mov r3, r3, lsl #26 @ mdbg << 26
mla r11,r4,r5,r11 @ r11 = pmd = PicoDraw2FB + offs*328: md data
tst r10,#P32XV_PRI
- moveq r10,#0
- movne r10,#0x8000 @ r10 = inv_bit
+ movne r10,#0
+ moveq r10,#0x8000 @ r10 = !inv_bit
call_scan_prep \call_scan lr
mov r4, #0 @ line
beq 5f @ check_fill
3: @ no_fill:
+ ldrb r12,[r11], #1 @ MD pixel 0
eor r7, r7, r10
- and r12,r7, #0x03e0 @ convert BGR555 -> RGB565
+ and lr, r7, #0x03e0 @ convert BGR555 -> RGB565
mov r7, r7, ror #5
orr r7, r7, r7, ror #10+11
- orr r7, r7, r12,lsl #1+16
+ orr r7, r7, lr, lsl #1+16
eor r8, r8, r10
- and r12,r8, #0x03e0
+ and lr, r8, #0x03e0
mov r8, r8, ror #5
orr r8, r8, r8, ror #10+11
- orr r8, r8, r12,lsl #1+16
+ orr r8, r8, lr, lsl #1+16
- ldrb r12,[r11], #1 @ MD pixel 0
ldrb lr, [r11], #1 @ MD pixel 1
- lsr r7, #16
- lsr r8, #16
.if \do_md
cmp r3, r12, lsl #26
- movne r12,r12, lsl #1 @ load MD color if not bg
+ tstne r7, #0x20<<16
+ movne r12,r12, lsl #1 @ load MD color if no 32X prio and not bg
ldrneh r12,[r9, r12]
- orreq r7, r7, #0x20 @ accumulate MD bg info into prio bit
+ moveq r12,r7, lsr #16 @ else replace with 32X color
cmp r3, lr, lsl #26
- movne lr, lr, lsl #1
+ tstne r8, #0x20<<16
+ movne lr, lr, lsl #1 @ load MD color if no 32X prio and not bg
ldrneh lr, [r9, lr]
- orreq r8, r8, #0x20
+ moveq lr, r8, lsr #16 @ else replace with 32X color
- tst r7, #0x20 @ replace 32X with MD color if no prio and not bg
- moveq r7, r12
- tst r8, #0x20
- moveq r8, lr
- orr r7, r7, r8, lsl #16 @ combine 2 pixels to optimize memory bandwidth
- str r7, [r0], #4 @ (no write combining on ARM9)
+ orr r12,r12, lr, lsl #16 @ combine 2 pixels to optimize memory bandwidth
+ str r12,[r0], #4 @ (no write combining on ARM9)
cmp r3, r12, lsl #26 @ replace MD bg info into prio bit
- orreq r7, r7, #0x20
+ tstne r7, #0x20<<16
+ moveq r7, r7, lsr #16
+ streqh r7, [r0, #0]
cmp r3, lr, lsl #26
- orreq r8, r8, #0x20
+ tstne r8, #0x20<<16
+ moveq r8, r8, lsr #16
+ streqh r8, [r0, #2]
add r0, r0, #4 @ store 32x pixels if 32X prio or MD bg
- tst r7, #0x20
- strneh r7, [r0, #-4]
- tst r8, #0x20
- strneh r8, [r0, #-2]
b 2b @ loop_inner
lsr r7, #16
tst r7, #0x20 @ check for prio transfer
- beq 9f @ bg_loop
+ bne 9f @ bg_loop
add r11,r11,r8 @ consume md pixels (not used)
orr r12,r7, r7, lsl #16
if (is_16bit_mode()) {\r
- if (currentConfig.scaling == EOPT_SCALE_SW) {\r
+ if (currentConfig.scaling == EOPT_SCALE_SW)\r
PicoIn.opt |= POPT_EN_SOFTSCALE;\r
- PicoIn.filter = currentConfig.filter;\r
- } else if (currentConfig.scaling == EOPT_SCALE_HW)\r
+ else if (currentConfig.scaling == EOPT_SCALE_HW)\r
// hw scaling, render without any padding\r
PicoIn.opt |= POPT_DIS_32C_BORDER;\r
+ PicoIn.filter = currentConfig.filter;\r
} else\r
PicoIn.opt |= POPT_DIS_32C_BORDER;\r