(const bind_action_t *opts, int opt_cnt, int player_idx, int sel)\r
int x, y, tl_y = 40, i;\r
- gp2x_text_out15(80, 20, "Player %i controls", player_idx + 1);\r
+ if (player_idx >= 0)\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(80, 20, "Player %i controls", player_idx + 1);\r
+ else gp2x_text_out15(80, 20, "Emulator controls");\r
x = 40; y = tl_y;\r
for (i = 0; i < opt_cnt; i++, y+=10)\r
if (count_bound_keys(opts[sel].mask, 0) >= 2)\r
Settings.KeyBinds[i] &= ~opts[sel].mask; // allow to unbind only\r
else Settings.KeyBinds[i] ^= opts[sel].mask;\r
- Settings.KeyBinds[i] &= ~(3 << 16);\r
- Settings.KeyBinds[i] |= player_idx << 16;\r
+ if (player_idx >= 0) {\r
+ Settings.KeyBinds[i] &= ~(3 << 16);\r
+ Settings.KeyBinds[i] |= player_idx << 16;\r
+ }\r
} else if (sel < opt_cnt) {\r
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)\r
if (count_bound_keys(opts[sel].mask, 1) >= 1) // disallow combos for usbjoy\r
Settings.JoyBinds[joy-1][i] &= ~opts[sel].mask;\r
else Settings.JoyBinds[joy-1][i] ^= opts[sel].mask;\r
- Settings.JoyBinds[joy-1][i] &= ~(3 << 16);\r
- Settings.JoyBinds[joy-1][i] |= player_idx << 16;\r
+ if (player_idx >= 0) {\r
+ Settings.JoyBinds[joy-1][i] &= ~(3 << 16);\r
+ Settings.JoyBinds[joy-1][i] |= player_idx << 16;\r
+ }\r
+// b_turbo,a_turbo RLDU SEBA\r
+static bind_action_t ctrl_actions[] =\r
+ { "UP ", 0x010 },\r
+ { "DOWN ", 0x020 },\r
+ { "LEFT ", 0x040 },\r
+ { "RIGHT ", 0x080 },\r
+ { "A ", 0x001 },\r
+ { "B ", 0x002 },\r
+ { "A TURBO", 0x100 },\r
+ { "B TURBO", 0x200 },\r
+ { "START ", 0x008 },\r
+ { "SELECT ", 0x004 },\r
+static bind_action_t emuctrl_actions[] =\r
+ { "Save State ", 1<<31 },\r
+ { "Load State ", 1<<30 },\r
static void kc_sel_loop(void)\r
int menu_sel = 3, menu_sel_max = 3;\r
switch (menu_sel) {\r
case 0: key_config_loop(ctrl_actions, 10, 0); return;\r
case 1: key_config_loop(ctrl_actions, 8, 1); return;\r
+ case 2: key_config_loop(emuctrl_actions,\r
+ sizeof(emuctrl_actions)/sizeof(emuctrl_actions[0]), -1); return;\r
default: return;\r
+// --------- FCEU options ----------\r
-// --------- advanced options ----------\r
-#if 0\r
-static void draw_amenu_options(int menu_sel)\r
+static void draw_fcemenu_options(int menu_sel)\r
int tl_x = 25, tl_y = 60, y;\r
- char *mms = mmuhack_status ? "active) " : "inactive)";\r
y = tl_y;\r
- //memset(gp2x_screen, 0, 320*240);\r
- gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, y, "Gamma correction %i.%02i", currentConfig.gamma / 100, currentConfig.gamma%100); // 0\r
- gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Don't save last used ROM %s", (currentConfig.EmuOpt &0x020)?"ON":"OFF"); // 5\r
- gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "needs restart:");\r
- gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "craigix's RAM timings %s", (currentConfig.EmuOpt &0x100)?"ON":"OFF"); // 7\r
- gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "squidgehack (now %s %s", mms, (currentConfig.EmuOpt &0x010)?"ON":"OFF"); // 8\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, y, " %s", "OFF"); // 0\r
gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Done");\r
// draw cursor\r
-static void amenu_loop_options(void)\r
+static void fcemenu_loop_options(void)\r
- int menu_sel = 0, menu_sel_max = 9;\r
+ int menu_sel = 0, menu_sel_max = 1;\r
unsigned long inp = 0;\r
- draw_amenu_options(menu_sel);\r
+ draw_fcemenu_options(menu_sel);\r
inp = wait_for_input(GP2X_UP|GP2X_DOWN|GP2X_LEFT|GP2X_RIGHT|GP2X_B|GP2X_X|GP2X_A);\r
if(inp & GP2X_UP ) { menu_sel--; if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = menu_sel_max; }\r
if(inp & GP2X_DOWN) { menu_sel++; if (menu_sel > menu_sel_max) menu_sel = 0; }\r
if((inp& GP2X_B)||(inp&GP2X_LEFT)||(inp&GP2X_RIGHT)) { // toggleable options\r
switch (menu_sel) {\r
- case 1: break;\r
- case 9: return;\r
+ case 0: break;\r
+ case 1: return;\r
if(inp & (GP2X_X|GP2X_A)) return;\r
if(inp & (GP2X_LEFT|GP2X_RIGHT)) { // multi choise\r
switch (menu_sel) {\r
case 0:\r
- while ((inp = gp2x_joystick_read(1)) & (GP2X_LEFT|GP2X_RIGHT)) {\r
- currentConfig.gamma += (inp & GP2X_LEFT) ? -1 : 1;\r
- if (currentConfig.gamma < 1) currentConfig.gamma = 1;\r
- if (currentConfig.gamma > 300) currentConfig.gamma = 300;\r
- draw_amenu_options(menu_sel);\r
- usleep(18*1000);\r
- }\r
// -------------- options --------------\r
static void draw_menu_options(int menu_sel)\r
int tl_x = 25, tl_y = 32, y;\r
- char /*monostereo[8],*/ strframeskip[8], *strscaling, *strssconfirm;\r
+ char strframeskip[8], *strscaling, *strssconfirm;\r
+ char *mms = mmuhack_status ? "active) " : "inactive)";\r
- //strcpy(monostereo, (currentConfig.PicoOpt&0x08)?"stereo":"mono");\r
if (Settings.frameskip < 0)\r
strcpy(strframeskip, "Auto");\r
else sprintf(strframeskip, "%i", Settings.frameskip);\r
y = tl_y;\r
- //memset(gp2x_screen, 0, 320*240);\r
gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, y, "Scaling: %s", strscaling); // 0\r
gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Show FPS %s", Settings.showfps?"ON":"OFF"); // 1\r
gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Frameskip %s", strframeskip); // 2\r
- gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Enable sound %s", /*(currentConfig.EmuOpt &0x004)?"ON":*/"OFF"); // 3\r
- gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Sound Quality: %5iHz %s", 0, "" /*currentConfig.PsndRate, monostereo*/); // 4\r
- gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Region: %s",\r
- Settings.region_force == 2 ? "NTSC" : Settings.region_force == 1 ? "PAL" : "OFF"); // 5\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Enable sound %s", soundvol?"ON":"OFF");\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Sound Rate: %5iHz", Settings.sound_rate); // 4\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Force Region: %s",\r
+ Settings.region_force == 2 ? "PAL" : Settings.region_force == 1 ? "NTSC" : "OFF"); // 5\r
gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Use SRAM savestates %s", "OFF");\r
- gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Confirm savestate %s", strssconfirm);\r
- gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Save slot %i", 0/*state_slot*/); // 8\r
- gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "GP2X CPU clock %iMhz", Settings.cpuclock);\r
- gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "[advanced options]"); // 10\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Turbo rate %iHz", (Settings.turbo_rate_add*60/2) >> 24);\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Confirm savestate %s", strssconfirm); // 8\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Save slot %i", CurrentState);\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Faster RAM timings %s", Settings.ramtimings?"ON":"OFF");\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "squidgehack (now %s %s", mms, Settings.mmuhack?"ON":"OFF"); // 11\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Gamma correction %i.%02i", Settings.gamma / 100, Settings.gamma%100);\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "GP2X CPU clock %iMhz", Settings.cpuclock); // 13\r
+ gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "[FCE Ultra options]");\r
gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Save cfg as default");\r
if (fceugi)\r
gp2x_text_out15(tl_x, (y+=10), "Save cfg for current game only");\r
static int sndrate_prevnext(int rate, int dir)\r
int i, rates[] = { 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 44100 };\r
if (i < 0) return dir ? 11025 : 8000;\r
return rates[i];\r
static void int_incdec(int *p, int inc, int min, int max)\r
*p += inc;\r
else if (*p > max) *p = max;\r
+static void config_commit(void)\r
+ gp2x_cpuclock_gamma_update();\r
+ if (Settings.region_force)\r
+ FCEUI_SetVidSystem(Settings.region_force - 1);\r
static int menu_loop_options(void)\r
- int menu_sel = 0, menu_sel_max = 11;\r
+ static int menu_sel = 0;\r
+ int menu_sel_max = 15;\r
unsigned long inp = 0;\r
if (fceugi) menu_sel_max++;\r
if(inp & GP2X_DOWN) { menu_sel++; if (menu_sel > menu_sel_max) menu_sel = 0; }\r
if((inp& GP2X_B)||(inp&GP2X_LEFT)||(inp&GP2X_RIGHT)) { // toggleable options\r
switch (menu_sel) {\r
- case 1: Settings.showfps = !Settings.showfps; break;\r
- //case 6: Settings. = !Settings.showfps; break;\r
- //case 10: amenu_loop_options(); break;\r
- case 11: // done (update and write)\r
- gp2x_cpuclock_update();\r
+ case 1: Settings.showfps = !Settings.showfps; break;\r
+ case 3: soundvol = soundvol ? 0 : 100; break;\r
+ case 10: Settings.ramtimings = !Settings.ramtimings; break;\r
+ case 11: Settings.mmuhack = !Settings.mmuhack; break;\r
+ case 14: fcemenu_loop_options(); break;\r
+ case 15: // done (update and write)\r
+ config_commit();\r
return 1;\r
- case 12: // done (update and write for current game)\r
- gp2x_cpuclock_update();\r
+ case 16: // done (update and write for current game)\r
+ config_commit();\r
if (lastLoadedGameName[0])\r
return 1;\r
if(inp & (GP2X_X|GP2X_A)) {\r
- gp2x_cpuclock_update();\r
+ config_commit();\r
return 0; // done (update, no write)\r
if(inp & (GP2X_LEFT|GP2X_RIGHT)) { // multi choise\r
switch (menu_sel) {\r
case 0: int_incdec(&Settings.scaling, (inp & GP2X_LEFT) ? -1 : 1, 0, 3); break;\r
case 2: int_incdec(&Settings.frameskip, (inp & GP2X_LEFT) ? -1 : 1, -1, 32); break;\r
case 4:\r
- if ((inp & GP2X_RIGHT) && currentConfig.PsndRate == 44100 && !(currentConfig.PicoOpt&0x08)) {\r
- currentConfig.PsndRate = 8000; currentConfig.PicoOpt|= 0x08;\r
- } else if ((inp & GP2X_LEFT) && currentConfig.PsndRate == 8000 && (currentConfig.PicoOpt&0x08)) {\r
- currentConfig.PsndRate = 44100; currentConfig.PicoOpt&=~0x08;\r
- } else currentConfig.PsndRate = sndrate_prevnext(currentConfig.PsndRate, inp & GP2X_RIGHT);\r
+ Settings.sound_rate = sndrate_prevnext(Settings.sound_rate, inp & GP2X_RIGHT);\r
+ InitSound();\r
case 5: int_incdec(&Settings.region_force, (inp & GP2X_LEFT) ? -1 : 1, 0, 2); break;\r
- case 7: int_incdec(&Settings.sstate_confirm, (inp & GP2X_LEFT) ? -1 : 1, 0, 3); break;\r
- case 8: int_incdec(&CurrentState, (inp & GP2X_LEFT) ? -1 : 1, 0, 9); break;\r
- case 9:\r
+ case 7: {\r
+ int hz = Settings.turbo_rate_add*60/2 >> 24;\r
+ int_incdec(&hz, (inp & GP2X_LEFT) ? -1 : 1, 1, 30);\r
+ Settings.turbo_rate_add = (hz*2 << 24) / 60 + 1;\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ case 8: int_incdec(&Settings.sstate_confirm, (inp & GP2X_LEFT) ? -1 : 1, 0, 3); break;\r
+ case 9: int_incdec(&CurrentState, (inp & GP2X_LEFT) ? -1 : 1, 0, 9); break;\r
+ case 12: int_incdec(&Settings.gamma, (inp & GP2X_LEFT) ? -1 : 1, 0, 300); break;\r
+ case 13:\r
while ((inp = gp2x_joystick_read(1)) & (GP2X_LEFT|GP2X_RIGHT)) {\r
Settings.cpuclock += (inp & GP2X_LEFT) ? -1 : 1;\r
if (Settings.cpuclock < 0) Settings.cpuclock = 0; // 0 ~ do not change\r
// switch bpp\r
+ gp2x_video_set_offs(0);\r
gp2x_video_RGB_setscaling(0, 320, 240);\r
volatile unsigned long *gp2x_memregl;\r
static void *gp2x_screens[4];\r
static int screensel = 0;\r
+static int gp2x_screen_offs = 0;\r
int memdev = 0;\r
static int sounddev = 0, mixerdev = 0;\r
static unsigned short gp2x_screenaddr_old[4];\r
-// hack to simplify thing for fceu\r
-static int scaling_enabled = 0;\r
/* video stuff */\r
void gp2x_video_flip(void)\r
unsigned short lsw, msw;\r
int addr = gp2x_screenaddrs_use[screensel&3];\r
- if (scaling_enabled) addr += 32;\r
+ addr += gp2x_screen_offs;\r
// since we are using the mmu hack, we must flush the cache first\r
// (the params are most likely wrong, but they seem to work somehow)\r
int bpp = (gp2x_memregs[0x28DA>>1]>>9)&0x3;\r
unsigned short scalw;\r
- // fceu hack\r
- scaling_enabled = (W == 320) ? 0 : 1;\r
// set offset\r
gp2x_screenaddrs_use[0] = gp2x_screenaddrs[0] + ln_offs * 320 * bpp;\r
gp2x_screenaddrs_use[1] = gp2x_screenaddrs[1] + ln_offs * 320 * bpp;\r
gp2x_memregl[0x2908>>2]=(unsigned long)((float)escalah *bpp *(H/240.0));\r
+void gp2x_video_set_offs(int offs)\r
+ gp2x_screen_offs = offs;\r
void gp2x_memcpy_buffers(int buffers, void *data, int offset, int len)\r
void gp2x_video_changemode2(int bpp);\r
void gp2x_video_setpalette(int *pal, int len);\r
void gp2x_video_RGB_setscaling(int ln_offs, int W, int H);\r
+void gp2x_video_set_offs(int offs);\r
void gp2x_memcpy_buffers(int buffers, void *data, int offset, int len);\r
void gp2x_memcpy_all_buffers(void *data, int offset, int len);\r
void gp2x_memset_all_buffers(int offset, int byte, int len);\r
char lastLoadedGameName [2048];
+int LoadGameLastError = 0;
int UNIFLoad(const char *name, int fp);
int iNESLoad(const char *name, int fp);
int FDSLoad(const char *name, int fp);
int fp;
+ LoadGameLastError = 0;
strncpy(name2, name, sizeof(name2));
FCEU_PrintError("Error opening \"%s\"!",name);
+ LoadGameLastError = 1;
return 0;
if (!fp) {
printf("no ROM for movie\n");
+ LoadGameLastError = 2;
return 0;
have_movie = 1;
- strcpy(lastLoadedGameName, name2);
goto endlseq;
FCEU_PrintError("An error occurred while loading the file.");
+ // format handlers may set LoadGameLastError themselves.
+ if (LoadGameLastError == 0) LoadGameLastError = 3;
return 0;
if (have_movie)
FCEUI_LoadMovie(name, 1);
+ strcpy(lastLoadedGameName, name2);
FCEU_PrintError("FDS BIOS ROM image missing!");\r
+ LoadGameLastError = 10;\r
return 0;\r
FCEU_PrintError("Error reading FDS BIOS ROM image.");\r
+ LoadGameLastError = 10;\r
return 0;\r
FCEU_PrintError("Error reading auxillary FDS file.");\r
+ LoadGameLastError = 11;\r
// attempt to load previous version's format
- printf("trying movie v1\n");
+ printf("movie: trying movie v1\n");
FCEUI_LoadMovie_v1(fname, _read_only);
- printf("%s\n", errmsg);
+ if (errmsg[0] != '|')
+ printf("%s\n", errmsg);
void FCEUI_SetRenderedLines(int ntscf, int ntscl, int palf, int pall)