--- /dev/null
+Name=Wave Race 64 SE
+Name=Cruis'n USA
+Name=RTL WLS2000
+Name=Rush 2049
+Name=Taz Express
+Name=NASCAR 2000
+Name=Mario Kart 64
+Name=Rogue Squadron
+Name=Battle for Naboo
+Name=Indiana Jones
+Name=Dual heroes USA
+Name=Pilot Wings64
+Name=South Park Rally
+Name=Beetle Adventure Rac
+Name=Bust A Move 2
+Name=Mystical Ninja
+Name=Extreme G 2
+Name=Rayman 2
+Name=Perfect Dark
+Name=Silicon Valley
+Name=SIM CITY 2000
+Name=Diddy Kong Racing
+Name=Resident Evil II
+Name=F-ZERO X
+Name=WAVE RACE 64
+Name=Silicon Valley
+Name=Rogue Squadron
+Name=Top Gear Overdrive
+Name=WWF: Attitude
+Name=Madden NFL 2000
+Name=WWF War Zone
+Name=WAVE RACE 64
+Name=Stunt Racer 64
+Name=WWF No Mercy
+Name=WCWvs.NWO:World Tour
+Name=WCWvs.NWO:World Tour
+Name=NFL QBC '99
+Name=Bike Race by NaN
+Name=Centre Court Tennis
+Name=Holy Magic Century
+Name=WORMS N64
+Name=Rayman 2
+Name=Turok 2: Seeds of Ev
+Name=Armorines Project S.
+Name=Fighting Force
+Name=A Bug's Life
+Name=W.G 3D Hockey 98
+Name=Toy Story 2
+Name=NBA LIVE 2000
+Name=Cruis'n USA
+Name=Shadow of the Empire
+Name=Bust A Move '99
+Name=RUSH 2
+Name=Shufflepuck 64
+Name=Bass Rush
+Name=Bust A Move 3 DX
+Name=S.F. RUSH
+Name=All-Star Baseball '0
+Name=FIFA 99
+Name=ÄÞ×´ÓÝ2 ˶ØɼÝÃÞ
+Name=Killer Instinct Gold
+Name=Tigger's Honey Hunt
+Name=Ultraman Battle JAPA
+Name=KING HILL 64
+Name=Top Gear Hyper Bike
+Name=Shadow of the Empire
+Name=ROAD RASH 64
+Name=World Cup 98
+Name=Asteroids Hyper 64
+Name=Fighter's Destiny
+Name=Mission Impossible
+Name=F3 ̳ײɼÚÝ2
+Name=Monaco Grand Prix
+Name=Gex 3 Deep Cover Gec
+Name=Waialae Country Club
+Name=Turok 3: Shadow of O
+Name=All Star Baseball 99
+Name=ITF 2000
+Name=Top Gear Overdrive
+Name=Iggy's Reckin' Balls
+Name=Wipeout 64
+Name=Tonic Trouble
+Name=64 OHZUMOU
+Name=Turok: Rage Wars
+Name=NBA JAM 99
+Name=FIFA Soccer 64
+Name=Chameleon Twist2
+Name=Blast Corps
+Name=Madden NFL 2001
+Name=DR.MARIO 64
+Name=Quest 64
+Name=TRIPLE PLAY 2000
+Name=Big Mountain 2000
+Name=·×¯Ä¶²¹Â 64ÀÝòÀÞ
+Name=Wonder Project J2
+Name=NASCAR 99
+Name=Donald Duck Quack At
+Name=Body Harvest
+Name=Bottom of the 9th
+Name=ÄÞ×´ÓÝ Ð¯Âɾ²Ú²¾·
+Name=Kings of Porn Vol 01
+Name=NBA PRO 98
+Name=Monaco GP Racing 2
+Name=hey you, pikachu
+Name=Manic Miner 64
+Name=(C) DATEL D&D NU10:0
+Name=Mia Hamm Soccer 64
+Name=INDY RACING 2000
+Name=NFL QBC 2000
+Name=I S S 64
+Name=Puzzle Master 64
+Name=NFL QBC 2000
+Name=South Park: Chef's L
+Name=Chameleon Twist
+Name=Army Men Sarge
+Name=Hydro Thunder
+Name=Jeremy McGrath Super
+Name=All-Star Baseball 20
+Name=MADDEN 64
+Name=Lamborghini 64
+Name=Virtual Pool 64
+Name=Racing Simulation 2
+Name=NBA Courtside 2
+Name=FIFA: RTWC 98
+Name=FIFA: RTWC 98
+Name=FIFA 99
+Name=ECW Hardcore Revolut
+Name=NBA IN THE ZONE 2000
+Name=Knockout Kings 2000
+Name=PGA European Tour Go
+Name=64 µµ½ÞÓ³ 2
+Name=½Þ°Ù ϼ޳¶²ÃÞݾÂ
+Name=Premier Manager 64
+Name=RockMan Dash
+Name=BioHazard II
+Name=ÊÞ°Á¬Ù ÌßÛÚ½ØÝ¸Þ 64
+Name=HEIWA ÊßÁݺ Ü°ÙÄÞ64
+Name=Ready to Rumble
+Name=Top Gear Hyper Bike
+Name=Getter Love!!
+Name=Test Program
+Name=Test Program
+Name=WWF: Attitude
+Name=WWF No Mercy
+Name=Blast Corps
+Name=Beetle Adventure Rac
+Name=Lode Runner 3D
+Name=Holy Magic Century
+Name=Killer Instinct Gold
+Name=Mega Man 64
+Name=Cruis'n USA
+Name=Diddy Kong Racing
+Name=Lode Runner 3D
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+ $(SRCDIR)/DecodedMux.cpp \
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+ $(SRCDIR)/GeneralCombiner.cpp \
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+ $(SRCDIR)/VectorMath.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/Video.cpp \
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+ $(SRCDIR)/liblinux/BMGImage.c \
+ $(SRCDIR)/liblinux/BMGUtils.c \
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+ LOCAL_CFLAGS += -mfloat-abi=softfp
+else ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI), armeabi)
+ # Use for pre-ARM7a:
+else ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI), x86)
+ # TODO: set the proper flags here
+ # Any other architectures that Android could be running on?
--- /dev/null
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+ Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ />
+ </Configuration>
+ </Configurations>
+ <References>
+ </References>
+ <Files>
+ <Filter
+ Name="Source Files"
+ Filter="cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx"
+ UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}"
+ >
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Blender.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\BMGImage.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\BMGUtils.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\bmp.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\CNvTNTCombiner.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Combiner.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\CombinerTable.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Config.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\ConvertImage.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\ConvertImage16.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Debugger.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\DecodedMux.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\DeviceBuilder.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\DirectXDecodedMux.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\FrameBuffer.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\GeneralCombiner.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\GraphicsContext.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLCombiner.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLCombinerNV.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLCombinerTNT2.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLDecodedMux.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLExtCombiner.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLExtensions.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLExtRender.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLFragmentShaders.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLGraphicsContext.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLRender.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLRenderExt.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLTexture.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\osal_dynamiclib_win32.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\osal_files_win32.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\pngrw.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Render.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RenderBase.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RenderExt.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RenderTexture.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RSP_Parser.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RSP_S2DEX.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Texture.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\TextureFilters.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\TextureFilters_2xsai.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\TextureFilters_hq2x.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\TextureFilters_hq4x.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\TextureManager.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\VectorMath.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Video.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ </Filter>
+ <Filter
+ Name="Header Files"
+ Filter="h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd"
+ UniqueIdentifier="{93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}"
+ >
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Blender.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\BMGDLL.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\BMGImage.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\BMGLibPNG.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\BMGUtils.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\CNvTNTCombiner.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\COLOR.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Combiner.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\CombinerDefs.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Config.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\ConvertImage.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\CritSect.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\CSortedList.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Debugger.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\DecodedMux.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\DeviceBuilder.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\DirectXDecodedMux.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\ExtendedRender.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\FrameBuffer.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\GeneralCombiner.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\GraphicsContext.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\IColor.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\inffixed.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\jpegrw.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLCombiner.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLCombinerNV.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLCombinerTNT2.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLDebug.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLDecodedMux.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLExtCombiner.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLExtensions.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLExtRender.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLFragmentShaders.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLGraphicsContext.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLRender.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\OGLTexture.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\osal_dynamiclib.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\osal_files.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\osal_preproc.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\pngrw.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RDP_Texture.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Render.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RenderBase.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RenderTexture.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RSP_GBI0.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RSP_GBI1.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RSP_GBI2.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RSP_GBI2_ext.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RSP_GBI_Others.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RSP_GBI_Sprite2D.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RSP_Parser.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\RSP_S2DEX.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Texture.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\TextureFilters.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\TextureFilters_hq2x.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\TextureFilters_hq4x.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\TextureFilters_lq2x.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\TextureManager.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\tiffrw.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Timing.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\typedefs.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\ucode.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\UcodeDefs.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\VectorMath.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\version.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\VertexShaderConstantDef.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\Video.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\zconf.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\liblinux\zlib.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ </Filter>
+ </Files>
+ <Globals>
+ </Globals>
--- /dev/null
+#/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+# * Mupen64plus-video-rice - Makefile *
+# * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+# * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Richard Goedeken *
+# * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 DarkJeztr Tillin9 *
+# * *
+# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+# * (at your option) any later version. *
+# * *
+# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+# * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+# * *
+# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+# * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+# * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+# * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+# Makefile for RiceVideo plugin in Mupen64Plus
+# detect operating system
+UNAME ?= $(shell uname -s)
+ifeq ("$(UNAME)","Linux")
+ SHARED = -shared
+ifeq ("$(UNAME)","linux")
+ SHARED = -shared
+ifneq ("$(filter GNU hurd,$(UNAME))","")
+ SHARED = -shared
+ifeq ("$(UNAME)","Darwin")
+ OS = OSX
+ SO_EXTENSION = dylib
+ SHARED = -bundle
+ PIC = 1 # force PIC under OSX
+ifeq ("$(UNAME)","FreeBSD")
+ SHARED = -shared
+ifeq ("$(UNAME)","OpenBSD")
+ SHARED = -shared
+ $(warning OS type "$(UNAME)" not officially supported.')
+ifneq ("$(filter GNU/kFreeBSD kfreebsd,$(UNAME))","")
+ SHARED = -shared
+ifeq ("$(patsubst MINGW%,MINGW,$(UNAME))","MINGW")
+ SHARED = -shared
+ PIC = 0
+ifeq ("$(OS)","NONE")
+ $(error OS type "$(UNAME)" not supported. Please file bug report at 'http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/issues')
+# detect system architecture
+HOST_CPU ?= $(shell uname -m)
+ifneq ("$(filter x86_64 amd64,$(HOST_CPU))","")
+ CPU := X86
+ ifeq ("$(BITS)", "32")
+ PIC ?= 0
+ else
+ PIC ?= 1
+ endif
+ifneq ("$(filter pentium i%86,$(HOST_CPU))","")
+ CPU := X86
+ PIC ?= 0
+ifneq ("$(filter ppc macppc socppc powerpc,$(HOST_CPU))","")
+ CPU := PPC
+ PIC ?= 1
+ NO_ASM := 1
+ $(warning Architecture "$(HOST_CPU)" not officially supported.')
+ifneq ("$(filter ppc64 powerpc64,$(HOST_CPU))","")
+ CPU := PPC
+ PIC ?= 1
+ NO_ASM := 1
+ $(warning Architecture "$(HOST_CPU)" not officially supported.')
+ifneq ("$(filter arm%,$(HOST_CPU))","")
+ ifeq ("$(filter arm%b,$(HOST_CPU))","")
+ CPU := ARM
+ PIC ?= 1
+ POSTFIX ?= es1
+ NO_ASM := 1
+ CFLAGS += -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp -mtune=cortex-a8 -fsigned-char -ffast-math -fpermissive
+ $(warning Architecture "$(HOST_CPU)" not officially supported.')
+ endif
+ifeq ("$(CPU)","NONE")
+ $(error CPU type "$(HOST_CPU)" not supported. Please file bug report at 'http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/issues')
+CFLAGS += $(OPTFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) -ffast-math -fno-strict-aliasing -fvisibility=hidden -I../../src
+CXXFLAGS += -fvisibility-inlines-hidden
+ifeq ($(CPU), X86)
+ CFLAGS += -msse
+# Since we are building a shared library, we must compile with -fPIC on some architectures
+# On 32-bit x86 systems we do not want to use -fPIC because we don't have to and it has a big performance penalty on this arch
+ifeq ($(PIC), 1)
+ CFLAGS += -fno-PIC
+ifeq ($(BIG_ENDIAN), 1)
+# tweak flags for 32-bit build on 64-bit system
+ifeq ($(ARCH_DETECTED), 64BITS_32)
+ ifeq ($(OS), FREEBSD)
+ $(error Do not use the BITS=32 option with FreeBSD, use -m32 and -m elf_i386)
+ endif
+ CFLAGS += -m32
+ LDFLAGS += -Wl,-m,elf_i386
+# set special flags per-system
+ifeq ($(OS), LINUX)
+ LDLIBS += -ldl
+ # only export api symbols
+ LDFLAGS += -Wl,-version-script,$(SRCDIR)/video_api_export.ver
+ifeq ($(OS), OSX)
+ # Select the proper SDK
+ # Also, SDKs are stored in a different location since XCode 4.3
+ OSX_SDK ?= $(shell sw_vers -productVersion | cut -f1 -f2 -d .)
+ OSX_XCODEMAJ = $(shell xcodebuild -version | grep '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*' | cut -f2 -d ' ' | cut -f1 -d .)
+ OSX_XCODEMIN = $(shell xcodebuild -version | grep '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*' | cut -f2 -d ' ' | cut -f2 -d .)
+ OSX_XCODEGE43 = $(shell echo "`expr $(OSX_XCODEMAJ) \>= 4``expr $(OSX_XCODEMIN) \>= 3`")
+ ifeq ($(OSX_XCODEGE43), 11)
+ OSX_SYSROOT := /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs
+ else
+ OSX_SYSROOT := /Developer/SDKs
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(CPU), X86)
+ ifeq ($(ARCH_DETECTED), 64BITS)
+ CFLAGS += -pipe -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_SDK) -isysroot $(OSX_SYSROOT)/MacOSX$(OSX_SDK).sdk
+ LDFLAGS += -bundle
+ LDLIBS += -ldl
+ else
+ CFLAGS += -pipe -mmmx -msse -fomit-frame-pointer -arch i686 -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_SDK) -isysroot $(OSX_SYSROOT)/MacOSX$(OSX_SDK).sdk
+ LDFLAGS += -bundle
+ LDLIBS += -ldl
+ endif
+ endif
+# test for essential build dependencies
+ifeq ($(origin PKG_CONFIG), undefined)
+ ifeq ($(shell which $(PKG_CONFIG) 2>/dev/null),)
+ $(error $(PKG_CONFIG) not found)
+ endif
+ifeq ($(origin LIBPNG_CFLAGS) $(origin LIBPNG_LDLIBS), undefined undefined)
+ ifeq ($(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --modversion libpng 2>/dev/null),)
+ $(error No libpng development libraries found!)
+ endif
+ LIBPNG_CFLAGS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags libpng)
+ LIBPNG_LDLIBS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --libs libpng)
+# search for OpenGL libraries
+ifeq ($(OS), OSX)
+ GL_LDLIBS = -framework OpenGL
+ifeq ($(OS), MINGW)
+ GL_LDLIBS = -lopengl32
+ifeq ($(origin GL_CFLAGS) $(origin GL_LDLIBS), undefined undefined)
+ ifeq ($(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --modversion gl 2>/dev/null),)
+ $(error No OpenGL development libraries found!)
+ endif
+# GL_CFLAGS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags gl)
+# GL_LDLIBS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --libs gl)
+ GL_CFLAGS += -I/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/include/GLES
+ GL_LDLIBS += -lGLES_CM -lEGL -lrt
+# test for presence of SDL
+ifeq ($(origin SDL_CFLAGS) $(origin SDL_LDLIBS), undefined undefined)
+ ifeq ($(shell which $(SDL_CONFIG) 2>/dev/null),)
+ $(error No SDL development libraries found!)
+ endif
+ SDL_CFLAGS += $(shell $(SDL_CONFIG) --cflags)
+ SDL_LDLIBS += $(shell $(SDL_CONFIG) --libs)
+# set mupen64plus core API header path
+ifneq ("$(APIDIR)","")
+ TRYDIR = ../../../mupen64plus-core/src/api
+ ifneq ("$(wildcard $(TRYDIR)/m64p_types.h)","")
+ else
+ TRYDIR = /usr/local/include/mupen64plus
+ ifneq ("$(wildcard $(TRYDIR)/m64p_types.h)","")
+ else
+ TRYDIR = /usr/include/mupen64plus
+ ifneq ("$(wildcard $(TRYDIR)/m64p_types.h)","")
+ else
+ $(error Mupen64Plus API header files not found! Use makefile parameter APIDIR to force a location.)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+# reduced compile output when running make without V=1
+ifneq ($(findstring $(MAKEFLAGS),s),s)
+ifndef V
+ Q_CC = @echo ' CC '$@;
+ Q_CXX = @echo ' CXX '$@;
+ Q_LD = @echo ' LD '$@;
+# set base program pointers and flags
+RM ?= rm -f
+INSTALL ?= install
+MKDIR ?= mkdir -p
+# set special flags for given Makefile parameters
+ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)
+ CFLAGS += -g
+ ifneq ($(OS),OSX)
+ endif
+ifeq ($(NO_ASM), 1)
+# set installation options
+ifeq ($(PREFIX),)
+ PREFIX := /usr/local
+ifeq ($(SHAREDIR),)
+ SHAREDIR := $(PREFIX)/share/mupen64plus
+ifeq ($(LIBDIR),)
+ LIBDIR := $(PREFIX)/lib
+ifeq ($(PLUGINDIR),)
+ PLUGINDIR := $(LIBDIR)/mupen64plus
+SRCDIR = ../../src
+# list of source files to compile
+ $(SRCDIR)/Blender.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/Combiner.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/CombinerTable.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/Config.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/ConvertImage.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/ConvertImage16.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/Debugger.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/DecodedMux.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/DeviceBuilder.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/DirectXDecodedMux.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/FrameBuffer.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/GeneralCombiner.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/GraphicsContext.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/OGLCombiner.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/OGLExtensions.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/OGLDecodedMux.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/OGLExtCombiner.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/OGLExtRender.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/OGLGraphicsContext.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/OGLRender.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/OGLRenderExt.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/OGLTexture.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/Render.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/RenderBase.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/RenderExt.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/RenderTexture.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/RSP_Parser.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/RSP_S2DEX.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/Texture.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/TextureFilters.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/TextureFilters_2xsai.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/TextureFilters_hq2x.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/TextureFilters_hq4x.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/TextureManager.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/VectorMath.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/Video.cpp \
+ $(SRCDIR)/liblinux/BMGImage.c \
+ $(SRCDIR)/liblinux/BMGUtils.c \
+ $(SRCDIR)/liblinux/bmp.c \
+ $(SRCDIR)/liblinux/pngrw.c \
+ $(SRCDIR)/eglport.c \
+ifeq ($(OS),MINGW)
+SOURCE += \
+ $(SRCDIR)/osal_dynamiclib_win32.c \
+ $(SRCDIR)/osal_files_win32.c
+SOURCE += \
+ $(SRCDIR)/osal_dynamiclib_unix.c \
+ $(SRCDIR)/osal_files_unix.c
+# generate a list of object files build, make a temporary directory for them
+OBJECTS := $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%.c, $(OBJDIR)/%.o, $(filter %.c, $(SOURCE)))
+OBJECTS += $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%.cpp, $(OBJDIR)/%.o, $(filter %.cpp, $(SOURCE)))
+OBJDIRS = $(dir $(OBJECTS))
+$(shell $(MKDIR) $(OBJDIRS))
+# build targets
+TARGET = mupen64plus-video-rice$(POSTFIX).$(SO_EXTENSION)
+ @echo "Mupen64plus-video-rice N64 Graphics plugin makefile. "
+ @echo " Targets:"
+ @echo " all == Build Mupen64plus-video-rice plugin"
+ @echo " clean == remove object files"
+ @echo " rebuild == clean and re-build all"
+ @echo " install == Install Mupen64Plus-video-rice plugin"
+ @echo " uninstall == Uninstall Mupen64Plus-video-rice plugin"
+ @echo " Options:"
+ @echo " BITS=32 == build 32-bit binaries on 64-bit machine"
+ @echo " NO_ASM=1 == build without inline assembly code (x86 MMX/SSE)"
+ @echo " APIDIR=path == path to find Mupen64Plus Core headers"
+ @echo " OPTFLAGS=flag == compiler optimization (default: -O3 -flto)"
+ @echo " WARNFLAGS=flag == compiler warning levels (default: -Wall)"
+ @echo " PIC=(1|0) == Force enable/disable of position independent code"
+ @echo " POSTFIX=name == String added to the name of the the build (default: '')"
+ @echo " Install Options:"
+ @echo " PREFIX=path == install/uninstall prefix (default: /usr/local)"
+ @echo " SHAREDIR=path == path to install shared data files (default: PREFIX/share/mupen64plus)"
+ @echo " LIBDIR=path == library prefix (default: PREFIX/lib)"
+ @echo " PLUGINDIR=path == path to install plugin libraries (default: LIBDIR/mupen64plus)"
+ @echo " DESTDIR=path == path to prepend to all installation paths (only for packagers)"
+ @echo " Debugging Options:"
+ @echo " DEBUG=1 == add debugging symbols"
+ @echo " V=1 == show verbose compiler output"
+all: $(TARGET)
+install: $(TARGET)
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0644 "../../data/RiceVideoLinux.ini" "$(DESTDIR)$(SHAREDIR)"
+ $(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(SHAREDIR)/RiceVideoLinux.ini"
+ $(RM) -r $(OBJDIR) $(TARGET)
+rebuild: clean all
+# build dependency files
+-include $(OBJECTS:.o=.d)
+# standard build rules
+$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.c
+ $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
+$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.cpp
+ $(COMPILE.cc) -o $@ $<
+ $(LINK.o) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
+.PHONY: all clean install uninstall targets
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "Render.h"
+const char * sc_szBlClr[4] = { "In", "Mem", "Bl", "Fog" };
+const char * sc_szBlA1[4] = { "AIn", "AFog", "AShade", "0" };
+const char * sc_szBlA2[4] = { "1-A", "AMem", "1", "0" };
+void CBlender::InitBlenderMode(void) // Set Alpha Blender mode
+ //1. Z_COMPARE -- Enable / Disable Zbuffer compare
+ // 1 - Enable ZBuffer
+ // 0 - Disable ZBuffer
+ //2. Z_UPDATE -- Enable / Disable Zbuffer update
+ // 1 - Enable ZBuffer writeable
+ // 0 - Zbuffer not writeable
+ //3. AA_EN and IM_RD -- Anti-Alias
+ // AA_EN - Enable anti-aliase
+ // AA_EN | IM_RD - Reduced anti-aliase
+ // IM_RD - ??
+ // - - Disable anti-aliase
+ //4. ZMode
+ // #define ZMODE_OPA 0 -- Usually used with Z_COMPARE and Z_UPDATE
+ // or used without neither Z_COMPARE or Z_UPDATE
+ // if used with Z_COMPARE and Z_UPDATE, then this is
+ // the regular ZBuffer mode, with compare and update
+ // #define ZMODE_INTER 0x400
+ // #define ZMODE_XLU 0x800 -- Usually used with Z_COMPARE, but not with Z_UPDATE
+ // Do only compare, no zbuffer update.
+ // Not output if the z value is the same
+ // #define ZMODE_DEC 0xc00 -- Usually used with Z_COMPARE, but not with Z_UPDATE
+ // Do only compare, no update, but because this is
+ // decal mode, so image should be updated even
+ // the z value is the same as compared.
+ CRender *render = CRender::g_pRender;
+ // Alpha Blender Modes
+ /*
+6. FORCE_BL - Alpha blending at blender stage
+ 1 - Enable alpha blending at blender
+ 0 - Disable alpha blending at blender
+ Alpha blending at blender is usually used to render XLU surface
+ if enabled, then use the blending setting of C1 and C2
+7. ALPHA_CVG_SEL - Output full alpha from the color combiner, usually not used together
+ with FORCE_BL. If it is used together with FORCE_BL, then ignore this
+8. CVG_X_ALPHA - Before output the color from color combiner, mod it with alpha
+9. TEX_EDGE - Ignore this
+10.CLR_ON_CVG - Used with XLU surfaces, ignore it
+#define CVG_DST_CLAMP 0 - Usually used with OPA surface
+#define CVG_DST_WRAP 0x100 - Usually used with XLU surface or OPA line
+#define CVG_DST_FULL 0x200 - ?
+#define CVG_DST_SAVE 0x300 - ?
+Possible Blending Inputs:
+ In - Input from color combiner
+ Mem - Input from current frame buffer
+ Fog - Fog generator
+ BL - Blender
+Possible Blending Factors:
+ A-IN - Alpha from color combiner
+ A-MEM - Alpha from current frame buffer
+ (1-A) -
+ A-FOG - Alpha of fog color
+ A-SHADE - Alpha of shade
+ 1 - 1
+ 0 - 0
+#define BLEND_NOOP 0x0000
+#define BLEND_NOOP5 0xcc48 // Fog * 0 + Mem * 1
+#define BLEND_NOOP4 0xcc08 // Fog * 0 + In * 1
+#define BLEND_FOG_ASHADE 0xc800
+#define BLEND_FOG_3 0xc000 // Fog * AIn + In * 1-A
+#define BLEND_FOG_MEM 0xc440 // Fog * AFog + Mem * 1-A
+#define BLEND_FOG_APRIM 0xc400 // Fog * AFog + In * 1-A
+#define BLEND_BLENDCOLOR 0x8c88
+#define BLEND_BI_AFOG 0x8400 // Bl * AFog + In * 1-A
+#define BLEND_BI_AIN 0x8040 // Bl * AIn + Mem * 1-A
+#define BLEND_MEM 0x4c40 // Mem*0 + Mem*(1-0)?!
+#define BLEND_FOG_MEM_3 0x44c0 // Mem * AFog + Fog * 1-A
+#define BLEND_NOOP3 0x0c48 // In * 0 + Mem * 1
+#define BLEND_PASS 0x0c08 // In * 0 + In * 1
+#define BLEND_FOG_MEM_IN_MEM 0x0440 // In * AFog + Mem * 1-A
+#define BLEND_FOG_MEM_FOG_MEM 0x04c0 // In * AFog + Fog * 1-A
+#define BLEND_OPA 0x0044 // In * AIn + Mem * AMem
+#define BLEND_XLU 0x0040
+#define BLEND_MEM_ALPHA_IN 0x4044 // Mem * AIn + Mem * AMem
+ uint32 blendmode_1 = (uint32)( gRDP.otherMode.blender & 0xcccc );
+ uint32 blendmode_2 = (uint32)( gRDP.otherMode.blender & 0x3333 );
+ uint32 cycletype = gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type;
+ switch( cycletype )
+ {
+ //Enable();
+ Disable();
+ break;
+ //Disable();
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ case CYCLE_TYPE_2:
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.force_bl && gRDP.otherMode.z_cmp )
+ {
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.alpha_cvg_sel && gRDP.otherMode.cvg_x_alpha==0 )
+ {
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ }
+ */
+ switch( blendmode_1+blendmode_2 )
+ {
+ case BLEND_PASS+(BLEND_PASS>>2): // In * 0 + In * 1
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.alpha_cvg_sel )
+ {
+ Enable();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Disable();
+ }
+ render->SetAlphaTestEnable( ((gRDP.otherModeL >> RSP_SETOTHERMODE_SHIFT_ALPHACOMPARE) & 0x3)==1 ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ break;
+ // 0x0c19
+ // Cycle1: In * 0 + In * 1
+ // Cycle2: In * AIn + Mem * AMem
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cvg_x_alpha && gRDP.otherMode.alpha_cvg_sel )
+ {
+ Enable();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Enable();
+ }
+ break;
+ case BLEND_PASS + (BLEND_XLU>>2):
+ // 0x0c18
+ // Cycle1: In * 0 + In * 1
+ // Cycle2: In * AIn + Mem * 1-A
+ //Cycle1: Fog * AShade + In * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * AIn + Mem * 1-A
+ //Cycle1: Fog * AFog + In * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * AIn + Mem * 1-A
+ //Cycle1: In * AFog + Fog * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * AIn + Mem * AMem
+ //Cycle1: In * AFog + Fog * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * 0 + In * 1
+ case BLEND_XLU + (BLEND_XLU>>2):
+ //Cycle1: Fog * AFog + In * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * AIn + Mem * 1-A
+ case BLEND_BI_AFOG + (BLEND_XLU>>2):
+ //Cycle1: Bl * AFog + In * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * AIn + Mem * 1-A
+ //Cycle1: In * AIn + Mem * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * AFog + Mem * 1-A
+ //Cycle1: In * 0 + In * 1
+ //Cycle2: In * AFog + Mem * 1-A
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ //Cycle1: In * AFog + Fog * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * AIn + Mem * AMem
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ // For Golden Eye
+ //Cycle1: Fog * AFog + In * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * AIn + Mem * AMem
+ //Cycle1: Fog * AShade + In * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * AIn + Mem * AMem
+ case BLEND_BI_AFOG + (BLEND_OPA>>2):
+ //Cycle1: Bl * AFog + In * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * AIn + Mem * 1-AMem
+ //Cycle1: Fog * AShade + In * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * AIn + In * 1-A
+ case BLEND_NOOP + (BLEND_OPA>>2):
+ //Cycle1: In * AIn + In * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * AIn + Mem * AMem
+ case BLEND_NOOP4 + (BLEND_NOOP>>2):
+ //Cycle1: Fog * AIn + In * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * 0 + In * 1
+ //Cycle1: Fog * AShade + In * 1-A
+ //Cycle2: In * 0 + In * 1
+ case BLEND_FOG_3+(BLEND_PASS>>2):
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ case BLEND_FOG_ASHADE+0x0301:
+ // c800 - Cycle1: Fog * AShade + In * 1-A
+ // 0301 - Cycle2: In * 0 + In * AMem
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ case 0x0c08+0x1111:
+ // 0c08 - Cycle1: In * 0 + In * 1
+ // 1111 - Cycle2: Mem * AFog + Mem * AMem
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext )
+ {
+ uint32 dwM1A_1 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>14) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM1B_1 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>10) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM2A_1 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>6) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM2B_1 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>2) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM1A_2 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>12) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM1B_2 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>8) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM2A_2 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>4) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM2B_2 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender ) & 0x3;
+ TRACE0("Unknown Blender Mode: 2 cycle");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tblender:\t\t%04x - Cycle1:\t%s * %s + %s * %s\n\t\t%04x - Cycle2:\t%s * %s + %s * %s", blendmode_1,
+ sc_szBlClr[dwM1A_1], sc_szBlA1[dwM1B_1], sc_szBlClr[dwM2A_1], sc_szBlA2[dwM2B_1], blendmode_2,
+ sc_szBlClr[dwM1A_2], sc_szBlA1[dwM1B_2], sc_szBlClr[dwM2A_2], sc_szBlA2[dwM2B_2]);
+ }
+ if( blendmode_2 == (BLEND_PASS>>2) )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: // 1/2 Cycle or Copy
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.force_bl && gRDP.otherMode.z_cmp && blendmode_1 != BLEND_FOG_ASHADE )
+ {
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ }
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.force_bl && options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_COMMANDCONQUER )
+ {
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ //if( (blendmode_1>>2) != blendmode_2 )
+ //{
+ // DebuggerAppendMsg("Warning: in 1 cycle mode, blend1!=blend2");
+ //}
+ switch ( blendmode_1 )
+ //switch ( blendmode_2<<2 )
+ {
+ case BLEND_XLU: // IN * A_IN + MEM * (1-A_IN)
+ case BLEND_BI_AIN: // Bl * AIn + Mem * 1-A
+ case BLEND_FOG_MEM: // c440 - Cycle1: Fog * AFog + Mem * 1-A
+ case BLEND_FOG_MEM_IN_MEM: // c440 - Cycle1: In * AFog + Mem * 1-A
+ case BLEND_BLENDCOLOR: //Bl * 0 + Bl * 1
+ case 0x00c0: //In * AIn + Fog * 1-A
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ case BLEND_MEM_ALPHA_IN: // Mem * AIn + Mem * AMem
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ case BLEND_PASS: // IN * 0 + IN * 1
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.alpha_cvg_sel )
+ {
+ Enable();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Disable();
+ }
+ break;
+ case BLEND_OPA: // IN * A_IN + MEM * A_MEM
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_TENNIS )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ case BLEND_NOOP: // IN * A_IN + IN * (1 - A_IN)
+ case BLEND_FOG_ASHADE: // Fog * AShade + In * 1-A
+ case BLEND_FOG_MEM_3: // Mem * AFog + Fog * 1-A
+ case BLEND_BI_AFOG: // Bl * AFog + In * 1-A
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ case BLEND_FOG_APRIM: // Fog * AFog + In * 1-A
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ case BLEND_NOOP3: // In * 0 + Mem * 1
+ case BLEND_NOOP5: // Fog * 0 + Mem * 1
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ case BLEND_MEM: // Mem * 0 + Mem * 1-A
+ // WaveRace
+ Enable();
+ break;
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext )
+ {
+ uint32 dwM1A_1 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>14) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM1B_1 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>10) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM2A_1 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>6) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM2B_1 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>2) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM1A_2 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>12) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM1B_2 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>8) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM2A_2 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender>>4) & 0x3;
+ uint32 dwM2B_2 = (gRDP.otherMode.blender ) & 0x3;
+ TRACE0("Unknown Blender Mode: 1 cycle");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tblender:\t\t%04x - Cycle1:\t%s * %s + %s * %s\n\t\t\tCycle2:\t%s * %s + %s * %s", blendmode_1,
+ sc_szBlClr[dwM1A_1], sc_szBlA1[dwM1B_1], sc_szBlClr[dwM2A_1], sc_szBlA2[dwM2B_1],
+ sc_szBlClr[dwM1A_2], sc_szBlA1[dwM1B_2], sc_szBlClr[dwM2A_2], sc_szBlA2[dwM2B_2]);
+ }
+ Enable();
+ render->SetAlphaTestEnable(TRUE);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _BLENDER_H_
+#define _BLENDER_H_
+#include "typedefs.h"
+class CRender;
+class CBlender
+ virtual ~CBlender() {}
+ virtual void InitBlenderMode(void);
+ virtual void NormalAlphaBlender(void)=0;
+ virtual void DisableAlphaBlender(void)=0;
+ virtual void BlendFunc(uint32 srcFunc, uint32 desFunc)=0;
+ virtual void Enable()=0;
+ virtual void Disable()=0;
+ CBlender(CRender *pRender) : m_pRender(pRender) {}
+ CRender *m_pRender;
+typedef enum _BLEND
+ BLEND_ONE = 2,
+ BLEND_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <SDL_opengles.h>
+#include "CGLESCombiner.h"
+ m_lastIndexGLES = 0;
+int CGLESCombiner::FindCompiledMux( )
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<m_vCompiledGLESSettings.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_vCompiledGLESSettings[i].dwMux0 == (*m_ppDecodedMux)->m_dwMux0 && m_vCompiledGLESSettings[i].dwMux1 == (*m_ppDecodedMux)->m_dwMux1 )
+ {
+ m_lastIndexGLES = i;
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+bool isTex(uint32 val);
+bool isComb(uint32 val);
+int CGLESCombiner::ParseDecodedMux()
+ GLESCombinerSaveType res;
+ res.numOfUnits = 2;
+ (*m_ppDecodedMux)->To_AB_Add_CD_Format();
+ for( int i=0; i<res.numOfUnits*2; i++ ) // Set combiner for each texture unit
+ {
+ // For each texture unit, set both RGB and Alpha channel
+ // Keep in mind that the m_pDecodeMux has been reformated and simplified very well
+ GLESCombinerType &unit = res.units[i/2];
+ GLESCombType &comb = unit.Combs[i%2];
+ CombinerFormatType type = (*m_ppDecodedMux)->splitType[i];
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[i];
+ comb.arg0 = comb.arg1 = comb.arg2 = comb.arg3 = MUX_0;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = 0x0104; //Add;
+ //Subtract
+ switch( type )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ comb.arg1 = MUX_1;
+ comb.arg2 = MUX_0;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_D: // = A
+ comb.arg0 = m.d;
+ comb.arg1 = MUX_1;
+ comb.arg2 = MUX_0;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_0;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D: // = A+D
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = MUX_1;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B: // = A-B
+ comb.arg0 = m.a^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ comb.arg1 = MUX_1;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ comb.arg2 = m.b;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C: // = A*C
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = MUX_0;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_0;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D: // = A*C+D
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_LERP_B_C: // = (A-B)*C+B
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ comb.arg3 = m.b;
+ if( isComb(m.b) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D: // = A-B+D
+ // fix me, to use 2 texture units
+ if( isTex(m.b) && isTex(m.d) )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( isTex(m.b) && !isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ comb.arg1 = MUX_1;
+ comb.arg2 = m.b;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ }
+ else if( !isTex(m.b) && isTex(m.d) )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = MUX_1;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C: // = (A-B)*C
+ comb.arg0 = m.a^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c;
+ comb.arg3 = m.b;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_ADD_CD: // = AB+CD
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c;
+ comb.arg3 = m.d;
+ if( isComb(m.d) || isComb(m.c) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_SUB_CD: // = AB-CD
+ comb.arg0 = m.a^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c;
+ comb.arg3 = m.d;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D: // = (A-B)*C+D
+ default:
+ if( !isComb(m.d) && !isTex(m.d) )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c;
+ comb.arg3 = m.b;
+ }
+ else if( !isComb(m.b) && !isTex(m.b) )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( !isComb(m.c) && !isTex(m.c) )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ParseDecodedMuxForConstants(res);
+ return SaveParserResult(res);
+int CNvTNTCombiner::SaveParserResult(TNT2CombinerSaveType &result)
+ result.dwMux0 = (*m_ppDecodedMux)->m_dwMux0;
+ result.dwMux1 = (*m_ppDecodedMux)->m_dwMux1;
+ m_vCompiledTNTSettings.push_back(result);
+ m_lastIndexTNT = m_vCompiledTNTSettings.size()-1;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( logCombiners )
+ {
+ DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ }
+ return m_lastIndexTNT;
+void CNvTNTCombiner::ParseDecodedMuxForConstants(TNT2CombinerSaveType &res)
+ res.unit1.constant = MUX_0;
+ res.unit2.constant = MUX_0;
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ if( (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_PRIM, i,COLOR_CHANNEL) || (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_PRIM, i,ALPHA_CHANNEL) )
+ {
+ res.units[i].constant = MUX_PRIM;
+ }
+ else if( (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_ENV, i,COLOR_CHANNEL) || (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_ENV, i,ALPHA_CHANNEL) )
+ {
+ res.units[i].constant = MUX_ENV;
+ }
+ else if( (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_LODFRAC, i,COLOR_CHANNEL) || (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_LODFRAC, i,ALPHA_CHANNEL) )
+ {
+ res.units[i].constant = MUX_LODFRAC;
+ }
+ else if( (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, i,COLOR_CHANNEL) || (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, i,ALPHA_CHANNEL) )
+ {
+ res.units[i].constant = MUX_PRIMLODFRAC;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+extern const char *translatedCombTypes[];
+void CNvTNTCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString()
+ char buf0[30];
+ char buf1[30];
+ char buf2[30];
+ char buf3[30];
+ TNT2CombinerSaveType &result = m_vCompiledTNTSettings[m_lastIndexTNT];
+ TRACE0("\nNVidia TNT2+ Combiner\n");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aRGB0:\t(%s * %s) %s (%s * %s)\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.rgbArg0,buf0), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.rgbArg1,buf1), result.unit1.rgbOp==0x0104?"+":"-", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.rgbArg2,buf2), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.rgbArg3,buf3));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aRGB1:\t(%s * %s) %s (%s * %s)\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.rgbArg0,buf0), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.rgbArg1,buf1), result.unit2.rgbOp==0x0104?"+":"-", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.rgbArg2,buf2), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.rgbArg3,buf3));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aAlpha0:\t(%s * %s) %s (%s * %s)\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.alphaArg0,buf0), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.alphaArg1,buf1), result.unit1.alphaOp==0x0104?"+":"-", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.alphaArg2,buf2), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.alphaArg3,buf3));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aAlpha1:\t(%s * %s) %s (%s * %s)\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.alphaArg0,buf0), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.alphaArg1,buf1), result.unit2.alphaOp==0x0104?"+":"-", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.alphaArg2,buf2), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.alphaArg3,buf3));
+ if( result.unit1.constant != MUX_0 )
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//Constant for unit 1:\t%s\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.constant,buf0));
+ if( result.unit2.constant != MUX_0 )
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//Constant for unit 2:\t%s\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.constant,buf0));
+ TRACE0("\n\n");
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _GLES_COMBINER_H_
+#define _GLES_COMBINER_H_
+#include <vector>
+#include "Combiner.h"
+typedef struct
+ uint8 arg0;
+ uint8 arg1;
+ uint8 arg2;
+ uint8 arg3;
+} GLESCombType;
+typedef struct {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned int rgbOp;
+ unsigned int alphaOp;
+ };
+ unsigned int ops[2];
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ uint8 rgbArg0;
+ uint8 rgbArg1;
+ uint8 rgbArg2;
+ uint8 rgbArg3;
+ uint8 alphaArg0;
+ uint8 alphaArg1;
+ uint8 alphaArg2;
+ uint8 alphaArg3;
+ };
+ GLESCombType Combs[2];
+ uint8 args[2][4];
+ };
+ int constant;
+} GLESCombinerType;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 dwMux0;
+ uint32 dwMux1;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ GLESCombinerType unit1;
+ GLESCombinerType unit2;
+ };
+ GLESCombinerType units[2];
+ };
+ int numOfUnits;
+} GLESCombinerSaveType;
+class CGLESCombiner
+ CGLESCombiner();
+ virtual ~CGLESCombiner();
+ int FindCompiledMux();
+ int ParseDecodedMux(); // Compile the decodedMux into NV register combiner setting
+ virtual void ParseDecodedMuxForConstants(GLESCombinerSaveType &res);
+ int SaveParserResult(GLESCombinerSaveType &result);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ std::vector<GLESCombinerSaveType> m_vCompiledGLESSettings;
+ int m_lastIndexGLES;
+ DecodedMux **m_ppDecodedMux;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <SDL_opengl.h>
+#include "CNvTNTCombiner.h"
+ m_lastIndexTNT = 0;
+int CNvTNTCombiner::FindCompiledMux( )
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<m_vCompiledTNTSettings.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_vCompiledTNTSettings[i].dwMux0 == (*m_ppDecodedMux)->m_dwMux0 && m_vCompiledTNTSettings[i].dwMux1 == (*m_ppDecodedMux)->m_dwMux1 )
+ {
+ m_lastIndexTNT = i;
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+bool isTex(uint32 val);
+bool isComb(uint32 val);
+int CNvTNTCombiner::ParseDecodedMux()
+ TNT2CombinerSaveType res;
+ res.numOfUnits = 2;
+ (*m_ppDecodedMux)->To_AB_Add_CD_Format();
+ for( int i=0; i<res.numOfUnits*2; i++ ) // Set combiner for each texture unit
+ {
+ // For each texture unit, set both RGB and Alpha channel
+ // Keep in mind that the m_pDecodeMux has been reformated and simplified very well
+ TNT2CombinerType &unit = res.units[i/2];
+ TNT2CombType &comb = unit.Combs[i%2];
+ CombinerFormatType type = (*m_ppDecodedMux)->splitType[i];
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[i];
+ comb.arg0 = comb.arg1 = comb.arg2 = comb.arg3 = MUX_0;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = 0x0104; //Add;
+ //Subtract
+ switch( type )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ comb.arg1 = MUX_1;
+ comb.arg2 = MUX_0;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_D: // = A
+ comb.arg0 = m.d;
+ comb.arg1 = MUX_1;
+ comb.arg2 = MUX_0;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_0;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D: // = A+D
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = MUX_1;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B: // = A-B
+ comb.arg0 = m.a^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ comb.arg1 = MUX_1;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ comb.arg2 = m.b;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C: // = A*C
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = MUX_0;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_0;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D: // = A*C+D
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_LERP_B_C: // = (A-B)*C+B
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ comb.arg3 = m.b;
+ if( isComb(m.b) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D: // = A-B+D
+ // fix me, to use 2 texture units
+ if( isTex(m.b) && isTex(m.d) )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( isTex(m.b) && !isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ comb.arg1 = MUX_1;
+ comb.arg2 = m.b;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ }
+ else if( !isTex(m.b) && isTex(m.d) )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = MUX_1;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C: // = (A-B)*C
+ comb.arg0 = m.a^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c;
+ comb.arg3 = m.b;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_ADD_CD: // = AB+CD
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c;
+ comb.arg3 = m.d;
+ if( isComb(m.d) || isComb(m.c) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_SUB_CD: // = AB-CD
+ comb.arg0 = m.a^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c;
+ comb.arg3 = m.d;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D: // = (A-B)*C+D
+ default:
+ if( !isComb(m.d) && !isTex(m.d) )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c;
+ comb.arg3 = m.b;
+ }
+ else if( !isComb(m.b) && !isTex(m.b) )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( !isComb(m.c) && !isTex(m.c) )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ comb.arg3 = MUX_1;
+ if( isComb(m.d) )
+ {
+ swap(comb.arg0, comb.arg2);
+ swap(comb.arg1, comb.arg3);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ParseDecodedMuxForConstants(res);
+ return SaveParserResult(res);
+int CNvTNTCombiner::SaveParserResult(TNT2CombinerSaveType &result)
+ result.dwMux0 = (*m_ppDecodedMux)->m_dwMux0;
+ result.dwMux1 = (*m_ppDecodedMux)->m_dwMux1;
+ m_vCompiledTNTSettings.push_back(result);
+ m_lastIndexTNT = m_vCompiledTNTSettings.size()-1;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( logCombiners )
+ {
+ DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ }
+ return m_lastIndexTNT;
+void CNvTNTCombiner::ParseDecodedMuxForConstants(TNT2CombinerSaveType &res)
+ res.unit1.constant = MUX_0;
+ res.unit2.constant = MUX_0;
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ if( (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_PRIM, i,COLOR_CHANNEL) || (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_PRIM, i,ALPHA_CHANNEL) )
+ {
+ res.units[i].constant = MUX_PRIM;
+ }
+ else if( (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_ENV, i,COLOR_CHANNEL) || (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_ENV, i,ALPHA_CHANNEL) )
+ {
+ res.units[i].constant = MUX_ENV;
+ }
+ else if( (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_LODFRAC, i,COLOR_CHANNEL) || (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_LODFRAC, i,ALPHA_CHANNEL) )
+ {
+ res.units[i].constant = MUX_LODFRAC;
+ }
+ else if( (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, i,COLOR_CHANNEL) || (*m_ppDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, i,ALPHA_CHANNEL) )
+ {
+ res.units[i].constant = MUX_PRIMLODFRAC;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+extern const char *translatedCombTypes[];
+void CNvTNTCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString()
+ char buf0[30];
+ char buf1[30];
+ char buf2[30];
+ char buf3[30];
+ TNT2CombinerSaveType &result = m_vCompiledTNTSettings[m_lastIndexTNT];
+ TRACE0("\nNVidia TNT2+ Combiner\n");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aRGB0:\t(%s * %s) %s (%s * %s)\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.rgbArg0,buf0), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.rgbArg1,buf1), result.unit1.rgbOp==0x0104?"+":"-", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.rgbArg2,buf2), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.rgbArg3,buf3));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aRGB1:\t(%s * %s) %s (%s * %s)\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.rgbArg0,buf0), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.rgbArg1,buf1), result.unit2.rgbOp==0x0104?"+":"-", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.rgbArg2,buf2), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.rgbArg3,buf3));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aAlpha0:\t(%s * %s) %s (%s * %s)\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.alphaArg0,buf0), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.alphaArg1,buf1), result.unit1.alphaOp==0x0104?"+":"-", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.alphaArg2,buf2), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.alphaArg3,buf3));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aAlpha1:\t(%s * %s) %s (%s * %s)\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.alphaArg0,buf0), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.alphaArg1,buf1), result.unit2.alphaOp==0x0104?"+":"-", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.alphaArg2,buf2), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.alphaArg3,buf3));
+ if( result.unit1.constant != MUX_0 )
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//Constant for unit 1:\t%s\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit1.constant,buf0));
+ if( result.unit2.constant != MUX_0 )
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//Constant for unit 2:\t%s\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.unit2.constant,buf0));
+ TRACE0("\n\n");
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <vector>
+#include "Combiner.h"
+typedef struct
+ uint8 arg0;
+ uint8 arg1;
+ uint8 arg2;
+ uint8 arg3;
+} TNT2CombType;
+typedef struct {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned int rgbOp;
+ unsigned int alphaOp;
+ };
+ unsigned int ops[2];
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ uint8 rgbArg0;
+ uint8 rgbArg1;
+ uint8 rgbArg2;
+ uint8 rgbArg3;
+ uint8 alphaArg0;
+ uint8 alphaArg1;
+ uint8 alphaArg2;
+ uint8 alphaArg3;
+ };
+ TNT2CombType Combs[2];
+ uint8 args[2][4];
+ };
+ int constant;
+} TNT2CombinerType;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 dwMux0;
+ uint32 dwMux1;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ TNT2CombinerType unit1;
+ TNT2CombinerType unit2;
+ };
+ TNT2CombinerType units[2];
+ };
+ int numOfUnits;
+} TNT2CombinerSaveType;
+class CNvTNTCombiner
+ CNvTNTCombiner();
+ virtual ~CNvTNTCombiner();
+ int FindCompiledMux();
+ int ParseDecodedMux(); // Compile the decodedMux into NV register combiner setting
+ virtual void ParseDecodedMuxForConstants(TNT2CombinerSaveType &res);
+ int SaveParserResult(TNT2CombinerSaveType &result);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ std::vector<TNT2CombinerSaveType> m_vCompiledTNTSettings;
+ int m_lastIndexTNT;
+ DecodedMux **m_ppDecodedMux;
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - COLOR.h *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964 *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#ifndef XCOLOR_H
+#define XCOLOR_H
+typedef struct _COLORVALUE
+ float r;
+ float g;
+ float b;
+ float a;
+typedef struct XCOLOR {
+ float r, g, b, a;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ {
+ }
+ XCOLOR( unsigned int argb );
+ XCOLOR( const float * );
+ XCOLOR( float r, float g, float b, float a );
+ // casting
+ operator unsigned int () const;
+ operator float* ();
+ operator const float* () const;
+ operator COLORVALUE* ();
+ operator const COLORVALUE* () const;
+ operator COLORVALUE& ();
+ operator const COLORVALUE& () const;
+ // assignment operators
+ XCOLOR& operator += ( const XCOLOR& );
+ XCOLOR& operator -= ( const XCOLOR& );
+ XCOLOR& operator *= ( float );
+ XCOLOR& operator /= ( float );
+ // unary operators
+ XCOLOR operator + () const;
+ XCOLOR operator - () const;
+ // binary operators
+ XCOLOR operator + ( const XCOLOR& ) const;
+ XCOLOR operator - ( const XCOLOR& ) const;
+ XCOLOR operator * ( float ) const;
+ XCOLOR operator / ( float ) const;
+ friend XCOLOR operator * (float, const XCOLOR& );
+ bool operator == ( const XCOLOR& ) const;
+ bool operator != ( const XCOLOR& ) const;
+#endif //__cplusplus
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _SORTED_LIST_H_
+#define _SORTED_LIST_H_
+#include <cstring>
+template<class Key, class Element>
+class CSortedList
+ Key *keys;
+ Element *elements;
+ int curSize;
+ int maxSize;
+ CSortedList(int size=1000)
+ {
+ maxSize = size;
+ curSize = 0;
+ keys = new Key[size];
+ elements = new Element[size];
+ }
+ ~CSortedList()
+ {
+ delete [] keys;
+ delete [] elements;
+ }
+ int size()
+ {
+ return curSize;
+ }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ curSize = 0;
+ }
+ void add(Key key, Element ele)
+ {
+ int i = find(key);
+ if( i >= 0 )
+ {
+ elements[i] = ele;
+ return;
+ }
+ if( curSize == maxSize )
+ {
+ // Need to increase maxSize
+ Key *oldkeys = keys;
+ Element *oldelements = elements;
+ int oldmaxsize = maxSize;
+ maxSize *= 2;
+ keys = new Key[maxSize];
+ elements = new Element[maxSize];
+ std::memcpy(keys,oldkeys,oldmaxsize*sizeof(Key));
+ std::memcpy(elements,oldelements,oldmaxsize*sizeof(Element));
+ }
+ for( i=0; i<curSize; i++ )
+ {
+ if( keys[i] > key )
+ {
+ // Found the spot
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for( int j=curSize; j>i; j-- )
+ {
+ keys[j] = keys[j-1];
+ elements[j] = elements[j-1];
+ }
+ keys[i] = key;
+ elements[i] = ele;
+ curSize++;
+ }
+ Element operator[](int index)
+ {
+ if( index >= curSize )
+ index = curSize-1;
+ else if( index < 0 )
+ index = 0;
+ return elements[index];
+ }
+ Element get(Key key)
+ {
+ int index = Find(key);
+ return this->operator[](index);
+ }
+ // Binary search
+ int find(Key key)
+ {
+ if( curSize <= 0 )
+ return -1;
+ int dwMin = 0;
+ int dwMax = curSize - 1;
+ int index = -1;
+ int dwRange;
+ int dwIndex;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ dwRange = dwMax - dwMin;
+ dwIndex = dwMin + (dwRange/2);
+ if( keys[dwIndex] == key )
+ {
+ index = dwIndex;
+ break;
+ }
+ // If the range is 0, and we didn't match above, then it must be unmatched
+ if (dwRange == 0)
+ break;
+ // If lower, check from min..index
+ // If higher, check from index..max
+ if (key < keys[dwIndex])
+ {
+ // Lower
+ dwMax = dwIndex;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Higher
+ dwMin = dwIndex + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return index;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "Combiner.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "RenderBase.h"
+//static BOOL g_bHiliteRGBAHack = FALSE;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+const char *constStrs[] = {
+ "MUX_0",
+ "MUX_1",
+ "MUX_ENV",
+ "MUX_K5",
+ "MUX_UNK",
+const char *cycleTypeStrs[] = {
+ "1 Cycle",
+ "2 Cycle",
+ "Copy Mode",
+ "Fill Mode"
+const char* constStr(uint32 op)
+ return constStrs[op];
+ return "Invalid-Const";
+void swap(uint8 &a, uint8 &b)
+ uint8 c=a;
+ a=b;
+ b=c;
+inline IColor GetIColor(uint8 flag, uint32 curCol)
+ IColor newc;
+ switch(flag&MUX_MASK)
+ {
+ case MUX_0:
+ newc = 0;
+ break;
+ case MUX_1:
+ newc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ break;
+ case MUX_PRIM:
+ newc = gRDP.primitiveColor;
+ break;
+ case MUX_ENV:
+ newc = gRDP.envColor;
+ break;
+ case MUX_SHADE:
+ newc = curCol;
+ break;
+ case MUX_K5:
+ newc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ break;
+ case MUX_UNK:
+ newc = curCol;
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_CONKER )
+ newc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ break;
+ default:
+ newc = curCol;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( flag&MUX_COMPLEMENT )
+ {
+ newc.Complement();
+ }
+ {
+ newc.AlphaReplicate();
+ }
+ return newc;
+COLOR CalculateConstFactor(uint32 colorOp, uint32 alphaOp, uint32 curCol)
+ N64CombinerType m;
+ IColor color(curCol);
+ IColor alpha(curCol);
+ // For color channel
+ *(uint32*)&m = colorOp;
+ if( m.c != MUX_0 && m.a!=m.b)
+ {
+ if( m.a != MUX_0 ) color = GetIColor(m.a, curCol);
+ if( m.b != MUX_0 ) color -= GetIColor(m.b, curCol);
+ if( m.c != MUX_1 ) color *= GetIColor(m.c, curCol);
+ }
+ if( m.d != MUX_0 ) color += GetIColor(m.d, curCol);
+ // For alpha channel
+ *(uint32*)&m = alphaOp;
+ if( m.c != MUX_0 && m.a!=m.b)
+ {
+ if( m.a != MUX_0 ) alpha = GetIColor(m.a, curCol);
+ if( m.b != MUX_0 ) alpha -= GetIColor(m.b, curCol);
+ if( m.c != MUX_1 ) alpha *= GetIColor(m.c, curCol);
+ }
+ if( m.d != MUX_0 ) alpha += GetIColor(m.d, curCol);
+ return (COLOR)(((uint32)color&0x00FFFFFF)|((uint32)alpha&0xFF000000));
+COLOR CColorCombiner::GetConstFactor(uint32 colorFlag, uint32 alphaFlag, uint32 defaultColor)
+ // Allows a combine mode to select what TFACTOR should be
+ uint32 color = defaultColor;
+ uint32 alpha = defaultColor;
+ switch (colorFlag&MUX_MASK)
+ {
+ case MUX_0:
+ break;
+ case MUX_FORCE_0:
+ color = 0;
+ break;
+ case MUX_1:
+ color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ break;
+ case MUX_PRIM:
+ color = gRDP.primitiveColor;
+ break;
+ case MUX_ENV:
+ color = gRDP.envColor;
+ break;
+ color = COLOR_RGBA(gRDP.LODFrac, gRDP.LODFrac, gRDP.LODFrac, gRDP.LODFrac);
+ break;
+ color = COLOR_RGBA(gRDP.primLODFrac, gRDP.primLODFrac, gRDP.primLODFrac, gRDP.primLODFrac);
+ break;
+ {
+ IColor col(gRDP.primitiveColor);
+ col.AlphaReplicate();
+ color = (COLOR)col;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ IColor col(gRDP.envColor);
+ col.AlphaReplicate();
+ color = (COLOR)col;
+ }
+ break;
+ case MUX_K5:
+ color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ break;
+ case MUX_UNK:
+ color = defaultColor;
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_CONKER ) color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ break;
+ default:
+ color = defaultColor;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( colorFlag & MUX_COMPLEMENT )
+ {
+ color = 0xFFFFFFFF - color;
+ }
+ if( colorFlag & MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE )
+ {
+ color = color>>24;
+ color = color | (color<<8) | (color <<16) | (color<<24);
+ }
+ color &= 0x00FFFFFF; // For color channel only, not the alpha channel
+ switch (alphaFlag&MUX_MASK)
+ {
+ case MUX_0:
+ break;
+ case MUX_FORCE_0:
+ alpha = 0;
+ break;
+ case MUX_1:
+ alpha = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ break;
+ case MUX_PRIM:
+ alpha = gRDP.primitiveColor;
+ break;
+ case MUX_ENV:
+ alpha = gRDP.envColor;
+ break;
+ alpha = COLOR_RGBA(gRDP.LODFrac, gRDP.LODFrac, gRDP.LODFrac, gRDP.LODFrac);
+ break;
+ alpha = COLOR_RGBA(gRDP.primLODFrac, gRDP.primLODFrac, gRDP.primLODFrac, gRDP.primLODFrac);
+ break;
+ {
+ IColor col(gRDP.primitiveColor);
+ col.AlphaReplicate();
+ alpha = (COLOR)col;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ IColor col(gRDP.envColor);
+ col.AlphaReplicate();
+ alpha = (COLOR)col;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ alpha = defaultColor;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( alphaFlag & MUX_COMPLEMENT )
+ {
+ alpha = 0xFFFFFFFF - alpha;
+ }
+ alpha &= 0xFF000000;
+ return (color|alpha);
+bool gUsingPrimColour = false;
+bool gUsingEnvColour = false;
+int CountTexel1Cycle(N64CombinerType &m)
+ int hasTexel[2];
+ uint8 *p = (uint8*)&m;
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++)
+ {
+ hasTexel[i]=0;
+ for( int j=0; j<4; j++)
+ {
+ if( (p[j]&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0+i )
+ {
+ hasTexel[i]=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hasTexel[0]+hasTexel[1];
+uint32 GetTexelNumber(N64CombinerType &m)
+ if( (m.a&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 || (m.b&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 || (m.c&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 || (m.d&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ return TEX_1;
+ else
+ return TEX_0;
+bool IsTxtrUsed(N64CombinerType &m)
+ if( (m.a&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 || (m.b&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 || (m.c&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 || (m.d&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ return true;
+ if( (m.a&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 || (m.b&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 || (m.c&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 || (m.d&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 )
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+void CColorCombiner::InitCombinerMode(void)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ LOG_UCODE(cycleTypeStrs[gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type]);
+ if( debuggerDropDecodedMux )
+ {
+ UpdateCombiner(m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0, m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1);
+ }
+ if( currentRomOptions.bNormalCombiner )
+ {
+ DisableCombiner();
+ }
+ else if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ {
+ InitCombinerCycleCopy();
+ m_bCycleChanged = true;
+ }
+ else if ( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_FILL )
+ //else if ( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_FILL && gRSP.ucode != 5 ) //hack
+ {
+ InitCombinerCycleFill();
+ m_bCycleChanged = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ InitCombinerCycle12();
+ m_bCycleChanged = false;
+ }
+bool bConkerHideShadow=false;
+void CColorCombiner::UpdateCombiner(uint32 dwMux0, uint32 dwMux1)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerDropDecodedMux )
+ {
+ debuggerDropDecodedMux = false;
+ m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1 = 0;
+ m_DecodedMuxList.clear();
+ }
+ DecodedMux &m_decodedMux = *m_pDecodedMux;
+ if( m_decodedMux.m_dwMux0 != dwMux0 || m_decodedMux.m_dwMux1 != dwMux1 )
+ {
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_DR_MARIO )
+ {
+ // Hack for Dr. Mario
+ if( dwMux1 == 0xfffcf239 &&
+ ((m_decodedMux.m_dwMux0 == dwMux0 && dwMux0 == 0x00ffffff &&
+ m_decodedMux.m_dwMux1 != dwMux1 && m_decodedMux.m_dwMux1 == 0xfffcf279 ) ||
+ (m_decodedMux.m_dwMux0 == 0x00ffb3ff && m_decodedMux.m_dwMux1 == 0xff64fe7f && dwMux0 == 0x00ffffff ) ))
+ {
+ //dwMux1 = 0xffcf23A;
+ dwMux1 = 0xfffcf438;
+ }
+ }
+ uint64 mux64 = (((uint64)dwMux1)<<32)+dwMux0;
+ int index=m_DecodedMuxList.find(mux64);
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_CONKER )
+ {
+ // Conker's shadow, to disable the shadow
+ //Mux=0x00ffe9ff Used in CONKER BFD
+ //Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ //Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ //Alpha0: (1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Alpha1: (1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + 0
+ if( dwMux1 == 0xffd21f0f && dwMux0 == 0x00ffe9ff )
+ {
+ bConkerHideShadow = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bConkerHideShadow = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if( index >= 0 )
+ {
+ m_decodedMux = m_DecodedMuxList[index];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_decodedMux.Decode(dwMux0, dwMux1);
+ m_decodedMux.splitType[0] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED;
+ m_decodedMux.splitType[1] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED;
+ m_decodedMux.splitType[2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED;
+ m_decodedMux.splitType[3] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED;
+ m_decodedMux.Hack();
+ if( !m_bSupportMultiTexture )
+ {
+ m_decodedMux.ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1, MUX_TEXEL0);
+ m_decodedMux.ReplaceVal(MUX_LODFRAC,1);
+ m_decodedMux.ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIMLODFRAC,1);
+ }
+ m_decodedMux.Simplify();
+ if( m_supportedStages>1)
+ m_decodedMux.SplitComplexStages();
+ m_DecodedMuxList.add(m_decodedMux.m_u64Mux, *m_pDecodedMux);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( logCombiners )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Add a new mux");
+ DisplayMuxString();
+ }
+ }
+ m_bTex0Enabled = m_decodedMux.m_bTexel0IsUsed;
+ m_bTex1Enabled = m_decodedMux.m_bTexel1IsUsed;
+ m_bTexelsEnable = m_bTex0Enabled||m_bTex1Enabled;
+ gRSP.bProcessDiffuseColor = (m_decodedMux.m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag != MUX_0 || m_decodedMux.m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag != MUX_0);
+ gRSP.bProcessSpecularColor = false;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+void CColorCombiner::DisplayMuxString(void)
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_COPY)
+ {
+ TRACE0("COPY Mode\n");
+ }
+ else if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_FILL)
+ {
+ TRACE0("FILL Mode\n");
+ }
+ m_pDecodedMux->DisplayMuxString("Used");
+void CColorCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString(void)
+ m_pDecodedMux->DisplaySimpliedMuxString("Used");
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _COMBINER_H_
+#define _COMBINER_H_
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#include "CombinerDefs.h"
+#include "CSortedList.h"
+#include "DecodedMux.h"
+class CRender;
+extern const char* cycleTypeStrs[];
+class CColorCombiner
+ friend class CRender;
+ virtual ~CColorCombiner() {};
+ COLOR GetConstFactor(uint32 colorFlag, uint32 alphaFlag, uint32 defaultColor = 0);
+ virtual void InitCombinerMode(void);
+ virtual bool Initialize(void)=0;
+ virtual void CleanUp(void) {};
+ virtual void UpdateCombiner(uint32 dwMux0, uint32 dwMux1);
+ virtual void InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(uint32 tile=0)=0;
+ virtual void DisableCombiner(void)=0;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ virtual void DisplaySimpleMuxString(void);
+ virtual void DisplayMuxString(void);
+ DecodedMux *m_pDecodedMux;
+ CColorCombiner(CRender *pRender) :
+ m_pDecodedMux(NULL), m_bTex0Enabled(false),m_bTex1Enabled(false),m_bTexelsEnable(false),
+ m_bCycleChanged(false), m_supportedStages(1),m_bSupportMultiTexture(true),m_pRender(pRender)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void InitCombinerCycleCopy(void)=0;
+ virtual void InitCombinerCycleFill(void)=0;
+ virtual void InitCombinerCycle12(void)=0;
+ bool m_bTex0Enabled;
+ bool m_bTex1Enabled;
+ bool m_bTexelsEnable;
+ bool m_bCycleChanged; // A flag will be set if cycle is changed to FILL or COPY
+ int m_supportedStages;
+ bool m_bSupportMultiTexture;
+ CRender *m_pRender;
+ CSortedList<uint64, DecodedMux> m_DecodedMuxList;
+uint32 GetTexelNumber(N64CombinerType &m);
+int CountTexel1Cycle(N64CombinerType &m);
+bool IsTxtrUsed(N64CombinerType &m);
+void swap(uint8 &a, uint8 &b);
+inline bool isEqual(uint8 val1, uint8 val2)
+ if( (val1&MUX_MASK) == (val2&MUX_MASK) )
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+inline bool isTexel(uint8 val)
+ if( (val&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 || (val&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+COLOR CalculateConstFactor(uint32 colorOp, uint32 alphaOp, uint32 curCol=0);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _COMBINER_DEFS_H_
+#define _COMBINER_DEFS_H_
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#define MUX_MASK 0x1F
+#define MUX_MASK_WITH_NEG 0x3F
+#define MUX_MASK_WITH_COMP 0x9F
+ MUX_0 = 0,
+ MUX_1,
+ MUX_K5,
+ MUX_UNK, //Use this if you want to factor to be set to 0
+ // Don't change value of these three flags, then need to be within 1 uint8
+ MUX_NEG = 0x20, //Support by NVidia register combiner
+ MUX_FORCE_0 = 0xFE,
+ MUX_ERR = 0xFF,
+enum CombinerFormatType
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_D, // = A can mapped to SEL(arg1)
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C, // = A*C can mapped to MOD(arg1,arg2)
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D, // = A+D can mapped to ADD(arg1,arg2)
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B, // = A-B can mapped to SUB(arg1,arg2)
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D, // = A*C+D can mapped to MULTIPLYADD(arg1,arg2,arg0)
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_A_LERP_B_C, // = (A-B)*C+B can mapped to LERP(arg1,arg2,arg0)
+ // or mapped to BLENDALPHA(arg1,arg2) if C is
+ // alpha channel or DIF, TEX, FAC, CUR
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D, // = A-B+C can not map very well in 1 stage
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C, // = (A-B)*C can not map very well in 1 stage
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_B_MOD_C, // = (A+B)*C can not map very well in 1 stage
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D, // = (A-B)*C+D can not map very well in 1 stage
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_A, // = (A-B)*C+D can not map very well in 1 stage
+ // Don't use these two types in default functions
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_ADD_CD, // = A*B+C*D Use by nvidia video cards
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_SUB_CD, // = A*B-C*D Use by nvidia video cards
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_ADD_C, // = A*B+C Use by ATI video cards
+ CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_SUB_C, // = A*B-C Use by ATI video cards
+typedef enum {
+} BlendingFunc;
+typedef enum {
+} CombineChannel;
+typedef struct {
+ uint8 a;
+ uint8 b;
+ uint8 c;
+ uint8 d;
+} N64CombinerType;
+#define CONST_FLAG4(a,b,c,d) (a|(b<<8)|(c<<16)|(d<<24)) //(A-B)*C+D
+#define CONST_MOD(a,b) (a|(b<<16)) //A*B
+#define CONST_SEL(a) (a<<24) //=D
+#define CONST_ADD(a,b) (a|b<<24) //A+D
+#define CONST_SUB(a,b) (a|b<<8) //A-B
+#define CONST_MULADD(a,b,c) (a|b<<16|c<<24) //A*C+D
+#define G_CCMUX_TEXEL1 2
+#define G_ACMUX_TEXEL1 2
+#define NOTUSED MUX_0
+enum { TEX_0=0, TEX_1=1};
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 op;
+ uint32 Arg1;
+ uint32 Arg2;
+ uint32 Arg0;
+} StageOperate;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "GeneralCombiner.h"
+// If using CUR as an argument, use it as Arg2, not Arg1. I don't know why,
+// Geforce2 seems to be picky about this
+// LERP and MULTIPLYADD are actually implemented in 2 stages in video chip
+// they can only be used with SEL() before it, or use 1 stage only
+// SEL(SPE) only is not good for alpha channel
+// In fact, Specular color does not have alpha channel
+// ADDSMOOTH does not work
+// When using MOD with TEX and other, TEX must be the first argument, Arg1
+// When MOD the DIF and FAC, using MOD(FAC,DIF) instead of MOD(DIF,FAC)
+// Don't MOD(TEX,DIF) at Alpha channel, I don't know why this does not work
+// probably there is not alpha blending for DIFFUSE at alpha channel
+// Modifier COMPLEMENT and ALPHAREPLICATE only works as the first argument of the MOD operate
+// Modifier ALPHAREPLICATE works
+// Combined modifier of COMPLEMENT and ALPHAREPLICATE also works
+#define MUX_T0 MUX_TEXEL0
+#define MUX_T1 MUX_TEXEL1
+#define ONEARGS(op, arg1) {CM_##op, MUX_##arg1}
+#define TWOARGS(op, arg1,arg2) {CM_##op, MUX_##arg1, MUX_##arg2}
+#define TRIARGS(op, arg1,arg2,arg3) {CM_##op, MUX_##arg1, MUX_##arg2, MUX_##arg3}
+#define SEL(arg1) ONEARGS(REPLACE,arg1)
+#define MOD(arg1,arg2) TWOARGS(MODULATE,arg1,arg2)
+#define ADD(arg1,arg2) TWOARGS(ADD,arg1,arg2)
+#define SUB(arg1,arg2) TWOARGS(SUBTRACT,arg1,arg2)
+#define ADDSMOOTH(arg1,arg2) TWOARGS(ADDSMOOTH,arg1,arg2)
+#define LERP(arg1,arg2,arg3) TRIARGS(INTERPOLATE,arg1,arg2,arg3)
+#define MULADD(arg1,arg2,arg3) TRIARGS(MULTIPLYADD,arg1,arg2,arg3)
+#define SKIP SEL(CUR)
+GeneralCombinerInfo twostages[]=
+Stage overflow
+//Mux=0x00267e60350cf37f Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+Color0: (TEXEL1 - PRIM) * ENV|A + TEXEL0
+Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+//Simplied Mux=0x00267e60350cf37f Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+Simplied DWORDs=03470604, 00060003, 07020706, 02000000
+Color0: (TEXEL1 - SHADE) * ENV|A + TEXEL0
+Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+Shade = PRIM in color channel
+Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ {
+ {0x03470604, 0x00060003, 0x07020706, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SUB(T1,DIF), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(CUR,ENVA,T0), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x002527ff1ffc9238 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x002527ff1ffc9238 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=03460304, 03060304, 02000000, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x03060304, 0x02000000, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x002527FF, 0x1FFC9238, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T1,PRIA), MOD(T1,PRI), 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {ADD(T0,CUR), ADD(T0,CUR), 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x03060304, 0x02000000, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T1,DIFA), MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {ADD(T0,CUR), ADD(T0,CUR), 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00262a60150c937f Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00262a60150c937f Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=03460304, 03060304, 06020605, 00020005
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (PRIM - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = ENV in color channel
+ Shade = ENV in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x03060304, 0x06020605, 0x00020005}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00262A60, 0x150C937F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0, 0, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T1,ENVA), MOD(T1,ENV), 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {ADD(T0,CUR), ADD(T0,CUR), 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x03060304, 0x06020605, 0x00020005}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000007, 0x00000007, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T1,DIFA), MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {ADD(T0,CUR), ADD(T0,CUR), 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00267e041ffcfdf8 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00267e041ffcfdf8 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=03460304, 01000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = ENV in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:DISABLE_ALPHA, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x01000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00267e04, 0x1ffcfdf8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ //{MOD(T1,DIFA), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ //{MULADD(T0,CUR,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,ENVA), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00267e041f0cfdff Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00267e041f0cfdff Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=03470304, 06000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlFacA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - SHADE, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03470304, 0x06000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00267E04, 0x1F0CFDFF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T1,ENVA), SEL(DIFA), 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(T0,DIF,CUR), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00117ffffffdfc38 Overflowed in MarioTennis
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * TEXEL1 + PRIM
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00117ffffffdfc38 Overflowed in MarioTennis
+ Simplied DWORDs=00030004, 01000000, 02010006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE5_A_MOD_C_ADD_D
+ Shade = PRIM in color channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:DISABLE_ALPHA, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL1, ,
+ 1:Color: Mod - TEXEL0, COMBINED,
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00030004, 0x01000000, 0x02010006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00117FFF, 0xFFFDFC38, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SEL(T0), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(T1,CUR,DIF), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00ffa1ffff0d923f Overflowed in MarioTennis
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + PRIM
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00ffa1ffff0d923f Overflowed in MarioTennis
+ Simplied DWORDs=05000000, 03060304, 02000000, 00020005
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + PRIM
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (PRIM - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - PRIM, ,
+ 1:Color: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x05000000, 0x03060304, 0x02000000, 0x00020005}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SEL(PRI), MOD(T0,PRIM), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00ffb9ffffebdbc0 Used in MarioTennis
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + 0
+ Alpha0: (PRIM - ENV) * SHADE + ENV
+ Alpha1: (0 - COMBINED) * TEXEL1 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00ffb9ffffebdbc0 Used in MarioTennis
+ Simplied DWORDs=00000000, 00060083, 02000000, 02000000
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0|C - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE2_A_ADD_D
+ Shade = 07060705 in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00000000, 0x00060083, 0x02000000, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SKIP, MOD(T0,PRIM), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0030b2045ffefff8 Used in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color0: (PRIM - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (PRIM - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0030b2045ffefff8 Used in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=07030704, 04000000, 00020006, 00020003
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:MUX_ENV, Specular:MUX_0 Dif Color:0x0 Dif Alpha:0x0
+ 0:Color: SELECTARG1 - TEXTURE, _, _
+ 0:Alpha: SELECTARG1 - CURRENT, _, _
+ 1:Alpha: SELECTARG1 - TEXTURE, _, _ -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x07030704, 0x04000000, 0x00020006, 0x00020003}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,ENV,CUR), MOD(T1,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a0041f1093ff Overflowed in Perfect Dark
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a0041f1093ff Overflowed in Perfect Dark
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 03060304, 00020006, 00020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, COMBINED, LODFRAC -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x03060304, 0x00020006, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ //{LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ {SKIP, SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a0041ffc93fc Overflowed in Perfect Dark
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a0041ffc93fc Overflowed in Perfect Dark
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 06000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, COMBINED, LODFRAC -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - SHADE, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x06000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ //{LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ {SKIP, SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x002526041f1093ff Overflowed in Perfect Dark
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x002526041f1093ff Overflowed in Perfect Dark
+ Simplied DWORDs=03450304, 03050304, 00020006, 00020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlFacA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlFacA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03450304, 0x03050304, 0x00020006, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a0041f1093fb Overflowed in Perfect Dark
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + PRIM
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a0041f1093fb Overflowed in Perfect Dark
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 03060304, 00020006, 05020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + PRIM
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, COMBINED, LODFRAC -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x03060304, 0x00020006, 0x05020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, ADD(CUR,PRI), 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c041f1093ff Overflowed in GOLDENEYE
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c041f1093ff Overflowed in GOLDENEYE
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 00060004, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL1, SHADE, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x00060004, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a0041f1493ff Overflowed in GOLDENEYE
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a0041f1493ff Overflowed in GOLDENEYE
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060003, 03060304, 02000000, 00020007
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (ENV - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Color: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060003, 0x03060304, 0x02000000, 0x00020007}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0026A004, 0x1F1493FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000007, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0030fe045ffefdf8 Overflowed in Kirby64
+ Color0: (PRIM - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0030fe045ffefdf8 Overflowed in Kirby64
+ Simplied DWORDs=07030704, 01000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:DISABLE_ALPHA, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, ENV, COMBINED -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x07030704, 0x01000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,ENV,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00309e045ffefdf8 Overflowed in Kirby64
+ Color0: (PRIM - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00309e045ffefdf8 Overflowed in Kirby64
+ Simplied DWORDs=07030704, 01000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:DISABLE_ALPHA, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, ENV, COMBINED -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x07030704, 0x01000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,ENV,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a0041ffc93f8 Overflowed in ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a0041ffc93f8 Overflowed in ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 03060304, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, COMBINED, LODFRAC -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x03060304, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00209c03ff0f93ff Overflowed in ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00209c03ff0f93ff Overflowed in ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK
+ Simplied DWORDs=00050004, 00050003, 00020003, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE2_A_ADD_D
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Mod - TEXEL1, PRIM, -Tex1
+ 1:Color: Mod - TEXEL0, COMBINED,
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL0, PRIM,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00050004, 0x00050003, 0x00020003, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,PRI), MOD(T0,PRI), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(T1,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x001229ffff17fe3f Overflowed in Rayman 2
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x001229ffff17fe3f Overflowed in Rayman 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060003, 00060004, 02000000, 00020007
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (ENV - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE2_A_ADD_D
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Color: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL1, SHADE, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060003, 0x00060004, 0x02000000, 0x00020007}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(DIF,ENV), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, MOD(T1,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0030fe0254feff3e Overflowed in Beetle Adventure Rac
+ Color0: (PRIM - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0030fe0254feff3e Overflowed in Beetle Adventure Rac
+ Simplied DWORDs=07030704, 01000000, 06030602, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:DISABLE_ALPHA, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, ENV, COMBINED -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x07030704, 0x01000000, 0x06030602, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0030FE02, 0x54FEFF3E, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(DIFA,ENV,T0), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(CUR,DIF,T1), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0015fe042ffd79fc Overflowed in Beetle Adventure Rac
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * SHADE|A + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0015fe042ffd79fc Overflowed in Beetle Adventure Rac
+ Simplied DWORDs=04460403, 06000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * SHADE|A + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlDifA - COMBINED, TEXEL1, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - SHADE, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x04460403, 0x06000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0015FE04, 0x2FFD79FC, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIFA), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(CUR,T1,DIF), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0020fe0a14fcf938 Overflowed in Beetle Adventure Rac
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * TEXEL0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0020fe0a14fcf938 Overflowed in Beetle Adventure Rac
+ Simplied DWORDs=03030304, 06000000, 06450602, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * TEXEL0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, COMBINED, COMBINED -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - SHADE, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03030304, 0x06000000, 0x06450602, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0020FE0A, 0x14FCF938, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SEL(T0), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(CUR,DIF,PRIA), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0017fe042ffd73f8 Overflowed in Beetle Adventure Rac
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * UNK + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0017fe042ffd73f8 Overflowed in Beetle Adventure Rac
+ Simplied DWORDs=04100403, 03000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * UNK + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - COMBINED, TEXEL1, UNK -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x04100403, 0x03000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0017FE04, 0x2FFD73F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SEL(T0), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(CUR,T1,DIF), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x001218245531feff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + PRIM
+ Color1: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + PRIM
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x001218245531feff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060703, 00060003, 02010004, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sub - TEXEL0, ENV,
+ 1:Color: Mod - COMBINED, SHADE,
+ 0:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060703, 0x00060003, 0x02010004, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SUB(T0,ENV), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(CUR,DIF,T1), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00127e2455fdf2f9 Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + PRIM
+ Color1: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + PRIM
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00127e2455fdf2f9 Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060703, 03000000, 02010004, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sub - TEXEL0, ENV,
+ 1:Color: Mod - COMBINED, SHADE,
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060703, 0x03000000, 0x02010004, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SUB(T0,ENV), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(CUR,DIF,T1), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a004151092ff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a004151092ff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060703, 03060304, 02010005, 00020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (PRIM - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sub - TEXEL0, ENV,
+ 1:Color: Mod - COMBINED, SHADE, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060703, 0x03060304, 0x02010005, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ //{LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ {ADD(CUR,PRI), SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a00415fc92f8 Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a00415fc92f8 Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060703, 03060304, 02010005, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (PRIM - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sub - TEXEL0, ENV,
+ 1:Color: Mod - COMBINED, SHADE, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060703, 0x03060304, 0x02010005, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x001219ff5f15fe3f Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + PRIM
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x001219ff5f15fe3f Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060703, 00060003, 02010004, 00020007
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (ENV - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sub - TEXEL0, ENV,
+ 1:Color: Mod - COMBINED, SHADE,
+ 0:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - ENV, COMBINED,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060703, 0x00060003, 0x02010004, 0x00020007}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SUB(T0,ENV), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(CUR,DIF,T1), MOD(CUR,ENV), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00ff9880f514feff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00ff9880f514feff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Simplied DWORDs=00030706, 00060003, 02010004, 00020007
+ Color0: (SHADE - ENV) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (ENV - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+ Shade = 00000706 in color channel
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sub - SHADE, ENV,
+ 1:Color: Mod - COMBINED, TEXEL0,
+ 0:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - ENV, COMBINED,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00030706, 0x00060003, 0x02010004, 0x00020007}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SUB(T0,ENV), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(CUR,DIF,T1), MOD(CUR,ENV), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a080151492ff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a080151492ff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 03060304, 05020706, 00020007
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (ENV - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, COMBINED, LODFRAC -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x03060304, 0x05020706, 0x00020007}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0026A080, 0x151492FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000706, 0x00000007, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ //{LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ {ADD(CUR,PRI), SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a004151092ff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a004151092ff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 03060304, 05060702, 00020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x03060304, 0x05060702, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0026A004, 0x151092FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ //{LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ {SKIP, LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00ff9880f514feff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00ff9880f514feff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Simplied DWORDs=00030706, 00060003, 02010004, 00020007
+ Color0: (SHADE - ENV) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (ENV - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+ Shade = 00000706 in color channel
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sub - SHADE, ENV,
+ 1:Color: Mod - COMBINED, TEXEL0,
+ 0:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - ENV, COMBINED,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00030706, 0x00060003, 0x02010004, 0x00020007}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00FF9880, 0xF514FEFF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000706, 0x00070006, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {ADD(CUR,PRI), SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00262a041f0c93ff Overflowed in JET FORCE GEMINI
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00262a041f0c93ff Overflowed in JET FORCE GEMINI
+ Simplied DWORDs=03460304, 03060304, 00020006, 00020005
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (PRIM - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = ENV in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x03060304, 0x00020006, 0x00020005}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000007, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,ENVA), LERP(T1,CUR,ENV), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00262a6014fc9338 Overflowed in JET FORCE GEMINI
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV|A + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00262a6014fc9338 Overflowed in JET FORCE GEMINI
+ Simplied DWORDs=03460304, 03060304, 06020605, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = ENV in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x03060304, 0x06020605, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000007, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,ENVA), LERP(T1,CUR,ENV), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00127e2455fdf8fc Overflowed in KILLER INSTINCT GOLD
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + PRIM
+ Color1: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + PRIM
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00127e2455fdf8fc Overflowed in KILLER INSTINCT GOLD
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060703, 06000000, 02010004, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sub - TEXEL0, ENV,
+ 1:Color: Mod - COMBINED, SHADE,
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - SHADE, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060703, 0x06000000, 0x02010004, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SUB(T0,ENV), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(CUR,DIF,T1), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00fffe6af5fcf438 Overflowed in KILLER INSTINCT GOLD
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * PRIM|A + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00fffe6af5fcf438 Overflowed in KILLER INSTINCT GOLD
+ Simplied DWORDs=00460706, 04000000, 02010003, 02000000
+ Color0: (SHADE - ENV) * SHADE|A + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+ Shade = PRIM in color channel
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sub - SHADE, ENV, -Tex1
+ 1:Color: Mod - COMBINED, SHADE|A,
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL1, , -Tex1
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00460706, 0x04000000, 0x02010003, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SUB(DIF,ENV), SEL(T1), 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(CUR,DIFA,T0), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00262a041f5893f8 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00262a041f5893f8 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=03460304, 03060304, 00020006, 02010004
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = ENV in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x03060304, 0x00020006, 0x02010004}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00262A04, 0x1F5893F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,ENVA), LERP(T1,CUR,ENV), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c60350ce37f Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 1) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c60350ce37f Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0604, 00060003, 07020706, 02000000
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+ Shade = PRIM in color channel
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Mod - TEXEL1, PRIMLODFRAC, -Tex1
+ 1:Color: Add - COMBINED, TEXEL0,
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0604, 0x00060003, 0x07020706, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C60, 0x350CE37F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T1,DIF), MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(DIF,T0,CUR), MOD(T0,CUR), 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a0041f1093ff Overflowed in Perfect Dark
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a0041f1093ff Overflowed in Perfect Dark
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060003, 03060304, 02000000, 00020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Color: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060003, 0x03060304, 0x02000000, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0026A004, 0x1F1093FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a08015fc937b Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + PRIM
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a08015fc937b Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 06000000, 07020706, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, COMBINED, LODFRAC -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - SHADE, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x06000000, 0x07020706, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0026A080, 0x15FC937B, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a0801ffc93fb Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + PRIM
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a0801ffc93fb Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 06000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, COMBINED, LODFRAC -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - SHADE, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x06000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0026A080, 0x1FFC93FB, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0025a8801f1493ff Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0025a8801f1493ff Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Simplied DWORDs=03460304, 03060304, 00020006, 00020007
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (ENV - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x03060304, 0x00020006, 0x00020007}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,ENV), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,DIFA), LERP(T1,CUR,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a0801510937f Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a0801510937f Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 03060304, 07020706, 00020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, COMBINED, LODFRAC -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x03060304, 0x07020706, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x004099ff5f0efe3f Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Color0: (SHADE - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x004099ff5f0efe3f Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Simplied DWORDs=07030706, 00060003, 02000000, 00020004
+ Color0: (SHADE - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = 00000706 in color channel
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Lerp - SHADE, ENV, TEXEL0
+ 1:Color: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x07030706, 0x00060003, 0x02000000, 0x00020004}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x004099FF, 0x5F0EFE3F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(DIF,ENV,T0), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, MOD(T1,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0025a8a01414933f Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0025a8a01414933f Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Simplied DWORDs=03460304, 03060304, 06020607, 00020007
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (ENV - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x03060304, 0x06020607, 0x00020007}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0025A8A0, 0x1414933F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(ENV,DIF,T0), MOD(T0,ENV), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,DIFA), LERP(T1,CUR,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x001298043f15ffff Overflowed in BANJO TOOIE
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - PRIM) * ENV + PRIM
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x001298043f15ffff Overflowed in BANJO TOOIE
+ Simplied DWORDs=04070403, 00060003, 00020006, 00020007
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * ENV + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (ENV - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - COMBINED, TEXEL1, ENV
+ 0:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - ENV, COMBINED,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x04070403, 0x00060003, 0x00020006, 0x00020007}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00129804, 0x3F15FFFF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(CUR,T1,ENV), MOD(CUR,ENV), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0062fe043f15f9ff Overflowed in BANJO TOOIE
+ Color0: (1 - PRIM) * ENV + PRIM
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0062fe043f15f9ff Overflowed in BANJO TOOIE
+ Simplied DWORDs=03070301, 06000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = 00070006 in alpha channel
+ Tex 0 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: AddSmooth - TEXEL0, ENV,
+ 1:Color: Mod - SHADE, COMBINED,
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - SHADE, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03070301, 0x06000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0062FE04, 0x3F15F9FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000005, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MULADD(T0C,ENV,T0), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(CUR,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0025266015fc9378 Overflowed in ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0025266015fc9378 Overflowed in ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK
+ Simplied DWORDs=03460304, 03060304, 06020605, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = ENV in color channel
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x03060304, 0x06020605, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000007, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(PRI,DIF,T0), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,DIFA), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0061a5ff1f10d23f Overflowed in PAPER MARIO
+ Color0: (1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - ENV) * TEXEL1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0061a5ff1f10d23f Overflowed in PAPER MARIO
+ Simplied DWORDs=03060301, 03040704, 02000000, 00020006
+ Color0: (1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - ENV) * TEXEL1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED
+ Shade = PRIM in color channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: AddSmooth - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Color: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - COMBINED, TEXEL1, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03060301, 0x03040704, 0x02000000, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0061A5FF, 0x1F10D23F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MULADD(T0C,DIF,T0), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, LERP(T1,ENV,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00322bff5f0e923f Overflowed in PAPER MARIO
+ Color0: (PRIM - ENV) * SHADE + ENV
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00322bff5f0e923f Overflowed in PAPER MARIO
+ Simplied DWORDs=06000000, 03070304, 02000000, 00020006
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = 07060705 in color channel
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - SHADE, ,
+ 1:Color: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlFacA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x06000000, 0x03070304, 0x02000000, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00322BFF, 0x5F0E923F, // 64bit Mux
+ 23, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x07060705, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SEL(DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, LERP(T1,CUR,ENV), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0010e5e0230b157f Overflowed in PAPER MARIO
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * TEXEL0 + 1
+ Color1: (0 - PRIM) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (1 - TEXEL0) * TEXEL1 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * TEXEL1 + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0010e5e0230b157f Overflowed in PAPER MARIO
+ Simplied DWORDs=00010600, 04830004, 02010007, 00020004
+ Color0: (0 - SHADE) * 1 + 0
+ Color1: (ENV - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * TEXEL0|C + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE7_A_SUB_B_ADD_D
+ Shade = PRIM in color channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sub - 0, SHADE,
+ 1:Color: Add - ENV, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: MulAdd - TEXEL1, COMBINED|C, TEXEL1 -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00010600, 0x04830004, 0x02010007, 0x00020004}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0010E5E0, 0x230B157F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MULADD(T0,DIF,ENV), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, MULADD(CURC,T1,T1), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00117e045ffef3f8 Overflowed in RIDGE RACER 64
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * TEXEL1 + ENV
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00117e045ffef3f8 Overflowed in RIDGE RACER 64
+ Simplied DWORDs=07040703, 03000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * TEXEL1 + ENV
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - COMBINED, ENV, TEXEL1 -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x07040703, 0x03000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T1,DIF), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T0,ENV,CUR), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0040b467f0fffe3e Overflowed in RIDGE RACER 64
+ Color0: (SHADE - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Alpha0: (PRIM - 0) * TEXEL1 + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0040b467f0fffe3e Overflowed in RIDGE RACER 64
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060003, 00050004, 02420205, 01000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:DISABLE_ALPHA, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Color: BlCurA - PRIM, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL1, PRIM, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060003, 0x00050004, 0x02420205, 0x01000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ //{LERP(PRI,CUR,CURA), MOD(T1,PRI), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ {SKIP, MOD(T1,PRI), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0022aa041f0c93ff Overflowed in RIDGE RACER 64
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0022aa041f0c93ff Overflowed in RIDGE RACER 64
+ Simplied DWORDs=03070304, 03070304, 00020006, 00020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, COMBINED, ENV -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlFacA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03070304, 0x03070304, 0x00020006, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,ENV), LERP(T1,CUR,ENV), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0030fe045ffef3f8 Overflowed in RIDGE RACER 64
+ Color0: (PRIM - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0030fe045ffef3f8 Overflowed in RIDGE RACER 64
+ Simplied DWORDs=07030704, 03000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, ENV, COMBINED -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x07030704, 0x03000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0030FE04, 0x5FFEF3F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,ENV,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c041ffc93f8 Overflowed in RIDGE RACER 64
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c041ffc93f8 Overflowed in RIDGE RACER 64
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 04000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL1, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x04000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), SEL(T1), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c6015fc9378 Overflowed in RIDGE RACER 64
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c6015fc9378 Overflowed in RIDGE RACER 64
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 04000000, 06020605, 02000000
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = ENV in color channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL1, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x04000000, 0x06020605, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C60, 0x15FC9378, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000705, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(DIF,T0), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), SEL(T1), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x001516032f1125ff Overflowed in CASTLEVANIA2
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * PRIM|A + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * PRIM + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x001516032f1125ff Overflowed in CASTLEVANIA2
+ Simplied DWORDs=04460403, 04060403, 00020006, 00020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * SHADE|A + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * SHADE + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = PRIM in color channel
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlDifA - COMBINED, TEXEL1, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - COMBINED, TEXEL1, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x04460403, 0x04060403, 0x00020006, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00151603, 0x2F1125FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,PRI), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T0,T1,PRIA), LERP(T0,T1,PRI), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x001516602515257f Overflowed in CASTLEVANIA2
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * PRIM|A + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * PRIM + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x001516602515257f Overflowed in CASTLEVANIA2
+ Simplied DWORDs=04450403, 04050403, 06020605, 00020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * PRIM|A + TEXEL1
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * PRIM + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = ENV in color channel
+ Shade = ENV in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlFacA - COMBINED, TEXEL1, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlFacA - COMBINED, TEXEL1, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x04450403, 0x04050403, 0x06020605, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00151660, 0x2515257F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000007, 0x00000007, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(PRI,DIF,T0), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T0,T1,PRIA), LERP(T0,T1,PRI), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x001516032f1525ff Overflowed in CASTLEVANIA2
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * PRIM|A + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * PRIM + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x001516032f1525ff Overflowed in CASTLEVANIA2
+ Simplied DWORDs=04460403, 04060403, 00020006, 00020007
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * SHADE|A + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * SHADE + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (ENV - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = PRIM in color channel
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: BlDifA - COMBINED, TEXEL1, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - COMBINED, TEXEL1, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x04460403, 0x04060403, 0x00020006, 0x00020007}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00151603, 0x2F1525FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,ENV), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T0,T1,DIFA), LERP(T0,T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00ffd5fffffcf238 Overflowed in CASTLEVANIA
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (ENV - 0) * TEXEL1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00ffd5fffffcf238 Overflowed in CASTLEVANIA
+ Simplied DWORDs=03000000, 00060004, 02000000, 02010003
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE5_A_MOD_C_ADD_D
+ Shade = ENV in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Color: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL1, SHADE, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03000000, 0x00060004, 0x02000000, 0x02010003}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00FFD5FF, 0xFFFCF238, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SKIP, MOD(T0,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SEL(T0), ADD(T0,CUR), 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a0041f0c93ff Overflowed in NEWTETRIS
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a0041f0c93ff Overflowed in NEWTETRIS
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060003, 03060304, 02000000, 00020005
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (PRIM - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Color: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060003, 0x03060304, 0x02000000, 0x00020005}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0026A004, 0x1F0C93FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0017166045fe7f78 Overflowed in DOUBUTSUNOMORI
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0017166045fe7f78 Overflowed in DOUBUTSUNOMORI
+ Simplied DWORDs=060F0603, 04000000, 07020704, 00020003
+ Color1: (TEXEL1 - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, ENV, COMBINED -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL1, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x060F0603, 0x04000000, 0x07020704, 0x00020003}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00171660, 0x45FE7F78, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T1,DIF), SEL(T1), 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T0,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), MOD(T0,CUR), 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x003095ff5f1af43f Overflowed in DOUBUTSUNOMORI
+ Color0: (PRIM - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * TEXEL1 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * 1 + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x003095ff5f1af43f Overflowed in DOUBUTSUNOMORI
+ Simplied DWORDs=06030605, 00030004, 02000000, 02010004
+ Color0: (PRIM - SHADE) * TEXEL0 + SHADE
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = ENV in color channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Lerp - PRIM, SHADE, TEXEL0 -Tex1
+ 1:Color: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL1, , -Tex1
+ 1:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL0, COMBINED,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x06030605, 0x00030004, 0x02000000, 0x02010004}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x003095FF, 0x5F1AF43F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000007, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(PRI,DIF,T0), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, MULADD(CUR,T1,T1), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x003717fffffefe38 Overflowed in DOUBUTSUNOMORI
+ Color0: (PRIM - 0) * PRIMLODFRAC + ENV
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x003717fffffefe38 Overflowed in DOUBUTSUNOMORI
+ Simplied DWORDs=000F0006, 00060003, 02010004, 02000000
+ Color0: (SHADE - 0) * PRIMLODFRAC + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE5_A_MOD_C_ADD_D
+ Shade = PRIM in color channel
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Tex 1 = ENV
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Mod - SHADE, PRIMLODFRAC,
+ 1:Color: Add - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x000F0006, 0x00060003, 0x02010004, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x003717FF, 0xFFFEFE38, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000007}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(DIF,PRIMLODFRAC), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {ADD(T1,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272a8013fc92f8 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272a8013fc92f8 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 03060304, 05020506, 02000000
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Shade = ENV in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - TEXEL0, ,
+ 1:Alpha: BlDifA - TEXEL1, COMBINED, -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x03060304, 0x05020506, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272A80, 0x13FC92F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000007, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(DIF,PRI,T0), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, LERP(T1,CUR,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00127e60f5fffd78 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00127e60f5fffd78 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060003, 01000000, 07020704, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL1 - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C
+ Tex 1 = PRIM
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:DISABLE_ALPHA, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Mod - TEXEL0, SHADE,
+ 1:Color: Lerp - TEXEL1, ENV, COMBINED -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060003, 0x01000000, 0x07020704, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00127E60, 0xF5FFFD78, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,ENV,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0020ac60350c937f Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - PRIM) * TEXEL0 + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0020ac60350c937f Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=00038604, 00060004, 07020706, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - SHADE|C) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE8_A_SUB_B_MOD_C
+ Shade = PRIM in color channel
+ Shade = PRIM in alpha channel
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:ENABLE_BOTH, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 0:Color: Sub - TEXEL1, SHADE|C, -Tex1
+ 1:Color: Mod - COMBINED, TEXEL0,
+ 0:Alpha: Mod - TEXEL1, SHADE, -Tex1
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00038604, 0x00060004, 0x07020706, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0020AC60, 0x350C937F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(DIF,ENV,T0), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(T1,CUR), MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00177e6035fcfd7e Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00177e6035fcfd7e Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0603, 01000000, 04020406, 02000000
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: Color0
+ Shade = PRIM in color channel
+ Tex 1 = ENV
+ Generated combiners:
+ Stages:2, Alpha:DISABLE_ALPHA, Factor:0, Specular:0 Dif Color:0xCCCCCCCC Dif Alpha:0xCCCCCCCC
+ 1:Color: Lerp - SHADE, TEXEL1, COMBINED -Tex1
+ 0:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, ,
+ 1:Alpha: Sel - COMBINED, , -Tex1
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0603, 0x01000000, 0x04020406, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00177E60, 0x35FCFD7E, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000007}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(T0,DIF,PRIMLODFRAC), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(DIF,T1,CUR), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00276c6035d8ed76 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (1 - 1) * 1 + 1
+ Alpha1: (1 - 1) * 1 + 1
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00276c6035d8ed76 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0604, 01000000, 07020706, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - SHADE) * PRIMLODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0604, 0x01000000, 0x07020706, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00276C60, 0x35D8ED76, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00277e60150cf37f Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00277e60150cf37f Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 00060003, 06020605, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIMLODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x00060003, 0x06020605, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00277E60, 0x150CF37F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000007, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x001596a430fdfe38 Overflowed in Diddy Kong Racing
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - PRIM) * SHADE|A + PRIM
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x001596a430fdfe38 Overflowed in Diddy Kong Racing
+ Simplied DWORDs=04460403, 04000000, 02060207, 00020003Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * SHADE|A + TEXEL1
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x04460403, 0x04000000, 0x02060207, 0x00020003}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x001596A4, 0x30FDFE38, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000007}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(T0,PRI,DIFA), MOD(T0,PRI), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,DIF), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x001218acf00ffe3f Overflowed in Diddy Kong Racing
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x001218acf00ffe3f Overflowed in Diddy Kong Racing
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060003, 00060003, 02470207, 00020004Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060003, 0x00060003, 0x02470207, 0x00020004}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x001218AC, 0xF00FFE3F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(ENV,CUR,ENVA), MOD(T1,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x002266ac1010923f Overflowed in Diddy Kong Racing
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x002266ac1010923f Overflowed in Diddy Kong Racing
+ Simplied DWORDs=03060304, 03050301, 02470207, 00020006Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03060304, 0x03050301, 0x02470207, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x002266AC, 0x1010923F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(ENV,T0,ENVA), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,DIF), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0030fe045ffefbf8 Overflowed in F-ZERO X
+ Color0: (PRIM - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + ENV
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0030fe045ffefbf8 Overflowed in F-ZERO X
+ Simplied DWORDs=07030704, 06000000, 00020006, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x07030704, 0x06000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0030FE04, 0x5FFEFBF8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(ENV), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,ENV,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a0801f0c93ff Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a0801f0c93ff Overflowed in ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 03060304, 00020006, 00020005Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (PRIM - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x03060304, 0x00020006, 0x00020005}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0026A080, 0x1F0C93FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c60150c937f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c60150c937f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 00060004, 06020605, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIMLODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x00060004, 0x06020605, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C60, 0x150C937F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000007, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00162a0325fe13f8 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * ENV|A + SHADE
+ Color1: (COMBINED - ENV) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00162a0325fe13f8 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM
+ Simplied DWORDs=06460403, 03060304, 00050702, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * SHADE|A + SHADE
+ Color1: (COMBINED - ENV) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x06460403, 0x03060304, 0x00050702, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00162A03, 0x25FE13F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(CUR,T1,ENVA), LERP(T1,CUR,ENV), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00167e03f5fe77f8 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * ENV|A + SHADE
+ Color1: (COMBINED - ENV) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + PRIM
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00167e03f5fe77f8 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM
+ Simplied DWORDs=06470003, 04000000, 00040702, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * ENV|A + SHADE
+ Color1: (COMBINED - ENV) * TEXEL1 + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE8_A_SUB_B_MOD_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x06470003, 0x04000000, 0x00040702, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00167E03, 0xF5FE77F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MULADD(T0,ENVA,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(CUR,T1), SEL(T1), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x002698801514feff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x002698801514feff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Simplied DWORDs=00030706, 00060003, 02010004, 00020007Color0: (SHADE - ENV) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (ENV - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDShade = 00000706 in color channelGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00030706, 0x00060003, 0x02010004, 0x00020007}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00269880, 0x1514FEFF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000706, 0x00070006, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00127e04f513f4ff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00127e04f513f4ff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060003, 00060004, 05060702, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060003, 0x00060004, 0x05060702, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00127E04, 0xF513F4FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(CUR,DIF,PRI), MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00277e60350cf37f Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00277e60350cf37f Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0604, 00060003, 07020706, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - SHADE) * PRIMLODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0604, 0x00060003, 0x07020706, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00277E60, 0x350CF37F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(T1,PRIMLODFRAC,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c041f0c93ff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c041f0c93ff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 00060004, 00020006, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIMLODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x00060004, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C04, 0x1F0C93FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x002714041f0cffff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * TEXEL1 + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x002714041f0cffff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 00060003, 00020006, 00020004Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIMLODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x00060003, 0x00020006, 0x00020004}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00271404, 0x1F0CFFFF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), MOD(T1,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x002722041f0cffff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x002722041f0cffff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 00060004, 00020006, 00020003Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIMLODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x00060004, 0x00020006, 0x00020003}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272204, 0x1F0CFFFF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), MOD(T1,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c603510f37f Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c603510f37f Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0604, 04010003, 07020706, 00020006Color0: (TEXEL1 - SHADE) * PRIMLODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * 1 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0604, 0x04010003, 0x07020706, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C60, 0x3510F37F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(T1,PRIMLODFRAC,CUR), MOD(T1,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00209204ff0fffff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00209204ff0fffff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060004, 00030003, 00020003, 00020005Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Alpha1: (PRIM - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE2_A_ADD_DGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060004, 0x00030003, 0x00020003, 0x00020005}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00209204, 0xFF0FFFFF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(T1,CUR), MOD(PRI,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x002714031f0cffff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * TEXEL1 + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x002714031f0cffff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 00060003, 00020006, 00020004Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIMLODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x00060003, 0x00020006, 0x00020004}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00271403, 0x1F0CFFFF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,T0,PRIMLODFRAC), MOD(T1,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c031f1093ff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c031f1093ff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 00060004, 00020006, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIMLODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x00060004, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C03, 0x1F1093FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0012fe043ffe77f8 Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - PRIM) * ENV + SHADE
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + PRIM
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0012fe043ffe77f8 Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Simplied DWORDs=06070403, 04000000, 00020006, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * ENV + SHADE
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x06070403, 0x04000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0012FE04, 0x3FFE77F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MULADD(T0,ENV,DIF), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(CUR,DIF), SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0020fe05f3fff738 Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + PRIM
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0020fe05f3fff738 Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Simplied DWORDs=00030004, 06000000, 06070502, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00030004, 0x06000000, 0x06070502, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0020FE05, 0xF3FFF738, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,ENV), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(T1,CUR,DIF), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0012fe043f1677ff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - PRIM) * ENV + SHADE
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + PRIM
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0012fe043f1677ff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Simplied DWORDs=06070403, 00070004, 00020006, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * ENV + SHADE
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * ENV + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x06070403, 0x00070004, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0012FE04, 0x3F1677FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MULADD(T0,ENV,DIF), MOD(DIF,ENV), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(CUR,DIF), SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0011fe04ff17f7ff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + PRIM
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0011fe04ff17f7ff Overflowed in THE MASK OF MUJURA
+ Simplied DWORDs=00030006, 00070004, 00020004, 02000000Color0: (SHADE - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * ENV + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE2_A_ADD_DGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00030006, 0x00070004, 0x00020004, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0011FE04, 0xFF17F7FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(T1,CUR), MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c031f0c93ff Overflowed in MULTI RACING
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c031f0c93ff Overflowed in MULTI RACING
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 00060004, 00020006, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIMLODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x00060004, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C03, 0x1F0C93FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c041f0c93ff Overflowed in MULTI RACING
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c041f0c93ff Overflowed in MULTI RACING
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 00060004, 00020006, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIMLODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x00060004, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C04, 0x1F0C93FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0030fe045ffef7f8 Overflowed in MULTI RACING
+ Color0: (PRIM - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + PRIM
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0030fe045ffef7f8 Overflowed in MULTI RACING
+ Simplied DWORDs=07030704, 04000000, 00020006, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x07030704, 0x04000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0030FE04, 0x5FFEF7F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,ENV,CUR), SEL(T1), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a08015fc93f8 Overflowed in Monaco Grand Prix
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a08015fc93f8 Overflowed in Monaco Grand Prix
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 03060304, 00020706, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE8_A_SUB_B_MOD_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x03060304, 0x00020706, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0026A080, 0x15FC93F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0050fe043ffdf3f8 Overflowed in KING HILL 64
+ Color0: (ENV - PRIM) * TEXEL0 + PRIM
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0050fe043ffdf3f8 Overflowed in KING HILL 64
+ Simplied DWORDs=04030407, 03000000, 00020006, 02000000Color0: (ENV - TEXEL1) * TEXEL0 + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x04030407, 0x03000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0050FE04, 0x3FFDF3F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000007}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,PRI,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00209a04ffcfffc8 Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * TEXEL0 + 0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * ENV + 0
+ Alpha1: (1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00209a04ffcfffc8 Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060004, 00070003, 00020003, 02060083Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * ENV + 0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL0|C - 0) * SHADE + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE5_A_MOD_C_ADD_DGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060004, 0x00070003, 0x00020003, 0x02060083}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00209A04, 0xFFCFFFC8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,ENV), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(T1,CUR), MULADD(T0C,DIF,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00ffa1ffff12123f Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00ffa1ffff12123f Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Simplied DWORDs=06000000, 03060304, 02000000, 00020006Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x06000000, 0x03060304, 0x02000000, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00FFA1FF, 0xFF12123F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SEL(DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, LERP(T1,T0,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0020980a14fcff38 Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * TEXEL0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0020980a14fcff38 Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Simplied DWORDs=03030304, 00060003, 06450602, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * TEXEL0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03030304, 0x00060003, 0x06450602, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0020980A, 0x14FCFF38, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MULADD(T0,PRIA,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,T0,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00247ec0f2fffebe Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * TEXEL0|A + 0
+ Color1: (1 - TEXEL1) * COMBINED + TEXEL1
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00247ec0f2fffebe Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Simplied DWORDs=00430004, 01000000, 03020301, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * TEXEL0|A + 0
+ Color1: (1 - TEXEL0) * COMBINED + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00430004, 0x01000000, 0x03020301, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00247EC0, 0xF2FFFEBE, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SEL(T0), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(T1C,CUR,T1), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0020fe0411fd7ebe Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * TEXEL0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0020fe0411fd7ebe Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Simplied DWORDs=04030304, 01000000, 03060302, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * TEXEL0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: Color0Generated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x04030304, 0x01000000, 0x03060302, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0020FE04, 0x11FD7EBE, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(T1,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00111480f513ff7f Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * TEXEL1 + 0
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * TEXEL1 + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00111480f513ff7f Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Simplied DWORDs=00040003, 00060003, 07020706, 00020004Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * TEXEL1 + 0
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00040003, 0x00060003, 0x07020706, 0x00020004}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00111480, 0xF513FF7F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(DIF,ENV,T0), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(T1,CUR), MOD(T1,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00117e042ffd79f8 Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * TEXEL1 + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00117e042ffd79f8 Overflowed in HSV ADVENTURE RACING
+ Simplied DWORDs=04040403, 06000000, 00020006, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * TEXEL1 + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x04040403, 0x06000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00117E04, 0x2FFD79F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(T1,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00257e041ffcf3f8 Overflowed in G.A.S.P!!Fighters'NE
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * PRIM|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00257e041ffcf3f8 Overflowed in G.A.S.P!!Fighters'NE
+ Simplied DWORDs=03460304, 03000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x03000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00257E04, 0x1FFCF3F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRI), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00ff9480fffcfff8 Overflowed in G.A.S.P!!Fighters'NE
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * TEXEL1 + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00ff9480fffcfff8 Overflowed in G.A.S.P!!Fighters'NE
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060003, 04000000, 02000000, 00020003
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE2_A_ADD_DGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060003, 0x04000000, 0x02000000, 0x00020003}, // Simplified mux
+ 0, 0, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ 0, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, MOD(T1,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00612680fffcf3f8 Overflowed in G.A.S.P!!Fighters'NE
+ Color0: (1 - 0) * TEXEL1 + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * PRIM + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00612680fffcf3f8 Overflowed in G.A.S.P!!Fighters'NE
+ Simplied DWORDs=03010004, 00060004, 00020006, 02010003Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE5_A_MOD_C_ADD_DGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03010004, 0x00060004, 0x00020006, 0x02010003}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00612680, 0xFFFCF3F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T1,DIF), MOD(T1,PRI), 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MOD(T0,CUR), ADD(T0,CUR), 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a06015fc9378 Overflowed in FIFA Soccer 64
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a06015fc9378 Overflowed in FIFA Soccer 64
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 03060304, 06020605, 02000000Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x03060304, 0x06020605, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0026A060, 0x15FC9378, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000007, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(DIF,DIFA,T0), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a0041ffc93fe Overflowed in Taz Express
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a0041ffc93fe Overflowed in Taz Express
+ Simplied DWORDs=030E0304, 01000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030E0304, 0x01000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0026A004, 0x1FFC93FE, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_LODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), LERP(T1,CUR,LODFRAC), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x003716041ffcfff8 Overflowed in GAUNTLET LEGENDS
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x003716041ffcfff8 Overflowed in GAUNTLET LEGENDS
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0304, 04000000, 00020006, 00020003
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ Alpha1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0304, 0x04000000, 0x00020006, 0x00020003}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00371604, 0x1FFCFFF8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,PRIMLODFRAC), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00157e602ffd77f8 Overflowed in MarioTennis
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * PRIM|A + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (PRIM - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + PRIM
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00157e602ffd77f8 Overflowed in MarioTennis
+ Simplied DWORDs=04460403, 06000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * SHADE|A + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x04460403, 0x06000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00157E60, 0x2FFD77F8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,DIFA), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00157e6025fd7778 Overflowed in MarioTennis
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * PRIM|A + TEXEL1
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + PRIM
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00157e6025fd7778 Overflowed in MarioTennis
+ Simplied DWORDs=04460403, 06000000, 06020605, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * SHADE|A + TEXEL1
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x04460403, 0x06000000, 0x06020605, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00157E60, 0x25FD7778, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x000000007, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(PRI,DIF,T0), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(CUR,T1,DIFA), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00fffe80f514f8ff Overflowed in CONKER BFD
+ Color0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00030706, 0x06000000, 0x02010004, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00FFFE80, 0xF514F8FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000706, 0x00070006, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {ADD(PRI,CUR), SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0017166035fcff78 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0017166035fcff78 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0603, 00060003, 04020406, 02000000
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: Color0Generated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0603, 0x00060003, 0x04020406, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00171660, 0x35FCFF78, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIMLODFRAC, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000007}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(T0,DIF,PRIMLODFRAC), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(DIF,T1,CUR), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00262a041f1093ff Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00262a041f1093ff Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=03470304, 03070304, 00020006, 00020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03470304, 0x03070304, 0x00020006, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00262A04, 0x1F1093FF, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,ENVA), LERP(T1,CUR,ENV), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00267e051ffcfdf8 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * ENV|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00267e051ffcfdf8 Overflowed in THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
+ Simplied DWORDs=03460304, 01000000, 00020006, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03460304, 0x01000000, 0x00020006, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00267E05, 0x1FFCFDF8, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000007, 0x00000007, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,ENV), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,CUR,ENVA), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0026a0041f1093fb Overflowed in GOLDENEYE
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * LODFRAC + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + PRIM
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0026a0041f1093fb Overflowed in GOLDENEYE
+ Simplied DWORDs=00060003, 03060304, 02000000, 05020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * SHADE + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + PRIM
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00060003, 0x03060304, 0x02000000, 0x05020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0026A004, 0x1F1093FB, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, ADD(CUR,PRI), 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0017666025fd7f78 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (1 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0017666025fd7f78 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=040F0403, 06000000, 06020605, 02000000
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x040F0403, 0x06000000, 0x06020605, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00176660, 0x25FD7F78, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(DIF,ENV,T0), SEL(DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0077666045fd7f78 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (1 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0077666045fd7f78 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=040F0608, 03000000, 07020703, 02000000
+ Color1: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDShade = 000F0608 in color channelGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x040F0608, 0x03000000, 0x07020703, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00776660, 0x45FD7F78, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000005, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {MOD(T1,DIF), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(T1,ENV,CUR), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00457fff3ffcfe3f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color0: (SHADE - PRIM) * PRIM|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00457fff3ffcfe3f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=00460506, 00000000, 02010003, 02000000
+ Color0: (SHADE - PRIM) * SHADE|A + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDShade = 00460506 in color channelGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00460506, 0x00000000, 0x02010003, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00457FFF, 0x3FFCFE3F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SUB(DIF,PRI), SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(CUR,PRIA,T0), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c603510e37f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 1) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c603510e37f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0604, 00060003, 07020706, 02000000
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0604, 0x00060003, 0x07020706, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C60, 0x3510E37F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(DIF,ENV,T0), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, MULADD(T1,DIF,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0025a660f510f37f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * PRIM + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0025a660f510f37f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=03460004, 03050004, 07020705, 00020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * PRIM + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x03460004, 0x03050004, 0x07020705, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0025A660, 0xF510F37F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(DIF,ENV,T0), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(T1,DIFA,CUR), MULADD(T1,DIF,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00171607f511a97f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * PRIMLODFRAC + PRIM
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * PRIM + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00171607f511a97f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=050F0003, 06050403, 06420602, 00020006
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * PRIMLODFRAC + PRIM
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - TEXEL1) * PRIM + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x050F0003, 0x06050403, 0x06420602, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00171607, 0xF511A97F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {ADD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(CUR,ENV,CURA), SUB(CUR,T1), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00177e6025fd7378 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00177e6025fd7378 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=040F0403, 03000000, 06020605, 02000000
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x040F0403, 0x03000000, 0x06020605, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00177E60, 0x25FD7378, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(DIF,ENV,T0), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0017666025fd7f78 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (1 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0017666025fd7f78 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=040F0403, 06000000, 06020605, 02000000
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + SHADE
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x040F0403, 0x06000000, 0x06020605, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00176660, 0x25FD7F78, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000007, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(PRI,DIF,T0), SEL(PRI), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00177e6025fd7378 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00177e6025fd7378 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=040F0403, 03000000, 06020605, 02000000
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x040F0403, 0x03000000, 0x06020605, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00177E60, 0x25FD7378, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000007, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(PRI,DIF,T0), SEL(T0), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00457fff3ffcfe3f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color0: (SHADE - PRIM) * PRIM|A + TEXEL0
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00457fff3ffcfe3f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=00460506, 00000000, 02010003, 02000000
+ Color0: (SHADE - PRIM) * SHADE|A + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL0 - 0) * 1 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDShade = 00460506 in color channelGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00460506, 0x00000000, 0x02010003, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00457FFF, 0x3FFCFE3F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00460506, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {ADD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, SKIP, 0, false}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c60350c937f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c60350c937f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0604, 00060004, 07020706, 02000000
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0604, 0x00060004, 0x07020706, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C60, 0x350C937F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000007, 0x00000005, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(PRI,DIF,T0),SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c603510e37f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 1) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c603510e37f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0604, 00060003, 07020706, 02000000
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0604, 0x00060003, 0x07020706, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C60, 0x3510E37F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SKIP,MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(DIF,ENV,T0), MULADD(T0,DIF,CUR), 0, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x0030e5ff5f16f63f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color0: (PRIM - ENV) * TEXEL0 + ENV
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (1 - 0) * TEXEL1 + PRIM
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x0030e5ff5f16f63f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=06030605, 05010004, 02000000, 00020006
+ Color0: (PRIM - SHADE) * TEXEL0 + SHADE
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * 1 + PRIM
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x06030605, 0x05010004, 0x02000000, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x0030E5FF, 0x5F16F63F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000007, 0x00000007, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(PRI,DIF,T0), MOD(PRI,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, MULADD(T1,DIF,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x003117ff5f16fe3f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color0: (PRIM - ENV) * TEXEL1 + ENV
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * ENV + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x003117ff5f16fe3f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=06040605, 00050003, 02000000, 00020006
+ Color0: (PRIM - SHADE) * TEXEL1 + SHADE
+ Color1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL0 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+ Alpha1: (SHADE - 0) * COMBINED + 0
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x06040605, 0x00050003, 0x02000000, 0x00020006}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x003117FF, 0x5F16FE3F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000007, 0x00000007, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SKIP, MOD(T0,PRI), 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {LERP(PRI,DIF,T1), MOD(DIF,CUR), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c603410933f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c603410933f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0504, 00060004, 06020605, 02000000
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0504, 0x00060004, 0x06020605, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C60, 0x3410933F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_PRIM, // Constant color
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(PRI,DIF,T0), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00272c603510937f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color1: (PRIM - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - TEXEL0) * 1 + TEXEL0
+ Alpha1: (COMBINED - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00272c603510937f Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=030F0604, 00060004, 07020706, 02000000
+ Color1: (SHADE - ENV) * COMBINED + ENV
+ Alpha0: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + 0
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKEDGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x030F0604, 0x00060004, 0x07020706, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00272C60, 0x3510937F, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00000005, 0x00000000, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {LERP(DIF,ENV,T0), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {SKIP, MOD(T1,DIF), 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ //Mux=0x00167e835ffffc38 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * ENV|A + 0
+ Color1: (SHADE - 0) * PRIM + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ //Simplied Mux=0x00167e835ffffc38 Overflowed in POKEMON STADIUM 2
+ Simplied DWORDs=00460703, 01000000, 02060004, 02000000
+ Color0: (TEXEL0 - ENV) * SHADE|A + 0
+ Color1: (TEXEL1 - 0) * SHADE + COMBINED
+ Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + 1
+ Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + COMBINED
+ Simplfied type: CM_FMT_TYPE8_A_SUB_B_MOD_CGenerated combiners:
+ */
+ {
+ {0x00460703, 0x01000000, 0x02060004, 0x02000000}, // Simplified mux
+ 0x00167E83, 0x5FFFFC38, // 64bit Mux
+ 2, // number of stages
+ MUX_ENV, // Constant color
+ 0x00050006, 0x00000007, 0, // Shade and specular color flags
+ {0x00000000, 0x00000005}, // constant color texture flags
+ {
+ {SUB(T0,ENV), SKIP, 0, true}, // Stage 0
+ {MULADD(CUR,ENVA,DIF), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1
+ }
+ },
+int noOfTwoStages = sizeof(twostages)/sizeof(GeneralCombinerInfo);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "osal_preproc.h"
+#include "m64p_types.h"
+#include "m64p_plugin.h"
+#include "m64p_config.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "Debugger.h"
+#include "DeviceBuilder.h"
+#include "RenderBase.h"
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+#include "Video.h"
+#define INI_FILE "RiceVideoLinux.ini"
+static m64p_handle l_ConfigVideoRice = NULL;
+static m64p_handle l_ConfigVideoGeneral = NULL;
+static int FindIniEntry(uint32 dwCRC1, uint32 dwCRC2, uint8 nCountryID, char* szName, int PrintInfo);
+const char *frameBufferSettings[] =
+"None (default)",
+"Hide Framebuffer Effects",
+"Basic Framebuffer",
+"Basic & Write Back",
+"Write Back & Reload",
+"Write Back Every Frame",
+"With Emulator",
+"Basic Framebuffer & With Emulator",
+"With Emulator Read Only",
+"With Emulator Write Only",
+const int resolutions[][2] =
+{320, 240},
+{400, 300},
+{480, 360},
+{512, 384},
+{640, 480},
+{800, 480},
+{800, 600},
+{1024, 768},
+{1152, 864},
+{1280, 960},
+{1400, 1050},
+{1600, 1200},
+{1920, 1440},
+{2048, 1536},
+const int numberOfResolutions = sizeof(resolutions)/sizeof(int)/2;
+const char* resolutionsS[] =
+"320 x 240",
+"400 x 300",
+"480 x 360",
+"512 x 384",
+"640 x 480",
+"800 x 480",
+"800 x 600",
+"1024 x 768",
+"1152 x 864",
+"1280 x 960",
+"1400 x 1050",
+"1600 x 1200",
+"1920 x 1440",
+"2048 x 1536"
+const char *frameBufferWriteBackControlSettings[] =
+"Every Frame (default)",
+"Every 2 Frames",
+"Every 3 Frames",
+"Every 4 Frames",
+"Every 5 Frames",
+"Every 6 Frames",
+"Every 7 Frames",
+"Every 8 Frames",
+const char *renderToTextureSettings[] =
+"None (default)",
+"Hide Render-to-texture Effects",
+"Basic Render-to-texture",
+"Basic & Write Back",
+"Write Back & Reload",
+const char *screenUpdateSettings[] =
+"At VI origin update",
+"At VI origin change",
+"At CI change",
+"At the 1st CI change",
+"At the 1st drawing",
+"Before clear the screen",
+"At VI origin update after screen is drawn (default)",
+WindowSettingStruct windowSetting;
+GlobalOptions options;
+RomOptions defaultRomOptions;
+RomOptions currentRomOptions;
+FrameBufferOptions frameBufferOptions;
+std::vector<IniSection> IniSections;
+bool bIniIsChanged = false;
+char szIniFileName[300];
+SettingInfo TextureQualitySettings[] =
+{"32-bit Texture", FORCE_POINT_FILTER},
+{"16-bit Texture", FORCE_LINEAR_FILTER},
+SettingInfo ForceTextureFilterSettings[] =
+{"N64 Default Texture Filter", FORCE_DEFAULT_FILTER},
+{"Force Nearest Filter (faster, low quality)", FORCE_POINT_FILTER},
+{"Force Linear Filter (slower, better quality)", FORCE_LINEAR_FILTER},
+SettingInfo TextureEnhancementSettings[] =
+{"N64 original texture (No enhancement)", TEXTURE_NO_ENHANCEMENT},
+{"2x (Double the texture size)", TEXTURE_2X_ENHANCEMENT},
+SettingInfo TextureEnhancementControlSettings[] =
+SettingInfo colorQualitySettings[] =
+{"16-bit", TEXTURE_FMT_A4R4G4B4},
+{"32-bit (def)", TEXTURE_FMT_A8R8G8B8},
+const char* strDXDeviceDescs[] = { "HAL", "REF" };
+SettingInfo openGLDepthBufferSettings[] =
+{"16-bit (def)", 16},
+{"32-bit", 32},
+RenderEngineSetting OpenGLRenderSettings[] =
+{"To Fit Your Video Card", OGL_DEVICE},
+{"OpenGL 1.1 (Lowest)", OGL_1_1_DEVICE},
+{"OpenGL 1.2/1.3", OGL_1_2_DEVICE},
+{"OpenGL 1.4", OGL_1_4_DEVICE},
+{"OpenGL 1.4, the 2nd combiner", OGL_1_4_V2_DEVICE},
+{"OpenGL for Nvidia TNT or better", OGL_TNT2_DEVICE},
+{"OpenGL for Nvidia GeForce or better ", NVIDIA_OGL_DEVICE},
+{"OpenGL Fragment Program Extension", OGL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM},
+SettingInfo OnScreenDisplaySettings[] =
+{"Display Messages From CPU Core Only", ONSCREEN_DISPLAY_TEXT_FROM_CORE_ONLY},
+{"Display Frame Per Second With Core Msgs", ONSCREEN_DISPLAY_FRAME_PER_SECOND_WITH_CORE_MSG},
+{"Display Debug Information With Core Msgs", ONSCREEN_DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFORMATION_WITH_CORE_MSG},
+const int numberOfOpenGLRenderEngineSettings = sizeof(OpenGLRenderSettings)/sizeof(RenderEngineSetting);
+void GenerateFrameBufferOptions(void)
+ if( CDeviceBuilder::GetGeneralDeviceType() == OGL_DEVICE )
+ {
+ // OpenGL does not support much yet
+ if( currentRomOptions.N64FrameBufferEmuType != FRM_BUF_NONE )
+ currentRomOptions.N64FrameBufferEmuType = FRM_BUF_IGNORE;
+ if( currentRomOptions.N64RenderToTextureEmuType != TXT_BUF_NONE )
+ currentRomOptions.N64RenderToTextureEmuType = TXT_BUF_IGNORE;
+ }
+ frameBufferOptions.bUpdateCIInfo = false;
+ frameBufferOptions.bCheckBackBufs = false;
+ frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM = false;
+ frameBufferOptions.bLoadBackBufFromRDRAM = false;
+ frameBufferOptions.bIgnore = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bSupportRenderTextures = false;
+ frameBufferOptions.bCheckRenderTextures = false;
+ frameBufferOptions.bRenderTextureWriteBack = false;
+ frameBufferOptions.bLoadRDRAMIntoRenderTexture = false;
+ frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPUWrite = false;
+ frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPURead = false;
+ frameBufferOptions.bAtEachFrameUpdate = false;
+ frameBufferOptions.bIgnoreRenderTextureIfHeightUnknown = false;
+ switch( currentRomOptions.N64FrameBufferEmuType )
+ {
+ case FRM_BUF_NONE:
+ break;
+ frameBufferOptions.bAtEachFrameUpdate = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPUWrite = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPURead = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bUpdateCIInfo = true;
+ break;
+ frameBufferOptions.bLoadBackBufFromRDRAM = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bCheckBackBufs = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bUpdateCIInfo = true;
+ break;
+ // Banjo Kazooie
+ frameBufferOptions.bCheckBackBufs = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bUpdateCIInfo = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPUWrite = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPURead = true;
+ break;
+ frameBufferOptions.bUpdateCIInfo = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPURead = true;
+ break;
+ frameBufferOptions.bUpdateCIInfo = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPUWrite = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch( currentRomOptions.N64RenderToTextureEmuType )
+ {
+ case TXT_BUF_NONE:
+ frameBufferOptions.bSupportRenderTextures = false;
+ break;
+ frameBufferOptions.bLoadRDRAMIntoRenderTexture = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bRenderTextureWriteBack = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bCheckRenderTextures = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bIgnore = false;
+ frameBufferOptions.bUpdateCIInfo = true;
+ frameBufferOptions.bSupportRenderTextures = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting >= SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_CI_CHANGE )
+ {
+ frameBufferOptions.bUpdateCIInfo = true;
+ }
+BOOL InitConfiguration(void)
+ if (ConfigOpenSection("Video-General", &l_ConfigVideoGeneral) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Unable to open Video-General configuration section");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (ConfigOpenSection("Video-Rice", &l_ConfigVideoRice) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Unable to open Video-Rice configuration section");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoGeneral, "Fullscreen", 1, "Use fullscreen mode if True, or windowed mode if False ");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoGeneral, "ScreenWidth", 640, "Width of output window or fullscreen width");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoGeneral, "ScreenHeight", 480, "Height of output window or fullscreen height");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoGeneral, "VerticalSync", 0, "If true, activate the SDL_GL_SWAP_CONTROL attribute");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "FrameBufferSetting", FRM_BUF_NONE, "Frame Buffer Emulation (0=ROM default, 1=disable)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "FrameBufferWriteBackControl", FRM_BUF_WRITEBACK_NORMAL, "Frequency to write back the frame buffer (0=every frame, 1=every other frame, etc)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "RenderToTexture", TXT_BUF_NONE, "Render-to-texture emulation (0=none, 1=ignore, 2=normal, 3=write back, 4=write back and reload)");
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "ScreenUpdateSetting", SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_1ST_CI_CHANGE, "Control when the screen will be updated (0=ROM default, 1=VI origin update, 2=VI origin change, 3=CI change, 4=first CI change, 5=first primitive draw, 6=before screen clear, 7=after screen drawn)"); // SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_VI_UPDATE_AND_DRAWN
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "ScreenUpdateSetting", SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_VI_UPDATE, "Control when the screen will be updated (0=ROM default, 1=VI origin update, 2=VI origin change, 3=CI change, 4=first CI change, 5=first primitive draw, 6=before screen clear, 7=after screen drawn)"); // SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_VI_UPDATE_AND_DRAWN
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "NormalAlphaBlender", FALSE, "Force to use normal alpha blender");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "FastTextureLoading", FALSE, "Use a faster algorithm to speed up texture loading and CRC computation");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "AccurateTextureMapping", TRUE, "Use different texture coordinate clamping code");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "InN64Resolution", FALSE, "Force emulated frame buffers to be in N64 native resolution");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "SaveVRAM", FALSE, "Try to reduce Video RAM usage (should never be used)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "DoubleSizeForSmallTxtrBuf", FALSE, "Enable this option to have better render-to-texture quality");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "DefaultCombinerDisable", FALSE, "Force to use normal color combiner");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "EnableHacks", TRUE, "Enable game-specific settings from INI file");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "WinFrameMode", FALSE, "If enabled, graphics will be drawn in WinFrame mode instead of solid and texture mode");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "FullTMEMEmulation", FALSE, "N64 Texture Memory Full Emulation (may fix some games, may break others)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "OpenGLVertexClipper", FALSE, "Enable vertex clipper for fog operations");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "EnableSSE", TRUE, "Enable/Disable SSE optimizations for capable CPUs");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "EnableVertexShader", FALSE, "Use GPU vertex shader");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "SkipFrame", FALSE, "If this option is enabled, the plugin will skip every other frame");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "TexRectOnly", FALSE, "If enabled, texture enhancement will be done only for TxtRect ucode");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "SmallTextureOnly", FALSE, "If enabled, texture enhancement will be done only for textures width+height<=128");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "LoadHiResCRCOnly", TRUE, "Select hi-resolution textures based only on the CRC and ignore format+size information (Glide64 compatibility)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "LoadHiResTextures", FALSE, "Enable hi-resolution texture file loading");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "DumpTexturesToFiles", FALSE, "Enable texture dumping");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "ShowFPS", FALSE, "Display On-screen FPS");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "Mipmapping", 2, "Use Mipmapping? 0=no, 1=nearest, 2=bilinear, 3=trilinear");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "FogMethod", 0, "Enable, Disable or Force fog generation (0=Disable, 1=Enable n64 choose, 2=Force Fog)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "ForceTextureFilter", 0, "Force to use texture filtering or not (0=auto: n64 choose, 1=force no filtering, 2=force filtering)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "TextureEnhancement", 0, "Primary texture enhancement filter (0=None, 1=2X, 2=2XSAI, 3=HQ2X, 4=LQ2X, 5=HQ4X, 6=Sharpen, 7=Sharpen More, 8=External, 9=Mirrored)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "TextureEnhancementControl", 0, "Secondary texture enhancement filter (0 = none, 1-4 = filtered)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "TextureQuality", TXT_QUALITY_DEFAULT, "Color bit depth to use for textures (0=default, 1=32 bits, 2=16 bits)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "OpenGLDepthBufferSetting", 16, "Z-buffer depth (only 16 or 32)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "MultiSampling", 0, "Enable/Disable MultiSampling (0=off, 2,4,8,16=quality)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "ColorQuality", TEXTURE_FMT_A8R8G8B8, "Color bit depth for rendering window (0=32 bits, 1=16 bits)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "OpenGLRenderSetting", OGL_DEVICE, "OpenGL level to support (0=auto, 1=OGL_1.1, 2=OGL_1.2, 3=OGL_1.3, 4=OGL_1.4, 5=OGL_1.4_V2, 6=OGL_TNT2, 7=NVIDIA_OGL, 8=OGL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM)");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "AnisotropicFiltering", 0, "Enable/Disable Anisotropic Filtering for Mipmapping (0=no filtering, 2-16=quality). This is uneffective if Mipmapping is 0. If the given value is to high to be supported by your graphic card, the value will be the highest value your graphic card can support. Better result with Trilinear filtering");
+ return TRUE;
+bool isMMXSupported()
+ int IsMMXSupported = 0;
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ __asm
+ {
+ mov eax,1 // CPUID level 1
+ cpuid // EDX = feature flag
+ and edx,0x800000 // test bit 23 of feature flag
+ mov IsMMXSupported,edx // != 0 if MMX is supported
+ }
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ return true;
+#elif !defined(NO_ASM) // GCC assumed
+ asm volatile (
+ "push %%ebx \n"
+ "mov $1, %%eax \n" // CPUID level 1
+ "cpuid \n" // EDX = feature flag
+ "and $0x800000, %%edx \n" // test bit 23 of feature flag
+ "pop %%ebx \n"
+ : "=d"(IsMMXSupported)
+ :
+ : "memory", "cc", "eax", "ecx"
+ );
+ if (IsMMXSupported != 0)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+bool isSSESupported()
+ int SSESupport = 0;
+// And finally, check the CPUID for Streaming SIMD Extensions support.
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ _asm
+ {
+ mov eax, 1 // Put a "1" in eax to tell CPUID to get the feature bits
+ cpuid // Perform CPUID (puts processor feature info into EDX)
+ and edx, 02000000h // Test bit 25, for Streaming SIMD Extensions existence.
+ mov SSESupport, edx // SIMD Extensions). Set return value to 1 to indicate,
+ }
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ return true;
+#elif !defined(NO_ASM) // GCC assumed
+ asm volatile (
+ "push %%ebx \n"
+ "mov $1, %%eax \n" // Put a "1" in eax to tell CPUID to get the feature bits
+ "cpuid \n" // Perform CPUID (puts processor feature info into EDX)
+ "and $0x02000000, %%edx \n" // Test bit 25, for Streaming SIMD Extensions existence.
+ "pop %%ebx \n"
+ : "=d"(SSESupport)
+ :
+ : "memory", "cc", "eax", "ecx"
+ );
+# endif
+ if (SSESupport != 0)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+static void ReadConfiguration(void)
+ windowSetting.bDisplayFullscreen = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoGeneral, "Fullscreen");
+ windowSetting.uDisplayWidth = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoGeneral, "ScreenWidth");
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES0
+ if (windowSetting.uDisplayWidth==800)
+ windowSetting.uDisplayWidth = 640; // no strech
+ windowSetting.uDisplayHeight = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoGeneral, "ScreenHeight");
+ windowSetting.bVerticalSync = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoGeneral, "VerticalSync");
+ defaultRomOptions.N64FrameBufferEmuType = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "FrameBufferSetting");
+ defaultRomOptions.N64FrameBufferWriteBackControl = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "FrameBufferWriteBackControl");
+ defaultRomOptions.N64RenderToTextureEmuType = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "RenderToTexture");
+ defaultRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "screenUpdateSetting");
+ defaultRomOptions.bNormalBlender = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "NormalAlphaBlender");
+ defaultRomOptions.bFastTexCRC = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "FastTextureLoading");
+ defaultRomOptions.bAccurateTextureMapping = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "AccurateTextureMapping");
+ defaultRomOptions.bInN64Resolution = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "InN64Resolution");
+ defaultRomOptions.bSaveVRAM = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "SaveVRAM");
+ defaultRomOptions.bDoubleSizeForSmallTxtrBuf = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "DoubleSizeForSmallTxtrBuf");
+ defaultRomOptions.bNormalCombiner = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "DefaultCombinerDisable");
+ options.bEnableHacks = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "EnableHacks");
+ options.bWinFrameMode = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "WinFrameMode");
+ options.bFullTMEM = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "FullTMEMEmulation");
+ options.bOGLVertexClipper = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "OpenGLVertexClipper");
+ options.bEnableSSE = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "EnableSSE");
+ options.bEnableVertexShader = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "EnableVertexShader");
+ options.bSkipFrame = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "SkipFrame");
+ options.bTexRectOnly = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "TexRectOnly");
+ options.bSmallTextureOnly = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "SmallTextureOnly");
+ options.bLoadHiResTextures = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "LoadHiResTextures");
+ options.bLoadHiResCRCOnly = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "LoadHiResCRCOnly");
+ options.bDumpTexturesToFiles = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "DumpTexturesToFiles");
+ options.bShowFPS = ConfigGetParamBool(l_ConfigVideoRice, "ShowFPS");
+ options.mipmapping = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "Mipmapping");
+ options.fogMethod = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "FogMethod");
+ options.forceTextureFilter = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "ForceTextureFilter");
+ options.textureEnhancement = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "TextureEnhancement");
+ options.textureEnhancementControl = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "TextureEnhancementControl");
+ options.textureQuality = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "TextureQuality");
+ options.OpenglDepthBufferSetting = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "OpenGLDepthBufferSetting");
+ options.multiSampling = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "MultiSampling");
+ options.colorQuality = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "ColorQuality");
+ options.OpenglRenderSetting = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "OpenGLRenderSetting");
+ options.anisotropicFiltering = ConfigGetParamInt(l_ConfigVideoRice, "AnisotropicFiltering");
+ CDeviceBuilder::SelectDeviceType((SupportedDeviceType)options.OpenglRenderSetting);
+ status.isMMXSupported = isMMXSupported();
+ status.isSSESupported = isSSESupported();
+ status.isVertexShaderSupported = false;
+ status.isSSEEnabled = status.isSSESupported && options.bEnableSSE;
+#if !defined(NO_ASM)
+ if( status.isSSEEnabled )
+ {
+ ProcessVertexData = ProcessVertexDataSSE;
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "SSE processing enabled.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ProcessVertexData = ProcessVertexDataNoSSE;
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Disabled SSE processing.");
+ }
+ status.isVertexShaderEnabled = status.isVertexShaderSupported && options.bEnableVertexShader;
+ status.bUseHW_T_L = false;
+BOOL LoadConfiguration(void)
+ IniSections.clear();
+ bIniIsChanged = false;
+ strcpy(szIniFileName, INI_FILE);
+ if (!ReadIniFile())
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Unable to read ini file from disk");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (l_ConfigVideoGeneral == NULL || l_ConfigVideoRice == NULL)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Rice Video configuration sections are not open!");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Read config parameters from core config API and set up internal variables
+ ReadConfiguration();
+ return TRUE;
+void GenerateCurrentRomOptions()
+ currentRomOptions.N64FrameBufferEmuType =g_curRomInfo.dwFrameBufferOption;
+ currentRomOptions.N64FrameBufferWriteBackControl =defaultRomOptions.N64FrameBufferWriteBackControl;
+ currentRomOptions.N64RenderToTextureEmuType =g_curRomInfo.dwRenderToTextureOption;
+ currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting =g_curRomInfo.dwScreenUpdateSetting;
+ currentRomOptions.bNormalCombiner =g_curRomInfo.dwNormalCombiner;
+ currentRomOptions.bNormalBlender =g_curRomInfo.dwNormalBlender;
+ currentRomOptions.bFastTexCRC =g_curRomInfo.dwFastTextureCRC;
+ currentRomOptions.bAccurateTextureMapping =g_curRomInfo.dwAccurateTextureMapping;
+ options.enableHackForGames = NO_HACK_FOR_GAME;
+ if ((strncmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "BANJO TOOIE", 11) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_BANJO_TOOIE;
+ }
+ else if ((strncmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "DR.MARIO", 8) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_DR_MARIO;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "Pilot", 5) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_PILOT_WINGS;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "YOSHI", 5) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_YOSHI;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "NITRO", 5) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_NITRO;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "TONY HAWK", 9) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_TONYHAWK;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "THPS", 4) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_TONYHAWK;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "SPIDERMAN", 9) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_TONYHAWK;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "NASCAR", 6) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_NASCAR;
+ }
+ else if ((strstr((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "ZELDA") != 0) && (strstr((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "MASK") != 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_ZELDA_MM;
+ }
+ else if ((strstr((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "ZELDA") != 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_ZELDA;
+ }
+ else if ((strstr((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "Ogre") != 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_OGRE_BATTLE;
+ }
+ else if ((strstr((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "TWINE") != 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_TWINE;
+ }
+ else if ((strstr((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "Squadron") != 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_ROGUE_SQUADRON;
+ }
+ else if ((strstr((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "Baseball") != 0) && (strstr((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "Star") != 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_ALL_STAR_BASEBALL;
+ }
+ else if ((strstr((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "Tigger") != 0) && (strstr((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "Honey") != 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_TIGER_HONEY_HUNT;
+ }
+ else if ((strstr((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "Bust") != 0) && (strstr((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "Move") != 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_BUST_A_MOVE;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "MarioTennis",11) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_MARIO_TENNIS;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "SUPER BOWLING",13) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_SUPER_BOWLING;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "CONKER",6) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_CONKER;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "MK_MYTHOLOGIES",14) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_REVERSE_Y_COOR;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "Fighting Force",14) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_REVERSE_XY_COOR;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "GOLDENEYE",9) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_GOLDEN_EYE;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "F-ZERO",6) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_FZERO;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "Command&Conquer",15) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_COMMANDCONQUER;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "READY 2 RUMBLE",14) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_RUMBLE;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "READY to RUMBLE",15) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_RUMBLE;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "South Park Rally",16) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_SOUTH_PARK_RALLY;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "Extreme G 2",11) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_EXTREME_G2;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "MarioGolf64",11) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_MARIO_GOLF;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "MLB FEATURING",13) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_MLB;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "POLARISSNOCROSS",15) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_POLARISSNOCROSS;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "TOP GEAR RALLY",14) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_TOPGEARRALLY;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "DUKE NUKEM",10) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_DUKE_NUKEM;
+ }
+ else if ((strncasecmp((char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName, "MARIOKART64",11) == 0))
+ {
+ options.enableHackForGames = HACK_FOR_MARIO_KART;
+ }
+ if (options.enableHackForGames != NO_HACK_FOR_GAME)
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Enabled hacks for game: '%s'", g_curRomInfo.szGameName);
+ if( currentRomOptions.N64FrameBufferEmuType == 0 ) currentRomOptions.N64FrameBufferEmuType = defaultRomOptions.N64FrameBufferEmuType;
+ else currentRomOptions.N64FrameBufferEmuType--;
+ if( currentRomOptions.N64RenderToTextureEmuType == 0 ) currentRomOptions.N64RenderToTextureEmuType = defaultRomOptions.N64RenderToTextureEmuType;
+ else currentRomOptions.N64RenderToTextureEmuType--;
+ if( currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting == 0 ) currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting = defaultRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting;
+ if( currentRomOptions.bNormalCombiner == 0 ) currentRomOptions.bNormalCombiner = defaultRomOptions.bNormalCombiner;
+ else currentRomOptions.bNormalCombiner--;
+ if( currentRomOptions.bNormalBlender == 0 ) currentRomOptions.bNormalBlender = defaultRomOptions.bNormalBlender;
+ else currentRomOptions.bNormalBlender--;
+ if( currentRomOptions.bFastTexCRC == 0 ) currentRomOptions.bFastTexCRC = defaultRomOptions.bFastTexCRC;
+ else currentRomOptions.bFastTexCRC--;
+ if( currentRomOptions.bAccurateTextureMapping == 0 ) currentRomOptions.bAccurateTextureMapping = defaultRomOptions.bAccurateTextureMapping;
+ else currentRomOptions.bAccurateTextureMapping--;
+ options.bUseFullTMEM = ((options.bFullTMEM && (g_curRomInfo.dwFullTMEM == 0)) || g_curRomInfo.dwFullTMEM == 2);
+ GenerateFrameBufferOptions();
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_GOLF || options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_TENNIS )
+ {
+ frameBufferOptions.bIgnoreRenderTextureIfHeightUnknown = true;
+ }
+void Ini_GetRomOptions(LPGAMESETTING pGameSetting)
+ int i;
+ i = FindIniEntry(pGameSetting->romheader.dwCRC1,
+ pGameSetting->romheader.dwCRC2,
+ pGameSetting->romheader.nCountryID,
+ (char*)pGameSetting->szGameName, 1);
+ pGameSetting->bDisableTextureCRC = IniSections[i].bDisableTextureCRC;
+ pGameSetting->bDisableCulling = IniSections[i].bDisableCulling;
+ pGameSetting->bIncTexRectEdge = IniSections[i].bIncTexRectEdge;
+ pGameSetting->bZHack = IniSections[i].bZHack;
+ pGameSetting->bTextureScaleHack = IniSections[i].bTextureScaleHack;
+ pGameSetting->bPrimaryDepthHack = IniSections[i].bPrimaryDepthHack;
+ pGameSetting->bTexture1Hack = IniSections[i].bTexture1Hack;
+ pGameSetting->bFastLoadTile = IniSections[i].bFastLoadTile;
+ pGameSetting->bUseSmallerTexture = IniSections[i].bUseSmallerTexture;
+ pGameSetting->VIWidth = IniSections[i].VIWidth;
+ pGameSetting->VIHeight = IniSections[i].VIHeight;
+ pGameSetting->UseCIWidthAndRatio = IniSections[i].UseCIWidthAndRatio;
+ pGameSetting->dwFullTMEM = IniSections[i].dwFullTMEM;
+ pGameSetting->bTxtSizeMethod2 = IniSections[i].bTxtSizeMethod2;
+ pGameSetting->bEnableTxtLOD = IniSections[i].bEnableTxtLOD;
+ pGameSetting->dwFastTextureCRC = IniSections[i].dwFastTextureCRC;
+ pGameSetting->bEmulateClear = IniSections[i].bEmulateClear;
+ pGameSetting->bForceScreenClear = IniSections[i].bForceScreenClear;
+ pGameSetting->dwAccurateTextureMapping = IniSections[i].dwAccurateTextureMapping;
+ pGameSetting->dwNormalBlender = IniSections[i].dwNormalBlender;
+ pGameSetting->bDisableBlender = IniSections[i].bDisableBlender;
+ pGameSetting->dwNormalCombiner = IniSections[i].dwNormalCombiner;
+ pGameSetting->bForceDepthBuffer = IniSections[i].bForceDepthBuffer;
+ pGameSetting->bDisableObjBG = IniSections[i].bDisableObjBG;
+ pGameSetting->dwFrameBufferOption = IniSections[i].dwFrameBufferOption;
+ pGameSetting->dwRenderToTextureOption = IniSections[i].dwRenderToTextureOption;
+ pGameSetting->dwScreenUpdateSetting = IniSections[i].dwScreenUpdateSetting;
+void Ini_StoreRomOptions(LPGAMESETTING pGameSetting)
+ int i;
+ i = FindIniEntry(pGameSetting->romheader.dwCRC1,
+ pGameSetting->romheader.dwCRC2,
+ pGameSetting->romheader.nCountryID,
+ (char*)pGameSetting->szGameName, 0);
+ if( IniSections[i].bDisableTextureCRC !=pGameSetting->bDisableTextureCRC )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bDisableTextureCRC =pGameSetting->bDisableTextureCRC ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bDisableCulling !=pGameSetting->bDisableCulling )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bDisableCulling =pGameSetting->bDisableCulling ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].dwFastTextureCRC !=pGameSetting->dwFastTextureCRC )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].dwFastTextureCRC =pGameSetting->dwFastTextureCRC ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bEmulateClear !=pGameSetting->bEmulateClear )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bEmulateClear =pGameSetting->bEmulateClear ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].dwNormalBlender !=pGameSetting->dwNormalBlender )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].dwNormalBlender =pGameSetting->dwNormalBlender ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bDisableBlender !=pGameSetting->bDisableBlender )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bDisableBlender =pGameSetting->bDisableBlender ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bForceScreenClear !=pGameSetting->bForceScreenClear )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bForceScreenClear =pGameSetting->bForceScreenClear ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].dwAccurateTextureMapping !=pGameSetting->dwAccurateTextureMapping )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].dwAccurateTextureMapping =pGameSetting->dwAccurateTextureMapping ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].dwNormalCombiner !=pGameSetting->dwNormalCombiner )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].dwNormalCombiner =pGameSetting->dwNormalCombiner ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bForceDepthBuffer !=pGameSetting->bForceDepthBuffer )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bForceDepthBuffer =pGameSetting->bForceDepthBuffer ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bDisableObjBG !=pGameSetting->bDisableObjBG )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bDisableObjBG =pGameSetting->bDisableObjBG ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].dwFrameBufferOption !=pGameSetting->dwFrameBufferOption )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].dwFrameBufferOption =pGameSetting->dwFrameBufferOption ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].dwRenderToTextureOption !=pGameSetting->dwRenderToTextureOption )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].dwRenderToTextureOption =pGameSetting->dwRenderToTextureOption ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].dwScreenUpdateSetting !=pGameSetting->dwScreenUpdateSetting )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].dwScreenUpdateSetting =pGameSetting->dwScreenUpdateSetting ;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bIncTexRectEdge != pGameSetting->bIncTexRectEdge )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bIncTexRectEdge =pGameSetting->bIncTexRectEdge;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bZHack != pGameSetting->bZHack )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bZHack =pGameSetting->bZHack;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bTextureScaleHack != pGameSetting->bTextureScaleHack )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bTextureScaleHack =pGameSetting->bTextureScaleHack;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bPrimaryDepthHack != pGameSetting->bPrimaryDepthHack )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bPrimaryDepthHack =pGameSetting->bPrimaryDepthHack;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bTexture1Hack != pGameSetting->bTexture1Hack )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bTexture1Hack =pGameSetting->bTexture1Hack;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bFastLoadTile != pGameSetting->bFastLoadTile )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bFastLoadTile =pGameSetting->bFastLoadTile;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bUseSmallerTexture != pGameSetting->bUseSmallerTexture )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bUseSmallerTexture =pGameSetting->bUseSmallerTexture;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].VIWidth != pGameSetting->VIWidth )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].VIWidth =pGameSetting->VIWidth;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].VIHeight != pGameSetting->VIHeight )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].VIHeight =pGameSetting->VIHeight;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].UseCIWidthAndRatio != pGameSetting->UseCIWidthAndRatio )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].UseCIWidthAndRatio =pGameSetting->UseCIWidthAndRatio;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].dwFullTMEM != pGameSetting->dwFullTMEM )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].dwFullTMEM =pGameSetting->dwFullTMEM;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bTxtSizeMethod2 != pGameSetting->bTxtSizeMethod2 )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bTxtSizeMethod2 =pGameSetting->bTxtSizeMethod2;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( IniSections[i].bEnableTxtLOD != pGameSetting->bEnableTxtLOD )
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bEnableTxtLOD =pGameSetting->bEnableTxtLOD;
+ bIniIsChanged=true;
+ }
+ if( bIniIsChanged )
+ {
+ WriteIniFile();
+ TRACE0("Rom option is changed and saved");
+ }
+std::ifstream& getline( std::ifstream &is, char *str );
+char * left(const char * src, int nchars)
+ static char dst[300];
+ strncpy(dst,src,nchars);
+ dst[nchars]=0;
+ return dst;
+char * right(const char *src, int nchars)
+ static char dst[300];
+ int srclen = strlen(src);
+ if (nchars >= srclen)
+ {
+ strcpy(dst, src);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strncpy(dst, src + srclen - nchars, nchars);
+ dst[nchars]=0;
+ }
+ return dst;
+char * tidy(char * s)
+ char * p = s + strlen(s);
+ p--;
+ while (p >= s && (*p == ' ' || *p == 0xa || *p == '\n') )
+ {
+ *p = 0;
+ p--;
+ }
+ return s;
+BOOL ReadIniFile()
+ std::ifstream inifile;
+ char readinfo[100];
+ const char *ini_filepath = ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath(szIniFileName);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "Reading .ini file: %s", ini_filepath);
+ inifile.open(ini_filepath);
+ if (inifile.fail())
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ while (getline(inifile,readinfo)/*&§ionno<999*/)
+ {
+ tidy(readinfo);
+ if (readinfo[0] == '/')
+ continue;
+ if (!strcasecmp(readinfo,"")==0)
+ {
+ if (readinfo[0] == '{') //if a section heading
+ {
+ section newsection;
+ readinfo[strlen(readinfo)-1]='\0';
+ strcpy(newsection.crccheck, readinfo+1);
+ newsection.bDisableTextureCRC = FALSE;
+ newsection.bDisableCulling = FALSE;
+ newsection.bIncTexRectEdge = FALSE;
+ newsection.bZHack = FALSE;
+ newsection.bTextureScaleHack = FALSE;
+ newsection.bFastLoadTile = FALSE;
+ newsection.bUseSmallerTexture = FALSE;
+ newsection.bPrimaryDepthHack = FALSE;
+ newsection.bTexture1Hack = FALSE;
+ newsection.bDisableObjBG = FALSE;
+ newsection.VIWidth = -1;
+ newsection.VIHeight = -1;
+ newsection.UseCIWidthAndRatio = NOT_USE_CI_WIDTH_AND_RATIO;
+ newsection.dwFullTMEM = 0;
+ newsection.bTxtSizeMethod2 = FALSE;
+ newsection.bEnableTxtLOD = FALSE;
+ newsection.bEmulateClear = FALSE;
+ newsection.bForceScreenClear = FALSE;
+ newsection.bDisableBlender = FALSE;
+ newsection.bForceDepthBuffer = FALSE;
+ newsection.dwFastTextureCRC = 0;
+ newsection.dwAccurateTextureMapping = 0;
+ newsection.dwNormalBlender = 0;
+ newsection.dwNormalCombiner = 0;
+ newsection.dwFrameBufferOption = 0;
+ newsection.dwRenderToTextureOption = 0;
+ newsection.dwScreenUpdateSetting = 0;
+ IniSections.push_back(newsection);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int sectionno = IniSections.size() - 1;
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,4), "Name")==0)
+ strcpy(IniSections[sectionno].name,right(readinfo,strlen(readinfo)-5));
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,17), "DisableTextureCRC")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bDisableTextureCRC=true;
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,14), "DisableCulling")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bDisableCulling=true;
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,16), "PrimaryDepthHack")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bPrimaryDepthHack=true;
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,12), "Texture1Hack")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bTexture1Hack=true;
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,12), "FastLoadTile")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bFastLoadTile=true;
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,17), "UseSmallerTexture")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bUseSmallerTexture=true;
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,14), "IncTexRectEdge")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bIncTexRectEdge=true;
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,5), "ZHack")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bZHack=true;
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,16), "TexRectScaleHack")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bTextureScaleHack=true;
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,7), "VIWidth")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].VIWidth = strtol(right(readinfo,3),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,8), "VIHeight")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].VIHeight = strtol(right(readinfo,3),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,18), "UseCIWidthAndRatio")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].UseCIWidthAndRatio = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,8), "FullTMEM")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].dwFullTMEM = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,24), "AlternativeTxtSizeMethod")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bTxtSizeMethod2 = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,12), "EnableTxtLOD")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bEnableTxtLOD = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,12), "DisableObjBG")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bDisableObjBG = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,16), "ForceScreenClear")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bForceScreenClear = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,22), "AccurateTextureMapping")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].dwAccurateTextureMapping = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,14), "FastTextureCRC")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].dwFastTextureCRC = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,12), "EmulateClear")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bEmulateClear = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,18), "NormalAlphaBlender")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].dwNormalBlender = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,19), "DisableAlphaBlender")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bDisableBlender = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,19), "NormalColorCombiner")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].dwNormalCombiner = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,16), "ForceDepthBuffer")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].bForceDepthBuffer = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,20), "FrameBufferEmulation")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].dwFrameBufferOption = strtol(readinfo+21,NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,15), "RenderToTexture")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].dwRenderToTextureOption = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ if (strcasecmp(left(readinfo,19), "ScreenUpdateSetting")==0)
+ IniSections[sectionno].dwScreenUpdateSetting = strtol(right(readinfo,1),NULL,10);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inifile.close();
+ return TRUE;
+//read a line from the ini file
+std::ifstream & getline(std::ifstream & is, char *str)
+ char buf[100];
+ is.getline(buf,100);
+ strcpy( str,buf);
+ return is;
+void WriteIniFile()
+ uint32 i;
+ FILE * fhIn;
+ FILE * fhOut;
+ /* get path to game-hack INI file and read it */
+ const char *ini_filepath = ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath(szIniFileName);
+ if (ini_filepath == NULL)
+ return;
+ fhIn = fopen(ini_filepath, "r");
+ if (fhIn == NULL)
+ return;
+ fseek(fhIn, 0L, SEEK_END);
+ long filelen = ftell(fhIn);
+ fseek(fhIn, 0L, SEEK_SET);
+ char *chIniData = (char *) malloc(filelen + 1);
+ if (chIniData == NULL)
+ {
+ fclose(fhIn);
+ return;
+ }
+ long bytesread = fread(chIniData, 1, filelen, fhIn);
+ fclose(fhIn);
+ if (bytesread != filelen)
+ {
+ free(chIniData);
+ return;
+ }
+ chIniData[filelen] = 0;
+ /* now try to open the file for writing */
+ fhOut = fopen(ini_filepath, "w");
+ if (fhOut == NULL)
+ {
+ free(chIniData);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Mark all sections and needing to be written
+ for (i = 0; i < IniSections.size(); i++)
+ {
+ IniSections[i].bOutput = false;
+ }
+ char *thisline = chIniData;
+ while ((thisline - chIniData) < filelen)
+ {
+ char *nextline = strchr(thisline, '\n');
+ if (nextline == NULL)
+ nextline = thisline + strlen(thisline) + 1;
+ else
+ nextline++;
+ if (thisline[0] == '{')
+ {
+ BOOL bFound = FALSE;
+ // Start of section
+ tidy((char*) thisline);
+ thisline[strlen(thisline) - 1] = '\0';
+ for (i = 0; i < IniSections.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (IniSections[i].bOutput)
+ continue;
+ if (strcasecmp((char*) thisline + 1, IniSections[i].crccheck) == 0)
+ {
+ // Output this CRC
+ OutputSectionDetails(i, fhOut);
+ IniSections[i].bOutput = true;
+ bFound = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!bFound)
+ {
+ // Do what? This should never happen, unless the user
+ // replaces the inifile while game is running!
+ }
+ }
+ else if (thisline[0] == '/')
+ {
+ // Comment
+ fputs((char*) thisline, fhOut);
+ }
+ thisline = nextline;
+ }
+ // Input buffer done- process any new entries!
+ for (i = 0; i < IniSections.size(); i++)
+ {
+ // Skip any that have not been done.
+ if (IniSections[i].bOutput)
+ continue;
+ // Output this CRC
+ OutputSectionDetails(i, fhOut);
+ IniSections[i].bOutput = true;
+ }
+ fclose(fhOut);
+ free(chIniData);
+ bIniIsChanged = false;
+void OutputSectionDetails(uint32 i, FILE * fh)
+ fprintf(fh, "{%s}\n", IniSections[i].crccheck);
+ fprintf(fh, "Name=%s\n", IniSections[i].name);
+ //fprintf(fh, "UCode=%d\n", IniSections[i].ucode);
+ // Tri-state variables
+ if (IniSections[i].dwAccurateTextureMapping != 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "AccurateTextureMapping=%d\n", IniSections[i].dwAccurateTextureMapping);
+ if (IniSections[i].dwFastTextureCRC != 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "FastTextureCRC=%d\n", IniSections[i].dwFastTextureCRC);
+ if (IniSections[i].dwNormalBlender != 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "NormalAlphaBlender=%d\n", IniSections[i].dwNormalBlender);
+ if (IniSections[i].dwNormalCombiner != 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "NormalColorCombiner=%d\n", IniSections[i].dwNormalCombiner);
+ // Normal bi-state variables
+ if (IniSections[i].bDisableTextureCRC)
+ fprintf(fh, "DisableTextureCRC\n");
+ if (IniSections[i].bDisableCulling)
+ fprintf(fh, "DisableCulling\n");
+ if (IniSections[i].bPrimaryDepthHack)
+ fprintf(fh, "PrimaryDepthHack\n");
+ if (IniSections[i].bTexture1Hack)
+ fprintf(fh, "Texture1Hack\n");
+ if (IniSections[i].bFastLoadTile)
+ fprintf(fh, "FastLoadTile\n");
+ if (IniSections[i].bUseSmallerTexture)
+ fprintf(fh, "UseSmallerTexture\n");
+ if (IniSections[i].bIncTexRectEdge)
+ fprintf(fh, "IncTexRectEdge\n");
+ if (IniSections[i].bZHack)
+ fprintf(fh, "ZHack\n");
+ if (IniSections[i].bTextureScaleHack)
+ fprintf(fh, "TexRectScaleHack\n");
+ if (IniSections[i].VIWidth > 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "VIWidth=%d\n", IniSections[i].VIWidth);
+ if (IniSections[i].VIHeight > 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "VIHeight=%d\n", IniSections[i].VIHeight);
+ if (IniSections[i].UseCIWidthAndRatio > 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "UseCIWidthAndRatio=%d\n", IniSections[i].UseCIWidthAndRatio);
+ if (IniSections[i].dwFullTMEM > 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "FullTMEM=%d\n", IniSections[i].dwFullTMEM);
+ if (IniSections[i].bTxtSizeMethod2 != FALSE )
+ fprintf(fh, "AlternativeTxtSizeMethod=%d\n", IniSections[i].bTxtSizeMethod2);
+ if (IniSections[i].bEnableTxtLOD != FALSE )
+ fprintf(fh, "EnableTxtLOD=%d\n", IniSections[i].bEnableTxtLOD);
+ if (IniSections[i].bDisableObjBG != 0 )
+ fprintf(fh, "DisableObjBG=%d\n", IniSections[i].bDisableObjBG);
+ if (IniSections[i].bForceScreenClear != 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "ForceScreenClear=%d\n", IniSections[i].bForceScreenClear);
+ if (IniSections[i].bEmulateClear != 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "EmulateClear=%d\n", IniSections[i].bEmulateClear);
+ if (IniSections[i].bDisableBlender != 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "DisableAlphaBlender=%d\n", IniSections[i].bDisableBlender);
+ if (IniSections[i].bForceDepthBuffer != 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "ForceDepthBuffer=%d\n", IniSections[i].bForceDepthBuffer);
+ if (IniSections[i].dwFrameBufferOption != 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "FrameBufferEmulation=%d\n", IniSections[i].dwFrameBufferOption);
+ if (IniSections[i].dwRenderToTextureOption != 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "RenderToTexture=%d\n", IniSections[i].dwRenderToTextureOption);
+ if (IniSections[i].dwScreenUpdateSetting != 0)
+ fprintf(fh, "ScreenUpdateSetting=%d\n", IniSections[i].dwScreenUpdateSetting);
+ fprintf(fh, "\n"); // Spacer
+// Find the entry corresponding to the specified rom.
+// If the rom is not found, a new entry is created
+// The resulting value is returned
+void __cdecl DebuggerAppendMsg (const char * Message, ...);
+static int FindIniEntry(uint32 dwCRC1, uint32 dwCRC2, uint8 nCountryID, char* szName, int PrintInfo)
+ uint32 i;
+ unsigned char szCRC[50+1];
+ // Generate the CRC-ID for this rom:
+ sprintf((char*)szCRC, "%08x%08x-%02x", (unsigned int)dwCRC1, (unsigned int)dwCRC2, nCountryID);
+ for (i = 0; i < IniSections.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (strcasecmp((char*)szCRC, IniSections[i].crccheck) == 0)
+ {
+ if (PrintInfo)
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Found ROM '%s', CRC %s", IniSections[i].name, szCRC);
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add new entry!!!
+ section newsection;
+ if (PrintInfo)
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "ROM (CRC %s) not found in INI file", szCRC);
+ strcpy(newsection.crccheck, (char*)szCRC);
+ strncpy(newsection.name, szName, 50);
+ newsection.bDisableTextureCRC = FALSE;
+ newsection.bDisableCulling = FALSE;
+ newsection.bIncTexRectEdge = FALSE;
+ newsection.bZHack = FALSE;
+ newsection.bTextureScaleHack = FALSE;
+ newsection.bFastLoadTile = FALSE;
+ newsection.bUseSmallerTexture = FALSE;
+ newsection.bPrimaryDepthHack = FALSE;
+ newsection.bTexture1Hack = FALSE;
+ newsection.bDisableObjBG = FALSE;
+ newsection.VIWidth = -1;
+ newsection.VIHeight = -1;
+ newsection.UseCIWidthAndRatio = NOT_USE_CI_WIDTH_AND_RATIO;
+ newsection.dwFullTMEM = 0;
+ newsection.bTxtSizeMethod2 = FALSE;
+ newsection.bEnableTxtLOD = FALSE;
+ newsection.bEmulateClear = FALSE;
+ newsection.bForceScreenClear = FALSE;
+ newsection.bDisableBlender = FALSE;
+ newsection.bForceDepthBuffer = FALSE;
+ newsection.dwFastTextureCRC = 0;
+ newsection.dwAccurateTextureMapping = 0;
+ newsection.dwNormalBlender = 0;
+ newsection.dwNormalCombiner = 0;
+ newsection.dwFrameBufferOption = 0;
+ newsection.dwRenderToTextureOption = 0;
+ newsection.dwScreenUpdateSetting = 0;
+ IniSections.push_back(newsection);
+ bIniIsChanged = true; // Flag to indicate we should be updated
+ return IniSections.size()-1; // -1 takes into account increment
+GameSetting g_curRomInfo;
+void ROM_GetRomNameFromHeader(unsigned char * szName, ROMHeader * pHdr)
+ unsigned char * p;
+ memcpy(szName, pHdr->szName, 20);
+ szName[20] = '\0';
+ p = szName + (strlen((char*)szName) -1); // -1 to skip null
+ while (p >= szName && *p == ' ')
+ {
+ *p = 0;
+ p--;
+ }
+uint32 CountryCodeToTVSystem(uint32 countryCode)
+ uint32 system;
+ switch(countryCode)
+ {
+ /* Demo */
+ case 0:
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_NTSC;
+ break;
+ case '7':
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_NTSC;
+ break;
+ case 0x41:
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_NTSC;
+ break;
+ /* Germany */
+ case 0x44:
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_PAL;
+ break;
+ /* USA */
+ case 0x45:
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_NTSC;
+ break;
+ /* France */
+ case 0x46:
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_PAL;
+ break;
+ /* Italy */
+ case 'I':
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_PAL;
+ break;
+ /* Japan */
+ case 0x4A:
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_NTSC;
+ break;
+ /* Europe - PAL */
+ case 0x50:
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_PAL;
+ break;
+ case 'S': /* Spain */
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_PAL;
+ break;
+ /* Australia */
+ case 0x55:
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_PAL;
+ break;
+ case 0x58:
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_PAL;
+ break;
+ /* Australia */
+ case 0x59:
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_PAL;
+ break;
+ case 0x20:
+ case 0x21:
+ case 0x38:
+ case 0x70:
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_PAL;
+ break;
+ /* ??? */
+ default:
+ system = TV_SYSTEM_PAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return system;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _RICE_CONFIG_H_
+#define _RICE_CONFIG_H_
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "typedefs.h"
+typedef enum
+ OGL_1_4_V2_DEVICE,
+} SupportedDeviceType;
+enum DirectXCombinerType
+typedef struct
+ const char* name;
+ SupportedDeviceType type;
+} RenderEngineSetting;
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+ SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_VI_UPDATE_AND_DRAWN = 7, // Update screen at VI origin is updated and the screen has been drawn
+enum {
+enum {
+typedef struct {
+ BOOL bEnableHacks;
+ BOOL bWinFrameMode;
+ BOOL bOGLVertexClipper;
+ BOOL bEnableSSE;
+ BOOL bEnableVertexShader;
+ BOOL bSkipFrame;
+ BOOL bUseFullTMEM;
+ BOOL bShowFPS;
+ uint32 mipmapping;
+ uint32 fogMethod;
+ uint32 forceTextureFilter;
+ uint32 textureEnhancement;
+ uint32 textureEnhancementControl;
+ uint32 textureQuality;
+ uint32 anisotropicFiltering;
+ uint32 multiSampling;
+ BOOL bTexRectOnly;
+ BOOL bSmallTextureOnly;
+ BOOL bDumpTexturesToFiles;
+ BOOL bLoadHiResTextures;
+ BOOL bLoadHiResCRCOnly;
+ int OpenglDepthBufferSetting;
+ int OpenglRenderSetting;
+ uint32 colorQuality;
+ HACK_FOR_GAMES enableHackForGames;
+} GlobalOptions;
+typedef struct {
+ bool bUpdateCIInfo;
+ bool bCheckBackBufs; // Check texture again against the recent backbuffer addresses
+ bool bWriteBackBufToRDRAM; // If a recent backbuffer is used, write its content back to RDRAM
+ bool bLoadBackBufFromRDRAM; // Load content from RDRAM and draw into backbuffer
+ bool bIgnore; // Ignore all rendering into texture buffers
+ bool bSupportRenderTextures; // Support render-to-texture
+ bool bCheckRenderTextures; // Check texture again against the the last render_texture addresses
+ bool bRenderTextureWriteBack; // Write back render_texture into RDRAM
+ bool bLoadRDRAMIntoRenderTexture; // Load RDRAM content and render into render_texture
+ bool bAtEachFrameUpdate; // Reload and write back at each frame buffer and CI update
+ bool bProcessCPUWrite;
+ bool bProcessCPURead;
+ bool bFillRectNextTextureBuffer;
+ bool bIgnoreRenderTextureIfHeightUnknown;
+ //bool bFillColor;
+} FrameBufferOptions;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 N64FrameBufferEmuType;
+ uint32 N64FrameBufferWriteBackControl;
+ uint32 N64RenderToTextureEmuType;
+ uint32 screenUpdateSetting;
+ BOOL bNormalCombiner;
+ BOOL bNormalBlender;
+ BOOL bFastTexCRC;
+ BOOL bAccurateTextureMapping;
+ BOOL bInN64Resolution;
+ BOOL bDoubleSizeForSmallTxtrBuf;
+} RomOptions;
+typedef struct IniSection
+ bool bOutput;
+ char crccheck[50];
+ char name[50];
+ // Options with changeable default values
+ uint32 dwNormalCombiner;
+ uint32 dwNormalBlender;
+ uint32 dwFastTextureCRC;
+ uint32 dwAccurateTextureMapping;
+ uint32 dwFrameBufferOption;
+ uint32 dwRenderToTextureOption;
+ uint32 dwScreenUpdateSetting;
+ // Options with FALSE as default values
+ BOOL bDisableBlender;
+ BOOL bForceScreenClear;
+ BOOL bEmulateClear;
+ BOOL bForceDepthBuffer;
+ // Less useful options
+ BOOL bDisableObjBG;
+ BOOL bDisableTextureCRC;
+ BOOL bIncTexRectEdge;
+ BOOL bZHack;
+ BOOL bTextureScaleHack;
+ BOOL bFastLoadTile;
+ BOOL bUseSmallerTexture;
+ BOOL bPrimaryDepthHack;
+ BOOL bTexture1Hack;
+ BOOL bDisableCulling;
+ int VIWidth;
+ int VIHeight;
+ uint32 UseCIWidthAndRatio;
+ uint32 dwFullTMEM;
+ BOOL bTxtSizeMethod2;
+ BOOL bEnableTxtLOD;
+} section;
+struct ROMHeader
+ uint8 x1, x2, x3, x4;
+ uint32 dwClockRate;
+ uint32 dwBootAddressOffset;
+ uint32 dwRelease;
+ uint32 dwCRC1;
+ uint32 dwCRC2;
+ uint64 qwUnknown1;
+ char szName[20];
+ uint32 dwUnknown2;
+ uint16 wUnknown3;
+ uint8 nUnknown4;
+ uint8 nManufacturer;
+ uint16 wCartID;
+ s8 nCountryID;
+ uint8 nUnknown5;
+typedef struct
+ // Other info from the rom. This is for convenience
+ unsigned char szGameName[50+1];
+ s8 nCountryID;
+ // Copy of the ROM header
+ ROMHeader romheader;
+ // With changeable default values
+ uint32 dwNormalCombiner;
+ uint32 dwNormalBlender;
+ uint32 dwAccurateTextureMapping;
+ uint32 dwFastTextureCRC;
+ uint32 dwFrameBufferOption;
+ uint32 dwRenderToTextureOption;
+ uint32 dwScreenUpdateSetting;
+ // With FALSE as its default values
+ BOOL bForceScreenClear;
+ BOOL bEmulateClear;
+ BOOL bForceDepthBuffer;
+ BOOL bDisableBlender;
+ // Less useful options
+ BOOL bDisableObjBG;
+ BOOL bDisableTextureCRC;
+ BOOL bIncTexRectEdge;
+ BOOL bZHack;
+ BOOL bTextureScaleHack;
+ BOOL bFastLoadTile;
+ BOOL bUseSmallerTexture;
+ BOOL bPrimaryDepthHack;
+ BOOL bTexture1Hack;
+ BOOL bDisableCulling;
+ int VIWidth;
+ int VIHeight;
+ uint32 UseCIWidthAndRatio;
+ uint32 dwFullTMEM;
+ BOOL bTxtSizeMethod2;
+ BOOL bEnableTxtLOD;
+} GameSetting, *LPGAMESETTING;
+typedef struct
+ s8 nCountryID;
+ char* szName;
+ uint32 nTvType;
+} CountryIDInfo;
+#define TV_SYSTEM_NTSC 1
+#define TV_SYSTEM_PAL 0
+extern GlobalOptions options;
+extern FrameBufferOptions frameBufferOptions;
+extern RomOptions defaultRomOptions;
+extern RomOptions currentRomOptions;
+extern const CountryIDInfo g_CountryCodeInfo[];
+extern GameSetting g_curRomInfo;
+extern bool bIniIsChanged;
+extern char szIniFileName[300];
+extern BOOL InitConfiguration(void);
+extern BOOL LoadConfiguration(void);
+extern void WriteIniFile();
+extern BOOL ReadIniFile();
+extern void OutputSectionDetails(uint32 i, FILE * fh);
+extern void GenerateCurrentRomOptions();
+extern void Ini_GetRomOptions(LPGAMESETTING pGameSetting);
+extern void Ini_StoreRomOptions(LPGAMESETTING pGameSetting);
+extern uint32 CountryCodeToTVSystem(uint32 countryCode);
+extern void ROM_GetRomNameFromHeader(unsigned char * szName, ROMHeader * pHdr);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "ConvertImage.h"
+#include "RenderBase.h"
+ConvertFunction gConvertFunctions_FullTMEM[ 8 ][ 4 ] =
+ // 4bpp 8bpp 16bpp 32bpp
+ { Convert4b, Convert8b, Convert16b, ConvertRGBA32 }, // RGBA
+ { NULL, NULL, ConvertYUV, NULL }, // YUV
+ { Convert4b, Convert8b, NULL, NULL }, // CI
+ { Convert4b, Convert8b, Convert16b, NULL }, // IA
+ { Convert4b, Convert8b, Convert16b, NULL }, // I
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // ?
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // ?
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } // ?
+ConvertFunction gConvertFunctions[ 8 ][ 4 ] =
+ // 4bpp 8bpp 16bpp 32bpp
+ { ConvertCI4, ConvertCI8, ConvertRGBA16, ConvertRGBA32 }, // RGBA
+ { NULL, NULL, ConvertYUV, NULL }, // YUV
+ { ConvertCI4, ConvertCI8, NULL, NULL }, // CI
+ { ConvertIA4, ConvertIA8, ConvertIA16, NULL }, // IA
+ { ConvertI4, ConvertI8, ConvertIA16, NULL }, // I
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // ?
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // ?
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } // ?
+ConvertFunction gConvertTlutFunctions[ 8 ][ 4 ] =
+ // 4bpp 8bpp 16bpp 32bpp
+ { ConvertCI4, ConvertCI8, ConvertRGBA16, ConvertRGBA32 }, // RGBA
+ { NULL, NULL, ConvertYUV, NULL }, // YUV
+ { ConvertCI4, ConvertCI8, NULL, NULL }, // CI
+ { ConvertCI4, ConvertCI8, ConvertIA16, NULL }, // IA
+ { ConvertCI4, ConvertCI8, ConvertIA16, NULL }, // I
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // ?
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // ?
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } // ?
+extern bool conkerSwapHack;
+void ConvertRGBA16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ // Copy of the base pointer
+ uint16 * pSrc = (uint16*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint8 * pByteSrc = (uint8 *)pSrc;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y&1) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x2;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x2 | 0x4;
+ // dwDst points to start of destination row
+ uint32 * dwDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ // DWordOffset points to the current dword we're looking at
+ // (process 2 pixels at a time). May be a problem if we don't start on even pixel
+ uint32 dwWordOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad * 2);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint16 w = *(uint16 *)&pByteSrc[dwWordOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ dwDst[x] = Convert555ToRGBA(w);
+ // Increment word offset to point to the next two pixels
+ dwWordOffset += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ // dwDst points to start of destination row
+ uint32 * dwDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ // DWordOffset points to the current dword we're looking at
+ // (process 2 pixels at a time). May be a problem if we don't start on even pixel
+ uint32 dwWordOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad * 2);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint16 w = *(uint16 *)&pByteSrc[dwWordOffset ^ 0x2];
+ dwDst[x] = Convert555ToRGBA(w);
+ // Increment word offset to point to the next two pixels
+ dwWordOffset += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+void ConvertRGBA32(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ uint32 * pSrc = (uint32*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ if( options.bUseFullTMEM )
+ {
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tinfo.tileNo];
+ uint32 *pWordSrc;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo >= 0 )
+ {
+ pWordSrc = (uint32*)&g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem];
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint32 * dwDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 nFiddle = ( y&1 )? 0x2 : 0;
+ int idx = tile.dwLine*4*y;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++, idx++)
+ {
+ uint32 w = pWordSrc[idx^nFiddle];
+ uint8* psw = (uint8*)&w;
+ uint8* pdw = (uint8*)&dwDst[x];
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES0
+ pdw[0] = psw[0]; // Red
+ pdw[1] = psw[1]; // Green
+ pdw[2] = psw[2]; // Blue
+ pdw[0] = psw[2]; // Blue
+ pdw[1] = psw[1]; // Green
+ pdw[2] = psw[0]; // Red
+ pdw[3] = psw[3]; // Alpha
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ {
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch;
+ uint8 *pS = (uint8 *)pSrc + (y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch + (tinfo.LeftToLoad*4);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES0
+ pDst[0] = pS[3]; // Red
+ pDst[1] = pS[2]; // Green
+ pDst[2] = pS[1]; // Blue
+ pDst[0] = pS[1]; // Blue
+ pDst[1] = pS[2]; // Green
+ pDst[2] = pS[3]; // Red
+ pDst[3] = pS[0]; // Alpha
+ pS+=4;
+ pDst+=4;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32 *pDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint8 *pS = (uint8 *)pSrc;
+ int n;
+ n = (y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch + (tinfo.LeftToLoad*4);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES0
+ *pDst++ = COLOR_RGBA(pS[(n+1)^0x8],
+ pS[(n+2)^0x8],
+ pS[(n+3)^0x8],
+ pS[(n+0)^0x8]);
+ *pDst++ = COLOR_RGBA(pS[(n+3)^0x8],
+ pS[(n+2)^0x8],
+ pS[(n+1)^0x8],
+ pS[(n+0)^0x8]);
+ n += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch;
+ uint8 *pS = (uint8 *)pSrc + (y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch + (tinfo.LeftToLoad*4);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES0
+ pDst[0] = pS[3]; // Red
+ pDst[1] = pS[2]; // Green
+ pDst[2] = pS[1]; // Blue
+ pDst[0] = pS[1]; // Blue
+ pDst[1] = pS[2]; // Green
+ pDst[2] = pS[3]; // Red
+ pDst[3] = pS[0]; // Alpha
+ pS+=4;
+ pDst+=4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// E.g. Dear Mario text
+// Copy, Score etc
+void ConvertIA4(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if (((long long)pSrc) % 4) TRACE0("Texture src addr is not aligned to 4 bytes, check me");
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch;
+ // For odd lines, swap words too
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ // This may not work if X is not even?
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = (y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch + (tinfo.LeftToLoad/2);
+ if (tinfo.WidthToLoad == 1)
+ {
+ // corner case
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0xE0) >> 5];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0xE0) >> 5];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0xE0) >> 5];
+ *pDst++ = OneToEight[(b & 0x10) >> 4];
+ }
+ else for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ // Do two pixels at a time
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ // Even
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0xE0) >> 5];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0xE0) >> 5];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0xE0) >> 5];
+ *pDst++ = OneToEight[(b & 0x10) >> 4];
+ // Odd
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0x0E) >> 1];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0x0E) >> 1];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0x0E) >> 1];
+ *pDst++ = OneToEight[(b & 0x01) ];
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + (y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ // This may not work if X is not even?
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = (y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch + (tinfo.LeftToLoad/2);
+ if (tinfo.WidthToLoad == 1)
+ {
+ // corner case
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0xE0) >> 5];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0xE0) >> 5];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0xE0) >> 5];
+ *pDst++ = OneToEight[(b & 0x10) >> 4];
+ }
+ else for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ // Do two pixels at a time
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ // Even
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0xE0) >> 5];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0xE0) >> 5];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0xE0) >> 5];
+ *pDst++ = OneToEight[(b & 0x10) >> 4];
+ // Odd
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0x0E) >> 1];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0x0E) >> 1];
+ *pDst++ = ThreeToEight[(b & 0x0E) >> 1];
+ *pDst++ = OneToEight[(b & 0x01) ];
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// E.g Mario's head textures
+void ConvertIA8(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if (((long long)pSrc) % 4) TRACE0("Texture src addr is not aligned to 4 bytes, check me");
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ // For odd lines, swap words too
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch;
+ // Points to current byte
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ uint8 I = FourToEight[(b & 0xf0)>>4];
+ *pDst++ = I;
+ *pDst++ = I;
+ *pDst++ = I;
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0x0f) ];
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ register const uint8* FourToEightArray = &FourToEight[0];
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch;
+ // Points to current byte
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ register uint8 b = pSrc[(dwByteOffset++) ^ 0x3];
+ uint8 I = *(FourToEightArray+(b>>4));
+ *pDst++ = I;
+ *pDst++ = I;
+ *pDst++ = I;
+ *pDst++ = *(FourToEightArray+(b&0xF));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// E.g. camera's clouds, shadows
+void ConvertIA16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint16 * pSrc = (uint16*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint8 * pByteSrc = (uint8 *)pSrc;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch;
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x2;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x4 | 0x2;
+ // Points to current word
+ uint32 dwWordOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad * 2);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint16 w = *(uint16 *)&pByteSrc[dwWordOffset^nFiddle];
+ *pDst++ = (uint8)(w >> 8);
+ *pDst++ = (uint8)(w >> 8);
+ *pDst++ = (uint8)(w >> 8);
+ *pDst++ = (uint8)(w & 0xFF);
+ dwWordOffset += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch;
+ // Points to current word
+ uint32 dwWordOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad * 2);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint16 w = *(uint16 *)&pByteSrc[dwWordOffset^0x2];
+ *pDst++ = (uint8)(w >> 8);
+ *pDst++ = (uint8)(w >> 8);
+ *pDst++ = (uint8)(w >> 8);
+ *pDst++ = (uint8)(w & 0xFF);
+ dwWordOffset += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// Used by MarioKart
+void ConvertI4(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if (((long long) pSrc) % 4) TRACE0("Texture src addr is not aligned to 4 bytes, check me");
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch;
+ // Might not work with non-even starting X
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ // For odd lines, swap words too
+ if( !conkerSwapHack || (y&4) == 0 )
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 1)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ }
+ if (tinfo.WidthToLoad == 1)
+ {
+ // corner case
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ }
+ else for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ // two pixels at a time
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ // Even
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4]; // Other implementations seem to or in (b&0xF0)>>4
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4]; // why?
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ // Odd
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0x0F)];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0x0F)];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0x0F)];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0x0F)];
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ conkerSwapHack = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch;
+ // Might not work with non-even starting X
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ if (tinfo.WidthToLoad == 1)
+ {
+ // corner case
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ }
+ else for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ // two pixels at a time
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ // Even
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4]; // Other implementations seem to or in (b&0xF0)>>4
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4]; // why?
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ // Odd
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0x0F)];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0x0F)];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0x0F)];
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0x0F)];
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// Used by MarioKart
+void ConvertI8(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ long long pSrc = (long long) tinfo.pPhysicalAddress;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch;
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = *(uint8*)((pSrc+dwByteOffset)^nFiddle);
+ *pDst++ = b;
+ *pDst++ = b;
+ *pDst++ = b;
+ *pDst++ = b; // Alpha not 255?
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch;
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = *(uint8*)((pSrc+dwByteOffset)^0x3);
+ *pDst++ = b;
+ *pDst++ = b;
+ *pDst++ = b;
+ *pDst++ = b; // Alpha not 255?
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// Convert CI4 images. We need to switch on the palette type
+void ConvertCI4( CTexture * p_texture, const TxtrInfo & tinfo )
+ if ( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_RGBA16 )
+ {
+ ConvertCI4_RGBA16( p_texture, tinfo );
+ }
+ else if ( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_IA16 )
+ {
+ ConvertCI4_IA16( p_texture, tinfo );
+ }
+// Convert CI8 images. We need to switch on the palette type
+void ConvertCI8( CTexture * p_texture, const TxtrInfo & tinfo )
+ if ( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_RGBA16 )
+ {
+ ConvertCI8_RGBA16( p_texture, tinfo );
+ }
+ else if ( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_IA16 )
+ {
+ ConvertCI8_IA16( p_texture, tinfo );
+ }
+// Used by Starfox intro
+void ConvertCI4_RGBA16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)tinfo.PalAddress;
+ bool bIgnoreAlpha = (tinfo.TLutFmt==TLUT_FMT_NONE);
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ uint32 * pDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch);
+ if (tinfo.WidthToLoad == 1)
+ {
+ // corner case
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ *pDst = Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[bhi^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ *pDst |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ }
+ else for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ // two at a time
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ uint8 blo = (b&0x0f);
+ pDst[0] = Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[bhi^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ pDst[1] = Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[blo^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ pDst[0] |= 0xFF000000;
+ pDst[1] |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ pDst+=2;
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint32 * pDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ if (tinfo.WidthToLoad == 1)
+ {
+ // corner case
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ *pDst = Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[bhi^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ *pDst |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ }
+ else for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ // two at a time
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ uint8 blo = (b&0x0f);
+ pDst[0] = Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[bhi^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ pDst[1] = Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[blo^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ pDst[0] |= 0xFF000000;
+ pDst[1] |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ pDst+=2;
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// Used by Starfox intro
+void ConvertCI4_IA16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if (((long long) pSrc) % 4) TRACE0("Texture src addr is not aligned to 4 bytes, check me");
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)tinfo.PalAddress;
+ bool bIgnoreAlpha = (tinfo.TLutFmt==TLUT_FMT_UNKNOWN);
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ uint32 * pDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ if (tinfo.WidthToLoad == 1)
+ {
+ // corner case
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ *pDst = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[bhi^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ *pDst |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ else for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ // two at a time
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ uint8 blo = (b&0x0f);
+ pDst[0] = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[bhi^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ pDst[1] = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[blo^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ pDst[0] |= 0xFF000000;
+ pDst[1] |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ pDst+=2;
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint32 * pDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ if (tinfo.WidthToLoad == 1)
+ {
+ // corner case
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ *pDst = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[bhi^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ *pDst |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ else for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ // two pixels at a time
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ uint8 blo = (b&0x0f);
+ pDst[0] = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[bhi^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ pDst[1] = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[blo^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ pDst[0] |= 0xFF000000;
+ pDst[1] |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ pDst+=2;
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// Used by MarioKart for Cars etc
+void ConvertCI8_RGBA16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if (((long long) pSrc) % 4) TRACE0("Texture src addr is not aligned to 4 bytes, check me");
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)tinfo.PalAddress;
+ bool bIgnoreAlpha = (tinfo.TLutFmt==TLUT_FMT_NONE);
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ uint32 *pDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ *pDst++ = Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[b^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ *(pDst-1) |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint32 *pDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ int dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ *pDst++ = Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[b^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ *(pDst-1) |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// Used by MarioKart for Cars etc
+void ConvertCI8_IA16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if (((long long) pSrc) % 4) TRACE0("Texture src addr is not aligned to 4 bytes, check me");
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)tinfo.PalAddress;
+ bool bIgnoreAlpha = (tinfo.TLutFmt==TLUT_FMT_UNKNOWN);
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ uint32 *pDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ *pDst++ = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[b^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ *(pDst-1) |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint32 *pDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ *pDst++ = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[b^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ *(pDst-1) |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+void ConvertYUV(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ uint32 x, y;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ if( options.bUseFullTMEM )
+ {
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tinfo.tileNo];
+ uint16 * pSrc;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo >= 0 )
+ pSrc = (uint16*)&g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem];
+ else
+ pSrc = (uint16*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint8 * pByteSrc = (uint8 *)pSrc;
+ for (y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ nFiddle = ( y&1 )? 0x4 : 0;
+ int dwWordOffset = tinfo.tileNo>=0? tile.dwLine*8*y : ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad * 2);
+ uint32 * dwDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ for (x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad/2; x++)
+ {
+ int y0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+1)^nFiddle];
+ int y1 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+3)^nFiddle];
+ int u0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset )^nFiddle];
+ int v0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+2)^nFiddle];
+ dwDst[x*2+0] = ConvertYUV16ToR8G8B8(y0,u0,v0);
+ dwDst[x*2+1] = ConvertYUV16ToR8G8B8(y1,u0,v0);
+ dwWordOffset += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint16 * pSrc = (uint16*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint8 * pByteSrc = (uint8 *)pSrc;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y&1) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ // dwDst points to start of destination row
+ uint32 * dwDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ // DWordOffset points to the current dword we're looking at
+ // (process 2 pixels at a time). May be a problem if we don't start on even pixel
+ uint32 dwWordOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad * 2);
+ for (x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad/2; x++)
+ {
+ int y0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+2)^nFiddle];
+ int v0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+1)^nFiddle];
+ int y1 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset )^nFiddle];
+ int u0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+3)^nFiddle];
+ dwDst[x*2+0] = ConvertYUV16ToR8G8B8(y0,u0,v0);
+ dwDst[x*2+1] = ConvertYUV16ToR8G8B8(y1,u0,v0);
+ dwWordOffset += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ // dwDst points to start of destination row
+ uint32 * dwDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = y * 32;
+ for (x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad/2; x++)
+ {
+ int y0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwByteOffset+2)];
+ int v0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwByteOffset+1)];
+ int y1 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwByteOffset )];
+ int u0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwByteOffset+3)];
+ dwDst[x*2+0] = ConvertYUV16ToR8G8B8(y0,u0,v0);
+ dwDst[x*2+1] = ConvertYUV16ToR8G8B8(y1,u0,v0);
+ // Increment word offset to point to the next two pixels
+ dwByteOffset += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+uint32 ConvertYUV16ToR8G8B8(int Y, int U, int V)
+ /*
+ int R = int(g_convc0 *(Y-16) + g_convc1 * V);
+ int G = int(g_convc0 *(Y-16) + g_convc2 * U - g_convc3 * V);
+ int B = int(g_convc0 *(Y-16) + g_convc4 * U);
+ */
+ Y += 80;
+ int R = int(Y + (1.370705f * (V-128)));
+ int G = int(Y - (0.698001f * (V-128)) - (0.337633f * (U-128)));
+ int B = int(Y + (1.732446f * (U-128)));
+ R = R < 0 ? 0 : (R>255 ? 255 : R);
+ G = G < 0 ? 0 : (G>255 ? 255 : G);
+ B = B < 0 ? 0 : (B>255 ? 255 : B);
+ return COLOR_RGBA(R, G, B, 0xFF);
+// Used by Starfox intro
+void Convert4b(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)tinfo.PalAddress;
+ bool bIgnoreAlpha = (tinfo.TLutFmt==TLUT_FMT_UNKNOWN);
+ if( tinfo.Format <= TXT_FMT_CI ) bIgnoreAlpha = (tinfo.TLutFmt==TLUT_FMT_NONE);
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tinfo.tileNo];
+ uint8 *pByteSrc = tinfo.tileNo >= 0 ? (uint8*)&g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem] : (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo < 0 )
+ {
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFiddle = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFiddle = ( y&1 )? 0x4 : 0;
+ }
+ uint32 * pDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ int idx = tinfo.tileNo>=0 ? tile.dwLine*8*y : ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ if (tinfo.WidthToLoad == 1)
+ {
+ // corner case
+ uint8 b = pByteSrc[idx^nFiddle];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 || ( tinfo.Format != TXT_FMT_IA && tinfo.Format != TXT_FMT_I) )
+ {
+ if( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_IA16 )
+ {
+ if( tinfo.tileNo>=0 )
+ *pDst = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+tinfo.Palette*0x40+(bhi<<2)]);
+ else
+ *pDst = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[bhi^1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( tinfo.tileNo>=0 )
+ *pDst = Convert555ToRGBA(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+tinfo.Palette*0x40+(bhi<<2)]);
+ else
+ *pDst = Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[bhi^1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_IA )
+ *pDst = ConvertIA4ToRGBA(b>>4);
+ else // if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_I )
+ *pDst = ConvertI4ToRGBA(b>>4);
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ *pDst |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ else for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2, idx++)
+ {
+ // two pixels at a time
+ uint8 b = pByteSrc[idx^nFiddle];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ uint8 blo = (b&0x0f);
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 || ( tinfo.Format != TXT_FMT_IA && tinfo.Format != TXT_FMT_I) )
+ {
+ if( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_IA16 )
+ {
+ if( tinfo.tileNo>=0 )
+ {
+ pDst[0] = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+tinfo.Palette*0x40+(bhi<<2)]);
+ pDst[1] = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+tinfo.Palette*0x40+(blo<<2)]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDst[0] = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[bhi^1]);
+ pDst[1] = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[blo^1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( tinfo.tileNo>=0 )
+ {
+ pDst[0] = Convert555ToRGBA(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+tinfo.Palette*0x40+(bhi<<2)]);
+ pDst[1] = Convert555ToRGBA(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+tinfo.Palette*0x40+(blo<<2)]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDst[0] = Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[bhi^1]);
+ pDst[1] = Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[blo^1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_IA )
+ {
+ pDst[0] = ConvertIA4ToRGBA(b>>4);
+ pDst[1] = ConvertIA4ToRGBA(b&0xF);
+ }
+ else // if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_I )
+ {
+ pDst[0] = ConvertI4ToRGBA(b>>4);
+ pDst[1] = ConvertI4ToRGBA(b&0xF);
+ }
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ pDst[0] |= 0xFF000000;
+ pDst[1] |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ pDst+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+void Convert8b(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)tinfo.PalAddress;
+ bool bIgnoreAlpha = (tinfo.TLutFmt==TLUT_FMT_UNKNOWN);
+ if( tinfo.Format <= TXT_FMT_CI ) bIgnoreAlpha = (tinfo.TLutFmt==TLUT_FMT_NONE);
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tinfo.tileNo];
+ uint8 *pByteSrc;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo >= 0 )
+ {
+ pByteSrc = (uint8*)&g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pByteSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ }
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint32 * pDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo < 0 )
+ {
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFiddle = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFiddle = ( y&1 )? 0x4 : 0;
+ }
+ int idx = tinfo.tileNo>=0? tile.dwLine*8*y : ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++, idx++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pByteSrc[idx^nFiddle];
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 || ( tinfo.Format != TXT_FMT_IA && tinfo.Format != TXT_FMT_I) )
+ {
+ if( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_IA16 )
+ {
+ if( tinfo.tileNo>=0 )
+ *pDst = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+(b<<2)]);
+ else
+ *pDst = ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[b^1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( tinfo.tileNo>=0 )
+ *pDst = Convert555ToRGBA(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+(b<<2)]);
+ else
+ *pDst = Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[b^1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_IA )
+ {
+ uint8 I = FourToEight[(b & 0xf0)>>4];
+ uint8 * pByteDst = (uint8*)pDst;
+ pByteDst[0] = I;
+ pByteDst[1] = I;
+ pByteDst[2] = I;
+ pByteDst[3] = FourToEight[(b & 0x0f) ];
+ }
+ else // if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_I )
+ {
+ uint8 * pByteDst = (uint8*)pDst;
+ pByteDst[0] = b;
+ pByteDst[1] = b;
+ pByteDst[2] = b;
+ pByteDst[3] = b;
+ }
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ *pDst |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ pDst++;
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+void Convert16b(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tinfo.tileNo];
+ uint16 *pWordSrc;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo >= 0 )
+ pWordSrc = (uint16*)&g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem];
+ else
+ pWordSrc = (uint16*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint32 * dwDst = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo < 0 )
+ {
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ if ((y&1) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x1;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFiddle = 0x1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFiddle = ( y&1 )? 0x2 : 0;
+ }
+ int idx = tinfo.tileNo>=0? tile.dwLine*4*y : (((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch)>>1) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++, idx++)
+ {
+ uint16 w = pWordSrc[idx^nFiddle];
+ uint16 w2 = tinfo.tileNo>=0? ((w>>8)|(w<<8)) : w;
+ if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_RGBA )
+ {
+ dwDst[x] = Convert555ToRGBA(w2);
+ }
+ else if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_YUV )
+ {
+ }
+ else if( tinfo.Format >= TXT_FMT_IA )
+ {
+ uint8 * pByteDst = (uint8*)&dwDst[x];
+ *pByteDst++ = (uint8)(w2 >> 8);
+ *pByteDst++ = (uint8)(w2 >> 8);
+ *pByteDst++ = (uint8)(w2 >> 8);
+ *pByteDst++ = (uint8)(w2 & 0xFF);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef __CONVERTIMAGE_H__
+#define __CONVERTIMAGE_H__
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#include "Texture.h"
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+static const uint8 OneToEight[2] =
+ 0x00, // 0 -> 00 00 00 00
+ 0xff // 1 -> 11 11 11 11
+static const uint8 OneToFour[2] =
+ 0x00, // 0 -> 00 00
+ 0x0f // 1 -> 11 11
+static const uint8 TwoToEight[4] =
+ 0x00, // 00 -> 00 00 00 00
+ 0x55, // 01 -> 01 01 01 01
+ 0xaa, // 10 -> 10 10 10 10
+ 0xff // 11 -> 11 11 11 11
+static const uint8 TwoToFour[4] =
+ 0x0, // 00 -> 00 00
+ 0x5, // 01 -> 01 01
+ 0xa, // 10 -> 10 10
+ 0xf // 11 -> 11 11
+static const uint8 ThreeToEight[8] =
+ 0x00, // 000 -> 00 00 00 00
+ 0x24, // 001 -> 00 10 01 00
+ 0x49, // 010 -> 01 00 10 01
+ 0x6d, // 011 -> 01 10 11 01
+ 0x92, // 100 -> 10 01 00 10
+ 0xb6, // 101 -> 10 11 01 10
+ 0xdb, // 110 -> 11 01 10 11
+ 0xff // 111 -> 11 11 11 11
+static const uint8 ThreeToFour[8] =
+ 0x0, // 000 -> 00 00 00 00
+ 0x2, // 001 -> 00 10 01 00
+ 0x4, // 010 -> 01 00 10 01
+ 0x6, // 011 -> 01 10 11 01
+ 0x9, // 100 -> 10 01 00 10
+ 0xb, // 101 -> 10 11 01 10
+ 0xd, // 110 -> 11 01 10 11
+ 0xf // 111 -> 11 11 11 11
+static const uint8 FourToEight[16] =
+ 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33,
+ 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77,
+ 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb,
+ 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff
+static const uint16 FourToSixteen[16] =
+ 0x0000, 0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333,
+ 0x4444, 0x5555, 0x6666, 0x7777,
+ 0x8888, 0x9999, 0xaaaa, 0xbbbb,
+ 0xcccc, 0xdddd, 0xeeee, 0xffff
+static const uint8 FiveToEight[32] =
+ 0x00, // 00000 -> 00000000
+ 0x08, // 00001 -> 00001000
+ 0x10, // 00010 -> 00010000
+ 0x18, // 00011 -> 00011000
+ 0x21, // 00100 -> 00100001
+ 0x29, // 00101 -> 00101001
+ 0x31, // 00110 -> 00110001
+ 0x39, // 00111 -> 00111001
+ 0x42, // 01000 -> 01000010
+ 0x4a, // 01001 -> 01001010
+ 0x52, // 01010 -> 01010010
+ 0x5a, // 01011 -> 01011010
+ 0x63, // 01100 -> 01100011
+ 0x6b, // 01101 -> 01101011
+ 0x73, // 01110 -> 01110011
+ 0x7b, // 01111 -> 01111011
+ 0x84, // 10000 -> 10000100
+ 0x8c, // 10001 -> 10001100
+ 0x94, // 10010 -> 10010100
+ 0x9c, // 10011 -> 10011100
+ 0xa5, // 10100 -> 10100101
+ 0xad, // 10101 -> 10101101
+ 0xb5, // 10110 -> 10110101
+ 0xbd, // 10111 -> 10111101
+ 0xc6, // 11000 -> 11000110
+ 0xce, // 11001 -> 11001110
+ 0xd6, // 11010 -> 11010110
+ 0xde, // 11011 -> 11011110
+ 0xe7, // 11100 -> 11100111
+ 0xef, // 11101 -> 11101111
+ 0xf7, // 11110 -> 11110111
+ 0xff // 11111 -> 11111111
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES0
+#define RGBA5551_BlueMask2 (0xF800)
+#define RGBA5551_GreenMask2 (0x07C0)
+#define RGBA5551_RedMask2 (0x003E)
+#define RGBA5551_AlphaMask2 (0x0001)
+#define RGBA5551_BlueShift2 11
+#define RGBA5551_GreenShift2 6
+#define RGBA5551_RedShift2 1
+#define RGBA5551_AlphaShift2 0
+#define RGBA565_BlueMask2 (0xF800)
+#define RGBA565_GreenMask2 (0x07E0)
+#define RGBA565_RedMask2 (0x001F)
+#define RGBA565_BlueShift2 11
+#define RGBA565_GreenShift2 5
+#define RGBA565_RedShift2 0
+#define RGBA5551_RedMask2 (0xF800)
+#define RGBA5551_GreenMask2 (0x07C0)
+#define RGBA5551_BlueMask2 (0x003E)
+#define RGBA5551_AlphaMask2 (0x0001)
+#define RGBA5551_RedShift2 11
+#define RGBA5551_GreenShift2 6
+#define RGBA5551_BlueShift2 1
+#define RGBA5551_AlphaShift2 0
+#define RGBA565_RedMask2 (0xF800)
+#define RGBA565_GreenMask2 (0x07E0)
+#define RGBA565_BlueMask2 (0x001F)
+#define RGBA565_RedShift2 11
+#define RGBA565_GreenShift2 5
+#define RGBA565_BlueShift2 0
+#define RGBA5551_RedMask (0xF800)
+#define RGBA5551_GreenMask (0x07C0)
+#define RGBA5551_BlueMask (0x003E)
+#define RGBA5551_AlphaMask (0x0001)
+#define RGBA5551_RedShift 11
+#define RGBA5551_GreenShift 6
+#define RGBA5551_BlueShift 1
+#define RGBA5551_AlphaShift 0
+#define RGBA565_RedMask (0xF800)
+#define RGBA565_GreenMask (0x07E0)
+#define RGBA565_BlueMask (0x001F)
+#define RGBA565_RedShift 11
+#define RGBA565_GreenShift 5
+#define RGBA565_BlueShift 0
+inline uint16 ConvertRGBTo555(uint8 red, uint8 grn, uint8 blu)
+ return (uint16)(((uint16)(red >> 3) << RGBA5551_RedShift) |
+ ((uint16)(grn >> 3) << RGBA5551_GreenShift) |
+ ((uint16)(blu >> 3) << RGBA5551_BlueShift) |
+ ((uint16)(1) << RGBA5551_AlphaShift));
+inline uint16 ConvertRGBTo565(uint8 red, uint8 grn, uint8 blu)
+ return (uint16)(((uint16)(red >> 3) << RGBA565_RedShift) |
+ ((uint16)(grn >> 2) << RGBA565_GreenShift) |
+ ((uint16)(blu >> 3) << RGBA565_BlueShift));
+inline uint16 Convert555To565(uint16 w555)
+ // Probably a faster method by fudging the low bits..
+ uint8 red = FiveToEight[(w555&RGBA5551_RedMask) >> RGBA5551_RedShift];
+ uint8 grn = FiveToEight[(w555&RGBA5551_GreenMask)>> RGBA5551_GreenShift];
+ uint8 blu = FiveToEight[(w555&RGBA5551_BlueMask) >> RGBA5551_BlueShift];
+ return ConvertRGBTo565(red, grn, blu);
+#define R4G4B4A4_MAKE(r,g,b,a) ((uint16)(((a) << 12) | ((r)<< 8) | ((g)<<4) | (b)))
+inline uint32 Convert555ToRGBA(uint16 w555)
+ uint32 dwRed = FiveToEight[(w555&RGBA5551_RedMask2) >> RGBA5551_RedShift2];
+ uint32 dwGreen = FiveToEight[(w555&RGBA5551_GreenMask2)>> RGBA5551_GreenShift2];
+ uint32 dwBlue = FiveToEight[(w555&RGBA5551_BlueMask2) >> RGBA5551_BlueShift2];
+ uint32 dwAlpha = (w555&RGBA5551_AlphaMask2) ? 0xFF : 0x00;
+ return COLOR_RGBA(dwRed, dwGreen, dwBlue, dwAlpha);
+inline uint16 Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(uint16 w555)
+ uint8 dwRed = ((w555&RGBA5551_RedMask) >> RGBA5551_RedShift)>>1;
+ uint8 dwGreen = ((w555&RGBA5551_GreenMask)>> RGBA5551_GreenShift)>>1;
+ uint8 dwBlue = ((w555&RGBA5551_BlueMask) >> RGBA5551_BlueShift)>>1;
+ uint8 dwAlpha = (w555&RGBA5551_AlphaMask) ? 0xF : 0x0;
+ return R4G4B4A4_MAKE(dwRed, dwGreen, dwBlue, dwAlpha);
+inline uint32 ConvertIA4ToRGBA(uint8 IA4)
+ uint32 I = ThreeToEight[(IA4 & 0x0F) >> 1];
+ uint32 A = OneToEight[(IA4 & 0x01)];
+ return COLOR_RGBA(I, I, I, A);
+inline uint16 ConvertIA4ToR4G4B4A4(uint8 IA4)
+ uint32 I = ThreeToFour[(IA4 & 0x0F) >> 1];
+ uint32 A = OneToFour[(IA4 & 0x01)];
+ return R4G4B4A4_MAKE(I, I, I, A);
+inline uint32 ConvertI4ToRGBA(uint8 I4)
+ uint32 I = FourToEight[I4 & 0x0F];
+ return COLOR_RGBA(I, I, I, I);
+inline uint16 ConvertI4ToR4G4B4A4(uint8 I4)
+ return FourToSixteen[I4 & 0x0F];
+inline uint32 ConvertIA16ToRGBA(uint16 wIA)
+ uint32 dwIntensity = (wIA >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ uint32 dwAlpha = (wIA ) & 0xFF;
+ return COLOR_RGBA(dwIntensity, dwIntensity, dwIntensity, dwAlpha);
+inline uint16 ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(uint16 wIA)
+ uint16 dwIntensity = (wIA >> 12) & 0x0F;
+ uint16 dwAlpha = (wIA >> 4) & 0x0F;
+ return R4G4B4A4_MAKE(dwIntensity, dwIntensity, dwIntensity, dwAlpha);
+extern int g_convk0,g_convk1,g_convk2,g_convk3,g_convk4,g_convk5;
+extern float g_convc0,g_convc1,g_convc2,g_convc3,g_convc4,g_convc5;
+uint32 ConvertYUV16ToR8G8B8(int Y, int U, int V);
+uint16 ConvertYUV16ToR4G4B4(int Y, int U, int V);
+typedef void ( * ConvertFunction )( CTexture * p_texture, const TxtrInfo & ti );
+void ConvertRGBA16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertRGBA32(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertIA4(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertIA8(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertIA16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertI4(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertI8(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertCI4( CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo & ti );
+void ConvertCI8( CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo & ti );
+void ConvertCI4_RGBA16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertCI4_IA16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertCI8_RGBA16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertCI8_IA16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertYUV(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+// 16 a4r4g4b4
+void ConvertRGBA16_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertRGBA32_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertIA4_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertIA8_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertIA16_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertI4_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertI8_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertCI4_16( CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo & ti );
+void ConvertCI8_16( CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo & ti );
+void ConvertCI4_RGBA16_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertCI4_IA16_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertCI8_RGBA16_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertCI8_IA16_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void ConvertYUV_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void Convert4b(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void Convert8b(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void Convert16b(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void Convert4b_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void Convert8b_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
+void Convert16b_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "ConvertImage.h"
+#include "RenderBase.h"
+// Still to be swapped:
+// IA16
+ConvertFunction gConvertFunctions_16_FullTMEM[ 8 ][ 4 ] =
+ // 4bpp 8bpp 16bpp 32bpp
+ { Convert4b_16, Convert8b_16, Convert16b_16, ConvertRGBA32_16 }, // RGBA
+ { NULL, NULL, ConvertYUV_16, NULL }, // YUV
+ { Convert4b_16, Convert8b_16, NULL, NULL }, // CI
+ { Convert4b_16, Convert8b_16, Convert16b_16, NULL }, // IA
+ { Convert4b_16, Convert8b_16, Convert16b_16, NULL }, // I
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // ?
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // ?
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } // ?
+ConvertFunction gConvertFunctions_16[ 8 ][ 4 ] =
+ // 4bpp 8bpp 16bpp 32bpp
+ { ConvertCI4_16, ConvertCI8_16, ConvertRGBA16_16, ConvertRGBA32_16 }, // RGBA
+ { NULL, NULL, ConvertYUV_16, NULL }, // YUV
+ { ConvertCI4_16, ConvertCI8_16, NULL, NULL }, // CI
+ { ConvertIA4_16, ConvertIA8_16, ConvertIA16_16, NULL }, // IA
+ { ConvertI4_16, ConvertI8_16, ConvertRGBA16_16, NULL }, // I
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // ?
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // ?
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } // ?
+ConvertFunction gConvertTlutFunctions_16[ 8 ][ 4 ] =
+ // 4bpp 8bpp 16bpp 32bpp
+ { ConvertCI4_16, ConvertCI8_16, ConvertRGBA16_16, ConvertRGBA32_16 }, // RGBA
+ { NULL, NULL, ConvertYUV_16, NULL }, // YUV
+ { ConvertCI4_16, ConvertCI8_16, NULL, NULL }, // CI
+ { ConvertCI4_16, ConvertCI8_16, ConvertIA16_16, NULL }, // IA
+ { ConvertCI4_16, ConvertCI8_16, ConvertRGBA16_16, NULL }, // I
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // ?
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // ?
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } // ?
+extern bool conkerSwapHack;
+void ConvertRGBA16_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 x, y;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ // Copy of the base pointer
+ uint16 * pSrc = (uint16*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint8 * pByteSrc = (uint8 *)pSrc;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x2;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x2 | 0x4;
+ // dwDst points to start of destination row
+ uint16 * wDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ // DWordOffset points to the current dword we're looking at
+ // (process 2 pixels at a time). May be a problem if we don't start on even pixel
+ uint32 dwWordOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad * 2);
+ for (x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint16 w = *(uint16 *)&pByteSrc[dwWordOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ wDst[x] = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(w);
+ // Increment word offset to point to the next two pixels
+ dwWordOffset += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ // dwDst points to start of destination row
+ uint16 * wDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ // DWordOffset points to the current dword we're looking at
+ // (process 2 pixels at a time). May be a problem if we don't start on even pixel
+ uint32 dwWordOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad * 2);
+ for (x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint16 w = *(uint16 *)&pByteSrc[dwWordOffset ^ 0x2];
+ wDst[x] = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(w);
+ // Increment word offset to point to the next two pixels
+ dwWordOffset += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+void ConvertRGBA32_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 * pSrc = (uint32*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if( options.bUseFullTMEM )
+ {
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tinfo.tileNo];
+ uint32 *pWordSrc;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo >= 0 )
+ {
+ pWordSrc = (uint32*)&g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem];
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 * dwDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 nFiddle = ( y&1 )? 0x2 : 0;
+ int idx = tile.dwLine*4*y;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++, idx++)
+ {
+ uint32 w = pWordSrc[idx^nFiddle];
+ uint8* psw = (uint8*)&w;
+ dwDst[x] = R4G4B4A4_MAKE( (psw[0]>>4), (psw[1]>>4), (psw[2]>>4), (psw[3]>>4));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ {
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16*)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint8 *pS = (uint8 *)pSrc + (y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch + (tinfo.LeftToLoad*4);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ *pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE((pS[3]>>4), // Red
+ (pS[2]>>4), // Green
+ (pS[1]>>4), // Blue
+ (pS[0]>>4)); // Alpha
+ pS+=4;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16*)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint8 *pS = (uint8 *)pSrc + (y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch + (tinfo.LeftToLoad*4);
+ int n;
+ n = 0;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ *pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE((pS[(n^0x8) + 3]>>4), // Red
+ (pS[(n^0x8) + 2]>>4), // Green
+ (pS[(n^0x8) + 1]>>4), // Blue
+ (pS[(n^0x8) + 0]>>4)); // Alpha
+ n += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16*)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint8 *pS = (uint8 *)pSrc + (y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch + (tinfo.LeftToLoad*4);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ *pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE((pS[3]>>4), // Red
+ (pS[2]>>4), // Green
+ (pS[1]>>4), // Blue
+ (pS[0]>>4)); // Alpha
+ pS+=4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// E.g. Dear Mario text
+// Copy, Score etc
+void ConvertIA4_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16*)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ // For odd lines, swap words too
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ // This may not work if X is not even?
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = (y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch + (tinfo.LeftToLoad/2);
+ // Do two pixels at a time
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ // Even
+ *pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(ThreeToFour[(b & 0xE0) >> 5],
+ ThreeToFour[(b & 0xE0) >> 5],
+ ThreeToFour[(b & 0xE0) >> 5],
+ OneToFour[(b & 0x10) >> 4]);
+ // Odd
+ *pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(ThreeToFour[(b & 0x0E) >> 1],
+ ThreeToFour[(b & 0x0E) >> 1],
+ ThreeToFour[(b & 0x0E) >> 1],
+ OneToFour[(b & 0x01)] );
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16*)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ // This may not work if X is not even?
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = (y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch + (tinfo.LeftToLoad/2);
+ // Do two pixels at a time
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ // Even
+ *pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(ThreeToFour[(b & 0xE0) >> 5],
+ ThreeToFour[(b & 0xE0) >> 5],
+ ThreeToFour[(b & 0xE0) >> 5],
+ OneToFour[(b & 0x10) >> 4]);
+ // Odd
+ *pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(ThreeToFour[(b & 0x0E) >> 1],
+ ThreeToFour[(b & 0x0E) >> 1],
+ ThreeToFour[(b & 0x0E) >> 1],
+ OneToFour[(b & 0x01)] );
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// E.g Mario's head textures
+void ConvertIA8_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ // For odd lines, swap words too
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16 *)((uint8*)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ // Points to current byte
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ *pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE( ((b&0xf0)>>4),((b&0xf0)>>4),((b&0xf0)>>4),(b&0x0f));
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16*)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ // Points to current byte
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ *pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(((b&0xf0)>>4),((b&0xf0)>>4),((b&0xf0)>>4),(b&0x0f));
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// E.g. camera's clouds, shadows
+void ConvertIA16_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint16 * pSrc = (uint16*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint8 * pByteSrc = (uint8 *)pSrc;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16*)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ // Points to current word
+ uint32 dwWordOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad * 2);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint16 w = *(uint16 *)&pByteSrc[dwWordOffset^0x2];
+ uint8 i = (uint8)(w >> 12);
+ uint8 a = (uint8)(w & 0xFF);
+ *pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(i, i, i, (a>>4));
+ dwWordOffset += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// Used by MarioKart
+void ConvertI4_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16*)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ // Might not work with non-even starting X
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ // For odd lines, swap words too
+ if( !conkerSwapHack || (y&4) == 0 )
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 1)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ }
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ // Even
+ //*pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(b>>4, b>>4, b>>4, b>>4);
+ *pDst++ = FourToSixteen[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ // Odd
+ //*pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(b & 0x0f, b & 0x0f, b & 0x0f, b & 0x0f);
+ *pDst++ = FourToSixteen[b & 0x0f];
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint8 *pDst = (uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch;
+ // Might not work with non-even starting X
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ // Even
+ //*pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(b>>4, b>>4, b>>4, b>>4);
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[(b & 0xF0)>>4];
+ // Odd
+ //*pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(b & 0x0f, b & 0x0f, b & 0x0f, b & 0x0f);
+ *pDst++ = FourToEight[b & 0x0f];
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// Used by MarioKart
+void ConvertI8_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ long long pSrc = (long long) (tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16*)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = *(uint8*)((pSrc+dwByteOffset)^nFiddle);
+ *pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(b>>4,
+ b>>4,
+ b>>4,
+ b>>4);
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16*)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = *(uint8*)((pSrc+dwByteOffset)^0x3);
+ *pDst++ = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(b>>4,
+ b>>4,
+ b>>4,
+ b>>4);
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// Used by Starfox intro
+void ConvertCI4_RGBA16_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)tinfo.PalAddress;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ uint16 * pDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ uint8 blo = (b&0x0f);
+ pDst[0] = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[bhi^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ pDst[1] = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[blo^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ pDst+=2;
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 * pDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ uint8 blo = (b&0x0f);
+ pDst[0] = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[bhi^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ pDst[1] = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[blo^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ pDst+=2;
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// Convert CI4 images. We need to switch on the palette type
+void ConvertCI4_16( CTexture * p_texture, const TxtrInfo & tinfo )
+ if ( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_RGBA16 )
+ {
+ ConvertCI4_RGBA16_16( p_texture, tinfo );
+ }
+ else if ( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_IA16 )
+ {
+ ConvertCI4_IA16_16( p_texture, tinfo );
+ }
+// Convert CI8 images. We need to switch on the palette type
+void ConvertCI8_16( CTexture * p_texture, const TxtrInfo & tinfo )
+ if ( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_RGBA16 )
+ {
+ ConvertCI8_RGBA16_16( p_texture, tinfo );
+ }
+ else if ( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_IA16 )
+ {
+ ConvertCI8_IA16_16( p_texture, tinfo );
+ }
+// Used by Starfox intro
+void ConvertCI4_IA16_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)tinfo.PalAddress;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ uint16 * pDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ uint8 blo = (b&0x0f);
+ pDst[0] = ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[bhi^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ pDst[1] = ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[blo^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ pDst += 2;
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 * pDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ uint8 blo = (b&0x0f);
+ pDst[0] = ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[bhi^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ pDst[1] = ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[blo^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ pDst+=2;
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// Used by MarioKart for Cars etc
+void ConvertCI8_RGBA16_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)tinfo.PalAddress;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ *pDst++ = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[b^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ *pDst++ = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[b^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+// Used by MarioKart for Cars etc
+void ConvertCI8_IA16_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ uint8 * pSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)tinfo.PalAddress;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ nFiddle];
+ *pDst++ = ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[b^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 *pDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pSrc[dwByteOffset ^ 0x3];
+ *pDst++ = ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[b^1]); // Remember palette is in different endian order!
+ dwByteOffset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+void ConvertYUV_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ uint32 x, y;
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ if( options.bUseFullTMEM )
+ {
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tinfo.tileNo];
+ uint16 * pSrc;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo >= 0 )
+ pSrc = (uint16*)&g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem];
+ else
+ pSrc = (uint16*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint8 * pByteSrc = (uint8 *)pSrc;
+ for (y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ nFiddle = ( y&1 )? 0x4 : 0;
+ int dwWordOffset = tinfo.tileNo>=0? tile.dwLine*8*y : ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad * 2);
+ uint16 * wDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ for (x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad/2; x++)
+ {
+ int y0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+1)^nFiddle];
+ int y1 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+3)^nFiddle];
+ int u0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset )^nFiddle];
+ int v0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+2)^nFiddle];
+ wDst[x*2+0] = ConvertYUV16ToR4G4B4(y0,u0,v0);
+ wDst[x*2+1] = ConvertYUV16ToR4G4B4(y1,u0,v0);
+ dwWordOffset += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Copy of the base pointer
+ uint16 * pSrc = (uint16*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ uint8 * pByteSrc = (uint8 *)pSrc;
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ for (y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x2;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x2 | 0x4;
+ // dwDst points to start of destination row
+ uint16 * wDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ // DWordOffset points to the current dword we're looking at
+ // (process 2 pixels at a time). May be a problem if we don't start on even pixel
+ uint32 dwWordOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad * 2);
+ for (x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad/2; x++)
+ {
+ uint32 y0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+1)^nFiddle];
+ uint32 y1 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+3)^nFiddle];
+ uint32 u0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset )^nFiddle];
+ uint32 v0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+2)^nFiddle];
+ wDst[x*2+0] = ConvertYUV16ToR4G4B4(y0,u0,v0);
+ wDst[x*2+1] = ConvertYUV16ToR4G4B4(y1,u0,v0);
+ dwWordOffset += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ // dwDst points to start of destination row
+ uint16 * wDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ // DWordOffset points to the current dword we're looking at
+ // (process 2 pixels at a time). May be a problem if we don't start on even pixel
+ uint32 dwWordOffset = ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad * 2);
+ for (x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad/2; x++)
+ {
+ uint32 y0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+1)^3];
+ uint32 y1 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+3)^3];
+ uint32 u0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset )^3];
+ uint32 v0 = *(uint8*)&pByteSrc[(dwWordOffset+2)^3];
+ wDst[x*2+0] = ConvertYUV16ToR4G4B4(y0,u0,v0);
+ wDst[x*2+1] = ConvertYUV16ToR4G4B4(y1,u0,v0);
+ dwWordOffset += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+uint16 ConvertYUV16ToR4G4B4(int Y, int U, int V)
+ uint32 A=1;
+ uint32 R1 = Y + g_convk0 * V;
+ uint32 G1 = Y + g_convk1 * U + g_convk2 * V;
+ uint32 B1 = Y + g_convk3 * U;
+ uint32 R = (R1 - g_convk4) * g_convk5 + R1;
+ uint32 G = (G1 - g_convk4) * g_convk5 + G1;
+ uint32 B = (B1 - g_convk4) * g_convk5 + B1;
+ return (uint16)R4G4B4A4_MAKE((R>>4), (G>>4), (B>>4), 0xF*A);
+// Used by Starfox intro
+void Convert4b_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)tinfo.PalAddress;
+ bool bIgnoreAlpha = (tinfo.TLutFmt==TLUT_FMT_UNKNOWN);
+ if( tinfo.Format <= TXT_FMT_CI ) bIgnoreAlpha = (tinfo.TLutFmt==TLUT_FMT_NONE);
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tinfo.tileNo];
+ uint8 *pByteSrc = tinfo.tileNo >= 0 ? (uint8*)&g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem] : (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 * pDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo < 0 )
+ {
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFiddle = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFiddle = ( y&1 )? 0x4 : 0;
+ }
+ int idx = tinfo.tileNo>=0 ? tile.dwLine*8*y : ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + (tinfo.LeftToLoad / 2);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x+=2, idx++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pByteSrc[idx^nFiddle];
+ uint8 bhi = (b&0xf0)>>4;
+ uint8 blo = (b&0x0f);
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 || ( tinfo.Format != TXT_FMT_IA && tinfo.Format != TXT_FMT_I) )
+ {
+ if( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_IA16 )
+ {
+ if( tinfo.tileNo>=0 )
+ {
+ pDst[0] = ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+tinfo.Palette*0x40+(bhi<<2)]);
+ pDst[1] = ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+tinfo.Palette*0x40+(blo<<2)]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDst[0] = ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[bhi^1]);
+ pDst[1] = ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[blo^1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( tinfo.tileNo>=0 )
+ {
+ pDst[0] = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+tinfo.Palette*0x40+(bhi<<2)]);
+ pDst[1] = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+tinfo.Palette*0x40+(blo<<2)]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDst[0] = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[bhi^1]);
+ pDst[1] = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[blo^1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_IA )
+ {
+ pDst[0] = ConvertIA4ToR4G4B4A4(b>>4);
+ pDst[1] = ConvertIA4ToR4G4B4A4(b&0xF);
+ }
+ else //if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_I )
+ {
+ pDst[0] = ConvertI4ToR4G4B4A4(b>>4);
+ pDst[1] = ConvertI4ToR4G4B4A4(b&0xF);
+ }
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ pDst[0] |= 0xF000;
+ pDst[1] |= 0xF000;
+ }
+ pDst+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+void Convert8b_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)tinfo.PalAddress;
+ bool bIgnoreAlpha = (tinfo.TLutFmt==TLUT_FMT_UNKNOWN);
+ if( tinfo.Format <= TXT_FMT_CI ) bIgnoreAlpha = (tinfo.TLutFmt==TLUT_FMT_NONE);
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tinfo.tileNo];
+ uint8 *pByteSrc;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo >= 0 )
+ pByteSrc = (uint8*)&g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem];
+ else
+ pByteSrc = (uint8*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 * pDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y * dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo < 0 )
+ {
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ if ((y%2) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x7;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFiddle = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFiddle = ( y&1 )? 0x4 : 0;
+ }
+ int idx = tinfo.tileNo>=0? tile.dwLine*8*y : ((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++, idx++)
+ {
+ uint8 b = pByteSrc[idx^nFiddle];
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 || ( tinfo.Format != TXT_FMT_IA && tinfo.Format != TXT_FMT_I) )
+ {
+ if( tinfo.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_IA16 )
+ {
+ if( tinfo.tileNo>=0 )
+ *pDst = ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+(b<<2)]);
+ else
+ *pDst = ConvertIA16ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[b^1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( tinfo.tileNo>=0 )
+ *pDst = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(g_Tmem.g_Tmem16bit[0x400+(b<<2)]);
+ else
+ *pDst = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(pPal[b^1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_IA )
+ {
+ *pDst = R4G4B4A4_MAKE( ((b&0xf0)>>4),((b&0xf0)>>4),((b&0xf0)>>4),(b&0x0f));
+ }
+ else //if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_I )
+ {
+ *pDst = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(b>>4, b>>4, b>>4, b>>4);
+ }
+ if( bIgnoreAlpha )
+ {
+ *pDst |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ pDst++;
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+void Convert16b_16(CTexture *pTexture, const TxtrInfo &tinfo)
+ DrawInfo dInfo;
+ if (!pTexture->StartUpdate(&dInfo))
+ return;
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tinfo.tileNo];
+ uint16 *pWordSrc;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo >= 0 )
+ pWordSrc = (uint16*)&g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem];
+ else
+ pWordSrc = (uint16*)(tinfo.pPhysicalAddress);
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < tinfo.HeightToLoad; y++)
+ {
+ uint16 * dwDst = (uint16 *)((uint8 *)dInfo.lpSurface + y*dInfo.lPitch);
+ uint32 nFiddle;
+ if( tinfo.tileNo < 0 )
+ {
+ if (tinfo.bSwapped)
+ {
+ if ((y&1) == 0)
+ nFiddle = 0x1;
+ else
+ nFiddle = 0x3;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFiddle = 0x1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFiddle = ( y&1 )? 0x2 : 0;
+ }
+ int idx = tinfo.tileNo>=0? tile.dwLine*4*y : (((y+tinfo.TopToLoad) * tinfo.Pitch)>>1) + tinfo.LeftToLoad;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < tinfo.WidthToLoad; x++, idx++)
+ {
+ uint16 w = pWordSrc[idx^nFiddle];
+ uint16 w2 = tinfo.tileNo>=0? ((w>>8)|(w<<8)) : w;
+ if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_RGBA )
+ {
+ dwDst[x] = Convert555ToR4G4B4A4(w2);
+ }
+ else if( tinfo.Format == TXT_FMT_YUV )
+ {
+ }
+ else if( tinfo.Format >= TXT_FMT_IA )
+ {
+ uint8 i = (uint8)(w2 >> 12);
+ uint8 a = (uint8)(w2 & 0xFF);
+ dwDst[x] = R4G4B4A4_MAKE(i, i, i, (a>>4));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pTexture->EndUpdate(&dInfo);
+ pTexture->SetOthersVariables();
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#if !defined(CRITSECT_H)
+#define CRITSECT_H
+#include <SDL.h>
+//*SEB*, single process, no lock needed...
+#define NOLOCK
+class CCritSect
+ CCritSect()
+ {
+#ifndef NOLOCK
+ cs = SDL_CreateMutex();
+ locked = 0;
+ }
+ ~CCritSect()
+ {
+#ifndef NOLOCK
+ SDL_DestroyMutex(cs);
+ }
+ void Lock()
+ {
+#ifndef NOLOCK
+ SDL_LockMutex(cs);
+ locked = 1;
+ }
+ void Unlock()
+ {
+ locked = 0;
+#ifndef NOLOCK
+ SDL_UnlockMutex(cs);
+ }
+ bool IsLocked()
+ {
+ return (locked != 0);
+ }
+#ifndef NOLOCK
+ SDL_mutex *cs;
+ int locked;
+#endif // !defined(CRITSECT_H)
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "m64p_plugin.h"
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#ifndef DEBUGGER
+void __cdecl DebuggerAppendMsg(const char * Message, ...) {}
+void DumpMatrix2(const Matrix &mtx, const char* prompt);
+bool debuggerWinOpened = false;
+bool debuggerDrawRenderTexture = false;
+int debuggerDrawRenderTextureNo = 0;
+bool logCombiners = false;
+bool logWarning = true;
+bool logTriangles = false;
+bool logMatrix = false;
+bool logVertex = false;
+bool logTextures = false;
+bool logTextureBuffer = false;
+bool logToScreen = true;
+bool logToFile = false;
+bool logUcodes = false;
+bool logMicrocode = false;
+bool logFog = false;
+bool logDetails = false;
+FILE *logFp = NULL;
+bool debuggerEnableTexture=true;
+bool debuggerEnableZBuffer=true;
+bool debuggerEnableCullFace=true;
+bool debuggerEnableTestTris=true;
+bool debuggerEnableAlphaTest=true;
+bool debuggerContinueWithUnknown=false;
+bool debuggerPause = false;
+bool pauseAtNext = true;
+int eventToPause = NEXT_FRAME;
+int debuggerPauseCount = 340;
+int countToPause = 1;
+bool debuggerDropCombiners=false;
+bool debuggerDropGeneralCombiners=false;
+bool debuggerDropDecodedMux=false;
+bool debuggerDropCombinerInfos=false;
+char msgBuf[0x20000+2];
+bool msgBufUpdated = false;
+extern FiddledVtx * g_pVtxBase;
+uint32 CachedTexIndex = 0;
+const char* otherNexts[] = {
+ "Frame",
+ "Flush Tri",
+ "TextRect",
+ "Triangle",
+ "Set CImg",
+ "ObjTxt Cmd",
+ "Obj BG",
+ "Sprite2D",
+ "FillRect",
+ "DList",
+ "Ucode",
+ "Texture Buffer",
+ "Matrix Cmd",
+ "Vertex Cmd",
+ "New Texture",
+ "Set Texture",
+ "Mux",
+ "Set Light",
+ "Set Mode Cmd",
+ "Set Prim Color",
+ "Texture Cmd",
+ "Unknown Ops",
+ "Scale Image",
+ "LoadTlut",
+ "Ucode Switching",
+int numberOfNextOthers = sizeof(otherNexts)/sizeof(char*);
+const char* thingsToDump[] = {
+ "Cur Texture RGBA",
+ "Cur+1 Texture RGBA",
+ "Colors",
+ "Memory At",
+ "Mux",
+ "Simple Mux",
+ "Other Modes",
+ "Texture #",
+ "Tile #",
+ "VI Regs",
+ "Cur Txt to file",
+ "Cur+1 Txt to file",
+ "Cur Texture RGB",
+ "Cur Texture Alpha",
+ "Cur+1 Texture RGB",
+ "Cur+1 Texture Alpha",
+ "Light Info",
+ "Tlut",
+ "Obj Tlut",
+ "Vertexes",
+ "Cached Texture",
+ "Next Texture",
+ "Prev Texture",
+ "Dlist At",
+ "Matrix At",
+ "Combined Matrix",
+ "World Top Matrix",
+ "Projection Matrix",
+ "World Matrix #",
+ "Frame Buffer in RDRAM",
+ "BackBuffer",
+ "TexBuffer #",
+int numberOfThingsToDump = sizeof(thingsToDump)/sizeof(char*);
+enum {
+void DumpVIRegisters(void)
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("----VI Registers----\nSTATUS:\t%08X\nORIGIN:\t%08X\nWIDTH:\t%08X\n\
+H_START:\t%08X\nV_START:\t%08X\nVI Width=%f(x %f), VI Height=%f(x %f)\n\n",
+ *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_STATUS_REG, *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG, *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG, *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_V_SYNC_REG,
+ *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_H_SYNC_REG, *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_X_SCALE_REG, *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_Y_SCALE_REG,
+ *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_H_START_REG, *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_V_START_REG, windowSetting.fViWidth,windowSetting.fMultX,
+ windowSetting.fViHeight,windowSetting.fMultY);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Scissor: x0=%d y0=%d x1=%d y1=%d mode=%d",
+ gRDP.scissor.left, gRDP.scissor.top,
+ gRDP.scissor.right, gRDP.scissor.bottom,
+ gRDP.scissor.mode);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Effective scissor: x0=%d y0=%d x1=%d y1=%d",
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_left, gRSP.real_clip_scissor_top,
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_right, gRSP.real_clip_scissor_bottom);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Clipping: (%d) left=%f top=%f right=%f bottom=%f",
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_posx, gRSP.real_clip_ratio_negx , gRSP.real_clip_ratio_negy,
+ gRSP.real_clip_ratio_posx, gRSP.real_clip_ratio_posy);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Viewport: left=%d top=%d right=%d bottom=%d",
+ gRSP.nVPLeftN, gRSP.nVPTopN , gRSP.nVPRightN,
+ gRSP.nVPBottomN);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Current CImg: Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n",
+ g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[g_CI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[g_CI.dwSize], g_CI.dwWidth);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Current ZImg: Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n",
+ g_ZI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[g_ZI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[g_ZI.dwSize], g_ZI.dwWidth);
+void DumpVertexArray(void)
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("----Vertexes----\n");
+ try
+ {
+ for( int i=0; i<32; i++ )
+ {
+ FiddledVtx &v = g_pVtxBase[i];
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("[%d] x=%d,y=%d,z=%d -- r=%d,g=%d,b=%d,a=%d\n", i, v.x, v.y, v.z,
+ v.rgba.r, v.rgba.g, v.rgba.b, v.rgba.a);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\tx=%f,y=%f,z=%f,rhw=%f\n", g_vecProjected[i].x, g_vecProjected[i].y, g_vecProjected[i].z, g_vecProjected[i].w);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Invalid memory pointer of vertex array\n");
+ }
+void DumpHex(uint32 rdramAddr, int count);
+uint32 StrToHex(char *HexStr);
+void DumpTileInfo(uint32 dwTile)
+ const char *pszOnOff[2] = {"Off", "On"};
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Tile: %d\nFmt: %s/%s Line:%d (Pitch %d) TMem:0x%04x Palette:%d\n",
+ dwTile, pszImgFormat[gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwFormat], pszImgSize[gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwSize],
+ gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwLine, gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwPitch, gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwTMem, gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwPalette);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("S: Clamp: %s Mirror:%s Mask:0x%x Shift:0x%x\n",
+ pszOnOff[gRDP.tiles[dwTile].bClampS],pszOnOff[gRDP.tiles[dwTile].bMirrorS],
+ gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwMaskS, gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwShiftS);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("T: Clamp: %s Mirror:%s Mask:0x%x Shift:0x%x\n",
+ pszOnOff[gRDP.tiles[dwTile].bClampT],pszOnOff[gRDP.tiles[dwTile].bMirrorT],
+ gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwMaskT, gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwShiftT);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("(%d,%d) -> (%d,%d), hilite [%d, %d]\n",
+ gRDP.tiles[dwTile].sl, gRDP.tiles[dwTile].tl, gRDP.tiles[dwTile].sh, gRDP.tiles[dwTile].th,
+ gRDP.tiles[dwTile].hilite_sl,gRDP.tiles[dwTile].hilite_tl);
+void DumpTexture(int tex, TextureChannel channel = TXT_RGB )
+ CRender::GetRender()->DrawTexture(tex, channel);
+void DumpRenderTexture(int tex=-1)
+ if( CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->GetGeneralDeviceType() == DIRECTX_DEVICE )
+ {
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->DisplayRenderTexture(tex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debuggerDrawRenderTextureNo = tex;
+ debuggerDrawRenderTexture = true;
+ }
+void DumpTextureToFile(int tex, TextureChannel channel = TXT_RGB)
+ CRender::GetRender()->SaveTextureToFile(tex, channel,false);
+void DumpTlut(uint16* palAddr)
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<0x100; i+=8 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("0x%4X 0x%4X 0x%4X 0x%4X 0x%4X 0x%4X 0x%4X 0x%4X ",
+ g_wRDPTlut[i], g_wRDPTlut[i+1], g_wRDPTlut[i+2], g_wRDPTlut[i+2],
+ g_wRDPTlut[i+4], g_wRDPTlut[i+5], g_wRDPTlut[i+6], g_wRDPTlut[i+7]);
+ }
+extern char ucodeNames_GBI1[256];
+extern char ucodeNames_GBI2[256];
+void DumpDlistAt(uint32 dwPC)
+ uint32 word0, word1, opcode;
+ char *name;
+ switch( gRSP.ucode )
+ {
+ case 2:
+ case 10:
+ //case 8:
+ name=ucodeNames_GBI2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ name=ucodeNames_GBI1;
+ }
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\n\n");
+ //if( dwPC>100 ) dwPC -= 40;
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<20; i++)
+ {
+ word0 = g_pRDRAMu32[(dwPC>>2)+0];
+ word1 = g_pRDRAMu32[(dwPC>>2)+1];
+ opcode = word0>>24;
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("%08X: %08X, %08X - %s", dwPC, word0, word1, name[opcode] );
+ dwPC+=8;
+ }
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\n\n");
+void DumpMatrixAt(uint32 dwPC)
+ Matrix mat;
+ const float fRecip = 1.0f / 65536.0f;
+ for (uint32 dwI = 0; dwI < 4; dwI++)
+ {
+ for (uint32 dwJ = 0; dwJ < 4; dwJ++)
+ {
+ int nDataHi = *(short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + ((dwPC+(dwI<<3)+(dwJ<<1) )^0x2));
+ int nDataLo = *(uint16 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + ((dwPC+(dwI<<3)+(dwJ<<1) + 32)^0x2));
+ mat.m[dwI][dwJ] = (float)((nDataHi << 16) | nDataLo) * fRecip;
+ }
+ }
+ TRACE0("Dump Matrix in Memory");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\n"
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\n"
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\n"
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\n",
+ mat.m[0][0], mat.m[0][1], mat.m[0][2], mat.m[0][3],
+ mat.m[1][0], mat.m[1][1], mat.m[1][2], mat.m[1][3],
+ mat.m[2][0], mat.m[2][1], mat.m[2][2], mat.m[2][3],
+ mat.m[3][0], mat.m[3][1], mat.m[3][2], mat.m[3][3]);
+// High
+static const char *alphadithertypes[4] = {"Pattern", "NotPattern", "Noise", "Disable"};
+static const char *rgbdithertype[4] = {"MagicSQ", "Bayer", "Noise", "Disable"};
+static const char *convtype[8] = {"Conv", "?", "?", "?", "?", "FiltConv", "Filt", "?"};
+static const char *filtertype[4] = {"Point", "?", "Bilinear", "Average"};
+static const char *cycletype[4] = {"1Cycle", "2Cycle", "Copy", "Fill"};
+static const char *alphacomptype[4] = {"None", "Threshold", "?", "Dither"};
+static const char * szCvgDstMode[4] = { "Clamp", "Wrap", "Full", "Save" };
+static const char * szZMode[4] = { "Opa", "Inter", "XLU", "Decal" };
+static const char * szZSrcSel[2] = { "Pixel", "Primitive" };
+static const char * sc_szBlClr[4] = { "In", "Mem", "Bl", "Fog" };
+static const char * sc_szBlA1[4] = { "AIn", "AFog", "AShade", "0" };
+static const char * sc_szBlA2[4] = { "1-A", "AMem", "1", "0" };
+void DumpOtherMode()
+ uint16 blender = gRDP.otherMode.blender;
+ RDP_BlenderSetting &bl = *(RDP_BlenderSetting*)(&(blender));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "Other Modes");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\talpha_compare:\t%s", alphacomptype[ gRDP.otherMode.alpha_compare ]);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tdepth_source:\t%s", szZSrcSel[ gRDP.otherMode.depth_source ]);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\taa_en:\t\t%d", gRDP.otherMode.aa_en );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tz_cmp:\t\t%d", gRDP.otherMode.z_cmp );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tz_upd:\t\t%d", gRDP.otherMode.z_upd );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tim_rd:\t\t%d", gRDP.otherMode.im_rd );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tclr_on_cvg:\t%d", gRDP.otherMode.clr_on_cvg );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tcvg_dst:\t\t%s", szCvgDstMode[ gRDP.otherMode.cvg_dst ] );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tzmode:\t\t%s", szZMode[ gRDP.otherMode.zmode ] );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tcvg_x_alpha:\t%d", gRDP.otherMode.cvg_x_alpha );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\talpha_cvg_sel:\t%d", gRDP.otherMode.alpha_cvg_sel );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tforce_bl:\t\t%d", gRDP.otherMode.force_bl );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\ttex_edge:\t\t%d", gRDP.otherMode.tex_edge );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tblender:\t\t%04x - Cycle1:\t%s * %s + %s * %s\n\t\t\tCycle2:\t%s * %s + %s * %s", gRDP.otherMode.blender,
+ sc_szBlClr[bl.c1_m1a], sc_szBlA1[bl.c1_m1b], sc_szBlClr[bl.c1_m2a], sc_szBlA2[bl.c1_m2b],
+ sc_szBlClr[bl.c2_m1a], sc_szBlA1[bl.c2_m1b], sc_szBlClr[bl.c2_m2a], sc_szBlA2[bl.c2_m2b]);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tblend_mask:\t%d", gRDP.otherMode.blend_mask );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\talpha_dither:\t%s", alphadithertypes[ gRDP.otherMode.alpha_dither ] );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\trgb_dither:\t\t%s", rgbdithertype[ gRDP.otherMode.rgb_dither ] );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tcomb_key:\t%s", gRDP.otherMode.key_en ? "Key" : "None" );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\ttext_conv:\t\t%s", convtype[ gRDP.otherMode.text_conv ] );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\ttext_filt:\t\t%s", filtertype[ gRDP.otherMode.text_filt ] );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\ttext_tlut:\t\t%s", textluttype[ gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut ] );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\ttext_lod:\t\t%s", gRDP.otherMode.text_lod ? "Yes": "No" );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\ttext_detail:\t\t%s", gRDP.otherMode.text_detail ? "Yes": "No" );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\ttext_sharpen:\t\t%s", gRDP.otherMode.text_sharpen ? "Yes": "No" );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\ttext_persp:\t%s", gRDP.otherMode.text_persp ? "On" : "Off" );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tcycle_type:\t%s", cycletype[ gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type ] );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg( "\tpipeline:\t\t%s", gRDP.otherMode.atomic_prim ? "1Primitive" : "NPrimitive" );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\n\nSP render flags:");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\tCull mode: %s%s", gRSP.bCullFront?"Cull Front":"", gRSP.bCullBack?" Cull Back":"");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\tShade mode: %d", gRSP.shadeMode);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\tFog: %s", gRSP.bFogEnabled?"enabled":"disabled");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\tZbuffer in SP: %s", gRSP.bZBufferEnabled?"enabled":"disabled");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\tLighting: %s", gRSP.bLightingEnable?"enabled":"disabled");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\\Number of lights: %d", gRSPnumLights);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\tTexture Gen: %s", gRSP.bTextureGen?"enabled":"disabled");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\tTexture Gen Linear: %s", (gRDP.geometryMode & G_TEXTURE_GEN_LINEAR)?"enabled":"disabled");
+void DumpCachedTexture(uint32 index)
+ TxtrCacheEntry *p = gTextureManager.GetCachedTexture(index);
+ if( p != NULL )
+ {
+ char filename[80];
+ sprintf(filename,"\\Texture%d_rgb", index);
+ CRender::GetRender()->SaveTextureToFile(*(p->pTexture), filename, TXT_RGB);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Display cached texture #%d of %d\n", index, gTextureManager.GetNumOfCachedTexture());
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("W:%d, H:%d, RealW:%d, RealH:%d, D3DW:%d, D3DH: %d", p->ti.WidthToCreate, p->ti.HeightToCreate,
+ p->ti.WidthToLoad, p->ti.HeightToLoad, p->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth, p->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureHeight);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("ScaledS:%s, ScaledT:%s", p->pTexture->m_bScaledS?"T":"F", p->pTexture->m_bScaledT?"T":"F");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("No cached texture at index = %d\n", index);
+ }
+extern uint32 gObjTlutAddr;
+void DumpInfo(int thingToDump)
+ switch(thingToDump)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("----Colors----\nPrim Color:\t%08X\nEnv Color:\t%08X\n"
+ "Fill Color:\t%08X\nFog Color:\t%08X\n"
+ "Prim Depth:\t%f\nPrim LOD Frac:\t%08X\n",
+ GetPrimitiveColor(), GetEnvColor(), gRDP.fillColor,
+ CRender::GetRender()->GetFogColor(), GetPrimitiveDepth(), GetLODFrac());
+ break;
+ case DUMP_CUR_MUX:
+ CRender::GetRender()->m_pColorCombiner->DisplayMuxString();
+ break;
+ case DUMP_LIGHT:
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("----Light Colors----\nNumber of Lights: %d\n",GetNumLights());
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<GetNumLights()+2; i++)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Light %d:\t%08X, (%d,%d,%d)\n", i, gRSPn64lights[i].dwRGBA,gRSPn64lights[i].x,gRSPn64lights[i].y,gRSPn64lights[i].z );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ DumpTexture(gRSP.curTile, TXT_RGBA);
+ break;
+ DumpTexture((1+gRSP.curTile)%7, TXT_RGBA);
+ break;
+ DumpTexture(gRSP.curTile, TXT_RGB);
+ break;
+ DumpTexture((1+gRSP.curTile)%7, TXT_RGB);
+ break;
+ DumpTextureToFile(0,TXT_RGB);
+ DumpTextureToFile(0,TXT_ALPHA);
+ DumpTextureToFile(0,TXT_RGBA);
+ break;
+ DumpTextureToFile(1,TXT_RGB);
+ DumpTextureToFile(1,TXT_ALPHA);
+ DumpTextureToFile(1,TXT_RGBA);
+ break;
+ DumpTexture(0, TXT_ALPHA);
+ break;
+ DumpTexture(1, TXT_ALPHA);
+ break;
+ case DUMP_TLUT:
+ DumpTlut(g_wRDPTlut);
+ break;
+ DumpTlut((uint16*)(g_pRDRAMu8+gObjTlutAddr));
+ break;
+ case DUMP_TILE_AT:
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ DumpVertexArray();
+ break;
+ case DUMP_VI_REGS:
+ DumpVIRegisters();
+ break;
+ CRender::GetRender()->m_pColorCombiner->DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ break;
+ DumpOtherMode();
+ break;
+ CRender::GetRender()->DrawFrameBuffer(true);
+ break;
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ CachedTexIndex++;
+ if( CachedTexIndex >= gTextureManager.GetNumOfCachedTexture() )
+ {
+ CachedTexIndex = 0;
+ }
+ DumpCachedTexture(CachedTexIndex);
+ break;
+ CachedTexIndex--;
+ if( CachedTexIndex < 0 || CachedTexIndex >= gTextureManager.GetNumOfCachedTexture() )
+ CachedTexIndex = 0;
+ DumpCachedTexture(CachedTexIndex);
+ break;
+ DumpCachedTexture(CachedTexIndex);
+ break;
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ DumpMatrix2(gRSPworldProject,"Combined Matrix");
+ break;
+ DumpMatrix2(gRSP.modelviewMtxs[gRSP.modelViewMtxTop],"World Top Matrix");
+ break;
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ DumpMatrix2(gRSP.projectionMtxs[gRSP.projectionMtxTop],"Projection Top Matrix");
+ break;
+ }
+void SetLogToFile(bool log)
+ if( log )
+ {
+ if( logFp == NULL )
+ {
+ logFp = fopen("\\RiceVideo.log", "at");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( logFp != NULL )
+ {
+ fclose(logFp);
+ logFp = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void __cdecl DebuggerAppendMsg(const char * Message, ...)
+ if( !logToScreen && !logToFile )
+ return;
+ char Msg[5000];
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start( ap, Message );
+ vsprintf( Msg, Message, ap );
+ va_end( ap );
+ if( Msg[strlen(Msg)-1]!='\n' ) strcat(Msg,"\n");
+ if( logToScreen )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Rice Debug: %s", Msg);
+ }
+ if( logToFile )
+ {
+ fprintf(logFp, "%s\n", Msg);
+ }
+void DebuggerPause()
+ while( debuggerPause )
+ {
+ if( debuggerDrawRenderTexture )
+ {
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->DisplayRenderTexture(debuggerDrawRenderTextureNo);
+ debuggerDrawRenderTexture = false;
+ }
+ usleep(100 * 1000);
+ debuggerPause = false;
+ }
+void __cdecl LOG_UCODE(const char* szFormat, ...)
+ if( logUcodes)
+ {
+ char Msg[400];
+ va_list va;
+ va_start(va, szFormat);
+ vsprintf( Msg, szFormat, va );
+ va_end(va);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("%s\n", Msg);
+ }
+void DumpHex(uint32 rdramAddr, int count)
+ rdramAddr &= 0xFFFFFFF0;
+ uint32 *ptr = (uint32 *)((rdramAddr&(g_dwRamSize-1))+g_pRDRAMu8);
+ for( int i=0; i<(count+3)/4; i++)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("%08X: %08X, %08X, %08X, %08X\n",
+ rdramAddr+i*16, ptr[i*4], ptr[i*4+1], ptr[i*4+2], ptr[i*4+3]);
+ }
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\n");
+uint32 StrToHex(char *HexStr)
+ uint32 temp = 0;
+ for(uint32 k = 0; k < strlen(HexStr); k++)
+ {
+ if(HexStr[k] <= '9' && HexStr[k] >= '0')
+ {
+ temp = temp << 4;
+ temp += HexStr[k] - '0';
+ }
+ else if(HexStr[k] <= 'F' && HexStr[k] >= 'A')
+ {
+ temp = temp << 4;
+ temp += HexStr[k] - 'A' + 10;
+ }
+ else if(HexStr[k] <= 'f' && HexStr[k] >= 'a')
+ {
+ temp = temp << 4;
+ temp += HexStr[k] - 'a' + 10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return(temp);
+ }
+ }
+ return(temp);
+void DEBUGGER_PAUSE_COUNT_N(uint32 val)
+ if (eventToPause == (int)val)
+ {
+ if(debuggerPauseCount>0)
+ debuggerPauseCount--;
+ if(debuggerPauseCount==0)
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ debuggerPause = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(eventToPause == (int)val)
+ {
+ if(debuggerPauseCount>0)
+ debuggerPauseCount--;
+ if(debuggerPauseCount==0)
+ {
+ debuggerPauseCount = countToPause;
+ debuggerPause = true;
+ }
+ }
+void DumpMatrix2(const Matrix &mat, const char* prompt)
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(prompt);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\n"
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\n"
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\n"
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\n",
+ mat.m[0][0], mat.m[0][1], mat.m[0][2], mat.m[0][3],
+ mat.m[1][0], mat.m[1][1], mat.m[1][2], mat.m[1][3],
+ mat.m[2][0], mat.m[2][1], mat.m[2][2], mat.m[2][3],
+ mat.m[3][0], mat.m[3][1], mat.m[3][2], mat.m[3][3]);
+void DumpMatrix(const Matrix &mat, const char* prompt)
+ if( pauseAtNext && logMatrix )
+ {
+ DumpMatrix2(mat, prompt);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#if !defined(DEBUGGER_H)
+#define DEBUGGER_H
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#if defined(DEBUGGER)
+// Debugger.h : header file
+// CDebugger dialog
+extern bool debuggerWinOpened;
+extern bool logCombiners;
+extern bool logTriangles;
+extern bool logVertex;
+extern bool logWarning;
+extern bool logTextures;
+extern bool logTextureBuffer;
+extern bool logMatrix;
+extern bool logToScreen;
+extern bool logToFile;
+extern bool logUcodes;
+extern bool logMicrocode;
+extern bool logFog;
+extern bool logDetails;
+extern bool debuggerEnableTexture;
+extern bool debuggerEnableZBuffer;
+extern bool debuggerEnableCullFace;
+extern bool debuggerEnableTestTris;
+extern bool debuggerEnableAlphaTest;
+extern bool debuggerContinueWithUnknown;
+extern bool debuggerPause;
+extern bool pauseAtNext;
+extern int eventToPause;
+extern int debuggerPauseCount;
+extern int countToPause;
+extern bool debuggerDropCombiners;
+extern bool debuggerDropGeneralCombiners;
+extern bool debuggerDropDecodedMux;
+extern bool debuggerDropCombinerInfos;
+enum {
+void DebuggerPause();
+void __cdecl DebuggerAppendMsg(const char * Message, ...);
+void DumpHex(uint32 rdramAddr, int count);
+void DumpMatrix(const Matrix &mtx, const char* prompt);
+//Some common used macros
+#define DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES(str, v0, v1, v2) \
+ if( (pauseAtNext && (eventToPause == NEXT_TRIANGLE || eventToPause == NEXT_FLUSH_TRI)) && logTriangles ) \
+ { \
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("%s:%d(%08X),%d(%08X),%d(%08X)\n", (str),\
+ (v0), GetVertexDiffuseColor((v0)), \
+ (v1), GetVertexDiffuseColor((v1)), \
+ (v2), GetVertexDiffuseColor((v2))); \
+ }
+#define DEBUGGER_IF(op) if(op)
+#define DEBUGGER_PAUSE(op) if(pauseAtNext && eventToPause == op){pauseAtNext = false;CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame(); debuggerPause = true;}
+extern void DEBUGGER_PAUSE_COUNT_N(uint32 event);
+#define DebuggerPauseCountN DEBUGGER_PAUSE_COUNT_N
+#define DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP(op,dumpfuc) \
+ if(pauseAtNext && eventToPause == op) \
+ { pauseAtNext = false;debuggerPause = true; CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame(); dumpfuc;}
+#define DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(op,dumpfuc) \
+ if(pauseAtNext && eventToPause == op) \
+ { pauseAtNext = false;debuggerPause = true; dumpfuc;}
+#define DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N(op,dumpfuc) \
+ if(pauseAtNext && eventToPause == op) \
+{ if( debuggerPauseCount > 0 ) debuggerPauseCount--; if( debuggerPauseCount == 0 ){pauseAtNext = false;debuggerPause = true; CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame(); dumpfuc;}}
+#define DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AT_COND_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N(cond,dumpfuc) \
+ if(pauseAtNext && (cond) ) \
+{ if( debuggerPauseCount > 0 ) debuggerPauseCount--; if( debuggerPauseCount == 0 ){pauseAtNext = false;debuggerPause = true; CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame(); dumpfuc;}}
+void RDP_NOIMPL_Real(const char* op,uint32,uint32) ;
+#define DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(cond, dumpfunc) {if(cond) {dumpfunc}}
+#define TXTRBUF_DUMP(dumpfunc) DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer), dumpfunc)
+#define TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(dumpfunc) DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer&&logDetails), dumpfunc)
+#define TXTRBUF_OR_CI_DUMP(dumpfunc) DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer || (pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_SET_CIMG)), dumpfunc)
+#define TXTRBUF_OR_CI_DETAIL_DUMP(dumpfunc) DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(((logTextureBuffer || (pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_SET_CIMG))&&logDetails), dumpfunc)
+#define VTX_DUMP(dumpfunc) DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logVertex && pauseAtNext), dumpfunc)
+#define TRI_DUMP(dumpfunc) DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTriangles && pauseAtNext), dumpfunc)
+#define LIGHT_DUMP(dumpfunc) DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((eventToPause == NEXT_SET_LIGHT && pauseAtNext), dumpfunc)
+#define WARNING(dumpfunc) DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(logWarning, dumpfunc)
+#define FOG_DUMP(dumpfunc) DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(logFog, dumpfunc)
+#define LOG_TEXTURE(dumpfunc) DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextures || (pauseAtNext && eventToPause==NEXT_TEXTURE_CMD) ), dumpfunc)
+#define DEBUGGER_ONLY(func) {func}
+#define TRACE0(arg0) {DebuggerAppendMsg(arg0);}
+#define TRACE1(arg0,arg1) {DebuggerAppendMsg(arg0,arg1);}
+#define TRACE2(arg0,arg1,arg2) {DebuggerAppendMsg(arg0,arg1,arg2);}
+#define TRACE3(arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3) {DebuggerAppendMsg(arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3);}
+#define TRACE4(arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) {DebuggerAppendMsg(arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);}
+#define TRACE5(arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) {DebuggerAppendMsg(arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);}
+#define DEBUG_TRIANGLE(dumpfunc) { if(pauseAtNext && eventToPause==NEXT_TRIANGLE ) { eventToPause = NEXT_FLUSH_TRI; debuggerPause = true; DEBUGGER_PAUSE(NEXT_FLUSH_TRI); dumpfunc} }
+#define DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES(str, v0, v1, v2)
+#define DEBUGGER_IF(op)
+#define DEBUGGER_PAUSE(op)
+#define DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP(op,dumpfuc)
+#define DebuggerPauseCountN DEBUGGER_PAUSE_COUNT_N
+#define DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N(op,dumpfuc)
+#define RSP_RDP_NOIMPL(a,b,c)
+void __cdecl DebuggerAppendMsg(const char * Message, ...);
+#define DumpHex(rdramAddr, count)
+#define DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(cond, dumpfunc)
+#define TXTRBUF_DUMP(dumpfunc)
+#define TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(dumpfunc)
+#define TXTRBUF_OR_CI_DUMP(dumpfunc)
+#define TXTRBUF_OR_CI_DETAIL_DUMP(dumpfunc)
+#define VTX_DUMP(dumpfunc)
+#define TRI_DUMP(dumpfunc)
+#define LIGHT_DUMP(dumpfunc)
+#define WARNING(dumpfunc)
+#define FOG_DUMP(dumpfunc)
+#define LOG_TEXTURE(dumpfunc)
+#define DEBUGGER_ONLY(func)
+#define DumpMatrix(a,b)
+#define TRACE0(arg0) {}
+#define TRACE1(arg0,arg1) {}
+#define TRACE2(arg0,arg1,arg2) {}
+#define TRACE3(arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3) {}
+#define TRACE4(arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) {}
+#define TRACE5(arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) {}
+#define DEBUG_TRIANGLE(arg0) {}
+#endif // !defined(DEBUGGER_H)
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "GeneralCombiner.h"
+#include "Combiner.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "RenderBase.h"
+static const uint8 sc_Mux32[32] =
+static const uint8 sc_Mux16[16] =
+static const uint8 sc_Mux8[8] =
+const char * translatedCombTypes[] =
+ "0",
+ "1",
+ "TEXEL0",
+ "TEXEL1",
+ "PRIM",
+ "SHADE",
+ "ENV",
+ "T0_ALPHA_wrong",
+ "T1_ALPHA_wrong",
+ "PRIM_ALPHA_wrong",
+ "SHADE_ALPHA_wrong",
+ "ENV_ALPHA_wrong",
+ "K5",
+ "UNK",
+ "ENV_X_ENV",
+const char* muxTypeStrs[] = {
+void DecodedMux::Decode(uint32 dwMux0, uint32 dwMux1)
+ m_dwMux0 = dwMux0;
+ m_dwMux1 = dwMux1;
+ aRGB0 = uint8((dwMux0>>20)&0x0F); // c1 c1 // a0
+ bRGB0 = uint8((dwMux1>>28)&0x0F); // c1 c2 // b0
+ cRGB0 = uint8((dwMux0>>15)&0x1F); // c1 c3 // c0
+ dRGB0 = uint8((dwMux1>>15)&0x07); // c1 c4 // d0
+ aA0 = uint8((dwMux0>>12)&0x07); // c1 a1 // Aa0
+ bA0 = uint8((dwMux1>>12)&0x07); // c1 a2 // Ab0
+ cA0 = uint8((dwMux0>>9 )&0x07); // c1 a3 // Ac0
+ dA0 = uint8((dwMux1>>9 )&0x07); // c1 a4 // Ad0
+ aRGB1 = uint8((dwMux0>>5 )&0x0F); // c2 c1 // a1
+ bRGB1 = uint8((dwMux1>>24)&0x0F); // c2 c2 // b1
+ cRGB1 = uint8((dwMux0 )&0x1F); // c2 c3 // c1
+ dRGB1 = uint8((dwMux1>>6 )&0x07); // c2 c4 // d1
+ aA1 = uint8((dwMux1>>21)&0x07); // c2 a1 // Aa1
+ bA1 = uint8((dwMux1>>3 )&0x07); // c2 a2 // Ab1
+ cA1 = uint8((dwMux1>>18)&0x07); // c2 a3 // Ac1
+ dA1 = uint8((dwMux1 )&0x07); // c2 a4 // Ad1
+ //This fuction will translate the decode mux info further, so we can use
+ //the decode data better.
+ //Will translate A,B,C,D to unified presentation
+ aRGB0 = sc_Mux16[aRGB0];
+ bRGB0 = sc_Mux16[bRGB0];
+ cRGB0 = sc_Mux32[cRGB0];
+ dRGB0 = sc_Mux8[dRGB0];
+ aA0 = sc_Mux8[aA0];
+ bA0 = sc_Mux8[bA0];
+ cA0 = sc_Mux8[cA0];
+ dA0 = sc_Mux8[dA0];
+ aRGB1 = sc_Mux16[aRGB1];
+ bRGB1 = sc_Mux16[bRGB1];
+ cRGB1 = sc_Mux32[cRGB1];
+ dRGB1 = sc_Mux8[dRGB1];
+ aA1 = sc_Mux8[aA1];
+ bA1 = sc_Mux8[bA1];
+ cA1 = sc_Mux8[cA1];
+ dA1 = sc_Mux8[dA1];
+ m_bShadeIsUsed[1] = isUsedInAlphaChannel(MUX_SHADE);
+ m_bShadeIsUsed[0] = isUsedInColorChannel(MUX_SHADE);
+ m_bTexel0IsUsed = isUsed(MUX_TEXEL0);
+ m_bTexel1IsUsed = isUsed(MUX_TEXEL1);
+ m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag = 0;
+ m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag = 0;
+ m_ColorTextureFlag[0] = 0;
+ m_ColorTextureFlag[1] = 0;
+int DecodedMux::Count(uint8 val, int cycle, uint8 mask)
+ uint8* pmux = m_bytes;
+ int count=0;
+ int start=0;
+ int end=16;
+ if( cycle >= 0 )
+ {
+ start = cycle*4;
+ end = start+4;
+ }
+ for( int i=start; i<end; i++ )
+ {
+ if( (pmux[i]&mask) == (val&mask) )
+ {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+bool DecodedMux::isUsed(uint8 val, uint8 mask)
+ uint8* pmux = m_bytes;
+ bool isUsed = false;
+ for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
+ {
+ if( (pmux[i]&mask) == (val&mask) )
+ {
+ isUsed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return isUsed;
+bool DecodedMux::isUsedInAlphaChannel(uint8 val, uint8 mask)
+ uint8* pmux = m_bytes;
+ bool isUsed = false;
+ for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
+ {
+ if( (i/4)%2 == 0 )
+ continue; //Don't test color channel
+ if( (pmux[i]&mask) == (val&mask) )
+ {
+ isUsed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return isUsed;
+bool DecodedMux::isUsedInColorChannel(uint8 val, uint8 mask)
+ uint8* pmux = m_bytes;
+ bool isUsed = false;
+ for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
+ {
+ if( (i/4)%2 == 0 && (pmux[i]&mask) == (val&mask) )
+ {
+ isUsed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return isUsed;
+bool DecodedMux::isUsedInCycle(uint8 val, int cycle, CombineChannel channel, uint8 mask)
+ cycle *=2;
+ if( channel == ALPHA_CHANNEL ) cycle++;
+ uint8* pmux = m_bytes;
+ for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ {
+ if( (pmux[i+cycle*4]&mask) == (val&mask) )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool DecodedMux::isUsedInCycle(uint8 val, int cycle, uint8 mask)
+ return isUsedInCycle(val, cycle/2, cycle%2?ALPHA_CHANNEL:COLOR_CHANNEL, mask);
+void DecodedMux::ConvertComplements()
+ //For (A-B)*C+D, if A=1, then we can convert A-B to Ac-0
+ if( aRGB0 != MUX_1 && bRGB0 != MUX_0 )
+ {
+ bRGB0 = MUX_0;
+ }
+ if( aRGB1 != MUX_1 && bRGB1 != MUX_0 )
+ {
+ bRGB1 = MUX_0;
+ }
+ if( aA0 != MUX_1 && bA0 != MUX_0 )
+ {
+ bA0 = MUX_0;
+ }
+ if( aA1 != MUX_1 && bA1 != MUX_0 )
+ {
+ bA1 = MUX_0;
+ }
+CombinerFormatType DecodedMux::GetCombinerFormatType(uint32 cycle)
+ //Analyze the formula
+ /*
+ C=0 = D
+ A==B = D
+ B=0, C=1, D=0 = A
+ A=1, B=0, D=0 = C
+ C=1, B==D = A
+ A=1, C=1, D=0 = 1-B
+ D = 1 = 1
+ */
+ return CM_FMT_TYPE_D;
+void DecodedMuxForPixelShader::Simplify(void)
+ CheckCombineInCycle1();
+ //Reformat();
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bTexture1Hack )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1,MUX_TEXEL0,2);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1,MUX_TEXEL0,3);
+ }
+ splitType[0] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ splitType[1] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ splitType[2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ splitType[3] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ m_bTexel0IsUsed = isUsed(MUX_TEXEL0);
+ m_bTexel1IsUsed = isUsed(MUX_TEXEL1);
+void DecodedMuxForSemiPixelShader::Reset(void)
+ Decode(m_dwMux0, m_dwMux1);
+ splitType[0] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED;
+ splitType[1] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED;
+ splitType[2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED;
+ splitType[3] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED;
+ Hack();
+ gRSP.bProcessDiffuseColor = false;
+ gRSP.bProcessSpecularColor = false;
+ CheckCombineInCycle1();
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bTexture1Hack )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1,MUX_TEXEL0,2);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1,MUX_TEXEL0,3);
+ }
+ m_bTexel0IsUsed = isUsed(MUX_TEXEL0);
+ m_bTexel1IsUsed = isUsed(MUX_TEXEL1);
+void DecodedMuxForOGL14V2::Simplify(void)
+ CheckCombineInCycle1();
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bTexture1Hack )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1,MUX_TEXEL0,2);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1,MUX_TEXEL0,3);
+ }
+ Reformat();
+ UseTextureForConstant();
+ Reformat();
+ m_bTexel0IsUsed = isUsed(MUX_TEXEL0);
+ m_bTexel1IsUsed = isUsed(MUX_TEXEL1);
+void DecodedMux::Simplify(void)
+ CheckCombineInCycle1();
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.text_lod )
+ ConvertLODFracTo0();
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bTexture1Hack )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1,MUX_TEXEL0,2);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1,MUX_TEXEL0,3);
+ }
+ Reformat();
+ UseShadeForConstant();
+ Reformat();
+ if( m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == MUX_0 )
+ {
+ MergeShadeWithConstants();
+ Reformat();
+ }
+ UseTextureForConstant();
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_ColorTextureFlag[i] != 0 )
+ {
+ if( m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == m_ColorTextureFlag[i] )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_SHADE,MUX_TEXEL0+i,N64Cycle0RGB);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_SHADE,MUX_TEXEL0+i,N64Cycle1RGB);
+ m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag = 0;
+ }
+ if( m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag == m_ColorTextureFlag[i] )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_SHADE,MUX_TEXEL0+i,N64Cycle0Alpha);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_SHADE,MUX_TEXEL0+i,N64Cycle1Alpha);
+ m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Reformat();
+ m_bTexel0IsUsed = isUsed(MUX_TEXEL0);
+ m_bTexel1IsUsed = isUsed(MUX_TEXEL1);
+void DecodedMux::Reformat(bool do_complement)
+ if( m_dWords[N64Cycle0RGB] == m_dWords[N64Cycle1RGB] )
+ {
+ aRGB1 = MUX_0;
+ bRGB1 = MUX_0;
+ cRGB1 = MUX_0;
+ splitType[N64Cycle1RGB] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ }
+ if( m_dWords[N64Cycle0Alpha] == m_dWords[N64Cycle1Alpha] )
+ {
+ aA1 = MUX_0;
+ bA1 = MUX_0;
+ cA1 = MUX_0;
+ splitType[N64Cycle1Alpha] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ }
+ for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ {
+ if( splitType[i] == CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED )
+ {
+ continue; //Skip this, it is not used
+ }
+ N64CombinerType &m = m_n64Combiners[i];
+ //if( m.a == MUX_0 || m.c == MUX_0 || m.a == m.b ) m.a = m.b = m.c = MUX_0;
+ if( m.c == MUX_0 || m.a == m.b ) m.a = m.b = m.c = MUX_0;
+ if( do_complement && (m.b == MUX_1 || m.d == MUX_1) ) m.a = m.b = m.c = MUX_0;
+ if( m.a == MUX_0 && m.b == m.d )
+ {
+ m.a = m.b;
+ m.b = m.d = 0;
+ //Hack for Mario Tennis
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_TENNIS && m.c == MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ {
+ if( do_complement )
+ else
+ {
+ m.a = m.c;
+ m.c = m.b;
+ m.b = m.a;
+ m.a = MUX_1;
+ }
+ }
+ //m.c ^= MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ }
+ //Type 1 == D
+ //Analyze the formula
+ //Check Type 1
+ //D = 1 = D(=1)
+ //C=0 = D
+ //A==B = D
+ //B=0, C=1, D=0 = A
+ //C=1, B==D = A
+ //A=1, B=0, D=0 = C
+ //A=1, C=1, D=0 = 1-B
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED; //All Type 1 will be changed to = D
+ if( m.c == MUX_0 || m.a==m.b || ( do_complement && (m.d == MUX_1 || m.b==MUX_1)) )
+ {
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_D; //All Type 1 will be changed to = D
+ m.a = m.b = m.c = MUX_0;
+ if( m.d == MUX_COMBINED && i>=N64Cycle1RGB ) splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ }
+ else if( (m.b == MUX_0 && m.c == MUX_1 && m.d == MUX_0 ) || ( m.c == MUX_1 && m.b==m.d ) )
+ {
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_D; //All Type 1 will be changed to = D
+ m.d = m.a;
+ m.a = m.b = m.c = MUX_0;
+ if( m.d == MUX_COMBINED && i>=N64Cycle1RGB ) splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ }
+ else if( m.a == MUX_1 && m.b == MUX_0 && m.d == MUX_0 )
+ {
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_D; //All Type 1 will be changed to = D
+ m.d = m.c;
+ m.a = m.b = m.c = MUX_0;
+ if( m.d == MUX_COMBINED && i>=N64Cycle1RGB ) splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ }
+ else if( m.a == MUX_1 && m.c == MUX_1 && m.d == MUX_0 && do_complement )
+ {
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_D; //All Type 1 will be changed to = D
+ m.d = m.b^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ m.a = m.b = m.c = MUX_0;
+ if( m.d == MUX_COMBINED && i>=N64Cycle1RGB ) splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ }
+ if( splitType[i] == CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED )
+ continue;
+ if( splitType[i] == CM_FMT_TYPE_D )
+ {
+ if( (i == N64Cycle0RGB || i == N64Cycle0Alpha) && splitType[i+2]!=CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) //Cycle 1's Color or Alpha
+ {
+ uint8 saveD = m.d;
+ for( int j=0; j<4; j++ )
+ {
+ if( (m_bytes[j+i*4+8]&MUX_MASK) == MUX_COMBINED )
+ {
+ m_bytes[j+i*4+8] = saveD|(m_bytes[j+i*4+8]&0xC0); //Replace cycle's CMB with D from cycle 1
+ }
+ }
+ m_dWords[i] = m_dWords[i+2];
+ splitType[i+2]=CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ m_dWords[i+2] = 0x02000000;
+ i=i-1; // Throw the first cycle result away, use 2nd cycle for the 1st cycle
+ // and then redo the 1st cycle
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( (i==2 || i == 3) && (m.d&MUX_MASK) == MUX_COMBINED )
+ {
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Type 2: A+D ' ADD
+ //B=0, C=1 = A+D
+ //A=1, B=0 = C+D
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D; //All Type 2 will be changed to = A+D
+ if( m.b == MUX_0 && m.c == MUX_1 )
+ {
+ if( m.d == MUX_TEXEL0 || m.d == MUX_TEXEL1 ) swap(m.a, m.d);
+ if( m.a == MUX_COMBINED ) swap(m.a, m.d);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( m.a == MUX_1 && m.b == MUX_0 )
+ {
+ m.a = m.c; //Change format A+D
+ m.c = MUX_1;
+ if( m.d == MUX_TEXEL0 || m.d == MUX_TEXEL1 ) swap(m.a, m.d);
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Type 3: A*C
+ //B=0, D=0 = A*C
+ //A=1, D=0 = (1-A)*C
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C; //A*C
+ if( m.b == MUX_0 && m.d == MUX_0 )
+ {
+ if( m.c == MUX_TEXEL0 || m.c == MUX_TEXEL1 ) swap(m.a, m.c);
+ if( m.a == MUX_COMBINED ) swap(m.a, m.c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( m.a == MUX_1 && m.d == MUX_0 && do_complement )
+ {
+ m.a = m.b^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ m.b = MUX_0;
+ if( m.c == MUX_TEXEL0 || m.c == MUX_TEXEL1 ) swap(m.a, m.c);
+ if( m.a == MUX_COMBINED ) swap(m.a, m.c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Type 4: A-B ' SUB
+ //C=1, D=0 = A-B
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B; //A-B
+ if( m.c == MUX_1 && m.d == MUX_0 )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Type 5: A*C+D , ' MULTIPLYADD
+ //B=0 = A*C+D
+ //A=1 = (1-B) * C + D
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D;
+ if( m.b == MUX_0 )
+ {
+ if( m.c == MUX_TEXEL0 || m.c == MUX_TEXEL1 ) swap(m.a, m.c);
+ if( m.a == MUX_COMBINED ) swap(m.a, m.c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( m.a == MUX_1 && m.b!=m.d && do_complement )
+ {
+ m.a = m.b^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ m.b = MUX_0;
+ if( m.c == MUX_TEXEL0 || m.c == MUX_TEXEL1 ) swap(m.a, m.c);
+ if( m.a == MUX_COMBINED ) swap(m.a, m.c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Type 6: (A-B)*C+B Map to LERP, or BLENDALPHA
+ //D==B
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_LERP_B_C;
+ if( m.b == m.d )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Type 7: A-B+D
+ //C=1 = A-B+D
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D;
+ if( m.c == MUX_1 )
+ {
+ if( m.c == MUX_TEXEL0 || m.c == MUX_TEXEL1 ) swap(m.a, m.c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Type 8: (A-B)*C
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C;
+ if( m.d == MUX_0 )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( m.c == m.d && do_complement ) // (A-B)*C+C ==> (A + B|C ) * C
+ {
+ m.d = MUX_0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( m.a == m.d )
+ {
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_A;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Type 9: (A-B)*C+D
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D;
+ }
+ if( (splitType[0] == CM_FMT_TYPE_D && splitType[2]!= CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) || //Cycle 1 Color
+ (isUsedInCycle(MUX_COMBINED,1,COLOR_CHANNEL) == false && isUsedInCycle(MUX_COMBINED,1,ALPHA_CHANNEL) == false && splitType[2]!= CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED) )
+ {
+ //Replace cycle 1 color with cycle 2 color because we have already replace cycle2's cmb
+ aRGB0 = aRGB1;
+ bRGB0 = bRGB1;
+ cRGB0 = cRGB1;
+ dRGB0 = dRGB1;
+ aRGB1 = MUX_0;
+ bRGB1 = MUX_0;
+ cRGB1 = MUX_0;
+ splitType[0] = splitType[2];
+ splitType[2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ }
+ if( (splitType[1] == CM_FMT_TYPE_D && splitType[3]!= CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) || //Cycle 2 Alpha
+ {
+ //Replace cycle 1 alpha with cycle 2 alpha because we have already replace cycle2's cmb
+ aA0 = aA1;
+ bA0 = bA1;
+ cA0 = cA1;
+ dA0 = dA1;
+ aA1 = MUX_0;
+ bA1 = MUX_0;
+ cA1 = MUX_0;
+ splitType[1] = splitType[3];
+ splitType[3] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ }
+ if( splitType[0] == CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C && splitType[2] == CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D )
+ {
+ m_n64Combiners[0].d = (m_n64Combiners[2].a & MUX_MASK) == MUX_COMBINED ? m_n64Combiners[2].d : m_n64Combiners[2].a;
+ splitType[0] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D;
+ splitType[2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ m_n64Combiners[2].a = MUX_0;
+ m_n64Combiners[2].c = MUX_0;
+ m_n64Combiners[2].d = MUX_COMBINED;
+ }
+ if( splitType[1] == CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C && splitType[3] == CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D )
+ {
+ m_n64Combiners[1].d = (m_n64Combiners[3].a & MUX_MASK) == MUX_COMBINED ? m_n64Combiners[3].d : m_n64Combiners[3].a;
+ splitType[1] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D;
+ splitType[3] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED;
+ m_n64Combiners[3].a = MUX_0;
+ m_n64Combiners[3].c = MUX_0;
+ m_n64Combiners[3].d = MUX_COMBINED;
+ }
+ mType = max(max(max(splitType[0], splitType[1]),splitType[2]),splitType[3]);
+const char* MuxGroupStr[4] =
+ "Color0",
+ "Alpha0",
+ "Color1",
+ "Alpha1",
+char* DecodedMux::FormatStr(uint8 val, char *buf)
+ if( val == CM_IGNORE_BYTE )
+ {
+ strcpy(buf," ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(buf, translatedCombTypes[val&MUX_MASK]);
+ strcat(buf,"|A");
+ if( val&MUX_COMPLEMENT )
+ strcat(buf,"|C");
+ if( val&MUX_NEG )
+ strcat(buf,"|N");
+ }
+ return buf;
+void DecodedMux::Display(bool simplified,FILE *fp)
+ DecodedMux decodedMux;
+ DecodedMux *mux;
+ if( simplified )
+ {
+ mux = this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ decodedMux.Decode(m_dwMux0, m_dwMux1);
+ mux = &decodedMux;
+ }
+ char buf0[30];
+ char buf1[30];
+ char buf2[30];
+ char buf3[30];
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ for(int j=0;j<2;j++)
+ {
+ N64CombinerType &m = mux->m_n64Combiners[i+2*j];
+ if( fp )
+ {
+ fprintf(fp,"%s: (%s - %s) * %s + %s\n", MuxGroupStr[i+2*j], FormatStr(m.a,buf0),
+ FormatStr(m.b,buf1), FormatStr(m.c,buf2), FormatStr(m.d,buf3));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("%s: (%s - %s) * %s + %s\n", MuxGroupStr[i+2*j], FormatStr(m.a,buf0),
+ FormatStr(m.b,buf1), FormatStr(m.c,buf2), FormatStr(m.d,buf3));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int DecodedMux::HowManyConstFactors()
+ int n=0;
+ if( isUsed(MUX_PRIM) ) n++;
+ if( isUsed(MUX_ENV) ) n++;
+ if( isUsed(MUX_LODFRAC) ) n++;
+ if( isUsed(MUX_PRIMLODFRAC) ) n++;
+ return n;
+int DecodedMux::HowManyTextures()
+ int n=0;
+ if( isUsed(MUX_TEXEL0) ) n++;
+ if( isUsed(MUX_TEXEL1) ) n++;
+ return n;
+int DecodedMux::CountTexels(void)
+ int count=0;
+ for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ {
+ N64CombinerType &m = m_n64Combiners[i];
+ count = max(count, ::CountTexel1Cycle(m));
+ if( count == 2 )
+ break;
+ }
+ return count;
+void DecodedMux::ReplaceVal(uint8 val1, uint8 val2, int cycle, uint8 mask)
+ int start = 0;
+ int end = 16;
+ if( cycle >= 0 )
+ {
+ start = cycle*4;
+ end = start+4;
+ }
+ uint8* pmux = m_bytes;
+ for( int i=start; i<end; i++ )
+ {
+ if( (pmux[i]&mask) == (val1&mask) )
+ {
+ pmux[i] &= (~mask);
+ pmux[i] |= val2;
+ }
+ }
+uint32 DecodedMux::GetCycle(int cycle, CombineChannel channel)
+ uint32* pmux = m_dWords;
+ if( channel == COLOR_CHANNEL )
+ {
+ return pmux[cycle*2];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return pmux[cycle*2+1];
+ }
+uint32 DecodedMux::GetCycle(int cycle)
+ return m_dWords[cycle];
+enum ShadeConstMergeType
+typedef struct
+uint64 mux; // simplified
+ShadeConstMergeType op;
+} ShadeConstMergeMapType;
+ShadeConstMergeMapType MergeShadeWithConstantsMaps[] =
+{0x0007000600070006LL, SHADE_MOD_ENV}, // SHADE * ENV
+// 0x05070501, 0x00070006 //(1 - PRIM) * ENV + PRIM
+// 0x00050003, 0x00050003 //(TEXEL0 - 0) * PRIM + 0
+void DecodedMux::MergeShadeWithConstants(void)
+ // This function should be called afte the mux has been simplified
+ // The goal of this function is to merge as many as possible constants with shade
+ // so to reduce the totally number of constants to 0 or 1
+ // And at the same time, to reduce the complexity of the whole mux
+ // so we can implement the mux easiler when lower end video cards
+ // We can only try to merge shade with constants for:
+ // 1 cycle mode or 2 cycle mode and shade is not used in the 2nd cycle
+ if( m_bShadeIsUsed[0] ) MergeShadeWithConstantsInChannel(COLOR_CHANNEL);
+ if( m_bShadeIsUsed[1] ) MergeShadeWithConstantsInChannel(ALPHA_CHANNEL);
+void DecodedMux::MergeShadeWithConstantsInChannel(CombineChannel channel)
+ bool usedIn[2];
+ uint32 cycleVal;
+ int cycleNum;
+ usedIn[0] = isUsedInCycle(MUX_SHADE,channel);
+ usedIn[1] = isUsedInCycle(MUX_SHADE,channel+2);
+ if( usedIn[0] && usedIn[1] && GetCycle(channel)!=GetCycle(channel+2) )
+ {
+ //Shade is used in more than 1 cycles, and the ways it is used are different
+ //in cycles, so we can not merge shade with const factors
+ return;
+ }
+ if( usedIn[0] ) { cycleVal = GetCycle(channel);cycleNum=0;}
+ else {cycleVal = GetCycle(channel+2);cycleNum=1;}
+ //Update to here, Shade is either used only in 1 cycle, or the way it is used are totally
+ //the same in different cycles
+ if( cycleVal == 0x06000000 || isUsedInCycle(MUX_COMBINED,channel+cycleNum*2) ) // (0-0)*0+Shade
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ //Now we can merge shade with consts
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ if( usedIn[i] )
+ {
+ N64CombinerType &m = m_n64Combiners[channel+i*2];
+ if( isUsedInCycle(MUX_TEXEL0,i*2+channel) || isUsedInCycle(MUX_TEXEL1,i*2+channel) )
+ {
+ if( (m.a&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 || (m.a&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ {
+ // m.a is texel, can not merge constant with shade
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( (m.b&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 || (m.b&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ {
+ // m.b is texel, can not merge constant with shade
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(( (m.c&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 || (m.c&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 ) )
+ {
+ if( (m.d&MUX_MASK) != MUX_SHADE )
+ {
+ cycleVal &= 0x0000FFFF; // A-B
+ }
+ else if( (m.a&MUX_MASK) == MUX_SHADE || (m.b&MUX_MASK) == MUX_SHADE )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( (m.d&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 || (m.d&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ {
+ cycleVal &= 0x00FFFFFF; // (A-B)*C
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m.a = m.b = m.c = MUX_0;
+ m.d = MUX_SHADE;
+ splitType[i*2+channel] = CM_FMT_TYPE_D;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( channel == COLOR_CHANNEL )
+ m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag = cycleVal;
+ else
+ m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag = cycleVal;
+void DecodedMux::MergeConstants(void)
+ // This function should be called afte the mux has been simplified
+ // The goal of this function is to merge remain constants and to reduce the
+ // total number of constants, so we can implement the mux easiler
+ // This function should be called after the MergeShadeWithConstants() function
+void DecodedMux::UseShadeForConstant(void)
+ // If shade is not used in the mux, we can use it for constants
+ // This function should be called after constants have been merged
+ bool doAlphaChannel = true;
+ uint8 mask = (uint8)~MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ int constants = 0;
+ if( isUsed(MUX_ENV) ) constants++;
+ if( isUsed(MUX_PRIM) ) constants++;
+ if( isUsed(MUX_LODFRAC) ) constants++;
+ if( isUsed(MUX_PRIMLODFRAC) ) constants++;
+ bool forceToUsed = constants>m_maxConstants;
+ if( !isUsedInColorChannel(MUX_SHADE) && (forceToUsed || max(splitType[0], splitType[2]) >= CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D) )
+ {
+ int countEnv = Count(MUX_ENV, N64Cycle0RGB, mask) + Count(MUX_ENV, N64Cycle1RGB, mask);
+ int countPrim = Count(MUX_PRIM, N64Cycle0RGB, mask) + Count(MUX_PRIM, N64Cycle1RGB, mask);
+ if( countEnv+countPrim > 0 )
+ {
+ if( countPrim >= countEnv )
+ {
+ //TRACE0("Use Shade for PRIM in color channel");
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle0RGB);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle1RGB);
+ m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag = MUX_PRIM;
+ }
+ else if( countEnv>0 )
+ {
+ //TRACE0("Use Shade for ENV in color channel");
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle0RGB);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle1RGB);
+ m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag = MUX_ENV;
+ }
+ if( isUsedInColorChannel(MUX_SHADE|MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE, mask) )
+ {
+ m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag = m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag;
+ ReplaceVal((uint8)m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle0Alpha);
+ ReplaceVal((uint8)m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle1Alpha);
+ doAlphaChannel = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( doAlphaChannel && !isUsedInAlphaChannel(MUX_SHADE) && !isUsedInColorChannel(MUX_SHADE|MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE,MUX_MASK_WITH_ALPHA))
+ {
+ int countEnv = Count(MUX_ENV|MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE, N64Cycle0RGB, mask) + Count(MUX_ENV|MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE, N64Cycle1RGB, mask);
+ int countPrim = Count(MUX_PRIM|MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE, N64Cycle0RGB, mask) + Count(MUX_PRIM|MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE, N64Cycle1RGB, mask);
+ if( forceToUsed || max(splitType[1], splitType[3]) >= CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D ||
+ (max(splitType[0], splitType[2]) >= CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D && countEnv+countPrim > 0 ) )
+ {
+ countEnv = Count(MUX_ENV, N64Cycle0Alpha) + Count(MUX_ENV, N64Cycle1Alpha) +
+ countPrim = Count(MUX_PRIM, N64Cycle0Alpha) + Count(MUX_PRIM, N64Cycle1Alpha) +
+ if( countEnv+countPrim > 0 )
+ {
+ if( countPrim>0 && m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == MUX_PRIM )
+ {
+ //TRACE0("Use Shade for PRIM in alpha channel");
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle0Alpha);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle1Alpha);
+ m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag = MUX_PRIM;
+ }
+ else if( countEnv>0 && m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == MUX_ENV )
+ {
+ //TRACE0("Use Shade for PRIM in alpha channel");
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle0Alpha);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle1Alpha);
+ m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag = MUX_ENV;
+ }
+ else if( countPrim >= countEnv )
+ {
+ //TRACE0("Use Shade for PRIM in alpha channel");
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle0Alpha);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle1Alpha);
+ m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag = MUX_PRIM;
+ }
+ else if( countEnv>0 )
+ {
+ //TRACE0("Use Shade for ENV in alpha channel");
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle0Alpha);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_SHADE, N64Cycle1Alpha);
+ m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag = MUX_ENV;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void DecodedMux::UseTextureForConstant(void)
+ int numofconst = HowManyConstFactors();
+ int numOftex = HowManyTextures();
+ if( numofconst > m_maxConstants && numOftex < m_maxTextures )
+ {
+ // We can use a texture for a constant
+ for( int i=0; i<2 && numofconst > m_maxConstants ; i++ )
+ {
+ if( isUsed(MUX_TEXEL0+i) )
+ {
+ continue; // can not use this texture
+ }
+ if( isUsed(MUX_PRIM) )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_TEXEL0+i);
+ m_ColorTextureFlag[i] = MUX_PRIM;
+ numofconst--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( isUsed(MUX_ENV) )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_TEXEL0+i);
+ m_ColorTextureFlag[i] = MUX_ENV;
+ numofconst--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( isUsed(MUX_LODFRAC) )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_LODFRAC, MUX_TEXEL0+i);
+ m_ColorTextureFlag[i] = MUX_LODFRAC;
+ numofconst--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( isUsed(MUX_PRIMLODFRAC) )
+ {
+ m_ColorTextureFlag[i] = MUX_PRIMLODFRAC;
+ numofconst--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void DecodedMuxForOGL14V2::UseTextureForConstant(void)
+ bool envused = isUsed(MUX_ENV);
+ bool lodused = isUsed(MUX_LODFRAC);
+ int numofconst = 0;
+ if( envused ) numofconst++;
+ if( lodused ) numofconst++;
+ int numOftex = HowManyTextures();
+ if( numofconst > 0 && numOftex < 2 )
+ {
+ // We can use a texture for a constant
+ for( int i=0; i<2 && numofconst > 0 ; i++ )
+ {
+ if( isUsed(MUX_TEXEL0+i) )
+ {
+ continue; // can not use this texture
+ }
+ if( envused )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_TEXEL0+i);
+ m_ColorTextureFlag[i] = MUX_ENV;
+ numofconst--;
+ envused = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( isUsed(MUX_LODFRAC) )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_LODFRAC, MUX_TEXEL0+i);
+ m_ColorTextureFlag[i] = MUX_LODFRAC;
+ numofconst--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( isUsed(MUX_PRIMLODFRAC) )
+ {
+ m_ColorTextureFlag[i] = MUX_PRIMLODFRAC;
+ numofconst--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+extern const char *translatedCombTypes[];
+void DecodedMux::DisplayMuxString(const char *prompt)
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//Mux=0x%08x%08x\t%s in %s\n", m_dwMux0, m_dwMux1, prompt, g_curRomInfo.szGameName);
+ Display(false);
+ TRACE0("\n");
+void DecodedMux::DisplaySimpliedMuxString(const char *prompt)
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//Simplied Mux=0x%08x%08x\t%s in %s\n", m_dwMux0, m_dwMux1, prompt, g_curRomInfo.szGameName);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Simplied DWORDs=%08X, %08X, %08X, %08X", m_dWords[0],m_dWords[1],m_dWords[2],m_dWords[3]);
+ Display(true);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Simplfied type: %s", muxTypeStrs[mType]);
+ if( m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag != 0 )
+ {
+ if( m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == MUX_ENV )
+ TRACE0("Shade = ENV in color channel")
+ else if( m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == MUX_PRIM )
+ TRACE0("Shade = PRIM in color channel")
+ else if( m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == MUX_LODFRAC )
+ TRACE0("Shade = MUX_LODFRAC in color channel")
+ else if( m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == MUX_PRIMLODFRAC )
+ TRACE0("Shade = MUX_PRIMLODFRAC in color channel")
+ else
+ DisplayConstantsWithShade(m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag,COLOR_CHANNEL);
+ }
+ if( m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag != 0 )
+ {
+ if( m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag == MUX_ENV )
+ TRACE0("Shade = ENV in alpha channel")
+ else if( m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag == MUX_PRIM )
+ TRACE0("Shade = PRIM in alpha channel")
+ else if( m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag == MUX_LODFRAC )
+ TRACE0("Shade = MUX_LODFRAC in alpha channel")
+ else if( m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag == MUX_PRIMLODFRAC )
+ TRACE0("Shade = MUX_PRIMLODFRAC in alpha channel")
+ else
+ DisplayConstantsWithShade(m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag,ALPHA_CHANNEL);
+ }
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_ColorTextureFlag[i] != 0 )
+ {
+ if( m_ColorTextureFlag[i] == MUX_ENV )
+ TRACE1("Tex %d = ENV", i)
+ else if( m_ColorTextureFlag[i] == MUX_PRIM )
+ TRACE1("Tex %d = PRIM", i)
+ else if( m_ColorTextureFlag[i] == MUX_LODFRAC )
+ TRACE1("Tex %d = MUX_LODFRAC", i)
+ else if( m_ColorTextureFlag[i] == MUX_PRIMLODFRAC )
+ }
+ }
+ TRACE0("\n");
+void DecodedMux::DisplayConstantsWithShade(uint32 flag,CombineChannel channel)
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Shade = %08X in %s channel",flag,channel==COLOR_CHANNEL?"color":"alpha");
+extern const char *translatedCombTypes[];
+void DecodedMux::LogMuxString(const char *prompt, FILE *fp)
+ fprintf(fp,"//Mux=0x%08x%08x\t%s in %s\n", m_dwMux0, m_dwMux1, prompt, g_curRomInfo.szGameName);
+ Display(false,fp);
+ TRACE0("\n");
+void DecodedMux::LogSimpliedMuxString(const char *prompt, FILE *fp)
+ fprintf(fp,"//Simplied Mux=0x%08x%08x\t%s in %s\n", m_dwMux0, m_dwMux1, prompt, g_curRomInfo.szGameName);
+ fprintf(fp,"Simplied DWORDs=%08X, %08X, %08X, %08X\n", m_dWords[0],m_dWords[1],m_dWords[2],m_dWords[3]);
+ Display(true,fp);
+ fprintf(fp,"Simplfied type: %s", muxTypeStrs[mType]);
+ if( m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag != 0 )
+ {
+ if( m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == MUX_ENV )
+ TRACE0("Shade = ENV in color channel")
+ else if( m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == MUX_PRIM )
+ TRACE0("Shade = PRIM in color channel")
+ else if( m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == MUX_LODFRAC )
+ TRACE0("Shade = MUX_LODFRAC in color channel")
+ else if( m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == MUX_PRIMLODFRAC )
+ TRACE0("Shade = MUX_PRIMLODFRAC in color channel")
+ else
+ LogConstantsWithShade(m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag,COLOR_CHANNEL,fp);
+ }
+ if( m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag != 0 )
+ {
+ if( m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag == MUX_ENV )
+ TRACE0("Shade = ENV in alpha channel")
+ else if( m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag == MUX_PRIM )
+ TRACE0("Shade = PRIM in alpha channel")
+ else if( m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag == MUX_LODFRAC )
+ TRACE0("Shade = MUX_LODFRAC in alpha channel")
+ else if( m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag == MUX_PRIMLODFRAC )
+ TRACE0("Shade = MUX_PRIMLODFRAC in alpha channel")
+ else
+ LogConstantsWithShade(m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag,ALPHA_CHANNEL,fp);
+ }
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_ColorTextureFlag[i] != 0 )
+ {
+ if( m_ColorTextureFlag[i] == MUX_ENV )
+ TRACE1("Tex %d = ENV", i)
+ else if( m_ColorTextureFlag[i] == MUX_PRIM )
+ TRACE1("Tex %d = PRIM", i)
+ else if( m_ColorTextureFlag[i] == MUX_LODFRAC )
+ TRACE1("Tex %d = MUX_LODFRAC", i)
+ else if( m_ColorTextureFlag[i] == MUX_PRIMLODFRAC )
+ }
+ }
+ TRACE0("\n");
+void DecodedMux::LogConstantsWithShade(uint32 flag,CombineChannel channel, FILE *fp)
+ fprintf(fp,"Shade = %08X in %s channel",flag,channel==COLOR_CHANNEL?"color":"alpha");
+void DecodedMux::To_AB_Add_CD_Format(void) // Use by TNT,Geforce
+ // This function should be called after calling reformat
+ // This function will not be called by default, can be called optionally
+ // by TNT/Geforce combiner compilers
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ N64CombinerType &m0 = m_n64Combiners[i];
+ N64CombinerType &m1 = m_n64Combiners[i+2];
+ switch( splitType[i] )
+ {
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D: // = A-B+D can not map very well in 1 stage
+ if( splitType[i+2] == CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED )
+ {
+ m1.a = m0.d;
+ m1.d = MUX_COMBINED;
+ splitType[i+2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D;
+ m0.d = MUX_0;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B;
+ }
+ else if( splitType[i+2] == CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C )
+ {
+ if( (m1.c&MUX_MASK) == MUX_COMBINED ) swap(m1.a, m1.c);
+ m1.b = m1.d = m1.c;
+ m1.c = (m0.d | (m1.a & (~MUX_MASK)));
+ splitType[i+2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_ADD_CD;
+ m0.d = MUX_0;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C: // = (A-B)*C can not map very well in 1 stage
+ m0.d = m0.b;
+ m0.b = m0.c;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_SUB_CD;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_B_MOD_C: // = (A+B)*C can not map very well in 1 stage
+ m0.d = m0.b;
+ m0.b = m0.c;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_ADD_CD;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D: // = (A-B)*C+D
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_A: // = (A-B)*C+D
+ if( splitType[i+2] == CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED )
+ {
+ m1.a = m0.d;
+ m1.d = MUX_COMBINED;
+ splitType[i+2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D;
+ m0.d = m0.b;
+ m0.b = m0.c;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_SUB_CD;
+ }
+ else if( splitType[i+2] == CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C )
+ {
+ if( (m1.c&MUX_MASK) == MUX_COMBINED ) swap(m1.a, m1.c);
+ m1.b = m1.d = m1.c;
+ m1.c = (m0.d | (m1.a & (~MUX_MASK)));
+ splitType[i+2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_ADD_CD;
+ m0.d = m0.b;
+ m0.b = m0.c;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_ADD_CD;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void DecodedMux::To_AB_Add_C_Format(void) // Use by ATI Radeon
+ // This function should be called after calling reformat
+ // This function will not be called by default, can be called optionally
+ // by ATI combiner compilers
+void DecodedMux::CheckCombineInCycle1(void)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ if( cA0 == MUX_COMBINED && cRGB0 == MUX_LODFRAC && bRGB0 == dRGB0 && bA0 == dA0 )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void DecodedMux::SplitComplexStages()
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++) // Color channel and alpha channel
+ {
+ if( splitType[i+2] != CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED )
+ continue;
+ N64CombinerType &m = m_n64Combiners[i];
+ N64CombinerType &m2 = m_n64Combiners[i+2];
+ switch( splitType[i] )
+ {
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D: // = A*C+D can mapped to MULTIPLYADD(arg1,arg2,arg0)
+ m2.a = m.d;
+ m2.d = MUX_COMBINED;
+ m2.c = MUX_1;
+ m2.b = 0;
+ splitType[i+2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D;
+ m.d = MUX_0;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D: // = A-B+D can not map very well in 1 stage
+ m2.a = m.d;
+ m2.d = MUX_COMBINED;
+ m2.c = MUX_1;
+ m2.b=0;
+ splitType[i+2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D;
+ m.d = MUX_0;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C: // = (A-B)*C can not map very well in 1 stage
+ m2.a = m.c;
+ m2.c = MUX_COMBINED;
+ m2.d = m2.b=0;
+ splitType[i+2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C;
+ m.c = MUX_1;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_B_MOD_C: // = (A+B)*C can not map very well in 1 stage
+ m2.a = m.c;
+ m2.c = MUX_COMBINED;
+ m2.d = m2.b = 0;
+ splitType[i+2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C;
+ m.c = MUX_1;
+ m.d = m.b;
+ m.b = MUX_0;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D: // = (A-B)*C+D can not map very well in 1 stage
+ m2.a = m.d;
+ m2.d = MUX_COMBINED;
+ m2.c = MUX_1;
+ m2.b = 0;
+ splitType[i+2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D;
+ m.d = MUX_0;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_A: // = (A-B)*C+A can not map very well in 1 stage
+ m2.a = m.d;
+ m2.d = MUX_COMBINED;
+ m2.c = MUX_1;
+ m2.b = 0;
+ splitType[i+2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D;
+ m.d = MUX_0;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //Reformat();
+ //UseShadeForConstant();
+void DecodedMux::ConvertLODFracTo0()
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_LODFRAC,MUX_0);
+void DecodedMux::Hack(void)
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_TONYHAWK )
+ {
+ if( gRSP.curTile == 1 )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1, MUX_TEXEL0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ZELDA || options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ZELDA_MM)
+ {
+ if( m_dwMux1 == 0xfffd9238 && m_dwMux0 == 0x00ffadff )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1, MUX_TEXEL0);
+ }
+ else if( m_dwMux1 == 0xff5bfff8 && m_dwMux0 == 0x00121603 )
+ {
+ // The Zelda road trace
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1, MUX_0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_TENNIS )
+ {
+ if( m_dwMux1 == 0xffebdbc0 && m_dwMux0 == 0x00ffb9ff )
+ {
+ // Player shadow
+ //m_decodedMux.dRGB0 = MUX_TEXEL0;
+ //m_decodedMux.dRGB1 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ cA1 = MUX_TEXEL0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_GOLF )
+ {
+ // Hack for Mario Golf
+ if( m_dwMux1 == 0xf1ffca7e || m_dwMux0 == 0x00115407 )
+ {
+ // The grass
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL0, MUX_TEXEL1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_TOPGEARRALLY )
+ {
+ //Mux=0x00317e025ffef3fa Used in TOP GEAR RALLY
+ //Color0: (PRIM - ENV) * TEXEL1 + ENV
+ //Color1: (COMBINED - 0) * TEXEL1 + 0
+ //Alpha0: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL0
+ //Alpha1: (0 - 0) * 0 + TEXEL1
+ if( m_dwMux1 == 0x5ffef3fa || m_dwMux0 == 0x00317e02 )
+ {
+ // The grass
+ //ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL0, MUX_TEXEL1);
+ //cA1 = MUX_TEXEL1;
+ //dA1 = MUX_0;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _DECODEDMUX_H_
+#define _DECODEDMUX_H_
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#include "CombinerDefs.h"
+typedef enum {
+ N64Cycle0RGB=0,
+ N64Cycle0Alpha=1,
+ N64Cycle1RGB=2,
+ N64Cycle1Alpha=3,
+} N64StageNumberType;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ uint32 dwMux0;
+ uint32 dwMux1;
+ };
+ uint64 Mux64;
+} MuxType;
+typedef struct {
+ MuxType ori_mux;
+ MuxType simple_mux;
+} SimpleMuxMapType;
+class DecodedMux
+ union {
+ struct {
+ uint8 aRGB0;
+ uint8 bRGB0;
+ uint8 cRGB0;
+ uint8 dRGB0;
+ uint8 aA0;
+ uint8 bA0;
+ uint8 cA0;
+ uint8 dA0;
+ uint8 aRGB1;
+ uint8 bRGB1;
+ uint8 cRGB1;
+ uint8 dRGB1;
+ uint8 aA1;
+ uint8 bA1;
+ uint8 cA1;
+ uint8 dA1;
+ };
+ uint8 m_bytes[16];
+ uint32 m_dWords[4];
+ N64CombinerType m_n64Combiners[4];
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ uint32 m_dwMux0;
+ uint32 m_dwMux1;
+ };
+ uint64 m_u64Mux;
+ };
+ CombinerFormatType splitType[4];
+ CombinerFormatType mType;
+ uint32 m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag;
+ uint32 m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag;
+ uint32 m_ColorTextureFlag[2]; // I may use a texture to represent a constant color
+ // when there are more constant colors are used than
+ // the system can support
+ bool m_bShadeIsUsed[2]; // 0 for color channel, 1 for alpha channel
+ bool m_bTexel0IsUsed;
+ bool m_bTexel1IsUsed;
+ int m_maxConstants; // OpenGL 1.1 does not really support a constant color in combiner
+ // must use shade for constants;
+ int m_maxTextures; // 1 or 2
+ void Decode(uint32 dwMux0, uint32 dwMux1);
+ virtual void Hack(void);
+ bool isUsed(uint8 fac, uint8 mask=MUX_MASK);
+ bool isUsedInAlphaChannel(uint8 fac, uint8 mask=MUX_MASK);
+ bool isUsedInColorChannel(uint8 fac, uint8 mask=MUX_MASK);
+ bool isUsedInCycle(uint8 fac, int cycle, CombineChannel channel, uint8 mask=MUX_MASK);
+ bool isUsedInCycle(uint8 fac, int cycle, uint8 mask=MUX_MASK);
+ uint32 GetCycle(int cycle, CombineChannel channel);
+ uint32 GetCycle(int cycle);
+ CombinerFormatType GetCombinerFormatType(uint32 cycle);
+ void Display(bool simplified=true, FILE *fp=NULL);
+ static char* FormatStr(uint8 val, char *buf);
+ void CheckCombineInCycle1(void);
+ virtual void Simplify(void);
+ virtual void Reformat(bool do_complement = true);
+ virtual void To_AB_Add_CD_Format(void); // Use by TNT,Geforce
+ virtual void To_AB_Add_C_Format(void); // Use by ATI Radeon
+ virtual void MergeShadeWithConstants(void);
+ virtual void MergeShadeWithConstantsInChannel(CombineChannel channel);
+ virtual void MergeConstants(void);
+ virtual void UseShadeForConstant(void);
+ virtual void UseTextureForConstant(void);
+ void ConvertComplements();
+ int HowManyConstFactors();
+ int HowManyTextures();
+ void MergeConstFactors();
+ virtual void SplitComplexStages(); // Only used if the combiner supports more than 1 stages
+ void ConvertLODFracTo0();
+ void ReplaceVal(uint8 val1, uint8 val2, int cycle= -1, uint8 mask = MUX_MASK);
+ void Replace1Val(uint8 &val1, const uint8 val2, uint8 mask = MUX_MASK)
+ {
+ val1 &= (~mask);
+ val1 |= val2;
+ }
+ int CountTexels(void);
+ int Count(uint8 val, int cycle= -1, uint8 mask = MUX_MASK);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void DisplayMuxString(const char *prompt);
+ void DisplaySimpliedMuxString(const char *prompt);
+ void DisplayConstantsWithShade(uint32 flag,CombineChannel channel);
+ void DisplayMuxString(const char *prompt) {}
+ void DisplaySimpliedMuxString(const char *prompt){}
+ void DisplayConstantsWithShade(uint32 flag,CombineChannel channel){}
+ void LogMuxString(const char *prompt, FILE *fp);
+ void LogSimpliedMuxString(const char *prompt, FILE *fp);
+ void LogConstantsWithShade(uint32 flag,CombineChannel channel, FILE *fp);
+ virtual DecodedMux& operator=(const DecodedMux& mux)
+ {
+ m_dWords[0] = mux.m_dWords[0];
+ m_dWords[1] = mux.m_dWords[1];
+ m_dWords[2] = mux.m_dWords[2];
+ m_dWords[3] = mux.m_dWords[3];
+ m_u64Mux = mux.m_u64Mux;
+ splitType[0] = mux.splitType[0];
+ splitType[1] = mux.splitType[1];
+ splitType[2] = mux.splitType[2];
+ splitType[3] = mux.splitType[3];
+ mType = mux.mType;
+ m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag = mux.m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag;
+ m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag = mux.m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag;
+ m_bShadeIsUsed[0] = mux.m_bShadeIsUsed[0];
+ m_bShadeIsUsed[1] = mux.m_bShadeIsUsed[1];
+ m_bTexel0IsUsed = mux.m_bTexel0IsUsed;
+ m_bTexel1IsUsed = mux.m_bTexel1IsUsed;
+ m_maxConstants = mux.m_maxConstants;
+ m_maxTextures = mux.m_maxTextures;
+ m_ColorTextureFlag[0] = mux.m_ColorTextureFlag[0];
+ m_ColorTextureFlag[1] = mux.m_ColorTextureFlag[1];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ static inline bool IsConstFactor(uint8 val)
+ {
+ uint8 v = val&MUX_MASK;
+ return( v == MUX_0 || v == MUX_1 || v == MUX_PRIM || v == MUX_ENV || v == MUX_LODFRAC || v == MUX_PRIMLODFRAC );
+ }
+ DecodedMux()
+ {
+ memset(m_bytes, 0, sizeof(m_bytes));
+ for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ {
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED;
+ }
+ m_maxConstants = 1;
+ m_maxTextures = 2;
+ }
+ virtual ~DecodedMux() {}
+class DecodedMuxForPixelShader : public DecodedMux
+ virtual void Simplify(void);
+ void SplitComplexStages() {};
+class DecodedMuxForSemiPixelShader : public DecodedMux
+ void Reset(void);
+class DecodedMuxForOGL14V2 : public DecodedMuxForPixelShader
+ virtual void Simplify(void);
+ void UseTextureForConstant(void);
+typedef struct
+ bool bFurtherFormatForOGL2;
+ bool bUseShadeForConstants;
+ bool bUseTextureForConstants;
+ bool bUseMoreThan2TextureForConstants;
+ bool bReformatToAB_CD;
+ bool bAllowHack;
+ bool bAllowComplimentary;
+ bool bCheckCombineInCycle1;
+ bool bSetLODFracTo0;
+ bool bMergeShadeWithConstants;
+ bool bSplitComplexStage;
+ bool bReformatAgainWithTwoTexels;
+} MuxConverterOptions;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "DeviceBuilder.h"
+#include "FrameBuffer.h"
+#include "OGLCombiner.h"
+#include "OGLDebug.h"
+#include "OGLExtRender.h"
+#include "OGLGraphicsContext.h"
+#include "OGLTexture.h"
+#include "OGLExtCombiner.h"
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+#include "OGLCombinerNV.h"
+#include "OGLCombinerTNT2.h"
+#include "OGLFragmentShaders.h"
+#include "OGLExtensions.h"
+#include "OGLES2FragmentShaders.h"
+CDeviceBuilder* CDeviceBuilder::m_pInstance=NULL;
+SupportedDeviceType CDeviceBuilder::m_deviceType = DIRECTX_DEVICE;
+SupportedDeviceType CDeviceBuilder::m_deviceGeneralType = DIRECTX_DEVICE;
+CDeviceBuilder* CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder(void)
+ if( m_pInstance == NULL )
+ CreateBuilder(m_deviceType);
+ return m_pInstance;
+void CDeviceBuilder::SelectDeviceType(SupportedDeviceType type)
+ if( type != m_deviceType && m_pInstance != NULL )
+ {
+ DeleteBuilder();
+ }
+ CDeviceBuilder::m_deviceType = type;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case OGL_DEVICE:
+ case OGL_1_1_DEVICE:
+ case OGL_1_2_DEVICE:
+ case OGL_1_3_DEVICE:
+ case OGL_1_4_DEVICE:
+ case OGL_1_4_V2_DEVICE:
+ CDeviceBuilder::m_deviceGeneralType = OGL_DEVICE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+SupportedDeviceType CDeviceBuilder::GetDeviceType(void)
+ return CDeviceBuilder::m_deviceType;
+SupportedDeviceType CDeviceBuilder::GetGeneralDeviceType(void)
+ return CDeviceBuilder::m_deviceGeneralType;
+CDeviceBuilder* CDeviceBuilder::CreateBuilder(SupportedDeviceType type)
+ if( m_pInstance == NULL )
+ {
+ switch( type )
+ {
+ case OGL_DEVICE:
+ case OGL_1_1_DEVICE:
+ case OGL_1_2_DEVICE:
+ case OGL_1_3_DEVICE:
+ case OGL_1_4_DEVICE:
+ case OGL_1_4_V2_DEVICE:
+ m_pInstance = new OGLDeviceBuilder();
+ break;
+ default:
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "CreateBuilder: unknown OGL device type");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ SAFE_CHECK(m_pInstance);
+ }
+ return m_pInstance;
+void CDeviceBuilder::DeleteBuilder(void)
+ delete m_pInstance;
+ m_pInstance = NULL;
+CDeviceBuilder::CDeviceBuilder() :
+ m_pRender(NULL),
+ m_pGraphicsContext(NULL),
+ m_pColorCombiner(NULL),
+ m_pAlphaBlender(NULL)
+ DeleteGraphicsContext();
+ DeleteRender();
+ DeleteColorCombiner();
+ DeleteAlphaBlender();
+void CDeviceBuilder::DeleteGraphicsContext(void)
+ if( m_pGraphicsContext != NULL )
+ {
+ delete m_pGraphicsContext;
+ CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext = m_pGraphicsContext = NULL;
+ }
+ SAFE_DELETE(g_pFrameBufferManager);
+void CDeviceBuilder::DeleteRender(void)
+ if( m_pRender != NULL )
+ {
+ delete m_pRender;
+ CRender::g_pRender = m_pRender = NULL;
+ CRender::gRenderReferenceCount = 0;
+ }
+void CDeviceBuilder::DeleteColorCombiner(void)
+ if( m_pColorCombiner != NULL )
+ {
+ delete m_pColorCombiner;
+ m_pColorCombiner = NULL;
+ }
+void CDeviceBuilder::DeleteAlphaBlender(void)
+ if( m_pAlphaBlender != NULL )
+ {
+ delete m_pAlphaBlender;
+ m_pAlphaBlender = NULL;
+ }
+CGraphicsContext * OGLDeviceBuilder::CreateGraphicsContext(void)
+ if( m_pGraphicsContext == NULL )
+ {
+ m_pGraphicsContext = new COGLGraphicsContext();
+ SAFE_CHECK(m_pGraphicsContext);
+ CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext = m_pGraphicsContext;
+ }
+ g_pFrameBufferManager = new FrameBufferManager;
+ return m_pGraphicsContext;
+CRender * OGLDeviceBuilder::CreateRender(void)
+ if( m_pRender == NULL )
+ {
+ if( CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext == NULL && CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->Ready() )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Can not create ColorCombiner before creating and initializing GraphicsContext");
+ m_pRender = NULL;
+ SAFE_CHECK(m_pRender);
+ }
+ COGLGraphicsContext &context = *((COGLGraphicsContext*)CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext);
+ if( context.m_bSupportMultiTexture )
+ {
+ // OGL extension render
+ m_pRender = new COGLExtRender();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Basic OGL Render
+ m_pRender = new OGLRender();
+ }
+ SAFE_CHECK(m_pRender);
+ CRender::g_pRender = m_pRender;
+ }
+ return m_pRender;
+CTexture * OGLDeviceBuilder::CreateTexture(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, TextureUsage usage)
+ COGLTexture *txtr = new COGLTexture(dwWidth, dwHeight, usage);
+ if( txtr->m_pTexture == NULL )
+ {
+ delete txtr;
+ TRACE0("Cannot create new texture, out of video memory");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ return txtr;
+CColorCombiner * OGLDeviceBuilder::CreateColorCombiner(CRender *pRender)
+ if( m_pColorCombiner == NULL )
+ {
+ if( CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext == NULL && CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->Ready() )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Can not create ColorCombiner before creating and initializing GraphicsContext");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_deviceType = (SupportedDeviceType)options.OpenglRenderSetting;
+ if (m_deviceType == NVIDIA_OGL_DEVICE && !bNvidiaExtensionsSupported)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Your video card does not support Nvidia OpenGL extensions. Falling back to auto device.");
+ m_deviceType = OGL_DEVICE;
+ }
+ if( m_deviceType == OGL_DEVICE ) // Best fit
+ {
+ GLint maxUnit = 2;
+ COGLGraphicsContext *pcontext = (COGLGraphicsContext *)(CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext);
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB,&maxUnit);
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_fragment_program") )
+ {
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: Fragment Program");
+ }
+ else if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_NV_texture_env_combine4") ||
+ pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_NV_register_combiners") )
+ {
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombinerNvidia(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: NVidia");
+ }
+ else if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_NV_texture_env_combine4") )
+ {
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombinerTNT2(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: TNT2");
+ }
+ else if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture_env_combine") ||
+ pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_texture_env_combine") )
+ {
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar") )
+ {
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ if( maxUnit > 2 )
+ {
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombiner4v2(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: OGL 1.4 version 2");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombiner4(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: OGL 1.4");
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ else
+ {
+ if( maxUnit > 2 )
+ {
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombiner4v2(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: OGL 1.4 version 2 (w/o env crossbar)");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombiner2(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: OGL 1.2/1.3");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombiner(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: Basic OGL");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch(m_deviceType)
+ {
+ case OGL_1_1_DEVICE:
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombiner(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: Basic OGL");
+ break;
+ case OGL_1_2_DEVICE:
+ case OGL_1_3_DEVICE:
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombiner2(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: OGL 1.2/1.3");
+ break;
+ case OGL_1_4_DEVICE:
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombiner4(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: OGL 1.4");
+ break;
+ case OGL_1_4_V2_DEVICE:
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombiner4v2(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: OGL 1.4 Version 2");
+ break;
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombinerTNT2(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: TNT2");
+ break;
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGLColorCombinerNvidia(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: Nvidia");
+ break;
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: Fragment Program");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ m_pColorCombiner = new COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner(pRender);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Combiner: Fragment Program");
+ }
+ SAFE_CHECK(m_pColorCombiner);
+ }
+ return m_pColorCombiner;
+CBlender * OGLDeviceBuilder::CreateAlphaBlender(CRender *pRender)
+ if( m_pAlphaBlender == NULL )
+ {
+ m_pAlphaBlender = new COGLBlender(pRender);
+ SAFE_CHECK(m_pAlphaBlender);
+ }
+ return m_pAlphaBlender;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "Blender.h"
+#include "Combiner.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "GraphicsContext.h"
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+class CDeviceBuilder
+ virtual CGraphicsContext * CreateGraphicsContext(void)=0;
+ virtual CRender * CreateRender(void)=0;
+ virtual CTexture * CreateTexture(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, TextureUsage usage = AS_NORMAL)=0;
+ virtual CColorCombiner * CreateColorCombiner(CRender *pRender)=0;
+ virtual CBlender * CreateAlphaBlender(CRender *pRender)=0;
+ void DeleteGraphicsContext(void);
+ void DeleteRender(void);
+ void DeleteColorCombiner(void);
+ void DeleteAlphaBlender(void);
+ static void DeleteBuilder(void);
+ static CDeviceBuilder* GetBuilder(void);
+ static void SelectDeviceType(SupportedDeviceType type);
+ static SupportedDeviceType GetDeviceType(void);
+ static SupportedDeviceType GetGeneralDeviceType(void);
+ static SupportedDeviceType m_deviceGeneralType;
+ CDeviceBuilder();
+ virtual ~CDeviceBuilder();
+ static CDeviceBuilder* CreateBuilder(SupportedDeviceType type);
+ static SupportedDeviceType m_deviceType;
+ static CDeviceBuilder* m_pInstance;
+ CRender* m_pRender;
+ CGraphicsContext* m_pGraphicsContext;
+ CColorCombiner* m_pColorCombiner;
+ CBlender* m_pAlphaBlender;
+class OGLDeviceBuilder : public CDeviceBuilder
+ friend class CDeviceBuilder;
+ CGraphicsContext * CreateGraphicsContext(void);
+ CRender * CreateRender(void);
+ CTexture * CreateTexture(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, TextureUsage usage = AS_NORMAL);
+ CColorCombiner * CreateColorCombiner(CRender *pRender);
+ CBlender * CreateAlphaBlender(CRender *pRender);
+ OGLDeviceBuilder() {};
+ virtual ~OGLDeviceBuilder() {};
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "Combiner.h"
+#include "DirectXDecodedMux.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#ifdef min
+#undef min
+#ifdef max
+#undef max
+//This function is called after Reformat to handel two texels in 1 cycle, D3D can not handle
+//two texels in a single stage, the texels must be splited into multiple stages
+void CDirectXDecodedMux::ReformatAgainWithTwoTexels(void)
+ if( CountTexels() < 2 )
+ return;
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ N64CombinerType &m = m_n64Combiners[i];
+ if( CountTexel1Cycle(m) < 2 )
+ {
+ continue; //1st cycle does not have two texels, do nothing here
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ N64CombinerType &m2 = m_n64Combiners[i+2];
+ if( splitType[i] == CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C ) //Texel0*Texel1
+ {
+ if( splitType[i+2] == CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED )
+ {
+ //Change Texel1*Texel0 to (SEL(tex1), MOD(tex0))
+ m.d = m.a;
+ m.a = MUX_0;
+ m2.a = m.c;
+ m2.c = MUX_COMBINED;
+ m2.d = m2.b = MUX_0;
+ m.c = MUX_0;
+ splitType[i+2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_D;
+ }
+ else if( splitType[i+2] == CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C )
+ {
+ if( m2.a == MUX_COMBINED )
+ {
+ swap(m2.a, m2.c);
+ }
+ if( m2.a != MUX_TEXEL0 && m2.a != MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ {
+ //cool, we can swap m2.a to cycle1 and swap texel from cycle 1 to cycle 2
+ swap(m.a, m2.a);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( m.a == m2.a )
+ {
+ swap(m.c, m2.a);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ swap(m.a, m2.a);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( splitType[i+2] == CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D )
+ {
+ if( m2.a == MUX_COMBINED )
+ {
+ swap(m2.a, m2.c);
+ }
+ if( m2.c == MUX_COMBINED && m2.d != MUX_COMBINED )
+ {
+ //Cycle1: texel0*texel1
+ //Cycle2: a*cmd+d
+ if( m2.a != MUX_TEXEL0 && m2.a != MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ {
+ //cool, we can swap m2.a to cycle1 and swap texel from cycle 1 to cycle 2
+ swap(m.a, m2.a);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( m.a == m2.a )
+ {
+ swap(m.c, m2.a);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ swap(m.a, m2.a);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( splitType[i] == CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D ) //Texel0+Texel1
+ {
+ if( splitType[i+2] == CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED )
+ {
+ //Change Texel1*Texel0 to (SEL(tex1), MOD(tex0))
+ m2.a = m.d;
+ m2.d = MUX_COMBINED;
+ m2.b = m2.c = MUX_0;
+ m.d = m.a;
+ m.a = MUX_0;
+ splitType[i+2] = CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D;
+ splitType[i] = CM_FMT_TYPE_D;
+ }
+ else if( splitType[i+2] == CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D )
+ {
+ if( m2.a == MUX_COMBINED )
+ {
+ swap(m2.a, m2.d);
+ }
+ if( m2.a != MUX_TEXEL0 && m2.a != MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ {
+ swap(m2.a, m.a);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( m.a == m2.a )
+ {
+ swap(m.d, m2.a);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ swap(m.a, m2.a);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( CountTexel1Cycle(m2) < 2 )
+ {
+ continue; //2nd cycle does not have two texels
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CDirectXDecodedMux::Reformat(bool do_complement)
+ DecodedMux::Reformat(do_complement);
+ ReformatAgainWithTwoTexels();
+ mType = std::max(std::max(std::max(splitType[0], splitType[1]),splitType[2]),splitType[3]);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "DecodedMux.h"
+class CDirectXDecodedMux : public DecodedMux
+ void ReformatAgainWithTwoTexels(void);
+ virtual void Reformat(bool do_complement = true);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "RSP_Parser.h"
+#include "RSP_S2DEX.h"
+// Define the render extension interface and provide empty implementation of
+// the render extension functions.
+// Real render can either implement or not implement these extended render functions
+// These extended render functions are in different groups:
+// - Group #1: Related to frame buffer
+// - Group #2: Related to 2D sprite
+// - Group #3: Related BG and ScaledBG
+class CExtendedRender
+ virtual ~CExtendedRender() {}
+ virtual void DrawFrameBuffer(bool useVIreg=false, uint32 left=0, uint32 top=0, uint32 width=0, uint32 height=0) {};
+ virtual void LoadFrameBuffer(bool useVIreg=false, uint32 left=0, uint32 top=0, uint32 width=0, uint32 height=0) {};
+ virtual void LoadTxtrBufFromRDRAM(void) {};
+ virtual void LoadTxtrBufIntoTexture(void) {};
+ virtual void DrawSprite2D(Sprite2DInfo &info, uint32 ucode) {};
+ virtual void LoadSprite2D(Sprite2DInfo &info, uint32 ucode) {};
+ virtual void DrawSprite(uObjTxSprite &sprite, bool rectR = true) {};
+ virtual void DrawObjBG1CYC(uObjScaleBg &bg, bool scaled=true) {};
+ virtual void DrawObjBGCopy(uObjBg &info) {};
+ virtual void LoadObjBGCopy(uObjBg &info) {};
+ virtual void LoadObjBG1CYC(uObjScaleBg &info) {};
+ virtual void LoadObjSprite(uObjTxSprite &info, bool useTIAddr=false) {};
+ virtual void DrawText(const char* str, RECT *rect) {};
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2005 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// ===========================================================================
+#include <vector>
+#include "ConvertImage.h"
+#include "DeviceBuilder.h"
+#include "FrameBuffer.h"
+#include "UcodeDefs.h"
+#include "RSP_Parser.h"
+#include "Render.h"
+extern TMEMLoadMapInfo g_tmemLoadAddrMap[0x200]; // Totally 4KB TMEM;
+// 0 keeps the most recent CI info
+// 1 keeps the frame buffer CI info which is being displayed now
+// 2 keeps the older frame buffer CI info. This can be used if we are using triple buffer
+/* Overview of framebuffer implementation
+1) Check if backbuffer has changed, via different detection techniques
+2) If changed, we copy the GFX card's backbuffer to main RAM
+3) This is slow due to the reading process, not the writing
+RecentCIInfo g_RecentCIInfo[5];
+RecentCIInfo *g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[5] =
+ &g_RecentCIInfo[0],
+ &g_RecentCIInfo[1],
+ &g_RecentCIInfo[2],
+ &g_RecentCIInfo[3],
+ &g_RecentCIInfo[4],
+int numOfRecentCIInfos = 5;
+RecentViOriginInfo g_RecentVIOriginInfo[5];
+uint32 dwBackBufferSavedAtFrame=0;
+RenderTextureInfo gRenderTextureInfos[20];
+int numOfTxtBufInfos = sizeof(gRenderTextureInfos)/sizeof(RenderTextureInfo);
+RenderTextureInfo *g_pRenderTextureInfo = NULL;
+FrameBufferManager* g_pFrameBufferManager = NULL;
+bool LastCIIsNewCI=false;
+FrameBufferManager::FrameBufferManager() :
+ m_isRenderingToTexture(false),
+ m_curRenderTextureIndex(-1),
+ m_lastTextureBufferIndex(-1)
+void FrameBufferManager::CloseUp()
+ for( int i=0; i<numOfTxtBufInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ SAFE_DELETE(gRenderTextureInfos[i].pRenderTexture);
+ }
+void FrameBufferManager::Initialize()
+ m_isRenderingToTexture = false;
+ m_lastTextureBufferIndex = -1;
+ m_curRenderTextureIndex = -1;
+ status.bCIBufferIsRendered = false;
+ status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer = false;
+ status.bHandleN64RenderTexture = false;
+ status.bN64FrameBufferIsUsed = false;
+ memset(&gRenderTextureInfos[0], 0, sizeof(RenderTextureInfo)*numOfTxtBufInfos);
+// ===========================================================================
+uint16 ConvertRGBATo555(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a)
+ uint8 ar = a>=0x20?1:0;
+ return ((r>>3)<<RGBA5551_RedShift) | ((g>>3)<<RGBA5551_GreenShift) | ((b>>3)<<RGBA5551_BlueShift) | ar;//(a>>7);
+uint16 ConvertRGBATo555(uint32 color32)
+ return (uint16)((((color32>>19)&0x1F)<<RGBA5551_RedShift) | (((color32>>11)&0x1F)<<RGBA5551_GreenShift) | (((color32>>3)&0x1F)<<RGBA5551_BlueShift) | ((color32>>31)));;
+void FrameBufferManager::UpdateRecentCIAddr(SetImgInfo &ciinfo)
+ if( ciinfo.dwAddr == g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0]->dwAddr )
+ return;
+ RecentCIInfo *temp;
+ int i;
+ for( i=1; i<numOfRecentCIInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ if( ciinfo.dwAddr == g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwAddr )
+ {
+ temp = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i];
+ for( int j=i; j>0; j-- )
+ {
+ g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[j] = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[j-1];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( i >= numOfRecentCIInfos )
+ {
+ temp = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[4];
+ g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[4] = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[3];
+ g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[3] = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[2];
+ g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[2] = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[1];
+ g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[1] = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0];
+ temp->dwCopiedAtFrame = 0;
+ temp->bCopied = false;
+ }
+ g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0] = temp;
+ // Fix me here for Mario Tennis
+ temp->dwLastWidth = windowSetting.uViWidth;
+ temp->dwLastHeight = windowSetting.uViHeight;
+ temp->dwFormat = ciinfo.dwFormat;
+ temp->dwAddr = ciinfo.dwAddr;
+ temp->dwSize = ciinfo.dwSize;
+ temp->dwWidth = ciinfo.dwWidth;
+ temp->dwHeight = gRDP.scissor.bottom;
+ temp->dwMemSize = (temp->dwWidth*temp->dwHeight/2)<<temp->dwSize;
+ temp->bCopied = false;
+ temp->lastUsedFrame = status.gDlistCount;
+ temp->lastSetAtUcode = status.gUcodeCount;
+/* Mark the ciinfo entry that the ciinfo is used by VI origin register */
+/* in another word, this is a real frame buffer, not a fake frame buffer*/
+/* Fake frame buffers are never really used by VI origin */
+void FrameBufferManager::SetAddrBeDisplayed(uint32 addr)
+ uint32 viwidth = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG;
+ addr &= (g_dwRamSize-1);
+ int i;
+ for( i=0; i<numOfRecentCIInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ if( g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwAddr+2*viwidth == addr )
+ {
+ g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->bUsedByVIAtFrame = status.gDlistCount;
+ }
+ else if( addr >= g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwAddr && addr < g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwAddr+0x1000 )
+ {
+ g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->bUsedByVIAtFrame = status.gDlistCount;
+ }
+ }
+ for( i=0; i<numOfRecentCIInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ if( g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].addr == addr )
+ {
+ g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].FrameCount = status.gDlistCount;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ for( i=0; i<numOfRecentCIInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ if( g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].addr == 0 )
+ {
+ // Never used
+ g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].addr = addr;
+ g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].FrameCount = status.gDlistCount;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ int index=0;
+ uint32 minFrameCount = 0xffffffff;
+ for( i=0; i<numOfRecentCIInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ if( g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].FrameCount < minFrameCount )
+ {
+ index = i;
+ minFrameCount = g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].FrameCount;
+ }
+ }
+ g_RecentVIOriginInfo[index].addr = addr;
+ g_RecentVIOriginInfo[index].FrameCount = status.gDlistCount;
+bool FrameBufferManager::HasAddrBeenDisplayed(uint32 addr, uint32 width)
+ addr &= (g_dwRamSize-1);
+ int i;
+ for( i=0; i<numOfRecentCIInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ if( g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwAddr == 0 )
+ continue;
+ if( g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwAddr == addr )
+ {
+ if( status.gDlistCount-g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->bUsedByVIAtFrame < 20 )
+ //if( g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->bUsedByVIAtFrame != 0 )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE0("This is a new buffer address, the addr is never a displayed buffer"););
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for( i=0; i<numOfRecentCIInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ if( g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].addr != 0 )
+ {
+ if( g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].addr > addr &&
+ (g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].addr - addr)%width == 0 &&
+ (g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].addr - addr)/width <= 4)
+ {
+ if( status.gDlistCount-g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].FrameCount < 20 )
+ //if( g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].FrameCount != 0 )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(DebuggerAppendMsg("This is a new buffer address, the addr is never a displayed buffer"););
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( status.gDlistCount > 20 )
+ return false;
+ else
+ {
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP({DebuggerAppendMsg("This is a new buffer address, the addr is never a displayed buffer");});
+ return true;
+ }
+int FrameBufferManager::FindRecentCIInfoIndex(uint32 addr)
+ for( int i=0; i<numOfRecentCIInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ if( g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwAddr <= addr && addr < g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwAddr+g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwMemSize )
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+bool FrameBufferManager::IsDIaRenderTexture()
+ // Knowing g_CI and g_ZI
+ //if( g_CI.dwWidth )
+ bool foundSetScissor=false;
+ bool foundFillRect=false;
+ bool foundSetFillColor=false;
+ bool foundSetCImg=false;
+ uint32 newFillColor = 0;
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc; // This points to the next instruction
+ for( int i=0; i<10; i++ )
+ {
+ uint32 w0 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC + i*8);
+ uint32 w1 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC + 4 + i*8);
+ if( (w0>>24) == RDP_SETSCISSOR )
+ {
+ foundSetScissor = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( (w0>>24) == RDP_SETFILLCOLOR )
+ {
+ foundSetFillColor = true;
+ newFillColor = w1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( (w0>>24) == RDP_FILLRECT )
+ {
+ uint32 x0 = ((w1>>12)&0xFFF)/4;
+ uint32 y0 = ((w1>>0 )&0xFFF)/4;
+ uint32 x1 = ((w0>>12)&0xFFF)/4;
+ if( x0 == 0 && y0 == 0 )
+ {
+ if( x1 == g_CI.dwWidth )
+ {
+ foundFillRect = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(x1 == (unsigned int)(g_CI.dwWidth-1))
+ {
+ foundFillRect = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( (w0>>24) == RDP_TEXRECT )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if( (w0>>24) == RDP_SETCIMG )
+ {
+ foundSetCImg = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ bool foundSetScissor=false;
+ bool foundFillRect=false;
+ bool foundSetFillColor=false;
+ bool foundSetCImg=false;
+ bool foundTxtRect=false;
+ int ucodeLength=10;
+ uint32 newFillColor;
+ */
+ if( foundFillRect )
+ {
+ if( foundSetFillColor )
+ {
+ if( newFillColor != 0xFFFCFFFC )
+ return true; // this is a render_texture
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( gRDP.fillColor != 0x00FFFFF7 )
+ return true; // this is a render_texture
+ else
+ return false; // this is a normal ZImg
+ }
+ else if( foundSetFillColor && newFillColor == 0xFFFCFFFC && foundSetCImg )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if( !foundSetCImg )
+ return true;
+ if( foundSetScissor )
+ return true;
+int FrameBufferManager::CheckAddrInBackBuffers(uint32 addr, uint32 memsize, bool copyToRDRAM)
+ int r = FindRecentCIInfoIndex(addr);
+ if( r >= 0 )
+ {
+ // Also check if the address is overwritten by a recent render_texture
+ //int t = CheckAddrInRenderTextures(addr,false);
+ int t =-1;
+ for( int i=0; i<numOfTxtBufInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ uint32 bufHeight = gRenderTextureInfos[i].knownHeight ? gRenderTextureInfos[i].N64Height : gRenderTextureInfos[i].maxUsedHeight;
+ uint32 bufMemSize = gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwSize*gRenderTextureInfos[i].N64Width*bufHeight;
+ if( addr >=gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwAddr && addr < gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwAddr+bufMemSize)
+ {
+ if( g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[r]->lastSetAtUcode < gRenderTextureInfos[i].updateAtUcodeCount )
+ {
+ t = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( t >= 0 )
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if( r >= 0 && status.gDlistCount - g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[r]->lastUsedFrame <= 3 && g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[r]->bCopied == false )
+ {
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer&&r==1),TRACE2("Hit current front buffer at %08X, size=0x%X", addr, memsize));
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer&&r==0),TRACE2("Hit current back buffer at %08X, size=0x%X", addr, memsize));
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer&&r>1),TRACE2("Hit old back buffer at %08X, size=0x%X", addr, memsize));
+ SaveBackBuffer(r, NULL, true);
+ }
+ return r;
+uint8 CIFindIndex(uint16 val)
+ for( int i=0; i<=0xFF; i++ )
+ {
+ if( val == g_wRDPTlut[i] )
+ {
+ return (uint8)i;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void TexRectToFrameBuffer_8b(uint32 dwXL, uint32 dwYL, uint32 dwXH, uint32 dwYH, float t0u0, float t0v0, float t0u1, float t0v1, uint32 dwTile)
+ // Copy the framebuffer texture into the N64 framebuffer memory
+ // Used in Yoshi
+ /*
+ uint32 maxW = g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwWidth;
+ uint32 maxH = maxW*3/4;
+ if( status.dwTvSystem == TV_SYSTEM_PAL )
+ {
+ maxH = maxW*9/11;
+ }
+ */
+ uint32 maxW = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width;
+ uint32 maxH = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height;
+ uint32 maxOff = maxW*maxH;
+ TMEMLoadMapInfo &info = g_tmemLoadAddrMap[gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwTMem];
+ uint32 dwWidth = dwXH-dwXL;
+ uint32 dwHeight = dwYH-dwYL;
+ float xScale = (t0u1-t0u0)/dwWidth;
+ float yScale = (t0v1-t0v0)/dwHeight;
+ uint8* dwSrc = g_pRDRAMu8 + info.dwLoadAddress;
+ uint8* dwDst = g_pRDRAMu8 + g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwAddr;
+ uint32 dwSrcPitch = gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwPitch;
+ uint32 dwDstPitch = g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwWidth;
+ uint32 dwSrcOffX = gRDP.tiles[dwTile].hilite_sl;
+ uint32 dwSrcOffY = gRDP.tiles[dwTile].hilite_tl;
+ uint32 dwLeft = dwXL;
+ uint32 dwTop = dwYL;
+ dwWidth = min(dwWidth, maxW-dwLeft);
+ dwHeight = min(dwHeight, maxH-dwTop);
+ if( maxH <= dwTop )
+ return;
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < dwHeight; y++)
+ {
+ uint32 dwByteOffset = (uint32)(((y*yScale+dwSrcOffY) * dwSrcPitch) + dwSrcOffX);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < dwWidth; x++)
+ {
+ if( (((y+dwTop)*dwDstPitch+x+dwLeft)^0x3) > maxOff )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ TRACE0("Warning: Offset exceeds limit");
+ continue;
+ }
+ dwDst[((y+dwTop)*dwDstPitch+x+dwLeft)^0x3] = dwSrc[(uint32)(dwByteOffset+x*xScale) ^ 0x3];
+ }
+ }
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(DebuggerAppendMsg("TexRect To FrameBuffer: X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d,\n\t\tfS0=%f, fT0=%f, fS1=%f, fT1=%f ",
+ dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, t0v0, t0v0, t0u1, t0v1););
+void TexRectToN64FrameBuffer_16b(uint32 x0, uint32 y0, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 dwTile)
+ // Copy the framebuffer texture into the N64 RDRAM framebuffer memory structure
+ DrawInfo srcInfo;
+ if( g_textures[dwTile].m_pCTexture->StartUpdate(&srcInfo) == false )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Fail to lock texture:TexRectToN64FrameBuffer_16b" );
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32 n64CIaddr = g_CI.dwAddr;
+ uint32 n64CIwidth = g_CI.dwWidth;
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++)
+ {
+ uint32* pSrc = (uint32*)((uint8*)srcInfo.lpSurface + y * srcInfo.lPitch);
+ uint16* pN64Buffer = (uint16*)(g_pRDRAMu8+(n64CIaddr&(g_dwRamSize-1)))+(y+y0)*n64CIwidth;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
+ {
+ pN64Buffer[x+x0] = ConvertRGBATo555(pSrc[x]);
+ }
+ }
+ g_textures[dwTile].m_pCTexture->EndUpdate(&srcInfo);
+#define FAST_CRC_MIN_Y_INC 2
+#define FAST_CRC_MIN_X_INC 2
+#define FAST_CRC_MAX_X_INC 7
+#define FAST_CRC_MAX_Y_INC 3
+extern uint32 dwAsmHeight;
+extern uint32 dwAsmPitch;
+extern uint32 dwAsmdwBytesPerLine;
+extern uint32 dwAsmCRC;
+extern uint8* pAsmStart;
+uint32 CalculateRDRAMCRC(void *pPhysicalAddress, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 size, uint32 pitchInBytes )
+ dwAsmCRC = 0;
+ dwAsmdwBytesPerLine = ((width<<size)+1)/2;
+ if( currentRomOptions.bFastTexCRC && !options.bLoadHiResTextures && (height>=32 || (dwAsmdwBytesPerLine>>2)>=16))
+ {
+ uint32 realWidthInDWORD = dwAsmdwBytesPerLine>>2;
+ uint32 xinc = realWidthInDWORD / FAST_CRC_CHECKING_INC_X;
+ if( xinc < FAST_CRC_MIN_X_INC )
+ {
+ xinc = min(FAST_CRC_MIN_X_INC, width);
+ }
+ if( xinc > FAST_CRC_MAX_X_INC )
+ {
+ xinc = FAST_CRC_MAX_X_INC;
+ }
+ uint32 yinc = height / FAST_CRC_CHECKING_INC_Y;
+ if( yinc < FAST_CRC_MIN_Y_INC )
+ {
+ yinc = min(FAST_CRC_MIN_Y_INC, height);
+ }
+ if( yinc > FAST_CRC_MAX_Y_INC )
+ {
+ yinc = FAST_CRC_MAX_Y_INC;
+ }
+ uint32 pitch = pitchInBytes>>2;
+ register uint32 *pStart = (uint32*)(pPhysicalAddress);
+ pStart += (top * pitch) + (((left<<size)+1)>>3);
+ // The original assembly code had a bug in it (it incremented pStart by 'pitch' in bytes, not in dwords)
+ // This C code implements the same algorithm as the ASM but without the bug
+ uint32 y = 0;
+ while (y < height)
+ {
+ uint32 x = 0;
+ while (x < realWidthInDWORD)
+ {
+ dwAsmCRC = (dwAsmCRC << 4) + ((dwAsmCRC >> 28) & 15);
+ dwAsmCRC += pStart[x];
+ x += xinc;
+ dwAsmCRC += x;
+ }
+ dwAsmCRC ^= y;
+ y += yinc;
+ pStart += pitch;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ dwAsmdwBytesPerLine = ((width<<size)+1)/2;
+ pAsmStart = (uint8*)(pPhysicalAddress);
+ pAsmStart += (top * pitchInBytes) + (((left<<size)+1)>>1);
+ dwAsmHeight = height - 1;
+ dwAsmPitch = pitchInBytes;
+#if defined(NO_ASM)
+ uint32 pitch = pitchInBytes>>2;
+ uint32* pStart = (uint32*)pPhysicalAddress;
+ pStart += (top * pitch) + (((left<<size)+1)>>3);
+ int y = dwAsmHeight;
+ while(y >= 0)
+ {
+ uint32 esi = 0;
+ int x = dwAsmdwBytesPerLine - 4;
+ while(x >= 0)
+ {
+ esi = *(uint32*)(pAsmStart + x);
+ esi ^= x;
+ dwAsmCRC = (dwAsmCRC << 4) + ((dwAsmCRC >> 28) & 15);
+ dwAsmCRC += esi;
+ x-=4;
+ }
+ esi ^= y;
+ dwAsmCRC += esi;
+ pAsmStart += dwAsmPitch;
+ y--;
+ }
+#elif !defined(__GNUC__) // !defined(NO_ASM)
+ __asm
+ {
+ push eax
+ push ebx
+ push ecx
+ push edx
+ push esi
+ mov ecx, pAsmStart; // = pStart
+ mov edx, 0 // The CRC
+ mov eax, dwAsmHeight // = y
+l2: mov ebx, dwAsmdwBytesPerLine // = x
+ sub ebx, 4
+l1: mov esi, [ecx+ebx]
+ xor esi, ebx
+ rol edx, 4
+ add edx, esi
+ sub ebx, 4
+ jge l1
+ xor esi, eax
+ add edx, esi
+ add ecx, dwAsmPitch
+ dec eax
+ jge l2
+ mov dwAsmCRC, edx
+ pop esi
+ pop edx
+ pop ecx
+ pop ebx
+ pop eax
+ }
+#elif defined(__x86_64__) // defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ asm volatile(" xorl %k2, %k2 \n"
+ " movslq %k4, %q4 \n"
+ "0: \n"
+ " movslq %3, %%rbx \n"
+ " sub $4, %%rbx \n"
+ "1: \n"
+ " movl (%0,%%rbx,1), %%eax \n"
+ " xorl %%ebx, %%eax \n"
+ " roll $4, %k2 \n"
+ " addl %%eax, %k2 \n"
+ " sub $4, %%rbx \n"
+ " jge 1b \n"
+ " xorl %k1, %%eax \n"
+ " addl %%eax, %k2 \n"
+ " add %q4, %0 \n"
+ " decl %k1 \n"
+ " jge 0b \n"
+ : "+r"(pAsmStart), "+r"(dwAsmHeight), "=&r"(dwAsmCRC)
+ : "m"(dwAsmdwBytesPerLine), "r"(dwAsmPitch)
+ : "%rbx", "%rax", "memory", "cc"
+ );
+#elif !defined(__PIC__) // !defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ asm volatile("pusha \n"
+ "mov %[pAsmStart], %%ecx \n" // = pStart
+ "mov $0, %%edx \n" // The CRC
+ "mov %[dwAsmHeight], %%eax \n" // = y
+ "0: \n" //l2:
+ "mov %[dwAsmdwBytesPerLine], %%ebx \n" // = x
+ "sub $4, %%ebx \n"
+ "1: \n" //l1:
+ "mov (%%ecx,%%ebx), %%esi \n"
+ "xor %%ebx, %%esi \n"
+ "rol $4, %%edx \n"
+ "add %%esi, %%edx \n"
+ "sub $4, %%ebx \n"
+ "jge 1b \n" //jge l1
+ "xor %%eax, %%esi \n"
+ "add %%esi, %%edx \n"
+ "add %[dwAsmPitch], %%ecx \n"
+ "dec %%eax \n"
+ "jge 0b \n" //jge l2
+ "mov %%edx, %[dwAsmCRC] \n"
+ "popa \n"
+ : [pAsmStart]"+m"(pAsmStart), [dwAsmHeight]"+m"(dwAsmHeight), [dwAsmCRC]"=m"(dwAsmCRC)
+ : [dwAsmdwBytesPerLine]"m"(dwAsmdwBytesPerLine), [dwAsmPitch]"m"(dwAsmPitch)
+ : "memory", "cc"
+ );
+#else // defined(__PIC__) && !defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ unsigned int saveEBX;
+ unsigned int saveEAX;
+ unsigned int saveECX;
+ unsigned int saveEDX;
+ unsigned int saveESI;
+ unsigned int asmdwBytesPerLine = dwAsmdwBytesPerLine;
+ unsigned int asmPitch = dwAsmPitch;
+ unsigned int asmHeight = dwAsmHeight;
+ unsigned int asmCRC;
+ asm volatile("mov %%ebx, %2 \n"
+ "mov %%eax, %5 \n"
+ "mov %%ecx, %7 \n"
+ "mov %%edx, %8 \n"
+ "mov %%esi, %9 \n"
+ "mov %0, %%ecx \n" // = pStart
+ "mov $0, %%edx \n" // The CRC
+ "mov %1, %%eax \n" // = y
+ "0: \n" //l2:
+ "mov %3, %%ebx \n" // = x
+ "sub $4, %%ebx \n"
+ "1: \n" //l1:
+ "mov (%%ecx,%%ebx), %%esi \n"
+ "xor %%ebx, %%esi \n"
+ "rol $4, %%edx \n"
+ "add %%esi, %%edx \n"
+ "sub $4, %%ebx \n"
+ "jge 1b \n" //jge l1
+ "xor %%eax, %%esi \n"
+ "add %%esi, %%edx \n"
+ "add %4, %%ecx \n"
+ "dec %%eax \n"
+ "jge 0b \n" //jge l2
+ "mov %2, %%ebx \n"
+ "mov %%edx, %6 \n"
+ "mov %5, %%eax \n"
+ "mov %7, %%ecx \n"
+ "mov %8, %%edx \n"
+ "mov %9, %%esi \n"
+ :
+ : "m"(pAsmStart), "m"(asmHeight), "m"(saveEBX), "m"(asmdwBytesPerLine), "m"(asmPitch), "m"(saveEAX),
+ "m"(asmCRC), "m"(saveECX), "m"(saveEDX), "m"(saveESI)
+ : "memory", "cc"
+ );
+ dwAsmCRC = asmCRC;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ TRACE0("Exception in texture CRC calculation");
+ }
+ }
+ return dwAsmCRC;
+unsigned char CalculateMaxCI(void *pPhysicalAddress, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 size, uint32 pitchInBytes )
+ uint32 x, y;
+ unsigned char *buf;
+ unsigned char val = 0;
+ if( TXT_SIZE_8b == size )
+ {
+ for( y = 0; y<height; y++ )
+ {
+ buf = (unsigned char*)pPhysicalAddress + left + pitchInBytes * (y+top);
+ for( x=0; x<width; x++ )
+ {
+ if( buf[x] > val ) val = buf[x];
+ if( val == 0xFF )
+ return 0xFF;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned char val1,val2;
+ left >>= 1;
+ width >>= 1;
+ for( y = 0; y<height; y++ )
+ {
+ buf = (unsigned char*)pPhysicalAddress + left + pitchInBytes * (y+top);
+ for( x=0; x<width; x++ )
+ {
+ val1 = buf[x]>>4;
+ val2 = buf[x]&0xF;
+ if( val1 > val ) val = val1;
+ if( val2 > val ) val = val2;
+ if( val == 0xF )
+ return 0xF;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return val;
+bool FrameBufferManager::FrameBufferInRDRAMCheckCRC()
+ RecentCIInfo &p = *(g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0]);
+ uint8 *pFrameBufferBase = (uint8*)(g_pRDRAMu8+p.dwAddr);
+ uint32 pitch = (p.dwWidth << p.dwSize ) >> 1;
+ uint32 crc = CalculateRDRAMCRC(pFrameBufferBase, 0, 0, p.dwWidth, p.dwHeight, p.dwSize, pitch);
+ if( crc != p.dwCRC )
+ {
+ p.dwCRC = crc;
+ TRACE0("Frame Buffer CRC mismitch, it is modified by CPU");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+extern std::vector<uint32> frameWriteRecord;
+void FrameBufferManager::FrameBufferWriteByCPU(uint32 addr, uint32 size)
+ if( !frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPUWrite ) return;
+ //WARNING(TRACE2("Frame Buffer Write, addr=%08X, CI Addr=%08X", addr, g_CI.dwAddr));
+ status.frameWriteByCPU = TRUE;
+ frameWriteRecord.push_back(addr&(g_dwRamSize-1));
+extern RECT frameWriteByCPURect;
+extern std::vector<RECT> frameWriteByCPURects;
+extern RECT frameWriteByCPURectArray[20][20];
+extern bool frameWriteByCPURectFlag[20][20];
+bool FrameBufferManager::ProcessFrameWriteRecord()
+ int size = frameWriteRecord.size();
+ if( size == 0 ) return false;
+ int index = FindRecentCIInfoIndex(frameWriteRecord[0]);
+ if( index == -1 )
+ {
+ LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE1("Frame Buffer Write to non-record addr = %08X", frameWriteRecord[0]));
+ frameWriteRecord.clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32 base = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->dwAddr;
+ uint32 uwidth = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->dwWidth;
+ uint32 uheight = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->dwHeight;
+ uint32 upitch = uwidth<<1;
+ frameWriteByCPURect.left=uwidth-1;
+ frameWriteByCPURect.top = uheight-1;
+ frameWriteByCPURect.right=0;
+ frameWriteByCPURect.bottom = 0;
+ int x, y, off;
+ for( int i=0; i<size; i++ )
+ {
+ off = frameWriteRecord[i]-base;
+ if( off < (int)g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->dwMemSize )
+ {
+ y = off/upitch;
+ x = (off - y*upitch)>>1;
+ int xidx=x/32;
+ int yidx=y/24;
+ RECT &rect = frameWriteByCPURectArray[xidx][yidx];
+ if( !frameWriteByCPURectFlag[xidx][yidx] )
+ {
+ rect.left=rect.right=x;
+ rect.top=rect.bottom=y;
+ frameWriteByCPURectFlag[xidx][yidx]=true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( x < rect.left ) rect.left = x;
+ if( x > rect.right ) rect.right = x;
+ if( y < rect.top ) rect.top = y;
+ if( y > rect.bottom ) rect.bottom = y;
+ }
+ if( x < frameWriteByCPURect.left ) frameWriteByCPURect.left = x;
+ if( x > frameWriteByCPURect.right ) frameWriteByCPURect.right = x;
+ if( y < frameWriteByCPURect.top ) frameWriteByCPURect.top = y;
+ if( y > frameWriteByCPURect.bottom ) frameWriteByCPURect.bottom = y;
+ }
+ }
+ frameWriteRecord.clear();
+ LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE4("Frame Buffer Write: Left=%d, Top=%d, Right=%d, Bottom=%d", frameWriteByCPURect.left,
+ frameWriteByCPURect.top, frameWriteByCPURect.right, frameWriteByCPURect.bottom));
+ return true;
+ }
+void FrameBufferManager::FrameBufferReadByCPU( uint32 addr )
+ ///return; // it does not work very well anyway
+ if( !frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPURead ) return;
+ addr &= (g_dwRamSize-1);
+ int index = FindRecentCIInfoIndex(addr);
+ if( index == -1 )
+ {
+ // Check if this is the depth buffer
+ uint32 size = 2*g_RecentCIInfo[0].dwWidth*g_RecentCIInfo[0].dwHeight;
+ addr &= 0x3FFFFFFF;
+ if( addr >= g_ZI.dwAddr && addr < g_ZI.dwAddr + size )
+ {
+ TXTRBUF_OR_CI_DUMP(TRACE1("Depth Buffer read, reported by emulator, addr=%08X", addr));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if( status.gDlistCount - g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->lastUsedFrame > 3 )
+ {
+ // Ok, we don't have this frame anymore
+ return;
+ }
+ //TXTRBUF_OR_CI_DUMP(TRACE1("FB Read By CPU at %08X", addr));
+ if( g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->bCopied ) return;
+ //if( addr != g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->dwAddr ) return;
+ TXTRBUF_OR_CI_DUMP(TRACE1("Frame Buffer read, reported by emulator, addr=%08X", addr));
+ uint32 size = 0x1000 - addr%0x1000;
+ CheckAddrInBackBuffers(addr, size, true);
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(pauseAtNext,{TRACE0("Frame Buffer read");});
+ {DebuggerAppendMsg("Paused after setting Frame Buffer read:\n Cur CI Addr: 0x%08x, Fmt: %s Size: %s Width: %d",
+ g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[g_CI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[g_CI.dwSize], g_CI.dwWidth);});
+extern RECT frameWriteByCPURect;
+extern std::vector<RECT> frameWriteByCPURects;
+extern RECT frameWriteByCPURectArray[20][20];
+extern bool frameWriteByCPURectFlag[20][20];
+void FrameBufferManager::UpdateFrameBufferBeforeUpdateFrame()
+ if( (frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPUWrite && status.frameWriteByCPU ) ||
+ (frameBufferOptions.bLoadBackBufFromRDRAM && !FrameBufferInRDRAMCheckCRC() ) )
+ // Checks if frame buffer has been modified by CPU
+ // Only happens to Dr. Mario
+ {
+ if( frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPUWrite )
+ {
+ if( ProcessFrameWriteRecord() )
+ {
+ int i,j;
+ for( i=0; i<20; i++)
+ {
+ for( j=0; j<20; j++ )
+ {
+ if( frameWriteByCPURectFlag[i][j] )
+ {
+ CRender::GetRender()->DrawFrameBuffer(false, frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].left, frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].top,
+ frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].right-frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].left+1, frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].bottom-frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].top+1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for( i=0; i<20; i++)
+ {
+ for( j=0; j<20; j++ )
+ {
+ if( frameWriteByCPURectFlag[i][j] )
+ {
+ ClearN64FrameBufferToBlack(frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].left, frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].top,
+ frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].right-frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].left+1, frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].bottom-frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].top+1);
+ frameWriteByCPURectFlag[i][j] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //memset(frameWriteByCPURectArray, 0, sizeof(frameWriteByCPURectArray));
+ //memset(frameWriteByCPURectFlag, 0, sizeof(frameWriteByCPURectFlag));
+ CRender::GetRender()->DrawFrameBuffer(false, frameWriteByCPURect.left, frameWriteByCPURect.top,
+ frameWriteByCPURect.right-frameWriteByCPURect.left, frameWriteByCPURect.bottom-frameWriteByCPURect.top);
+ ClearN64FrameBufferToBlack(frameWriteByCPURect.left, frameWriteByCPURect.top,
+ frameWriteByCPURect.right-frameWriteByCPURect.left+1, frameWriteByCPURect.bottom-frameWriteByCPURect.top+1);
+ /*
+ int size = frameWriteByCPURects.size();
+ for( int i=0; i<size; i++)
+ {
+ CRender::GetRender()->DrawFrameBuffer(false, frameWriteByCPURects[i].left, frameWriteByCPURects[i].top,
+ frameWriteByCPURects[i].right-frameWriteByCPURects[i].left, frameWriteByCPURects[i].bottom-frameWriteByCPURects[i].top);
+ ClearN64FrameBufferToBlack(frameWriteByCPURects[i].left, frameWriteByCPURects[i].top,
+ frameWriteByCPURects[i].right-frameWriteByCPURects[i].left+1, frameWriteByCPURects[i].bottom-frameWriteByCPURects[i].top+1);
+ }
+ frameWriteByCPURects.clear();
+ */
+ }
+ status.frameWriteByCPU = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (CRender::IsAvailable())
+ {
+ RecentCIInfo &p = *(g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0]);
+ CRender::GetRender()->DrawFrameBuffer(false, 0,0,p.dwWidth,p.dwHeight);
+ ClearN64FrameBufferToBlack();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+uint32 FrameBufferManager::ComputeCImgHeight(SetImgInfo &info, uint32 &height)
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc; // This points to the next instruction
+ for( int i=0; i<10; i++ )
+ {
+ uint32 w0 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC + i*8);
+ uint32 w1 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC + 4 + i*8);
+ if( (w0>>24) == RDP_SETSCISSOR )
+ {
+ height = ((w1>>0 )&0xFFF)/4;
+ TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE1("buffer height = %d", height));
+ }
+ if( (w0>>24) == RDP_FILLRECT )
+ {
+ uint32 x0 = ((w1>>12)&0xFFF)/4;
+ uint32 y0 = ((w1>>0 )&0xFFF)/4;
+ uint32 x1 = ((w0>>12)&0xFFF)/4;
+ uint32 y1 = ((w0>>0 )&0xFFF)/4;
+ if( x0 == 0 && y0 == 0 )
+ {
+ if( x1 == info.dwWidth )
+ {
+ height = y1;
+ TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE1("buffer height = %d", height));
+ return RDP_FILLRECT;
+ }
+ if(x1 == (unsigned int)(info.dwWidth-1))
+ {
+ height = y1+1;
+ TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE1("buffer height = %d", height));
+ return RDP_FILLRECT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( (w0>>24) == RDP_SETCIMG )
+ {
+ goto step2;
+ }
+ if( (w0>>24) == RDP_SETCIMG )
+ {
+ goto step2;
+ }
+ }
+ if( gRDP.scissor.left == 0 && gRDP.scissor.top == 0 && (unsigned int)gRDP.scissor.right == info.dwWidth )
+ {
+ height = gRDP.scissor.bottom;
+ TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE1("buffer height = %d", height));
+ return RDP_SETSCISSOR+1;
+ }
+ TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE0("Not sure about buffer height"));
+ height = info.dwWidth*3/4;
+ if( status.dwTvSystem == TV_SYSTEM_PAL )
+ {
+ height = info.dwWidth*9/11;
+ }
+ if( gRDP.scissor.bottom < (int)height && gRDP.scissor.bottom != 0 )
+ {
+ height = gRDP.scissor.bottom;
+ }
+ if( info.dwAddr + height*info.dwWidth*info.dwSize >= g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ height = info.dwWidth*3/4;
+ if( status.dwTvSystem == TV_SYSTEM_PAL )
+ {
+ height = info.dwWidth*9/11;
+ }
+ if( gRDP.scissor.bottom < (int)height && gRDP.scissor.bottom != 0 )
+ {
+ height = gRDP.scissor.bottom;
+ }
+ if( info.dwAddr + height*info.dwWidth*info.dwSize >= g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ height = ( g_dwRamSize - info.dwAddr ) / info.dwWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE1("render_texture height = %d", height));
+ return 0;
+int FrameBufferManager::CheckRenderTexturesWithNewCI(SetImgInfo &CIinfo, uint32 height, bool byNewTxtrBuf)
+ int matchidx = -1;
+ uint32 memsize = ((height*CIinfo.dwWidth)>>1)<<CIinfo.dwSize;
+ for( int i=0; i<numOfTxtBufInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ RenderTextureInfo &info = gRenderTextureInfos[i];
+ if( !info.isUsed ) continue;
+ bool covered = false;
+ if( info.CI_Info.dwAddr == CIinfo.dwAddr )
+ {
+ if( info.CI_Info.dwSize == CIinfo.dwSize &&
+ info.CI_Info.dwWidth == CIinfo.dwWidth &&
+ info.CI_Info.dwFormat == CIinfo.dwFormat &&
+ info.N64Height == height
+ )
+ {
+ // This is the same texture at the same address
+ if( byNewTxtrBuf )
+ {
+ matchidx = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // At the same address, but not the same size
+ //SAFE_DELETE(info.psurf);
+ covered = true;
+ }
+ if( !covered )
+ {
+ uint32 memsize2 = ((info.N64Height*info.N64Width)>>1)<<info.CI_Info.dwSize;
+ if( info.CI_Info.dwAddr > CIinfo.dwAddr && info.CI_Info.dwAddr < CIinfo.dwAddr + memsize)
+ covered = true;
+ else if( info.CI_Info.dwAddr+memsize2 > CIinfo.dwAddr && info.CI_Info.dwAddr+memsize2 < CIinfo.dwAddr + memsize)
+ covered = true;
+ else if( CIinfo.dwAddr > info.CI_Info.dwAddr && CIinfo.dwAddr < info.CI_Info.dwAddr + memsize2 )
+ covered = true;
+ else if( CIinfo.dwAddr+ memsize > info.CI_Info.dwAddr && CIinfo.dwAddr+ memsize < info.CI_Info.dwAddr + memsize2 )
+ covered = true;
+ }
+ if( covered )
+ {
+ //SAFE_DELETE(info.psurf);
+ if( info.pRenderTexture->IsBeingRendered() )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Error, covering a render_texture which is being rendered");
+ TRACE3("New addrr=%08X, width=%d, height=%d", CIinfo.dwAddr, CIinfo.dwWidth, height );
+ TRACE3("Old addrr=%08X, width=%d, height=%d", info.CI_Info.dwAddr, info.N64Width, info.N64Height );
+ }
+ info.isUsed = false;
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE5("Delete txtr buf %d at %08X, covered by new CI at %08X, Width=%d, Height=%d",
+ i, info.CI_Info.dwAddr, CIinfo.dwAddr, CIinfo.dwWidth, height ));
+ SAFE_DELETE(info.pRenderTexture);
+ info.txtEntry.pTexture = NULL;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return matchidx;
+extern RecentCIInfo *g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[5];
+RenderTextureInfo newRenderTextureInfo;
+int FrameBufferManager::FindASlot(void)
+ int idx;
+ // Find an empty slot
+ bool found = false;
+ for( int i=0; i<numOfTxtBufInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ if( !gRenderTextureInfos[i].isUsed && gRenderTextureInfos[i].updateAtFrame < status.gDlistCount )
+ {
+ found = true;
+ idx = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If cannot find an empty slot, find the oldest slot and reuse the slot
+ if( !found )
+ {
+ uint32 oldestCount=0xFFFFFFFF;
+ uint32 oldestIdx = 0;
+ for( int i=0; i<numOfTxtBufInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[i].updateAtUcodeCount < oldestCount )
+ {
+ oldestCount = gRenderTextureInfos[i].updateAtUcodeCount;
+ oldestIdx = i;
+ }
+ }
+ idx = oldestIdx;
+ }
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer && gRenderTextureInfos[idx].pRenderTexture ),TRACE2("Delete txtr buf %d at %08X, to reuse it.", idx, gRenderTextureInfos[idx].CI_Info.dwAddr ));
+ SAFE_DELETE(gRenderTextureInfos[idx].pRenderTexture) ;
+ return idx;
+void FrameBufferManager::SetRenderTexture(void)
+ memcpy(&(newRenderTextureInfo.CI_Info), &g_CI, sizeof(SetImgInfo));
+ newRenderTextureInfo.N64Width = newRenderTextureInfo.CI_Info.dwWidth;
+ newRenderTextureInfo.knownHeight = ComputeCImgHeight(g_CI, newRenderTextureInfo.N64Height);
+ status.bHandleN64RenderTexture = true;
+ newRenderTextureInfo.maxUsedHeight = 0;
+ if( defaultRomOptions.bInN64Resolution )
+ {
+ newRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth = newRenderTextureInfo.N64Width;
+ newRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight = newRenderTextureInfo.N64Height;
+ }
+ else if( defaultRomOptions.bDoubleSizeForSmallTxtrBuf && newRenderTextureInfo.N64Width<=128 && newRenderTextureInfo.N64Height<=128)
+ {
+ newRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth = newRenderTextureInfo.N64Width*2;
+ newRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight = newRenderTextureInfo.N64Height*2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth = newRenderTextureInfo.N64Width;
+ newRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight = newRenderTextureInfo.N64Height;
+ }
+ newRenderTextureInfo.scaleX = newRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth / float(newRenderTextureInfo.N64Width);
+ newRenderTextureInfo.scaleY = newRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight / float(newRenderTextureInfo.N64Height);
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = false;
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = false;
+ newRenderTextureInfo.updateAtFrame = status.gDlistCount;
+ newRenderTextureInfo.updateAtUcodeCount = status.gUcodeCount;
+ // Delay activation of the render_texture until the 1st rendering
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE1("Set render_texture: addr=%08X", g_CI.dwAddr));
+ {DebuggerAppendMsg("Paused after setting render_texture:\nAddr: 0x%08x, Fmt: %s Size: %s Width: %d, Height:%d",
+ g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[g_CI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[g_CI.dwSize], g_CI.dwWidth, g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height);});
+int FrameBufferManager::SetBackBufferAsRenderTexture(SetImgInfo &CIinfo, int ciInfoIdx)
+ // OK, heres the drill!
+ //
+ // We set the graphics card's back buffer's contents as a render_texure
+ // This is done due to how the current framebuffer implementation detects
+ // changes to the backbuffer memory pointer and then we do a texture
+ // copy. This might be slow since it doesnt use hardware auxillary buffers
+ RenderTextureInfo tempRenderTextureInfo;
+ memcpy(&(tempRenderTextureInfo.CI_Info), &CIinfo, sizeof(SetImgInfo));
+ tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Width = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[ciInfoIdx]->dwLastWidth;
+ tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Height = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[ciInfoIdx]->dwLastHeight;
+ tempRenderTextureInfo.knownHeight = true;
+ tempRenderTextureInfo.maxUsedHeight = 0;
+ tempRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth = windowSetting.uDisplayWidth;
+ tempRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight = windowSetting.uDisplayHeight;
+ tempRenderTextureInfo.scaleX = tempRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth / float(tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Width);
+ tempRenderTextureInfo.scaleY = tempRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight / float(tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Height);
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = false;
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = false;
+ tempRenderTextureInfo.updateAtFrame = status.gDlistCount;
+ tempRenderTextureInfo.updateAtUcodeCount = status.gUcodeCount;
+ // Checking against previous render_texture infos
+ //uint32 memsize = ((tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Height*tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Width)>>1)<<tempRenderTextureInfo.CI_Info.dwSize;
+ int matchidx = CheckRenderTexturesWithNewCI(CIinfo,tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Height,false);
+ int idxToUse = (matchidx >= 0) ? matchidx : FindASlot();
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture == NULL || matchidx < 0 )
+ {
+ gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture =
+ new COGLRenderTexture(tempRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth, tempRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight, &gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse], AS_BACK_BUFFER_SAVE);
+ }
+ // Need to set all variables for gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse]
+ CRenderTexture *pRenderTexture = gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture;
+ memcpy(&gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse], &tempRenderTextureInfo, sizeof(RenderTextureInfo) );
+ gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture = pRenderTexture;
+ gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].isUsed = true;
+ gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].txtEntry.pTexture = pRenderTexture->m_pTexture;
+ gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].txtEntry.txtrBufIdx = idxToUse+1;
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE2("Set back buf as render_texture %d, addr=%08X", idxToUse, CIinfo.dwAddr));
+ {DebuggerAppendMsg("Paused after setting render_texture:\nAddr: 0x%08x, Fmt: %s Size: %s Width: %d, Height:%d",
+ CIinfo.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[CIinfo.dwFormat], pszImgSize[CIinfo.dwSize], CIinfo.dwWidth, g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height);});
+ return idxToUse;
+void FrameBufferManager::CloseRenderTexture(bool toSave)
+ if( m_curRenderTextureIndex < 0 )
+ return;
+ status.bHandleN64RenderTexture = false;
+ if( status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM )
+ {
+ // TODO: Implement
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RestoreNormalBackBuffer();
+ if( !toSave || !status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn || !status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles )
+ {
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE0("Closing render_texture without save"););
+ SAFE_DELETE(gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture);
+ gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].isUsed = false;
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE1("Delete render_texture %d",m_curRenderTextureIndex););
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE1("Closing render_texture %d", m_curRenderTextureIndex););
+ StoreRenderTextureToRDRAM();
+ if( frameBufferOptions.bRenderTextureWriteBack )
+ {
+ SAFE_DELETE(gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture);
+ gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].isUsed = false;
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE1("Delete render_texture %d after writing back to RDRAM",m_curRenderTextureIndex););
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->crcInRDRAM = ComputeRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(m_curRenderTextureIndex);
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->crcCheckedAtFrame = status.gDlistCount;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SetScreenMult(windowSetting.uDisplayWidth/windowSetting.fViWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight/windowSetting.fViHeight);
+ CRender::g_pRender->UpdateClipRectangle();
+ CRender::g_pRender->ApplyScissorWithClipRatio();
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Paused after saving render_texture %d:\nAddr: 0x%08x, Fmt: %s Size: %s Width: %d", m_curRenderTextureIndex,
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwFormat], pszImgSize[g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwSize], g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwWidth);
+ });
+void FrameBufferManager::ClearN64FrameBufferToBlack(uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height)
+ RecentCIInfo &p = *(g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0]);
+ uint16 *frameBufferBase = (uint16*)(g_pRDRAMu8+p.dwAddr);
+ uint32 pitch = p.dwWidth;
+ if( width == 0 || height == 0 )
+ {
+ uint32 len = p.dwHeight*p.dwWidth*p.dwSize;
+ if( p.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_4b ) len = (p.dwHeight*p.dwWidth)>>1;
+ memset(frameBufferBase, 0, len);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for( uint32 y=0; y<height; y++)
+ {
+ for( uint32 x=0; x<width; x++ )
+ {
+ *(frameBufferBase+(y+top)*pitch+x+left) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+uint8 RevTlutTable[0x10000];
+bool RevTlutTableNeedUpdate = false;
+void InitTlutReverseLookup(void)
+ if( RevTlutTableNeedUpdate )
+ {
+ memset(RevTlutTable, 0, 0x10000);
+ for( int i=0; i<=0xFF; i++ )
+ {
+ RevTlutTable[g_wRDPTlut[i]] = uint8(i);
+ }
+ RevTlutTableNeedUpdate = false;
+ }
+// Copies backbuffer to N64 framebuffer by notification by emu core
+// **buggy**
+void FrameBufferManager::CopyBackToFrameBufferIfReadByCPU(uint32 addr)
+ int i = FindRecentCIInfoIndex(addr);
+ if( i != -1 )
+ {
+ //if( i == 0 ) CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ RecentCIInfo *info = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i];
+ StoreBackBufferToRDRAM( info->dwAddr, info->dwFormat, info->dwSize, info->dwWidth, info->dwHeight,
+ windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight, addr, 0x1000-addr%0x1000);
+ TRACE1("Copy back for CI Addr=%08X", info->dwAddr);
+ }
+// We do these checks to see if a render_texture operation is occurring...
+void FrameBufferManager::CheckRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(void)
+ for( int i=0; i<numOfTxtBufInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ if( !gRenderTextureInfos[i].isUsed )
+ continue;
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[i].pRenderTexture->IsBeingRendered() )
+ continue;
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcCheckedAtFrame < status.gDlistCount )
+ {
+ uint32 crc = ComputeRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(i);
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcInRDRAM != crc )
+ {
+ // RDRAM has been modified by CPU core
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE2("Delete txtr buf %d at %08X, CRC in RDRAM changed", i, gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwAddr ));
+ SAFE_DELETE(gRenderTextureInfos[i].pRenderTexture);
+ gRenderTextureInfos[i].isUsed = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcCheckedAtFrame = status.gDlistCount;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Check render_texture memory addresses
+int FrameBufferManager::CheckAddrInRenderTextures(uint32 addr, bool checkcrc)
+ for( int i=0; i<numOfTxtBufInfos; i++ )
+ {
+ if( !gRenderTextureInfos[i].isUsed )
+ continue;
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[i].pRenderTexture->IsBeingRendered() )
+ continue;
+ uint32 bufHeight = gRenderTextureInfos[i].knownHeight ? gRenderTextureInfos[i].N64Height : gRenderTextureInfos[i].maxUsedHeight;
+ uint32 bufMemSize = gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwSize*gRenderTextureInfos[i].N64Width*bufHeight;
+ if( addr >=gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwAddr && addr < gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwAddr+bufMemSize)
+ {
+ if(checkcrc)
+ {
+ // Check the CRC in RDRAM
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcCheckedAtFrame < status.gDlistCount )
+ {
+ uint32 crc = ComputeRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(i);
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcInRDRAM != crc )
+ {
+ // RDRAM has been modified by CPU core
+ TRACE3("Buf %d CRC in RDRAM changed from %08X to %08X", i, gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcInRDRAM, crc );
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE2("Delete txtr buf %d at %08X, crcInRDRAM failed.", i, gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwAddr ));
+ SAFE_DELETE(gRenderTextureInfos[i].pRenderTexture);
+ gRenderTextureInfos[i].isUsed = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcCheckedAtFrame = status.gDlistCount;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE2("Loading texture addr = %08X from txtr buf %d", addr, i));
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+// Load texture from render_texture buffer
+void FrameBufferManager::LoadTextureFromRenderTexture(TxtrCacheEntry* pEntry, int infoIdx)
+ if( infoIdx < 0 || infoIdx >= numOfTxtBufInfos )
+ {
+ infoIdx = CheckAddrInRenderTextures(pEntry->ti.Address);
+ }
+ if( infoIdx >= 0 && gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].isUsed && gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].pRenderTexture )
+ {
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE1("Loading from render_texture %d", infoIdx));
+ gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].pRenderTexture->LoadTexture(pEntry);
+ }
+void FrameBufferManager::RestoreNormalBackBuffer()
+ if( m_curRenderTextureIndex >= 0 && m_curRenderTextureIndex < numOfTxtBufInfos )
+ {
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture )
+ gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture->SetAsRenderTarget(false);
+ m_isRenderingToTexture = false;
+ m_lastTextureBufferIndex = m_curRenderTextureIndex;
+ }
+ if( !status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn || !status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles )
+ {
+ gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].isUsed = false;
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE2("Delete txtr buf %d at %08X, it is never rendered", m_curRenderTextureIndex, gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].CI_Info.dwAddr ));
+ SAFE_DELETE(gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture);
+ }
+uint32 FrameBufferManager::ComputeRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(int infoIdx)
+ if( infoIdx >= numOfTxtBufInfos || infoIdx < 0 || !gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].isUsed )
+ return 0;
+ RenderTextureInfo &info = gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx];
+ uint32 height = info.knownHeight ? info.N64Height : info.maxUsedHeight;
+ uint8 *pAddr = (uint8*)(g_pRDRAMu8+info.CI_Info.dwAddr);
+ uint32 pitch = (info.N64Width << info.CI_Info.dwSize ) >> 1;
+ return CalculateRDRAMCRC(pAddr, 0, 0, info.N64Width, height, info.CI_Info.dwSize, pitch);
+// Activates texture buffer for drawing
+void FrameBufferManager::ActiveTextureBuffer(void)
+ status.bCIBufferIsRendered = true;
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ // Checking against previous render_texture infos
+ int matchidx = -1;
+ //uint32 memsize = ((newRenderTextureInfo.N64Height*newRenderTextureInfo.N64Width)>>1)<<newRenderTextureInfo.CI_Info.dwSize;
+ matchidx = CheckRenderTexturesWithNewCI(g_CI,newRenderTextureInfo.N64Height,true);
+ int idxToUse=-1;
+ if( matchidx >= 0 )
+ {
+ // Reuse the matched slot
+ idxToUse = matchidx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ idxToUse = FindASlot();
+ }
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture == NULL || matchidx < 0 )
+ {
+ int w = newRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth;
+ if( newRenderTextureInfo.knownHeight == RDP_SETSCISSOR && newRenderTextureInfo.CI_Info.dwAddr == g_ZI.dwAddr )
+ {
+ w = gRDP.scissor.right;
+ }
+ gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture =
+ new COGLRenderTexture(w, newRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight, &gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse], AS_RENDER_TARGET);
+ }
+ // Need to set all variables for gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse]
+ CRenderTexture *pRenderTexture = gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture;
+ memcpy(&gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse], &newRenderTextureInfo, sizeof(RenderTextureInfo) );
+ gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture = pRenderTexture;
+ gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].isUsed = true;
+ gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].txtEntry.pTexture = pRenderTexture->m_pTexture;
+ gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].txtEntry.txtrBufIdx = idxToUse+1;
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo = &gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse];
+ // Active the render_texture
+ if( m_curRenderTextureIndex >= 0 && gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].isUsed && gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture )
+ {
+ gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture->SetAsRenderTarget(false);
+ m_isRenderingToTexture = false;
+ }
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture->SetAsRenderTarget(true) )
+ {
+ m_isRenderingToTexture = true;
+ //Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_AND_DEPTH_BUFFER,0x80808080,1.0f);
+ if( frameBufferOptions.bFillRectNextTextureBuffer )
+ CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_BUFFER,gRDP.fillColor,1.0f);
+ else if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_TENNIS && g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width > 64 && g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width < 300 )
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_BUFFER,0,1.0f);
+ }
+ else if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_TENNIS && g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width < 64 && g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width > 32 )
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_BUFFER,0,1.0f);
+ }
+ m_curRenderTextureIndex = idxToUse;
+ status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM = false;
+ //SetScreenMult(1, 1);
+ SetScreenMult(gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].scaleX, gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].scaleY);
+ CRender::g_pRender->UpdateClipRectangle();
+ // If needed, draw RDRAM into the render_texture
+ //if( frameBufferOptions.bLoadRDRAMIntoRenderTexture )
+ //{
+ // CRender::GetRender()->LoadTxtrBufFromRDRAM();
+ //}
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( CDeviceBuilder::m_deviceGeneralType == DIRECTX_DEVICE )
+ {
+ TRACE1("Error to set Render Target: %d", idxToUse);
+ TRACE1("Addr = %08X", gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].CI_Info.dwAddr);
+ TRACE2("Width = %d, Height=%d", gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].N64Width, gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].N64Height);
+ }
+ }
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE2("Rendering to render_texture %d, addr=%08X", idxToUse, g_CI.dwAddr));
+ {DebuggerAppendMsg("Paused after activating render_texture:\nAddr: 0x%08x, Fmt: %s Size: %s Width: %d, Height:%d",
+ g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[g_CI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[g_CI.dwSize], g_CI.dwWidth, g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height);});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UpdateRecentCIAddr(g_CI);
+ CheckRenderTexturesWithNewCI(g_CI,gRDP.scissor.bottom,false);
+ }
+#define SAVE_CI {g_CI.dwAddr = newCI.dwAddr;g_CI.dwFormat = newCI.dwFormat;g_CI.dwSize = newCI.dwSize;g_CI.dwWidth = newCI.dwWidth;g_CI.bpl=newCI.bpl;}
+// Sets CI address for framebuffer copies
+void FrameBufferManager::Set_CI_addr(SetImgInfo &newCI)
+ bool wasDrawingTextureBuffer = status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer;
+ status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer = ( newCI.dwSize != TXT_SIZE_16b || newCI.dwFormat != TXT_FMT_RGBA || newCI.dwWidth < 200 || ( newCI.dwAddr != g_ZI.dwAddr && newCI.dwWidth != 512 && !g_pFrameBufferManager->HasAddrBeenDisplayed(newCI.dwAddr, newCI.dwWidth)) );
+ status.bN64FrameBufferIsUsed = status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer;
+ if( !wasDrawingTextureBuffer && g_CI.dwAddr == g_ZI.dwAddr && status.bCIBufferIsRendered )
+ {
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE0("ZI is rendered"));
+ if( options.enableHackForGames != HACK_FOR_CONKER && g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0]->bCopied == false )
+ {
+ // Conker is not actually using a backbuffer
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->UpdateRecentCIAddr(g_CI);
+ if( status.leftRendered != -1 && status.topRendered != -1 && status.rightRendered != -1 && status.bottomRendered != -1 )
+ {
+ RECT rect={status.leftRendered,status.topRendered,status.rightRendered,status.bottomRendered};
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->SaveBackBuffer(0,&rect);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->SaveBackBuffer(0,NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ frameBufferOptions.bFillRectNextTextureBuffer = false;
+ if( g_CI.dwAddr == newCI.dwAddr && status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && (g_CI.dwFormat != newCI.dwFormat || g_CI.dwSize != newCI.dwSize || g_CI.dwWidth != newCI.dwWidth ) )
+ {
+ // Mario Tennis player shadow
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->CloseRenderTexture(true);
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_TENNIS )
+ frameBufferOptions.bFillRectNextTextureBuffer = true; // Hack for Mario Tennis
+ }
+ if( g_CI.dwAddr == g_ZI.dwAddr && !status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer )
+ {
+ if( g_pFrameBufferManager->IsDIaRenderTexture() )
+ {
+ status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer = true;
+ status.bN64FrameBufferIsUsed = status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer;
+ }
+ }
+ status.bCIBufferIsRendered = false;
+ status.leftRendered = status.topRendered = status.rightRendered = status.bottomRendered = -1;
+ if( currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting==SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_CI_CHANGE && !status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer )
+ {
+ if( status.curRenderBuffer == 0 )
+ {
+ status.curRenderBuffer = g_CI.dwAddr;
+ }
+ else if( status.curRenderBuffer != g_CI.dwAddr )
+ {
+ status.curDisplayBuffer = status.curRenderBuffer;
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ status.curRenderBuffer = g_CI.dwAddr;
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(pauseAtNext,{DebuggerAppendMsg("Screen Update because CI change to %08X, Display Buf=%08X", status.curRenderBuffer, status.curDisplayBuffer);});
+ }
+ }
+ if( frameBufferOptions.bAtEachFrameUpdate && !status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ if( status.curRenderBuffer != g_CI.dwAddr )
+ {
+ if( status.gDlistCount%(currentRomOptions.N64FrameBufferWriteBackControl+1) == 0 )
+ {
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->StoreBackBufferToRDRAM(status.curRenderBuffer,
+ newCI.dwFormat, newCI.dwSize, windowSetting.uViWidth, windowSetting.uViHeight,
+ windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ //status.curDisplayBuffer = status.curRenderBuffer;
+ status.curRenderBuffer = g_CI.dwAddr;
+ }
+ switch( currentRomOptions.N64RenderToTextureEmuType )
+ {
+ case TXT_BUF_NONE:
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->CloseRenderTexture(false);
+ status.bHandleN64RenderTexture = false; // Don't handle N64 render_texture stuffs
+ if( !status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer )
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->UpdateRecentCIAddr(g_CI);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_RENDER_TEXTURE )
+ {
+ pauseAtNext = TRUE;
+ }
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->CloseRenderTexture(true);
+ }
+ status.bHandleN64RenderTexture = status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer;
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ if( options.enableHackForGames != HACK_FOR_BANJO_TOOIE )
+ {
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->SetRenderTexture();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( g_CI.dwWidth == 512 && pauseAtNext && (eventToPause==NEXT_OBJ_BG || eventToPause==NEXT_SET_CIMG) )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Warning SetCImg: new Addr=0x%08X, fmt:%s size=%sb, Width=%d\n",
+ g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[newCI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[newCI.dwSize], newCI.dwWidth);
+ }
+ //g_pFrameBufferManager->UpdateRecentCIAddr(g_CI); // Delay this until the CI buffer is actally drawn
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE4("SetCImg : Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n",
+ g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[newCI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[newCI.dwSize], newCI.dwWidth));
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after SetCImg: Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n",
+ g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[newCI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[newCI.dwSize], newCI.dwWidth);
+ }
+ );
+void FrameBufferManager::StoreRenderTextureToRDRAM(int infoIdx)
+ if( !frameBufferOptions.bRenderTextureWriteBack )
+ return;
+ if( infoIdx < 0 )
+ infoIdx = m_lastTextureBufferIndex;
+ if( !gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].pRenderTexture )
+ return;
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].pRenderTexture->IsBeingRendered() )
+ {
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE1("Cannot SaveTextureBuffer %d, it is being rendered", infoIdx));
+ return;
+ }
+ gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].pRenderTexture->StoreToRDRAM(infoIdx);
+//does FB copy to N64 RDAM structure
+void FrameBufferManager::CopyBufferToRDRAM(uint32 addr, uint32 fmt, uint32 siz, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 bufWidth, uint32 bufHeight, uint32 startaddr, uint32 memsize, uint32 pitch, TextureFmt bufFmt, void *buffer, uint32 bufPitch)
+ uint32 startline=0;
+ if( startaddr == 0xFFFFFFFF )
+ startaddr = addr;
+ startline = (startaddr-addr)/siz/pitch;
+ if( startline >= height )
+ {
+ //TRACE0("Warning: check me");
+ startline = height;
+ }
+ uint32 endline = height;
+ if( memsize != 0xFFFFFFFF )
+ {
+ endline = (startaddr+memsize-addr)/siz;
+ if( endline % pitch == 0 )
+ endline /= pitch;
+ else
+ endline = endline/pitch+1;
+ }
+ if( endline > height )
+ {
+ endline = height;
+ }
+ if( memsize != 0xFFFFFFFF )
+ {
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(DebuggerAppendMsg("Start at: 0x%X, from line %d to %d", startaddr-addr, startline, endline););
+ }
+ int indexes[600];
+ {
+ float sx;
+ int sx0;
+ float ratio = bufWidth/(float)width;
+ for( uint32 j=0; j<width; j++ )
+ {
+ sx = j*ratio;
+ sx0 = int(sx+0.5);
+ indexes[j] = 4*sx0;
+ }
+ }
+ if( siz == TXT_SIZE_16b )
+ {
+ uint16 *frameBufferBase = (uint16*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr);
+ if( bufFmt==TEXTURE_FMT_A8R8G8B8 )
+ {
+ int sy0;
+ float ratio = bufHeight/(float)height;
+ for( uint32 i=startline; i<endline; i++ )
+ {
+ sy0 = int(i*ratio+0.5);
+ uint16 *pD = frameBufferBase + i * pitch;
+ uint8 *pS0 = (uint8 *)buffer + sy0 * bufPitch;
+ for( uint32 j=0; j<width; j++ )
+ {
+ // Point
+ uint8 r = pS0[indexes[j]+2];
+ uint8 g = pS0[indexes[j]+1];
+ uint8 b = pS0[indexes[j]+0];
+ uint8 a = pS0[indexes[j]+3];
+ // Liner
+ *(pD+(j^1)) = ConvertRGBATo555( r, g, b, a);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE1("Copy %sb FrameBuffer to Rdram, not implemented", pszImgSize[siz]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( siz == TXT_SIZE_8b && fmt == TXT_FMT_CI )
+ {
+ uint8 *frameBufferBase = (uint8*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr);
+ if( bufFmt==TEXTURE_FMT_A8R8G8B8 )
+ {
+ uint16 tempword;
+ InitTlutReverseLookup();
+ for( uint32 i=startline; i<endline; i++ )
+ {
+ uint8 *pD = frameBufferBase + i * width;
+ uint8 *pS = (uint8 *)buffer + i*bufHeight/height * bufPitch;
+ for( uint32 j=0; j<width; j++ )
+ {
+ int pos = 4*(j*bufWidth/width);
+ tempword = ConvertRGBATo555((pS[pos+2]), // Red
+ (pS[pos+1]), // Green
+ (pS[pos+0]), // Blue
+ (pS[pos+3])); // Alpha
+ //*pD = CIFindIndex(tempword);
+ *(pD+(j^3)) = RevTlutTable[tempword];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE1("Copy %sb FrameBuffer to Rdram, not implemented", pszImgSize[siz]);
+ }
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(pauseAtNext,{DebuggerAppendMsg("Copy %sb FrameBuffer to Rdram", pszImgSize[siz]);});
+ }
+ else if( siz == TXT_SIZE_8b && fmt == TXT_FMT_I )
+ {
+ uint8 *frameBufferBase = (uint8*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr);
+ if( bufFmt==TEXTURE_FMT_A8R8G8B8 )
+ {
+ int sy0;
+ float ratio = bufHeight/(float)height;
+ for( uint32 i=startline; i<endline; i++ )
+ {
+ sy0 = int(i*ratio+0.5);
+ uint8 *pD = frameBufferBase + i * width;
+ uint8 *pS0 = (uint8 *)buffer + sy0 * bufPitch;
+ for( uint32 j=0; j<width; j++ )
+ {
+ // Point
+ uint32 r = pS0[indexes[j]+2];
+ uint32 g = pS0[indexes[j]+1];
+ uint32 b = pS0[indexes[j]+0];
+ // Liner
+ *(pD+(j^3)) = (uint8)((r+b+g)/3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //DebuggerAppendMsg("Copy %sb FrameBuffer to Rdram, not implemented", pszImgSize[siz]);
+ }
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(pauseAtNext,{DebuggerAppendMsg("Copy %sb FrameBuffer to Rdram", pszImgSize[siz]);});
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+void FrameBufferManager::DisplayRenderTexture(int infoIdx)
+ if( infoIdx < 0 )
+ infoIdx = m_lastTextureBufferIndex;
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].pRenderTexture )
+ {
+ if( gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].pRenderTexture->IsBeingRendered() )
+ {
+ TRACE1("Render texture %d is being rendered, cannot display", infoIdx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE1("Texture buffer %d:", infoIdx);
+ TRACE1("Addr=%08X", gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].CI_Info.dwAddr);
+ TRACE2("Width=%d, Created Height=%d", gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].N64Width,gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].N64Height);
+ TRACE2("Fmt=%d, Size=%d", gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].CI_Info.dwFormat,gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].CI_Info.dwSize);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE1("Texture buffer %d is not used", infoIdx);
+ }
+// Saves backbuffer
+// this is the core to the current framebuffer code
+// We need to save backbuffer when changed by framebuffer
+// so that we can use it for framebuffer effects
+void FrameBufferManager::SaveBackBuffer(int ciInfoIdx, RECT* pSrcRect, bool forceToSaveToRDRAM)
+ RecentCIInfo &ciInfo = *g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[ciInfoIdx];
+ if( ciInfoIdx == 1 ) // to save the current front buffer
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->UpdateFrame(true);
+ }
+ if( frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM || forceToSaveToRDRAM )
+ {
+ uint32 width = ciInfo.dwWidth;
+ uint32 height = ciInfo.dwHeight;
+ if( ciInfo.dwWidth == *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG && ciInfo.dwWidth != windowSetting.uViWidth )
+ {
+ width = windowSetting.uViWidth;
+ height = windowSetting.uViHeight;
+ }
+ StoreBackBufferToRDRAM( ciInfo.dwAddr, ciInfo.dwFormat, ciInfo.dwSize, width, height,
+ windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight);
+ g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[ciInfoIdx]->bCopied = true;
+ if( ciInfoIdx == 1 ) // to save the current front buffer
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->UpdateFrame(true);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ SetImgInfo tempinfo;
+ tempinfo.dwAddr = ciInfo.dwAddr;
+ tempinfo.dwFormat = ciInfo.dwFormat;
+ tempinfo.dwSize = ciInfo.dwSize;
+ tempinfo.dwWidth = ciInfo.dwWidth;
+ int idx = SetBackBufferAsRenderTexture(tempinfo, ciInfoIdx);
+ CopyBackBufferToRenderTexture(idx, ciInfo, pSrcRect);
+ gRenderTextureInfos[idx].crcCheckedAtFrame = status.gDlistCount;
+ gRenderTextureInfos[idx].crcInRDRAM = ComputeRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(idx);
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer&&pSrcRect==NULL),TRACE1("SaveBackBuffer at 0x%08X", ciInfo.dwAddr));
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer&&pSrcRect),TRACE5("SaveBackBuffer at 0x%08X, {%d,%d -%d,%d)", ciInfo.dwAddr,
+ pSrcRect->left,pSrcRect->top,pSrcRect->right,pSrcRect->bottom));
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_RENDER_TEXTURE),{g_pFrameBufferManager->DisplayRenderTexture(idx);});
+ g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[ciInfoIdx]->bCopied = true;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _FRAME_BUFFER_H_
+#define _FRAME_BUFFER_H_
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#include "RenderTexture.h"
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+typedef int SURFFORMAT;
+extern void TexRectToN64FrameBuffer_16b(uint32 x0, uint32 y0, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 dwTile);
+extern void TexRectToFrameBuffer_8b(uint32 dwXL, uint32 dwYL, uint32 dwXH, uint32 dwYH, float t0u0, float t0v0, float t0u1, float t0v1, uint32 dwTile);
+class FrameBufferManager
+ friend class CGraphicsContext;
+ friend class CDXGraphicsContext;
+ FrameBufferManager();
+ virtual ~FrameBufferManager();
+ void Initialize();
+ void CloseUp();
+ void Set_CI_addr(SetImgInfo &newCI);
+ void UpdateRecentCIAddr(SetImgInfo &ciinfo);
+ void SetAddrBeDisplayed(uint32 addr);
+ bool HasAddrBeenDisplayed(uint32 addr, uint32 width);
+ int FindRecentCIInfoIndex(uint32 addr);
+ bool IsDIaRenderTexture();
+ int CheckAddrInRenderTextures(uint32 addr, bool checkcrc = true);
+ uint32 ComputeRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(int infoIdx);
+ void CheckRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(void);
+ int CheckRenderTexturesWithNewCI(SetImgInfo &CIinfo, uint32 height, bool byNewTxtrBuf);
+ virtual void ClearN64FrameBufferToBlack(uint32 left=0, uint32 top=0, uint32 width=0, uint32 height=0);
+ virtual int SetBackBufferAsRenderTexture(SetImgInfo &CIinfo, int ciInfoIdx);
+ void LoadTextureFromRenderTexture(TxtrCacheEntry* pEntry, int infoIdx);
+ void UpdateFrameBufferBeforeUpdateFrame();
+ virtual void RestoreNormalBackBuffer(); // restore the normal back buffer
+ virtual void CopyBackToFrameBufferIfReadByCPU(uint32 addr);
+ virtual void SetRenderTexture(void);
+ virtual void CloseRenderTexture(bool toSave);
+ virtual void ActiveTextureBuffer(void);
+ int IsAddrInRecentFrameBuffers(uint32 addr);
+ int CheckAddrInBackBuffers(uint32 addr, uint32 memsize, bool copyToRDRAM = false);
+ uint8 CIFindIndex(uint16 val);
+ uint32 ComputeCImgHeight(SetImgInfo &info, uint32 &height);
+ int FindASlot(void);
+ bool ProcessFrameWriteRecord();
+ void FrameBufferWriteByCPU(uint32 addr, uint32 size);
+ void FrameBufferReadByCPU( uint32 addr );
+ bool FrameBufferInRDRAMCheckCRC();
+ void StoreRenderTextureToRDRAM(int infoIdx = -1);
+ virtual bool IsRenderingToTexture() {return m_isRenderingToTexture;}
+ // Device dependent functions
+ virtual void SaveBackBuffer(int ciInfoIdx, RECT* pRect=NULL, bool forceToSaveToRDRAM = false); // Copy the current back buffer to temp buffer
+ virtual void CopyBackBufferToRenderTexture(int idx, RecentCIInfo &ciInfo, RECT* pRect=NULL) {} // Copy the current back buffer to temp buffer
+ virtual void CopyBufferToRDRAM(uint32 addr, uint32 fmt, uint32 siz, uint32 width,
+ uint32 height, uint32 bufWidth, uint32 bufHeight, uint32 startaddr,
+ uint32 memsize, uint32 pitch, TextureFmt bufFmt, void *surf, uint32 bufPitch);
+ virtual void StoreBackBufferToRDRAM(uint32 addr, uint32 fmt, uint32 siz, uint32 width,
+ uint32 height, uint32 bufWidth, uint32 bufHeight, uint32 startaddr=0xFFFFFFFF,
+ uint32 memsize=0xFFFFFFFF, uint32 pitch=0, SURFFORMAT surf_fmt=SURFFMT_A8R8G8B8) {}
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ virtual void DisplayRenderTexture(int infoIdx = -1);
+ bool m_isRenderingToTexture;
+ int m_curRenderTextureIndex;
+ int m_lastTextureBufferIndex;
+class DXFrameBufferManager : public FrameBufferManager
+ virtual ~DXFrameBufferManager() {}
+ // Device dependent functions
+ virtual void CopyBackBufferToRenderTexture(int idx, RecentCIInfo &ciInfo, RECT* pRect=NULL); // Copy the current back buffer to temp buffer
+ virtual void StoreBackBufferToRDRAM(uint32 addr, uint32 fmt, uint32 siz, uint32 width,
+ uint32 height, uint32 bufWidth, uint32 bufHeight, uint32 startaddr=0xFFFFFFFF,
+ uint32 memsize=0xFFFFFFFF, uint32 pitch=0, SURFFORMAT surf_fmt=SURFFMT_A8R8G8B8);
+class OGLFrameBufferManager : public FrameBufferManager
+ virtual ~OGLFrameBufferManager() {}
+ // Device dependent functions
+ virtual void CopyBackBufferToRenderTexture(int idx, RecentCIInfo &ciInfo, RECT* pRect=NULL); // Copy the current back buffer to temp buffer
+ virtual void StoreBackBufferToRDRAM(uint32 addr, uint32 fmt, uint32 siz, uint32 width,
+ uint32 height, uint32 bufWidth, uint32 bufHeight, uint32 startaddr=0xFFFFFFFF,
+ uint32 memsize=0xFFFFFFFF, uint32 pitch=0, SURFFORMAT surf_fmt=SURFFMT_A8R8G8B8);
+extern RenderTextureInfo gRenderTextureInfos[];
+extern RenderTextureInfo newRenderTextureInfo;
+extern RenderTextureInfo g_ZI_saves[2];
+extern RenderTextureInfo *g_pRenderTextureInfo;
+extern FrameBufferManager* g_pFrameBufferManager;
+extern RecentCIInfo g_RecentCIInfo[];
+extern RecentViOriginInfo g_RecentVIOriginInfo[];
+extern RenderTextureInfo gRenderTextureInfos[];
+extern int numOfTxtBufInfos;
+extern RecentCIInfo *g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[5];
+extern uint8 RevTlutTable[0x10000];
+extern uint32 CalculateRDRAMCRC(void *pAddr, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 size, uint32 pitchInBytes );
+extern uint16 ConvertRGBATo555(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a);
+extern uint16 ConvertRGBATo555(uint32 color32);
+extern void InitTlutReverseLookup(void);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "GeneralCombiner.h"
+#include "Combiner.h"
+#include "Debugger.h"
+extern const int numOf3StageCombiners;
+extern const int numOf2StageCombiners;
+extern GeneralCombinerInfo CombinerTable2Stages[];
+extern GeneralCombinerInfo CombinerTable3Stages[];
+ m_lastGeneralIndex=0;
+ m_ppGeneralDecodedMux=NULL;
+ m_bTxtOpAdd=true;
+ m_bTxtOpSub=false;
+ m_bTxtOpLerp=false;
+ m_bTxtOpAddSmooth=false;
+ m_bTxtOpBlendCurAlpha=false;
+ m_bTxtOpBlendDifAlpha=true;
+ m_bTxtOpBlendFacAlpha=false;
+ m_bTxtOpBlendTxtAlpha=true;
+ m_bTxtOpMulAdd=false;
+ m_dwGeneralMaxStages=2;
+bool isTex(uint32 val)
+ return ( (val&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 || (val&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 );
+int toTex(uint32 val)
+ return (val&MUX_MASK)-MUX_TEXEL0;
+bool isComb(uint32 val)
+ return (val&MUX_MASK)==MUX_COMBINED;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+const char* BlendFuncStr[] = {
+ "Enable both",
+ "Disable alpha",
+ "Disable color",
+ "Disable both",
+ "Color one",
+ "Alpha one",
+const char* cmopstrs[] = {
+ "Sel",
+ "Mod",
+ "Add",
+ "Sub",
+ "Lerp",
+ "AddSmooth",
+ "BlCurA",
+ "BlDifA",
+ "BlFacA",
+ "BlTexA",
+ "MulAdd",
+void CGeneralCombiner::General_DisplayBlendingStageInfo(GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ char str1[30],str2[30],str3[30];
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\nStages:%d, Alpha:%s, Factor:%s, Specular:%s Dif Color:0x%X Dif Alpha:0x%X\n",
+ gci.nStages, BlendFuncStr[gci.blendingFunc], DecodedMux::FormatStr((uint8)gci.TFactor,str1),
+ DecodedMux::FormatStr((uint8)gci.specularPostOp,str2), gci.m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag, gci.m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag);
+ for( int i=0; i<gci.nStages; i++ )
+ {
+ GeneralCombineStage &s = gci.stages[i];
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("%d:Color: %s - %s, %s, %s%s\n", i,
+ cmopstrs[s.colorOp.op], DecodedMux::FormatStr((uint8)s.colorOp.Arg1, str1), s.colorOp.Arg2==CM_IGNORE?"":DecodedMux::FormatStr((uint8)s.colorOp.Arg2, str2),
+ s.colorOp.Arg0==CM_IGNORE?"":DecodedMux::FormatStr((uint8)s.colorOp.Arg0, str3),
+ s.dwTexture!=0?" -Tex1":"");
+ }
+ for( int i=0; i<gci.nStages; i++ )
+ {
+ GeneralCombineStage &s = gci.stages[i];
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("%d:Alpha: %s - %s, %s, %s%s\n", i,
+ cmopstrs[s.alphaOp.op], DecodedMux::FormatStr((uint8)s.alphaOp.Arg1, str1),
+ s.alphaOp.Arg2==CM_IGNORE?"":DecodedMux::FormatStr((uint8)s.alphaOp.Arg2, str2),
+ s.alphaOp.Arg0==CM_IGNORE?"":DecodedMux::FormatStr((uint8)s.alphaOp.Arg0, str3),
+ s.dwTexture!=0?" -Tex1":"");
+ }
+ TRACE0("\n\n");
+// Combiner gci generating functions //
+bool textureUsedInStage[8][2];
+bool resultIsGood;
+void CGeneralCombiner::GenCI_Init(GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ gci.specularPostOp=gci.TFactor=MUX_0;
+ gci.blendingFunc = ENABLE_BOTH;
+ resultIsGood = true;
+ //After the mux is reformated and simplified, we can use it to generate combine stages
+ //return false if we can not generate it
+ for( int i=0; i<8; i++)
+ {
+ gci.stages[i].dwTexture = 0;
+ textureUsedInStage[i][0] = false; // For color
+ textureUsedInStage[i][1] = false; // For alpha
+ gci.stages[i].bTextureUsed = false;
+ gci.stages[i].dwTexture = 0;
+ gci.stages[i].colorOp.op = gci.stages[i].alphaOp.op = CM_REPLACE;
+ gci.stages[i].colorOp.Arg1 = gci.stages[i].alphaOp.Arg1 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ gci.stages[i].colorOp.Arg2 = gci.stages[i].alphaOp.Arg2 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[i].colorOp.Arg0 = gci.stages[i].alphaOp.Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ }
+ DecodedMux &mux = *(*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux);
+ // Check some special cases of alpha channel
+ if( mux.splitType[N64Cycle0Alpha]==CM_FMT_TYPE_D && mux.splitType[N64Cycle1Alpha]==CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED )
+ {
+ //if( mux.m_n64Combiners[N64Cycle0Alpha].d == MUX_0 )
+ // gci.blendingFunc = DISABLE_COLOR;
+ //else
+ if( mux.m_n64Combiners[N64Cycle0Alpha].d == MUX_1 )
+ gci.blendingFunc = DISABLE_ALPHA;
+ }
+ else if( mux.splitType[N64Cycle1Alpha]==CM_FMT_TYPE_D )
+ {
+ //if( mux.m_n64Combiners[N64Cycle1Alpha].d == MUX_0 )
+ // gci.blendingFunc = DISABLE_COLOR;
+ //else
+ if( mux.m_n64Combiners[N64Cycle1Alpha].d == MUX_1 )
+ gci.blendingFunc = DISABLE_ALPHA;
+ }
+ if( mux.splitType[N64Cycle0RGB]==CM_FMT_TYPE_D && mux.splitType[N64Cycle1RGB]==CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED )
+ {
+ if( mux.m_n64Combiners[N64Cycle0RGB].d == MUX_0 )
+ gci.blendingFunc = DISABLE_COLOR;
+ }
+int CGeneralCombiner::GenCI_Type_D(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[curN64Stage];
+ StageOperate *op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ if( ( m.d == MUX_0 || m.d == MUX_1 ) && curN64Stage==1 )
+ {
+ //if( m.d == MUX_0 )
+ // gci.blendingFunc = DISABLE_COLOR;
+ //if( m.d == MUX_1 )
+ // gci.blendingFunc = DISABLE_ALPHA;
+ op->op = CM_REPLACE;
+ op->Arg1 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ op->Arg2 = CM_IGNORE;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( isTex(m.d) ) Check1TxtrForAlpha(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, toTex(m.d));
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ op->op = CM_REPLACE;
+ op->Arg1 = m.d;
+ op->Arg2 = CM_IGNORE;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ }
+ if( !gci.stages[curStage].bTextureUsed )
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = GetTexelNumber(m);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = IsTxtrUsed(m);
+ return curStage;
+int CGeneralCombiner::GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci, uint32 dxop)
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[curN64Stage];
+ StageOperate *op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ if( CountTexel1Cycle(m) == 2 )
+ {
+ // As we can not use both texture in one stage
+ // we split them to two stages
+ // Stage1: SELECT txt1
+ // Stage2: MOD txt2
+ if( gci.stages[curStage].bTextureUsed && gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture != (unsigned int)toTex(m.a) )
+ swap(m.a,m.c);
+ op->op =CM_REPLACE;
+ op->Arg1 = m.a;
+ op->Arg2 = CM_IGNORE;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.a);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = true;
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ Check1TxtrForAlpha(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, toTex(m.c));
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ op->op =dxop;
+ op->Arg1 = (m.c);
+ op->Arg2 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.c);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( CountTexel1Cycle(m) == 1)
+ {
+ Check1TxtrForAlpha(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, GetTexelNumber(m));
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ }
+ op->op = dxop;
+ op->Arg1 = (m.a);
+ op->Arg2 = (m.c);
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ if( !gci.stages[curStage].bTextureUsed )
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = GetTexelNumber(m);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = IsTxtrUsed(m);
+ }
+ return curStage;
+int CGeneralCombiner::GenCI_Type_A_ADD_D(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ uint32 opToUse = m_bTxtOpAdd?CM_ADD:CM_MODULATE;
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[curN64Stage];
+ swap(m.c, m.d);
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, opToUse);
+ swap(m.c, m.d);
+ return curStage;
+int CGeneralCombiner::GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[curN64Stage];
+ if( !m_bTxtOpSub )
+ {
+ swap(m.c, m.b);
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ swap(m.c, m.b);
+ return curStage;
+ }
+ StageOperate *op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ if( CountTexel1Cycle(m) == 2 )
+ {
+ Check1TxtrForAlpha(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, toTex(m.b));
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ op->op =CM_REPLACE;
+ op->Arg1 = (m.b);
+ op->Arg2 = CM_IGNORE;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.b);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = true;
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ Check1TxtrForAlpha(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, toTex(m.a));
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ op->op =CM_SUBTRACT;
+ op->Arg1 = (m.a);
+ op->Arg2 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.a);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( CountTexel1Cycle(m) == 1)
+ {
+ Check1TxtrForAlpha(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, GetTexelNumber(m));
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ }
+ op->op = CM_SUBTRACT;
+ op->Arg1 = (m.a);
+ op->Arg2 = (m.b);
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ if( !gci.stages[curStage].bTextureUsed )
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = GetTexelNumber(m);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = IsTxtrUsed(m);
+ }
+ return curStage;
+int CGeneralCombiner::GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C_ADD_D(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[curN64Stage];
+ StageOperate *op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ if( !m_bTxtOpMulAdd )
+ {
+ N64CombinerType save = m;
+ m.d = MUX_0;
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ m = save;
+ m.c = MUX_0;
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_ADD_D(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ m = save;
+ return curStage;
+ }
+ if( CountTexel1Cycle(m) == 2 )
+ {
+ if( !gci.stages[curStage].bTextureUsed )
+ {
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = 0;
+ gci.stages[curStage].bTextureUsed = true;
+ }
+ op->op = CM_REPLACE;
+ op->Arg2 = CM_IGNORE;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ op->Arg1 = MUX_TEXEL0 + gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture ;
+ N64CombinerType m2 = m;
+ uint8* vals = (uint8*)&m2;
+ for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ {
+ if( (unsigned int)(vals[i]&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 + gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture )
+ {
+ vals[i] = MUX_COMBINED | (vals[i]&0xe0);
+ }
+ }
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ Check1TxtrForAlpha(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, GetTexelNumber(m2));
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ op->op = CM_MULTIPLYADD;
+ op->Arg1 = m2.a;
+ op->Arg2 = m2.c;
+ op->Arg0 = m2.d;
+ if( !gci.stages[curStage].bTextureUsed )
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = GetTexelNumber(m2);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = IsTxtrUsed(m2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Check1TxtrForAlpha(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, GetTexelNumber(m));
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ op->op = CM_MULTIPLYADD;
+ op->Arg1 = (m.a);
+ op->Arg2 = (m.c);
+ op->Arg0 = (m.d);
+ if( !gci.stages[curStage].bTextureUsed )
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = GetTexelNumber(m);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = IsTxtrUsed(m);
+ }
+ return curStage;
+int CGeneralCombiner::GenCI_Type_A_LERP_B_C(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[curN64Stage];
+ StageOperate *op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ N64CombinerType save = m;
+ if( CountTexel1Cycle(m) == 2 )
+ {
+ // There are two textures
+ int texToUse = CheckWhichTexToUseInThisStage(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ op->op =CM_REPLACE;
+ op->Arg1 = (MUX_TEXEL0+texToUse);
+ op->Arg2 = CM_IGNORE;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = texToUse;
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = true;
+ (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL0+texToUse, MUX_COMBINED, curN64Stage);
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ Check1TxtrForAlpha(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, GetTexelNumber(m));
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ }
+ // Now we have only 1 texture left
+ Check1TxtrForAlpha(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, GetTexelNumber(m));
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ if( m.a == MUX_1 )
+ {
+ op->op = CM_ADDSMOOTH;
+ op->Arg1 = (m.b);
+ op->Arg2 = (m.c);
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ }
+ else if( m.a == MUX_0 )
+ {
+ op->op = CM_MODULATE;
+ m.a = 0;
+ op->Arg1 = (m.b);
+ op->Arg2 = (m.c^MUX_COMPLEMENT);
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( ((m.c&MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE) || (curN64Stage%2)==1 || m_bTxtOpLerp == false) && ((m.c&MUX_MASK)==MUX_SHADE || (m.c&MUX_MASK)==MUX_COMBINED || (m.c&MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL0 || (m.c&MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL1 ) )
+ {
+ if( curN64Stage == 2 && (m.c&MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE) == 0 )
+ {
+ op->op = CM_MODULATE;
+ op->Arg1 = m.b;
+ op->Arg2 = m.c|MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ resultIsGood = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( (m.c&MUX_MASK)==MUX_SHADE )
+ {
+ }
+ else if( (m.c&MUX_MASK) == MUX_COMBINED )
+ {
+ }
+ else if( (m.c&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 )
+ {
+ }
+ else if( (m.c&MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ op->Arg1 = (m.a);
+ op->Arg2 = (m.b);
+ op->Arg0 = m.c|MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( ((m.c&MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE) || (curN64Stage%2)==1 || m_bTxtOpLerp == false) && ((((m.c&MUX_MASK)==MUX_ENV) || ((m.c&MUX_MASK)==MUX_PRIM)) ))
+ {
+ op->Arg1 = (m.a);
+ op->Arg2 = (m.b);
+ op->Arg0 = m.c|MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ op->op = CM_INTERPOLATE;
+ op->Arg0 = (m.c);
+ op->Arg1 = (m.a);
+ op->Arg2 = (m.b);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = GetTexelNumber(m);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = IsTxtrUsed(m);
+ m = save;
+ return curStage;
+int CGeneralCombiner::GenCI_Type_A_B_C_D(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[curN64Stage];
+ StageOperate *op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ N64CombinerType save = m;
+ if( CountTexel1Cycle(m) == 2 )
+ {
+ if( isTex(m.a) && !isTex(m.c) && curN64Stage == 0 && isTex(m.d) && toTex(m.a) != toTex(m.d) )
+ {
+ if( m_dwGeneralMaxStages >= 4 )
+ {
+ op->op = CM_SUBTRACT;
+ op->Arg1 = m.a;
+ op->Arg2 = m.b;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.a);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = true;
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ op->op = CM_MULTIPLYADD;
+ op->Arg1 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ op->Arg2 = m.c;
+ op->Arg0 = m.d;
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.d);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = true;
+ resultIsGood = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ op->op = CM_MODULATE;
+ op->Arg1 = m.a;
+ op->Arg2 = m.c;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.a);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = true;
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ op->op = CM_ADD;
+ op->Arg1 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ op->Arg2 = m.d;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.d);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = true;
+ resultIsGood = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // There are two textures
+ int texToUse = CheckWhichTexToUseInThisStage(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ op->op =CM_REPLACE;
+ op->Arg1 = (MUX_TEXEL0+texToUse);
+ op->Arg2 = CM_IGNORE;
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = texToUse;
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = true;
+ (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL0+texToUse, MUX_COMBINED, curN64Stage);
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ Check1TxtrForAlpha(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, GetTexelNumber(m));
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + (curN64Stage%2);
+ m.c = MUX_TEXEL0+(1-texToUse);
+ m.b = m.d = 0;
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( CountTexel1Cycle(m) == 1 )
+ {
+ if( m_dwGeneralMaxStages < 4 )
+ {
+ Check1TxtrForAlpha(curN64Stage, curStage, gci, GetTexelNumber(m));
+ op->Arg1 = (MUX_TEXEL0+GetTexelNumber(m));
+ if( (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->isUsedInCycle(MUX_SHADE, curN64Stage) )
+ {
+ op->op =CM_MODULATE;
+ op->Arg2 = MUX_SHADE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ op->op =CM_REPLACE;
+ op->Arg2 = 0;
+ }
+ op->Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = GetTexelNumber(m);
+ textureUsedInStage[curStage][curN64Stage%2] = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B_MOD_C(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_ADD_D(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m.d = 0;
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B_MOD_C(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ m = save;
+ m.b = m.c = 0;
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_ADD_D(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ }
+ m = save;
+ return curStage;
+int CGeneralCombiner::GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B_ADD_D(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[curN64Stage];
+ N64CombinerType save = m;
+ m.d = MUX_0;
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ m = save;
+ m.b = MUX_0;
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_ADD_D(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ m = save;
+ return curStage;
+int CGeneralCombiner::GenCI_Type_A_ADD_B_MOD_C(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[curN64Stage];
+ N64CombinerType save = m;
+ m.d = m.b; m.b = 0;
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_ADD_D(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ m = save;
+ m.b = MUX_0;
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ m = save;
+ return curStage;
+int CGeneralCombiner::GenCI_Type_A_B_C_A(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ // We can not do too much with this type, it is not a bad idea to use LERP to simplify it.
+ //return GenCI_Type_A_LERP_B_C(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ return GenCI_Type_A_B_C_D(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+int CGeneralCombiner::GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B_MOD_C(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[curN64Stage];
+ N64CombinerType save = m;
+ m.c = MUX_0;
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ m = save;
+ m.b = MUX_0;
+ NextStage(curStage);
+ curStage = GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C(curN64Stage, curStage, gci);
+ m = save;
+ return curStage;
+ /////////////////////////////////////
+ // End of gci generating functions //
+ /////////////////////////////////////
+void CGeneralCombiner::SkipStage(StageOperate &op, int &curStage)
+ op.op = CM_REPLACE;
+ op.Arg1 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ op.Arg2 = CM_IGNORE;
+ op.Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ NextStage(curStage);
+void CGeneralCombiner::NextStage(int &curStage)
+ if( curStage < m_dwGeneralMaxStages-1 )
+ {
+ curStage++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curStage++;
+ resultIsGood = false;
+ TRACE0("Stage overflow");
+ }
+void CGeneralCombiner::Check1TxtrForAlpha(int curN64Stage, int &curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci, int tex)
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[curN64Stage];
+ if( curN64Stage%2 && IsTxtrUsed(m) )
+ {
+ while (curStage<m_dwGeneralMaxStages-1 && textureUsedInStage[curStage][0] && gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture != (unsigned int)(tex) )
+ {
+ StageOperate &op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp)))[curN64Stage%2];
+ SkipStage(op, curStage);
+ }
+ }
+int CGeneralCombiner::Check2TxtrForAlpha(int curN64Stage, int &curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci, int tex1, int tex2)
+ N64CombinerType &m = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_n64Combiners[curN64Stage];
+ if( curN64Stage%2 && IsTxtrUsed(m) )
+ {
+ if( tex1 == tex2 )
+ {
+ while (curStage<m_dwGeneralMaxStages-1 && textureUsedInStage[curStage][0] && gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture != (unsigned int)tex1 )
+ {
+ StageOperate &op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp)))[curN64Stage%2];
+ SkipStage(op, curStage);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int stage1 = curStage;
+ int stage2 = curStage;
+ while (stage1<m_dwGeneralMaxStages-1 && textureUsedInStage[stage1][0] && gci.stages[stage1].dwTexture != (unsigned int)tex1 )
+ {
+ StageOperate &op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[stage1].colorOp)))[curN64Stage%2];
+ SkipStage(op, stage1);
+ }
+ while (stage2<m_dwGeneralMaxStages-1 && textureUsedInStage[stage2][0] && gci.stages[stage2].dwTexture != (unsigned int)tex2 )
+ {
+ StageOperate &op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[stage2].colorOp)))[curN64Stage%2];
+ SkipStage(op, stage2);
+ }
+ if( stage1 <= stage2 )
+ {
+ curStage = stage1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curStage = stage2;
+ return 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+int CGeneralCombiner::CheckWhichTexToUseInThisStage(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ // There are two texels to used, which one I should use in the current DirectX stage?
+ if( curN64Stage%2 )
+ {
+ if( !textureUsedInStage[curStage][0] )
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *
+ */
+int CGeneralCombiner::ParseDecodedMux()
+ GeneralCombinerInfo gci;
+ int stages[2];
+ DecodedMux &mux = *(*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux);
+ GenCI_Init(gci);
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ //i=0 Color Channel
+ //i=1 Alpha Channel
+ stages[i] = 0;
+ int n=0; //stage count
+ for( int j=0; j<2; j++ )
+ {
+ switch( mux.splitType[i+j*2] )
+ {
+ continue;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_D: // = D
+ // Alpha channel is using different texture from color channel
+ // and the color channel has already used texture, so alpha
+ // channel can not use different texture for this stage anymore,
+ // alpha channel need to skip a stage
+ n = GenCI_Type_D(j*2+i, n, gci);
+ if( j==0 && mux.splitType[i+2] != CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) NextStage(n); else n++;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D: // = A+D
+ n=GenCI_Type_A_ADD_D(j*2+i, n, gci);
+ if( j==0 && mux.splitType[i+2] != CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) NextStage(n); else n++;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C: // = A*C can mapped to MOD(arg1,arg2)
+ n=GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C(j*2+i, n, gci);
+ if( j==0 && mux.splitType[i+2] != CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) NextStage(n); else n++;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B: // = A-B can mapped to SUB(arg1,arg2)
+ n=GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B(j*2+i, n, gci);
+ if( j==0 && mux.splitType[i+2] != CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) NextStage(n); else n++;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D: // = A*C+D can mapped to MULTIPLYADD(arg1,arg2,arg0)
+ n=GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C_ADD_D(j*2+i, n, gci);
+ if( j==0 && mux.splitType[i+2] != CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) NextStage(n); else n++;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_LERP_B_C: // = (A-B)*C+B can mapped to LERP(arg1,arg2,arg0)
+ // or mapped to BLENDALPHA(arg1,arg2) if C is
+ // alpha channel or DIF, TEX, FAC, CUR
+ n=GenCI_Type_A_LERP_B_C(j*2+i, n, gci);
+ if( j==0 && mux.splitType[i+2] != CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) NextStage(n); else n++;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D: // = A-B+C can not map very well in 1 stage
+ n=GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B_ADD_D(j*2+i, n, gci);
+ if( j==0 && mux.splitType[i+2] != CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) NextStage(n); else n++;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C: // = (A-B)*C can not map very well in 1 stage
+ n=GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B_MOD_C(j*2+i, n, gci);
+ if( j==0 && mux.splitType[i+2] != CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) NextStage(n); else n++;
+ break;
+ n=GenCI_Type_A_ADD_B_MOD_C(j*2+i, n, gci);
+ if( j==0 && mux.splitType[i+2] != CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) NextStage(n); else n++;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_A:
+ n=GenCI_Type_A_B_C_A(j*2+i, n, gci);
+ if( j==0 && mux.splitType[i+2] != CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) NextStage(n); else n++;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D: // = (A-B)*C+D can not map very well in 1 stage
+ n=GenCI_Type_A_B_C_D(j*2+i, n, gci);
+ if( j==0 && mux.splitType[i+2] != CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED ) NextStage(n); else n++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ stages[i] = n;
+ }
+ gci.nStages = max(stages[0], stages[1]);
+ if( gci.nStages > m_dwGeneralMaxStages )
+ {
+ resultIsGood = false;
+ gci.nStages = m_dwGeneralMaxStages;
+ }
+ if( mux.m_ColorTextureFlag[0] != 0 || mux.m_ColorTextureFlag[1] != 0 )
+ {
+ resultIsGood = false;
+ }
+ // The bResultIsGoodWithinStages is for Semi-Pixel shader combiner, don't move the code down
+ gci.bResultIsGoodWithinStages = resultIsGood;
+ if( mux.HowManyConstFactors() > 1 || gci.specularPostOp != MUX_0 || gci.blendingFunc != ENABLE_BOTH )
+ {
+ gci.bResultIsGoodWithinStages = false;
+ }
+ if( gci.nStages > stages[0] ) // Color has less stages
+ {
+ for( int i=stages[0]; i<gci.nStages; i++ )
+ {
+ gci.stages[i].colorOp.op = CM_REPLACE;
+ gci.stages[i].colorOp.Arg1 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ gci.stages[i].colorOp.Arg2 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[i].colorOp.Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ }
+ }
+ if( gci.nStages > stages[1] ) // Color has less stages
+ {
+ for( int i=stages[1]; i<gci.nStages; i++ )
+ {
+ gci.stages[i].alphaOp.op = CM_REPLACE;
+ gci.stages[i].alphaOp.Arg1 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ gci.stages[i].alphaOp.Arg2 = CM_IGNORE;
+ gci.stages[i].alphaOp.Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
+ }
+ }
+ for( int i=0;i<gci.nStages;i++)
+ {
+ gci.stages[i].bTextureUsed = IsTextureUsedInStage(gci.stages[i]);
+ }
+ if( !resultIsGood && gci.nStages >= m_dwGeneralMaxStages )
+ {
+ extern int noOfTwoStages;
+ extern GeneralCombinerInfo twostages[];
+ for( int k=0; k<noOfTwoStages; k++ )
+ {
+ GeneralCombinerInfo &info = twostages[k];
+ if( (mux.m_dwMux0 == info.dwMux0 && mux.m_dwMux1 == info.dwMux1) ||
+ (info.dwMux0+info.dwMux1 == 0 && info.muxDWords[0] == mux.m_dWords[0] &&
+ info.muxDWords[1] == mux.m_dWords[1] && info.muxDWords[2] == mux.m_dWords[2] &&
+ info.muxDWords[3] == mux.m_dWords[3] && info.m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag == mux.m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag &&
+ info.m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag == mux.m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag ) )
+ {
+ memcpy(&gci, &info, sizeof(GeneralCombinerInfo) );
+ resultIsGood = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( !resultIsGood )
+ {
+ DecodedMux &mux = *(*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux);
+ // Generated combiner mode is not good enough within the limited stages
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\n/*");
+ mux.DisplayMuxString("Overflowed");
+ mux.DisplaySimpliedMuxString("Overflowed");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Generated combiners:");
+ General_DisplayBlendingStageInfo(gci);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("*/\n");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\n\n");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("{\n\t0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0x%08X,\t// Simplified mux\n\t0x%08X, 0x%08X,\t\t// 64bit Mux\n",
+ mux.m_dWords[0],mux.m_dWords[1],mux.m_dWords[2],mux.m_dWords[3],mux.m_dwMux0,mux.m_dwMux1);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\t%d,\t// number of stages\n\tENABLE_BOTH,\n\t0,\t\t// Constant color\n\t0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0,\t// Shade and specular color flags\n\t0x%08X, 0x%08X,\t// constant color texture flags\n",
+ 2,mux.m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag, mux.m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag,mux.m_ColorTextureFlag[0],mux.m_ColorTextureFlag[1]);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\t{\n\t\t{MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0\n");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\t\t{MOD(T0,DIF), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1\n\t}\n},");
+ }
+ if( !resultIsGood )
+ {
+ FILE *fp=NULL;
+ fp = fopen("C:\\rice\\RiceVideoMUX.log","a");
+ if( fp )
+ {
+ fprintf(fp,"\n/*\n");
+ mux.LogMuxString("Overflowed",fp);
+ fprintf(fp,"\n\n");
+ mux.LogSimpliedMuxString("Overflowed",fp);
+ fprintf(fp,"Generated combiners:");
+ //General_DisplayBlendingStageInfo(gci);
+ fprintf(fp,"\n*/\n");
+ fprintf(fp,"\n");
+ fprintf(fp,"{\n\t0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0x%08X,\t// Simplified mux\n\t0x%08X, 0x%08X,\t\t// 64bit Mux\n",
+ mux.m_dWords[0],mux.m_dWords[1],mux.m_dWords[2],mux.m_dWords[3],mux.m_dwMux0,mux.m_dwMux1);
+ fprintf(fp,"\t%d,\t// number of stages\n\tENABLE_BOTH,\n\tMUX_ENV,\t\t// Constant color\n\t0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0,\t// Shade and specular color flags\n\t0x%08X, 0x%08X,\t// constant color texture flags\n",
+ 2,mux.m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag, mux.m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag,mux.m_ColorTextureFlag[0],mux.m_ColorTextureFlag[1]);
+ fprintf(fp,"\t{\n\t\t{MOD(T0,DIF), MOD(T0,DIF), 0, true}, // Stage 0\n");
+ fprintf(fp,"\t\t{LERP(T1,CUR,DIF), SKIP, 1, true}, // Stage 1\n\t}\n},");
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ }
+ return SaveParserResult(gci);
+bool CGeneralCombiner::IsTextureUsedInStage(GeneralCombineStage &stage)
+ if( (stage.colorOp.Arg1&MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL0 || (stage.colorOp.Arg2&MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL0 || (stage.colorOp.Arg0 &MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL0 ||
+ (stage.alphaOp.Arg1&MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL0 || (stage.alphaOp.Arg2&MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL0 || (stage.alphaOp.Arg0 &MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL0 ||
+ (stage.colorOp.Arg1&MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL1 || (stage.colorOp.Arg2&MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL1 || (stage.colorOp.Arg0 &MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL1 ||
+ (stage.alphaOp.Arg1&MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL1 || (stage.alphaOp.Arg2&MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL1 || (stage.alphaOp.Arg0 &MUX_MASK)==MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+int CGeneralCombiner::SaveParserResult(GeneralCombinerInfo &result)
+ result.muxDWords[0] = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_dWords[0];
+ result.muxDWords[1] = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_dWords[1];
+ result.muxDWords[2] = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_dWords[2];
+ result.muxDWords[3] = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_dWords[3];
+ result.m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag;
+ result.m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag;
+ result.colorTextureFlag[0] = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_ColorTextureFlag[0];
+ result.colorTextureFlag[1] = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_ColorTextureFlag[1];
+ result.dwMux0 = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_dwMux0;
+ result.dwMux1 = (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_dwMux1;
+ m_vCompiledCombinerStages.push_back(result);
+ m_lastGeneralIndex = m_vCompiledCombinerStages.size()-1;
+ return m_lastGeneralIndex;
+int CGeneralCombiner::FindCompiledMux( )
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerDropCombiners || debuggerDropGeneralCombiners )
+ {
+ m_vCompiledCombinerStages.clear();
+ //m_dwLastMux0 = m_dwLastMux1 = 0;
+ debuggerDropCombiners = false;
+ debuggerDropGeneralCombiners = false;
+ }
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<m_vCompiledCombinerStages.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_vCompiledCombinerStages[i].dwMux0 == (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_dwMux0 && m_vCompiledCombinerStages[i].dwMux1 == (*m_ppGeneralDecodedMux)->m_dwMux1 )
+ {
+ m_lastGeneralIndex = i;
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+bool LM_textureUsedInStage[8];
+void CGeneralCombiner::LM_GenCI_Init(GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ gci.specularPostOp=gci.TFactor=MUX_0;
+ gci.blendingFunc = ENABLE_BOTH;
+ for( int i=0; i<8; i++)
+ {
+ gci.stages[i].dwTexture = 0;
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[i] = false;
+ }
+//#define fillstage(opr,a1,a2,a3) {op->op=opr;op->Arg1=a1;op->Arg2=a2;op->Arg0=a3;curStage++;}
+inline void FillStage(StageOperate &op, uint32 opr, uint32 a1, uint32 a2, uint32 a3)
+ op.op = opr;
+ op.Arg1 = a1;
+ op.Arg2 = a2;
+ op.Arg0 = a3;
+/* New functions, will generate stages within stage limited */
+/* and return the number of stages used. */
+int CGeneralCombiner::LM_GenCI_Type_D(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ int originalstage=curStage;
+ StageOperate *op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage]))) + channel;
+ if( checktexture && LM_Check1TxtrForAlpha(curStage, gci, m.d ) )
+ {
+ if( limit > 1 )
+ {
+ curStage++;
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage]))) + channel;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // It is not allowed to use two stages, what to do?
+ // It should not happen anyway
+ TRACE0("Check me here, at LM_GenCI_Type_D");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = GetTexelNumber(m);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = IsTxtrUsed(m);
+ curStage++;
+ return curStage-originalstage;
+int CGeneralCombiner::LM_GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci, uint32 dxop)
+ int originalstage=curStage;
+ StageOperate *op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + channel;
+ int numberOfTex = CountTexel1Cycle(m);
+ if( numberOfTex == 2 )
+ {
+ // As we can not use both texture in one stage
+ // we split them to two stages
+ // Stage1: SELECT txt1
+ // Stage2: MOD txt2
+ if( checktexture )
+ {
+ if( LM_Check1TxtrForAlpha(curStage, gci, m.a ) )
+ {
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.c);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = true;
+ curStage++;
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + channel;
+ FillStage(*op,dxop,m.a,MUX_COMBINED,CM_IGNORE);
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.a);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = true;
+ curStage++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.a);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = true;
+ curStage++;
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + channel;
+ FillStage(*op,dxop,m.c,MUX_COMBINED,CM_IGNORE);
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.c);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = true;
+ curStage++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.a);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = true;
+ curStage++;
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + channel;
+ FillStage(*op,dxop,m.c,MUX_COMBINED,CM_IGNORE);
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.c);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = true;
+ curStage++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( numberOfTex == 1)
+ {
+ if( checktexture )
+ {
+ if( isTex(m.a) )
+ {
+ if( LM_Check1TxtrForAlpha(curStage, gci, m.a ) )
+ {
+ curStage++;
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + channel;
+ FillStage(*op,dxop,m.a,MUX_COMBINED,CM_IGNORE);
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.a);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = true;
+ curStage++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.a);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = true;
+ curStage++;
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + channel;
+ FillStage(*op,dxop,m.c,MUX_COMBINED,CM_IGNORE);
+ curStage++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( LM_Check1TxtrForAlpha(curStage, gci, m.c ) )
+ {
+ curStage++;
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + channel;
+ FillStage(*op,dxop,m.c,MUX_COMBINED,CM_IGNORE);
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.c);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = true;
+ curStage++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.c);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = true;
+ curStage++;
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + channel;
+ FillStage(*op,dxop,m.a,MUX_COMBINED,CM_IGNORE);
+ curStage++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( isTex(m.a) )
+ {
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.a);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = true;
+ curStage++;
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + channel;
+ FillStage(*op,dxop,m.c,MUX_COMBINED,CM_IGNORE);
+ curStage++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture = toTex(m.c);
+ LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] = true;
+ curStage++;
+ op = ((StageOperate*)(&(gci.stages[curStage].colorOp))) + channel;
+ FillStage(*op,dxop,m.a,MUX_COMBINED,CM_IGNORE);
+ curStage++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FillStage(*op,dxop,m.a,m.c,CM_IGNORE);
+ curStage++;
+ }
+ return curStage-originalstage;
+int CGeneralCombiner::LM_GenCI_Type_A_ADD_D(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ return 0;
+int CGeneralCombiner::LM_GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ return 0;
+int CGeneralCombiner::LM_GenCI_Type_A_LERP_B_C(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ return 0;
+int CGeneralCombiner::LM_GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C_ADD_D(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ return 0;
+int CGeneralCombiner::LM_GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B_ADD_D(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ return 0;
+int CGeneralCombiner::LM_GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B_MOD_C(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ return 0;
+int CGeneralCombiner::LM_GenCI_Type_A_ADD_B_MOD_C(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ return 0;
+int CGeneralCombiner::LM_GenCI_Type_A_B_C_D(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ return 0;
+int CGeneralCombiner::LM_GenCI_Type_A_B_C_A(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci)
+ return 0;
+int CGeneralCombiner::LM_ParseDecodedMux()
+ return 0;
+bool CGeneralCombiner::LM_Check1TxtrForAlpha(int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &gci, uint32 val )
+ return !( isTex(val) && LM_textureUsedInStage[curStage] && gci.stages[curStage].dwTexture != (unsigned int)toTex(val) );
+void CGeneralCombiner::LM_SkipStage(StageOperate &op)
+ op.op = CM_REPLACE;
+ op.Arg1 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ op.Arg2 = CM_IGNORE;
+ op.Arg0 = CM_IGNORE;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <vector>
+#include "DecodedMux.h"
+class GeneralCombineStage
+ StageOperate colorOp;
+ StageOperate alphaOp;
+ uint32 dwTexture; //Which texture to apply, 0 or 1
+ bool bTextureUsed;
+ BOOL operator!=(const GeneralCombineStage & cs) const { return !(operator==(cs)); }
+ BOOL operator==(const GeneralCombineStage & cs) const
+ {
+ return (
+ cs.colorOp.Arg1 == colorOp.Arg1 &&
+ cs.colorOp.Arg2 == colorOp.Arg2 &&
+ cs.colorOp.Arg0 == colorOp.Arg0 &&
+ cs.alphaOp.Arg1 == alphaOp.Arg1 &&
+ cs.alphaOp.Arg2 == alphaOp.Arg2 &&
+ cs.alphaOp.Arg0 == alphaOp.Arg0 &&
+ cs.colorOp.op == colorOp.op &&
+ cs.alphaOp.op == alphaOp.op &&
+ cs.dwTexture == dwTexture&&
+ cs.bTextureUsed==bTextureUsed);
+ }
+class GeneralCombinerInfo
+ uint32 muxDWords[4]; // Simplified Mux
+ uint32 dwMux0;
+ uint32 dwMux1;
+ int nStages;
+ BlendingFunc blendingFunc;
+ uint32 TFactor;
+ uint32 m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag;
+ uint32 m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag;
+ uint32 specularPostOp;
+ uint32 colorTextureFlag[2];
+ GeneralCombineStage stages[8];
+ bool bResultIsGoodWithinStages;
+ BOOL operator!=(const GeneralCombinerInfo & sci) const { return !(operator==(sci)); }
+ BOOL operator==(const GeneralCombinerInfo & sci) const
+ {
+ int i;
+ if (sci.nStages != nStages)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (sci.blendingFunc != blendingFunc)
+ return FALSE;
+ for (i = 0; i < nStages; i++)
+ {
+ if (sci.stages[i] != stages[i])
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if( sci.TFactor != TFactor )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( sci.specularPostOp != specularPostOp )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( sci.m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag != m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( sci.m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag != m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( sci.colorTextureFlag[0] != colorTextureFlag[0] )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( sci.colorTextureFlag[1] != colorTextureFlag[1] )
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+enum CombinerOp
+ CM_ADDSMOOTH, // For DirectX only, for OpenGL, use INTERPOLATE
+ CM_BLENDCURRENTALPHA, // For DirectX only, for OpenGL, use INTERPOLATE
+ CM_BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA, // For DirectX only, for OpenGL, use INTERPOLATE
+ CM_BLENDFACTORALPHA, // For DirectX only, for OpenGL, use INTERPOLATE
+ CM_BLENDTEXTUREALPHA, // For DirectX only, for OpenGL, use INTERPOLATE
+ CM_MULTIPLYADD, // For DirectX only
+#define CM_IGNORE 0
+#define CM_IGNORE_BYTE 0xFF
+/* This general combiner class is designed for general DirectX combiner */
+/* and OpenGL 1.2/1.3 combiner. Such combiners have the following */
+/* limitions and conditions: */
+/* */
+/* - Supporting at least 2 textures */
+/* - Supporting at least 2 combiner stages */
+/* - At each combiner stages, only 1 texture can be used */
+/* - Supporting only 1 constant color */
+/* - Supporting more or less texture combine operations, depending */
+/* on devices caps */
+/* */
+/* Before using this class, device caps boolean flags must be set */
+/* externally by owner of the class object (or a subclass object). */
+/* */
+/* */
+class CGeneralCombiner
+ CGeneralCombiner();
+ int FindCompiledMux();
+ int ParseDecodedMux();
+ void ParseDecodedMuxForConstants(GeneralCombinerInfo &res);
+ int SaveParserResult(GeneralCombinerInfo &result);
+ int m_lastGeneralIndex;
+ DecodedMux **m_ppGeneralDecodedMux;
+ /*
+ * Texture ops flags
+ */
+ bool m_bTxtOpAdd;
+ bool m_bTxtOpSub;
+ bool m_bTxtOpLerp; // LERP is for DirectX, INTERPOLATE is for OpenGL
+ bool m_bTxtOpAddSmooth; // For DirectX only, for OpenGL, use INTERPOLATE
+ bool m_bTxtOpBlendCurAlpha; // For DirectX only, for OpenGL, use INTERPOLATE
+ bool m_bTxtOpBlendDifAlpha; // For DirectX only, for OpenGL, use INTERPOLATE
+ bool m_bTxtOpBlendFacAlpha; // For DirectX only, for OpenGL, use INTERPOLATE
+ bool m_bTxtOpBlendTxtAlpha; // For DirectX only, for OpenGL, use INTERPOLATE
+ bool m_bTxtOpMulAdd; // For DirectX only
+ int m_dwGeneralMaxStages;
+ std::vector<GeneralCombinerInfo> m_vCompiledCombinerStages;
+ // combiner info generating functions
+ void GenCI_Init(GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ void SkipStage(StageOperate &op, int &curStage);
+ void NextStage(int &curStage);
+ void Check1TxtrForAlpha(int curN64Stage, int &curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci, int tex);
+ int Check2TxtrForAlpha(int curN64Stage, int &curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci, int tex1, int tex2);
+ int CheckWhichTexToUseInThisStage(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int GenCI_Type_D(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci, uint32 dxop=CM_MODULATE);
+ int GenCI_Type_A_ADD_D(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int GenCI_Type_A_LERP_B_C(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C_ADD_D(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B_ADD_D(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B_MOD_C(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int GenCI_Type_A_ADD_B_MOD_C(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int GenCI_Type_A_B_C_D(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int GenCI_Type_A_B_C_A(int curN64Stage, int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ // New functions, generate stages within the stage limition
+ // And return the number of stages used
+ // channel = 0 for color channel
+ // channel = 1 for alpha channel
+ // checktexture = true, need to use if texture matching in the stage
+ // checktexture = false, no check, just use any texture in the stage (since this stage hasn't been used)
+ int LM_GenCI_Type_D(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int LM_GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci, uint32 dxop=CM_MODULATE);
+ int LM_GenCI_Type_A_ADD_D(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int LM_GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int LM_GenCI_Type_A_LERP_B_C(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int LM_GenCI_Type_A_MOD_C_ADD_D(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int LM_GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B_ADD_D(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int LM_GenCI_Type_A_SUB_B_MOD_C(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int LM_GenCI_Type_A_ADD_B_MOD_C(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int LM_GenCI_Type_A_B_C_D(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int LM_GenCI_Type_A_B_C_A(N64CombinerType &m, int curStage, int limit, int channel, bool checktexture, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ void LM_GenCI_Init(GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
+ int LM_ParseDecodedMux();
+ bool LM_Check1TxtrForAlpha(int curStage, GeneralCombinerInfo &ci, uint32 val);
+ void LM_SkipStage(StageOperate &op);
+ bool IsTextureUsedInStage(GeneralCombineStage &stage);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void General_DisplayBlendingStageInfo(GeneralCombinerInfo &ci);
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "m64p_plugin.h"
+#include "m64p_vidext.h"
+#include "FrameBuffer.h"
+#include "OGLGraphicsContext.h"
+#include "Video.h"
+CGraphicsContext* CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext = NULL;
+bool CGraphicsContext::m_deviceCapsIsInitialized = false;
+bool CGraphicsContext::needCleanScene = false;
+int CGraphicsContext::m_maxFSAA = 16;
+int CGraphicsContext::m_maxAnisotropy = 16;
+CGraphicsContext * CGraphicsContext::Get(void)
+ return CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext;
+CGraphicsContext::CGraphicsContext() :
+ m_supportTextureMirror(false),
+ m_bReady(false),
+ m_bActive(false),
+ m_bWindowed(true)
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->CloseUp();
+uint32 CGraphicsContext::m_dwWindowStyle=0; // Saved window style for mode switches
+uint32 CGraphicsContext::m_dwWindowExStyle=0; // Saved window style for mode switches
+uint32 CGraphicsContext::m_dwStatusWindowStyle=0; // Saved window style for mode switches
+void CGraphicsContext::InitWindowInfo()
+bool CGraphicsContext::Initialize(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, BOOL bWindowed)
+ m_bWindowed = (bWindowed != 0);
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->Initialize();
+ return true;
+bool CGraphicsContext::ResizeInitialize(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, BOOL bWindowed )
+ return true;
+void CGraphicsContext::CleanUp()
+ m_bActive = false;
+ m_bReady = false;
+int __cdecl SortFrequenciesCallback( const void* arg1, const void* arg2 )
+ unsigned int* p1 = (unsigned int*)arg1;
+ unsigned int* p2 = (unsigned int*)arg2;
+ if( *p1 < *p2 )
+ return -1;
+ else if( *p1 > *p2 )
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+int __cdecl SortResolutionsCallback( const void* arg1, const void* arg2 )
+ unsigned int* p1 = (unsigned int*)arg1;
+ unsigned int* p2 = (unsigned int*)arg2;
+ if( *p1 < *p2 )
+ return -1;
+ else if( *p1 > *p2 )
+ return 1;
+ else
+ {
+ if( p1[1] < p2[1] )
+ return -1;
+ else if( p1[1] > p2[1] )
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+// This is a static function, will be called when the plugin DLL is initialized
+void CGraphicsContext::InitDeviceParameters(void)
+ // To initialze device parameters for OpenGL
+ COGLGraphicsContext::InitDeviceParameters();
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#include "CritSect.h"
+enum ClearFlag
+typedef struct
+ uint32 addr; //N64 RDRAM address
+ uint32 size; //N64 buffer size
+ uint32 format; //N64 format
+ uint32 width;
+ uint32 height;
+} TextureBufferShortInfo;
+// This class basically provides an extra level of security for our
+// multithreaded code. Threads can Grab the CGraphicsContext to prevent
+// other threads from changing/releasing any of the pointers while it is
+// running.
+// It is based on CCritSect for Lock() and Unlock()
+class CGraphicsContext : public CCritSect
+ friend class CDeviceBuilder;
+ bool Ready() { return m_bReady; }
+ bool IsWindowed() {return m_bWindowed;}
+ virtual bool Initialize(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, BOOL bWindowed );
+ virtual bool ResizeInitialize(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, BOOL bWindowed );
+ virtual void CleanUp();
+ virtual void Clear(ClearFlag flags, uint32 color=0xFF000000, float depth=1.0f) = 0;
+ virtual void UpdateFrame(bool swaponly=false) = 0;
+ virtual int ToggleFullscreen()=0; // return 0 as the result is windowed
+ static void InitWindowInfo();
+ static void InitDeviceParameters();
+ bool m_supportTextureMirror;
+ static int m_maxFSAA;
+ static int m_maxAnisotropy;
+ static uint32 m_dwWindowStyle; // Saved window style for mode switches
+ static uint32 m_dwWindowExStyle; // Saved window style for mode switches
+ static uint32 m_dwStatusWindowStyle; // Saved window style for mode switches
+ static bool m_deviceCapsIsInitialized;
+ bool m_bReady;
+ bool m_bActive;
+ bool m_bWindowed;
+ RECT m_rcWindowBounds;
+ char m_strDeviceStats[256];
+ virtual ~CGraphicsContext();
+ CGraphicsContext();
+ static CGraphicsContext *g_pGraphicsContext;
+ static CGraphicsContext * Get(void);
+ inline const char* GetDeviceStr() {return m_strDeviceStats;}
+ static bool needCleanScene;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _ICOLOR_H_
+#define _ICOLOR_H_
+#ifndef min
+#define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#ifndef max
+#define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+class IColor {
+ uint8 r;
+ uint8 g;
+ uint8 b;
+ uint8 a;
+ IColor(COLOR rgba)
+ {
+ *((COLOR*)this) = rgba;
+ }
+ IColor()
+ {
+ *((COLOR*)this) = 0;
+ }
+ IColor(XCOLOR &rgba)
+ {
+ *((COLOR*)this) = (unsigned int) rgba;
+ }
+ inline IColor operator = (const IColor &sec) const
+ {
+ *((COLOR*)this) = *((COLOR*)&sec);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline IColor operator = (COLOR col) const
+ {
+ *((COLOR*)this) = col;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline IColor operator + (const IColor &sec) const
+ {
+ IColor newc;
+ newc.r = (uint8)min((unsigned int) r + (unsigned int) sec.r, 0xFF);
+ newc.g = (uint8)min((unsigned int) g + (unsigned int) sec.g, 0xFF);
+ newc.b = (uint8)min((unsigned int) b + (unsigned int) sec.b, 0xFF);
+ newc.a = (uint8)min((unsigned int) a + (unsigned int) sec.a, 0xFF);
+ return newc;
+ }
+ inline IColor operator - (const IColor &sec) const
+ {
+ IColor newc;
+ newc.r = max(int(r)-int(sec.r),0);
+ newc.g = max(int(g)-int(sec.g),0);
+ newc.b = max(int(b)-int(sec.b),0);
+ newc.a = max(int(a)-int(sec.a),0);
+ return newc;
+ }
+ inline IColor operator * (const IColor &sec) const
+ {
+ IColor newc;
+ newc.r = (uint8)min((unsigned int) r * (unsigned int) sec.r / 256,255);
+ newc.g = (uint8)min((unsigned int) g * (unsigned int) sec.g / 256,255);
+ newc.b = (uint8)min((unsigned int) b * (unsigned int) sec.b / 256,255);
+ newc.a = (uint8)min((unsigned int) a * (unsigned int) sec.a / 256,255);
+ return newc;
+ }
+ inline IColor& operator += (const IColor &sec)
+ {
+ r = uint8(min((unsigned int) r + (unsigned int) sec.r, 255));
+ g = uint8(min((unsigned int) g + (unsigned int) sec.g, 255));
+ b = uint8(min((unsigned int) b + (unsigned int) sec.b, 255));
+ a = uint8(min((unsigned int) a + (unsigned int) sec.a, 255));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline IColor& operator -= (const IColor &sec)
+ {
+ r = uint8(max(int(r)-int(sec.r),0));
+ g = uint8(max(int(g)-int(sec.g),0));
+ b = uint8(max(int(b)-int(sec.b),0));
+ a = uint8(max(int(a)-int(sec.a),0));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline IColor& operator *= (const IColor &sec)
+ {
+ r = uint8(min((unsigned int) r * (unsigned int) sec.r / 256,255));
+ g = uint8(min((unsigned int) g * (unsigned int) sec.g / 256,255));
+ b = uint8(min((unsigned int) b * (unsigned int) sec.b / 256,255));
+ a = uint8(min((unsigned int) a * (unsigned int) sec.a / 256,255));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline IColor& operator += (XCOLOR val)
+ {
+ IColor newc(val);
+ return this->operator += (newc);
+ }
+ inline IColor& operator -= (XCOLOR val)
+ {
+ IColor newc(val);
+ return this->operator-=(newc);
+ }
+ inline IColor& operator *= (XCOLOR val)
+ {
+ IColor newc(val);
+ return this->operator*=(newc);
+ }
+ inline IColor operator + (XCOLOR val) const
+ {
+ IColor newc(val);
+ return this->operator+(newc);
+ }
+ inline IColor operator - (XCOLOR val) const
+ {
+ IColor newc(val);
+ return this->operator-(newc);
+ }
+ inline IColor operator * (XCOLOR val) const
+ {
+ IColor newc(val);
+ return this->operator*(newc);
+ }
+ inline operator COLOR() const
+ {
+ return *((COLOR*)this);
+ }
+ inline operator XCOLOR() const
+ {
+ XCOLOR rgba;
+ rgba.r = (float)r/256.0f;
+ rgba.g = (float)g/256.0f;
+ rgba.b = (float)b/256.0f;
+ rgba.a = (float)a/256.0f;
+ return rgba;
+ }
+ inline void Complement()
+ {
+ r = 0xFF-r;
+ g = 0xFF-g;
+ b = 0xFF-b;
+ a = 0xFF-a;
+ }
+ inline void AlphaReplicate()
+ {
+ r=g=b=a;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - OGLCombiner.cpp *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964 *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "OGLCombiner.h"
+#include "OGLDebug.h"
+#include "OGLRender.h"
+#include "OGLGraphicsContext.h"
+#include "OGLDecodedMux.h"
+#include "OGLTexture.h"
+uint32 DirectX_OGL_BlendFuncMaps [] =
+ GL_SRC_ALPHA, //Nothing
+ GL_ONE, //BLEND_ONE = 2,
+COGLColorCombiner::COGLColorCombiner(CRender *pRender) :
+ CColorCombiner(pRender),
+ m_pOGLRender((OGLRender*)pRender),
+ m_bSupportAdd(false), m_bSupportSubtract(false)
+ m_pDecodedMux = new COGLDecodedMux;
+ m_pDecodedMux->m_maxConstants = 0;
+ m_pDecodedMux->m_maxTextures = 1;
+ delete m_pDecodedMux;
+ m_pDecodedMux = NULL;
+bool COGLColorCombiner::Initialize(void)
+ m_bSupportAdd = false;
+ m_bSupportSubtract = false;
+ m_supportedStages = 1;
+ m_bSupportMultiTexture = false;
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ COGLGraphicsContext *pcontext = (COGLGraphicsContext *)(CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext);
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported(OSAL_GL_ARB_TEXTURE_ENV_ADD) || pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture_env_add") )
+ {
+ m_bSupportAdd = true;
+ }
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_blend_subtract") )
+ {
+ m_bSupportSubtract = true;
+ }
+ return true;
+void COGLColorCombiner::DisableCombiner(void)
+ m_pOGLRender->DisableMultiTexture();
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ if( m_bTexelsEnable )
+ {
+ COGLTexture* pTexture = g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ if( pTexture )
+ {
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(0,TRUE);
+ m_pOGLRender->BindTexture(pTexture->m_dwTextureName, 0);
+ m_pOGLRender->SetAllTexelRepeatFlag();
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ else
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Check me, texture is NULL but it is enabled");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(0,FALSE);
+ }
+void COGLColorCombiner::InitCombinerCycleCopy(void)
+ m_pOGLRender->DisableMultiTexture();
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(0,TRUE);
+ COGLTexture* pTexture = g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ if( pTexture )
+ {
+ m_pOGLRender->BindTexture(pTexture->m_dwTextureName, 0);
+ m_pOGLRender->SetTexelRepeatFlags(gRSP.curTile);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ else
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Check me, texture is NULL");
+ }
+void COGLColorCombiner::InitCombinerCycleFill(void)
+ m_pOGLRender->DisableMultiTexture();
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(0,FALSE);
+void COGLColorCombiner::InitCombinerCycle12(void)
+ m_pOGLRender->DisableMultiTexture();
+ if( !m_bTexelsEnable )
+ {
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(0,FALSE);
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32 mask = 0x1f;
+ COGLTexture* pTexture = g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ if( pTexture )
+ {
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(0,TRUE);
+ m_pOGLRender->BindTexture(pTexture->m_dwTextureName, 0);
+ m_pOGLRender->SetAllTexelRepeatFlag();
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ else
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Check me, texture is NULL");
+ }
+ bool texIsUsed = m_pDecodedMux->isUsed(MUX_TEXEL0);
+ bool shadeIsUsedInColor = m_pDecodedMux->isUsedInCycle(MUX_SHADE, 0, COLOR_CHANNEL);
+ bool texIsUsedInColor = m_pDecodedMux->isUsedInCycle(MUX_TEXEL0, 0, COLOR_CHANNEL);
+ if( texIsUsed )
+ {
+ // Parse the simplified the mux, because the OGL 1.1 combiner function is so much
+ // limited, we only parse the 1st N64 combiner setting and only the RGB part
+ N64CombinerType & comb = m_pDecodedMux->m_n64Combiners[0];
+ switch( m_pDecodedMux->mType )
+ {
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_D: // = A
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D: // = A+D
+ if( shadeIsUsedInColor && texIsUsedInColor )
+ {
+ if( m_bSupportAdd )
+ else
+ }
+ else if( texIsUsedInColor )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B: // = A-B
+ if( shadeIsUsedInColor && texIsUsedInColor )
+ {
+ if( m_bSupportSubtract )
+ else
+ }
+ else if( texIsUsedInColor )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C: // = A*C
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D: // = A*C+D
+ if( shadeIsUsedInColor && texIsUsedInColor )
+ {
+ if( ((comb.c & mask) == MUX_SHADE && !(comb.c&MUX_COMPLEMENT)) ||
+ ((comb.a & mask) == MUX_SHADE && !(comb.a&MUX_COMPLEMENT)) )
+ else
+ }
+ else if( texIsUsedInColor )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_LERP_B_C: // = A*C+D
+ if( (comb.b&mask) == MUX_SHADE && (comb.c&mask)==MUX_TEXEL0 && ((comb.a&mask)==MUX_PRIM||(comb.a&mask)==MUX_ENV))
+ {
+ float *fv;
+ if( (comb.a&mask)==MUX_PRIM )
+ {
+ fv = GetPrimitiveColorfv();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fv = GetEnvColorfv();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default: // = (A-B)*C+D
+ if( shadeIsUsedInColor )
+ {
+ if( ((comb.c & mask) == MUX_SHADE && !(comb.c&MUX_COMPLEMENT)) ||
+ ((comb.a & mask) == MUX_SHADE && !(comb.a&MUX_COMPLEMENT)) )
+ else
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void COGLBlender::NormalAlphaBlender(void)
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+void COGLBlender::DisableAlphaBlender(void)
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+void COGLBlender::BlendFunc(uint32 srcFunc, uint32 desFunc)
+ glBlendFunc(DirectX_OGL_BlendFuncMaps[srcFunc], DirectX_OGL_BlendFuncMaps[desFunc]);
+void COGLBlender::Enable()
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+void COGLBlender::Disable()
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+void COGLColorCombiner::InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(uint32 tile)
+ m_pOGLRender->DisableMultiTexture();
+ if( g_textures[tile].m_pCTexture )
+ {
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(0,TRUE);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ((COGLTexture*)(g_textures[tile].m_pCTexture))->m_dwTextureName);
+ }
+ m_pOGLRender->SetAllTexelRepeatFlag();
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); // Linear Filtering
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); // Linear Filtering
+ m_pOGLRender->SetAlphaTestEnable(FALSE);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+extern const char *translatedCombTypes[];
+void COGLColorCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString(void)
+ TRACE0("\nSimplified Mux\n");
+ m_pDecodedMux->DisplaySimpliedMuxString("Used");
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - OGLCombiner.h *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964 *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#ifndef _OGL_COMBINER_H_
+#define _OGL_COMBINER_H_
+#include "Blender.h"
+#include "Combiner.h"
+class OGLRender;
+class COGLColorCombiner : public CColorCombiner
+ bool Initialize(void);
+ void InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(uint32 tile=0);
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ void DisableCombiner(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleCopy(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleFill(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycle12(void);
+ COGLColorCombiner(CRender *pRender);
+ ~COGLColorCombiner();
+ OGLRender *m_pOGLRender;
+ bool m_bSupportAdd;
+ bool m_bSupportSubtract;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void DisplaySimpleMuxString(void);
+class COGLBlender : public CBlender
+ void NormalAlphaBlender(void);
+ void DisableAlphaBlender(void);
+ void BlendFunc(uint32 srcFunc, uint32 desFunc);
+ void Enable();
+ void Disable();
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ COGLBlender(CRender *pRender) : CBlender(pRender), m_pOGLRender((OGLRender*)pRender) {};
+ ~COGLBlender() {};
+ OGLRender *m_pOGLRender;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "OGLExtensions.h"
+#include "OGLCombinerNV.h"
+#include "OGLRender.h"
+#include "OGLGraphicsContext.h"
+#define MUX_SPARE1 (MUX_E_F+1)
+#define MUX_COMBINED_SIGNED (MUX_SECONDARY_COLOR+1) //Use only by Nvidia register combiner
+typedef struct {
+ GLenum input;
+ GLenum mapping;
+ GLenum componentUsage;
+RGBMapType RGBmap1[] =
+COGLColorCombinerNvidia::COGLColorCombinerNvidia(CRender *pRender) :
+ COGLColorCombiner4(pRender)
+ m_bNVSupported = false;
+ delete m_pDecodedMux;
+ m_pDecodedMux = new COGLDecodedMux;
+ m_pDecodedMux->m_maxConstants=2;
+ m_vCompiledSettings.clear();
+bool COGLColorCombinerNvidia::Initialize(void)
+ m_bNVSupported = false;
+ if( COGLColorCombiner4::Initialize() )
+ {
+ m_bSupportMultiTexture = true;
+ COGLGraphicsContext *pcontext = (COGLGraphicsContext *)(CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext);
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_NV_texture_env_combine4") || pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_NV_register_combiners") )
+ {
+ m_bNVSupported = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Your video card does not support Nvidia OpenGL extension combiner");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::InitCombinerCycle12(void)
+ if( !m_bNVSupported ) {COGLColorCombiner4::InitCombinerCycle12(); return;}
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerDropCombiners )
+ {
+ m_vCompiledSettings.clear();
+ m_dwLastMux0 = m_dwLastMux1 = 0;
+ debuggerDropCombiners = false;
+ }
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableMultiTexture();
+ bool combinerIsChanged = false;
+ if( m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0 != m_dwLastMux0 || m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1 != m_dwLastMux1 || m_lastIndex < 0 )
+ {
+ combinerIsChanged = true;
+ m_lastIndex = FindCompiledMux();
+ if( m_lastIndex < 0 ) // Can not found
+ {
+ NVRegisterCombinerParserType result;
+ ParseDecodedMux(result);
+ m_lastIndex= SaveParserResult(result);
+ }
+ m_dwLastMux0 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0;
+ m_dwLastMux1 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1;
+ GenerateNVRegisterCombinerSetting(m_lastIndex);
+ }
+ m_pOGLRender->SetAllTexelRepeatFlag();
+ if( m_bCycleChanged || combinerIsChanged || gRDP.texturesAreReloaded || gRDP.colorsAreReloaded )
+ {
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = false;
+ if( m_bCycleChanged || combinerIsChanged )
+ {
+ GenerateNVRegisterCombinerSettingConstants(m_lastIndex);
+ GenerateNVRegisterCombinerSetting(m_lastIndex);
+ ApplyFogAtFinalStage();
+ }
+ else if( gRDP.colorsAreReloaded )
+ {
+ GenerateNVRegisterCombinerSettingConstants(m_lastIndex);
+ }
+ gRDP.colorsAreReloaded = false;
+ }
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::ParseDecodedMux(NVRegisterCombinerParserType &result) // Compile the decodedMux into NV register combiner setting
+ //int stagesForRGB=0;
+ //int stagesForAlpha=0;
+ //int stages=0;
+ COGLDecodedMux &mux = *(COGLDecodedMux*)m_pDecodedMux;
+ mux.To_AB_Add_CD_Format();
+ result.stagesUsed=0;
+ if( StagesNeedToUse(mux, N64Cycle0RGB) == 0 )
+ {
+ // Nothing to be done for RGB
+ ByPassGeneralStage(result.s1rgb);
+ ByPassGeneralStage(result.s2rgb);
+ ByPassFinalStage(result.finalrgb);
+ }
+ else if( StagesNeedToUse(mux, N64Cycle0RGB) == 1 )
+ {
+ result.stagesUsed = 1;
+ Parse1Mux(mux, N64Cycle0RGB, result.s1rgb);
+ if( StagesNeedToUse(mux, N64Cycle1RGB) == 0 )
+ {
+ ByPassGeneralStage(result.s2rgb);
+ ByPassFinalStage(result.finalrgb);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result.stagesUsed = 2;
+ Parse1MuxForStage2AndFinalStage(mux, N64Cycle1RGB, result.s2rgb, result.finalrgb);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result.stagesUsed = 2;
+ Parse1Mux2Stages(mux, N64Cycle0RGB, result.s1rgb, result.s2rgb);
+ Parse1MuxForFinalStage(mux, N64Cycle1RGB, result.finalrgb);
+ }
+ // Debug texel1
+ /*
+ if( m_pDecodedMux->m_bTexel0IsUsed && m_pDecodedMux->m_bTexel1IsUsed )
+ {
+ result.finalrgb.a = MUX_TEXEL0;
+ result.finalrgb.b = MUX_TEXEL1;
+ result.finalrgb.c = MUX_0;
+ result.finalrgb.d = MUX_0;
+ }
+ */
+ if( StagesNeedToUse(mux, N64Cycle0Alpha) == 0 )
+ {
+ // Nothing to be done for Alpha
+ ByPassGeneralStage(result.s1alpha);
+ ByPassGeneralStage(result.s2alpha);
+ ByPassFinalStage(result.finalalpha);
+ }
+ else if( Parse1Mux2Stages(mux, N64Cycle0Alpha, result.s1alpha, result.s2alpha) == 1 )
+ {
+ // Only 1 NV stage is used
+ if( result.stagesUsed == 0 ) result.stagesUsed = 1;
+ if( StagesNeedToUse(mux, N64Cycle1Alpha) == 0 )
+ {
+ ByPassGeneralStage(result.s2alpha);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Parse1Mux(mux, N64Cycle1Alpha, result.s2alpha);
+ result.stagesUsed = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The 1st is used 2 stages, skip the 2nd N64 alpha setting
+ result.stagesUsed = 2;
+ result.s2alpha.a=MUX_COMBINED;
+ result.s2alpha.b=MUX_1;
+ result.s2alpha.c=m_pDecodedMux->m_n64Combiners[N64Cycle0Alpha].d;
+ result.s2alpha.d=MUX_1;
+ }
+ // Parse Alpha setting, alpha does not have a final stage
+ ByPassFinalStage(result.finalalpha);
+ ParseDecodedMuxForConstant(result);
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::ParseDecodedMuxForConstant(NVRegisterCombinerParserType &result)
+ result.constant0 = MUX_0;
+ result.constant1 = MUX_0;
+ bool const0Used=false;
+ bool const1Used=false;
+ if( m_pDecodedMux->isUsed(MUX_PRIM) )
+ {
+ result.constant0 = MUX_PRIM;
+ const0Used = true;
+ }
+ if( m_pDecodedMux->isUsed(MUX_ENV) )
+ {
+ if( const0Used )
+ {
+ result.constant1 = MUX_ENV;
+ const1Used = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result.constant0 = MUX_ENV;
+ const0Used = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if( m_pDecodedMux->isUsed(MUX_LODFRAC) && !const1Used )
+ {
+ if( !const1Used )
+ {
+ result.constant1 = MUX_LODFRAC;
+ const1Used = true;
+ }
+ else if( !const0Used )
+ {
+ result.constant0 = MUX_LODFRAC;
+ const0Used = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if( m_pDecodedMux->isUsed(MUX_PRIMLODFRAC) && !const1Used )
+ {
+ if( !const1Used )
+ {
+ result.constant1 = MUX_PRIMLODFRAC;
+ const1Used = true;
+ }
+ else if( !const0Used )
+ {
+ result.constant0 = MUX_PRIMLODFRAC;
+ const0Used = true;
+ }
+ }
+int COGLColorCombinerNvidia::StagesNeedToUse(COGLDecodedMux &mux, N64StageNumberType stage)
+ N64CombinerType &m = mux.m_n64Combiners[stage];
+ switch(mux.splitType[stage])
+ {
+ return 0;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_D: // = A ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D: // = A+D ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C: // = A*C ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B: // = A-B ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D: // = A*C+D ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_LERP_B_C: // = (A-B)*C+B ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C: // = (A-B)*C ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_ADD_CD: // = AB+CD
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_SUB_CD: // = AB-CD
+ return 1;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D: // = A-B+D ==> can not be done in 1 stage
+ if( m.a == m.d ) // = 2A-B, simply it to A-B, in fact,we can do 2A-B with NV register combiner
+ return 1;
+ else // Need two NV stages for this N64 combiner
+ return 2;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D: // = (A-B)*C+D ==> can not be done in 1 stage
+ default:
+ //if( m.a == m.d ) // = (A-B)*C+A = A(C+1)-B*C = A-B*C
+ // return 1;
+ //else
+ if( m.d == m.c ) // = (A-B)*C+C = A*C+(1-B)*C
+ return 1;
+ else // = (A-B)*C+D, need two NV stages
+ return 2;
+ }
+bool isTex(uint8 val)
+ if( (val&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL0 || (val&MUX_MASK) == MUX_TEXEL1 )
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+int COGLColorCombinerNvidia::Parse1Mux(COGLDecodedMux &mux, N64StageNumberType stage, NVGeneralCombinerType &res) // Compile the decodedMux into NV register combiner setting
+ // Parse 1 N64 combiner, generate result and return how many NV stage is needed.
+ // result will be put into only 1 NV stage, not the 2nd one even if 2nd one is needed.
+ // The caller of this function will handle the 2nd NV stage if it is needed
+ // Up to here, the m_pDecodedMux is already simplied, N64 stage 1 and stage 2 have been
+ // adjusted so stage1 is almost always complicated than stage 2
+ // The stage type in decodedMux is still in (A-B)*C+D format
+ // we need to parser and translate it to A*B+C*D format for NV register general combiner
+ // and to A*D+(1-A)*C+D format for the NV final combiner
+ // Remember that N64 has two stages, NV has two general combiner stages and 1 final combiner stage
+ // NV should be able to simulate exactly all possible N64 combiner settings
+ CM_FMT_TYPE1_D, // = A ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ CM_FMT_TYPE2_A_ADD_D, // = A+D ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ CM_FMT_TYPE3_A_MOD_C, // = A*C ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ CM_FMT_TYPE4_A_SUB_B, // = A-B ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ CM_FMT_TYPE5_A_MOD_C_ADD_D, // = A*C+D ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ CM_FMT_TYPE6_A_LERP_B_C, // = (A-B)*C+B ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ CM_FMT_TYPE8_A_SUB_B_MOD_C, // = (A-B)*C ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ CM_FMT_TYPE7_A_SUB_B_ADD_D, // = A-B+C ==> can not be done in 1 stage
+ CM_FMT_TYPE9_A_B_C_D, // = (A-B)*C+D ==> can not be done in 1 stage
+ the last two ones, since we can neither do it in the final stage, if the 1st N64 stage
+ happen to be one of the two types and have used the two NV general combiners, and if the 2nd N64
+ combiner happens to be one of the two types as well, then we have to simplify the N64 combiner so
+ to implement it. In such as case, the N64 combiners are too complicated, we just do what either as
+ we can to implement it.
+ // If the 1st N64 stage can not be done in 1 NV stage, then we will do 1st N64 stage
+ // by using 2 NV general combiner stages, and the 2nd N64 stage by using the NV final
+ // combiner stage.
+ // RGB channel and alpha channel is the same in the general combiner, but different in
+ // the final combiner. In fact, final combiner does not do anything for alpha channel
+ // so alpha channel setting of both N64 combiner must be implemented by the two NV general
+ // combiner
+ If we can not implement the two alpha setting in 2 NV combiner stages, we will do what either
+ as we can.
+ */
+ N64CombinerType &m = mux.m_n64Combiners[stage];
+ switch(mux.splitType[stage])
+ {
+ res.a=MUX_0;
+ res.b=MUX_0;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=MUX_0;
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_D: // = A ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ res.a=m.d;
+ res.b=MUX_1;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=MUX_0;
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D: // = A+D ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=MUX_1;
+ res.c=m.d;
+ res.d=MUX_1;
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C: // = A*C ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=m.c;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=MUX_0;
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B: // = A-B ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=MUX_1;
+ res.c=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ res.d=MUX_1;
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D: // = A*C+D ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=m.c;
+ res.c=m.d;
+ res.d=MUX_1;
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_LERP_B_C: // = (A-B)*C+B ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ // = AC+(1-C)B
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=m.c;
+ res.c=m.c^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ res.d=m.b;
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C: // = (A-B)*C ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=m.c;
+ res.c=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ res.d=m.c;
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_ADD_CD: // = AB+CD
+ res.a = m.a;
+ res.b = m.b;
+ res.c = m.c;
+ res.d = m.d;
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_SUB_CD: // = AB-CD
+ res.a = m.a;
+ res.b = m.b;
+ res.c = m.c|MUX_NEG;
+ res.d = m.d;
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D: // = A-B+D ==> can not be done in 1 stage
+ if( m.a == m.d ) // = 2A-B, simply it to A-B, in fact,we can do 2A-B with NV register combiner
+ {
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=MUX_1;
+ res.c=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ res.d=MUX_1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else // Need two NV stages for this N64 combiner
+ {
+ // Stage 1: R1=A-B
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=MUX_1;
+ if( isTex(res.b) || !isTex(res.d) )
+ {
+ res.c=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ res.d=MUX_1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res.c=m.d;
+ res.d=MUX_1;
+ }
+ return 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D: // = (A-B)*C+D ==> can not be done in 1 stage
+ default:
+ if( m.a == m.d ) // = (A-B)*C+A = A(C+1)-B*C = A-B*C
+ {
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=m.c;
+ res.c=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ res.d=m.c;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if( m.d == m.c ) // = (A-B)*C+C = A*C+(1-B)*C
+ {
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=m.c;
+ res.c=m.b^MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ res.d=m.c;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else // = (A-B)*C+D, need two NV stages
+ {
+ // Stage 1: R1=(A-B)*C = AC-BC
+ if( isTex(m.d) )
+ {
+ // = A*C+D
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=m.c;
+ res.c=m.d;
+ res.d=MUX_1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // = (A-B)*C = A*C - B*C
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=m.c;
+ res.c=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ res.d=m.c;
+ }
+ return 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+int COGLColorCombinerNvidia::Parse1Mux2Stages(COGLDecodedMux &mux, N64StageNumberType stage, NVGeneralCombinerType &res, NVGeneralCombinerType &res2)
+ N64CombinerType &m = mux.m_n64Combiners[stage];
+ switch(mux.splitType[stage])
+ {
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D: // = A-B+D ==> can not be done in 1 stage
+ if( m.a != m.d ) // = 2A-B, simply it to A-B, in fact,we can do 2A-B with NV register combiner
+ {
+ // Stage 1: R1=A-B
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=MUX_1;
+ res.c=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ res.d=MUX_1;
+ res2.b=MUX_1;
+ res2.c=m.d;
+ res2.d=MUX_1;
+ return 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D: // = (A-B)*C+D ==> can not be done in 1 stage
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_A: // = (A-B)*C+D ==> can not be done in 1 stage
+ //if( m.a != m.d && m.d != m.c )
+ {
+ // Stage 1: R1=(A-B)*C = AC-BC
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=m.c;
+ res.c=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ res.d=m.c;
+ res2.b=MUX_1;
+ res2.c=m.d;
+ res2.d=MUX_1;
+ return 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return Parse1Mux(mux, stage, res);
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::Parse1MuxForFinalStage(COGLDecodedMux &mux, N64StageNumberType stage, NVFinalCombinerType &res)
+ N64CombinerType &m = mux.m_n64Combiners[stage];
+ // Final stage equation is: AB+(1-A)C+D
+ switch(mux.splitType[stage])
+ {
+ res.a=MUX_0;
+ res.b=MUX_0;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=MUX_0;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_D: // = A ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=MUX_1;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=MUX_0;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D: // = A+D ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=MUX_1;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=m.d;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C: // = A*C ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=m.c;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=MUX_0;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B: // = A-B ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=MUX_1;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D: // = A*C+D ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=m.c;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=m.d;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_LERP_B_C: // = (A-B)*C+B ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ // = AC+(1-B)C
+ res.a = m.c;
+ res.b = MUX_0;
+ res.c = m.b;
+ res.d = MUX_E_F;
+ res.e = m.a;
+ res.f = m.c;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C: // = (A-B)*C ==> can be done in 1 NV stage
+ res.a=m.c;
+ res.b=m.a;
+ res.c=m.b;
+ res.d=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_ADD_CD: // = AB+CD
+ res.a = m.a;
+ res.b = m.b;
+ res.e = m.c;
+ res.f = m.d;
+ res.c = MUX_0;
+ res.d = MUX_E_F;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_AB_SUB_CD: // = AB-CD
+ res.a = m.a;
+ res.b = m.b;
+ res.e = m.c|MUX_NEG;
+ res.f = m.d;
+ res.c = MUX_0;
+ res.d = MUX_E_F;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D: // = A-B+D ==> can not be done in 1 stage
+ if( m.a == m.d ) // = 2A-B, simply it to A-B, in fact,we can do 2A-B with NV register combiner
+ {
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=MUX_1;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ }
+ else // Need two NV stages for this N64 combiner
+ {
+ TRACE0("NV Combiner parse, check me, not fully support this combiner");
+ // final combiner can not fully support this combiner setting
+ // Stage 1: R1=A-B
+ res.a=m.a;
+ res.b=MUX_1;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D: // = (A-B)*C+D ==> can not be done in 1 stage
+ default:
+ if( m.a == m.d ) // = (A-B)*C+A = A(C+1)-B*C = A-B*C
+ {
+ /*
+ res.a=m.c;
+ res.b=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=m.a;
+ */
+ res.a=m.c;
+ res.b=m.a;
+ res.c=m.b;
+ res.d=MUX_0;
+ }
+ else if( m.d == m.c ) // = (A-B)*C+C = A*C+(1-B)*C
+ {
+ res.a=m.b;
+ res.b=MUX_0;
+ res.c=m.c;
+ res.d=MUX_E_F;
+ res.e=m.a;
+ res.f=m.c;
+ }
+ else // = (A-B)*C+D, need two NV stages
+ {
+ TRACE0("NV Combiner parse, check me, not fully support this combiner");
+ // final combiner can not fully support this combiner setting
+ // Stage 1: R1=(A-B)*C = AC-BC
+ res.a=m.c;
+ res.b=m.a;
+ res.c=m.b;
+ res.d=m.b|MUX_NEG;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+int COGLColorCombinerNvidia::Parse1MuxForStage2AndFinalStage(COGLDecodedMux &mux, N64StageNumberType stage, NVGeneralCombinerType &res, NVFinalCombinerType &fres)
+ if( Parse1Mux(mux, stage, res) == 1 )
+ {
+ ByPassFinalStage(fres);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ByPassFinalStage(fres);
+ fres.a=MUX_COMBINED;
+ fres.b=MUX_1;
+ fres.d = mux.m_n64Combiners[stage].d;
+ fres.g=MUX_COMBINED;
+ return 2;
+ }
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::ByPassFinalStage(NVFinalCombinerType &fres)
+ fres.a=MUX_0;
+ fres.b=MUX_0;
+ fres.c=MUX_0;
+ fres.d=MUX_COMBINED;
+ fres.e=MUX_0;
+ fres.f=MUX_0;
+ fres.g=MUX_COMBINED;
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::ByPassGeneralStage(NVGeneralCombinerType &res)
+ res.a=MUX_1;
+ res.c=MUX_0;
+ res.d=MUX_0;
+int COGLColorCombinerNvidia::FindCompiledMux(void)
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<m_vCompiledSettings.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_vCompiledSettings[i].dwMux0 == m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0 && m_vCompiledSettings[i].dwMux1 == m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1 )
+ return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::GenerateNVRegisterCombinerSettingConstants(int index)
+ NVRegisterCombinerSettingType &info = m_vCompiledSettings[index];
+ uint8 consts[2] = {info.constant0,info.constant1};
+ float *pf;
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ switch( consts[i] )
+ {
+ case MUX_PRIM:
+ pf = GetPrimitiveColorfv();
+ pglCombinerParameterfvNV(GL_CONSTANT_COLOR0_NV+i,pf);
+ break;
+ case MUX_ENV:
+ pf = GetEnvColorfv();
+ pglCombinerParameterfvNV(GL_CONSTANT_COLOR0_NV+i,pf);
+ break;
+ {
+ float frac = gRDP.primLODFrac / 255.0f;
+ float tempf[4] = {frac,frac,frac,frac};
+ pglCombinerParameterfvNV(GL_CONSTANT_COLOR0_NV+i,tempf);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::GenerateNVRegisterCombinerSetting(int index)
+ if( index < 0 || index >= (int)m_vCompiledSettings.size() )
+ {
+ TRACE0("NV Register combiner, vector index out of range");
+ return;
+ }
+ NVRegisterCombinerSettingType &info = m_vCompiledSettings[index];
+ pglCombinerParameteriNV(GL_NUM_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV,info.numOfStages);
+ uint32 i;
+ if( info.numOfStages > 0 )
+ {
+ for( i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ {
+ pglCombinerInputNV(GL_COMBINER0_NV, GL_RGB, info.stage1RGB[i].variable, info.stage1RGB[i].input,
+ info.stage1RGB[i].mapping, info.stage1RGB[i].componentUsage );
+ }
+ for( i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ {
+ pglCombinerInputNV(GL_COMBINER0_NV, GL_ALPHA, info.stage1Alpha[i].variable, info.stage1Alpha[i].input,
+ info.stage1Alpha[i].mapping, info.stage1Alpha[i].componentUsage );
+ }
+ pglCombinerOutputNV(GL_COMBINER0_NV, GL_RGB, info.stage1outputRGB.abOutput, info.stage1outputRGB.cdOutput,
+ info.stage1outputRGB.sumOutput, info.stage1outputRGB.scale, info.stage1outputRGB.bias, info.stage1outputRGB.abDotProduct,
+ info.stage1outputRGB.cdDotProduct, info.stage1outputRGB.muxSum);
+ pglCombinerOutputNV(GL_COMBINER0_NV, GL_ALPHA, info.stage2outputAlpha.abOutput, info.stage2outputAlpha.cdOutput,
+ info.stage2outputAlpha.sumOutput, info.stage2outputAlpha.scale, info.stage2outputAlpha.bias, info.stage2outputAlpha.abDotProduct,
+ info.stage2outputAlpha.cdDotProduct, info.stage2outputAlpha.muxSum);
+ if( info.numOfStages > 1 )
+ {
+ for( i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ {
+ pglCombinerInputNV(GL_COMBINER1_NV, GL_RGB, info.stage2RGB[i].variable,
+ info.stage2RGB[i].input, info.stage2RGB[i].mapping, info.stage2RGB[i].componentUsage );
+ }
+ for( i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ {
+ pglCombinerInputNV(GL_COMBINER1_NV, GL_ALPHA, info.stage2Alpha[i].variable, info.stage2Alpha[i].input,
+ info.stage2Alpha[i].mapping, info.stage2Alpha[i].componentUsage );
+ }
+ pglCombinerOutputNV(GL_COMBINER1_NV, GL_RGB, info.stage2outputRGB.abOutput, info.stage2outputRGB.cdOutput,
+ info.stage2outputRGB.sumOutput, info.stage2outputRGB.scale, info.stage2outputRGB.bias, info.stage2outputRGB.abDotProduct,
+ info.stage2outputRGB.cdDotProduct, info.stage2outputRGB.muxSum);
+ pglCombinerOutputNV(GL_COMBINER1_NV, GL_ALPHA, info.stage2outputAlpha.abOutput, info.stage2outputAlpha.cdOutput,
+ info.stage2outputAlpha.sumOutput, info.stage2outputAlpha.scale, info.stage2outputAlpha.bias, info.stage2outputAlpha.abDotProduct,
+ info.stage2outputAlpha.cdDotProduct, info.stage2outputAlpha.muxSum);
+ }
+ }
+ for( i=0; i<7; i++ )
+ {
+ pglFinalCombinerInputNV(info.finalStage[i].variable, info.finalStage[i].input,
+ info.finalStage[i].mapping, info.finalStage[i].componentUsage );
+ }
+GLenum COGLColorCombinerNvidia::ConstMap(uint8 c)
+ switch(c)
+ {
+ case MUX_0:
+ return GL_ZERO;
+ case MUX_1:
+ return GL_ZERO;
+ case MUX_TEXEL0:
+ case MUX_TEXEL1:
+ case MUX_PRIM:
+ case MUX_SHADE:
+ case MUX_ENV:
+ case MUX_T0_ALPHA:
+ case MUX_T1_ALPHA:
+ break;
+ }
+ return GL_ZERO;
+void Set1Variable(GLenum variable, uint8 val, NVCombinerInputType &record, const NVRegisterCombinerParserType &result, bool forRGB=true)
+ record.variable = variable;
+ record.componentUsage = RGBmap1[val&MUX_MASK].componentUsage;
+ record.input = RGBmap1[val&MUX_MASK].input;
+ record.mapping = RGBmap1[val&MUX_MASK].mapping;
+ switch( val&MUX_MASK )
+ {
+ case MUX_PRIM:
+ case MUX_ENV:
+ if( (val&MUX_MASK) == result.constant0 )
+ {
+ record.input = GL_CONSTANT_COLOR0_NV;
+ }
+ else if( (val&MUX_MASK) == result.constant1 )
+ {
+ record.input = GL_CONSTANT_COLOR1_NV;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ record.input = GL_ZERO;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if( val&MUX_NEG )
+ {
+ record.mapping = GL_SIGNED_NEGATE_NV;
+ }
+ else if( val == MUX_1 )
+ {
+ record.mapping = GL_UNSIGNED_INVERT_NV;
+ }
+ else if( val & MUX_COMPLEMENT )
+ {
+ record.mapping = GL_UNSIGNED_INVERT_NV;
+ }
+ if( val & MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE || !forRGB )
+ {
+ record.componentUsage = GL_ALPHA;
+ }
+int COGLColorCombinerNvidia::SaveParserResult(const NVRegisterCombinerParserType &result)
+ NVRegisterCombinerSettingType save;
+ // Stage 1 RGB
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_A_NV, result.s1rgb.a, save.stage1RGB[0], result);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_B_NV, result.s1rgb.b, save.stage1RGB[1], result);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_C_NV, result.s1rgb.c, save.stage1RGB[2], result);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_D_NV, result.s1rgb.d, save.stage1RGB[3], result);
+ // Stage 1 Alpha
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_A_NV, result.s1alpha.a, save.stage1Alpha[0], result, false);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_B_NV, result.s1alpha.b, save.stage1Alpha[1], result, false);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_C_NV, result.s1alpha.c, save.stage1Alpha[2], result, false);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_D_NV, result.s1alpha.d, save.stage1Alpha[3], result, false);
+ // Stage 2 RGB
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_A_NV, result.s2rgb.a, save.stage2RGB[0], result);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_B_NV, result.s2rgb.b, save.stage2RGB[1], result);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_C_NV, result.s2rgb.c, save.stage2RGB[2], result);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_D_NV, result.s2rgb.d, save.stage2RGB[3], result);
+ // Stage 2 Alpha
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_A_NV, result.s2alpha.a, save.stage2Alpha[0], result, false);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_B_NV, result.s2alpha.b, save.stage2Alpha[1], result, false);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_C_NV, result.s2alpha.c, save.stage2Alpha[2], result, false);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_D_NV, result.s2alpha.d, save.stage2Alpha[3], result, false);
+ // Final Stage RGB
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_A_NV, result.finalrgb.a, save.finalStage[0], result);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_B_NV, result.finalrgb.b, save.finalStage[1], result);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_C_NV, result.finalrgb.c, save.finalStage[2], result);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_D_NV, result.finalrgb.d, save.finalStage[3], result);
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_E_NV, result.finalrgb.e, save.finalStage[4], result);
+ //save.finalStage[4].componentUsage = GL_ALPHA;
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_F_NV, result.finalrgb.f, save.finalStage[5], result);
+ //save.finalStage[5].componentUsage = GL_ALPHA;
+ Set1Variable(GL_VARIABLE_G_NV, result.finalrgb.g, save.finalStage[6], result);
+ save.finalStage[6].componentUsage = GL_ALPHA;
+ save.numOfStages = result.stagesUsed;
+ save.dwMux0 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0;
+ save.dwMux1 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1;
+ save.stage1outputRGB.scale = GL_NONE;
+ save.stage1outputRGB.sumOutput = GL_SPARE0_NV;
+ save.stage1outputRGB.abDotProduct = GL_FALSE;
+ save.stage1outputRGB.cdDotProduct = GL_FALSE;
+ save.stage1outputRGB.abOutput = GL_SPARE1_NV;
+ save.stage1outputRGB.cdOutput = GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_NV;
+ save.stage1outputRGB.bias = GL_NONE;
+ save.stage1outputRGB.muxSum = GL_FALSE;
+ save.stage1outputAlpha.scale = GL_NONE;
+ save.stage1outputAlpha.sumOutput = GL_SPARE0_NV;
+ save.stage1outputAlpha.abDotProduct = GL_FALSE;
+ save.stage1outputAlpha.cdDotProduct = GL_FALSE;
+ save.stage1outputAlpha.abOutput = GL_SPARE1_NV;
+ save.stage1outputAlpha.cdOutput = GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_NV;
+ save.stage1outputAlpha.bias = GL_NONE;
+ save.stage1outputAlpha.muxSum = GL_FALSE;
+ save.stage2outputRGB.scale = GL_NONE;
+ save.stage2outputRGB.sumOutput = GL_SPARE0_NV;
+ save.stage2outputRGB.abDotProduct = GL_FALSE;
+ save.stage2outputRGB.cdDotProduct = GL_FALSE;
+ save.stage2outputRGB.abOutput = GL_SPARE1_NV;
+ save.stage2outputRGB.cdOutput = GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_NV;
+ save.stage2outputRGB.bias = GL_NONE;
+ save.stage2outputRGB.muxSum = GL_FALSE;
+ save.stage2outputAlpha.scale = GL_NONE;
+ save.stage2outputAlpha.sumOutput = GL_SPARE0_NV;
+ save.stage2outputAlpha.abDotProduct = GL_FALSE;
+ save.stage2outputAlpha.cdDotProduct = GL_FALSE;
+ save.stage2outputAlpha.abOutput = GL_SPARE1_NV;
+ save.stage2outputAlpha.cdOutput = GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_NV;
+ save.stage2outputAlpha.bias = GL_NONE;
+ save.stage2outputAlpha.muxSum = GL_FALSE;
+ save.constant0 = result.constant0;
+ save.constant1 = result.constant1;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ memcpy(&(save.parseResult),&result, sizeof(result));
+ if( logCombiners )
+ {
+ TRACE0("\nNew Mux:\n");
+ DisplayMuxString();
+ COGLColorCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ DisplayNVCombinerString(save);
+ }
+ m_vCompiledSettings.push_back(save);
+ return m_vCompiledSettings.size()-1; // Return the index of the last element
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::DisableCombiner(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner4::DisableCombiner();
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::InitCombinerCycleCopy(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner4::InitCombinerCycleCopy();
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::InitCombinerCycleFill(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner4::InitCombinerCycleFill();
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(uint32 tile)
+ COGLColorCombiner::InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(tile);
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::ApplyFogAtFinalStage()
+ // If we need to enable fog at final stage, the current flag stage setting
+ // will be affect, which means correct combiner setting at final stage is lost
+ // in order to use fog
+ if( glIsEnabled(GL_FOG) )
+ {
+ // Use final stage as: cmb*fogfactor+fog*(1-fogfactor)
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+extern const char *translatedCombTypes[];
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::DisplaySimpleMuxString(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ TRACE0("\nNV Combiner setting\n");
+ uint32 index = FindCompiledMux();
+ if( index >= 0 )
+ {
+ NVRegisterCombinerSettingType &record = m_vCompiledSettings[index];
+ DisplayNVCombinerString(record);
+ }
+char* FormatStrForFinalStage(uint8 val, char* buf)
+ if( (val&MUX_MASK) == MUX_E_F )
+ {
+ strcpy(buf, "E_F");
+ return buf;
+ }
+ else
+ return DecodedMux::FormatStr(val, buf);
+void COGLColorCombinerNvidia::DisplayNVCombinerString(NVRegisterCombinerSettingType &record)
+ NVRegisterCombinerParserType &result = record.parseResult;
+ char buf[2000];
+ char buf0[30];
+ char buf1[30];
+ char buf2[30];
+ char buf3[30];
+ char buf4[30];
+ char buf5[30];
+ char buf6[30];
+ buf[0]='\0';
+ TRACE0("\n\n");
+ TRACE0("\nNvidia combiner stages:\n");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aRGB0:\t%s * %s + %s * %s\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s1rgb.a, buf0),
+ DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s1rgb.b, buf1), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s1rgb.c, buf2),DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s1rgb.d, buf3));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aA0:\t%s * %s + %s * %s\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s1alpha.a, buf0),
+ DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s1alpha.b, buf1), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s1alpha.c, buf2),DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s1alpha.d, buf3));
+ if( record.numOfStages == 2 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aRGB1:\t%s * %s + %s * %s\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s2rgb.a, buf0),
+ DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s2rgb.b, buf1), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s2rgb.c, buf2),DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s2rgb.d, buf3));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aA1:\t%s * %s + %s * %s\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s2alpha.a, buf0),
+ DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s2alpha.b, buf1), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s2alpha.c, buf2),DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.s2alpha.d, buf3));
+ }
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//Final:\t%s * %s + (1 - %s) * %s + %s\n\tE=%s, F=%s\n", FormatStrForFinalStage(result.finalrgb.a, buf0),
+ FormatStrForFinalStage(result.finalrgb.b, buf1), FormatStrForFinalStage(result.finalrgb.a, buf2),
+ FormatStrForFinalStage(result.finalrgb.c, buf3), FormatStrForFinalStage(result.finalrgb.d, buf4),
+ FormatStrForFinalStage(result.finalrgb.e, buf5), FormatStrForFinalStage(result.finalrgb.f, buf6));
+ if( result.constant0 != MUX_0 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//Constant 0:\t%s\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.constant0, buf0));
+ }
+ if( result.constant1 != MUX_0 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//Constant 1:\t%s\n", DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.constant1, buf0));
+ }
+ TRACE0("\n\n");
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _OGL_COMBINER_NV_H_
+#define _OGL_COMBINER_NV_H_
+#include <vector>
+#include <SDL_opengl.h>
+#include "OGLExtCombiner.h"
+#include "OGLDecodedMux.h"
+typedef struct {
+ uint8 a;
+ uint8 b;
+ uint8 c;
+ uint8 d;
+} NVGeneralCombinerType;
+typedef struct {
+ uint8 a;
+ uint8 b;
+ uint8 c;
+ uint8 d;
+ uint8 e;
+ uint8 f;
+ uint8 g;
+} NVFinalCombinerType;
+typedef struct {
+ GLenum variable;
+ GLenum input;
+ GLenum mapping;
+ GLenum componentUsage;
+} NVCombinerInputType;
+typedef struct {
+ GLenum abOutput;
+ GLenum cdOutput;
+ GLenum sumOutput;
+ GLenum scale;
+ GLenum bias;
+ GLboolean abDotProduct;
+ GLboolean cdDotProduct;
+ GLboolean muxSum;
+} NVCombinerOutputType;
+typedef struct {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ NVGeneralCombinerType s1rgb;
+ NVGeneralCombinerType s1alpha;
+ NVGeneralCombinerType s2rgb;
+ NVGeneralCombinerType s2alpha;
+ NVFinalCombinerType finalrgb;
+ NVFinalCombinerType finalalpha;
+ };
+ struct {
+ NVGeneralCombinerType generalCombiners[4];
+ NVFinalCombinerType finalCombiners[2];
+ };
+ };
+ int stagesUsed;
+ uint8 constant0;
+ uint8 constant1;
+} NVRegisterCombinerParserType;
+typedef struct {
+ NVCombinerInputType stage1RGB[4];
+ NVCombinerInputType stage1Alpha[4];
+ NVCombinerOutputType stage1outputRGB;
+ NVCombinerOutputType stage1outputAlpha;
+ NVCombinerInputType stage2RGB[4];
+ NVCombinerInputType stage2Alpha[4];
+ NVCombinerOutputType stage2outputRGB;
+ NVCombinerOutputType stage2outputAlpha;
+ NVCombinerInputType finalStage[7];
+ int numOfStages;
+ uint32 dwMux0;
+ uint32 dwMux1;
+ uint8 constant0;
+ uint8 constant1;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ NVRegisterCombinerParserType parseResult;
+} NVRegisterCombinerSettingType;
+class COGLColorCombinerNvidia : public COGLColorCombiner4
+ bool Initialize(void);
+ void InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(uint32 tile=0);
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ void InitCombinerCycle12(void);
+ void DisableCombiner(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleCopy(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleFill(void);
+ int FindCompiledMux(void);
+ void GenerateNVRegisterCombinerSetting(int);
+ void GenerateNVRegisterCombinerSettingConstants(int); // Compile the decodedMux into NV register combiner setting
+ void ApplyFogAtFinalStage();
+ void ParseDecodedMux(NVRegisterCombinerParserType &result); // Compile the decodedMux into NV register combiner setting
+ void ParseDecodedMuxForConstant(NVRegisterCombinerParserType &result); // Compile the decodedMux into NV register combiner setting
+ int SaveParserResult(const NVRegisterCombinerParserType &result);
+ int StagesNeedToUse(COGLDecodedMux &mux, N64StageNumberType stage);
+ int Parse1Mux(COGLDecodedMux &mux, N64StageNumberType stage, NVGeneralCombinerType &res); // Compile the decodedMux into NV register combiner setting
+ int Parse1Mux2Stages(COGLDecodedMux &mux, N64StageNumberType stage, NVGeneralCombinerType &res, NVGeneralCombinerType &res2);
+ int Parse1MuxForStage2AndFinalStage(COGLDecodedMux &mux, N64StageNumberType stage, NVGeneralCombinerType &res, NVFinalCombinerType &fres);
+ void Parse1MuxForFinalStage(COGLDecodedMux &mux, N64StageNumberType stage, NVFinalCombinerType &fres);
+ void ByPassFinalStage(NVFinalCombinerType &fres);
+ void ByPassGeneralStage(NVGeneralCombinerType &res);
+ GLenum ConstMap(uint8 c);
+ COGLColorCombinerNvidia(CRender *pRender);
+ ~COGLColorCombinerNvidia();
+ std::vector<NVRegisterCombinerSettingType> m_vCompiledSettings;
+ bool m_bNVSupported; // Is this NV OGL extension combiner supported by the video card driver?
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void DisplaySimpleMuxString(void);
+ void DisplayNVCombinerString(NVRegisterCombinerSettingType &record);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "OGLExtensions.h"
+#include "OGLCombinerTNT2.h"
+#include "OGLRender.h"
+#include "OGLGraphicsContext.h"
+#include "OGLTexture.h"
+COGLColorCombinerTNT2::COGLColorCombinerTNT2(CRender *pRender)
+ m_bTNT2Supported=false;
+ delete m_pDecodedMux;
+ m_pDecodedMux = new COGLDecodedMux;
+ m_ppDecodedMux = &m_pDecodedMux;
+bool COGLColorCombinerTNT2::Initialize(void)
+ m_bTNT2Supported = false;
+ if( COGLColorCombiner4::Initialize() )
+ {
+ m_bSupportMultiTexture = true;
+ COGLGraphicsContext *pcontext = (COGLGraphicsContext *)(CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext);
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_NV_texture_env_combine4") )
+ {
+ m_bTNT2Supported = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Your video card does not support OpenGL TNT2 extension combiner, you can only use the OpenGL Ext combiner functions");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void COGLColorCombinerTNT2::InitCombinerCycle12(void)
+ if( !m_bOGLExtCombinerSupported ) { COGLColorCombiner4::InitCombinerCycle12(); return;}
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerDropCombiners )
+ {
+ m_vCompiledTNTSettings.clear();
+ m_dwLastMux0 = m_dwLastMux1 = 0;
+ debuggerDropCombiners = false;
+ }
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableMultiTexture();
+ bool combinerIsChanged = false;
+ if( m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0 != m_dwLastMux0 || m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1 != m_dwLastMux1 || m_lastIndex < 0 )
+ {
+ combinerIsChanged = true;
+ m_lastIndex = CNvTNTCombiner::FindCompiledMux();
+ if( m_lastIndex < 0 ) // Can not found
+ {
+ m_lastIndex = CNvTNTCombiner::ParseDecodedMux();
+ }
+ m_dwLastMux0 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0;
+ m_dwLastMux1 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1;
+ }
+ m_pOGLRender->SetAllTexelRepeatFlag();
+ if( m_bCycleChanged || combinerIsChanged || gRDP.texturesAreReloaded || gRDP.colorsAreReloaded )
+ {
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = false;
+ if( m_bCycleChanged || combinerIsChanged )
+ {
+ GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(m_lastIndex);
+ GenerateCombinerSetting(m_lastIndex);
+ }
+ else if( gRDP.colorsAreReloaded )
+ {
+ GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(m_lastIndex);
+ }
+ gRDP.colorsAreReloaded = false;
+ }
+const char* COGLColorCombinerTNT2::GetOpStr(GLenum op)
+ switch( op )
+ {
+ case GL_ADD:
+ return "MOD";
+ default:
+ return "ADD_SIGNED";
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+void COGLColorCombinerTNT2::DisplaySimpleMuxString(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ CNvTNTCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+GLint COGLColorCombinerTNT2::RGBArgsMap[] =
+ GL_ZERO, //MUX_0
+ GL_ZERO, //MUX_1
+GLint COGLColorCombinerTNT2::MapRGBArgs(uint8 arg)
+ return RGBArgsMap[arg&MUX_MASK];
+GLint COGLColorCombinerTNT2::MapRGBArgFlags(uint8 arg)
+ if( (arg & MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE) && (arg & MUX_COMPLEMENT) )
+ {
+ }
+ else if( (arg & MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE) )
+ {
+ if( arg == MUX_1 )
+ else
+ return GL_SRC_ALPHA;
+ }
+ else if(arg & MUX_COMPLEMENT || arg == MUX_1)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ return GL_SRC_COLOR;
+GLint COGLColorCombinerTNT2::MapAlphaArgs(uint8 arg)
+ return RGBArgsMap[arg&MUX_MASK];
+GLint COGLColorCombinerTNT2::MapAlphaArgFlags(uint8 arg)
+ if(arg & MUX_COMPLEMENT || arg == MUX_1)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ return GL_SRC_ALPHA;
+void COGLColorCombinerTNT2::GenerateCombinerSetting(int index)
+ TNT2CombinerSaveType &res = m_vCompiledTNTSettings[index];
+ // Texture unit 0
+ COGLTexture* pTexture = g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ COGLTexture* pTexture1 = g_textures[(gRSP.curTile+1)&7].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ if( pTexture ) m_pOGLRender->BindTexture(pTexture->m_dwTextureName, 0);
+ if( pTexture1 ) m_pOGLRender->BindTexture(pTexture1->m_dwTextureName, 1);
+ // Texture unit 0
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(0,TRUE);
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_COMBINE_RGB_ARB, res.unit1.rgbOp);
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_COMBINE_ALPHA_ARB, res.unit1.alphaOp);
+ if( res.unit1.rgbOp == GL_SUBTRACT_ARB )
+ {
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE0_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit1.rgbArg0^MUX_COMPLEMENT));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgFlags(res.unit1.rgbArg0^MUX_COMPLEMENT));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE0_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit1.rgbArg0));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgFlags(res.unit1.rgbArg0));
+ }
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE1_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit1.rgbArg1));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND1_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgFlags(res.unit1.rgbArg1));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE2_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit1.rgbArg2));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND2_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgFlags(res.unit1.rgbArg2));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE3_RGB_EXT, MapRGBArgs(res.unit1.rgbArg3));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND3_RGB_EXT, MapRGBArgFlags(res.unit1.rgbArg3));
+ if( res.unit1.alphaOp == GL_SUBTRACT_ARB )
+ {
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit1.alphaArg0^MUX_COMPLEMENT));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA_ARB, MapAlphaArgFlags(res.unit1.alphaArg0^MUX_COMPLEMENT));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit1.alphaArg0));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA_ARB, MapAlphaArgFlags(res.unit1.alphaArg0));
+ }
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit1.alphaArg1));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA_ARB, MapAlphaArgFlags(res.unit1.alphaArg1));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit1.alphaArg2));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA_ARB, MapAlphaArgFlags(res.unit1.alphaArg2));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE3_ALPHA_EXT, MapRGBArgs(res.unit1.rgbArg3));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND3_ALPHA_EXT, MapAlphaArgFlags(res.unit1.rgbArg3));
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1_ARB);
+ if( m_maxTexUnits > 1 && res.numOfUnits > 1 )
+ {
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_COMBINE_RGB_ARB, res.unit2.rgbOp);
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_COMBINE_ALPHA_ARB, res.unit2.alphaOp);
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE0_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit2.rgbArg0));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgFlags(res.unit2.rgbArg0));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE1_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit2.rgbArg1));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND1_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgFlags(res.unit2.rgbArg1));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE2_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit2.rgbArg2));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND2_RGB_ARB, MapRGBArgFlags(res.unit2.rgbArg2));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE3_RGB_EXT, MapRGBArgs(res.unit2.rgbArg3));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND3_RGB_EXT, MapRGBArgFlags(res.unit2.rgbArg3));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit2.alphaArg0));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA_ARB, MapAlphaArgFlags(res.unit2.alphaArg0));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit2.alphaArg1));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA_ARB, MapAlphaArgFlags(res.unit2.alphaArg1));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA_ARB, MapRGBArgs(res.unit2.alphaArg2));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA_ARB, MapAlphaArgFlags(res.unit2.alphaArg2));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE3_ALPHA_EXT, MapRGBArgs(res.unit2.alphaArg3));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND3_ALPHA_EXT, MapAlphaArgFlags(res.unit2.alphaArg3));
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(1,TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(1,FALSE);
+ }
+void COGLColorCombinerTNT2::GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(int index)
+ TNT2CombinerSaveType &res = m_vCompiledTNTSettings[index];
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ float *fv;
+ pglActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i);
+ switch( res.units[i].constant & MUX_MASK )
+ {
+ case MUX_PRIM:
+ fv = GetPrimitiveColorfv();
+ break;
+ case MUX_ENV:
+ fv = GetEnvColorfv();
+ break;
+ {
+ float frac = gRDP.LODFrac / 255.0f;
+ float tempf[4] = {frac,frac,frac,frac};
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ float frac = gRDP.primLODFrac / 255.0f;
+ float tempf[4] = {frac,frac,frac,frac};
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _OGL_COMBINER_TNT2_H_
+#define _OGL_COMBINER_TNT2_H_
+#include <SDL_opengl.h>
+#define GL_SOURCE3_RGB_EXT 0x8583
+#define GL_SOURCE3_ALPHA_EXT 0x858B
+#define GL_OPERAND3_RGB_EXT 0x8593
+#define GL_OPERAND3_ALPHA_EXT 0x859B
+#include "OGLExtCombiner.h"
+#include "OGLDecodedMux.h"
+#include "CNvTNTCombiner.h"
+class COGLColorCombinerTNT2 : public COGLColorCombiner4, CNvTNTCombiner
+ bool Initialize(void);
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ void InitCombinerCycle12(void);
+ virtual void GenerateCombinerSetting(int);
+ virtual void GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(int);
+ COGLColorCombinerTNT2(CRender *pRender);
+ ~COGLColorCombinerTNT2() {} ;
+ bool m_bTNT2Supported; // Is this NV OGL extension combiner supported by the video card driver?
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void DisplaySimpleMuxString(void);
+ virtual GLint MapRGBArgs(uint8 arg);
+ static GLint MapRGBArgFlags(uint8 arg);
+ virtual GLint MapAlphaArgs(uint8 arg);
+ static GLint MapAlphaArgFlags(uint8 arg);
+ static GLint RGBArgsMap[];
+ static const char* GetOpStr(GLenum op);
--- /dev/null
+/* OGLDebug.h
+Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Goedeken
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#if !defined(OPENGL_DEBUG_H)
+#if defined(OPENGL_DEBUG)
+ #define OPENGL_CHECK_ERRORS { const GLenum errcode = glGetError(); if (errcode != GL_NO_ERROR) fprintf(stderr, "OpenGL Error code %i in '%s' line %i\n", errcode, __FILE__, __LINE__-1); }
+/* Dump client state (for informational purposes)
+ int rval = 0;
+ void *ptr;
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &rval);
+ printf("GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: %i\n", rval);
+ glGetPointerv(GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr);
+ printf("GL_COLOR_ARRAY: %i (%lx)\n", (int) glIsEnabled(GL_COLOR_ARRAY), (int) ptr);
+ glGetPointerv(GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr);
+ printf("GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_EXT: %i (%lx)\n", (int) glIsEnabled(GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_EXT), (int) ptr);
+ glGetPointerv(GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr);
+ printf("GL_INDEX_ARRAY: %i (%lx)\n", (int) glIsEnabled(GL_INDEX_ARRAY), (int) ptr);
+ glGetPointerv(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr);
+ printf("GL_NORMAL_ARRAY: %i (%lx)\n", (int) glIsEnabled(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY), (int) ptr);
+ printf("GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY: %i (%lx)\n", (int) glIsEnabled(GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY), (int) ptr);
+ printf("GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY: %i (%lx)\n", (int) glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY), (int) ptr);
+ glGetPointerv(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr);
+ printf("GL_VERTEX_ARRAY: %i (%lx)\n", (int) glIsEnabled(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY), (int) ptr);
+#endif /* OPENGL_DEBUG_H */
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "OGLDecodedMux.h"
+void COGLDecodedMux::Simplify(void)
+ DecodedMux::Simplify();
+void COGLDecodedMux::Reformat(void)
+ DecodedMux::Reformat();
+ mType = max(max(max(splitType[0], splitType[1]),splitType[2]),splitType[3]);
+void COGLExtDecodedMux::Simplify(void)
+ COGLDecodedMux::Simplify();
+ FurtherFormatForOGL2();
+ Reformat(); // Reformat again
+void COGLExtDecodedMux::FurtherFormatForOGL2(void)
+ // This function is used by OGL 1.2, no need to call this function
+ // for Nvidia register combiner
+ // And OGL 1.2 extension only supports 1 constant color, we can not use both PRIM and ENV
+ // constant color, and we can not use SPECULAR color as the 2nd color.
+ // To futher format the mux.
+ // - For each stage, allow only 1 texel, change the 2nd texel in the same stage to MUX_SHADE
+ // - Only allow 1 constant color. Count PRIM and ENV, left the most used one, and change
+ // the 2nd one to MUX_SHADE
+ if( Count(MUX_PRIM) >= Count(MUX_ENV) )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_PRIM);
+ //ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_SHADE);
+ //ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_1);
+ //ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_ENV);
+ //ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_SHADE);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_0);
+ }
+ /*
+ // Because OGL 1.2, we may use more than 1 texture unit, but for each texture unit,
+ // we can not use multitexture to do color combiner. Each combiner stage can only
+ // use 1 texture.
+ if( isUsed(MUX_TEXEL0) && isUsed(MUX_TEXEL1) )
+ {
+ if( Count(MUX_TEXEL0,0)+Count(MUX_TEXEL0,1) >= Count(MUX_TEXEL1,0)+Count(MUX_TEXEL1,1) )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1, MUX_TEXEL0, 0);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1, MUX_TEXEL0, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL0, MUX_TEXEL1, 0);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL0, MUX_TEXEL1, 1);
+ }
+ if( Count(MUX_TEXEL0,2)+Count(MUX_TEXEL0,3) >= Count(MUX_TEXEL1,2)+Count(MUX_TEXEL1,3) )
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1, MUX_TEXEL0, 2);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL1, MUX_TEXEL0, 3);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL0, MUX_TEXEL1, 2);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_TEXEL0, MUX_TEXEL1, 3);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+void COGLExtDecodedMuxTNT2::FurtherFormatForOGL2(void)
+ if( Count(MUX_PRIM) >= Count(MUX_ENV) )
+ {
+ //ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_PRIM);
+ //ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_SHADE);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_ENV, MUX_1);
+ //ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_ENV);
+ //ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_SHADE);
+ ReplaceVal(MUX_PRIM, MUX_0);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "DecodedMux.h"
+class COGLDecodedMux : public DecodedMux
+ virtual void Simplify(void);
+ virtual void Reformat(void);
+class COGLExtDecodedMux : public COGLDecodedMux
+ virtual void FurtherFormatForOGL2(void);
+ virtual void Simplify(void);
+class COGLExtDecodedMuxTNT2 : public COGLExtDecodedMux
+ virtual void FurtherFormatForOGL2(void);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "OGLDebug.h"
+#include "OGLES2FragmentShaders.h"
+#include "OGLRender.h"
+#include "OGLGraphicsContext.h"
+#include "OGLTexture.h"
+#define ALPHA_TEST " if(gl_FragColor.a < AlphaRef) discard; \n"
+//#define ALPHA_TEST
+GLuint vertexProgram = 9999;
+const char *vertexShader =
+"#version " GLSL_VERSION "\n"
+"attribute mediump vec4 aPosition; \n"\
+"attribute lowp vec4 aColor; \n"\
+"attribute lowp vec2 aTexCoord0; \n"\
+"attribute lowp vec2 aTexCoord1; \n"\
+"attribute lowp vec2 aAtlasTransform; \n"\
+" \n"\
+"uniform lowp vec2 FogMinMax; \n"\
+" \n"\
+"varying lowp float vFactor; \n"\
+"varying lowp vec4 vShadeColor; \n"\
+"varying mediump vec2 vTexCoord0; \n"\
+"varying lowp vec2 vTexCoord1; \n"\
+"varying lowp float vFog; \n"\
+" \n"\
+"void main() \n"\
+"{ \n"\
+"gl_Position = aPosition; //gl_Position.z = max(0.0,gl_Position.z); \n"\
+"vShadeColor = aColor; \n"\
+"vTexCoord0 = aTexCoord0; \n"\
+"vTexCoord1 = aTexCoord1; \n"\
+"vFog = clamp((FogMinMax[1] - (gl_Position.z/aPosition.w))/(FogMinMax[1]-FogMinMax[0]),0.0,1.0); \n"\
+" \n"\
+"} \n"\
+" \n";
+const char *fragmentHeader =
+"#define saturate(x) clamp( x, 0.0, 1.0 ) \n"\
+"precision lowp float; \n"\
+"#ifdef NEED_TEX0 \n"\
+"uniform sampler2D uTex0; \n"\
+"#endif \n"\
+" \n"\
+"#ifdef NEED_TEX1 \n"\
+"uniform sampler2D uTex1; \n"\
+"#endif \n"\
+" \n"\
+"uniform vec4 EnvColor; \n"\
+"uniform vec4 PrimColor; \n"\
+"uniform vec4 EnvFrac; \n"\
+"uniform vec4 PrimFrac; \n"\
+"uniform float AlphaRef; \n"\
+"uniform vec4 FogColor; \n"\
+" \n"\
+"varying lowp float vFactor; \n"\
+"varying lowp vec4 vShadeColor; \n"\
+"varying mediump vec2 vTexCoord0; \n"\
+"varying lowp vec2 vTexCoord1; \n"\
+"varying lowp float vFog; \n"\
+" \n"\
+"void main() \n"\
+"{ \n"\
+"vec4 comb,comb2; \n"\
+" \n"\
+"#ifdef NEED_TEX0 \n"\
+"vec4 t0 = texture2D(uTex0,vTexCoord0); \n"\
+"#endif \n"\
+" \n"\
+"#ifdef NEED_TEX1 \n"\
+"vec4 t1 = texture2D(uTex1,vTexCoord1); \n"\
+"#endif \n";
+const char *fragmentFooter =
+" \n"\
+"#ifdef FOG \n"\
+"gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(FogColor.rgb,comb.rgb,vFog * step(0.5,1.0-FogColor.a)); \n"\
+"gl_FragColor.a = comb.a; \n"\
+"#else \n"\
+"gl_FragColor = comb; \n"\
+"#endif \n"\
+" \n"\
+"#ifdef ALPHA_TEST \n"\
+"#endif \n"\
+" \n"\
+" \n"\
+" \n"\
+" \n"\
+"} \n";
+//Fragment shader for InitCycleCopy
+const char *fragmentCopy =
+"#version " GLSL_VERSION "\n"\
+"precision lowp float; \n"\
+"uniform sampler2D uTex0; \n"\
+"uniform float AlphaRef; \n"\
+"varying lowp vec2 vTexCoord0; \n"\
+"void main() \n"\
+"{ \n"\
+" gl_FragColor = texture2D(uTex0,vTexCoord0).bgra; \n"\
+GLuint copyProgram,copyAlphaLocation;
+//Fragment shader for InitCycleFill
+const char *fragmentFill =
+"#version " GLSL_VERSION "\n"\
+"precision lowp float; \n"
+"uniform vec4 uColor; \n"
+"void main() \n"
+"{ \n"
+" gl_FragColor = uColor; \n"
+GLuint fillProgram,fillColorLocation;
+COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::COGLFragmentShaderCombiner(CRender *pRender)
+: COGLColorCombiner(pRender)
+ m_bShaderIsSupported = true;
+bool COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::Initialize(void)
+ if( !COGLColorCombiner::Initialize() )
+ return false;
+ COGLGraphicsContext *pcontext = (COGLGraphicsContext *)(CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext);
+// if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_fragment_shader") )
+// {
+ m_bShaderIsSupported = true;
+// }
+ return true;
+void COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::InitCombinerCycle12(void)
+void COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::DisableCombiner(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner::DisableCombiner();
+void COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::InitCombinerCycleCopy(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner::InitCombinerCycleCopy();
+void COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::InitCombinerCycleFill(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner::InitCombinerCycleFill();
+void COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(uint32 tile)
+ COGLColorCombiner::InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(tile);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+void COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner(CRender *pRender)
+: COGLColorCombiner4(pRender)
+ delete m_pDecodedMux;
+ m_pDecodedMux = new DecodedMuxForPixelShader;
+ m_bFragmentProgramIsSupported = true;
+ m_AlphaRef = 0.0f;
+ //Create shaders for fill and copy
+ GLint success;
+ GLuint vs,fs;
+ copyProgram = glCreateProgram();
+ vs = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
+ glShaderSource(vs,1,&vertexShader,NULL);
+ glCompileShader(vs);
+ glGetShaderiv(vs,GL_COMPILE_STATUS,&success);
+ if(!success)
+ {
+ char log[1024];
+ glGetShaderInfoLog(vs,1024,NULL,log);
+ printf("%s\n",log);
+ }
+ fs = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
+ glShaderSource(fs,1,&fragmentCopy,NULL);
+ glCompileShader(fs);
+ glGetShaderiv(fs,GL_COMPILE_STATUS,&success);
+ if(!success)
+ {
+ char log[1024];
+ glGetShaderInfoLog(fs,1024,NULL,log);
+ printf("%s\n",log);
+ }
+ glAttachShader(copyProgram,vs);
+ glAttachShader(copyProgram,fs);
+ glBindAttribLocation(copyProgram,VS_TEXCOORD0,"aTexCoord0");
+ glBindAttribLocation(copyProgram,VS_POSITION,"aPosition");
+ glLinkProgram(copyProgram);
+ copyAlphaLocation = glGetUniformLocation(copyProgram,"AlphaRef");
+ glGetProgramiv(copyProgram,GL_LINK_STATUS,&success);
+ if(!success)
+ {
+ char log[1024];
+ glGetProgramInfoLog(copyProgram,1024,NULL,log);
+ printf("%s\n",log);
+ }
+ glDeleteShader(fs);
+ //Fill shader
+ fs = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
+ glShaderSource(fs,1,&fragmentFill,NULL);
+ glCompileShader(fs);
+ glGetShaderiv(fs,GL_COMPILE_STATUS,&success);
+ if(!success)
+ {
+ char log[1024];
+ glGetShaderInfoLog(fs,1024,NULL,log);
+ printf("%s\n",log);
+ }
+ fillProgram = glCreateProgram();
+ glAttachShader(fillProgram,vs);
+ glAttachShader(fillProgram,fs);
+ glBindAttribLocation(fillProgram,VS_POSITION,"aPosition");
+ glLinkProgram(fillProgram);
+ fillColorLocation = glGetUniformLocation(fillProgram,"uColor");
+ glDeleteShader(fs);
+ glDeleteShader(vs);
+ int size = m_vCompiledShaders.size();
+ for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
+ {
+ GLuint ID = m_vCompiledShaders[i].programID;
+ glDeleteProgram(ID);
+ m_vCompiledShaders[i].programID = 0;
+ }
+ m_vCompiledShaders.clear();
+bool COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::Initialize(void)
+ if( !COGLColorCombiner4::Initialize() )
+ return false;
+ COGLGraphicsContext *pcontext = (COGLGraphicsContext *)(CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext);
+// if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_fragment_program") )
+// {
+ m_bFragmentProgramIsSupported = true;
+// }
+ return true;
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::DisableCombiner(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner4::DisableCombiner();
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::InitCombinerCycleCopy(void)
+ m_pOGLRender->DisableMultiTexture();
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(0,TRUE);
+ glUseProgram(copyProgram);
+ glUniform1f(copyAlphaLocation,m_AlphaRef);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(VS_POSITION);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(VS_TEXCOORD0);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(VS_COLOR);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(VS_TEXCOORD1);
+ COGLTexture* pTexture = g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ if( pTexture )
+ {
+ m_pOGLRender->BindTexture(pTexture->m_dwTextureName, 0);
+ m_pOGLRender->SetTexelRepeatFlags(gRSP.curTile);
+ }
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::InitCombinerCycleFill(void)
+ glUseProgram(fillProgram);
+ glUniform4f(fillColorLocation,((gRDP.fillColor>>16)&0xFF)/255.0f,((gRDP.fillColor>>8)&0xFF)/255.0f,((gRDP.fillColor)&0xFF)/255.0f,((gRDP.fillColor>>24)&0xFF)/255.0f);
+#ifdef BGR_SHADER
+const char *muxToFP_Maps[][2] = {
+//color -- alpha
+{"vec3(0.0)", "0.0"}, //MUX_0 = 0,
+{"vec3(1.0)", "1.0"}, //MUX_1,
+{"comb.rgb", "comb.a"}, //MUX_COMBINED,
+{"t0.rgb", "t0.a"}, //MUX_TEXEL0,
+{"t1.rgb", "t1.a"}, //MUX_TEXEL1,
+{"PrimColor.rgb", "PrimColor.a"}, //MUX_PRIM,
+{"vShadeColor.rgb", "vShadeColor.a"}, //MUX_SHADE,
+{"EnvColor.rgb", "EnvColor.a"}, //MUX_ENV,
+{"comb.rgb", "comb.a"}, //MUX_COMBALPHA,
+{"t0.rgb", "t0.a"}, //MUX_T0_ALPHA,
+{"t1.rgb", "t1.a"}, //MUX_T1_ALPHA,
+{"PrimColor.rgb", "PrimColor.a"}, //MUX_PRIM_ALPHA,
+{"vShadeColor.rgb", "vShadeColor.a"}, //MUX_SHADE_ALPHA,
+{"EnvColor.rgb", "EnvColor.a"}, //MUX_ENV_ALPHA,
+{"EnvFrac.a", "EnvFrac.a"}, //MUX_LODFRAC,
+{"PrimFrac.a", "PrimFrac.a"}, //MUX_PRIMLODFRAC,
+{"vec3(1.0)", "1.0"}, //MUX_K5,
+{"vec3(1.0)", "1.0"}, //MUX_UNK, // Should not be used
+const char *muxToFP_Maps[][2] = {
+//color -- alpha
+{"vec3(0.0)", "0.0"}, //MUX_0 = 0,
+{"vec3(1.0)", "1.0"}, //MUX_1,
+{"comb.rgb", "comb.a"}, //MUX_COMBINED,
+{"t0.bgr", "t0.a"}, //MUX_TEXEL0,
+{"t1.bgr", "t1.a"}, //MUX_TEXEL1,
+{"PrimColor.rgb", "PrimColor.a"}, //MUX_PRIM,
+{"vShadeColor.rgb", "vShadeColor.a"}, //MUX_SHADE,
+{"EnvColor.rgb", "EnvColor.a"}, //MUX_ENV,
+{"comb.rgb", "comb.a"}, //MUX_COMBALPHA,
+{"t0.bgr", "t0.a"}, //MUX_T0_ALPHA,
+{"t1.bgr", "t1.a"}, //MUX_T1_ALPHA,
+{"PrimColor.rgb", "PrimColor.a"}, //MUX_PRIM_ALPHA,
+{"vShadeColor.rgb", "vShadeColor.a"}, //MUX_SHADE_ALPHA,
+{"EnvColor.rgb", "EnvColor.a"}, //MUX_ENV_ALPHA,
+{"EnvFrac.a", "EnvFrac.a"}, //MUX_LODFRAC,
+{"PrimFrac.a", "PrimFrac.a"}, //MUX_PRIMLODFRAC,
+{"vec3(1.0)", "1.0"}, //MUX_K5,
+{"vec3(1.0)", "1.0"}, //MUX_UNK, // Should not be used
+char oglNewFP[4092];
+char* MuxToOC(uint8 val)
+// For color channel
+ return (char*)muxToFP_Maps[val&0x1F][1];
+ return (char*)muxToFP_Maps[val&0x1F][0];
+char* MuxToOA(uint8 val)
+// For alpha channel
+return (char*)muxToFP_Maps[val&0x1F][1];
+static void CheckFpVars(uint8 MuxVar, bool &bNeedT0, bool &bNeedT1)
+ MuxVar &= 0x1f;
+ if (MuxVar == MUX_TEXEL0 || MuxVar == MUX_T0_ALPHA)
+ bNeedT0 = true;
+ if (MuxVar == MUX_TEXEL1 || MuxVar == MUX_T1_ALPHA)
+ bNeedT1 = true;
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::GenerateProgramStr()
+ DecodedMuxForPixelShader &mux = *(DecodedMuxForPixelShader*)m_pDecodedMux;
+ mux.splitType[0] = mux.splitType[1] = mux.splitType[2] = mux.splitType[3] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED;
+ m_pDecodedMux->Reformat(false);
+ char tempstr[500], newFPBody[4092];
+ bool bNeedT0 = false, bNeedT1 = false, bNeedComb2 = false;
+ newFPBody[0] = 0;
+ for( int cycle=0; cycle<2; cycle++ )
+ {
+ for( int channel=0; channel<2; channel++)
+ {
+ char* (*func)(uint8) = channel==0?MuxToOC:MuxToOA;
+ char *dst = channel==0?(char*)"rgb":(char*)"a";
+ N64CombinerType &m = mux.m_n64Combiners[cycle*2+channel];
+ switch( mux.splitType[cycle*2+channel] )
+ {
+ tempstr[0] = 0;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_D:
+ sprintf(tempstr, "comb.%s = %s;\n", dst, func(m.d));
+ CheckFpVars(m.d, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ break;
+ sprintf(tempstr, "comb.%s = %s * %s;\n", dst, func(m.a), func(m.c));
+ CheckFpVars(m.a, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.c, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ break;
+ sprintf(tempstr, "comb.%s = saturate(%s + %s);\n", dst, func(m.a), func(m.d));
+ CheckFpVars(m.a, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.d, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ break;
+ sprintf(tempstr, "comb.%s = %s - %s;\n", dst, func(m.a), func(m.b));
+ CheckFpVars(m.a, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.b, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ break;
+ sprintf(tempstr, "comb.%s = saturate(%s * %s + %s);\n", dst, func(m.a), func(m.c),func(m.d));
+ CheckFpVars(m.a, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.c, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.d, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ break;
+ //ARB ASM LERP and mix have different parameter ordering.
+ //sprintf(tempstr, "comb.%s = saturate(mix(%s, %s, %s));\n", dst,func(m.a),func(m.b), func(m.c));
+ sprintf(tempstr, "comb.%s = (%s - %s) * %s + %s;\n", dst,func(m.a),func(m.b), func(m.c),func(m.b));
+ CheckFpVars(m.a, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.b, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.c, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ //sprintf(tempstr, "SUB comb.%s, %s, %s;\nMAD_SAT comb.%s, comb, %s, %s;\n", dst, func(m.a), func(m.b), dst, func(m.c), func(m.b));
+ break;
+ default:
+ sprintf(tempstr, "comb2.%s = %s - %s;\ncomb.%s = saturate(comb2.%s * %s + %s);\n", dst, func(m.a), func(m.b), dst,dst, func(m.c),func(m.d));
+ CheckFpVars(m.a, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.b, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.c, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.d, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ bNeedComb2 = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ strcat(newFPBody, tempstr);
+ }
+ }
+ oglNewFP[0] = 0;
+ if (bNeedT0)
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "#define NEED_TEX0\n");
+ if (bNeedT1)
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "#define NEED_TEX1\n");
+ if(gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender && gRSP.bFogEnabled && options.fogMethod > 0)
+ strcat(oglNewFP,"#define FOG");
+ strcat(oglNewFP, fragmentHeader);
+ strcat(oglNewFP, newFPBody);
+ strcat(oglNewFP, fragmentFooter);
+int COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::ParseDecodedMux()
+ if( !m_bFragmentProgramIsSupported )
+ return COGLColorCombiner4::ParseDecodedMux();
+ OGLShaderCombinerSaveType res;
+ GLint success;
+ if(vertexProgram == 9999)
+ {
+ vertexProgram = res.vertexShaderID = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
+ glShaderSource(res.vertexShaderID, 1, &vertexShader,NULL);
+ glCompileShader(res.vertexShaderID);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res.vertexShaderID = vertexProgram;
+ }
+ //Create 2 shaders, with and without alphatest
+ GenerateProgramStr();
+ for(int alphaTest = 0;alphaTest < 2;alphaTest++)
+ {
+ res.fragmentShaderID = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
+ char* tmpShader = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 4096);
+ strcpy(tmpShader,"#version " GLSL_VERSION "\n");
+ if(alphaTest == 1)
+ {
+ strcat(tmpShader,"#define ALPHA_TEST\n");
+ }
+ res.alphaTest = alphaTest == 1;
+ strcat(tmpShader,oglNewFP);
+ glShaderSource(res.fragmentShaderID, 1,(const char**) &tmpShader,NULL);
+ free(tmpShader);
+ glCompileShader(res.fragmentShaderID);
+ glGetShaderiv(res.fragmentShaderID, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success);
+ if (!success)
+ {
+ char Log[1024];
+ GLint nLength;
+ glGetShaderInfoLog(res.fragmentShaderID, 1024, &nLength, Log);
+ printf("Error compiling shader!\n %s",oglNewFP);
+ printf("%s", Log);
+ }
+ res.programID = glCreateProgram();
+ glAttachShader(res.programID,res.vertexShaderID);
+ glAttachShader(res.programID,res.fragmentShaderID);
+ //Bind Attributes
+ glBindAttribLocation(res.programID,VS_COLOR,"aColor");
+ glBindAttribLocation(res.programID,VS_TEXCOORD0,"aTexCoord0");
+ glBindAttribLocation(res.programID,VS_TEXCOORD1,"aTexCoord1");
+ glBindAttribLocation(res.programID,VS_POSITION,"aPosition");
+ glLinkProgram(res.programID);
+ glGetProgramiv(res.programID, GL_LINK_STATUS, &success);
+ if (!success)
+ {
+ char Log[1024];
+ GLint nLength;
+ glGetShaderInfoLog(res.fragmentShaderID, 1024, &nLength, Log);
+ printf("Error linking program!\n");
+ printf("%s\n",Log);
+ }
+ glUseProgram(res.programID);
+ //Bind texture samplers
+ GLint tex0 = glGetUniformLocation(res.programID,"uTex0");
+ GLint tex1 = glGetUniformLocation(res.programID,"uTex1");
+ if(tex0 != -1)
+ glUniform1i(tex0,0);
+ if(tex1 != -1)
+ glUniform1i(tex1,1);
+ //Bind Uniforms
+ res.PrimColorLocation = glGetUniformLocation(res.programID,"PrimColor");
+ res.EnvColorLocation = glGetUniformLocation(res.programID,"EnvColor");
+ res.PrimFracLocation = glGetUniformLocation(res.programID,"PrimFrac");
+ res.EnvFracLocation = glGetUniformLocation(res.programID,"EnvFrac");
+ res.AlphaRefLocation = glGetUniformLocation(res.programID,"AlphaRef");
+ res.FogColorLocation = glGetUniformLocation(res.programID,"FogColor");
+ res.FogMinMaxLocation = glGetUniformLocation(res.programID,"FogMinMax");
+ res.dwMux0 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0;
+ res.dwMux1 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1;
+ res.fogIsUsed = gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender && gRSP.bFogEnabled;
+ m_vCompiledShaders.push_back(res);
+ }
+ m_lastIndex = m_vCompiledShaders.size()-2;
+ return m_lastIndex;
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::GenerateCombinerSetting(int index)
+ GLuint ID = m_vCompiledShaders[index].programID;
+ glUseProgram(ID);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(VS_POSITION);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_POSITION,4,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,sizeof(float)*5,&(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]));
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(VS_TEXCOORD0);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_TEXCOORD0,2,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[0].u));
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(VS_TEXCOORD1);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_TEXCOORD1,2,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[1].u));
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(VS_COLOR);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_COLOR, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,GL_TRUE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(int index)
+ OGLShaderCombinerSaveType prog = m_vCompiledShaders[index];
+ glUseProgram(prog.programID);
+ float *pf;
+ if(prog.EnvColorLocation != -1)
+ {
+ pf = GetEnvColorfv();
+ glUniform4fv(prog.EnvColorLocation,1, pf);
+ }
+ if(prog.PrimColorLocation != -1)
+ {
+ pf = GetPrimitiveColorfv();
+ glUniform4fv(prog.PrimColorLocation,1, pf);
+ }
+ if(prog.EnvFracLocation != -1)
+ {
+ float frac = gRDP.LODFrac / 255.0f;
+ float tempf[4] = {frac,frac,frac,frac};
+ glUniform4fv(prog.EnvFracLocation,1, tempf);
+ }
+ if(prog.PrimFracLocation != -1)
+ {
+ float frac2 = gRDP.primLODFrac / 255.0f;
+ float tempf2[4] = {frac2,frac2,frac2,frac2};
+ glUniform4fv(prog.PrimFracLocation,1, tempf2);
+ }
+ //if(prog.FogColorLocation != -1 && prog.FogMinMaxLocation != -1)
+ //{
+ // //Pass fog colour and distance, use 0 alpha if fog disabled
+ // glUniform4f(prog.FogColorLocation, gRDP.fvFogColor[0],gRDP.fvFogColor[1],gRDP.fvFogColor[2],
+ // gRSP.bFogEnabled ? gRDP.fvFogColor[0] : 0.0f);
+ // glUniform2f(prog.FogMinMaxLocation,gRSPfFogMin,gRSPfFogMax);
+ //}
+ if(prog.AlphaRefLocation != -1)
+ glUniform1f(prog.AlphaRefLocation,m_AlphaRef);
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::UpdateFog(bool bEnable)
+ if(m_lastIndex < 0 || m_lastIndex >= m_vCompiledShaders.size())
+ return;
+ OGLShaderCombinerSaveType prog = m_vCompiledShaders[m_lastIndex];
+ //if(bEnable)
+ // DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO,"Fog Color %x Min %f Max %f",gRDP.fogColor,gRSPfFogMin,gRSPfFogMax);
+ if(prog.FogColorLocation != -1 && prog.FogMinMaxLocation != -1)
+ {
+ //Pass fog colour and distance, use 0 alpha if fog disabled
+ glUniform4f(prog.FogColorLocation, gRDP.fvFogColor[0],gRDP.fvFogColor[1],gRDP.fvFogColor[2],
+ bEnable ? gRDP.fvFogColor[0] : 0.0f);
+ //glUniform4f(prog.FogColorLocation, 1.0f,0.3f,0.3f,1.0f);
+ glUniform2f(prog.FogMinMaxLocation,gRSPfFogMin,gRSPfFogMax);
+ }
+int COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::FindCompiledMux()
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerDropCombiners )
+ {
+ m_vCompiledShaders.clear();
+ //m_dwLastMux0 = m_dwLastMux1 = 0;
+ debuggerDropCombiners = false;
+ }
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<m_vCompiledShaders.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_vCompiledShaders[i].dwMux0 == m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0
+ && m_vCompiledShaders[i].dwMux1 == m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1
+ && m_vCompiledShaders[i].fogIsUsed == (gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender && gRSP.bFogEnabled)
+ && m_vCompiledShaders[i].alphaTest == m_AlphaRef > 0.0f)
+ {
+ return (int)i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::InitCombinerCycle12(void)
+ if( !m_bFragmentProgramIsSupported )
+ {
+ COGLColorCombiner4::InitCombinerCycle12();
+ return;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerDropCombiners )
+ {
+ UpdateCombiner(m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0,m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1);
+ m_vCompiledShaders.clear();
+ m_dwLastMux0 = m_dwLastMux1 = 0;
+ debuggerDropCombiners = false;
+ }
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableMultiTexture();
+ bool combinerIsChanged = false;
+ if( m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0 != m_dwLastMux0 || m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1 != m_dwLastMux1 || m_lastIndex < 0 )
+ {
+ combinerIsChanged = true;
+ m_lastIndex = FindCompiledMux();
+ if( m_lastIndex < 0 ) // Can not found
+ {
+ m_lastIndex = ParseDecodedMux();
+ }
+ m_dwLastMux0 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0;
+ m_dwLastMux1 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1;
+ }
+ GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(m_lastIndex);
+ if( m_bCycleChanged || combinerIsChanged || gRDP.texturesAreReloaded || gRDP.colorsAreReloaded )
+ {
+ if( m_bCycleChanged || combinerIsChanged )
+ {
+ GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(m_lastIndex);
+ GenerateCombinerSetting(m_lastIndex);
+ }
+ else if( gRDP.colorsAreReloaded )
+ {
+ GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(m_lastIndex);
+ }
+ m_pOGLRender->SetAllTexelRepeatFlag();
+ gRDP.colorsAreReloaded = false;
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pOGLRender->SetAllTexelRepeatFlag();
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ DecodedMuxForPixelShader &mux = *(DecodedMuxForPixelShader*)m_pDecodedMux;
+ mux.Reformat(false);
+ GenerateProgramStr();
+ //sprintf(oglNewFP, oglFP,
+ // MuxToOC(mux.aRGB0), MuxToOC(mux.bRGB0), MuxToOC(mux.cRGB0), MuxToOC(mux.dRGB0),
+ // MuxToOA(mux.aA0), MuxToOA(mux.bA0), MuxToOA(mux.cA0), MuxToOA(mux.dA0),
+ // MuxToOC(mux.aRGB1), MuxToOC(mux.bRGB1), MuxToOC(mux.cRGB1), MuxToOC(mux.dRGB1),
+ // MuxToOA(mux.aA1), MuxToOA(mux.bA1), MuxToOA(mux.cA1), MuxToOA(mux.dA1)
+ // );
+ TRACE0("OGL Fragment Program:");
+ TRACE0(oglNewFP);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2005 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <vector>
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "OGLCombiner.h"
+#include "OGLExtCombiner.h"
+#include "GeneralCombiner.h"
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 dwMux0;
+ uint32 dwMux1;
+ bool fogIsUsed;
+ bool alphaTest;
+ GLuint fragmentShaderID;
+ GLuint vertexShaderID;
+ GLuint programID;
+ GLint PrimColorLocation;
+ GLint EnvColorLocation;
+ GLint PrimFracLocation;
+ GLint EnvFracLocation;
+ GLint AlphaRefLocation;
+ GLint FogColorLocation;
+ GLint FogMinMaxLocation;
+} OGLShaderCombinerSaveType;
+class COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner : public COGLColorCombiner4
+ bool Initialize(void);
+ float m_AlphaRef;
+ void UpdateFog(bool bEnable);
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ void DisableCombiner(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleCopy(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleFill(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycle12(void);
+ COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner(CRender *pRender);
+ ~COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner();
+ bool m_bFragmentProgramIsSupported;
+ std::vector<OGLShaderCombinerSaveType> m_vCompiledShaders;
+ virtual int ParseDecodedMux();
+ virtual void GenerateProgramStr();
+ int FindCompiledMux();
+ virtual void GenerateCombinerSetting(int index);
+ virtual void GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(int index);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void DisplaySimpleMuxString(void);
+class COGLFragmentShaderCombiner : public COGLColorCombiner
+ bool Initialize(void);
+ void InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(uint32 tile=0);
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ void DisableCombiner(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleCopy(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleFill(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycle12(void);
+ COGLFragmentShaderCombiner(CRender *pRender);
+ ~COGLFragmentShaderCombiner();
+ bool m_bShaderIsSupported;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void DisplaySimpleMuxString(void);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "OGLExtensions.h"
+#include "OGLDebug.h"
+#include "OGLExtCombiner.h"
+#include "OGLExtRender.h"
+#include "OGLDecodedMux.h"
+#include "OGLGraphicsContext.h"
+#include "OGLTexture.h"
+#include "DirectXDecodedMux.h"
+#define GL_MODULATE_ADD_ATI 0x8744
+COGLColorCombiner4::COGLColorCombiner4(CRender *pRender)
+ :COGLColorCombiner(pRender), m_maxTexUnits(0), m_lastIndex(-1),
+ m_dwLastMux0(0), m_dwLastMux1(0)
+ m_bOGLExtCombinerSupported=false;
+ m_bSupportModAdd_ATI = false;
+ m_bSupportModSub_ATI = false;
+ delete m_pDecodedMux;
+ m_pDecodedMux = new COGLExtDecodedMux;
+COGLColorCombiner4v2::COGLColorCombiner4v2(CRender *pRender)
+ :COGLColorCombiner4(pRender)
+ delete m_pDecodedMux;
+ m_pDecodedMux = new DecodedMuxForOGL14V2;
+COGLColorCombiner2::COGLColorCombiner2(CRender *pRender)
+ :COGLColorCombiner4(pRender)
+ delete m_pDecodedMux;
+ m_pDecodedMux = new CDirectXDecodedMux; // Use Mux for DirectX because we support only 1 texture for each stage
+ m_ppGeneralDecodedMux = &m_pDecodedMux;
+bool COGLColorCombiner4::Initialize(void)
+ m_bOGLExtCombinerSupported = false;
+ m_bSupportModAdd_ATI = false;
+ m_bSupportModSub_ATI = false;
+ m_maxTexUnits = 1;
+ if( COGLColorCombiner::Initialize() )
+ {
+ m_bSupportMultiTexture = true;
+ COGLGraphicsContext *pcontext = (COGLGraphicsContext *)(CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext);
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture_env_combine") || pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_texture_env_combine") )
+ {
+ m_bOGLExtCombinerSupported = true;
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB,&m_maxTexUnits);
+ if( m_maxTexUnits > 8 ) m_maxTexUnits = 8;
+ TRACE0("Starting Ogl 1.4 multitexture combiner" );
+ TRACE1("m_maxTexUnits = %d", m_maxTexUnits);
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("ATI_texture_env_combine3") )
+ {
+ m_bSupportModAdd_ATI = true;
+ m_bSupportModSub_ATI = true;
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ else
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Your video card does not support OpenGL extension combiner, you can only use the basic OpenGL combiner functions");
+ }
+ m_supportedStages = m_maxTexUnits;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool COGLColorCombiner2::Initialize(void)
+ TRACE0("Starting Ogl 1.2/1.3 multitexture combiner" );
+ if( COGLColorCombiner4::Initialize() )
+ {
+ // For general combiner flags
+ m_dwGeneralMaxStages = m_supportedStages;
+ m_bTxtOpAdd = m_bSupportAdd;
+ m_bTxtOpSub = m_bSupportSubtract;
+ m_bTxtOpLerp = true;
+ m_bTxtOpAddSmooth = true;
+ m_bTxtOpBlendCurAlpha = true;
+ m_bTxtOpBlendDifAlpha = true;
+ m_bTxtOpBlendFacAlpha = true;
+ m_bTxtOpBlendTxtAlpha = true;
+ m_bTxtOpMulAdd = m_bSupportModAdd_ATI;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+void COGLColorCombiner4::InitCombinerCycleFill(void)
+ for( int i=0; i<m_supportedStages; i++ )
+ {
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i);
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(i,FALSE);
+ }
+ //pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
+ //m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(0,FALSE);
+ //pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1_ARB);
+ //m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(1,FALSE);
+void COGLColorCombiner4::InitCombinerCycle12(void)
+ if( !m_bOGLExtCombinerSupported )
+ {
+ COGLColorCombiner::InitCombinerCycle12();
+ return;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerDropCombiners )
+ {
+ UpdateCombiner(m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0,m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1);
+ m_vCompiledSettings.clear();
+ m_dwLastMux0 = m_dwLastMux1 = 0;
+ debuggerDropCombiners = false;
+ }
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableMultiTexture();
+ bool combinerIsChanged = false;
+ if( m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0 != m_dwLastMux0 || m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1 != m_dwLastMux1 || m_lastIndex < 0 )
+ {
+ combinerIsChanged = true;
+ m_lastIndex = FindCompiledMux();
+ if( m_lastIndex < 0 ) // Can not found
+ {
+ m_lastIndex = ParseDecodedMux();
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ }
+ m_dwLastMux0 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0;
+ m_dwLastMux1 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1;
+ }
+ if( m_bCycleChanged || combinerIsChanged || gRDP.texturesAreReloaded || gRDP.colorsAreReloaded )
+ {
+ if( m_bCycleChanged || combinerIsChanged )
+ {
+ GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(m_lastIndex);
+ GenerateCombinerSetting(m_lastIndex);
+ }
+ else if( gRDP.colorsAreReloaded )
+ {
+ GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(m_lastIndex);
+ }
+ m_pOGLRender->SetAllTexelRepeatFlag();
+ gRDP.colorsAreReloaded = false;
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pOGLRender->SetAllTexelRepeatFlag();
+ }
+int COGLColorCombiner4::ParseDecodedMux()
+#define nextUnit() {unitNo++;}
+ if( m_maxTexUnits<3)
+ return ParseDecodedMux2Units();
+ OGLExtCombinerSaveType res;
+ for( int k=0; k<8; k++ )
+ res.units[k].tex = -1;
+ COGLDecodedMux &mux = *(COGLDecodedMux*)m_pDecodedMux;
+ int unitNos[2];
+ for( int rgbalpha = 0; rgbalpha<2; rgbalpha++ )
+ {
+ unitNos[rgbalpha] = 0;
+ for( int cycle = 0; cycle<2; cycle++ )
+ {
+ int &unitNo = unitNos[rgbalpha];
+ OGLExtCombinerType &unit = res.units[unitNo];
+ OGLExt1CombType &comb = unit.Combs[rgbalpha];
+ CombinerFormatType type = m_pDecodedMux->splitType[cycle*2+rgbalpha];
+ N64CombinerType &m = m_pDecodedMux->m_n64Combiners[cycle*2+rgbalpha];
+ comb.arg0 = comb.arg1 = comb.arg2 = CM_IGNORE_BYTE;
+ switch( type )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_REPLACE;
+ nextUnit();
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_D: // = A
+ comb.arg0 = m.d;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_REPLACE;
+ nextUnit();
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D: // = A+D
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.d;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_ADD;
+ nextUnit();
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B: // = A-B
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ nextUnit();
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C: // = A*C
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_MODULATE;
+ nextUnit();
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D: // = A*C+D
+ if( m_bSupportModAdd_ATI )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c;
+ comb.arg1 = m.d;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_MODULATE_ADD_ATI;
+ nextUnit();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( unitNo < m_maxTexUnits-1 )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_MODULATE;
+ nextUnit();
+ res.units[unitNo].Combs[rgbalpha].arg0 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ res.units[unitNo].Combs[rgbalpha].arg1 = m.d;
+ res.units[unitNo].ops[rgbalpha] = GL_ADD;
+ nextUnit();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB;
+ nextUnit();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_LERP_B_C: // = (A-B)*C+B
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB;
+ nextUnit();
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D: // = A-B+D
+ if( unitNo < m_maxTexUnits-1 )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ nextUnit();
+ res.units[unitNo].Combs[rgbalpha].arg0 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ res.units[unitNo].Combs[rgbalpha].arg1 = m.d;
+ res.units[unitNo].ops[rgbalpha] = GL_ADD;
+ nextUnit();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB;
+ nextUnit();
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C: // = (A-B)*C
+ if( unitNo < m_maxTexUnits-1 )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ nextUnit();
+ res.units[unitNo].Combs[rgbalpha].arg0 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ res.units[unitNo].Combs[rgbalpha].arg1 = m.c;
+ res.units[unitNo].ops[rgbalpha] = GL_MODULATE;
+ nextUnit();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB;
+ nextUnit();
+ }
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D: // = (A-B)*C+D
+ default:
+ if( unitNo < m_maxTexUnits-1 )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ nextUnit();
+ if( m_bSupportModAdd_ATI )
+ {
+ res.units[unitNo].Combs[rgbalpha].arg0 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ res.units[unitNo].Combs[rgbalpha].arg2 = m.c;
+ res.units[unitNo].Combs[rgbalpha].arg1 = m.d;
+ res.units[unitNo].ops[rgbalpha] = GL_MODULATE_ADD_ATI;
+ nextUnit();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res.units[unitNo].Combs[rgbalpha].arg0 = m.a;
+ res.units[unitNo].Combs[rgbalpha].arg1 = m.b;
+ res.units[unitNo].Combs[rgbalpha].arg2 = m.c;
+ res.units[unitNo].ops[rgbalpha] = GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB;
+ nextUnit();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ unit.ops[rgbalpha] = GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB;
+ nextUnit();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ res.numOfUnits = min(m_maxTexUnits, max(unitNos[0],unitNos[1]));
+ if( unitNos[0]>m_maxTexUnits || unitNos[1]>m_maxTexUnits )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Unit overflows");
+ }
+ for( int j=0; j<2; j++ )
+ {
+ if( unitNos[j]<res.numOfUnits )
+ {
+ for( int i=unitNos[j]; i<res.numOfUnits; i++ )
+ {
+ res.units[i].Combs[j].arg0 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ res.units[i].ops[j] = GL_REPLACE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ res.units[0].tex = 0;
+ res.units[1].tex = 1;
+ res.primIsUsed = mux.isUsed(MUX_PRIM);
+ res.envIsUsed = mux.isUsed(MUX_ENV);
+ res.lodFracIsUsed = mux.isUsed(MUX_LODFRAC) || mux.isUsed(MUX_PRIMLODFRAC);
+ return SaveParsedResult(res);
+ return 0;
+int COGLColorCombiner4::ParseDecodedMux2Units()
+ OGLExtCombinerSaveType res;
+ for( int k=0; k<8; k++ )
+ res.units[k].tex = -1;
+ res.numOfUnits = 2;
+ for( int i=0; i<res.numOfUnits*2; i++ ) // Set combiner for each texture unit
+ {
+ // For each texture unit, set both RGB and Alpha channel
+ // Keep in mind that the m_pDecodeMux has been reformated and simplified very well
+ OGLExtCombinerType &unit = res.units[i/2];
+ OGLExt1CombType &comb = unit.Combs[i%2];
+ CombinerFormatType type = m_pDecodedMux->splitType[i];
+ N64CombinerType &m = m_pDecodedMux->m_n64Combiners[i];
+ comb.arg0 = comb.arg1 = comb.arg2 = MUX_0;
+ switch( type )
+ {
+ comb.arg0 = MUX_COMBINED;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_REPLACE;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_D: // = A
+ comb.arg0 = m.d;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_REPLACE;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_ADD_D: // = A+D
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.d;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_ADD;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B: // = A-B
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C: // = A*C
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_MODULATE;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_MOD_C_ADD_D: // = A*C+D
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ comb.arg2 = m.d;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_LERP_B_C: // = (A-B)*C+B
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_ADD_D: // = A-B+D
+ // fix me, to use 2 texture units
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_SUBTRACT_ARB;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_SUB_B_MOD_C: // = (A-B)*C
+ // fix me, to use 2 texture units
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.c;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_MODULATE;
+ break;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_A_B_C_D: // = (A-B)*C+D
+ default:
+ comb.arg0 = m.a;
+ comb.arg1 = m.b;
+ comb.arg2 = m.c;
+ unit.ops[i%2] = GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( m_pDecodedMux->splitType[2] == CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED && m_pDecodedMux->splitType[3] == CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_USED && !m_bTex1Enabled )
+ {
+ res.numOfUnits = 1;
+ }
+ res.units[0].tex = 0;
+ res.units[1].tex = 1;
+ return SaveParsedResult(res);
+const char* COGLColorCombiner4::GetOpStr(GLenum op)
+ switch( op )
+ {
+ case GL_REPLACE:
+ return "REPLACE";
+ return "MOD";
+ case GL_ADD:
+ return "ADD";
+ return "ADD_SIGNED";
+ return "INTERPOLATE";
+ return "SUB";
+ return "MULADD";
+ default:
+ return "SUB";
+ }
+int COGLColorCombiner4::SaveParsedResult(OGLExtCombinerSaveType &result)
+ result.dwMux0 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0;
+ result.dwMux1 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1;
+ for( int n=0; n<result.numOfUnits; n++ )
+ {
+ for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
+ {
+ result.units[n].glRGBArgs[i] = 0;
+ result.units[n].glRGBFlags[i] = 0;
+ result.units[n].glAlphaArgs[i] = 0;
+ result.units[n].glAlphaFlags[i] = 0;
+ if( result.units[n].rgbComb.args[i] != CM_IGNORE_BYTE )
+ {
+ result.units[n].glRGBArgs[i] = MapRGBArgs(result.units[n].rgbComb.args[i]);
+ result.units[n].glRGBFlags[i] = MapRGBArgFlags(result.units[n].rgbComb.args[i]);
+ }
+ if( result.units[n].alphaComb.args[i] != CM_IGNORE_BYTE )
+ {
+ result.units[n].glAlphaArgs[i] = MapAlphaArgs(result.units[n].alphaComb.args[i]);
+ result.units[n].glAlphaFlags[i] = MapAlphaArgFlags(result.units[n].alphaComb.args[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_vCompiledSettings.push_back(result);
+ m_lastIndex = m_vCompiledSettings.size()-1;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( logCombiners )
+ {
+ DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ }
+ return m_lastIndex;
+bool isGLtex(GLint val)
+ if( val >= GL_TEXTURE0_ARB && val <= GL_TEXTURE7_ARB )
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+int COGLColorCombiner4v2::SaveParsedResult(OGLExtCombinerSaveType &result)
+ result.dwMux0 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0;
+ result.dwMux1 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1;
+ int n;
+ for( n=0; n<result.numOfUnits; n++ )
+ {
+ for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
+ {
+ result.units[n].glRGBArgs[i] = 0;
+ result.units[n].glRGBFlags[i] = 0;
+ result.units[n].glAlphaArgs[i] = 0;
+ result.units[n].glAlphaFlags[i] = 0;
+ if( result.units[n].rgbComb.args[i] != CM_IGNORE_BYTE )
+ {
+ result.units[n].glRGBArgs[i] = MapRGBArgs(result.units[n].rgbComb.args[i]);
+ if( result.units[n].glRGBArgs[i] == GL_TEXTURE3_ARB && !result.envIsUsed )
+ result.units[n].glRGBArgs[i] = GL_TEXTURE2_ARB;
+ result.units[n].glRGBFlags[i] = MapRGBArgFlags(result.units[n].rgbComb.args[i]);
+ }
+ if( result.units[n].alphaComb.args[i] != CM_IGNORE_BYTE )
+ {
+ result.units[n].glAlphaArgs[i] = MapAlphaArgs(result.units[n].alphaComb.args[i]);
+ if( result.units[n].glAlphaArgs[i] == GL_TEXTURE3_ARB && !result.envIsUsed )
+ result.units[n].glAlphaArgs[i] = GL_TEXTURE2_ARB;
+ result.units[n].glAlphaFlags[i] = MapAlphaArgFlags(result.units[n].alphaComb.args[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if( isGLtex(result.units[n].glRGBArgs[0]) && isGLtex(result.units[n].glRGBArgs[1]) && isGLtex(result.units[n].glRGBArgs[2]) )
+ {
+ result.units[n].glRGBArgs[2] = GL_CONSTANT_ARB;
+ }
+ if( isGLtex(result.units[n].glAlphaArgs[0]) && isGLtex(result.units[n].glAlphaArgs[1]) && isGLtex(result.units[n].glAlphaArgs[2]) )
+ {
+ result.units[n].glRGBArgs[2] = GL_CONSTANT_ARB;
+ }
+ }
+ int extraUnit = 0;
+ if( result.envIsUsed ) extraUnit++;
+ if( result.lodFracIsUsed ) extraUnit++;
+ for( n=result.numOfUnits; n<result.numOfUnits+extraUnit; n++ )
+ {
+ for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
+ {
+ result.units[n].rgbComb.args[i]=CM_IGNORE_BYTE;
+ result.units[n].alphaComb.args[i]=CM_IGNORE_BYTE;
+ result.units[n].glRGBArgs[i] = 0;
+ result.units[n].glRGBFlags[i] = 0;
+ result.units[n].glAlphaArgs[i] = 0;
+ result.units[n].glAlphaFlags[i] = 0;
+ }
+ result.units[n].rgbComb.args[0]=MUX_COMBINED;
+ result.units[n].alphaComb.args[0]=MUX_COMBINED;
+ result.units[n].rgbOp = GL_REPLACE;
+ result.units[n].alphaOp = GL_REPLACE;
+ result.units[n].glRGBArgs[0] = GL_PREVIOUS_ARB;
+ result.units[n].glRGBArgs[1] = GL_PREVIOUS_ARB;
+ result.units[n].rgbFlag0gl = GL_SRC_COLOR;
+ result.units[n].rgbFlag1gl = GL_SRC_COLOR;
+ result.units[n].glAlphaArgs[0] = GL_PREVIOUS_ARB;
+ result.units[n].glAlphaArgs[1] = GL_PREVIOUS_ARB;
+ result.units[n].alphaFlag0gl = GL_SRC_ALPHA;
+ result.units[n].alphaFlag1gl = GL_SRC_ALPHA;
+ }
+ result.numOfUnits += extraUnit;
+ m_vCompiledSettings.push_back(result);
+ m_lastIndex = m_vCompiledSettings.size()-1;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( logCombiners )
+ {
+ DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ }
+ return m_lastIndex;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+extern const char *translatedCombTypes[];
+void COGLColorCombiner4::DisplaySimpleMuxString(void)
+ char buf0[30], buf1[30], buf2[30];
+ OGLExtCombinerSaveType &result = m_vCompiledSettings[m_lastIndex];
+ COGLColorCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("OpenGL 1.2: %d Stages", result.numOfUnits);
+ for( int i=0; i<result.numOfUnits; i++ )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aRGB%d:\t%s: %s, %s, %s\n", i,GetOpStr(result.units[i].rgbOp), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.units[i].rgbArg0,buf0), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.units[i].rgbArg1,buf1), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.units[i].rgbArg2,buf2));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aAlpha%d:\t%s: %s, %s, %s\n", i,GetOpStr(result.units[i].alphaOp), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.units[i].alphaArg0,buf0), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.units[i].alphaArg1,buf1), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.units[i].alphaArg2,buf2));
+ }
+ TRACE0("\n\n");
+void COGLColorCombiner2::DisplaySimpleMuxString(void)
+ char buf0[30], buf1[30], buf2[30];
+ OGLExtCombinerSaveType &result = m_vCompiledSettings[m_lastIndex];
+ COGLColorCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ int generalCombinerIndex = CGeneralCombiner::FindCompiledMux();
+ if( generalCombinerIndex < 0 ) // Can not found
+ {
+ generalCombinerIndex = CGeneralCombiner::ParseDecodedMux();
+ }
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Generated general combiners:");
+ GeneralCombinerInfo &generalRes = m_vCompiledCombinerStages[generalCombinerIndex];
+ General_DisplayBlendingStageInfo(generalRes);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("OpenGL 1.2: %d Stages", result.numOfUnits);
+ for( int i=0; i<result.numOfUnits; i++ )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aRGB%d:\t%s: %s, %s, %s\n", i,GetOpStr(result.units[i].rgbOp), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.units[i].rgbArg0,buf0), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.units[i].rgbArg1,buf1), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.units[i].rgbArg2,buf2));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("//aAlpha%d:\t%s: %s, %s, %s\n", i,GetOpStr(result.units[i].alphaOp), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.units[i].alphaArg0,buf0), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.units[i].alphaArg1,buf1), DecodedMux::FormatStr(result.units[i].alphaArg2,buf2));
+ }
+ TRACE0("\n\n");
+int COGLColorCombiner4::FindCompiledMux()
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerDropCombiners )
+ {
+ m_vCompiledSettings.clear();
+ //m_dwLastMux0 = m_dwLastMux1 = 0;
+ debuggerDropCombiners = false;
+ }
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<m_vCompiledSettings.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_vCompiledSettings[i].dwMux0 == m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0 && m_vCompiledSettings[i].dwMux1 == m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1 )
+ return (int)i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+GLint COGLColorCombiner4::RGBArgsMap4[] =
+GLint COGLColorCombiner4v2::RGBArgsMap4v2[] =
+GLint COGLColorCombiner2::RGBArgsMap2[] =
+GLint COGLColorCombiner4::MapRGBArgs(uint8 arg)
+ return RGBArgsMap4[arg&MUX_MASK];
+GLint COGLColorCombiner4v2::MapRGBArgs(uint8 arg)
+ return RGBArgsMap4v2[arg&MUX_MASK];
+GLint COGLColorCombiner2::MapRGBArgs(uint8 arg)
+ return RGBArgsMap2[arg&MUX_MASK];
+GLint COGLColorCombiner4::MapRGBArgFlags(uint8 arg)
+ if( (arg & MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE) && (arg & MUX_COMPLEMENT) )
+ {
+ }
+ else if( (arg & MUX_ALPHAREPLICATE) )
+ {
+ return GL_SRC_ALPHA;
+ }
+ else if(arg & MUX_COMPLEMENT)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ return GL_SRC_COLOR;
+GLint COGLColorCombiner4::MapAlphaArgs(uint8 arg)
+ return RGBArgsMap4[arg&MUX_MASK];
+GLint COGLColorCombiner4v2::MapAlphaArgs(uint8 arg)
+ return RGBArgsMap4v2[arg&MUX_MASK];
+GLint COGLColorCombiner2::MapAlphaArgs(uint8 arg)
+ return RGBArgsMap2[arg&MUX_MASK];
+GLint COGLColorCombiner4::MapAlphaArgFlags(uint8 arg)
+ if(arg & MUX_COMPLEMENT)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ return GL_SRC_ALPHA;
+void ApplyFor1Unit(OGLExtCombinerType &unit)
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_COMBINE_RGB_ARB, unit.rgbOp);
+ if( unit.rgbArg0 != CM_IGNORE_BYTE )
+ {
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE0_RGB_ARB, (unit.rgbArg0gl));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_RGB_ARB, (unit.rgbFlag0gl));
+ }
+ if( unit.rgbArg1 != CM_IGNORE_BYTE )
+ {
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE1_RGB_ARB, (unit.rgbArg1gl));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND1_RGB_ARB, (unit.rgbFlag1gl));
+ }
+ if( unit.rgbArg2 != CM_IGNORE_BYTE )
+ {
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE2_RGB_ARB, (unit.rgbArg2gl));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND2_RGB_ARB, (unit.rgbFlag2gl));
+ }
+ if( unit.alphaArg0 != CM_IGNORE_BYTE )
+ {
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA_ARB, (unit.alphaArg0gl));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA_ARB, (unit.alphaFlag0gl));
+ }
+ if( unit.alphaArg1 != CM_IGNORE_BYTE )
+ {
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA_ARB, (unit.alphaArg1gl));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA_ARB, (unit.alphaFlag1gl));
+ }
+ if( unit.alphaArg2 != CM_IGNORE_BYTE )
+ {
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA_ARB, (unit.alphaArg2gl));
+ glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA_ARB, (unit.alphaFlag2gl));
+ }
+void COGLColorCombiner4::GenerateCombinerSetting(int index)
+ OGLExtCombinerSaveType &res = m_vCompiledSettings[index];
+ // Texture unit 0
+ COGLTexture* pTexture = NULL;
+ COGLTexture* pTexture1 = NULL;
+ if( m_bTex0Enabled || m_bTex1Enabled || gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ {
+ if( m_bTex0Enabled || gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ {
+ pTexture = g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ if( pTexture ) m_pOGLRender->BindTexture(pTexture->m_dwTextureName, 0);
+ }
+ if( m_bTex1Enabled )
+ {
+ pTexture1 = g_textures[(gRSP.curTile+1)&7].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ if( pTexture1 ) m_pOGLRender->BindTexture(pTexture1->m_dwTextureName, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ for( int i=0; i<res.numOfUnits; i++ )
+ {
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i);
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(i,TRUE);
+ ApplyFor1Unit(res.units[i]);
+ }
+ if( res.numOfUnits < m_maxTexUnits )
+ {
+ for( int i=res.numOfUnits; i<m_maxTexUnits; i++ )
+ {
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i);
+ m_pOGLRender->DisBindTexture(0, i);
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(i,FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+void COGLColorCombiner4::GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(int index)
+ OGLExtCombinerSaveType &res = m_vCompiledSettings[index];
+ float *fv;
+ float tempf[4];
+ bool isused = true;
+ if( res.primIsUsed )
+ {
+ fv = GetPrimitiveColorfv(); // CONSTANT COLOR
+ }
+ else if( res.envIsUsed )
+ {
+ fv = GetEnvColorfv(); // CONSTANT COLOR
+ }
+ else if( res.lodFracIsUsed )
+ {
+ float frac = gRDP.LODFrac / 255.0f;
+ tempf[0] = tempf[1] = tempf[2] = tempf[3] = frac;
+ fv = &tempf[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ isused = false;
+ }
+ if( isused )
+ {
+ for( int i=0; i<res.numOfUnits; i++ )
+ {
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i);
+ }
+ }
+void COGLColorCombiner4v2::GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(int index)
+ //COGLColorCombiner4::GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(index);
+ //return;
+ OGLExtCombinerSaveType &res = m_vCompiledSettings[index];
+ COGLExtRender *prender = (COGLExtRender *)m_pRender;
+ if( res.primIsUsed )
+ {
+ float *fv = GetPrimitiveColorfv(); // CONSTANT COLOR
+ for( int i=0; i<res.numOfUnits; i++ )
+ {
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i);
+ }
+ }
+ if( res.envIsUsed )
+ {
+ // Set Texture unit 2 to ENV
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE2_ARB);
+ prender->EnableTexUnit(2,TRUE);
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry = gTextureManager.GetConstantColorTexture(MUX_ENV);
+ prender->SetCurrentTexture( (gRSP.curTile+2)%7, pEntry->pTexture, 4, 4, pEntry);
+ prender->SetTexelRepeatFlags((gRSP.curTile+2)%7);
+ }
+ if( res.lodFracIsUsed)
+ {
+ int unit = 3;
+ if( !res.envIsUsed )
+ unit = 2;
+ // Set Texture unit 3 to LODFRAC
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+unit);
+ prender->EnableTexUnit(unit,TRUE);
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry = gTextureManager.GetConstantColorTexture(MUX_LODFRAC);
+ prender->SetCurrentTexture( (gRSP.curTile+unit)%7, pEntry->pTexture, 4, 4, pEntry);
+ prender->SetTexelRepeatFlags((gRSP.curTile+unit)%7);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int unit = 3;
+ if( !res.envIsUsed )
+ unit = 2;
+ // Disable texture unit 3
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+unit);
+ prender->EnableTexUnit(unit,FALSE);
+ prender->SetTextureToTextureUnitMap(-1,unit);
+ }
+GLenum GeneralToGLMaps[]=
+int COGLColorCombiner2::ParseDecodedMux()
+ //return COGLColorCombiner4::ParseDecodedMux();
+ int generalCombinerIndex = CGeneralCombiner::FindCompiledMux();
+ if( generalCombinerIndex < 0 ) // Can not found
+ {
+ generalCombinerIndex = CGeneralCombiner::ParseDecodedMux();
+ }
+ GeneralCombinerInfo &generalRes = m_vCompiledCombinerStages[generalCombinerIndex];
+ OGLExtCombinerSaveType res;
+ // Convert generalRes to OGLExtCombinerSaveType
+ for( int unitNo=0; unitNo<generalRes.nStages; unitNo++ )
+ {
+ OGLExtCombinerType &unit = res.units[unitNo];
+ //OGLExt1CombType &colorComb = unit.Combs[0];
+ //OGLExt1CombType &alphaComb = unit.Combs[1];
+ unit.rgbArg0 = (uint8)generalRes.stages[unitNo].colorOp.Arg1;
+ unit.rgbArg1 = (uint8)generalRes.stages[unitNo].colorOp.Arg2;
+ unit.rgbArg2 = (uint8)generalRes.stages[unitNo].colorOp.Arg0;
+ unit.alphaArg0 = (uint8)generalRes.stages[unitNo].alphaOp.Arg1;
+ unit.alphaArg1 = (uint8)generalRes.stages[unitNo].alphaOp.Arg2;
+ unit.alphaArg2 = (uint8)generalRes.stages[unitNo].alphaOp.Arg0;
+ unit.rgbOp = GeneralToGLMaps[generalRes.stages[unitNo].colorOp.op];
+ if( unit.rgbOp == GL_MODULATE_ADD_ATI && !m_bTxtOpMulAdd )
+ {
+ if( (unit.rgbArg0&MUX_MASK) == (unit.rgbArg2&MUX_MASK) && (unit.rgbArg0&MUX_COMPLEMENT) )
+ {
+ unit.rgbOp = GL_ADD;
+ unit.rgbArg0 &= ~MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unit.rgbOp = GL_MODULATE;
+ }
+ }
+ unit.alphaOp = GeneralToGLMaps[generalRes.stages[unitNo].alphaOp.op];
+ if( unit.alphaOp == GL_MODULATE_ADD_ATI && !m_bTxtOpMulAdd )
+ {
+ if( (unit.alphaArg0&MUX_MASK) == (unit.alphaArg2&MUX_MASK) && (unit.alphaArg0&MUX_COMPLEMENT) )
+ {
+ unit.alphaOp = GL_ADD;
+ unit.alphaArg0 &= ~MUX_COMPLEMENT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unit.alphaOp = GL_MODULATE;
+ }
+ }
+ unit.tex = generalRes.stages[unitNo].dwTexture;
+ unit.textureIsUsed = generalRes.stages[unitNo].bTextureUsed;
+ }
+ res.numOfUnits = generalRes.nStages;
+ res.constantColor = generalRes.TFactor;
+ return SaveParsedResult(res);
+void COGLColorCombiner2::GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(int index)
+ OGLExtCombinerSaveType &res = m_vCompiledSettings[index];
+ bool isused = true;
+ float *fv;
+ float tempf[4];
+ if( res.primIsUsed )
+ {
+ fv = GetPrimitiveColorfv(); // CONSTANT COLOR
+ }
+ else if( res.envIsUsed )
+ {
+ fv = GetEnvColorfv(); // CONSTANT COLOR
+ }
+ else if( res.lodFracIsUsed )
+ {
+ float frac = gRDP.LODFrac / 255.0f;
+ tempf[0] = tempf[1] = tempf[2] = tempf[3] = frac;
+ fv = &tempf[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ isused = false;
+ }
+ if( isused )
+ {
+ for( int i=0; i<res.numOfUnits; i++ )
+ {
+ pglActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i);
+ }
+ }
+void COGLColorCombiner2::GenerateCombinerSetting(int index)
+ OGLExtCombinerSaveType &res = m_vCompiledSettings[index];
+ COGLExtRender *prender = (COGLExtRender *)m_pRender;
+ for( int i=0; i<res.numOfUnits; i++ )
+ {
+ pglActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i);
+ //if(res.units[i].textureIsUsed)
+ {
+ prender->SetTextureToTextureUnitMap(res.units[i].tex,i);
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(i,TRUE);
+ COGLTexture* pTexture = g_textures[(gRSP.curTile+res.units[i].tex)&7].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ if( pTexture ) m_pOGLRender->BindTexture(pTexture->m_dwTextureName, i);
+ }
+ /*
+ else
+ {
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(i,TRUE);
+ prender->SetTextureToTextureUnitMap(-1,i);
+ //m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(i,FALSE);
+ //m_pOGLRender->DisBindTexture(0, i);
+ }
+ */
+ ApplyFor1Unit(res.units[i]);
+ }
+ if( res.numOfUnits < m_maxTexUnits )
+ {
+ for( int i=res.numOfUnits; i<m_maxTexUnits; i++ )
+ {
+ pglActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i);
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableTexUnit(i,FALSE);
+ prender->SetTextureToTextureUnitMap(-1,i);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <vector>
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "OGLCombiner.h"
+#include "GeneralCombiner.h"
+typedef union
+ struct {
+ uint8 arg0;
+ uint8 arg1;
+ uint8 arg2;
+ };
+ uint8 args[3];
+} OGLExt1CombType;
+typedef struct {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ GLenum rgbOp;
+ GLenum alphaOp;
+ };
+ GLenum ops[2];
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ uint8 rgbArg0;
+ uint8 rgbArg1;
+ uint8 rgbArg2;
+ uint8 alphaArg0;
+ uint8 alphaArg1;
+ uint8 alphaArg2;
+ };
+ struct {
+ OGLExt1CombType rgbComb;
+ OGLExt1CombType alphaComb;
+ };
+ OGLExt1CombType Combs[2];
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ GLint rgbArg0gl;
+ GLint rgbArg1gl;
+ GLint rgbArg2gl;
+ };
+ GLint glRGBArgs[3];
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ GLint rgbFlag0gl;
+ GLint rgbFlag1gl;
+ GLint rgbFlag2gl;
+ };
+ GLint glRGBFlags[3];
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ GLint alphaArg0gl;
+ GLint alphaArg1gl;
+ GLint alphaArg2gl;
+ };
+ GLint glAlphaArgs[3];
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ GLint alphaFlag0gl;
+ GLint alphaFlag1gl;
+ GLint alphaFlag2gl;
+ };
+ GLint glAlphaFlags[3];
+ };
+ int tex;
+ bool textureIsUsed;
+ //float scale; //Will not be used
+} OGLExtCombinerType;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 dwMux0;
+ uint32 dwMux1;
+ OGLExtCombinerType units[8];
+ int numOfUnits;
+ uint32 constantColor;
+ // For 1.4 v2 combiner
+ bool primIsUsed;
+ bool envIsUsed;
+ bool lodFracIsUsed;
+} OGLExtCombinerSaveType;
+// OpenGL 1.4 combiner which support Texture Crossbar feature
+class COGLColorCombiner4 : public COGLColorCombiner
+ bool Initialize(void);
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ void InitCombinerCycle12(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleFill(void);
+ virtual void GenerateCombinerSetting(int index);
+ virtual void GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(int index);
+ virtual int ParseDecodedMux();
+ COGLColorCombiner4(CRender *pRender);
+ ~COGLColorCombiner4() {};
+ bool m_bOGLExtCombinerSupported; // Is this OGL extension combiner supported by the video card driver?
+ bool m_bSupportModAdd_ATI;
+ bool m_bSupportModSub_ATI;
+ GLint m_maxTexUnits;
+ int m_lastIndex;
+ uint32 m_dwLastMux0;
+ uint32 m_dwLastMux1;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void DisplaySimpleMuxString(void);
+ virtual int SaveParsedResult(OGLExtCombinerSaveType &result);
+ static GLint MapRGBArgFlags(uint8 arg);
+ static GLint MapAlphaArgFlags(uint8 arg);
+ std::vector<OGLExtCombinerSaveType> m_vCompiledSettings;
+ static GLint RGBArgsMap4[];
+ static const char* GetOpStr(GLenum op);
+ virtual int ParseDecodedMux2Units();
+ virtual int FindCompiledMux();
+ virtual GLint MapRGBArgs(uint8 arg);
+ virtual GLint MapAlphaArgs(uint8 arg);
+class COGLColorCombiner4v2 : public COGLColorCombiner4
+ /************************************************************************
+ * Version 2 of OGL 1.4 combiner
+ * Will support up to 4 texture units
+ * Texture unit 0 and 1 are for N64 texture T0 and T1
+ * Texture unit 2 and 3 will be used to map constant colors
+ * Constant color mapping:
+ * OGL constant factor: MUX_PRIM
+ ************************************************************************/
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ virtual void GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(int index);
+ virtual int SaveParsedResult(OGLExtCombinerSaveType &result);
+ COGLColorCombiner4v2(CRender *pRender);
+ ~COGLColorCombiner4v2() {};
+ static GLint RGBArgsMap4v2[];
+ virtual GLint MapRGBArgs(uint8 arg);
+ virtual GLint MapAlphaArgs(uint8 arg);
+// OpenGL 1.2, 1.3 combiner which does not support Texture Crossbar feature
+class COGLColorCombiner2 : public COGLColorCombiner4, CGeneralCombiner
+ bool Initialize(void);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void DisplaySimpleMuxString(void);
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ COGLColorCombiner2(CRender *pRender);
+ ~COGLColorCombiner2() {};
+ virtual int ParseDecodedMux();
+ virtual void GenerateCombinerSetting(int index);
+ virtual void GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(int index);
+ virtual GLint MapRGBArgs(uint8 arg);
+ virtual GLint MapAlphaArgs(uint8 arg);
+ static GLint RGBArgsMap2[];
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "OGLExtensions.h"
+#include "OGLDebug.h"
+#include "OGLExtRender.h"
+#include "OGLTexture.h"
+void COGLExtRender::Initialize(void)
+ OGLRender::Initialize();
+ // Initialize multitexture
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB,&m_maxTexUnits);
+ for( int i=0; i<8; i++ )
+ m_textureUnitMap[i] = -1;
+ m_textureUnitMap[0] = 0; // T0 is usually using texture unit 0
+ m_textureUnitMap[1] = 1; // T1 is usually using texture unit 1
+void COGLExtRender::BindTexture(GLuint texture, int unitno)
+ if( m_bEnableMultiTexture )
+ {
+ if( unitno < m_maxTexUnits )
+ {
+ if( m_curBoundTex[unitno] != texture )
+ {
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+unitno);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,texture);
+ m_curBoundTex[unitno] = texture;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OGLRender::BindTexture(texture, unitno);
+ }
+void COGLExtRender::DisBindTexture(GLuint texture, int unitno)
+ if( m_bEnableMultiTexture )
+ {
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+unitno);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); //Not to bind any texture
+ }
+ else
+ OGLRender::DisBindTexture(texture, unitno);
+void COGLExtRender::TexCoord2f(float u, float v)
+ if( m_bEnableMultiTexture )
+ {
+//printf("*SEB* overloaded TexCoord2f(%f, %f)\n", u, v);
+ for( int i=0; i<8; i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_textureUnitMap[i] >= 0 )
+ {
+ pglMultiTexCoord2f(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i, u, v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OGLRender::TexCoord2f(u,v);
+ }
+void COGLExtRender::TexCoord(TLITVERTEX &vtxInfo)
+ if( m_bEnableMultiTexture )
+ {
+//printf("*SEB* overloaded TexCoord(%f, %f)\n", vtxInfo.tcord[0].u, vtxInfo.tcord[0].v);
+ for( int i=0; i<8; i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_textureUnitMap[i] >= 0 )
+ {
+ pglMultiTexCoord2fv(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i, &(vtxInfo.tcord[m_textureUnitMap[i]].u));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(vtxInfo);
+ }
+void COGLExtRender::SetTexWrapS(int unitno,GLuint flag)
+ static GLuint mflag[8];
+ static GLuint mtex[8];
+ if( m_curBoundTex[unitno] != mtex[unitno] || mflag[unitno] != flag )
+ {
+ mtex[unitno] = m_curBoundTex[0];
+ mflag[unitno] = flag;
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, flag);
+ }
+void COGLExtRender::SetTexWrapT(int unitno,GLuint flag)
+ static GLuint mflag[8];
+ static GLuint mtex[8];
+ if( m_curBoundTex[unitno] != mtex[unitno] || mflag[unitno] != flag )
+ {
+ mtex[unitno] = m_curBoundTex[0];
+ mflag[unitno] = flag;
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, flag);
+ }
+extern UVFlagMap OGLXUVFlagMaps[];
+void COGLExtRender::SetTextureUFlag(TextureUVFlag dwFlag, uint32 dwTile)
+ TileUFlags[dwTile] = dwFlag;
+ if( !m_bEnableMultiTexture )
+ {
+ OGLRender::SetTextureUFlag(dwFlag, dwTile);
+ return;
+ }
+ int tex;
+ if( dwTile == gRSP.curTile )
+ tex=0;
+ else if( dwTile == ((gRSP.curTile+1)&7) )
+ tex=1;
+ else
+ {
+ if( dwTile == ((gRSP.curTile+2)&7) )
+ tex=2;
+ else if( dwTile == ((gRSP.curTile+3)&7) )
+ tex=3;
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE2("Incorrect tile number for OGL SetTextureUFlag: cur=%d, tile=%d", gRSP.curTile, dwTile);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ for( int textureNo=0; textureNo<8; textureNo++)
+ {
+ if( m_textureUnitMap[textureNo] == tex )
+ {
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+textureNo);
+ COGLTexture* pTexture = g_textures[(gRSP.curTile+tex)&7].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ if( pTexture )
+ {
+ EnableTexUnit(textureNo,TRUE);
+ BindTexture(pTexture->m_dwTextureName, textureNo);
+ }
+ SetTexWrapS(textureNo, OGLXUVFlagMaps[dwFlag].realFlag);
+ }
+ }
+void COGLExtRender::SetTextureVFlag(TextureUVFlag dwFlag, uint32 dwTile)
+ TileVFlags[dwTile] = dwFlag;
+ if( !m_bEnableMultiTexture )
+ {
+ OGLRender::SetTextureVFlag(dwFlag, dwTile);
+ return;
+ }
+ int tex;
+ if( dwTile == gRSP.curTile )
+ tex=0;
+ else if( dwTile == ((gRSP.curTile+1)&7) )
+ tex=1;
+ else
+ {
+ if( dwTile == ((gRSP.curTile+2)&7) )
+ tex=2;
+ else if( dwTile == ((gRSP.curTile+3)&7) )
+ tex=3;
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE2("Incorrect tile number for OGL SetTextureVFlag: cur=%d, tile=%d", gRSP.curTile, dwTile);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ for( int textureNo=0; textureNo<8; textureNo++)
+ {
+ if( m_textureUnitMap[textureNo] == tex )
+ {
+ COGLTexture* pTexture = g_textures[(gRSP.curTile+tex)&7].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ if( pTexture )
+ {
+ EnableTexUnit(textureNo,TRUE);
+ BindTexture(pTexture->m_dwTextureName, textureNo);
+ }
+ SetTexWrapT(textureNo, OGLXUVFlagMaps[dwFlag].realFlag);
+ }
+ }
+void COGLExtRender::EnableTexUnit(int unitno, BOOL flag)
+ if( m_texUnitEnabled[unitno] != flag )
+ {
+ m_texUnitEnabled[unitno] = flag;
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+unitno);
+ if( flag == TRUE )
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ else
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ }
+void COGLExtRender::ApplyTextureFilter()
+ static uint32 minflag[8], magflag[8];
+ static uint32 mtex[8];
+ int iMinFilter, iMagFilter;
+ for( int i=0; i<m_maxTexUnits; i++ )
+ {
+ //Compute iMinFilter and iMagFilter
+ if(m_dwMinFilter == FILTER_LINEAR) //Texture will use filtering
+ {
+ iMagFilter = GL_LINEAR;
+ //Texture filtering method user want
+ switch(options.mipmapping)
+ {
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ //Bilinear without mipmap
+ iMinFilter = GL_LINEAR;
+ }
+ }
+ else //dont use filtering, all is nearest
+ {
+ iMagFilter = GL_NEAREST;
+ if(options.mipmapping)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iMinFilter = GL_NEAREST;
+ }
+ }
+ if( m_texUnitEnabled[i] )
+ {
+ if( mtex[i] != m_curBoundTex[i] )
+ {
+ mtex[i] = m_curBoundTex[i];
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i);
+ minflag[i] = m_dwMinFilter;
+ magflag[i] = m_dwMagFilter;
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iMinFilter);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iMagFilter);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( minflag[i] != (unsigned int)m_dwMinFilter )
+ {
+ minflag[i] = m_dwMinFilter;
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iMinFilter);
+ }
+ if( magflag[i] != (unsigned int)m_dwMagFilter )
+ {
+ magflag[i] = m_dwMagFilter;
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+i);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iMagFilter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void COGLExtRender::SetTextureToTextureUnitMap(int tex, int unit)
+ if( unit < 8 && (tex >= -1 || tex <= 1))
+ m_textureUnitMap[unit] = tex;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _OGL_EXT_RENDER_H_
+#define _OGL_EXT_RENDER_H_
+#include "OGLRender.h"
+class COGLExtRender : public OGLRender
+ void Initialize(void);
+ void BindTexture(GLuint texture, int unitno);
+ void DisBindTexture(GLuint texture, int unitno);
+ void TexCoord2f(float u, float v);
+ void TexCoord(TLITVERTEX &vtxInfo);
+ void SetTextureUFlag(TextureUVFlag dwFlag, uint32 tile);
+ void SetTextureVFlag(TextureUVFlag dwFlag, uint32 tile);
+ void EnableTexUnit(int unitno, BOOL flag);
+ void SetTexWrapS(int unitno,GLuint flag);
+ void SetTexWrapT(int unitno,GLuint flag);
+ void ApplyTextureFilter();
+ void SetTextureToTextureUnitMap(int tex, int unit);
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ COGLExtRender() {};
+ ~COGLExtRender() {};
+ GLint m_maxTexUnits;
+ int m_textureUnitMap[8];
--- /dev/null
+/* OGLExtensions.cpp
+Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Goedeken
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+/* This source file contains code for assigning function pointers to some OpenGL functions */
+/* This is only necessary because Windows does not contain development support for OpenGL versions beyond 1.1 */
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+#include <SDL_opengles.h>
+#include <SDL_opengl.h>
+#include "OGLExtensions.h"
+#include "Video.h"
+static void APIENTRY EmptyFunc(void) { return; }
+bool bNvidiaExtensionsSupported = false;
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+#define INIT_ENTRY_POINT(type, funcname) \
+ p##funcname = (type) CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress(#funcname); \
+ if (p##funcname == NULL) { DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, \
+ "Couldn't get address of OpenGL function: '%s'", #funcname); p##funcname = (type) EmptyFunc; }
+void OGLExtensions_Init(void)
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ bNvidiaExtensionsSupported = false;
+ /* nvidia extensions are a special case */
+ bNvidiaExtensionsSupported = true;
+ pglCombinerParameterfvNV = (PFUNCGLCOMBINERPARAMETERFVNVPROC) CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress("glCombinerParameterfvNV");
+ if (pglCombinerParameterfvNV == NULL) bNvidiaExtensionsSupported = false;
+ pglFinalCombinerInputNV = (PFUNCGLFINALCOMBINERINPUTNVPROC) CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress("glFinalCombinerInputNV");
+ if (pglFinalCombinerInputNV == NULL) bNvidiaExtensionsSupported = false;
+ pglCombinerOutputNV = (PFUNCGLCOMBINEROUTPUTNVPROC) CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress("glCombinerOutputNV");
+ if (pglCombinerOutputNV == NULL) bNvidiaExtensionsSupported = false;
+ pglCombinerInputNV = (PFUNCGLCOMBINERINPUTNVPROC) CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress("glCombinerInputNV");
+ if (pglCombinerInputNV == NULL) bNvidiaExtensionsSupported = false;
+ pglCombinerParameteriNV = (PFUNCGLCOMBINERPARAMETERINVPROC) CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress("glCombinerParameteriNV");
+ if (pglCombinerParameteriNV == NULL) bNvidiaExtensionsSupported = false;
--- /dev/null
+/* OGLExtensions.h
+Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Goedeken
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+/* This header file contains function pointers to some OpenGL functions */
+/* This is only necessary because Windows does not contain development support for OpenGL versions beyond 1.1 */
+#if !defined(OGL_EXTENSIONS_H)
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+#include <SDL_opengles.h>
+#include <SDL_opengl.h>
+/* Just call this one function to load up the function pointers. */
+void OGLExtensions_Init(void);
+/* The function pointer types are defined here because as of 2009 some OpenGL drivers under Linux do 'incorrect' things which
+ mess up the SDL_opengl.h header, resulting in no function pointer typedefs at all, and thus compilation errors.
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+static void myglMultiTexCoord2f(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t)
+ glMultiTexCoord4f(target, s, t, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+static void myglMultiTexCoord2fv(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v)
+ glMultiTexCoord4f(target, v[0], v[1], 0.0f, 1.0f);
+#define pglActiveTexture glActiveTexture
+#define pglActiveTextureARB glActiveTexture
+#define pglMultiTexCoord2f myglMultiTexCoord2f
+#define pglMultiTexCoord2fv myglMultiTexCoord2fv
+#define pglDeleteProgramsARB(a,b) {}
+#define pglProgramStringARB(a,b,c,d) {}
+#define pglBindProgramARB(a,b) {}
+#define pglGenProgramsARB(a,b) {}
+#define pglProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(a,b,c) {}
+#define pglFogCoordPointerEXT(a,b,c) {}
+#define pglClientActiveTextureARB glClientActiveTexture
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFUNCGLCOMBINERPARAMETERFVNVPROC) (GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFUNCGLFINALCOMBINERINPUTNVPROC) (GLenum variable, GLenum input, GLenum mapping, GLenum componentUsage);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFUNCGLCOMBINEROUTPUTNVPROC) (GLenum stage, GLenum portion, GLenum abOutput, GLenum cdOutput, GLenum sumOutput, GLenum scale, GLenum bias, GLboolean abDotProduct, GLboolean cdDotProduct, GLboolean muxSum);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFUNCGLCOMBINERINPUTNVPROC) (GLenum stage, GLenum portion, GLenum variable, GLenum input, GLenum mapping, GLenum componentUsage);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFUNCGLMULTITEXCOORD2FPROC) (GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFUNCGLMULTITEXCOORD2FVPROC) (GLenum target, const GLfloat *v);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFUNCGLDELETEPROGRAMSARBPROC) (GLsizei n, const GLuint *programs);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFUNCGLPROGRAMSTRINGARBPROC) (GLenum target, GLenum format, GLsizei len, const GLvoid *string);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFUNCGLBINDPROGRAMARBPROC) (GLenum target, GLuint program);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFUNCGLGENPROGRAMSARBPROC) (GLsizei n, GLuint *programs);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFUNCGLPROGRAMENVPARAMETER4FVARBPROC) (GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat *params);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFUNCGLFOGCOORDPOINTEREXTPROC) (GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer);
+extern bool bNvidiaExtensionsSupported;
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "OGLExtensions.h"
+#include "OGLDebug.h"
+#include "OGLFragmentShaders.h"
+#include "OGLRender.h"
+#include "OGLGraphicsContext.h"
+COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::COGLFragmentShaderCombiner(CRender *pRender)
+: COGLColorCombiner(pRender)
+ m_bShaderIsSupported = false;
+bool COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::Initialize(void)
+ if( !COGLColorCombiner::Initialize() )
+ return false;
+ COGLGraphicsContext *pcontext = (COGLGraphicsContext *)(CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext);
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_fragment_shader") )
+ {
+ m_bShaderIsSupported = true;
+ }
+ return true;
+void COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::InitCombinerCycle12(void)
+void COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::DisableCombiner(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner::DisableCombiner();
+void COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::InitCombinerCycleCopy(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner::InitCombinerCycleCopy();
+void COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::InitCombinerCycleFill(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner::InitCombinerCycleFill();
+void COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(uint32 tile)
+ COGLColorCombiner::InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(tile);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+void COGLFragmentShaderCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner(CRender *pRender)
+: COGLColorCombiner4(pRender)
+ delete m_pDecodedMux;
+ m_pDecodedMux = new DecodedMuxForPixelShader;
+ m_bFragmentProgramIsSupported = false;
+ int size = m_vCompiledShaders.size();
+ for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
+ {
+ GLuint ID = m_vCompiledShaders[i].programID;
+ pglDeleteProgramsARB(1, &ID);
+ m_vCompiledShaders[i].programID = 0;
+ }
+ m_vCompiledShaders.clear();
+bool COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::Initialize(void)
+ if( !COGLColorCombiner4::Initialize() )
+ return false;
+ COGLGraphicsContext *pcontext = (COGLGraphicsContext *)(CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext);
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_fragment_program") )
+ {
+ m_bFragmentProgramIsSupported = true;
+ }
+ return true;
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::DisableCombiner(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner4::DisableCombiner();
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::InitCombinerCycleCopy(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner4::InitCombinerCycleCopy();
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::InitCombinerCycleFill(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner4::InitCombinerCycleFill();
+const char *muxToFP_Maps[][2] = {
+//color -- alpha
+{"0", "0"}, //MUX_0 = 0,
+{"1", "1"}, //MUX_1,
+{"comb", "comb.a"}, //MUX_COMBINED,
+{"t0", "t0.a"}, //MUX_TEXEL0,
+{"t1", "t1.a"}, //MUX_TEXEL1,
+{"program.env[2]", "program.env[2].a"}, //MUX_PRIM,
+{"fragment.color", "fragment.color.a"}, //MUX_SHADE,
+{"program.env[1]", "program.env[1].a"}, //MUX_ENV,
+{"comb.a", "comb.a"}, //MUX_COMBALPHA,
+{"t0.a", "t0.a"}, //MUX_T0_ALPHA,
+{"t1.a", "t1.a"}, //MUX_T1_ALPHA,
+{"primcolor.a", "primcolor.a"}, //MUX_PRIM_ALPHA,
+{"fragment.color.a", "fragment.color.a"}, //MUX_SHADE_ALPHA,
+{"envcolor.a", "envcolor.a"}, //MUX_ENV_ALPHA,
+{"program.env[3]", "program.env[3]"}, //MUX_LODFRAC,
+{"program.env[4]", "program.env[4]"}, //MUX_PRIMLODFRAC,
+{"1", "1"}, //MUX_K5,
+{"1", "1"}, //MUX_UNK, // Should not be used
+const char *oglFPTest =
+"TEMP t0;\n"
+"TEMP t1;\n"
+"TEMP comb;\n"
+"TEMP comb2;\n"
+"ATTRIB coord0 = fragment.texcoord[0];\n"
+"ATTRIB coord1 = fragment.texcoord[1];\n"
+"ATTRIB shade = fragment.color;\n"
+"ATTRIB fogfactor = fragment.fogcoord;\n"
+"OUTPUT out = result.color;\n"
+"TEX t0, coord0, texture[0], 2D;\n"
+"TEX t1, coord1, texture[1], 2D;\n"
+"MAD_SAT out, t0, program.env[1],program.env[0];\n"
+//"SUB comb.rgb, t0, 0;\n"
+//"MAD_SAT out.rgb, comb, program.env[1], 0;\n"
+//"SUB comb.a, t0, 0;\n"
+//"MAD_SAT out.a, comb, program.env[1], 0;\n"
+char oglNewFP[4092];
+char* MuxToOC(uint8 val)
+// For color channel
+ return (char*)muxToFP_Maps[val&0x1F][1];
+ return (char*)muxToFP_Maps[val&0x1F][0];
+char* MuxToOA(uint8 val)
+// For alpha channel
+return (char*)muxToFP_Maps[val&0x1F][0];
+static void CheckFpVars(uint8 MuxVar, bool &bNeedT0, bool &bNeedT1)
+ MuxVar &= 0x1f;
+ if (MuxVar == MUX_TEXEL0 || MuxVar == MUX_T0_ALPHA)
+ bNeedT0 = true;
+ if (MuxVar == MUX_TEXEL1 || MuxVar == MUX_T1_ALPHA)
+ bNeedT1 = true;
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::GenerateProgramStr()
+ DecodedMuxForPixelShader &mux = *(DecodedMuxForPixelShader*)m_pDecodedMux;
+ mux.splitType[0] = mux.splitType[1] = mux.splitType[2] = mux.splitType[3] = CM_FMT_TYPE_NOT_CHECKED;
+ m_pDecodedMux->Reformat(false);
+ char tempstr[500], newFPBody[4092];
+ bool bNeedT0 = false, bNeedT1 = false, bNeedComb2 = false;
+ newFPBody[0] = 0;
+ for( int cycle=0; cycle<2; cycle++ )
+ {
+ for( int channel=0; channel<2; channel++)
+ {
+ char* (*func)(uint8) = channel==0?MuxToOC:MuxToOA;
+ char *dst = channel==0?(char*)"rgb":(char*)"a";
+ N64CombinerType &m = mux.m_n64Combiners[cycle*2+channel];
+ switch( mux.splitType[cycle*2+channel] )
+ {
+ tempstr[0] = 0;
+ break;
+ case CM_FMT_TYPE_D:
+ sprintf(tempstr, "MOV comb.%s, %s;\n", dst, func(m.d));
+ CheckFpVars(m.d, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ break;
+ sprintf(tempstr, "MUL comb.%s, %s, %s;\n", dst, func(m.a), func(m.c));
+ CheckFpVars(m.a, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.c, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ break;
+ sprintf(tempstr, "ADD_SAT comb.%s, %s, %s;\n", dst, func(m.a), func(m.d));
+ CheckFpVars(m.a, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.d, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ break;
+ sprintf(tempstr, "SUB comb.%s, %s, %s;\n", dst, func(m.a), func(m.b));
+ CheckFpVars(m.a, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.b, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ break;
+ sprintf(tempstr, "MAD_SAT comb.%s, %s, %s, %s;\n", dst, func(m.a), func(m.c), func(m.d));
+ CheckFpVars(m.a, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.c, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.d, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ break;
+ sprintf(tempstr, "LRP_SAT comb.%s, %s, %s, %s;\n", dst, func(m.c), func(m.a), func(m.b));
+ CheckFpVars(m.a, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.b, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.c, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ //sprintf(tempstr, "SUB comb.%s, %s, %s;\nMAD_SAT comb.%s, comb, %s, %s;\n", dst, func(m.a), func(m.b), dst, func(m.c), func(m.b));
+ break;
+ default:
+ sprintf(tempstr, "SUB comb2.%s, %s, %s;\nMAD_SAT comb.%s, comb2, %s, %s;\n", dst, func(m.a), func(m.b), dst, func(m.c), func(m.d));
+ CheckFpVars(m.a, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.b, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.c, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ CheckFpVars(m.d, bNeedT0, bNeedT1);
+ bNeedComb2 = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ strcat(newFPBody, tempstr);
+ }
+ }
+ strcpy(oglNewFP, "!!ARBfp1.0\n");
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "#Declarations\n");
+ if (gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender && gRSP.bFogEnabled)
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "OPTION ARB_fog_linear;\n");
+ if (bNeedT0)
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "TEMP t0;\n");
+ if (bNeedT1)
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "TEMP t1;\n");
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "TEMP comb;\n");
+ if (bNeedComb2)
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "TEMP comb2;\n");
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "#Instructions\n");
+ if (bNeedT0)
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "TEX t0, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;\n");
+ if (bNeedT1)
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "TEX t1, fragment.texcoord[1], texture[1], 2D;\n");
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "# N64 cycle 1, result is in comb\n");
+ strcat(oglNewFP, newFPBody);
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "MOV result.color, comb;\n");
+ strcat(oglNewFP, "END\n\n");
+int COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::ParseDecodedMux()
+ if( !m_bFragmentProgramIsSupported )
+ return COGLColorCombiner4::ParseDecodedMux();
+ OGLShaderCombinerSaveType res;
+ pglGenProgramsARB( 1, &res.programID);
+ pglBindProgramARB( GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, res.programID);
+ GenerateProgramStr();
+ //pglProgramStringARB( GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB, strlen(oglFPTest), oglFPTest);
+ if (glGetError() != 0)
+ {
+ GLint position;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ char *str = (char*)glGetString(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB);
+ glGetIntegerv( GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB, &position);
+ if( position >= 0 )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( m_lastIndex >= 0 ) COGLColorCombiner4::DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "%s - %s", str, oglNewFP+position);
+ return COGLColorCombiner4::ParseDecodedMux();
+ }
+ }
+ res.dwMux0 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0;
+ res.dwMux1 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1;
+ res.fogIsUsed = gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender && gRSP.bFogEnabled;
+ m_vCompiledShaders.push_back(res);
+ m_lastIndex = m_vCompiledShaders.size()-1;
+ return m_lastIndex;
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::GenerateCombinerSetting(int index)
+ GLuint ID = m_vCompiledShaders[index].programID;
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(int index)
+ float *pf;
+ pf = GetEnvColorfv();
+ pglProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 1, pf);
+ pf = GetPrimitiveColorfv();
+ pglProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 2, pf);
+ float frac = gRDP.LODFrac / 255.0f;
+ float tempf[4] = {frac,frac,frac,frac};
+ pglProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 3, tempf);
+ float frac2 = gRDP.primLODFrac / 255.0f;
+ float tempf2[4] = {frac2,frac2,frac2,frac2};
+ pglProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 4, tempf2);
+ float tempf3[4] = {0,0,0,0};
+ pglProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 0, tempf3);
+ pglProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 6, tempf3);
+int COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::FindCompiledMux()
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerDropCombiners )
+ {
+ m_vCompiledShaders.clear();
+ //m_dwLastMux0 = m_dwLastMux1 = 0;
+ debuggerDropCombiners = false;
+ }
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<m_vCompiledShaders.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_vCompiledShaders[i].dwMux0 == m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0
+ && m_vCompiledShaders[i].dwMux1 == m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1
+ && m_vCompiledShaders[i].fogIsUsed == (gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender && gRSP.bFogEnabled) )
+ return (int)i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::InitCombinerCycle12(void)
+ if( !m_bFragmentProgramIsSupported )
+ {
+ COGLColorCombiner4::InitCombinerCycle12();
+ return;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerDropCombiners )
+ {
+ UpdateCombiner(m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0,m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1);
+ m_vCompiledShaders.clear();
+ m_dwLastMux0 = m_dwLastMux1 = 0;
+ debuggerDropCombiners = false;
+ }
+ m_pOGLRender->EnableMultiTexture();
+ bool combinerIsChanged = false;
+ if( m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0 != m_dwLastMux0 || m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1 != m_dwLastMux1 || m_lastIndex < 0 )
+ {
+ combinerIsChanged = true;
+ m_lastIndex = FindCompiledMux();
+ if( m_lastIndex < 0 ) // Can not found
+ {
+ m_lastIndex = ParseDecodedMux();
+ }
+ m_dwLastMux0 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux0;
+ m_dwLastMux1 = m_pDecodedMux->m_dwMux1;
+ }
+ GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(m_lastIndex);
+ if( m_bCycleChanged || combinerIsChanged || gRDP.texturesAreReloaded || gRDP.colorsAreReloaded )
+ {
+ if( m_bCycleChanged || combinerIsChanged )
+ {
+ GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(m_lastIndex);
+ GenerateCombinerSetting(m_lastIndex);
+ }
+ else if( gRDP.colorsAreReloaded )
+ {
+ GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(m_lastIndex);
+ }
+ m_pOGLRender->SetAllTexelRepeatFlag();
+ gRDP.colorsAreReloaded = false;
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pOGLRender->SetAllTexelRepeatFlag();
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+void COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString(void)
+ COGLColorCombiner::DisplaySimpleMuxString();
+ DecodedMuxForPixelShader &mux = *(DecodedMuxForPixelShader*)m_pDecodedMux;
+ mux.Reformat(false);
+ GenerateProgramStr();
+ //sprintf(oglNewFP, oglFP,
+ // MuxToOC(mux.aRGB0), MuxToOC(mux.bRGB0), MuxToOC(mux.cRGB0), MuxToOC(mux.dRGB0),
+ // MuxToOA(mux.aA0), MuxToOA(mux.bA0), MuxToOA(mux.cA0), MuxToOA(mux.dA0),
+ // MuxToOC(mux.aRGB1), MuxToOC(mux.bRGB1), MuxToOC(mux.cRGB1), MuxToOC(mux.dRGB1),
+ // MuxToOA(mux.aA1), MuxToOA(mux.bA1), MuxToOA(mux.cA1), MuxToOA(mux.dA1)
+ // );
+ TRACE0("OGL Fragment Program:");
+ TRACE0(oglNewFP);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2005 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <vector>
+#include <SDL_opengl.h>
+#include "OGLCombiner.h"
+#include "OGLExtCombiner.h"
+#include "GeneralCombiner.h"
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 dwMux0;
+ uint32 dwMux1;
+ bool fogIsUsed;
+ GLuint programID;
+} OGLShaderCombinerSaveType;
+class COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner : public COGLColorCombiner4
+ bool Initialize(void);
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ void DisableCombiner(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleCopy(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleFill(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycle12(void);
+ COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner(CRender *pRender);
+ ~COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner();
+ bool m_bFragmentProgramIsSupported;
+ std::vector<OGLShaderCombinerSaveType> m_vCompiledShaders;
+ virtual int ParseDecodedMux();
+ virtual void GenerateProgramStr();
+ int FindCompiledMux();
+ virtual void GenerateCombinerSetting(int index);
+ virtual void GenerateCombinerSettingConstants(int index);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void DisplaySimpleMuxString(void);
+class COGLFragmentShaderCombiner : public COGLColorCombiner
+ bool Initialize(void);
+ void InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(uint32 tile=0);
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ void DisableCombiner(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleCopy(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycleFill(void);
+ void InitCombinerCycle12(void);
+ COGLFragmentShaderCombiner(CRender *pRender);
+ ~COGLFragmentShaderCombiner();
+ bool m_bShaderIsSupported;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ void DisplaySimpleMuxString(void);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "m64p_plugin.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "Debugger.h"
+#include "OGLExtensions.h"
+#include "OGLDebug.h"
+#include "OGLGraphicsContext.h"
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+#include "Video.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+#include "eglport.h"
+COGLGraphicsContext::COGLGraphicsContext() :
+ m_bSupportMultiTexture(false),
+ m_bSupportTextureEnvCombine(false),
+ m_bSupportSeparateSpecularColor(false),
+ m_bSupportSecondColor(false),
+ m_bSupportFogCoord(false),
+ m_bSupportTextureObject(false),
+ m_bSupportRescaleNormal(false),
+ m_bSupportLODBias(false),
+ m_bSupportTextureMirrorRepeat(false),
+ m_bSupportTextureLOD(false),
+ m_bSupportNVRegisterCombiner(false),
+ m_bSupportBlendColor(false),
+ m_bSupportBlendSubtract(false),
+ m_bSupportNVTextureEnvCombine4(false),
+ m_pVendorStr(NULL),
+ m_pRenderStr(NULL),
+ m_pExtensionStr(NULL),
+ m_pVersionStr(NULL)
+bool COGLGraphicsContext::Initialize(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, BOOL bWindowed )
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Initializing OpenGL Device Context.");
+ Lock();
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+/* dwWidth = 800;
+ dwHeight = 480;*/
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->m_supportTextureMirror = false;
+ CGraphicsContext::Initialize(dwWidth, dwHeight, bWindowed );
+ if( bWindowed )
+ {
+ windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse = windowSetting.statusBarHeight;
+ windowSetting.toolbarHeightToUse = windowSetting.toolbarHeight;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse = 0;
+ windowSetting.toolbarHeightToUse = 0;
+ }
+ int depthBufferDepth = options.OpenglDepthBufferSetting;
+ int colorBufferDepth = 32;
+ int bVerticalSync = windowSetting.bVerticalSync;
+ if( options.colorQuality == TEXTURE_FMT_A4R4G4B4 ) colorBufferDepth = 16;
+ // init sdl & gl
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "Initializing video subsystem...");
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+// init sdl & ourself
+ if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == -1)
+ return false;
+ if (CoreVideo_Init() != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
+ return false;
+ /* hard-coded attribute values */
+ const int iDOUBLEBUFFER = 1;
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ SDL_SetVideoMode(800, 480, 0, (bWindowed)?0:SDL_FULLSCREEN);
+ SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE);
+ EGL_Open(800, 480);
+ /* set opengl attributes */
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_SWAP_CONTROL, bVerticalSync);
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_BUFFER_SIZE, colorBufferDepth);
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, depthBufferDepth);
+ /* set multisampling */
+ if (options.multiSampling > 0)
+ {
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, 1);
+ if (options.multiSampling <= 2)
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 2);
+ else if (options.multiSampling <= 4)
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 4);
+ else if (options.multiSampling <= 8)
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 8);
+ else
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 16);
+ }
+ /* Set the video mode */
+ m64p_video_mode ScreenMode = bWindowed ? M64VIDEO_WINDOWED : M64VIDEO_FULLSCREEN;
+ m64p_video_flags flags = M64VIDEOFLAG_SUPPORT_RESIZING;
+ if (CoreVideo_SetVideoMode(windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight, colorBufferDepth, ScreenMode, flags) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Failed to set %i-bit video mode: %ix%i", colorBufferDepth, (int)windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, (int)windowSetting.uDisplayHeight);
+ CoreVideo_Quit();
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* check that our opengl attributes were properly set */
+ int iActual;
+ if (CoreVideo_GL_GetAttribute(M64P_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, &iActual) == M64ERR_SUCCESS)
+ if (iActual != iDOUBLEBUFFER)
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Failed to set GL_DOUBLEBUFFER to %i. (it's %i)", iDOUBLEBUFFER, iActual);
+ if (CoreVideo_GL_GetAttribute(M64P_GL_SWAP_CONTROL, &iActual) == M64ERR_SUCCESS)
+ if (iActual != bVerticalSync)
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Failed to set GL_SWAP_CONTROL to %i. (it's %i)", bVerticalSync, iActual);
+ if (CoreVideo_GL_GetAttribute(M64P_GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &iActual) == M64ERR_SUCCESS)
+ if (iActual != colorBufferDepth)
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Failed to set GL_BUFFER_SIZE to %i. (it's %i)", colorBufferDepth, iActual);
+ if (CoreVideo_GL_GetAttribute(M64P_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, &iActual) == M64ERR_SUCCESS)
+ if (iActual != depthBufferDepth)
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Failed to set GL_DEPTH_SIZE to %i. (it's %i)", depthBufferDepth, iActual);
+ /* Get function pointers to OpenGL extensions (blame Microsoft Windows for this) */
+ OGLExtensions_Init();
+ char caption[500];
+ sprintf(caption, "%s v%i.%i.%i", PLUGIN_NAME, VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(PLUGIN_VERSION));
+ CoreVideo_SetCaption(caption);
+ SetWindowMode();
+ InitState();
+ InitOGLExtension();
+ sprintf(m_strDeviceStats, "%.60s - %.128s : %.60s", m_pVendorStr, m_pRenderStr, m_pVersionStr);
+ TRACE0(m_strDeviceStats);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Using OpenGL: %s", m_strDeviceStats);
+ Unlock();
+ Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_AND_DEPTH_BUFFER); // Clear buffers
+ UpdateFrame();
+ UpdateFrame();
+ m_bReady = true;
+ status.isVertexShaderEnabled = false;
+ return true;
+bool COGLGraphicsContext::ResizeInitialize(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, BOOL bWindowed )
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ Lock();
+ CGraphicsContext::Initialize(dwWidth, dwHeight, bWindowed );
+ int depthBufferDepth = options.OpenglDepthBufferSetting;
+ int colorBufferDepth = 32;
+ int bVerticalSync = windowSetting.bVerticalSync;
+ if( options.colorQuality == TEXTURE_FMT_A4R4G4B4 ) colorBufferDepth = 16;
+ /* hard-coded attribute values */
+ const int iDOUBLEBUFFER = 1;
+ /* set opengl attributes */
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_SWAP_CONTROL, bVerticalSync);
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_BUFFER_SIZE, colorBufferDepth);
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, depthBufferDepth);
+ /* set multisampling */
+ if (options.multiSampling > 0)
+ {
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, 1);
+ if (options.multiSampling <= 2)
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 2);
+ else if (options.multiSampling <= 4)
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 4);
+ else if (options.multiSampling <= 8)
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 8);
+ else
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 16);
+ }
+ /* Call Mupen64plus core Video Extension to resize the window, which will create a new OpenGL Context under SDL */
+ if (CoreVideo_ResizeWindow(windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Failed to set %i-bit video mode: %ix%i", colorBufferDepth, (int)windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, (int)windowSetting.uDisplayHeight);
+ CoreVideo_Quit();
+ return false;
+ }
+ InitState();
+ Unlock();
+ Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_AND_DEPTH_BUFFER); // Clear buffers
+ UpdateFrame();
+ UpdateFrame();
+ return true;
+void COGLGraphicsContext::InitState(void)
+ m_pRenderStr = glGetString(GL_RENDERER);
+ m_pExtensionStr = glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
+ m_pVersionStr = glGetString(GL_VERSION);
+ m_pVendorStr = glGetString(GL_VENDOR);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ glClearDepth(1.0f);
+ glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);
+ //position viewer
+ //glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ //glLoadIdentity();
+ glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glFrontFace(GL_CCW);
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glDisable(GL_NORMALIZE);
+ glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
+ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glDepthRange(-1, 1);
+ glDepthRangef(0.0f, 1.0f);
+void COGLGraphicsContext::InitOGLExtension(void)
+ // important extension features, it is very bad not to have these feature
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ m_bSupportMultiTexture = true;
+ m_bSupportTextureEnvCombine = true;
+ m_bSupportSeparateSpecularColor = true;
+ m_bSupportSecondColor = true;
+ m_bSupportFogCoord = false;
+ m_bSupportTextureObject = false;
+ m_bSupportRescaleNormal = true;
+ m_bSupportLODBias = false;
+ m_bSupportAnisotropicFiltering = true;
+ m_bSupportMultiTexture = IsExtensionSupported(OSAL_GL_ARB_MULTITEXTURE);
+ m_bSupportTextureEnvCombine = IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture_env_combine");
+ m_bSupportSeparateSpecularColor = IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_separate_specular_color");
+ m_bSupportSecondColor = IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_secondary_color");
+ m_bSupportFogCoord = IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_fog_coord");
+ m_bSupportTextureObject = IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture_object");
+ // Optional extension features
+ m_bSupportRescaleNormal = IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_rescale_normal");
+ m_bSupportLODBias = IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias");
+ m_bSupportAnisotropicFiltering = IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic");
+ // Compute maxAnisotropicFiltering
+ m_maxAnisotropicFiltering = 0;
+ if( m_bSupportAnisotropicFiltering
+ && (options.anisotropicFiltering == 2
+ || options.anisotropicFiltering == 4
+ || options.anisotropicFiltering == 8
+ || options.anisotropicFiltering == 16))
+ {
+ //Get the max value of aniso that the graphic card support
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, &m_maxAnisotropicFiltering);
+ // If user want more aniso than hardware can do
+ if(options.anisotropicFiltering > (uint32) m_maxAnisotropicFiltering)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "A value of '%i' is set for AnisotropicFiltering option but the hardware has a maximum value of '%i' so this will be used", options.anisotropicFiltering, m_maxAnisotropicFiltering);
+ }
+ //check if user want less anisotropy than hardware can do
+ if((uint32) m_maxAnisotropicFiltering > options.anisotropicFiltering)
+ m_maxAnisotropicFiltering = options.anisotropicFiltering;
+ }
+ // Nvidia only extension features (optional)
+ m_bSupportNVRegisterCombiner = IsExtensionSupported("GL_NV_register_combiners");
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ m_bSupportTextureMirrorRepeat = true;
+ m_bSupportTextureMirrorRepeat = IsExtensionSupported("GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat") || IsExtensionSupported("ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat");
+ m_supportTextureMirror = m_bSupportTextureMirrorRepeat;
+ m_bSupportTextureLOD = IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture_lod");
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ m_bSupportBlendColor = true;
+ m_bSupportBlendSubtract = true;
+ m_bSupportBlendColor = IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_blend_color");
+ m_bSupportBlendSubtract = IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_blend_subtract");
+ m_bSupportNVTextureEnvCombine4 = IsExtensionSupported("GL_NV_texture_env_combine4");
+bool COGLGraphicsContext::IsExtensionSupported(const char* pExtName)
+ if (strstr((const char*)m_pExtensionStr, pExtName) != NULL)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Extension '%s' is supported.", pExtName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "OpenGL Extension '%s' is NOT supported.", pExtName);
+ return false;
+ }
+bool COGLGraphicsContext::IsWglExtensionSupported(const char* pExtName)
+ if( m_pWglExtensionStr == NULL )
+ return false;
+ if( strstr((const char*)m_pWglExtensionStr, pExtName) != NULL )
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+void COGLGraphicsContext::CleanUp()
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ EGL_Close();
+ SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE);
+ SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
+ CoreVideo_Quit();
+ m_bReady = false;
+void COGLGraphicsContext::Clear(ClearFlag dwFlags, uint32 color, float depth)
+ uint32 flag=0;
+ float r = ((color>>16)&0xFF)/255.0f;
+ float g = ((color>> 8)&0xFF)/255.0f;
+ float b = ((color )&0xFF)/255.0f;
+ float a = ((color>>24)&0xFF)/255.0f;
+ glClearColor(r, g, b, a);
+ glClearDepth(depth);
+ glClear(flag); //Clear color buffer and depth buffer
+void COGLGraphicsContext::UpdateFrame(bool swaponly)
+ status.gFrameCount++;
+ glFlush();
+ //glFinish();
+ //wglSwapIntervalEXT(0);
+ /*
+ if (debuggerPauseCount == countToPause)
+ {
+ static int iShotNum = 0;
+ // get width, height, allocate buffer to store image
+ int width = windowSetting.uDisplayWidth;
+ int height = windowSetting.uDisplayHeight;
+ printf("Saving debug images: width=%i height=%i\n", width, height);
+ short *buffer = (short *) malloc(((width+3)&~3)*(height+1)*4);
+ glReadBuffer( GL_FRONT );
+ // set up a BMGImage struct
+ struct BMGImageStruct img;
+ memset(&img, 0, sizeof(BMGImageStruct));
+ InitBMGImage(&img);
+ img.bits = (unsigned char *) buffer;
+ img.bits_per_pixel = 32;
+ img.height = height;
+ img.width = width;
+ img.scan_width = width * 4;
+ // store the RGB color image
+ char chFilename[64];
+ sprintf(chFilename, "dbg_rgb_%03i.png", iShotNum);
+ glReadPixels(0,0,width,height, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer);
+ WritePNG(chFilename, img);
+ // store the Z buffer
+ sprintf(chFilename, "dbg_Z_%03i.png", iShotNum);
+ glReadPixels(0,0,width,height, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, buffer);
+ //img.bits_per_pixel = 16;
+ //img.scan_width = width * 2;
+ WritePNG(chFilename, img);
+ // dump a subset of the Z data
+ for (int y = 0; y < 480; y += 16)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < 640; x+= 16)
+ printf("%4hx ", buffer[y*640 + x]);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ // free memory and get out of here
+ free(buffer);
+ iShotNum++;
+ }
+ */
+ // if emulator defined a render callback function, call it before buffer swap
+ if(renderCallback)
+ (*renderCallback)(status.bScreenIsDrawn);
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ EGL_SwapBuffers();
+ CoreVideo_GL_SwapBuffers();
+ /*if(options.bShowFPS)
+ {
+ static unsigned int lastTick=0;
+ static int frames=0;
+ unsigned int nowTick = SDL_GetTicks();
+ frames++;
+ if(lastTick + 5000 <= nowTick)
+ {
+ char caption[200];
+ sprintf(caption, "%s v%i.%i.%i - %.3f VI/S", PLUGIN_NAME, VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(PLUGIN_VERSION), frames/5.0);
+ CoreVideo_SetCaption(caption);
+ frames = 0;
+ lastTick = nowTick;
+ }
+ }*/
+ glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
+ glClearDepth(1.0f);
+ if( !g_curRomInfo.bForceScreenClear )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ needCleanScene = true;
+ status.bScreenIsDrawn = false;
+bool COGLGraphicsContext::SetFullscreenMode()
+ windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse = 0;
+ windowSetting.toolbarHeightToUse = 0;
+ return true;
+bool COGLGraphicsContext::SetWindowMode()
+ windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse = windowSetting.statusBarHeight;
+ windowSetting.toolbarHeightToUse = windowSetting.toolbarHeight;
+ return true;
+int COGLGraphicsContext::ToggleFullscreen()
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ if (CoreVideo_ToggleFullScreen() == M64ERR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ m_bWindowed = !m_bWindowed;
+ if(m_bWindowed)
+ SetWindowMode();
+ else
+ SetFullscreenMode();
+ }
+ return m_bWindowed?0:1;
+// This is a static function, will be called when the plugin DLL is initialized
+void COGLGraphicsContext::InitDeviceParameters()
+ status.isVertexShaderEnabled = false; // Disable it for now
+// Get methods
+bool COGLGraphicsContext::IsSupportAnisotropicFiltering()
+ return m_bSupportAnisotropicFiltering;
+int COGLGraphicsContext::getMaxAnisotropicFiltering()
+ return m_maxAnisotropicFiltering;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _OGL_CONTEXT_H_
+#define _OGL_CONTEXT_H_
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#include "GraphicsContext.h"
+class COGLGraphicsContext : public CGraphicsContext
+ friend class OGLRender;
+ friend class COGLRenderTexture;
+ virtual ~COGLGraphicsContext();
+ bool Initialize(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, BOOL bWindowed );
+ bool ResizeInitialize(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, BOOL bWindowed );
+ void CleanUp();
+ void Clear(ClearFlag dwFlags, uint32 color=0xFF000000, float depth=1.0f);
+ void UpdateFrame(bool swaponly=false);
+ int ToggleFullscreen(); // return 0 as the result is windowed
+ bool IsExtensionSupported(const char* pExtName);
+ bool IsWglExtensionSupported(const char* pExtName);
+ static void InitDeviceParameters();
+ //Get methods (TODO, remove all friend class and use get methods instead)
+ bool IsSupportAnisotropicFiltering();
+ int getMaxAnisotropicFiltering();
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ COGLGraphicsContext();
+ void InitState(void);
+ void InitOGLExtension(void);
+ bool SetFullscreenMode();
+ bool SetWindowMode();
+ // Important OGL extension features
+ bool m_bSupportMultiTexture;
+ bool m_bSupportTextureEnvCombine;
+ bool m_bSupportSeparateSpecularColor;
+ bool m_bSupportSecondColor;
+ bool m_bSupportFogCoord;
+ bool m_bSupportTextureObject;
+ // Optional OGL extension features;
+ bool m_bSupportRescaleNormal;
+ bool m_bSupportLODBias;
+ bool m_bSupportAnisotropicFiltering;
+ int m_maxAnisotropicFiltering;
+ // Nvidia OGL only features
+ bool m_bSupportTextureMirrorRepeat;
+ bool m_bSupportTextureLOD;
+ bool m_bSupportNVRegisterCombiner;
+ bool m_bSupportBlendColor;
+ bool m_bSupportBlendSubtract;
+ bool m_bSupportNVTextureEnvCombine4;
+ // Minimal requirements, I will even not check them at runtime
+ //bool m_bSupportTextureEnvAdd;
+ //bool m_bSupportVertexArray;
+ const unsigned char* m_pVendorStr;
+ const unsigned char* m_pRenderStr;
+ const unsigned char* m_pExtensionStr;
+ const char* m_pWglExtensionStr;
+ const unsigned char* m_pVersionStr;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "OGLExtensions.h"
+#include "OGLES2FragmentShaders.h"
+#include "OGLDebug.h"
+#include "OGLRender.h"
+#include "OGLGraphicsContext.h"
+#include "OGLTexture.h"
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+//include "ae_bridge.h"
+//static int hardwareType = HARDWARE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+// FIXME: Use OGL internal L/T and matrix stack
+// FIXME: Use OGL lookupAt function
+// FIXME: Use OGL DisplayList
+UVFlagMap OGLXUVFlagMaps[] =
+ static GLuint disabledTextureID;
+ COGLGraphicsContext *pcontext = (COGLGraphicsContext *)(CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext);
+ m_bSupportFogCoordExt = pcontext->m_bSupportFogCoord;
+ m_bMultiTexture = pcontext->m_bSupportMultiTexture;
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ m_bSupportClampToEdge = true;
+ m_bSupportClampToEdge = false;
+ for( int i=0; i<8; i++ )
+ {
+ m_curBoundTex[i]=0;
+ m_texUnitEnabled[i]=FALSE;
+ }
+/*#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ m_bEnableMultiTexture = true;
+ m_bEnableMultiTexture = false;
+ m_bEnableMultiTexture = true;
+ //Create a texture as replacement for glEnable/Disable(GL_TEXTURE_2D)
+ unsigned int white[8*8];
+ for (int i=0; i<8*8; i++) {
+ //white[i].r = white[i].g = white[i].b = 0;
+ //white[i].a = 0;
+ white[i] = 0;
+ }
+ glGenTextures(1,&disabledTextureID);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, disabledTextureID);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 8, 8, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, white);
+ ClearDeviceObjects();
+bool OGLRender::InitDeviceObjects()
+ // enable Z-buffer by default
+ ZBufferEnable(true);
+ return true;
+bool OGLRender::ClearDeviceObjects()
+ return true;
+void OGLRender::Initialize(void)
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glViewportWrapper(0, windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse, windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight);
+ COGLGraphicsContext *pcontext = (COGLGraphicsContext *)(CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext);
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat") )
+ {
+ }
+ else if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat") )
+ {
+ }
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp") || pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp") )
+ {
+ m_bSupportClampToEdge = true;
+ }
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ else
+ {
+ m_bSupportClampToEdge = false;
+ }
+ glVertexPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float)*5, &(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
+ if( m_bMultiTexture )
+ {
+ pglClientActiveTextureARB( GL_TEXTURE0_ARB );
+ glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[0].u) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ pglClientActiveTextureARB( GL_TEXTURE1_ARB );
+ glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[1].u) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[0].u) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ }
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ if (m_bSupportFogCoordExt)
+ {
+ pglFogCoordPointerEXT( GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float)*5, &(g_vtxProjected5[0][4]) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_EXT );
+ glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_LINEAR); // Fog Mode
+ glFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY, 1.0f); // How Dense Will The Fog Be
+ glHint(GL_FOG_HINT, GL_FASTEST); // Fog Hint Value
+ glFogf( GL_FOG_START, 0.0f );
+ glFogf( GL_FOG_END, 1.0f );
+ }
+ //glColorPointer( 1, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(TLITVERTEX), &g_vtxBuffer[0].r);
+ glColorPointer( 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY );
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ if( pcontext->IsExtensionSupported("GL_NV_depth_clamp") )
+ {
+ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_CLAMP_NV);
+ }
+ m_bSupportClampToEdge = true;
+// hardwareType = Android_JNI_GetHardwareType();
+TextureFilterMap OglTexFilterMap[2]=
+void OGLRender::ApplyTextureFilter()
+ static uint32 minflag=0xFFFF, magflag=0xFFFF;
+ static uint32 mtex;
+ if( m_texUnitEnabled[0] )
+ {
+ if( mtex != m_curBoundTex[0] )
+ {
+ mtex = m_curBoundTex[0];
+ minflag = m_dwMinFilter;
+ magflag = m_dwMagFilter;
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, OglTexFilterMap[m_dwMinFilter].realFilter);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, OglTexFilterMap[m_dwMagFilter].realFilter);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( minflag != (unsigned int)m_dwMinFilter )
+ {
+ minflag = m_dwMinFilter;
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, OglTexFilterMap[m_dwMinFilter].realFilter);
+ }
+ if( magflag != (unsigned int)m_dwMagFilter )
+ {
+ magflag = m_dwMagFilter;
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, OglTexFilterMap[m_dwMagFilter].realFilter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void OGLRender::SetShadeMode(RenderShadeMode mode)
+ if( mode == SHADE_SMOOTH )
+ glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);
+ else
+ glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);
+void OGLRender::ZBufferEnable(BOOL bZBuffer)
+ gRSP.bZBufferEnabled = bZBuffer;
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bForceDepthBuffer )
+ bZBuffer = TRUE;
+ if( bZBuffer )
+ {
+ glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
+ //glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glDepthMask(GL_FALSE);
+ //glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glDepthFunc( GL_ALWAYS );
+ }
+void OGLRender::ClearBuffer(bool cbuffer, bool zbuffer)
+ uint32 flag=0;
+ if( cbuffer ) flag |= GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
+ if( zbuffer ) flag |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
+ float depth = ((gRDP.originalFillColor&0xFFFF)>>2)/(float)0x3FFF;
+ glClearDepth(depth);
+ glClear(flag);
+void OGLRender::ClearZBuffer(float depth)
+ uint32 flag=GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
+ glClearDepth(depth);
+ glClear(flag);
+void OGLRender::SetZCompare(BOOL bZCompare)
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bForceDepthBuffer )
+ bZCompare = TRUE;
+ gRSP.bZBufferEnabled = bZCompare;
+ if( bZCompare == TRUE )
+ {
+ //glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glDepthFunc( GL_ALWAYS );
+ }
+void OGLRender::SetZUpdate(BOOL bZUpdate)
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bForceDepthBuffer )
+ bZUpdate = TRUE;
+ if( bZUpdate )
+ {
+ //glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glDepthMask(GL_FALSE);
+ }
+void OGLRender::ApplyZBias(int bias)
+ float f1 = bias > 0 ? -3.0f : 0.0f; // z offset = -3.0 * max(abs(dz/dx),abs(dz/dy)) per pixel delta z slope
+ float f2 = bias > 0 ? -3.0f : 0.0f; // z offset += -3.0 * 1 bit
+// Android_JNI_GetPolygonOffset(hardwareType, bias, &f1, &f2);
+// glPolygonOffset(0.2f, 0.2f);
+ if (bias > 0)
+ {
+ glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); // enable z offsets
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); // disable z offsets
+ }
+ glPolygonOffset(f1, f2); // set bias functions
+void OGLRender::SetZBias(int bias)
+#if defined(DEBUGGER)
+ if( pauseAtNext == true )
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Set zbias = %d", bias);
+ // set member variable and apply the setting in opengl
+ m_dwZBias = bias;
+ ApplyZBias(bias);
+void OGLRender::SetAlphaRef(uint32 dwAlpha)
+ if (m_dwAlpha != dwAlpha)
+ {
+ m_dwAlpha = dwAlpha;
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GEQUAL, (float)dwAlpha);
+ }
+void OGLRender::ForceAlphaRef(uint32 dwAlpha)
+ float ref = dwAlpha/255.0f;
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GEQUAL, ref);
+ m_dwAlpha = dwAlpha;
+void OGLRender::SetFillMode(FillMode mode)
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ {
+ glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
+ }
+void OGLRender::SetCullMode(bool bCullFront, bool bCullBack)
+ CRender::SetCullMode(bCullFront, bCullBack);
+ if( bCullFront && bCullBack )
+ {
+ glCullFace(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK);
+ glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ }
+ else if( bCullFront )
+ {
+ glCullFace(GL_FRONT);
+ glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ }
+ else if( bCullBack )
+ {
+ glCullFace(GL_BACK);
+ glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ }
+bool OGLRender::SetCurrentTexture(int tile, CTexture *handler,uint32 dwTileWidth, uint32 dwTileHeight, TxtrCacheEntry *pTextureEntry)
+ RenderTexture &texture = g_textures[tile];
+ texture.pTextureEntry = pTextureEntry;
+ if( handler!= NULL && texture.m_lpsTexturePtr != handler->GetTexture() )
+ {
+ texture.m_pCTexture = handler;
+ texture.m_lpsTexturePtr = handler->GetTexture();
+ texture.m_dwTileWidth = dwTileWidth;
+ texture.m_dwTileHeight = dwTileHeight;
+ if( handler->m_bIsEnhancedTexture )
+ {
+ texture.m_fTexWidth = (float)pTextureEntry->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth;
+ texture.m_fTexHeight = (float)pTextureEntry->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureHeight;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ texture.m_fTexWidth = (float)handler->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth;
+ texture.m_fTexHeight = (float)handler->m_dwCreatedTextureHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool OGLRender::SetCurrentTexture(int tile, TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry)
+ if (pEntry != NULL && pEntry->pTexture != NULL)
+ {
+ SetCurrentTexture( tile, pEntry->pTexture, pEntry->ti.WidthToCreate, pEntry->ti.HeightToCreate, pEntry);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetCurrentTexture( tile, NULL, 64, 64, NULL );
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void OGLRender::SetAddressUAllStages(uint32 dwTile, TextureUVFlag dwFlag)
+ SetTextureUFlag(dwFlag, dwTile);
+void OGLRender::SetAddressVAllStages(uint32 dwTile, TextureUVFlag dwFlag)
+ SetTextureVFlag(dwFlag, dwTile);
+void OGLRender::SetTexWrapS(int unitno,GLuint flag)
+ static GLuint mflag;
+ static GLuint mtex;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( unitno != 0 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Check me, unitno != 0 in base ogl");
+ }
+ if( m_curBoundTex[0] != mtex || mflag != flag )
+ {
+ mtex = m_curBoundTex[0];
+ mflag = flag;
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, flag);
+ }
+void OGLRender::SetTexWrapT(int unitno,GLuint flag)
+ static GLuint mflag;
+ static GLuint mtex;
+ if( m_curBoundTex[0] != mtex || mflag != flag )
+ {
+ mtex = m_curBoundTex[0];
+ mflag = flag;
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, flag);
+ }
+void OGLRender::SetTextureUFlag(TextureUVFlag dwFlag, uint32 dwTile)
+ TileUFlags[dwTile] = dwFlag;
+ if( dwTile == gRSP.curTile ) // For basic OGL, only support the 1st texel
+ {
+ COGLTexture* pTexture = g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ if( pTexture )
+ {
+ EnableTexUnit(0,TRUE);
+ BindTexture(pTexture->m_dwTextureName, 0);
+ }
+ SetTexWrapS(0, OGLXUVFlagMaps[dwFlag].realFlag);
+ }
+void OGLRender::SetTextureVFlag(TextureUVFlag dwFlag, uint32 dwTile)
+ TileVFlags[dwTile] = dwFlag;
+ if( dwTile == gRSP.curTile ) // For basic OGL, only support the 1st texel
+ {
+ COGLTexture* pTexture = g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_pCOGLTexture;
+ if( pTexture )
+ {
+ EnableTexUnit(0,TRUE);
+ BindTexture(pTexture->m_dwTextureName, 0);
+ }
+ SetTexWrapT(0, OGLXUVFlagMaps[dwFlag].realFlag);
+ }
+// Basic render drawing functions
+bool OGLRender::RenderTexRect()
+ glViewportWrapper(0, windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse, windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight);
+ GLboolean cullface = glIsEnabled(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ float depth = -(g_texRectTVtx[3].z*2-1);
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ GLfloat colour[] = {
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].r, g_texRectTVtx[3].g, g_texRectTVtx[3].b, g_texRectTVtx[3].a,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].r, g_texRectTVtx[2].g, g_texRectTVtx[2].b, g_texRectTVtx[2].a,
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].r, g_texRectTVtx[1].g, g_texRectTVtx[1].b, g_texRectTVtx[1].a,
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].r, g_texRectTVtx[0].g, g_texRectTVtx[0].b, g_texRectTVtx[0].a
+ };
+ GLfloat tex[] = {
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v
+ };
+ GLfloat tex2[] = {
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[1].u,g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[1].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[1].u,g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[1].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[1].u,g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[1].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[1].u,g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[1].v
+ };
+ GLfloat vertices[] = {
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].x, g_texRectTVtx[3].y, depth, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].x, g_texRectTVtx[2].y, depth, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].x, g_texRectTVtx[1].y, depth, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].x, g_texRectTVtx[0].y, depth, 1
+ };
+ if( m_bMultiTexture )
+ {
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+ //if (m_texUnitEnabled[1])
+ glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &tex2);
+ /*else
+ glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);*/
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
+ }
+ //if (m_texUnitEnabled[0])
+ glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &tex);
+ /*else
+ glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);*/
+ glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT,0, &colour );
+ glVertexPointer(4,GL_FLOAT, 0, &vertices);
+ glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &tex);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN,0,4);
+ //Restore old pointers
+ glColorPointer( 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+ glVertexPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float)*5, &(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]) );
+// if (m_texUnitEnabled[0])
+ glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[0].u) );
+/* else
+ glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);*/
+ if( m_bMultiTexture )
+ {
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+// if (m_texUnitEnabled[1])
+ glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[1].u) );
+/* else
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );*/
+ }
+ glColor4f(g_texRectTVtx[3].r, g_texRectTVtx[3].g, g_texRectTVtx[3].b, g_texRectTVtx[3].a);
+ TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[3]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[3].x, g_texRectTVtx[3].y, depth);
+ glColor4f(g_texRectTVtx[2].r, g_texRectTVtx[2].g, g_texRectTVtx[2].b, g_texRectTVtx[2].a);
+ TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[2]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[2].x, g_texRectTVtx[2].y, depth);
+ glColor4f(g_texRectTVtx[1].r, g_texRectTVtx[1].g, g_texRectTVtx[1].b, g_texRectTVtx[1].a);
+ TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[1]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[1].x, g_texRectTVtx[1].y, depth);
+ glColor4f(g_texRectTVtx[0].r, g_texRectTVtx[0].g, g_texRectTVtx[0].b, g_texRectTVtx[0].a);
+ TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[0]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[0].x, g_texRectTVtx[0].y, depth);
+ glEnd();
+ GLfloat colour[] = {
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].r, g_texRectTVtx[3].g, g_texRectTVtx[3].b, g_texRectTVtx[3].a,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].r, g_texRectTVtx[2].g, g_texRectTVtx[2].b, g_texRectTVtx[2].a,
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].r, g_texRectTVtx[1].g, g_texRectTVtx[1].b, g_texRectTVtx[1].a,
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].r, g_texRectTVtx[0].g, g_texRectTVtx[0].b, g_texRectTVtx[0].a
+ };
+ GLfloat tex[] = {
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v
+ };
+ float w = windowSetting.uDisplayWidth / 2.0f, h = windowSetting.uDisplayHeight / 2.0f, inv = 1.0f;
+ GLfloat vertices[] = {
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[3].x / w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[3].y / h, depth, 1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[2].x / w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[2].y / h, depth, 1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[1].x / w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[1].y / h, depth, 1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[0].x / w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[0].y / h, depth, 1
+ };
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_COLOR, 4, GL_FLOAT,GL_TRUE, 0, &colour );
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_POSITION,4,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,0,&vertices);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_TEXCOORD0,2,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE, 0, &tex);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN,0,4);
+ //Restore old pointers
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_COLOR, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,GL_TRUE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_POSITION,4,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,sizeof(float)*5,&(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]));
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_TEXCOORD0,2,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[0].u));
+ if( cullface ) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ return true;
+bool OGLRender::RenderFillRect(uint32 dwColor, float depth)
+ float a = (dwColor>>24)/255.0f;
+ float r = ((dwColor>>16)&0xFF)/255.0f;
+ float g = ((dwColor>>8)&0xFF)/255.0f;
+ float b = (dwColor&0xFF)/255.0f;
+ glViewportWrapper(0, windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse, windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight);
+ GLboolean cullface = glIsEnabled(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ GLfloat colour[] = {
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a};
+ GLfloat vertices[] = {
+ m_fillRectVtx[0].x, m_fillRectVtx[1].y, depth, 1,
+ m_fillRectVtx[1].x, m_fillRectVtx[1].y, depth, 1,
+ m_fillRectVtx[1].x, m_fillRectVtx[0].y, depth, 1,
+ m_fillRectVtx[0].x, m_fillRectVtx[0].y, depth, 1
+ };
+ glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, &colour );
+ glVertexPointer(4,GL_FLOAT, 0,&vertices);
+ if( m_bMultiTexture ) {
+ if (m_texUnitEnabled[1])
+ {
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+ glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+ glDisableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_texUnitEnabled[0]) {
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
+ glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
+ glDisableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ }
+ glColor4f(r,g,b,a);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN,0,4);
+ //Restore old pointers
+ glColorPointer( 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+ glVertexPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float)*5, &(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]) );
+ if (m_texUnitEnabled[0]) {
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ }
+ if( m_bMultiTexture ) {
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+ glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+ if (m_texUnitEnabled[1])
+ {
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ }
+ glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
+ }
+ glColor4f(r,g,b,a);
+ glVertex4f(m_fillRectVtx[0].x, m_fillRectVtx[1].y, depth, 1);
+ glVertex4f(m_fillRectVtx[1].x, m_fillRectVtx[1].y, depth, 1);
+ glVertex4f(m_fillRectVtx[1].x, m_fillRectVtx[0].y, depth, 1);
+ glVertex4f(m_fillRectVtx[0].x, m_fillRectVtx[0].y, depth, 1);
+ glEnd();
+ GLfloat colour[] = {
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a};
+ float w = windowSetting.uDisplayWidth / 2.0f, h = windowSetting.uDisplayHeight / 2.0f, inv = 1.0f;
+ GLfloat vertices[] = {
+ -inv + m_fillRectVtx[0].x / w, inv - m_fillRectVtx[1].y / h, depth, 1,
+ -inv + m_fillRectVtx[1].x / w, inv - m_fillRectVtx[1].y / h, depth, 1,
+ -inv + m_fillRectVtx[1].x / w, inv - m_fillRectVtx[0].y / h, depth, 1,
+ -inv + m_fillRectVtx[0].x / w, inv - m_fillRectVtx[0].y / h, depth, 1
+ };
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_COLOR, 4, GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE, 0, &colour );
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_POSITION,4,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,0,&vertices);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(VS_TEXCOORD0);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN,0,4);
+ //Restore old pointers
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_COLOR, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,GL_TRUE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_POSITION,4,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,sizeof(float)*5,&(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]));
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(VS_TEXCOORD0);
+ if( cullface ) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ return true;
+bool OGLRender::RenderLine3D()
+ ApplyZBias(0); // disable z offsets
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ GLfloat colour[] = {
+ m_line3DVtx[1].r,m_line3DVtx[1].g,m_line3DVtx[1].b,m_line3DVtx[1].a,
+ m_line3DVtx[1].r,m_line3DVtx[1].g,m_line3DVtx[1].b,m_line3DVtx[1].a,
+ m_line3DVtx[0].r,m_line3DVtx[0].g,m_line3DVtx[0].b,m_line3DVtx[0].a,
+ m_line3DVtx[0].r,m_line3DVtx[0].g,m_line3DVtx[0].b,m_line3DVtx[0].a};
+ GLfloat vertices[] = {
+ m_line3DVector[3].x, m_line3DVector[3].y, -m_line3DVtx[1].z, 1,
+ m_line3DVector[2].x, m_line3DVector[2].y, -m_line3DVtx[0].z, 1,
+ m_line3DVector[1].x, m_line3DVector[1].y, -m_line3DVtx[1].z, 1,
+ m_line3DVector[0].x, m_line3DVector[0].y, -m_line3DVtx[0].z, 1
+ };
+ glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, &colour );
+ glVertexPointer(4,GL_FLOAT, 0,&vertices);
+ if( m_bMultiTexture )
+ {
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+ glDisableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
+ }
+ glDisableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN,0,4);
+ //Restore old pointers
+ glColorPointer( 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glVertexPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float)*5, &(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]) );
+ if( m_bMultiTexture )
+ {
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ }
+ glColor4f(m_line3DVtx[1].r, m_line3DVtx[1].g, m_line3DVtx[1].b, m_line3DVtx[1].a);
+ glVertex3f(m_line3DVector[3].x, m_line3DVector[3].y, -m_line3DVtx[1].z);
+ glVertex3f(m_line3DVector[2].x, m_line3DVector[2].y, -m_line3DVtx[0].z);
+ glColor4ub(m_line3DVtx[0].r, m_line3DVtx[0].g, m_line3DVtx[0].b, m_line3DVtx[0].a);
+ glVertex3f(m_line3DVector[1].x, m_line3DVector[1].y, -m_line3DVtx[1].z);
+ glVertex3f(m_line3DVector[0].x, m_line3DVector[0].y, -m_line3DVtx[0].z);
+ glEnd();
+ ApplyZBias(m_dwZBias); // set Z offset back to previous value
+ return true;
+extern FiddledVtx * g_pVtxBase;
+// This is so weired that I can not do vertex transform by myself. I have to use
+// OpenGL internal transform
+bool OGLRender::RenderFlushTris()
+ if( !m_bSupportFogCoordExt )
+ SetFogFlagForNegativeW();
+ else
+ {
+ if( !gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender && gRSP.bFogEnabled )
+ {
+ TurnFogOnOff(false);
+ }
+ }
+ ApplyZBias(m_dwZBias); // set the bias factors
+ glViewportWrapper(windowSetting.vpLeftW, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight-windowSetting.vpTopW-windowSetting.vpHeightW+windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse, windowSetting.vpWidthW, windowSetting.vpHeightW, false);
+// if (options.bOGLVertexClipper == FALSE )
+ {
+ glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, gRSP.numVertices, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, g_vtxIndex );
+ }
+/* else
+ {
+ //ClipVertexesOpenGL();
+ // Redo the index
+ // Set the array
+ glVertexPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float)*5, &(g_vtxProjected5Clipped[0][0]) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
+ pglClientActiveTextureARB( GL_TEXTURE0_ARB );
+ glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_clippedVtxBuffer[0].tcord[0].u) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ pglClientActiveTextureARB( GL_TEXTURE1_ARB );
+ glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_clippedVtxBuffer[0].tcord[1].u) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, gRSP.numVertices, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, g_vtxIndex );
+ // Reset the array
+ pglClientActiveTextureARB( GL_TEXTURE0_ARB );
+ glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[0].u) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ pglClientActiveTextureARB( GL_TEXTURE1_ARB );
+ glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[1].u) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glVertexPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float)*5, &(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
+ }
+ if( !m_bSupportFogCoordExt )
+ RestoreFogFlag();
+ else
+ {
+ if( !gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender && gRSP.bFogEnabled )
+ {
+ TurnFogOnOff(true);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void OGLRender::DrawSimple2DTexture(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1, COLOR dif, COLOR spe, float z, float rhw)
+ if( status.bVIOriginIsUpdated == true && currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting==SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_1ST_PRIMITIVE )
+ {
+ status.bVIOriginIsUpdated=false;
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_SET_CIMG,{DebuggerAppendMsg("Screen Update at 1st Simple2DTexture");});
+ }
+ StartDrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y0, x1, y1, u0, v0, u1, v1, dif, spe, z, rhw);
+ GLboolean cullface = glIsEnabled(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glViewportWrapper(0, windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse, windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight);
+ float a = (g_texRectTVtx[0].dcDiffuse >>24)/255.0f;
+ float r = ((g_texRectTVtx[0].dcDiffuse>>16)&0xFF)/255.0f;
+ float g = ((g_texRectTVtx[0].dcDiffuse>>8)&0xFF)/255.0f;
+ float b = (g_texRectTVtx[0].dcDiffuse&0xFF)/255.0f;
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ GLfloat colour[] = {
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a};
+ GLfloat tex[] = {
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].v
+ };
+ GLfloat vertices[] = {
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].x, g_texRectTVtx[0].y, -g_texRectTVtx[0].z, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].x, g_texRectTVtx[1].y, -g_texRectTVtx[1].z, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].x, g_texRectTVtx[2].y, -g_texRectTVtx[2].z, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].x, g_texRectTVtx[0].y, -g_texRectTVtx[0].z, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].x, g_texRectTVtx[2].y, -g_texRectTVtx[2].z, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].x, g_texRectTVtx[3].y, -g_texRectTVtx[3].z, 1
+ };
+ glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, &colour );
+ glVertexPointer(4,GL_FLOAT, 0,&vertices);
+ if( m_bMultiTexture )
+ {
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+// if (m_texUnitEnabled[1])
+ glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &tex);
+/* else
+ glDisableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );*/
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
+ }
+// if (m_texUnitEnabled[0])
+ glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &tex);
+/* else
+ glDisableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );*/
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,0,6);
+ //Restore old pointers
+ glColorPointer( 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+ glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[0].u) );
+// if (m_texUnitEnabled[1])
+ glVertexPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float)*5, &(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]) );
+/* else
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );*/
+ if( m_bMultiTexture )
+ {
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+// if (m_texUnitEnabled[1])
+ glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[1].u) );
+/* else
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );*/
+ }
+ glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
+ glColor4f(r,g,b,a);
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[0]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[0].x, g_texRectTVtx[0].y, -g_texRectTVtx[0].z);
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[1]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[1].x, g_texRectTVtx[1].y, -g_texRectTVtx[1].z);
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[2]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[2].x, g_texRectTVtx[2].y, -g_texRectTVtx[2].z);
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[0]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[0].x, g_texRectTVtx[0].y, -g_texRectTVtx[0].z);
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[2]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[2].x, g_texRectTVtx[2].y, -g_texRectTVtx[2].z);
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[3]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[3].x, g_texRectTVtx[3].y, -g_texRectTVtx[3].z);
+ glEnd();
+ GLfloat colour[] = {
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a
+ };
+ GLfloat tex[] = {
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].v,
+ };
+ float w = windowSetting.uDisplayWidth / 2.0f, h = windowSetting.uDisplayHeight / 2.0f, inv = 1.0f;
+ GLfloat vertices[] = {
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[0].x/ w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[0].y/ h, -g_texRectTVtx[0].z,1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[1].x/ w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[1].y/ h, -g_texRectTVtx[1].z,1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[2].x/ w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[2].y/ h, -g_texRectTVtx[2].z,1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[0].x/ w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[0].y/ h, -g_texRectTVtx[0].z,1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[2].x/ w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[2].y/ h, -g_texRectTVtx[2].z,1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[3].x/ w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[3].y/ h, -g_texRectTVtx[3].z,1
+ };
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_COLOR, 4, GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE, 0, &colour );
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_POSITION,4,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,0,&vertices);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_TEXCOORD0,2,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE, 0, &tex);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,0,6);
+ //Restore old pointers
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_COLOR, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,GL_TRUE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_POSITION,4,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,sizeof(float)*5,&(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]));
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_TEXCOORD0,2,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[0].u));
+ if( cullface ) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+void OGLRender::DrawSimpleRect(int nX0, int nY0, int nX1, int nY1, uint32 dwColor, float depth, float rhw)
+ StartDrawSimpleRect(nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1, dwColor, depth, rhw);
+ GLboolean cullface = glIsEnabled(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ float a = (dwColor>>24)/255.0f;
+ float r = ((dwColor>>16)&0xFF)/255.0f;
+ float g = ((dwColor>>8)&0xFF)/255.0f;
+ float b = (dwColor&0xFF)/255.0f;
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ GLfloat colour[] = {
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a};
+ GLfloat vertices[] = {
+ m_simpleRectVtx[1].x, m_simpleRectVtx[0].y, -depth, 1,
+ m_simpleRectVtx[1].x, m_simpleRectVtx[1].y, -depth, 1,
+ m_simpleRectVtx[0].x, m_simpleRectVtx[1].y, -depth, 1,
+ m_simpleRectVtx[0].x, m_simpleRectVtx[0].y, -depth, 1
+ };
+ glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, &colour );
+ glVertexPointer(4,GL_FLOAT, 0,&vertices);
+ if( m_bMultiTexture )
+ {
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+ if (m_texUnitEnabled[1]) {
+ glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ }
+ glDisableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
+ }
+ if (m_texUnitEnabled[0]) {
+ glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ }
+ glDisableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glColor4f(r,g,b,a);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN,0,4);
+ //Restore old pointers
+ glColorPointer( 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glVertexPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float)*5, &(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]) );
+ if (m_texUnitEnabled[0]) {
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ }
+ if( m_bMultiTexture )
+ {
+ if (m_texUnitEnabled[1]) {
+ glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ }
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ }
+ glColor4f(r,g,b,a);
+ glVertex3f(m_simpleRectVtx[1].x, m_simpleRectVtx[0].y, -depth);
+ glVertex3f(m_simpleRectVtx[1].x, m_simpleRectVtx[1].y, -depth);
+ glVertex3f(m_simpleRectVtx[0].x, m_simpleRectVtx[1].y, -depth);
+ glVertex3f(m_simpleRectVtx[0].x, m_simpleRectVtx[0].y, -depth);
+ glEnd();
+ GLfloat colour[] = {
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a,
+ r,g,b,a};
+ float w = windowSetting.uDisplayWidth / 2.0f, h = windowSetting.uDisplayHeight / 2.0f, inv = 1.0f;
+ GLfloat vertices[] = {
+ -inv + m_simpleRectVtx[1].x / w, inv - m_simpleRectVtx[0].y / h, -depth, 1,
+ -inv + m_simpleRectVtx[1].x / w, inv - m_simpleRectVtx[1].y / h, -depth, 1,
+ -inv + m_simpleRectVtx[0].x / w, inv - m_simpleRectVtx[1].y / h, -depth, 1,
+ -inv + m_simpleRectVtx[0].x / w, inv - m_simpleRectVtx[0].y / h, -depth, 1
+ };
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_COLOR, 4, GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE, 0, &colour );
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_POSITION,4,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,0,&vertices);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(VS_TEXCOORD0);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN,0,4);
+ //Restore old pointers
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_COLOR, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,GL_TRUE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_POSITION,4,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,sizeof(float)*5,&(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]));
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(VS_TEXCOORD0);
+ if( cullface ) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+void OGLRender::InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleRectDraw(uint32 tile)
+ //glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ EnableTexUnit(0,FALSE);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ //glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+COLOR OGLRender::PostProcessDiffuseColor(COLOR curDiffuseColor)
+ uint32 color = curDiffuseColor;
+ uint32 colorflag = m_pColorCombiner->m_pDecodedMux->m_dwShadeColorChannelFlag;
+ uint32 alphaflag = m_pColorCombiner->m_pDecodedMux->m_dwShadeAlphaChannelFlag;
+ if( colorflag+alphaflag != MUX_0 )
+ {
+ if( (colorflag & 0xFFFFFF00) == 0 && (alphaflag & 0xFFFFFF00) == 0 )
+ {
+ color = (m_pColorCombiner->GetConstFactor(colorflag, alphaflag, curDiffuseColor));
+ }
+ else
+ color = (CalculateConstFactor(colorflag, alphaflag, curDiffuseColor));
+ }
+ //return (color<<8)|(color>>24);
+ return color;
+COLOR OGLRender::PostProcessSpecularColor()
+ return 0;
+void OGLRender::SetViewportRender()
+ glViewportWrapper(windowSetting.vpLeftW, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight-windowSetting.vpTopW-windowSetting.vpHeightW+windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse, windowSetting.vpWidthW, windowSetting.vpHeightW);
+void OGLRender::RenderReset()
+ CRender::RenderReset();
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glOrtho(0, windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight, 0, -1, 1);
+ // position viewer
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+void OGLRender::SetAlphaTestEnable(BOOL bAlphaTestEnable)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( bAlphaTestEnable && debuggerEnableAlphaTest )
+ if( bAlphaTestEnable )
+ glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ else
+ glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ {
+ COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner* frag = (COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner*)m_pColorCombiner;
+ frag->m_AlphaRef = m_dwAlpha / 255.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner* frag = (COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner*)m_pColorCombiner;
+ frag->m_AlphaRef = 0.0f;
+ }
+void OGLRender::BindTexture(GLuint texture, int unitno)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( unitno != 0 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Check me, base ogl bind texture, unit no != 0");
+ }
+ if( m_curBoundTex[0] != texture )
+ {
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,texture);
+ m_curBoundTex[0] = texture;
+ }
+void OGLRender::DisBindTexture(GLuint texture, int unitno)
+ //EnableTexUnit(0,FALSE);
+ //glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); //Not to bind any texture
+void OGLRender::EnableTexUnit(int unitno, BOOL flag)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( unitno != 0 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Check me, in the base ogl render, unitno!=0");
+ }
+ if( m_texUnitEnabled[0] != flag ) //strange, why 0 and not unitno?
+ {
+ m_texUnitEnabled[0] = flag;
+ if( flag == TRUE ) {
+// pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + unitno);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ } else {
+// pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + unitno);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ }
+/* if (m_bMultiTexture)
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1_ARB);*/
+ if(flag)
+ {
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + unitno);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,m_curBoundTex[unitno]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + unitno);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND); //Need blend for transparent disabled texture
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,disabledTextureID);
+ }
+ }
+void OGLRender::TexCoord2f(float u, float v)
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ printf("*SEB* TexCoord2f(%f, %f)\n", u, v);
+ glTexCoord2f(u, v);
+void OGLRender::TexCoord(TLITVERTEX &vtxInfo)
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ printf("*SEB* TexCoord(%f, %f)\n", vtxInfo.tcord[0].u, vtxInfo.tcord[0].v);
+ glTexCoord2f(vtxInfo.tcord[0].u, vtxInfo.tcord[0].v);
+void OGLRender::UpdateScissor()
+ if( options.bEnableHacks && g_CI.dwWidth == 0x200 && gRDP.scissor.right == 0x200 && g_CI.dwWidth>(*g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG & 0xFFF) )
+ {
+ // Hack for RE2
+ uint32 width = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG & 0xFFF;
+ uint32 height = (gRDP.scissor.right*gRDP.scissor.bottom)/width;
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ glScissor(0, int(height*windowSetting.fMultY+windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse),
+ int(width*windowSetting.fMultX), int(height*windowSetting.fMultY) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UpdateScissorWithClipRatio();
+ }
+void OGLRender::ApplyRDPScissor(bool force)
+ if( !force && status.curScissor == RDP_SCISSOR ) return;
+ if( options.bEnableHacks && g_CI.dwWidth == 0x200 && gRDP.scissor.right == 0x200 && g_CI.dwWidth>(*g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG & 0xFFF) )
+ {
+ // Hack for RE2
+ uint32 width = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG & 0xFFF;
+ uint32 height = (gRDP.scissor.right*gRDP.scissor.bottom)/width;
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ glScissor(0, int(height*windowSetting.fMultY+windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse),
+ int(width*windowSetting.fMultX), int(height*windowSetting.fMultY) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glScissor(int(gRDP.scissor.left*windowSetting.fMultX), int((windowSetting.uViHeight-gRDP.scissor.bottom)*windowSetting.fMultY+windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse),
+ int((gRDP.scissor.right-gRDP.scissor.left)*windowSetting.fMultX), int((gRDP.scissor.bottom-gRDP.scissor.top)*windowSetting.fMultY ));
+ }
+ status.curScissor = RDP_SCISSOR;
+void OGLRender::ApplyScissorWithClipRatio(bool force)
+ if( !force && status.curScissor == RSP_SCISSOR ) return;
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ glScissor(windowSetting.clipping.left, int((windowSetting.uViHeight-gRSP.real_clip_scissor_bottom)*windowSetting.fMultY)+windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse,
+ windowSetting.clipping.width, windowSetting.clipping.height);
+ status.curScissor = RSP_SCISSOR;
+void OGLRender::SetFogMinMax(float fMin, float fMax)
+ glFogf(GL_FOG_START, gRSPfFogMin); // Fog Start Depth
+ glFogf(GL_FOG_END, gRSPfFogMax); // Fog End Depth
+ ((COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner*)m_pColorCombiner)->UpdateFog(gRSP.bFogEnabled);
+void OGLRender::TurnFogOnOff(bool flag)
+ if( flag )
+ glEnable(GL_FOG);
+ else
+ glDisable(GL_FOG);
+ ((COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner*)m_pColorCombiner)->UpdateFog(flag);
+void OGLRender::SetFogEnable(bool bEnable)
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP( (gRSP.bFogEnabled != (bEnable==TRUE) && logFog ), TRACE1("Set Fog %s", bEnable? "enable":"disable"));
+ gRSP.bFogEnabled = bEnable&&(options.fogMethod == 1);
+ // If force fog
+ if(options.fogMethod == 2)
+ {
+ gRSP.bFogEnabled = true;
+ }
+ if( gRSP.bFogEnabled )
+ {
+ //TRACE2("Enable fog, min=%f, max=%f",gRSPfFogMin,gRSPfFogMax );
+ glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, gRDP.fvFogColor); // Set Fog Color
+ glFogf(GL_FOG_START, gRSPfFogMin); // Fog Start Depth
+ glFogf(GL_FOG_END, gRSPfFogMax); // Fog End Depth
+ glEnable(GL_FOG);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glDisable(GL_FOG);
+ }
+ ((COGL_FragmentProgramCombiner*)m_pColorCombiner)->UpdateFog(gRSP.bFogEnabled);
+void OGLRender::SetFogColor(uint32 r, uint32 g, uint32 b, uint32 a)
+ gRDP.fogColor = COLOR_RGBA(r, g, b, a);
+ gRDP.fvFogColor[0] = r/255.0f; //r
+ gRDP.fvFogColor[1] = g/255.0f; //g
+ gRDP.fvFogColor[2] = b/255.0f; //b
+ gRDP.fvFogColor[3] = a/255.0f; //a
+ glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, gRDP.fvFogColor); // Set Fog Color
+void OGLRender::DisableMultiTexture()
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1_ARB);
+ EnableTexUnit(1,FALSE);
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
+ EnableTexUnit(0,FALSE);
+ pglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
+ EnableTexUnit(0,TRUE);
+void OGLRender::EndRendering(void)
+ glFlush();
+ if( CRender::gRenderReferenceCount > 0 )
+ CRender::gRenderReferenceCount--;
+void OGLRender::glViewportWrapper(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, bool flag)
+ static GLint mx=0,my=0;
+ static GLsizei m_width=0, m_height=0;
+ static bool mflag=true;
+ if( x!=mx || y!=my || width!=m_width || height!=m_height || mflag!=flag)
+ {
+ mx=x;
+ my=y;
+ m_width=width;
+ m_height=height;
+ mflag=flag;
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ if( flag ) glOrtho(0, windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight, 0, -1, 1);
+ glViewport(x,y,width,height);
+//printf("glViewport(%i, %i, %i, %i)\n", x, y, width, height);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _OGL_RENDER_H_
+#define _OGL_RENDER_H_
+#include "Combiner.h"
+#include "Render.h"
+class OGLRender : public CRender
+ friend class COGLColorCombiner;
+ friend class COGLBlender;
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ OGLRender();
+ ~OGLRender();
+ void Initialize(void);
+ bool InitDeviceObjects();
+ bool ClearDeviceObjects();
+ void ApplyTextureFilter();
+ void SetShadeMode(RenderShadeMode mode);
+ void ZBufferEnable(BOOL bZBuffer);
+ void ClearBuffer(bool cbuffer, bool zbuffer);
+ void ClearZBuffer(float depth);
+ void SetZCompare(BOOL bZCompare);
+ void SetZUpdate(BOOL bZUpdate);
+ void SetZBias(int bias);
+ void ApplyZBias(int bias);
+ void SetAlphaRef(uint32 dwAlpha);
+ void ForceAlphaRef(uint32 dwAlpha);
+ void SetFillMode(FillMode mode);
+ void SetViewportRender();
+ void RenderReset();
+ void SetCullMode(bool bCullFront, bool bCullBack);
+ void SetAlphaTestEnable(BOOL bAlphaTestEnable);
+ void UpdateScissor();
+ void ApplyRDPScissor(bool force=false);
+ void ApplyScissorWithClipRatio(bool force=false);
+ bool SetCurrentTexture(int tile, CTexture *handler,uint32 dwTileWidth, uint32 dwTileHeight, TxtrCacheEntry *pTextureEntry);
+ bool SetCurrentTexture(int tile, TxtrCacheEntry *pTextureEntry);
+ void SetAddressUAllStages(uint32 dwTile, TextureUVFlag dwFlag);
+ void SetAddressVAllStages(uint32 dwTile, TextureUVFlag dwFlag);
+ void SetTextureUFlag(TextureUVFlag dwFlag, uint32 tile);
+ void SetTextureVFlag(TextureUVFlag dwFlag, uint32 tile);
+ virtual void BindTexture(GLuint texture, int unitno);
+ virtual void DisBindTexture(GLuint texture, int unitno);
+ virtual void TexCoord2f(float u, float v);
+ virtual void TexCoord(TLITVERTEX &vtxInfo);
+ void DrawSimple2DTexture(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1, COLOR dif, COLOR spe, float z, float rhw);
+ void DrawSimpleRect(int nX0, int nY0, int nX1, int nY1, uint32 dwColor, float depth, float rhw);
+ void InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleRectDraw(uint32 tile=0);
+ void DrawSpriteR_Render();
+ void DrawObjBGCopy(uObjBg &info);
+ void DrawText(const char* str, RECT *rect);
+ void SetFogMinMax(float fMin, float fMax);
+ void SetFogEnable(bool bEnable);
+ void TurnFogOnOff(bool flag);
+ void SetFogColor(uint32 r, uint32 g, uint32 b, uint32 a);
+ void DisableMultiTexture();
+ void EnableMultiTexture() {m_bEnableMultiTexture=true;}
+ void EndRendering(void);
+ void glViewportWrapper(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, bool flag=true);
+ virtual void EnableTexUnit(int unitno, BOOL flag);
+ virtual void SetTexWrapS(int unitno,GLuint flag);
+ virtual void SetTexWrapT(int unitno,GLuint flag);
+ COLOR PostProcessDiffuseColor(COLOR curDiffuseColor);
+ COLOR PostProcessSpecularColor();
+ // Basic render drawing functions
+ bool RenderFlushTris();
+ bool RenderTexRect();
+ bool RenderFillRect(uint32 dwColor, float depth);
+ bool RenderLine3D();
+ bool m_bSupportFogCoordExt;
+ bool m_bMultiTexture;
+ bool m_bSupportClampToEdge;
+ GLuint m_curBoundTex[8];
+ BOOL m_texUnitEnabled[8];
+ bool m_bEnableMultiTexture;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "OGLRender.h"
+extern Matrix g_MtxReal;
+extern uObjMtxReal gObjMtxReal;
+void OGLRender::DrawText(const char* str, RECT *rect)
+ return;
+void OGLRender::DrawSpriteR_Render() // With Rotation
+ glViewportWrapper(0, windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse, windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight);
+ GLboolean cullface = glIsEnabled(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ GLfloat colour[] = {
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3],
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3],
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3],
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3],
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3],
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3],
+ };
+ GLfloat tex[] = {
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].v,
+ };
+ GLfloat vertices[] = {
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].x, g_texRectTVtx[0].y, -g_texRectTVtx[0].z, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].x, g_texRectTVtx[1].y, -g_texRectTVtx[1].z, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].x, g_texRectTVtx[2].y, -g_texRectTVtx[2].z, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].x, g_texRectTVtx[0].y, -g_texRectTVtx[0].z, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].x, g_texRectTVtx[2].y, -g_texRectTVtx[2].z, 1,
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].x, g_texRectTVtx[3].y, -g_texRectTVtx[3].z, 1
+ };
+ glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, &colour );
+ glVertexPointer(4,GL_FLOAT, 0,&vertices);
+ if( m_bMultiTexture )
+ {
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+// if (m_texUnitEnabled[1])
+// glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+// glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &tex);
+// else
+ glDisableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
+ }
+// if (m_texUnitEnabled[0])
+// glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &tex);
+// else
+// glDisableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,0,6);
+ //Restore old pointers
+ glColorPointer( 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+// if (m_texUnitEnabled[1])
+ glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[0].u) );
+// else
+// glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ glVertexPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float)*5, &(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]) );
+ if( m_bMultiTexture )
+ {
+ glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
+// if (m_texUnitEnabled[1])
+// glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[1].u) );
+// else
+ glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+ }
+ glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
+ glColor4fv(gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor);
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[0]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[0].x, g_texRectTVtx[0].y, -g_texRectTVtx[0].z);
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[1]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[1].x, g_texRectTVtx[1].y, -g_texRectTVtx[1].z);
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[2]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[2].x, g_texRectTVtx[2].y, -g_texRectTVtx[2].z);
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[0]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[0].x, g_texRectTVtx[0].y, -g_texRectTVtx[0].z);
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[2]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[2].x, g_texRectTVtx[2].y, -g_texRectTVtx[2].z);
+ OGLRender::TexCoord(g_texRectTVtx[3]);
+ glVertex3f(g_texRectTVtx[3].x, g_texRectTVtx[3].y, -g_texRectTVtx[3].z);
+ glEnd();
+ GLfloat colour[] = {
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3],
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3],
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3],
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3],
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3],
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2], gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3],
+ };
+ GLfloat tex[] = {
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v,
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].u,g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].v,
+ };
+ float w = windowSetting.uDisplayWidth / 2.0f, h = windowSetting.uDisplayHeight / 2.0f, inv = 1.0f;
+ GLfloat vertices[] = {
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[0].x/ w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[0].y/ h, -g_texRectTVtx[0].z,1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[1].x/ w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[1].y/ h, -g_texRectTVtx[1].z,1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[2].x/ w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[2].y/ h, -g_texRectTVtx[2].z,1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[0].x/ w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[0].y/ h, -g_texRectTVtx[0].z,1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[2].x/ w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[2].y/ h, -g_texRectTVtx[2].z,1,
+ -inv + g_texRectTVtx[3].x/ w, inv - g_texRectTVtx[3].y/ h, -g_texRectTVtx[3].z,1
+ };
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_COLOR, 4, GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE, 0, &colour );
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_POSITION,4,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,0,&vertices);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_TEXCOORD0,2,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE, 0, &tex);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,0,6);
+ //Restore old pointers
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_COLOR, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,GL_TRUE, sizeof(uint8)*4, &(g_oglVtxColors[0][0]) );
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_POSITION,4,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,sizeof(float)*5,&(g_vtxProjected5[0][0]));
+ glVertexAttribPointer(VS_TEXCOORD0,2,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE, sizeof( TLITVERTEX ), &(g_vtxBuffer[0].tcord[0].u));
+ if( cullface ) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+void OGLRender::DrawObjBGCopy(uObjBg &info)
+ if( IsUsedAsDI(g_CI.dwAddr) )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Unimplemented: write into Z buffer. Was mostly commented out in Rice Video 6.1.0");
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CRender::LoadObjBGCopy(info);
+ CRender::DrawObjBGCopy(info);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "Debugger.h"
+#include "OGLDebug.h"
+#include "OGLGraphicsContext.h"
+#include "OGLTexture.h"
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+#define GL_RGBA4 0x8056
+COGLTexture::COGLTexture(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, TextureUsage usage) :
+ CTexture(dwWidth,dwHeight,usage),
+ m_glFmt(GL_RGBA)
+ // FIXME: If usage is AS_RENDER_TARGET, we need to create pbuffer instead of regular texture
+ m_dwTextureFmt = TEXTURE_FMT_A8R8G8B8; // Always use 32bit to load texture
+ glGenTextures( 1, &m_dwTextureName );
+ // Make the width and height be the power of 2
+ uint32 w;
+ for (w = 1; w < dwWidth; w <<= 1);
+ m_dwCreatedTextureWidth = w;
+ for (w = 1; w < dwHeight; w <<= 1);
+ m_dwCreatedTextureHeight = w;
+ if (dwWidth*dwHeight > 256*256)
+ TRACE4("Large texture: (%d x %d), created as (%d x %d)",
+ dwWidth, dwHeight,m_dwCreatedTextureWidth,m_dwCreatedTextureHeight);
+ m_fYScale = (float)m_dwCreatedTextureHeight/(float)m_dwHeight;
+ m_fXScale = (float)m_dwCreatedTextureWidth/(float)m_dwWidth;
+ m_pTexture = malloc(m_dwCreatedTextureWidth * m_dwCreatedTextureHeight * GetPixelSize());
+//#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+ switch( options.textureQuality )
+ {
+ if( options.colorQuality == TEXTURE_FMT_A4R4G4B4 )
+ m_glFmt = GL_RGBA4;
+ break;
+ break;
+ m_glFmt = GL_RGBA4;
+ break;
+ };
+ LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE2("New texture: (%d, %d)", dwWidth, dwHeight));
+ // FIXME: If usage is AS_RENDER_TARGET, we need to destroy the pbuffer
+ glDeleteTextures(1, &m_dwTextureName );
+ free(m_pTexture);
+ m_pTexture = NULL;
+ m_dwWidth = 0;
+ m_dwHeight = 0;
+bool COGLTexture::StartUpdate(DrawInfo *di)
+ if (m_pTexture == NULL)
+ return false;
+ di->dwHeight = (uint16)m_dwHeight;
+ di->dwWidth = (uint16)m_dwWidth;
+ di->dwCreatedHeight = m_dwCreatedTextureHeight;
+ di->dwCreatedWidth = m_dwCreatedTextureWidth;
+ di->lpSurface = m_pTexture;
+ di->lPitch = GetPixelSize()*m_dwCreatedTextureWidth;
+ return true;
+void COGLTexture::EndUpdate(DrawInfo *di)
+ COGLGraphicsContext *pcontext = (COGLGraphicsContext *)(CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext); // we need this to check if the GL extension is avaible
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_dwTextureName);
+ // mipmap support
+ if(options.mipmapping)
+ {
+ int m_maximumAnistropy = pcontext->getMaxAnisotropicFiltering(); //if getMaxAnisotropicFiltering() return more than 0, so aniso is supported and maxAnisotropicFiltering is set
+ // Set Anisotropic filtering (mipmapping have to be activated, aniso filtering is not effective without)
+ if( m_maximumAnistropy )
+ {
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, m_maximumAnistropy);
+ }
+ // Set Mipmap
+ // Tell to hardware to generate mipmap (himself) when glTexImage2D is called
+ glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ // Copy the image data from main memory to video card texture memory
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+ // first change format BGRA->RGBA and reduce bit if needed
+ unsigned char* m_glesTex;
+ if (m_glFmt == GL_RGBA4) {
+ m_glesTex = (unsigned char*)malloc(m_dwCreatedTextureHeight*m_dwCreatedTextureWidth*2);
+ unsigned short *p = (unsigned short*)m_glesTex;
+ unsigned char *f = (unsigned char*)m_pTexture;
+ for (int j=0; j<m_dwCreatedTextureHeight; j++)
+ for (int i=0; i<m_dwCreatedTextureWidth; i++) {
+ // *f = B, *(f+1) = G, *(f+2) = R, *(f+3) = A
+ *(p++)= ((*(f+2))&0xf0)>>4 | ((*(f+1))&0xf0) | (((*f))&0xf0)<<4 | ((*(f+3))&0xf0)<<8;
+ f+=4;
+ }
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, m_dwCreatedTextureWidth, m_dwCreatedTextureHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4, m_glesTex);
+ } else {
+ m_glesTex = (unsigned char*)malloc(m_dwCreatedTextureHeight*m_dwCreatedTextureWidth*4);
+ unsigned int *p = (unsigned int*)m_glesTex;
+ unsigned char *f = (unsigned char*)m_pTexture;
+ for (int j=0; j<m_dwCreatedTextureHeight; j++)
+ for (int i=0; i<m_dwCreatedTextureWidth; i++) {
+ // *f = B, *(f+1) = G, *(f+2) = R, *(f+3) = A
+ *(p++)= ((*(f+2))) | ((*(f+1)))<<8 | ((*f))<<16 | ((*(f+3)))<<24;
+ f+=4;
+ }
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, m_dwCreatedTextureWidth, m_dwCreatedTextureHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, m_glesTex);
+ }
+ free(m_glesTex);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, m_glFmt, m_dwCreatedTextureWidth, m_dwCreatedTextureHeight, 0, GL_BGRA_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, m_pTexture);
+ //GL_BGRA_IMG works on adreno but not inside profiler.
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, m_glFmt, m_dwCreatedTextureWidth, m_dwCreatedTextureHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, m_pTexture);
+// Keep in mind that the real texture is not scaled to fix the created opengl texture yet.
+// when the image is need to be scaled, ScaleImageToSurface in CTexure will be called to
+// scale the image automatically
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _OGL_TEXTURE_H_
+#define _OGL_TEXTURE_H_
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+class COGLTexture : public CTexture
+ friend class COGLRenderTexture;
+ ~COGLTexture();
+ bool StartUpdate(DrawInfo *di);
+ void EndUpdate(DrawInfo *di);
+ GLuint m_dwTextureName;
+ GLuint m_glFmt;
+ friend class OGLDeviceBuilder;
+ COGLTexture(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, TextureUsage usage = AS_NORMAL);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// Texture related ucode
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "Render.h"
+uint32 g_TmemFlag[16];
+void SetTmemFlag(uint32 tmemAddr, uint32 size);
+bool IsTmemFlagValid(uint32 tmemAddr);
+uint32 GetValidTmemInfoIndex(uint32 tmemAddr);
+void EnhanceTexture(TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry);
+void MirrorTexture(uint32 tileno, TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry);
+void LoadHiresTexture( TxtrCacheEntry &entry );
+extern TMEMLoadMapInfo g_tmemInfo0; // Info for Tmem=0
+extern TMEMLoadMapInfo g_tmemInfo1; // Info for Tmem=0x100
+TmemType g_Tmem;
+/* */
+uint32 sizeShift[4] = {2,1,0,0};
+uint32 sizeIncr[4] = {3,1,0,0};
+uint32 sizeBytes[4] = {0,1,2,4};
+inline uint32 Txl2Words(uint32 width, uint32 size)
+ if( size == TXT_SIZE_4b )
+ return max(1, width/16);
+ else
+ return max(1, width*sizeBytes[size]/8);
+inline uint32 CalculateImgSize(uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 size)
+ //(((width)*(height) + siz##_INCR) >> siz##_SHIFT) -1
+ return (((width)*(height) + sizeIncr[size]) >> sizeShift[size]) -1;
+inline uint32 CalculateDXT(uint32 txl2words)
+ //#define CALC_DXT(width, b_txl) ((2048 + TXL2WORDS(width, b_txl) - 1) / TXL2WORDS(width, b_txl))
+ if( txl2words == 0 ) return 1;
+ else return (2048+txl2words-1)/txl2words;
+inline uint32 ReverseDXT(uint32 val, uint32 lrs, uint32 width, uint32 size)
+ //#define TXL2WORDS(txls, b_txl) MAX(1, ((txls)*(b_txl)/8))
+ if( val == 0x800 ) return 1;
+ unsigned int low = 2047/val;
+ if( CalculateDXT(low) > val ) low++;
+ unsigned int high = 2047/(val-1);
+ if( low == high ) return low;
+ for( unsigned int i=low; i<=high; i++ )
+ {
+ if( Txl2Words(width, size) == i )
+ return i;
+ }
+ return (low+high)/2; //dxt = 2047 / (dxt-1);
+// The following inline assemble routines are borrowed from glN64, I am too tired to
+// rewrite these routine by myself.
+// Rice, 02/24/2004
+inline void UnswapCopy( void *src, void *dest, uint32 numBytes )
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ __asm
+ {
+ mov ecx, 0
+ mov esi, dword ptr [src]
+ mov edi, dword ptr [dest]
+ mov ebx, esi
+ and ebx, 3 // ebx = number of leading bytes
+ cmp ebx, 0
+ jz StartDWordLoop
+ neg ebx
+ add ebx, 4
+ cmp ebx, [numBytes]
+ jle NotGreater
+ mov ebx, [numBytes]
+ mov ecx, ebx
+ xor esi, 3
+LeadingLoop: // Copies leading bytes, in reverse order (un-swaps)
+ mov al, byte ptr [esi]
+ mov byte ptr [edi], al
+ sub esi, 1
+ add edi, 1
+ loop LeadingLoop
+ add esi, 5
+ mov ecx, dword ptr [numBytes]
+ sub ecx, ebx // Don't copy what's already been copied
+ mov ebx, ecx
+ and ebx, 3
+ // add ecx, 3 // Round up to nearest dword
+ shr ecx, 2
+ cmp ecx, 0 // If there's nothing to do, don't do it
+ jle StartTrailingLoop
+ // Copies from source to destination, bswap-ing first
+ mov eax, dword ptr [esi]
+ bswap eax
+ mov dword ptr [edi], eax
+ add esi, 4
+ add edi, 4
+ loop DWordLoop
+ cmp ebx, 0
+ jz Done
+ mov ecx, ebx
+ xor esi, 3
+ mov al, byte ptr [esi]
+ mov byte ptr [edi], al
+ sub esi, 1
+ add edi, 1
+ loop TrailingLoop
+ }
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ asm volatile(" movl %k1, %%ebx \n"
+ " andl $3, %%ebx \n"
+ " cmpl $0, %%ebx \n"
+ " jz 2f \n"
+ " negl %%ebx \n"
+ " addl $4, %%ebx \n"
+ " cmpl %k2, %%ebx \n"
+ " jle 0f \n"
+ " movl %k2, %%ebx \n"
+ "0: \n"
+ " movl %%ebx, %%ecx \n"
+ " xor $3, %1 \n"
+ "1: \n"
+ " movb (%1), %%al \n"
+ " movb %%al, (%0) \n"
+ " sub $1, %1 \n"
+ " add $1, %0 \n"
+ " decl %%ecx \n"
+ " jne 1b \n"
+ " add $5, %1 \n"
+ "2: \n"
+ " movl %k2, %%ecx \n"
+ " subl %%ebx, %%ecx \n"
+ " movl %%ecx, %%ebx \n"
+ " andl $3, %%ebx \n"
+ " shrl $2, %%ecx \n"
+ " cmpl $0, %%ecx \n"
+ " jle 4f \n"
+ "3: \n"
+ " movl (%1), %%eax \n"
+ " bswapl %%eax \n"
+ " movl %%eax, (%0) \n"
+ " add $4, %1 \n"
+ " add $4, %0 \n"
+ " decl %%ecx \n"
+ " jne 3b \n"
+ "4: \n"
+ " cmpl $0, %%ebx \n"
+ " jz 6f \n"
+ " xor $3, %1 \n"
+ "5: \n"
+ " movb (%1), %%al \n"
+ " movb %%al, (%0) \n"
+ " sub $1, %1 \n"
+ " add $1, %0 \n"
+ " decl %%ebx \n"
+ " jne 5b \n"
+ "6: \n"
+ :"+r"(dest), "+r"(src)
+ :"r"(numBytes)
+ : "memory", "cc", "%rax", "%rbx", "%rcx"
+ );
+#elif !defined(NO_ASM)
+ unsigned int saveEBX;
+ asm volatile ("mov %%ebx, %2 \n"
+ "mov $0, %%ecx \n"
+ "mov %0, %%esi \n"
+ "mov %1, %%edi \n"
+ "mov %%esi, %%ebx \n"
+ "and $3, %%ebx \n" // ebx = number of leading bytes
+ "cmp $0, %%ebx \n"
+ "jz 2f \n" //jz StartDWordLoop
+ "neg %%ebx \n"
+ "add $4, %%ebx \n"
+ "cmp %3, %%ebx \n"
+ "jle 0f \n" //jle NotGreater
+ "mov %3, %%ebx \n"
+ "0: \n" //NotGreater:
+ "mov %%ebx, %%ecx \n"
+ "xor $3, %%esi \n"
+ "1: \n" //LeadingLoop: // Copies leading bytes, in reverse order (un-swaps)
+ "mov (%%esi), %%al \n"
+ "mov %%al, (%%edi) \n"
+ "sub $1, %%esi \n"
+ "add $1, %%edi \n"
+ "loop 1b \n" //loop LeadingLoop
+ "add $5, %%esi \n"
+ "2: \n" //StartDWordLoop:
+ "mov %3, %%ecx \n"
+ "sub %%ebx, %%ecx \n" // Don't copy what's already been copied
+ "mov %%ecx, %%ebx \n"
+ "and $3, %%ebx \n"
+ // add ecx, 3 // Round up to nearest dword
+ "shr $2, %%ecx \n"
+ "cmp $0, %%ecx \n" // If there's nothing to do, don't do it
+ "jle 4f \n" //jle StartTrailingLoop
+ // Copies from source to destination, bswap-ing first
+ "3: \n" //DWordLoop:
+ "mov (%%esi), %%eax \n"
+ "bswap %%eax \n"
+ "mov %%eax, (%%edi) \n"
+ "add $4, %%esi \n"
+ "add $4, %%edi \n"
+ "loop 3b \n" //loop DWordLoop
+ "4: \n" //StartTrailingLoop:
+ "cmp $0, %%ebx \n"
+ "jz 6f \n" //jz Done
+ "mov %%ebx, %%ecx \n"
+ "xor $3, %%esi \n"
+ "5: \n" //TrailingLoop:
+ "mov (%%esi), %%al \n"
+ "mov %%al, (%%edi) \n"
+ "sub $1, %%esi \n"
+ "add $1, %%edi \n"
+ "loop 5b \n" //loop TrailingLoop
+ "6: \n" //Done:
+ "mov %2, %%ebx \n"
+ :
+ : "m"(src), "m"(dest), "m"(saveEBX), "m"(numBytes)
+ : "memory", "cc", "%ecx", "%esi", "%edi", "%eax"
+ );
+inline void DWordInterleave( void *mem, uint32 numDWords )
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ __asm {
+ mov esi, dword ptr [mem]
+ mov edi, dword ptr [mem]
+ add edi, 4
+ mov ecx, dword ptr [numDWords]
+ mov eax, dword ptr [esi]
+ mov ebx, dword ptr [edi]
+ mov dword ptr [esi], ebx
+ mov dword ptr [edi], eax
+ add esi, 8
+ add edi, 8
+ loop DWordInterleaveLoop
+ }
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ asm volatile("0: \n"
+ " movl (%0), %%eax \n"
+ " movl 8(%0), %%ebx \n"
+ " movl %%eax, 8(%0) \n"
+ " movl %%ebx, (%0) \n"
+ " add $8, %0 \n"
+ " decl %k1 \n"
+ " jne 0b \n"
+ : "+r"(mem), "+r"(numDWords)
+ :
+ : "memory", "cc", "%rax", "%rbx"
+ );
+#elif !defined(NO_ASM)
+ unsigned int saveEBX;
+ asm volatile ("mov %%ebx, %2 \n"
+ "mov %0, %%esi \n"
+ "mov %0, %%edi \n"
+ "add $4, %%edi \n"
+ "mov %1, %%ecx \n"
+ "0: \n" //DWordInterleaveLoop:
+ "mov (%%esi), %%eax \n"
+ "mov (%%edi), %%ebx \n"
+ "mov %%ebx, (%%esi) \n"
+ "mov %%eax, (%%edi) \n"
+ "add $8, %%esi \n"
+ "add $8, %%edi \n"
+ "loop 0b \n" //loop DWordInterleaveLoop
+ "mov %2, %%ebx \n"
+ :
+ : "m"(mem), "m"(numDWords), "m"(saveEBX)
+ : "memory", "cc", "%esi", "%edi", "%ecx", "%eax"
+ );
+inline void QWordInterleave( void *mem, uint32 numDWords )
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ __asm
+ {
+ // Interleave the line on the qword
+ mov esi, dword ptr [mem]
+ mov edi, dword ptr [mem]
+ add edi, 8
+ mov ecx, dword ptr [numDWords]
+ shr ecx, 1
+ mov eax, dword ptr [esi]
+ mov ebx, dword ptr [edi]
+ mov dword ptr [esi], ebx
+ mov dword ptr [edi], eax
+ add esi, 4
+ add edi, 4
+ mov eax, dword ptr [esi]
+ mov ebx, dword ptr [edi]
+ mov dword ptr [esi], ebx
+ mov dword ptr [edi], eax
+ add esi, 12
+ add edi, 12
+ loop QWordInterleaveLoop
+ }
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ asm volatile(" shr $1, %k1 \n"
+ "0: \n"
+ " mov (%0), %%rax \n"
+ " mov 8(%0), %%rbx \n"
+ " mov %%rax, 8(%0) \n"
+ " mov %%rbx, (%0) \n"
+ " add $16, %0 \n"
+ " decl %k1 \n"
+ " jne 0b \n"
+ : "+r"(mem), "+r"(numDWords)
+ :
+ : "memory", "cc", "%rax", "%rbx"
+ );
+#elif !defined(NO_ASM) // GCC assumed
+ unsigned int saveEBX;
+ asm volatile("mov %%ebx, %2 \n"
+ // Interleave the line on the qword
+ "mov %0, %%esi \n"
+ "mov %0, %%edi \n"
+ "add $8, %%edi \n"
+ "mov %1, %%ecx \n"
+ "shr $1, %%ecx \n"
+ "0: \n" //QWordInterleaveLoop:
+ "mov (%%esi), %%eax \n"
+ "mov (%%edi), %%ebx \n"
+ "mov %%ebx, (%%esi) \n"
+ "mov %%eax, (%%edi) \n"
+ "add $4, %%esi \n"
+ "add $4, %%edi \n"
+ "mov (%%esi), %%eax \n"
+ "mov (%%edi), %%ebx \n"
+ "mov %%ebx, (%%esi) \n"
+ "mov %%eax, (%%edi) \n"
+ "add $12, %%esi \n"
+ "add $12, %%edi \n"
+ "loop 0b \n" //loop QWordInterleaveLoop
+ "mov %2, %%ebx \n"
+ :
+ : "m"(mem), "m"(numDWords), "m"(saveEBX)
+ : "memory", "cc", "%esi", "%edi", "%ecx", "%eax"
+ );
+inline uint32 swapdword( uint32 value )
+#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ __asm
+ {
+ mov eax, dword ptr [value]
+ bswap eax
+ }
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ asm volatile(" bswapl %k0 \n"
+ : "+r"(value)
+ :
+ :
+ );
+ return value;
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ asm volatile("bswapl %0 \n"
+ : "+r"(value)
+ :
+ :
+ );
+ return value;
+ return ((value & 0xff000000) >> 24) |
+ ((value & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) |
+ ((value & 0x0000ff00) << 8) |
+ ((value & 0x000000ff) << 24);
+inline uint16 swapword( uint16 value )
+#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ __asm
+ {
+ mov ax, word ptr [value]
+ xchg ah, al
+ }
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+ asm volatile("xchg %%al, %%ah \n"
+ : "+a"(value)
+ :
+ :
+ );
+ return value;
+ return ((value & 0xff00) >> 8) |
+ ((value & 0x00ff) << 8);
+void ComputeTileDimension(int mask, int clamp, int mirror, int width, uint32 &widthToCreate, uint32 &widthToLoad)
+ int maskwidth = mask > 0 ? (1<<mask) : 0;
+ widthToCreate = widthToLoad = width;
+ if( mask > 0 )
+ {
+ if( width > maskwidth )
+ {
+ if( clamp == 0 )
+ {
+ // clamp is not used, so just use the dwTileMaskWidth as the real width
+ widthToCreate = widthToLoad = maskwidth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ widthToLoad = maskwidth;
+ //gti.WidthToCreate = dwTileWidth;
+ // keep the current WidthToCreate, we will do mirror/wrap
+ // during texture loading, not during rendering
+ }
+ }
+ else if( width < maskwidth )
+ {
+ // dwTileWidth < dwTileMaskWidth
+ if( clamp == 0 )
+ {
+ if( maskwidth%width == 0 )
+ {
+ if( (maskwidth/width)%2 == 0 || mirror == 0 )
+ {
+ // Do nothing
+ // gti.WidthToLoad = gti.WidthToCreate = gRDP.tiles[tileno].dwWidth = dwTileWidth
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ widthToCreate = maskwidth;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ widthToCreate = maskwidth;
+ //widthToLoad = maskwidth;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ widthToCreate = maskwidth;
+ //widthToLoad = maskwidth;
+ }
+ }
+ else // dwTileWidth == dwTileMaskWidth
+ {
+ }
+ // Some hacks, to limit the image size
+ if( mask >= 8 )
+ {
+ if( maskwidth / width >= 2 )
+ {
+ widthToCreate = width;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+bool conkerSwapHack=false;
+bool CalculateTileSizes_method_2(int tileno, TMEMLoadMapInfo *info, TxtrInfo >i)
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tileno];
+ Tile &loadtile = gRDP.tiles[RDP_TXT_LOADTILE];
+ uint32 dwPitch;
+ // Now Initialize the texture dimension
+ int dwTileWidth;
+ int dwTileHeight;
+ if( info->bSetBy == CMD_LOADTILE )
+ {
+ if( tile.sl >= tile.sh )
+ {
+ dwTileWidth = info->dwWidth; // From SetTImage
+ dwTileWidth = dwTileWidth << info->dwSize >> tile.dwSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dwTileWidth= tile.sh - tile.sl + 1;
+ }
+ if( tile.tl >= tile.th )
+ {
+ dwTileHeight= info->th - info->tl + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dwTileHeight= tile.th - tile.tl + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( tile.dwMaskS == 0 || tile.bClampS )
+ {
+ dwTileWidth = tile.hilite_sh - tile.hilite_sl +1;
+ if( dwTileWidth < tile.sh - tile.sl +1 )
+ dwTileWidth = tile.sh - tile.sl +1;
+ if( dwTileWidth <= 0 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Error");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( tile.dwMaskS < 8 )
+ dwTileWidth = (1 << tile.dwMaskS );
+ else if( tile.dwLine )
+ {
+ dwTileWidth = (tile.dwLine<<5)>>tile.dwSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( tile.sl <= tile.sh )
+ {
+ dwTileWidth = tile.sh - tile.sl +1;
+ }
+ else if( loadtile.sl <= loadtile.sh )
+ {
+ dwTileWidth = loadtile.sh - loadtile.sl +1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dwTileWidth = tile.sh - tile.sl +1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( tile.dwMaskT == 0 || tile.bClampT )
+ {
+ dwTileHeight= tile.hilite_th - tile.hilite_tl +1;
+ if( dwTileHeight < tile.th - tile.tl +1 )
+ dwTileHeight = tile.th - tile.tl +1;
+ if( dwTileHeight <= 0 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Error");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( tile.dwMaskT < 8 )
+ dwTileHeight = (1 << tile.dwMaskT );
+ else if( tile.tl <= tile.th )
+ {
+ dwTileHeight = tile.th - tile.tl +1;
+ }
+ else if( loadtile.tl <= loadtile.th )
+ {
+ dwTileHeight = loadtile.th - loadtile.tl +1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dwTileHeight = tile.th - tile.tl +1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int dwTileMaskWidth = tile.dwMaskS > 0 ? (1 << tile.dwMaskS ) : 0;
+ int dwTileMaskHeight = tile.dwMaskT > 0 ? (1 << tile.dwMaskT ) : 0;
+ if( dwTileWidth < 0 || dwTileHeight < 0)
+ {
+ if( dwTileMaskWidth > 0 )
+ dwTileWidth = dwTileMaskWidth;
+ else if( dwTileWidth < 0 )
+ dwTileWidth = -dwTileWidth;
+ if( dwTileMaskHeight > 0 )
+ dwTileHeight = dwTileMaskHeight;
+ else if( dwTileHeight < 0 )
+ dwTileHeight = -dwTileHeight;
+ }
+ if( dwTileWidth-dwTileMaskWidth == 1 && dwTileMaskWidth && dwTileHeight-dwTileMaskHeight == 1 && dwTileMaskHeight )
+ {
+ // Hack for Mario Kart
+ dwTileWidth--;
+ dwTileHeight--;
+ }
+ ComputeTileDimension(tile.dwMaskS, tile.bClampS,
+ tile.bMirrorS, dwTileWidth, gti.WidthToCreate, gti.WidthToLoad);
+ tile.dwWidth = gti.WidthToCreate;
+ ComputeTileDimension(tile.dwMaskT, tile.bClampT,
+ tile.bMirrorT, dwTileHeight, gti.HeightToCreate, gti.HeightToLoad);
+ tile.dwHeight = gti.HeightToCreate;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( gti.WidthToCreate < gti.WidthToLoad )
+ TRACE2("Check me, width to create = %d, width to load = %d", gti.WidthToCreate, gti.WidthToLoad);
+ if( gti.HeightToCreate < gti.HeightToLoad )
+ TRACE2("Check me, height to create = %d, height to load = %d", gti.HeightToCreate, gti.HeightToLoad);
+ gti.bSwapped = info->bSwapped;
+ if( info->bSetBy == CMD_LOADTILE )
+ {
+ // It was a tile - the pitch is set by LoadTile
+ dwPitch = info->dwWidth<<(info->dwSize-1);
+ if( dwPitch == 0 )
+ {
+ dwPitch = 1024; // Hack for Bust-A-Move
+ }
+ }
+ else //Set by LoadBlock
+ {
+ // It was a block load - the pitch is determined by the tile size
+ if (info->dxt == 0 || info->dwTmem != tile.dwTMem )
+ {
+ dwPitch = tile.dwLine << 3;
+ gti.bSwapped = TRUE;
+ if( info->dwTmem != tile.dwTMem && info->dxt != 0 && info->dwSize == TXT_SIZE_16b && tile.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_4b )
+ conkerSwapHack = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32 DXT = info->dxt;
+ if( info->dxt > 1 )
+ {
+ DXT = ReverseDXT(info->dxt, info->sh, dwTileWidth, tile.dwSize);
+ }
+ dwPitch = DXT << 3;
+ }
+ if (tile.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_32b)
+ dwPitch = tile.dwLine << 4;
+ }
+ gti.Pitch = tile.dwPitch = dwPitch;
+ if( (gti.WidthToLoad < gti.WidthToCreate || tile.bSizeIsValid == false) && tile.dwMaskS > 0 && gti.WidthToLoad != (unsigned int)dwTileMaskWidth &&
+ info->bSetBy == CMD_LOADBLOCK )
+ //if( (gti.WidthToLoad < gti.WidthToCreate ) && tile.dwMaskS > 0 && gti.WidthToLoad != dwTileMaskWidth &&
+ // info->bSetBy == CMD_LOADBLOCK )
+ {
+ // We have got the pitch now, recheck the width_to_load
+ uint32 pitchwidth = dwPitch<<1>>tile.dwSize;
+ if( pitchwidth == (unsigned int)dwTileMaskWidth )
+ {
+ gti.WidthToLoad = pitchwidth;
+ }
+ }
+ if( (gti.HeightToLoad < gti.HeightToCreate || tile.bSizeIsValid == false) && tile.dwMaskT > 0 && gti.HeightToLoad != (unsigned int)dwTileMaskHeight &&
+ info->bSetBy == CMD_LOADBLOCK )
+ //if( (gti.HeightToLoad < gti.HeightToCreate ) && tile.dwMaskT > 0 && gti.HeightToLoad != dwTileMaskHeight &&
+ // info->bSetBy == CMD_LOADBLOCK )
+ {
+ //uint32 pitchwidth = dwPitch<<1>>tile.dwSize;
+ uint32 pitchHeight = (info->dwTotalWords<<1)/dwPitch;
+ if( pitchHeight == (unsigned int)dwTileMaskHeight || gti.HeightToLoad == 1 )
+ {
+ gti.HeightToLoad = pitchHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ if( gti.WidthToCreate < gti.WidthToLoad ) gti.WidthToCreate = gti.WidthToLoad;
+ if( gti.HeightToCreate < gti.HeightToLoad ) gti.HeightToCreate = gti.HeightToLoad;
+ if( info->bSetBy == CMD_LOADTILE )
+ {
+ gti.LeftToLoad = (info->sl<<info->dwSize)>>tile.dwSize;
+ gti.TopToLoad = info->tl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gti.LeftToLoad = (info->sl<<info->dwSize)>>tile.dwSize;
+ gti.TopToLoad = (info->tl<<info->dwSize)>>tile.dwSize;
+ }
+ uint32 total64BitWordsToLoad = (gti.HeightToLoad*gti.WidthToLoad)>>(4-tile.dwSize);
+ if( total64BitWordsToLoad + tile.dwTMem > 0x200 )
+ {
+ //TRACE0("Warning: texture loading tmem is over range");
+ if( gti.WidthToLoad > gti.HeightToLoad )
+ {
+ uint32 newheight = (dwPitch << 1 )>> tile.dwSize;
+ tile.dwWidth = gti.WidthToLoad = gti.WidthToCreate = min(newheight, (gti.WidthToLoad&0xFFFFFFFE));
+ tile.dwHeight = gti.HeightToCreate = gti.HeightToLoad = ((0x200 - tile.dwTMem) << (4-tile.dwSize)) / gti.WidthToLoad;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tile.dwHeight = gti.HeightToCreate = gti.HeightToLoad = info->dwTotalWords / ((gti.WidthToLoad << tile.dwSize) >> 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check the info
+ if( (info->dwTotalWords>>2) < total64BitWordsToLoad+tile.dwTMem-info->dwTmem - 4 )
+ {
+ // Hack here
+ if( (options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ZELDA||options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ZELDA_MM) && (unsigned int)tileno != gRSP.curTile )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( total64BitWordsToLoad+tile.dwTMem-info->dwTmem <= 0x200 )
+ {
+ LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE4("Fix me, info is not covering this Tmem address,Info start: 0x%x, total=0x%x, Tmem start: 0x%x, total=0x%x",
+ info->dwTmem,info->dwTotalWords>>2, tile.dwTMem, total64BitWordsToLoad));
+ }
+ }
+ //Check memory boundary
+ if( gti.Address + gti.HeightToLoad*gti.Pitch >= g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ WARNING(TRACE0("Warning: texture loading tmem is over range 3"));
+ gti.HeightToCreate = gti.HeightToLoad = tile.dwHeight = (g_dwRamSize-gti.Address)/gti.Pitch;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool CalculateTileSizes_method_1(int tileno, TMEMLoadMapInfo *info, TxtrInfo >i)
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tileno];
+ //Tile &loadtile = gRDP.tiles[RDP_TXT_LOADTILE];
+ // Now Initialize the texture dimension
+ int loadwidth, loadheight;
+ int maskwidth = tile.dwMaskS ? (1 << tile.dwMaskS ) : 0;
+ int maskheight = tile.dwMaskT ? (1 << tile.dwMaskT ) : 0;
+ int clampwidth = abs(tile.hilite_sh - tile.hilite_sl) +1;
+ int clampheight = abs(tile.hilite_th - tile.hilite_tl) +1;
+ int linewidth = tile.dwLine << (5 - tile.dwSize);
+ gti.bSwapped = info->bSwapped;
+ if( info->bSetBy == CMD_LOADTILE )
+ {
+ loadwidth = (abs(info->sh - info->sl) + 1) << info->dwSize >> tile.dwSize;
+ loadheight = (abs(info->th - info->tl) + 1) << info->dwSize >> tile.dwSize;
+ tile.dwPitch = info->dwWidth << info->dwSize >> 1;
+ if( tile.dwPitch == 0 ) tile.dwPitch = 1024; // Hack for Bust-A-Move
+ gti.LeftToLoad = (info->sl<<info->dwSize)>>tile.dwSize;
+ gti.TopToLoad = info->tl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ loadwidth = abs(tile.sh - tile.sl) +1;
+ if( tile.dwMaskS )
+ {
+ loadwidth = maskwidth;
+ }
+ loadheight = abs(tile.th - tile.tl) +1;
+ if( tile.dwMaskT )
+ {
+ loadheight = maskheight;
+ }
+ // It was a block load - the pitch is determined by the tile size
+ if (tile.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_32b)
+ tile.dwPitch = tile.dwLine << 4;
+ else if (info->dxt == 0 )
+ {
+ tile.dwPitch = tile.dwLine << 3;
+ gti.bSwapped = TRUE;
+ if( info->dwTmem != tile.dwTMem && info->dxt != 0 && info->dwSize == TXT_SIZE_16b && tile.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_4b )
+ conkerSwapHack = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32 DXT = info->dxt;
+ if( info->dxt > 1 )
+ {
+ DXT = ReverseDXT(info->dxt, info->sh, loadwidth, tile.dwSize);
+ }
+ tile.dwPitch = DXT << 3;
+ }
+ gti.LeftToLoad = (info->sl<<info->dwSize)>>tile.dwSize;
+ gti.TopToLoad = (info->tl<<info->dwSize)>>tile.dwSize;
+ }
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_KART )
+ {
+ if( loadwidth-maskwidth == 1 && tile.dwMaskS )
+ {
+ loadwidth--;
+ if( loadheight%2 ) loadheight--;
+ }
+ if( loadheight-maskheight == 1 && tile.dwMaskT )
+ {
+ loadheight--;
+ if(loadwidth%2) loadwidth--;
+ }
+ if( loadwidth - ((g_TI.dwWidth<<g_TI.dwSize)>>tile.dwSize) == 1 )
+ {
+ loadwidth--;
+ if( loadheight%2 ) loadheight--;
+ }
+ }
+ // Limit the texture size
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bUseSmallerTexture )
+ {
+ if( tile.dwMaskS && tile.bClampS )
+ {
+ if( !tile.bMirrorS )
+ {
+ if( clampwidth/maskwidth >= 2 )
+ {
+ clampwidth = maskwidth;
+ tile.bForceWrapS = true;
+ }
+ else if( clampwidth && maskwidth/clampwidth >= 2 )
+ {
+ maskwidth = clampwidth;
+ tile.bForceClampS = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( clampwidth/maskwidth == 2 )
+ {
+ clampwidth = maskwidth*2;
+ tile.bForceWrapS = false;
+ }
+ else if( clampwidth/maskwidth > 2 )
+ {
+ clampwidth = maskwidth*2;
+ tile.bForceWrapS = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( tile.dwMaskT && tile.bClampT )
+ {
+ if( !tile.bMirrorT )
+ {
+ if( clampheight/maskheight >= 2 )
+ {
+ clampheight = maskheight;
+ tile.bForceWrapT = true;
+ }
+ else if( clampheight && maskheight/clampheight >= 2 )
+ {
+ maskwidth = clampwidth;
+ tile.bForceClampT = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( clampheight/maskheight == 2 )
+ {
+ clampheight = maskheight*2;
+ tile.bForceWrapT = false;
+ }
+ else if( clampheight/maskheight >= 2 )
+ {
+ clampheight = maskheight*2;
+ tile.bForceWrapT = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //if( clampwidth > linewidth ) clampwidth = linewidth;
+ if( clampwidth > 512 && clampheight > 512 )
+ {
+ if( clampwidth > maskwidth && maskwidth && clampheight > 256 ) clampwidth = maskwidth;
+ if( clampheight > maskheight && maskheight && clampheight > 256 ) clampheight = maskheight;
+ }
+ if( tile.dwMaskS > 8 && tile.dwMaskT > 8 )
+ {
+ maskwidth = loadwidth;
+ maskheight = loadheight;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( tile.dwMaskS > 10 )
+ maskwidth = loadwidth;
+ if( tile.dwMaskT > 10 )
+ maskheight = loadheight;
+ }
+ }
+ gti.Pitch = tile.dwPitch;
+ if( tile.dwMaskS == 0 || tile.bClampS )
+ {
+ gti.WidthToLoad = linewidth ? min( linewidth, maskwidth ? min(clampwidth,maskwidth) : clampwidth ) : clampwidth;
+ if( tile.dwMaskS && clampwidth < maskwidth )
+ tile.dwWidth = gti.WidthToCreate = clampwidth;
+ else
+ tile.dwWidth = gti.WidthToCreate = max(clampwidth,maskwidth);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gti.WidthToLoad = loadwidth > 2 ? min(loadwidth,maskwidth) : maskwidth;
+ if( linewidth ) gti.WidthToLoad = min( linewidth, (int)gti.WidthToLoad );
+ tile.dwWidth = gti.WidthToCreate = maskwidth;
+ }
+ if( tile.dwMaskT == 0 || tile.bClampT )
+ {
+ gti.HeightToLoad = maskheight ? min(clampheight,maskheight) : clampheight;
+ if( tile.dwMaskT && clampheight < maskheight )
+ tile.dwHeight = gti.HeightToCreate = clampheight;
+ else
+ tile.dwHeight = gti.HeightToCreate = max(clampheight,maskheight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gti.HeightToLoad = loadheight > 2 ? min(loadheight,maskheight) : maskheight;
+ tile.dwHeight = gti.HeightToCreate = maskheight;
+ }
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_KART )
+ {
+ if( gti.WidthToLoad - ((g_TI.dwWidth<<g_TI.dwSize)>>tile.dwSize) == 1 )
+ {
+ gti.WidthToLoad--;
+ if( gti.HeightToLoad%2 ) gti.HeightToLoad--;
+ }
+ }
+ // Double check
+ uint32 total64BitWordsToLoad = (gti.HeightToLoad*gti.WidthToLoad)>>(4-tile.dwSize);
+ if( total64BitWordsToLoad + tile.dwTMem > 0x200 )
+ {
+ //TRACE0("Warning: texture loading tmem is over range");
+ if( gti.WidthToLoad > gti.HeightToLoad )
+ {
+ uint32 newheight = (tile.dwPitch << 1 )>> tile.dwSize;
+ tile.dwWidth = gti.WidthToLoad = gti.WidthToCreate = min(newheight, (gti.WidthToLoad&0xFFFFFFFE));
+ tile.dwHeight = gti.HeightToCreate = gti.HeightToLoad = ((0x200 - tile.dwTMem) << (4-tile.dwSize)) / gti.WidthToLoad;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tile.dwHeight = gti.HeightToCreate = gti.HeightToLoad = info->dwTotalWords / ((gti.WidthToLoad << tile.dwSize) >> 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check the info
+ if( (info->dwTotalWords>>2) < total64BitWordsToLoad+tile.dwTMem-info->dwTmem - 4 )
+ {
+ // Hack here
+ if( (options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ZELDA||options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ZELDA_MM) && (unsigned int)tileno != gRSP.curTile )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( total64BitWordsToLoad+tile.dwTMem-info->dwTmem <= 0x200 )
+ {
+ LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE4("Fix me, info is not covering this Tmem address,Info start: 0x%x, total=0x%x, Tmem start: 0x%x, total=0x%x",
+ info->dwTmem,info->dwTotalWords>>2, tile.dwTMem, total64BitWordsToLoad));
+ }
+ }
+ //Check memory boundary
+ if( gti.Address + gti.HeightToLoad*gti.Pitch >= g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ WARNING(TRACE0("Warning: texture loading tmem is over range 3"));
+ gti.HeightToCreate = gti.HeightToLoad = tile.dwHeight = (g_dwRamSize-gti.Address)/gti.Pitch;
+ }
+ return true;
+TxtrCacheEntry* LoadTexture(uint32 tileno)
+ //TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry = NULL;
+ TxtrInfo gti;
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tileno];
+ // Retrieve the tile loading info
+ uint32 infoTmemAddr = tile.dwTMem;
+ TMEMLoadMapInfo *info = &g_tmemLoadAddrMap[infoTmemAddr];
+ if( !IsTmemFlagValid(infoTmemAddr) )
+ {
+ infoTmemAddr = GetValidTmemInfoIndex(infoTmemAddr);
+ info = &g_tmemLoadAddrMap[infoTmemAddr];
+ }
+ if( info->dwFormat != tile.dwFormat )
+ {
+ // Check the tile format, hack for Zelda's road
+ if( tileno != gRSP.curTile && tile.dwTMem == gRDP.tiles[gRSP.curTile].dwTMem &&
+ tile.dwFormat != gRDP.tiles[gRSP.curTile].dwFormat )
+ {
+ //TRACE1("Tile %d format is not matching the loaded texture format", tileno);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ gti = tile; // Copy tile info to textureInfo entry
+ gti.TLutFmt = gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut <<RSP_SETOTHERMODE_SHIFT_TEXTLUT;
+ if (gti.Format == TXT_FMT_CI && gti.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_NONE )
+ gti.TLutFmt = TLUT_FMT_RGBA16; // Force RGBA
+ gti.PalAddress = (uchar *) (&g_wRDPTlut[0]);
+ if( !options.bUseFullTMEM && tile.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_4b )
+ gti.PalAddress += 16 * 2 * tile.dwPalette;
+ gti.Address = (info->dwLoadAddress+(tile.dwTMem-infoTmemAddr)*8) & (g_dwRamSize-1) ;
+ gti.pPhysicalAddress = ((uint8*)g_pRDRAMu32)+gti.Address;
+ gti.tileNo = tileno;
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bTxtSizeMethod2 )
+ {
+ if( !CalculateTileSizes_method_2(tileno, info, gti) )
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( !CalculateTileSizes_method_1(tileno, info, gti) )
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ {
+ TRACE0("Loading texture:\n");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Left: %d, Top: %d, Width: %d, Height: %d, Size to Load (%d, %d)",
+ gti.LeftToLoad, gti.TopToLoad, gti.WidthToCreate, gti.HeightToCreate, gti.WidthToLoad, gti.HeightToLoad);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pitch: %d, Addr: 0x%08x", gti.Pitch, gti.Address);
+ });
+ // Option for faster loading tiles
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bFastLoadTile && info->bSetBy == CMD_LOADTILE && ((gti.Pitch<<1)>>gti.Size) <= 0x400
+ //&& ((gti.Pitch<<1)>>gti.Size) > 128 && status.primitiveType == PRIM_TEXTRECT
+ )
+ {
+ uint32 idx = tileno-gRSP.curTile;
+ status.LargerTileRealLeft[idx] = gti.LeftToLoad;
+ gti.LeftToLoad=0;
+ gti.WidthToLoad = gti.WidthToCreate = ((gti.Pitch<<1)>>gti.Size);
+ status.UseLargerTile[idx]=true;
+ }
+ // Loading the textures by using texture cache manager
+ return gTextureManager.GetTexture(>i, true, true, true); // Load the texture by using texture cache
+void PrepareTextures()
+ if( gRDP.textureIsChanged || !currentRomOptions.bFastTexCRC ||
+ CRender::g_pRender->m_pColorCombiner->m_pDecodedMux->m_ColorTextureFlag[0] ||
+ CRender::g_pRender->m_pColorCombiner->m_pDecodedMux->m_ColorTextureFlag[1] )
+ {
+ status.UseLargerTile[0]=false;
+ status.UseLargerTile[1]=false;
+ int tilenos[2];
+ if( CRender::g_pRender->IsTexel0Enable() || gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ tilenos[0] = gRSP.curTile;
+ else
+ tilenos[0] = -1;
+ if( gRSP.curTile<7 && CRender::g_pRender->IsTexel1Enable() )
+ tilenos[1] = gRSP.curTile+1;
+ else
+ tilenos[1] = -1;
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ if( tilenos[i] < 0 ) continue;
+ if( CRender::g_pRender->m_pColorCombiner->m_pDecodedMux->m_ColorTextureFlag[i] )
+ {
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry = gTextureManager.GetConstantColorTexture(CRender::g_pRender->m_pColorCombiner->m_pDecodedMux->m_ColorTextureFlag[i]);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCurrentTexture( tilenos[i], pEntry->pTexture, 4, 4, pEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry = LoadTexture(tilenos[i]);
+ if (pEntry && pEntry->pTexture )
+ {
+ if( pEntry->txtrBufIdx <= 0 )
+ {
+ if( pEntry->pEnhancedTexture && pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag == TEXTURE_EXTERNAL && !options.bLoadHiResTextures )
+ {
+ SAFE_DELETE(pEntry->pEnhancedTexture);
+ }
+ if( pEntry->pEnhancedTexture == NULL )
+ {
+ MirrorTexture(tilenos[i], pEntry);;
+ }
+ if( options.bLoadHiResTextures && (pEntry->pEnhancedTexture == NULL || pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag < TEXTURE_EXTERNAL ) )
+ {
+ LoadHiresTexture(*pEntry);
+ }
+ if( pEntry->pEnhancedTexture == NULL || (pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag != options.textureEnhancement && pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag < TEXTURE_EXTERNAL ) )
+ {
+ EnhanceTexture(pEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCurrentTexture( tilenos[i],
+ (pEntry->pEnhancedTexture)?pEntry->pEnhancedTexture:pEntry->pTexture,
+ pEntry->ti.WidthToLoad, pEntry->ti.HeightToLoad, pEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pEntry = gTextureManager.GetBlackTexture();
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCurrentTexture( tilenos[i], pEntry->pTexture, 4, 4, pEntry);
+ _VIDEO_DisplayTemporaryMessage("Fail to load texture, use black to replace");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gRDP.textureIsChanged = false;
+ }
+extern uint32 g_TxtLoadBy;;
+void DLParser_LoadTLut(Gfx *gfx)
+gRDP.textureIsChanged = true;
+uint32 tileno = gfx->loadtile.tile;
+uint32 uls = gfx->loadtile.sl/4;
+uint32 ult = gfx->loadtile.tl/4;
+uint32 lrs = gfx->loadtile.sh/4;
+uint32 lrt = gfx->loadtile.th/4;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+uint32 dwTLutFmt = (gRDP.otherModeH >> RSP_SETOTHERMODE_SHIFT_TEXTLUT)&0x3;
+uint32 dwCount;
+// starting location in the palettes
+uint32 dwTMEMOffset = gRDP.tiles[tileno].dwTMem - 256;
+// number to copy
+dwCount = ((uint16)((gfx->words.w1) >> 14) & 0x03FF) + 1;
+uint32 dwRDRAMOffset = 0;
+Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tileno];
+tile.bForceWrapS = tile.bForceWrapT = tile.bForceClampS = tile.bForceClampT = false;
+tile.hilite_sl = tile.sl = uls;
+tile.hilite_tl = tile.tl = ult;
+tile.sh = lrs;
+tile.th = lrt;
+tile.bSizeIsValid = true;
+tile.lastTileCmd = CMD_LOADTLUT;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+if((((gfx->words.w0)>>12)&0x3) != 0 || (((gfx->words.w0))&0x3) != 0 || (((gfx->words.w1)>>12)&0x3) != 0 || (((gfx->words.w1))&0x3) != 0)
+ TRACE0("Load tlut, sl,tl,sh,th are not integers");
+dwCount = (lrs - uls)+1;
+dwRDRAMOffset = (uls + ult*g_TI.dwWidth )*2;
+uint32 dwPalAddress = g_TI.dwAddr + dwRDRAMOffset;
+//Copy PAL to the PAL memory
+uint16 *srcPal = (uint16*)(g_pRDRAMu8 + (dwPalAddress& (g_dwRamSize-1)) );
+for (uint32 i=0; i<dwCount && i<0x100; i++)
+ g_wRDPTlut[(i+dwTMEMOffset)^1] = srcPal[i^1];
+if( options.bUseFullTMEM )
+ {
+ for (uint32 i=0; i<dwCount && i+tile.dwTMem<0x200; i++)
+ *(uint16*)(&g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem+i]) = srcPal[i^1];
+ }
+DebuggerAppendMsg("LoadTLut Tile: %d Start: 0x%X+0x%X, Count: 0x%X\nFmt is %s, TMEM=0x%X\n",
+ tileno, g_TI.dwAddr, dwRDRAMOffset, dwCount,textluttype[dwTLutFmt],
+ dwTMEMOffset);
+DebuggerAppendMsg(" :ULS: 0x%X, ULT:0x%X, LRS: 0x%X, LRT:0x%X\n", uls, ult, lrs,lrt);
+if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_LOADTLUT && dwCount == 16 )
+ {
+ char buf[2000];
+ strcpy(buf, "Data:\n");
+ for(uint32 i=0; i<16; i++ )
+ {
+ sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "%04X ", g_wRDPTlut[dwTMEMOffset+i]);
+ if(i%4 == 3)
+ sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "\n");
+ }
+ sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "\n");
+ TRACE0(buf);
+ }
+extern bool RevTlutTableNeedUpdate;
+RevTlutTableNeedUpdate = true;
+g_TxtLoadBy = CMD_LOADTLUT;
+void DLParser_LoadBlock(Gfx *gfx)
+ gRDP.textureIsChanged = true;
+ uint32 tileno = gfx->loadtile.tile;
+ uint32 uls = gfx->loadtile.sl;
+ uint32 ult = gfx->loadtile.tl;
+ uint32 lrs = gfx->loadtile.sh;
+ uint32 dxt = gfx->loadtile.th; // 1.11 fixed point
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tileno];
+ tile.bForceWrapS = tile.bForceWrapT = tile.bForceClampS = tile.bForceClampT = false;
+ uint32 size = lrs+1;
+ if( tile.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_32b ) size<<=1;
+ SetTmemFlag(tile.dwTMem, size>>2);
+ TMEMLoadMapInfo &info = g_tmemLoadAddrMap[tile.dwTMem];
+ info.bSwapped = (dxt == 0? TRUE : FALSE);
+ info.sl = tile.hilite_sl = tile.sl = uls;
+ info.sh = tile.hilite_sh = tile.sh = lrs;
+ info.tl = tile.tl = ult;
+ info.th = tile.th = dxt;
+ tile.bSizeIsValid = false;
+ for( int i=0; i<8; i++ )
+ {
+ if( tile.dwTMem == tile.dwTMem )
+ tile.lastTileCmd = CMD_LOADBLOCK;
+ }
+ info.dwLoadAddress = g_TI.dwAddr;
+ info.bSetBy = CMD_LOADBLOCK;
+ info.dxt = dxt;
+ info.dwLine = tile.dwLine;
+ info.dwFormat = g_TI.dwFormat;
+ info.dwSize = g_TI.dwSize;
+ info.dwWidth = g_TI.dwWidth;
+ info.dwTotalWords = size;
+ info.dwTmem = tile.dwTMem;
+ if( gRDP.tiles[tileno].dwTMem == 0 )
+ {
+ if( size >= 1024 )
+ {
+ memcpy(&g_tmemInfo0, &info, sizeof(TMEMLoadMapInfo) );
+ g_tmemInfo0.dwTotalWords = size>>2;
+ }
+ if( size == 2048 )
+ {
+ memcpy(&g_tmemInfo1, &info, sizeof(TMEMLoadMapInfo) );
+ g_tmemInfo1.dwTotalWords = size>>2;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( tile.dwTMem == 0x100 )
+ {
+ if( size == 1024 )
+ {
+ memcpy(&g_tmemInfo1, &info, sizeof(TMEMLoadMapInfo) );
+ g_tmemInfo1.dwTotalWords = size>>2;
+ }
+ }
+ g_TxtLoadBy = CMD_LOADBLOCK;
+ if( options.bUseFullTMEM )
+ {
+ uint32 bytes = (lrs + 1) << tile.dwSize >> 1;
+ uint32 address = g_TI.dwAddr + ult * g_TI.bpl + (uls << g_TI.dwSize >> 1);
+ if ((bytes == 0) || ((address + bytes) > g_dwRamSize) || (((tile.dwTMem << 3) + bytes) > 4096))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint64* src = (uint64*)(g_pRDRAMu8+address);
+ uint64* dest = &g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem];
+ if( dxt > 0)
+ {
+ void (*Interleave)( void *mem, uint32 numDWords );
+ uint32 line = (2047 + dxt) / dxt;
+ uint32 bpl = line << 3;
+ uint32 height = bytes / bpl;
+ if (tile.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_32b)
+ Interleave = QWordInterleave;
+ else
+ Interleave = DWordInterleave;
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++)
+ {
+ UnswapCopy( src, dest, bpl );
+ if (y & 1) Interleave( dest, line );
+ src += line;
+ dest += line;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ UnswapCopy( src, dest, bytes );
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE(" Tile:%d (%d,%d - %d) DXT:0x%04x\n", tileno, uls, ult, lrs, dxt);
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("LoadBlock:%d (%d,%d,%d) DXT:0x%04x(%X)\n",
+ tileno, uls, ult, (((gfx->words.w1)>>12)&0x0FFF), dxt, ((gfx->words.w1)&0x0FFF));
+ });
+void swap(uint32 &a, uint32 &b)
+ uint32 temp = a;
+ a = b;
+ b = temp;
+void DLParser_LoadTile(Gfx *gfx)
+ gRDP.textureIsChanged = true;
+ uint32 tileno = gfx->loadtile.tile;
+ uint32 uls = gfx->loadtile.sl/4;
+ uint32 ult = gfx->loadtile.tl/4;
+ uint32 lrs = gfx->loadtile.sh/4;
+ uint32 lrt = gfx->loadtile.th/4;
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tileno];
+ tile.bForceWrapS = tile.bForceWrapT = tile.bForceClampS = tile.bForceClampT = false;
+ if (lrt < ult) swap(lrt, ult);
+ if (lrs < uls) swap(lrs, uls);
+ tile.hilite_sl = tile.sl = uls;
+ tile.hilite_tl = tile.tl = ult;
+ tile.hilite_sh = tile.sh = lrs;
+ tile.hilite_th = tile.th = lrt;
+ tile.bSizeIsValid = true;
+ // compute block height, and bpl of source and destination
+ uint32 bpl = (lrs - uls + 1) << tile.dwSize >> 1;
+ uint32 height = lrt - ult + 1;
+ uint32 line = tile.dwLine;
+ if (tile.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_32b) line <<= 1;
+ if (((tile.dwTMem << 3) + line * height) > 4096) // check destination ending point (TMEM is 4k bytes)
+ return;
+ if( options.bUseFullTMEM )
+ {
+ void (*Interleave)( void *mem, uint32 numDWords );
+ uint32 address, y;
+ uint64 *dest;
+ uint8 *src;
+ if( g_TI.bpl == 0 )
+ {
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_BUST_A_MOVE )
+ {
+ g_TI.bpl = 1024; // Hack for Bust-A-Move
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE0("Warning: g_TI.bpl = 0" );
+ }
+ }
+ address = g_TI.dwAddr + tile.tl * g_TI.bpl + (tile.sl << g_TI.dwSize >> 1);
+ src = &g_pRDRAMu8[address];
+ dest = &g_Tmem.g_Tmem64bit[tile.dwTMem];
+ if ((address + height * bpl) > g_dwRamSize) // check source ending point
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Line given for 32-bit is half what it seems it should since they split the
+ // high and low words. I'm cheating by putting them together.
+ if (tile.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_32b)
+ {
+ Interleave = QWordInterleave;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Interleave = DWordInterleave;
+ }
+ if( tile.dwLine == 0 )
+ {
+ //tile.dwLine = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
+ {
+ UnswapCopy( src, dest, bpl );
+ if (y & 1) Interleave( dest, line );
+ src += g_TI.bpl;
+ dest += line;
+ }
+ }
+ for( int i=0; i<8; i++ )
+ {
+ if( gRDP.tiles[i].dwTMem == tile.dwTMem )
+ gRDP.tiles[i].lastTileCmd = CMD_LOADTILE;
+ }
+ uint32 size = line * height;
+ SetTmemFlag(tile.dwTMem,size );
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("LoadTile:%d (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d) [%d x %d]\n",
+ tileno, uls, ult, lrs, lrt,
+ (lrs - uls)+1, (lrt - ult)+1);
+ });
+ LOG_UCODE(" Tile:%d (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d) [%d x %d]",
+ tileno, uls, ult, lrs, lrt,
+ (lrs - uls)+1, (lrt - ult)+1);
+ TMEMLoadMapInfo &info = g_tmemLoadAddrMap[tile.dwTMem];
+ info.dwLoadAddress = g_TI.dwAddr;
+ info.dwFormat = g_TI.dwFormat;
+ info.dwSize = g_TI.dwSize;
+ info.dwWidth = g_TI.dwWidth;
+ info.sl = uls;
+ info.sh = lrs;
+ info.tl = ult;
+ info.th = lrt;
+ info.dxt = 0;
+ info.dwLine = tile.dwLine;
+ info.dwTmem = tile.dwTMem;
+ info.dwTotalWords = size<<2;
+ info.bSetBy = CMD_LOADTILE;
+ info.bSwapped =FALSE;
+ g_TxtLoadBy = CMD_LOADTILE;
+ if( tile.dwTMem == 0 )
+ {
+ if( size >= 256 )
+ {
+ memcpy(&g_tmemInfo0, &info, sizeof(TMEMLoadMapInfo) );
+ g_tmemInfo0.dwTotalWords = size;
+ }
+ if( size == 512 )
+ {
+ memcpy(&g_tmemInfo1, &info, sizeof(TMEMLoadMapInfo) );
+ g_tmemInfo1.dwTotalWords = size;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( tile.dwTMem == 0x100 )
+ {
+ if( size == 256 )
+ {
+ memcpy(&g_tmemInfo1, &info, sizeof(TMEMLoadMapInfo) );
+ g_tmemInfo1.dwTotalWords = size;
+ }
+ }
+const char *pszOnOff[2] = {"Off", "On"};
+uint32 lastSetTile;
+void DLParser_SetTile(Gfx *gfx)
+ gRDP.textureIsChanged = true;
+ uint32 tileno = gfx->settile.tile;
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tileno];
+ tile.bForceWrapS = tile.bForceWrapT = tile.bForceClampS = tile.bForceClampT = false;
+ lastSetTile = tileno;
+ tile.dwFormat = gfx->settile.fmt;
+ tile.dwSize = gfx->settile.siz;
+ tile.dwLine = gfx->settile.line;
+ tile.dwTMem = gfx->settile.tmem;
+ tile.dwPalette = gfx->settile.palette;
+ tile.bClampT = gfx->settile.ct;
+ tile.bMirrorT = gfx->settile.mt;
+ tile.dwMaskT = gfx->settile.maskt;
+ tile.dwShiftT = gfx->settile.shiftt;
+ tile.bClampS = gfx->settile.cs;
+ tile.bMirrorS = gfx->settile.ms;
+ tile.dwMaskS = gfx->settile.masks;
+ tile.dwShiftS = gfx->settile.shifts;
+ tile.fShiftScaleS = 1.0f;
+ if( tile.dwShiftS )
+ {
+ if( tile.dwShiftS > 10 )
+ {
+ tile.fShiftScaleS = (float)(1 << (16 - tile.dwShiftS));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tile.fShiftScaleS = (float)1.0f/(1 << tile.dwShiftS);
+ }
+ }
+ tile.fShiftScaleT = 1.0f;
+ if( tile.dwShiftT )
+ {
+ if( tile.dwShiftT > 10 )
+ {
+ tile.fShiftScaleT = (float)(1 << (16 - tile.dwShiftT));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tile.fShiftScaleT = (float)1.0f/(1 << tile.dwShiftT);
+ }
+ }
+ // Hack for DK64
+ /*
+ if( tile.dwMaskS > 0 && tile.dwMaskT > 0 && tile.dwMaskS < 8 && tile.dwMaskT < 8 )
+ {
+ tile.sh = tile.sl + (1<<tile.dwMaskS);
+ tile.th = tile.tl + (1<<tile.dwMaskT);
+ tile.hilite_sl = tile.sl;
+ tile.hilite_tl = tile.tl;
+ }
+ */
+ tile.lastTileCmd = CMD_SETTILE;
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("SetTile:%d Fmt: %s/%s Line:%d TMem:0x%04x Palette:%d\n",
+ tileno, pszImgFormat[tile.dwFormat], pszImgSize[tile.dwSize],
+ tile.dwLine, tile.dwTMem, tile.dwPalette);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" S: Clamp: %s Mirror:%s Mask:0x%x Shift:0x%x\n",
+ pszOnOff[tile.bClampS],pszOnOff[tile.bMirrorS],
+ tile.dwMaskS, tile.dwShiftS);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" T: Clamp: %s Mirror:%s Mask:0x%x Shift:0x%x\n",
+ pszOnOff[tile.bClampT],pszOnOff[tile.bMirrorT],
+ tile.dwMaskT, tile.dwShiftT);
+ });
+ LOG_UCODE(" Tile:%d Fmt: %s/%s Line:%d TMem:0x%04x Palette:%d",
+ tileno, pszImgFormat[tile.dwFormat], pszImgSize[tile.dwSize],
+ tile.dwLine, tile.dwTMem, tile.dwPalette);
+ LOG_UCODE(" S: Clamp: %s Mirror:%s Mask:0x%x Shift:0x%x",
+ pszOnOff[tile.bClampS],pszOnOff[tile.bMirrorS],
+ tile.dwMaskS, tile.dwShiftS);
+ LOG_UCODE(" T: Clamp: %s Mirror:%s Mask:0x%x Shift:0x%x",
+ pszOnOff[tile.bClampT],pszOnOff[tile.bMirrorT],
+ tile.dwMaskT, tile.dwShiftT);
+void DLParser_SetTileSize(Gfx *gfx)
+ gRDP.textureIsChanged = true;
+ uint32 tileno = gfx->loadtile.tile;
+ int sl = gfx->loadtile.sl;
+ int tl = gfx->loadtile.tl;
+ int sh = gfx->loadtile.sh;
+ int th = gfx->loadtile.th;
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[tileno];
+ tile.bForceWrapS = tile.bForceWrapT = tile.bForceClampS = tile.bForceClampT = false;
+ if( options.bUseFullTMEM )
+ {
+ tile.bSizeIsValid = true;
+ tile.hilite_sl = tile.sl = sl / 4;
+ tile.hilite_tl = tile.tl = tl / 4;
+ tile.hilite_sh = tile.sh = sh / 4;
+ tile.hilite_th = tile.th = th / 4;
+ tile.fhilite_sl = tile.fsl = sl / 4.0f;
+ tile.fhilite_tl = tile.ftl = tl / 4.0f;
+ tile.fhilite_sh = tile.fsh = sh / 4.0f;
+ tile.fhilite_th = tile.fth = th / 4.0f;
+ tile.lastTileCmd = CMD_SETTILE_SIZE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( tile.lastTileCmd != CMD_SETTILE_SIZE )
+ {
+ tile.bSizeIsValid = true;
+ if( sl/4 > sh/4 || tl/4 > th/4 || (sh == 0 && tile.dwShiftS==0 && th == 0 && tile.dwShiftT ==0 ) )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( sl != 0 || tl != 0 || sh != 0 || th != 0 )
+ {
+ if( tile.dwMaskS==0 || tile.dwMaskT==0 )
+ TRACE0("Check me, setTileSize is not correct");
+ }
+ tile.bSizeIsValid = false;
+ }
+ tile.hilite_sl = tile.sl = sl / 4;
+ tile.hilite_tl = tile.tl = tl / 4;
+ tile.hilite_sh = tile.sh = sh / 4;
+ tile.hilite_th = tile.th = th / 4;
+ tile.fhilite_sl = tile.fsl = sl / 4.0f;
+ tile.fhilite_tl = tile.ftl = tl / 4.0f;
+ tile.fhilite_sh = tile.fsh = sh / 4.0f;
+ tile.fhilite_th = tile.fth = th / 4.0f;
+ tile.lastTileCmd = CMD_SETTILE_SIZE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tile.fhilite_sh = tile.fsh;
+ tile.fhilite_th = tile.fth;
+ tile.fhilite_sl = tile.fsl = (sl>0x7ff ? (sl-0xfff) : sl)/4.0f;
+ tile.fhilite_tl = tile.ftl = (tl>0x7ff ? (tl-0xfff) : tl)/4.0f;
+ tile.hilite_sl = sl>0x7ff ? (sl-0xfff) : sl;
+ tile.hilite_tl = tl>0x7ff ? (tl-0xfff) : tl;
+ tile.hilite_sl /= 4;
+ tile.hilite_tl /= 4;
+ tile.hilite_sh = sh/4;
+ tile.hilite_th = th/4;
+ tile.lastTileCmd = CMD_SETTILE_SIZE;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("SetTileSize:%d (%d/4,%d/4) -> (%d/4,%d/4) [%d x %d]\n",
+ tileno, sl, tl, sh, th,
+ ((sh/4) - (sl/4)) + 1, ((th/4) - (tl/4)) + 1);
+ });
+ LOG_UCODE(" Tile:%d (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d) [%d x %d]",
+ tileno, sl/4, tl/4, sh/4, th/4,
+ ((sh/4) - (sl/4)) + 1, ((th/4) - (tl/4)) + 1);
+extern const char *pszImgFormat[8];// = {"RGBA", "YUV", "CI", "IA", "I", "?1", "?2", "?3"};
+extern const char *pszImgSize[4];// = {"4", "8", "16", "32"};
+void DLParser_SetTImg(Gfx *gfx)
+ gRDP.textureIsChanged = true;
+ g_TI.dwFormat = gfx->setimg.fmt;
+ g_TI.dwSize = gfx->setimg.siz;
+ g_TI.dwWidth = gfx->setimg.width + 1;
+ g_TI.dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->setimg.addr));
+ g_TI.bpl = g_TI.dwWidth << g_TI.dwSize >> 1;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( g_TI.dwAddr == 0x00ffffff)
+ {
+ TRACE0("Check me here in setTimg");
+ }
+ LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE4("SetTImage: 0x%08x Fmt: %s/%s Width in Pixel: %d\n", g_TI.dwAddr,
+ pszImgFormat[g_TI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[g_TI.dwSize], g_TI.dwWidth));
+ LOG_UCODE("Image: 0x%08x Fmt: %s/%s Width in Pixel: %d", g_TI.dwAddr,
+ pszImgFormat[g_TI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[g_TI.dwSize], g_TI.dwWidth);
+void DLParser_TexRect(Gfx *gfx)
+ //Gtexrect *gtextrect = (Gtexrect *)gfx;
+ if( !status.bCIBufferIsRendered ) g_pFrameBufferManager->ActiveTextureBuffer();
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_TEXTRECT;
+ // This command used 128bits, and not 64 bits. This means that we have to look one
+ // Command ahead in the buffer, and update the PC.
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc; // This points to the next instruction
+ uint32 dwCmd2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4);
+ uint32 dwCmd3 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4+8);
+ uint32 dwHalf1 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC);
+ uint32 dwHalf2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8);
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ALL_STAR_BASEBALL || options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MLB )
+ {
+ if( ((dwHalf1>>24) == 0xb4 || (dwHalf1>>24) == 0xb3 || (dwHalf1>>24) == 0xb2 || (dwHalf1>>24) == 0xe1) &&
+ ((dwHalf2>>24) == 0xb4 || (dwHalf2>>24) == 0xb3 || (dwHalf2>>24) == 0xb2 || (dwHalf2>>24) == 0xf1) )
+ {
+ // Increment PC so that it points to the right place
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 16;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Hack for some games, All_Star_Baseball_2000
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 8;
+ dwCmd3 = dwCmd2;
+ //dwCmd2 = dwHalf1;
+ //dwCmd2 = 0;
+ // fix me here
+ dwCmd2 = (((dwHalf1>>12)&0x03FF)<<17) | (((dwHalf1)&0x03FF)<<1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 16;
+ }
+ // Hack for Mario Tennis
+ if( !status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && g_CI.dwAddr == g_ZI.dwAddr )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE("0x%08x: %08x %08x", dwPC, *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+0), *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4));
+ LOG_UCODE("0x%08x: %08x %08x", dwPC+8, *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8), *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8+4));
+ uint32 dwXH = (((gfx->words.w0)>>12)&0x0FFF)/4;
+ uint32 dwYH = (((gfx->words.w0) )&0x0FFF)/4;
+ uint32 tileno = ((gfx->words.w1)>>24)&0x07;
+ uint32 dwXL = (((gfx->words.w1)>>12)&0x0FFF)/4;
+ uint32 dwYL = (((gfx->words.w1) )&0x0FFF)/4;
+ uint16 uS = (uint16)( dwCmd2>>16)&0xFFFF;
+ uint16 uT = (uint16)( dwCmd2 )&0xFFFF;
+ uint16 uDSDX = (uint16)(( dwCmd3>>16)&0xFFFF);
+ uint16 uDTDY = (uint16)(( dwCmd3 )&0xFFFF);
+ if( (int)dwXL >= gRDP.scissor.right || (int)dwYL >= gRDP.scissor.bottom || (int)dwXH < gRDP.scissor.left || (int)dwYH < gRDP.scissor.top )
+ {
+ // Clipping
+ return;
+ }
+ short s16S = *(short*)(&uS);
+ short s16T = *(short*)(&uT);
+ short s16DSDX = *(short*)(&uDSDX);
+ short s16DTDY = *(short*)(&uDTDY);
+ uint32 curTile = gRSP.curTile;
+ ForceMainTextureIndex(tileno);
+ float fS0 = s16S / 32.0f;
+ float fT0 = s16T / 32.0f;
+ float fDSDX = s16DSDX / 1024.0f;
+ float fDTDY = s16DTDY / 1024.0f;
+ uint32 cycletype = gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type;
+ if (cycletype == CYCLE_TYPE_COPY)
+ {
+ fDSDX /= 4.0f; // In copy mode 4 pixels are copied at once.
+ dwXH++;
+ dwYH++;
+ }
+ else if (cycletype == CYCLE_TYPE_FILL)
+ {
+ dwXH++;
+ dwYH++;
+ }
+ if( fDSDX == 0 ) fDSDX = 1;
+ if( fDTDY == 0 ) fDTDY = 1;
+ float fS1 = fS0 + (fDSDX * (dwXH - dwXL));
+ float fT1 = fT0 + (fDTDY * (dwYH - dwYL));
+ LOG_UCODE(" Tile:%d Screen(%d,%d) -> (%d,%d)", tileno, dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Tex:(%#5f,%#5f) -> (%#5f,%#5f) (DSDX:%#5f DTDY:%#5f)",
+ fS0, fT0, fS1, fT1, fDSDX, fDTDY);
+ LOG_UCODE("");
+ float t0u0 = (fS0-gRDP.tiles[tileno].hilite_sl) * gRDP.tiles[tileno].fShiftScaleS;
+ float t0v0 = (fT0-gRDP.tiles[tileno].hilite_tl) * gRDP.tiles[tileno].fShiftScaleT;
+ float t0u1 = t0u0 + (fDSDX * (dwXH - dwXL))*gRDP.tiles[tileno].fShiftScaleS;
+ float t0v1 = t0v0 + (fDTDY * (dwYH - dwYL))*gRDP.tiles[tileno].fShiftScaleT;
+ if( dwXL==0 && dwYL==0 && dwXH==windowSetting.fViWidth-1 && dwYH==windowSetting.fViHeight-1 &&
+ t0u0 == 0 && t0v0==0 && t0u1==0 && t0v1==0 )
+ {
+ //Using TextRect to clear the screen
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && //status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM &&
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwFormat == gRDP.tiles[tileno].dwFormat &&
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwSize == gRDP.tiles[tileno].dwSize &&
+ gRDP.tiles[tileno].dwFormat == TXT_FMT_CI && gRDP.tiles[tileno].dwSize == TXT_SIZE_8b )
+ {
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_YOSHI )
+ {
+ // Hack for Yoshi background image
+ PrepareTextures();
+ TexRectToFrameBuffer_8b(dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, t0u0, t0v0, t0u1, t0v1, tileno);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("TexRect: tile=%d, X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d,\nfS0=%f, fT0=%f, ScaleS=%f, ScaleT=%f\n",
+ gRSP.curTile, dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, fS0, fT0, fDSDX, fDTDY);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after TexRect for Yoshi\n");
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( frameBufferOptions.bUpdateCIInfo )
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ TexRectToFrameBuffer_8b(dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, t0u0, t0v0, t0u1, t0v1, tileno);
+ }
+ if( !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->TexRect(dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, fS0, fT0, fDSDX, fDTDY);
+ status.dwNumTrisRendered += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->TexRect(dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, fS0, fT0, fDSDX, fDTDY);
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = true;
+ status.dwNumTrisRendered += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture ) g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight = max(g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight,(int)dwYH);
+ ForceMainTextureIndex(curTile);
+void DLParser_TexRectFlip(Gfx *gfx)
+ status.bCIBufferIsRendered = true;
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_TEXTRECTFLIP;
+ // This command used 128bits, and not 64 bits. This means that we have to look one
+ // Command ahead in the buffer, and update the PC.
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc; // This points to the next instruction
+ uint32 dwCmd2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4);
+ uint32 dwCmd3 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4+8);
+ // Increment PC so that it points to the right place
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 16;
+ uint32 dwXH = (((gfx->words.w0)>>12)&0x0FFF)/4;
+ uint32 dwYH = (((gfx->words.w0) )&0x0FFF)/4;
+ uint32 tileno = ((gfx->words.w1)>>24)&0x07;
+ uint32 dwXL = (((gfx->words.w1)>>12)&0x0FFF)/4;
+ uint32 dwYL = (((gfx->words.w1) )&0x0FFF)/4;
+ uint32 dwS = ( dwCmd2>>16)&0xFFFF;
+ uint32 dwT = ( dwCmd2 )&0xFFFF;
+ int nDSDX = (int)(short)(( dwCmd3>>16)&0xFFFF);
+ int nDTDY = (int)(short)(( dwCmd3 )&0xFFFF);
+ uint32 curTile = gRSP.curTile;
+ ForceMainTextureIndex(tileno);
+ float fS0 = (float)dwS / 32.0f;
+ float fT0 = (float)dwT / 32.0f;
+ float fDSDX = (float)nDSDX / 1024.0f;
+ float fDTDY = (float)nDTDY / 1024.0f;
+ uint32 cycletype = gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type;
+ if (cycletype == CYCLE_TYPE_COPY)
+ {
+ fDSDX /= 4.0f; // In copy mode 4 pixels are copied at once.
+ dwXH++;
+ dwYH++;
+ }
+ else if (cycletype == CYCLE_TYPE_FILL)
+ {
+ dwXH++;
+ dwYH++;
+ }
+ float fS1 = fS0 + (fDSDX * (dwYH - dwYL));
+ float fT1 = fT0 + (fDTDY * (dwXH - dwXL));
+ LOG_UCODE(" Tile:%d (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d)",
+ tileno, dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Tex:(%#5f,%#5f) -> (%#5f,%#5f) (DSDX:%#5f DTDY:%#5f)",
+ fS0, fT0, fS1, fT1, fDSDX, fDTDY);
+ LOG_UCODE("");
+ float t0u0 = (fS0) * gRDP.tiles[tileno].fShiftScaleS-gRDP.tiles[tileno].sl;
+ float t0v0 = (fT0) * gRDP.tiles[tileno].fShiftScaleT-gRDP.tiles[tileno].tl;
+ float t0u1 = t0u0 + (fDSDX * (dwYH - dwYL))*gRDP.tiles[tileno].fShiftScaleS;
+ float t0v1 = t0v0 + (fDTDY * (dwXH - dwXL))*gRDP.tiles[tileno].fShiftScaleT;
+ CRender::g_pRender->TexRectFlip(dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, t0u0, t0v0, t0u1, t0v1);
+ status.dwNumTrisRendered += 2;
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture ) g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight = max(g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight,int(dwYL+(dwXH-dwXL)));
+ ForceMainTextureIndex(curTile);
+/* */
+ * TMEM emulation
+ * There are 0x200's 64bits entry in TMEM
+ * Usually, textures are loaded into TMEM at 0x0, and TLUT is loaded at 0x100
+ * of course, the whole TMEM can be used by textures if TLUT is not used, and TLUT
+ * can be at other address of TMEM.
+ *
+ * We don't want to emulate TMEM by creating a block of memory for TMEM and load
+ * everything into the block of memory, this will be slow.
+ */
+typedef struct TmemInfoEntry{
+ uint32 start;
+ uint32 length;
+ uint32 rdramAddr;
+ TmemInfoEntry* next;
+} TmemInfoEntry;
+const int tmenMaxEntry=20;
+TmemInfoEntry tmenEntryBuffer[20]={{0}};
+TmemInfoEntry *g_pTMEMInfo=NULL;
+TmemInfoEntry *g_pTMEMFreeList=tmenEntryBuffer;
+void TMEM_Init()
+ g_pTMEMInfo=NULL;
+ g_pTMEMFreeList=tmenEntryBuffer;
+ int i;
+ for( i=0; i<tmenMaxEntry; i++ )
+ {
+ tmenEntryBuffer[i].start=0;
+ tmenEntryBuffer[i].length=0;
+ tmenEntryBuffer[i].rdramAddr=0;
+ tmenEntryBuffer[i].next = &(tmenEntryBuffer[i+1]);
+ }
+ tmenEntryBuffer[i-1].next = NULL;
+void TMEM_SetBlock(uint32 tmemstart, uint32 length, uint32 rdramaddr)
+ TmemInfoEntry *p=g_pTMEMInfo;
+ if( p == NULL )
+ {
+ // Move an entry from freelist and link it to the header
+ p = g_pTMEMFreeList;
+ g_pTMEMFreeList = g_pTMEMFreeList->next;
+ p->start = tmemstart;
+ p->length = length;
+ p->rdramAddr = rdramaddr;
+ p->next = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while ( tmemstart > (p->start+p->length) )
+ {
+ if( p->next != NULL ) {
+ p = p->next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( p->start == tmemstart )
+ {
+ // need to replace the block of 'p'
+ // or append a new block depend the block lengths
+ if( length == p->length )
+ {
+ p->rdramAddr = rdramaddr;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( length < p->length )
+ {
+ TmemInfoEntry *newentry = g_pTMEMFreeList;
+ g_pTMEMFreeList = g_pTMEMFreeList->next;
+ newentry->length = p->length - length;
+ newentry->next = p->next;
+ newentry->rdramAddr = p->rdramAddr + p->length;
+ newentry->start = p->start + p->length;
+ p->length = length;
+ p->next = newentry;
+ p->rdramAddr = rdramaddr;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( p->start > tmemstart )
+ {
+ // p->start > tmemstart, need to insert the new block before 'p'
+ TmemInfoEntry *newentry = g_pTMEMFreeList;
+ g_pTMEMFreeList = g_pTMEMFreeList->next;
+ if( length+tmemstart < p->start+p->length )
+ {
+ newentry->length = p->length - length;
+ newentry->next = p->next;
+ newentry->rdramAddr = p->rdramAddr + p->length;
+ newentry->start = p->start + p->length;
+ p->length = length;
+ p->next = newentry;
+ p->rdramAddr = rdramaddr;
+ p->start = tmemstart;
+ }
+ else if( length+tmemstart == p->start+p->length )
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+uint32 TMEM_GetRdramAddr(uint32 tmemstart, uint32 length)
+ return 0;
+ * New implementation of texture loading
+ */
+bool IsTmemFlagValid(uint32 tmemAddr)
+ uint32 index = tmemAddr>>5;
+ uint32 bitIndex = (tmemAddr&0x1F);
+ return ((g_TmemFlag[index] & (1<<bitIndex))!=0);
+uint32 GetValidTmemInfoIndex(uint32 tmemAddr)
+ return 0;
+ uint32 index = tmemAddr>>5;
+ uint32 bitIndex = (tmemAddr&0x1F);
+ if ((g_TmemFlag[index] & (1<<bitIndex))!=0 ) //This address is valid
+ return tmemAddr;
+ else
+ {
+ for( uint32 x=index+1; x != 0; x-- )
+ {
+ uint32 i = x - 1;
+ if( g_TmemFlag[i] != 0 )
+ {
+ for( uint32 y=0x20; y != 0; y-- )
+ {
+ uint32 j = y - 1;
+ if( (g_TmemFlag[i] & (1<<j)) != 0 )
+ {
+ return ((i<<5)+j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TRACE0("Error, check me");
+ return 0;
+ }
+void SetTmemFlag(uint32 tmemAddr, uint32 size)
+ uint32 index = tmemAddr>>5;
+ uint32 bitIndex = (tmemAddr&0x1F);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( size > 0x200 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Check me: tmemaddr=%X, size=%x", tmemAddr, size);
+ size = 0x200-tmemAddr;
+ }
+ if( bitIndex == 0 )
+ {
+ uint32 i;
+ for( i=0; i< (size>>5); i++ )
+ {
+ g_TmemFlag[index+i] = 0;
+ }
+ if( (size&0x1F) != 0 )
+ {
+ //ErrorMsg("Check me: tmemaddr=%X, size=%x", tmemAddr, size);
+ g_TmemFlag[index+i] &= ~((1<<(size&0x1F))-1);
+ }
+ g_TmemFlag[index] |= 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( bitIndex + size <= 0x1F )
+ {
+ uint32 val = g_TmemFlag[index];
+ uint32 mask = (1<<(bitIndex))-1;
+ mask |= ~((1<<(bitIndex + size))-1);
+ val &= mask;
+ val |= (1<<bitIndex);
+ g_TmemFlag[index] = val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //ErrorMsg("Check me: tmemaddr=%X, size=%x", tmemAddr, size);
+ uint32 val = g_TmemFlag[index];
+ uint32 mask = (1<<bitIndex)-1;
+ val &= mask;
+ val |= (1<<bitIndex);
+ g_TmemFlag[index] = val;
+ index++;
+ size -= (0x20-bitIndex);
+ uint32 i;
+ for( i=0; i< (size>>5); i++ )
+ {
+ g_TmemFlag[index+i] = 0;
+ }
+ if( (size&0x1F) != 0 )
+ {
+ //ErrorMsg("Check me: tmemaddr=%X, size=%x", tmemAddr, size);
+ g_TmemFlag[index+i] &= ~((1<<(size&0x1F))-1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <cmath>
+#include "Render.h"
+#include "Timing.h"
+void RSP_GBI1_SpNoop(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_SpNoop);
+ if( (gfx+1)->words.cmd == 0x00 && gRSP.ucode >= 17 )
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("Double SPNOOP, Skip remain ucodes, PC=%08X, Cmd1=%08X", gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc, gfx->words.w1);
+ RDP_GFX_PopDL();
+ //if( gRSP.ucode < 17 ) TriggerDPInterrupt();
+ }
+void RSP_GBI0_Mtx(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI0_Mtx);
+ uint32 addr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->gbi0matrix.addr));
+ LOG_UCODE(" Command: %s %s %s Length %d Address 0x%08x",
+ gfx->gbi0matrix.projection == 1 ? "Projection" : "ModelView",
+ gfx->gbi0matrix.load == 1 ? "Load" : "Mul",
+ gfx->gbi0matrix.push == 1 ? "Push" : "NoPush",
+ gfx->gbi0matrix.len, addr);
+ if (addr + 64 > g_dwRamSize)
+ {
+ TRACE1("Mtx: Address invalid (0x%08x)", addr);
+ return;
+ }
+ LoadMatrix(addr);
+ if (gfx->gbi0matrix.projection)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetProjection(matToLoad, gfx->gbi0matrix.push, gfx->gbi0matrix.load);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetWorldView(matToLoad, gfx->gbi0matrix.push, gfx->gbi0matrix.load);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ const char *loadstr = gfx->gbi0matrix.load == 1 ? "Load" : "Mul";
+ const char *pushstr = gfx->gbi0matrix.push == 1 ? "Push" : "Nopush";
+ int projlevel = CRender::g_pRender->GetProjectMatrixLevel();
+ int worldlevel = CRender::g_pRender->GetWorldViewMatrixLevel();
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_MATRIX_CMD )
+ {
+ pauseAtNext = false;
+ debuggerPause = true;
+ if (gfx->gbi0matrix.projection)
+ {
+ TRACE3("Pause after %s and %s Matrix: Projection, level=%d\n", loadstr, pushstr, projlevel );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE3("Pause after %s and %s Matrix: WorldView level=%d\n", loadstr, pushstr, worldlevel);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pauseAtNext && logMatrix )
+ {
+ if (gfx->gbi0matrix.projection)
+ {
+ TRACE3("Matrix: %s and %s Projection level=%d\n", loadstr, pushstr, projlevel);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE3("Matrix: %s and %s WorldView\n level=%d", loadstr, pushstr, worldlevel);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void RSP_GBI1_Reserved(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_Reserved);
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("RDP: Reserved (0x%08x 0x%08x)", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+void RSP_GBI1_MoveMem(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_MoveMem);
+ uint32 type = ((gfx->words.w0)>>16)&0xFF;
+ uint32 dwLength = ((gfx->words.w0))&0xFFFF;
+ uint32 addr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_VIEWPORT. Address: 0x%08x, Length: 0x%04x", addr, dwLength);
+ RSP_MoveMemViewport(addr);
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ case RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L0:
+ case RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L1:
+ case RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L2:
+ case RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L3:
+ case RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L4:
+ case RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L5:
+ case RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L6:
+ case RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L7:
+ {
+ uint32 dwLight = (type-RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L0)/2;
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L%d", dwLight);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Light%d: Length:0x%04x, Address: 0x%08x", dwLight, dwLength, addr);
+ RSP_MoveMemLight(dwLight, addr);
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ RSP_GFX_Force_Matrix(addr);
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("MoveMem: Unknown Move Type, cmd=%08X, %08X", gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1);
+ break;
+ }
+void RSP_GBI0_Vtx(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI0_Vtx);
+ int n = gfx->gbi0vtx.n + 1;
+ int v0 = gfx->gbi0vtx.v0;
+ uint32 addr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->gbi0vtx.addr));
+ LOG_UCODE(" Address 0x%08x, v0: %d, Num: %d, Length: 0x%04x", addr, v0, n, gfx->gbi0vtx.len);
+ if ((v0 + n) > 80)
+ {
+ TRACE3("Warning, invalid vertex positions, N=%d, v0=%d, Addr=0x%08X", n, v0, addr);
+ n = 32 - v0;
+ }
+ // Check that address is valid...
+ if ((addr + n*16) > g_dwRamSize)
+ {
+ TRACE1("Vertex Data: Address out of range (0x%08x)", addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ProcessVertexData(addr, v0, n);
+ status.dwNumVertices += n;
+ DisplayVertexInfo(addr, v0, n);
+ }
+void RSP_GBI0_DL(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI0_DL);
+ uint32 addr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->gbi0dlist.addr)) & (g_dwRamSize-1);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Address=0x%08x Push: 0x%02x", addr, gfx->gbi0dlist.param);
+ if( addr > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("Error: DL addr = %08X out of range, PC=%08X", addr, gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc );
+ addr &= (g_dwRamSize-1);
+ DebuggerPauseCountN( NEXT_DLIST );
+ }
+ if( gfx->gbi0dlist.param == RSP_DLIST_PUSH )
+ gDlistStackPointer++;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = addr;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = MAX_DL_COUNT;
+ LOG_UCODE("Level=%d", gDlistStackPointer+1);
+ LOG_UCODE("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^");
+void RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_Cont(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_Cont);
+ LOG_UCODE("RDPHalf_Cont: (Ignored)");
+void RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_2(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_2);
+ LOG_UCODE("RDPHalf_2: (Ignored)");
+void RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_1(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_1);
+ LOG_UCODE("RDPHalf_1: (Ignored)");
+void RSP_GBI1_Line3D(Gfx *gfx)
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_LINE3D;
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ BOOL bTrisAdded = FALSE;
+ if( gfx->ln3dtri2.v3 == 0 )
+ {
+ // Flying Dragon
+ uint32 dwV0 = gfx->ln3dtri2.v0/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV1 = gfx->ln3dtri2.v1/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwWidth = gfx->ln3dtri2.v2;
+ //uint32 dwFlag = gfx->ln3dtri2.v3/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ status.dwNumTrisRendered++;
+ CRender::g_pRender->Line3D(dwV0, dwV1, dwWidth);
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_Line3D);
+ DP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_Line3D);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do {
+ uint32 dwV3 = gfx->ln3dtri2.v3/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV0 = gfx->ln3dtri2.v0/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV1 = gfx->ln3dtri2.v1/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV2 = gfx->ln3dtri2.v2/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Line3D: V0: %d, V1: %d, V2: %d, V3: %d", dwV0, dwV1, dwV2, dwV3);
+ // Do first tri
+ if (IsTriangleVisible(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2))
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("Line3D 1/2", dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ if (!bTrisAdded && CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled())
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ if( !bTrisAdded )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ }
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ PrepareTriangle(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ }
+ // Do second tri
+ if (IsTriangleVisible(dwV2, dwV3, dwV0))
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("Line3D 2/2", dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ if (!bTrisAdded && CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled())
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ if( !bTrisAdded )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ }
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ PrepareTriangle(dwV2, dwV3, dwV0);
+ }
+ gfx++;
+ dwPC += 8;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ } while (gfx->words.cmd == (uint8)RSP_LINE3D && !(pauseAtNext && eventToPause==NEXT_FLUSH_TRI));
+ } while (gfx->words.cmd == (uint8)RSP_LINE3D);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwPC-8;
+ if (bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawTriangles();
+ }
+ }
+void RSP_GBI1_ClearGeometryMode(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_ClearGeometryMode);
+ uint32 dwMask = ((gfx->words.w1));
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ LOG_UCODE(" Mask=0x%08x", dwMask);
+ if (dwMask & G_ZBUFFER) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling ZBuffer");
+ if (dwMask & G_TEXTURE_ENABLE) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Texture");
+ if (dwMask & G_SHADE) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Shade");
+ if (dwMask & G_SHADING_SMOOTH) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Smooth Shading");
+ if (dwMask & G_CULL_FRONT) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Front Culling");
+ if (dwMask & G_CULL_BACK) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Back Culling");
+ if (dwMask & G_FOG) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Fog");
+ if (dwMask & G_LIGHTING) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Lighting");
+ if (dwMask & G_TEXTURE_GEN) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Texture Gen");
+ if (dwMask & G_TEXTURE_GEN_LINEAR) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Texture Gen Linear");
+ if (dwMask & G_LOD) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling LOD (no impl)");
+ gRDP.geometryMode &= ~dwMask;
+ RSP_GFX_InitGeometryMode();
+void RSP_GBI1_SetGeometryMode(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_SetGeometryMode);
+ uint32 dwMask = ((gfx->words.w1));
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ LOG_UCODE(" Mask=0x%08x", dwMask);
+ if (dwMask & G_ZBUFFER) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling ZBuffer");
+ if (dwMask & G_TEXTURE_ENABLE) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Texture");
+ if (dwMask & G_SHADE) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Shade");
+ if (dwMask & G_SHADING_SMOOTH) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Smooth Shading");
+ if (dwMask & G_CULL_FRONT) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Front Culling");
+ if (dwMask & G_CULL_BACK) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Back Culling");
+ if (dwMask & G_FOG) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Fog");
+ if (dwMask & G_LIGHTING) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Lighting");
+ if (dwMask & G_TEXTURE_GEN) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Texture Gen");
+ if (dwMask & G_TEXTURE_GEN_LINEAR) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Texture Gen Linear");
+ if (dwMask & G_LOD) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling LOD (no impl)");
+#endif // DEBUGGER
+ gRDP.geometryMode |= dwMask;
+ RSP_GFX_InitGeometryMode();
+void RSP_GBI1_EndDL(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_EndDL);
+ RDP_GFX_PopDL();
+//static const char * sc_szBlClr[4] = { "In", "Mem", "Bl", "Fog" };
+//static const char * sc_szBlA1[4] = { "AIn", "AFog", "AShade", "0" };
+//static const char * sc_szBlA2[4] = { "1-A", "AMem", "1", "?" };
+void RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeL(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeL);
+ uint32 dwShift = ((gfx->words.w0)>>8)&0xFF;
+ uint32 dwLength= ((gfx->words.w0) )&0xFF;
+ uint32 dwData = (gfx->words.w1);
+ uint32 dwMask = ((1<<dwLength)-1)<<dwShift;
+ uint32 modeL = gRDP.otherModeL;
+ modeL = (modeL&(~dwMask)) | dwData;
+ Gfx tempgfx;
+ tempgfx.words.w0 = gRDP.otherModeH;
+ tempgfx.words.w1 = modeL;
+ DLParser_RDPSetOtherMode(&tempgfx);
+void RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeH(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeH);
+ uint32 dwShift = ((gfx->words.w0)>>8)&0xFF;
+ uint32 dwLength= ((gfx->words.w0) )&0xFF;
+ uint32 dwData = (gfx->words.w1);
+ uint32 dwMask = ((1<<dwLength)-1)<<dwShift;
+ uint32 dwModeH = gRDP.otherModeH;
+ dwModeH = (dwModeH&(~dwMask)) | dwData;
+ Gfx tempgfx;
+ tempgfx.words.w0 = dwModeH;
+ tempgfx.words.w1 = gRDP.otherModeL;
+ DLParser_RDPSetOtherMode(&tempgfx );
+void RSP_GBI1_Texture(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_Texture);
+ float fTextureScaleS = (float)(gfx->texture.scaleS) / (65536.0f * 32.0f);
+ float fTextureScaleT = (float)(gfx->texture.scaleT) / (65536.0f * 32.0f);
+ if( (((gfx->words.w1)>>16)&0xFFFF) == 0xFFFF )
+ {
+ fTextureScaleS = 1/32.0f;
+ }
+ else if( (((gfx->words.w1)>>16)&0xFFFF) == 0x8000 )
+ {
+ fTextureScaleS = 1/64.0f;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ else if( ((gfx->words.w1>>16)&0xFFFF) != 0 )
+ {
+ //DebuggerAppendMsg("Warning, texture scale = %08X is not integer", (word1>>16)&0xFFFF);
+ }
+ if( (((gfx->words.w1) )&0xFFFF) == 0xFFFF )
+ {
+ fTextureScaleT = 1/32.0f;
+ }
+ else if( (((gfx->words.w1) )&0xFFFF) == 0x8000 )
+ {
+ fTextureScaleT = 1/64.0f;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ else if( (gfx->words.w1&0xFFFF) != 0 )
+ {
+ //DebuggerAppendMsg("Warning, texture scale = %08X is not integer", (word1)&0xFFFF);
+ }
+ if( gRSP.ucode == 6 )
+ {
+ if( fTextureScaleS == 0 ) fTextureScaleS = 1.0f/32.0f;
+ if( fTextureScaleT == 0 ) fTextureScaleT = 1.0f/32.0f;
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetTextureEnableAndScale(gfx->texture.tile, gfx->texture.enable_gbi0, fTextureScaleS, fTextureScaleT);
+ // What happens if these are 0? Interpret as 1.0f?
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("SetTexture: Level: %d Tile: %d %s\n", gfx->texture.level, gfx->texture.tile, gfx->texture.enable_gbi0 ? "enabled":"disabled");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" ScaleS: %f, ScaleT: %f\n", fTextureScaleS*32.0f, fTextureScaleT*32.0f);
+ });
+ LOG_UCODE(" Level: %d Tile: %d %s", gfx->texture.level, gfx->texture.tile, gfx->texture.enable_gbi0 ? "enabled":"disabled");
+ LOG_UCODE(" ScaleS: %f, ScaleT: %f", fTextureScaleS*32.0f, fTextureScaleT*32.0f);
+extern void RSP_RDP_InsertMatrix(uint32 word0, uint32 word1);
+void RSP_GBI1_MoveWord(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_MoveWord);
+ switch (gfx->gbi0moveword.type)
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_InsertMatrix(gfx);
+ break;
+ {
+ uint32 dwNumLights = (((gfx->gbi0moveword.value)-0x80000000)/32)-1;
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_NUMLIGHT: Val:%d", dwNumLights);
+ gRSP.ambientLightIndex = dwNumLights;
+ SetNumLights(dwNumLights);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ switch (gfx->gbi0moveword.offset)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetClipRatio(gfx->gbi0moveword.offset, gfx->gbi0moveword.value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_CLIP ? : 0x%08x", gfx->words.w1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ uint32 dwSegment = (gfx->gbi0moveword.offset >> 2) & 0xF;
+ uint32 dwBase = (gfx->gbi0moveword.value)&0x00FFFFFF;
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_SEGMENT Seg[%d] = 0x%08x", dwSegment, dwBase);
+ if( dwBase > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ gRSP.segments[dwSegment] = dwBase;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext )
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("warning: Segment %d addr is %8X", dwSegment, dwBase);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gRSP.segments[dwSegment] = dwBase;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ uint16 wMult = (uint16)(((gfx->gbi0moveword.value) >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
+ uint16 wOff = (uint16)(((gfx->gbi0moveword.value) ) & 0xFFFF);
+ float fMult = (float)(short)wMult;
+ float fOff = (float)(short)wOff;
+ float rng = 128000.0f / fMult;
+ float fMin = 500.0f - (fOff*rng/256.0f);
+ float fMax = rng + fMin;
+ FOG_DUMP(TRACE4("Set Fog: Min=%f, Max=%f, Mul=%f, Off=%f", fMin, fMax, fMult, fOff));
+ //if( fMult <= 0 || fMin > fMax || fMax < 0 || fMin > 1000 )
+ if( fMult <= 0 || fMax < 0 )
+ {
+ // Hack
+ fMin = 996;
+ fMax = 1000;
+ fMult = 0;
+ fOff = 1;
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_FOG/Mul=%d: Off=%d", wMult, wOff);
+ FOG_DUMP(TRACE3("Set Fog: Min=%f, Max=%f, Data=%08X", fMin, fMax, gfx->gbi0moveword.value));
+ SetFogMinMax(fMin, fMax, fMult, fOff);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ uint32 dwLight = gfx->gbi0moveword.offset / 0x20;
+ uint32 dwField = (gfx->gbi0moveword.offset & 0x7);
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_LIGHTCOL/0x%08x: 0x%08x", gfx->gbi0moveword.offset, gfx->words.w1);
+ switch (dwField)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ if (dwLight == gRSP.ambientLightIndex)
+ {
+ SetAmbientLight( ((gfx->gbi0moveword.value)>>8) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetLightCol(dwLight, gfx->gbi0moveword.value);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ break;
+ default:
+ TRACE1("RSP_MOVE_WORD_LIGHTCOL with unknown offset 0x%08x", dwField);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ uint32 vtx = gfx->gbi0moveword.offset/40;
+ uint32 where = gfx->gbi0moveword.offset - vtx*40;
+ ModifyVertexInfo(where, vtx, gfx->gbi0moveword.value);
+ }
+ break;
+ //if( word1 != 0x1A ) DebuggerAppendMsg("PerspNorm: 0x%04x", (short)word1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("Unknown MoveWord, %08X, %08X", gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1);
+ break;
+ }
+void RSP_GBI1_PopMtx(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_PopMtx);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Command: (%s)", gfx->gbi0popmatrix.projection ? "Projection" : "ModelView");
+ // Do any of the other bits do anything?
+ // So far only Extreme-G seems to Push/Pop projection matrices
+ if (gfx->gbi0popmatrix.projection)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->PopProjection();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->PopWorldView();
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_MATRIX_CMD )
+ {
+ pauseAtNext = false;
+ debuggerPause = true;
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after Pop Matrix: %s\n", gfx->gbi0popmatrix.projection ? "Proj":"World");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pauseAtNext && logMatrix )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after Pop Matrix: %s\n", gfx->gbi0popmatrix.projection ? "Proj":"World");
+ }
+ }
+void RSP_GBI1_CullDL(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_CullDL);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( !debuggerEnableCullFace )
+ {
+ return; //Disable Culling
+ }
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bDisableCulling )
+ {
+ return; //Disable Culling
+ }
+ uint32 dwVFirst = ((gfx->words.w0) & 0xFFF) / gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwVLast = (((gfx->words.w1)) & 0xFFF) / gRSP.vertexMult;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Culling using verts %d to %d", dwVFirst, dwVLast);
+ // Mask into range
+ dwVFirst &= 0x1f;
+ dwVLast &= 0x1f;
+ if( dwVLast < dwVFirst ) return;
+ if( !gRSP.bRejectVtx ) return;
+ for (uint32 i = dwVFirst; i <= dwVLast; i++)
+ {
+ if (g_clipFlag[i] == 0)
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" Vertex %d is visible, continuing with display list processing", i);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ status.dwNumDListsCulled++;
+ LOG_UCODE(" No vertices were visible, culling rest of display list");
+ RDP_GFX_PopDL();
+void RSP_GBI1_Tri1(Gfx *gfx)
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_TRI1;
+ bool bTrisAdded = false;
+ bool bTexturesAreEnabled = CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled();
+ // While the next command pair is Tri1, add vertices
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ //uint32 * pCmdBase = (uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC);
+ do
+ {
+ uint32 dwV0 = gfx->tri1.v0/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV1 = gfx->tri1.v1/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV2 = gfx->tri1.v2/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ if (IsTriangleVisible(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2))
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("Tri1", dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Tri1: 0x%08x 0x%08x %d,%d,%d", gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1, dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ if (!bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ if( bTexturesAreEnabled )
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ }
+ PrepareTriangle(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ }
+ gfx++;
+ dwPC += 8;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ } while (!(pauseAtNext && eventToPause==NEXT_TRIANGLE) && gfx->words.cmd == (uint8)RSP_TRI1);
+ } while (gfx->words.cmd == (uint8)RSP_TRI1);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwPC-8;
+ if (bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawTriangles();
+ }
+void RSP_GBI0_Tri4(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 w0 = gfx->words.w0;
+ uint32 w1 = gfx->words.w1;
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_TRI2;
+ // While the next command pair is Tri2, add vertices
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ BOOL bTrisAdded = FALSE;
+ do {
+ uint32 dwFlag = (w0>>16)&0xFF;
+ LOG_UCODE(" PD Tri4: 0x%08x 0x%08x Flag: 0x%02x", gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1, dwFlag);
+ BOOL bVisible;
+ for( int i=0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ uint32 v0 = (w1>>(4+(i<<3))) & 0xF;
+ uint32 v1 = (w1>>( (i<<3))) & 0xF;
+ uint32 v2 = (w0>>( (i<<2))) & 0xF;
+ bVisible = IsTriangleVisible(v0, v2, v1);
+ LOG_UCODE(" (%d, %d, %d) %s", v0, v1, v2, bVisible ? "": "(clipped)");
+ if (bVisible)
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("Tri4_PerfectDark 1/2", v0, v1, v2);
+ if (!bTrisAdded && CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled())
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ if( !bTrisAdded )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ }
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ PrepareTriangle(v0, v2, v1);
+ }
+ }
+ w0 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+0);
+ w1 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4);
+ dwPC += 8;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ } while (!(pauseAtNext && eventToPause==NEXT_TRIANGLE) && (w0>>24) == (uint8)RSP_TRI2);
+ } while (((w0)>>24) == (uint8)RSP_TRI2);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwPC-8;
+ if (bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawTriangles();
+ }
+ gRSP.DKRVtxCount=0;
+//Nintro64 uses Sprite2d
+void RSP_RDP_Nothing(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_RDP_Nothing);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( logWarning )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Stack Trace");
+ for( int i=0; i<gDlistStackPointer; i++ )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" %08X", gDlistStack[i].pc);
+ }
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X",dwPC);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Warning, unknown ucode PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC, gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1);
+ }
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N(NEXT_UNKNOWN_OP, {TRACE0("Paused at unknown ucode\n");})
+ if( debuggerContinueWithUnknown )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if( options.bEnableHacks )
+ return;
+ gDlistStackPointer=-1;
+void RSP_RDP_InsertMatrix(Gfx *gfx)
+ float fraction;
+ UpdateCombinedMatrix();
+ if ((gfx->words.w0) & 0x20)
+ {
+ int x = ((gfx->words.w0) & 0x1F) >> 1;
+ int y = x >> 2;
+ x &= 3;
+ fraction = ((gfx->words.w1)>>16)/65536.0f;
+ gRSPworldProject.m[y][x] = (float)(int)gRSPworldProject.m[y][x];
+ gRSPworldProject.m[y][x] += fraction;
+ fraction = ((gfx->words.w1)&0xFFFF)/65536.0f;
+ gRSPworldProject.m[y][x+1] = (float)(int)gRSPworldProject.m[y][x+1];
+ gRSPworldProject.m[y][x+1] += fraction;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int x = ((gfx->words.w0) & 0x1F) >> 1;
+ int y = x >> 2;
+ x &= 3;
+ fraction = (float)fabs(gRSPworldProject.m[y][x] - (int)gRSPworldProject.m[y][x]);
+ gRSPworldProject.m[y][x] = (short)((gfx->words.w1)>>16) + fraction;
+ fraction = (float)fabs(gRSPworldProject.m[y][x+1] - (int)gRSPworldProject.m[y][x+1]);
+ gRSPworldProject.m[y][x+1] = (short)((gfx->words.w1)&0xFFFF) + fraction;
+ }
+ gRSP.bMatrixIsUpdated = false;
+ gRSP.bCombinedMatrixIsUpdated = true;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_MATRIX_CMD )
+ {
+ pauseAtNext = false;
+ debuggerPause = true;
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after insert matrix: %08X, %08X", gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pauseAtNext && logMatrix )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("insert matrix: %08X, %08X", gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "Render.h"
+#include "Timing.h"
+void RSP_GBI1_Vtx(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 addr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->gbi1vtx.addr));
+ uint32 v0 = gfx->gbi1vtx.v0;
+ uint32 n = gfx->gbi1vtx.n;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Address 0x%08x, v0: %d, Num: %d, Length: 0x%04x", addr, v0, n, gfx->gbi1vtx.len);
+ if (addr > g_dwRamSize)
+ {
+ TRACE0(" Address out of range - ignoring load");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((v0 + n) > 80)
+ {
+ TRACE5("Warning, invalid vertex positions, N=%d, v0=%d, Addr=0x%08X, Cmd=%08X-%08X",
+ n, v0, addr, gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1);
+ return;
+ }
+ ProcessVertexData(addr, v0, n);
+ status.dwNumVertices += n;
+ DisplayVertexInfo(addr, v0, n);
+void RSP_GBI1_ModifyVtx(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_ModifyVtx);
+ if( gRSP.ucode == 5 && ((gfx->words.w0)&0x00FFFFFF) == 0 && ((gfx->words.w1)&0xFF000000) == 0x80000000 )
+ {
+ DLParser_Bomberman2TextRect(gfx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32 dwWhere = ((gfx->words.w0) >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ uint32 dwVert = (((gfx->words.w0) ) & 0xFFFF) / 2;
+ uint32 dwValue = (gfx->words.w1);
+ if( dwVert > 80 )
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("RSP_GBI1_ModifyVtx: Invalid vertex number: %d", dwVert, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Data for other commands?
+ switch (dwWhere)
+ {
+ case RSP_MV_WORD_OFFSET_POINT_ST: // Texture
+ ModifyVertexInfo(dwWhere, dwVert, dwValue);
+ break;
+ default:
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("RSP_GBI1_ModifyVtx: Setting unk value: 0x%02x, 0x%08x", dwWhere, dwValue);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void RSP_GBI1_Tri2(Gfx *gfx)
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_TRI2;
+ bool bTrisAdded = false;
+ bool bTexturesAreEnabled = CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled();
+ // While the next command pair is Tri2, add vertices
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ do {
+ // Vertex indices are multiplied by 10 for Mario64, by 2 for MarioKart
+ uint32 dwV0 = gfx->gbi1tri2.v0/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV1 = gfx->gbi1tri2.v1/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV2 = gfx->gbi1tri2.v2/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV3 = gfx->gbi1tri2.v3/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV4 = gfx->gbi1tri2.v4/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV5 = gfx->gbi1tri2.v5/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ // Do first tri
+ if (IsTriangleVisible(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2))
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("Tri2 1/2", dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ if (!bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ if( bTexturesAreEnabled )
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ }
+ PrepareTriangle(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ }
+ // Do second tri
+ if (IsTriangleVisible(dwV3, dwV4, dwV5))
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("Tri2 2/2", dwV3, dwV4, dwV5);
+ if (!bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ if( bTexturesAreEnabled )
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ }
+ PrepareTriangle(dwV3, dwV4, dwV5);
+ }
+ gfx++;
+ dwPC += 8;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ } while (!(pauseAtNext && eventToPause==NEXT_TRIANGLE) && gfx->words.cmd == (uint8)RSP_TRI2);
+ } while( gfx->words.cmd == (uint8)RSP_TRI2);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwPC-8;
+ if (bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawTriangles();
+ }
+extern XVECTOR4 g_vtxNonTransformed[MAX_VERTS];
+void RSP_GBI1_BranchZ(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_BranchZ);
+ uint32 vtx = ((gfx->words.w0)&0xFFF)>>1;
+ float vtxdepth = g_vecProjected[vtx].z/g_vecProjected[vtx].w;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerEnableZBuffer==FALSE || vtxdepth <= (s32)gfx->words.w1 || g_curRomInfo.bForceDepthBuffer )
+ if( vtxdepth <= (s32)(gfx->words.w1) || g_curRomInfo.bForceDepthBuffer )
+ {
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc; // This points to the next instruction
+ uint32 dwDL = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC-12);
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr(dwDL);
+ dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr(dwDL);;
+ LOG_UCODE("BranchZ to DisplayList 0x%08x", dwAddr);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwAddr;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = MAX_DL_COUNT;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+void DumpUcodeInfo(UcodeInfo &info)
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Loading Unknown Ucode:\n%08X-%08X-%08X-%08X, Size=0x%X, CRC=0x%08X\nCode:\n",
+ info.ucDWORD1, info.ucDWORD2, info.ucDWORD3, info.ucDWORD4,
+ info.ucSize, info.ucCRC);
+ DumpHex(info.ucStart,20);
+ TRACE0("Data:\n");
+ DumpHex(info.ucDStart,20);
+void RSP_GBI1_LoadUCode(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_LoadUCode);
+ //TRACE0("Load ucode");
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ uint32 dwUcStart = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 dwSize = ((gfx->words.w0)&0xFFFF)+1;
+ uint32 dwUcDStart = RSPSegmentAddr(*(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC-12));
+ uint32 ucode = DLParser_CheckUcode(dwUcStart, dwUcDStart, dwSize, 8);
+ RSP_SetUcode(ucode, dwUcStart, dwUcDStart, dwSize);
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP(NEXT_SWITCH_UCODE,{DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause at loading ucode");});
+void RSP_GFX_Force_Matrix(uint32 dwAddr)
+ if (dwAddr + 64 > g_dwRamSize)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("ForceMtx: Address invalid (0x%08x)", dwAddr);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Load matrix from dwAddr
+ LoadMatrix(dwAddr);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetWorldProjectMatrix(matToLoad);
+void DisplayVertexInfo(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwN)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ s8 *pcSrc = (s8 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr);
+ short *psSrc = (short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr);
+ for (uint32 dwV = dwV0; dwV < dwV0 + dwN; dwV++)
+ {
+ float x = (float)psSrc[0^0x1];
+ float y = (float)psSrc[1^0x1];
+ float z = (float)psSrc[2^0x1];
+ //uint32 wFlags = g_dwVtxFlags[dwV]; //(uint16)psSrc[3^0x1];
+ uint32 wFlags = 0;
+ uint8 a = pcSrc[12^0x3];
+ uint8 b = pcSrc[13^0x3];
+ uint8 c = pcSrc[14^0x3];
+ uint8 d = pcSrc[15^0x3];
+ //int nTU = (int)(short)(psSrc[4^0x1]<<4);
+ //int nTV = (int)(short)(psSrc[5^0x1]<<4);
+ //float tu = (float)(nTU>>4);
+ //float tv = (float)(nTV>>4);
+ float tu = (float)(short)(psSrc[4^0x1]);
+ float tv = (float)(short)(psSrc[5^0x1]);
+ XVECTOR4 & t = g_vecProjected[dwV];
+ psSrc += 8; // Increase by 16 bytes
+ pcSrc += 16;
+ LOG_UCODE(" #%02d Flags: 0x%04x Pos: {% 6f,% 6f,% 6f} Tex: {%+7.2f,%+7.2f}, Extra: %02x %02x %02x %02x (transf: {% 6f,% 6f,% 6f})",
+ dwV, wFlags, x, y, z, tu, tv, a, b, c, d, t.x, t.y, t.z );
+ }
+void RSP_MoveMemLight(uint32 dwLight, uint32 dwAddr)
+ if( dwLight >= 16 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Warning: invalid light # = %d", dwLight);
+ return;
+ }
+ s8 * pcBase = g_pRDRAMs8 + dwAddr;
+ uint32 * pdwBase = (uint32 *)pcBase;
+ float range = 0, x, y, z;
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ZELDA_MM && (pdwBase[0]&0xFF) == 0x08 && (pdwBase[1]&0xFF) == 0xFF )
+ {
+ gRSPn64lights[dwLight].dwRGBA = pdwBase[0];
+ gRSPn64lights[dwLight].dwRGBACopy = pdwBase[1];
+ short* pdwBase16 = (short*)pcBase;
+ x = pdwBase16[5];
+ y = pdwBase16[4];
+ z = pdwBase16[7];
+ range = pdwBase16[6];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gRSPn64lights[dwLight].dwRGBA = pdwBase[0];
+ gRSPn64lights[dwLight].dwRGBACopy = pdwBase[1];
+ x = pcBase[8 ^ 0x3];
+ y = pcBase[9 ^ 0x3];
+ z = pcBase[10 ^ 0x3];
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE(" RGBA: 0x%08x, RGBACopy: 0x%08x, x: %d, y: %d, z: %d",
+ gRSPn64lights[dwLight].dwRGBA,
+ gRSPn64lights[dwLight].dwRGBACopy,
+ x, y, z);
+ LIGHT_DUMP(TRACE3("Move Light: %08X, %08X, %08X", pdwBase[0], pdwBase[1], pdwBase[2]));
+ if (dwLight == gRSP.ambientLightIndex)
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" (Ambient Light)");
+ uint32 dwCol = COLOR_RGBA( (gRSPn64lights[dwLight].dwRGBA >> 24)&0xFF,
+ (gRSPn64lights[dwLight].dwRGBA >> 16)&0xFF,
+ (gRSPn64lights[dwLight].dwRGBA >> 8)&0xFF, 0xff);
+ SetAmbientLight( dwCol );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" (Normal Light)");
+ SetLightCol(dwLight, gRSPn64lights[dwLight].dwRGBA);
+ if (pdwBase[2] == 0) // Direction is 0!
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" Light is invalid");
+ }
+ SetLightDirection(dwLight, x, y, z, range);
+ }
+void RSP_MoveMemViewport(uint32 dwAddr)
+ if( dwAddr+16 >= g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ TRACE0("MoveMem Viewport, invalid memory");
+ return;
+ }
+ short scale[4];
+ short trans[4];
+ // dwAddr is offset into RD_RAM of 8 x 16bits of data...
+ scale[0] = *(short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + ((dwAddr+(0*2))^0x2));
+ scale[1] = *(short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + ((dwAddr+(1*2))^0x2));
+ scale[2] = *(short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + ((dwAddr+(2*2))^0x2));
+ scale[3] = *(short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + ((dwAddr+(3*2))^0x2));
+ trans[0] = *(short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + ((dwAddr+(4*2))^0x2));
+ trans[1] = *(short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + ((dwAddr+(5*2))^0x2));
+ trans[2] = *(short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + ((dwAddr+(6*2))^0x2));
+ trans[3] = *(short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + ((dwAddr+(7*2))^0x2));
+ int nCenterX = trans[0]/4;
+ int nCenterY = trans[1]/4;
+ int nWidth = scale[0]/4;
+ int nHeight = scale[1]/4;
+ // Check for some strange games
+ if( nWidth < 0 ) nWidth = -nWidth;
+ if( nHeight < 0 ) nHeight = -nHeight;
+ int nLeft = nCenterX - nWidth;
+ int nTop = nCenterY - nHeight;
+ int nRight= nCenterX + nWidth;
+ int nBottom= nCenterY + nHeight;
+ //int maxZ = scale[2];
+ int maxZ = 0x3FF;
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetViewport(nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom, maxZ);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Scale: %d %d %d %d = %d,%d", scale[0], scale[1], scale[2], scale[3], nWidth, nHeight);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Trans: %d %d %d %d = %d,%d", trans[0], trans[1], trans[2], trans[3], nCenterX, nCenterY);
+// S2DEX uses this - 0xc1
+void RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxtr_Ucode1(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxtr_Ucode1);
+ // Add S2DEX ucode supporting to F3DEX, see game DT and others
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ RSP_SetUcode(1);
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap1, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[S2DEX_OBJ_LOADTXTR] = &RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxtr;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[S2DEX_OBJ_LDTX_SPRITE] = &RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxSprite;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[S2DEX_OBJ_LDTX_RECT] = &RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxRect;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[S2DEX_OBJ_LDTX_RECT_R] = &RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxRectR;
+ RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxtr(gfx);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "Render.h"
+#include "Timing.h"
+void RSP_GBI2_Vtx(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 addr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->gbi2vtx.addr));
+ int vend = gfx->gbi2vtx.vend/2;
+ int n = gfx->gbi2vtx.n;
+ int v0 = vend - n;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Vtx: Address 0x%08x, vEnd: %d, v0: %d, Num: %d", addr, vend, v0, n);
+ if( vend > 64 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Warning, attempting to load into invalid vertex positions, v0=%d, n=%d", v0, n);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((addr + (n*16)) > g_dwRamSize)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("ProcessVertexData: Address out of range (0x%08x)", addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ProcessVertexData(addr, v0, n);
+ status.dwNumVertices += n;
+ DisplayVertexInfo(addr, v0, n);
+ }
+void RSP_GBI2_EndDL(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_EndDL);
+ RDP_GFX_PopDL();
+void RSP_GBI2_CullDL(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_CullDL);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( !debuggerEnableCullFace )
+ {
+ return; //Disable Culling
+ }
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bDisableCulling )
+ {
+ return; //Disable Culling
+ }
+ uint32 dwVFirst = (((gfx->words.w0)) & 0xfff) / gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwVLast = (((gfx->words.w1)) & 0xfff) / gRSP.vertexMult;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Culling using verts %d to %d", dwVFirst, dwVLast);
+ // Mask into range
+ dwVFirst &= 0x1f;
+ dwVLast &= 0x1f;
+ if( dwVLast < dwVFirst ) return;
+ if( !gRSP.bRejectVtx ) return;
+ for (uint32 i = dwVFirst; i <= dwVLast; i++)
+ {
+ //if (g_dwVtxFlags[i] == 0)
+ if (g_clipFlag[i] == 0)
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" Vertex %d is visible, returning", i);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ status.dwNumDListsCulled++;
+ LOG_UCODE(" No vertices were visible, culling");
+ RDP_GFX_PopDL();
+void RSP_GBI2_MoveWord(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_MoveWord);
+ switch (gfx->gbi2moveword.type)
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_InsertMatrix(gfx);
+ break;
+ {
+ uint32 dwNumLights = gfx->gbi2moveword.value/24;
+ gRSP.ambientLightIndex = dwNumLights;
+ SetNumLights(dwNumLights);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ switch (gfx->gbi2moveword.offset)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetClipRatio(gfx->gbi2moveword.offset, gfx->gbi2moveword.value);
+ default:
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_CLIP ? : 0x%08x", gfx->words.w1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ uint32 dwSeg = gfx->gbi2moveword.offset / 4;
+ uint32 dwAddr = gfx->gbi2moveword.value & 0x00FFFFFF; // Hack - convert to physical
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_SEGMENT Segment[%d] = 0x%08x", dwSeg, dwAddr);
+ if( dwAddr > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ gRSP.segments[dwSeg] = dwAddr;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext )
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("warning: Segment %d addr is %8X", dwSeg, dwAddr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gRSP.segments[dwSeg] = dwAddr;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ uint16 wMult = (uint16)((gfx->gbi2moveword.value >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
+ uint16 wOff = (uint16)((gfx->gbi2moveword.value ) & 0xFFFF);
+ float fMult = (float)(short)wMult;
+ float fOff = (float)(short)wOff;
+ float rng = 128000.0f / fMult;
+ float fMin = 500.0f - (fOff*rng/256.0f);
+ float fMax = rng + fMin;
+ FOG_DUMP(TRACE4("Set Fog: Min=%f, Max=%f, Mul=%f, Off=%f", fMin, fMax, fMult, fOff));
+ //if( fMult <= 0 || fMin > fMax || fMax < 0 || fMin > 1000 )
+ if( fMult <= 0 || fMax < 0 )
+ {
+ // Hack
+ fMin = 996;
+ fMax = 1000;
+ fMult = 0;
+ fOff = 1;
+ }
+ SetFogMinMax(fMin, fMax, fMult, fOff);
+ FOG_DUMP(TRACE3("Set Fog: Min=%f, Max=%f, Data=0x%08X", fMin, fMax, gfx->gbi2moveword.value));
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ uint32 dwLight = gfx->gbi2moveword.offset / 0x18;
+ uint32 dwField = (gfx->gbi2moveword.offset & 0x7);
+ switch (dwField)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ if (dwLight == gRSP.ambientLightIndex)
+ {
+ SetAmbientLight( (gfx->gbi2moveword.value>>8) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetLightCol(dwLight, gfx->gbi2moveword.value);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ break;
+ default:
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("RSP_MOVE_WORD_LIGHTCOL with unknown offset 0x%08x", dwField);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_PERSPNORM 0x%04x", (short)gfx->words.w1);
+ break;
+ LOG_UCODE(" 2nd cmd of Force Matrix");
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" Ignored!!");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void RSP_GBI2_Tri1(Gfx *gfx)
+ if( gfx->words.w0 == 0x05000017 && gfx->gbi2tri1.flag == 0x80 )
+ {
+ // The ObjLoadTxtr / Tlut cmd for Evangelion.v64
+ RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxtr(gfx);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Fix me, SPObjLoadTxtr as RSP_GBI2_Tri2");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_TRI1;
+ bool bTrisAdded = false;
+ bool bTexturesAreEnabled = CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled();
+ // While the next command pair is Tri1, add vertices
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ //uint32 * pCmdBase = (uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC);
+ do
+ {
+ uint32 dwV2 = gfx->gbi2tri1.v2/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV1 = gfx->gbi2tri1.v1/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV0 = gfx->gbi2tri1.v0/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ if (IsTriangleVisible(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2))
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("ZeldaTri1", dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ LOG_UCODE(" ZeldaTri1: 0x%08x 0x%08x %d,%d,%d", gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1, dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ if (!bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ if( bTexturesAreEnabled )
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ }
+ PrepareTriangle(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ }
+ gfx++;
+ dwPC += 8;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ } while (!(pauseAtNext && eventToPause==NEXT_TRIANGLE) && gfx->words.cmd == (uint8)RSP_ZELDATRI1);
+ } while( gfx->words.cmd == (uint8)RSP_ZELDATRI1);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwPC-8;
+ if (bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawTriangles();
+ }
+ }
+void RSP_GBI2_Tri2(Gfx *gfx)
+ if( gfx->words.w0 == 0x0600002f && gfx->gbi2tri2.flag == 0x80 )
+ {
+ // The ObjTxSprite cmd for Evangelion.v64
+ RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxSprite(gfx);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Fix me, SPObjLoadTxSprite as RSP_GBI2_Tri2");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_TRI2;
+ BOOL bTrisAdded = FALSE;
+ // While the next command pair is Tri2, add vertices
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ bool bTexturesAreEnabled = CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled();
+ do {
+ uint32 dwV2 = gfx->gbi2tri2.v2;
+ uint32 dwV1 = gfx->gbi2tri2.v1;
+ uint32 dwV0 = gfx->gbi2tri2.v0;
+ uint32 dwV5 = gfx->gbi2tri2.v5;
+ uint32 dwV4 = gfx->gbi2tri2.v4;
+ uint32 dwV3 = gfx->gbi2tri2.v3;
+ LOG_UCODE(" ZeldaTri2: 0x%08x 0x%08x", gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1);
+ LOG_UCODE(" V0: %d, V1: %d, V2: %d", dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ LOG_UCODE(" V3: %d, V4: %d, V5: %d", dwV3, dwV4, dwV5);
+ // Do first tri
+ if (IsTriangleVisible(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2))
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("ZeldaTri2 1/2", dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ if (!bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ if( bTexturesAreEnabled )
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ }
+ PrepareTriangle(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ }
+ // Do second tri
+ if (IsTriangleVisible(dwV3, dwV4, dwV5))
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("ZeldaTri2 2/2", dwV3, dwV4, dwV5);
+ if (!bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ if( bTexturesAreEnabled )
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ }
+ PrepareTriangle(dwV3, dwV4, dwV5);
+ }
+ gfx++;
+ dwPC += 8;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ } while (!(pauseAtNext && eventToPause==NEXT_TRIANGLE) && gfx->words.cmd == (uint8)RSP_ZELDATRI2);
+ } while ( gfx->words.cmd == (uint8)RSP_ZELDATRI2 );//&& status.dwNumTrisRendered < 50);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwPC-8;
+ if (bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawTriangles();
+ }
+ }
+void RSP_GBI2_Line3D(Gfx *gfx)
+ if( gfx->words.w0 == 0x0700002f && (gfx->words.w1>>24) == 0x80 )
+ {
+ // The ObjTxSprite cmd for Evangelion.v64
+ RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxRect(gfx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_TRI3;
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ BOOL bTrisAdded = FALSE;
+ do {
+ uint32 dwV0 = gfx->gbi2line3d.v0/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV1 = gfx->gbi2line3d.v1/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV2 = gfx->gbi2line3d.v2/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV3 = gfx->gbi2line3d.v3/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV4 = gfx->gbi2line3d.v4/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ uint32 dwV5 = gfx->gbi2line3d.v5/gRSP.vertexMult;
+ LOG_UCODE(" ZeldaTri3: 0x%08x 0x%08x", gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1);
+ LOG_UCODE(" V0: %d, V1: %d, V2: %d", dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ LOG_UCODE(" V3: %d, V4: %d, V5: %d", dwV3, dwV4, dwV5);
+ // Do first tri
+ if (IsTriangleVisible(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2))
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("ZeldaTri3 1/2", dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ if (!bTrisAdded && CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled())
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ if( !bTrisAdded )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ }
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ PrepareTriangle(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ }
+ // Do second tri
+ if (IsTriangleVisible(dwV3, dwV4, dwV5))
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("ZeldaTri3 2/2", dwV3, dwV4, dwV5);
+ if (!bTrisAdded && CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled())
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ if( !bTrisAdded )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ }
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ PrepareTriangle(dwV3, dwV4, dwV5);
+ }
+ gfx++;
+ dwPC += 8;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ } while (!(pauseAtNext && eventToPause==NEXT_TRIANGLE) && gfx->words.cmd == (uint8)RSP_LINE3D);
+ } while ( gfx->words.cmd == (uint8)RSP_LINE3D);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwPC-8;
+ if (bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawTriangles();
+ }
+ DEBUG_TRIANGLE(TRACE0("Pause at GBI2 Line3D"));
+ }
+void RSP_GBI2_Texture(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_Texture);
+ float fTextureScaleS = (float)(gfx->texture.scaleS) / (65536.0f * 32.0f);
+ float fTextureScaleT = (float)(gfx->texture.scaleT) / (65536.0f * 32.0f);
+ if( (((gfx->words.w1)>>16)&0xFFFF) == 0xFFFF )
+ {
+ fTextureScaleS = 1/32.0f;
+ }
+ else if( (((gfx->words.w1)>>16)&0xFFFF) == 0x8000 )
+ {
+ fTextureScaleS = 1/64.0f;
+ }
+ if( (((gfx->words.w1) )&0xFFFF) == 0xFFFF )
+ {
+ fTextureScaleT = 1/32.0f;
+ }
+ else if( (((gfx->words.w1) )&0xFFFF) == 0x8000 )
+ {
+ fTextureScaleT = 1/64.0f;
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetTextureEnableAndScale(gfx->texture.tile, gfx->texture.enable_gbi2, fTextureScaleS, fTextureScaleT);
+ /*
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bTextureScaleHack )
+ {
+ // Hack, need to verify, refer to N64 programming manual
+ // that if scale = 0.5 (1/64), vtx s,t are also doubled
+ if( ((word1>>16)&0xFFFF) == 0x8000 )
+ {
+ fTextureScaleS = 1/128.0f;
+ if( ((word1)&0xFFFF) == 0xFFFF )
+ {
+ fTextureScaleT = 1/64.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ if( ((word1 )&0xFFFF) == 0x8000 )
+ {
+ fTextureScaleT = 1/128.0f;
+ if( ((word1>>16)&0xFFFF) == 0xFFFF )
+ {
+ fTextureScaleS = 1/64.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetTextureEnableAndScale(gfx->texture.tile, gfx->texture.enable_gbi2, fTextureScaleS, fTextureScaleT);
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("SetTexture: Level: %d Tile: %d %s\n", gfx->texture.level, gfx->texture.tile, gfx->texture.enable_gbi2 ? "enabled":"disabled");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" ScaleS: %f, ScaleT: %f\n", fTextureScaleS*32.0f, fTextureScaleT*32.0f);
+ });
+ LOG_UCODE(" Level: %d Tile: %d %s", gfx->texture.level, gfx->texture.tile, gfx->texture.enable_gbi2 ? "enabled":"disabled");
+ LOG_UCODE(" ScaleS: %f, ScaleT: %f", fTextureScaleS*32.0f, fTextureScaleT*32.0f);
+void RSP_GBI2_PopMtx(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_PopMtx);
+ uint8 nCommand = (uint8)(gfx->words.w0 & 0xFF);
+ LOG_UCODE(" PopMtx: 0x%02x (%s)",
+ nCommand,
+ (nCommand & RSP_ZELDA_MTX_PROJECTION) ? "Projection" : "ModelView");
+/* if (nCommand & RSP_ZELDA_MTX_PROJECTION)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->PopProjection();
+ }
+ else*/
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->PopWorldView();
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_MATRIX_CMD )
+ {
+ pauseAtNext = false;
+ debuggerPause = true;
+ TRACE0("Pause after Pop GBI2_PopMtx:");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pauseAtNext && logMatrix )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Pause after Pop GBI2_PopMtx:");
+ }
+ }
+#define RSP_ZELDA_ZBUFFER 0x00000001 // Guess
+#define RSP_ZELDA_CULL_BACK 0x00000200
+#define RSP_ZELDA_CULL_FRONT 0x00000400
+#define RSP_ZELDA_FOG 0x00010000
+#define RSP_ZELDA_LIGHTING 0x00020000
+#define RSP_ZELDA_TEXTURE_GEN 0x00040000
+#define RSP_ZELDA_TEXTURE_GEN_LINEAR 0x00080000
+#define RSP_ZELDA_SHADING_SMOOTH 0x00200000
+void RSP_GBI2_GeometryMode(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI2_GeometryMode);
+ uint32 dwAnd = ((gfx->words.w0)) & 0x00FFFFFF;
+ uint32 dwOr = ((gfx->words.w1)) & 0x00FFFFFF;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ LOG_UCODE(" 0x%08x 0x%08x =(x & 0x%08x) | 0x%08x", gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1, dwAnd, dwOr);
+ if ((~dwAnd) & RSP_ZELDA_ZBUFFER) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling ZBuffer");
+ //if ((~dwAnd) & RSP_ZELDA_TEXTURE_ENABLE) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Texture");
+ //if ((~dwAnd) & RSP_ZELDA_SHADE) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Shade");
+ if ((~dwAnd) & RSP_ZELDA_SHADING_SMOOTH) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Flat Shading");
+ if ((~dwAnd) & RSP_ZELDA_CULL_FRONT) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Front Culling");
+ if ((~dwAnd) & RSP_ZELDA_CULL_BACK) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Back Culling");
+ if ((~dwAnd) & RSP_ZELDA_FOG) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Fog");
+ if ((~dwAnd) & RSP_ZELDA_LIGHTING) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Lighting");
+ if ((~dwAnd) & RSP_ZELDA_TEXTURE_GEN) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Texture Gen");
+ if ((~dwAnd) & RSP_ZELDA_TEXTURE_GEN_LINEAR) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling Texture Gen Linear");
+ // if ((~dwAnd) & RSP_ZELDA_LOD) LOG_UCODE(" Disabling LOD (no impl)");
+ if (dwOr & RSP_ZELDA_ZBUFFER) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling ZBuffer");
+ //if (dwOr & RSP_ZELDA_TEXTURE_ENABLE) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Texture");
+ //if (dwOr & RSP_ZELDA_SHADE) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Shade");
+ if (dwOr & RSP_ZELDA_SHADING_SMOOTH) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Flat Shading");
+ if (dwOr & RSP_ZELDA_CULL_FRONT) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Front Culling");
+ if (dwOr & RSP_ZELDA_CULL_BACK) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Back Culling");
+ if (dwOr & RSP_ZELDA_FOG) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Fog");
+ if (dwOr & RSP_ZELDA_LIGHTING) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Lighting");
+ if (dwOr & RSP_ZELDA_TEXTURE_GEN) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Texture Gen");
+ if (dwOr & RSP_ZELDA_TEXTURE_GEN_LINEAR) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling Texture Gen Linear");
+ ///if (dwOr & RSP_ZELDA_LOD) LOG_UCODE(" Enabling LOD (no impl)");
+#endif // DEBUGGER
+ gRDP.geometryMode &= dwAnd;
+ gRDP.geometryMode |= dwOr;
+ bool bCullFront = (gRDP.geometryMode & RSP_ZELDA_CULL_FRONT) ? true : false;
+ bool bCullBack = (gRDP.geometryMode & RSP_ZELDA_CULL_BACK) ? true : false;
+ //BOOL bShade = (gRDP.geometryMode & G_SHADE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ //BOOL bFlatShade = (gRDP.geometryMode & RSP_ZELDA_SHADING_SMOOTH) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ BOOL bFlatShade = (gRDP.geometryMode & RSP_ZELDA_TEXTURE_GEN_LINEAR) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_TIGER_HONEY_HUNT )
+ bFlatShade = FALSE;
+ bool bFog = (gRDP.geometryMode & RSP_ZELDA_FOG) ? true : false;
+ bool bTextureGen = (gRDP.geometryMode & RSP_ZELDA_TEXTURE_GEN) ? true : false;
+ bool bLighting = (gRDP.geometryMode & RSP_ZELDA_LIGHTING) ? true : false;
+ BOOL bZBuffer = (gRDP.geometryMode & RSP_ZELDA_ZBUFFER) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCullMode(bCullFront, bCullBack);
+ //if (bFlatShade||!bShade) CRender::g_pRender->SetShadeMode( SHADE_FLAT );
+ if (bFlatShade) CRender::g_pRender->SetShadeMode( SHADE_FLAT );
+ else CRender::g_pRender->SetShadeMode( SHADE_SMOOTH );
+ SetTextureGen(bTextureGen);
+ SetLighting( bLighting );
+ CRender::g_pRender->ZBufferEnable( bZBuffer );
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetFogEnable( bFog );
+int dlistMtxCount=0;
+extern uint32 dwConkerVtxZAddr;
+void RSP_GBI2_Mtx(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI0_Mtx);
+ dwConkerVtxZAddr = 0; // For Conker BFD
+ uint32 addr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->gbi2matrix.addr));
+ if( gfx->gbi2matrix.param == 0 && gfx->gbi2matrix.len == 0 )
+ {
+ DLParser_Bomberman2TextRect(gfx);
+ return;
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE(" Mtx: %s %s %s Length %d Address 0x%08x",
+ gfx->gbi2matrix.projection ? "Projection" : "ModelView",
+ gfx->gbi2matrix.load ? "Load" : "Mul",
+ gfx->gbi2matrix.nopush==0 ? "Push" : "No Push",
+ gfx->gbi2matrix.len, addr);
+ if (addr + 64 > g_dwRamSize)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("ZeldaMtx: Address invalid (0x%08x)", addr);
+ return;
+ }
+ LoadMatrix(addr);
+ if (gfx->gbi2matrix.projection)
+ {
+ // So far only Extreme-G seems to Push/Pop projection matrices
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetProjection(matToLoad, gfx->gbi2matrix.nopush==0, gfx->gbi2matrix.load);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetWorldView(matToLoad, gfx->gbi2matrix.nopush==0, gfx->gbi2matrix.load);
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_SOUTH_PARK_RALLY )
+ {
+ dlistMtxCount++;
+ if( dlistMtxCount == 2 )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->ClearZBuffer(1.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ const char *loadstr = gfx->gbi2matrix.load?"Load":"Mul";
+ const char *pushstr = gfx->gbi2matrix.nopush==0?"Push":"Nopush";
+ int projlevel = CRender::g_pRender->GetProjectMatrixLevel();
+ int worldlevel = CRender::g_pRender->GetWorldViewMatrixLevel();
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_MATRIX_CMD )
+ {
+ pauseAtNext = false;
+ debuggerPause = true;
+ if (gfx->gbi2matrix.projection)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after %s and %s Matrix: Projection, level=%d\n", loadstr, pushstr, projlevel );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after %s and %s Matrix: WorldView level=%d\n", loadstr, pushstr, worldlevel);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pauseAtNext && logMatrix )
+ {
+ if (gfx->gbi2matrix.projection)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Matrix: %s and %s Projection level=%d\n", loadstr, pushstr, projlevel);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Matrix: %s and %s WorldView\n level=%d", loadstr, pushstr, worldlevel);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void RSP_GBI2_MoveMem(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_MoveMem);
+ uint32 addr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 type = ((gfx->words.w0) ) & 0xFE;
+ //uint32 dwLen = ((gfx->words.w0) >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ //uint32 dwOffset = ((gfx->words.w0) >> 8) & 0xFFFF;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ {
+ RSP_MoveMemViewport(addr);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ uint32 dwOffset2 = ((gfx->words.w0) >> 5) & 0x3FFF;
+ switch (dwOffset2)
+ {
+ case 0x00:
+ {
+ s8 * pcBase = g_pRDRAMs8 + addr;
+ (float)pcBase[8 ^ 0x3],
+ (float)pcBase[9 ^ 0x3],
+ (float)pcBase[10 ^ 0x3]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x18:
+ {
+ s8 * pcBase = g_pRDRAMs8 + addr;
+ (float)pcBase[8 ^ 0x3],
+ (float)pcBase[9 ^ 0x3],
+ (float)pcBase[10 ^ 0x3]);
+ }
+ break;
+ default: //0x30/48/60
+ {
+ uint32 dwLight = (dwOffset2 - 0x30)/0x18;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Light %d:", dwLight);
+ RSP_MoveMemLight(dwLight, addr);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE("Force Matrix: addr=%08X", addr);
+ RSP_GFX_Force_Matrix(addr);
+ break;
+ case RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L0:
+ case RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L1:
+ case RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L2:
+ case RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L3:
+ case RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L4:
+ case RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L5:
+ case RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L6:
+ case RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L7:
+ LOG_UCODE("Zelda Move Light");
+ RDP_NOIMPL_WARN("Zelda Move Light");
+ break;
+ LOG_UCODE("Zelda Move Point");
+ void RDP_NOIMPL_WARN(const char* op);
+ RDP_NOIMPL_WARN("Zelda Move Point");
+ break;
+ if( (gfx->words.w0) == 0xDC170000 && ((gfx->words.w1)&0xFF000000) == 0x80000000 )
+ {
+ // Ucode for Evangelion.v64, the ObjMatrix cmd
+ }
+ break;
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("Not implemented ZeldaMoveMem LOOKATY, Cmd0=0x%08X, Cmd1=0x%08X", gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1);
+ break;
+ case 0x02:
+ if( (gfx->words.w0) == 0xDC070002 && ((gfx->words.w1)&0xFF000000) == 0x80000000 )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ LOG_UCODE("ZeldaMoveMem Type: Unknown");
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("Unknown ZeldaMoveMem Type, type=0x%X, Addr=%08X", type, addr);
+ break;
+ }
+void RSP_GBI2_DL(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI0_DL);
+ uint32 dwPush = ((gfx->words.w0) >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ if( dwAddr > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("Error: DL addr = %08X out of range, PC=%08X", dwAddr, gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc );
+ dwAddr &= (g_dwRamSize-1);
+ DebuggerPauseCountN( NEXT_DLIST );
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE(" DL: Push:0x%02x Addr: 0x%08x", dwPush, dwAddr);
+ switch (dwPush)
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" Pushing ZeldaDisplayList 0x%08x", dwAddr);
+ gDlistStackPointer++;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwAddr;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = MAX_DL_COUNT;
+ break;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Jumping to ZeldaDisplayList 0x%08x", dwAddr);
+ if( gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc == dwAddr+8 ) //Is this a loop
+ {
+ //Hack for Gauntlet Legends
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwAddr+8;
+ }
+ else
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwAddr;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = MAX_DL_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE("");
+ LOG_UCODE("\\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/");
+ LOG_UCODE("#############################################");
+void RSP_GBI2_SetOtherModeL(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeL);
+ uint32 dwShift = ((gfx->words.w0)>>8)&0xFF;
+ uint32 dwLength= ((gfx->words.w0) )&0xFF;
+ uint32 dwData = (gfx->words.w1);
+ // Mask is constructed slightly differently
+ uint32 dwMask = (uint32)((s32)(0x80000000)>>dwLength)>>dwShift;
+ dwData &= dwMask;
+ uint32 modeL = gRDP.otherModeL;
+ modeL = (modeL&(~dwMask)) | dwData;
+ Gfx tempgfx;
+ tempgfx.words.w0 = gRDP.otherModeH;
+ tempgfx.words.w1 = modeL;
+ DLParser_RDPSetOtherMode(&tempgfx );
+void RSP_GBI2_SetOtherModeH(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeH);
+ uint32 dwLength= (((gfx->words.w0))&0xFF)+1;
+ uint32 dwShift = 32 - (((gfx->words.w0)>>8)&0xFF) - dwLength;
+ uint32 dwData = (gfx->words.w1);
+ uint32 dwMask2 = ((1<<dwLength)-1)<<dwShift;
+ uint32 dwModeH = gRDP.otherModeH;
+ dwModeH = (dwModeH&(~dwMask2)) | dwData;
+ Gfx tempgfx;
+ tempgfx.words.w0 = dwModeH;
+ tempgfx.words.w1 = gRDP.otherModeL;
+ DLParser_RDPSetOtherMode(&tempgfx );
+void RSP_GBI2_SubModule(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI2_SubModule);
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("RDP: RSP_GBI2_SubModule (0x%08x 0x%08x)", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// Some new GBI2 extension ucodes
+void RSP_GBI2_DL_Count(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(DP_Minimal);
+ DP_Timing(DP_Minimal);
+ // This cmd is likely to execute number of ucode at the given address
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ {
+ gDlistStackPointer++;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwAddr;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = ((gfx->words.w0)&0xFFFF);
+ }
+void RSP_GBI2_0x8(Gfx *gfx)
+ if( ((gfx->words.w0)&0x00FFFFFF) == 0x2F && ((gfx->words.w1)&0xFF000000) == 0x80000000 )
+ {
+ // V-Rally 64
+ RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxRectR(gfx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing(gfx);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// A few ucode used in DKR and Others Special games
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "Render.h"
+#include "Timing.h"
+#include "osal_preproc.h"
+uint32 dwConkerVtxZAddr=0;
+static void RDP_GFX_DumpVtxInfoDKR(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwN);
+void RDP_GFX_DLInMem(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwLimit = ((gfx->words.w0) >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ uint32 dwPush = RSP_DLIST_PUSH; //((gfx->words.w0) >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ uint32 dwAddr = 0x00000000 | (gfx->words.w1); //RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ LOG_UCODE(" Address=0x%08x Push: 0x%02x", dwAddr, dwPush);
+ switch (dwPush)
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" Pushing DisplayList 0x%08x", dwAddr);
+ gDlistStackPointer++;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwAddr;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = dwLimit;
+ break;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Jumping to DisplayList 0x%08x", dwAddr);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwAddr;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = dwLimit;
+ break;
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE("");
+ LOG_UCODE("\\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/");
+ LOG_UCODE("#############################################");
+extern Matrix ALIGN(16, dkrMatrixTransposed)
+void RSP_Mtx_DKR(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 dwCommand = ((gfx->words.w0)>>16)&0xFF;
+ //uint32 dwLength = ((gfx->words.w0)) &0xFFFF;
+ dwAddr = (gfx->words.w1)+RSPSegmentAddr(gRSP.dwDKRMatrixAddr);
+ //gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = ((gfx->words.w0)>>22)&3;
+ bool mul=false;
+ int index = 0;
+ switch( dwCommand )
+ {
+ case 0xC0: // DKR
+ gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = index = 3;
+ break;
+ case 0x80: // DKR
+ gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = index = 2;
+ break;
+ case 0x40: // DKR
+ gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = index = 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x20: // DKR
+ gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = index = 0;
+ break;
+ case 0x00:
+ gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = index = 0;
+ break;
+ case 0x01:
+ //mul = true;
+ gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = index = 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x02:
+ //mul = true;
+ gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = index = 2;
+ break;
+ case 0x03:
+ //mul = true;
+ gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = index = 3;
+ break;
+ case 0x81:
+ index = 1;
+ mul = true;
+ break;
+ case 0x82:
+ index = 2;
+ mul = true;
+ break;
+ case 0x83:
+ index = 3;
+ mul = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Fix me, mtx DKR, cmd=%08X", dwCommand);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Load matrix from dwAddr
+ Matrix &mat = gRSP.DKRMatrixes[index];
+ LoadMatrix(dwAddr);
+ if( mul )
+ {
+ mat = matToLoad*gRSP.DKRMatrixes[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mat = matToLoad;
+ }
+ if( status.isSSEEnabled )
+ MatrixTranspose(&dkrMatrixTransposed, &mat);
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(logMatrix,TRACE3("DKR Matrix: cmd=0x%X, idx = %d, mul=%d", dwCommand, index, mul));
+ LOG_UCODE(" DKR Loading Mtx: %d, command=%d", index, dwCommand);
+void RSP_Vtx_DKR(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 dwV0 = (((gfx->words.w0) >> 9 )&0x1F);
+ uint32 dwN = (((gfx->words.w0) >>19 )&0x1F)+1;
+ if( gfx->words.w0 & 0x00010000 )
+ {
+ if( gRSP.DKRBillBoard )
+ gRSP.DKRVtxCount = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gRSP.DKRVtxCount = 0;
+ }
+ dwV0 += gRSP.DKRVtxCount;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Address 0x%08x, v0: %d, Num: %d", dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+ DEBUGGER_ONLY_IF( (pauseAtNext && (eventToPause==NEXT_VERTEX_CMD||eventToPause==NEXT_MATRIX_CMD)), {DebuggerAppendMsg("DKR Vtx: Cmd0=%08X, Cmd1=%08X", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));});
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2("Vtx_DKR, cmd0=%08X cmd1=%08X", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1)));
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2("Vtx_DKR, v0=%d n=%d", dwV0, dwN));
+ if (dwV0 >= 32)
+ dwV0 = 31;
+ if ((dwV0 + dwN) > 32)
+ {
+ WARNING(TRACE0("Warning, attempting to load into invalid vertex positions"));
+ dwN = 32 - dwV0;
+ }
+ //if( dwAddr == 0 || dwAddr < 0x2000)
+ {
+ dwAddr = (gfx->words.w1)+RSPSegmentAddr(gRSP.dwDKRVtxAddr);
+ }
+ // Check that address is valid...
+ if ((dwAddr + (dwN*16)) > g_dwRamSize)
+ {
+ WARNING(TRACE1("ProcessVertexData: Address out of range (0x%08x)", dwAddr));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ProcessVertexDataDKR(dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+ status.dwNumVertices += dwN;
+ RDP_GFX_DumpVtxInfoDKR(dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+ }
+void RSP_Vtx_Gemini(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 dwV0 = (((gfx->words.w0)>>9)&0x1F);
+ uint32 dwN = (((gfx->words.w0) >>19 )&0x1F);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Address 0x%08x, v0: %d, Num: %d", dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+ DEBUGGER_ONLY_IF( (pauseAtNext && (eventToPause==NEXT_VERTEX_CMD||eventToPause==NEXT_MATRIX_CMD)), {DebuggerAppendMsg("DKR Vtx: Cmd0=%08X, Cmd1=%08X", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));});
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2("Vtx_DKR, cmd0=%08X cmd1=%08X", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1)));
+ if (dwV0 >= 32)
+ dwV0 = 31;
+ if ((dwV0 + dwN) > 32)
+ {
+ TRACE0("Warning, attempting to load into invalid vertex positions");
+ dwN = 32 - dwV0;
+ }
+ //if( dwAddr == 0 || dwAddr < 0x2000)
+ {
+ dwAddr = (gfx->words.w1)+RSPSegmentAddr(gRSP.dwDKRVtxAddr);
+ }
+ // Check that address is valid...
+ if ((dwAddr + (dwN*16)) > g_dwRamSize)
+ {
+ TRACE1("ProcessVertexData: Address out of range (0x%08x)", dwAddr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ProcessVertexDataDKR(dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+ status.dwNumVertices += dwN;
+ RDP_GFX_DumpVtxInfoDKR(dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+ }
+// DKR verts are extra 4 bytes
+void RDP_GFX_DumpVtxInfoDKR(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwN)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ uint32 dwV;
+ int i;
+ short * psSrc = (short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr);
+ i = 0;
+ for (dwV = dwV0; dwV < dwV0 + dwN; dwV++)
+ {
+ float x = (float)psSrc[(i + 0) ^ 1];
+ float y = (float)psSrc[(i + 1) ^ 1];
+ float z = (float)psSrc[(i + 2) ^ 1];
+ //uint16 wFlags = CRender::g_pRender->m_dwVecFlags[dwV]; //(uint16)psSrc[3^0x1];
+ uint16 wA = psSrc[(i + 3) ^ 1];
+ uint16 wB = psSrc[(i + 4) ^ 1];
+ uint8 a = wA>>8;
+ uint8 b = (uint8)wA;
+ uint8 c = wB>>8;
+ uint8 d = (uint8)wB;
+ XVECTOR4 & t = g_vecProjected[dwV];
+ LOG_UCODE(" #%02d Pos: {% 6f,% 6f,% 6f} Extra: %02x %02x %02x %02x (transf: {% 6f,% 6f,% 6f})",
+ dwV, x, y, z, a, b, c, d, t.x, t.y, t.z );
+ i+=5;
+ }
+ uint16 * pwSrc = (uint16 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr);
+ i = 0;
+ for (dwV = dwV0; dwV < dwV0 + dwN; dwV++)
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" #%02d %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x",
+ dwV, pwSrc[(i + 0) ^ 1],
+ pwSrc[(i + 1) ^ 1],
+ pwSrc[(i + 2) ^ 1],
+ pwSrc[(i + 3) ^ 1],
+ pwSrc[(i + 4) ^ 1]);
+ i += 5;
+ }
+#endif // DEBUGGER
+void DLParser_Set_Addr_Ucode6(Gfx *gfx)
+ gRSP.dwDKRMatrixAddr = (gfx->words.w0)&0x00FFFFFF;
+ gRSP.dwDKRVtxAddr = (gfx->words.w1)&0x00FFFFFF;
+ gRSP.DKRVtxCount=0;
+void RSP_Vtx_WRUS(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 dwLength = ((gfx->words.w0))&0xFFFF;
+ uint32 dwN= (dwLength + 1) / 0x210;
+ //uint32 dwN= (dwLength >> 9);
+ //uint32 dwV0 = (((gfx->words.w0)>>16)&0x3f)/5;
+ uint32 dwV0 = (((gfx->words.w0)>>16)&0xFF)/5;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Address 0x%08x, v0: %d, Num: %d, Length: 0x%04x", dwAddr, dwV0, dwN, dwLength);
+ if (dwV0 >= 32)
+ dwV0 = 31;
+ if ((dwV0 + dwN) > 32)
+ {
+ TRACE0("Warning, attempting to load into invalid vertex positions");
+ dwN = 32 - dwV0;
+ }
+ ProcessVertexData(dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+ status.dwNumVertices += dwN;
+ DisplayVertexInfo(dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+void RSP_Vtx_ShadowOfEmpire(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 dwLength = ((gfx->words.w0))&0xFFFF;
+ uint32 dwN= (((gfx->words.w0) >> 4) & 0xFFF) / 33 + 1;
+ uint32 dwV0 = 0;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Address 0x%08x, v0: %d, Num: %d, Length: 0x%04x", dwAddr, dwV0, dwN, dwLength);
+ if (dwV0 >= 32)
+ dwV0 = 31;
+ if ((dwV0 + dwN) > 32)
+ {
+ TRACE0("Warning, attempting to load into invalid vertex positions");
+ dwN = 32 - dwV0;
+ }
+ ProcessVertexData(dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+ status.dwNumVertices += dwN;
+ DisplayVertexInfo(dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+void RSP_DL_In_MEM_DKR(Gfx *gfx)
+ // This cmd is likely to execute number of ucode at the given address
+ uint32 dwAddr = (gfx->words.w1);//RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ {
+ gDlistStackPointer++;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwAddr;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = (((gfx->words.w0)>>16)&0xFF);
+ }
+uint16 ConvertYUVtoR5G5B5X1(int y, int u, int v)
+ float r = y + (1.370705f * (v-128));
+ float g = y - (0.698001f * (v-128)) - (0.337633f * (u-128));
+ float b = y + (1.732446f * (u-128));
+ r *= 0.125f;
+ g *= 0.125f;
+ b *= 0.125f;
+ //clipping the result
+ if (r > 32) r = 32;
+ if (g > 32) g = 32;
+ if (b > 32) b = 32;
+ if (r < 0) r = 0;
+ if (g < 0) g = 0;
+ if (b < 0) b = 0;
+ uint16 c = (uint16)(((uint16)(r) << 11) |
+ ((uint16)(g) << 6) |
+ ((uint16)(b) << 1) | 1);
+ return c;
+void TexRectToN64FrameBuffer_YUV_16b(uint32 x0, uint32 y0, uint32 width, uint32 height)
+ // Convert YUV image at TImg and Copy the texture into the N64 RDRAM framebuffer memory
+ uint32 n64CIaddr = g_CI.dwAddr;
+ uint32 n64CIwidth = g_CI.dwWidth;
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++)
+ {
+ uint32* pN64Src = (uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+(g_TI.dwAddr&(g_dwRamSize-1)))+y*(g_TI.dwWidth>>1);
+ uint16* pN64Dst = (uint16*)(g_pRDRAMu8+(n64CIaddr&(g_dwRamSize-1)))+(y+y0)*n64CIwidth;
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < width; x+=2)
+ {
+ uint32 val = *pN64Src++;
+ int y0 = (uint8)val&0xFF;
+ int v = (uint8)(val>>8)&0xFF;
+ int y1 = (uint8)(val>>16)&0xFF;
+ int u = (uint8)(val>>24)&0xFF;
+ pN64Dst[x+x0] = ConvertYUVtoR5G5B5X1(y0,u,v);
+ pN64Dst[x+x0+1] = ConvertYUVtoR5G5B5X1(y1,u,v);
+ }
+ }
+extern uObjMtxReal gObjMtxReal;
+void DLParser_OgreBatter64BG(Gfx *gfx)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+uObjTxSprite *ptr = (uObjTxSprite*)(g_pRDRAMu8+dwAddr);
+CTexture *ptexture = g_textures[0].m_pCTexture;
+TexRectToN64FrameBuffer_16b( (uint32)gObjMtxReal.X, (uint32)gObjMtxReal.Y, ptexture->m_dwWidth, ptexture->m_dwHeight, gRSP.curTile);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+CRender::g_pRender->DrawSpriteR(*ptr, false);
+(eventToPause==NEXT_OBJ_TXT_CMD|| eventToPause==NEXT_FLUSH_TRI)),
+{DebuggerAppendMsg("OgreBatter 64 BG: Addr=%08X\n", dwAddr);});
+void DLParser_Bomberman2TextRect(Gfx *gfx)
+ // Bomberman 64 - The Second Attack! (U) [!]
+ // The 0x02 cmd, list a TexRect cmd
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_OGRE_BATTLE && gRDP.tiles[7].dwFormat == TXT_FMT_YUV )
+ {
+ TexRectToN64FrameBuffer_YUV_16b( (uint32)gObjMtxReal.X, (uint32)gObjMtxReal.Y, 16, 16);
+ //DLParser_OgreBatter64BG((gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uObjSprite *info = (uObjSprite*)(g_pRDRAMu8+dwAddr);
+ uint32 dwTile = gRSP.curTile;
+ PrepareTextures();
+ //CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ uObjTxSprite drawinfo;
+ memcpy( &(drawinfo.sprite), info, sizeof(uObjSprite));
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawSpriteR(drawinfo, false, dwTile, 0, 0, drawinfo.sprite.imageW/32, drawinfo.sprite.imageH/32);
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Bomberman 64 - TextRect: Addr=%08X\n", dwAddr);
+ dwAddr &= (g_dwRamSize-1);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("%08X-%08X-%08X-%08X-%08X-%08X\n", RDRAM_UWORD(dwAddr), RDRAM_UWORD(dwAddr+4),
+ RDRAM_UWORD(dwAddr+8), RDRAM_UWORD(dwAddr+12), RDRAM_UWORD(dwAddr+16), RDRAM_UWORD(dwAddr+20) );
+ }
+ );
+void RSP_MoveWord_DKR(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_MoveWord);
+ uint32 dwNumLights;
+ switch ((gfx->words.w0) & 0xFF)
+ {
+ dwNumLights = (gfx->words.w1)&0x7;
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_NUMLIGHT: Val:%d", dwNumLights);
+ gRSP.ambientLightIndex = dwNumLights;
+ SetNumLights(dwNumLights);
+ //gRSP.DKRBillBoard = (gfx->words.w1)&0x1 ? true : false;
+ gRSP.DKRBillBoard = (gfx->words.w1)&0x7 ? true : false;
+ LOG_UCODE(" gRSP.DKRBillBoard = %d", gRSP.DKRBillBoard);
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N(NEXT_MATRIX_CMD, {DebuggerAppendMsg("DKR Moveword, select gRSP.DKRBillBoard %s, cmd0=%08X, cmd1=%08X", gRSP.DKRBillBoard?"true":"false", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));});
+ break;
+ gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = ((gfx->words.w1)>>6)&7;
+ //gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = ((gfx->words.w1)>>6)&3;
+ LOG_UCODE(" gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = %d", gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex);
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N(NEXT_MATRIX_CMD, {DebuggerAppendMsg("DKR Moveword, select matrix %d, cmd0=%08X, cmd1=%08X", gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));});
+ break;
+ default:
+ RSP_GBI1_MoveWord(gfx);
+ break;
+ }
+void RSP_DMA_Tri_DKR(Gfx *gfx)
+ BOOL bTrisAdded = FALSE;
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 flag = ((gfx->words.w0) & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
+ if (flag&1)
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCullMode(false,true);
+ else
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCullMode(false,false);
+ uint32 dwNum = (((gfx->words.w0) & 0xFFF0) >>4 );
+ uint32 * pData = (uint32*)&g_pRDRAMu32[dwAddr/4];
+ if( dwAddr+16*dwNum >= g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ TRACE0("DMATRI invalid memory pointer");
+ return;
+ }
+ TRI_DUMP(TRACE2("DMATRI, addr=%08X, Cmd0=%08X\n", dwAddr, (gfx->words.w0)));
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_DMA_TRI;
+ for (uint32 i = 0; i < dwNum; i++)
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" 0x%08x: %08x %08x %08x %08x", dwAddr + i*16,
+ pData[0], pData[1], pData[2], pData[3]);
+ uint32 dwInfo = pData[0];
+ uint32 dwV0 = (dwInfo >> 16) & 0x1F;
+ uint32 dwV1 = (dwInfo >> 8) & 0x1F;
+ uint32 dwV2 = (dwInfo ) & 0x1F;
+ TRI_DUMP(TRACE5("DMATRI: %d, %d, %d (%08X-%08X)", dwV0,dwV1,dwV2,(gfx->words.w0),(gfx->words.w1)));
+ //if (IsTriangleVisible(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2))
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("DmaTri", dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Tri: %d,%d,%d", dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ if (!bTrisAdded )//&& CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled())
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ // Generate texture coordinates
+ short s0 = ((short)(pData[1]>>16));
+ short t0 = ((short)(pData[1]&0xFFFF));
+ short s1 = ((short)(pData[2]>>16));
+ short t1 = ((short)(pData[2]&0xFFFF));
+ short s2 = ((short)(pData[3]>>16));
+ short t2 = ((short)(pData[3]&0xFFFF));
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" (%d,%d), (%d,%d), (%d,%d)",s0,t0,s1,t1,s2,t2);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" (%08X), (%08X), (%08X), (%08X)",pData[0],pData[1],pData[2],pData[3]);
+ });
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetVtxTextureCoord(dwV0, s0, t0);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetVtxTextureCoord(dwV1, s1, t1);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetVtxTextureCoord(dwV2, s2, t2);
+ if( !bTrisAdded )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ }
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ PrepareTriangle(dwV0, dwV1, dwV2);
+ }
+ pData += 4;
+ }
+ if (bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawTriangles();
+ }
+ gRSP.DKRVtxCount=0;
+uint32 dwPDCIAddr = 0;
+void ProcessVertexDataPD(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum);
+void RSP_Vtx_PD(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI0_Vtx);
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 dwV0 = ((gfx->words.w0)>>16)&0x0F;
+ uint32 dwN = (((gfx->words.w0)>>20)&0x0F)+1;
+ //uint32 dwLength = ((gfx->words.w0))&0xFFFF;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Address 0x%08x, v0: %d, Num: %d", dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+ ProcessVertexDataPD(dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+ status.dwNumVertices += dwN;
+void RSP_Set_Vtx_CI_PD(Gfx *gfx)
+ // Color index buf address
+ dwPDCIAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+void RSP_Tri4_PD(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 w0 = gfx->words.w0;
+ uint32 w1 = gfx->words.w1;
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_TRI2;
+ // While the next command pair is Tri2, add vertices
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ BOOL bTrisAdded = FALSE;
+ do {
+ uint32 dwFlag = (w0>>16)&0xFF;
+ LOG_UCODE(" PD Tri4: 0x%08x 0x%08x Flag: 0x%02x", w0, w1, dwFlag);
+ BOOL bVisible;
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ uint32 v0 = (w1>>(4+(i<<3))) & 0xF;
+ uint32 v1 = (w1>>( (i<<3))) & 0xF;
+ uint32 v2 = (w0>>( (i<<2))) & 0xF;
+ bVisible = IsTriangleVisible(v0, v2, v1);
+ LOG_UCODE(" (%d, %d, %d) %s", v0, v1, v2, bVisible ? "": "(clipped)");
+ if (bVisible)
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("Tri4_PerfectDark 1/2", v0, v1, v2);
+ if (!bTrisAdded && CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled())
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ if( !bTrisAdded )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ }
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ PrepareTriangle(v0, v2, v1);
+ }
+ }
+ w0 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+0);
+ w1 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4);
+ dwPC += 8;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ } while (!(pauseAtNext && eventToPause==NEXT_TRIANGLE) && (w0>>24) == (uint8)RSP_TRI2);
+ } while ((w0>>24) == (uint8)RSP_TRI2);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwPC-8;
+ if (bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawTriangles();
+ }
+ DEBUG_TRIANGLE(TRACE0("Pause at PD Tri4"));
+void DLParser_Tri4_Conker(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 w0 = gfx->words.w0;
+ uint32 w1 = gfx->words.w1;
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_TRI2;
+ // While the next command pair is Tri2, add vertices
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ BOOL bTrisAdded = FALSE;
+ do {
+ LOG_UCODE(" Conker Tri4: 0x%08x 0x%08x", w0, w1);
+ uint32 idx[12];
+ idx[0] = (w1 )&0x1F;
+ idx[1] = (w1>> 5)&0x1F;
+ idx[2] = (w1>>10)&0x1F;
+ idx[3] = (w1>>15)&0x1F;
+ idx[4] = (w1>>20)&0x1F;
+ idx[5] = (w1>>25)&0x1F;
+ idx[6] = (w0 )&0x1F;
+ idx[7] = (w0>> 5)&0x1F;
+ idx[8] = (w0>>10)&0x1F;
+ idx[ 9] = (((w0>>15)&0x7)<<2)|(w1>>30);
+ idx[10] = (w0>>18)&0x1F;
+ idx[11] = (w0>>23)&0x1F;
+ BOOL bVisible;
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ uint32 v0=idx[i*3 ];
+ uint32 v1=idx[i*3+1];
+ uint32 v2=idx[i*3+2];
+ bVisible = IsTriangleVisible(v0, v1, v2);
+ LOG_UCODE(" (%d, %d, %d) %s", v0, v1, v2, bVisible ? "": "(clipped)");
+ if (bVisible)
+ {
+ DEBUG_DUMP_VERTEXES("Tri4 Conker:", v0, v1, v2);
+ if (!bTrisAdded && CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled())
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ InitVertexTextureConstants();
+ }
+ if( !bTrisAdded )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ }
+ bTrisAdded = true;
+ PrepareTriangle(v0, v1, v2);
+ }
+ }
+ w0 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+0);
+ w1 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4);
+ dwPC += 8;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ } while (!(pauseAtNext && eventToPause==NEXT_TRIANGLE) && (w0>>28) == 1 );
+ } while ((w0>>28) == 1);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwPC-8;
+ if (bTrisAdded)
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawTriangles();
+ }
+ DEBUG_TRIANGLE(TRACE0("Pause at Conker Tri4"));
+void RDP_GFX_Force_Vertex_Z_Conker(uint32 dwAddr)
+ {
+ s8 * pcBase = g_pRDRAMs8 + (dwAddr&(g_dwRamSize-1));
+ uint32 * pdwBase = (uint32 *)pcBase;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" %08x %08x %08x %08x", pdwBase[0], pdwBase[1], pdwBase[2], pdwBase[3]);
+ pdwBase+=4;
+ }
+ });
+ dwConkerVtxZAddr = dwAddr;
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP(NEXT_VERTEX_CMD,{TRACE0("Paused at RDP_GFX_Force_Matrix_Conker Cmd");});
+void DLParser_MoveMem_Conker(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwType = ((gfx->words.w0) ) & 0xFE;
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ if( dwType == RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM__MATRIX )
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" DLParser_MoveMem_Conker");
+ RDP_GFX_Force_Vertex_Z_Conker(dwAddr);
+ }
+ else if( dwType == RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM__LIGHT )
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" MoveMem Light Conker");
+ uint32 dwOffset2 = ((gfx->words.w0) >> 5) & 0x3FFF;
+ uint32 dwLight=0xFF;
+ if( dwOffset2 >= 0x30 )
+ {
+ dwLight = (dwOffset2 - 0x30)/0x30;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Light %d:", dwLight);
+ RSP_MoveMemLight(dwLight, dwAddr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // fix me
+ //TRACE0("Check me in DLParser_MoveMem_Conker - MoveMem Light");
+ }
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("RSP_MoveMemLight: %d, Addr=%08X, cmd0=%08X", dwLight, dwAddr, (gfx->words.w0));
+ TRACE0("Pause after MoveMemLight");
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RSP_GBI2_MoveMem(gfx);
+ }
+extern void ProcessVertexDataConker(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum);
+void RSP_Vtx_Conker(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 dwVEnd = (((gfx->words.w0) )&0xFFF)/2;
+ uint32 dwN = (((gfx->words.w0)>>12)&0xFFF);
+ uint32 dwV0 = dwVEnd - dwN;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Vtx: Address 0x%08x, vEnd: %d, v0: %d, Num: %d", dwAddr, dwVEnd, dwV0, dwN);
+ ProcessVertexDataConker(dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+ status.dwNumVertices += dwN;
+ DisplayVertexInfo(dwAddr, dwV0, dwN);
+void DLParser_MoveWord_Conker(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwType = ((gfx->words.w0) >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ if( dwType != RSP_MOVE_WORD_NUMLIGHT )
+ {
+ RSP_GBI2_MoveWord(gfx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32 dwNumLights = ((gfx->words.w1)/48);
+ LOG_UCODE("Conker RSP_MOVE_WORD_NUMLIGHT: %d", dwNumLights);
+ gRSP.ambientLightIndex = dwNumLights+1;
+ SetNumLights(dwNumLights);
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("SetNumLights: %d", dwNumLights);
+ TRACE0("Pause after SetNumLights");
+ });
+ }
+void DLParser_Ucode8_0x0(Gfx *gfx)
+ LOG_UCODE("DLParser_Ucode8_0x0");
+ if( (gfx->words.w0) == 0 && (gfx->words.w1) )
+ {
+ uint32 newaddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ if( newaddr && newaddr < g_dwRamSize)
+ {
+ if( gDlistStackPointer < MAX_DL_STACK_SIZE-1 )
+ {
+ gDlistStackPointer++;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = newaddr+8; // Always skip the first 2 entries
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = MAX_DL_COUNT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Error, gDlistStackPointer overflow");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE("DLParser_Ucode8_0x0, skip 0x%08X, 0x%08x", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 8;
+ }
+uint32 Rogue_Squadron_Vtx_XYZ_Cmd;
+uint32 Rogue_Squadron_Vtx_XYZ_Addr;
+uint32 Rogue_Squadron_Vtx_Color_Cmd;
+uint32 Rogue_Squadron_Vtx_Color_Addr;
+uint32 GSBlkAddrSaves[100][2];
+void ProcessVertexData_Rogue_Squadron(uint32 dwXYZAddr, uint32 dwColorAddr, uint32 dwXYZCmd, uint32 dwColorCmd);
+void DLParser_RS_Color_Buffer(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ if( dwAddr > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ TRACE0("DL, addr is wrong");
+ dwAddr = (gfx->words.w1)&(g_dwRamSize-1);
+ }
+ Rogue_Squadron_Vtx_Color_Cmd = (gfx->words.w0);
+ Rogue_Squadron_Vtx_Color_Addr = dwAddr;
+ LOG_UCODE("Vtx_Color at PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC-8, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && (eventToPause == NEXT_VERTEX_CMD ) )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Vtx_Color at PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC-8, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ if( dwAddr < g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ DumpHex(dwAddr, min(64, g_dwRamSize-dwAddr));
+ }
+ }
+ ProcessVertexData_Rogue_Squadron(Rogue_Squadron_Vtx_XYZ_Addr, Rogue_Squadron_Vtx_Color_Addr, Rogue_Squadron_Vtx_XYZ_Cmd, Rogue_Squadron_Vtx_Color_Cmd);
+void DLParser_RS_Vtx_Buffer(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ if( dwAddr > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ TRACE0("DL, addr is wrong");
+ dwAddr = (gfx->words.w1)&(g_dwRamSize-1);
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE("Vtx_XYZ at PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC-8, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ Rogue_Squadron_Vtx_XYZ_Cmd = (gfx->words.w0);
+ Rogue_Squadron_Vtx_XYZ_Addr = dwAddr;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && (eventToPause == NEXT_VERTEX_CMD ) )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Vtx_XYZ at PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC-8, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ if( dwAddr < g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ DumpHex(dwAddr, min(64, g_dwRamSize-dwAddr));
+ }
+ }
+void DLParser_RS_Block(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ LOG_UCODE("ucode 0x80 at PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+void DLParser_RS_MoveMem(Gfx *gfx)
+ //uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ //uint32 cmd1 = ((dwPC)&0x00FFFFFF)|0x80000000;
+ RSP_GBI1_MoveMem(gfx);
+ /*
+ LOG_UCODE("RS_MoveMem", ((gfx->words.w0)>>24));
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ dwPC+=8;
+ uint32 dwCmd2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC);
+ uint32 dwCmd3 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4);
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ dwPC+=8;
+ uint32 dwCmd4 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC);
+ uint32 dwCmd5 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4);
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC, dwCmd4, dwCmd5);
+ */
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 16;
+ // DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after RS_MoveMem at: %08X\n", dwPC-8);
+ //});
+void DLParser_RS_0xbe(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ LOG_UCODE("ucode %02X, skip 1", ((gfx->words.w0)>>24));
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ dwPC+=8;
+ uint32 dwCmd2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC);
+ uint32 dwCmd3 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4);
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC, dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 8;
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after RS_0xbe at: %08X\n", dwPC-8);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\t0x%08x 0x%08x", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\t0x%08x 0x%08x", dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ });
+void DLParser_Ucode8_EndDL(Gfx *gfx)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ RDP_GFX_PopDL();
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP(NEXT_DLIST, DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X: EndDL, return to %08X\n\n", dwPC, gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc));
+void DLParser_Ucode8_DL(Gfx *gfx) // DL Function Call
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 dwCmd2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr);
+ uint32 dwCmd3 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr+4);
+ if( dwAddr > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ TRACE0("DL, addr is wrong");
+ dwAddr = (gfx->words.w1)&(g_dwRamSize-1);
+ }
+ // Detect looping
+ /*if(gDlistStackPointer>0 )
+ {
+ for( int i=0; i<gDlistStackPointer; i++ )
+ {
+ if(gDlistStack[i].addr == dwAddr+8)
+ {
+ TRACE1("Detected DL looping, PC=%08X", dwPC );
+ DLParser_Ucode8_EndDL(0,0);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }*/
+ if( gDlistStackPointer < MAX_DL_STACK_SIZE-1 )
+ {
+ gDlistStackPointer++;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwAddr+16;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = MAX_DL_COUNT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Error, gDlistStackPointer overflow");
+ RDP_GFX_PopDL();
+ }
+ GSBlkAddrSaves[gDlistStackPointer][0]=GSBlkAddrSaves[gDlistStackPointer][1]=0;
+ if( (dwCmd2>>24) == 0x80 )
+ {
+ GSBlkAddrSaves[gDlistStackPointer][0] = dwCmd2;
+ GSBlkAddrSaves[gDlistStackPointer][1] = dwCmd3;
+ }
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\nPC=%08X: Call DL at Address %08X - %08X, %08X\n\n",
+ dwPC, dwAddr, dwCmd2, dwCmd3));
+void DLParser_Ucode8_JUMP(Gfx *gfx) // DL Function Call
+ if( ((gfx->words.w0)&0x00FFFFFF) == 0 )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ if( dwAddr > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ TRACE0("DL, addr is wrong");
+ dwAddr = (gfx->words.w1)&(g_dwRamSize-1);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ uint32 dwCmd2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr);
+ uint32 dwCmd3 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr+4);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwAddr+8; // Jump to new address
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("\nPC=%08X: Jump to Address %08X - %08X, %08X\n\n", dwPC, dwAddr, dwCmd2, dwCmd3));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ LOG_UCODE("ucode 0x07 at PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ }
+void DLParser_Ucode8_Unknown(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ LOG_UCODE("ucode %02X at PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", ((gfx->words.w0)>>24), dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+void DLParser_Unknown_Skip1(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ LOG_UCODE("ucode %02X, skip 1", ((gfx->words.w0)>>24));
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ dwPC+=8;
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 8;
+void DLParser_Unknown_Skip2(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ LOG_UCODE("ucode %02X, skip 2", ((gfx->words.w0)>>24));
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ dwPC+=8;
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ dwPC+=8;
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 16;
+void DLParser_Unknown_Skip3(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ LOG_UCODE("ucode %02X, skip 3", ((gfx->words.w0)>>24));
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ dwPC+=8;
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ dwPC+=8;
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ dwPC+=8;
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 24;
+void DLParser_Unknown_Skip4(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ LOG_UCODE("ucode %02X, skip 4", ((gfx->words.w0)>>24));
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ dwPC+=8;
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ dwPC+=8;
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ dwPC+=8;
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ dwPC+=8;
+ gfx++;
+ LOG_UCODE("\tPC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 32;
+void DLParser_Ucode8_0x05(Gfx *gfx)
+ // Be careful, 0x05 is variable length ucode
+ /*
+ 0028E4E0: 05020088, 04D0000F - Reserved1
+ 0028E4E8: 6BDC0306, 00000000 - G_NOTHING
+ 0028E4F0: 05010130, 01B0000F - Reserved1
+ 0028E4F8: 918A01CA, 1EC5FF3B - G_NOTHING
+ 0028E500: 05088C68, F5021809 - Reserved1
+ 0028E508: 04000405, 00000000 - RSP_VTX
+ 0028E510: 102ECE60, 202F2AA0 - G_NOTHING
+ 0028E518: 05088C90, F5021609 - Reserved1
+ 0028E520: 04050405, F0F0F0F0 - RSP_VTX
+ 0028E528: 102ED0C0, 202F2D00 - G_NOTHING
+ 0028E530: B5000000, 00000000 - RSP_LINE3D
+ 0028E538: 8028E640, 8028E430 - G_NOTHING
+ 0028E540: 00000000, 00000000 - RSP_SPNOOP
+ */
+ if((gfx->words.w1) == 0)
+ return;
+ else
+ DLParser_Unknown_Skip4(gfx);
+void DLParser_Ucode8_0xb4(Gfx *gfx)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ if(((gfx->words.w0)&0xFF) == 0x06)
+ DLParser_Unknown_Skip3(gfx);
+ else if(((gfx->words.w0)&0xFF) == 0x04)
+ DLParser_Unknown_Skip1(gfx);
+ else if(((gfx->words.w0)&0xFFF) == 0x600)
+ DLParser_Unknown_Skip3(gfx);
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if(pauseAtNext)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("ucode 0xb4 at PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC-8,
+ (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ }
+ DLParser_Unknown_Skip3(gfx);
+ }
+void DLParser_Ucode8_0xb5(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ LOG_UCODE("ucode 0xB5 at PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC-8, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 dwCmd2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8);
+ uint32 dwCmd3 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+12);
+ LOG_UCODE(" : 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ //if( dwCmd2 == 0 && dwCmd3 == 0 )
+ {
+ DLParser_Ucode8_EndDL(gfx); // Check me
+ return;
+ }
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 8;
+ return;
+ if( GSBlkAddrSaves[gDlistStackPointer][0] == 0 || GSBlkAddrSaves[gDlistStackPointer][1] == 0 )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_DLIST)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X: 0xB5 - %08X : %08X, %08X, EndDL, no next blk\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w1), dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ }
+ DLParser_Ucode8_EndDL(gfx); // Check me
+ return;
+ }
+ if( ((dwCmd2>>24)!=0x80 && (dwCmd2>>24)!=0x00 ) || ((dwCmd3>>24)!=0x80 && (dwCmd3>>24)!=0x00 ) )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_DLIST)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X: 0xB5 - %08X : %08X, %08X, EndDL, Unknown\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w1), dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ }
+ DLParser_Ucode8_EndDL(gfx); // Check me
+ return;
+ }
+ if( (dwCmd2>>24)!= (dwCmd3>>24) )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_DLIST)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X: 0xB5 - %08X : %08X, %08X, EndDL, Unknown\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w1), dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ }
+ DLParser_Ucode8_EndDL(gfx); // Check me
+ return;
+ }
+ if( (dwCmd2>>24)==0x80 && (dwCmd3>>24)==0x80 )
+ {
+ if( dwCmd2 < dwCmd3 )
+ {
+ // All right, the next block is not ucode, but data
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_DLIST)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X: 0xB5 - %08X : %08X, %08X, EndDL, next blk is data\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w1), dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ }
+ DLParser_Ucode8_EndDL(gfx); // Check me
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32 dwCmd4 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + (dwCmd2&0x00FFFFFF));
+ uint32 dwCmd5 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + (dwCmd2&0x00FFFFFF)+4);
+ uint32 dwCmd6 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + (dwCmd3&0x00FFFFFF));
+ uint32 dwCmd7 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + (dwCmd3&0x00FFFFFF)+4);
+ if( (dwCmd4>>24) != 0x80 || (dwCmd5>>24) != 0x80 || (dwCmd6>>24) != 0x80 || (dwCmd7>>24) != 0x80 || dwCmd4 < dwCmd5 || dwCmd6 < dwCmd7 )
+ {
+ // All right, the next block is not ucode, but data
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_DLIST)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X: 0xB5 - %08X : %08X, %08X, EndDL, next blk is data\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w1), dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("%08X, %08X %08X,%08X\n", dwCmd4, dwCmd5, dwCmd6, dwCmd7);
+ }
+ DLParser_Ucode8_EndDL(gfx); // Check me
+ return;
+ }
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 8;
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X: 0xB5 - %08X : %08X, %08X, continue\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w1), dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( (dwCmd2>>24)==0x00 && (dwCmd3>>24)==0x00 )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_DLIST)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X: 0xB5 - %08X : %08X, %08X, EndDL, next blk is data\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w1), dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ }
+ DLParser_Ucode8_EndDL(gfx); // Check me
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( (dwCmd2>>24)==0x00 && (dwCmd3>>24)==0x00 )
+ {
+ dwCmd2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+16);
+ dwCmd3 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+20);
+ if( (dwCmd2>>24)==0x80 && (dwCmd3>>24)==0x80 && dwCmd2 < dwCmd3 )
+ {
+ // All right, the next block is not ucode, but data
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_DLIST)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X: 0xB5 - %08X : %08X, %08X, EndDL, next blk is data\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w1), dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ }
+ DLParser_Ucode8_EndDL(gfx); // Check me
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 8;
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X: 0xB5 - %08X : %08X, %08X, continue\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w1), dwCmd2, dwCmd3)
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+uint32 dwAddr1 = RSPSegmentAddr(dwCmd2);
+uint32 dwAddr2 = RSPSegmentAddr(dwCmd3);
+ if( (gfx->words.w1) != 0 )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("!!!! PC=%08X: 0xB5 - %08X : %08X, %08X\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w1), dwCmd2, dwCmd3);
+ }
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X: 0xB5 - %08X : %08X, %08X, continue\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w1), dwAddr1, dwAddr2)
+ );
+ return;
+void DLParser_Ucode8_0xbc(Gfx *gfx)
+ if( ((gfx->words.w0)&0xFFF) == 0x58C )
+ {
+ DLParser_Ucode8_DL(gfx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ LOG_UCODE("ucode 0xBC at PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ }
+void DLParser_Ucode8_0xbd(Gfx *gfx)
+ /*
+ 00359A68: BD000000, DB5B0077 - RSP_POPMTX
+ 00359A70: C8C0A000, 00240024 - RDP_TriFill
+ 00359A78: 01000100, 00000000 - RSP_MTX
+ 00359A80: BD000501, DB5B0077 - RSP_POPMTX
+ 00359A88: C8C0A000, 00240024 - RDP_TriFill
+ 00359A90: 01000100, 00000000 - RSP_MTX
+ 00359A98: BD000A02, DB5B0077 - RSP_POPMTX
+ 00359AA0: C8C0A000, 00240024 - RDP_TriFill
+ 00359AA8: 01000100, 00000000 - RSP_MTX
+ 00359AB0: BD000F04, EB6F0087 - RSP_POPMTX
+ 00359AB8: C8C0A000, 00280028 - RDP_TriFill
+ 00359AC0: 01000100, 00000000 - RSP_MTX
+ 00359AC8: BD001403, DB5B0077 - RSP_POPMTX
+ 00359AD0: C8C0A000, 00240024 - RDP_TriFill
+ 00359AD8: 01000100, 00000000 - RSP_MTX
+ 00359AE0: B5000000, 00000000 - RSP_LINE3D
+ 00359AE8: 1A000000, 16000200 - G_NOTHING
+ */
+ if( (gfx->words.w1) != 0 )
+ {
+ DLParser_Unknown_Skip2(gfx);
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc;
+ LOG_UCODE("ucode 0xbd at PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", dwPC-8, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+void DLParser_Ucode8_0xbf(Gfx *gfx)
+ if( ((gfx->words.w0)&0xFF) == 0x02 )
+ DLParser_Unknown_Skip3(gfx);
+ else
+ DLParser_Unknown_Skip1(gfx);
+void PD_LoadMatrix_0xb4(uint32 addr)
+ const float fRecip = 1.0f / 65536.0f;
+ uint32 data[16];
+ data[0] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+ 0);
+ data[1] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+ 8);
+ data[2] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+16);
+ data[3] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+24);
+ data[8] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+32);
+ data[9] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+40);
+ data[10] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+48);
+ data[11] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+56);
+ data[4] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+ 0+64);
+ data[5] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+ 8+64);
+ data[6] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+16+64);
+ data[7] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+24+64);
+ data[12] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+32+64);
+ data[13] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+40+64);
+ data[14] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+48+64);
+ data[15] = *(uint32*)(g_pRDRAMu8+addr+4+56+64);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ {
+ int hi = *(short *)((unsigned char*)data + (((i<<3)+(j<<1) )^0x2));
+ int lo = *(uint16*)((unsigned char*)data + (((i<<3)+(j<<1) + 32)^0x2));
+ matToLoad.m[i][j] = (float)((hi<<16) | lo) * fRecip;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\r\n"
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\r\n"
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\r\n"
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\r\n",
+ matToLoad.m[0][0], matToLoad.m[0][1], matToLoad.m[0][2], matToLoad.m[0][3],
+ matToLoad.m[1][0], matToLoad.m[1][1], matToLoad.m[1][2], matToLoad.m[1][3],
+ matToLoad.m[2][0], matToLoad.m[2][1], matToLoad.m[2][2], matToLoad.m[2][3],
+ matToLoad.m[3][0], matToLoad.m[3][1], matToLoad.m[3][2], matToLoad.m[3][3]);
+#endif // DEBUGGER
+void DLParser_RDPHalf_1_0xb4_GoldenEye(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_1);
+ if( ((gfx->words.w1)>>24) == 0xce )
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc; // This points to the next instruction
+ //PD_LoadMatrix_0xb4(dwPC + 8*16 - 8);
+ uint32 dw1 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8*0+4);
+ //uint32 dw2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8*1+4);
+ //uint32 dw3 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8*2+4);
+ //uint32 dw4 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8*3+4);
+ //uint32 dw5 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8*4+4);
+ //uint32 dw6 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8*5+4);
+ //uint32 dw7 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8*6+4);
+ uint32 dw8 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8*7+4);
+ uint32 dw9 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+8*8+4);
+ uint32 r = (dw8>>16)&0xFF;
+ uint32 g = (dw8 )&0xFF;
+ uint32 b = (dw9>>16)&0xFF;
+ uint32 a = (dw9 )&0xFF;
+ uint32 color = COLOR_RGBA(r, g, b, a);
+ //int x0 = 0;
+ //int x1 = gRDP.scissor.right;
+ int x0 = gRSP.nVPLeftN;
+ int x1 = gRSP.nVPRightN;
+ int y0 = int(dw1&0xFFFF)/4;
+ int y1 = int(dw1>>16)/4;
+ float xscale = g_textures[0].m_pCTexture->m_dwWidth / (float)(x1-x0);
+ float yscale = g_textures[0].m_pCTexture->m_dwHeight / (float)(y1-y0);
+ //float fs0 = (short)(dw3&0xFFFF)/32768.0f*g_textures[0].m_pCTexture->m_dwWidth;
+ //float ft0 = (short)(dw3>>16)/32768.0f*256;
+ CRender::g_pRender->TexRect(x0,y0,x1,y1,0,0,xscale,yscale,true,color);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 312;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( logUcodes)
+ {
+ dwPC -= 8;
+ LOG_UCODE("GoldenEye Sky at PC=%08X: 0x%08x 0x%08x", dwPC, (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 *ptr = (uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC);
+ for( int i=0; i<21; i++, dwPC+=16,ptr+=4 )
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE("%08X: %08X %08X %08X %08X", dwPC, ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ TRACE0("Pause after Golden Sky Drawing\n");
+ });
+ }
+void DLParser_RSP_DL_WorldDriver(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ if( dwAddr > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("Error: DL addr = %08X out of range, PC=%08X", dwAddr, gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc );
+ dwAddr &= (g_dwRamSize-1);
+ DebuggerPauseCountN( NEXT_DLIST );
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE(" WorldDriver DisplayList 0x%08x", dwAddr);
+ gDlistStackPointer++;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwAddr;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = MAX_DL_COUNT;
+ LOG_UCODE("Level=%d", gDlistStackPointer+1);
+ LOG_UCODE("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^");
+void DLParser_RSP_Pop_DL_WorldDriver(Gfx *gfx)
+ RDP_GFX_PopDL();
+void DLParser_RSP_Last_Legion_0x80(Gfx *gfx)
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 16;
+ LOG_UCODE("DLParser_RSP_Last_Legion_0x80");
+void DLParser_RSP_Last_Legion_0x00(Gfx *gfx)
+ LOG_UCODE("DLParser_RSP_Last_Legion_0x00");
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 16;
+ if( (gfx->words.w0) == 0 && (gfx->words.w1) )
+ {
+ uint32 newaddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ if( newaddr >= g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ RDP_GFX_PopDL();
+ return;
+ }
+ //uint32 dw1 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + newaddr+8*0+4);
+ uint32 pc1 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + newaddr+8*1+4);
+ uint32 pc2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + newaddr+8*4+4);
+ pc1 = RSPSegmentAddr(pc1);
+ pc2 = RSPSegmentAddr(pc2);
+ if( pc1 && pc1 != 0xffffff && pc1 < g_dwRamSize)
+ {
+ // Need to call both DL
+ gDlistStackPointer++;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = pc1;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = MAX_DL_COUNT;
+ }
+ if( pc2 && pc2 != 0xffffff && pc2 < g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ gDlistStackPointer++;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = pc2;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = MAX_DL_COUNT;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( (gfx->words.w1) == 0 )
+ {
+ RDP_GFX_PopDL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // (gfx->words.w0) != 0
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing(gfx);
+ RDP_GFX_PopDL();
+ }
+void DLParser_TexRect_Last_Legion(Gfx *gfx)
+ if( !status.bCIBufferIsRendered )
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->ActiveTextureBuffer();
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_TEXTRECT;
+ // This command used 128bits, and not 64 bits. This means that we have to look one
+ // Command ahead in the buffer, and update the PC.
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc; // This points to the next instruction
+ uint32 dwCmd2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC);
+ uint32 dwCmd3 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 8;
+ LOG_UCODE("0x%08x: %08x %08x", dwPC, *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+0), *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC+4));
+ uint32 dwXH = (((gfx->words.w0)>>12)&0x0FFF)/4;
+ uint32 dwYH = (((gfx->words.w0) )&0x0FFF)/4;
+ uint32 tileno = ((gfx->words.w1)>>24)&0x07;
+ uint32 dwXL = (((gfx->words.w1)>>12)&0x0FFF)/4;
+ uint32 dwYL = (((gfx->words.w1) )&0x0FFF)/4;
+ if( (int)dwXL >= gRDP.scissor.right || (int)dwYL >= gRDP.scissor.bottom || (int)dwXH < gRDP.scissor.left || (int)dwYH < gRDP.scissor.top )
+ {
+ // Clipping
+ return;
+ }
+ uint16 uS = (uint16)( dwCmd2>>16)&0xFFFF;
+ uint16 uT = (uint16)( dwCmd2 )&0xFFFF;
+ short s16S = *(short*)(&uS);
+ short s16T = *(short*)(&uT);
+ uint16 uDSDX = (uint16)(( dwCmd3>>16)&0xFFFF);
+ uint16 uDTDY = (uint16)(( dwCmd3 )&0xFFFF);
+ short s16DSDX = *(short*)(&uDSDX);
+ short s16DTDY = *(short*)(&uDTDY);
+ uint32 curTile = gRSP.curTile;
+ ForceMainTextureIndex(tileno);
+ float fS0 = s16S / 32.0f;
+ float fT0 = s16T / 32.0f;
+ float fDSDX = s16DSDX / 1024.0f;
+ float fDTDY = s16DTDY / 1024.0f;
+ uint32 cycletype = gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type;
+ if (cycletype == CYCLE_TYPE_COPY)
+ {
+ fDSDX /= 4.0f; // In copy mode 4 pixels are copied at once.
+ dwXH++;
+ dwYH++;
+ }
+ else if (cycletype == CYCLE_TYPE_FILL)
+ {
+ dwXH++;
+ dwYH++;
+ }
+ if( fDSDX == 0 ) fDSDX = 1;
+ if( fDTDY == 0 ) fDTDY = 1;
+ float fS1 = fS0 + (fDSDX * (dwXH - dwXL));
+ float fT1 = fT0 + (fDTDY * (dwYH - dwYL));
+ LOG_UCODE(" Tile:%d Screen(%d,%d) -> (%d,%d)", tileno, dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Tex:(%#5f,%#5f) -> (%#5f,%#5f) (DSDX:%#5f DTDY:%#5f)",
+ fS0, fT0, fS1, fT1, fDSDX, fDTDY);
+ LOG_UCODE("");
+ float t0u0 = (fS0-gRDP.tiles[tileno].hilite_sl) * gRDP.tiles[tileno].fShiftScaleS;
+ float t0v0 = (fT0-gRDP.tiles[tileno].hilite_tl) * gRDP.tiles[tileno].fShiftScaleT;
+ float t0u1 = t0u0 + (fDSDX * (dwXH - dwXL))*gRDP.tiles[tileno].fShiftScaleS;
+ float t0v1 = t0v0 + (fDTDY * (dwYH - dwYL))*gRDP.tiles[tileno].fShiftScaleT;
+ if( dwXL==0 && dwYL==0 && dwXH==windowSetting.fViWidth-1 && dwYH==windowSetting.fViHeight-1 &&
+ t0u0 == 0 && t0v0==0 && t0u1==0 && t0v1==0 )
+ {
+ //Using TextRect to clear the screen
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && //status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM &&
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwFormat == gRDP.tiles[tileno].dwFormat &&
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwSize == gRDP.tiles[tileno].dwSize &&
+ gRDP.tiles[tileno].dwFormat == TXT_FMT_CI && gRDP.tiles[tileno].dwSize == TXT_SIZE_8b )
+ {
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_YOSHI )
+ {
+ // Hack for Yoshi background image
+ PrepareTextures();
+ TexRectToFrameBuffer_8b(dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, t0u0, t0v0, t0u1, t0v1, tileno);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("TexRect: tile=%d, X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d,\nfS0=%f, fT0=%f, ScaleS=%f, ScaleT=%f\n",
+ gRSP.curTile, dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, fS0, fT0, fDSDX, fDTDY);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after TexRect for Yoshi\n");
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( frameBufferOptions.bUpdateCIInfo )
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ TexRectToFrameBuffer_8b(dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, t0u0, t0v0, t0u1, t0v1, tileno);
+ }
+ if( !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->TexRect(dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, fS0, fT0, fDSDX, fDTDY);
+ status.dwNumTrisRendered += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->TexRect(dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, fS0, fT0, fDSDX, fDTDY);
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = true;
+ status.dwNumTrisRendered += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight = max(g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight,(int)dwYH);
+ ForceMainTextureIndex(curTile);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// Sprite2D Ucodes
+#include "Render.h"
+Sprite2DInfo g_Sprite2DInfo;
+uint32 g_SavedUcode=1;
+void RSP_GBI_Sprite2DBase(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ dwAddr &= (g_dwRamSize-1);
+ //RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("RDP: Sprite2D (0x%08x 0x%08x)", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.spritePtr = (SpriteStruct *)(g_pRDRAMs8+dwAddr);
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N(NEXT_SPRITE_2D, {DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after Sprite2DBase: Addr=%08X\n", dwAddr);});
+typedef struct{
+ uint32 SourceImagePointer;
+ uint32 TlutPointer;
+ short SubImageWidth;
+ short Stride;
+ char SourceImageBitSize;
+ char SourceImageType;
+ short SubImageHeight;
+ short scaleY;
+ short scaleX;
+ short SourceImageOffsetS;
+ char dummy1[2];
+ short px;
+ short SourceImageOffsetT;
+ char dummy2[2];
+ short py;
+} PuzzleMasterSprite;
+void RSP_GBI_Sprite2D_PuzzleMaster64(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ dwAddr &= (g_dwRamSize-1);
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.spritePtr = (SpriteStruct *)(g_pRDRAMs8+dwAddr);
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.flipX = 0;
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.flipY = 0;
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.px = 0;
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.py = 0;
+ SpriteStruct tempInfo;
+ memcpy(&tempInfo, g_Sprite2DInfo.spritePtr, sizeof(SpriteStruct));
+ PuzzleMasterSprite info;
+ memcpy(&info, g_Sprite2DInfo.spritePtr, sizeof(PuzzleMasterSprite));
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.px = info.px>>2;
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.py = info.py>>2;
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.scaleX = info.scaleX / 1024.0f;
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.scaleY = info.scaleY / 1024.0f;
+ tempInfo.SourceImageOffsetS = info.SourceImageOffsetS;
+ tempInfo.SourceImageOffsetT = info.SourceImageOffsetT;
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.spritePtr = &tempInfo;
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawSprite2D(g_Sprite2DInfo, 1);
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N(NEXT_SPRITE_2D, {DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after Sprite2DBase: Addr=%08X\n", dwAddr);});
+void RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DDraw(Gfx *gfx)
+ // This ucode is shared by PopMtx and gSPSprite2DDraw
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.px = (short)(((gfx->words.w1)>>16)&0xFFFF)/4;
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.py = (short)((gfx->words.w1)&0xFFFF)/4;
+ //RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("gSPSprite2DDraw is not implemented", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawSprite2D(g_Sprite2DInfo, 1);
+ {DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after Sprite2DDraw at (%d, %d)\n", g_Sprite2DInfo.px, g_Sprite2DInfo.py);});
+ LoadedUcodeMap[RSP_SPRITE2D_DRAW] = &RSP_GBI1_PopMtx;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[RSP_SPRITE2D_BASE] = &RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DBase;
+void RSP_GBI0_Sprite2DDraw(Gfx *gfx)
+ // This ucode is shared by PopMtx and gSPSprite2DDraw
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.px = (short)(((gfx->words.w1)>>16)&0xFFFF)/4;
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.py = (short)((gfx->words.w1)&0xFFFF)/4;
+ //RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("gSPSprite2DDraw is not implemented", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawSprite2D(g_Sprite2DInfo, 0);
+void RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DScaleFlip(Gfx *gfx)
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.scaleX = (((gfx->words.w1)>>16)&0xFFFF)/1024.0f;
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.scaleY = ((gfx->words.w1)&0xFFFF)/1024.0f;
+ if( ((gfx->words.w1)&0xFFFF) < 0x100 )
+ {
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.scaleY = g_Sprite2DInfo.scaleX;
+ }
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.flipX = (uint8)(((gfx->words.w0)>>8)&0xFF);
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.flipY = (uint8)((gfx->words.w0)&0xFF);
+ //RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("RSP_SPRITE2D_SCALEFLIP is not implemented", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ {DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after Sprite2DScaleFlip, Flip (%d,%d), Scale (%f, %f)\n", g_Sprite2DInfo.flipX, g_Sprite2DInfo.flipY,
+ g_Sprite2DInfo.scaleX, g_Sprite2DInfo.scaleY);});
+void RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DBase(Gfx *gfx)
+ if( !status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap )
+ {
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap1, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ }
+ LoadedUcodeMap[RSP_SPRITE2D_BASE] = &RSP_GBI_Sprite2DBase;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[RSP_SPRITE2D_SCALEFLIP] = &RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DScaleFlip;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[RSP_SPRITE2D_DRAW] = &RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DDraw;
+ TRACE0("Adding Sprite2D ucodes to ucode 1");
+ RSP_GBI_Sprite2DBase(gfx);
+void RSP_GBI0_Sprite2DBase(Gfx *gfx)
+ //Weired, this ucode 0 game is using ucode 1, but sprite2D cmd is working differently from
+ //normal ucode1 sprite2D game
+ TRACE0("Ucode 0 game is using Sprite2D, and using ucode 1 codes, create a new ucode for me");
+ RSP_GBI_Sprite2DBase(gfx);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <SDL.h>
+#include "ConvertImage.h"
+#include "GraphicsContext.h"
+#include "Render.h"
+#include "RenderTexture.h"
+#include "Video.h"
+#include "ucode.h"
+#include <time.h>
+// uCode Config //
+#define MAX_UCODE_INFO 16
+UcodeInfo ucodeInfo[MAX_UCODE_INFO];
+RDPInstruction LoadedUcodeMap[256];
+char* LoadedUcodeNameMap[256];
+OSTask *g_pOSTask = NULL;
+UcodeInfo lastUcodeInfo;
+UcodeInfo UsedUcodes[MAX_UCODE_INFO];
+const uint32 maxUsedUcodes = sizeof(UsedUcodes)/sizeof(UcodeInfo);
+// Ucodes //
+UcodeMap *ucodeMaps[] =
+ &ucodeMap0, // ucode 0 - Mario
+ &ucodeMap1, // ucode 1 - GBI1
+ NULL, // ucode 2 - Golden Eye
+ &ucodeMap3, // ucode 3 - S2DEX GBI2
+ NULL, // ucode 4 - Wave Racer
+ &ucodeMap5, // ucode 5 - BGI2
+ NULL, // ucode 6 - DKR
+ &ucodeMap7, // ucode 7 - S2DEX
+ NULL, // ucode 8 - ucode 0 with sprite2D, for Demo Puzzle Master 64
+ NULL, // ucode 9 - Perfect Dark
+ NULL, // ucode 10 - Conker
+ NULL, // ucode 11 - Gemini
+ NULL, // ucode 12 - Silicon Valley, Spacestation
+ NULL, // ucode 13 - modified ucode S2DEX
+ NULL, // ucode 14 - OgreBattle Background
+ NULL, // ucode 15 - ucode 0 with sprite2D
+ NULL, // ucode 16 - Star War, Shadow of Empire
+ NULL, // ucode 17 - Star Wars - Rogue Squadron,
+ NULL, // ucode 18 - World Driver Championship
+ NULL, // ucode 19 - Last Legion UX
+ &ucodeMap1, // ucode 20 - ZSortp
+uint32 vertexMultVals[] =
+ 10, // ucode 0 - Mario
+ 2, // ucode 1 - GBI1
+ 10, // ucode 2 - Golden Eye
+ 2, // ucode 3 - S2DEX GBI2
+ 5, // ucode 4 - Wave Racer
+ 2, // ucode 5 - BGI2
+ 10, // ucode 6 - DKR
+ 2, // ucode 7 - S2DEX
+ 10, // ucode 8 - ucode 0 with sprite2D, for Demo Puzzle Master 64
+ 10, // ucode 9 - Perfect Dark
+ 2, // ucode 10 - Conker
+ 10, // ucode 11 - Gemini
+ 2, // ucode 12 - Silicon Valley, Spacestation
+ 2, // ucode 13 - modified ucode S2DEX
+ 2, // ucode 14 - OgreBattle Background
+ 10, // ucode 15 - ucode 0 with sprite2D
+ 5, // ucode 16 - Star War, Shadow of Empire
+ 2, // ucode 17 - Star Wars - Rogue Squadron,
+ 2, // ucode 18 - World Driver Championship, check me here
+ 2, // ucode 19 - Last Legion UX, check me here
+ 2, // ucode 20 - ZSortp
+unsigned char gLastMicrocodeString[ 300 ] = "";
+static UcodeData g_UcodeData[] =
+ //crc_size, crc_800;
+ {0, 0x150c3ce8, 0x150c3ce8, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0D, 04-01-96",}, // Super Mario 64
+ {4, 0x2b94276f, 0x2b94276f, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0D, 04-01-96",}, // Wave Race 64 (v1.0)
+ {16,0xb1870454, 0xb1870454, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0D, 04-01-96",}, // Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (v1.0),
+ {0, 0x51671ae4, 0x51671ae4, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0D, 04-01-96",}, // Pilot Wings 64,
+ {0, 0x67b5ac55, 0x67b5ac55, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0D, 04-01-96",}, // Wibble,
+ {0, 0x64dc8104, 0x64dc8104, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0D, 04-01-96",}, // Dark Rift,
+ {0, 0x309f363d, 0x309f363d, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0D, 04-01-96",}, // Killer Instinct Gold,
+ {0, 0xfcb57e57, 0xfcb57e57, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0D, 04-01-96",}, // Blast Corps,
+ {0, 0xb420f35a, 0xb420f35a, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0D, 04-01-96",}, // Blast Corps,
+ {0, 0x6e26c1df, 0x7c98e9c2, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0D, 04-01-96",},
+ {2, 0xc02ac7bc, 0xc02ac7bc, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0G, 09-30-96",}, // GoldenEye 007,
+ {0, 0xe5fee3bc, 0xe5fee3bc, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0G, 09-30-96",}, // Aero Fighters Assault,
+ {8, 0xe4bb5ad8, 0x80129845, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0G, 09-30-96",}, // Puzzle Master 64,
+ {0, 0x72109ec6, 0x72109ec6, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0H, 02-12-97",}, // Duke Nukem 64,
+ {0, 0xf24a9a04, 0xf24a9a04, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0H, 02-12-97",}, // Tetrisphere,
+ {15,0x700de42e, 0x700de42e, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0H, 02-12-97",}, // Wipeout 64 (uses GBI1 too!),
+ {15,0x1b304a74, 0x1b304a74, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0H, 02-12-97",}, // Flying Dragon,
+ {15,0xe4bb5ad8, 0xa7b2f704, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0H, 02-12-97",}, // Silicon Valley,
+ {15,0xe4bb5ad8, 0x88202781, (unsigned char*)"RSP SW Version: 2.0H, 02-12-97",}, // Glover,
+ {0, 0xe466b5bd, 0xe466b5bd, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0xe466b5bd, 0xe466b5bd",}, // Dark Rift,
+ {9, 0x7064a163, 0x7064a163, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x7064a163, 0x7064a163",}, // Perfect Dark (v1.0),
+ {0, 0x6522df69, 0x71bd078d, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x6522df69, 0x71bd078d",}, // Tetris
+ {0, 0x6522df69, 0x1b0c23a8, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x6522df69, 0x1b0c23a8",}, // Pachinko Nichi
+ // GBI1
+ {1, 0x45ca328e, 0x45ca328e, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX 0.95 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // Mario Kart 64,
+ {1, 0x98e3b909, 0x98e3b909, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX 0.95 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // Mario Kart 64
+ {1, 0x5d446090, 0x5d446090, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLP.Rej 0.96 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",0,1}, // Jikkyou J. League Perfect Striker,
+ {1, 0x244f5ca3, 0x244f5ca3, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX 1.00 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // F-1 Pole Position 64,
+ {1, 0x6a022585, 0x6a022585, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.NoN 1.00 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",1}, // Turok - The Dinosaur Hunter (v1.0),
+ {1, 0x150706be, 0x150706be, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX.NoN 1.00 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",1}, // Extreme-G,
+ {1, 0x503f2c53, 0x503f2c53, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.NoN 1.21 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",1}, // Bomberman 64,
+ {1, 0xc705c37c, 0xc705c37c, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX 1.21 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // Fighting Force 64, Wipeout 64
+ {1, 0xa2146075, 0xa2146075, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX.NoN 1.21 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",1}, // San Francisco Rush - Extreme Racing,
+ {1, 0xb65aa2da, 0xb65aa2da, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode L3DEX 1.21 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // Wipeout 64,
+ {1, 0x0c8e5ec9, 0x0c8e5ec9, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX 1.21 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, //
+ {1, 0xe30795f2, 0xa53df3c4, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLP.Rej 1.21 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",0,1},
+ {1, 0xaebeda7d, 0xaebeda7d, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX.Rej 1.21 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",0,1}, // Jikkyou World Soccer 3,
+ {1, 0x0c8e5ec9, 0x0c8e5ec9, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX 1.23 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo" ,}, // Wave Race 64 (Rev. 2) - Shindou Rumble Edition (JAP)
+ {1, 0xc705c37c, 0xc705c37c, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX 1.23 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // GT
+ {1, 0x2a61350d, 0x2a61350d, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX 1.23 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // Toy Story2
+ {1, 0x0c8e5ec9, 0x0c8e5ec9, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX 1.23 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // Wave Race 64 Shindou Edition
+ {12,0xfc6529aa, 0xfc6529aa, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX 1.23 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // Superman - The Animated Series,
+ {1, 0xa56cf996, 0xa56cf996, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode L3DEX 1.23 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // Flying Dragon,
+ {1, 0xcc83b43f, 0xcc83b43f, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.NoN 1.23 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",1}, // AeroGauge,
+ {1, 0xca8927a0, 0xca8927a0, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX.Rej 1.23 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",0,1}, // Puzzle Bobble 64,
+ {1, 0x25689c75, 0xbe481ae8, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLP.Rej 1.23 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",0,1},
+ {1, 0xd2d747b7, 0xd2d747b7, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX.NoN 1.23 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",1}, // Penny Racers,
+ {1, 0xa849c858, 0x5bd32b5a, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DTEX/A 1.23 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // Tamagotchi
+ {7, 0xecd8b772, 0xecd8b772, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode S2DEX 1.06 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // Yoshi's Story,
+ {7, 0xf59132f5, 0xf59132f5, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode S2DEX 1.07 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // Bakuretsu Muteki Bangaioh,
+ {7, 0x961dd811, 0x961dd811, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode S2DEX 1.03 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // GT
+ {5, 0x3e083afa, 0x722f97cc, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.NoN fifo 2.03 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",1}, // F-Zero X,
+ {5, 0xa8050bd1, 0xa8050bd1, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX fifo 2.03 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",}, // F-Zero X,
+ {5, 0x4e8055f0, 0x4e8055f0, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX.Rej fifo 2.03 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",0,1}, // F-Zero X,
+ {5, 0xabf001f5, 0xabf001f5, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DFLX.Rej fifo 2.03F Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",0,1}, // F-Zero X,
+ {5, 0xadb4b686, 0xadb4b686, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX fifo 2.04 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",}, // Top Gear Rally 2,
+ {5, 0x779e2a9b, 0x779e2a9b, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.NoN fifo 2.04 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",1}, // California Speed,
+ {5, 0xa8cb3e09, 0xa8cb3e09, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode L3DEX fifo 2.04 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",}, // In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64,
+ {5, 0x2a1341d6, 0x2a1341d6, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX fifo 2.04H Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",}, // Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards,
+ {5, 0x3e083afa, 0x89a8e0ed, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.NoN fifo 2.05 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",1}, // Carmageddon 64 (uncensored),
+ {5, 0x4964b75d, 0x4964b75d, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.NoN fifo 2.05 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",1},
+ {5, 0x39e3e95a, 0x39e3e95a, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX fifo 2.05 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo."}, // Knife Edge - Nose Gunner,
+ {5, 0xd2913522, 0xd2913522, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DAM fifo 2.05 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo."}, // Hey You, Pikachu!,
+ {5, 0x3e083afa, 0xc998443f, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX xbus 2.05 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo."}, //Triple play
+ {5, 0xf4184a7d, 0xf4184a7d, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX fifo 2.06 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",}, // Hey You, Pikachu!,
+ {5, 0x595a88de, 0x595a88de, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.Rej fifo 2.06 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",0,1}, // Bio Hazard 2,
+ {5, 0x0259f764, 0x0259f764, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX.Rej fifo 2.06 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",0,1}, // Mario Party,
+ {5, 0xe1a5477a, 0xe1a5477a, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.NoN xbus 2.06 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",1}, // Command & Conquer,
+ {5, 0x4cfa0a19, 0x4cfa0a19, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DZEX.NoN fifo 2.06H Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",1}, // The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (v1.0),
+ {5, 0x2cbd9514, 0x5f40b9f5, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DZEX.NoN fifo 2.06H Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",1},
+ {5, 0x3e083afa, 0x882680f4, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode L3DEX fifo 2.07 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo."}, // Polaris Sno
+ {5, 0xdeb1cac0, 0xdeb1cac0, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.NoN fifo 2.07 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",1}, // Knockout Kings 2000,
+ {5, 0xf4184a7d, 0xf4184a7d, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX fifo 2.07 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",}, // Xena Warrior Princess - Talisman of Fate, Army Men - Air Combat, Destruction Derby
+ {5, 0x4b013e60, 0x4b013e60, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX xbus 2.07 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",}, // Lode Runner 3-D,
+ {5, 0xd1a63836, 0xd1a63836, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode L3DEX fifo 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",}, // Hey You, Pikachu!,
+ {5, 0x97193667, 0x97193667, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX fifo 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",}, // Top Gear Hyper-Bike,
+ {5, 0x92149ba8, 0x92149ba8, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX fifo 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto/Kawasedo 1999.",}, // Paper Mario,
+ {5, 0xae0fb88f, 0xae0fb88f, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX xbus 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",}, // WWF WrestleMania 2000,
+ {5, 0xc572f368, 0xc572f368, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX.Rej xbus 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",}, // WWF No Mercy,
+ {5, 0x3e083afa, 0x74252492, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.NoN xbus 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",1},
+ {5, 0x9c2edb70, 0xea98e740, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.NoN fifo 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",1}, // LEGO Racers,
+ {5, 0x79e004a6, 0x79e004a6, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX.Rej fifo 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",0,1}, // Mario Party 2,
+ {5, 0xaa6ab3ca, 0xaa6ab3ca, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.Rej fifo 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",0,1}, // V-Rally Edition 99,
+ {5, 0x2c597e0f, 0x2c597e0f, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX fifo 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",}, // Cruis'n Exotica,
+ {10, 0x4e5f3e3b, 0x4e5f3e3b,(unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEXBG.NoN fifo 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",1}, // Conker The Bad Fur Day
+ {5, 0x61f31862, 0x61f31862, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX.NoN fifo 2.08H Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",1}, // Pokemon Snap,
+ {5, 0x005f5b71, 0x005f5b71, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode F3DZEX.NoN fifo 2.08I Yoshitaka Yasumoto/Kawasedo 1999.",1}, // The Legend of Zelda 2 - Majora's Mask,
+ {3, 0x41839d1e, 0x41839d1e, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode S2DEX fifo 2.05 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",}, // Chou Snobow Kids,
+ {3, 0x2cbd9514, 0xc639dbb9, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode S2DEX xbus 2.06 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1998 Nintendo.",},
+ {3, 0xec89e273, 0xec89e273, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode S2DEX fifo 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",}, // V-Rally Edition 99,
+ {3, 0x9429b7d6, 0x9429b7d6, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode S2DEX xbus 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",}, // Star Craft,
+ //{14,0x5a72397b, 0xec89e273, "RSP Gfx ucode S2DEX fifo 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",}, // OgreBattle Background,
+ {3, 0x2cbd9514, 0xec89e273, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode S2DEX fifo 2.08 Yoshitaka Yasumoto 1999 Nintendo.",}, // Zelda MM,
+ {6, 0x6aef74f8, 0x6aef74f8, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x6aef74f8, 0x6aef74f8",}, // Diddy Kong Racing (v1.0),
+ {6, 0x4c4eead8, 0x4c4eead8, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x4c4eead8, 0x4c4eead8",}, // Diddy Kong Racing (v1.1),
+ {1, 0xed421e9a, 0xed421e9a, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0xed421e9a, 0xed421e9a",}, // Kuiki Uhabi Suigo,
+ {5, 0x37751932, 0x55c0fd25, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x37751932, 0x55c0fd25",}, // Bio Hazard 2,
+ {11,0xbe0b83e7, 0xbe0b83e7,(unsigned char*)"Unknown 0xbe0b83e7, 0xbe0b83e7",}, // Jet Force Gemini,
+ {17, 0x02e882cf, 0x2ad17281, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x02e882cf, 0x2ad17281",}, // Indiana Jones,
+ {17, 0x1f7d9118, 0xdab2199b, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x1f7d9118, 0xdab2199b",}, // Battle Naboo,
+ {17, 0x74583614, 0x74583614, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x74583614, 0x74583614",}, // Star Wars - Rogue Squadron,
+ {17, 0xe37e2f49, 0x1eb63fd8, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0xe37e2f49, 0x1eb63fd8",}, // Star Wars - Rogue Squadron,
+ {17, 0x8ce1af3d, 0xb2760ea2, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x8ce1af3d, 0xb2760ea2",}, // Star Wars - Rogue Squadron,
+ {18, 0x7b685972, 0x57b8095a, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x7b685972, 0x57b8095a",}, // World Driver Championship
+ {18, 0xe92dbb9b, 0x57b8095a, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0xe92dbb9b, 0x57b8095a",}, // World Driver Championship
+ {18, 0xe6c9acc1, 0x65f80845, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0xe6c9acc1, 0x65f80845",}, // World Driver Championship
+ {18, 0x6522df69, 0x720b88a0, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x6522df69, 0x720b88a0",}, // World Driver Championship
+ {18, 0x6522df69, 0xf1e8ba9e, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0x6522df69, 0xf1e8ba9e",}, // World Driver Championship
+ {19, 0xa486bed3, 0xa486bed3, (unsigned char*)"Unknown 0xa486bed3, 0xa486bed3",}, // Last Legion UX,
+ {19, 0x6b519381, 0xfebacfd8, (unsigned char*)"Unknown in Toukan Road",}, // I don't know which ucode
+ {20, 0x6d2a01b1, 0x6d2a01b1, (unsigned char*)"RSP Gfx ucode ZSortp 0.33 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo.",}, // Mia Hamm Soccer 64,
+FiddledVtx * g_pVtxBase=NULL;
+SetImgInfo g_TI = { TXT_FMT_RGBA, TXT_SIZE_16b, 1, 0 };
+SetImgInfo g_CI = { TXT_FMT_RGBA, TXT_SIZE_16b, 1, 0 };
+SetImgInfo g_ZI = { TXT_FMT_RGBA, TXT_SIZE_16b, 1, 0 };
+RenderTextureInfo g_ZI_saves[2];
+DListStack gDlistStack[MAX_DL_STACK_SIZE];
+int gDlistStackPointer= -1;
+TMEMLoadMapInfo g_tmemLoadAddrMap[0x200]; // Totally 4KB TMEM
+TMEMLoadMapInfo g_tmemInfo0; // Info for Tmem=0
+TMEMLoadMapInfo g_tmemInfo1; // Info for Tmem=0x100
+const char *pszImgSize[4] = {"4", "8", "16", "32"};
+const char *textluttype[4] = {"RGB16", "I16?", "RGBA16", "IA16"};
+uint16 g_wRDPTlut[0x200];
+uint32 g_dwRDPPalCrc[16];
+#include "FrameBuffer.h"
+#include "RSP_GBI0.h"
+#include "RSP_GBI1.h"
+#include "RSP_GBI2.h"
+#include "RSP_GBI2_ext.h"
+#include "RSP_GBI_Others.h"
+#include "RSP_GBI_Sprite2D.h"
+#include "RDP_Texture.h"
+// Init and Reset //
+void DLParser_Init()
+ int i;
+ status.gRDPTime = 0;
+ status.gDlistCount = 0;
+ status.gUcodeCount = 0;
+ status.frameReadByCPU = FALSE;
+ status.frameWriteByCPU = FALSE;
+ status.SPCycleCount = 0;
+ status.DPCycleCount = 0;
+ status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer = false;
+ status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM = false;
+ status.bHandleN64RenderTexture = false;
+ status.bUcodeIsKnown = FALSE;
+ status.lastPurgeTimeTime = status.gRDPTime;
+ status.curRenderBuffer = 0;
+ status.curDisplayBuffer = 0;
+ status.curVIOriginReg = 0;
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_TRI1;
+ status.lastPurgeTimeTime = 0; // Time textures were last purged
+ status.UseLargerTile[0] = false;
+ status.LargerTileRealLeft[0] = status.LargerTileRealLeft[1] = 0;
+ memset(&g_ZI_saves, 0, sizeof(RenderTextureInfo)*2);
+ for( i=0; i<8; i++ )
+ {
+ memset(&gRDP.tiles[i], 0, sizeof(Tile));
+ }
+ memset(g_tmemLoadAddrMap, 0, sizeof(g_tmemLoadAddrMap));
+ for( i=0; i<MAX_UCODE_INFO; i++ )
+ {
+ memset(&ucodeInfo[i], 0, sizeof(UcodeInfo));
+ }
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = false;
+ status.ucodeHasBeenSet = false;
+ status.bAllowLoadFromTMEM = true;
+ char name[200];
+ strcpy(name, (char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName);
+ memset(&lastUcodeInfo, 0, sizeof(UcodeInfo));
+ memset(&UsedUcodes, 0, sizeof(UsedUcodes));
+ memset(&g_TmemFlag, 0, sizeof(g_TmemFlag));
+ memset(&g_RecentCIInfo, 0, sizeof(RecentCIInfo)*5);
+ memset(&g_RecentVIOriginInfo, 0, sizeof(RecentViOriginInfo)*5);
+ memset(&g_ZI_saves, 0, sizeof(RenderTextureInfo)*2);
+ memset(&g_ZI, 0, sizeof(SetImgInfo));
+ memset(&g_CI, 0, sizeof(SetImgInfo));
+ memset(&g_TI, 0, sizeof(SetImgInfo));
+ status.UseLargerTile[0] = status.UseLargerTile[1] = false;
+ status.LargerTileRealLeft[0] = status.LargerTileRealLeft[1] = 0;
+void RDP_GFX_Reset()
+ gDlistStackPointer=-1;
+ status.bUcodeIsKnown = FALSE;
+ gTextureManager.RecycleAllTextures();
+void RDP_Cleanup()
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->CloseRenderTexture(false);
+ }
+void RDP_SetUcodeMap(int ucode)
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = false;
+ switch( ucode )
+ {
+ case 0: // Mario and demos
+ break;
+ case 1: // F3DEX GBI1
+ case 20:
+ break;
+ case 2: // Golden Eye
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap0, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[9]=RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DBase;
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[0xaf]=RSP_GBI1_LoadUCode;
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[0xb0]=RSP_GBI1_BranchZ;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xb4]=DLParser_RDPHalf_1_0xb4_GoldenEye;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 3: // S2DEX GBI2
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap0, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[4]=RSP_Vtx_WRUS;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xb1]=RSP_GBI1_Tri2;
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[9]=RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DBase;
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[0xaf]=RSP_GBI1_LoadUCode;
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[0xb0]=RSP_GBI1_BranchZ;
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[0xb2]=RSP_GBI1_ModifyVtx;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 5: // F3DEX GBI2
+ break;
+ case 6: // DKR, Jet Force Gemini, Mickey
+ case 11: // DKR, Jet Force Gemini, Mickey
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap0, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[1]=RSP_Mtx_DKR;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[4]=RSP_Vtx_DKR;
+ if( ucode == 11 ) LoadedUcodeMap[4]=RSP_Vtx_Gemini;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[5]=RSP_DMA_Tri_DKR;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[7]=RSP_DL_In_MEM_DKR;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xbc]=RSP_MoveWord_DKR;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xbf]=DLParser_Set_Addr_Ucode6;
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[9]=RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DBase;
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[0xb0]=RSP_GBI1_BranchZ;
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[0xb2]=RSP_GBI1_ModifyVtx;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 7: // S2DEX GBI1
+ break;
+ case 8: // Ucode 0 with Sprite2D, Puzzle Master 64
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap0, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[RSP_SPRITE2D_BASE] = RSP_GBI_Sprite2D_PuzzleMaster64;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[RSP_SPRITE2D_SCALEFLIP] = RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DScaleFlip;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[RSP_SPRITE2D_DRAW] = RSP_GBI0_Sprite2DDraw;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 9: // Perfect Dark
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap0, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[4]=RSP_Vtx_PD;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[7]=RSP_Set_Vtx_CI_PD;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xb1]=RSP_Tri4_PD;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xb4]=DLParser_RDPHalf_1_0xb4_GoldenEye;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 10: // Conker BFD
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap5, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[1]=RSP_Vtx_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x10]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x11]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x12]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x13]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x14]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x15]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x16]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x17]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x18]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x19]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x1a]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x1b]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x1c]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x1d]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x1e]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x1f]=DLParser_Tri4_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xdb]=DLParser_MoveWord_Conker;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xdc]=DLParser_MoveMem_Conker;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 12: // Silicon Velley, Space Station
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap1, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x01]=RSP_GBI0_Mtx;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 13: // modified S2DEX
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap7, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[S2DEX_BG_1CYC] = ucodeMap1[S2DEX_BG_1CYC];
+ LoadedUcodeMap[S2DEX_OBJ_SPRITE] = ucodeMap1[S2DEX_OBJ_SPRITE];
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[S2DEX_OBJ_RECTANGLE_R] = ucodeMap1[S2DEX_OBJ_RECTANGLE_R];
+ LoadedUcodeMap[S2DEX_RDPHALF_0] = ucodeMap1[S2DEX_RDPHALF_0];
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 14: // OgreBattle Background
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap5, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xda] = DLParser_OgreBatter64BG;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xdc] = RSP_S2DEX_OBJ_MOVEMEM;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 15: // Ucode 0 with Sprite2D
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap0, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[RSP_SPRITE2D_BASE] = RSP_GBI_Sprite2DBase;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[RSP_SPRITE2D_SCALEFLIP] = RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DScaleFlip;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[RSP_SPRITE2D_DRAW] = RSP_GBI0_Sprite2DDraw;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 16: // Star War, Shadow Of Empire
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap0, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[4]=RSP_Vtx_ShadowOfEmpire;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 17: //Indiana Jones, does not work anyway
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap1, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0]=DLParser_Ucode8_0x0;
+ //LoadedUcodeMap[1]=RSP_RDP_Nothing;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[2]=DLParser_RS_Color_Buffer;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[3]=DLParser_RS_MoveMem;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[4]=DLParser_RS_Vtx_Buffer;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[5]=DLParser_Ucode8_0x05;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[6]=DLParser_Ucode8_DL;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[7]=DLParser_Ucode8_JUMP;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[8]=RSP_RDP_Nothing;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[9]=RSP_RDP_Nothing;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[10]=RSP_RDP_Nothing;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[11]=RSP_RDP_Nothing;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x80]=DLParser_RS_Block;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xb4]=DLParser_Ucode8_0xb4;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xb5]=DLParser_Ucode8_0xb5;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xb8]=DLParser_Ucode8_EndDL;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xbc]=DLParser_Ucode8_0xbc;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xbd]=DLParser_Ucode8_0xbd;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xbe]=DLParser_RS_0xbe;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xbF]=DLParser_Ucode8_0xbf;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xe4]=DLParser_TexRect_Last_Legion;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 18: // World Driver Championship
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap1, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xe]=DLParser_RSP_DL_WorldDriver;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x2]=DLParser_RSP_Pop_DL_WorldDriver;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xdf]=DLParser_RSP_Pop_DL_WorldDriver;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x6]=RSP_RDP_Nothing;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ case 19: // Last Legion UX
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap1, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x80]=DLParser_RSP_Last_Legion_0x80;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0x00]=DLParser_RSP_Last_Legion_0x00;
+ LoadedUcodeMap[0xe4]=DLParser_TexRect_Last_Legion;
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ memcpy( &LoadedUcodeMap, &ucodeMap5, sizeof(UcodeMap));
+ status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap = true;
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( logMicrocode )
+ TRACE1("Using ucode %d", ucode);
+void RSP_SetUcode(int ucode, uint32 ucStart, uint32 ucDStart, uint32 ucSize)
+ if( status.ucodeHasBeenSet && gRSP.ucode == ucode )
+ return;
+ status.ucodeHasBeenSet = true;
+ if( ucode < 0 )
+ ucode = 5;
+ RDP_SetUcodeMap(ucode);
+ if( status.bUseModifiedUcodeMap )
+ {
+ currentUcodeMap = &LoadedUcodeMap[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentUcodeMap = *ucodeMaps[ucode];
+ }
+ gRSP.vertexMult = vertexMultVals[ucode];
+ //if( gRSP.ucode != ucode ) DebuggerAppendMsg("Set to ucode: %d", ucode);
+ gRSP.ucode = ucode;
+ lastUcodeInfo.used = true;
+ if( ucStart == 0 )
+ {
+ lastUcodeInfo.ucStart = g_pOSTask->t.ucode;
+ lastUcodeInfo.ucDStart = g_pOSTask->t.ucode_data;
+ lastUcodeInfo.ucSize = g_pOSTask->t.ucode_size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lastUcodeInfo.ucStart = ucStart;
+ lastUcodeInfo.ucDStart = ucDStart;
+ lastUcodeInfo.ucSize = ucSize;
+ }
+static uint32 DLParser_IdentifyUcodeFromString( const unsigned char * str_ucode )
+ const unsigned char str_ucode0[] = "RSP SW Version: 2.0";
+ const unsigned char str_ucode1[] = "RSP Gfx ucode ";
+ if ( strncasecmp( (char*)str_ucode, (char*)str_ucode0, strlen((char*)str_ucode0) ) == 0 )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( strncasecmp( (char*)str_ucode, (char*)str_ucode1, strlen((char*)str_ucode1) ) == 0 )
+ {
+ if( strstr((char*)str_ucode,"1.") != 0 )
+ {
+ if( strstr((char*)str_ucode,"S2DEX") != 0 )
+ {
+ return 7;
+ }
+ else
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if( strstr((char*)str_ucode,"2.") != 0 )
+ {
+ if( strstr((char*)str_ucode,"S2DEX") != 0 )
+ {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ else
+ return 5;
+ }
+ }
+ return 5;
+static uint32 DLParser_IdentifyUcode( uint32 crc_size, uint32 crc_800, char* str )
+ for ( uint32 i = 0; i < sizeof(g_UcodeData)/sizeof(UcodeData); i++ )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if ( crc_800 == g_UcodeData[i].crc_800 )
+ {
+ if( strlen(str)==0 || strcmp((const char *) g_UcodeData[i].ucode_name, str) == 0 )
+ {
+ TRACE0((const char *) g_UcodeData[i].ucode_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Incorrect description for this ucode:\n%x, %x, %s",crc_800, crc_size, str);
+ }
+ status.bUcodeIsKnown = TRUE;
+ gRSP.bNearClip = !g_UcodeData[i].non_nearclip;
+ gRSP.bRejectVtx = g_UcodeData[i].reject;
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Identify ucode = %d, crc = %08X, %s", g_UcodeData[i].ucode, crc_800, str);
+ return g_UcodeData[i].ucode;
+ }
+ if ( crc_800 == g_UcodeData[i].crc_800 )
+ {
+ status.bUcodeIsKnown = TRUE;
+ gRSP.bNearClip = !g_UcodeData[i].non_nearclip;
+ gRSP.bRejectVtx = g_UcodeData[i].reject;
+ return g_UcodeData[i].ucode;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ {
+ static bool warned = false;
+ if( warned == false )
+ {
+ warned = true;
+ TRACE0("Can not identify ucode for this game");
+ }
+ }
+ gRSP.bNearClip = false;
+ gRSP.bRejectVtx = false;
+ status.bUcodeIsKnown = FALSE;
+ return ~0;
+uint32 DLParser_CheckUcode(uint32 ucStart, uint32 ucDStart, uint32 ucSize, uint32 ucDSize)
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ROGUE_SQUADRON )
+ {
+ return 17;
+ }
+ // Check the used ucode table first
+ int usedUcodeIndex = 0;
+ for( usedUcodeIndex=0; (unsigned int)usedUcodeIndex<maxUsedUcodes; usedUcodeIndex++ )
+ {
+ if( UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].used == false )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if( UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].ucStart == ucStart && UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].ucSize == ucSize &&
+ UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].ucDStart == ucDStart /*&& UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].ucDSize == ucDSize*/ )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if(gRSP.ucode != (int)UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].ucode && logMicrocode)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Check, ucode = %d, crc = %08X, %s", UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].ucode,
+ UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].crc_800 , UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].rspstr);
+ }
+ lastUcodeInfo.ucStart = ucStart;
+ lastUcodeInfo.used = true;
+ lastUcodeInfo.ucDStart = ucDStart;
+ lastUcodeInfo.ucSize = ucSize;
+ return UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].ucode;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32 base = ucDStart & 0x1fffffff;
+ unsigned char str[300] = "";
+ if( base < g_dwRamSize+0x1000 )
+ {
+ for ( uint32 i = 0; i < 0x1000; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( g_pRDRAMs8[ base + ((i+0) ^ 3) ] == 'R' &&
+ g_pRDRAMs8[ base + ((i+1) ^ 3) ] == 'S' &&
+ g_pRDRAMs8[ base + ((i+2) ^ 3) ] == 'P' )
+ {
+ unsigned char * p = str;
+ while ( g_pRDRAMs8[ base + (i ^ 3) ] >= ' ')
+ {
+ *p++ = g_pRDRAMs8[ base + (i ^ 3) ];
+ i++;
+ }
+ *p++ = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //if ( strcmp( str, gLastMicrocodeString ) != 0 )
+ {
+ //uint32 size = ucDSize;
+ base = ucStart & 0x1fffffff;
+ uint32 crc_size = ComputeCRC32( 0, &g_pRDRAMu8[ base ], 8);//size );
+ uint32 crc_800 = ComputeCRC32( 0, &g_pRDRAMu8[ base ], 0x800 );
+ uint32 ucode;
+ ucode = DLParser_IdentifyUcode( crc_size, crc_800, (char*)str );
+ if ( (int)ucode == ~0 )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ static bool warned=false;
+ //if( warned == false )
+ {
+ char message[300];
+ sprintf(message, "Unable to find ucode to use for '%s' CRCSize: 0x%08x CRC800: 0x%08x",
+ str, crc_size, crc_800);
+ TRACE0(message);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, message);
+ warned = true;
+ }
+ ucode = DLParser_IdentifyUcodeFromString(str);
+ if ( (int)ucode == ~0 )
+ {
+ ucode=5;
+ }
+ }
+ //DLParser_SetuCode( ucode );
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ {
+ static bool warned=false;
+ if( warned == false )
+ {
+ warned = true;
+ if( strlen((char *) str) == 0 )
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Can not find RSP string in the DLIST, CRC800: 0x%08x, CRCSize: 0x%08x", crc_800, crc_size);
+ else
+ TRACE0((char *) str);
+ }
+ }
+ strcpy( (char*)gLastMicrocodeString, (char*)str );
+ if( usedUcodeIndex >= MAX_UCODE_INFO )
+ {
+ usedUcodeIndex = rand()%MAX_UCODE_INFO;
+ }
+ UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].ucStart = ucStart;
+ UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].ucSize = ucSize;
+ UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].ucDStart = ucDStart;
+ UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].ucDSize = ucDSize;
+ UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].ucode = ucode;
+ UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].crc_800 = crc_800;
+ UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].crc_size = crc_size;
+ UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].used = true;
+ strcpy( UsedUcodes[usedUcodeIndex].rspstr, (char*)str );
+ TRACE2("New ucode has been detected:\n%s, ucode=%d", str, ucode);
+ return ucode;
+ }
+extern int dlistMtxCount;
+extern bool bHalfTxtScale;
+extern float mspervi;
+extern float numvi;
+static int skipframe=0;
+static unsigned int oldtick=0;
+static int oldskip=0;
+void DLParser_Process(OSTask * pTask)
+ //BOOL menuWaiting = FALSE;
+ dlistMtxCount = 0;
+ bHalfTxtScale = false;
+ if ( CRender::g_pRender == NULL)
+ {
+ TriggerDPInterrupt();
+ TriggerSPInterrupt();
+ return;
+ }
+ status.bScreenIsDrawn = true;
+ unsigned int newtick=0;
+ bool skipping;
+ static int count = 0;
+ if( options.bSkipFrame )
+ {
+ skipping=false;
+ newtick = SDL_GetTicks();
+ if (newtick-oldtick>400 || skipframe>4 || numvi==0) {
+ oldtick=newtick; // too long frame delay, something must have gone wrong
+ skipping=false;
+ } else
+ if ((float)(newtick-oldtick)>=mspervi*numvi+3.0f) {
+ skipping=true;
+if (count<20)
+printf("skipframe=%i, newtick-oldtick=%u (%f), mspervi=%f, numvi=%f\n", skipframe, newtick-oldtick, mspervi*numvi+2.0f, mspervi, numvi);
+if (++count>2000) count=0;
+ }
+ // don't jump frameskipping...
+ if (skipping) {
+ //want to skip, be progress slowly...
+ if (skipframe>oldskip+1)
+ skipping = false;
+ }/* else {
+ //don't want to skip, but do it slowly too
+ if (skipframe<oldskip-1)
+ skipping = true;
+ }*/
+ if (skipping) {
+// oldtick=newtick;
+// numvi=0;
+ skipframe++;
+ status.bScreenIsDrawn = false;
+ TriggerDPInterrupt();
+ TriggerSPInterrupt();
+ return;
+ }
+ oldskip = skipframe;
+ skipframe=0;
+ oldtick=newtick;
+ numvi=0;
+ }
+ if( currentRomOptions.N64RenderToTextureEmuType != TXT_BUF_NONE && defaultRomOptions.bSaveVRAM )
+ {
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->CheckRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM();
+ }
+ g_pOSTask = pTask;
+ DebuggerPauseCountN( NEXT_DLIST );
+ status.gRDPTime = (uint32) SDL_GetTicks();
+ status.gDlistCount++;
+ if ( lastUcodeInfo.ucStart != (uint32)(pTask->t.ucode) )
+ {
+ uint32 ucode = DLParser_CheckUcode(pTask->t.ucode, pTask->t.ucode_data, pTask->t.ucode_size, pTask->t.ucode_data_size);
+ RSP_SetUcode(ucode, pTask->t.ucode, pTask->t.ucode_data, pTask->t.ucode_size);
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP(NEXT_SWITCH_UCODE,{DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause at switching ucode");});
+ }
+ // Initialize stack
+ status.bN64FrameBufferIsUsed = false;
+ gDlistStackPointer=0;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = (uint32)pTask->t.data_ptr;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = MAX_DL_COUNT;
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AT_COND_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N((gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc == 0 && pauseAtNext && eventToPause==NEXT_UNKNOWN_OP),
+ {DebuggerAppendMsg("Start Task without DLIST: ucode=%08X, data=%08X", (uint32)pTask->t.ucode, (uint32)pTask->t.ucode_data);});
+ // Check if we need to purge (every 5 milliseconds) /*SEB maybe that's too frequent. Let's change 5 by 2*1000 = 2sec !*/
+ if (status.gRDPTime - status.lastPurgeTimeTime > 5)
+ {
+ gTextureManager.PurgeOldTextures();
+ status.lastPurgeTimeTime = status.gRDPTime;
+ }
+ status.dwNumDListsCulled = 0;
+ status.dwNumTrisRendered = 0;
+ status.dwNumTrisClipped = 0;
+ status.dwNumVertices = 0;
+ status.dwBiggestVertexIndex = 0;
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bForceScreenClear && CGraphicsContext::needCleanScene )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->ClearBuffer(true,true);
+ CGraphicsContext::needCleanScene = false;
+ }
+ SetVIScales();
+ CRender::g_pRender->RenderReset();
+ CRender::g_pRender->BeginRendering();
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetViewport(0, 0, windowSetting.uViWidth, windowSetting.uViHeight, 0x3FF);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetFillMode(options.bWinFrameMode? RICE_FILLMODE_WINFRAME : RICE_FILLMODE_SOLID);
+ try
+ {
+ // The main loop
+ while( gDlistStackPointer >= 0 )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerPause )
+ {
+ DebuggerPause();
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetFillMode(options.bWinFrameMode? RICE_FILLMODE_WINFRAME : RICE_FILLMODE_SOLID);
+ }
+ if (gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc > g_dwRamSize)
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Error: dwPC is %08X", gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc );
+ break;
+ }
+ status.gUcodeCount++;
+ Gfx *pgfx = (Gfx*)&g_pRDRAMu32[(gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc>>2)];
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ LOG_UCODE("0x%08x: %08x %08x %-10s",
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc, pgfx->words.w0, pgfx->words.w1, (gRSP.ucode!=5&&gRSP.ucode!=10)?ucodeNames_GBI1[(pgfx->words.w0>>24)]:ucodeNames_GBI2[(pgfx->words.w0>>24)]);
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 8;
+ currentUcodeMap[pgfx->words.w0 >>24](pgfx);
+ if ( gDlistStackPointer >= 0 && --gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown < 0 )
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE("**EndDLInMem");
+ gDlistStackPointer--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ TRACE0("Unknown exception happens in ProcessDList");
+ TriggerDPInterrupt();
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->EndRendering();
+ if( gRSP.ucode >= 17)
+ TriggerDPInterrupt();
+ TriggerSPInterrupt();
+// Util Functions //
+void RDP_NOIMPL_Real(const char* op, uint32 word0, uint32 word1)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( logWarning )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Stack Trace");
+ for( int i=0; i<gDlistStackPointer; i++ )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" %08X", gDlistStack[i].pc);
+ }
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("PC=%08X",dwPC);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(op, word0, word1);
+ }
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N(NEXT_UNKNOWN_OP, {TRACE0("Paused at unimplemented ucode\n");})
+void RDP_NOIMPL_WARN(const char* op)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if(logWarning)
+ {
+ TRACE0(op);
+ }
+void RSP_GBI1_Noop(Gfx *gfx)
+void RDP_GFX_PopDL()
+ LOG_UCODE("Returning from DisplayList: level=%d", gDlistStackPointer+1);
+ LOG_UCODE("############################################");
+ LOG_UCODE("/\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\");
+ LOG_UCODE("");
+ gDlistStackPointer--;
+uint32 CalcalateCRC(uint32* srcPtr, uint32 srcSize)
+ uint32 crc=0;
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<srcSize; i++ )
+ {
+ crc += srcPtr[i];
+ }
+ return crc;
+void RSP_GFX_InitGeometryMode()
+ bool bCullFront = (gRDP.geometryMode & G_CULL_FRONT) ? true : false;
+ bool bCullBack = (gRDP.geometryMode & G_CULL_BACK) ? true : false;
+ if( bCullFront && bCullBack ) // should never cull front
+ {
+ bCullFront = false;
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCullMode(bCullFront, bCullBack);
+ BOOL bShade = (gRDP.geometryMode & G_SHADE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ BOOL bShadeSmooth = (gRDP.geometryMode & G_SHADING_SMOOTH) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ if (bShade && bShadeSmooth) CRender::g_pRender->SetShadeMode( SHADE_SMOOTH );
+ else CRender::g_pRender->SetShadeMode( SHADE_FLAT );
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetFogEnable( gRDP.geometryMode & G_FOG ? true : false );
+ SetTextureGen((gRDP.geometryMode & G_TEXTURE_GEN) ? true : false );
+ SetLighting( (gRDP.geometryMode & G_LIGHTING ) ? true : false );
+ CRender::g_pRender->ZBufferEnable( gRDP.geometryMode & G_ZBUFFER );
+// DP Ucodes //
+void DLParser_SetKeyGB(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_SetKeyGB);
+ gRDP.keyB = ((gfx->words.w1)>>8)&0xFF;
+ gRDP.keyG = ((gfx->words.w1)>>24)&0xFF;
+ gRDP.keyA = (gRDP.keyR+gRDP.keyG+gRDP.keyB)/3;
+ gRDP.fKeyA = gRDP.keyA/255.0f;
+void DLParser_SetKeyR(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_SetKeyR);
+ gRDP.keyR = ((gfx->words.w1)>>8)&0xFF;
+ gRDP.keyA = (gRDP.keyR+gRDP.keyG+gRDP.keyB)/3;
+ gRDP.fKeyA = gRDP.keyA/255.0f;
+int g_convk0,g_convk1,g_convk2,g_convk3,g_convk4,g_convk5;
+float g_convc0,g_convc1,g_convc2,g_convc3,g_convc4,g_convc5;
+void DLParser_SetConvert(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_SetConvert);
+ int temp;
+ temp = ((gfx->words.w0)>>13)&0x1FF;
+ g_convk0 = temp>0xFF ? -(temp-0x100) : temp;
+ temp = ((gfx->words.w0)>>4)&0x1FF;
+ g_convk1 = temp>0xFF ? -(temp-0x100) : temp;
+ temp = (gfx->words.w0)&0xF;
+ temp = (temp<<5)|(((gfx->words.w1)>>27)&0x1F);
+ g_convk2 = temp>0xFF ? -(temp-0x100) : temp;
+ temp = ((gfx->words.w1)>>18)&0x1FF;
+ g_convk3 = temp>0xFF ? -(temp-0x100) : temp;
+ temp = ((gfx->words.w1)>>9)&0x1FF;
+ g_convk4 = temp>0xFF ? -(temp-0x100) : temp;
+ temp = (gfx->words.w1)&0x1FF;
+ g_convk5 = temp>0xFF ? -(temp-0x100) : temp;
+ g_convc0 = g_convk5/255.0f+1.0f;
+ g_convc1 = g_convk0/255.0f*g_convc0;
+ g_convc2 = g_convk1/255.0f*g_convc0;
+ g_convc3 = g_convk2/255.0f*g_convc0;
+ g_convc4 = g_convk3/255.0f*g_convc0;
+void DLParser_SetPrimDepth(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_SetPrimDepth);
+ uint32 dwZ = ((gfx->words.w1) >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
+ uint32 dwDZ = ((gfx->words.w1) ) & 0xFFFF;
+ LOG_UCODE("SetPrimDepth: 0x%08x 0x%08x - z: 0x%04x dz: 0x%04x",
+ gfx->words.w0, gfx->words.w1, dwZ, dwDZ);
+ SetPrimitiveDepth(dwZ, dwDZ);
+void DLParser_RDPSetOtherMode(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_RDPSetOtherMode);
+ gRDP.otherMode._u32[1] = (gfx->words.w0); // High
+ gRDP.otherMode._u32[0] = (gfx->words.w1); // Low
+ if( gRDP.otherModeH != ((gfx->words.w0) & 0x0FFFFFFF) )
+ {
+ gRDP.otherModeH = ((gfx->words.w0) & 0x0FFFFFFF);
+ uint32 dwTextFilt = (gRDP.otherModeH>>RSP_SETOTHERMODE_SHIFT_TEXTFILT)&0x3;
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetTextureFilter(dwTextFilt<<RSP_SETOTHERMODE_SHIFT_TEXTFILT);
+ }
+ if( gRDP.otherModeL != (gfx->words.w1) )
+ {
+ if( (gRDP.otherModeL&ZMODE_DEC) != ((gfx->words.w1)&ZMODE_DEC) )
+ {
+ if( ((gfx->words.w1)&ZMODE_DEC) == ZMODE_DEC )
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetZBias( 2 );
+ else
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetZBias( 0 );
+ }
+ gRDP.otherModeL = (gfx->words.w1);
+ BOOL bZCompare = (gRDP.otherModeL & Z_COMPARE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ BOOL bZUpdate = (gRDP.otherModeL & Z_UPDATE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetZCompare( bZCompare );
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetZUpdate( bZUpdate );
+ uint32 dwAlphaTestMode = (gRDP.otherModeL >> RSP_SETOTHERMODE_SHIFT_ALPHACOMPARE) & 0x3;
+ if ((dwAlphaTestMode) != 0)
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetAlphaTestEnable( TRUE );
+ else
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetAlphaTestEnable( FALSE );
+ }
+ uint16 blender = gRDP.otherMode.blender;
+ RDP_BlenderSetting &bl = *(RDP_BlenderSetting*)(&(blender));
+ if( bl.c1_m1a==3 || bl.c1_m2a == 3 || bl.c2_m1a == 3 || bl.c2_m2a == 3 )
+ {
+ gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender = false;
+ }
+void DLParser_RDPLoadSync(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_RDPLoadSync);
+ LOG_UCODE("LoadSync: (Ignored)");
+void DLParser_RDPPipeSync(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_RDPPipeSync);
+ LOG_UCODE("PipeSync: (Ignored)");
+void DLParser_RDPTileSync(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_RDPTileSync);
+ LOG_UCODE("TileSync: (Ignored)");
+void DLParser_RDPFullSync(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_RDPFullSync);
+ TriggerDPInterrupt();
+void DLParser_SetScissor(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_SetScissor);
+ ScissorType tempScissor;
+ // The coords are all in 8:2 fixed point
+ tempScissor.x0 = ((gfx->words.w0)>>12)&0xFFF;
+ tempScissor.y0 = ((gfx->words.w0)>>0 )&0xFFF;
+ tempScissor.mode = ((gfx->words.w1)>>24)&0x03;
+ tempScissor.x1 = ((gfx->words.w1)>>12)&0xFFF;
+ tempScissor.y1 = ((gfx->words.w1)>>0 )&0xFFF;
+ tempScissor.left = tempScissor.x0/4;
+ tempScissor.top = tempScissor.y0/4;
+ tempScissor.right = tempScissor.x1/4;
+ tempScissor.bottom = tempScissor.y1/4;
+ if( options.bEnableHacks )
+ {
+ if( g_CI.dwWidth == 0x200 && tempScissor.right == 0x200 )
+ {
+ uint32 width = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG & 0xFFF;
+ if( width != 0x200 )
+ {
+ // Hack for RE2
+ tempScissor.bottom = tempScissor.right*tempScissor.bottom/width;
+ tempScissor.right = width;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( gRDP.scissor.left != tempScissor.left || gRDP.scissor.top != tempScissor.top ||
+ gRDP.scissor.right != tempScissor.right || gRDP.scissor.bottom != tempScissor.bottom ||
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_left != tempScissor.left || gRSP.real_clip_scissor_top != tempScissor.top ||
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_right != tempScissor.right || gRSP.real_clip_scissor_bottom != tempScissor.bottom)
+ {
+ memcpy(&(gRDP.scissor), &tempScissor, sizeof(ScissorType) );
+ if( !status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ SetVIScales();
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_SUPER_BOWLING && g_CI.dwAddr%0x100 != 0 )
+ {
+ // right half screen
+ gRDP.scissor.left += 160;
+ gRDP.scissor.right += 160;
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetViewport(160, 0, 320, 240, 0xFFFF);
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->UpdateClipRectangle();
+ CRender::g_pRender->UpdateScissor();
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetViewportRender();
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE("SetScissor: x0=%d y0=%d x1=%d y1=%d mode=%d",
+ gRDP.scissor.left, gRDP.scissor.top,
+ gRDP.scissor.right, gRDP.scissor.bottom,
+ gRDP.scissor.mode);
+ ///TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(DebuggerAppendMsg("SetScissor: x0=%d y0=%d x1=%d y1=%d mode=%d", gRDP.scissor.left, gRDP.scissor.top,
+ //gRDP.scissor.right, gRDP.scissor.bottom, gRDP.scissor.mode););
+void DLParser_FillRect(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_FillRect); // fix me
+ status.primitiveType = PRIM_FILLRECT;
+ if( status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer && frameBufferOptions.bIgnore )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_TENNIS )
+ {
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc; // This points to the next instruction
+ uint32 w2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC);
+ if( (w2>>24) == RDP_FILLRECT )
+ {
+ // Mario Tennis, a lot of FillRect ucodes, skip all of them
+ while( (w2>>24) == RDP_FILLRECT )
+ {
+ dwPC += 8;
+ w2 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC);
+ }
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = dwPC;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32 x0 = (((gfx->words.w1)>>12)&0xFFF)/4;
+ uint32 y0 = (((gfx->words.w1)>>0 )&0xFFF)/4;
+ uint32 x1 = (((gfx->words.w0)>>12)&0xFFF)/4;
+ uint32 y1 = (((gfx->words.w0)>>0 )&0xFFF)/4;
+ // Note, in some modes, the right/bottom lines aren't drawn
+ LOG_UCODE(" (%d,%d) (%d,%d)", x0, y0, x1, y1);
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type >= CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ {
+ x1++;
+ y1++;
+ }
+ //TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(DebuggerAppendMsg("FillRect: X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d, Color=0x%08X", x0, y0, x1, y1, gRDP.originalFillColor););
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_BANJO_TOOIE )
+ {
+ // Skip this
+ return;
+ }
+ if (IsUsedAsDI(g_CI.dwAddr))
+ {
+ // Clear the Z Buffer
+ if( x0!=0 || y0!=0 || windowSetting.uViWidth-x1>1 || windowSetting.uViHeight-y1>1)
+ {
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_GOLDEN_EYE )
+ {
+ // GoldenEye is using double zbuffer
+ if( g_CI.dwAddr == g_ZI.dwAddr )
+ {
+ // The zbuffer is the upper screen
+ COORDRECT rect={int(x0*windowSetting.fMultX),int(y0*windowSetting.fMultY),int(x1*windowSetting.fMultX),int(y1*windowSetting.fMultY)};
+ CRender::g_pRender->ClearBuffer(false,true,rect); //Check me
+ LOG_UCODE(" Clearing ZBuffer");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The zbuffer is the lower screen
+ int h = (g_CI.dwAddr-g_ZI.dwAddr)/g_CI.dwWidth/2;
+ COORDRECT rect={int(x0*windowSetting.fMultX),int((y0+h)*windowSetting.fMultY),int(x1*windowSetting.fMultX),int((y1+h)*windowSetting.fMultY)};
+ CRender::g_pRender->ClearBuffer(false,true,rect); //Check me
+ LOG_UCODE(" Clearing ZBuffer");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ COORDRECT rect={int(x0*windowSetting.fMultX),int(y0*windowSetting.fMultY),int(x1*windowSetting.fMultX),int(y1*windowSetting.fMultY)};
+ CRender::g_pRender->ClearBuffer(false,true,rect); //Check me
+ LOG_UCODE(" Clearing ZBuffer");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->ClearBuffer(false,true); //Check me
+ LOG_UCODE(" Clearing ZBuffer");
+ }
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N( NEXT_FLUSH_TRI,{TRACE0("Pause after FillRect: ClearZbuffer\n");});
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N( NEXT_FILLRECT, {DebuggerAppendMsg("ClearZbuffer: X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d, Color=0x%08X", x0, y0, x1, y1, gRDP.originalFillColor);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after ClearZbuffer: Color=%08X\n", gRDP.originalFillColor);});
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bEmulateClear )
+ {
+ // Emulating Clear, by write the memory in RDRAM
+ uint16 color = (uint16)gRDP.originalFillColor;
+ uint32 pitch = g_CI.dwWidth<<1;
+ long long base = (long long) (g_pRDRAMu8 + g_CI.dwAddr);
+ for( uint32 i =y0; i<y1; i++ )
+ {
+ for( uint32 j=x0; j<x1; j++ )
+ {
+ *(uint16*)((base+pitch*i+j)^2) = color;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ if( !status.bCIBufferIsRendered ) g_pFrameBufferManager->ActiveTextureBuffer();
+ status.leftRendered = status.leftRendered<0 ? x0 : min((int)x0,status.leftRendered);
+ status.topRendered = status.topRendered<0 ? y0 : min((int)y0,status.topRendered);
+ status.rightRendered = status.rightRendered<0 ? x1 : max((int)x1,status.rightRendered);
+ status.bottomRendered = status.bottomRendered<0 ? y1 : max((int)y1,status.bottomRendered);
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight = max(g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight,(int)y1);
+ if( status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM || ( x0==0 && y0==0 && (x1 == g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width || x1 == g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width-1 ) ) )
+ {
+ if( g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_16b )
+ {
+ uint16 color = (uint16)gRDP.originalFillColor;
+ uint32 pitch = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width<<1;
+ long long base = (long long) (g_pRDRAMu8 + g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwAddr);
+ for( uint32 i =y0; i<y1; i++ )
+ {
+ for( uint32 j=x0; j<x1; j++ )
+ {
+ *(uint16*)((base+pitch*i+j)^2) = color;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8 color = (uint8)gRDP.originalFillColor;
+ uint32 pitch = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width;
+ long long base = (long long) (g_pRDRAMu8 + g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwAddr);
+ for( uint32 i=y0; i<y1; i++ )
+ {
+ for( uint32 j=x0; j<x1; j++ )
+ {
+ *(uint8*)((base+pitch*i+j)^3) = color;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = true;
+ }
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = true;
+ if( !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM )
+ {
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ //if( x0==0 && y0==0 && (x1 == g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width || x1 == g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width-1 ) && gRDP.fillColor == 0)
+ //{
+ // CRender::g_pRender->ClearBuffer(true,false);
+ //}
+ //else
+ {
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_FILL )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->FillRect(x0, y0, x1, y1, gRDP.fillColor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ COLOR primColor = GetPrimitiveColor();
+ CRender::g_pRender->FillRect(x0, y0, x1, y1, primColor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N( NEXT_FILLRECT, {DebuggerAppendMsg("FillRect: X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d, Color=0x%08X", x0, y0, x1, y1, gRDP.originalFillColor);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after FillRect: Color=%08X\n", gRDP.originalFillColor);});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" Filling Rectangle");
+ if( frameBufferOptions.bSupportRenderTextures || frameBufferOptions.bCheckBackBufs )
+ {
+ if( !status.bCIBufferIsRendered ) g_pFrameBufferManager->ActiveTextureBuffer();
+ status.leftRendered = status.leftRendered<0 ? x0 : min((int)x0,status.leftRendered);
+ status.topRendered = status.topRendered<0 ? y0 : min((int)y0,status.topRendered);
+ status.rightRendered = status.rightRendered<0 ? x1 : max((int)x1,status.rightRendered);
+ status.bottomRendered = status.bottomRendered<0 ? y1 : max((int)y1,status.bottomRendered);
+ }
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_FILL )
+ {
+ if( !status.bHandleN64RenderTexture || g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_16b )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->FillRect(x0, y0, x1, y1, gRDP.fillColor);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ COLOR primColor = GetPrimitiveColor();
+ //if( RGBA_GETALPHA(primColor) != 0 )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->FillRect(x0, y0, x1, y1, primColor);
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N( NEXT_FILLRECT, {DebuggerAppendMsg("FillRect: X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d, Color=0x%08X", x0, y0, x1, y1, gRDP.originalFillColor);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after FillRect: Color=%08X\n", gRDP.originalFillColor);});
+ }
+#define STORE_CI {g_CI.dwAddr = dwNewAddr;g_CI.dwFormat = dwFmt;g_CI.dwSize = dwSiz;g_CI.dwWidth = dwWidth;g_CI.bpl=dwBpl;}
+void DLParser_SetCImg(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwFmt = gfx->setimg.fmt;
+ uint32 dwSiz = gfx->setimg.siz;
+ uint32 dwWidth = gfx->setimg.width + 1;
+ uint32 dwNewAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->setimg.addr)) & 0x00FFFFFF ;
+ uint32 dwBpl = dwWidth << dwSiz >> 1;
+ TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(DebuggerAppendMsg("SetCImg: Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n", dwNewAddr, pszImgFormat[dwFmt], pszImgSize[dwSiz], dwWidth););
+ if( dwFmt == TXT_FMT_YUV || dwFmt == TXT_FMT_IA )
+ {
+ WARNING(TRACE4("Check me: SetCImg Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n",
+ g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[dwFmt], pszImgSize[dwSiz], dwWidth));
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE(" Image: 0x%08x", RSPSegmentAddr(gfx->words.w1));
+ LOG_UCODE(" Fmt: %s Size: %s Width: %d",
+ pszImgFormat[dwFmt], pszImgSize[dwSiz], dwWidth);
+ if( g_CI.dwAddr == dwNewAddr && g_CI.dwFormat == dwFmt && g_CI.dwSize == dwSiz && g_CI.dwWidth == dwWidth )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Set CIMG to the same address, no change, skipped");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after SetCImg: Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n",
+ g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[dwFmt], pszImgSize[dwSiz], dwWidth);
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ if( status.bVIOriginIsUpdated == true && currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting==SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_1ST_CI_CHANGE )
+ {
+ status.bVIOriginIsUpdated=false;
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ TXTRBUF_OR_CI_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE0("Screen Update at 1st CI change"););
+ }
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_SUPER_BOWLING )
+ {
+ if( dwNewAddr%0x100 == 0 )
+ {
+ if( dwWidth < 320 )
+ {
+ // Left half screen
+ gRDP.scissor.left = 0;
+ gRDP.scissor.right = 160;
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetViewport(0, 0, 160, 240, 0xFFFF);
+ CRender::g_pRender->UpdateClipRectangle();
+ CRender::g_pRender->UpdateScissor();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gRDP.scissor.left = 0;
+ gRDP.scissor.right = 320;
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetViewport(0, 0, 320, 240, 0xFFFF);
+ CRender::g_pRender->UpdateClipRectangle();
+ CRender::g_pRender->UpdateScissor();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // right half screen
+ gRDP.scissor.left = 160;
+ gRDP.scissor.right = 320;
+ gRSP.nVPLeftN = 160;
+ gRSP.nVPRightN = 320;
+ CRender::g_pRender->UpdateClipRectangle();
+ CRender::g_pRender->UpdateScissor();
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetViewport(160, 0, 320, 240, 0xFFFF);
+ }
+ }
+ if( !frameBufferOptions.bUpdateCIInfo )
+ {
+ status.bCIBufferIsRendered = false;
+ status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer = false;
+ TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE4("SetCImg : Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n",
+ g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[dwFmt], pszImgSize[dwSiz], dwWidth));
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after SetCImg: Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n",
+ dwNewAddr, pszImgFormat[dwFmt], pszImgSize[dwSiz], dwWidth);
+ }
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ SetImgInfo newCI;
+ newCI.bpl = dwBpl;
+ newCI.dwAddr = dwNewAddr;
+ newCI.dwFormat = dwFmt;
+ newCI.dwSize = dwSiz;
+ newCI.dwWidth = dwWidth;
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->Set_CI_addr(newCI);
+void DLParser_SetZImg(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_SetZImg);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Image: 0x%08x", RSPSegmentAddr(gfx->words.w1));
+ uint32 dwFmt = gfx->setimg.fmt;
+ uint32 dwSiz = gfx->setimg.siz;
+ uint32 dwWidth = gfx->setimg.width + 1;
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->setimg.addr));
+ if( dwAddr != g_ZI_saves[0].CI_Info.dwAddr )
+ {
+ g_ZI_saves[1].CI_Info.dwAddr = g_ZI.dwAddr;
+ g_ZI_saves[1].CI_Info.dwFormat = g_ZI.dwFormat;
+ g_ZI_saves[1].CI_Info.dwSize = g_ZI.dwSize;
+ g_ZI_saves[1].CI_Info.dwWidth = g_ZI.dwWidth;
+ g_ZI_saves[1].updateAtFrame = g_ZI_saves[0].updateAtFrame;
+ g_ZI_saves[0].CI_Info.dwAddr = g_ZI.dwAddr = dwAddr;
+ g_ZI_saves[0].CI_Info.dwFormat = g_ZI.dwFormat = dwFmt;
+ g_ZI_saves[0].CI_Info.dwSize = g_ZI.dwSize = dwSiz;
+ g_ZI_saves[0].CI_Info.dwWidth = g_ZI.dwWidth = dwWidth;
+ g_ZI_saves[0].updateAtFrame = status.gDlistCount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_ZI.dwAddr = dwAddr;
+ g_ZI.dwFormat = dwFmt;
+ g_ZI.dwSize = dwSiz;
+ g_ZI.dwWidth = dwWidth;
+ }
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((pauseAtNext) ,
+ {DebuggerAppendMsg("SetZImg: Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n",
+ g_ZI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[dwFmt], pszImgSize[dwSiz], dwWidth);}
+ );
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after SetZImg: Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n",
+ g_ZI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[dwFmt], pszImgSize[dwSiz], dwWidth);
+ }
+ );
+bool IsUsedAsDI(uint32 addr)
+ if( addr == g_ZI_saves[0].CI_Info.dwAddr )
+ return true;
+ else if( addr == g_ZI_saves[1].CI_Info.dwAddr && status.gDlistCount - g_ZI_saves[1].updateAtFrame < 10
+ && g_ZI_saves[1].CI_Info.dwAddr != 0 )
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+void DLParser_SetCombine(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_SetCombine);
+ uint32 dwMux0 = (gfx->words.w0)&0x00FFFFFF;
+ uint32 dwMux1 = (gfx->words.w1);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetMux(dwMux0, dwMux1);
+void DLParser_SetFillColor(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_SetFillColor);
+ gRDP.fillColor = Convert555ToRGBA(gfx->setcolor.fillcolor);
+ gRDP.originalFillColor = (gfx->setcolor.color);
+ LOG_UCODE(" Color5551=0x%04x = 0x%08x", (uint16)gfx->words.w1, gRDP.fillColor);
+void DLParser_SetFogColor(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_SetFogColor);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetFogColor( gfx->setcolor.r, gfx->setcolor.g, gfx->setcolor.b, gfx->setcolor.a );
+ FOG_DUMP(TRACE1("Set Fog color: %08X", gfx->setcolor.color));
+void DLParser_SetBlendColor(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_SetBlendColor);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetAlphaRef(gfx->setcolor.a);
+void DLParser_SetPrimColor(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_SetPrimColor);
+ SetPrimitiveColor( COLOR_RGBA(gfx->setcolor.r, gfx->setcolor.g, gfx->setcolor.b, gfx->setcolor.a),
+ gfx->setcolor.prim_min_level, gfx->setcolor.prim_level);
+void DLParser_SetEnvColor(Gfx *gfx)
+ DP_Timing(DLParser_SetEnvColor);
+ SetEnvColor( COLOR_RGBA(gfx->setcolor.r, gfx->setcolor.g, gfx->setcolor.b, gfx->setcolor.a) );
+void RDP_DLParser_Process(void)
+ status.gRDPTime = (uint32) SDL_GetTicks();
+ status.gDlistCount++;
+ uint32 start = *(g_GraphicsInfo.DPC_START_REG);
+ uint32 end = *(g_GraphicsInfo.DPC_END_REG);
+ gDlistStackPointer=0;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc = start;
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].countdown = MAX_DL_COUNT;
+ // Check if we need to purge (every 5 milliseconds)
+ if (status.gRDPTime - status.lastPurgeTimeTime > 5)
+ {
+ gTextureManager.PurgeOldTextures();
+ status.lastPurgeTimeTime = status.gRDPTime;
+ }
+ // Lock the graphics context here.
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetFillMode(RICE_FILLMODE_SOLID);
+ SetVIScales();
+ CRender::g_pRender->RenderReset();
+ CRender::g_pRender->BeginRendering();
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetViewport(0, 0, windowSetting.uViWidth, windowSetting.uViHeight, 0x3FF);
+ while( gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc < end )
+ {
+ Gfx *pgfx = (Gfx*)&g_pRDRAMu32[(gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc>>2)];
+ gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc += 8;
+ currentUcodeMap[pgfx->words.w0 >>24](pgfx);
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->EndRendering();
+void RDP_TriFill(Gfx *gfx)
+void RDP_TriFillZ(Gfx *gfx)
+void RDP_TriTxtr(Gfx *gfx)
+void RDP_TriTxtrZ(Gfx *gfx)
+void RDP_TriShade(Gfx *gfx)
+void RDP_TriShadeZ(Gfx *gfx)
+void RDP_TriShadeTxtr(Gfx *gfx)
+void RDP_TriShadeTxtrZ(Gfx *gfx)
+static int crc_table_empty = 1;
+static unsigned int crc_table[256];
+static void make_crc_table(void);
+static void make_crc_table()
+ unsigned int c;
+ int n, k;
+ unsigned int poly; /* polynomial exclusive-or pattern */
+ /* terms of polynomial defining this crc (except x^32): */
+ static const uint8 p[] = {0,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,16,22,23,26};
+ /* make exclusive-or pattern from polynomial (0xedb88320L) */
+ poly = 0L;
+ for (n = 0; (unsigned int)n < sizeof(p)/sizeof(uint8); n++)
+ poly |= 1L << (31 - p[n]);
+ for (n = 0; n < 256; n++)
+ {
+ c = (unsigned int)n;
+ for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
+ c = (c & 1) ? (poly ^ (c >> 1)) : c >> 1;
+ crc_table[n] = c;
+ }
+ crc_table_empty = 0;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+#define DO1(buf) crc = crc_table[((int)crc ^ (*buf++)) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+#define DO2(buf) DO1(buf); DO1(buf);
+#define DO4(buf) DO2(buf); DO2(buf);
+#define DO8(buf) DO4(buf); DO4(buf);
+/* ========================================================================= */
+unsigned int ComputeCRC32(unsigned int crc, const uint8 *buf, unsigned int len)
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ return 0L;
+ if (crc_table_empty)
+ make_crc_table();
+ crc = crc ^ 0xffffffffL;
+ while (len >= 8)
+ {
+ DO8(buf);
+ len -= 8;
+ }
+ if (len) do {
+ DO1(buf);
+ } while (--len);
+ return crc ^ 0xffffffffL;
+Matrix matToLoad;
+void LoadMatrix(uint32 addr)
+ const float fRecip = 1.0f / 65536.0f;
+ if (addr + 64 > g_dwRamSize)
+ {
+ TRACE1("Mtx: Address invalid (0x%08x)", addr);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ {
+ int hi = *(short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + ((addr+(i<<3)+(j<<1) )^0x2));
+ int lo = *(unsigned short *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + ((addr+(i<<3)+(j<<1) + 32)^0x2));
+ matToLoad.m[i][j] = (float)((hi<<16) | lo) * fRecip;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\r\n"
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\r\n"
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\r\n"
+ " %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f %#+12.5f\r\n",
+ matToLoad.m[0][0], matToLoad.m[0][1], matToLoad.m[0][2], matToLoad.m[0][3],
+ matToLoad.m[1][0], matToLoad.m[1][1], matToLoad.m[1][2], matToLoad.m[1][3],
+ matToLoad.m[2][0], matToLoad.m[2][1], matToLoad.m[2][2], matToLoad.m[2][3],
+ matToLoad.m[3][0], matToLoad.m[3][1], matToLoad.m[3][2], matToLoad.m[3][3]);
+#endif // DEBUGGER
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef __RICE_RDP_GFX_H__
+#define __RICE_RDP_GFX_H__
+#define RSP_SPNOOP 0 // handle 0 gracefully
+#define RSP_MTX 1
+#define RSP_RESERVED0 2 // unknown
+#define RSP_MOVEMEM 3 // move a block of memory (up to 4 words) to dmem
+#define RSP_VTX 4
+#define RSP_RESERVED1 5 // unknown
+#define RSP_DL 6
+#define RSP_RESERVED2 7 // unknown
+#define RSP_RESERVED3 8 // unknown
+#define RSP_SPRITE2D 9 // sprite command
+#define RSP_SPRITE2D_BASE 9 // sprite command
+#define RSP_1ST 0xBF
+#define RSP_TRI1 (RSP_1ST-0)
+#define RSP_CULLDL (RSP_1ST-1)
+#define RSP_POPMTX (RSP_1ST-2)
+#define RSP_MOVEWORD (RSP_1ST-3)
+#define RSP_TEXTURE (RSP_1ST-4)
+#define RSP_ENDDL (RSP_1ST-7)
+#define RSP_LINE3D (RSP_1ST-10)
+#define RSP_RDPHALF_1 (RSP_1ST-11)
+#define RSP_RDPHALF_2 (RSP_1ST-12)
+#define RSP_RDPHALF_CONT (RSP_1ST-13)
+#define RSP_MODIFYVTX (RSP_1ST-13)
+#define RSP_TRI2 (RSP_1ST-14)
+#define RSP_BRANCH_Z (RSP_1ST-15)
+#define RSP_LOAD_UCODE (RSP_1ST-16)
+#define RSP_SPRITE2D_DRAW (RSP_1ST-2)
+#define RSP_ZELDAVTX 1
+#define RSP_ZELDATRI1 5
+#define RSP_ZELDATRI2 6
+#define RSP_ZELDALINE3D 7
+#define RSP_ZELDARDPHALF_2 0xf1
+#define RSP_ZELDARDPHALF_1 0xe1
+#define RSP_ZELDASPNOOP 0xe0
+#define RSP_ZELDAENDDL 0xdf
+#define RSP_ZELDADL 0xde
+#define RSP_ZELDAMOVEMEM 0xdc
+#define RSP_ZELDAMTX 0xda
+#define RSP_ZELDAPOPMTX 0xd8
+#define RSP_ZELDATEXTURE 0xd7
+// 4 is something like a conditional DL
+#define RSP_DMATRI 0x05
+#define G_DLINMEM 0x07
+// RDP commands:
+#define RDP_NOOP 0xc0
+#define RDP_SETCIMG 0xff
+#define RDP_SETZIMG 0xfe
+#define RDP_SETTIMG 0xfd
+#define RDP_SETCOMBINE 0xfc
+#define RDP_SETENVCOLOR 0xfb
+#define RDP_SETPRIMCOLOR 0xfa
+#define RDP_SETFOGCOLOR 0xf8
+#define RDP_SETFILLCOLOR 0xf7
+#define RDP_FILLRECT 0xf6
+#define RDP_SETTILE 0xf5
+#define RDP_LOADTILE 0xf4
+#define RDP_LOADBLOCK 0xf3
+#define RDP_SETTILESIZE 0xf2
+#define RDP_LOADTLUT 0xf0
+#define RDP_SETPRIMDEPTH 0xee
+#define RDP_SETSCISSOR 0xed
+#define RDP_SETCONVERT 0xec
+#define RDP_SETKEYR 0xeb
+#define RDP_SETKEYGB 0xea
+#define RDP_FULLSYNC 0xe9
+#define RDP_TILESYNC 0xe8
+#define RDP_PIPESYNC 0xe7
+#define RDP_LOADSYNC 0xe6
+#define RDP_TEXRECT_FLIP 0xe5
+#define RDP_TEXRECT 0xe4
+#define RSP_ZELDA_MTX_MUL 0x00
+#define RSP_ZELDA_MTX_LOAD 0x02
+#define RSP_ZELDA_MTX_PUSH 0x00
+#define RSP_ZELDA_MTX_NOPUSH 0x01
+// RSP_SETOTHERMODE_L sft: shift count
+// RSP_SETOTHERMODE_H sft: shift count
+#define RSP_SETOTHERMODE_SHIFT_BLENDMASK 0 // unsupported
+#define RSP_SETOTHERMODE_SHIFT_COLORDITHER 22 // unsupported in HW 2.0
+// RSP_SETOTHERMODE_H gPipelineMode
+#define CYCLE_TYPE_1 0
+#define CYCLE_TYPE_2 1
+#define CYCLE_TYPE_COPY 2
+#define CYCLE_TYPE_FILL 3
+// RSP_SETOTHERMODE_H gSetTextureFilter
+// RSP_SETOTHERMODE_L gSetAlphaCompare
+#define Z_COMPARE 0x0010
+#define Z_UPDATE 0x0020
+#define ZMODE_DEC 0x0c00
+#define G_ZBUFFER 0x00000001
+#define G_TEXTURE_ENABLE 0x00000002 // Microcode use only
+#define G_SHADE 0x00000004 // enable Gouraud interp
+#define G_SHADING_SMOOTH 0x00000200 // flat or smooth shaded
+#define G_CULL_FRONT 0x00001000
+#define G_CULL_BACK 0x00002000
+#define G_CULL_BOTH 0x00003000 // To make code cleaner
+#define G_FOG 0x00010000
+#define G_LIGHTING 0x00020000
+#define G_TEXTURE_GEN 0x00040000
+#define G_TEXTURE_GEN_LINEAR 0x00080000
+#define G_LOD 0x00100000 // NOT IMPLEMENTED
+// G_SETIMG fmt: set image formats
+#define TXT_FMT_RGBA 0
+#define TXT_FMT_YUV 1
+#define TXT_FMT_CI 2
+#define TXT_FMT_IA 3
+#define TXT_FMT_I 4
+// G_SETIMG siz: set image pixel size
+#define TXT_SIZE_4b 0
+#define TXT_SIZE_8b 1
+#define TXT_SIZE_16b 2
+#define TXT_SIZE_32b 3
+// Texturing macros
+#define RDP_TXT_WRAP 0
+#define RDP_TXT_MIRROR 0x1
+#define RDP_TXT_CLAMP 0x2
+#define RDP_TXT_NOMASK 0
+#define RDP_TXT_NOLOD 0
+// MOVEMEM indices
+// Each of these indexes an entry in a dmem table
+// which points to a 1-4 word block of dmem in
+// which to store a 1-4 word DMA.
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_VIEWPORT 0x80
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_LOOKATY 0x82
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_LOOKATX 0x84
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L0 0x86
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L1 0x88
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L2 0x8a
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L3 0x8c
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L4 0x8e
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L5 0x90
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L6 0x92
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_L7 0x94
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_TXTATT 0x96
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_MATRIX_1 0x9e // NOTE: this is in moveword table
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_MATRIX_2 0x98
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_MATRIX_3 0x9a
+#define RSP_GBI1_MV_MEM_MATRIX_4 0x9c
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM__LIGHT 10
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM__POINT 12
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM__MATRIX 14 /* NOTE: this is in moveword table */
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_LOOKATX (0*24)
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_LOOKATY (1*24)
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L0 (2*24)
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L1 (3*24)
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L2 (4*24)
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L3 (5*24)
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L4 (6*24)
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L5 (7*24)
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L6 (8*24)
+# define RSP_GBI2_MV_MEM_O_L7 (9*24)
+// MOVEWORD indices
+// Each of these indexes an entry in a dmem table
+// which points to a word in dmem in dmem where
+// an immediate word will be stored.
+#define RSP_MOVE_WORD_MATRIX 0x00 // NOTE: also used by movemem
+#define RSP_MOVE_WORD_CLIP 0x04
+#define RSP_MOVE_WORD_FOG 0x08
+#define RSP_MOVE_WORD_POINTS 0x0c
+// These are offsets from the address in the dmem table
+#define RSP_MV_WORD_OFFSET_FOG 0x00
+// flags to inhibit pushing of the display list (on branch)
+#define RSP_DLIST_PUSH 0x00
+#define RSP_DLIST_NOPUSH 0x01
+// RSP_MTX: parameter flags
+#define RSP_MATRIX_MUL 0x00
+#define RSP_MATRIX_LOAD 0x02
+#define RSP_MATRIX_NOPUSH 0x00
+#define RSP_MATRIX_PUSH 0x04
+typedef struct
+ uint32 type;
+ uint32 flags;
+ uint32 ucode_boot;
+ uint32 ucode_boot_size;
+ uint32 ucode;
+ uint32 ucode_size;
+ uint32 ucode_data;
+ uint32 ucode_data_size;
+ uint32 dram_stack;
+ uint32 dram_stack_size;
+ uint32 output_buff;
+ uint32 output_buff_size;
+ uint32 data_ptr;
+ uint32 data_size;
+ uint32 yield_data_ptr;
+ uint32 yield_data_size;
+} OSTask_t;
+typedef union {
+ OSTask_t t;
+ uint64 force_structure_alignment;
+} OSTask;
+#define MAX_DL_STACK_SIZE 32
+#define MAX_DL_COUNT 1000000
+typedef struct {
+ bool used;
+ uint32 crc_size;
+ uint32 crc_800;
+ uint32 ucode;
+ uint32 minor_ver;
+ uint32 variant;
+ char rspstr[200];
+ uint32 ucStart;
+ uint32 ucSize;
+ uint32 ucDStart;
+ uint32 ucDSize;
+ uint32 ucCRC;
+ uint32 ucDWORD1;
+ uint32 ucDWORD2;
+ uint32 ucDWORD3;
+ uint32 ucDWORD4;
+} UcodeInfo;
+typedef struct
+ uint32 ucode;
+ uint32 crc_size;
+ uint32 crc_800;
+ const unsigned char * ucode_name;
+ bool non_nearclip;
+ bool reject;
+} UcodeData;
+struct TileDescriptor
+ // Set by SetTile
+ unsigned int dwFormat :3; // e.g. RGBA, YUV etc
+ unsigned int dwSize :2; // e.g 4/8/16/32bpp
+ unsigned int dwLine :9; // Ummm...
+ unsigned int dwPalette :4; // 0..15 - a palette index?
+ uint32 dwTMem; // Texture memory location
+ unsigned int bClampS :1;
+ unsigned int bClampT :1;
+ unsigned int bMirrorS :1;
+ unsigned int bMirrorT :1;
+ unsigned int dwMaskS :4;
+ unsigned int dwMaskT :4;
+ unsigned int dwShiftS :4;
+ unsigned int dwShiftT :4;
+ // Set by SetTileSize
+ unsigned int sl :10; // Upper left S - 8:3
+ unsigned int tl :10; // Upper Left T - 8:3
+ unsigned int sh :10; // Lower Right S
+ unsigned int th :10; // Lower Right T
+enum LoadType
+struct LoadCmdInfo
+ LoadType loadtype;
+ unsigned int sl :10; // Upper left S - 8:3
+ unsigned int tl :10; // Upper Left T - 8:3
+ unsigned int sh :10; // Lower Right S
+ unsigned int th :10; // Lower Right T
+ unsigned int dxt :12;
+typedef struct { // This is in Intel format
+ uint32 SourceImagePointer;
+ uint32 TlutPointer;
+ short SubImageWidth;
+ short Stride;
+ char SourceImageBitSize;
+ char SourceImageType;
+ short SubImageHeight;
+ short SourceImageOffsetT;
+ short SourceImageOffsetS;
+ char dummy[4];
+} SpriteStruct; //Converted Sprint struct in Intel format
+typedef struct{
+ short px;
+ short py;
+ float scaleX;
+ float scaleY;
+ uint8 flipX;
+ uint8 flipY;
+ SpriteStruct *spritePtr;
+} Sprite2DInfo;
+typedef struct
+ unsigned int c2_m2b:2;
+ unsigned int c1_m2b:2;
+ unsigned int c2_m2a:2;
+ unsigned int c1_m2a:2;
+ unsigned int c2_m1b:2;
+ unsigned int c1_m1b:2;
+ unsigned int c2_m1a:2;
+ unsigned int c1_m1a:2;
+} RDP_BlenderSetting;
+typedef struct
+ union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ // Low bits
+ unsigned int alpha_compare : 2; // 0..1
+ unsigned int depth_source : 1; // 2..2
+ // unsigned int render_mode : 13; // 3..15
+ unsigned int aa_en : 1; // 3
+ unsigned int z_cmp : 1; // 4
+ unsigned int z_upd : 1; // 5
+ unsigned int im_rd : 1; // 6
+ unsigned int clr_on_cvg : 1; // 7
+ unsigned int cvg_dst : 2; // 8..9
+ unsigned int zmode : 2; // 10..11
+ unsigned int cvg_x_alpha : 1; // 12
+ unsigned int alpha_cvg_sel : 1; // 13
+ unsigned int force_bl : 1; // 14
+ unsigned int tex_edge : 1; // 15 - Not used
+ unsigned int blender : 16; // 16..31
+ // High bits
+ unsigned int blend_mask : 4; // 0..3 - not supported
+ unsigned int alpha_dither : 2; // 4..5
+ unsigned int rgb_dither : 2; // 6..7
+ unsigned int key_en : 1; // 8..8
+ unsigned int text_conv : 3; // 9..11
+ unsigned int text_filt : 2; // 12..13
+ unsigned int text_tlut : 2; // 14..15
+ unsigned int text_lod : 1; // 16..16
+ unsigned int text_sharpen : 1; // 17..18
+ unsigned int text_detail : 1; // 17..18
+ unsigned int text_persp : 1; // 19..19
+ unsigned int cycle_type : 2; // 20..21
+ unsigned int reserved : 1; // 22..22 - not supported
+ unsigned int atomic_prim : 1; // 23..23
+ unsigned int pad : 8; // 24..31 - padding
+ };
+ uint64 _u64;
+ uint32 _u32[2];
+ };
+} RDP_OtherMode;
+typedef enum
+} SetTileCmdType;
+// The display list PC stack. Before this was an array of 10
+// items, but this way we can nest as deeply as necessary.
+typedef struct
+ uint32 pc;
+ int countdown;
+} DListStack;
+typedef struct
+ int x0, y0, x1, y1, mode;
+ int left, top, right, bottom;
+} ScissorType;
+// Mask down to 0x003FFFFF?
+#define RSPSegmentAddr(seg) ( gRSP.segments[((seg)>>24)&0x0F] + ((seg)&0x00FFFFFF) )
+#define RDRAM_UWORD(addr) (*(uint32 *)((addr)+g_pRDRAMu8))
+#define RDRAM_SWORD(addr) (*(s32 *)((addr)+g_pRDRAMu8))
+#define RDRAM_UHALF(addr) (*(uint16 *)(((addr)^2)+g_pRDRAMu8))
+#define RDRAM_SHALF(addr) (*(short *)(((addr)^2)+g_pRDRAMu8))
+#define RDRAM_UBYTE(addr) (*(uint8 *)(((addr)^3)+g_pRDRAMu8))
+#define RDRAM_SBYTE(addr) (*(s8 *)(((addr)^3)+g_pRDRAMu8))
+#define pRDRAM_UWORD(addr) ((uint32 *)((addr)+g_pRDRAMu8))
+#define pRDRAM_SWORD(addr) ((s32 *)((addr)+g_pRDRAMu8))
+#define pRDRAM_UHALF(addr) ((uint16 *)(((addr)^2)+g_pRDRAMu8))
+#define pRDRAM_SHALF(addr) ((short *)(((addr)^2)+g_pRDRAMu8))
+#define pRDRAM_UBYTE(addr) ((uint8 *)(((addr)^3)+g_pRDRAMu8))
+#define pRDRAM_SBYTE(addr) ((s8 *)(((addr)^3)+g_pRDRAMu8))
+extern uint16 g_wRDPTlut[];
+extern const char *textluttype[4];
+extern const char *pszImgFormat[8];
+extern const char *pszImgSize[4];
+extern uint8 pnImgSize[4];
+extern const char *textlutname[4];
+extern SetImgInfo g_CI;
+extern SetImgInfo g_ZI;
+extern SetImgInfo g_TI;
+extern TmemType g_Tmem;
+extern DListStack gDlistStack[MAX_DL_STACK_SIZE];
+extern int gDlistStackPointer;
+void DLParser_Init();
+void RDP_GFX_Reset();
+void RDP_Cleanup();
+void DLParser_Process(OSTask * pTask);
+void RDP_DLParser_Process(void);
+void PrepareTextures();
+void RDP_InitRenderState();
+void DisplayVertexInfo(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwN);
+void RSP_MoveMemLight(uint32 dwLight, uint32 dwAddr);
+void RSP_MoveMemViewport(uint32 dwAddr);
+void RDP_NOIMPL_WARN(const char* op);
+void RSP_GFX_Force_Matrix(uint32 dwAddr);
+void RSP_GFX_InitGeometryMode();
+void RSP_SetUcode(int ucode, uint32 ucStart=0, uint32 ucDStart=0, uint32 cdSize=0);
+uint32 CalcalateCRC(uint32* srcPtr, uint32 srcSize);
+void RDP_GFX_PopDL();
+extern Matrix matToLoad;
+void LoadMatrix(uint32 addr);
+unsigned int ComputeCRC32(unsigned int crc, const uint8 *buf, unsigned int len);
+void TriggerDPInterrupt();
+void TriggerSPInterrupt();
+uint32 DLParser_CheckUcode(uint32 ucStart, uint32 ucDStart, uint32 ucSize, uint32 ucDSize);
+bool IsUsedAsDI(uint32 addr);
+#if defined(DEBUGGER)
+ void __cdecl LOG_UCODE(const char* szFormat, ...);
+ inline void LOG_UCODE(...) {}
+#endif // __RICE_RDP_GFX_H__
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// This file implements the S2DEX ucode, Yoshi story is using this ucodes
+#include "UcodeDefs.h"
+#include "Render.h"
+#include "Timing.h"
+uObjTxtr *gObjTxtr = NULL;
+uObjTxtrTLUT *gObjTlut = NULL;
+uint32 gObjTlutAddr = 0;
+uObjMtx *gObjMtx = NULL;
+uObjSubMtx *gSubObjMtx = NULL;
+uObjMtxReal gObjMtxReal = {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+Matrix g_MtxReal(1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1);
+uint32 g_TxtLoadBy = CMD_LOAD_OBJ_TXTR;
+// Yoshi's Story uses this - 0x02
+void RSP_S2DEX_BG_COPY(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(DP_Minimal16);
+ DP_Timing(DP_Minimal16);
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uObjBg *sbgPtr = (uObjBg*)(g_pRDRAMu8+dwAddr);
+ CRender::g_pRender->LoadObjBGCopy(*sbgPtr);
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawObjBGCopy(*sbgPtr);
+// Yoshi's Story uses this - 0x03
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uObjSprite *ptr = (uObjSprite*)(g_pRDRAMu8+dwAddr);
+ uObjTxSprite objtx;
+ memcpy(&objtx.sprite,ptr,sizeof(uObjSprite));
+ if( g_TxtLoadBy == CMD_LOAD_OBJ_TXTR )
+ {
+ memcpy(&(objtx.txtr.block),&(gObjTxtr->block),sizeof(uObjTxtr));
+ CRender::g_pRender->LoadObjSprite(objtx,true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ }
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawSprite(objtx, false);
+//printf("*SEB* at RSP_S2DEX_OBJ_RECTANGLE\nptr=%08X, img=%08X, Tmem=%08X", dwAddr,objtx.txtr.block.image, ptr->imageAdrs);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( (pauseAtNext && (eventToPause == NEXT_OBJ_TXT_CMD||eventToPause == NEXT_FLUSH_TRI)) || logTextures )
+ {
+ if( debuggerPauseCount > 0 )
+ debuggerPauseCount--;
+ if( debuggerPauseCount == 0 )
+ {
+ eventToPause = false;
+ debuggerPause = true;
+ TRACE3("Paused at RSP_S2DEX_OBJ_RECTANGLE\nptr=%08X, img=%08X, Tmem=%08X\n",
+ dwAddr,objtx.txtr.block.image, ptr->imageAdrs);
+ CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->UpdateFrame();
+ }
+ }
+// Yoshi's Story uses this - 0x04
+void RSP_S2DEX_OBJ_SPRITE(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uObjSprite *info = (uObjSprite*)(g_pRDRAMu8+dwAddr);
+ uint32 dwTile = gRSP.curTile;
+ status.bAllowLoadFromTMEM = false; // Because we need to use TLUT loaded by ObjTlut cmd
+ PrepareTextures();
+ status.bAllowLoadFromTMEM = true;
+ //CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ uObjTxSprite drawinfo;
+ memcpy( &(drawinfo.sprite), info, sizeof(uObjSprite));
+//printf("*SEB* at RSP_S2DEX_OBJ_SPRITE size=%ix%i\n",drawinfo.sprite.imageW/32, drawinfo.sprite.imageH/32);
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawSpriteR(drawinfo, false, dwTile, 0, 0, drawinfo.sprite.imageW/32, drawinfo.sprite.imageH/32);
+ /*
+ static BOOL bWarned = FALSE;
+ //if (!bWarned)
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("RDP: RSP_S2DEX_OBJ_SPRITE (0x%08x 0x%08x)", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ bWarned = TRUE;
+ }
+ */
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( (pauseAtNext && (eventToPause == NEXT_OBJ_TXT_CMD||eventToPause == NEXT_FLUSH_TRI)) || logTextures )
+ {
+ eventToPause = false;
+ debuggerPause = true;
+ CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->UpdateFrame();
+ }
+// Yoshi's Story uses this - 0xb0
+void RSP_S2DEX_SELECT_DL(Gfx *gfx)
+ //static BOOL bWarned = FALSE;
+ //if (!bWarned)
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("RDP: RSP_S2DEX_SELECT_DL (0x%08x 0x%08x)", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ //bWarned = TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ static BOOL bWarned = FALSE;
+ //if (!bWarned)
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("RDP: RSP_S2DEX_OBJ_RENDERMODE (0x%08x 0x%08x)", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ bWarned = TRUE;
+ }
+ */
+// Yoshi's Story uses this - 0xb1
+void RSP_GBI1_Tri2(Gfx *gfx);
+void RSP_S2DEX_OBJ_RENDERMODE_2(Gfx *gfx)
+ if( ((gfx->words.w0)&0xFFFFFF) != 0 || ((gfx->words.w1)&0xFFFFFF00) != 0 )
+ {
+ // This is a TRI2 cmd
+ RSP_GBI1_Tri2(gfx);
+ return;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+void DumpBlockParameters(uObjTxtrBlock &ptr)
+ /*
+ typedef struct { //Intel format
+ uint32 type; // S2DEX_OBJLT_TXTRBLOCK divided into types.
+ uint64 *image; // The texture source address on DRAM.
+ uint16 tsize; // The Texture size. Specified by the macro GS_TB_TSIZE().
+ uint16 tmem; // The transferred TMEM word address. (8byteWORD)
+ uint16 sid; // STATE ID Multipled by 4. Either one of 0,4,8 and 12.
+ uint16 tline; // The width of the Texture 1-line. Specified by the macro GS_TB_TLINE()
+ uint32 flag; // STATE flag
+ uint32 mask; // STATE mask
+ } uObjTxtrBlock; // 24 bytes
+ */
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("uObjTxtrBlock Header in RDRAM: 0x%08X", (uint32) ((char *) &ptr - (char *) g_pRDRAMu8));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("ImgAddr=0x%08X(0x%08X), tsize=0x%X, \nTMEM=0x%X, sid=%d, tline=%d, flag=0x%X, mask=0x%X\n\n",
+ RSPSegmentAddr(ptr.image), ptr.image, ptr.tsize, ptr.tmem, ptr.sid/4, ptr.tline, ptr.flag, ptr.mask);
+void DumpSpriteParameters(uObjSprite &ptr)
+ /*
+ typedef struct { // Intel format
+ uint16 scaleW; // Scaling of the u5.10 width direction.
+ short objX; // The x-coordinate of the upper-left end. s10.2 OBJ
+ uint16 paddingX; // Unused. Always 0.
+ uint16 imageW; // The width of the u10.5 texture. (The length of the S-direction.)
+ uint16 scaleH; // Scaling of the u5.10 height direction.
+ short objY; // The y-coordinate of the s10.2 OBJ upper-left end.
+ uint16 paddingY; // Unused. Always 0.
+ uint16 imageH; // The height of the u10.5 texture. (The length of the T-direction.)
+ uint16 imageAdrs; // The texture header position in TMEM. (In units of 64bit word.)
+ uint16 imageStride; // The folding width of the texel. (In units of 64bit word.)
+ uint8 imageFlags; // The display flag. S2DEX_OBJ_FLAG_FLIP*
+ uint8 imagePal; //The pallet number. 0-7
+ uint8 imageSiz; // The size of the texel. TXT_SIZE_*
+ uint8 imageFmt; // The format of the texel. TXT_FMT_*
+ } uObjSprite; // 24 bytes
+ */
+ if( logTextures || (pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_OBJ_TXT_CMD) )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("uObjSprite Header in RDRAM: 0x%08X", (uint32) ((char *) &ptr - (char *) g_pRDRAMu8));
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("X=%d, Y=%d, W=%d, H=%d, scaleW=%f, scaleH=%f\n"
+ "TAddr=0x%X, Stride=%d, Flag=0x%X, Pal=%d, Fmt=%s-%db\n\n",
+ ptr.objX/4, ptr.objY/4, ptr.imageW/32, ptr.imageH/32, ptr.scaleW/1024.0f, ptr.scaleH/1024.0f,
+ ptr.imageAdrs, ptr.imageStride, ptr.imageFlags, ptr.imagePal, pszImgFormat[ptr.imageFmt], pnImgSize[ptr.imageSiz]);
+ }
+void DumpTileParameters(uObjTxtrTile &tile)
+void DumpTlutParameters(uObjTxtrTLUT &tlut)
+ /*
+ typedef struct { // Intel Format
+ uint32 type; // S2DEX_OBJLT_TLUT divided into types.
+ uint32 image;
+ uint16 pnum; // The loading pallet number -1.
+ uint16 phead; // The pallet number of the load header. Between 256 and 511.
+ uint16 sid; // STATE ID Multiplied by 4. Either one of 0,4,8 and 12.
+ uint16 zero; // Assign 0 all the time.
+ uint32 flag; // STATE flag
+ uint32 mask; // STATE mask
+ } uObjTxtrTLUT; // 24 bytes
+ */
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("ImgAddr=0x%08X(0x%08X), pnum=%d, phead=%d, sid=%d, flag=0x%X, mask=0x%X\n\n",
+ RSPSegmentAddr(tlut.image), tlut.image, tlut.pnum+1, tlut.phead, tlut.sid/4, tlut.flag, tlut.mask);
+void DumpTxtrInfo(uObjTxtr *ptr)
+ if( logTextures || (pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_OBJ_TXT_CMD) )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("uObjTxtr Header in RDRAM: 0x%08X", (uint32) ((char *) ptr - (char *) g_pRDRAMu8));
+ switch( ptr->block.type )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Loading ObjTxtr: type=BLOCK");
+ DumpBlockParameters(ptr->block);
+ break;
+ TRACE0("Loading ObjTxtr: type=TILE");
+ DumpTileParameters(ptr->tile);
+ break;
+ TRACE0("Loading ObjTxtr: type=TLUT");
+ DumpTlutParameters(ptr->tlut);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void DumpObjMtx(bool fullmtx = true)
+ if( logTextures || (pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_OBJ_TXT_CMD) )
+ {
+ if( fullmtx )
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("A=%X, B=%X, C=%X, D=%X, X=%X, Y=%X, BaseX=%X, BaseY=%X",
+ gObjMtx->A, gObjMtx->B, gObjMtx->C, gObjMtx->D, gObjMtx->X, gObjMtx->Y, gObjMtx->BaseScaleX, gObjMtx->BaseScaleY);
+ else
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("SubMatrix: X=%X, Y=%X, BaseX=%X, BaseY=%X", gSubObjMtx->X, gSubObjMtx->Y, gSubObjMtx->BaseScaleX, gSubObjMtx->BaseScaleY);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("A=%f, B=%f, C=%f, D=%f, X=%f, Y=%f, BaseX=%f, BaseY=%f",
+ gObjMtxReal.A, gObjMtxReal.B, gObjMtxReal.C, gObjMtxReal.D, gObjMtxReal.X, gObjMtxReal.Y, gObjMtxReal.BaseScaleX, gObjMtxReal.BaseScaleY);
+ }
+void ObjMtxTranslate(float &x, float &y)
+ float x1 = gObjMtxReal.A*x + gObjMtxReal.B*y + gObjMtxReal.X;
+ float y1 = gObjMtxReal.C*x + gObjMtxReal.D*y + gObjMtxReal.Y;
+ x = x1;
+ y = y1;
+void RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxtr(Gfx *gfx)
+ gObjTxtr = (uObjTxtr*)(g_pRDRAMu8+(RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1))&(g_dwRamSize-1)));
+ if( gObjTxtr->block.type == S2DEX_OBJLT_TLUT )
+ {
+ gObjTlut = (uObjTxtrTLUT*)gObjTxtr;
+ gObjTlutAddr = (uint32)(RSPSegmentAddr(gObjTlut->image));
+ // Copy tlut
+ int size = gObjTlut->pnum+1;
+ int offset = gObjTlut->phead-0x100;
+ if( offset+size>0x100)
+ {
+ size = 0x100 - offset;
+ }
+ uint32 addr = (gObjTlutAddr);//&0xFFFFFFFC);
+ //if( addr & 3 ) addr = (addr&0xFFFFFFF0)+8;;
+ //uint16 *srcPal = (uint16*)(g_pRDRAMu8 + (addr& (g_dwRamSize-1)) );
+ for( int i=offset; i<offset+size; i++ )
+ {
+ g_wRDPTlut[i^1] = RDRAM_UHALF(addr);
+ addr += 2;
+ //g_wRDPTlut[i] = (*(uint16 *)(addr+g_pRDRAMu8));
+ //g_wRDPTlut[i] = *(srcPal++);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Loading ObjSprite
+ g_TxtLoadBy = CMD_LOAD_OBJ_TXTR;
+ }
+ {
+ DumpTxtrInfo(gObjTxtr);
+ TRACE0("Paused at RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxtr");
+ }
+ );
+// Yoshi's Story uses this - 0xc2
+void RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxSprite(Gfx *gfx)
+ uObjTxSprite* ptr = (uObjTxSprite*)(g_pRDRAMu8+(RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1))&(g_dwRamSize-1)));
+ gObjTxtr = (uObjTxtr*)ptr;
+ //Now draw the sprite
+//printf("*SEB* at RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxSprite\n"); // used on intro, gives just white rectangles
+ CRender::g_pRender->LoadObjSprite(*ptr);
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawSpriteR(*ptr);
+ {
+ DumpTxtrInfo(gObjTxtr);
+ DumpSpriteParameters(ptr->sprite);
+ TRACE0("Paused at RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxSprite");
+ }
+ );
+// Yoshi's Story uses this - 0xc3
+void RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxRect(Gfx *gfx)
+ uObjTxSprite* ptr = (uObjTxSprite*)(g_pRDRAMu8+(RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1))&(g_dwRamSize-1)));
+ gObjTxtr = (uObjTxtr*)ptr;
+ //Now draw the sprite
+ CRender::g_pRender->LoadObjSprite(*ptr);
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawSprite(*ptr, false);
+ {
+ DumpTxtrInfo(gObjTxtr);
+ DumpSpriteParameters(ptr->sprite);
+ TRACE0("Paused at RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxRect");
+ }
+ );
+// Yoshi's Story uses this - 0xc4
+void RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxRectR(Gfx *gfx)
+ uObjTxSprite* ptr = (uObjTxSprite*)(g_pRDRAMu8+(RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1))&(g_dwRamSize-1)));
+ gObjTxtr = (uObjTxtr*)ptr;
+ //Now draw the sprite
+ CRender::g_pRender->LoadObjSprite(*ptr);
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawSprite(*ptr, true);
+ {
+ DumpTxtrInfo(gObjTxtr);
+ DumpSpriteParameters(ptr->sprite);
+ TRACE0("Paused at RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxRect");
+ }
+ );
+void DLParser_TexRect(Gfx *gfx);
+// Yoshi's Story uses this - 0xe4
+void RSP_S2DEX_RDPHALF_0(Gfx *gfx)
+ //RDP: RSP_S2DEX_RDPHALF_0 (0xe449c0a8 0x003b40a4)
+ //0x001d3c88: e449c0a8 003b40a4 RDP_TEXRECT
+ //0x001d3c90: b4000000 00000000 RSP_RDPHALF_1
+ //0x001d3c98: b3000000 04000400 RSP_RDPHALF_2
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc; // This points to the next instruction
+ uint32 dwNextUcode = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC);
+ if( (dwNextUcode>>24) != S2DEX_SELECT_DL )
+ {
+ // Pokemom Puzzle League
+ if( (dwNextUcode>>24) == 0xB4 )
+ {
+ DLParser_TexRect(gfx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("RDP: RSP_S2DEX_RDPHALF_0 (0x%08x 0x%08x)", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RSP_RDP_NOIMPL("RDP: RSP_S2DEX_RDPHALF_0 (0x%08x 0x%08x)", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1));
+ }
+// Yoshi's Story uses this - 0x05
+void RSP_S2DEX_OBJ_MOVEMEM(Gfx *gfx)
+ uint32 dwCommand = ((gfx->words.w0)>>16)&0xFF;
+ uint32 dwLength = ((gfx->words.w0)) &0xFFFF;
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ if( dwAddr >= g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ TRACE0("ObjMtx: memory ptr is invalid");
+ }
+ if( dwLength == 0 && dwCommand == 23 )
+ {
+ gObjMtx = (uObjMtx *)(dwAddr+g_pRDRAMu8);
+ gObjMtxReal.A = gObjMtx->A/65536.0f;
+ gObjMtxReal.B = gObjMtx->B/65536.0f;
+ gObjMtxReal.C = gObjMtx->C/65536.0f;
+ gObjMtxReal.D = gObjMtx->D/65536.0f;
+ gObjMtxReal.X = float(gObjMtx->X>>2);
+ gObjMtxReal.Y = float(gObjMtx->Y>>2);
+ gObjMtxReal.BaseScaleX = gObjMtx->BaseScaleX/1024.0f;
+ gObjMtxReal.BaseScaleY = gObjMtx->BaseScaleY/1024.0f;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ DumpObjMtx();
+ }
+ else if( dwLength == 2 && dwCommand == 7 )
+ {
+ gSubObjMtx = (uObjSubMtx*)(dwAddr+g_pRDRAMu8);
+ gObjMtxReal.X = float(gSubObjMtx->X>>2);
+ gObjMtxReal.Y = float(gSubObjMtx->Y>>2);
+ gObjMtxReal.BaseScaleX = gSubObjMtx->BaseScaleX/1024.0f;
+ gObjMtxReal.BaseScaleY = gSubObjMtx->BaseScaleY/1024.0f;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ DumpObjMtx(false);
+ }
+ g_MtxReal._11 = gObjMtxReal.A;
+ g_MtxReal._12 = gObjMtxReal.C;
+ g_MtxReal._13 = 0;
+ g_MtxReal._14 = 0;//gObjMtxReal.X;
+ g_MtxReal._21 = gObjMtxReal.B;
+ g_MtxReal._22 = gObjMtxReal.D;
+ g_MtxReal._23 = 0;
+ g_MtxReal._24 = 0;//gObjMtxReal.Y;
+ g_MtxReal._31 = 0;
+ g_MtxReal._32 = 0;
+ g_MtxReal._33 = 1.0;
+ g_MtxReal._34 = 0;
+ g_MtxReal._41 = gObjMtxReal.X;
+ g_MtxReal._42 = gObjMtxReal.Y;
+ g_MtxReal._43 = 0;
+ g_MtxReal._44 = 1.0;
+// Yoshi's Story uses this - 0x01
+extern void RSP_GBI0_Mtx(Gfx *gfx);
+void RSP_S2DEX_BG_1CYC(Gfx *gfx)
+ SP_Timing(DP_Minimal16);
+ DP_Timing(DP_Minimal16);
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uObjScaleBg *sbgPtr = (uObjScaleBg *)(dwAddr+g_pRDRAMu8);
+ CRender::g_pRender->LoadObjBG1CYC(*sbgPtr);
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawObjBG1CYC(*sbgPtr);
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("S2DEX BG 1CYC: %08X-%08X\n", (gfx->words.w0), (gfx->words.w1) );
+ TRACE0("Paused at RSP_S2DEX_BG_1CYC");
+ }
+ );
+void RSP_S2DEX_BG_1CYC_2(Gfx *gfx)
+ if( ((gfx->words.w0)&0x00FFFFFF) != 0 )
+ {
+ RSP_GBI0_Mtx(gfx);
+ return;
+ }
+ RSP_S2DEX_BG_1CYC(gfx);
+// Yoshi's Story uses this - 0xb2
+ uint32 dwAddr = RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1));
+ uObjSprite *ptr = (uObjSprite*)(g_pRDRAMu8+dwAddr);
+ uObjTxSprite objtx;
+ memcpy(&objtx.sprite,ptr,sizeof(uObjSprite));
+ //uObjTxSprite* ptr = (uObjTxSprite*)(g_pRDRAMu8+(RSPSegmentAddr((gfx->words.w1))&(g_dwRamSize-1)));
+ //gObjTxtr = (uObjTxtr*)ptr;
+ //Now draw the sprite
+ if( g_TxtLoadBy == CMD_LOAD_OBJ_TXTR )
+ {
+ memcpy(&(objtx.txtr.block),&(gObjTxtr->block),sizeof(uObjTxtr));
+ //CRender::g_pRender->LoadObjSprite(*ptr,true);
+ CRender::g_pRender->LoadObjSprite(objtx,true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PrepareTextures();
+ }
+ //CRender::g_pRender->DrawSprite(*ptr, true);
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawSprite(objtx, true);
+ {
+ DumpTxtrInfo(gObjTxtr);
+ DumpSpriteParameters(*ptr);
+ }
+ );
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _RSP_S2DEX_H_
+#define _RSP_S2DEX_H_
+#define S2DEX_BG_1CYC 0x01
+#define S2DEX_BG_COPY 0x02
+#define S2DEX_OBJ_RECTANGLE 0x03
+#define S2DEX_OBJ_SPRITE 0x04
+#define S2DEX_OBJ_MOVEMEM 0x05
+#define S2DEX_SELECT_DL 0xb0
+#define S2DEX_OBJ_RENDERMODE 0xb1
+#define S2DEX_OBJ_RECTANGLE_R 0xb2
+#define S2DEX_OBJ_LOADTXTR 0xc1
+#define S2DEX_OBJ_LDTX_SPRITE 0xc2
+#define S2DEX_OBJ_LDTX_RECT 0xc3
+#define S2DEX_OBJ_LDTX_RECT_R 0xc4
+#define S2DEX_RDPHALF_0 0xe4
+#define S2DEX_OBJLT_TXTRBLOCK 0x00001033
+#define S2DEX_OBJLT_TXTRTILE 0x00fc1034
+#define S2DEX_OBJLT_TLUT 0x00000030
+#define S2DEX_BGLT_LOADBLOCK 0x0033
+#define S2DEX_BGLT_LOADTILE 0xfff4
+typedef struct { //Intel format
+ uint32 type;
+ uint32 image;
+ uint16 tsize;
+ uint16 tmem;
+ uint16 sid;
+ uint16 tline;
+ uint32 flag;
+ uint32 mask;
+} uObjTxtrBlock;
+typedef struct { //Intel Format
+ uint32 type;
+ uint32 image;
+ uint16 twidth;
+ uint16 tmem;
+ uint16 sid;
+ uint16 theight;
+ uint32 flag;
+ uint32 mask;
+} uObjTxtrTile; // 24 bytes
+typedef struct { // Intel Format
+ uint32 type;
+ uint32 image;
+ uint16 pnum;
+ uint16 phead;
+ uint16 sid;
+ uint16 zero;
+ uint32 flag;
+ uint32 mask;
+} uObjTxtrTLUT;
+typedef union {
+ uObjTxtrBlock block;
+ uObjTxtrTile tile;
+ uObjTxtrTLUT tlut;
+} uObjTxtr;
+typedef struct { // Intel format
+ uint16 scaleW;
+ short objX;
+ uint16 paddingX;
+ uint16 imageW;
+ uint16 scaleH;
+ short objY;
+ uint16 paddingY;
+ uint16 imageH;
+ uint16 imageAdrs;
+ uint16 imageStride;
+ uint8 imageFlags;
+ uint8 imagePal;
+ uint8 imageSiz;
+ uint8 imageFmt;
+} uObjSprite;
+typedef struct {
+ uObjTxtr txtr;
+ uObjSprite sprite;
+} uObjTxSprite; /* 48 bytes */
+typedef struct { // Intel format
+ s32 A, B, C, D;
+ short Y;
+ short X;
+ uint16 BaseScaleY;
+ uint16 BaseScaleX;
+} uObjMtx;
+typedef struct {
+ float A, B, C, D;
+ float X;
+ float Y;
+ float BaseScaleX;
+ float BaseScaleY;
+} uObjMtxReal;
+typedef struct { //Intel format
+ short Y;
+ short X;
+ uint16 BaseScaleY;
+ uint16 BaseScaleX;
+} uObjSubMtx;
+typedef struct { // Intel Format
+ uint16 imageW;
+ uint16 imageX;
+ uint16 frameW;
+ short frameX;
+ uint16 imageH;
+ uint16 imageY;
+ uint16 frameH;
+ short frameY;
+ uint32 imagePtr;
+ uint8 imageSiz;
+ uint8 imageFmt;
+ uint16 imageLoad;
+ uint16 imageFlip;
+ uint16 imagePal;
+ uint16 tmemH;
+ uint16 tmemW;
+ uint16 tmemLoadTH;
+ uint16 tmemLoadSH;
+ uint16 tmemSize;
+ uint16 tmemSizeW;
+} uObjBg;
+typedef struct { // Intel Format
+ uint16 imageW;
+ uint16 imageX;
+ uint16 frameW;
+ short frameX;
+ uint16 imageH;
+ uint16 imageY;
+ uint16 frameH;
+ short frameY;
+ uint32 imagePtr;
+ uint8 imageSiz;
+ uint8 imageFmt;
+ uint16 imageLoad;
+ uint16 imageFlip;
+ uint16 imagePal;
+ uint16 scaleH;
+ uint16 scaleW;
+ s32 imageYorig;
+ uint8 padding[4];
+} uObjScaleBg;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "osal_preproc.h"
+#include "m64p_plugin.h"
+#include "ConvertImage.h"
+#include "DeviceBuilder.h"
+#include "FrameBuffer.h"
+#include "Render.h"
+#include "liblinux/BMGLibPNG.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+extern FiddledVtx * g_pVtxBase;
+CRender * CRender::g_pRender=NULL;
+int CRender::gRenderReferenceCount=0;
+XMATRIX reverseXY(-1,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1);
+XMATRIX reverseY(1,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1);
+extern char* right (const char * src, int nchars);
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ #define strcasecmp _stricmp
+#ifdef min
+#undef min
+#ifdef max
+#undef max
+CRender * CRender::GetRender(void)
+ if( CRender::g_pRender == NULL )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "g_pRender is NULL");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ else
+ return CRender::g_pRender;
+bool CRender::IsAvailable()
+ return CRender::g_pRender != NULL;
+CRender::CRender() :
+ m_fScreenViewportMultX(2.0f),
+ m_fScreenViewportMultY(2.0f),
+ m_dwTexturePerspective(FALSE),
+ m_bAlphaTestEnable(FALSE),
+ m_bZUpdate(FALSE),
+ m_bZCompare(FALSE),
+ m_dwZBias(0),
+ m_dwMinFilter(FILTER_POINT),
+ m_dwMagFilter(FILTER_POINT),
+ m_dwAlpha(0xFF),
+ m_Mux(0),
+ m_bBlendModeValid(FALSE)
+ int i;
+ InitRenderBase();
+ for( i=0; i<MAX_TEXTURES; i++ )
+ {
+ g_textures[i].m_lpsTexturePtr = NULL;
+ g_textures[i].m_pCTexture = NULL;
+ g_textures[i].m_dwTileWidth = 64; // Value doesn't really matter, as tex not set
+ g_textures[i].m_dwTileHeight = 64;
+ g_textures[i].m_fTexWidth = 64.0f; // Value doesn't really matter, as tex not set
+ g_textures[i].m_fTexHeight = 64.0f;
+ g_textures[i].pTextureEntry = NULL;
+ TileUFlags[i] = TileVFlags[i] = TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP;
+ }
+ //for( i=0; i<MAX_VERTS; i++)
+ //{
+ // g_dwVtxFlags[i] = 0;
+ //}
+ m_pColorCombiner = CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateColorCombiner(this);
+ m_pColorCombiner->Initialize();
+ m_pAlphaBlender = CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateAlphaBlender(this);
+ if( m_pColorCombiner != NULL )
+ {
+ CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->DeleteColorCombiner();
+ m_pColorCombiner = NULL;
+ }
+ if( m_pAlphaBlender != NULL )
+ {
+ CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->DeleteAlphaBlender();
+ m_pAlphaBlender = NULL;
+ }
+void CRender::ResetMatrices()
+ Matrix mat;
+ mat.m[0][1] = mat.m[0][2] = mat.m[0][3] =
+ mat.m[1][0] = mat.m[1][2] = mat.m[1][3] =
+ mat.m[2][0] = mat.m[2][1] = mat.m[2][3] =
+ mat.m[3][0] = mat.m[3][1] = mat.m[3][2] = 0.0f;
+ mat.m[0][0] = mat.m[1][1] = mat.m[2][2] = mat.m[3][3] = 1.0f;
+ gRSP.projectionMtxTop = 0;
+ gRSP.modelViewMtxTop = 0;
+ gRSP.projectionMtxs[0] = mat;
+ gRSP.modelviewMtxs[0] = mat;
+ gRSP.bMatrixIsUpdated = true;
+ gRSP.bWorldMatrixIsUpdated = true;
+ UpdateCombinedMatrix();
+void CRender::SetProjection(const Matrix & mat, bool bPush, bool bReplace)
+ if (bPush)
+ {
+ if (gRSP.projectionMtxTop >= (RICE_MATRIX_STACK-1))
+ {
+ TRACE0("Pushing past proj stack limits!");
+ }
+ else
+ gRSP.projectionMtxTop++;
+ if (bReplace)
+ {
+ // Load projection matrix
+ gRSP.projectionMtxs[gRSP.projectionMtxTop] = mat;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gRSP.projectionMtxs[gRSP.projectionMtxTop] = mat * gRSP.projectionMtxs[gRSP.projectionMtxTop-1];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (bReplace)
+ {
+ // Load projection matrix
+ gRSP.projectionMtxs[gRSP.projectionMtxTop] = mat;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gRSP.projectionMtxs[gRSP.projectionMtxTop] = mat * gRSP.projectionMtxs[gRSP.projectionMtxTop];
+ }
+ }
+ gRSP.bMatrixIsUpdated = true;
+ DumpMatrix(mat,"Set Projection Matrix");
+bool mtxPopUpError = false;
+void CRender::SetWorldView(const Matrix & mat, bool bPush, bool bReplace)
+ if (bPush)
+ {
+ if (gRSP.modelViewMtxTop >= (RICE_MATRIX_STACK-1))
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pushing past modelview stack limits! %s", bReplace?"Load":"Mul");
+ else
+ gRSP.modelViewMtxTop++;
+ // We should store the current projection matrix...
+ if (bReplace)
+ {
+ // Load projection matrix
+ gRSP.modelviewMtxs[gRSP.modelViewMtxTop] = mat;
+ }
+ else // Multiply projection matrix
+ {
+ gRSP.modelviewMtxs[gRSP.modelViewMtxTop] = mat * gRSP.modelviewMtxs[gRSP.modelViewMtxTop-1];
+ }
+ }
+ else // NoPush
+ {
+ if (bReplace)
+ {
+ // Load projection matrix
+ gRSP.modelviewMtxs[gRSP.modelViewMtxTop] = mat;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Multiply projection matrix
+ gRSP.modelviewMtxs[gRSP.modelViewMtxTop] = mat * gRSP.modelviewMtxs[gRSP.modelViewMtxTop];
+ }
+ }
+ gRSPmodelViewTop = gRSP.modelviewMtxs[gRSP.modelViewMtxTop];
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_REVERSE_XY_COOR )
+ {
+ gRSPmodelViewTop = gRSPmodelViewTop * reverseXY;
+ }
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_REVERSE_Y_COOR )
+ {
+ gRSPmodelViewTop = gRSPmodelViewTop * reverseY;
+ }
+ MatrixTranspose(&gRSPmodelViewTopTranspose, &gRSPmodelViewTop);
+ gRSP.bMatrixIsUpdated = true;
+ gRSP.bWorldMatrixIsUpdated = true;
+ DumpMatrix(mat,"Set WorldView Matrix");
+void CRender::PopWorldView()
+ if (gRSP.modelViewMtxTop > 0)
+ {
+ gRSP.modelViewMtxTop--;
+ gRSPmodelViewTop = gRSP.modelviewMtxs[gRSP.modelViewMtxTop];
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_REVERSE_XY_COOR )
+ {
+ gRSPmodelViewTop = gRSPmodelViewTop * reverseXY;
+ }
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_REVERSE_Y_COOR )
+ {
+ gRSPmodelViewTop = gRSPmodelViewTop * reverseY;
+ }
+ MatrixTranspose(&gRSPmodelViewTopTranspose, &gRSPmodelViewTop);
+ gRSP.bMatrixIsUpdated = true;
+ gRSP.bWorldMatrixIsUpdated = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext )
+ TRACE0("Popping past worldview stack limits");
+ mtxPopUpError = true;
+ }
+Matrix & CRender::GetWorldProjectMatrix(void)
+ return gRSPworldProject;
+void CRender::SetWorldProjectMatrix(Matrix &mtx)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && (eventToPause == NEXT_TRIANGLE || eventToPause == NEXT_FLUSH_TRI || eventToPause == NEXT_MATRIX_CMD ) )
+ {
+ uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc-8;
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Force Matrix: pc=%08X", dwPC);
+ DumpMatrix(mtx, "Force Matrix, loading new world-project matrix");
+ }
+ gRSPworldProject = mtx;
+ gRSP.bMatrixIsUpdated = false;
+ gRSP.bCombinedMatrixIsUpdated = true;
+void CRender::SetMux(uint32 dwMux0, uint32 dwMux1)
+ uint64 tempmux = (((uint64)dwMux0) << 32) | (uint64)dwMux1;
+ if( m_Mux != tempmux )
+ {
+ m_Mux = tempmux;
+ m_bBlendModeValid = FALSE;
+ m_pColorCombiner->UpdateCombiner(dwMux0, dwMux1);
+ }
+void CRender::SetCombinerAndBlender()
+ InitOtherModes();
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bDisableBlender )
+ m_pAlphaBlender->DisableAlphaBlender();
+ else if( currentRomOptions.bNormalBlender )
+ m_pAlphaBlender->NormalAlphaBlender();
+ else
+ m_pAlphaBlender->InitBlenderMode();
+ m_pColorCombiner->InitCombinerMode();
+void CRender::RenderReset()
+ UpdateClipRectangle();
+ ResetMatrices();
+ SetZBias(0);
+ gRSP.numVertices = 0;
+ gRSP.maxVertexID = 0;
+ gRSP.curTile = 0;
+ gRSP.fTexScaleX = 1/32.0f;;
+ gRSP.fTexScaleY = 1/32.0f;
+bool CRender::FillRect(int nX0, int nY0, int nX1, int nY1, uint32 dwColor)
+ LOG_UCODE("FillRect: X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d, Color=0x%8X", nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1, dwColor);
+ if (g_CI.dwSize != TXT_SIZE_16b && frameBufferOptions.bIgnore)
+ return true;
+ if (status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM)
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ if(status.bVIOriginIsUpdated == true && currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting==SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_1ST_PRIMITIVE)
+ {
+ status.bVIOriginIsUpdated=false;
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_SET_CIMG, {DebuggerAppendMsg("Screen Update at 1st FillRectangle");});
+ }
+ if (status.bCIBufferIsRendered && status.bVIOriginIsUpdated == true && currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting==SCREEN_UPDATE_BEFORE_SCREEN_CLEAR )
+ {
+ if ((nX0==0 && nY0 == 0 && (nX1 == (int) g_CI.dwWidth || nX1 == (int) g_CI.dwWidth-1)) ||
+ (nX0==gRDP.scissor.left && nY0 == gRDP.scissor.top && (nX1 == gRDP.scissor.right || nX1 == gRDP.scissor.right-1)) ||
+ ((nX0+nX1 == (int)g_CI.dwWidth || nX0+nX1 == (int)g_CI.dwWidth-1 || nX0+nX1 == gRDP.scissor.left+gRDP.scissor.right || nX0+nX1 == gRDP.scissor.left+gRDP.scissor.right-1) && (nY0 == gRDP.scissor.top || nY0 == 0 || nY0+nY1 == gRDP.scissor.top+gRDP.scissor.bottom || nY0+nY1 == gRDP.scissor.top+gRDP.scissor.bottom-1)))
+ {
+ status.bVIOriginIsUpdated=false;
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_SET_CIMG,{DebuggerAppendMsg("Screen Update Before Screen Clear");});
+ }
+ }
+ bool res=true;
+ /*
+ // I don't know why this does not work for OpenGL
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_FILL && nX0 == 0 && nY0 == 0 && ((nX1==windowSetting.uViWidth && nY1==windowSetting.uViHeight)||(nX1==windowSetting.uViWidth-1 && nY1==windowSetting.uViHeight-1)) )
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_BUFFER,dwColor);
+ }
+ else
+ */
+ {
+ //BOOL m_savedZBufferFlag = gRSP.bZBufferEnabled; // Save ZBuffer state
+ ZBufferEnable( FALSE );
+ m_fillRectVtx[0].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(nX0);
+ m_fillRectVtx[0].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(nY0);
+ m_fillRectVtx[1].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(nX1);
+ m_fillRectVtx[1].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(nY1);
+ SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type >= CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ {
+ ZBufferEnable(FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //dwColor = PostProcessDiffuseColor(0);
+ dwColor = PostProcessDiffuseColor(gRDP.primitiveColor);
+ }
+ float depth = (gRDP.otherMode.depth_source == 1 ? gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth : 0 );
+ ApplyRDPScissor();
+ TurnFogOnOff(false);
+ res = RenderFillRect(dwColor, depth);
+ TurnFogOnOff(gRSP.bFogEnabled);
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type >= CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ {
+ ZBufferEnable(gRSP.bZBufferEnabled);
+ }
+ }
+ if( options.bWinFrameMode ) SetFillMode(RICE_FILLMODE_WINFRAME );
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N( NEXT_FILLRECT, {DebuggerAppendMsg("FillRect: X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d, Color=0x%08X", nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1, dwColor);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after FillRect: Color=%08X\n", dwColor);if( logCombiners ) m_pColorCombiner->DisplayMuxString();});
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_COUNT_N( NEXT_FLUSH_TRI, {DebuggerAppendMsg("FillRect: X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d, Color=0x%08X", nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1, dwColor);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after FillRect: Color=%08X\n", dwColor);if( logCombiners ) m_pColorCombiner->DisplayMuxString();});
+ return res;
+bool CRender::Line3D(uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwV1, uint32 dwWidth)
+ LOG_UCODE("Line3D: Vtx0=%d, Vtx1=%d, Width=%d", dwV0, dwV1, dwWidth);
+ if( !status.bCIBufferIsRendered ) g_pFrameBufferManager->ActiveTextureBuffer();
+ m_line3DVtx[0].z = (g_vecProjected[dwV0].z + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
+ m_line3DVtx[1].z = (g_vecProjected[dwV1].z + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
+ if( m_line3DVtx[0].z != m_line3DVtx[1].z )
+ return false;
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM ) status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height;
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM )
+ {
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = true;
+ }
+ }
+ m_line3DVtx[0].x = ViewPortTranslatef_x(g_vecProjected[dwV0].x);
+ m_line3DVtx[0].y = ViewPortTranslatef_y(g_vecProjected[dwV0].y);
+ m_line3DVtx[0].rhw = g_vecProjected[dwV0].w;
+ m_line3DVtx[0].dcDiffuse = PostProcessDiffuseColor(g_dwVtxDifColor[dwV0]);
+ m_line3DVtx[0].dcSpecular = PostProcessSpecularColor();
+ m_line3DVtx[1].x = ViewPortTranslatef_x(g_vecProjected[dwV1].x);
+ m_line3DVtx[1].y = ViewPortTranslatef_y(g_vecProjected[dwV1].y);
+ m_line3DVtx[1].rhw = g_vecProjected[dwV1].w;
+ m_line3DVtx[1].dcDiffuse = PostProcessDiffuseColor(g_dwVtxDifColor[dwV1]);
+ m_line3DVtx[1].dcSpecular = m_line3DVtx[0].dcSpecular;
+ float width = dwWidth*0.5f+1.5f;
+ if( m_line3DVtx[0].y == m_line3DVtx[1].y )
+ {
+ m_line3DVector[0].x = m_line3DVector[1].x = m_line3DVtx[0].x;
+ m_line3DVector[2].x = m_line3DVector[3].x = m_line3DVtx[1].x;
+ m_line3DVector[0].y = m_line3DVector[2].y = m_line3DVtx[0].y-width/2*windowSetting.fMultY;
+ m_line3DVector[1].y = m_line3DVector[3].y = m_line3DVtx[0].y+width/2*windowSetting.fMultY;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_line3DVector[0].y = m_line3DVector[1].y = m_line3DVtx[0].y;
+ m_line3DVector[2].y = m_line3DVector[3].y = m_line3DVtx[1].y;
+ m_line3DVector[0].x = m_line3DVector[2].x = m_line3DVtx[0].x-width/2*windowSetting.fMultX;
+ m_line3DVector[1].x = m_line3DVector[3].x = m_line3DVtx[0].x+width/2*windowSetting.fMultX;
+ }
+ SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ bool res=RenderLine3D();
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after Line3D: v%d(%f,%f,%f), v%d(%f,%f,%f), Width=%d\n", dwV0, m_line3DVtx[0].x, m_line3DVtx[0].y, m_line3DVtx[0].z,
+ dwV1, m_line3DVtx[1].x, m_line3DVtx[1].y, m_line3DVtx[1].z, dwWidth);
+ });
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after Line3D: v%d(%f,%f,%f), v%d(%f,%f,%f), Width=%d\n", dwV0, m_line3DVtx[0].x, m_line3DVtx[0].y, m_line3DVtx[0].z,
+ dwV1, m_line3DVtx[1].x, m_line3DVtx[1].y, m_line3DVtx[1].z, dwWidth);
+ });
+ return res;
+bool CRender::RemapTextureCoordinate
+ (float t0, float t1, uint32 tileWidth, uint32 mask, float textureWidth, float &u0, float &u1)
+ int s0 = (int)t0;
+ int s1 = (int)t1;
+ int width = mask>0 ? (1<<mask) : tileWidth;
+ if( width == 0 ) return false;
+ int divs0 = s0/width; if( divs0*width > s0 ) divs0--;
+ int divs1 = s1/width; if( divs1*width > s1 ) divs1--;
+ if( divs0 == divs1 )
+ {
+ s0 -= divs0*width;
+ s1 -= divs1*width;
+ //if( s0 > s1 )
+ // s0++;
+ //else if( s1 > s0 )
+ // s1++;
+ u0 = s0/textureWidth;
+ u1 = s1/textureWidth;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if( divs0+1 == divs1 && s0%width==0 && s1%width == 0 )
+ {
+ u0 = 0;
+ u1 = tileWidth/textureWidth;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if( divs0 == divs1+1 && s0%width==0 && s1%width == 0 )
+ {
+ u1 = 0;
+ u0 = tileWidth/textureWidth;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //if( s0 > s1 )
+ //{
+ //s0++;
+ // u0 = s0/textureWidth;
+ //}
+ //else if( s1 > s0 )
+ //{
+ //s1++;
+ // u1 = s1/textureWidth;
+ //}
+ return false;
+ }
+bool CRender::TexRect(int nX0, int nY0, int nX1, int nY1, float fS0, float fT0, float fScaleS, float fScaleT, bool colorFlag, uint32 diffuseColor)
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_DUKE_NUKEM )
+ {
+ colorFlag = true;
+ diffuseColor = 0;
+ }
+ if( status.bVIOriginIsUpdated == true && currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting==SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_1ST_PRIMITIVE )
+ {
+ status.bVIOriginIsUpdated=false;
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_SET_CIMG,{DebuggerAppendMsg("Screen Update at 1st textRect");});
+ }
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_BANJO_TOOIE )
+ {
+ // Hack for Banjo shadow in Banjo Tooie
+ if( g_TI.dwWidth == g_CI.dwWidth && g_TI.dwFormat == TXT_FMT_CI && g_TI.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_8b )
+ {
+ if( nX0 == fS0 && nY0 == fT0 )//&& nX0 > 90 && nY0 > 130 && nX1-nX0 > 80 && nY1-nY0 > 20 )
+ {
+ // Skip the text rect
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer )
+ {
+ if( frameBufferOptions.bIgnore || ( frameBufferOptions.bIgnoreRenderTextureIfHeightUnknown && newRenderTextureInfo.knownHeight == 0 ) )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ PrepareTextures();
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_8b )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if( !IsTextureEnabled() && gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type != CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ {
+ FillRect(nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1, gRDP.primitiveColor);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if( IsUsedAsDI(g_CI.dwAddr) && !status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ }
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM ) status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ LOG_UCODE("TexRect: X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d,\n\t\tfS0=%f, fT0=%f, ScaleS=%f, ScaleT=%f ",
+ nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1, fS0, fT0, fScaleS, fScaleT);
+ if( options.bEnableHacks )
+ {
+ // Goldeneye HACK
+ if( nY1 - nY0 < 2 )
+ nY1 = nY1+2;
+ //// Text edge hack
+ else if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_1 && fScaleS == 1 && fScaleT == 1 &&
+ (int)g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_dwTileWidth == nX1-nX0+1 && (int)g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_dwTileHeight == nY1-nY0+1 &&
+ g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_dwTileWidth%2 == 0 && g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_dwTileHeight%2 == 0 )
+ {
+ nY1++;
+ nX1++;
+ }
+ else if( g_curRomInfo.bIncTexRectEdge )
+ {
+ nX1++;
+ nY1++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Scale to Actual texture coords
+ // The two cases are to handle the oversized textures hack on voodoos
+ SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type >= CYCLE_TYPE_COPY || !gRDP.otherMode.z_cmp )
+ {
+ ZBufferEnable(FALSE);
+ }
+ BOOL accurate = currentRomOptions.bAccurateTextureMapping;
+ RenderTexture &tex0 = g_textures[gRSP.curTile];
+ Tile &tile0 = gRDP.tiles[gRSP.curTile];
+ float widthDiv = tex0.m_fTexWidth;
+ float heightDiv = tex0.m_fTexHeight;
+ float t0u0;
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ALL_STAR_BASEBALL || options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MLB )
+ {
+ t0u0 = (fS0 -tile0.fhilite_sl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t0u0 = (fS0 * tile0.fShiftScaleS -tile0.fhilite_sl);
+ }
+ float t0u1;
+ if( accurate && gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type >= CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ {
+ t0u1 = t0u0 + (fScaleS * (nX1 - nX0 - 1))*tile0.fShiftScaleS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t0u1 = t0u0 + (fScaleS * (nX1 - nX0))*tile0.fShiftScaleS;
+ }
+ if( status.UseLargerTile[0] )
+ {
+ m_texRectTex1UV[0].u = (t0u0+status.LargerTileRealLeft[0])/widthDiv;
+ m_texRectTex1UV[1].u = (t0u1+status.LargerTileRealLeft[0])/widthDiv;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_texRectTex1UV[0].u = t0u0/widthDiv;
+ m_texRectTex1UV[1].u = t0u1/widthDiv;
+ if( accurate && !tile0.bMirrorS && RemapTextureCoordinate(t0u0, t0u1, tex0.m_dwTileWidth, tile0.dwMaskS, widthDiv, m_texRectTex1UV[0].u, m_texRectTex1UV[1].u) )
+ SetTextureUFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP, gRSP.curTile);
+ }
+ float t0v0;
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ALL_STAR_BASEBALL || options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MLB )
+ {
+ t0v0 = (fT0 -tile0.fhilite_tl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t0v0 = (fT0 * tile0.fShiftScaleT -tile0.fhilite_tl);
+ }
+ float t0v1;
+ if ( accurate && gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type >= CYCLE_TYPE_COPY)
+ {
+ t0v1 = t0v0 + (fScaleT * (nY1 - nY0-1))*tile0.fShiftScaleT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t0v1 = t0v0 + (fScaleT * (nY1 - nY0))*tile0.fShiftScaleT;
+ }
+ m_texRectTex1UV[0].v = t0v0/heightDiv;
+ m_texRectTex1UV[1].v = t0v1/heightDiv;
+ if( accurate && !tile0.bMirrorT && RemapTextureCoordinate(t0v0, t0v1, tex0.m_dwTileHeight, tile0.dwMaskT, heightDiv, m_texRectTex1UV[0].v, m_texRectTex1UV[1].v) )
+ SetTextureVFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP, gRSP.curTile);
+ COLOR speColor = PostProcessSpecularColor();
+ COLOR difColor;
+ if( colorFlag )
+ difColor = PostProcessDiffuseColor(diffuseColor);
+ else
+ //difColor = PostProcessDiffuseColor(0);
+ difColor = PostProcessDiffuseColor(gRDP.primitiveColor);
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(nX0);
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(nY0);
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].dcDiffuse = difColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].dcSpecular = speColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(nX1);
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(nY0);
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].dcDiffuse = difColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].dcSpecular = speColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(nX1);
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(nY1);
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].dcDiffuse = difColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].dcSpecular = speColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(nX0);
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(nY1);
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].dcDiffuse = difColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].dcSpecular = speColor;
+ float depth = (gRDP.otherMode.depth_source == 1 ? gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth : 0 );
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].z = g_texRectTVtx[1].z = g_texRectTVtx[2].z = g_texRectTVtx[3].z = depth;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].rhw = g_texRectTVtx[1].rhw = g_texRectTVtx[2].rhw = g_texRectTVtx[3].rhw = 1;
+ if( IsTexel1Enable() )
+ {
+ RenderTexture &tex1 = g_textures[(gRSP.curTile+1)&7];
+ Tile &tile1 = gRDP.tiles[(gRSP.curTile+1)&7];
+ widthDiv = tex1.m_fTexWidth;
+ heightDiv = tex1.m_fTexHeight;
+ //if( tile1.dwMaskS == 0 ) widthDiv = tile1.dwWidth;
+ //if( tile1.dwMaskT == 0 ) heightDiv = tile1.dwHeight;
+ float t0u0 = fS0 * tile1.fShiftScaleS -tile1.fhilite_sl;
+ float t0v0 = fT0 * tile1.fShiftScaleT -tile1.fhilite_tl;
+ float t0u1;
+ float t0v1;
+ if ( accurate && gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type >= CYCLE_TYPE_COPY)
+ {
+ t0u1 = t0u0 + (fScaleS * (nX1 - nX0 - 1))*tile1.fShiftScaleS;
+ t0v1 = t0v0 + (fScaleT * (nY1 - nY0 - 1))*tile1.fShiftScaleT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t0u1 = t0u0 + (fScaleS * (nX1 - nX0))*tile1.fShiftScaleS;
+ t0v1 = t0v0 + (fScaleT * (nY1 - nY0))*tile1.fShiftScaleT;
+ }
+ if( status.UseLargerTile[1] )
+ {
+ m_texRectTex2UV[0].u = (t0u0+status.LargerTileRealLeft[1])/widthDiv;
+ m_texRectTex2UV[1].u = (t0u1+status.LargerTileRealLeft[1])/widthDiv;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_texRectTex2UV[0].u = t0u0/widthDiv;
+ m_texRectTex2UV[1].u = t0u1/widthDiv;
+ if( accurate && !tile1.bMirrorS && RemapTextureCoordinate(t0u0, t0u1, tex1.m_dwTileWidth, tile1.dwMaskS, widthDiv, m_texRectTex2UV[0].u, m_texRectTex2UV[1].u) )
+ SetTextureUFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP, (gRSP.curTile+1)&7);
+ }
+ m_texRectTex2UV[0].v = t0v0/heightDiv;
+ m_texRectTex2UV[1].v = t0v1/heightDiv;
+ if( accurate && !tile1.bMirrorT && RemapTextureCoordinate(t0v0, t0v1, tex1.m_dwTileHeight, tile1.dwMaskT, heightDiv, m_texRectTex2UV[0].v, m_texRectTex2UV[1].v) )
+ SetTextureVFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP, (gRSP.curTile+1)&7);
+ SetVertexTextureUVCoord(g_texRectTVtx[0], m_texRectTex1UV[0].u, m_texRectTex1UV[0].v, m_texRectTex2UV[0].u, m_texRectTex2UV[0].v);
+ SetVertexTextureUVCoord(g_texRectTVtx[1], m_texRectTex1UV[1].u, m_texRectTex1UV[0].v, m_texRectTex2UV[1].u, m_texRectTex2UV[0].v);
+ SetVertexTextureUVCoord(g_texRectTVtx[2], m_texRectTex1UV[1].u, m_texRectTex1UV[1].v, m_texRectTex2UV[1].u, m_texRectTex2UV[1].v);
+ SetVertexTextureUVCoord(g_texRectTVtx[3], m_texRectTex1UV[0].u, m_texRectTex1UV[1].v, m_texRectTex2UV[0].u, m_texRectTex2UV[1].v);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetVertexTextureUVCoord(g_texRectTVtx[0], m_texRectTex1UV[0].u, m_texRectTex1UV[0].v);
+ SetVertexTextureUVCoord(g_texRectTVtx[1], m_texRectTex1UV[1].u, m_texRectTex1UV[0].v);
+ SetVertexTextureUVCoord(g_texRectTVtx[2], m_texRectTex1UV[1].u, m_texRectTex1UV[1].v);
+ SetVertexTextureUVCoord(g_texRectTVtx[3], m_texRectTex1UV[0].u, m_texRectTex1UV[1].v);
+ }
+ bool res;
+ TurnFogOnOff(false);
+ if( TileUFlags[gRSP.curTile]==TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP && TileVFlags[gRSP.curTile]==TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP && options.forceTextureFilter == FORCE_DEFAULT_FILTER )
+ {
+ TextureFilter dwFilter = m_dwMagFilter;
+ m_dwMagFilter = m_dwMinFilter = FILTER_LINEAR;
+ ApplyTextureFilter();
+ ApplyRDPScissor();
+ res = RenderTexRect();
+ m_dwMagFilter = m_dwMinFilter = dwFilter;
+ ApplyTextureFilter();
+ }
+ else if( fScaleS >= 1 && fScaleT >= 1 && options.forceTextureFilter == FORCE_DEFAULT_FILTER )
+ {
+ TextureFilter dwFilter = m_dwMagFilter;
+ m_dwMagFilter = m_dwMinFilter = FILTER_POINT;
+ ApplyTextureFilter();
+ ApplyRDPScissor();
+ res = RenderTexRect();
+ m_dwMagFilter = m_dwMinFilter = dwFilter;
+ ApplyTextureFilter();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ApplyRDPScissor();
+ res = RenderTexRect();
+ }
+ TurnFogOnOff(gRSP.bFogEnabled);
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type >= CYCLE_TYPE_COPY || !gRDP.otherMode.z_cmp )
+ {
+ ZBufferEnable(gRSP.bZBufferEnabled);
+ }
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("TexRect: tile=%d, X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d,\nfS0=%f, fT0=%f, ScaleS=%f, ScaleT=%f\n",
+ gRSP.curTile, nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1, fS0, fT0, fScaleS, fScaleT);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : x0=%f, y0=%f, x1=%f, y1=%f\n", g_texRectTVtx[0].x, g_texRectTVtx[0].y, g_texRectTVtx[2].x, g_texRectTVtx[2].y);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" Tex0: u0=%f, v0=%f, u1=%f, v1=%f\n", m_texRectTex1UV[0].u, m_texRectTex1UV[0].v, m_texRectTex1UV[1].u, m_texRectTex1UV[1].v);
+ if( IsTexel1Enable() )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" Tex1: u0=%f, v0=%f, u1=%f, v1=%f\n", m_texRectTex2UV[0].u, m_texRectTex2UV[0].v, m_texRectTex2UV[1].u, m_texRectTex2UV[1].v);
+ }
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("color=%08X, %08X\n", g_texRectTVtx[0].dcDiffuse, g_texRectTVtx[0].dcSpecular);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after TexRect\n");
+ if( logCombiners ) m_pColorCombiner->DisplayMuxString();
+ });
+ return res;
+bool CRender::TexRectFlip(int nX0, int nY0, int nX1, int nY1, float fS0, float fT0, float fS1, float fT1)
+ LOG_UCODE("TexRectFlip: X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d,\n\t\tfS0=%f, fT0=%f, fS1=%f, fT1=%f ",
+ nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1, fS0, fT0, fS1, fT1);
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM )
+ {
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = true;
+ }
+ PrepareTextures();
+ // Save ZBuffer state
+ m_savedZBufferFlag = gRSP.bZBufferEnabled;
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.depth_source == 0 ) ZBufferEnable( FALSE );
+ float widthDiv = g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_fTexWidth;
+ float heightDiv = g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_fTexHeight;
+ //Tile &tile0 = gRDP.tiles[gRSP.curTile];
+ float t0u0 = fS0 / widthDiv;
+ float t0v0 = fT0 / heightDiv;
+ float t0u1 = (fS1 - fS0)/ widthDiv + t0u0;
+ float t0v1 = (fT1 - fT0)/ heightDiv + t0v0;
+ float depth = (gRDP.otherMode.depth_source == 1 ? gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth : 0 );
+ if( t0u0 >= 0 && t0u1 <= 1 && t0u1 >= t0u0 ) SetTextureUFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP, gRSP.curTile);
+ if( t0v0 >= 0 && t0v1 <= 1 && t0v1 >= t0v0 ) SetTextureVFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP, gRSP.curTile);
+ SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ COLOR speColor = PostProcessSpecularColor();
+ COLOR difColor = PostProcessDiffuseColor(gRDP.primitiveColor);
+ // Same as TexRect, but with texcoords 0,2 swapped
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(nX0);
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(nY0);
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].dcDiffuse = difColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].dcSpecular = speColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(nX1);
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(nY0);
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].dcDiffuse = difColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].dcSpecular = speColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(nX1);
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(nY1);
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].dcDiffuse = difColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].dcSpecular = speColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(nX0);
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(nY1);
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].dcDiffuse = difColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].dcSpecular = speColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].z = g_texRectTVtx[1].z = g_texRectTVtx[2].z = g_texRectTVtx[3].z = depth;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].rhw = g_texRectTVtx[1].rhw = g_texRectTVtx[2].rhw = g_texRectTVtx[3].rhw = 1.0f;
+ SetVertexTextureUVCoord(g_texRectTVtx[0], t0u0, t0v0);
+ SetVertexTextureUVCoord(g_texRectTVtx[1], t0u0, t0v1);
+ SetVertexTextureUVCoord(g_texRectTVtx[2], t0u1, t0v1);
+ SetVertexTextureUVCoord(g_texRectTVtx[3], t0u1, t0v0);
+ TurnFogOnOff(false);
+ ApplyRDPScissor();
+ bool res = RenderTexRect();
+ TurnFogOnOff(gRSP.bFogEnabled);
+ // Restore state
+ ZBufferEnable( m_savedZBufferFlag );
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("TexRectFlip: tile=%d, X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d,\nfS0=%f, fT0=%f, nfS1=%f, fT1=%f\n",
+ gRSP.curTile, nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1, fS0, fT0, fS1, fT1);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : x0=%f, y0=%f, x1=%f, y1=%f\n", g_texRectTVtx[0].x, g_texRectTVtx[0].y, g_texRectTVtx[2].x, g_texRectTVtx[2].y);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" Tex0: u0=%f, v0=%f, u1=%f, v1=%f\n", g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u, g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v, g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u, g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v);
+ TRACE0("Pause after TexRectFlip\n");
+ if( logCombiners ) m_pColorCombiner->DisplayMuxString();
+ });
+ return res;
+void CRender::StartDrawSimple2DTexture(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1, COLOR dif, COLOR spe, float z, float rhw)
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(x0); // << Error here, shouldn't divid by 4
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(y0);
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].dcDiffuse = dif;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].dcSpecular = spe;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u = u0;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v = v0;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(x1);
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(y0);
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].dcDiffuse = dif;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].dcSpecular = spe;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].u = u1;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].v = v0;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(x1);
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(y1);
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].dcDiffuse = dif;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].dcSpecular = spe;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u = u1;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v = v1;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(x0);
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(y1);
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].dcDiffuse = dif;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].dcSpecular = spe;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].u = u0;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].v = v1;
+ RenderTexture &txtr = g_textures[0];
+ if( txtr.pTextureEntry && txtr.pTextureEntry->txtrBufIdx > 0 )
+ {
+ RenderTextureInfo &info = gRenderTextureInfos[txtr.pTextureEntry->txtrBufIdx-1];
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u *= info.scaleX;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v *= info.scaleY;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].u *= info.scaleX;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].v *= info.scaleY;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u *= info.scaleX;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v *= info.scaleY;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].u *= info.scaleX;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].v *= info.scaleY;
+ }
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].z = g_texRectTVtx[1].z = g_texRectTVtx[2].z = g_texRectTVtx[3].z = z;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].rhw = g_texRectTVtx[1].rhw = g_texRectTVtx[2].rhw = g_texRectTVtx[3].rhw = rhw;
+void CRender::StartDrawSimpleRect(int nX0, int nY0, int nX1, int nY1, uint32 dwColor, float depth, float rhw)
+ m_simpleRectVtx[0].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(nX0);
+ m_simpleRectVtx[1].x = ViewPortTranslatei_x(nX1);
+ m_simpleRectVtx[0].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(nY0);
+ m_simpleRectVtx[1].y = ViewPortTranslatei_y(nY1);
+void CRender::SetAddressUAllStages(uint32 dwTile, TextureUVFlag dwFlag)
+void CRender::SetAddressVAllStages(uint32 dwTile, TextureUVFlag dwFlag)
+void CRender::SetAllTexelRepeatFlag()
+ if( IsTextureEnabled() )
+ {
+ if( IsTexel0Enable() || gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ SetTexelRepeatFlags(gRSP.curTile);
+ if( IsTexel1Enable() )
+ SetTexelRepeatFlags((gRSP.curTile+1)&7);
+ }
+void CRender::SetTexelRepeatFlags(uint32 dwTile)
+ Tile &tile = gRDP.tiles[dwTile];
+ if( tile.bForceClampS )
+ SetTextureUFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP, dwTile);
+ else if( tile.bForceWrapS )
+ SetTextureUFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_WRAP, dwTile);
+ else if( tile.dwMaskS == 0 || tile.bClampS )
+ {
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type >= CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ SetTextureUFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_WRAP, dwTile); // Can not clamp in COPY/FILL mode
+ else
+ SetTextureUFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP, dwTile);
+ }
+ else if (tile.bMirrorS )
+ SetTextureUFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_MIRROR, dwTile);
+ else
+ SetTextureUFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_WRAP, dwTile);
+ if( tile.bForceClampT )
+ SetTextureVFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP, dwTile);
+ else if( tile.bForceWrapT )
+ SetTextureVFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_WRAP, dwTile);
+ else if( tile.dwMaskT == 0 || tile.bClampT)
+ {
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type >= CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ SetTextureVFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_WRAP, dwTile); // Can not clamp in COPY/FILL mode
+ else
+ SetTextureVFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP, dwTile);
+ }
+ else if (tile.bMirrorT )
+ SetTextureVFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_MIRROR, dwTile);
+ else
+ SetTextureVFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_WRAP, dwTile);
+void CRender::Initialize(void)
+ ClearDeviceObjects();
+ InitDeviceObjects();
+void CRender::CleanUp(void)
+ m_pColorCombiner->CleanUp();
+ ClearDeviceObjects();
+void myVec3Transform(float *vecout, float *vecin, float* m)
+ float w = m[3]*vecin[0]+m[7]*vecin[1]+m[11]*vecin[2]+m[15];
+ vecout[0] = (m[0]*vecin[0]+m[4]*vecin[1]+m[8]*vecin[2]+m[12])/w;
+ vecout[1] = (m[1]*vecin[0]+m[5]*vecin[1]+m[9]*vecin[2]+m[13])/w;
+ vecout[2] = (m[2]*vecin[0]+m[6]*vecin[1]+m[10]*vecin[2]+m[14])/w;
+void CRender::SetTextureEnableAndScale(int dwTile, bool bEnable, float fScaleX, float fScaleY)
+ gRSP.bTextureEnabled = bEnable;
+ if( bEnable )
+ {
+ if( gRSP.curTile != (unsigned int)dwTile )
+ gRDP.textureIsChanged = true;
+ gRSP.curTile = dwTile;
+ gRSP.fTexScaleX = fScaleX;
+ gRSP.fTexScaleY = fScaleY;
+ if( fScaleX == 0 || fScaleY == 0 )
+ {
+ gRSP.fTexScaleX = 1/32.0f;
+ gRSP.fTexScaleY = 1/32.0f;
+ }
+ }
+void CRender::SetFogFlagForNegativeW()
+ if( !gRSP.bFogEnabled ) return;
+ m_bFogStateSave = gRSP.bFogEnabled;
+ bool flag=gRSP.bFogEnabled;
+ for (uint32 i = 0; i < gRSP.numVertices; i++)
+ {
+ if( g_vtxBuffer[i].rhw < 0 )
+ flag = FALSE;
+ }
+ TurnFogOnOff(flag);
+void CRender::RestoreFogFlag()
+ if( !gRSP.bFogEnabled ) return;
+ TurnFogOnOff(m_bFogStateSave);
+void CRender::SetViewport(int nLeft, int nTop, int nRight, int nBottom, int maxZ)
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ return;
+ static float MultX=0, MultY=0;
+ if( gRSP.nVPLeftN == nLeft && gRSP.nVPTopN == nTop &&
+ gRSP.nVPRightN == nRight && gRSP.nVPBottomN == nBottom &&
+ MultX==windowSetting.fMultX && MultY==windowSetting.fMultY)
+ {
+ // no changes
+ return;
+ }
+ MultX=windowSetting.fMultX;
+ MultY=windowSetting.fMultY;
+ gRSP.maxZ = maxZ;
+ gRSP.nVPLeftN = nLeft;
+ gRSP.nVPTopN = nTop;
+ gRSP.nVPRightN = nRight;
+ gRSP.nVPBottomN = nBottom;
+ gRSP.nVPWidthN = nRight - nLeft + 1;
+ gRSP.nVPHeightN = nBottom - nTop + 1;
+ UpdateClipRectangle();
+ SetViewportRender();
+ LOG_UCODE("SetViewport (%d,%d - %d,%d)",gRSP.nVPLeftN, gRSP.nVPTopN, gRSP.nVPRightN, gRSP.nVPBottomN);
+extern bool bHalfTxtScale;
+bool CRender::DrawTriangles()
+ if( !status.bCIBufferIsRendered ) g_pFrameBufferManager->ActiveTextureBuffer();
+ DEBUGGER_ONLY_IF( (!debuggerEnableZBuffer), {ZBufferEnable( FALSE );} );
+ if( status.bVIOriginIsUpdated == true && currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting==SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_1ST_PRIMITIVE )
+ {
+ status.bVIOriginIsUpdated=false;
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_SET_CIMG,{DebuggerAppendMsg("Screen Update at 1st triangle");});
+ }
+ // Hack for Pilotwings 64 (U) [!].v64
+ static bool skipNext=false;
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_PILOT_WINGS )
+ {
+ if( IsUsedAsDI(g_CI.dwAddr) && gRDP.otherMode.z_cmp+gRDP.otherMode.z_upd > 0 )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Warning: using Flushtris to write Zbuffer" );
+ gRSP.numVertices = 0;
+ gRSP.maxVertexID = 0;
+ skipNext = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if( skipNext )
+ {
+ skipNext = false;
+ gRSP.numVertices = 0;
+ gRSP.maxVertexID = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if( status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer && frameBufferOptions.bIgnore )
+ {
+ gRSP.numVertices = 0;
+ gRSP.maxVertexID = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ extern bool bConkerHideShadow;
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_CONKER && bConkerHideShadow )
+ {
+ gRSP.numVertices = 0;
+ gRSP.maxVertexID = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if( IsUsedAsDI(g_CI.dwAddr) && !status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ }
+ /*
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_8b )
+ {
+ gRSP.numVertices = 0;
+ gRSP.maxVertexID = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ */
+ if (gRSP.numVertices == 0) return true;
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height;
+ if( !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM )
+ {
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender && gRSP.bFogEnabled )
+ {
+ TurnFogOnOff(false);
+ }
+ for( int t=0; t<2; t++ )
+ {
+ float halfscaleS = 1;
+ // This will get rid of the thin black lines
+ if( t==0 && !(m_pColorCombiner->m_bTex0Enabled) )
+ continue;
+ else
+ {
+ if( ( gRDP.tiles[gRSP.curTile].dwSize == TXT_SIZE_32b && options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_RUMBLE ) ||
+ (bHalfTxtScale && g_curRomInfo.bTextureScaleHack ) ||
+ (options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_POLARISSNOCROSS && gRDP.tiles[7].dwFormat == TXT_FMT_CI && gRDP.tiles[7].dwSize == TXT_SIZE_8b
+ && gRDP.tiles[0].dwFormat == TXT_FMT_CI && gRDP.tiles[0].dwSize == TXT_SIZE_8b && gRSP.curTile == 0 ))
+ {
+ halfscaleS = 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ if( t==1 && !(m_pColorCombiner->m_bTex1Enabled) )
+ break;
+ if( halfscaleS < 1 )
+ {
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<gRSP.numVertices; i++ )
+ {
+ if( t == 0 )
+ {
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].u += gRSP.tex0OffsetX;
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].u /= 2;
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].u -= gRSP.tex0OffsetX;
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].v += gRSP.tex0OffsetY;
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].v /= 2;
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].v -= gRSP.tex0OffsetY;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].u += gRSP.tex1OffsetX;
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].u /= 2;
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].u -= gRSP.tex1OffsetX;
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].v += gRSP.tex1OffsetY;
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].v /= 2;
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].v -= gRSP.tex1OffsetY;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ // The code here is disabled because it could cause incorrect texture repeating flag
+ // for later DrawTriangles
+ bool clampS=true;
+ bool clampT=true;
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<gRSP.numVertices; i++ )
+ {
+ float w = CDeviceBuilder::GetGeneralDeviceType() == OGL_DEVICE ? g_vtxProjected5[i][3] : g_vtxBuffer[i].rhw;
+ if( w < 0 || g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].u > 1.0 || g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].u < 0.0 )
+ {
+ clampS = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<gRSP.numVertices; i++ )
+ {
+ float w = CDeviceBuilder::GetGeneralDeviceType() == OGL_DEVICE ? g_vtxProjected5[i][3] : g_vtxBuffer[i].rhw;
+ if( w < 0 || g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].v > 1.0 || g_vtxBuffer[i].tcord[t].v < 0.0 )
+ {
+ clampT = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( clampS )
+ {
+ SetTextureUFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP, gRSP.curTile+t);
+ }
+ if( clampT )
+ {
+ SetTextureVFlag(TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP, gRSP.curTile+t);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_8b )
+ {
+ ZBufferEnable(FALSE);
+ }
+ ApplyScissorWithClipRatio();
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bZHack )
+ {
+ extern void HackZAll();
+ HackZAll();
+ }
+ bool res = RenderFlushTris();
+ g_clippedVtxCount = 0;
+ LOG_UCODE("DrawTriangles: Draw %d Triangles", gRSP.numVertices/3);
+ gRSP.numVertices = 0; // Reset index
+ gRSP.maxVertexID = 0;
+ TRACE0("Pause after DrawTriangles\n");
+ if( logCombiners ) m_pColorCombiner->DisplayMuxString();
+ });
+ if( !gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender && gRSP.bFogEnabled )
+ {
+ TurnFogOnOff(true);
+ }
+ return res;
+inline int ReverseCITableLookup(uint32 *pTable, int size, uint32 val)
+ for( int i=0; i<size; i++)
+ {
+ if( pTable[i] == val )
+ return i;
+ }
+ TRACE0("Cannot find value in CI table");
+ return 0;
+bool SaveCITextureToFile(TxtrCacheEntry &entry, char *filename, bool bShow, bool bWholeTexture )
+ if( !( (gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 || entry.ti.Format == TXT_FMT_CI || entry.ti.Format == TXT_FMT_RGBA) && entry.ti.Size <= TXT_SIZE_8b ) )
+ {
+ // No a CI texture
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( entry.ti.TLutFmt != TLUT_FMT_RGBA16 && entry.ti.TLutFmt != TLUT_FMT_IA16 )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Invalid Tlut format");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( !entry.pTexture )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Null texture");
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint32 *pTable = NULL;
+ int tableSize;
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)entry.ti.PalAddress;
+ // Create the pallette table
+ if( entry.ti.Size == TXT_SIZE_4b )
+ {
+ // 4-bit table
+ tableSize = 16;
+ pTable = new uint32[16];
+ for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
+ {
+ pTable[i] = entry.ti.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_RGBA16 ? Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[i^1]) : ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[i^1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 8-bit table
+ tableSize = 256;
+ pTable = new uint32[256];
+ for( int i=0; i<256; i++ )
+ {
+ pTable[i] = entry.ti.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_RGBA16 ? Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[i^1]) : ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[i^1]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Reversely convert current texture to indexed textures
+ CTexture &texture = *entry.pTexture;
+ //int width = bWholeTexture ? texture.m_dwCreatedTextureWidth : texture.m_dwWidth;
+ //int height = bWholeTexture ? texture.m_dwCreatedTextureHeight : texture.m_dwHeight;
+ int width = bWholeTexture ? texture.m_dwCreatedTextureWidth : entry.ti.WidthToLoad;
+ int height = bWholeTexture ? texture.m_dwCreatedTextureHeight : entry.ti.HeightToLoad;
+ int bufSizePerLine = (((((width << entry.ti.Size) + 1 ) >> 1)+3) >> 2)*4; // pad to 32bit boundary
+ int bufSize = bufSizePerLine*height;
+ unsigned char *pbuf = new unsigned char[bufSize];
+ DrawInfo srcInfo;
+ if( texture.StartUpdate(&srcInfo) )
+ {
+ int idx = 0;
+ for( int i=height-1; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ uint32 *pSrc = (uint32*)((unsigned char*)srcInfo.lpSurface+srcInfo.lPitch * i);
+ for( int j=0; j<width; j++)
+ {
+ int val = ReverseCITableLookup(pTable, tableSize, *pSrc);
+ pSrc++;
+ if( entry.ti.Size == TXT_SIZE_4b )
+ {
+ // 4 bits
+ if( idx%2 )
+ {
+ // 1
+ pbuf[idx>>1] = (pbuf[idx>>1]<<4) | val;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 0
+ pbuf[idx>>1] = (unsigned char)val;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 8 bits
+ pbuf[idx++] = (unsigned char)val;
+ }
+ }
+ if( entry.ti.Size == TXT_SIZE_4b )
+ {
+ if( idx%8 ) idx = (idx/8+1)*8;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( idx%4 ) idx = (idx/4+1)*4;
+ }
+ }
+ texture.EndUpdate(&srcInfo);
+ }
+ // Create BMP color indexed file
+ if( strcasecmp(right(filename,4),".bmp") != 0 )
+ strcat(filename,".bmp");
+ infoHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
+ infoHeader.biWidth = width;
+ infoHeader.biHeight = height;
+ infoHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ infoHeader.biBitCount = entry.ti.Size == TXT_SIZE_4b ? 4 : 8;
+ infoHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ infoHeader.biSizeImage = bufSize;
+ infoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
+ infoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
+ infoHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
+ infoHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
+ fileHeader.bfType = 19778;
+ fileHeader.bfSize = sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) + sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + infoHeader.biSizeImage + tableSize*4;
+ fileHeader.bfReserved1 = fileHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;
+ fileHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) + sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + tableSize*4;
+ FILE *f;
+ f = fopen(filename, "wb");
+ if(f != NULL)
+ {
+ if (fwrite(&fileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, f) != 1 ||
+ fwrite(&infoHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, f) != 1 ||
+ fwrite(pTable, tableSize*4, 1, f) != 1 ||
+ fwrite(pbuf, infoHeader.biSizeImage, 1, f) != 1)
+ printf("failed to write out texture data to image file '%s'", filename);
+ fclose(f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Do something
+ TRACE1("Fail to create file %s", filename);
+ }
+ // Clean up
+ delete [] pTable;
+ delete [] pbuf;
+ return true;
+void CRender::SaveTextureToFile(CTexture &texture, char *filename, TextureChannel channel, bool bShow, bool bWholeTexture, int width, int height)
+ if( width < 0 || height < 0 )
+ {
+ width = bWholeTexture ? texture.m_dwCreatedTextureWidth : texture.m_dwWidth;
+ height = bWholeTexture ? texture.m_dwCreatedTextureHeight : texture.m_dwHeight;
+ }
+ unsigned char *pbuf = new unsigned char[width*height* (channel == TXT_RGBA ? 4 : 3)];
+ if( pbuf )
+ {
+ DrawInfo srcInfo;
+ if( texture.StartUpdate(&srcInfo) )
+ {
+ if( channel == TXT_RGBA )
+ {
+ uint32 *pbuf2 = (uint32*)pbuf;
+ for( int i=height-1; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ uint32 *pSrc = (uint32*)((unsigned char*)srcInfo.lpSurface+srcInfo.lPitch * i);
+ for( int j=0; j<width; j++)
+ {
+ *pbuf2++ = *pSrc++;
+ }
+ }
+ if( SaveRGBABufferToPNGFile(filename, (unsigned char*)pbuf, width, height ) )
+ //if( SaveRGBABufferToPNGFile(filename, (unsigned char*)srcInfo.lpSurface, width, height, srcInfo.lPitch ) )
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned char *pbuf2 = pbuf;
+ for( int i=height-1; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ unsigned char *pSrc = (unsigned char*)srcInfo.lpSurface+srcInfo.lPitch * i;
+ for( int j=0; j<width; j++)
+ {
+ if( channel == TXT_ALPHA )
+ {
+ pbuf2[0] = pbuf2[1] = pbuf2[2] = pSrc[3];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pbuf2[0] = pSrc[0];
+ pbuf2[1] = pSrc[1];
+ pbuf2[2] = pSrc[2];
+ }
+ pbuf2 += 3;
+ pSrc += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ if( SaveRGBBufferToFile(filename, pbuf, width, height ) )
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ texture.EndUpdate(&srcInfo);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE0("Cannot lock texture");
+ }
+ delete [] pbuf;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE0("Out of memory");
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+bool CRender::DrawTexture(int tex, TextureChannel channel)
+ if( g_textures[tex].m_pCTexture == NULL )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Can't draw null texture");
+ return false;
+ }
+ SaveTextureToFile(tex, channel, true); // Save to file instead of draw to screen
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Texture %d (CurTile:%d): W=%f, H=%f, Real W=%d, H=%d", tex, gRSP.curTile,
+ g_textures[tex].m_fTexWidth, g_textures[tex].m_fTexHeight, g_textures[tex].m_dwTileWidth, g_textures[tex].m_dwTileHeight);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("X scale: %f, Y scale: %f, %s", gRSP.fTexScaleX, gRSP.fTexScaleY, gRSP.bTextureEnabled?"Enabled":"Disabled");
+ return true;
+void CRender::SaveTextureToFile(int tex, TextureChannel channel, bool bShow)
+ TxtrCacheEntry &entry = *(g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry);
+ CTexture *pBaseTexture = entry.pTexture;
+ if( pBaseTexture == NULL )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Can't dump null texture");
+ return;
+ }
+ CTexture *pEnhancedTexture = entry.pEnhancedTexture ? entry.pEnhancedTexture : entry.pTexture;
+ bool bInWhole = false;
+ if( entry.ti.HeightToCreate == entry.ti.HeightToLoad && entry.ti.WidthToCreate == entry.ti.WidthToLoad
+ && pEnhancedTexture == pBaseTexture )
+ bInWhole = true;
+ char filename[256];
+ if( (gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 || g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Format == TXT_FMT_CI || g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Format == TXT_FMT_RGBA) && g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Size <= TXT_SIZE_8b )
+ {
+ sprintf(filename, "\\%s#%08X#%d#%d_ci", g_curRomInfo.szGameName, g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->dwCRC,
+ g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Format,
+ g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Size);
+ SaveCITextureToFile(*(g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry), filename, bShow && bInWhole, false);
+ sprintf(filename, "\\%s#%08X#%d#%d#%08X_ci", g_curRomInfo.szGameName, g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->dwCRC,
+ g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Format,
+ g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Size, g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->dwPalCRC);
+ SaveCITextureToFile(*(g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry), filename, false, false);
+ sprintf(filename, "\\%s#%08X#%d#%d#%08X_ciByRGBA", g_curRomInfo.szGameName, g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->dwCRC,
+ g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Format,
+ g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Size, g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->dwPalCRC);
+ SaveTextureToFile(*pBaseTexture, filename, TXT_RGBA, false, false, g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.WidthToLoad, g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.HeightToLoad);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Base texture is stored at: %s", filename);
+ if( !bInWhole && bShow )
+ {
+ sprintf(filename, "\\%s#%08X#%d#%d_ci_%s_debugger", g_curRomInfo.szGameName, g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->dwCRC,
+ g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Format,
+ g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Size, channel == TXT_ALPHA ? "a" : channel == TXT_RGBA ? "all" : "rgb");
+ SaveTextureToFile(*pEnhancedTexture, filename, channel, true, true);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Whole texture is stored at: %s", filename);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf(filename, "\\%s#%08X#%d#%d_%s", g_curRomInfo.szGameName, g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->dwCRC,
+ g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Format,
+ g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Size, channel == TXT_ALPHA ? "a" : channel == TXT_RGBA ? "all" : "rgb");
+ SaveTextureToFile(*pBaseTexture, filename, channel, bShow && bInWhole, false,g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.WidthToLoad, g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.HeightToLoad);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Base texture is stored at: %s", filename);
+ if( !bInWhole && bShow )
+ {
+ sprintf(filename, "\\%s#%08X#%d#%d_%s_debugger", g_curRomInfo.szGameName, g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->dwCRC,
+ g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Format,
+ g_textures[tex].pTextureEntry->ti.Size, channel == TXT_ALPHA ? "a" : channel == TXT_RGBA ? "all" : "rgb");
+ SaveTextureToFile(*pEnhancedTexture, filename, channel, true, true);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Whole texture is stored at: %s", filename);
+ }
+ }
+extern RenderTextureInfo gRenderTextureInfos[];
+void SetVertexTextureUVCoord(TexCord &dst, float s, float t, int tile, TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry)
+ RenderTexture &txtr = g_textures[tile];
+ RenderTextureInfo &info = gRenderTextureInfos[pEntry->txtrBufIdx-1];
+ uint32 addrOffset = g_TI.dwAddr-info.CI_Info.dwAddr;
+ uint32 extraTop = (addrOffset>>(info.CI_Info.dwSize-1)) /info.CI_Info.dwWidth;
+ uint32 extraLeft = (addrOffset>>(info.CI_Info.dwSize-1))%info.CI_Info.dwWidth;
+ if( pEntry->txtrBufIdx > 0 )
+ {
+ // Loading from render_texture or back buffer
+ s += (extraLeft+pEntry->ti.LeftToLoad)/txtr.m_fTexWidth;
+ t += (extraTop+pEntry->ti.TopToLoad)/txtr.m_fTexHeight;
+ s *= info.scaleX;
+ t *= info.scaleY;
+ }
+ dst.u = s;
+ dst.v = t;
+void CRender::SetVertexTextureUVCoord(TLITVERTEX &v, float fTex0S, float fTex0T)
+ RenderTexture &txtr = g_textures[0];
+ if( txtr.pTextureEntry && txtr.pTextureEntry->txtrBufIdx > 0 )
+ {
+ ::SetVertexTextureUVCoord(v.tcord[0], fTex0S, fTex0T, 0, txtr.pTextureEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v.tcord[0].u = fTex0S;
+ v.tcord[0].v = fTex0T;
+ }
+void CRender::SetVertexTextureUVCoord(TLITVERTEX &v, float fTex0S, float fTex0T, float fTex1S, float fTex1T)
+ if( (options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ZELDA||options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_ZELDA_MM) && m_Mux == 0x00262a60150c937fLL && gRSP.curTile == 0 )
+ {
+ // Hack for Zelda Sun
+ Tile &t0 = gRDP.tiles[0];
+ Tile &t1 = gRDP.tiles[1];
+ if( t0.dwFormat == TXT_FMT_I && t0.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_8b && t0.dwWidth == 64 &&
+ t1.dwFormat == TXT_FMT_I && t1.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_8b && t1.dwWidth == 64 &&
+ t0.dwHeight == t1.dwHeight )
+ {
+ fTex0S /= 2;
+ fTex0T /= 2;
+ fTex1S /= 2;
+ fTex1T /= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ RenderTexture &txtr0 = g_textures[0];
+ if( txtr0.pTextureEntry && txtr0.pTextureEntry->txtrBufIdx > 0 )
+ {
+ ::SetVertexTextureUVCoord(v.tcord[0], fTex0S, fTex0T, 0, txtr0.pTextureEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v.tcord[0].u = fTex0S;
+ v.tcord[0].v = fTex0T;
+ }
+ RenderTexture &txtr1 = g_textures[1];
+ if( txtr1.pTextureEntry && txtr1.pTextureEntry->txtrBufIdx > 0 )
+ {
+ ::SetVertexTextureUVCoord(v.tcord[1], fTex1S, fTex1T, 1, txtr1.pTextureEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v.tcord[1].u = fTex1S;
+ v.tcord[1].v = fTex1T;
+ }
+void CRender::SetClipRatio(uint32 type, uint32 w1)
+ bool modified = false;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_CLIP NegX: %d", (int)(short)w1);
+ if( gRSP.clip_ratio_negx != (short)w1 )
+ {
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_negx = (short)w1;
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_CLIP NegY: %d", (int)(short)w1);
+ if( gRSP.clip_ratio_negy != (short)w1 )
+ {
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_negy = (short)w1;
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_CLIP PosX: %d", (int)(short)w1);
+ if( gRSP.clip_ratio_posx != -(short)w1 )
+ {
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_posx = -(short)w1;
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ LOG_UCODE(" RSP_MOVE_WORD_CLIP PosY: %d", (int)(short)w1);
+ if( gRSP.clip_ratio_posy != -(short)w1 )
+ {
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_posy = -(short)w1;
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if( modified )
+ {
+ UpdateClipRectangle();
+ }
+void CRender::UpdateClipRectangle()
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ //windowSetting.fMultX = windowSetting.fMultY = 1;
+ windowSetting.vpLeftW = 0;
+ windowSetting.vpTopW = 0;
+ windowSetting.vpRightW = newRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth;
+ windowSetting.vpBottomW = newRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight;
+ windowSetting.vpWidthW = newRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth;
+ windowSetting.vpHeightW = newRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight;
+ gRSP.vtxXMul = windowSetting.vpWidthW/2.0f;
+ gRSP.vtxXAdd = gRSP.vtxXMul + windowSetting.vpLeftW;
+ gRSP.vtxYMul = -windowSetting.vpHeightW/2.0f;
+ gRSP.vtxYAdd = windowSetting.vpHeightW/2.0f + windowSetting.vpTopW+windowSetting.toolbarHeightToUse;
+ // Update clip rectangle by setting scissor
+ int halfx = newRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth/2;
+ int halfy = newRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight/2;
+ int centerx = halfx;
+ int centery = halfy;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_left = centerx - halfx * gRSP.clip_ratio_negx;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_top = centery - halfy * gRSP.clip_ratio_negy;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_right = centerx + halfx * gRSP.clip_ratio_posx;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_bottom = centery + halfy * gRSP.clip_ratio_posy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ windowSetting.vpLeftW = int(gRSP.nVPLeftN * windowSetting.fMultX);
+ windowSetting.vpTopW = int(gRSP.nVPTopN * windowSetting.fMultY);
+ windowSetting.vpRightW = int(gRSP.nVPRightN* windowSetting.fMultX);
+ windowSetting.vpBottomW = int(gRSP.nVPBottomN* windowSetting.fMultY);
+ windowSetting.vpWidthW = int((gRSP.nVPRightN - gRSP.nVPLeftN + 1) * windowSetting.fMultX);
+ windowSetting.vpHeightW = int((gRSP.nVPBottomN - gRSP.nVPTopN + 1) * windowSetting.fMultY);
+ gRSP.vtxXMul = windowSetting.vpWidthW/2.0f;
+ gRSP.vtxXAdd = gRSP.vtxXMul + windowSetting.vpLeftW;
+ gRSP.vtxYMul = -windowSetting.vpHeightW/2.0f;
+ gRSP.vtxYAdd = windowSetting.vpHeightW/2.0f + windowSetting.vpTopW+windowSetting.toolbarHeightToUse;
+ // Update clip rectangle by setting scissor
+ int halfx = gRSP.nVPWidthN/2;
+ int halfy = gRSP.nVPHeightN/2;
+ int centerx = gRSP.nVPLeftN+halfx;
+ int centery = gRSP.nVPTopN+halfy;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_left = centerx - halfx * gRSP.clip_ratio_negx;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_top = centery - halfy * gRSP.clip_ratio_negy;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_right = centerx + halfx * gRSP.clip_ratio_posx;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_bottom = centery + halfy * gRSP.clip_ratio_posy;
+ }
+ UpdateScissorWithClipRatio();
+void CRender::UpdateScissorWithClipRatio()
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_left = std::max(gRDP.scissor.left, gRSP.clip_ratio_left);
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_top = std::max(gRDP.scissor.top, gRSP.clip_ratio_top);
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_right = std::min(gRDP.scissor.right,gRSP.clip_ratio_right);
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_bottom = std::min(gRDP.scissor.bottom, gRSP.clip_ratio_bottom);
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_left = std::max(gRSP.real_clip_scissor_left, 0);
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_top = std::max(gRSP.real_clip_scissor_top, 0);
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_right = std::min(gRSP.real_clip_scissor_right,windowSetting.uViWidth-1);
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_bottom = std::min(gRSP.real_clip_scissor_bottom, windowSetting.uViHeight-1);
+ WindowSettingStruct &w = windowSetting;
+ w.clipping.left = (uint32)(gRSP.real_clip_scissor_left*windowSetting.fMultX);
+ w.clipping.top = (uint32)(gRSP.real_clip_scissor_top*windowSetting.fMultY);
+ w.clipping.bottom = (uint32)(gRSP.real_clip_scissor_bottom*windowSetting.fMultY);
+ w.clipping.right = (uint32)(gRSP.real_clip_scissor_right*windowSetting.fMultX);
+ if( w.clipping.left > 0 || w.clipping.top > 0 || w.clipping.right < (uint32)windowSetting.uDisplayWidth-1 ||
+ w.clipping.bottom < (uint32)windowSetting.uDisplayHeight-1 )
+ {
+ w.clipping.needToClip = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ w.clipping.needToClip = false;
+ }
+ w.clipping.width = (uint32)((gRSP.real_clip_scissor_right-gRSP.real_clip_scissor_left+1)*windowSetting.fMultX);
+ w.clipping.height = (uint32)((gRSP.real_clip_scissor_bottom-gRSP.real_clip_scissor_top+1)*windowSetting.fMultY);
+ float halfx = gRSP.nVPWidthN/2.0f;
+ float halfy = gRSP.nVPHeightN/2.0f;
+ float centerx = gRSP.nVPLeftN+halfx;
+ float centery = gRSP.nVPTopN+halfy;
+ gRSP.real_clip_ratio_negx = (gRSP.real_clip_scissor_left - centerx)/halfx;
+ gRSP.real_clip_ratio_negy = (gRSP.real_clip_scissor_top - centery)/halfy;
+ gRSP.real_clip_ratio_posx = (gRSP.real_clip_scissor_right - centerx)/halfx;
+ gRSP.real_clip_ratio_posy = (gRSP.real_clip_scissor_bottom - centery)/halfy;
+ ApplyScissorWithClipRatio(true);
+// Set other modes not covered by color combiner or alpha blender
+void CRender::InitOtherModes(void)
+ ApplyTextureFilter();
+ //
+ // I can't think why the hand in mario's menu screen is rendered with an opaque rendermode,
+ // and no alpha threshold. We set the alpha reference to 1 to ensure that the transparent pixels
+ // don't get rendered. I hope this doesn't fuck anything else up.
+ //
+ if ( gRDP.otherMode.alpha_compare == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( gRDP.otherMode.cvg_x_alpha && (gRDP.otherMode.alpha_cvg_sel || gRDP.otherMode.aa_en ) )
+ {
+ ForceAlphaRef(128); // Strange, I have to use value=2 for pixel shader combiner for Nvidia FX5200
+ // for other video cards, value=1 is good enough.
+ SetAlphaTestEnable(TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetAlphaTestEnable(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( gRDP.otherMode.alpha_compare == 3 )
+ {
+ SetAlphaTestEnable(FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( (gRDP.otherMode.alpha_cvg_sel ) && !gRDP.otherMode.cvg_x_alpha )
+ {
+ // Use CVG for pixel alpha
+ SetAlphaTestEnable(FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( m_dwAlpha==0 )
+ ForceAlphaRef(1);
+ else
+ ForceAlphaRef(m_dwAlpha);
+ SetAlphaTestEnable(TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_SOUTH_PARK_RALLY && m_Mux == 0x00121824ff33ffffLL &&
+ gRSP.bCullFront && gRDP.otherMode.aa_en && gRDP.otherMode.z_cmp && gRDP.otherMode.z_upd )
+ {
+ SetZCompare(FALSE);
+ }
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.cycle_type >= CYCLE_TYPE_COPY )
+ {
+ // Disable zbuffer for COPY and FILL mode
+ SetZCompare(FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetZCompare(gRDP.otherMode.z_cmp);
+ SetZUpdate(gRDP.otherMode.z_upd);
+ }
+ /*
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_SOUTH_PARK_RALLY && m_Mux == 0x00121824ff33ffff &&
+ gRSP.bCullFront && gRDP.otherMode.z_cmp && gRDP.otherMode.z_upd )//&& gRDP.otherMode.aa_en )
+ {
+ SetZCompare(FALSE);
+ SetZUpdate(FALSE);
+ }
+ */
+void CRender::SetTextureFilter(uint32 dwFilter)
+ if( options.forceTextureFilter == FORCE_DEFAULT_FILTER )
+ {
+ switch(dwFilter)
+ {
+ m_dwMinFilter = m_dwMagFilter = FILTER_LINEAR;
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_dwMinFilter = m_dwMagFilter = FILTER_POINT;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch( options.forceTextureFilter )
+ {
+ m_dwMinFilter = m_dwMagFilter = FILTER_POINT;
+ break;
+ m_dwMinFilter = m_dwMagFilter = FILTER_LINEAR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ApplyTextureFilter();
+bool SaveRGBBufferToFile(char *filename, unsigned char *buf, int width, int height, int pitch)
+ if( pitch == -1 )
+ pitch = width*3;
+ if( strcasecmp(right(filename,3),"bmp") == 0 )
+ {
+ infoHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
+ infoHeader.biWidth = width;
+ infoHeader.biHeight = height;
+ infoHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ infoHeader.biBitCount = 24;
+ infoHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ infoHeader.biSizeImage = width * height * 3;
+ infoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
+ infoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
+ infoHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
+ infoHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
+ fileHeader.bfType = 19778;
+ fileHeader.bfSize = sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) + sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + infoHeader.biSizeImage;
+ fileHeader.bfReserved1 = fileHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;
+ fileHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) + sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
+ FILE *f;
+ f = fopen(filename, "wb");
+ if(f != NULL)
+ {
+ if (fwrite(&fileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, f) != 1 ||
+ fwrite(&infoHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, f) != 1 ||
+ fwrite(buf, infoHeader.biSizeImage, 1, f) != 1)
+ printf("failed to write out texture data to image file '%s'", filename);
+ fclose(f);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Do something
+ TRACE1("Fail to create file %s", filename);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( strcasecmp(right(filename,4),".png") != 0 ) strcat(filename,".png");
+ struct BMGImageStruct img;
+ memset(&img, 0, sizeof(BMGImageStruct));
+ InitBMGImage(&img);
+ img.bits = buf;
+ img.bits_per_pixel = 24;
+ img.height = height;
+ img.width = width;
+ img.scan_width = pitch;
+ BMG_Error code = WritePNG(filename, img);
+ if( code == BMG_OK )
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+bool SaveRGBABufferToPNGFile(char *filename, unsigned char *buf, int width, int height, int pitch)
+ if( pitch == -1 )
+ pitch = width*4;
+ if( strcasecmp(right(filename,4),".png") != 0 ) strcat(filename,".png");
+ struct BMGImageStruct img;
+ memset(&img, 0, sizeof(BMGImageStruct));
+ InitBMGImage(&img);
+ img.bits = buf;
+ img.bits_per_pixel = 32;
+ img.height = height;
+ img.width = width;
+ img.scan_width = pitch;
+ BMG_Error code = WritePNG(filename, img);
+ if( code == BMG_OK )
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _RICE_RENDER_H
+#define _RICE_RENDER_H
+#include "Blender.h"
+#include "Combiner.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "Debugger.h"
+#include "RenderBase.h"
+#include "ExtendedRender.h"
+#include "RSP_Parser.h"
+#include "RSP_S2DEX.h"
+enum TextureChannel
+class CRender : public CExtendedRender
+ CRender();
+ TextureUVFlag TileUFlags[8];
+ TextureUVFlag TileVFlags[8];
+ float m_fScreenViewportMultX;
+ float m_fScreenViewportMultY;
+ uint32 m_dwTexturePerspective;
+ BOOL m_bAlphaTestEnable;
+ BOOL m_bZUpdate;
+ BOOL m_bZCompare;
+ uint32 m_dwZBias;
+ TextureFilter m_dwMinFilter;
+ TextureFilter m_dwMagFilter;
+ uint32 m_dwAlpha;
+ uint64 m_Mux;
+ BOOL m_bBlendModeValid;
+ CColorCombiner *m_pColorCombiner;
+ CBlender *m_pAlphaBlender;
+ virtual ~CRender();
+ inline bool IsTexel0Enable() {return m_pColorCombiner->m_bTex0Enabled;}
+ inline bool IsTexel1Enable() {return m_pColorCombiner->m_bTex1Enabled;}
+ inline bool IsTextureEnabled() { return (m_pColorCombiner->m_bTex0Enabled||m_pColorCombiner->m_bTex1Enabled); }
+ inline RenderTexture& GetCurrentTexture() { return g_textures[gRSP.curTile]; }
+ inline RenderTexture& GetTexture(uint32 dwTile) { return g_textures[dwTile]; }
+ void SetViewport(int nLeft, int nTop, int nRight, int nBottom, int maxZ);
+ virtual void SetViewportRender() {}
+ virtual void SetClipRatio(uint32 type, uint32 value);
+ virtual void UpdateScissor() {}
+ virtual void ApplyRDPScissor(bool force=false) {}
+ virtual void UpdateClipRectangle();
+ virtual void UpdateScissorWithClipRatio();
+ virtual void ApplyScissorWithClipRatio(bool force=false) {}
+ void SetTextureEnableAndScale(int dwTile, bool enable, float fScaleX, float fScaleY);
+ virtual void SetFogEnable(bool bEnable)
+ {
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP( (gRSP.bFogEnabled != bEnable && logFog ), TRACE1("Set Fog %s", bEnable? "enable":"disable"));
+ gRSP.bFogEnabled = bEnable&&(options.fogMethod > 0);
+ }
+ virtual void SetFogMinMax(float fMin, float fMax) = 0;
+ virtual void TurnFogOnOff(bool flag)=0;
+ bool m_bFogStateSave;
+ void SetFogFlagForNegativeW();
+ void RestoreFogFlag();
+ virtual void SetFogColor(uint32 r, uint32 g, uint32 b, uint32 a)
+ {
+ gRDP.fogColor = COLOR_RGBA(r, g, b, a);
+ }
+ uint32 GetFogColor() { return gRDP.fogColor; }
+ void SetProjection(const Matrix & mat, bool bPush, bool bReplace);
+ void SetWorldView(const Matrix & mat, bool bPush, bool bReplace);
+ inline int GetProjectMatrixLevel(void) { return gRSP.projectionMtxTop; }
+ inline int GetWorldViewMatrixLevel(void) { return gRSP.modelViewMtxTop; }
+ inline void PopProjection()
+ {
+ if (gRSP.projectionMtxTop > 0)
+ gRSP.projectionMtxTop--;
+ else
+ TRACE0("Popping past projection stack limits");
+ }
+ void PopWorldView();
+ Matrix & GetWorldProjectMatrix(void);
+ void SetWorldProjectMatrix(Matrix &mtx);
+ void ResetMatrices();
+ inline RenderShadeMode GetShadeMode() { return gRSP.shadeMode; }
+ void SetVtxTextureCoord(uint32 dwV, float tu, float tv)
+ {
+ g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].x = tu;
+ g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].y = tv;
+ }
+ virtual void RenderReset();
+ virtual void SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ virtual void SetMux(uint32 dwMux0, uint32 dwMux1);
+ virtual void SetCullMode(bool bCullFront, bool bCullBack) { gRSP.bCullFront = bCullFront; gRSP.bCullBack = bCullBack; }
+ virtual void BeginRendering(void) {CRender::gRenderReferenceCount++;} // For DirectX only
+ virtual void EndRendering(void)
+ {
+ if( CRender::gRenderReferenceCount > 0 )
+ CRender::gRenderReferenceCount--;
+ }
+ virtual void ClearBuffer(bool cbuffer, bool zbuffer)=0;
+ virtual void ClearZBuffer(float depth)=0;
+ virtual void ClearBuffer(bool cbuffer, bool zbuffer, COORDRECT &rect)
+ {
+ ClearBuffer(cbuffer, zbuffer);
+ }
+ virtual void ZBufferEnable(BOOL bZBuffer)=0;
+ virtual void SetZCompare(BOOL bZCompare)=0;
+ virtual void SetZUpdate(BOOL bZUpdate)=0;
+ virtual void SetZBias(int bias)=0;
+ virtual void SetAlphaTestEnable(BOOL bAlphaTestEnable)=0;
+ void SetTextureFilter(uint32 dwFilter);
+ virtual void ApplyTextureFilter() {}
+ virtual void SetShadeMode(RenderShadeMode mode)=0;
+ virtual void SetAlphaRef(uint32 dwAlpha)=0;
+ virtual void ForceAlphaRef(uint32 dwAlpha)=0;
+ virtual void InitOtherModes(void);
+ void SetVertexTextureUVCoord(TLITVERTEX &v, float fTex0S, float fTex0T, float fTex1S, float fTex1T);
+ void SetVertexTextureUVCoord(TLITVERTEX &v, float fTex0S, float fTex0T);
+ virtual COLOR PostProcessDiffuseColor(COLOR curDiffuseColor)=0;
+ virtual COLOR PostProcessSpecularColor()=0;
+ bool DrawTriangles();
+ virtual bool RenderFlushTris()=0;
+ bool TexRect(int nX0, int nY0, int nX1, int nY1, float fS0, float fT0, float fScaleS, float fScaleT, bool colorFlag=false, uint32 difcolor=0xFFFFFFFF);
+ bool TexRectFlip(int nX0, int nY0, int nX1, int nY1, float fS0, float fT0, float fS1, float fT1);
+ bool FillRect(int nX0, int nY0, int nX1, int nY1, uint32 dwColor);
+ bool Line3D(uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwV1, uint32 dwWidth);
+ virtual void SetAddressUAllStages(uint32 dwTile, TextureUVFlag dwFlag); // For DirectX only, fix me
+ virtual void SetAddressVAllStages(uint32 dwTile, TextureUVFlag dwFlag); // For DirectX only, fix me
+ virtual void SetTextureUFlag(TextureUVFlag dwFlag, uint32 tile)=0;
+ virtual void SetTextureVFlag(TextureUVFlag dwFlag, uint32 tile)=0;
+ virtual void SetTexelRepeatFlags(uint32 dwTile);
+ virtual void SetAllTexelRepeatFlag();
+ virtual bool SetCurrentTexture(int tile, TxtrCacheEntry *pTextureEntry)=0;
+ virtual bool SetCurrentTexture(int tile, CTexture *handler, uint32 dwTileWidth, uint32 dwTileHeight, TxtrCacheEntry *pTextureEntry) = 0;
+ virtual bool InitDeviceObjects()=0;
+ virtual bool ClearDeviceObjects()=0;
+ virtual void Initialize(void);
+ virtual void CleanUp(void);
+ virtual void SetFillMode(FillMode mode)=0;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ virtual bool DrawTexture(int tex, TextureChannel channel = TXT_RGB );
+ virtual void SaveTextureToFile(int tex, TextureChannel channel = TXT_RGB, bool bShow = false);
+ virtual void SaveTextureToFile(CTexture &texture, char *filename, TextureChannel channel = TXT_RGB, bool bShow = false, bool bWholeTexture = true, int width = -1, int height = -1);
+ void LoadSprite2D(Sprite2DInfo &info, uint32 ucode);
+ void LoadObjBGCopy(uObjBg &info);
+ void LoadObjBG1CYC(uObjScaleBg &info);
+ void LoadObjSprite(uObjTxSprite &info, bool useTIAddr=false);
+ void LoadFrameBuffer(bool useVIreg=false, uint32 left=0, uint32 top=0, uint32 width=0, uint32 height=0);
+ void LoadTextureFromMemory(void *buf, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch, uint32 format);
+ void LoadTxtrBufIntoTexture(void);
+ void DrawSprite2D(Sprite2DInfo &info, uint32 ucode);
+ void DrawSpriteR(uObjTxSprite &sprite, bool initCombiner=true, uint32 tile=0, uint32 left=0, uint32 top=0, uint32 width=0, uint32 height=0);
+ void DrawSprite(uObjTxSprite &sprite, bool rectR = true);
+ void DrawObjBGCopy(uObjBg &info);
+ virtual void DrawSpriteR_Render(){};
+ virtual void DrawSimple2DTexture(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1, COLOR dif, COLOR spe, float z, float rhw)=0;
+ void DrawFrameBuffer(bool useVIreg=false, uint32 left=0, uint32 top=0, uint32 width=0, uint32 height=0);
+ void DrawObjBG1CYC(uObjScaleBg &bg, bool scaled=true);
+ static CRender * g_pRender;
+ static int gRenderReferenceCount;
+ static CRender * GetRender(void);
+ static bool IsAvailable();
+ BOOL m_savedZBufferFlag;
+ uint32 m_savedMinFilter;
+ uint32 m_savedMagFilter;
+ // FillRect
+ virtual bool RenderFillRect(uint32 dwColor, float depth)=0;
+ VECTOR2 m_fillRectVtx[2];
+ // Line3D
+ virtual bool RenderLine3D()=0;
+ LITVERTEX m_line3DVtx[2];
+ VECTOR2 m_line3DVector[4];
+ // TexRect
+ virtual bool RenderTexRect()=0;
+ TexCord m_texRectTex1UV[2];
+ TexCord m_texRectTex2UV[2];
+ // DrawSimple2DTexture
+ virtual void StartDrawSimple2DTexture(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1, COLOR dif, COLOR spe, float z, float rhw);
+ // DrawSimpleRect
+ virtual void StartDrawSimpleRect(int nX0, int nY0, int nX1, int nY1, uint32 dwColor, float depth, float rhw);
+ VECTOR2 m_simpleRectVtx[2];
+ bool RemapTextureCoordinate(float s0, float s1, uint32 tileWidth, uint32 mask, float textureWidth,
+ float &u0, float &u1);
+#define ffloor(a) (((int(a))<=(a))?(float)(int(a)):((float)(int(a))-1))
+bool SaveRGBBufferToFile(char *filename, unsigned char *buf, int width, int height, int pitch = -1);
+bool SaveRGBABufferToPNGFile(char *filename, unsigned char *buf, int width, int height, int pitch = -1);
+#endif //_RICE_RENDER_H
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <cmath>
+#include <vector>
+#include "osal_preproc.h"
+#include "float.h"
+#include "DeviceBuilder.h"
+#include "VertexShaderConstantDef.h"
+#include "Render.h"
+#include "Timing.h"
+extern FiddledVtx * g_pVtxBase;
+#define X_CLIP_MAX 0x1
+#define X_CLIP_MIN 0x2
+#define Y_CLIP_MAX 0x4
+#define Y_CLIP_MIN 0x8
+#define Z_CLIP_MAX 0x10
+#define Z_CLIP_MIN 0x20
+inline void RSP_Vtx_Clipping(int i)
+ g_clipFlag[i] = 0;
+ g_clipFlag2[i] = 0;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].w > 0 )
+ {
+ /*
+ if( gRSP.bRejectVtx )
+ {
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].x > 1 )
+ {
+ g_clipFlag2[i] |= X_CLIP_MAX;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].x > gRSP.real_clip_ratio_posx )
+ g_clipFlag[i] |= X_CLIP_MAX;
+ }
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].x < -1 )
+ {
+ g_clipFlag2[i] |= X_CLIP_MIN;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].x < gRSP.real_clip_ratio_negx )
+ g_clipFlag[i] |= X_CLIP_MIN;
+ }
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].y > 1 )
+ {
+ g_clipFlag2[i] |= Y_CLIP_MAX;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].y > gRSP.real_clip_ratio_posy )
+ g_clipFlag[i] |= Y_CLIP_MAX;
+ }
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].y < -1 )
+ {
+ g_clipFlag2[i] |= Y_CLIP_MIN;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].y < gRSP.real_clip_ratio_negy )
+ g_clipFlag[i] |= Y_CLIP_MIN;
+ }
+ //if( g_vecProjected[i].z > 1.0f )
+ //{
+ // g_clipFlag2[i] |= Z_CLIP_MAX;
+ // g_clipFlag[i] |= Z_CLIP_MAX;
+ //}
+ //if( gRSP.bNearClip && g_vecProjected[i].z < -1.0f )
+ //{
+ // g_clipFlag2[i] |= Z_CLIP_MIN;
+ // g_clipFlag[i] |= Z_CLIP_MIN;
+ //}
+ }
+ else
+ */
+ {
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].x > 1 ) g_clipFlag2[i] |= X_CLIP_MAX;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].x < -1 ) g_clipFlag2[i] |= X_CLIP_MIN;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].y > 1 ) g_clipFlag2[i] |= Y_CLIP_MAX;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].y < -1 ) g_clipFlag2[i] |= Y_CLIP_MIN;
+ //if( g_vecProjected[i].z > 1.0f ) g_clipFlag2[i] |= Z_CLIP_MAX;
+ //if( gRSP.bNearClip && g_vecProjected[i].z < -1.0f ) g_clipFlag2[i] |= Z_CLIP_MIN;
+ }
+ }
+inline void RSP_Vtx_Clipping(int i) {}
+ * Global variables
+ */
+ALIGN(16,RSP_Options gRSP)
+ALIGN(16,RDP_Options gRDP)
+static ALIGN(16,XVECTOR4 g_normal)
+//static int norms[3];
+ALIGN(16,XVECTOR4 g_vtxNonTransformed[MAX_VERTS])
+ALIGN(16,XVECTOR4 g_vecProjected[MAX_VERTS])
+ALIGN(16,XVECTOR4 g_vtxTransformed[MAX_VERTS])
+float g_vtxProjected5[1000][5];
+float g_vtxProjected5Clipped[2000][5];
+//uint32 g_dwVtxFlags[MAX_VERTS]; // Z_POS Z_NEG etc
+VECTOR2 g_fVtxTxtCoords[MAX_VERTS];
+uint32 g_dwVtxDifColor[MAX_VERTS];
+uint32 g_clipFlag[MAX_VERTS];
+uint32 g_clipFlag2[MAX_VERTS];
+RenderTexture g_textures[MAX_TEXTURES];
+float g_fFogCoord[MAX_VERTS];
+TLITVERTEX g_vtxBuffer[1000];
+TLITVERTEX g_clippedVtxBuffer[2000];
+uint8 g_oglVtxColors[1000][4];
+int g_clippedVtxCount=0;
+TLITVERTEX g_texRectTVtx[4];
+unsigned short g_vtxIndex[1000];
+unsigned int g_minIndex, g_maxIndex;
+float gRSPfFogMin;
+float gRSPfFogMax;
+float gRSPfFogDivider;
+uint32 gRSPnumLights;
+Light gRSPlights[16];
+ALIGN(16,Matrix gRSPworldProjectTransported)
+ALIGN(16,Matrix gRSPworldProject)
+ALIGN(16,Matrix gRSPmodelViewTop)
+ALIGN(16,Matrix gRSPmodelViewTopTranspose)
+ALIGN(16,Matrix dkrMatrixTransposed)
+N64Light gRSPn64lights[16];
+void (*ProcessVertexData)(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum)=NULL;
+ *
+ */
+/*n.x = (g_normal.x * matWorld.m00) + (g_normal.y * matWorld.m10) + (g_normal.z * matWorld.m20);
+n.y = (g_normal.x * matWorld.m01) + (g_normal.y * matWorld.m11) + (g_normal.z * matWorld.m21);
+n.z = (g_normal.x * matWorld.m02) + (g_normal.y * matWorld.m12) + (g_normal.z * matWorld.m22);*/
+// Multiply (x,y,z,0) by matrix m, then normalize
+#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+#define Vec3TransformNormal(vec, m) __asm \
+{ \
+ __asm fld dword ptr [vec + 0] \
+ __asm fmul dword ptr [m + 0] \ /* x m00*/
+ __asm fld dword ptr [vec + 0] \
+ __asm fmul dword ptr [m + 4] \ /* x m01 x m00*/
+ __asm fld dword ptr [vec + 0] \
+ __asm fmul dword ptr [m + 8] \ /* x m02 x m01 x m00*/
+ \
+ __asm fld dword ptr [vec + 4] \
+ __asm fmul dword ptr [m + 16] \ /* y m10 x m02 x m01 x m00*/
+ __asm fld dword ptr [vec + 4] \
+ __asm fmul dword ptr [m + 20] \ /* y m11 y m10 x m02 x m01 x m00*/
+ __asm fld dword ptr [vec + 4] \
+ __asm fmul dword ptr [m + 24] \ /* y m12 y m11 y m10 x m02 x m01 x m00*/
+ \
+ __asm fxch st(2) \ /* y m10 y m11 y m12 x m02 x m01 x m00*/
+ __asm faddp st(5), st(0) \ /* y m11 y m12 x m02 x m01 (x m00 + y m10)*/
+ __asm faddp st(3), st(0) \ /* y m12 x m02 (x m01 + ym11) (x m00 + y m10)*/
+ __asm faddp st(1), st(0) \ /* (x m02 + y m12) (x m01 + ym11) (x m00 + y m10)*/
+ \
+ __asm fld dword ptr [vec + 8] \
+ __asm fmul dword ptr [m + 32] \ /* z m20 (x m02 + y m12) (x m01 + ym11) (x m00 + y m10)*/
+ __asm fld dword ptr [vec + 8] \
+ __asm fmul dword ptr [m + 36] \ /* z m21 z m20 (x m02 + y m12) (x m01 + ym11) (x m00 + y m10)*/
+ __asm fld dword ptr [vec + 8] \
+ __asm fmul dword ptr [m + 40] \ /* z m22 z m21 z m20 (x m02 + y m12) (x m01 + ym11) (x m00 + y m10)*/
+ \
+ __asm fxch st(2) \ /* z m20 z m21 z m22 (x m02 + y m12) (x m01 + ym11) (x m00 + y m10)*/
+ __asm faddp st(5), st(0) \ /* z m21 z m22 (x m02 + y m12) (x m01 + ym11) (x m00 + y m10 + z m20)*/
+ __asm faddp st(3), st(0) \ /* z m22 (x m02 + y m12) (x m01 + ym11 + z m21) (x m00 + y m10 + z m20)*/
+ __asm faddp st(1), st(0) \ /* (x m02 + y m12 + z m 22) (x m01 + ym11 + z m21) (x m00 + y m10 + z m20)*/
+ \
+ __asm fxch st(2) \ /* (x m00 + y m10 + z m20) (x m01 + ym11 + z m21) (x m02 + y m12 + z m 22) */
+ \
+ __asm fld1 \ /* 1 x y z */
+ __asm fld st(1) \ /* x 1 x y z */
+ __asm fmul st(0),st(0) \ /* xx 1 x y z */
+ __asm fld st(3) \ /* y xx 1 x y z */
+ __asm fmul st(0),st(0) \ /* yy xx 1 x y z */
+ __asm fld st(5) \ /* z yy xx 1 x y z */
+ __asm fmul st(0),st(0) \ /* zz yy xx 1 x y z */
+ \
+ __asm fxch st(2) \ /* xx yy zz 1 x y z */
+ \
+ __asm faddp st(1),st(0) \ /* (xx+yy) zz 1 x y z */
+ __asm faddp st(1),st(0) \ /* (xx+yy+zz) 1 x y z */
+ \
+ __asm ftst \ /* Compare ST to 0 */
+ __asm fstsw ax \ /* Store FPU status word in a */
+ __asm sahf \ /* Transfer ax to flags register */
+ __asm jz l2 \ /* Skip if length is zero */
+ \
+ __asm fsqrt \ /* l 1 x y z */
+ \
+ __asm fdivp st(1),st(0) \ /* (1/l) x y z */
+ \
+ __asm fmul st(3),st(0) \ /* f x y fz */
+ __asm fmul st(2),st(0) \ /* f x fy fz */
+ __asm fmulp st(1),st(0) \ /* fx fy fz */
+ \
+ __asm fstp dword ptr [vec + 0] \ /* fy fz*/
+ __asm fstp dword ptr [vec + 4] \ /* fz */
+ __asm fstp dword ptr [vec + 8] \ /* done */
+ __asm jmp l3 \
+__asm l2: \
+ __asm mov dword ptr [vec + 0], 0 \
+ __asm mov dword ptr [vec + 4], 0 \
+ __asm mov dword ptr [vec + 8], 0 \
+__asm l3: \
+} \
+//#else // use C code in other cases, this is probably faster anyway
+#elif defined(__ARM_NEON__0)
+#define Vec3TransformNormal(vec, mtx) \
+{ \
+ asm volatile ( \
+ "vld1.32 {d0}, [%0] \n\t" \
+ "flds s2, [%0, #8] \n\t" \
+ "vld1.32 {d18, d19}, [%1] \n\t" \
+ "vld1.32 {d20, d21}, [%1, #16] \n\t" \
+ "vld1.32 {d22, d23}, [%1, #32] \n\t" \
+ \
+ "vmul.f32 q2, q9, d0[0] \n\t" \
+ "vmla.f32 q2, q10, d0[1] \n\t" \
+ "vmla.f32 q2, q11, d1[0] \n\t" \
+ \
+ "vmul.f32 d0, d4, d4 \n\t" \
+ "vpadd.f32 d0, d0, d0 \n\t" \
+ "vmla.f32 d0, d5, d5 \n\t" \
+ \
+ "vmov.f32 d1, d0 \n\t" \
+ "vrsqrte.f32 d0, d0 \n\t" \
+ "vmul.f32 d2, d0, d1 \n\t" \
+ "vrsqrts.f32 d3, d2, d0 \n\t" \
+ "vmul.f32 d0, d0, d3 \n\t" \
+ "vmul.f32 d2, d0, d1 \n\t" \
+ "vrsqrts.f32 d3, d2, d0 \n\t" \
+ "vmul.f32 d0, d0, d3 \n\t" \
+ \
+ "vmul.f32 q2, q2, d0[0] \n\t" \
+ \
+ "vst1.32 {d4}, [%0] \n\t" \
+ "fsts s10, [%0, #8] \n\t" \
+ : :"r"(vec), "r"(&mtx._11) \
+ : "d0","d1","d2","d3","d18","d19","d20","d21","d22", "d23", "memory" \
+ ); \
+#define Vec3TransformNormal(vec, m) \
+ VECTOR3 temp; \
+ temp.x = (vec.x * m._11) + (vec.y * m._21) + (vec.z * m._31); \
+ temp.y = (vec.x * m._12) + (vec.y * m._22) + (vec.z * m._32); \
+ temp.z = (vec.x * m._13) + (vec.y * m._23) + (vec.z * m._33); \
+ float norm = sqrtf(temp.x*temp.x+temp.y*temp.y+temp.z*temp.z); \
+ if (norm == 0.0) { vec.x = 0.0; vec.y = 0.0; vec.z = 0.0;} else \
+ { float rep=1/norm;vec.x = temp.x*rep; vec.y = temp.y*rep; vec.z = temp.z*rep; }
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+__declspec( naked ) void __fastcall SSEVec3Transform(int i)
+ __asm
+ {
+ shl ecx,4; // ecx = i
+ movaps xmm1, DWORD PTR g_vtxNonTransformed [ecx]; // xmm1 as original vector
+ movaps xmm4, DWORD PTR gRSPworldProjectTransported; // row1
+ movaps xmm5, DWORD PTR gRSPworldProjectTransported[0x10]; // row2
+ movaps xmm6, DWORD PTR gRSPworldProjectTransported[0x20]; // row3
+ movaps xmm7, DWORD PTR gRSPworldProjectTransported[0x30]; // row4
+ mulps xmm4, xmm1; // row 1
+ mulps xmm5, xmm1; // row 2
+ mulps xmm6, xmm1; // row 3
+ mulps xmm7, xmm1; // row 4
+ movhlps xmm0, xmm4; // xmm4 high to xmm0 low
+ movlhps xmm0, xmm5; // xmm5 low to xmm0 high
+ addps xmm4, xmm0; // result of add are in xmm4 low
+ addps xmm5, xmm0; // result of add are in xmm5 high
+ shufps xmm0, xmm4, 0x44; // move xmm4 low DWORDs to xmm0 high
+ shufps xmm4, xmm5, 0xe4; // move xmm5 high DWORS to xmm4
+ movhlps xmm5, xmm0; // xmm4, xmm5 are mirrored
+ shufps xmm4, xmm4, 0x08; // move xmm4's 3rd uint32 to its 2nd uint32
+ shufps xmm5, xmm5, 0x0d; // move xmm5's 4th uint32 to its 2nd uint32,
+ // and move its 2nd uint32 to its 1st uint32
+ addps xmm4, xmm5; // results are in 1st and 2nd uint32
+ movhlps xmm0, xmm6; // xmm6 high to xmm0 low
+ movlhps xmm0, xmm7; // xmm7 low to xmm0 high
+ addps xmm6, xmm0; // result of add are in xmm6 low
+ addps xmm7, xmm0; // result of add are in xmm7 high
+ shufps xmm0, xmm6, 0x44; // move xmm6 low DWORDs to xmm0 high
+ shufps xmm6, xmm7, 0xe4; // move xmm7 high DWORS to xmm6
+ movhlps xmm7, xmm0; // xmm6, xmm7 are mirrored
+ shufps xmm6, xmm6, 0x08; // move xmm6's 3rd uint32 to its 2nd uint32
+ shufps xmm7, xmm7, 0x0d; // move xmm7's 4th uint32 to its 2nd uint32,
+ // and move its 2nd uint32 to its 1st uint32
+ addps xmm6, xmm7; // results are in 1st and 2nd uint32
+ movlhps xmm4, xmm6; // final result is in xmm4
+ movaps DWORD PTR g_vtxTransformed [ecx], xmm4;
+ movaps xmm0,xmm4;
+ shufps xmm0,xmm0,0xff;
+ divps xmm4,xmm0;
+ rcpps xmm0,xmm0;
+ movhlps xmm0,xmm4;
+ shufps xmm0,xmm0,0xe8;
+ movlhps xmm4,xmm0;
+ movaps DWORD PTR g_vecProjected [ecx], xmm4;
+ emms;
+ ret;
+ }
+// Only used by DKR
+__declspec( naked ) void __fastcall SSEVec3TransformDKR(XVECTOR4 &pOut, const XVECTOR4 &pV)
+ __asm
+ {
+ movaps xmm1, DWORD PTR [edx]; // xmm1 as original vector
+ movaps xmm4, DWORD PTR dkrMatrixTransposed; // row1
+ movaps xmm5, DWORD PTR dkrMatrixTransposed[0x10]; // row2
+ movaps xmm6, DWORD PTR dkrMatrixTransposed[0x20]; // row3
+ movaps xmm7, DWORD PTR dkrMatrixTransposed[0x30]; // row4
+ mulps xmm4, xmm1; // row 1
+ mulps xmm5, xmm1; // row 2
+ mulps xmm6, xmm1; // row 3
+ mulps xmm7, xmm1; // row 4
+ movhlps xmm0, xmm4; // xmm4 high to xmm0 low
+ movlhps xmm0, xmm5; // xmm5 low to xmm0 high
+ addps xmm4, xmm0; // result of add are in xmm4 low
+ addps xmm5, xmm0; // result of add are in xmm5 high
+ shufps xmm0, xmm4, 0x44; // move xmm4 low DWORDs to xmm0 high
+ shufps xmm4, xmm5, 0xe4; // move xmm5 high DWORS to xmm4
+ movhlps xmm5, xmm0; // xmm4, xmm5 are mirrored
+ shufps xmm4, xmm4, 0x08; // move xmm4's 3rd uint32 to its 2nd uint32
+ shufps xmm5, xmm5, 0x0d; // move xmm5's 4th uint32 to its 2nd uint32,
+ // and move its 2nd uint32 to its 1st uint32
+ addps xmm4, xmm5; // results are in 1st and 2nd uint32
+ movhlps xmm0, xmm6; // xmm6 high to xmm0 low
+ movlhps xmm0, xmm7; // xmm7 low to xmm0 high
+ addps xmm6, xmm0; // result of add are in xmm6 low
+ addps xmm7, xmm0; // result of add are in xmm7 high
+ shufps xmm0, xmm6, 0x44; // move xmm6 low DWORDs to xmm0 high
+ shufps xmm6, xmm7, 0xe4; // move xmm7 high DWORS to xmm6
+ movhlps xmm7, xmm0; // xmm6, xmm7 are mirrored
+ shufps xmm6, xmm6, 0x08; // move xmm6's 3rd uint32 to its 2nd uint32
+ shufps xmm7, xmm7, 0x0d; // move xmm7's 4th uint32 to its 2nd uint32,
+ // and move its 2nd uint32 to its 1st uint32
+ addps xmm6, xmm7; // results are in 1st and 2nd uint32
+ movlhps xmm4, xmm6; // final result is in xmm4
+ movaps DWORD PTR [ecx], xmm4;
+ emms;
+ ret;
+ }
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+void SSEVec3Transform(int i)
+ asm volatile(" shl $4, %0 \n"
+ " movslq %k0, %q0 \n"
+ " movaps (%1,%q0), %%xmm1 \n"
+ " movaps 0(%2), %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movaps 16(%2), %%xmm5 \n"
+ " movaps 32(%2), %%xmm6 \n"
+ " movaps 48(%2), %%xmm7 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm6 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm7 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " movlhps %%xmm5, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm0, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm0, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " shufps $0x44, %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0xe4, %%xmm5, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm0, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " shufps $0x08, %%xmm4, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " shufps $0x0d, %%xmm5, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm5, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm6, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " movlhps %%xmm7, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm0, %%xmm6 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm0, %%xmm7 \n"
+ " shufps $0x44, %%xmm6, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0xe4, %%xmm7, %%xmm6 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm0, %%xmm7 \n"
+ " shufps $0x08, %%xmm6, %%xmm6 \n"
+ " shufps $0x0d, %%xmm7, %%xmm7 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm7, %%xmm6 \n"
+ " movlhps %%xmm6, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movaps %%xmm4, (%3,%q0) \n"
+ " movaps %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0xff, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " divps %%xmm0, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " rcpps %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0xe8, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " movlhps %%xmm0, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movaps %%xmm4, (%4,%q0) \n"
+ : "+r"(i)
+ : "r"(g_vtxNonTransformed), "r"(&gRSPworldProjectTransported.m[0][0]), "r"(g_vtxTransformed), "r"(g_vecProjected)
+ : "memory", "%xmm0", "%xmm1", "%xmm4", "%xmm5", "%xmm6", "%xmm7"
+ );
+#elif !defined(NO_ASM) // 32-bit GCC assumed
+void SSEVec3Transform(int i)
+ asm volatile(" shl $4, %0 \n"
+ " movaps (%1,%0), %%xmm1 \n"
+ " movaps 0(%2), %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movaps 16(%2), %%xmm5 \n"
+ " movaps 32(%2), %%xmm6 \n"
+ " movaps 48(%2), %%xmm7 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm6 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm7 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " movlhps %%xmm5, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm0, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm0, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " shufps $0x44, %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0xe4, %%xmm5, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm0, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " shufps $0x08, %%xmm4, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " shufps $0x0d, %%xmm5, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm5, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm6, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " movlhps %%xmm7, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm0, %%xmm6 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm0, %%xmm7 \n"
+ " shufps $0x44, %%xmm6, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0xe4, %%xmm7, %%xmm6 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm0, %%xmm7 \n"
+ " shufps $0x08, %%xmm6, %%xmm6 \n"
+ " shufps $0x0d, %%xmm7, %%xmm7 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm7, %%xmm6 \n"
+ " movlhps %%xmm6, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movaps %%xmm4, (%3,%0) \n"
+ " movaps %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0xff, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " divps %%xmm0, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " rcpps %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0xe8, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " movlhps %%xmm0, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movaps %%xmm4, (%4,%0) \n"
+ : "+r"(i)
+ : "r"(g_vtxNonTransformed), "r"(&gRSPworldProjectTransported.m[0][0]), "r"(g_vtxTransformed), "r"(g_vecProjected)
+ : "memory", "%xmm0", "%xmm1", "%xmm4", "%xmm5", "%xmm6", "%xmm7"
+ );
+float real255 = 255.0f;
+float real128 = 128.0f;
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+__declspec( naked ) void __fastcall SSEVec3TransformNormal()
+ __asm
+ {
+ mov DWORD PTR [g_normal][12], 0;
+ movaps xmm4, DWORD PTR gRSPmodelViewTopTranspose; // row1
+ movaps xmm5, DWORD PTR gRSPmodelViewTopTranspose[0x10]; // row2
+ movaps xmm1, DWORD PTR [g_normal]; // xmm1 as the normal vector
+ movaps xmm6, DWORD PTR gRSPmodelViewTopTranspose[0x20]; // row3
+ mulps xmm4, xmm1; // row 1
+ mulps xmm5, xmm1; // row 2
+ mulps xmm6, xmm1; // row 3
+ movhlps xmm0, xmm4; // xmm4 high to xmm0 low
+ movlhps xmm0, xmm5; // xmm5 low to xmm0 high
+ addps xmm4, xmm0; // result of add are in xmm4 low
+ addps xmm5, xmm0; // result of add are in xmm5 high
+ shufps xmm0, xmm4, 0x44; // move xmm4 low DWORDs to xmm0 high
+ shufps xmm4, xmm5, 0xe4; // move xmm5 high DWORS to xmm4
+ movhlps xmm5, xmm0; // xmm4, xmm5 are mirrored
+ shufps xmm4, xmm4, 0x08; // move xmm4's 3rd uint32 to its 2nd uint32
+ shufps xmm5, xmm5, 0x0d; // move xmm5's 4th uint32 to its 2nd uint32,
+ addps xmm4, xmm5; // results are in 1st and 2nd uint32
+ movaps xmm1,xmm4;
+ mulps xmm1,xmm1; //square
+ movlhps xmm7, xmm1;
+ shufps xmm7, xmm7,0x03;
+ addss xmm7, xmm1;
+ movhlps xmm0, xmm6; // xmm6 high to xmm0 low
+ addps xmm6, xmm0; // result of add are in xmm6 low
+ movlhps xmm0, xmm6;
+ shufps xmm0, xmm0, 0x03;
+ addss xmm0, xmm6; // result of add is at xmm0's 1st uint32
+ movlhps xmm4, xmm0;
+ mulss xmm0,xmm0;
+ addss xmm7,xmm0; // xmm7 1st uint32 is the sum of squares
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ movaps DWORD PTR [g_normal], xmm4;
+ movss DWORD PTR [g_normal][12], xmm7;
+ xorps xmm0,xmm0;
+ ucomiss xmm0,xmm7;
+ jz l2
+ rsqrtss xmm7,xmm7;
+ shufps xmm7,xmm7,0;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ movss DWORD PTR [g_normal][12], xmm7;
+ mulps xmm4,xmm7;
+ movaps DWORD PTR [g_normal], xmm4; // Normalized
+ mov DWORD PTR [g_normal][12], 0;
+ emms;
+ ret;
+ movss DWORD PTR [g_normal], xmm0;
+ movss DWORD PTR [g_normal][12], xmm0;
+ emms;
+ ret;
+ }
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM) // this code should compile for both 64-bit and 32-bit architectures
+void SSEVec3TransformNormal(void)
+ asm volatile(" movl $0, 12(%0) \n"
+ " movaps (%1), %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movaps 16(%1), %%xmm5 \n"
+ " movaps (%0), %%xmm1 \n"
+ " movaps 32(%1), %%xmm6 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm6 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " movlhps %%xmm5, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm0, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm0, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " shufps $0x44, %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0xe4, %%xmm5, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm0, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " shufps $0x08, %%xmm4, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " shufps $0x0d, %%xmm5, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm5, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movaps %%xmm4, %%xmm1 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm1 \n"
+ " movlhps %%xmm1, %%xmm7 \n"
+ " shufps $0x03, %%xmm7, %%xmm7 \n"
+ " addss %%xmm1, %%xmm7 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm6, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm0, %%xmm6 \n"
+ " movlhps %%xmm6, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0x03, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " addss %%xmm6, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " movlhps %%xmm0, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " mulss %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " addss %%xmm0, %%xmm7 \n"
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ " movaps %%xmm4, (%0) \n"
+ " movss %%xmm7, 12(%0) \n"
+ " xorps %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " ucomiss %%xmm7, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " jz 0f \n"
+ " rsqrtss %%xmm7, %%xmm7 \n"
+ " shufps $0x00, %%xmm7, %%xmm7 \n"
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ " movss %%xmm7, 12(%0) \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm7, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " movaps %%xmm4, (%0) \n"
+ " movl $0, 12(%0) \n"
+ " jmp 1f \n"
+ "0: \n"
+ " movss %%xmm0, (%0) \n"
+ " movss %%xmm0, 12(%0) \n"
+ "1: \n"
+ :
+ : "r"(&g_normal.x), "r"(&gRSPmodelViewTopTranspose.m[0][0])
+ : "memory", "cc", "%xmm0", "%xmm1", "%xmm4", "%xmm5", "%xmm6", "%xmm7"
+ );
+void NormalizeNormalVec()
+#ifdef __ARM_NEON__0
+ asm volatile (
+ "vld1.32 {d4}, [%0] \n\t" //d4={x,y}
+ "flds s10, [%0, #8] \n\t" //d5[0] = z
+// "sub %0, %0, #8 \n\t" //d5[0] = z
+ "vmul.f32 d0, d4, d4 \n\t" //d0= d4*d4
+ "vpadd.f32 d0, d0, d0 \n\t" //d0 = d[0] + d[1]
+ "vmla.f32 d0, d5, d5 \n\t" //d0 = d0 + d5*d5
+ "vmov.f32 d1, d0 \n\t" //d1 = d0
+ "vrsqrte.f32 d0, d0 \n\t" //d0 = ~ 1.0 / sqrt(d0)
+ "vmul.f32 d2, d0, d1 \n\t" //d2 = d0 * d1
+ "vrsqrts.f32 d3, d2, d0 \n\t" //d3 = (3 - d0 * d2) / 2
+ "vmul.f32 d0, d0, d3 \n\t" //d0 = d0 * d3
+ "vmul.f32 d2, d0, d1 \n\t" //d2 = d0 * d1
+ "vrsqrts.f32 d3, d2, d0 \n\t" //d3 = (3 - d0 * d3) / 2
+ "vmul.f32 d0, d0, d3 \n\t" //d0 = d0 * d4
+ "vmul.f32 q2, q2, d0[0] \n\t" //d0= d2*d4
+ "vst1.32 {d4}, [%0] \n\t" //d2={x0,y0}, d3={z0, w0}
+ "fsts s10, [%0, #8] \n\t" //d2={x0,y0}, d3={z0, w0}
+ ::"r"(g_normal)
+ : "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "memory"
+ );
+ float w = 1/sqrtf(g_normal.x*g_normal.x + g_normal.y*g_normal.y + g_normal.z*g_normal.z);
+ g_normal.x *= w;
+ g_normal.y *= w;
+ g_normal.z *= w;
+void InitRenderBase()
+#if !defined(NO_ASM)
+ if( status.isSSEEnabled && !g_curRomInfo.bPrimaryDepthHack && options.enableHackForGames != HACK_FOR_NASCAR)
+ {
+ ProcessVertexData = ProcessVertexDataSSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ProcessVertexData = ProcessVertexDataNoSSE;
+ }
+ gRSPfFogMin = gRSPfFogMax = 0.0f;
+ windowSetting.fMultX = windowSetting.fMultY = 2.0f;
+ windowSetting.vpLeftW = windowSetting.vpTopW = 0;
+ windowSetting.vpRightW = windowSetting.vpWidthW = 640;
+ windowSetting.vpBottomW = windowSetting.vpHeightW = 480;
+ gRSP.maxZ = 0;
+ gRSP.nVPLeftN = gRSP.nVPTopN = 0;
+ gRSP.nVPRightN = 640;
+ gRSP.nVPBottomN = 640;
+ gRSP.nVPWidthN = 640;
+ gRSP.nVPHeightN = 640;
+ gRDP.scissor.left=gRDP.scissor.top=0;
+ gRDP.scissor.right=gRDP.scissor.bottom=640;
+ gRSP.bLightingEnable = gRSP.bTextureGen = false;
+ gRSP.curTile=gRSPnumLights=gRSP.ambientLightColor=gRSP.ambientLightIndex= 0;
+ gRSP.fAmbientLightR=gRSP.fAmbientLightG=gRSP.fAmbientLightB=0;
+ gRSP.projectionMtxTop = gRSP.modelViewMtxTop = 0;
+ gRDP.fogColor = gRDP.primitiveColor = gRDP.envColor = gRDP.primitiveDepth = gRDP.primLODMin = gRDP.primLODFrac = gRDP.LODFrac = 0;
+ gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth = 0;
+ gRSP.numVertices = 0;
+ gRSP.maxVertexID = 0;
+ gRSP.bCullFront=false;
+ gRSP.bCullBack=true;
+ gRSP.bFogEnabled=gRDP.bFogEnableInBlender=false;
+ gRSP.bZBufferEnabled=true;
+ gRSP.shadeMode=SHADE_SMOOTH;
+ gRDP.keyR=gRDP.keyG=gRDP.keyB=gRDP.keyA=gRDP.keyRGB=gRDP.keyRGBA = 0;
+ gRDP.fKeyA = 0;
+ gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex = gRSP.dwDKRVtxAddr = gRSP.dwDKRMatrixAddr = 0;
+ gRSP.DKRBillBoard = false;
+ gRSP.fTexScaleX = 1/32.0f;
+ gRSP.fTexScaleY = 1/32.0f;
+ gRSP.bTextureEnabled = FALSE;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_left = 0;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_top = 0;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_right = 640;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_bottom = 480;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_negx = 1;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_negy = 1;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_posx = 1;
+ gRSP.clip_ratio_posy = 1;
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_left = 0;
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_top = 0;
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_right = 640;
+ gRSP.real_clip_scissor_bottom = 480;
+ windowSetting.clipping.left = 0;
+ windowSetting.clipping.top = 0;
+ windowSetting.clipping.right = 640;
+ windowSetting.clipping.bottom = 480;
+ windowSetting.clipping.width = 640;
+ windowSetting.clipping.height = 480;
+ windowSetting.clipping.needToClip = false;
+ gRSP.real_clip_ratio_negx = 1;
+ gRSP.real_clip_ratio_negy = 1;
+ gRSP.real_clip_ratio_posx = 1;
+ gRSP.real_clip_ratio_posy = 1;
+ gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex=0;
+ gRSP.DKRVtxCount=0;
+ gRSP.DKRBillBoard = false;
+ gRSP.dwDKRVtxAddr=0;
+ gRSP.dwDKRMatrixAddr=0;
+ gRDP.geometryMode = 0;
+ gRDP.otherModeL = 0;
+ gRDP.otherModeH = 0;
+ gRDP.fillColor = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ gRDP.originalFillColor =0;
+ gRSP.ucode = 1;
+ gRSP.vertexMult = 10;
+ gRSP.bNearClip = false;
+ gRSP.bRejectVtx = false;
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = false;
+ gRDP.textureIsChanged = false;
+ gRDP.colorsAreReloaded = false;
+ memset(&gRDP.otherMode,0,sizeof(RDP_OtherMode));
+ memset(&gRDP.tiles,0,sizeof(Tile)*8);
+ for( int i=0; i<MAX_VERTS; i++ )
+ {
+ g_clipFlag[i] = 0;
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].w = 1;
+ }
+ memset(gRSPn64lights, 0, sizeof(N64Light)*16);
+void SetFogMinMax(float fMin, float fMax, float fMul, float fOffset)
+ if( fMin > fMax )
+ {
+ float temp = fMin;
+ fMin = fMax;
+ fMax = temp;
+ }
+ {
+ gRSPfFogMin = max(0,fMin/500-1);
+ gRSPfFogMax = fMax/500-1;
+ }
+ gRSPfFogDivider = 255/(gRSPfFogMax-gRSPfFogMin);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetFogMinMax(fMin, fMax);
+void InitVertexColors()
+void InitVertexTextureConstants()
+ float scaleX;
+ float scaleY;
+ RenderTexture &tex0 = g_textures[gRSP.curTile];
+ //CTexture *surf = tex0.m_pCTexture;
+ Tile &tile0 = gRDP.tiles[gRSP.curTile];
+ scaleX = gRSP.fTexScaleX;
+ scaleY = gRSP.fTexScaleY;
+ gRSP.tex0scaleX = scaleX * tile0.fShiftScaleS/tex0.m_fTexWidth;
+ gRSP.tex0scaleY = scaleY * tile0.fShiftScaleT/tex0.m_fTexHeight;
+ gRSP.tex0OffsetX = tile0.fhilite_sl/tex0.m_fTexWidth;
+ gRSP.tex0OffsetY = tile0.fhilite_tl/tex0.m_fTexHeight;
+ if( CRender::g_pRender->IsTexel1Enable() )
+ {
+ RenderTexture &tex1 = g_textures[(gRSP.curTile+1)&7];
+ //CTexture *surf = tex1.m_pCTexture;
+ Tile &tile1 = gRDP.tiles[(gRSP.curTile+1)&7];
+ gRSP.tex1scaleX = scaleX * tile1.fShiftScaleS/tex1.m_fTexWidth;
+ gRSP.tex1scaleY = scaleY * tile1.fShiftScaleT/tex1.m_fTexHeight;
+ gRSP.tex1OffsetX = tile1.fhilite_sl/tex1.m_fTexWidth;
+ gRSP.tex1OffsetY = tile1.fhilite_tl/tex1.m_fTexHeight;
+ }
+ gRSP.texGenXRatio = tile0.fShiftScaleS;
+ gRSP.texGenYRatio = gRSP.fTexScaleX/gRSP.fTexScaleY*tex0.m_fTexWidth/tex0.m_fTexHeight*tile0.fShiftScaleT;
+void TexGen(float &s, float &t)
+ if (gRDP.geometryMode & G_TEXTURE_GEN_LINEAR)
+ {
+ s = acosf(g_normal.x) / 3.14159f;
+ t = acosf(g_normal.y) / 3.14159f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s = 0.5f * ( 1.0f + g_normal.x);
+ t = 0.5f * ( 1.0f - g_normal.y);
+ }
+void ComputeLOD(bool openGL)
+ TLITVERTEX &v0 = g_vtxBuffer[0];
+ TLITVERTEX &v1 = g_vtxBuffer[1];
+ RenderTexture &tex0 = g_textures[gRSP.curTile];
+ float d,dt;
+ if( openGL )
+ {
+ float x = g_vtxProjected5[0][0] / g_vtxProjected5[0][4] - g_vtxProjected5[1][0] / g_vtxProjected5[1][4];
+ float y = g_vtxProjected5[0][1] / g_vtxProjected5[0][4] - g_vtxProjected5[1][1] / g_vtxProjected5[1][4];
+ x = windowSetting.vpWidthW*x/windowSetting.fMultX/2;
+ y = windowSetting.vpHeightW*y/windowSetting.fMultY/2;
+ d = sqrtf(x*x+y*y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float x = (v0.x - v1.x)/ windowSetting.fMultX;
+ float y = (v0.y - v1.y)/ windowSetting.fMultY;
+ d = sqrtf(x*x+y*y);
+ }
+ float s0 = v0.tcord[0].u * tex0.m_fTexWidth;
+ float t0 = v0.tcord[0].v * tex0.m_fTexHeight;
+ float s1 = v1.tcord[0].u * tex0.m_fTexWidth;
+ float t1 = v1.tcord[0].v * tex0.m_fTexHeight;
+ dt = sqrtf((s0-s1)*(s0-s1)+(t0-t1)*(t0-t1));
+ float lod = dt/d;
+ float frac = log10f(lod)/log10f(2.0f);
+ //DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(pauseAtNext,{DebuggerAppendMsg("LOD frac = %f", frac);});
+ frac = (lod / powf(2.0f,floorf(frac)));
+ frac = frac - floorf(frac);
+ //DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(pauseAtNext,{DebuggerAppendMsg("LOD = %f, frac = %f", lod, frac);});
+ gRDP.LODFrac = (uint32)(frac*255);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCombinerAndBlender();
+bool bHalfTxtScale=false;
+extern uint32 lastSetTile;
+void InitVertex(uint32 dwV, uint32 vtxIndex, bool bTexture, bool openGL)
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2("Init vertex (%d) to vtx buf[%d]:", dwV, vtxIndex));
+ TLITVERTEX &v = g_vtxBuffer[vtxIndex];
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE4(" Trans: x=%f, y=%f, z=%f, w=%f", g_vtxTransformed[dwV].x,g_vtxTransformed[dwV].y,g_vtxTransformed[dwV].z,g_vtxTransformed[dwV].w));
+ if( openGL )
+ {
+ g_vtxProjected5[vtxIndex][0] = g_vtxTransformed[dwV].x;
+ g_vtxProjected5[vtxIndex][1] = g_vtxTransformed[dwV].y;
+ g_vtxProjected5[vtxIndex][2] = g_vtxTransformed[dwV].z;
+ g_vtxProjected5[vtxIndex][3] = g_vtxTransformed[dwV].w;
+ g_vtxProjected5[vtxIndex][4] = g_vecProjected[dwV].z;
+ if( g_vtxTransformed[dwV].w < 0 )
+ g_vtxProjected5[vtxIndex][4] = 0;
+ g_vtxIndex[vtxIndex] = vtxIndex;
+ }
+ if( !openGL || options.bOGLVertexClipper == TRUE )
+ {
+ v.x = g_vecProjected[dwV].x*gRSP.vtxXMul+gRSP.vtxXAdd;
+ v.y = g_vecProjected[dwV].y*gRSP.vtxYMul+gRSP.vtxYAdd;
+ v.z = (g_vecProjected[dwV].z + 1.0f) * 0.5f; // DirectX minZ=0, maxZ=1
+ //v.z = g_vecProjected[dwV].z; // DirectX minZ=0, maxZ=1
+ v.rhw = g_vecProjected[dwV].w;
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE4(" Proj : x=%f, y=%f, z=%f, rhw=%f", v.x,v.y,v.z,v.rhw));
+ if( gRSP.bProcessSpecularColor )
+ {
+ v.dcSpecular = CRender::g_pRender->PostProcessSpecularColor();
+ if( gRSP.bFogEnabled )
+ {
+ v.dcSpecular &= 0x00FFFFFF;
+ uint32 fogFct = 0xFF-(uint8)((g_fFogCoord[dwV]-gRSPfFogMin)*gRSPfFogDivider);
+ v.dcSpecular |= (fogFct<<24);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( gRSP.bFogEnabled )
+ {
+ uint32 fogFct = 0xFF-(uint8)((g_fFogCoord[dwV]-gRSPfFogMin)*gRSPfFogDivider);
+ v.dcSpecular = (fogFct<<24);
+ }
+ }
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2(" (U,V): %f, %f", g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].x,g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].y));
+ v.dcDiffuse = g_dwVtxDifColor[dwV];
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.key_en )
+ {
+ v.dcDiffuse &= 0x00FFFFFF;
+ v.dcDiffuse |= (gRDP.keyA<<24);
+ }
+ else if( gRDP.otherMode.aa_en && gRDP.otherMode.clr_on_cvg==0 )
+ {
+ v.dcDiffuse |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ if( gRSP.bProcessDiffuseColor )
+ {
+ v.dcDiffuse = CRender::g_pRender->PostProcessDiffuseColor(v.dcDiffuse);
+ }
+ if( options.bWinFrameMode )
+ {
+ v.dcDiffuse = g_dwVtxDifColor[dwV];
+ }
+ if( openGL )
+ {
+ g_oglVtxColors[vtxIndex][0] = v.r;
+ g_oglVtxColors[vtxIndex][1] = v.g;
+ g_oglVtxColors[vtxIndex][2] = v.b;
+ g_oglVtxColors[vtxIndex][3] = v.a;
+ }
+ if( bTexture )
+ {
+ // If the vert is already lit, then there is no normal (and hence we can't generate tex coord)
+ // Only scale if not generated automatically
+ if (gRSP.bTextureGen && gRSP.bLightingEnable)
+ {
+ // Correction for texGen result
+ float u0,u1,v0,v1;
+ RenderTexture &tex0 = g_textures[gRSP.curTile];
+ u0 = g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].x * 32 * 1024 * gRSP.fTexScaleX / tex0.m_fTexWidth;
+ v0 = g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].y * 32 * 1024 * gRSP.fTexScaleY / tex0.m_fTexHeight;
+ u0 *= (gRDP.tiles[gRSP.curTile].fShiftScaleS);
+ v0 *= (gRDP.tiles[gRSP.curTile].fShiftScaleT);
+ if( CRender::g_pRender->IsTexel1Enable() )
+ {
+ RenderTexture &tex1 = g_textures[(gRSP.curTile+1)&7];
+ u1 = g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].x * 32 * 1024 * gRSP.fTexScaleX / tex1.m_fTexWidth;
+ v1 = g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].y * 32 * 1024 * gRSP.fTexScaleY / tex1.m_fTexHeight;
+ u1 *= gRDP.tiles[(gRSP.curTile+1)&7].fShiftScaleS;
+ v1 *= gRDP.tiles[(gRSP.curTile+1)&7].fShiftScaleT;
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetVertexTextureUVCoord(v, u0, v0, u1, v1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetVertexTextureUVCoord(v, u0, v0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float tex0u = g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].x *gRSP.tex0scaleX - gRSP.tex0OffsetX ;
+ float tex0v = g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].y *gRSP.tex0scaleY - gRSP.tex0OffsetY ;
+ if( CRender::g_pRender->IsTexel1Enable() )
+ {
+ float tex1u = g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].x *gRSP.tex1scaleX - gRSP.tex1OffsetX ;
+ float tex1v = g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].y *gRSP.tex1scaleY - gRSP.tex1OffsetY ;
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetVertexTextureUVCoord(v, tex0u, tex0v, tex1u, tex1v);
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2(" (tex0): %f, %f", tex0u,tex0v));
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2(" (tex1): %f, %f", tex1u,tex1v));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetVertexTextureUVCoord(v, tex0u, tex0v);
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2(" (tex0): %f, %f", tex0u,tex0v));
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for txt scale hack
+ if( !bHalfTxtScale && g_curRomInfo.bTextureScaleHack &&
+ (gRDP.tiles[lastSetTile].dwSize == TXT_SIZE_32b || gRDP.tiles[lastSetTile].dwSize == TXT_SIZE_4b ) )
+ {
+ int width = ((gRDP.tiles[lastSetTile].sh-gRDP.tiles[lastSetTile].sl+1)<<1);
+ int height = ((gRDP.tiles[lastSetTile].th-gRDP.tiles[lastSetTile].tl+1)<<1);
+ if( g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].x*gRSP.fTexScaleX == width || g_fVtxTxtCoords[dwV].y*gRSP.fTexScaleY == height )
+ {
+ bHalfTxtScale=true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bEnableTxtLOD && vtxIndex == 1 && gRDP.otherMode.text_lod )
+ {
+ if( CRender::g_pRender->IsTexel1Enable() && CRender::g_pRender->m_pColorCombiner->m_pDecodedMux->isUsed(MUX_LODFRAC) )
+ {
+ ComputeLOD(openGL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gRDP.LODFrac = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2(" DIF(%08X), SPE(%08X)", v.dcDiffuse, v.dcSpecular));
+uint32 LightVert(XVECTOR4 & norm, int vidx)
+ float fCosT;
+ // Do ambient
+ register float r = gRSP.fAmbientLightR;
+ register float g = gRSP.fAmbientLightG;
+ register float b = gRSP.fAmbientLightB;
+ if( options.enableHackForGames != HACK_FOR_ZELDA_MM )
+ {
+ for (register unsigned int l=0; l < gRSPnumLights; l++)
+ {
+ fCosT = norm.x*gRSPlights[l].x + norm.y*gRSPlights[l].y + norm.z*gRSPlights[l].z;
+ if (fCosT > 0 )
+ {
+ r += gRSPlights[l].fr * fCosT;
+ g += gRSPlights[l].fg * fCosT;
+ b += gRSPlights[l].fb * fCosT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool transformed = false;
+ for (register unsigned int l=0; l < gRSPnumLights; l++)
+ {
+ if( gRSPlights[l].range == 0 )
+ {
+ // Regular directional light
+ fCosT = norm.x*gRSPlights[l].x + norm.y*gRSPlights[l].y + norm.z*gRSPlights[l].z;
+ if (fCosT > 0 )
+ {
+ r += gRSPlights[l].fr * fCosT;
+ g += gRSPlights[l].fg * fCosT;
+ b += gRSPlights[l].fb * fCosT;
+ }
+ }
+ else //if( (gRSPlights[l].col&0x00FFFFFF) != 0x00FFFFFF )
+ {
+ // Point light
+ if( !transformed )
+ {
+ Vec3Transform(&v, (XVECTOR3*)&g_vtxNonTransformed[vidx], &gRSPmodelViewTop); // Convert to w=1
+ transformed = true;
+ }
+ XVECTOR3 dir(gRSPlights[l].x - v.x, gRSPlights[l].y - v.y, gRSPlights[l].z - v.z);
+ //XVECTOR3 dir(v.x-gRSPlights[l].x, v.y-gRSPlights[l].y, v.z-gRSPlights[l].z);
+ float d2 = sqrtf(dir.x*dir.x+dir.y*dir.y+dir.z*dir.z);
+ dir.x /= d2;
+ dir.y /= d2;
+ dir.z /= d2;
+ fCosT = norm.x*dir.x + norm.y*dir.y + norm.z*dir.z;
+ if (fCosT > 0 )
+ {
+ //float f = d2/gRSPlights[l].range*50;
+ float f = d2/15000*50;
+ f = 1 - min(f,1);
+ fCosT *= f*f;
+ r += gRSPlights[l].fr * fCosT;
+ g += gRSPlights[l].fg * fCosT;
+ b += gRSPlights[l].fb * fCosT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (r > 255) r = 255;
+ if (g > 255) g = 255;
+ if (b > 255) b = 255;
+ return ((0xff000000)|(((uint32)r)<<16)|(((uint32)g)<<8)|((uint32)b));
+uint32 LightVertNew(XVECTOR4 & norm)
+ float fCosT;
+ // Do ambient
+ register float r = gRSP.fAmbientLightR;
+ register float g = gRSP.fAmbientLightG;
+ register float b = gRSP.fAmbientLightB;
+ for (register unsigned int l=0; l < gRSPnumLights; l++)
+ {
+ fCosT = norm.x*gRSPlights[l].tx + norm.y*gRSPlights[l].ty + norm.z*gRSPlights[l].tz;
+ if (fCosT > 0 )
+ {
+ r += gRSPlights[l].fr * fCosT;
+ g += gRSPlights[l].fg * fCosT;
+ b += gRSPlights[l].fb * fCosT;
+ }
+ }
+ if (r > 255) r = 255;
+ if (g > 255) g = 255;
+ if (b > 255) b = 255;
+ return ((0xff000000)|(((uint32)r)<<16)|(((uint32)g)<<8)|((uint32)b));
+float zero = 0.0f;
+float onef = 1.0f;
+float fcosT;
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+__declspec( naked ) uint32 __fastcall SSELightVert()
+ __asm
+ {
+ movaps xmm3, DWORD PTR gRSP; // loading Ambient colors, xmm3 is the result color
+ movaps xmm4, DWORD PTR [g_normal]; // xmm4 is the normal
+ mov ecx, 0;
+ cmp ecx, DWORD PTR gRSPnumLights;
+ jae breakout;
+ mov eax,ecx;
+ imul eax,0x44;
+ movups xmm5, DWORD PTR gRSPlights[eax]; // Light Dir
+ movups xmm1, DWORD PTR gRSPlights[0x14][eax]; // Light color
+ mulps xmm5, xmm4; // Lightdir * normals
+ movhlps xmm0,xmm5;
+ addps xmm0,xmm5;
+ shufps xmm5,xmm0,0x01;
+ addps xmm0,xmm5;
+ comiss xmm0,zero;
+ jc endloop
+ shufps xmm0,xmm0,0; // fcosT
+ mulps xmm1,xmm0;
+ addps xmm3,xmm1;
+ inc ecx;
+ jmp loopback;
+ movss xmm0,DWORD PTR real255;
+ shufps xmm0,xmm0,0;
+ minps xmm0,xmm3;
+ // Without using a memory
+ cvtss2si eax,xmm0; // move the 1st uint32 to eax
+ shl eax,10h;
+ or eax,0FF000000h;
+ shufps xmm0,xmm0,0E5h; // move the 2nd uint32 to the 1st uint32
+ cvtss2si ecx,xmm0; // move the 1st uint32 to ecx
+ shl ecx,8;
+ or eax,ecx;
+ shufps xmm0,xmm0,0E6h; // Move the 3rd uint32 to the 1st uint32
+ cvtss2si ecx,xmm0;
+ or eax,ecx;
+ ret;
+ }
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(NO_ASM)
+uint32 SSELightVert(void)
+ uint32 rval;
+ float f255 = 255.0, fZero = 0.0;
+ asm volatile(" movaps %1, %%xmm3 \n" // xmm3 == gRSP.fAmbientLight{RGBA}
+ " movaps %2, %%xmm4 \n" // xmm4 == g_normal.{xyz}
+ " xor %%rcx, %%rcx \n"
+ "0: \n"
+ " cmpl %3, %%ecx \n"
+ " jae 2f \n"
+ " mov %%rcx, %%rax \n"
+ " imul $0x44, %%rax, %%rax \n"
+ " movups (%4,%%rax,), %%xmm5 \n" // xmm5 == gRSPlights[l].{xyzr}
+ " movups 20(%4,%%rax,), %%xmm1 \n" // xmm1 == gRSPlights[l].{frfgfbfa}
+ " mulps %%xmm4, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm5, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm5, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0x01, %%xmm0, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm5, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " comiss %6, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " jc 1f \n"
+ " shufps $0x00, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm0, %%xmm1 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm1, %%xmm3 \n"
+ "1: \n"
+ " inc %%rcx \n"
+ " jmp 0b \n"
+ "2: \n"
+ " movss %5, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0x00, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " minps %%xmm3, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " cvtss2si %%xmm0, %%eax \n"
+ " shll $0x10, %%eax \n"
+ " orl $0xff000000, %%eax \n"
+ " shufps $0xe5, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " cvtss2si %%xmm0, %%ecx \n"
+ " shll $8, %%ecx \n"
+ " orl %%ecx, %%eax \n"
+ " shufps $0xe6, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " cvtss2si %%xmm0, %%ecx \n"
+ " orl %%ecx, %%eax \n"
+ : "=&a"(rval)
+ : "m"(gRSP), "m"(g_normal), "m"(gRSPnumLights), "r"(gRSPlights), "m"(f255), "m"(fZero)
+ : "%rcx", "memory", "cc", "%xmm0", "%xmm1", "%xmm3", "%xmm4", "%xmm5"
+ );
+ return rval;
+#elif !defined(NO_ASM) // 32-bit GCC assumed
+uint32 SSELightVert(void)
+ uint32 rval;
+ float f255 = 255.0, fZero = 0.0;
+ asm volatile(" movaps %1, %%xmm3 \n"
+ " movaps %2, %%xmm4 \n"
+ " xor %%ecx, %%ecx \n"
+ "0: \n"
+ " cmpl %3, %%ecx \n"
+ " jae 2f \n"
+ " mov %%ecx, %%eax \n"
+ " imul $0x44, %%eax, %%eax \n"
+ " movups (%4,%%eax,), %%xmm5 \n"
+ " movups 20(%4,%%eax,), %%xmm1 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm4, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " movhlps %%xmm5, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm5, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0x01, %%xmm0, %%xmm5 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm5, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " comiss %6, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " jc 1f \n"
+ " shufps $0x00, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " mulps %%xmm0, %%xmm1 \n"
+ " addps %%xmm1, %%xmm3 \n"
+ "1: \n"
+ " inc %%ecx \n"
+ " jmp 0b \n"
+ "2: \n"
+ " movss %5, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " shufps $0x00, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " minps %%xmm3, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " cvtss2si %%xmm0, %%eax \n"
+ " shll $0x10, %%eax \n"
+ " orl $0xff000000, %%eax \n"
+ " shufps $0xe5, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " cvtss2si %%xmm0, %%ecx \n"
+ " shll $8, %%ecx \n"
+ " orl %%ecx, %%eax \n"
+ " shufps $0xe6, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n"
+ " cvtss2si %%xmm0, %%ecx \n"
+ " orl %%ecx, %%eax \n"
+ : "=&a"(rval)
+ : "m"(gRSP), "m"(g_normal), "m"(gRSPnumLights), "r"(gRSPlights), "m"(f255), "m"(fZero)
+ : "%rcx", "memory", "cc", "%xmm0", "%xmm1", "%xmm3", "%xmm4", "%xmm5"
+ );
+ return rval;
+inline void ReplaceAlphaWithFogFactor(int i)
+ if( gRDP.geometryMode & G_FOG )
+ {
+ // Use fog factor to replace vertex alpha
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].z > 1 )
+ *(((uint8*)&(g_dwVtxDifColor[i]))+3) = 0xFF;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].z < 0 )
+ *(((uint8*)&(g_dwVtxDifColor[i]))+3) = 0;
+ else
+ *(((uint8*)&(g_dwVtxDifColor[i]))+3) = (uint8)(g_vecProjected[i].z*255);
+ }
+// Bits
+// +-+-+-
+// xxyyzz
+#define Z_NEG 0x01
+#define Z_POS 0x02
+#define Y_NEG 0x04
+#define Y_POS 0x08
+#define X_NEG 0x10
+#define X_POS 0x20
+// Assumes dwAddr has already been checked!
+// Don't inline - it's too big with the transform macros
+#if !defined(NO_ASM)
+void ProcessVertexDataSSE(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum)
+ UpdateCombinedMatrix();
+ // This function is called upon SPvertex
+ // - do vertex matrix transform
+ // - do vertex lighting
+ // - do texture cooridinate transform if needed
+ // - calculate normal vector
+ // Output: - g_vecProjected[i] -> transformed vertex x,y,z
+ // - g_vecProjected[i].w -> saved vertex 1/w
+ // - g_dwVtxFlags[i] -> flags
+ // - g_dwVtxDifColor[i] -> vertex color
+ // - g_fVtxTxtCoords[i] -> vertex texture cooridinates
+ FiddledVtx * pVtxBase = (FiddledVtx*)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr);
+ g_pVtxBase = pVtxBase;
+ for (uint32 i = dwV0; i < dwV0 + dwNum; i++)
+ {
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI0_Vtx);
+ FiddledVtx & vert = pVtxBase[i - dwV0];
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].x = (float)vert.x;
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].y = (float)vert.y;
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].z = (float)vert.z;
+ SSEVec3Transform(i);
+ if( gRSP.bFogEnabled )
+ {
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = g_vecProjected[i].z;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].w < 0 || g_vecProjected[i].z < 0 || g_fFogCoord[i] < gRSPfFogMin )
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = gRSPfFogMin;
+ }
+ ReplaceAlphaWithFogFactor(i);
+ {
+ uint32 *dat = (uint32*)(&vert);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("vtx %d: %08X %08X %08X %08X", i, dat[0],dat[1],dat[2],dat[3]);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : %f, %f, %f, %f",
+ g_vtxTransformed[i].x,g_vtxTransformed[i].y,g_vtxTransformed[i].z,g_vtxTransformed[i].w);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : %f, %f, %f, %f",
+ g_vecProjected[i].x,g_vecProjected[i].y,g_vecProjected[i].z,g_vecProjected[i].w);
+ });
+ RSP_Vtx_Clipping(i);
+ if( gRSP.bLightingEnable )
+ {
+ g_normal.x = (float)vert.norma.nx;
+ g_normal.y = (float)vert.norma.ny;
+ g_normal.z = (float)vert.norma.nz;
+ SSEVec3TransformNormal();
+ if( options.enableHackForGames != HACK_FOR_ZELDA_MM )
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = SSELightVert();
+ else
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = LightVert(g_normal, i);
+ *(((uint8*)&(g_dwVtxDifColor[i]))+3) = vert.rgba.a; // still use alpha from the vertex
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( (gRDP.geometryMode & G_SHADE) == 0 && gRSP.ucode < 5 ) //Shade is disabled
+ {
+ //FLAT shade
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = gRDP.primitiveColor;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ register IColor &color = *(IColor*)&g_dwVtxDifColor[i];
+ color.b = vert.rgba.r;
+ color.g = vert.rgba.g;
+ color.r = vert.rgba.b;
+ color.a = vert.rgba.a;
+ }
+ }
+ if( options.bWinFrameMode )
+ {
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = COLOR_RGBA(vert.rgba.r, vert.rgba.g, vert.rgba.b, vert.rgba.a);
+ }
+ // Update texture coords n.b. need to divide tu/tv by bogus scale on addition to buffer
+ // If the vert is already lit, then there is no normal (and hence we
+ // can't generate tex coord)
+ if (gRSP.bTextureGen && gRSP.bLightingEnable )
+ {
+ TexGen(g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].x, g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].x = (float)vert.tu;
+ g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].y = (float)vert.tv;
+ }
+ }
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2("Setting Vertexes: %d - %d\n", dwV0, dwV0+dwNum-1));
+void ProcessVertexDataNoSSE(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum)
+ UpdateCombinedMatrix();
+ // This function is called upon SPvertex
+ // - do vertex matrix transform
+ // - do vertex lighting
+ // - do texture cooridinate transform if needed
+ // - calculate normal vector
+ // Output: - g_vecProjected[i] -> transformed vertex x,y,z
+ // - g_vecProjected[i].w -> saved vertex 1/w
+ // - g_dwVtxFlags[i] -> flags
+ // - g_dwVtxDifColor[i] -> vertex color
+ // - g_fVtxTxtCoords[i] -> vertex texture cooridinates
+ FiddledVtx * pVtxBase = (FiddledVtx*)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr);
+ g_pVtxBase = pVtxBase;
+ for (uint32 i = dwV0; i < dwV0 + dwNum; i++)
+ {
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI0_Vtx);
+ FiddledVtx & vert = pVtxBase[i - dwV0];
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].x = (float)vert.x;
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].y = (float)vert.y;
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].z = (float)vert.z;
+ Vec3Transform(&g_vtxTransformed[i], (XVECTOR3*)&g_vtxNonTransformed[i], &gRSPworldProject); // Convert to w=1
+ g_vecProjected[i].w = 1.0f / g_vtxTransformed[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].x = g_vtxTransformed[i].x * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].y = g_vtxTransformed[i].y * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ if ((g_curRomInfo.bPrimaryDepthHack || options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_NASCAR ) && gRDP.otherMode.depth_source )
+ {
+ g_vecProjected[i].z = gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth;
+ g_vtxTransformed[i].z = gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth*g_vtxTransformed[i].w;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_vecProjected[i].z = g_vtxTransformed[i].z * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ }
+ if( gRSP.bFogEnabled )
+ {
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = g_vecProjected[i].z;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].w < 0 || g_vecProjected[i].z < 0 || g_fFogCoord[i] < gRSPfFogMin )
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = gRSPfFogMin;
+ }
+ {
+ uint32 *dat = (uint32*)(&vert);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("vtx %d: %08X %08X %08X %08X", i, dat[0],dat[1],dat[2],dat[3]);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : %f, %f, %f, %f",
+ g_vtxTransformed[i].x,g_vtxTransformed[i].y,g_vtxTransformed[i].z,g_vtxTransformed[i].w);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : %f, %f, %f, %f",
+ g_vecProjected[i].x,g_vecProjected[i].y,g_vecProjected[i].z,g_vecProjected[i].w);
+ });
+ RSP_Vtx_Clipping(i);
+ if( gRSP.bLightingEnable )
+ {
+ g_normal.x = (float)vert.norma.nx;
+ g_normal.y = (float)vert.norma.ny;
+ g_normal.z = (float)vert.norma.nz;
+ Vec3TransformNormal(g_normal, gRSPmodelViewTop);
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = LightVert(g_normal, i);
+ *(((uint8*)&(g_dwVtxDifColor[i]))+3) = vert.rgba.a; // still use alpha from the vertex
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( (gRDP.geometryMode & G_SHADE) == 0 && gRSP.ucode < 5 ) //Shade is disabled
+ {
+ //FLAT shade
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = gRDP.primitiveColor;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ register IColor &color = *(IColor*)&g_dwVtxDifColor[i];
+ color.b = vert.rgba.r;
+ color.g = vert.rgba.g;
+ color.r = vert.rgba.b;
+ color.a = vert.rgba.a;
+ }
+ }
+ if( options.bWinFrameMode )
+ {
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = COLOR_RGBA(vert.rgba.r, vert.rgba.g, vert.rgba.b, vert.rgba.a);
+ }
+ ReplaceAlphaWithFogFactor(i);
+ // Update texture coords n.b. need to divide tu/tv by bogus scale on addition to buffer
+ // If the vert is already lit, then there is no normal (and hence we
+ // can't generate tex coord)
+ if (gRSP.bTextureGen && gRSP.bLightingEnable )
+ {
+ TexGen(g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].x, g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].x = (float)vert.tu;
+ g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].y = (float)vert.tv;
+ }
+ }
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2("Setting Vertexes: %d - %d\n", dwV0, dwV0+dwNum-1));
+bool PrepareTriangle(uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwV1, uint32 dwV2)
+ if( status.isVertexShaderEnabled || status.bUseHW_T_L )
+ {
+ g_vtxIndex[gRSP.numVertices++] = dwV0;
+ g_vtxIndex[gRSP.numVertices++] = dwV1;
+ g_vtxIndex[gRSP.numVertices++] = dwV2;
+ status.dwNumTrisRendered++;
+ gRSP.maxVertexID = max(gRSP.maxVertexID,max(dwV0,max(dwV1,dwV2)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SP_Timing(SP_Each_Triangle);
+ bool textureFlag = (CRender::g_pRender->IsTextureEnabled() || gRSP.ucode == 6 );
+ bool openGL = CDeviceBuilder::m_deviceGeneralType == OGL_DEVICE;
+ InitVertex(dwV0, gRSP.numVertices, textureFlag, openGL);
+ InitVertex(dwV1, gRSP.numVertices+1, textureFlag, openGL);
+ InitVertex(dwV2, gRSP.numVertices+2, textureFlag, openGL);
+ gRSP.numVertices += 3;
+ status.dwNumTrisRendered++;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Returns TRUE if it thinks the triangle is visible
+// Returns FALSE if it is clipped
+bool IsTriangleVisible(uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwV1, uint32 dwV2)
+ //return true; //fix me
+ if( status.isVertexShaderEnabled || status.bUseHW_T_L ) return true; // We won't have access to transformed vertex data
+ DEBUGGER_ONLY_IF( (!debuggerEnableTestTris || !debuggerEnableCullFace), {return TRUE;});
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ // Check vertices are valid!
+ if (dwV0 >= MAX_VERTS || dwV1 >= MAX_VERTS || dwV2 >= MAX_VERTS)
+ return false;
+ // Here we AND all the flags. If any of the bits is set for all
+ // 3 vertices, it means that all three x, y or z lie outside of
+ // the current viewing volume.
+ // Currently disabled - still seems a bit dodgy
+ if ((gRSP.bCullFront || gRSP.bCullBack) && gRDP.otherMode.zmode != 3)
+ {
+ XVECTOR4 & v0 = g_vecProjected[dwV0];
+ XVECTOR4 & v1 = g_vecProjected[dwV1];
+ XVECTOR4 & v2 = g_vecProjected[dwV2];
+ // Only try to clip if the tri is onscreen. For some reason, this
+ // method doesnt' work well when the z value is outside of screenspace
+ //if (v0.z < 1 && v1.z < 1 && v2.z < 1)
+ {
+ float V1 = v2.x - v0.x;
+ float V2 = v2.y - v0.y;
+ float W1 = v2.x - v1.x;
+ float W2 = v2.y - v1.y;
+ float fDirection = (V1 * W2) - (V2 * W1);
+ fDirection = fDirection * v1.w * v2.w * v0.w;
+ //float fDirection = v0.x*v1.y-v1.x*v0.y+v1.x*v2.y-v2.x*v1.y+v2.x*v0.y-v0.x*v2.y;
+ if (fDirection < 0 && gRSP.bCullBack)
+ {
+ status.dwNumTrisClipped++;
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (fDirection > 0 && gRSP.bCullFront)
+ {
+ status.dwNumTrisClipped++;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //if( gRSP.bRejectVtx && (g_clipFlag[dwV0]|g_clipFlag[dwV1]|g_clipFlag[dwV2]) )
+ // return;
+ if( g_clipFlag2[dwV0]&g_clipFlag2[dwV1]&g_clipFlag2[dwV2] )
+ {
+ //DebuggerAppendMsg("Clipped");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void SetPrimitiveColor(uint32 dwCol, uint32 LODMin, uint32 LODFrac)
+ gRDP.colorsAreReloaded = true;
+ gRDP.primitiveColor = dwCol;
+ gRDP.primLODMin = LODMin;
+ gRDP.primLODFrac = LODFrac;
+ if( gRDP.primLODFrac < gRDP.primLODMin )
+ {
+ gRDP.primLODFrac = gRDP.primLODMin;
+ }
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[0] = ((dwCol>>16)&0xFF)/255.0f; //r
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[1] = ((dwCol>>8)&0xFF)/255.0f; //g
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[2] = ((dwCol)&0xFF)/255.0f; //b
+ gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor[3] = ((dwCol>>24)&0xFF)/255.0f; //a
+void SetPrimitiveDepth(uint32 z, uint32 dwDZ)
+ gRDP.primitiveDepth = z & 0x7FFF;
+ gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth = (float)(gRDP.primitiveDepth)/(float)0x8000;
+ //gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth = gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth*2-1;
+ /*
+ z=0xFFFF -> 1 the farest
+ z=0 -> -1 the nearest
+ */
+ //how to use dwDZ?
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( (pauseAtNext && (eventToPause == NEXT_VERTEX_CMD || eventToPause == NEXT_FLUSH_TRI )) )//&& logTriangles )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Set prim Depth: %f, (%08X, %08X)", gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth, z, dwDZ);
+ }
+void SetVertexXYZ(uint32 vertex, float x, float y, float z)
+ g_vecProjected[vertex].x = x;
+ g_vecProjected[vertex].y = y;
+ g_vecProjected[vertex].z = z;
+ g_vtxTransformed[vertex].x = x*g_vtxTransformed[vertex].w;
+ g_vtxTransformed[vertex].y = y*g_vtxTransformed[vertex].w;
+ g_vtxTransformed[vertex].z = z*g_vtxTransformed[vertex].w;
+void ModifyVertexInfo(uint32 where, uint32 vertex, uint32 val)
+ switch (where)
+ {
+ {
+ uint32 r = (val>>24)&0xFF;
+ uint32 g = (val>>16)&0xFF;
+ uint32 b = (val>>8)&0xFF;
+ uint32 a = val&0xFF;
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[vertex] = COLOR_RGBA(r, g, b, a);
+ LOG_UCODE("Modify vert %d color, 0x%08x", vertex, g_dwVtxDifColor[vertex]);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ uint16 nX = (uint16)(val>>16);
+ short x = *((short*)&nX);
+ x /= 4;
+ uint16 nY = (uint16)(val&0xFFFF);
+ short y = *((short*)&nY);
+ y /= 4;
+ // Should do viewport transform.
+ x -= windowSetting.uViWidth/2;
+ y = windowSetting.uViHeight/2-y;
+ if( options.bEnableHacks && ((*g_GraphicsInfo.VI_X_SCALE_REG)&0xF) != 0 )
+ {
+ // Tarzan
+ // I don't know why Tarzan is different
+ SetVertexXYZ(vertex, x/windowSetting.fViWidth, y/windowSetting.fViHeight, g_vecProjected[vertex].z);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Toy Story 2 and other games
+ SetVertexXYZ(vertex, x*2/windowSetting.fViWidth, y*2/windowSetting.fViHeight, g_vecProjected[vertex].z);
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE("Modify vert %d: x=%d, y=%d", vertex, x, y);
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE3("Modify vert %d: (%d,%d)", vertex, x, y));
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ int z = val>>16;
+ SetVertexXYZ(vertex, g_vecProjected[vertex].x, g_vecProjected[vertex].y, (((float)z/0x03FF)+0.5f)/2.0f );
+ LOG_UCODE("Modify vert %d: z=%d", vertex, z);
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2("Modify vert %d: z=%d", vertex, z));
+ }
+ break;
+ case RSP_MV_WORD_OFFSET_POINT_ST: // Texture
+ {
+ short tu = short(val>>16);
+ short tv = short(val & 0xFFFF);
+ float ftu = tu / 32.0f;
+ float ftv = tv / 32.0f;
+ LOG_UCODE(" Setting vertex %d tu/tv to %f, %f", vertex, (float)tu, (float)tv);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetVtxTextureCoord(vertex, ftu/gRSP.fTexScaleX, ftv/gRSP.fTexScaleY);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void ProcessVertexDataDKR(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum)
+ UpdateCombinedMatrix();
+ long long pVtxBase = (long long) (g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr);
+ g_pVtxBase = (FiddledVtx*)pVtxBase;
+ Matrix &matWorldProject = gRSP.DKRMatrixes[gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex];
+ int nOff;
+ bool addbase=false;
+ if ((!gRSP.DKRBillBoard) || (gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex != 2) )
+ addbase = false;
+ else
+ addbase = true;
+ if( addbase && gRSP.DKRVtxCount == 0 && dwNum > 1 )
+ {
+ gRSP.DKRVtxCount++;
+ }
+ LOG_UCODE(" ProcessVertexDataDKR, CMatrix = %d, Add base=%s", gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex, gRSP.DKRBillBoard?"true":"false");
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2("DKR Setting Vertexes\nCMatrix = %d, Add base=%s", gRSP.DKRCMatrixIndex, gRSP.DKRBillBoard?"true":"false"));
+ nOff = 0;
+ uint32 end = dwV0 + dwNum;
+ for (uint32 i = dwV0; i < end; i++)
+ {
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].x = (float)*(short*)((pVtxBase+nOff + 0) ^ 2);
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].y = (float)*(short*)((pVtxBase+nOff + 2) ^ 2);
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].z = (float)*(short*)((pVtxBase+nOff + 4) ^ 2);
+ //if( status.isSSEEnabled )
+ // SSEVec3TransformDKR(g_vtxTransformed[i], g_vtxNonTransformed[i]);
+ //else
+ Vec3Transform(&g_vtxTransformed[i], (XVECTOR3*)&g_vtxNonTransformed[i], &matWorldProject); // Convert to w=1
+ if( gRSP.DKRVtxCount == 0 && dwNum==1 )
+ {
+ gRSP.DKRBaseVec.x = g_vtxTransformed[i].x;
+ gRSP.DKRBaseVec.y = g_vtxTransformed[i].y;
+ gRSP.DKRBaseVec.z = g_vtxTransformed[i].z;
+ gRSP.DKRBaseVec.w = g_vtxTransformed[i].w;
+ }
+ else if( addbase )
+ {
+ g_vtxTransformed[i].x += gRSP.DKRBaseVec.x;
+ g_vtxTransformed[i].y += gRSP.DKRBaseVec.y;
+ g_vtxTransformed[i].z += gRSP.DKRBaseVec.z;
+ g_vtxTransformed[i].w = gRSP.DKRBaseVec.w;
+ }
+ g_vecProjected[i].w = 1.0f / g_vtxTransformed[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].x = g_vtxTransformed[i].x * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].y = g_vtxTransformed[i].y * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].z = g_vtxTransformed[i].z * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ gRSP.DKRVtxCount++;
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE5("vtx %d: %f, %f, %f, %f", i,
+ g_vtxTransformed[i].x,g_vtxTransformed[i].y,g_vtxTransformed[i].z,g_vtxTransformed[i].w));
+ if( gRSP.bFogEnabled )
+ {
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = g_vecProjected[i].z;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].w < 0 || g_vecProjected[i].z < 0 || g_fFogCoord[i] < gRSPfFogMin )
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = gRSPfFogMin;
+ }
+ RSP_Vtx_Clipping(i);
+ short wA = *(short*)((pVtxBase+nOff + 6) ^ 2);
+ short wB = *(short*)((pVtxBase+nOff + 8) ^ 2);
+ s8 r = (s8)(wA >> 8);
+ s8 g = (s8)(wA);
+ s8 b = (s8)(wB >> 8);
+ s8 a = (s8)(wB);
+ if (gRSP.bLightingEnable)
+ {
+ g_normal.x = (char)r; //norma.nx;
+ g_normal.y = (char)g; //norma.ny;
+ g_normal.z = (char)b; //norma.nz;
+ Vec3TransformNormal(g_normal, matWorldProject)
+#if !defined(NO_ASM)
+ if( status.isSSEEnabled )
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = SSELightVert();
+ else
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = LightVert(g_normal, i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int nR, nG, nB, nA;
+ nR = r;
+ nG = g;
+ nB = b;
+ nA = a;
+ // Assign true vert colour after lighting/fogging
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = COLOR_RGBA(nR, nG, nB, nA);
+ }
+ ReplaceAlphaWithFogFactor(i);
+ g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].x = g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].y = 1;
+ nOff += 10;
+ }
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP(NEXT_VERTEX_CMD,{DebuggerAppendMsg("Paused at DKR Vertex Cmd, v0=%d, vn=%d, addr=%08X", dwV0, dwNum, dwAddr);});
+extern uint32 dwPDCIAddr;
+void ProcessVertexDataPD(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum)
+ UpdateCombinedMatrix();
+ N64VtxPD * pVtxBase = (N64VtxPD*)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr);
+ g_pVtxBase = (FiddledVtx*)pVtxBase; // Fix me
+ for (uint32 i = dwV0; i < dwV0 + dwNum; i++)
+ {
+ N64VtxPD &vert = pVtxBase[i - dwV0];
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].x = (float)vert.x;
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].y = (float)vert.y;
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].z = (float)vert.z;
+#if !defined(NO_ASM)
+ if( status.isSSEEnabled )
+ SSEVec3Transform(i);
+ else
+ {
+ Vec3Transform(&g_vtxTransformed[i], (XVECTOR3*)&g_vtxNonTransformed[i], &gRSPworldProject); // Convert to w=1
+ g_vecProjected[i].w = 1.0f / g_vtxTransformed[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].x = g_vtxTransformed[i].x * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].y = g_vtxTransformed[i].y * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].z = g_vtxTransformed[i].z * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ }
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = g_vecProjected[i].z;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].w < 0 || g_vecProjected[i].z < 0 || g_fFogCoord[i] < gRSPfFogMin )
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = gRSPfFogMin;
+ RSP_Vtx_Clipping(i);
+ uint8 *addr = g_pRDRAMu8+dwPDCIAddr+ (vert.cidx&0xFF);
+ uint32 a = addr[0];
+ uint32 r = addr[3];
+ uint32 g = addr[2];
+ uint32 b = addr[1];
+ if( gRSP.bLightingEnable )
+ {
+ g_normal.x = (char)r;
+ g_normal.y = (char)g;
+ g_normal.z = (char)b;
+#if !defined(NO_ASM)
+ if( status.isSSEEnabled )
+ {
+ SSEVec3TransformNormal();
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = SSELightVert();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Vec3TransformNormal(g_normal, gRSPmodelViewTop);
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = LightVert(g_normal, i);
+ }
+ *(((uint8*)&(g_dwVtxDifColor[i]))+3) = (uint8)a; // still use alpha from the vertex
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( (gRDP.geometryMode & G_SHADE) == 0 && gRSP.ucode < 5 ) //Shade is disabled
+ {
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = gRDP.primitiveColor;
+ }
+ else //FLAT shade
+ {
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = COLOR_RGBA(r, g, b, a);
+ }
+ }
+ if( options.bWinFrameMode )
+ {
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = COLOR_RGBA(r, g, b, a);
+ }
+ ReplaceAlphaWithFogFactor(i);
+ VECTOR2 & t = g_fVtxTxtCoords[i];
+ if (gRSP.bTextureGen && gRSP.bLightingEnable )
+ {
+ // Not sure if we should transform the normal here
+ //Matrix & matWV = gRSP.projectionMtxs[gRSP.projectionMtxTop];
+ //Vec3TransformNormal(g_normal, matWV);
+ TexGen(g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].x, g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t.x = vert.s;
+ t.y = vert.t;
+ }
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("vtx %d: %d %d %d", i, vert.x,vert.y,vert.z);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : %f, %f, %f, %f",
+ g_vtxTransformed[i].x,g_vtxTransformed[i].y,g_vtxTransformed[i].z,g_vtxTransformed[i].w);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : %X, %X, %X, %X", r,g,b,a);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : u=%f, v=%f", t.x, t.y);
+ });
+ }
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2("Setting Vertexes: %d - %d\n", dwV0, dwV0+dwNum-1));
+extern uint32 dwConkerVtxZAddr;
+void ProcessVertexDataConker(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum)
+ UpdateCombinedMatrix();
+ FiddledVtx * pVtxBase = (FiddledVtx*)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr);
+ g_pVtxBase = pVtxBase;
+ //short *vertexColoraddr = (short*)(g_pRDRAMu8+dwConkerVtxZAddr);
+ for (uint32 i = dwV0; i < dwV0 + dwNum; i++)
+ {
+ SP_Timing(RSP_GBI0_Vtx);
+ FiddledVtx & vert = pVtxBase[i - dwV0];
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].x = (float)vert.x;
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].y = (float)vert.y;
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].z = (float)vert.z;
+#if !defined(NO_ASM)
+ if( status.isSSEEnabled )
+ SSEVec3Transform(i);
+ else
+ {
+ Vec3Transform(&g_vtxTransformed[i], (XVECTOR3*)&g_vtxNonTransformed[i], &gRSPworldProject); // Convert to w=1
+ g_vecProjected[i].w = 1.0f / g_vtxTransformed[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].x = g_vtxTransformed[i].x * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].y = g_vtxTransformed[i].y * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].z = g_vtxTransformed[i].z * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ }
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = g_vecProjected[i].z;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].w < 0 || g_vecProjected[i].z < 0 || g_fFogCoord[i] < gRSPfFogMin )
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = gRSPfFogMin;
+ {
+ uint32 *dat = (uint32*)(&vert);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("vtx %d: %08X %08X %08X %08X", i, dat[0],dat[1],dat[2],dat[3]);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : %f, %f, %f, %f",
+ g_vtxTransformed[i].x,g_vtxTransformed[i].y,g_vtxTransformed[i].z,g_vtxTransformed[i].w);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : %f, %f, %f, %f",
+ g_vecProjected[i].x,g_vecProjected[i].y,g_vecProjected[i].z,g_vecProjected[i].w);
+ });
+ RSP_Vtx_Clipping(i);
+ if( gRSP.bLightingEnable )
+ {
+ {
+ uint32 r= ((gRSP.ambientLightColor>>16)&0xFF);
+ uint32 g= ((gRSP.ambientLightColor>> 8)&0xFF);
+ uint32 b= ((gRSP.ambientLightColor )&0xFF);
+ for( uint32 k=1; k<=gRSPnumLights; k++)
+ {
+ r += gRSPlights[k].r;
+ g += gRSPlights[k].g;
+ b += gRSPlights[k].b;
+ }
+ if( r>255 ) r=255;
+ if( g>255 ) g=255;
+ if( b>255 ) b=255;
+ r *= vert.rgba.r ;
+ g *= vert.rgba.g ;
+ b *= vert.rgba.b ;
+ r >>= 8;
+ g >>= 8;
+ b >>= 8;
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = 0xFF000000;
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] |= (r<<16);
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] |= (g<< 8);
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] |= (b );
+ }
+ *(((uint8*)&(g_dwVtxDifColor[i]))+3) = vert.rgba.a; // still use alpha from the vertex
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( (gRDP.geometryMode & G_SHADE) == 0 && gRSP.ucode < 5 ) //Shade is disabled
+ {
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = gRDP.primitiveColor;
+ }
+ else //FLAT shade
+ {
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = COLOR_RGBA(vert.rgba.r, vert.rgba.g, vert.rgba.b, vert.rgba.a);
+ }
+ }
+ if( options.bWinFrameMode )
+ {
+ //g_vecProjected[i].z = 0;
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = COLOR_RGBA(vert.rgba.r, vert.rgba.g, vert.rgba.b, vert.rgba.a);
+ }
+ ReplaceAlphaWithFogFactor(i);
+ // Update texture coords n.b. need to divide tu/tv by bogus scale on addition to buffer
+ //VECTOR2 & t = g_fVtxTxtCoords[i];
+ // If the vert is already lit, then there is no normal (and hence we
+ // can't generate tex coord)
+ if (gRSP.bTextureGen && gRSP.bLightingEnable )
+ {
+ g_normal.x = (float)*(char*)(g_pRDRAMu8+ (((i<<1)+0)^3)+dwConkerVtxZAddr);
+ g_normal.y = (float)*(char*)(g_pRDRAMu8+ (((i<<1)+1)^3)+dwConkerVtxZAddr);
+ g_normal.z = (float)*(char*)(g_pRDRAMu8+ (((i<<1)+2)^3)+dwConkerVtxZAddr);
+ Vec3TransformNormal(g_normal, gRSPmodelViewTop);
+ TexGen(g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].x, g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].x = (float)vert.tu;
+ g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].y = (float)vert.tv;
+ }
+ }
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2("Setting Vertexes: %d - %d\n", dwV0, dwV0+dwNum-1));
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP(NEXT_VERTEX_CMD,{DebuggerAppendMsg("Paused at Vertex Cmd");});
+typedef struct{
+ short y;
+ short x;
+ short flag;
+ short z;
+} RS_Vtx_XYZ;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ uint8 a;
+ uint8 b;
+ uint8 g;
+ uint8 r;
+ };
+ struct {
+ char na; //a
+ char nz; //b
+ char ny; //g
+ char nx; //r
+ };
+} RS_Vtx_Color;
+void ProcessVertexData_Rogue_Squadron(uint32 dwXYZAddr, uint32 dwColorAddr, uint32 dwXYZCmd, uint32 dwColorCmd)
+ UpdateCombinedMatrix();
+ uint32 dwV0 = 0;
+ uint32 dwNum = (dwXYZCmd&0xFF00)>>10;
+ RS_Vtx_XYZ * pVtxXYZBase = (RS_Vtx_XYZ*)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwXYZAddr);
+ RS_Vtx_Color * pVtxColorBase = (RS_Vtx_Color*)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwColorAddr);
+ uint32 i;
+ for (i = dwV0; i < dwV0 + dwNum; i++)
+ {
+ RS_Vtx_XYZ & vertxyz = pVtxXYZBase[i - dwV0];
+ RS_Vtx_Color & vertcolors = pVtxColorBase[i - dwV0];
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].x = (float)vertxyz.x;
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].y = (float)vertxyz.y;
+ g_vtxNonTransformed[i].z = (float)vertxyz.z;
+#if !defined(NO_ASM)
+ if( status.isSSEEnabled )
+ SSEVec3Transform(i);
+ else
+ {
+ Vec3Transform(&g_vtxTransformed[i], (XVECTOR3*)&g_vtxNonTransformed[i], &gRSPworldProject); // Convert to w=1
+ g_vecProjected[i].w = 1.0f / g_vtxTransformed[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].x = g_vtxTransformed[i].x * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].y = g_vtxTransformed[i].y * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].z = g_vtxTransformed[i].z * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ }
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : %f, %f, %f, %f",
+ g_vtxTransformed[i].x,g_vtxTransformed[i].y,g_vtxTransformed[i].z,g_vtxTransformed[i].w);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg(" : %f, %f, %f, %f",
+ g_vecProjected[i].x,g_vecProjected[i].y,g_vecProjected[i].z,g_vecProjected[i].w);
+ });
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = g_vecProjected[i].z;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].w < 0 || g_vecProjected[i].z < 0 || g_fFogCoord[i] < gRSPfFogMin )
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = gRSPfFogMin;
+ RSP_Vtx_Clipping(i);
+ if( gRSP.bLightingEnable )
+ {
+ g_normal.x = (float)vertcolors.nx;
+ g_normal.y = (float)vertcolors.ny;
+ g_normal.z = (float)vertcolors.nz;
+#if !defined(NO_ASM)
+ if( status.isSSEEnabled )
+ {
+ SSEVec3TransformNormal();
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = SSELightVert();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Vec3TransformNormal(g_normal, gRSPmodelViewTop);
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = LightVert(g_normal, i);
+ }
+ *(((uint8*)&(g_dwVtxDifColor[i]))+3) = vertcolors.a; // still use alpha from the vertex
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( (gRDP.geometryMode & G_SHADE) == 0 && gRSP.ucode < 5 ) //Shade is disabled
+ {
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = gRDP.primitiveColor;
+ }
+ else //FLAT shade
+ {
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = COLOR_RGBA(vertcolors.r, vertcolors.g, vertcolors.b, vertcolors.a);
+ }
+ }
+ if( options.bWinFrameMode )
+ {
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = COLOR_RGBA(vertcolors.r, vertcolors.g, vertcolors.b, vertcolors.a);
+ }
+ ReplaceAlphaWithFogFactor(i);
+ /*
+ // Update texture coords n.b. need to divide tu/tv by bogus scale on addition to buffer
+ VECTOR2 & t = g_fVtxTxtCoords[i];
+ // If the vert is already lit, then there is no normal (and hence we
+ // can't generate tex coord)
+ if (gRSP.bTextureGen && gRSP.bLightingEnable && g_textures[gRSP.curTile].m_bTextureEnable )
+ {
+ TexGen(g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].x, g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t.x = (float)vert.tu;
+ t.y = (float)vert.tv;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ VTX_DUMP(TRACE2("Setting Vertexes: %d - %d\n", dwV0, dwV0+dwNum-1));
+void SetLightCol(uint32 dwLight, uint32 dwCol)
+ gRSPlights[dwLight].r = (uint8)((dwCol >> 24)&0xFF);
+ gRSPlights[dwLight].g = (uint8)((dwCol >> 16)&0xFF);
+ gRSPlights[dwLight].b = (uint8)((dwCol >> 8)&0xFF);
+ gRSPlights[dwLight].a = 255; // Ignore light alpha
+ gRSPlights[dwLight].fr = (float)gRSPlights[dwLight].r;
+ gRSPlights[dwLight].fg = (float)gRSPlights[dwLight].g;
+ gRSPlights[dwLight].fb = (float)gRSPlights[dwLight].b;
+ gRSPlights[dwLight].fa = 255; // Ignore light alpha
+ //TRACE1("Set light %d color", dwLight);
+ LIGHT_DUMP(TRACE2("Set Light %d color: %08X", dwLight, dwCol));
+void SetLightDirection(uint32 dwLight, float x, float y, float z, float range)
+ //gRSP.bLightIsUpdated = true;
+ //gRSPlights[dwLight].ox = x;
+ //gRSPlights[dwLight].oy = y;
+ //gRSPlights[dwLight].oz = z;
+ register float w = range == 0 ? (float)sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) : 1;
+ gRSPlights[dwLight].x = x/w;
+ gRSPlights[dwLight].y = y/w;
+ gRSPlights[dwLight].z = z/w;
+ gRSPlights[dwLight].range = range;
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP(NEXT_SET_LIGHT,TRACE5("Set Light %d dir: %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f", dwLight, x, y, z, range));
+static float maxS0, maxT0;
+static float maxS1, maxT1;
+static bool validS0, validT0;
+static bool validS1, validT1;
+void LogTextureCoords(float fTex0S, float fTex0T, float fTex1S, float fTex1T)
+ if( validS0 )
+ {
+ if( fTex0S<0 || fTex0S>maxS0 ) validS0 = false;
+ }
+ if( validT0 )
+ {
+ if( fTex0T<0 || fTex0T>maxT0 ) validT0 = false;
+ }
+ if( validS1 )
+ {
+ if( fTex1S<0 || fTex1S>maxS1 ) validS1 = false;
+ }
+ if( validT1 )
+ {
+ if( fTex1T<0 || fTex1T>maxT1 ) validT1 = false;
+ }
+bool CheckTextureCoords(int tex)
+ if( tex==0 )
+ {
+ return validS0&&validT0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return validS1&&validT1;
+ }
+void ResetTextureCoordsLog(float maxs0, float maxt0, float maxs1, float maxt1)
+ maxS0 = maxs0;
+ maxT0 = maxt0;
+ maxS1 = maxs1;
+ maxT1 = maxt1;
+ validS0 = validT0 = true;
+ validS1 = validT1 = true;
+void ForceMainTextureIndex(int dwTile)
+ if( dwTile == 1 && !(CRender::g_pRender->IsTexel0Enable()) && CRender::g_pRender->IsTexel1Enable() )
+ {
+ // Hack
+ gRSP.curTile = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gRSP.curTile = dwTile;
+ }
+float HackZ2(float z)
+ z = (z+9)/10;
+ return z;
+float HackZ(float z)
+ return HackZ2(z);
+ if( z < 0.1 && z >= 0 )
+ z = (.1f+z)/2;
+ else if( z < 0 )
+ //return (10+z)/100;
+ z = (expf(z)/20);
+ return z;
+void HackZ(std::vector<XVECTOR3>& points)
+ int size = points.size();
+ for( int i=0; i<size; i++)
+ {
+ XVECTOR3 &v = points[i];
+ v.z = (float)HackZ(v.z);
+ }
+void HackZAll()
+ if( CDeviceBuilder::m_deviceGeneralType == DIRECTX_DEVICE )
+ {
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<gRSP.numVertices; i++)
+ {
+ g_vtxBuffer[i].z = HackZ(g_vtxBuffer[i].z);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<gRSP.numVertices; i++)
+ {
+ float w = g_vtxProjected5[i][3];
+ g_vtxProjected5[i][2] = HackZ(g_vtxProjected5[i][2]/w)*w;
+ }
+ }
+extern XMATRIX reverseXY;
+extern XMATRIX reverseY;
+void UpdateCombinedMatrix()
+ if( gRSP.bMatrixIsUpdated )
+ {
+ gRSPworldProject = gRSP.modelviewMtxs[gRSP.modelViewMtxTop] * gRSP.projectionMtxs[gRSP.projectionMtxTop];
+ gRSP.bMatrixIsUpdated = false;
+ gRSP.bCombinedMatrixIsUpdated = true;
+ }
+ if( gRSP.bCombinedMatrixIsUpdated )
+ {
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_REVERSE_XY_COOR )
+ {
+ gRSPworldProject = gRSPworldProject * reverseXY;
+ }
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_REVERSE_Y_COOR )
+ {
+ gRSPworldProject = gRSPworldProject * reverseY;
+ }
+#if !defined(NO_ASM)
+ if( status.isSSEEnabled )
+ {
+ MatrixTranspose(&gRSPworldProjectTransported, &gRSPworldProject);
+ }
+ gRSP.bCombinedMatrixIsUpdated = false;
+ }
+ //if( gRSP.bWorldMatrixIsUpdated || gRSP.bLightIsUpdated )
+ //{
+ // // Update lights with transported world matrix
+ // for( unsigned int l=0; l<gRSPnumLights; l++)
+ // {
+ // Vec3TransformCoord(&gRSPlights[l].td, &gRSPlights[l].od, &gRSPmodelViewTopTranspose);
+ // Vec3Normalize(&gRSPlights[l].td,&gRSPlights[l].td);
+ // }
+ // gRSP.bWorldMatrixIsUpdated = false;
+ // gRSP.bLightIsUpdated = false;
+ //}
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "osal_preproc.h"
+#include "Debugger.h"
+#include "RSP_Parser.h"
+#include "Video.h"
+ * Global variables defined in this file were moved out of Render class
+ * to make them be accessed faster
+ */
+#define MAX_TEXTURES 8
+enum FillMode
+enum { MAX_VERTS = 80 }; // F3DLP.Rej supports up to 80 verts!
+void myVec3Transform(float *vecout, float *vecin, float* m);
+// All these arrays are moved out of the class CRender
+// to be accessed in faster speed
+extern ALIGN(16, XVECTOR4 g_vtxTransformed[MAX_VERTS])
+extern ALIGN(16, XVECTOR4 g_vecProjected[MAX_VERTS])
+extern float g_vtxProjected5[1000][5];
+extern float g_vtxProjected5Clipped[2000][5];
+extern VECTOR2 g_fVtxTxtCoords[MAX_VERTS];
+extern uint32 g_dwVtxDifColor[MAX_VERTS];
+//extern uint32 g_dwVtxFlags[MAX_VERTS]; // Z_POS Z_NEG etc
+extern RenderTexture g_textures[MAX_TEXTURES];
+extern TLITVERTEX g_vtxBuffer[1000];
+extern unsigned short g_vtxIndex[1000];
+extern TLITVERTEX g_clippedVtxBuffer[2000];
+extern int g_clippedVtxCount;
+extern uint8 g_oglVtxColors[1000][4];
+extern uint32 g_clipFlag[MAX_VERTS];
+extern uint32 g_clipFlag2[MAX_VERTS];
+extern float g_fFogCoord[MAX_VERTS];
+extern TLITVERTEX g_texRectTVtx[4];
+extern EXTERNAL_VERTEX g_vtxForExternal[MAX_VERTS];
+ * Global variables
+ */
+/* Don't move */
+extern uint32 gRSPnumLights;
+extern Light gRSPlights[16];
+extern ALIGN(16, Matrix gRSPworldProjectTransported)
+extern ALIGN(16, Matrix gRSPworldProject)
+extern N64Light gRSPn64lights[16];
+extern ALIGN(16, Matrix gRSPmodelViewTop)
+extern ALIGN(16, Matrix gRSPmodelViewTopTranspose)
+extern float gRSPfFogMin;
+extern float gRSPfFogMax;
+extern float gRSPfFogDivider;
+/* Don't move */
+typedef struct
+ /************************************************************************/
+ /* Don't move */
+ /************************************************************************/
+ union {
+ struct {
+ float fAmbientLightR;
+ float fAmbientLightG;
+ float fAmbientLightB;
+ float fAmbientLightA;
+ };
+ float fAmbientColors[4];
+ };
+ /************************************************************************/
+ /* Don't move above */
+ /************************************************************************/
+ bool bTextureEnabled;
+ uint32 curTile;
+ float fTexScaleX;
+ float fTexScaleY;
+ RenderShadeMode shadeMode;
+ bool bCullFront;
+ bool bCullBack;
+ bool bLightingEnable;
+ bool bTextureGen;
+ bool bFogEnabled;
+ BOOL bZBufferEnabled;
+ uint32 ambientLightColor;
+ uint32 ambientLightIndex;
+ uint32 projectionMtxTop;
+ uint32 modelViewMtxTop;
+ uint32 numVertices;
+ uint32 maxVertexID;
+ int nVPLeftN, nVPTopN, nVPRightN, nVPBottomN, nVPWidthN, nVPHeightN, maxZ;
+ int clip_ratio_negx, clip_ratio_negy, clip_ratio_posx, clip_ratio_posy;
+ int clip_ratio_left, clip_ratio_top, clip_ratio_right, clip_ratio_bottom;
+ int real_clip_scissor_left, real_clip_scissor_top, real_clip_scissor_right, real_clip_scissor_bottom;
+ float real_clip_ratio_negx, real_clip_ratio_negy, real_clip_ratio_posx, real_clip_ratio_posy;
+ Matrix projectionMtxs[RICE_MATRIX_STACK];
+ Matrix modelviewMtxs[RICE_MATRIX_STACK];
+ bool bWorldMatrixIsUpdated;
+ bool bMatrixIsUpdated;
+ bool bCombinedMatrixIsUpdated;
+ bool bLightIsUpdated;
+ uint32 segments[16];
+ int DKRCMatrixIndex;
+ int DKRVtxCount;
+ bool DKRBillBoard;
+ uint32 dwDKRVtxAddr;
+ uint32 dwDKRMatrixAddr;
+ Matrix DKRMatrixes[4];
+ int ucode;
+ int vertexMult;
+ bool bNearClip;
+ bool bRejectVtx;
+ bool bProcessDiffuseColor;
+ bool bProcessSpecularColor;
+ float vtxXMul;
+ float vtxXAdd;
+ float vtxYMul;
+ float vtxYAdd;
+ // Texture coordinates computation constants
+ float tex0scaleX;
+ float tex0scaleY;
+ float tex1scaleX;
+ float tex1scaleY;
+ float tex0OffsetX;
+ float tex0OffsetY;
+ float tex1OffsetX;
+ float tex1OffsetY;
+ float texGenYRatio;
+ float texGenXRatio;
+} RSP_Options;
+extern ALIGN(16, RSP_Options gRSP)
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 keyR;
+ uint32 keyG;
+ uint32 keyB;
+ uint32 keyA;
+ uint32 keyRGB;
+ uint32 keyRGBA;
+ float fKeyA;
+ bool bFogEnableInBlender;
+ uint32 fogColor;
+ uint32 primitiveColor;
+ uint32 envColor;
+ uint32 primitiveDepth;
+ uint32 primLODMin;
+ uint32 primLODFrac;
+ uint32 LODFrac;
+ float fPrimitiveDepth;
+ float fvFogColor[4];
+ float fvPrimitiveColor[4];
+ float fvEnvColor[4];
+ uint32 fillColor;
+ uint32 originalFillColor;
+ uint32 geometryMode;
+ uint32 otherModeL;
+ uint32 otherModeH;
+ RDP_OtherMode otherMode;
+ Tile tiles[8];
+ ScissorType scissor;
+ bool textureIsChanged;
+ bool texturesAreReloaded;
+ bool colorsAreReloaded;
+} RDP_Options;
+extern ALIGN(16, RDP_Options gRDP)
+* Global functions
+void InitRenderBase();
+void SetFogMinMax(float fMin, float fMax, float fMul, float fOffset);
+void InitVertex(uint32 dwV, uint32 vtxIndex, bool bTexture, bool openGL = true );
+void InitVertexTextureConstants();
+bool PrepareTriangle(uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwV1, uint32 dwV2);
+bool IsTriangleVisible(uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwV1, uint32 dwV2);
+extern void (*ProcessVertexData)(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum);
+#if !defined(NO_ASM)
+void ProcessVertexDataSSE(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum);
+void ProcessVertexDataNoSSE(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum);
+void ProcessVertexDataExternal(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum);
+void SetPrimitiveColor(uint32 dwCol, uint32 LODMin, uint32 LODFrac);
+void SetPrimitiveDepth(uint32 z, uint32 dwDZ);
+void SetVertexXYZ(uint32 vertex, float x, float y, float z);
+void ModifyVertexInfo(uint32 where, uint32 vertex, uint32 val);
+void ProcessVertexDataDKR(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum);
+void SetLightCol(uint32 dwLight, uint32 dwCol);
+void SetLightDirection(uint32 dwLight, float x, float y, float z, float range);
+void ForceMainTextureIndex(int dwTile);
+void UpdateCombinedMatrix();
+void ClipVertexes();
+void ClipVertexesOpenGL();
+void ClipVertexesForRect();
+void LogTextureCoords(float fTex0S, float fTex0T, float fTex1S, float fTex1T);
+bool CheckTextureCoords(int tex);
+void ResetTextureCoordsLog(float maxs0, float maxt0, float maxs1, float maxt1);
+inline float ViewPortTranslatef_x(float x) { return ( (x+1) * windowSetting.vpWidthW/2) + windowSetting.vpLeftW; }
+inline float ViewPortTranslatef_y(float y) { return ( (1-y) * windowSetting.vpHeightW/2) + windowSetting.vpTopW; }
+inline float ViewPortTranslatei_x(int x) { return x*windowSetting.fMultX; }
+inline float ViewPortTranslatei_y(int y) { return y*windowSetting.fMultY; }
+inline float ViewPortTranslatei_x(float x) { return x*windowSetting.fMultX; }
+inline float ViewPortTranslatei_y(float y) { return y*windowSetting.fMultY; }
+inline float GetPrimitiveDepth() { return gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth; }
+inline uint32 GetPrimitiveColor() { return gRDP.primitiveColor; }
+inline float* GetPrimitiveColorfv() { return gRDP.fvPrimitiveColor; }
+inline uint32 GetLODFrac() { return gRDP.LODFrac; }
+inline void SetEnvColor(uint32 dwCol)
+ gRDP.colorsAreReloaded = true;
+ gRDP.envColor = dwCol;
+ gRDP.fvEnvColor[0] = ((dwCol>>16)&0xFF)/255.0f; //r
+ gRDP.fvEnvColor[1] = ((dwCol>>8)&0xFF)/255.0f; //g
+ gRDP.fvEnvColor[2] = ((dwCol)&0xFF)/255.0f; //b
+ gRDP.fvEnvColor[3] = ((dwCol>>24)&0xFF)/255.0f; //a
+inline uint32 GetEnvColor() { return gRDP.envColor; }
+inline float* GetEnvColorfv() { return gRDP.fvEnvColor; }
+inline void SetAmbientLight(uint32 color)
+ gRSP.ambientLightColor = color;
+ gRSP.fAmbientLightR = (float)RGBA_GETRED(gRSP.ambientLightColor);
+ gRSP.fAmbientLightG = (float)RGBA_GETGREEN(gRSP.ambientLightColor);
+ gRSP.fAmbientLightB = (float)RGBA_GETBLUE(gRSP.ambientLightColor);
+ LIGHT_DUMP(TRACE1("Set Ambient Light: %08X", color));
+inline void SetLighting(bool bLighting) { gRSP.bLightingEnable = bLighting; }
+// Generate texture coords?
+inline void SetTextureGen(bool bTextureGen) { gRSP.bTextureGen = bTextureGen; }
+inline void SetNumLights(uint32 dwNumLights)
+ gRSPnumLights = dwNumLights;
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP(NEXT_SET_LIGHT,TRACE1("Set Num Of Light: %d", dwNumLights));
+inline uint32 GetNumLights() { return gRSPnumLights; }
+inline COLOR GetVertexDiffuseColor(uint32 ver) { return g_dwVtxDifColor[ver]; }
+inline void SetScreenMult(float fMultX, float fMultY) { windowSetting.fMultX = fMultX; windowSetting.fMultY = fMultY; }
+inline COLOR GetLightCol(uint32 dwLight) { return gRSPlights[dwLight].col; }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "OGLDebug.h"
+#include "FrameBuffer.h"
+#include "Render.h"
+extern uObjMtxReal gObjMtxReal;
+extern Matrix g_MtxReal;
+void CRender::LoadFrameBuffer(bool useVIreg, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height)
+ uint32 VIwidth = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG;
+ TxtrInfo gti;
+ gti.clampS = gti.clampT = 0;
+ gti.maskS = gti.maskT = gti.mirrorS = gti.mirrorT = 0;
+ gti.TLutFmt = TLUT_FMT_RGBA16; //RGBA16
+ gti.bSwapped = FALSE;
+ gti.Palette = 0;
+ if( useVIreg && *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG > VIwidth*2 )
+ {
+ gti.Format = 0;
+ gti.Size = 2;
+ gti.Address = (*g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG & (g_dwRamSize-1) ) - VIwidth*2;
+ gti.LeftToLoad = 0;
+ gti.TopToLoad = 0;
+ gti.PalAddress = (uchar *) &g_wRDPTlut[0];
+ gti.WidthToCreate = windowSetting.uViWidth;;
+ gti.HeightToCreate = windowSetting.uViHeight;
+ if( gti.WidthToCreate == 0 || gti.HeightToCreate == 0 )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Loading frame buffer: size = 0 x 0");
+ return;
+ }
+ gti.Pitch = VIwidth << gti.Size >> 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gti.Format = g_CI.dwFormat;
+ gti.Size = g_CI.dwSize;
+ gti.PalAddress = (uchar *) &g_wRDPTlut[0];
+ gti.Address = RSPSegmentAddr(g_CI.dwAddr);
+ if( width == 0 || height == 0 )
+ {
+ gti.LeftToLoad = 0;
+ gti.TopToLoad = 0;
+ gti.WidthToCreate = g_CI.dwWidth;
+ gti.HeightToCreate = g_CI.dwWidth*3/4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gti.LeftToLoad = left;
+ gti.TopToLoad = top;
+ gti.WidthToCreate = width;
+ gti.HeightToCreate = height;
+ }
+ if( gti.Size == TXT_SIZE_4b )
+ {
+ gti.Pitch = g_CI.dwWidth >> 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gti.Pitch = g_CI.dwWidth << (gti.Size-1);
+ }
+ }
+ if( gti.Address + gti.Pitch*gti.HeightToCreate > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Skip frame buffer loading, memory out of bound");
+ return;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext )
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Load Frame Buffer Imag at: %08X, (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)", gti.Address,
+ gti.LeftToLoad, gti.TopToLoad, gti.WidthToCreate, gti.HeightToCreate );
+ }
+ gti.HeightToLoad = gti.HeightToCreate;
+ gti.WidthToLoad = gti.WidthToCreate;
+ gti.pPhysicalAddress = ((uint8*)g_pRDRAMu32)+gti.Address;
+ gti.tileNo = -1;
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry = gTextureManager.GetTexture(>i, false, true, false);
+ if( pEntry ) SetCurrentTexture( 0, pEntry->pTexture, pEntry->ti.WidthToCreate, pEntry->ti.HeightToCreate, pEntry);
+void CRender::LoadTextureFromMemory(void *buf, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch, uint32 format)
+ TxtrInfo gti;
+ gti.Format = g_CI.dwFormat;
+ gti.Size = g_CI.dwSize;
+ gti.Palette = 0;
+ gti.TLutFmt = TLUT_FMT_RGBA16; //RGBA16
+ gti.PalAddress = 0;
+ gti.bSwapped = FALSE;
+ gti.Address = 0;
+ gti.LeftToLoad = 0;
+ gti.TopToLoad = 0;
+ gti.WidthToCreate = width;
+ gti.HeightToCreate = height;
+ gti.Pitch = pitch;
+ gti.HeightToLoad = height;
+ gti.WidthToLoad = width;
+ gti.pPhysicalAddress = (uint8*)buf;
+ gti.tileNo = -1;
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry = gTextureManager.GetTexture(>i, false);
+ //Upto here, the texture is loaded wrong because the format is wrong
+ DrawInfo info;
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->StartUpdate(&info) )
+ {
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<height; i++)
+ {
+ uint32 *psrc = (uint32*)((uint8*)buf+pitch*(i+top))+left;
+ uint32 *pdst = (uint32*)((uint8*)info.lpSurface+i*info.lPitch);
+ for( uint32 j=0; j<width; j++)
+ {
+ pdst[j]=psrc[j];
+ }
+ }
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&info);
+ }
+ SetCurrentTexture( 0, pEntry->pTexture, width, height, pEntry);
+void CRender::LoadObjBGCopy(uObjBg &info)
+ TxtrInfo gti;
+ gti.Format = info.imageFmt;
+ gti.Size = info.imageSiz;
+ gti.Address = RSPSegmentAddr(info.imagePtr);
+ gti.LeftToLoad = 0;
+ gti.TopToLoad = 0;
+ gti.Palette = info.imagePal;
+ gti.PalAddress = (uchar *) &g_wRDPTlut[0];
+ gti.bSwapped = FALSE;
+ gti.TLutFmt = TLUT_FMT_RGBA16; //RGBA16
+ gti.WidthToCreate = info.imageW/4;
+ gti.HeightToCreate = info.imageH/4;
+ if( options.bEnableHacks )
+ {
+ if( g_CI.dwWidth == 0x200 && gti.Format == g_CI.dwFormat && gti.Size == g_CI.dwSize &&
+ gti.WidthToCreate == 0x200 )
+ {
+ // Hack for RE2
+ uint32 w = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG & 0xFFF;
+ gti.HeightToCreate = (gti.WidthToCreate*gti.HeightToCreate)/w;
+ gti.WidthToCreate = w;
+ }
+ }
+ gti.Pitch = gti.WidthToCreate << gti.Size >> 1;
+ gti.Pitch = (gti.Pitch>>3)<<3; // Align to 8 bytes
+ if( gti.Address + gti.Pitch*gti.HeightToCreate > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Skip BG copy loading, memory out of bound");
+ return;
+ }
+ gti.HeightToLoad = gti.HeightToCreate;
+ gti.WidthToLoad = gti.WidthToCreate;
+ gti.pPhysicalAddress = ((uint8*)g_pRDRAMu32)+gti.Address;
+ gti.tileNo = -1;
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry = gTextureManager.GetTexture(>i, false);
+ SetCurrentTexture(0,pEntry);
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((pauseAtNext && (eventToPause == NEXT_OBJ_TXT_CMD||eventToPause == NEXT_FLUSH_TRI||eventToPause == NEXT_OBJ_BG)),
+ {
+ TRACE0("Load Obj BG Copy:\n");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Addr=0x%08X, W=%d, H=%d, Left=%d, Top=%d\n",
+ gti.Address, gti.WidthToCreate, gti.HeightToCreate, gti.LeftToLoad, gti.TopToLoad);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Fmt=%s-%db, Pal=%d\n",
+ pszImgFormat[gti.Format], pnImgSize[gti.Size], gti.Palette);
+ }
+ );
+void CRender::LoadTxtrBufIntoTexture(void)
+ TxtrInfo gti;
+ gti.Format = g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwFormat;
+ gti.Size = g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwSize;
+ gti.Address = RSPSegmentAddr(g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwAddr);
+ gti.LeftToLoad = 0;
+ gti.TopToLoad = 0;
+ gti.Palette = 0;
+ gti.PalAddress = (uchar *) &g_wRDPTlut[0];
+ gti.bSwapped = FALSE;
+ gti.WidthToCreate = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width;
+ gti.HeightToCreate = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height;
+ gti.TLutFmt = TLUT_FMT_RGBA16; //RGBA16
+ gti.Pitch = gti.WidthToCreate << (gti.Size-1);
+ gti.HeightToLoad = gti.HeightToCreate;
+ gti.WidthToLoad = gti.WidthToCreate;
+ gti.pPhysicalAddress = ((uint8*)g_pRDRAMu32)+gti.Address;
+ gti.tileNo = -1;
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry = gTextureManager.GetTexture(>i, false);
+ SetCurrentTexture(0,pEntry);
+void CRender::LoadSprite2D(Sprite2DInfo &info, uint32 ucode)
+ TxtrInfo gti;
+ gti.Format = info.spritePtr->SourceImageType;
+ gti.Size = info.spritePtr->SourceImageBitSize;
+ gti.Address = RSPSegmentAddr(info.spritePtr->SourceImagePointer);
+ gti.Palette = 0;
+ gti.PalAddress = (uchar *) (g_pRDRAMu8 + RSPSegmentAddr(info.spritePtr->TlutPointer));
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_NITRO )
+ {
+ gti.WidthToCreate = (uint32)(info.spritePtr->SubImageWidth/info.scaleX);
+ gti.HeightToCreate = (uint32)(info.spritePtr->SubImageHeight/info.scaleY);
+ gti.LeftToLoad = (uint32)(info.spritePtr->SourceImageOffsetS/info.scaleX);
+ gti.TopToLoad = (uint32)(info.spritePtr->SourceImageOffsetT/info.scaleY);
+ gti.Pitch = info.spritePtr->Stride << gti.Size >> 1;
+ gti.Pitch = (uint32)(gti.Pitch*info.scaleY);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gti.WidthToCreate = info.spritePtr->SubImageWidth;
+ gti.HeightToCreate = info.spritePtr->SubImageHeight;
+ gti.LeftToLoad = info.spritePtr->SourceImageOffsetS;
+ gti.TopToLoad = info.spritePtr->SourceImageOffsetT;
+ gti.Pitch = info.spritePtr->Stride << gti.Size >> 1;
+ }
+ if( gti.Address + gti.Pitch*gti.HeightToCreate > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Skip Sprite image decompress, memory out of bound");
+ return;
+ }
+ gti.HeightToLoad = gti.HeightToCreate;
+ gti.WidthToLoad = gti.WidthToCreate;
+ gti.TLutFmt = TLUT_FMT_RGBA16; //RGBA16
+ gti.bSwapped = FALSE;
+ gti.pPhysicalAddress = ((uint8*)g_pRDRAMu32)+gti.Address;
+ gti.tileNo = -1;
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry = gTextureManager.GetTexture(>i, false);
+ SetCurrentTexture(0,pEntry);
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((pauseAtNext && (eventToPause == NEXT_OBJ_TXT_CMD||eventToPause == NEXT_FLUSH_TRI||eventToPause == NEXT_SPRITE_2D)),
+ {
+ TRACE0("Load Sprite 2D\n");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Addr=0x%08X, W=%d, H=%d, Left=%d, Top=%d\n",
+ gti.Address, gti.WidthToCreate, gti.HeightToCreate, gti.LeftToLoad, gti.TopToLoad);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Fmt=%s-%db, Pal=%d, Pitch=%d\n",
+ pszImgFormat[gti.Format], pnImgSize[gti.Size], gti.Palette, gti.Pitch);
+ }
+ );
+void CRender::DrawSprite2D(Sprite2DInfo &info, uint32 ucode)
+ if( !status.bCIBufferIsRendered ) g_pFrameBufferManager->ActiveTextureBuffer();
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height;
+ if( !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM )
+ {
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = true;
+ }
+ }
+ LoadSprite2D(info, ucode);
+ info.scaleX = 1/info.scaleX;
+ info.scaleY = 1/info.scaleY;
+ int x0, y0, x1, y1;
+ float t0, s0, t1, s1;
+ if( info.flipX )
+ {
+ //x0 = info.px*info.scaleX + info.spritePtr->SubImageWidth*info.scaleX;
+ //x1 = info.px*info.scaleX;
+ x0 = info.px + int(info.spritePtr->SubImageWidth*info.scaleX);
+ x1 = info.px;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //x0 = info.px*info.scaleX;
+ //x1 = info.px*info.scaleX + info.spritePtr->SubImageWidth*info.scaleX;
+ x0 = info.px;
+ x1 = info.px + int(info.spritePtr->SubImageWidth*info.scaleX);
+ }
+ if( info.flipY )
+ {
+ //y0 = info.py*info.scaleY + info.spritePtr->SubImageHeight*info.scaleY;
+ //y1 = info.py*info.scaleY;
+ y0 = info.py + int(info.spritePtr->SubImageHeight*info.scaleY);
+ y1 = info.py;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //y0 = info.py*info.scaleY;
+ //y1 = info.py*info.scaleY + info.spritePtr->SubImageHeight*info.scaleY;
+ y0 = info.py;
+ y1 = info.py + int(info.spritePtr->SubImageHeight*info.scaleY);
+ }
+ t0 = s0 = 0;
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_NITRO )
+ {
+ t1 = info.spritePtr->SubImageWidth*info.scaleX/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth;
+ s1 = info.spritePtr->SubImageHeight*info.scaleY/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t1 = info.spritePtr->SubImageWidth/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth;
+ s1 = info.spritePtr->SubImageHeight/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight;
+ }
+ //InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw();
+ SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ SetAddressUAllStages( 0, TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP );
+ SetAddressVAllStages( 0, TEXTURE_UV_FLAG_CLAMP );
+ COLOR speColor = PostProcessSpecularColor();
+ COLOR difColor = PostProcessDiffuseColor(0xffffffff);
+ float depth = ( gRDP.otherMode.depth_source == 1 ) ? gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth : 0;
+ DrawSimple2DTexture((float)x0, (float)y0, (float)x1, (float)y1, t0, s0, t1, s1, speColor, difColor, depth, 1.0f);
+void CRender::DrawSpriteR(uObjTxSprite &sprite, bool initCombiner, uint32 tile, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height) // With Rotation
+ if( !status.bCIBufferIsRendered ) g_pFrameBufferManager->ActiveTextureBuffer();
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height;
+ if( !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM )
+ {
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = true;
+ }
+ }
+ SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ float scaleX = sprite.sprite.scaleW/1024.0f;
+ float scaleY = sprite.sprite.scaleH/1024.0f;
+ if( width == 0 || height == 0 )
+ {
+ width = g_textures[tile].m_dwTileWidth;
+ height = g_textures[tile].m_dwTileHeight;
+ }
+ //RECT src = {left,top,width, height};
+ float depth = 0.0;
+ if (gRDP.otherMode.depth_source==1)
+ depth = gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth;
+ float x0 = sprite.sprite.objX/4.0f;
+ float y0 = sprite.sprite.objY/4.0f;
+ float x1 = sprite.sprite.imageW / 32.0f / scaleX + x0;
+ float y1 = sprite.sprite.imageH / 32.0f / scaleY + y0;
+ if( sprite.sprite.imageFlags&1 ) { float temp = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = temp; } // flip X
+ if( sprite.sprite.imageFlags&0x10 ) { float temp = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = temp; } // flip Y
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].x = (gObjMtxReal.A*x0 + gObjMtxReal.B*y0 + gObjMtxReal.X)*windowSetting.fMultX;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].y = (gObjMtxReal.C*x0 + gObjMtxReal.D*y0 + gObjMtxReal.Y)*windowSetting.fMultY;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].z = depth;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].rhw = 1;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].x = (gObjMtxReal.A*x1 + gObjMtxReal.B*y0 + gObjMtxReal.X)*windowSetting.fMultX;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].y = (gObjMtxReal.C*x1 + gObjMtxReal.D*y0 + gObjMtxReal.Y)*windowSetting.fMultY;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].z = depth;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].rhw = 1;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].x = (gObjMtxReal.A*x1 + gObjMtxReal.B*y1 + gObjMtxReal.X)*windowSetting.fMultX;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].y = (gObjMtxReal.C*x1 + gObjMtxReal.D*y1 + gObjMtxReal.Y)*windowSetting.fMultY;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].z = depth;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].rhw = 1;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].x = (gObjMtxReal.A*x0 + gObjMtxReal.B*y1 + gObjMtxReal.X)*windowSetting.fMultX;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].y = (gObjMtxReal.C*x0 + gObjMtxReal.D*y1 + gObjMtxReal.Y)*windowSetting.fMultY;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].z = depth;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].rhw = 1;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].u = left/g_textures[tile].m_fTexWidth;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].tcord[0].v = top/g_textures[tile].m_fTexHeight;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].u = (left+width)/g_textures[tile].m_fTexWidth;
+ g_texRectTVtx[1].tcord[0].v = top/g_textures[tile].m_fTexHeight;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].u = (left+width)/g_textures[tile].m_fTexWidth;
+ g_texRectTVtx[2].tcord[0].v = (top+height)/g_textures[tile].m_fTexHeight;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].u = left/g_textures[tile].m_fTexWidth;
+ g_texRectTVtx[3].tcord[0].v = (top+height)/g_textures[tile].m_fTexHeight;
+ //COLOR speColor = PostProcessSpecularColor();
+ COLOR difColor = PostProcessDiffuseColor(0xffffffff);
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].dcDiffuse = g_texRectTVtx[1].dcDiffuse
+ = g_texRectTVtx[2].dcDiffuse = g_texRectTVtx[3].dcDiffuse = difColor;
+ g_texRectTVtx[0].dcSpecular = g_texRectTVtx[1].dcSpecular
+ = g_texRectTVtx[2].dcSpecular = g_texRectTVtx[3].dcSpecular = difColor;
+ DrawSpriteR_Render();
+void CRender::DrawFrameBuffer(bool useVIreg, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height)
+ BeginRendering();
+ LoadFrameBuffer(useVIreg, left, top, width, height);
+ m_pColorCombiner->InitCombinerBlenderForSimpleTextureDraw(0);
+ ZBufferEnable(FALSE);
+ SetZUpdate(FALSE);
+ if( left == 0 )
+ SetAlphaTestEnable(FALSE);
+ else
+ SetAlphaTestEnable(TRUE); // use Alpha Test for partial frame buffer draw, for Dr. Mario 64
+ m_pAlphaBlender->Disable();
+ CTexture *pTexture = g_textures[0].m_pCTexture;
+ if( pTexture )
+ {
+ if( useVIreg )
+ {
+ // Draw the whole frame buffer
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(0, 0, windowSetting.uViWidth, windowSetting.uViHeight,
+ 0, 0, 1/pTexture->m_fXScale, 1/pTexture->m_fYScale, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Draw a small texture in frame buffer
+ DrawSimple2DTexture((float)left, (float)top, (float)(left+width), (float)(top+height),
+ 0, 0, 1/pTexture->m_fXScale, 1/pTexture->m_fYScale, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ TXTRBUF_OR_CI_DUMP(TRACE0("Draw Frame Buffer Img"));
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && ( eventToPause == NEXT_FRAME || eventToPause == NEXT_FLUSH_TRI ) )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Draw Frame Buffer Img");
+ debuggerPause = true;
+ DebuggerPause();
+ }
+ EndRendering();
+void CRender::DrawObjBGCopy(uObjBg &info)
+ if( !status.bCIBufferIsRendered ) g_pFrameBufferManager->ActiveTextureBuffer();
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height;
+ if( !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM )
+ {
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = true;
+ }
+ }
+ SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ uint32 frameH = info.frameH;
+ uint32 frameW = info.frameW;
+ uint32 imageH = info.imageH;
+ uint32 imageW = info.imageW;
+ if( options.bEnableHacks )
+ {
+ if( g_CI.dwWidth == 0x200 && info.imageFmt == g_CI.dwFormat && info.imageSiz == g_CI.dwSize &&
+ frameW == 0x800 )
+ {
+ // Hack for RE2
+ uint32 width = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG & 0xFFF;
+ imageH = frameH = (frameW/4*frameH/4)/width*4;
+ imageW = frameW = width*4;
+ }
+ }
+ float x0 = info.frameX / 4.0f;
+ float y0 = info.frameY / 4.0f;
+ float x1 = frameW / 4.0f + x0;
+ float y1 = frameH / 4.0f + y0;
+ float s0 = info.imageX / 32.0f;
+ float t0 = info.imageY / 32.0f;
+ float texwidth = imageW/4.0f;
+ float texheight = imageH/4.0f;
+ float u0 = s0/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth;
+ float v0 = t0/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight;
+ float maxu = texwidth/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth;
+ float maxv = texheight/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight;
+ float x2 = x0 + (texwidth-s0);
+ float y2 = y0 + (texheight-t0);
+ float u1 = (x1-x2)/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth;
+ float v1 = (y1-y2)/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight;
+ float depth = (gRDP.otherMode.depth_source == 1 ? gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth : 0.0f);
+ COLOR speColor = PostProcessSpecularColor();
+ COLOR difColor = PostProcessDiffuseColor(0xffffffff);
+ if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_COMMANDCONQUER )
+ {
+ float s1 = (x1-x0) + s0;
+ float t1 = (y1-y0) + t0;
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y0, x1, y1, u0, v0,
+ s1/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth, t1/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ }
+ else if( x2 >= x1 )
+ {
+ float s1 = (x1-x0) + s0;
+ if( y2 >= y1 )
+ {
+ float t1 = (y1-y0) + t0;
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y0, x1, y1, u0, v0,
+ s1/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth, t1/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y0, x1, y2, u0, v0,
+ s1/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth, maxv, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y2, x1, y1, u0, 0,
+ s1/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth, v1, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( y2 >= y1 )
+ {
+ float t1 = (y1-y0) + t0;
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y0, x2, y1, u0, v0,
+ maxu, t1/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x2, y0, x1, y1, 0, v0,
+ u1, t1/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y0, x2, y2, u0, v0, maxu, maxv, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x2, y0, x1, y2, 0, v0, u1, maxv, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y2, x2, y1, u0, 0, maxu, v1, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x2, y2, x1, y1, 0, 0, u1, v1, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ (pauseAtNext&&(eventToPause==NEXT_OBJ_BG||eventToPause==NEXT_FLUSH_TRI||eventToPause==NEXT_OBJ_TXT_CMD)),
+ {
+ TRACE0("Pause ObjBG Copy");
+ }
+ );
+void CRender::DrawObjBG1CYC(uObjScaleBg &bg, bool scaled) //Without Ratation
+ if( !status.bCIBufferIsRendered ) g_pFrameBufferManager->ActiveTextureBuffer();
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bDisableObjBG )
+ return;
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height;
+ if( !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM )
+ {
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = true;
+ }
+ }
+ SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ float depth = (gRDP.otherMode.depth_source == 1 ? gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth : 0.0f);
+ float x0 = bg.frameX / 4.0f;
+ float y0 = bg.frameY / 4.0f;
+ float x1 = bg.frameW / 4.0f + x0;
+ float y1 = bg.frameH / 4.0f + y0;
+ float s0 = bg.imageX / 32.0f;
+ float t0 = bg.imageY / 32.0f;
+ float scaleX = bg.scaleW/1024.0f;
+ float scaleY = bg.scaleH/1024.0f;
+ float texwidth = bg.imageW/4.0f;
+ float texheight = bg.imageH/4.0f;
+ float u0 = s0/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth;
+ float v0 = t0/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight;
+ float maxu = texwidth/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth;
+ float maxv = texheight/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight;
+ float x2 = x0 + (texwidth-s0)/scaleX;
+ float y2 = y0 + (texheight-t0)/scaleY;
+ float u1 = (x1-x2)*scaleX/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth;
+ float v1 = (y1-y2)*scaleY/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight;
+ COLOR speColor = PostProcessSpecularColor();
+ COLOR difColor = PostProcessDiffuseColor(0xffffffff);
+ SetAlphaTestEnable(FALSE);
+ if( options.enableHackForGames != HACK_FOR_YOSHI )
+ {
+ float s1 = (x1-x0)*scaleX + s0;
+ float t1 = (y1-y0)*scaleY + t0;
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y0, x1, y1, u0, v0,
+ s1/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth, t1/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ }
+ else if( x2 >= x1 )
+ {
+ float s1 = (x1-x0)*scaleX + s0;
+ if( y2 >= y1 )
+ {
+ float t1 = (y1-y0)*scaleY + t0;
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y0, x1, y1, u0, v0,
+ s1/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth, t1/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y0, x1, y2, u0, v0,
+ s1/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth, maxv, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y2, x1, y1, u0, 0,
+ s1/g_textures[0].m_fTexWidth, v1, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( y2 >= y1 )
+ {
+ float t1 = (y1-y0)*scaleY + t0;
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y0, x2, y1, u0, v0,
+ maxu, t1/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x2, y0, x1, y1, 0, v0,
+ u1, t1/g_textures[0].m_fTexHeight, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y0, x2, y2, u0, v0, maxu, maxv, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x2, y0, x1, y2, 0, v0, u1, maxv, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y2, x2, y1, u0, 0, maxu, v1, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x2, y2, x1, y1, 0, 0, u1, v1, difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ (pauseAtNext&&(eventToPause==NEXT_OBJ_BG||eventToPause==NEXT_FLUSH_TRI||eventToPause==NEXT_OBJ_TXT_CMD)),
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause BG 1CYC: (%.0f,%.0f - %.0f,%.0f), \ntex (%.2f,%.2f), scale (%.2f,%.2f)",x0,y0,x1,y1,s0,t0,scaleX,scaleY);
+ }
+ );
+void CRender::DrawSprite(uObjTxSprite &sprite, bool rectR) //Without Ratation
+ if( !status.bCIBufferIsRendered ) g_pFrameBufferManager->ActiveTextureBuffer();
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ {
+ g_pRenderTextureInfo->maxUsedHeight = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height;
+ if( !status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM )
+ {
+ status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = true;
+ status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = true;
+ }
+ }
+ SetCombinerAndBlender();
+ COLOR speColor = PostProcessSpecularColor();
+ COLOR difColor = PostProcessDiffuseColor(0xffffffff);
+ float objX = sprite.sprite.objX/4.0f;
+ float objY = sprite.sprite.objY/4.0f;
+ float width = sprite.sprite.imageW / 32.0f;
+ float high = sprite.sprite.imageH / 32.0f;
+ float scaleW = sprite.sprite.scaleW/1024.0f;
+ float scaleH = sprite.sprite.scaleH/1024.0f;
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bIncTexRectEdge )
+ {
+ width++;
+ high++;
+ }
+ float x0, y0, x1, y1;
+ if( rectR )
+ {
+ // Upper-left coordinate
+ // ( X + objX / BaseScaleX, Y+objY/BaseScaleY )
+ // Lower-right coordinate
+ // ( X + (objX + imageW / scaleW) / BaseScaleX - 1, Y + (objY + imageH / scaleH) / BaseScaleY - 1 )
+ x0 = gObjMtxReal.X + objX/gObjMtxReal.BaseScaleX;
+ y0 = gObjMtxReal.Y + objY/gObjMtxReal.BaseScaleY;
+ x1 = gObjMtxReal.X + (objX + width / scaleW) / gObjMtxReal.BaseScaleX;
+ y1 = gObjMtxReal.Y + (objY + high / scaleH) / gObjMtxReal.BaseScaleY;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // (objX, objY) - ( objX+imageW/scaleW-1, objY+imageH/scaleH-1)
+ x0 = objX;
+ y0 = objY;
+ x1 = objX + width / scaleW;
+ y1 = objY + high / scaleH;
+ if( (sprite.sprite.imageFlags&1) ) // flipX
+ {
+ float temp = x0;
+ x0 = x1;
+ x1 = temp;
+ }
+ if( (sprite.sprite.imageFlags&0x10) ) // flipY
+ {
+ float temp = y0;
+ y0 = y1;
+ y1 = temp;
+ }
+ }
+ // save the current clamp type
+ GLint iClampS, iClampT;
+ glGetTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, &iClampS);
+ glGetTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, &iClampT);
+ // force clamp type to CLAMP_EDGE (experiments show sometimes this is set to hex 0x2901 - invalid value)
+ // draw the 2D sprite as 2 triangles
+ float depth = (gRDP.otherMode.depth_source == 1 ? gRDP.fPrimitiveDepth : 0.0f);
+ CTexture *pTexture = g_textures[0].m_pCTexture;
+ DrawSimple2DTexture(x0, y0, x1, y1, 0, 0, 1/pTexture->m_fXScale, 1/pTexture->m_fYScale,
+ difColor, speColor, depth, 1);
+ // return clamp type to original setting
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampS);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampT);
+void CRender::LoadObjBG1CYC(uObjScaleBg &bg)
+ uint32 imageWidth = bg.imageW/4;
+ uint32 imageHeight = bg.imageH/4;
+ TxtrInfo gti;
+ gti.Format = bg.imageFmt;
+ gti.Size = bg.imageSiz;
+ //uint8* img = (uint8*)(g_pRDRAMu8+RSPSegmentAddr(bg.imagePtr));
+ uchar *palAddr = (uchar *) &g_wRDPTlut[0];
+ gti.Address = RSPSegmentAddr(bg.imagePtr);
+ gti.LeftToLoad = 0;
+ gti.TopToLoad = 0;
+ gti.WidthToCreate = imageWidth;
+ gti.HeightToCreate = imageHeight;
+ gti.clampS = gti.clampT = 1;
+ gti.maskS = gti.maskT = 0;
+ gti.Palette = bg.imagePal;
+ gti.PalAddress = palAddr;
+ gti.Pitch = imageWidth << gti.Size >> 1;
+ gti.Pitch = (gti.Pitch>>3)<<3; // Align to 8 bytes
+ if( gti.Address + gti.Pitch*gti.HeightToCreate > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Skip BG 1CYC loading, memory out of bound");
+ return;
+ }
+ gti.TLutFmt = TLUT_FMT_RGBA16; //RGBA16
+ gti.bSwapped = FALSE;
+ gti.HeightToLoad = gti.HeightToCreate;
+ gti.WidthToLoad = gti.WidthToCreate;
+ gti.pPhysicalAddress = ((uint8*)g_pRDRAMu32)+gti.Address;
+ gti.tileNo = -1;
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry = gTextureManager.GetTexture(>i, false,true,false);
+ SetCurrentTexture(0,pEntry);
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((pauseAtNext && (eventToPause == NEXT_OBJ_TXT_CMD||eventToPause == NEXT_FLUSH_TRI||eventToPause == NEXT_OBJ_BG)),
+ {
+ TRACE0("Load Obj BG 1CYC:\n");
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Addr=0x%08X, W=%d, H=%d, Left=%d, Top=%d\n",
+ gti.Address, gti.WidthToCreate, gti.HeightToCreate, gti.LeftToLoad, gti.TopToLoad);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Fmt=%s-%db, Pal=%d\n",
+ pszImgFormat[gti.Format], pnImgSize[gti.Size], gti.Palette);
+ }
+ );
+void CRender::LoadObjSprite(uObjTxSprite &sprite, bool useTIAddr)
+ TxtrInfo gti;
+ gti.Format = sprite.sprite.imageFmt;
+ gti.Size = sprite.sprite.imageSiz;
+ uchar *palAddr = (uchar *) &g_wRDPTlut[0];
+ gti.Address = RSPSegmentAddr(sprite.txtr.block.image);
+ gti.Address += sprite.sprite.imageAdrs<<3;
+ gti.LeftToLoad = 0;
+ gti.TopToLoad = 0;
+ gti.Palette = sprite.sprite.imagePal;
+ gti.PalAddress = palAddr;
+ if( sprite.txtr.block.type == S2DEX_OBJLT_TXTRBLOCK )
+ {
+ gti.WidthToCreate = sprite.sprite.imageW/32;
+ if( sprite.sprite.imageW >= 0x8000 )
+ {
+ gti.WidthToCreate = (0x10000-sprite.sprite.imageW)/32;
+ }
+ gti.HeightToCreate = sprite.sprite.imageH/32;
+ if( sprite.sprite.imageH >= 0x8000 )
+ {
+ gti.HeightToCreate = (0x10000-sprite.sprite.imageH)/32;
+ }
+ gti.Pitch = (2047/(sprite.txtr.block.tline-1)) << 3;
+ }
+ else if( sprite.txtr.block.type == S2DEX_OBJLT_TXTRTILE )
+ {
+//#define GS_PIX2TMEM(pix, siz) ((pix)>>(4-(siz)))
+//#define GS_TT_TWIDTH(pix,siz) ((GS_PIX2TMEM((pix), (siz))<<2)-1)
+//#define GS_TT_THEIGHT(pix,siz) (((pix)<<2)-1)
+ gti.WidthToCreate = ((sprite.txtr.tile.twidth+1)>>2)<<(4-gti.Size);
+ gti.HeightToCreate = (sprite.txtr.tile.theight+1)>>2;
+ if( gti.Size == TXT_SIZE_4b )
+ {
+ gti.Pitch = gti.WidthToCreate >> 1;
+ }
+ else
+ //gti.Pitch = (sprite.txtr.tile.twidth+1) << 3;
+ gti.Pitch = gti.WidthToCreate << (gti.Size-1);
+ }
+ if( gti.Address + gti.Pitch*gti.HeightToCreate > g_dwRamSize )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Skip Obj sprite loading, memory out of bound");
+ return;
+ }
+ gti.TLutFmt = TLUT_FMT_RGBA16; //RGBA16
+ gti.bSwapped = FALSE;
+ gti.HeightToLoad = gti.HeightToCreate;
+ gti.WidthToLoad = gti.WidthToCreate;
+ gti.pPhysicalAddress = ((uint8*)g_pRDRAMu32)+gti.Address;
+ gti.tileNo = -1;
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry = gTextureManager.GetTexture(>i, false);
+ SetCurrentTexture(0,pEntry);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2005 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "Debugger.h"
+#include "FrameBuffer.h"
+#include "OGLTexture.h"
+// ===========================================================================
+COGLRenderTexture::COGLRenderTexture(int width, int height, RenderTextureInfo* pInfo, TextureUsage usage)
+ : CRenderTexture(width, height, pInfo, usage),
+ m_pOGLTexture(NULL)
+ if( usage == AS_BACK_BUFFER_SAVE )
+ {
+ m_pTexture = m_pOGLTexture = new COGLTexture(width, height, usage);
+ if( !m_pTexture )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Error to create OGL render_texture");
+ SAFE_DELETE(m_pTexture);
+ }
+ }
+ m_width = width;
+ m_height = height;
+ m_beingRendered = false;
+ if( m_beingRendered )
+ {
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->CloseRenderTexture(false);
+ SetAsRenderTarget(false);
+ }
+ ShutdownPBuffer();
+ SAFE_DELETE(m_pTexture);
+ m_pOGLTexture = NULL;
+ m_beingRendered = false;
+bool COGLRenderTexture::InitPBuffer( void )
+ return true;
+void COGLRenderTexture::ShutdownPBuffer(void)
+bool COGLRenderTexture::SetAsRenderTarget(bool enable)
+ return true;
+void COGLRenderTexture::LoadTexture(TxtrCacheEntry* pEntry)
+void COGLRenderTexture::StoreToRDRAM(int infoIdx)
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+class CRenderTexture;
+typedef struct {
+ CRenderTexture *pRenderTexture;
+ SetImgInfo CI_Info;
+ uint32 bufferWidth;
+ uint32 bufferHeight;
+ uint32 N64Width;
+ uint32 N64Height;
+ float scaleX;
+ float scaleY;
+ int maxUsedHeight;
+ uint32 updateAtFrame;
+ uint32 updateAtUcodeCount;
+ bool isUsed;
+ uint32 knownHeight;
+ uint32 crcInRDRAM;
+ uint32 crcCheckedAtFrame;
+ TxtrCacheEntry txtEntry;
+} RenderTextureInfo;
+class CRenderTexture
+ friend class CGraphicsContext;
+ friend class CDXGraphicsContext;
+ friend class FrameBufferManager;
+ friend class DXFrameBufferManager;
+ friend class OGLFrameBufferManager;
+ CRenderTexture(int width, int height, RenderTextureInfo* pInfo, TextureUsage usage)
+ {
+ m_beingRendered = false;
+ m_width = m_height = 0;
+ m_pTexture = NULL;
+ m_pInfo = pInfo;
+ m_usage = usage;
+ }
+ virtual ~CRenderTexture() {}
+ virtual bool SetAsRenderTarget(bool enable)=0;
+ virtual void LoadTexture(TxtrCacheEntry* pEntry)=0;
+ virtual void StoreToRDRAM(int infoIdx) {};
+ void GetDimension(int &width, int &height)
+ {
+ width = m_width;
+ height = m_height;
+ }
+ bool IsBeingRendered()
+ {
+ return m_beingRendered;
+ }
+ TextureUsage GetUsage() {return m_usage;}
+ int m_width;
+ int m_height;
+ bool m_beingRendered;
+ TextureUsage m_usage;
+ CTexture* m_pTexture;
+ RenderTextureInfo* m_pInfo;
+class COGLRenderTexture : public CRenderTexture
+ // Haven't implemented yet
+ COGLRenderTexture(int width, int height, RenderTextureInfo* pInfo, TextureUsage usage);
+ ~COGLRenderTexture();
+ bool SetAsRenderTarget(bool enable);
+ void LoadTexture(TxtrCacheEntry* pEntry);
+ void StoreToRDRAM(int infoIdx);
+ bool InitPBuffer(void);
+ void ShutdownPBuffer(void);
+ int m_widthCreated;
+ int m_heightCreated;
+ COGLTexture *m_pOGLTexture;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+// Constructors / Deconstructors
+// Probably shouldn't need more than 4096 * 4096
+CTexture::CTexture(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, TextureUsage usage) :
+ m_dwWidth(dwWidth),
+ m_dwHeight(dwHeight),
+ m_dwCreatedTextureWidth(dwWidth),
+ m_dwCreatedTextureHeight(dwHeight),
+ m_fXScale(1.0f),
+ m_fYScale(1.0f),
+ m_bScaledS(false),
+ m_bScaledT(false),
+ m_bClampedS(false),
+ m_bClampedT(false),
+ m_bIsEnhancedTexture(false),
+ m_Usage(usage),
+ m_pTexture(NULL),
+ m_dwTextureFmt(TEXTURE_FMT_A8R8G8B8)
+ // fix me, do something here
+TextureFmt CTexture::GetSurfaceFormat(void)
+ if (m_pTexture == NULL)
+ else
+ return m_dwTextureFmt;
+uint32 CTexture::GetPixelSize()
+ if( m_dwTextureFmt == TEXTURE_FMT_A8R8G8B8 )
+ return 4;
+ else
+ return 2;
+// There are reasons to create this function. D3D and OGL will only create surface of width and height
+// as 2's pow, for example, N64's 20x14 image, D3D and OGL will create a 32x16 surface.
+// When we using such a surface as D3D texture, and the U and V address is for the D3D and OGL surface
+// width and height. It is still OK if the U and V addr value is less than the real image within
+// the D3D surface. But we will have problems if the U and V addr value is larger than it, or even
+// large then 1.0.
+// In such a case, we need to scale the image to the D3D surface dimension, to ease the U/V addr
+// limition
+void CTexture::ScaleImageToSurface(bool scaleS, bool scaleT)
+ uint8 g_ucTempBuffer[1024*1024*4];
+ if( scaleS==false && scaleT==false) return;
+ // If the image is not scaled, call this function to scale the real image to
+ // the D3D given dimension
+ uint32 width = scaleS ? m_dwWidth : m_dwCreatedTextureWidth;
+ uint32 height = scaleT ? m_dwHeight : m_dwCreatedTextureHeight;
+ uint32 xDst, yDst;
+ uint32 xSrc, ySrc;
+ DrawInfo di;
+ if (!StartUpdate(&di))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ int pixSize = GetPixelSize();
+ // Copy across from the temp buffer to the surface
+ switch (pixSize)
+ {
+ case 4:
+ {
+ memcpy((uint8*)g_ucTempBuffer, (uint8*)(di.lpSurface), m_dwHeight*m_dwCreatedTextureWidth*4);
+ uint32 * pDst;
+ uint32 * pSrc;
+ for (yDst = 0; yDst < m_dwCreatedTextureHeight; yDst++)
+ {
+ // ySrc ranges from 0..m_dwHeight
+ // I'd rather do this but sometimes very narrow (i.e. 1 pixel)
+ // surfaces are created which results in /0...
+ //ySrc = (yDst * (m_dwHeight-1)) / (d3dTextureHeight-1);
+ ySrc = (uint32)((yDst * height) / m_dwCreatedTextureHeight+0.49f);
+ pSrc = (uint32*)((uint8*)g_ucTempBuffer + (ySrc * m_dwCreatedTextureWidth * 4));
+ pDst = (uint32*)((uint8*)di.lpSurface + (yDst * di.lPitch));
+ for (xDst = 0; xDst < m_dwCreatedTextureWidth; xDst++)
+ {
+ xSrc = (uint32)((xDst * width) / m_dwCreatedTextureWidth+0.49f);
+ pDst[xDst] = pSrc[xSrc];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ {
+ memcpy((uint8*)g_ucTempBuffer, (uint8*)(di.lpSurface), m_dwHeight*m_dwCreatedTextureWidth*2);
+ uint16 * pDst;
+ uint16 * pSrc;
+ for (yDst = 0; yDst < m_dwCreatedTextureHeight; yDst++)
+ {
+ // ySrc ranges from 0..m_dwHeight
+ ySrc = (yDst * height) / m_dwCreatedTextureHeight;
+ pSrc = (uint16*)((uint8*)g_ucTempBuffer + (ySrc * m_dwCreatedTextureWidth * 2));
+ pDst = (uint16*)((uint8*)di.lpSurface + (yDst * di.lPitch));
+ for (xDst = 0; xDst < m_dwCreatedTextureWidth; xDst++)
+ {
+ xSrc = (xDst * width) / m_dwCreatedTextureWidth;
+ pDst[xDst] = pSrc[xSrc];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ EndUpdate(&di);
+ if( scaleS ) m_bScaledS = true;
+ if( scaleT ) m_bScaledT = true;
+void CTexture::ClampImageToSurfaceS()
+ if( !m_bClampedS && m_dwWidth < m_dwCreatedTextureWidth )
+ {
+ DrawInfo di;
+ if( StartUpdate(&di) )
+ {
+ if( m_dwTextureFmt == TEXTURE_FMT_A8R8G8B8 )
+ {
+ for( uint32 y = 0; y<m_dwHeight; y++ )
+ {
+ uint32* line = (uint32*)((uint8*)di.lpSurface+di.lPitch*y);
+ uint32 val = line[m_dwWidth-1];
+ for( uint32 x=m_dwWidth; x<m_dwCreatedTextureWidth; x++ )
+ {
+ line[x] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for( uint32 y = 0; y<m_dwHeight; y++ )
+ {
+ uint16* line = (uint16*)((uint8*)di.lpSurface+di.lPitch*y);
+ uint16 val = line[m_dwWidth-1];
+ for( uint32 x=m_dwWidth; x<m_dwCreatedTextureWidth; x++ )
+ {
+ line[x] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ EndUpdate(&di);
+ }
+ }
+ m_bClampedS = true;
+void CTexture::ClampImageToSurfaceT()
+ if( !m_bClampedT && m_dwHeight < m_dwCreatedTextureHeight )
+ {
+ DrawInfo di;
+ if( StartUpdate(&di) )
+ {
+ if( m_dwTextureFmt == TEXTURE_FMT_A8R8G8B8 )
+ {
+ uint32* linesrc = (uint32*)((uint8*)di.lpSurface+di.lPitch*(m_dwHeight-1));
+ for( uint32 y = m_dwHeight; y<m_dwCreatedTextureHeight; y++ )
+ {
+ uint32* linedst = (uint32*)((uint8*)di.lpSurface+di.lPitch*y);
+ for( uint32 x=0; x<m_dwCreatedTextureWidth; x++ )
+ {
+ linedst[x] = linesrc[x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint16* linesrc = (uint16*)((uint8*)di.lpSurface+di.lPitch*(m_dwHeight-1));
+ for( uint32 y = m_dwHeight; y<m_dwCreatedTextureHeight; y++ )
+ {
+ uint16* linedst = (uint16*)((uint8*)di.lpSurface+di.lPitch*y);
+ for( uint32 x=0; x<m_dwCreatedTextureWidth; x++ )
+ {
+ linedst[x] = linesrc[x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ EndUpdate(&di);
+ }
+ }
+ m_bClampedT = true;
+void CTexture::RestoreAlphaChannel(void)
+ DrawInfo di;
+ if ( StartUpdate(&di) )
+ {
+ uint32 *pSrc = (uint32 *)di.lpSurface;
+ int lPitch = di.lPitch;
+ for (uint32 y = 0; y < m_dwHeight; y++)
+ {
+ uint32 * dwSrc = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)pSrc + y*lPitch);
+ for (uint32 x = 0; x < m_dwWidth; x++)
+ {
+ uint32 dw = dwSrc[x];
+ uint32 dwRed = (uint8)((dw & 0x00FF0000)>>16);
+ uint32 dwGreen = (uint8)((dw & 0x0000FF00)>>8 );
+ uint32 dwBlue = (uint8)((dw & 0x000000FF) );
+ uint32 dwAlpha = (dwRed+dwGreen+dwBlue)/3;
+ dw &= 0x00FFFFFF;
+ dw |= (dwAlpha<<24);
+ /*
+ uint32 dw = dwSrc[x];
+ if( (dw&0x00FFFFFF) > 0 )
+ dw |= 0xFF000000;
+ else
+ dw &= 0x00FFFFFF;
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ EndUpdate(&di);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //TRACE0("Cannot lock texture");
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "typedefs.h"
+/////////////// Define a struct to use as
+/////////////// storage for all the surfaces
+/////////////// created so far.
+class CTexture;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned short int dwWidth; // Describes the width of the real texture area. Use lPitch to move between successive lines
+ unsigned short int dwHeight; // Describes the height of the real texture area
+ unsigned short int dwCreatedWidth; // Describes the width of the created texture area. Use lPitch to move between successive lines
+ unsigned short int dwCreatedHeight; // Describes the height of the created texture area
+ int lPitch; // Specifies the number of bytes on each row (not necessarily bitdepth*width/8)
+ void *lpSurface; // Pointer to the top left pixel of the image
+} DrawInfo;
+enum TextureFmt {
+enum TextureUsage {
+class CTexture
+ virtual ~CTexture();
+ uint32 m_dwWidth; // The requested Texture w/h
+ uint32 m_dwHeight;
+ unsigned int m_dwCreatedTextureWidth; // What was actually created
+ unsigned int m_dwCreatedTextureHeight;
+ float m_fXScale; // = m_dwCorrectedWidth/m_dwWidth
+ float m_fYScale; // = m_dwCorrectedHeight/m_dwWidth
+ bool m_bScaledS;
+ bool m_bScaledT;
+ bool m_bClampedS;
+ bool m_bClampedT;
+ bool m_bIsEnhancedTexture;
+ TextureUsage m_Usage;
+ virtual void ScaleImageToSurface(bool scaleS=true, bool scaleT=true);
+ virtual void ClampImageToSurfaceS();
+ virtual void ClampImageToSurfaceT();
+ virtual LPRICETEXTURE GetTexture() { return m_pTexture; }
+ uint32 GetPixelSize();
+ TextureFmt GetSurfaceFormat(void); // Surface pixel format...
+ inline void SetOthersVariables(void)
+ {
+ m_bClampedS = m_bScaledS = (m_dwWidth == m_dwCreatedTextureWidth);
+ m_bClampedT = m_bScaledT = (m_dwHeight == m_dwCreatedTextureHeight);
+ }
+ // Provides access to "surface"
+ virtual bool StartUpdate(DrawInfo *di)=0;
+ virtual void EndUpdate(DrawInfo *di)=0;
+ virtual void RestoreAlphaChannel(void); // Restore Alpha channel from RGB channel
+ CTexture(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, TextureUsage usage = AS_NORMAL);
+ TextureFmt m_dwTextureFmt;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "osal_files.h"
+#include "m64p_plugin.h"
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#include "ConvertImage.h"
+#include "DeviceBuilder.h"
+#include "TextureFilters.h"
+#include "Render.h"
+#include "Video.h"
+#include "liblinux/BMGLibPNG.h"
+#include "liblinux/BMGDLL.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#ifdef min
+#undef min
+/* 2X filters */
+// Basic 2x R8G8B8A8 filter with interpolation
+void Texture2x_32( DrawInfo &srcInfo, DrawInfo &destInfo)
+ uint32 *pDst1, *pDst2;
+ uint32 *pSrc, *pSrc2;
+ uint32 nWidth = srcInfo.dwWidth;
+ uint32 nHeight = srcInfo.dwHeight;
+ uint32 b1;
+ uint32 g1;
+ uint32 r1;
+ uint32 a1;
+ uint32 b2 = 0;
+ uint32 g2 = 0;
+ uint32 r2 = 0;
+ uint32 a2 = 0;
+ uint32 b3 = 0;
+ uint32 g3 = 0;
+ uint32 r3 = 0;
+ uint32 a3 = 0;
+ uint32 b4 = 0;
+ uint32 g4 = 0;
+ uint32 r4 = 0;
+ uint32 a4 = 0;
+ for (uint32 ySrc = 0; ySrc < nHeight; ySrc++)
+ {
+ pSrc = (uint32*)(((uint8*)srcInfo.lpSurface)+ySrc*srcInfo.lPitch);
+ pSrc2 = (uint32*)(((uint8*)srcInfo.lpSurface)+(ySrc+1)*srcInfo.lPitch);
+ pDst1 = (uint32*)(((uint8*)destInfo.lpSurface)+(ySrc*2)*destInfo.lPitch);
+ pDst2 = (uint32*)(((uint8*)destInfo.lpSurface)+(ySrc*2+1)*destInfo.lPitch);
+ for (uint32 xSrc = 0; xSrc < nWidth; xSrc++)
+ {
+ b1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>>0)&0xFF;
+ g1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>>8)&0xFF;
+ r1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>>16)&0xFF;
+ a1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>>24)&0xFF;
+ if( xSrc<nWidth-1 )
+ {
+ b2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>>0)&0xFF;
+ g2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>>8)&0xFF;
+ r2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>>16)&0xFF;
+ a2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>>24)&0xFF;
+ }
+ if( ySrc<nHeight-1 )
+ {
+ b3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>>0)&0xFF;
+ g3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>>8)&0xFF;
+ r3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>>16)&0xFF;
+ a3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>>24)&0xFF;
+ if( xSrc<nWidth-1 )
+ {
+ b4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>>0)&0xFF;
+ g4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>>8)&0xFF;
+ r4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>>16)&0xFF;
+ a4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>>24)&0xFF;
+ }
+ }
+ // Pixel 1
+ pDst1[xSrc*2] = pSrc[xSrc];
+ // Pixel 2
+ if( xSrc<nWidth-1 )
+ {
+ pDst1[xSrc*2+1] = DWORD_MAKE((r1+r2)/2, (g1+g2)/2, (b1+b2)/2, (a1+a2)/2);
+ }
+ else
+ pDst1[xSrc*2+1] = pSrc[xSrc];
+ // Pixel 3
+ if( ySrc<nHeight-1 )
+ {
+ pDst2[xSrc*2] = DWORD_MAKE((r1+r3)/2, (g1+g3)/2, (b1+b3)/2, (a1+a3)/2);
+ }
+ else
+ pDst2[xSrc*2] = pSrc[xSrc];
+ // Pixel 4
+ if( xSrc<nWidth-1 )
+ {
+ if( ySrc<nHeight-1 )
+ {
+ pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = DWORD_MAKE((r1+r2+r3+r4)/4, (g1+g2+g3+g4)/4, (b1+b2+b3+b4)/4, (a1+a2+a3+a4)/4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = DWORD_MAKE((r1+r2)/2, (g1+g2)/2, (b1+b2)/2, (a1+a2)/2);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( ySrc<nHeight-1 )
+ {
+ pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = DWORD_MAKE((r1+r3)/2, (g1+g3)/2, (b1+b3)/2, (a1+a3)/2);
+ }
+ else
+ pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = pSrc[xSrc];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Basic 2x R4G4B4A4 filter with interpolation
+void Texture2x_16( DrawInfo &srcInfo, DrawInfo &destInfo )
+ uint16 *pDst1, *pDst2;
+ uint16 *pSrc, *pSrc2;
+ uint32 nWidth = srcInfo.dwWidth;
+ uint32 nHeight = srcInfo.dwHeight;
+ uint16 b1;
+ uint16 g1;
+ uint16 r1;
+ uint16 a1;
+ uint16 b2 = 0;
+ uint16 g2 = 0;
+ uint16 r2 = 0;
+ uint16 a2 = 0;
+ uint16 b3 = 0;
+ uint16 g3 = 0;
+ uint16 r3 = 0;
+ uint16 a3 = 0;
+ uint16 b4 = 0;
+ uint16 g4 = 0;
+ uint16 r4 = 0;
+ uint16 a4 = 0;
+ for (uint16 ySrc = 0; ySrc < nHeight; ySrc++)
+ {
+ pSrc = (uint16*)(((uint8*)srcInfo.lpSurface)+ySrc*srcInfo.lPitch);
+ pSrc2 = (uint16*)(((uint8*)srcInfo.lpSurface)+(ySrc+1)*srcInfo.lPitch);
+ pDst1 = (uint16*)(((uint8*)destInfo.lpSurface)+(ySrc*2)*destInfo.lPitch);
+ pDst2 = (uint16*)(((uint8*)destInfo.lpSurface)+(ySrc*2+1)*destInfo.lPitch);
+ for (uint16 xSrc = 0; xSrc < nWidth; xSrc++)
+ {
+ b1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>> 0)&0xF;
+ g1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>> 4)&0xF;
+ r1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>> 8)&0xF;
+ a1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>>12)&0xF;
+ if( xSrc<nWidth-1 )
+ {
+ b2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>> 0)&0xF;
+ g2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>> 4)&0xF;
+ r2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>> 8)&0xF;
+ a2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>>12)&0xF;
+ }
+ if( ySrc<nHeight-1 )
+ {
+ b3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>> 0)&0xF;
+ g3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>> 4)&0xF;
+ r3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>> 8)&0xF;
+ a3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>>12)&0xF;
+ if( xSrc<nWidth-1 )
+ {
+ b4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>> 0)&0xF;
+ g4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>> 4)&0xF;
+ r4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>> 8)&0xF;
+ a4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>>12)&0xF;
+ }
+ }
+ // Pixel 1
+ pDst1[xSrc*2] = pSrc[xSrc];
+ // Pixel 2
+ if( xSrc<nWidth-1 )
+ {
+ pDst1[xSrc*2+1] = WORD_MAKE((r1+r2)/2, (g1+g2)/2, (b1+b2)/2, (a1+a2)/2);
+ }
+ else
+ pDst1[xSrc*2+1] = pSrc[xSrc];
+ // Pixel 3
+ if( ySrc<nHeight-1 )
+ {
+ pDst2[xSrc*2] = WORD_MAKE((r1+r3)/2, (g1+g3)/2, (b1+b3)/2, (a1+a3)/2);
+ }
+ else
+ pDst2[xSrc*2] = pSrc[xSrc];
+ // Pixel 4
+ if( xSrc<nWidth-1 )
+ {
+ if( ySrc<nHeight-1 )
+ {
+ pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = WORD_MAKE((r1+r2+r3+r4)/4, (g1+g2+g3+g4)/4, (b1+b2+b3+b4)/4, (a1+a2+a3+a4)/4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = WORD_MAKE((r1+r2)/2, (g1+g2)/2, (b1+b2)/2, (a1+a2)/2);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( ySrc<nHeight-1 )
+ {
+ pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = WORD_MAKE((r1+r3)/2, (g1+g3)/2, (b1+b3)/2, (a1+a3)/2);
+ }
+ else
+ pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = pSrc[xSrc];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Sharpen filters */
+void SharpenFilter_32(uint32 *pdata, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch, uint32 filter)
+ uint32 len=height*pitch;
+ uint32 *pcopy = new uint32[len];
+ if( !pcopy ) return;
+ memcpy(pcopy, pdata, len<<2);
+ uint32 mul1, mul2, mul3, shift4;
+ switch( filter )
+ {
+ mul1=1;
+ mul2=8;
+ mul3=12;
+ shift4=2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ mul1=1;
+ mul2=8;
+ mul3=16;
+ shift4=3;
+ break;
+ }
+ uint32 x,y,z;
+ uint32 *src1, *src2, *src3, *dest;
+ uint32 val[4];
+ uint32 t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
+ for( y=1; y<height-1; y++)
+ {
+ dest = pdata+y*pitch;
+ src1 = pcopy+(y-1)*pitch;
+ src2 = src1 + pitch;
+ src3 = src2 + pitch;
+ for( x=1; x<width-1; x++)
+ {
+ for( z=0; z<4; z++ )
+ {
+ t1 = *((uint8*)(src1+x-1)+z);
+ t2 = *((uint8*)(src1+x )+z);
+ t3 = *((uint8*)(src1+x+1)+z);
+ t4 = *((uint8*)(src2+x-1)+z);
+ t5 = *((uint8*)(src2+x )+z);
+ t6 = *((uint8*)(src2+x+1)+z);
+ t7 = *((uint8*)(src3+x-1)+z);
+ t8 = *((uint8*)(src3+x )+z);
+ t9 = *((uint8*)(src3+x+1)+z);
+ val[z]=t5;
+ if( (t5*mul2) > (t1+t3+t7+t9+t2+t4+t6+t8)*mul1 )
+ {
+ val[z]= std::min((((t5*mul3) - (t1+t3+t7+t9+t2+t4+t6+t8)*mul1)>>shift4),0xFFU);
+ }
+ }
+ dest[x] = val[0]|(val[1]<<8)|(val[2]<<16)|(val[3]<<24);
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] pcopy;
+void SharpenFilter_16(uint16 *pdata, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch, uint32 filter)
+ //return; // Sharpen does not make sense for 16 bits
+ uint32 len=height*pitch;
+ uint16 *pcopy = new uint16[len];
+ if( !pcopy ) return;
+ memcpy(pcopy, pdata, len<<1);
+ uint16 mul1, mul2, mul3, shift4;
+ switch( filter )
+ {
+ mul1=1;
+ mul2=8;
+ mul3=12;
+ shift4=2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ mul1=1;
+ mul2=8;
+ mul3=16;
+ shift4=3;
+ break;
+ }
+ uint32 x,y,z;
+ uint16 *src1, *src2, *src3, *dest;
+ uint16 val[4];
+ uint16 t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
+ for( y=1; y<height-1; y++)
+ {
+ dest = pdata+y*pitch;
+ src1 = pcopy+(y-1)*pitch;
+ src2 = src1 + pitch;
+ src3 = src2 + pitch;
+ for( x=1; x<width-1; x++)
+ {
+ for( z=0; z<4; z++ )
+ {
+ uint32 shift = (z%1)?4:0;
+ t1 = (*((uint8*)(src1+x-1)+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t2 = (*((uint8*)(src1+x )+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t3 = (*((uint8*)(src1+x+1)+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t4 = (*((uint8*)(src2+x-1)+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t5 = (*((uint8*)(src2+x )+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t6 = (*((uint8*)(src2+x+1)+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t7 = (*((uint8*)(src3+x-1)+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t8 = (*((uint8*)(src3+x )+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t9 = (*((uint8*)(src3+x+1)+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ val[z]=t5;
+ if( (t5*mul2) > (t1+t3+t7+t9+t2+t4+t6+t8)*mul1 )
+ {
+ val[z] = (((t5*mul3) - (t1+t3+t7+t9+t2+t4+t6+t8)*mul1)>>shift4);
+ val[z]= std::min(val[z],(unsigned short)0xFU);
+ }
+ }
+ dest[x] = val[0]|(val[1]<<4)|(val[2]<<8)|(val[3]<<12);
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] pcopy;
+/* Smooth filters */
+void SmoothFilter_32(uint32 *pdata, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch, uint32 filter)
+ uint32 len=height*pitch;
+ uint32 *pcopy = new uint32[len];
+ if( !pcopy ) return;
+ memcpy(pcopy, pdata, len<<2);
+ uint32 mul1, mul2, mul3, shift4;
+ switch( filter )
+ {
+ mul1=1;
+ mul2=2;
+ mul3=4;
+ shift4=4;
+ break;
+ mul1=1;
+ mul2=1;
+ mul3=8;
+ shift4=4;
+ break;
+ mul1=1;
+ mul2=1;
+ mul3=2;
+ shift4=2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ mul1=1;
+ mul2=1;
+ mul3=6;
+ shift4=3;
+ break;
+ }
+ uint32 x,y,z;
+ uint32 *src1, *src2, *src3, *dest;
+ uint32 val[4];
+ uint32 t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
+ {
+ for( y=1; y<height-1; y+=2)
+ {
+ dest = pdata+y*pitch;
+ src1 = pcopy+(y-1)*pitch;
+ src2 = src1 + pitch;
+ src3 = src2 + pitch;
+ for( x=0; x<width; x++)
+ {
+ for( z=0; z<4; z++ )
+ {
+ t2 = *((uint8*)(src1+x )+z);
+ t5 = *((uint8*)(src2+x )+z);
+ t8 = *((uint8*)(src3+x )+z);
+ val[z] = ((t2+t8)*mul2+(t5*mul3))>>shift4;
+ }
+ dest[x] = val[0]|(val[1]<<8)|(val[2]<<16)|(val[3]<<24);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for( y=0; y<height; y++)
+ {
+ dest = pdata+y*pitch;
+ if( y>0 )
+ {
+ src1 = pcopy+(y-1)*pitch;
+ src2 = src1 + pitch;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ src1 = src2 = pcopy;
+ }
+ src3 = src2;
+ if( y<height-1) src3 += pitch;
+ for( x=1; x<width-1; x++)
+ {
+ for( z=0; z<4; z++ )
+ {
+ t1 = *((uint8*)(src1+x-1)+z);
+ t2 = *((uint8*)(src1+x )+z);
+ t3 = *((uint8*)(src1+x+1)+z);
+ t4 = *((uint8*)(src2+x-1)+z);
+ t5 = *((uint8*)(src2+x )+z);
+ t6 = *((uint8*)(src2+x+1)+z);
+ t7 = *((uint8*)(src3+x-1)+z);
+ t8 = *((uint8*)(src3+x )+z);
+ t9 = *((uint8*)(src3+x+1)+z);
+ val[z] = ((t1+t3+t7+t9)*mul1+((t2+t4+t6+t8)*mul2)+(t5*mul3))>>shift4;
+ }
+ dest[x] = val[0]|(val[1]<<8)|(val[2]<<16)|(val[3]<<24);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] pcopy;
+void SmoothFilter_16(uint16 *pdata, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch, uint32 filter)
+ uint32 len=height*pitch;
+ uint16 *pcopy = new uint16[len];
+ if( !pcopy )
+ return;
+ memcpy(pcopy, pdata, len<<1);
+ uint16 mul1, mul2, mul3, shift4;
+ switch( filter )
+ {
+ mul1=1;
+ mul2=2;
+ mul3=4;
+ shift4=4;
+ break;
+ mul1=1;
+ mul2=1;
+ mul3=8;
+ shift4=4;
+ break;
+ mul1=1;
+ mul2=1;
+ mul3=2;
+ shift4=2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ mul1=1;
+ mul2=1;
+ mul3=6;
+ shift4=3;
+ break;
+ }
+ uint32 x,y,z;
+ uint16 *src1, *src2, *src3, *dest;
+ uint16 val[4];
+ uint16 t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
+ {
+ for( y=1; y<height-1; y+=2)
+ {
+ dest = pdata+y*pitch;
+ src1 = pcopy+(y-1)*pitch;
+ src2 = src1 + pitch;
+ src3 = src2 + pitch;
+ for( x=0; x<width; x++)
+ {
+ for( z=0; z<4; z++ )
+ {
+ uint32 shift = (z&1)?4:0;
+ t2 = (*((uint8*)(src1+x )+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t5 = (*((uint8*)(src2+x )+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t8 = (*((uint8*)(src3+x )+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ val[z] = ((t2+t8)*mul2+(t5*mul3))>>shift4;
+ }
+ dest[x] = val[0]|(val[1]<<4)|(val[2]<<8)|(val[3]<<12);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for( y=0; y<height; y++)
+ {
+ dest = pdata+y*pitch;
+ if( y>0 )
+ {
+ src1 = pcopy+(y-1)*pitch;
+ src2 = src1 + pitch;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ src1 = src2 = pcopy;
+ }
+ src3 = src2;
+ if( y<height-1) src3 += pitch;
+ for( x=1; x<width-1; x++)
+ {
+ for( z=0; z<4; z++ )
+ {
+ uint32 shift = (z&1)?4:0;
+ t1 = (*((uint8*)(src1+x-1)+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t2 = (*((uint8*)(src1+x )+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t3 = (*((uint8*)(src1+x+1)+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t4 = (*((uint8*)(src2+x-1)+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t5 = (*((uint8*)(src2+x )+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t6 = (*((uint8*)(src2+x+1)+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t7 = (*((uint8*)(src3+x-1)+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t8 = (*((uint8*)(src3+x )+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ t9 = (*((uint8*)(src3+x+1)+(z>>1)))>>shift;
+ val[z] = ((t1+t3+t7+t9)*mul1+((t2+t4+t6+t8)*mul2)+(t5*mul3))>>shift4;
+ }
+ dest[x] = val[0]|(val[1]<<4)|(val[2]<<8)|(val[3]<<12);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] pcopy;
+void EnhanceTexture(TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry)
+ if( pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag == options.textureEnhancement )
+ {
+ // The texture has already been enhanced
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( options.textureEnhancement == TEXTURE_NO_ENHANCEMENT )
+ {
+ //Texture enhancement has being turned off
+ //Delete any allocated memory for the enhanced texture
+ SAFE_DELETE(pEntry->pEnhancedTexture);
+ //Set the enhancement flag so the texture wont be processed again
+ pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag = TEXTURE_NO_ENHANCEMENT;
+ return;
+ }
+ if( status.primitiveType != PRIM_TEXTRECT && options.bTexRectOnly )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ DrawInfo srcInfo;
+ //Start the draw update
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->StartUpdate(&srcInfo) == false )
+ {
+ //If we get here we were unable to start the draw update
+ //Delete any allocated memory for the enhanced texture
+ SAFE_DELETE(pEntry->pEnhancedTexture);
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32 realwidth = srcInfo.dwWidth;
+ uint32 realheight = srcInfo.dwHeight;
+ uint32 nWidth = srcInfo.dwCreatedWidth;
+ uint32 nHeight = srcInfo.dwCreatedHeight;
+ //Sharpen option is enabled, sharpen the texture
+ if( options.textureEnhancement == TEXTURE_SHARPEN_ENHANCEMENT || options.textureEnhancement == TEXTURE_SHARPEN_MORE_ENHANCEMENT )
+ {
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->GetPixelSize() == 4 )
+ SharpenFilter_32((uint32*)srcInfo.lpSurface, nWidth, nHeight, nWidth, options.textureEnhancement);
+ else
+ SharpenFilter_16((uint16*)srcInfo.lpSurface, nWidth, nHeight, nWidth, options.textureEnhancement);
+ pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag = options.textureEnhancement;
+ //End the draw update
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&srcInfo);
+ //Delete any allocated memory for the enhanced texture
+ SAFE_DELETE(pEntry->pEnhancedTexture);
+ return;
+ }
+ pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag = options.textureEnhancement;
+ if( options.bSmallTextureOnly )
+ {
+ if( nWidth + nHeight > 256 )
+ {
+ //End the draw update
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&srcInfo);
+ //Delete any data allocated for the enhanced texture
+ SAFE_DELETE(pEntry->pEnhancedTexture);
+ //Set the enhancement flag so the texture wont be processed again
+ pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag = TEXTURE_NO_ENHANCEMENT;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ CTexture* pSurfaceHandler = NULL;
+ if( options.textureEnhancement == TEXTURE_HQ4X_ENHANCEMENT )
+ {
+ if( nWidth + nHeight > 1024/4 )
+ {
+ // Don't enhance for large textures
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&srcInfo);
+ SAFE_DELETE(pEntry->pEnhancedTexture);
+ pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag = TEXTURE_NO_ENHANCEMENT;
+ return;
+ }
+ pSurfaceHandler = CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateTexture(nWidth*4, nHeight*4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( nWidth + nHeight > 1024/2 )
+ {
+ // Don't enhance for large textures
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&srcInfo);
+ SAFE_DELETE(pEntry->pEnhancedTexture);
+ pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag = TEXTURE_NO_ENHANCEMENT;
+ return;
+ }
+ pSurfaceHandler = CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateTexture(nWidth*2, nHeight*2);
+ }
+ DrawInfo destInfo;
+ if(pSurfaceHandler)
+ {
+ if(pSurfaceHandler->StartUpdate(&destInfo))
+ {
+ if( options.textureEnhancement == TEXTURE_2XSAI_ENHANCEMENT )
+ {
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->GetPixelSize() == 4 )
+ Super2xSaI_32((uint32*)(srcInfo.lpSurface),(uint32*)(destInfo.lpSurface), nWidth, realheight, nWidth);
+ else
+ Super2xSaI_16((uint16*)(srcInfo.lpSurface),(uint16*)(destInfo.lpSurface), nWidth, realheight, nWidth);
+ }
+ else if( options.textureEnhancement == TEXTURE_HQ2X_ENHANCEMENT )
+ {
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->GetPixelSize() == 4 )
+ {
+ hq2x_init(32);
+ hq2x_32((uint8*)(srcInfo.lpSurface), srcInfo.lPitch, (uint8*)(destInfo.lpSurface), destInfo.lPitch, nWidth, realheight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hq2x_init(16);
+ hq2x_16((uint8*)(srcInfo.lpSurface), srcInfo.lPitch, (uint8*)(destInfo.lpSurface), destInfo.lPitch, nWidth, realheight);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( options.textureEnhancement == TEXTURE_LQ2X_ENHANCEMENT )
+ {
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->GetPixelSize() == 4 )
+ {
+ hq2x_init(32);
+ lq2x_32((uint8*)(srcInfo.lpSurface), srcInfo.lPitch, (uint8*)(destInfo.lpSurface), destInfo.lPitch, nWidth, realheight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hq2x_init(16);
+ lq2x_16((uint8*)(srcInfo.lpSurface), srcInfo.lPitch, (uint8*)(destInfo.lpSurface), destInfo.lPitch, nWidth, realheight);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( options.textureEnhancement == TEXTURE_HQ4X_ENHANCEMENT )
+ {
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->GetPixelSize() == 4 )
+ {
+ hq4x_InitLUTs();
+ hq4x_32((uint8*)(srcInfo.lpSurface), (uint8*)(destInfo.lpSurface), realwidth, realheight, nWidth, destInfo.lPitch);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hq4x_InitLUTs();
+ hq4x_16((uint8*)(srcInfo.lpSurface), (uint8*)(destInfo.lpSurface), realwidth, realheight, nWidth, destInfo.lPitch);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->GetPixelSize() == 4 )
+ Texture2x_32( srcInfo, destInfo);
+ else
+ Texture2x_16( srcInfo, destInfo);
+ }
+ if( options.textureEnhancementControl >= TEXTURE_ENHANCEMENT_WITH_SMOOTH_FILTER_1 )
+ {
+ if( options.textureEnhancement != TEXTURE_HQ4X_ENHANCEMENT )
+ {
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->GetPixelSize() == 4 )
+ SmoothFilter_32((uint32*)destInfo.lpSurface, realwidth<<1, realheight<<1, nWidth<<1, options.textureEnhancementControl);
+ else
+ SmoothFilter_16((uint16*)destInfo.lpSurface, realwidth<<1, realheight<<1, nWidth<<1, options.textureEnhancementControl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->GetPixelSize() == 4 )
+ SmoothFilter_32((uint32*)destInfo.lpSurface, realwidth<<2, realheight<<2, nWidth<<2, options.textureEnhancementControl);
+ else
+ SmoothFilter_16((uint16*)destInfo.lpSurface, realwidth<<2, realheight<<2, nWidth<<2, options.textureEnhancementControl);
+ }
+ }
+ pSurfaceHandler->EndUpdate(&destInfo);
+ }
+ pSurfaceHandler->SetOthersVariables();
+ pSurfaceHandler->m_bIsEnhancedTexture = true;
+ }
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&srcInfo);
+ pEntry->pEnhancedTexture = pSurfaceHandler;
+/* */
+void MirrorEmulator_DrawLine(DrawInfo& destInfo, DrawInfo& srcInfo, uint32 *pSource, uint32 *pDest, uint32 nWidth, BOOL bFlipLeftRight)
+ if(!bFlipLeftRight)
+ {
+ memcpy(pDest, pSource, nWidth * 4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32 *pMaxDest = pDest + nWidth;
+ pSource += nWidth - 1;
+ for(; pDest < pMaxDest; pDest++, pSource--)
+ {
+ *pDest = *pSource;
+ }
+ }
+void MirrorEmulator_Draw(DrawInfo& destInfo, DrawInfo& srcInfo, uint32 nDestX, uint32 nDestY, BOOL bFlipLeftRight, BOOL bFlipUpDown)
+ uint8 *pDest = (uint8 *) destInfo.lpSurface + (destInfo.lPitch * nDestY) + (4 * nDestX);
+ uint8 *pMaxDest = pDest + (destInfo.lPitch * srcInfo.dwHeight);
+ uint8 *pSource = (uint8 *)(srcInfo.lpSurface);
+ if(!bFlipUpDown)
+ {
+ for(; pDest < pMaxDest; pDest += destInfo.lPitch, pSource += srcInfo.lPitch)
+ {
+ MirrorEmulator_DrawLine(destInfo, srcInfo, (uint32*)pSource, (uint32*)pDest, srcInfo.dwWidth, bFlipLeftRight);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pSource += (srcInfo.lPitch * (srcInfo.dwHeight - 1));
+ for(; pDest < pMaxDest; pDest += destInfo.lPitch, pSource -= srcInfo.lPitch)
+ {
+ MirrorEmulator_DrawLine(destInfo, srcInfo, (uint32*)pSource, (uint32*)pDest, srcInfo.dwWidth, bFlipLeftRight);
+ }
+ }
+void MirrorTexture(uint32 dwTile, TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry)
+ if( ((gRDP.tiles[dwTile].bMirrorS) || (gRDP.tiles[dwTile].bMirrorT)) && CGraphicsContext::Get()->m_supportTextureMirror == false )
+ {
+ if(pEntry->pEnhancedTexture)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CTexture* pSurfaceHandler = NULL;
+ // FIXME: Compute the correct values. 2/2 seems to always work correctly in Mario64
+ uint32 nXTimes = gRDP.tiles[dwTile].bMirrorS ? 2 : 1;
+ uint32 nYTimes = gRDP.tiles[dwTile].bMirrorT ? 2 : 1;
+ // For any texture need to use mirror, we should not need to rescale it
+ // because texture need to be mirrored must with MaskS and MaskT
+ // But again, check me
+ //if( pEntry->pTexture->m_bScaledS == false || pEntry->pTexture->m_bScaledT == false)
+ //{
+ // pEntry->pTexture->ScaleImageToSurface();
+ //}
+ DrawInfo srcInfo;
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->StartUpdate(&srcInfo) )
+ {
+ uint32 nWidth = srcInfo.dwWidth;
+ uint32 nHeight = srcInfo.dwHeight;
+ pSurfaceHandler = CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateTexture(nWidth * nXTimes, nHeight * nYTimes);
+ if( pSurfaceHandler )
+ {
+ DrawInfo destInfo;
+ if( pSurfaceHandler->StartUpdate(&destInfo) )
+ {
+ for(uint32 nY = 0; nY < nYTimes; nY++)
+ {
+ for(uint32 nX = 0; nX < nXTimes; nX++)
+ {
+ MirrorEmulator_Draw(destInfo, srcInfo, nWidth * nX, nHeight * nY, nX & 0x1, nY & 0x1);
+ }
+ }
+ pSurfaceHandler->EndUpdate(&destInfo);
+ }
+ // FIXME: There should be a flag to tell that it is a mirrored texture handler
+ // not the original texture handlers, so all texture coordinate should be divided by 2
+ pSurfaceHandler->SetOthersVariables();
+ }
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&srcInfo);
+ pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag = TEXTURE_MIRRORED;
+ }
+ pEntry->pEnhancedTexture = pSurfaceHandler;
+ }
+ }
+ All code bellow, CLEAN ME
+enum TextureType
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int width;
+ unsigned int height;
+ int fmt;
+ int siz;
+ int crc32;
+ int pal_crc32;
+ char *foldername;
+ char *filename;
+ char *filename_a;
+ //char name[40];
+ TextureType type;
+ bool bSeparatedAlpha;
+} ExtTxtrInfo;
+CSortedList<uint64,ExtTxtrInfo> gTxtrDumpInfos;
+CSortedList<uint64,ExtTxtrInfo> gHiresTxtrInfos;
+extern char * right(const char * src, int nchars);
+#define SURFFMT_P8 41
+int GetImageInfoFromFile(char* pSrcFile, IMAGE_INFO *pSrcInfo)
+ unsigned char sig[8];
+ FILE *f;
+ f = fopen(pSrcFile, "rb");
+ if (f == NULL)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "GetImageInfoFromFile() error: couldn't open file '%s'", pSrcFile);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (fread(sig, 1, 8, f) != 8)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "GetImageInfoFromFile() error: couldn't read first 8 bytes of file '%s'", pSrcFile);
+ fclose(f);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ if(sig[0] == 'B' && sig[1] == 'M') // BMP
+ {
+ struct BMGImageStruct img;
+ memset(&img, 0, sizeof(BMGImageStruct));
+ BMG_Error code = ReadBMP(pSrcFile, &img);
+ if( code == BMG_OK )
+ {
+ pSrcInfo->Width = img.width;
+ pSrcInfo->Height = img.height;
+ pSrcInfo->Depth = img.bits_per_pixel;
+ pSrcInfo->MipLevels = 1;
+ if(img.bits_per_pixel == 32)
+ pSrcInfo->Format = SURFFMT_A8R8G8B8;
+ else if(img.bits_per_pixel == 8)
+ pSrcInfo->Format = SURFFMT_P8;
+ // Resource and File Format ignored
+ FreeBMGImage(&img);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't read BMP file '%s'; error = %i", pSrcFile, code);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if(sig[0] == 137 && sig[1] == 'P' && sig[2] == 'N' && sig[3] == 'G' && sig[4] == '\r' && sig[5] == '\n' &&
+ sig[6] == 26 && sig[7] == '\n') // PNG
+ {
+ struct BMGImageStruct img;
+ memset(&img, 0, sizeof(BMGImageStruct));
+ BMG_Error code = ReadPNGInfo(pSrcFile, &img);
+ if( code == BMG_OK )
+ {
+ pSrcInfo->Width = img.width;
+ pSrcInfo->Height = img.height;
+ pSrcInfo->Depth = img.bits_per_pixel;
+ pSrcInfo->MipLevels = 1;
+ if(img.bits_per_pixel == 32)
+ pSrcInfo->Format = SURFFMT_A8R8G8B8;
+ else if(img.bits_per_pixel == 8)
+ pSrcInfo->Format = SURFFMT_P8;
+ // Resource and File Format ignored
+ FreeBMGImage(&img);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't read PNG file '%s'; error = %i", pSrcFile, code);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "GetImageInfoFromFile : unknown file format (%s)", pSrcFile);
+ return 1;
+BOOL PathFileExists(char* pszPath)
+ FILE *f;
+ f = fopen(pszPath, "rb");
+ if(f != NULL)
+ {
+ fclose(f);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * Truncates the current list with information about hires textures and scans the hires folder for hires textures and
+ * creates a list with records of properties of the hires textures.
+ * parameter:
+ * foldername: the folder that should be scaned for valid hires textures.
+ * infos: a pointer that will point to the list containing the records with the infos about the found hires textures.
+ * In case of enabled caching, these records will also contain the actual textures.
+ * extraCheck: ?
+ * bRecursive: flag that indicates if also subfolders should be scanned for hires textures
+ * bCacheTextures: flag that indicates if the identified hires textures should also be cached
+ * bMainFolder: indicates if the folder is the main folder that will be scanned. That way, texture counting does not
+ * start at 1 each time a subfolder is accessed. (microdev: I know that is not important but it really
+ * bugged me ;-))
+ * return:
+ * infos: the list with the records of the identified hires textures. Be aware that these records also contains the
+ * actual textures if caching is enabled.
+ ********************************************************************************************************************/
+void FindAllTexturesFromFolder(char *foldername, CSortedList<uint64,ExtTxtrInfo> &infos, bool extraCheck, bool bRecursive)
+ // check if folder actually exists
+ if (!osal_is_directory(foldername))
+ return;
+ // the path of the texture
+ char texturefilename[PATH_MAX];
+ //
+ IMAGE_INFO imgInfo;
+ //
+ IMAGE_INFO imgInfo2;
+ void *dir;
+ dir = osal_search_dir_open(foldername);
+ const char *foundfilename;
+ int crc, palcrc32;
+ unsigned int fmt, siz;
+ char crcstr[16], crcstr2[16];
+ do
+ {
+ foundfilename = osal_search_dir_read_next(dir);
+ // The array is empty, break the current operation
+ if (foundfilename == NULL)
+ break;
+ // The current file is a hidden one
+ if (foundfilename[0] == '.' )
+ // These files we don't need
+ continue;
+ // Get the folder name
+ strcpy(texturefilename, foldername);
+ // And append the file name
+ strcat(texturefilename, foundfilename);
+ // Check if the current file is a directory and if recursive scanning is enabled
+ if (osal_is_directory(texturefilename) && bRecursive )
+ {
+ // Add file-separator
+ strcat(texturefilename, OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR_STR);
+ // Scan detected folder for hires textures (recursive call)
+ FindAllTexturesFromFolder(texturefilename, infos, extraCheck, bRecursive);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // well, the current file is actually no file (probably a directory & recursive scanning is not enabled)
+ if( strstr(foundfilename,(const char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName) == 0 )
+ // go on with the next one
+ continue;
+ TextureType type = NO_TEXTURE;
+ bool bSeparatedAlpha = false;
+ // Detect the texture type by it's extention
+ // microdev: this is not the smartest way. Should be done by header analysis if possible
+ if( strcasecmp(right(foundfilename,7), "_ci.bmp") == 0 )
+ {
+ // Identify type
+ if( GetImageInfoFromFile(texturefilename, &imgInfo) != 0)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Cannot get image info for file: %s", foundfilename);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( imgInfo.Format == SURFFMT_P8 )
+ // and store it to the record
+ else
+ // Type is not supported, go on with the next one
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Detect the texture type by its extention
+ else if( strcasecmp(right(foundfilename,13), "_ciByRGBA.png") == 0 )
+ {
+ // Identify type
+ if( GetImageInfoFromFile(texturefilename, &imgInfo) != 0 )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Cannot get image info for file: %s", foundfilename);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( imgInfo.Format == SURFFMT_A8R8G8B8 )
+ // and store it to the record
+ type = RGBA_PNG_FOR_CI;
+ else
+ // Type is not supported, go on with the next one
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Detect the texture type by its extention
+ else if( strcasecmp(right(foundfilename,16), "_allciByRGBA.png") == 0 )
+ {
+ // Identify type
+ if( GetImageInfoFromFile(texturefilename, &imgInfo) != 0 )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Cannot get image info for file: %s", foundfilename);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( imgInfo.Format == SURFFMT_A8R8G8B8 )
+ // and store it to the record
+ else
+ // Type not supported, go on with next one
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Detect the texture type by its extention
+ else if( strcasecmp(right(foundfilename,8), "_rgb.png") == 0 )
+ {
+ // Identify type
+ if( GetImageInfoFromFile(texturefilename, &imgInfo) != 0 )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Cannot get image info for file: %s", foundfilename);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Store type to the record
+ type = RGB_PNG;
+ char filename2[PATH_MAX];
+ // Assemble the file name for the separate alpha channel file
+ strcpy(filename2,texturefilename);
+ strcpy(filename2+strlen(filename2)-8,"_a.png");
+ // Check if the file actually exists
+ if( PathFileExists(filename2) )
+ {
+ // Check if the file with this name is actually a texture (well an alpha channel one)
+ if( GetImageInfoFromFile(filename2, &imgInfo2) != 0 )
+ {
+ // Nope, it isn't. => Go on with the next file
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Cannot get image info for file: %s", filename2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Yes it is a texture file. Check if the size of the alpha channel is the same as the one of the texture
+ if( extraCheck && (imgInfo2.Width != imgInfo.Width || imgInfo2.Height != imgInfo.Height) )
+ {
+ // Nope, it isn't => go on with next file
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "RGB and alpha texture size mismatch: %s", filename2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ bSeparatedAlpha = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Detect the texture type by its extention
+ else if( strcasecmp(right(foundfilename,8), "_all.png") == 0 )
+ {
+ // Check if texture is of expected type
+ if( GetImageInfoFromFile(texturefilename, &imgInfo) != 0 )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Cannot get image info for file: %s", foundfilename);
+ // Nope, continue with next file
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Indicate file type
+ }
+ // If a known texture format has been detected...
+ if( type != NO_TEXTURE )
+ {
+ /*
+ Try to read image information here.
+ (CASTLEVANIA2)#(58E2333F)#(2)#(0)#(D7A5C6D9)_ciByRGBA.png
+ (------1-----)#(---2----)#(3)#(4)#(---5----)_ciByRGBA.png
+ 1. Internal ROM name
+ 2. The DRAM CRC
+ 3. The image pixel size (8b=0, 16b=1, 24b=2, 32b=3)
+ 4. The texture format (RGBA=0, YUV=1, CI=2, IA=3, I=4)
+ 5. The palette CRC
+ <internal Rom name>#<DRAM CRC>#<24bit>#<RGBA>#<PAL CRC>_ciByRGBA.png
+ */
+ // Get the actual file name
+ strcpy(texturefilename, foundfilename);
+ // Place the pointer before the DRAM-CRC (first occurrence of '#')
+ char *ptr = strchr(texturefilename,'#');
+ // Terminate the string ('0' means end of string - or in this case begin of string)
+ *ptr++ = 0;
+ if( type == RGBA_PNG_FOR_CI )
+ {
+ // Extract the information from the file name; information is:
+ // <DRAM(or texture)-CRC><texture type><texture format><PAL(or palette)-CRC>
+ sscanf(ptr,"%8c#%d#%d#%8c", crcstr, &fmt, &siz,crcstr2);
+ // Terminate the ascii represntation of the palette crc
+ crcstr2[8] = 0;
+ // Transform the ascii presentation of the hex value to an unsigned integer
+ palcrc32 = strtoul(crcstr2,NULL,16);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Extract the information from the file name - this file does not have a palette crc; information is:
+ // <DRAM(or texture)-CRC><texture type><texture format>
+ // o gosh, commenting source code is really boring - but necessary!! Thus do it! (and don't use drugs ;-))
+ sscanf(ptr,"%8c#%d#%d", crcstr, &fmt, &siz);
+ // Use dummy for palette crc - that way each texture can be handled in a heterogeneous way
+ palcrc32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ }
+ // Terminate the ascii represntation of the texture crc
+ crcstr[8]=0;
+ // Transform the ascii presentation of the hex value to an unsigned integer
+ crc = strtoul(crcstr,NULL,16);
+ // For the detection of an existing item
+ int foundIdx = -1;
+ for( int k=0; k<infos.size(); k++)
+ {
+ // Check if texture already exists in the list
+ // microdev: that's why I somehow love documenting code: that makes the implementation of a WIP folder check
+ // fucking easy :-)
+ if( infos[k].crc32 == crc && infos[k].pal_crc32 == palcrc32 )
+ {
+ // Indeeed, the texture already exists
+ foundIdx = k;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( foundIdx < 0 || type != infos[foundIdx].type)
+ {
+ // Create a new entry
+ ExtTxtrInfo newinfo;
+ // Store the width
+ newinfo.width = imgInfo.Width;
+ // Store the height
+ newinfo.height = imgInfo.Height;
+ // Store the name of the folder it has been found in
+ //strcpy(newinfo.name,g_curRomInfo.szGameName);
+ newinfo.foldername = new char[strlen(foldername)+1];
+ strcpy(newinfo.foldername,foldername);
+ // store the filename
+ newinfo.filename = strdup(foundfilename);
+ newinfo.filename_a = NULL;
+ // Store the format
+ newinfo.fmt = fmt;
+ // Store the size (bit-size, not texture size)
+ newinfo.siz = siz;
+ // Store DRAM (texture) CRC
+ newinfo.crc32 = crc;
+ // Store PAL (palette) CRC (the actual one, or the dummy value ('FFFFFFFF'))
+ newinfo.pal_crc32 = palcrc32;
+ // Store the texture type
+ newinfo.type = type;
+ //Indicate if there is a separate alpha file that has to be loaded
+ newinfo.bSeparatedAlpha = bSeparatedAlpha;
+ if (bSeparatedAlpha) {
+ char filename2[PATH_MAX];
+ strcpy(filename2, foundfilename);
+ strcpy(filename2+strlen(filename2)-8,"_a.png");
+ newinfo.filename_a = strdup(filename2);
+ }
+ // Generate the key for the record describing the hires texture.
+ // This key is used to find it back in the list
+ // The key format is: <DRAM(texture)-CRC-8byte><PAL(palette)-CRC-6byte(2bytes have been truncated to have space for format and size)><format-1byte><size-1byte>
+ uint64 crc64 = newinfo.crc32;
+ crc64 <<= 32;
+ if (options.bLoadHiResCRCOnly)
+ crc64 |= newinfo.pal_crc32&0xFFFFFFFF;
+ else
+ crc64 |= (newinfo.pal_crc32&0xFFFFFF00)|(newinfo.fmt<<4)|newinfo.siz;
+ // Add the new record to the list
+ infos.add(crc64,newinfo);
+ }
+ }
+ } while(foundfilename != NULL);
+ osal_search_dir_close(dir);
+ * Checks if a folder is actually existant. If not, it tries to create this folder
+ * parameter:
+ * pathname: the name of the folder that should be checked or created if not existant
+ * return:
+ * return value: flag that indicates true if the folder is existant or could be created. If none was the case,
+ * false will be returned
+ ********************************************************************************************************************/
+bool CheckAndCreateFolder(const char* pathname)
+ // Check if provided folder already exists
+ if( !PathFileExists((char*)pathname) )
+ {
+ // It didn't. Try creating it.
+ if (osal_mkdirp(pathname, 0700) != 0)
+ {
+ // It didn't work (probably insufficient permissions or read-only media) ==> return false
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Can not create new folder: %s", pathname);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // success
+ return true;
+// microdev: THIS HAS TO BE CLEANED UP...
+// Texture dumping filenaming
+// GameName_FrameCount_CRC_Fmt_Siz.bmp
+// File format: BMP
+// GameName: N64 game internal name
+// CRC: 32 bit, 8 hex digits
+// Fmt: 0 - 4
+// Siz: 0 - 3
+const char *subfolders[] = {
+ "png_all",
+ "png_by_rgb_a",
+ "ci_bmp",
+ "ci_bmp_with_pal_crc",
+ "ci_by_png",
+void FindAllDumpedTextures(void)
+ char foldername[PATH_MAX + 64];
+ strncpy(foldername, ConfigGetUserDataPath(), PATH_MAX);
+ foldername[PATH_MAX] = 0;
+ if (foldername[strlen(foldername) - 1] != OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR)
+ strcat(foldername, OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR_STR);
+ strcat(foldername,"texture_dump" OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR_STR);
+ CheckAndCreateFolder(foldername);
+ strcat(foldername,(const char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName);
+ strcat(foldername, OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR_STR);
+ gTxtrDumpInfos.clear();
+ if( !PathFileExists(foldername) )
+ {
+ CheckAndCreateFolder(foldername);
+ char foldername2[PATH_MAX];
+ for( int i=0; i<5; i++)
+ {
+ strcpy(foldername2,foldername);
+ strcat(foldername2,subfolders[i]);
+ CheckAndCreateFolder(foldername2);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gTxtrDumpInfos.clear();
+ FindAllTexturesFromFolder(foldername,gTxtrDumpInfos, false, true);
+ char foldername2[PATH_MAX];
+ for( int i=0; i<5; i++)
+ {
+ strcpy(foldername2,foldername);
+ strcat(foldername2,subfolders[i]);
+ CheckAndCreateFolder(foldername2);
+ }
+ }
+ * Truncates the current list with information about hires textures and scans the hires folder for hires textures and
+ * creates a list with records of properties of the hires textures.
+ * parameter:
+ * none
+ * return:
+ * none
+ ********************************************************************************************************************/
+void FindAllHiResTextures(void)
+ char foldername[PATH_MAX + 64];
+ strncpy(foldername, ConfigGetUserDataPath(), PATH_MAX);
+ foldername[PATH_MAX] = 0;
+ // Assure that a backslash exists at the end (should be handled by GetPluginDir())
+ if(foldername[strlen(foldername) - 1] != OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR)
+ strcat(foldername, OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR_STR);
+ // Add the relative path to the hires folder
+ strcat(foldername,"hires_texture" OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR_STR);
+ // It does not exist? => Create it
+ CheckAndCreateFolder(foldername);
+ // Add the path to a sub-folder corresponding to the rom name
+ strcat(foldername,(const char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName);
+ strcat(foldername, OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR_STR);
+ // Truncate the current list with the hires texture info
+ gHiresTxtrInfos.clear();
+ if (!osal_is_directory(foldername))
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Couldn't open hi-res texture directory: %s", foldername);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Find all hires textures and also cache them if configured to do so
+ FindAllTexturesFromFolder(foldername,gHiresTxtrInfos, true, true);
+ }
+void CloseHiresTextures(void)
+ for( int i=0; i<gHiresTxtrInfos.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if( gHiresTxtrInfos[i].foldername )
+ delete [] gHiresTxtrInfos[i].foldername;
+ if( gHiresTxtrInfos[i].filename )
+ delete [] gHiresTxtrInfos[i].filename;
+ if( gHiresTxtrInfos[i].filename_a )
+ delete [] gHiresTxtrInfos[i].filename_a;
+ }
+ gHiresTxtrInfos.clear();
+void CloseTextureDump(void)
+ for( int i=0; i<gTxtrDumpInfos.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if( gTxtrDumpInfos[i].foldername )
+ delete [] gTxtrDumpInfos[i].foldername;
+ if( gTxtrDumpInfos[i].filename )
+ delete [] gTxtrDumpInfos[i].filename;
+ if( gTxtrDumpInfos[i].filename_a )
+ delete [] gTxtrDumpInfos[i].filename_a;
+ }
+ gTxtrDumpInfos.clear();
+void CloseExternalTextures(void)
+ CloseHiresTextures();
+ CloseTextureDump();
+ * Scans the hires folder for hires textures and creates a list with records of properties of the hires textures.
+ * in case of enabled hires caching also the actual hires textures will be added to the record. Before textures will
+ * be loaded, existing list of texture information will be truncated.
+ * parameter:
+ * bWIPFolder: Indicates if all textures should be inited or just the WIP folder. Just the content of the WIP folder
+ * will be reloaded if a savestate has been loaded or if there has been a switch between window and full-
+ * screen mode. (Not implemented yet)
+ * return:
+ * none
+ ********************************************************************************************************************/
+void InitHiresTextures(void)
+ if( options.bLoadHiResTextures )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Texture loading option is enabled. Finding all hires textures");
+ FindAllHiResTextures();
+ }
+void InitTextureDump(void)
+ if( options.bDumpTexturesToFiles )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Texture dump option is enabled. Finding all dumpped textures");
+ FindAllDumpedTextures();
+ }
+ * Inits the hires textures. For doing so, all hires textures info & the cached textures (for dumping and the hires ones)
+ * are deleted. Afterwards they are reloaded from file system. This only takes place if a new rom has been loaded.
+ * parameter:
+ * none
+ * return:
+ * none
+ ********************************************************************************************************************/
+void InitExternalTextures(void)
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "InitExternalTextures");
+ // remove all hires & dump textures from cache
+ CloseExternalTextures();
+ // reload and recache hires textures
+ InitHiresTextures();
+ // prepare list of already dumped textures (for avoiding to redump them). Available hires textures will
+ // also be excluded from dumping
+ InitTextureDump();
+ * Determines the scale factor for resizing the original texture to the hires replacement. The scale factor is a left
+ * shift. That means scale factor 1 = size(original texture)*2= size(hires texture),
+ * factor 2 = size(original texture)*4= size(hires texture), etc. (I'm not yet sure why it has to be 2^x. Most probably
+ * because of block size. Has to be further determined.
+ * parameter:
+ * info: the record describing the external texture
+ * entry: the original texture in the texture cache
+ * return:
+ * info.scaleShift: the value for left shift the original texture size to the corresponding hires texture size
+ * return value: the value for left shift the original texture size to the corresponding hires texture size.
+ * The function returns -1 if the dimensions of the hires texture are not a power of two of the
+ * original texture.
+ ********************************************************************************************************************/
+int FindScaleFactor(const ExtTxtrInfo &info, TxtrCacheEntry &entry)
+ // init scale shift
+ int scaleShift = 0;
+ // check if the original texture dimensions (x and y) scaled with the current shift is still smaller or of the same size as the hires one
+ while(info.height >= entry.ti.HeightToLoad*(1<<scaleShift) && info.width >= entry.ti.WidthToLoad*(1<<scaleShift))
+ {
+ // check if the original texture dimensions (x and y)scaled with the current shift have the same size as the hires one
+ if(info.height == entry.ti.HeightToLoad*(1<<scaleShift) && info.width == entry.ti.WidthToLoad*(1<<scaleShift))
+ // found appropriate scale shift, return it
+ return scaleShift;
+ scaleShift++;
+ }
+ // original texture dimensions (x or y or both) scaled with the last scale shift have become larger than the dimensions
+ // of the hires texture. That means the dimensions of the hires replacement are not power of 2 of the original texture.
+ // Therefore indicate a crop shift (or -1 when the hires_texture was smaller from the beginning)
+ scaleShift -= 1;
+ return scaleShift;
+ * Checks if a hires replacement for a texture is available.
+ * parameter:
+ * infos: The list of external textures
+ * entry: the original texture in the texture cache
+ * return:
+ * indexa: returns the index in "infos" where a hires replacement for a texture without
+ * palette crc or a RGBA_PNG_FOR_ALL_CI texture has been found
+ * return value: the index in "infos" where the corresponding hires texture has been found
+ ********************************************************************************************************************/
+int CheckTextureInfos( CSortedList<uint64,ExtTxtrInfo> &infos, TxtrCacheEntry &entry, int &indexa, int &scaleShift, bool bForDump = false)
+ if ((entry.ti.WidthToLoad != 0 && entry.ti.WidthToCreate / entry.ti.WidthToLoad > 2) ||
+ (entry.ti.HeightToLoad != 0 && entry.ti.HeightToCreate / entry.ti.HeightToLoad > 2 ))
+ {
+ //DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Hires texture does not support extreme texture replication");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // determine if texture is a color-indexed (CI) texture
+ bool bCI = (gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 || entry.ti.Format == TXT_FMT_CI || entry.ti.Format == TXT_FMT_RGBA) && entry.ti.Size <= TXT_SIZE_8b;
+ // generate two alternative ids
+ uint64 crc64a = entry.dwCRC;
+ crc64a <<= 32;
+ uint64 crc64b = crc64a;
+ if (options.bLoadHiResCRCOnly) {
+ crc64a |= (0xFFFFFFFF);
+ crc64b |= (entry.dwPalCRC&0xFFFFFFFF);
+ } else {
+ crc64a |= (0xFFFFFF00|(entry.ti.Format<<4)|entry.ti.Size);
+ crc64b |= ((entry.dwPalCRC&0xFFFFFF00)|(entry.ti.Format<<4)|entry.ti.Size);
+ }
+ // infos is the list containing the references to the detected external textures
+ // get the number of items contained in this list
+ int infosize = infos.size();
+ int indexb=-1;
+ // try to identify the external texture that
+ // corresponds to the original texture
+ indexa = infos.find(crc64a); // For CI without pal CRC, and for RGBA_PNG_FOR_ALL_CI
+ if( bCI )
+ // and also for textures with separate alpha channel
+ indexb = infos.find(crc64b); // For CI or PNG with pal CRC
+ // did not found the ext. text.
+ if( indexa >= infosize )
+ indexa = -1;
+ // did not found the ext. text. w/ sep. alpha channel
+ if( indexb >= infosize )
+ indexb = -1;
+ scaleShift = -1;
+ // found texture with sep. alpha channel
+ if( indexb >= 0 )
+ {
+ // determine the factor for scaling
+ scaleShift = FindScaleFactor(infos[indexb], entry);
+ // ok. the scale factor is supported. A valid replacement has been found
+ if( scaleShift >= 0 )
+ return indexb;
+ }
+ // if texture is 4bit, should be dumped and there is no match in the list of external textures
+ if( bForDump && bCI && indexb < 0)
+ // than return that there is no replacement & therefore texture can be dumped (microdev: not sure about that...)
+ return -1;
+ // texture has no separate alpha channel, try to find it in the ext. text. list
+ if( indexa >= 0 )
+ scaleShift = FindScaleFactor(infos[indexa], entry);
+ // ok. the scale factor is supported. A valid replacement has been found
+ // this is a texture without ext. alpha channel
+ if( scaleShift >= 0 )
+ return indexa;
+ // no luck at all. there is no valid replacement
+ else
+ return -1;
+bool SaveCITextureToFile(TxtrCacheEntry &entry, char *filename, bool bShow, bool bWhole);
+void DumpCachedTexture( TxtrCacheEntry &entry )
+ char cSep = '/';
+ CTexture *pSrcTexture = entry.pTexture;
+ if( pSrcTexture )
+ {
+ // Check the vector table
+ int ciidx, scaleShift;
+ if( CheckTextureInfos(gTxtrDumpInfos,entry,ciidx,scaleShift,true) >= 0 )
+ return; // This texture has been dumpped
+ char filename1[PATH_MAX + 64];
+ char filename2[PATH_MAX + 64];
+ char filename3[PATH_MAX + 64];
+ char gamefolder[PATH_MAX + 64];
+ strncpy(gamefolder, ConfigGetUserDataPath(), PATH_MAX);
+ gamefolder[PATH_MAX] = 0;
+ strcat(gamefolder,"texture_dump" OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR_STR);
+ strcat(gamefolder,(const char*)g_curRomInfo.szGameName);
+ strcat(gamefolder, OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR_STR);
+ //sprintf(filename1+strlen(filename1), "%08X#%d#%d", entry.dwCRC, entry.ti.Format, entry.ti.Size);
+ sprintf(filename1, "%s%s#%08X#%d#%d", gamefolder, g_curRomInfo.szGameName, entry.dwCRC, entry.ti.Format, entry.ti.Size);
+ if( (gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 || entry.ti.Format == TXT_FMT_CI || entry.ti.Format == TXT_FMT_RGBA) && entry.ti.Size <= TXT_SIZE_8b )
+ {
+ if( ciidx < 0 )
+ {
+ sprintf(filename1, "%sci_bmp%c%s#%08X#%d#%d_ci", gamefolder, cSep, g_curRomInfo.szGameName, entry.dwCRC, entry.ti.Format, entry.ti.Size);
+ SaveCITextureToFile(entry, filename1, false, false);
+ }
+ sprintf(filename1, "%sci_bmp_with_pal_crc%c%s#%08X#%d#%d#%08X_ci", gamefolder, cSep, g_curRomInfo.szGameName, entry.dwCRC, entry.ti.Format, entry.ti.Size,entry.dwPalCRC);
+ SaveCITextureToFile(entry, filename1, false, false);
+ sprintf(filename1, "%sci_by_png%c%s#%08X#%d#%d#%08X_ciByRGBA", gamefolder, cSep, g_curRomInfo.szGameName, entry.dwCRC, entry.ti.Format, entry.ti.Size,entry.dwPalCRC);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SaveTextureToFile(*pSrcTexture, filename1, TXT_RGBA, false, false, entry.ti.WidthToLoad, entry.ti.HeightToLoad);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf(filename1, "%spng_by_rgb_a%c%s#%08X#%d#%d_rgb", gamefolder, cSep, g_curRomInfo.szGameName, entry.dwCRC, entry.ti.Format, entry.ti.Size);
+ sprintf(filename2, "%spng_by_rgb_a%c%s#%08X#%d#%d_a", gamefolder, cSep, g_curRomInfo.szGameName, entry.dwCRC, entry.ti.Format, entry.ti.Size);
+ sprintf(filename3, "%spng_all%c%s#%08X#%d#%d_all", gamefolder, cSep, g_curRomInfo.szGameName, entry.dwCRC, entry.ti.Format, entry.ti.Size);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SaveTextureToFile(*pSrcTexture, filename1, TXT_RGB, false, false, entry.ti.WidthToLoad, entry.ti.HeightToLoad);
+ CRender::g_pRender->SaveTextureToFile(*pSrcTexture, filename3, TXT_RGBA, false, false, entry.ti.WidthToLoad, entry.ti.HeightToLoad);
+ if( entry.ti.Format != TXT_FMT_I )
+ {
+ DrawInfo srcInfo;
+ uint32 aFF = 0xFF;
+ if( pSrcTexture->StartUpdate(&srcInfo) )
+ {
+ // Copy RGB to buffer
+ for( int i=entry.ti.HeightToLoad-1; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ unsigned char *pSrc = (unsigned char*)srcInfo.lpSurface+srcInfo.lPitch * i;
+ for( uint32 j=0; j<entry.ti.WidthToLoad; j++)
+ {
+ aFF &= pSrc[3];
+ pSrc += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ pSrcTexture->EndUpdate(&srcInfo);
+ }
+ if( aFF != 0xFF)
+ CRender::g_pRender->SaveTextureToFile(*pSrcTexture, filename2, TXT_ALPHA, false, false);
+ }
+ }
+ ExtTxtrInfo newinfo;
+ newinfo.width = entry.ti.WidthToLoad;
+ newinfo.height = entry.ti.HeightToLoad;
+ //strcpy(newinfo.name,g_curRomInfo.szGameName);
+ newinfo.fmt = entry.ti.Format;
+ newinfo.siz = entry.ti.Size;
+ newinfo.crc32 = entry.dwCRC;
+ newinfo.pal_crc32 = entry.dwPalCRC;
+ newinfo.foldername = NULL;
+ newinfo.filename = NULL;
+ newinfo.filename_a = NULL;
+ newinfo.type = NO_TEXTURE;
+ newinfo.bSeparatedAlpha = false;
+ uint64 crc64 = newinfo.crc32;
+ crc64 <<= 32;
+ if (options.bLoadHiResCRCOnly)
+ crc64 |= newinfo.pal_crc32&0xFFFFFFFF;
+ else
+ crc64 |= (newinfo.pal_crc32&0xFFFFFF00)|(newinfo.fmt<<4)|newinfo.siz;
+ gTxtrDumpInfos.add(crc64,newinfo);
+ }
+bool LoadRGBBufferFromPNGFile(char *filename, unsigned char **pbuf, int &width, int &height, int bits_per_pixel = 24 )
+ struct BMGImageStruct img;
+ memset(&img, 0, sizeof(BMGImageStruct));
+ if (!PathFileExists(filename))
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "File at '%s' doesn't exist in LoadRGBBufferFromPNGFile!", filename);
+ return false;
+ }
+ BMG_Error code = ReadPNG( filename, &img );
+ if( code == BMG_OK )
+ {
+ *pbuf = NULL;
+ *pbuf = new unsigned char[img.width*img.height*bits_per_pixel/8];
+ if (*pbuf == NULL)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "new[] returned NULL for image width=%i height=%i bpp=%i", img.width, img.height, bits_per_pixel);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (img.bits_per_pixel == bits_per_pixel)
+ {
+ memcpy(*pbuf, img.bits, img.width*img.height*bits_per_pixel/8);
+ }
+ else if (img.bits_per_pixel == 24 && bits_per_pixel == 32)
+ {
+ unsigned char *pSrc = img.bits;
+ unsigned char *pDst = *pbuf;
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)(img.width*img.height); i++)
+ {
+ *pDst++ = *pSrc++;
+ *pDst++ = *pSrc++;
+ *pDst++ = *pSrc++;
+ *pDst++ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // loaded image has alpha, needed image has to be without alpha channel
+ else if (img.bits_per_pixel == 32 && bits_per_pixel == 24)
+ {
+ // pointer to source image data
+ unsigned char *pSrc = img.bits;
+ // buffer for destination image
+ unsigned char *pDst = *pbuf;
+ // copy data of the loaded image to the buffer by skipping the alpha byte
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)(img.width*img.height); i++)
+ {
+ // copy R
+ *pDst++ = *pSrc++;
+ // copy G
+ *pDst++ = *pSrc++;
+ // copy B
+ *pDst++ = *pSrc++;
+ // skip the alpha byte of the loaded image
+ pSrc++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (img.bits_per_pixel == 8 && (bits_per_pixel == 24 || bits_per_pixel == 32))
+ {
+ // do palette lookup and convert 8bpp to 24/32bpp
+ int destBytePP = bits_per_pixel / 8;
+ int paletteBytePP = img.bytes_per_palette_entry;
+ unsigned char *pSrc = img.bits;
+ unsigned char *pDst = *pbuf;
+ // clear the destination image data (just to clear alpha if bpp=32)
+ memset(*pbuf, 0, img.width*img.height*destBytePP);
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)(img.width*img.height); i++)
+ {
+ unsigned char clridx = *pSrc++;
+ unsigned char *palcolor = img.palette + clridx * paletteBytePP;
+ pDst[0] = palcolor[2]; // red
+ pDst[1] = palcolor[1]; // green
+ pDst[2] = palcolor[0]; // blue
+ pDst += destBytePP;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "PNG file '%s' is %i bpp but texture is %i bpp.", filename, img.bits_per_pixel, bits_per_pixel);
+ delete [] *pbuf;
+ *pbuf = NULL;
+ }
+ width = img.width;
+ height = img.height;
+ FreeBMGImage(&img);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "ReadPNG() returned error for '%s' in LoadRGBBufferFromPNGFile!", filename);
+ *pbuf = NULL;
+ return false;
+ }
+bool LoadRGBABufferFromColorIndexedFile(char *filename, TxtrCacheEntry &entry, unsigned char **pbuf, int &width, int &height)
+ FILE *f;
+ f = fopen(filename, "rb");
+ if(f != NULL)
+ {
+ if (fread(&fileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, f) != 1 ||
+ fread(&infoHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, f) != 1)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't read BMP headers in file '%s'", filename);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( infoHeader.biBitCount != 4 && infoHeader.biBitCount != 8 )
+ {
+ fclose(f);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Unsupported BMP file format: %s", filename);
+ *pbuf = NULL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ int tablesize = infoHeader.biBitCount == 4 ? 16 : 256;
+ uint32 *pTable = new uint32[tablesize];
+ if (fread(pTable, tablesize*4, 1, f) != 1)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't read BMP palette in file '%s'", filename);
+ delete [] pTable;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Create the pallette table
+ uint16 * pPal = (uint16 *)entry.ti.PalAddress;
+ if( entry.ti.Size == TXT_SIZE_4b )
+ {
+ // 4-bit table
+ for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
+ {
+ pTable[i] = entry.ti.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_RGBA16 ? Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[i^1]) : ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[i^1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 8-bit table
+ for( int i=0; i<256; i++ )
+ {
+ pTable[i] = entry.ti.TLutFmt == TLUT_FMT_RGBA16 ? Convert555ToRGBA(pPal[i^1]) : ConvertIA16ToRGBA(pPal[i^1]);
+ }
+ }
+ *pbuf = new unsigned char[infoHeader.biWidth*infoHeader.biHeight*4];
+ if( *pbuf )
+ {
+ unsigned char *colorIdxBuf = new unsigned char[infoHeader.biSizeImage];
+ if( colorIdxBuf )
+ {
+ if (fread(colorIdxBuf, infoHeader.biSizeImage, 1, f) != 1)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't read BMP image data in file '%s'", filename);
+ }
+ width = infoHeader.biWidth;
+ height = infoHeader.biHeight;
+ // Converting pallette texture to RGBA texture
+ int idx = 0;
+ uint32 *pbuf2 = (uint32*) *pbuf;
+ for( int i=height-1; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ for( int j=0; j<width; j++)
+ {
+ if( entry.ti.Size == TXT_SIZE_4b )
+ {
+ // 4 bits
+ if( idx%2 )
+ {
+ // 1
+ *pbuf2++ = pTable[colorIdxBuf[(idx++)>>1]&0xF];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 0
+ *pbuf2++ = pTable[(colorIdxBuf[(idx++)>>1]>>4)&0xF];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 8 bits
+ *pbuf2++ = pTable[colorIdxBuf[idx++]];
+ }
+ }
+ if( entry.ti.Size == TXT_SIZE_4b )
+ {
+ if( idx%8 ) idx = (idx/8+1)*8;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( idx%4 ) idx = (idx/4+1)*4;
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] colorIdxBuf;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE0("Out of memory");
+ }
+ delete [] pTable;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fclose(f);
+ delete [] pTable;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Do something
+ TRACE1("Fail to open file %s", filename);
+ *pbuf = NULL;
+ return false;
+ }
+bool LoadRGBBufferFromBMPFile(char *filename, unsigned char **pbuf, int &width, int &height)
+ FILE *f;
+ f = fopen(filename, "rb");
+ if(f != NULL)
+ {
+ if (fread(&fileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, f) != 1 ||
+ fread(&infoHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, f) != 1)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't read BMP headers in file '%s'", filename);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( infoHeader.biBitCount != 24 )
+ {
+ fclose(f);
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Unsupported BMP file 16 bits format: %s", filename);
+ *pbuf = NULL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ *pbuf = new unsigned char[infoHeader.biWidth*infoHeader.biHeight*3];
+ if( *pbuf )
+ {
+ if (fread(*pbuf, infoHeader.biWidth*infoHeader.biHeight*3, 1, f) != 1)
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't read RGB BMP image data in file '%s'", filename);
+ fclose(f);
+ width = infoHeader.biWidth;
+ height = infoHeader.biHeight;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fclose(f);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Do something
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Fail to open file %s", filename);
+ *pbuf = NULL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ * Loads the hires equivaltent of a texture
+ * parameter:
+ * TxtrCacheEntry: The original texture in the texture cache
+ * return:
+ * none
+ *******************************************************/
+void LoadHiresTexture( TxtrCacheEntry &entry )
+ // check if the external texture has already been loaded
+ if( entry.bExternalTxtrChecked )
+ return;
+ // there is already an enhanced texture (e.g. a filtered one)
+ if( entry.pEnhancedTexture )
+ {
+ // delete it from memory before loading the external one
+ SAFE_DELETE(entry.pEnhancedTexture);
+ }
+ int ciidx, scaleShift;
+ // search the index of the appropriate hires replacement texture
+ // in the list containing the infos of the external textures
+ // ciidx is not needed here (just needed for dumping)
+ int idx = CheckTextureInfos(gHiresTxtrInfos,entry,ciidx,scaleShift,false);
+ if( idx < 0 )
+ {
+ // there is no hires replacement => indicate that
+ entry.bExternalTxtrChecked = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Load the bitmap file
+ char filename_rgb[PATH_MAX];
+ char filename_a[PATH_MAX];
+ strcpy(filename_rgb, gHiresTxtrInfos[idx].foldername);
+ strcat(filename_rgb, gHiresTxtrInfos[idx].filename);
+ if (gHiresTxtrInfos[idx].filename_a) {
+ strcpy(filename_a, gHiresTxtrInfos[idx].foldername);
+ strcat(filename_a, gHiresTxtrInfos[idx].filename_a);
+ } else {
+ strcpy(filename_a, "");
+ }
+ // Load BMP image to buffer_rbg
+ unsigned char *buf_rgba = NULL;
+ unsigned char *buf_a = NULL;
+ int width, height;
+ bool bResRGBA=false, bResA=false;
+ bool bCI = ((gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 || entry.ti.Format == TXT_FMT_CI || entry.ti.Format == TXT_FMT_RGBA) && entry.ti.Size <= TXT_SIZE_8b );
+ switch( gHiresTxtrInfos[idx].type )
+ {
+ case RGB_PNG:
+ if( bCI )
+ return;
+ else
+ {
+ bResRGBA = LoadRGBBufferFromPNGFile(filename_rgb, &buf_rgba, width, height);
+ if( bResRGBA && gHiresTxtrInfos[idx].bSeparatedAlpha )
+ bResA = LoadRGBBufferFromPNGFile(filename_a, &buf_a, width, height);
+ }
+ break;
+ if( bCI )
+ bResRGBA = LoadRGBABufferFromColorIndexedFile(filename_rgb, entry, &buf_rgba, width, height);
+ else
+ return;
+ break;
+ if( bCI )
+ bResRGBA = LoadRGBBufferFromPNGFile(filename_rgb, &buf_rgba, width, height, 32);
+ else
+ return;
+ break;
+ if( bCI )
+ return;
+ else
+ bResRGBA = LoadRGBBufferFromPNGFile(filename_rgb, &buf_rgba, width, height, 32);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !bResRGBA || !buf_rgba )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "RGBBuffer creation failed for file '%s'.", filename_rgb);
+ return;
+ }
+ // check if the alpha channel has been loaded if the texture has a separate alpha channel
+ else if( gHiresTxtrInfos[idx].bSeparatedAlpha && !bResA )
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Alpha buffer creation failed for file '%s'.", filename_a);
+ delete [] buf_rgba;
+ return;
+ }
+ // calculate the texture size magnification by comparing the N64 texture size and the hi-res texture size
+ int scale = 1 << scaleShift;
+ int mirrorx = 1;
+ int mirrory = 1;
+ int input_height_shift = height - entry.ti.HeightToLoad * scale;
+ int input_pitch_a = width;
+ int input_pitch_rgb = width;
+ width = entry.ti.WidthToLoad * scale;
+ height = entry.ti.HeightToLoad * scale;
+ if (entry.ti.WidthToCreate/entry.ti.WidthToLoad == 2) mirrorx = 2;
+ if (entry.ti.HeightToCreate/entry.ti.HeightToLoad == 2) mirrory = 2;
+ entry.pEnhancedTexture = CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateTexture(entry.ti.WidthToCreate*scale, entry.ti.HeightToCreate*scale);
+ DrawInfo info;
+ if( entry.pEnhancedTexture && entry.pEnhancedTexture->StartUpdate(&info) )
+ {
+ if( gHiresTxtrInfos[idx].type == RGB_PNG )
+ {
+ input_pitch_rgb *= 3;
+ input_pitch_a *= 3;
+ if (info.lPitch < width * 4)
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Texture pitch %i less than width %i times 4", info.lPitch, width);
+ if (height > info.dwHeight)
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Texture source height %i greater than destination height %i", height, info.dwHeight);
+ // Update the texture by using the buffer
+ for( int i=0; i<height; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned char *pRGB = buf_rgba + (input_height_shift + i) * input_pitch_rgb;
+ unsigned char *pA = buf_a + (input_height_shift + i) * input_pitch_a;
+ unsigned char* pdst = (unsigned char*)info.lpSurface + (height - i - 1)*info.lPitch;
+ for( int j=0; j<width; j++)
+ {
+ *pdst++ = *pRGB++; // R
+ *pdst++ = *pRGB++; // G
+ *pdst++ = *pRGB++; // B
+ if( gHiresTxtrInfos[idx].bSeparatedAlpha )
+ {
+ *pdst++ = *pA;
+ pA += 3;
+ }
+ else if( entry.ti.Format == TXT_FMT_I )
+ {
+ *pdst++ = pRGB[-1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *pdst++ = 0xFF;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ input_pitch_rgb *= 4;
+ // Update the texture by using the buffer
+ for( int i=height-1; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ uint32 *pRGB = (uint32*)(buf_rgba + (input_height_shift + i) * input_pitch_rgb);
+ uint32 *pdst = (uint32*)((unsigned char*)info.lpSurface + (height - i - 1)*info.lPitch);
+ for( int j=0; j<width; j++)
+ {
+ *pdst++ = *pRGB++; // RGBA
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (mirrorx == 2)
+ {
+ //printf("Mirror: ToCreate: (%d,%d) ToLoad: (%d,%d) Scale: (%i,%i) Mirror: (%i,%i) Size: (%i,%i) Mask: %i\n", entry.ti.WidthToCreate, entry.ti.HeightToCreate, entry.ti.WidthToLoad, entry.ti.HeightToLoad, scale, scale, mirrorx, mirrory, width, height, entry.ti.maskS+scaleShift);
+ gTextureManager.Mirror(info.lpSurface, width, entry.ti.maskS+scaleShift, width*2, width*2, height, S_FLAG, 4 );
+ }
+ if (mirrory == 2)
+ {
+ //printf("Mirror: ToCreate: (%d,%d) ToLoad: (%d,%d) Scale: (%i,%i) Mirror: (%i,%i) Size: (%i,%i) Mask: %i\n", entry.ti.WidthToCreate, entry.ti.HeightToCreate, entry.ti.WidthToLoad, entry.ti.HeightToLoad, scale, scale, mirrorx, mirrory, width, height, entry.ti.maskT+scaleShift);
+ gTextureManager.Mirror(info.lpSurface, height, entry.ti.maskT+scaleShift, height*2, entry.pEnhancedTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth, height, T_FLAG, 4 );
+ }
+ if( entry.ti.WidthToCreate*scale < entry.pEnhancedTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth )
+ {
+ // Clamp
+ gTextureManager.Clamp(info.lpSurface, width, entry.pEnhancedTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth, entry.pEnhancedTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth, height, S_FLAG, 4 );
+ }
+ if( entry.ti.HeightToCreate*scale < entry.pEnhancedTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureHeight )
+ {
+ // Clamp
+ gTextureManager.Clamp(info.lpSurface, height, entry.pEnhancedTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureHeight, entry.pEnhancedTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth, height, T_FLAG, 4 );
+ }
+ entry.pEnhancedTexture->EndUpdate(&info);
+ entry.pEnhancedTexture->SetOthersVariables();
+ entry.pEnhancedTexture->m_bIsEnhancedTexture = true;
+ entry.dwEnhancementFlag = TEXTURE_EXTERNAL;
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "Loaded hi-res texture: %s", filename_rgb);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "New texture creation failed.");
+ TRACE0("Cannot create a new texture");
+ }
+ if( buf_rgba )
+ {
+ delete [] buf_rgba;
+ }
+ if( buf_a )
+ {
+ delete [] buf_a;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef __FILTERS_H__
+#define __FILTERS_H__
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+#define DWORD_MAKE(r, g, b, a) ((uint32) (((a) << 24) | ((r) << 16) | ((g) << 8) | (b)))
+#define WORD_MAKE(r, g, b, a) ((uint16) (((a) << 12) | ((r) << 8) | ((g) << 4) | (b)))
+extern void InitExternalTextures(void);
+extern void CloseExternalTextures(void);
+void Texture2x_32( DrawInfo &srcInfo, DrawInfo &destInfo);
+void Texture2x_16( DrawInfo &srcInfo, DrawInfo &destInfo);
+void Texture2x_Interp_32( DrawInfo &srcInfo, DrawInfo &destInfo);
+void Texture2x_Interp_16( DrawInfo &srcInfo, DrawInfo &destInfo);
+void Super2xSaI_32( uint32 *srcPtr, uint32 *destPtr, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch);
+void Super2xSaI_16( uint16 *srcPtr, uint16 *destPtr, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch);
+void hq4x_16( unsigned char * pIn, unsigned char * pOut, int Xres, int Yres, int SrcPPL, int BpL );
+void hq4x_32( unsigned char * pIn, unsigned char * pOut, int Xres, int Yres, int SrcPPL, int BpL );
+void hq4x_InitLUTs(void);
+void SmoothFilter_32(uint32 *pdata, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch, uint32 filter=TEXTURE_ENHANCEMENT_WITH_SMOOTH_FILTER_1);
+void SmoothFilter_16(uint16 *pdata, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch, uint32 filter=TEXTURE_ENHANCEMENT_WITH_SMOOTH_FILTER_1);
+void SharpenFilter_32(uint32 *pdata, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch, uint32 filter=TEXTURE_SHARPEN_ENHANCEMENT);
+void SharpenFilter_16(uint16 *pdata, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch, uint32 filter=TEXTURE_SHARPEN_ENHANCEMENT);
+void hq2x_init(unsigned bits_per_pixel);
+void hq2x_16(uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch, int width, int height);
+void hq2x_32(uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch, int width, int height);
+void lq2x_16(uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch, int width, int height);
+void lq2x_32(uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch, int width, int height);
+typedef enum _IMAGE_FILEFORMAT
+ XIFF_BMP = 0,
+ XIFF_JPG = 1,
+ XIFF_TGA = 2,
+ XIFF_PNG = 3,
+ XIFF_DDS = 4,
+ XIFF_PPM = 5,
+ XIFF_DIB = 6,
+ XIFF_HDR = 7,
+ XIFF_PFM = 8,
+ XIFF_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff
+typedef struct _IMAGE_INFO
+ unsigned int Width;
+ unsigned int Height;
+ unsigned int Depth;
+ unsigned int MipLevels;
+ int Format; /* SURFFORMAT */
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "TextureFilters.h"
+/* 2xSAI filters */
+static __inline int SAI_GetResult1_32( uint32 A, uint32 B, uint32 C, uint32 D, uint32 E )
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ int r = 0;
+ if (A == C) x += 1; else if (B == C) y += 1;
+ if (A == D) x += 1; else if (B == D) y += 1;
+ if (x <= 1) r += 1;
+ if (y <= 1) r -= 1;
+ return r;
+static __inline uint16 SAI_GetResult1_16( uint16 A, uint16 B, uint16 C, uint16 D, uint16 E )
+ uint16 x = 0;
+ uint16 y = 0;
+ uint16 r = 0;
+ if (A == C) x += 1; else if (B == C) y += 1;
+ if (A == D) x += 1; else if (B == D) y += 1;
+ if (x <= 1) r += 1;
+ if (y <= 1 && r>0) r -= 1;
+ return r;
+static __inline int SAI_GetResult2_32( uint32 A, uint32 B, uint32 C, uint32 D, uint32 E)
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ int r = 0;
+ if (A == C) x += 1; else if (B == C) y += 1;
+ if (A == D) x += 1; else if (B == D) y += 1;
+ if (x <= 1) r -= 1;
+ if (y <= 1) r += 1;
+ return r;
+static __inline uint16 SAI_GetResult2_16( uint16 A, uint16 B, uint16 C, uint16 D, uint16 E)
+ uint16 x = 0;
+ uint16 y = 0;
+ uint16 r = 0;
+ if (A == C) x += 1; else if (B == C) y += 1;
+ if (A == D) x += 1; else if (B == D) y += 1;
+ if (x <= 1 && r>0 ) r -= 1;
+ if (y <= 1) r += 1;
+ return r;
+static __inline int SAI_GetResult_32( uint32 A, uint32 B, uint32 C, uint32 D )
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ int r = 0;
+ if (A == C) x += 1; else if (B == C) y += 1;
+ if (A == D) x += 1; else if (B == D) y += 1;
+ if (x <= 1) r += 1;
+ if (y <= 1) r -= 1;
+ return r;
+static __inline uint16 SAI_GetResult_16( uint16 A, uint16 B, uint16 C, uint16 D )
+ uint16 x = 0;
+ uint16 y = 0;
+ uint16 r = 0;
+ if (A == C) x += 1; else if (B == C) y += 1;
+ if (A == D) x += 1; else if (B == D) y += 1;
+ if (x <= 1) r += 1;
+ if (y <= 1 && r>0 ) r -= 1;
+ return r;
+static __inline uint32 SAI_INTERPOLATE_32( uint32 A, uint32 B)
+ if (A != B)
+ return ((A & 0xFEFEFEFE) >> 1) +
+ (((B & 0xFEFEFEFE) >> 1) |
+ (A & B & 0x01010101));
+ else
+ return A;
+static __inline uint16 SAI_INTERPOLATE_16( uint16 A, uint16 B)
+ if (A != B)
+ return ((A & 0xFEFE) >> 1) +
+ (((B & 0xFEFE) >> 1) |
+ (A & B & 0x0101));
+ else
+ return A;
+static __inline uint32 SAI_Q_INTERPOLATE_32( uint32 A, uint32 B, uint32 C, uint32 D)
+ uint32 x = ((A & 0xFCFCFCFC) >> 2) +
+ ((B & 0xFCFCFCFC) >> 2) +
+ ((C & 0xFCFCFCFC) >> 2) +
+ ((D & 0xFCFCFCFC) >> 2);
+ uint32 y = (((A & 0x03030303) +
+ (B & 0x03030303) +
+ (C & 0x03030303) +
+ (D & 0x03030303)) >> 2) & 0x03030303;
+ return x | y;
+static __inline uint16 SAI_Q_INTERPOLATE_16( uint16 A, uint16 B, uint16 C, uint16 D)
+ uint16 x = ((A & 0xFCFC) >> 2) +
+ ((B & 0xFCFC) >> 2) +
+ ((C & 0xFCFC) >> 2) +
+ ((D & 0xFCFC) >> 2);
+ uint16 y = (((A & 0x0303) +
+ (B & 0x0303) +
+ (C & 0x0303) +
+ (D & 0x0303)) >> 2) & 0x0303;
+ return x | y;
+void Super2xSaI_32( uint32 *srcPtr, uint32 *destPtr, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch)
+ uint32 destWidth = width << 1;
+ //uint32 destHeight = height << 1;
+ uint32 color4, color5, color6;
+ uint32 color1, color2, color3;
+ uint32 colorA0, colorA1, colorA2, colorA3;
+ uint32 colorB0, colorB1, colorB2, colorB3;
+ uint32 colorS1, colorS2;
+ uint32 product1a, product1b, product2a, product2b;
+ int row0, row1, row2, row3;
+ int col0, col1, col2, col3;
+ for (uint16 y = 0; y < height; y++)
+ {
+ if (y > 0)
+ {
+ row0 = width;
+ row0 = -row0;
+ }
+ else
+ row0 = 0;
+ row1 = 0;
+ if (y < height - 1)
+ {
+ row2 = width;
+ if (y < height - 2)
+ row3 = width << 1;
+ else
+ row3 = width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ row2 = 0;
+ row3 = 0;
+ }
+ for (uint16 x = 0; x < width; x++)
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------- B0 B1 B2 B3
+ // 4 5 6 S2
+ // 1 2 3 S1
+ // A0 A1 A2 A3
+ if (x > 0)
+ col0 = -1;
+ else
+ col0 = 0;
+ col1 = 0;
+ if (x < width - 1)
+ {
+ col2 = 1;
+ if (x < width - 2)
+ col3 = 2;
+ else
+ col3 = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ col2 = 0;
+ col3 = 0;
+ }
+ colorB0 = *(srcPtr + col0 + row0);
+ colorB1 = *(srcPtr + col1 + row0);
+ colorB2 = *(srcPtr + col2 + row0);
+ colorB3 = *(srcPtr + col3 + row0);
+ color4 = *(srcPtr + col0 + row1);
+ color5 = *(srcPtr + col1 + row1);
+ color6 = *(srcPtr + col2 + row1);
+ colorS2 = *(srcPtr + col3 + row1);
+ color1 = *(srcPtr + col0 + row2);
+ color2 = *(srcPtr + col1 + row2);
+ color3 = *(srcPtr + col2 + row2);
+ colorS1 = *(srcPtr + col3 + row2);
+ colorA0 = *(srcPtr + col0 + row3);
+ colorA1 = *(srcPtr + col1 + row3);
+ colorA2 = *(srcPtr + col2 + row3);
+ colorA3 = *(srcPtr + col3 + row3);
+ //--------------------------------------
+ if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3)
+ product2b = product1b = color2;
+ else if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6)
+ product2b = product1b = color5;
+ else if (color5 == color3 && color2 == color6)
+ {
+ int r = 0;
+ r += SAI_GetResult_32 (color6, color5, color1, colorA1);
+ r += SAI_GetResult_32 (color6, color5, color4, colorB1);
+ r += SAI_GetResult_32 (color6, color5, colorA2, colorS1);
+ r += SAI_GetResult_32 (color6, color5, colorB2, colorS2);
+ if (r > 0)
+ product2b = product1b = color6;
+ else if (r < 0)
+ product2b = product1b = color5;
+ else
+ product2b = product1b = SAI_INTERPOLATE_32 (color5, color6);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (color6 == color3 && color3 == colorA1 && color2 != colorA2 && color3 != colorA0)
+ product2b = SAI_Q_INTERPOLATE_32 (color3, color3, color3, color2);
+ else if (color5 == color2 && color2 == colorA2 && colorA1 != color3 && color2 != colorA3)
+ product2b = SAI_Q_INTERPOLATE_32 (color2, color2, color2, color3);
+ else
+ product2b = SAI_INTERPOLATE_32 (color2, color3);
+ if (color6 == color3 && color6 == colorB1 && color5 != colorB2 && color6 != colorB0)
+ product1b = SAI_Q_INTERPOLATE_32 (color6, color6, color6, color5);
+ else if (color5 == color2 && color5 == colorB2 && colorB1 != color6 && color5 != colorB3)
+ product1b = SAI_Q_INTERPOLATE_32 (color6, color5, color5, color5);
+ else
+ product1b = SAI_INTERPOLATE_32 (color5, color6);
+ }
+ if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6 && color4 == color5 && color5 != colorA2)
+ product2a = SAI_INTERPOLATE_32 (color2, color5);
+ else if (color5 == color1 && color6 == color5 && color4 != color2 && color5 != colorA0)
+ product2a = SAI_INTERPOLATE_32(color2, color5);
+ else
+ product2a = color2;
+ if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3 && color1 == color2 && color2 != colorB2)
+ product1a = SAI_INTERPOLATE_32 (color2, color5);
+ else if (color4 == color2 && color3 == color2 && color1 != color5 && color2 != colorB0)
+ product1a = SAI_INTERPOLATE_32(color2, color5);
+ else
+ product1a = color5;
+ destPtr[0] = product1a;
+ destPtr[1] = product1b;
+ destPtr[destWidth] = product2a;
+ destPtr[destWidth + 1] = product2b;
+ srcPtr++;
+ destPtr += 2;
+ }
+ srcPtr += (pitch-width);
+ destPtr += (((pitch-width)<<1)+(pitch<<1));
+ }
+void Super2xSaI_16( uint16 *srcPtr, uint16 *destPtr, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch)
+ uint32 destWidth = width << 1;
+ //uint32 destHeight = height << 1;
+ uint16 color4, color5, color6;
+ uint16 color1, color2, color3;
+ uint16 colorA0, colorA1, colorA2, colorA3;
+ uint16 colorB0, colorB1, colorB2, colorB3;
+ uint16 colorS1, colorS2;
+ uint16 product1a, product1b, product2a, product2b;
+ int row0, row1, row2, row3;
+ int col0, col1, col2, col3;
+ for (uint16 y = 0; y < height; y++)
+ {
+ if (y > 0)
+ {
+ row0 = width;
+ row0 = -row0;
+ }
+ else
+ row0 = 0;
+ row1 = 0;
+ if (y < height - 1)
+ {
+ row2 = width;
+ if (y < height - 2)
+ row3 = width << 1;
+ else
+ row3 = width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ row2 = 0;
+ row3 = 0;
+ }
+ for (uint16 x = 0; x < width; x++)
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------- B0 B1 B2 B3
+ // 4 5 6 S2
+ // 1 2 3 S1
+ // A0 A1 A2 A3
+ if (x > 0)
+ col0 = -1;
+ else
+ col0 = 0;
+ col1 = 0;
+ if (x < width - 1)
+ {
+ col2 = 1;
+ if (x < width - 2)
+ col3 = 2;
+ else
+ col3 = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ col2 = 0;
+ col3 = 0;
+ }
+ colorB0 = *(srcPtr + col0 + row0);
+ colorB1 = *(srcPtr + col1 + row0);
+ colorB2 = *(srcPtr + col2 + row0);
+ colorB3 = *(srcPtr + col3 + row0);
+ color4 = *(srcPtr + col0 + row1);
+ color5 = *(srcPtr + col1 + row1);
+ color6 = *(srcPtr + col2 + row1);
+ colorS2 = *(srcPtr + col3 + row1);
+ color1 = *(srcPtr + col0 + row2);
+ color2 = *(srcPtr + col1 + row2);
+ color3 = *(srcPtr + col2 + row2);
+ colorS1 = *(srcPtr + col3 + row2);
+ colorA0 = *(srcPtr + col0 + row3);
+ colorA1 = *(srcPtr + col1 + row3);
+ colorA2 = *(srcPtr + col2 + row3);
+ colorA3 = *(srcPtr + col3 + row3);
+ //--------------------------------------
+ if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3)
+ product2b = product1b = color2;
+ else if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6)
+ product2b = product1b = color5;
+ else if (color5 == color3 && color2 == color6)
+ {
+ int r = 0;
+ r += SAI_GetResult_16 (color6, color5, color1, colorA1);
+ r += SAI_GetResult_16 (color6, color5, color4, colorB1);
+ r += SAI_GetResult_16 (color6, color5, colorA2, colorS1);
+ r += SAI_GetResult_16 (color6, color5, colorB2, colorS2);
+ if (r > 0)
+ product2b = product1b = color6;
+ else if (r < 0)
+ product2b = product1b = color5;
+ else
+ product2b = product1b = SAI_INTERPOLATE_16 (color5, color6);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (color6 == color3 && color3 == colorA1 && color2 != colorA2 && color3 != colorA0)
+ product2b = SAI_Q_INTERPOLATE_16 (color3, color3, color3, color2);
+ else if (color5 == color2 && color2 == colorA2 && colorA1 != color3 && color2 != colorA3)
+ product2b = SAI_Q_INTERPOLATE_16 (color2, color2, color2, color3);
+ else
+ product2b = SAI_INTERPOLATE_16 (color2, color3);
+ if (color6 == color3 && color6 == colorB1 && color5 != colorB2 && color6 != colorB0)
+ product1b = SAI_Q_INTERPOLATE_16 (color6, color6, color6, color5);
+ else if (color5 == color2 && color5 == colorB2 && colorB1 != color6 && color5 != colorB3)
+ product1b = SAI_Q_INTERPOLATE_16 (color6, color5, color5, color5);
+ else
+ product1b = SAI_INTERPOLATE_16 (color5, color6);
+ }
+ if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6 && color4 == color5 && color5 != colorA2)
+ product2a = SAI_INTERPOLATE_16 (color2, color5);
+ else if (color5 == color1 && color6 == color5 && color4 != color2 && color5 != colorA0)
+ product2a = SAI_INTERPOLATE_16(color2, color5);
+ else
+ product2a = color2;
+ if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3 && color1 == color2 && color2 != colorB2)
+ product1a = SAI_INTERPOLATE_16 (color2, color5);
+ else if (color4 == color2 && color3 == color2 && color1 != color5 && color2 != colorB0)
+ product1a = SAI_INTERPOLATE_16(color2, color5);
+ else
+ product1a = color5;
+ destPtr[0] = product1a;
+ destPtr[1] = product1b;
+ destPtr[destWidth] = product2a;
+ destPtr[destWidth + 1] = product2b;
+ srcPtr++;
+ destPtr += 2;
+ }
+ srcPtr += (pitch-width);
+ destPtr += (((pitch-width)<<1)+(pitch<<1));
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - TextureFilters_hq2x.cpp *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 MaxSt ( maxst@hiend3d.com ) *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#include "typedefs.h"
+/* hq2x filters */
+/* Basic types */
+/* interpolation */
+static unsigned interp_bits_per_pixel;
+#define INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(v) ((v)&0x0F0F)
+#define INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(v) (((v)&0xF0F0)>>4)
+#define INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4(v) ((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(v))<<4)
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_521(uint16 p1, uint16 p2, uint16 p3)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*5 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)*2 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p3)*1) / 8)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*5 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*2 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)*1) / 8);
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_332(uint16 p1, uint16 p2, uint16 p3)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*3 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)*3 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p3)*2) / 8)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*3 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*3 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)*2) / 8);
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_611(uint16 p1, uint16 p2, uint16 p3)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*6 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2) + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p3)) / 8)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*6 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2) + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)) / 8);
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_71(uint16 p1, uint16 p2)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*7 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 8)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*7 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 8);
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_211(uint16 p1, uint16 p2, uint16 p3)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*2 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2) + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p3)) / 4)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*2 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2) + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)) / 4);
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_772(uint16 p1, uint16 p2, uint16 p3)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1) + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2))*7 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p3)*2) / 16)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4(((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1) + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2))*7 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)*2) / 16);
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_11(uint16 p1, uint16 p2)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1) + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 2)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1) + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 2);
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_31(uint16 p1, uint16 p2)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*3 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 4)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*3 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 4);
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_1411(uint16 p1, uint16 p2, uint16 p3)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*14 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2) + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p3)) / 16)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*14 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2) + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)) / 16);
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_431(uint16 p1, uint16 p2, uint16 p3)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*4 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)*3 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p3)) / 8)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*4 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*3 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)) / 8);
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_53(uint16 p1, uint16 p2)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*5 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)*3) / 8)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*5 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*3) / 8);
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_151(uint16 p1, uint16 p2)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*15 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 16)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*15 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 16);
+static inline uint16 hq2x_interp_16_97(uint16 p1, uint16 p2)
+ return INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*9 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)*7) / 16)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*9 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*7) / 16);
+#define INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(v) ((v)&0x00FF00FF)
+#define INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(v) (((v)&0xFF00FF00)>>8)
+#define INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4(v) (((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(v))<<8))
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_521(uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 p3)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*5 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)*2 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p3)*1) / 8)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*5 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*2 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)*1) / 8);
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_332(uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 p3)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*3 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)*3 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p3)*2) / 8)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*3 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*3 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)*2) / 8);
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_211(uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 p3)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*2 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2) + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p3)) / 4)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*2 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2) + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)) / 4);
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_611(uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 p3)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*6 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2) + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p3)) / 8)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*6 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2) + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)) / 8);
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_71(uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*7 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 8)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*7 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 8);
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_772(uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 p3)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1) + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2))*7 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p3)*2) / 16)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4(((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1) + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2))*7 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)*2) / 16);
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_11(uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1) + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 2)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1) + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 2);
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_31(uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*3 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 4)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*3 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 4);
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_1411(uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 p3)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*14 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2) + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p3)) / 16)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*14 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2) + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)) / 16);
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_431(uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 p3)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*4 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)*3 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p3)) / 8)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*4 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*3 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)) / 8);
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_53(uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*5 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)*3) / 8)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*5 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*3) / 8);
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_151(uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*15 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 16)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*15 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 16);
+static inline uint32 hq2x_interp_32_97(uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
+ return INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*9 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)*7) / 16)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*9 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*7) / 16);
+/* diff */
+#define INTERP_Y_LIMIT (0x30*4)
+#define INTERP_U_LIMIT (0x07*4)
+#define INTERP_V_LIMIT (0x06*8)
+static int hq2x_interp_16_diff(uint16 p1, uint16 p2)
+ int r, g, b;
+ int y, u, v;
+ if (p1 == p2)
+ return 0;
+ b = (int)((p1 & 0x000F) - (p2 & 0x000F));
+ g = (int)((p1 & 0x00F0) - (p2 & 0x00F0)) >> 4;
+ r = (int)((p1 & 0x0F00) - (p2 & 0x0F00)) >> 8;
+ y = r + g + b;
+ u = r - b;
+ v = -r + 2*g - b;
+ if (y < -INTERP_Y_LIMIT || y > INTERP_Y_LIMIT)
+ return 1;
+ if (u < -INTERP_U_LIMIT || u > INTERP_U_LIMIT)
+ return 1;
+ if (v < -INTERP_V_LIMIT || v > INTERP_V_LIMIT)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int hq2x_interp_32_diff(uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
+ int r, g, b;
+ int y, u, v;
+ if ((p1 & 0xF8F8F8) == (p2 & 0xF8F8F8))
+ return 0;
+ b = (int)((p1 & 0xFF) - (p2 & 0xFF));
+ g = (int)((p1 & 0xFF00) - (p2 & 0xFF00)) >> 8;
+ r = (int)((p1 & 0xFF0000) - (p2 & 0xFF0000)) >> 16;
+ y = r + g + b;
+ u = r - b;
+ v = -r + 2*g - b;
+ if (y < -INTERP_Y_LIMIT || y > INTERP_Y_LIMIT)
+ return 1;
+ if (u < -INTERP_U_LIMIT || u > INTERP_U_LIMIT)
+ return 1;
+ if (v < -INTERP_V_LIMIT || v > INTERP_V_LIMIT)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static void interp_set(unsigned bits_per_pixel)
+ interp_bits_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel;
+static void hq2x_16_def(uint16* dst0, uint16* dst1, const uint16* src0, const uint16* src1, const uint16* src2, unsigned count)
+ unsigned i;
+ for(i=0;i<count;++i) {
+ unsigned char mask;
+ uint16 c[9];
+ c[1] = src0[0];
+ c[4] = src1[0];
+ c[7] = src2[0];
+ if (i>0) {
+ c[0] = src0[-1];
+ c[3] = src1[-1];
+ c[6] = src2[-1];
+ } else {
+ c[0] = c[1];
+ c[3] = c[4];
+ c[6] = c[7];
+ }
+ if (i<count-1) {
+ c[2] = src0[1];
+ c[5] = src1[1];
+ c[8] = src2[1];
+ } else {
+ c[2] = c[1];
+ c[5] = c[4];
+ c[8] = c[7];
+ }
+ mask = 0;
+ if (hq2x_interp_16_diff(c[0], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 0;
+ if (hq2x_interp_16_diff(c[1], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 1;
+ if (hq2x_interp_16_diff(c[2], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 2;
+ if (hq2x_interp_16_diff(c[3], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 3;
+ if (hq2x_interp_16_diff(c[5], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 4;
+ if (hq2x_interp_16_diff(c[6], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 5;
+ if (hq2x_interp_16_diff(c[7], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 6;
+ if (hq2x_interp_16_diff(c[8], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 7;
+#define P0 dst0[0]
+#define P1 dst0[1]
+#define P2 dst1[0]
+#define P3 dst1[1]
+#define HQ2X_MUR hq2x_interp_16_diff(c[1], c[5])
+#define HQ2X_MDR hq2x_interp_16_diff(c[5], c[7])
+#define HQ2X_MDL hq2x_interp_16_diff(c[7], c[3])
+#define HQ2X_MUL hq2x_interp_16_diff(c[3], c[1])
+#define IC(p0) c[p0]
+#define I11(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_16_11(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I211(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_211(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I31(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_16_31(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I332(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_332(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I431(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_431(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I521(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_521(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I53(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_16_53(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I611(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_611(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I71(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_16_71(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I772(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_772(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I97(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_16_97(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I1411(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_1411(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I151(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_16_151(c[p0], c[p1])
+ switch (mask) {
+#include "TextureFilters_hq2x.h"
+ }
+#undef P0
+#undef P1
+#undef P2
+#undef P3
+#undef HQ2X_MUR
+#undef HQ2X_MDR
+#undef HQ2X_MDL
+#undef HQ2X_MUL
+#undef IC
+#undef I11
+#undef I211
+#undef I31
+#undef I332
+#undef I431
+#undef I521
+#undef I53
+#undef I611
+#undef I71
+#undef I772
+#undef I97
+#undef I1411
+#undef I151
+ src0 += 1;
+ src1 += 1;
+ src2 += 1;
+ dst0 += 2;
+ dst1 += 2;
+ }
+static void hq2x_32_def(uint32* dst0, uint32* dst1, const uint32* src0, const uint32* src1, const uint32* src2, unsigned count)
+ unsigned i;
+ for(i=0;i<count;++i) {
+ unsigned char mask;
+ uint32 c[9];
+ c[1] = src0[0];
+ c[4] = src1[0];
+ c[7] = src2[0];
+ if (i>0) {
+ c[0] = src0[-1];
+ c[3] = src1[-1];
+ c[6] = src2[-1];
+ } else {
+ c[0] = src0[0];
+ c[3] = src1[0];
+ c[6] = src2[0];
+ }
+ if (i<count-1) {
+ c[2] = src0[1];
+ c[5] = src1[1];
+ c[8] = src2[1];
+ } else {
+ c[2] = src0[0];
+ c[5] = src1[0];
+ c[8] = src2[0];
+ }
+ mask = 0;
+ if (hq2x_interp_32_diff(c[0], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 0;
+ if (hq2x_interp_32_diff(c[1], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 1;
+ if (hq2x_interp_32_diff(c[2], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 2;
+ if (hq2x_interp_32_diff(c[3], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 3;
+ if (hq2x_interp_32_diff(c[5], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 4;
+ if (hq2x_interp_32_diff(c[6], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 5;
+ if (hq2x_interp_32_diff(c[7], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 6;
+ if (hq2x_interp_32_diff(c[8], c[4]))
+ mask |= 1 << 7;
+#define P0 dst0[0]
+#define P1 dst0[1]
+#define P2 dst1[0]
+#define P3 dst1[1]
+#define HQ2X_MUR hq2x_interp_32_diff(c[1], c[5])
+#define HQ2X_MDR hq2x_interp_32_diff(c[5], c[7])
+#define HQ2X_MDL hq2x_interp_32_diff(c[7], c[3])
+#define HQ2X_MUL hq2x_interp_32_diff(c[3], c[1])
+#define IC(p0) c[p0]
+#define I11(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_32_11(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I211(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_211(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I31(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_32_31(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I332(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_332(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I431(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_431(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I521(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_521(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I53(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_32_53(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I611(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_611(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I71(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_32_71(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I772(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_772(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I97(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_32_97(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I1411(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_1411(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I151(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_32_151(c[p0], c[p1])
+ switch (mask) {
+#include "TextureFilters_hq2x.h"
+ }
+#undef P0
+#undef P1
+#undef P2
+#undef P3
+#undef HQ2X_MUR
+#undef HQ2X_MDR
+#undef HQ2X_MDL
+#undef HQ2X_MUL
+#undef IC
+#undef I11
+#undef I211
+#undef I31
+#undef I332
+#undef I431
+#undef I521
+#undef I53
+#undef I611
+#undef I71
+#undef I772
+#undef I97
+#undef I1411
+#undef I151
+ src0 += 1;
+ src1 += 1;
+ src2 += 1;
+ dst0 += 2;
+ dst1 += 2;
+ }
+/* LQ2x C implementation */
+* This effect is derived from the hq2x effect made by Maxim Stepin
+static void lq2x_16_def(uint16* dst0, uint16* dst1, const uint16* src0, const uint16* src1, const uint16* src2, unsigned count)
+ unsigned i;
+ for(i=0;i<count;++i) {
+ unsigned char mask;
+ uint16 c[9];
+ c[1] = src0[0];
+ c[4] = src1[0];
+ c[7] = src2[0];
+ if (i>0) {
+ c[0] = src0[-1];
+ c[3] = src1[-1];
+ c[6] = src2[-1];
+ } else {
+ c[0] = c[1];
+ c[3] = c[4];
+ c[6] = c[7];
+ }
+ if (i<count-1) {
+ c[2] = src0[1];
+ c[5] = src1[1];
+ c[8] = src2[1];
+ } else {
+ c[2] = c[1];
+ c[5] = c[4];
+ c[8] = c[7];
+ }
+ mask = 0;
+ if (c[0] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 0;
+ if (c[1] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 1;
+ if (c[2] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 2;
+ if (c[3] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 3;
+ if (c[5] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 4;
+ if (c[6] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 5;
+ if (c[7] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 6;
+ if (c[8] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 7;
+#define P0 dst0[0]
+#define P1 dst0[1]
+#define P2 dst1[0]
+#define P3 dst1[1]
+#define HQ2X_MUR (c[1] != c[5])
+#define HQ2X_MDR (c[5] != c[7])
+#define HQ2X_MDL (c[7] != c[3])
+#define HQ2X_MUL (c[3] != c[1])
+#define IC(p0) c[p0]
+#define I11(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_16_11(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I211(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_211(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I31(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_16_31(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I332(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_332(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I431(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_431(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I521(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_521(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I53(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_16_53(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I611(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_611(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I71(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_16_71(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I772(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_772(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I97(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_16_97(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I1411(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_16_1411(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I151(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_16_151(c[p0], c[p1])
+ switch (mask) {
+#include "TextureFilters_lq2x.h"
+ }
+#undef P0
+#undef P1
+#undef P2
+#undef P3
+#undef HQ2X_MUR
+#undef HQ2X_MDR
+#undef HQ2X_MDL
+#undef HQ2X_MUL
+#undef IC
+#undef I11
+#undef I211
+#undef I31
+#undef I332
+#undef I431
+#undef I521
+#undef I53
+#undef I611
+#undef I71
+#undef I772
+#undef I97
+#undef I1411
+#undef I151
+ src0 += 1;
+ src1 += 1;
+ src2 += 1;
+ dst0 += 2;
+ dst1 += 2;
+ }
+static void lq2x_32_def(uint32* dst0, uint32* dst1, const uint32* src0, const uint32* src1, const uint32* src2, unsigned count)
+ unsigned i;
+ for(i=0;i<count;++i) {
+ unsigned char mask;
+ uint32 c[9];
+ c[1] = src0[0];
+ c[4] = src1[0];
+ c[7] = src2[0];
+ if (i>0) {
+ c[0] = src0[-1];
+ c[3] = src1[-1];
+ c[6] = src2[-1];
+ } else {
+ c[0] = c[1];
+ c[3] = c[4];
+ c[6] = c[7];
+ }
+ if (i<count-1) {
+ c[2] = src0[1];
+ c[5] = src1[1];
+ c[8] = src2[1];
+ } else {
+ c[2] = c[1];
+ c[5] = c[4];
+ c[8] = c[7];
+ }
+ mask = 0;
+ if (c[0] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 0;
+ if (c[1] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 1;
+ if (c[2] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 2;
+ if (c[3] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 3;
+ if (c[5] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 4;
+ if (c[6] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 5;
+ if (c[7] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 6;
+ if (c[8] != c[4])
+ mask |= 1 << 7;
+#define P0 dst0[0]
+#define P1 dst0[1]
+#define P2 dst1[0]
+#define P3 dst1[1]
+#define HQ2X_MUR (c[1] != c[5])
+#define HQ2X_MDR (c[5] != c[7])
+#define HQ2X_MDL (c[7] != c[3])
+#define HQ2X_MUL (c[3] != c[1])
+#define IC(p0) c[p0]
+#define I11(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_32_11(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I211(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_211(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I31(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_32_31(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I332(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_332(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I431(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_431(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I521(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_521(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I53(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_32_53(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I611(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_611(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I71(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_32_71(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I772(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_772(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I97(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_32_97(c[p0], c[p1])
+#define I1411(p0,p1,p2) hq2x_interp_32_1411(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
+#define I151(p0,p1) hq2x_interp_32_151(c[p0], c[p1])
+ switch (mask) {
+#include "TextureFilters_lq2x.h"
+ }
+#undef P0
+#undef P1
+#undef P2
+#undef P3
+#undef HQ2X_MUR
+#undef HQ2X_MDR
+#undef HQ2X_MDL
+#undef HQ2X_MUL
+#undef IC
+#undef I11
+#undef I211
+#undef I31
+#undef I332
+#undef I431
+#undef I521
+#undef I53
+#undef I611
+#undef I71
+#undef I772
+#undef I97
+#undef I1411
+#undef I151
+ src0 += 1;
+ src1 += 1;
+ src2 += 1;
+ dst0 += 2;
+ dst1 += 2;
+ }
+void hq2x_16(uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
+ uint16 *dst0 = (uint16 *)dstPtr;
+ uint16 *dst1 = dst0 + (dstPitch >> 1);
+ uint16 *src0 = (uint16 *)srcPtr;
+ uint16 *src1 = src0 + (srcPitch >> 1);
+ uint16 *src2 = src1 + (srcPitch >> 1);
+ hq2x_16_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src0, src1, width);
+ if( height == 1 ) return;
+ int count = height;
+ count -= 2;
+ while(count>0) {
+ dst0 += dstPitch;
+ dst1 += dstPitch;
+ hq2x_16_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src2, width);
+ src0 = src1;
+ src1 = src2;
+ src2 += srcPitch >> 1;
+ --count;
+ }
+ dst0 += dstPitch;
+ dst1 += dstPitch;
+ hq2x_16_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src1, width);
+void hq2x_32(uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
+ uint32 *dst0 = (uint32 *)dstPtr;
+ uint32 *dst1 = dst0 + (dstPitch >> 2);
+ uint32 *src0 = (uint32 *)srcPtr;
+ uint32 *src1 = src0 + (srcPitch >> 2);
+ uint32 *src2 = src1 + (srcPitch >> 2);
+ hq2x_32_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src0, src1, width);
+ if( height == 1 ) return;
+ int count = height;
+ count -= 2;
+ while(count>0) {
+ dst0 += dstPitch >> 1;
+ dst1 += dstPitch >> 1;
+ hq2x_32_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src2, width);
+ src0 = src1;
+ src1 = src2;
+ src2 += srcPitch >> 2;
+ --count;
+ }
+ dst0 += dstPitch >> 1;
+ dst1 += dstPitch >> 1;
+ hq2x_32_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src1, width);
+void lq2x_16(uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
+ uint16 *dst0 = (uint16 *)dstPtr;
+ uint16 *dst1 = dst0 + (dstPitch >> 1);
+ uint16 *src0 = (uint16 *)srcPtr;
+ uint16 *src1 = src0 + (srcPitch >> 1);
+ uint16 *src2 = src1 + (srcPitch >> 1);
+ lq2x_16_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src0, src1, width);
+ if( height == 1 ) return;
+ int count = height;
+ count -= 2;
+ while(count>0) {
+ dst0 += dstPitch;
+ dst1 += dstPitch;
+ hq2x_16_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src2, width);
+ src0 = src1;
+ src1 = src2;
+ src2 += srcPitch >> 1;
+ --count;
+ }
+ dst0 += dstPitch;
+ dst1 += dstPitch;
+ lq2x_16_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src1, width);
+void lq2x_32(uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
+ uint32 *dst0 = (uint32 *)dstPtr;
+ uint32 *dst1 = dst0 + (dstPitch >> 2);
+ uint32 *src0 = (uint32 *)srcPtr;
+ uint32 *src1 = src0 + (srcPitch >> 2);
+ uint32 *src2 = src1 + (srcPitch >> 2);
+ lq2x_32_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src0, src1, width);
+ if( height == 1 ) return;
+ int count = height;
+ count -= 2;
+ while(count>0) {
+ dst0 += dstPitch >> 1;
+ dst1 += dstPitch >> 1;
+ hq2x_32_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src2, width);
+ src0 = src1;
+ src1 = src2;
+ src2 += srcPitch >> 2;
+ --count;
+ }
+ dst0 += dstPitch >> 1;
+ dst1 += dstPitch >> 1;
+ lq2x_32_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src1, width);
+void hq2x_init(unsigned bits_per_pixel)
+ interp_set(bits_per_pixel);
+/* hq3x filters */
+/* scale2x filters */
+/* scale3x filters */
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - TextureFilters_hq2x.h *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964 *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+case 0 :
+case 1 :
+case 4 :
+case 5 :
+case 32 :
+case 33 :
+case 36 :
+case 37 :
+case 128 :
+case 129 :
+case 132 :
+case 133 :
+case 160 :
+case 161 :
+case 164 :
+case 165 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+} break;
+case 2 :
+case 34 :
+case 130 :
+case 162 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+} break;
+case 3 :
+case 35 :
+case 131 :
+case 163 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+} break;
+case 6 :
+case 38 :
+case 134 :
+case 166 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+} break;
+case 7 :
+case 39 :
+case 135 :
+case 167 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+} break;
+case 8 :
+case 12 :
+case 136 :
+case 140 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+} break;
+case 9 :
+case 13 :
+case 137 :
+case 141 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+} break;
+case 10 :
+case 138 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 11 :
+case 139 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 14 :
+case 142 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I332(1, 3, 4);
+ P1 = I521(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 15 :
+case 143 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I332(1, 3, 4);
+ P1 = I521(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 16 :
+case 17 :
+case 48 :
+case 49 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 18 :
+case 50 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 19 :
+case 51 :
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I521(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I332(1, 5, 4);
+ }
+} break;
+case 20 :
+case 21 :
+case 52 :
+case 53 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 22 :
+case 54 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 23 :
+case 55 :
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I521(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I332(1, 5, 4);
+ }
+} break;
+case 24 :
+case 66 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 25 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 26 :
+case 31 :
+case 95 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 27 :
+case 75 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 28 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 29 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 30 :
+case 86 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 40 :
+case 44 :
+case 168 :
+case 172 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+} break;
+case 41 :
+case 45 :
+case 169 :
+case 173 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+} break;
+case 42 :
+case 170 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I332(1, 3, 4);
+ P2 = I521(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 43 :
+case 171 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I332(1, 3, 4);
+ P2 = I521(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 46 :
+case 174 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 47 :
+case 175 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 56 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 57 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 58 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 59 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 60 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 61 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 62 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 63 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 64 :
+case 65 :
+case 68 :
+case 69 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 67 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 70 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 71 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 72 :
+case 76 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 73 :
+case 77 :
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I521(4, 3, 1);
+ P2 = I332(3, 7, 4);
+ }
+} break;
+case 74 :
+case 107 :
+case 123 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 78 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 79 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 80 :
+case 81 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 82 :
+case 214 :
+case 222 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 83 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 84 :
+case 85 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I521(4, 5, 1);
+ P3 = I332(5, 7, 4);
+ }
+} break;
+case 87 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 88 :
+case 248 :
+case 250 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 89 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 90 :
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 91 :
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 92 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 93 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 94 :
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 96 :
+case 97 :
+case 100 :
+case 101 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 98 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 99 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 102 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 103 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+} break;
+case 104 :
+case 108 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 105 :
+case 109 :
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I521(4, 3, 1);
+ P2 = I332(3, 7, 4);
+ }
+} break;
+case 106 :
+case 120 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 110 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 111 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 112 :
+case 113 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I521(4, 7, 3);
+ P3 = I332(5, 7, 4);
+ }
+} break;
+case 114 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 115 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 116 :
+case 117 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 118 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 119 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I521(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I332(1, 5, 4);
+ }
+} break;
+case 121 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 122 :
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 124 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 125 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I521(4, 3, 1);
+ P2 = I332(3, 7, 4);
+ }
+} break;
+case 126 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 127 :
+ P3 = I31(4, 8);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 144 :
+case 145 :
+case 176 :
+case 177 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+} break;
+case 146 :
+case 178 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I332(1, 5, 4);
+ P3 = I521(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 147 :
+case 179 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 148 :
+case 149 :
+case 180 :
+case 181 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+} break;
+case 150 :
+case 182 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I332(1, 5, 4);
+ P3 = I521(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 151 :
+case 183 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 152 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+} break;
+case 153 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+} break;
+case 154 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 155 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 156 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+} break;
+case 157 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+} break;
+case 158 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 159 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 184 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+} break;
+case 185 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+} break;
+case 186 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 187 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I332(1, 3, 4);
+ P2 = I521(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 188 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+} break;
+case 189 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+} break;
+case 190 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I332(1, 5, 4);
+ P3 = I521(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 191 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 7);
+ P3 = I31(4, 7);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 192 :
+case 193 :
+case 196 :
+case 197 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+} break;
+case 194 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+} break;
+case 195 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+} break;
+case 198 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+} break;
+case 199 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+} break;
+case 200 :
+case 204 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I332(3, 7, 4);
+ P3 = I521(4, 7, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 201 :
+case 205 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 202 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 203 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 206 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 207 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I332(1, 3, 4);
+ P1 = I521(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 208 :
+case 209 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 210 :
+case 216 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 211 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 212 :
+case 213 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I521(4, 5, 1);
+ P3 = I332(5, 7, 4);
+ }
+} break;
+case 215 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 217 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 218 :
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 219 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 220 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 221 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I521(4, 5, 1);
+ P3 = I332(5, 7, 4);
+ }
+} break;
+case 223 :
+ P2 = I31(4, 6);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 224 :
+case 225 :
+case 228 :
+case 229 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+} break;
+case 226 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+} break;
+case 227 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+} break;
+case 230 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+} break;
+case 231 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+} break;
+case 232 :
+case 236 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I332(3, 7, 4);
+ P3 = I521(4, 7, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 233 :
+case 237 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 234 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 235 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 238 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I332(3, 7, 4);
+ P3 = I521(4, 7, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 239 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 5);
+ P3 = I31(4, 5);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 240 :
+case 241 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I521(4, 7, 3);
+ P3 = I332(5, 7, 4);
+ }
+} break;
+case 242 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 243 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I521(4, 7, 3);
+ P3 = I332(5, 7, 4);
+ }
+} break;
+case 244 :
+case 245 :
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 246 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 247 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 3);
+ P2 = I31(4, 3);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 249 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 251 :
+ P1 = I31(4, 2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 252 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 253 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 1);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 254 :
+ P0 = I31(4, 0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 255 :
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - TextureFilters_hq4x.cpp *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 MaxSt ( maxst@hiend3d.com ) *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "typedefs.h"
+static int RGBtoYUV[4096];
+//#define RGB32toYUV(val) (RGBtoYUV[((val&0x00FF0000)>>20)+((val&0x0000FF00)>>12)+((val&0x000000FF)>>4)])
+inline int RGB32toYUV(uint32 val)
+ int a,r,g,b,Y,u,v;
+ //r = (val&0x00FF0000)>>16;
+ //g = (val&0x0000FF00)>>8;
+ //b = (val&0x000000FF);
+ a = (val&0xFF000000);
+ r = (val&0x00FF0000)>>16;
+ g = (val&0x0000FF00)>>8;
+ b = (val&0x000000FF);
+ //r = (val&0x00F80000)>>16;
+ //g = (val&0x0000FC00)>>8;
+ //b = (val&0x000000F8);
+ Y = (r + g + b) >> 2;
+ u = 128 + ((r - b) >> 2);
+ v = 128 + ((-r + 2*g -b)>>3);
+ return a + (Y<<16) + (u<<8) + v;
+#define RGB16toYUV(val) (RGBtoYUV[(val&0x0FFF)])
+static int YUV1, YUV2;
+const int Amask = 0xFF000000;
+const int Ymask = 0x00FF0000;
+const int Umask = 0x0000FF00;
+const int Vmask = 0x000000FF;
+const int trA = 0x20000000;
+const int trY = 0x00300000;
+const int trU = 0x00000700;
+const int trV = 0x00000006;
+//const int trU = 0x00001800;
+//const int trV = 0x00000018;
+#define INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(v) ((v)&0x0F0F)
+#define INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(v) (((v)&0xF0F0)>>4)
+#define INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4(v) ((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(v))<<4)
+inline void hq4x_Interp1_16(unsigned char * pc, uint16 p1, uint16 p2)
+ *((uint16*)pc) = INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*3 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 4)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*3 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 4 );
+inline void hq4x_Interp2_16(unsigned char * pc, uint16 p1, uint16 p2, uint16 p3)
+ *((uint16*)pc) = INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*2 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2) + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p3)) / 4)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*2 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2) + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)) / 4);
+inline void hq4x_Interp3_16(unsigned char * pc, uint16 p1, uint16 p2)
+ *((uint16*)pc) = INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*7 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 8)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*7 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 8);
+inline void hq4x_Interp5_16(unsigned char * pc, uint16 p1, uint16 p2)
+ *((uint16*)pc) = INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1) + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 2)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1) + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 2);
+inline void hq4x_Interp6_16(unsigned char * pc, uint16 p1, uint16 p2, uint16 p3)
+ *((uint16*)pc) = INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*5 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)*2 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p3)*1) / 8)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*5 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*2 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)*1) / 8);
+inline void hq4x_Interp7_16(unsigned char * pc, uint16 p1, uint16 p2, uint16 p3)
+ *((uint16*)pc) = INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*6 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2) + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p3)) / 8)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*6 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2) + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)) / 8);
+inline void hq4x_Interp8_16(unsigned char * pc, uint16 p1, uint16 p2)
+ //*((int*)pc) = (c1*5+c2*3)/8;
+ *((uint16*)pc) = INTERP_16_MASK_1_3((INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p1)*5 + INTERP_16_MASK_1_3(p2)*3) / 8)
+ | INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*5 + INTERP_16_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*3) / 8);
+#define INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(v) ((v)&0x00FF00FF)
+#define INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(v) (((v)&0xFF00FF00)>>8)
+#define INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4(v) (((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(v))<<8))
+inline void hq4x_Interp1_32(unsigned char * pc, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
+ *((uint32*)pc) = INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*3 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 4)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*3 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 4 );
+inline void hq4x_Interp2_32(unsigned char * pc, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 p3)
+ *((uint32*)pc) = INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*2 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2) + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p3)) / 4)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*2 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2) + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)) / 4);
+inline void hq4x_Interp3_32(unsigned char * pc, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
+ *((uint32*)pc) = INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*7 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 8)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*7 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 8);
+inline void hq4x_Interp5_32(unsigned char * pc, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
+ *((uint32*)pc) = INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1) + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)) / 2)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1) + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)) / 2);
+inline void hq4x_Interp6_32(unsigned char * pc, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 p3)
+ *((uint32*)pc) = INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*5 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)*2 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p3)*1) / 8)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*5 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*2 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)*1) / 8);
+inline void hq4x_Interp7_32(unsigned char * pc, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 p3)
+ *((uint32*)pc) = INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*6 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2) + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p3)) / 8)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*6 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2) + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p3)) / 8);
+inline void hq4x_Interp8_32(unsigned char * pc, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
+ //*((int*)pc) = (c1*5+c2*3)/8;
+ *((uint32*)pc) = INTERP_32_MASK_1_3((INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p1)*5 + INTERP_32_MASK_1_3(p2)*3) / 8)
+ | INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFTBACK_2_4((INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p1)*5 + INTERP_32_MASK_SHIFT_2_4(p2)*3) / 8);
+#define PIXEL00_0 *((int*)(pOut)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL00_11 hq4x_Interp1(pOut, c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL00_12 hq4x_Interp1(pOut, c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL00_20 hq4x_Interp2(pOut, c[5], c[2], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL00_50 hq4x_Interp5(pOut, c[2], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL00_80 hq4x_Interp8(pOut, c[5], c[1]);
+#define PIXEL00_81 hq4x_Interp8(pOut, c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL00_82 hq4x_Interp8(pOut, c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL01_0 *((int*)(pOut+BPP)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL01_10 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BPP, c[5], c[1]);
+#define PIXEL01_12 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BPP, c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL01_14 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BPP, c[2], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL01_21 hq4x_Interp2(pOut+BPP, c[2], c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL01_31 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BPP, c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL01_50 hq4x_Interp5(pOut+BPP, c[2], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL01_60 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BPP, c[5], c[2], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL01_61 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BPP, c[5], c[2], c[1]);
+#define PIXEL01_82 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BPP, c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL01_83 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BPP, c[2], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL02_0 *((int*)(pOut+BPP2)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL02_10 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BPP2, c[5], c[3]);
+#define PIXEL02_11 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BPP2, c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL02_13 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BPP2, c[2], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL02_21 hq4x_Interp2(pOut+BPP2, c[2], c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL02_32 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BPP2, c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL02_50 hq4x_Interp5(pOut+BPP2, c[2], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL02_60 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BPP2, c[5], c[2], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL02_61 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BPP2, c[5], c[2], c[3]);
+#define PIXEL02_81 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BPP2, c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL02_83 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BPP2, c[2], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL03_0 *((int*)(pOut+BPP3)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL03_11 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BPP3, c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL03_12 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BPP3, c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL03_20 hq4x_Interp2(pOut+BPP3, c[5], c[2], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL03_50 hq4x_Interp5(pOut+BPP3, c[2], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL03_80 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BPP3, c[5], c[3]);
+#define PIXEL03_81 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BPP3, c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL03_82 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BPP3, c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL10_0 *((int*)(pOut+BpL)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL10_10 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL, c[5], c[1]);
+#define PIXEL10_11 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL, c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL10_13 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL, c[4], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL10_21 hq4x_Interp2(pOut+BpL, c[4], c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL10_32 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL, c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL10_50 hq4x_Interp5(pOut+BpL, c[4], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL10_60 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BpL, c[5], c[4], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL10_61 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BpL, c[5], c[4], c[1]);
+#define PIXEL10_81 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL, c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL10_83 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL, c[4], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL11_0 *((int*)(pOut+BpL+BPP)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL11_30 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[1]);
+#define PIXEL11_31 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL11_32 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL11_70 hq4x_Interp7(pOut+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[4], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL12_0 *((int*)(pOut+BpL+BPP2)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL12_30 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[3]);
+#define PIXEL12_31 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL12_32 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL12_70 hq4x_Interp7(pOut+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[6], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL13_0 *((int*)(pOut+BpL+BPP3)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL13_10 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[3]);
+#define PIXEL13_12 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL13_14 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BPP3, c[6], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL13_21 hq4x_Interp2(pOut+BpL+BPP3, c[6], c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL13_31 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL13_50 hq4x_Interp5(pOut+BpL+BPP3, c[6], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL13_60 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[6], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL13_61 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[6], c[3]);
+#define PIXEL13_82 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL13_83 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BPP3, c[6], c[2]);
+#define PIXEL20_0 *((int*)(pOut+BpL+BpL)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL20_10 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL, c[5], c[7]);
+#define PIXEL20_12 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL, c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL20_14 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL, c[4], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL20_21 hq4x_Interp2(pOut+BpL+BpL, c[4], c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL20_31 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BpL, c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL20_50 hq4x_Interp5(pOut+BpL+BpL, c[4], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL20_60 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BpL+BpL, c[5], c[4], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL20_61 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BpL+BpL, c[5], c[4], c[7]);
+#define PIXEL20_82 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL, c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL20_83 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL, c[4], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL21_0 *((int*)(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL21_30 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[7]);
+#define PIXEL21_31 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL21_32 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL21_70 hq4x_Interp7(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[4], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL22_0 *((int*)(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP2)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL22_30 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[9]);
+#define PIXEL22_31 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL22_32 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL22_70 hq4x_Interp7(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[6], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL23_0 *((int*)(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP3)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL23_10 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[9]);
+#define PIXEL23_11 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL23_13 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[6], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL23_21 hq4x_Interp2(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[6], c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL23_32 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL23_50 hq4x_Interp5(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[6], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL23_60 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[6], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL23_61 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[6], c[9]);
+#define PIXEL23_81 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL23_83 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[6], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL30_0 *((int*)(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL30_11 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL, c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL30_12 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL, c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL30_20 hq4x_Interp2(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL, c[5], c[8], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL30_50 hq4x_Interp5(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL, c[8], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL30_80 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL, c[5], c[7]);
+#define PIXEL30_81 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL, c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL30_82 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL, c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL31_0 *((int*)(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL31_10 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[7]);
+#define PIXEL31_11 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL31_13 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[8], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL31_21 hq4x_Interp2(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[8], c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL31_32 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL31_50 hq4x_Interp5(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[8], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL31_60 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[8], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL31_61 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[8], c[7]);
+#define PIXEL31_81 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL31_83 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP, c[8], c[4]);
+#define PIXEL32_0 *((int*)(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP2)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL32_10 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[9]);
+#define PIXEL32_12 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL32_14 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[8], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL32_21 hq4x_Interp2(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[8], c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL32_31 hq4x_Interp3(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL32_50 hq4x_Interp5(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[8], c[5]);
+#define PIXEL32_60 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[8], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL32_61 hq4x_Interp6(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[8], c[9]);
+#define PIXEL32_82 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL32_83 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP2, c[8], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL33_0 *((int*)(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP3)) = c[5];
+#define PIXEL33_11 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL33_12 hq4x_Interp1(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[8]);
+#define PIXEL33_20 hq4x_Interp2(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[8], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL33_50 hq4x_Interp5(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[8], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL33_80 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[9]);
+#define PIXEL33_81 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[6]);
+#define PIXEL33_82 hq4x_Interp8(pOut+BpL+BpL+BpL+BPP3, c[5], c[8]);
+inline bool Diff_16(uint16 w1, uint16 w2)
+ YUV1 = RGB16toYUV(w1);
+ YUV2 = RGB16toYUV(w2);
+ return ( ( abs((YUV1 & Amask) - (YUV2 & Amask)) > trA ) ||
+ ( abs((YUV1 & Ymask) - (YUV2 & Ymask)) > trY ) ||
+ ( abs((YUV1 & Umask) - (YUV2 & Umask)) > trU ) ||
+ ( abs((YUV1 & Vmask) - (YUV2 & Vmask)) > trV ) );
+inline bool Diff_32(uint32 w1, uint32 w2)
+ YUV1 = RGB32toYUV(w1);
+ YUV2 = RGB32toYUV(w2);
+ return ( ( abs((YUV1 & Amask) - (YUV2 & Amask)) > trA ) ||
+ ( abs((YUV1 & Ymask) - (YUV2 & Ymask)) > trY ) ||
+ ( abs((YUV1 & Umask) - (YUV2 & Umask)) > trU ) ||
+ ( abs((YUV1 & Vmask) - (YUV2 & Vmask)) > trV ) );
+void hq4x_16( unsigned char * pIn, unsigned char * pOut, int Xres, int Yres, int SrcPPL, int BpL )
+#define hq4x_Interp1 hq4x_Interp1_16
+#define hq4x_Interp2 hq4x_Interp2_16
+#define hq4x_Interp3 hq4x_Interp3_16
+#define hq4x_Interp4 hq4x_Interp4_16
+#define hq4x_Interp5 hq4x_Interp5_16
+#define hq4x_Interp6 hq4x_Interp6_16
+#define hq4x_Interp7 hq4x_Interp7_16
+#define hq4x_Interp8 hq4x_Interp8_16
+#define Diff Diff_16
+#define BPP 2
+#define BPP2 4
+#define BPP3 6
+ int i, j, k;
+ int prevline, nextline;
+ uint16 w[10];
+ uint16 c[10];
+ // +----+----+----+
+ // | | | |
+ // | w1 | w2 | w3 |
+ // +----+----+----+
+ // | | | |
+ // | w4 | w5 | w6 |
+ // +----+----+----+
+ // | | | |
+ // | w7 | w8 | w9 |
+ // +----+----+----+
+ for (j=0; j<Yres; j++)
+ {
+ if (j>0) prevline = -SrcPPL*2; else prevline = 0;
+ if (j<Yres-1) nextline = SrcPPL*2; else nextline = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<Xres; i++)
+ {
+ w[2] = *((uint16*)(pIn + prevline));
+ w[5] = *((uint16*)pIn);
+ w[8] = *((uint16*)(pIn + nextline));
+ if (i>0)
+ {
+ w[1] = *((uint16*)(pIn + prevline - 2));
+ w[4] = *((uint16*)(pIn - 2));
+ w[7] = *((uint16*)(pIn + nextline - 2));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ w[1] = w[2];
+ w[4] = w[5];
+ w[7] = w[8];
+ }
+ if (i<Xres-1)
+ {
+ w[3] = *((uint16*)(pIn + prevline + 2));
+ w[6] = *((uint16*)(pIn + 2));
+ w[9] = *((uint16*)(pIn + nextline + 2));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ w[3] = w[2];
+ w[6] = w[5];
+ w[9] = w[8];
+ }
+ int pattern = 0;
+ int flag = 1;
+ YUV1 = RGB16toYUV(w[5]);
+ for (k=1; k<=9; k++)
+ {
+ if (k==5) continue;
+ if ( w[k] != w[5] )
+ {
+ YUV2 = RGB16toYUV(w[k]);
+ if ( ( abs((YUV1 & Amask) - (YUV2 & Amask)) > trA ) ||
+ ( abs((YUV1 & Ymask) - (YUV2 & Ymask)) > trY ) ||
+ ( abs((YUV1 & Umask) - (YUV2 & Umask)) > trU ) ||
+ ( abs((YUV1 & Vmask) - (YUV2 & Vmask)) > trV ) )
+ pattern |= flag;
+ }
+ flag <<= 1;
+ }
+ for (k=1; k<=9; k++)
+ c[k] = w[k];
+#include "TextureFilters_hq4x.h"
+ pIn+=2;
+ pOut+=8;
+ }
+ pIn += 2*(SrcPPL-Xres);
+ pOut+= 8*(SrcPPL-Xres);
+ pOut+=BpL;
+ pOut+=BpL;
+ pOut+=BpL;
+ }
+#undef BPP
+#undef BPP2
+#undef BPP3
+#undef Diff
+#undef hq4x_Interp1
+#undef hq4x_Interp2
+#undef hq4x_Interp3
+#undef hq4x_Interp4
+#undef hq4x_Interp5
+#undef hq4x_Interp6
+#undef hq4x_Interp7
+#undef hq4x_Interp8
+void hq4x_32( unsigned char * pIn, unsigned char * pOut, int Xres, int Yres, int SrcPPL, int BpL )
+#define hq4x_Interp1 hq4x_Interp1_32
+#define hq4x_Interp2 hq4x_Interp2_32
+#define hq4x_Interp3 hq4x_Interp3_32
+#define hq4x_Interp4 hq4x_Interp4_32
+#define hq4x_Interp5 hq4x_Interp5_32
+#define hq4x_Interp6 hq4x_Interp6_32
+#define hq4x_Interp7 hq4x_Interp7_32
+#define hq4x_Interp8 hq4x_Interp8_32
+#define Diff Diff_32
+#define BPP 4
+#define BPP2 8
+#define BPP3 12
+ int i, j, k;
+ int prevline, nextline;
+ uint32 w[10];
+ uint32 c[10];
+ // +----+----+----+
+ // | | | |
+ // | w1 | w2 | w3 |
+ // +----+----+----+
+ // | | | |
+ // | w4 | w5 | w6 |
+ // +----+----+----+
+ // | | | |
+ // | w7 | w8 | w9 |
+ // +----+----+----+
+ for (j=0; j<Yres; j++)
+ {
+ if (j>0) prevline = -SrcPPL*4; else prevline = 0;
+ if (j<Yres-1) nextline = SrcPPL*4; else nextline = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<Xres; i++)
+ {
+ w[2] = *((uint32*)(pIn + prevline));
+ w[5] = *((uint32*)pIn);
+ w[8] = *((uint32*)(pIn + nextline));
+ if (i>0)
+ {
+ w[1] = *((uint32*)(pIn + prevline - 4));
+ w[4] = *((uint32*)(pIn - 4));
+ w[7] = *((uint32*)(pIn + nextline - 4));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ w[1] = w[2];
+ w[4] = w[5];
+ w[7] = w[8];
+ }
+ if (i<Xres-1)
+ {
+ w[3] = *((uint32*)(pIn + prevline + 4));
+ w[6] = *((uint32*)(pIn + 4));
+ w[9] = *((uint32*)(pIn + nextline + 4));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ w[3] = w[2];
+ w[6] = w[5];
+ w[9] = w[8];
+ }
+ int pattern = 0;
+ int flag = 1;
+ YUV1 = RGB32toYUV(w[5]);
+ for (k=1; k<=9; k++)
+ {
+ if (k==5) continue;
+ if ( w[k] != w[5] )
+ {
+ YUV2 = RGB32toYUV(w[k]);
+ if ( ( abs((YUV1 & Amask) - (YUV2 & Amask)) > trA ) ||
+ ( abs((YUV1 & Ymask) - (YUV2 & Ymask)) > trY ) ||
+ ( abs((YUV1 & Umask) - (YUV2 & Umask)) > trU ) ||
+ ( abs((YUV1 & Vmask) - (YUV2 & Vmask)) > trV ) )
+ pattern |= flag;
+ }
+ flag <<= 1;
+ }
+ for (k=1; k<=9; k++)
+ c[k] = w[k];
+#include "TextureFilters_hq4x.h"
+ pIn+=4;
+ pOut+=16;
+ }
+ pIn += 4*(SrcPPL-Xres);
+ pOut+= 16*(SrcPPL-Xres);
+ pOut+=BpL;
+ pOut+=BpL;
+ pOut+=BpL;
+ }
+#undef BPP
+#undef BPP2
+#undef BPP3
+#undef Diff
+#undef hq4x_Interp1
+#undef hq4x_Interp2
+#undef hq4x_Interp3
+#undef hq4x_Interp4
+#undef hq4x_Interp5
+#undef hq4x_Interp6
+#undef hq4x_Interp7
+#undef hq4x_Interp8
+void hq4x_InitLUTs(void)
+ static bool done = false;
+ int i, j, k, r, g, b, Y, u, v;
+ if( !done )
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<16; i++)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<16; j++)
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<16; k++)
+ {
+ r = i << 4;
+ g = j << 4;
+ b = k << 4;
+ Y = (r + g + b) >> 2;
+ u = 128 + ((r - b) >> 2);
+ v = 128 + ((-r + 2*g -b)>>3);
+ RGBtoYUV[ (i << 8) + (j << 4) + k ] = (Y<<16) + (u<<8) + v;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ done = true;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - TextureFilters_hq4x.h *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 MaxSt ( maxst@hiend3d.com ) *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+switch (pattern)
+case 0:
+case 1:
+case 4:
+case 32:
+case 128:
+case 5:
+case 132:
+case 160:
+case 33:
+case 129:
+case 36:
+case 133:
+case 164:
+case 161:
+case 37:
+case 165:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 2:
+case 34:
+case 130:
+case 162:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 16:
+case 17:
+case 48:
+case 49:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 64:
+case 65:
+case 68:
+case 69:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 8:
+case 12:
+case 136:
+case 140:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 3:
+case 35:
+case 131:
+case 163:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 6:
+case 38:
+case 134:
+case 166:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 20:
+case 21:
+case 52:
+case 53:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 144:
+case 145:
+case 176:
+case 177:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 192:
+case 193:
+case 196:
+case 197:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 96:
+case 97:
+case 100:
+case 101:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 40:
+case 44:
+case 168:
+case 172:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 9:
+case 13:
+case 137:
+case 141:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 18:
+case 50:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 80:
+case 81:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 72:
+case 76:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 10:
+case 138:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 66:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 24:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 7:
+case 39:
+case 135:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 148:
+case 149:
+case 180:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 224:
+case 228:
+case 225:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 41:
+case 169:
+case 45:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 22:
+case 54:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 208:
+case 209:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 104:
+case 108:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 11:
+case 139:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 19:
+case 51:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_12
+ PIXEL01_14
+ PIXEL02_83
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_21
+ }
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 146:
+case 178:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL33_82
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_21
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_83
+ PIXEL23_13
+ PIXEL33_11
+ }
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 84:
+case 85:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_81
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL03_12
+ PIXEL13_14
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_83
+ PIXEL32_21
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 112:
+case 113:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_21
+ PIXEL30_11
+ PIXEL31_13
+ PIXEL32_83
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 200:
+case 204:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_21
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_83
+ PIXEL32_14
+ PIXEL33_12
+ }
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 73:
+case 77:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_11
+ PIXEL10_13
+ PIXEL20_83
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_21
+ }
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 42:
+case 170:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL30_81
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_21
+ PIXEL10_83
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL20_14
+ PIXEL30_12
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 14:
+case 142:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_83
+ PIXEL02_13
+ PIXEL03_11
+ PIXEL10_21
+ PIXEL11_70
+ }
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 67:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 70:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 28:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 152:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 194:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 98:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 56:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 25:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 26:
+case 31:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 82:
+case 214:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 88:
+case 248:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 74:
+case 107:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 27:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 86:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 216:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 106:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 30:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 210:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 120:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 75:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 29:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 198:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 184:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 99:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 57:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 71:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 156:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 226:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 60:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 195:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 102:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 153:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 58:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 83:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 92:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 202:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 78:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 154:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 114:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ break;
+ }
+case 89:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 90:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 55:
+case 23:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_12
+ PIXEL01_14
+ PIXEL02_83
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_21
+ }
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 182:
+case 150:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL33_82
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_21
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_83
+ PIXEL23_13
+ PIXEL33_11
+ }
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 213:
+case 212:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_81
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL03_12
+ PIXEL13_14
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_83
+ PIXEL32_21
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 241:
+case 240:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_21
+ PIXEL30_11
+ PIXEL31_13
+ PIXEL32_83
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 236:
+case 232:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_21
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_83
+ PIXEL32_14
+ PIXEL33_12
+ }
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 109:
+case 105:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_11
+ PIXEL10_13
+ PIXEL20_83
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_21
+ }
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 171:
+case 43:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL30_81
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_21
+ PIXEL10_83
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL20_14
+ PIXEL30_12
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 143:
+case 15:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_0
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_83
+ PIXEL02_13
+ PIXEL03_11
+ PIXEL10_21
+ PIXEL11_70
+ }
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 124:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 203:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 62:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 211:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 118:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 217:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 110:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 155:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 188:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 185:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 61:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 157:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 103:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 227:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 230:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 199:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 220:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 158:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 234:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 242:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ break;
+ }
+case 59:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 121:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 87:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 79:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 122:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 94:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL12_0
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 218:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 91:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ PIXEL11_0
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 229:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 167:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 173:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 181:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 186:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 115:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ break;
+ }
+case 93:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 206:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 205:
+case 201:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_12
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_11
+ }
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 174:
+case 46:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_12
+ PIXEL10_11
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 179:
+case 147:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_11
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_12
+ }
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 117:
+case 116:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_11
+ PIXEL32_12
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ break;
+ }
+case 189:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 231:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 126:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_0
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 219:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 125:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_11
+ PIXEL10_13
+ PIXEL20_83
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_21
+ }
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 221:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_81
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL03_12
+ PIXEL13_14
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_83
+ PIXEL32_21
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 207:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_0
+ PIXEL11_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_83
+ PIXEL02_13
+ PIXEL03_11
+ PIXEL10_21
+ PIXEL11_70
+ }
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 238:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_21
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_83
+ PIXEL32_14
+ PIXEL33_12
+ }
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 190:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL33_82
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_21
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_83
+ PIXEL23_13
+ PIXEL33_11
+ }
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 187:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL30_81
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_21
+ PIXEL10_83
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL20_14
+ PIXEL30_12
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 243:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_21
+ PIXEL30_11
+ PIXEL31_13
+ PIXEL32_83
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 119:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_12
+ PIXEL01_14
+ PIXEL02_83
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_21
+ }
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 237:
+case 233:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_60
+ PIXEL03_20
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_70
+ PIXEL13_60
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL30_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL30_20
+ }
+ PIXEL31_0
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 175:
+case 47:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ }
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_0
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_70
+ PIXEL23_60
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_60
+ PIXEL33_20
+ break;
+ }
+case 183:
+case 151:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_0
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL03_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL03_20
+ }
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ PIXEL20_60
+ PIXEL21_70
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_20
+ PIXEL31_60
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 245:
+case 244:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ PIXEL01_60
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_60
+ PIXEL11_70
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 250:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 123:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 95:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 222:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 252:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_61
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 249:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_61
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL30_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL30_20
+ }
+ PIXEL31_0
+ break;
+ }
+case 235:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_61
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL30_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL30_20
+ }
+ PIXEL31_0
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 111:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ }
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_0
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_61
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 63:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ }
+ PIXEL01_0
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_0
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_61
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 159:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_0
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL03_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL03_20
+ }
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_61
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 215:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_0
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL03_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL03_20
+ }
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ PIXEL20_61
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 246:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_61
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 254:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_80
+ PIXEL01_10
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_10
+ PIXEL11_30
+ PIXEL12_0
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 253:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_82
+ PIXEL01_82
+ PIXEL02_81
+ PIXEL03_81
+ PIXEL10_32
+ PIXEL11_32
+ PIXEL12_31
+ PIXEL13_31
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_0
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL30_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL30_20
+ }
+ PIXEL31_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 251:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_10
+ PIXEL03_80
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_30
+ PIXEL13_10
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL30_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL30_20
+ }
+ PIXEL31_0
+ break;
+ }
+case 239:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ }
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL02_32
+ PIXEL03_82
+ PIXEL10_0
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_32
+ PIXEL13_82
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_31
+ PIXEL23_81
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL30_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL30_20
+ }
+ PIXEL31_0
+ PIXEL32_31
+ PIXEL33_81
+ break;
+ }
+case 127:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ }
+ PIXEL01_0
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL02_0
+ PIXEL03_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL02_50
+ PIXEL03_50
+ PIXEL13_50
+ }
+ PIXEL10_0
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_0
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL30_0
+ PIXEL31_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL20_50
+ PIXEL30_50
+ PIXEL31_50
+ }
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_30
+ PIXEL23_10
+ PIXEL32_10
+ PIXEL33_80
+ break;
+ }
+case 191:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ }
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL02_0
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL03_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL03_20
+ }
+ PIXEL10_0
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ PIXEL20_31
+ PIXEL21_31
+ PIXEL22_32
+ PIXEL23_32
+ PIXEL30_81
+ PIXEL31_81
+ PIXEL32_82
+ PIXEL33_82
+ break;
+ }
+case 223:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL10_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_50
+ PIXEL01_50
+ PIXEL10_50
+ }
+ PIXEL02_0
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL03_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL03_20
+ }
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ PIXEL20_10
+ PIXEL21_30
+ PIXEL22_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL23_50
+ PIXEL32_50
+ PIXEL33_50
+ }
+ PIXEL30_80
+ PIXEL31_10
+ break;
+ }
+case 247:
+ {
+ PIXEL00_81
+ PIXEL01_31
+ PIXEL02_0
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL03_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL03_20
+ }
+ PIXEL10_81
+ PIXEL11_31
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ PIXEL20_82
+ PIXEL21_32
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_0
+ PIXEL30_82
+ PIXEL31_32
+ PIXEL32_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+case 255:
+ {
+ if (Diff(w[4], w[2]))
+ {
+ PIXEL00_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL00_20
+ }
+ PIXEL01_0
+ PIXEL02_0
+ if (Diff(w[2], w[6]))
+ {
+ PIXEL03_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL03_20
+ }
+ PIXEL10_0
+ PIXEL11_0
+ PIXEL12_0
+ PIXEL13_0
+ PIXEL20_0
+ PIXEL21_0
+ PIXEL22_0
+ PIXEL23_0
+ if (Diff(w[8], w[4]))
+ {
+ PIXEL30_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL30_20
+ }
+ PIXEL31_0
+ PIXEL32_0
+ if (Diff(w[6], w[8]))
+ {
+ PIXEL33_0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PIXEL33_20
+ }
+ break;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - TextureFilters_lq2x.h *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 MaxSt ( maxst@hiend3d.com ) *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+case 0 :
+case 2 :
+case 4 :
+case 6 :
+case 8 :
+case 12 :
+case 16 :
+case 20 :
+case 24 :
+case 28 :
+case 32 :
+case 34 :
+case 36 :
+case 38 :
+case 40 :
+case 44 :
+case 48 :
+case 52 :
+case 56 :
+case 60 :
+case 64 :
+case 66 :
+case 68 :
+case 70 :
+case 96 :
+case 98 :
+case 100 :
+case 102 :
+case 128 :
+case 130 :
+case 132 :
+case 134 :
+case 136 :
+case 140 :
+case 144 :
+case 148 :
+case 152 :
+case 156 :
+case 160 :
+case 162 :
+case 164 :
+case 166 :
+case 168 :
+case 172 :
+case 176 :
+case 180 :
+case 184 :
+case 188 :
+case 192 :
+case 194 :
+case 196 :
+case 198 :
+case 224 :
+case 226 :
+case 228 :
+case 230 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+} break;
+case 1 :
+case 5 :
+case 9 :
+case 13 :
+case 17 :
+case 21 :
+case 25 :
+case 29 :
+case 33 :
+case 37 :
+case 41 :
+case 45 :
+case 49 :
+case 53 :
+case 57 :
+case 61 :
+case 65 :
+case 69 :
+case 97 :
+case 101 :
+case 129 :
+case 133 :
+case 137 :
+case 141 :
+case 145 :
+case 149 :
+case 153 :
+case 157 :
+case 161 :
+case 165 :
+case 169 :
+case 173 :
+case 177 :
+case 181 :
+case 185 :
+case 189 :
+case 193 :
+case 197 :
+case 225 :
+case 229 :
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ P3 = IC(1);
+} break;
+case 3 :
+case 35 :
+case 67 :
+case 99 :
+case 131 :
+case 163 :
+case 195 :
+case 227 :
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ P3 = IC(2);
+} break;
+case 7 :
+case 39 :
+case 71 :
+case 103 :
+case 135 :
+case 167 :
+case 199 :
+case 231 :
+ P0 = IC(3);
+ P1 = IC(3);
+ P2 = IC(3);
+ P3 = IC(3);
+} break;
+case 10 :
+case 138 :
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(0, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 11 :
+case 27 :
+case 75 :
+case 139 :
+case 155 :
+case 203 :
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(2, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 14 :
+case 142 :
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I332(1, 3, 0);
+ P1 = I31(0, 1);
+ }
+} break;
+case 15 :
+case 143 :
+case 207 :
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I332(1, 3, 4);
+ P1 = I31(4, 1);
+ }
+} break;
+case 18 :
+case 22 :
+case 30 :
+case 50 :
+case 54 :
+case 62 :
+case 86 :
+case 118 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 19 :
+case 51 :
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I31(2, 1);
+ P1 = I332(1, 5, 2);
+ }
+} break;
+case 23 :
+case 55 :
+case 119 :
+ P2 = IC(3);
+ P3 = IC(3);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P0 = IC(3);
+ P1 = IC(3);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I31(3, 1);
+ P1 = I332(1, 5, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 26 :
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(0, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 31 :
+case 95 :
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 42 :
+case 170 :
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I332(1, 3, 0);
+ P2 = I31(0, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 43 :
+case 171 :
+case 187 :
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I332(1, 3, 2);
+ P2 = I31(2, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 46 :
+case 174 :
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(0, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 47 :
+case 175 :
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 58 :
+case 154 :
+case 186 :
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(0, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 59 :
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(2, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(2, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 63 :
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 72 :
+case 76 :
+case 104 :
+case 106 :
+case 108 :
+case 110 :
+case 120 :
+case 124 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 73 :
+case 77 :
+case 105 :
+case 109 :
+case 125 :
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ P3 = IC(1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I31(1, 3);
+ P2 = I332(3, 7, 1);
+ }
+} break;
+case 74 :
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(0, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 78 :
+case 202 :
+case 206 :
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(0, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 79 :
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 80 :
+case 208 :
+case 210 :
+case 216 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 81 :
+case 209 :
+case 217 :
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(1, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 82 :
+case 214 :
+case 222 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 83 :
+case 115 :
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(2, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(2, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 84 :
+case 212 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I31(0, 5);
+ P3 = I332(5, 7, 0);
+ }
+} break;
+case 85 :
+case 213 :
+case 221 :
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ P3 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I31(1, 5);
+ P3 = I332(5, 7, 1);
+ }
+} break;
+case 87 :
+ P0 = IC(3);
+ P2 = IC(3);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(3);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(3, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(3);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(3, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 88 :
+case 248 :
+case 250 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 89 :
+case 93 :
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(1, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(1, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 90 :
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(0, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 91 :
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(2, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(2, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(2, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(2, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 92 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 94 :
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(0, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 107 :
+case 123 :
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(2, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(2, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 111 :
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 112 :
+case 240 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I31(0, 7);
+ P3 = I332(5, 7, 0);
+ }
+} break;
+case 113 :
+case 241 :
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ P3 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I31(1, 7);
+ P3 = I332(5, 7, 1);
+ }
+} break;
+case 114 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 116 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 117 :
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(1, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 121 :
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(1, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(1, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 122 :
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I611(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(0, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 126 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 127 :
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 146 :
+case 150 :
+case 178 :
+case 182 :
+case 190 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I332(1, 5, 0);
+ P3 = I31(0, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 147 :
+case 179 :
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(2, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 151 :
+case 183 :
+ P0 = IC(3);
+ P2 = IC(3);
+ P3 = IC(3);
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(3);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(3, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 158 :
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(0, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 159 :
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 191 :
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 200 :
+case 204 :
+case 232 :
+case 236 :
+case 238 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I332(3, 7, 0);
+ P3 = I31(0, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 201 :
+case 205 :
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ P3 = IC(1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(1, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 211 :
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(2, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 215 :
+ P0 = IC(3);
+ P2 = IC(3);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(3);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(3, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(3);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(3, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 218 :
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(0, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 219 :
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(2, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(2, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 220 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I611(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 223 :
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 233 :
+case 237 :
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ P3 = IC(1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(1, 3, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 234 :
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I611(0, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 235 :
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(2, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(2, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 239 :
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 242 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I611(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 243 :
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I31(2, 7);
+ P3 = I332(5, 7, 2);
+ }
+} break;
+case 244 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 245 :
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(1, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 246 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 247 :
+ P0 = IC(3);
+ P2 = IC(3);
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(3);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(3, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(3);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(3, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 249 :
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(1, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(1, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 251 :
+ P1 = IC(2);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(2, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I211(2, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(2);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I211(2, 1, 3);
+ }
+} break;
+case 252 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 253 :
+ P0 = IC(1);
+ P1 = IC(1);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(1, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(1);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(1, 5, 7);
+ }
+} break;
+case 254 :
+ P0 = IC(0);
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I211(0, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(0, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(0);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I211(0, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
+case 255 :
+ if (HQ2X_MDL) {
+ P2 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P2 = I1411(4, 3, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MDR) {
+ P3 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P3 = I1411(4, 5, 7);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUL) {
+ P0 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P0 = I1411(4, 1, 3);
+ }
+ if (HQ2X_MUR) {
+ P1 = IC(4);
+ } else {
+ P1 = I1411(4, 1, 5);
+ }
+} break;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <exception>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "ConvertImage.h"
+#include "DeviceBuilder.h"
+#include "FrameBuffer.h"
+#include "RenderBase.h"
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+CTextureManager gTextureManager;
+unsigned int g_maxTextureMemUsage = (5*1024*1024);
+unsigned int g_amountToFree = (512*1024);
+bool g_bUseSetTextureMem = false;
+// Returns the first prime greater than or equal to nFirst
+inline int GetNextPrime(int nFirst)
+ int nCurrent;
+ nCurrent = nFirst;
+ // Just make sure it's odd
+ if ((nCurrent % 2) == 0)
+ nCurrent++;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ int nSqrtCurrent;
+ BOOL bIsComposite;
+ // nSqrtCurrent = nCurrent^0.5 + 1 (round up)
+ nSqrtCurrent = (int)sqrt((double)nCurrent) + 1;
+ bIsComposite = FALSE;
+ // Test all odd numbers from 3..nSqrtCurrent
+ for (int i = 3; i <= nSqrtCurrent; i+=2)
+ {
+ if ((nCurrent % i) == 0)
+ {
+ bIsComposite = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!bIsComposite)
+ {
+ return nCurrent;
+ }
+ // Select next odd candidate...
+ nCurrent += 2;
+ }
+CTextureManager::CTextureManager() :
+ m_pHead(NULL),
+ m_pCacheTxtrList(NULL),
+ m_numOfCachedTxtrList(809)
+ m_numOfCachedTxtrList = GetNextPrime(800);
+ m_currentTextureMemUsage = 0;
+ m_pYoungestTexture = NULL;
+ m_pOldestTexture = NULL;
+ m_pCacheTxtrList = new TxtrCacheEntry *[m_numOfCachedTxtrList];
+ SAFE_CHECK(m_pCacheTxtrList);
+ for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_numOfCachedTxtrList; i++)
+ m_pCacheTxtrList[i] = NULL;
+ memset(&m_blackTextureEntry, 0, sizeof(TxtrCacheEntry));
+ memset(&m_PrimColorTextureEntry, 0, sizeof(TxtrCacheEntry));
+ memset(&m_EnvColorTextureEntry, 0, sizeof(TxtrCacheEntry));
+ memset(&m_LODFracTextureEntry, 0, sizeof(TxtrCacheEntry));
+ memset(&m_PrimLODFracTextureEntry, 0, sizeof(TxtrCacheEntry));
+ CleanUp();
+ delete []m_pCacheTxtrList;
+ m_pCacheTxtrList = NULL;
+// Delete all textures.
+bool CTextureManager::CleanUp()
+ RecycleAllTextures();
+ if (!g_bUseSetTextureMem)
+ {
+ while (m_pHead)
+ {
+ TxtrCacheEntry * pVictim = m_pHead;
+ m_pHead = pVictim->pNext;
+ delete pVictim;
+ }
+ }
+ if( m_blackTextureEntry.pTexture ) delete m_blackTextureEntry.pTexture;
+ if( m_PrimColorTextureEntry.pTexture ) delete m_PrimColorTextureEntry.pTexture;
+ if( m_EnvColorTextureEntry.pTexture ) delete m_EnvColorTextureEntry.pTexture;
+ if( m_LODFracTextureEntry.pTexture ) delete m_LODFracTextureEntry.pTexture;
+ if( m_PrimLODFracTextureEntry.pTexture ) delete m_PrimLODFracTextureEntry.pTexture;
+ memset(&m_blackTextureEntry, 0, sizeof(TxtrCacheEntry));
+ memset(&m_PrimColorTextureEntry, 0, sizeof(TxtrCacheEntry));
+ memset(&m_EnvColorTextureEntry, 0, sizeof(TxtrCacheEntry));
+ memset(&m_LODFracTextureEntry, 0, sizeof(TxtrCacheEntry));
+ memset(&m_PrimLODFracTextureEntry, 0, sizeof(TxtrCacheEntry));
+ return true;
+bool CTextureManager::TCacheEntryIsLoaded(TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry)
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURES; i++)
+ {
+ if (g_textures[i].pTextureEntry == pEntry)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Purge any textures whos last usage was over 5 seconds ago
+void CTextureManager::PurgeOldTextures()
+ if (m_pCacheTxtrList == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (g_bUseSetTextureMem)
+ return;
+ static const uint32 dwFramesToKill = 5*30; // 5 secs at 30 fps
+ static const uint32 dwFramesToDelete = 30*30; // 30 secs at 30 fps
+ for ( uint32 i = 0; i < m_numOfCachedTxtrList; i++ )
+ {
+ TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry;
+ TxtrCacheEntry * pNext;
+ pEntry = m_pCacheTxtrList[i];
+ while (pEntry)
+ {
+ pNext = pEntry->pNext;
+ if ( status.gDlistCount - pEntry->FrameLastUsed > dwFramesToKill && !TCacheEntryIsLoaded(pEntry))
+ {
+ RemoveTexture(pEntry);
+ }
+ pEntry = pNext;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove any old textures that haven't been recycled in 1 minute or so
+ // Normally these would be reused
+ TxtrCacheEntry * pPrev;
+ TxtrCacheEntry * pCurr;
+ TxtrCacheEntry * pNext;
+ pPrev = NULL;
+ pCurr = m_pHead;
+ while (pCurr)
+ {
+ pNext = pCurr->pNext;
+ if ( status.gDlistCount - pCurr->FrameLastUsed > dwFramesToDelete && !TCacheEntryIsLoaded(pCurr) )
+ {
+ if (pPrev != NULL) pPrev->pNext = pCurr->pNext;
+ else m_pHead = pCurr->pNext;
+ delete pCurr;
+ pCurr = pNext;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pPrev = pCurr;
+ pCurr = pNext;
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::RecycleAllTextures()
+ if (m_pCacheTxtrList == NULL)
+ return;
+ uint32 dwCount = 0;
+ uint32 dwTotalUses = 0;
+ m_pYoungestTexture = NULL;
+ m_pOldestTexture = NULL;
+ for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_numOfCachedTxtrList; i++)
+ {
+ while (m_pCacheTxtrList[i])
+ {
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pTVictim = m_pCacheTxtrList[i];
+ m_pCacheTxtrList[i] = pTVictim->pNext;
+ dwTotalUses += pTVictim->dwUses;
+ dwCount++;
+ if (g_bUseSetTextureMem)
+ delete pTVictim;
+ else
+ RecycleTexture(pTVictim);
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::RecheckHiresForAllTextures()
+ if (m_pCacheTxtrList == NULL)
+ return;
+ for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_numOfCachedTxtrList; i++)
+ {
+ while (m_pCacheTxtrList[i])
+ {
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pTVictim = m_pCacheTxtrList[i];
+ m_pCacheTxtrList[i] = pTVictim->pNext;
+ pTVictim->bExternalTxtrChecked = false;
+ }
+ }
+// Add to the recycle list
+void CTextureManager::RecycleTexture(TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry)
+ if (g_bUseSetTextureMem)
+ return;
+ if( CDeviceBuilder::GetGeneralDeviceType() == OGL_DEVICE )
+ {
+ // Fix me, why I can not reuse the texture in OpenGL,
+ // how can I unload texture from video card memory for OpenGL
+ delete pEntry;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->pTexture == NULL)
+ {
+ // No point in saving!
+ delete pEntry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Add to the list
+ pEntry->pNext = m_pHead;
+ SAFE_DELETE(pEntry->pEnhancedTexture);
+ m_pHead = pEntry;
+ }
+// Search for a texture of the specified dimensions to recycle
+TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::ReviveTexture( uint32 width, uint32 height )
+ if (g_bUseSetTextureMem)
+ return NULL;
+ TxtrCacheEntry * pPrev;
+ TxtrCacheEntry * pCurr;
+ pPrev = NULL;
+ pCurr = m_pHead;
+ while (pCurr)
+ {
+ if (pCurr->ti.WidthToCreate == width &&
+ pCurr->ti.HeightToCreate == height)
+ {
+ // Remove from list
+ if (pPrev != NULL) pPrev->pNext = pCurr->pNext;
+ else m_pHead = pCurr->pNext;
+ return pCurr;
+ }
+ pPrev = pCurr;
+ pCurr = pCurr->pNext;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+uint32 CTextureManager::Hash(uint32 dwValue)
+ // Divide by four, because most textures will be on a 4 byte boundry, so bottom four
+ // bits are null
+ return (dwValue>>2) % m_numOfCachedTxtrList;
+void CTextureManager::MakeTextureYoungest(TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry)
+ if (!g_bUseSetTextureMem)
+ return;
+ if (pEntry == m_pYoungestTexture)
+ return;
+ // if its the oldest, then change the oldest pointer
+ if (pEntry == m_pOldestTexture)
+ {
+ m_pOldestTexture = pEntry->pNextYoungest;
+ }
+ // if its a not a new texture, close the gap in the age list
+ // where pEntry use to reside
+ if (pEntry->pNextYoungest != NULL || pEntry->pLastYoungest != NULL)
+ {
+ if (pEntry->pNextYoungest != NULL)
+ {
+ pEntry->pNextYoungest->pLastYoungest = pEntry->pLastYoungest;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->pLastYoungest != NULL)
+ {
+ pEntry->pLastYoungest->pNextYoungest = pEntry->pNextYoungest;
+ }
+ }
+ // this texture is now the youngest, so place it on the end of the list
+ if (m_pYoungestTexture != NULL)
+ {
+ m_pYoungestTexture->pNextYoungest = pEntry;
+ }
+ pEntry->pNextYoungest = NULL;
+ pEntry->pLastYoungest = m_pYoungestTexture;
+ m_pYoungestTexture = pEntry;
+ // if this is the first texture in memory then its also the oldest
+ if (m_pOldestTexture == NULL)
+ {
+ m_pOldestTexture = pEntry;
+ }
+void CTextureManager::AddTexture(TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry)
+ uint32 dwKey = Hash(pEntry->ti.Address);
+ if (m_pCacheTxtrList == NULL)
+ return;
+ //TxtrCacheEntry **p = &m_pCacheTxtrList[dwKey];
+ // Add to head (not tail, for speed - new textures are more likely to be accessed next)
+ pEntry->pNext = m_pCacheTxtrList[dwKey];
+ m_pCacheTxtrList[dwKey] = pEntry;
+ // Move the texture to the top of the age list
+ MakeTextureYoungest(pEntry);
+TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::GetTxtrCacheEntry(TxtrInfo * pti)
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry;
+ if (m_pCacheTxtrList == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ // See if it is already in the hash table
+ uint32 dwKey = Hash(pti->Address);
+ for (pEntry = m_pCacheTxtrList[dwKey]; pEntry; pEntry = pEntry->pNext)
+ {
+ if ( pEntry->ti == *pti )
+ {
+ MakeTextureYoungest(pEntry);
+ return pEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void CTextureManager::RemoveTexture(TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry)
+ TxtrCacheEntry * pPrev;
+ TxtrCacheEntry * pCurr;
+ if (m_pCacheTxtrList == NULL)
+ return;
+ // See if it is already in the hash table
+ uint32 dwKey = Hash(pEntry->ti.Address);
+ pPrev = NULL;
+ pCurr = m_pCacheTxtrList[dwKey];
+ while (pCurr)
+ {
+ // Check that the attributes match
+ if ( pCurr->ti == pEntry->ti )
+ {
+ if (pPrev != NULL)
+ pPrev->pNext = pCurr->pNext;
+ else
+ m_pCacheTxtrList[dwKey] = pCurr->pNext;
+ if (g_bUseSetTextureMem)
+ {
+ // remove the texture from the age list
+ if (pEntry->pNextYoungest != NULL)
+ {
+ pEntry->pNextYoungest->pLastYoungest = pEntry->pLastYoungest;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->pLastYoungest != NULL)
+ {
+ pEntry->pLastYoungest->pNextYoungest = pEntry->pNextYoungest;
+ }
+ // decrease the mem usage counter
+ m_currentTextureMemUsage -= (pEntry->pTexture->m_dwWidth * pEntry->pTexture->m_dwHeight * 4);
+ delete pEntry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RecycleTexture(pEntry);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ pPrev = pCurr;
+ pCurr = pCurr->pNext;
+ }
+TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::CreateNewCacheEntry(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight)
+ TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry = NULL;
+ if (g_bUseSetTextureMem)
+ {
+ uint32 widthToCreate = dwWidth;
+ uint32 heightToCreate = dwHeight;
+ unsigned int freeUpSize = (widthToCreate * heightToCreate * 4) + g_amountToFree;
+ // make sure there is enough room for the new texture by deleting old textures
+ while ((m_currentTextureMemUsage + freeUpSize) > g_maxTextureMemUsage && m_pOldestTexture != NULL)
+ {
+ TxtrCacheEntry *nextYoungest = m_pOldestTexture->pNextYoungest;
+ RemoveTexture(m_pOldestTexture);
+ m_pOldestTexture = nextYoungest;
+ //printf("Freeing Texture\n");
+ }
+ m_currentTextureMemUsage += widthToCreate * heightToCreate * 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Find a used texture
+ pEntry = ReviveTexture(dwWidth, dwHeight);
+ }
+ if (pEntry == NULL || g_bUseSetTextureMem)
+ {
+ // Couldn't find on - recreate!
+ pEntry = new TxtrCacheEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ _VIDEO_DisplayTemporaryMessage("Error to create an texture entry");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pEntry->pTexture = CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateTexture(dwWidth, dwHeight);
+ if (pEntry->pTexture == NULL || pEntry->pTexture->GetTexture() == NULL)
+ {
+ _VIDEO_DisplayTemporaryMessage("Error to create an texture");
+ TRACE2("Warning, unable to create %d x %d texture!", dwWidth, dwHeight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pEntry->pTexture->m_bScaledS = false;
+ pEntry->pTexture->m_bScaledT = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Initialize
+ pEntry->ti.Address = dwAddr;
+ pEntry->pNext = NULL;
+ pEntry->pNextYoungest = NULL;
+ pEntry->pLastYoungest = NULL;
+ pEntry->dwUses = 0;
+ pEntry->dwTimeLastUsed = status.gRDPTime;
+ pEntry->dwCRC = 0;
+ pEntry->FrameLastUsed = status.gDlistCount;
+ pEntry->FrameLastUpdated = 0;
+ pEntry->lastEntry = NULL;
+ pEntry->bExternalTxtrChecked = false;
+ pEntry->maxCI = -1;
+ // Add to the hash table
+ AddTexture(pEntry);
+ return pEntry;
+// If already in table, return
+// Otherwise, create surfaces, and load texture into memory
+uint32 dwAsmHeight;
+uint32 dwAsmPitch;
+uint32 dwAsmdwBytesPerLine;
+uint32 dwAsmCRC;
+uint32 dwAsmCRC2;
+uint8* pAsmStart;
+TxtrCacheEntry *g_lastTextureEntry=NULL;
+bool lastEntryModified = false;
+TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::GetTexture(TxtrInfo * pgti, bool fromTMEM, bool doCRCCheck, bool AutoExtendTexture)
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry;
+ if( g_curRomInfo.bDisableTextureCRC )
+ doCRCCheck = false;
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = true;
+ dwAsmCRC = 0;
+ uint32 dwPalCRC = 0;
+ pEntry = GetTxtrCacheEntry(pgti);
+ bool loadFromTextureBuffer=false;
+ int txtBufIdxToLoadFrom = -1;
+ if( (frameBufferOptions.bCheckRenderTextures&&!frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM) || (frameBufferOptions.bCheckBackBufs&&!frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM) )
+ {
+ txtBufIdxToLoadFrom = g_pFrameBufferManager->CheckAddrInRenderTextures(pgti->Address);
+ if( txtBufIdxToLoadFrom >= 0 )
+ {
+ loadFromTextureBuffer = true;
+ // Check if it is the same size,
+ RenderTextureInfo &info = gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom];
+ //if( info.pRenderTexture && info.CI_Info.dwAddr == pgti->Address && info.CI_Info.dwFormat == pgti->Format
+ if( info.pRenderTexture && info.CI_Info.dwFormat == pgti->Format
+ && info.CI_Info.dwSize == pgti->Size )
+ {
+ info.txtEntry.ti = *pgti;
+ return &info.txtEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( frameBufferOptions.bCheckBackBufs && g_pFrameBufferManager->CheckAddrInBackBuffers(pgti->Address, pgti->HeightToLoad*pgti->Pitch) >= 0 )
+ {
+ if( !frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM )
+ {
+ // Load the texture from recent back buffer
+ txtBufIdxToLoadFrom = g_pFrameBufferManager->CheckAddrInRenderTextures(pgti->Address);
+ if( txtBufIdxToLoadFrom >= 0 )
+ {
+ loadFromTextureBuffer = true;
+ // Check if it is the same size,
+ RenderTextureInfo &info = gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom];
+ //if( info.pRenderTexture && info.CI_Info.dwAddr == pgti->Address && info.CI_Info.dwFormat == pgti->Format
+ if( info.pRenderTexture && info.CI_Info.dwFormat == pgti->Format
+ && info.CI_Info.dwSize == pgti->Size )
+ {
+ info.txtEntry.ti = *pgti;
+ return &info.txtEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pEntry && pEntry->dwTimeLastUsed == status.gRDPTime && status.gDlistCount != 0 && !status.bN64FrameBufferIsUsed ) // This is not good, Palatte may changes
+ {
+ // We've already calculated a CRC this frame!
+ dwAsmCRC = pEntry->dwCRC;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( doCRCCheck )
+ {
+ if( loadFromTextureBuffer )
+ dwAsmCRC = gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom].crcInRDRAM;
+ else
+ CalculateRDRAMCRC(pgti->pPhysicalAddress, pgti->LeftToLoad, pgti->TopToLoad, pgti->WidthToLoad, pgti->HeightToLoad, pgti->Size, pgti->Pitch);
+ }
+ }
+ int maxCI = 0;
+ if ( doCRCCheck && (pgti->Format == TXT_FMT_CI || (pgti->Format == TXT_FMT_RGBA && pgti->Size <= TXT_SIZE_8b )))
+ {
+ //maxCI = pgti->Size == TXT_SIZE_8b ? 255 : 15;
+ extern unsigned char CalculateMaxCI(void *pPhysicalAddress, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 size, uint32 pitchInBytes );
+ if( !pEntry || pEntry->dwCRC != dwAsmCRC || pEntry->maxCI < 0 )
+ {
+ maxCI = CalculateMaxCI(pgti->pPhysicalAddress, pgti->LeftToLoad, pgti->TopToLoad, pgti->WidthToLoad, pgti->HeightToLoad, pgti->Size, pgti->Pitch);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maxCI = pEntry->maxCI;
+ }
+ //Check PAL CRC
+ uint8 * pStart;
+ uint32 dwPalSize = 16;
+ uint32 dwOffset;
+ if( pgti->Size == TXT_SIZE_8b )
+ {
+ dwPalSize = 256;
+ dwOffset = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dwOffset = pgti->Palette << 4;
+ }
+ pStart = (uint8*)pgti->PalAddress+dwOffset*2;
+ //uint32 y;
+ //for (y = 0; y < dwPalSize*2; y+=4)
+ //{
+ // dwPalCRC = (dwPalCRC + *(uint32*)&pStart[y]);
+ //}
+ uint32 dwAsmCRCSave = dwAsmCRC;
+ //dwPalCRC = CalculateRDRAMCRC(pStart, 0, 0, dwPalSize, 1, TXT_SIZE_16b, dwPalSize*2);
+ dwPalCRC = CalculateRDRAMCRC(pStart, 0, 0, maxCI+1, 1, TXT_SIZE_16b, dwPalSize*2);
+ dwAsmCRC = dwAsmCRCSave;
+ }
+ if (pEntry && doCRCCheck )
+ {
+ if(pEntry->dwCRC == dwAsmCRC && pEntry->dwPalCRC == dwPalCRC &&
+ (!loadFromTextureBuffer || gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom].updateAtFrame < pEntry->FrameLastUsed ) )
+ {
+ // Tile is ok, return
+ pEntry->dwUses++;
+ pEntry->dwTimeLastUsed = status.gRDPTime;
+ pEntry->FrameLastUsed = status.gDlistCount;
+ LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE0(" Use current texture:\n"));
+ pEntry->lastEntry = g_lastTextureEntry;
+ g_lastTextureEntry = pEntry;
+ lastEntryModified = false;
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((pauseAtNext && loadFromTextureBuffer) ,
+ {DebuggerAppendMsg("Load cached texture from render_texture");}
+ );
+ return pEntry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Do something
+ }
+ }
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ // We need to create a new entry, and add it
+ // to the hash table.
+ pEntry = CreateNewCacheEntry(pgti->Address, pgti->WidthToCreate, pgti->HeightToCreate);
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ g_lastTextureEntry = pEntry;
+ _VIDEO_DisplayTemporaryMessage("Fail to create new texture entry");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ pEntry->ti = *pgti;
+ pEntry->dwCRC = dwAsmCRC;
+ pEntry->dwPalCRC = dwPalCRC;
+ pEntry->bExternalTxtrChecked = false;
+ pEntry->maxCI = maxCI;
+ try
+ {
+ if (pEntry->pTexture != NULL)
+ {
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth < pgti->WidthToCreate )
+ {
+ pEntry->ti.WidthToLoad = pEntry->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth;
+ pEntry->pTexture->m_bScaledS = false;
+ pEntry->pTexture->m_bScaledT = false;
+ }
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureHeight < pgti->HeightToCreate )
+ {
+ pEntry->ti.HeightToLoad = pEntry->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureHeight;
+ pEntry->pTexture->m_bScaledT = false;
+ pEntry->pTexture->m_bScaledS = false;
+ }
+ TextureFmt dwType = pEntry->pTexture->GetSurfaceFormat();
+ SAFE_DELETE(pEntry->pEnhancedTexture);
+ pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag = TEXTURE_NO_ENHANCEMENT;
+ if (dwType != TEXTURE_FMT_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ if( loadFromTextureBuffer )
+ {
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->LoadTextureFromRenderTexture(pEntry, txtBufIdxToLoadFrom);
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((pauseAtNext && loadFromTextureBuffer) ,
+ {DebuggerAppendMsg("Load texture from render_texture %d", txtBufIdxToLoadFrom);}
+ );
+ extern void ConvertTextureRGBAtoI(TxtrCacheEntry* pEntry, bool alpha);
+ if( g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwFormat == TXT_FMT_I )
+ {
+ // Convert texture from RGBA to I
+ ConvertTextureRGBAtoI(pEntry,false);
+ }
+ else if( g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwFormat == TXT_FMT_IA )
+ {
+ // Convert texture from RGBA to IA
+ ConvertTextureRGBAtoI(pEntry,true);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE0(" Load new texture from RDRAM:\n"));
+ if (dwType == TEXTURE_FMT_A8R8G8B8)
+ {
+ ConvertTexture(pEntry, fromTMEM);
+ }
+ else
+ ConvertTexture_16(pEntry, fromTMEM);
+ pEntry->FrameLastUpdated = status.gDlistCount;
+ SAFE_DELETE(pEntry->pEnhancedTexture);
+ pEntry->dwEnhancementFlag = TEXTURE_NO_ENHANCEMENT;
+ }
+ }
+ pEntry->ti.WidthToLoad = pgti->WidthToLoad;
+ pEntry->ti.HeightToLoad = pgti->HeightToLoad;
+ if( AutoExtendTexture )
+ {
+ ExpandTextureS(pEntry);
+ ExpandTextureT(pEntry);
+ }
+ if( options.bDumpTexturesToFiles && !loadFromTextureBuffer )
+ {
+ DumpCachedTexture(*pEntry);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_NEW_TEXTURE )
+ {
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCurrentTexture( 0, pEntry->pTexture, pEntry->ti.WidthToCreate, pEntry->ti.HeightToCreate, pEntry);
+ CRender::g_pRender->DrawTexture(0);
+ debuggerPause = true;
+ TRACE0("Pause after loading a new texture");
+ if( pEntry->ti.Format == TXT_FMT_YUV )
+ {
+ TRACE0("This is YUV texture");
+ }
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("W:%d, H:%d, RealW:%d, RealH:%d, D3DW:%d, D3DH: %d", pEntry->ti.WidthToCreate, pEntry->ti.HeightToCreate,
+ pEntry->ti.WidthToLoad, pEntry->ti.HeightToLoad, pEntry->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth, pEntry->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureHeight);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("ScaledS:%s, ScaledT:%s, CRC=%08X", pEntry->pTexture->m_bScaledS?"T":"F", pEntry->pTexture->m_bScaledT?"T":"F", pEntry->dwCRC);
+ DebuggerPause();
+ CRender::g_pRender->SetCurrentTexture( 0, NULL, 64, 64, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ TRACE0("Exception in texture decompression");
+ g_lastTextureEntry = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pEntry->lastEntry = g_lastTextureEntry;
+ g_lastTextureEntry = pEntry;
+ lastEntryModified = true;
+ return pEntry;
+const char *pszImgFormat[8] = {"RGBA", "YUV", "CI", "IA", "I", "?1", "?2", "?3"};
+uint8 pnImgSize[4] = {4, 8, 16, 32};
+const char *textlutname[4] = {"RGB16", "I16?", "RGBA16", "IA16"};
+extern uint16 g_wRDPTlut[];
+extern ConvertFunction gConvertFunctions_FullTMEM[ 8 ][ 4 ];
+extern ConvertFunction gConvertFunctions[ 8 ][ 4 ];
+extern ConvertFunction gConvertTlutFunctions[ 8 ][ 4 ];
+extern ConvertFunction gConvertFunctions_16[ 8 ][ 4 ];
+extern ConvertFunction gConvertFunctions_16_FullTMEM[ 8 ][ 4 ];
+extern ConvertFunction gConvertTlutFunctions_16[ 8 ][ 4 ];
+void CTextureManager::ConvertTexture(TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry, bool fromTMEM)
+ static uint32 dwCount = 0;
+ ConvertFunction pF;
+ if( options.bUseFullTMEM && fromTMEM && status.bAllowLoadFromTMEM )
+ {
+ pF = gConvertFunctions_FullTMEM[ pEntry->ti.Format ][ pEntry->ti.Size ];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( gRDP.tiles[7].dwFormat == TXT_FMT_YUV )
+ {
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 )
+ pF = gConvertTlutFunctions[ TXT_FMT_YUV ][ pEntry->ti.Size ];
+ else
+ pF = gConvertFunctions[ TXT_FMT_YUV ][ pEntry->ti.Size ];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 )
+ pF = gConvertTlutFunctions[ pEntry->ti.Format ][ pEntry->ti.Size ];
+ else
+ pF = gConvertFunctions[ pEntry->ti.Format ][ pEntry->ti.Size ];
+ }
+ }
+ if( pF )
+ {
+ pF( pEntry->pTexture, pEntry->ti );
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Decompress 32bit Texture:\n\tFormat: %s\n\tImage Size:%d\n",
+ pszImgFormat[pEntry->ti.Format], pnImgSize[pEntry->ti.Size]);
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("Palette Format: %s (%d)\n", textlutname[pEntry->ti.TLutFmt>>RSP_SETOTHERMODE_SHIFT_TEXTLUT], pEntry->ti.TLutFmt>>RSP_SETOTHERMODE_SHIFT_TEXTLUT);
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE2("ConvertTexture: Unable to decompress %s/%dbpp", pszImgFormat[pEntry->ti.Format], pnImgSize[pEntry->ti.Size]);
+ }
+ dwCount++;
+void CTextureManager::ConvertTexture_16(TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry, bool fromTMEM)
+ static uint32 dwCount = 0;
+ ConvertFunction pF;
+ if( options.bUseFullTMEM && fromTMEM && status.bAllowLoadFromTMEM )
+ {
+ pF = gConvertFunctions_16_FullTMEM[ pEntry->ti.Format ][ pEntry->ti.Size ];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( gRDP.otherMode.text_tlut>=2 )
+ pF = gConvertTlutFunctions_16[ pEntry->ti.Format ][ pEntry->ti.Size ];
+ else
+ pF = gConvertFunctions_16[ pEntry->ti.Format ][ pEntry->ti.Size ];
+ }
+ if( pF )
+ {
+ pF( pEntry->pTexture, pEntry->ti );
+ LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE2("Decompress 16bit Texture:\n\tFormat: %s\n\tImage Size:%d\n",
+ pszImgFormat[pEntry->ti.Format], pnImgSize[pEntry->ti.Size]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE2("ConvertTexture: Unable to decompress %s/%dbpp", pszImgFormat[pEntry->ti.Format], pnImgSize[pEntry->ti.Size]);
+ }
+ dwCount++;
+void CTextureManager::ExpandTexture(TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry, uint32 sizeToLoad, uint32 sizeToCreate, uint32 sizeCreated,
+ int arrayWidth, int flag, int mask, int mirror, int clamp, uint32 otherSize)
+ if( sizeToLoad >= sizeCreated ) return;
+ uint32 maskWidth = (1<<mask);
+ int size = pEntry->pTexture->GetPixelSize();
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ // Some checks
+ if( sizeToLoad > sizeToCreate || sizeToCreate > sizeCreated )
+ TRACE0("Something is wrong, check me here in ExpandTextureS");
+ // Doing Mirror And/Or Wrap in S direction
+ // Image has been loaded with width=WidthToLoad, we need to enlarge the image
+ // to width = pEntry->ti.WidthToCreate by doing mirroring or wrapping
+ DrawInfo di;
+ if( !(pEntry->pTexture->StartUpdate(&di)) )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Cann't update the texture");
+ return;
+ }
+ if( mask == 0 )
+ {
+ // Clamp
+ Clamp(di.lpSurface, sizeToLoad, sizeCreated, arrayWidth, otherSize,
+ flag, size);
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&di);
+ return;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( sizeToLoad > maskWidth )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Something is wrong, check me here in ExpandTextureS");
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&di);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( sizeToLoad == maskWidth && maskWidth == sizeToCreate && sizeToCreate != sizeCreated )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Something is wrong, check me here in ExpandTextureS");
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&di);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( sizeToLoad == maskWidth )
+ {
+ uint32 tempwidth = clamp ? sizeToCreate : sizeCreated;
+ if( mirror )
+ {
+ Mirror(di.lpSurface, sizeToLoad, mask, tempwidth,
+ arrayWidth, otherSize, flag, size );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Wrap(di.lpSurface, sizeToLoad, mask, tempwidth,
+ arrayWidth, otherSize, flag, size );
+ }
+ if( tempwidth < sizeCreated )
+ {
+ Clamp(di.lpSurface, tempwidth, sizeCreated, arrayWidth, otherSize,
+ flag, size );
+ }
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&di);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( sizeToLoad < sizeToCreate && sizeToCreate == maskWidth && maskWidth == sizeCreated )
+ {
+ // widthToLoad < widthToCreate = maskWidth
+ Wrap(di.lpSurface, sizeToLoad, mask, sizeCreated, arrayWidth, otherSize, flag, size );
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&di);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( sizeToLoad == sizeToCreate && sizeToCreate < maskWidth )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( maskWidth < sizeToCreate ) TRACE0("Incorrect condition, check me");
+ Clamp(di.lpSurface, sizeToLoad, sizeCreated, arrayWidth, otherSize, flag, size );
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&di);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( sizeToLoad < sizeToCreate && sizeToCreate < maskWidth )
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( clamp ) TRACE0("Incorrect condition, check me");
+ if( maskWidth < sizeCreated ) TRACE0("Incorrect condition, check me");
+ Clamp(di.lpSurface, sizeToLoad, sizeCreated, arrayWidth, otherSize, flag, size );
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&di);
+ return;
+ }
+ TRACE0("Check me, should not get here");
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&di);
+void CTextureManager::ExpandTextureS(TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry)
+ TxtrInfo &ti = pEntry->ti;
+ uint32 textureWidth = pEntry->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth;
+ ExpandTexture(pEntry, ti.WidthToLoad, ti.WidthToCreate, textureWidth,
+ textureWidth, S_FLAG, ti.maskS, ti.mirrorS, ti.clampS, ti.HeightToLoad);
+void CTextureManager::ExpandTextureT(TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry)
+ TxtrInfo &ti = pEntry->ti;
+ uint32 textureHeight = pEntry->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureHeight;
+ uint32 textureWidth = pEntry->pTexture->m_dwCreatedTextureWidth;
+ ExpandTexture(pEntry, ti.HeightToLoad, ti.HeightToCreate, textureHeight,
+ textureWidth, T_FLAG, ti.maskT, ti.mirrorT, ti.clampT, ti.WidthToLoad);
+void CTextureManager::ClampS32(uint32 *array, uint32 width, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows)
+ if ((int) width <= 0 || (int) towidth < 0)
+ return;
+ for( uint32 y = 0; y<rows; y++ )
+ {
+ uint32* line = array+y*arrayWidth;
+ uint32 val = line[width-1];
+ for( uint32 x=width; x<towidth; x++ )
+ {
+ line[x] = val;
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::ClampS16(uint16 *array, uint32 width, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows)
+ if ((int) width <= 0 || (int) towidth < 0)
+ return;
+ for( uint32 y = 0; y<rows; y++ )
+ {
+ uint16* line = array+y*arrayWidth;
+ uint16 val = line[width-1];
+ for( uint32 x=width; x<towidth; x++ )
+ {
+ line[x] = val;
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::ClampT32(uint32 *array, uint32 height, uint32 toheight, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 cols)
+ if ((int) height <= 0 || (int) toheight < 0)
+ return;
+ uint32* linesrc = array+arrayWidth*(height-1);
+ for( uint32 y = height; y<toheight; y++ )
+ {
+ uint32* linedst = array+arrayWidth*y;
+ for( uint32 x=0; x<arrayWidth; x++ )
+ {
+ linedst[x] = linesrc[x];
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::ClampT16(uint16 *array, uint32 height, uint32 toheight, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 cols)
+ if ((int) height <= 0 || (int) toheight < 0)
+ return;
+ uint16* linesrc = array+arrayWidth*(height-1);
+ for( uint32 y = height; y<toheight; y++ )
+ {
+ uint16* linedst = array+arrayWidth*y;
+ for( uint32 x=0; x<arrayWidth; x++ )
+ {
+ linedst[x] = linesrc[x];
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::MirrorS32(uint32 *array, uint32 width, uint32 mask, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows)
+ uint32 maskval1 = (1<<mask)-1;
+ uint32 maskval2 = (1<<(mask+1))-1;
+ for( uint32 y = 0; y<rows; y++ )
+ {
+ uint32* line = array+y*arrayWidth;
+ for( uint32 x=width; x<towidth; x++ )
+ {
+ line[x] = (x&maskval2)<=maskval1 ? line[x&maskval1] : line[maskval2-(x&maskval2)];
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::MirrorS16(uint16 *array, uint32 width, uint32 mask, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows)
+ uint32 maskval1 = (1<<mask)-1;
+ uint32 maskval2 = (1<<(mask+1))-1;
+ for( uint32 y = 0; y<rows; y++ )
+ {
+ uint16* line = array+y*arrayWidth;
+ for( uint32 x=width; x<towidth; x++ )
+ {
+ line[x] = (x&maskval2)<=maskval1 ? line[x&maskval1] : line[maskval2-(x&maskval2)];
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::MirrorT32(uint32 *array, uint32 height, uint32 mask, uint32 toheight, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 cols)
+ uint32 maskval1 = (1<<mask)-1;
+ uint32 maskval2 = (1<<(mask+1))-1;
+ for( uint32 y = height; y<toheight; y++ )
+ {
+ uint32 srcy = (y&maskval2)<=maskval1 ? y&maskval1 : maskval2-(y&maskval2);
+ uint32* linesrc = array+arrayWidth*srcy;
+ uint32* linedst = array+arrayWidth*y;;
+ for( uint32 x=0; x<arrayWidth; x++ )
+ {
+ linedst[x] = linesrc[x];
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::MirrorT16(uint16 *array, uint32 height, uint32 mask, uint32 toheight, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 cols)
+ uint32 maskval1 = (1<<mask)-1;
+ uint32 maskval2 = (1<<(mask+1))-1;
+ for( uint32 y = height; y<toheight; y++ )
+ {
+ uint32 srcy = (y&maskval2)<=maskval1 ? y&maskval1 : maskval2-(y&maskval2);
+ uint16* linesrc = array+arrayWidth*srcy;
+ uint16* linedst = array+arrayWidth*y;;
+ for( uint32 x=0; x<arrayWidth; x++ )
+ {
+ linedst[x] = linesrc[x];
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::WrapS32(uint32 *array, uint32 width, uint32 mask, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows)
+ uint32 maskval = (1<<mask)-1;
+ for( uint32 y = 0; y<rows; y++ )
+ {
+ uint32* line = array+y*arrayWidth;
+ for( uint32 x=width; x<towidth; x++ )
+ {
+ line[x] = line[(x&maskval)<width?(x&maskval):towidth-(x&maskval)];
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::WrapS16(uint16 *array, uint32 width, uint32 mask, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows)
+ uint32 maskval = (1<<mask)-1;
+ for( uint32 y = 0; y<rows; y++ )
+ {
+ uint16* line = array+y*arrayWidth;
+ for( uint32 x=width; x<towidth; x++ )
+ {
+ line[x] = line[(x&maskval)<width?(x&maskval):towidth-(x&maskval)];
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::WrapT32(uint32 *array, uint32 height, uint32 mask, uint32 toheight, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 cols)
+ uint32 maskval = (1<<mask)-1;
+ for( uint32 y = height; y<toheight; y++ )
+ {
+ uint32* linesrc = array+arrayWidth*(y>maskval?y&maskval:y-height);
+ uint32* linedst = array+arrayWidth*y;;
+ for( uint32 x=0; x<arrayWidth; x++ )
+ {
+ linedst[x] = linesrc[x];
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::WrapT16(uint16 *array, uint32 height, uint32 mask, uint32 toheight, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 cols)
+ uint32 maskval = (1<<mask)-1;
+ for( uint32 y = height; y<toheight; y++ )
+ {
+ uint16* linesrc = array+arrayWidth*(y>maskval?y&maskval:y-height);
+ uint16* linedst = array+arrayWidth*y;;
+ for( uint32 x=0; x<arrayWidth; x++ )
+ {
+ linedst[x] = linesrc[x];
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::Clamp(void *array, uint32 width, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows, int flag, int size )
+ if( flag == S_FLAG ) // s
+ {
+ if( size == 4 ) // 32 bit
+ {
+ ClampS32((uint32*)array, width, towidth, arrayWidth, rows);
+ }
+ else // 16 bits
+ {
+ ClampS16((uint16*)array, width, towidth, arrayWidth, rows);
+ }
+ }
+ else // t
+ {
+ if( size == 4 ) // 32 bit
+ {
+ ClampT32((uint32*)array, width, towidth, arrayWidth, rows);
+ }
+ else // 16 bits
+ {
+ ClampT16((uint16*)array, width, towidth, arrayWidth, rows);
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::Wrap(void *array, uint32 width, uint32 mask, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows, int flag, int size )
+ if( flag == S_FLAG ) // s
+ {
+ if( size == 4 ) // 32 bit
+ {
+ WrapS32((uint32*)array, width, mask, towidth, arrayWidth, rows);
+ }
+ else // 16 bits
+ {
+ WrapS16((uint16*)array, width, mask, towidth, arrayWidth, rows);
+ }
+ }
+ else // t
+ {
+ if( size == 4 ) // 32 bit
+ {
+ WrapT32((uint32*)array, width, mask, towidth, arrayWidth, rows);
+ }
+ else // 16 bits
+ {
+ WrapT16((uint16*)array, width, mask, towidth, arrayWidth, rows);
+ }
+ }
+void CTextureManager::Mirror(void *array, uint32 width, uint32 mask, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows, int flag, int size )
+ if( flag == S_FLAG ) // s
+ {
+ if( size == 4 ) // 32 bit
+ {
+ MirrorS32((uint32*)array, width, mask, towidth, arrayWidth, rows);
+ }
+ else // 16 bits
+ {
+ MirrorS16((uint16*)array, width, mask, towidth, arrayWidth, rows);
+ }
+ }
+ else // t
+ {
+ if( size == 4 ) // 32 bit
+ {
+ MirrorT32((uint32*)array, width, mask, towidth, arrayWidth, rows);
+ }
+ else // 16 bits
+ {
+ MirrorT16((uint16*)array, width, mask, towidth, arrayWidth, rows);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::GetCachedTexture(uint32 tex)
+ uint32 size = 0;
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<m_numOfCachedTxtrList; i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_pCacheTxtrList[i] == NULL )
+ continue;
+ else
+ {
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry;
+ for (pEntry = m_pCacheTxtrList[i]; pEntry; pEntry = pEntry->pNext)
+ {
+ if( size == tex )
+ return pEntry;
+ else
+ size++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+uint32 CTextureManager::GetNumOfCachedTexture()
+ uint32 size = 0;
+ for( uint32 i=0; i<m_numOfCachedTxtrList; i++ )
+ {
+ if( m_pCacheTxtrList[i] == NULL )
+ continue;
+ else
+ {
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry;
+ for (pEntry = m_pCacheTxtrList[i]; pEntry; pEntry = pEntry->pNext)
+ {
+ size++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TRACE1("Totally %d texture cached", size);
+ return size;
+TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::GetBlackTexture(void)
+ if( m_blackTextureEntry.pTexture == NULL )
+ {
+ m_blackTextureEntry.pTexture = CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateTexture(4, 4);
+ m_blackTextureEntry.ti.WidthToCreate = 4;
+ m_blackTextureEntry.ti.HeightToCreate = 4;
+ updateColorTexture(m_blackTextureEntry.pTexture,0x00000000);
+ }
+ return &m_blackTextureEntry;
+TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::GetPrimColorTexture(uint32 color)
+ static uint32 mcolor = 0;
+ if( m_PrimColorTextureEntry.pTexture == NULL )
+ {
+ m_PrimColorTextureEntry.pTexture = CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateTexture(4, 4);
+ m_PrimColorTextureEntry.ti.WidthToCreate = 4;
+ m_PrimColorTextureEntry.ti.HeightToCreate = 4;
+ updateColorTexture(m_PrimColorTextureEntry.pTexture,color);
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = true;
+ }
+ else if( mcolor != color )
+ {
+ updateColorTexture(m_PrimColorTextureEntry.pTexture,color);
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = true;
+ }
+ mcolor = color;
+ return &m_PrimColorTextureEntry;
+TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::GetEnvColorTexture(uint32 color)
+ static uint32 mcolor = 0;
+ if( m_EnvColorTextureEntry.pTexture == NULL )
+ {
+ m_EnvColorTextureEntry.pTexture = CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateTexture(4, 4);
+ m_EnvColorTextureEntry.ti.WidthToCreate = 4;
+ m_EnvColorTextureEntry.ti.HeightToCreate = 4;
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = true;
+ updateColorTexture(m_EnvColorTextureEntry.pTexture,color);
+ }
+ else if( mcolor != color )
+ {
+ updateColorTexture(m_EnvColorTextureEntry.pTexture,color);
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = true;
+ }
+ mcolor = color;
+ return &m_EnvColorTextureEntry;
+TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::GetLODFracTexture(uint8 fac)
+ static uint8 mfac = 0;
+ if( m_LODFracTextureEntry.pTexture == NULL )
+ {
+ m_LODFracTextureEntry.pTexture = CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateTexture(4, 4);
+ m_LODFracTextureEntry.ti.WidthToCreate = 4;
+ m_LODFracTextureEntry.ti.HeightToCreate = 4;
+ uint32 factor = fac;
+ uint32 color = fac;
+ color |= factor << 8;
+ color |= color << 16;
+ updateColorTexture(m_LODFracTextureEntry.pTexture,color);
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = true;
+ }
+ else if( mfac != fac )
+ {
+ uint32 factor = fac;
+ uint32 color = fac;
+ color |= factor << 8;
+ color |= color << 16;
+ updateColorTexture(m_LODFracTextureEntry.pTexture,color);
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = true;
+ }
+ mfac = fac;
+ return &m_LODFracTextureEntry;
+TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::GetPrimLODFracTexture(uint8 fac)
+ static uint8 mfac = 0;
+ if( m_PrimLODFracTextureEntry.pTexture == NULL )
+ {
+ m_PrimLODFracTextureEntry.pTexture = CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateTexture(4, 4);
+ m_PrimLODFracTextureEntry.ti.WidthToCreate = 4;
+ m_PrimLODFracTextureEntry.ti.HeightToCreate = 4;
+ uint32 factor = fac;
+ uint32 color = fac;
+ color |= factor << 8;
+ color |= color << 16;
+ updateColorTexture(m_PrimLODFracTextureEntry.pTexture,color);
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = true;
+ }
+ else if( mfac != fac )
+ {
+ uint32 factor = fac;
+ uint32 color = fac;
+ color |= factor << 8;
+ color |= color << 16;
+ updateColorTexture(m_PrimLODFracTextureEntry.pTexture,color);
+ gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = true;
+ }
+ mfac = fac;
+ return &m_PrimLODFracTextureEntry;
+TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::GetConstantColorTexture(uint32 constant)
+ switch( constant )
+ {
+ case MUX_PRIM:
+ return GetPrimColorTexture(gRDP.primitiveColor);
+ break;
+ case MUX_ENV:
+ return GetEnvColorTexture(gRDP.envColor);
+ break;
+ return GetLODFracTexture((uint8)gRDP.LODFrac);
+ break;
+ default: // MUX_PRIMLODFRAC
+ return GetPrimLODFracTexture((uint8)gRDP.primLODFrac);
+ break;
+ }
+void CTextureManager::updateColorTexture(CTexture *ptexture, uint32 color)
+ DrawInfo di;
+ if( !(ptexture->StartUpdate(&di)) )
+ {
+ TRACE0("Cann't update the texture");
+ return;
+ }
+ int size = ptexture->GetPixelSize();
+ switch( size )
+ {
+ case 2: // 16 bits
+ {
+ uint16 *buf = (uint16*)di.lpSurface;
+ uint16 color16= (uint16)((color>>4)&0xF);
+ color16 |= ((color>>12)&0xF)<<4;
+ color16 |= ((color>>20)&0xF)<<8;
+ color16 |= ((color>>28)&0xF)<<12;
+ for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
+ {
+ buf[i] = color16;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4: // 32 bits
+ {
+ uint32 *buf = (uint32*)di.lpSurface;
+ for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
+ {
+ buf[i] = color;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ptexture->EndUpdate(&di);
+void ConvertTextureRGBAtoI(TxtrCacheEntry* pEntry, bool alpha)
+ DrawInfo srcInfo;
+ if( pEntry->pTexture->StartUpdate(&srcInfo) )
+ {
+ uint32 *buf;
+ uint32 val;
+ uint32 r,g,b,a,i;
+ for(int nY = 0; nY < srcInfo.dwCreatedHeight; nY++)
+ {
+ buf = (uint32*)((uint8*)srcInfo.lpSurface+nY*srcInfo.lPitch);
+ for(int nX = 0; nX < srcInfo.dwCreatedWidth; nX++)
+ {
+ val = buf[nX];
+ b = (val>>0)&0xFF;
+ g = (val>>8)&0xFF;
+ r = (val>>16)&0xFF;
+ i = (r+g+b)/3;
+ a = alpha?(val&0xFF000000):(i<<24);
+ buf[nX] = (a|(i<<16)|(i<<8)|i);
+ }
+ }
+ pEntry->pTexture->EndUpdate(&srcInfo);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <exception>
+#ifndef SAFE_DELETE
+#define SAFE_DELETE(p) { if(p) { delete (p); (p)=NULL; } }
+#ifndef SAFE_CHECK
+# define SAFE_CHECK(a) if( (a) == NULL ) {DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Creater out of memory"); throw new std::exception();}
+#include <string.h>
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#include "Texture.h"
+#define absi(x) ((x)>=0?(x):(-x))
+#define S_FLAG 0
+#define T_FLAG 1
+class TxtrInfo
+ uint32 WidthToCreate;
+ uint32 HeightToCreate;
+ uint32 Address;
+ void *pPhysicalAddress;
+ uint32 Format;
+ uint32 Size;
+ int LeftToLoad;
+ int TopToLoad;
+ uint32 WidthToLoad;
+ uint32 HeightToLoad;
+ uint32 Pitch;
+ uchar *PalAddress;
+ uint32 TLutFmt;
+ uint32 Palette;
+ BOOL bSwapped;
+ uint32 maskS;
+ uint32 maskT;
+ BOOL clampS;
+ BOOL clampT;
+ BOOL mirrorS;
+ BOOL mirrorT;
+ int tileNo;
+ inline TxtrInfo& operator = (const TxtrInfo& src)
+ {
+ memcpy(this, &src, sizeof( TxtrInfo ));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline TxtrInfo& operator = (const Tile& tile)
+ {
+ Format = tile.dwFormat;
+ Size = tile.dwSize;
+ Palette = tile.dwPalette;
+ maskS = tile.dwMaskS;
+ maskT = tile.dwMaskT;
+ mirrorS = tile.bMirrorS;
+ mirrorT = tile.bMirrorT;
+ clampS = tile.bClampS;
+ clampT = tile.bClampT;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline bool operator == ( const TxtrInfo& sec)
+ {
+ return (
+ Address == sec.Address &&
+ WidthToLoad == sec.WidthToLoad &&
+ HeightToLoad == sec.HeightToLoad &&
+ WidthToCreate == sec.WidthToCreate &&
+ HeightToCreate == sec.HeightToCreate &&
+ maskS == sec.maskS &&
+ maskT == sec.maskT &&
+ TLutFmt == sec.TLutFmt &&
+ PalAddress == sec.PalAddress &&
+ Palette == sec.Palette &&
+ LeftToLoad == sec.LeftToLoad &&
+ TopToLoad == sec.TopToLoad &&
+ Format == sec.Format &&
+ Size == sec.Size &&
+ Pitch == sec.Pitch &&
+ bSwapped == sec.bSwapped &&
+ mirrorS == sec.mirrorS &&
+ mirrorT == sec.mirrorT &&
+ clampS == sec.clampS &&
+ clampT == sec.clampT
+ );
+ }
+ inline bool isEqual(const TxtrInfo& sec)
+ {
+ return (*this == sec);
+ }
+} ;
+typedef struct TxtrCacheEntry
+ TxtrCacheEntry():
+ pTexture(NULL),pEnhancedTexture(NULL),txtrBufIdx(0) {}
+ ~TxtrCacheEntry()
+ {
+ SAFE_DELETE(pTexture);
+ SAFE_DELETE(pEnhancedTexture);
+ }
+ struct TxtrCacheEntry *pNext; // Must be first element!
+ struct TxtrCacheEntry *pNextYoungest;
+ struct TxtrCacheEntry *pLastYoungest;
+ TxtrInfo ti;
+ uint32 dwCRC;
+ uint32 dwPalCRC;
+ int maxCI;
+ uint32 dwUses; // Total times used (for stats)
+ uint32 dwTimeLastUsed; // timeGetTime of time of last usage
+ uint32 FrameLastUsed; // Frame # that this was last used
+ uint32 FrameLastUpdated;
+ CTexture *pTexture;
+ CTexture *pEnhancedTexture;
+ uint32 dwEnhancementFlag;
+ int txtrBufIdx;
+ bool bExternalTxtrChecked;
+ TxtrCacheEntry *lastEntry;
+} TxtrCacheEntry;
+// Texture cache implementation
+class CTextureManager
+ TxtrCacheEntry * CreateNewCacheEntry(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight);
+ void AddTexture(TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry);
+ void RemoveTexture(TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry);
+ void RecycleTexture(TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry);
+ TxtrCacheEntry * ReviveTexture( uint32 width, uint32 height );
+ TxtrCacheEntry * GetTxtrCacheEntry(TxtrInfo * pti);
+ void ConvertTexture(TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry, bool fromTMEM);
+ void ConvertTexture_16(TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry, bool fromTMEM);
+ void ClampS32(uint32 *array, uint32 width, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows);
+ void ClampS16(uint16 *array, uint32 width, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows);
+ void ClampT32(uint32 *array, uint32 height, uint32 toheight, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 cols);
+ void ClampT16(uint16 *array, uint32 height, uint32 toheight, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 cols);
+ void MirrorS32(uint32 *array, uint32 width, uint32 mask, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows);
+ void MirrorS16(uint16 *array, uint32 width, uint32 mask, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows);
+ void MirrorT32(uint32 *array, uint32 height, uint32 mask, uint32 toheight, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 cols);
+ void MirrorT16(uint16 *array, uint32 height, uint32 mask, uint32 toheight, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 cols);
+ void WrapS32(uint32 *array, uint32 width, uint32 mask, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows);
+ void WrapS16(uint16 *array, uint32 width, uint32 mask, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows);
+ void WrapT32(uint32 *array, uint32 height, uint32 mask, uint32 toheight, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 cols);
+ void WrapT16(uint16 *array, uint32 height, uint32 mask, uint32 toheight, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 cols);
+ void ExpandTextureS(TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry);
+ void ExpandTextureT(TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry);
+ void ExpandTexture(TxtrCacheEntry * pEntry, uint32 sizeOfLoad, uint32 sizeToCreate, uint32 sizeCreated,
+ int arrayWidth, int flag, int mask, int mirror, int clamp, uint32 otherSize);
+ uint32 Hash(uint32 dwValue);
+ bool TCacheEntryIsLoaded(TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry);
+ void updateColorTexture(CTexture *ptexture, uint32 color);
+ void Wrap(void *array, uint32 width, uint32 mask, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows, int flag, int size );
+ void Clamp(void *array, uint32 width, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows, int flag, int size );
+ void Mirror(void *array, uint32 width, uint32 mask, uint32 towidth, uint32 arrayWidth, uint32 rows, int flag, int size );
+ TxtrCacheEntry * m_pHead;
+ TxtrCacheEntry ** m_pCacheTxtrList;
+ uint32 m_numOfCachedTxtrList;
+ TxtrCacheEntry m_blackTextureEntry;
+ TxtrCacheEntry m_PrimColorTextureEntry;
+ TxtrCacheEntry m_EnvColorTextureEntry;
+ TxtrCacheEntry m_LODFracTextureEntry;
+ TxtrCacheEntry m_PrimLODFracTextureEntry;
+ TxtrCacheEntry * GetPrimColorTexture(uint32 color);
+ TxtrCacheEntry * GetEnvColorTexture(uint32 color);
+ TxtrCacheEntry * GetLODFracTexture(uint8 fac);
+ TxtrCacheEntry * GetPrimLODFracTexture(uint8 fac);
+ void MakeTextureYoungest(TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry);
+ unsigned int m_currentTextureMemUsage;
+ TxtrCacheEntry *m_pYoungestTexture;
+ TxtrCacheEntry *m_pOldestTexture;
+ CTextureManager();
+ ~CTextureManager();
+ TxtrCacheEntry * GetBlackTexture(void);
+ TxtrCacheEntry * GetConstantColorTexture(uint32 constant);
+ TxtrCacheEntry * GetTexture(TxtrInfo * pgti, bool fromTMEM, bool doCRCCheck=true, bool AutoExtendTexture = false);
+ void PurgeOldTextures();
+ void RecycleAllTextures();
+ void RecheckHiresForAllTextures();
+ bool CleanUp();
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ TxtrCacheEntry * GetCachedTexture(uint32 tex);
+ uint32 GetNumOfCachedTexture();
+extern CTextureManager gTextureManager; // The global instance of CTextureManager class
+extern void DumpCachedTexture(TxtrCacheEntry &entry);
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _RSP_RDP_TIMING_H_
+#define _RSP_RDP_TIMING_H_
+ Timing_SP_Minimal = 10,
+ Timing_SP_Minimal2 = 20,
+ Timing_SP_Minimal4 = 40,
+ Timing_SP_Minimal8 = 80,
+ Timing_SP_Each_Triangle = 80,
+ Timing_SP_Each_2_Triangle2 = 160,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_SpNoop = Timing_SP_Minimal,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI0_Mtx = Timing_SP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_Reserved = Timing_SP_Minimal2,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_MoveMem = Timing_SP_Minimal2, // Fix me
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_Vtx = Timing_SP_Minimal4, // for each vertex
+ Timing_RSP_GBI0_Vtx = Timing_SP_Minimal4, // for each vertex
+ Timing_RSP_GBI0_DL = Timing_SP_Minimal*2,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DBase = Timing_SP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_LoadUCode = 800,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_BranchZ = Timing_SP_Minimal2,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_Tri2 = Timing_SP_Each_2_Triangle2,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_ModifyVtx = Timing_SP_Minimal4,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_2 = Timing_SP_Minimal,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_1 = Timing_SP_Minimal,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_Cont = Timing_SP_Minimal,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_Line3D = Timing_SP_Each_Triangle,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_ClearGeometryMode = Timing_SP_Minimal,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_SetGeometryMode = Timing_SP_Minimal,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI2_GeometryMode = Timing_SP_Minimal,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_EndDL = Timing_SP_Minimal,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeL = Timing_SP_Minimal,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeH = Timing_SP_Minimal,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_Texture = Timing_SP_Minimal2,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_MoveWord = Timing_SP_Minimal2,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI2_SubModule = Timing_SP_Minimal2,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_PopMtx = Timing_SP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_CullDL = Timing_SP_Minimal2,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_Tri1 = Timing_SP_Each_Triangle,
+ Timing_RSP_GBI1_Noop = Timing_SP_Minimal,
+ Timing_RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxtr_Ucode1 = Timing_SP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_DP_Minimal = 10,
+ Timing_DP_Minimal2 = 20,
+ Timing_DP_Minimal4 = 40,
+ Timing_DP_Minimal8 = 80,
+ Timing_DP_Minimal16 = 160,
+ Timing_DP_Each_Point = 1,
+ Timing_RDP_TriFill = Timing_DP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_RDP_TriFillZ = Timing_DP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_RDP_TriTxtr = Timing_DP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_RDP_TriTxtrZ = Timing_DP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_RDP_TriShade = Timing_DP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_RDP_TriShadeZ = Timing_DP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_RDP_TriShadeTxtr = Timing_DP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_RDP_TriShadeTxtrZ = Timing_DP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_DLParser_TexRect = Timing_DP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_DLParser_TexRectFlip = Timing_DP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_DLParser_RDPLoadSync = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_RDPPipeSync = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_RDPTileSync = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_RDPFullSync = Timing_DP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetKeyGB = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetKeyR = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetConvert = Timing_DP_Minimal2,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetScissor = Timing_DP_Minimal2,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetPrimDepth = Timing_DP_Minimal2,
+ Timing_DLParser_RDPSetOtherMode = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_LoadTLut = Timing_DP_Minimal16,
+ Timing_RSP_RDP_Nothing = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetTileSize = Timing_DP_Minimal4,
+ Timing_DLParser_LoadBlock = Timing_DP_Minimal16,
+ Timing_DLParser_LoadTile = Timing_DP_Minimal16,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetTile = Timing_DP_Minimal8,
+ Timing_DLParser_FillRect = Timing_DP_Minimal16,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetFillColor = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetFogColor = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetBlendColor = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetPrimColor = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetEnvColor = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetCombine = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetTImg = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetZImg = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+ Timing_DLParser_SetCImg = Timing_DP_Minimal,
+#define DP_Timing(t) {status.DPCycleCount+=Timing_##t;}
+#define SP_Timing(t) {status.SPCycleCount+=Timing_##t;}
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _UCODE_DEFS_H_
+#define _UCODE_DEFS_H_
+typedef struct {
+ union {
+ unsigned int w0;
+ struct {
+ unsigned int arg0:24;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ };
+ };
+ unsigned int w1;
+} Gwords;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int w0;
+ unsigned int v2:8;
+ unsigned int v1:8;
+ unsigned int v0:8;
+ unsigned int flag:8;
+} GGBI0_Tri1;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int v0:8;
+ unsigned int v1:8;
+ unsigned int v2:8;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int pad:24;
+ unsigned int flag:8;
+} GGBI2_Tri1;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int :1;
+ unsigned int v3:7;
+ unsigned int :1;
+ unsigned int v4:7;
+ unsigned int :1;
+ unsigned int v5:7;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int :1;
+ unsigned int v0:7;
+ unsigned int :1;
+ unsigned int v1:7;
+ unsigned int :1;
+ unsigned int v2:7;
+ unsigned int flag:8;
+} GGBI2_Tri2;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int w0;
+ unsigned int v2:8;
+ unsigned int v1:8;
+ unsigned int v0:8;
+ unsigned int v3:8;
+} GGBI0_Ln3DTri2;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int v5:8;
+ unsigned int v4:8;
+ unsigned int v3:8;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int v2:8;
+ unsigned int v1:8;
+ unsigned int v0:8;
+ unsigned int flag:8;
+} GGBI1_Tri2;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int v3:8;
+ unsigned int v4:8;
+ unsigned int v5:8;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int v0:8;
+ unsigned int v1:8;
+ unsigned int v2:8;
+ unsigned int flag:8;
+} GGBI2_Line3D;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int len:16;
+ unsigned int v0:4;
+ unsigned int n:4;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int addr;
+} GGBI0_Vtx;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int len:10;
+ unsigned int n:6;
+ unsigned int :1;
+ unsigned int v0:7;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int addr;
+} GGBI1_Vtx;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int vend:8;
+ unsigned int :4;
+ unsigned int n:8;
+ unsigned int :4;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int addr;
+} GGBI2_Vtx;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int width:12;
+ unsigned int :7;
+ unsigned int siz:2;
+ unsigned int fmt:3;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int addr;
+} GSetImg;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int prim_level:8;
+ unsigned int prim_min_level:8;
+ unsigned int pad:8;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ union {
+ unsigned int color;
+ struct {
+ unsigned int fillcolor:16;
+ unsigned int fillcolor2:16;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned int a:8;
+ unsigned int b:8;
+ unsigned int g:8;
+ unsigned int r:8;
+ };
+ };
+} GSetColor;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int :16;
+ unsigned int param:8;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int addr;
+} GGBI0_Dlist;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int len:16;
+ unsigned int projection:1;
+ unsigned int load:1;
+ unsigned int push:1;
+ unsigned int :5;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int addr;
+} GGBI0_Matrix;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int :24;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int projection:1;
+ unsigned int :31;
+} GGBI0_PopMatrix;
+typedef struct {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned int param:8;
+ unsigned int len:16;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned int nopush:1;
+ unsigned int load:1;
+ unsigned int projection:1;
+ unsigned int :5;
+ unsigned int len2:16;
+ unsigned int cmd2:8;
+ };
+ };
+ unsigned int addr;
+} GGBI2_Matrix;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int type:8;
+ unsigned int offset:16;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int value;
+} GGBI0_MoveWord;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int offset:16;
+ unsigned int type:8;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int value;
+} GGBI2_MoveWord;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int enable_gbi0:1;
+ unsigned int enable_gbi2:1;
+ unsigned int :6;
+ unsigned int tile:3;
+ unsigned int level:3;
+ unsigned int :10;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int scaleT:16;
+ unsigned int scaleS:16;
+} GTexture;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int tl:12;
+ unsigned int sl:12;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int th:12;
+ unsigned int sh:12;
+ unsigned int tile:3;
+ unsigned int pad:5;
+} Gloadtile;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int tmem:9;
+ unsigned int line:9;
+ unsigned int pad0:1;
+ unsigned int siz:2;
+ unsigned int fmt:3;
+ unsigned int cmd:8;
+ unsigned int shifts:4;
+ unsigned int masks:4;
+ unsigned int ms:1;
+ unsigned int cs:1;
+ unsigned int shiftt:4;
+ unsigned int maskt:4;
+ unsigned int mt:1;
+ unsigned int ct:1;
+ unsigned int palette:4;
+ unsigned int tile:3;
+ unsigned int pad1:5;
+} Gsettile;
+typedef union {
+ Gwords words;
+ GGBI0_Tri1 tri1;
+ GGBI0_Ln3DTri2 ln3dtri2;
+ GGBI1_Tri2 gbi1tri2;
+ GGBI2_Tri1 gbi2tri1;
+ GGBI2_Tri2 gbi2tri2;
+ GGBI2_Line3D gbi2line3d;
+ GGBI0_Vtx gbi0vtx;
+ GGBI1_Vtx gbi1vtx;
+ GGBI2_Vtx gbi2vtx;
+ GSetImg setimg;
+ GSetColor setcolor;
+ GGBI0_Dlist gbi0dlist;
+ GGBI0_Matrix gbi0matrix;
+ GGBI0_PopMatrix gbi0popmatrix;
+ GGBI2_Matrix gbi2matrix;
+ GGBI0_MoveWord gbi0moveword;
+ GGBI2_MoveWord gbi2moveword;
+ GTexture texture;
+ Gloadtile loadtile;
+ Gsettile settile;
+ /*
+ Gdma dma;
+ Gsegment segment;
+ GsetothermodeH setothermodeH;
+ GsetothermodeL setothermodeL;
+ Gtexture texture;
+ Gperspnorm perspnorm;
+ Gsetcombine setcombine;
+ Gfillrect fillrect;
+ Gsettile settile;
+ Gloadtile loadtile;
+ Gsettilesize settilesize;
+ Gloadtlut loadtlut;
+ */
+ long long int force_structure_alignment;
+} Gfx;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned int w0;
+ unsigned int w1;
+ unsigned int w2;
+ unsigned int w3;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned int yl:12; /* Y coordinate of upper left */
+ unsigned int xl:12; /* X coordinate of upper left */
+ unsigned int cmd:8; /* command */
+ unsigned int yh:12; /* Y coordinate of lower right */
+ unsigned int xh:12; /* X coordinate of lower right */
+ unsigned int tile:3; /* Tile descriptor index */
+ unsigned int pad1:5; /* Padding */
+ unsigned int t:16; /* T texture coord at top left */
+ unsigned int s:16; /* S texture coord at top left */
+ unsigned int dtdy:16;/* Change in T per change in Y */
+ unsigned int dsdx:16;/* Change in S per change in X */
+ };
+} Gtexrect;
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - VectorMath.cpp *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964 *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#include <string.h>
+#include "VectorMath.h"
+//---------- XMATRIX
+XMATRIX::XMATRIX( const float *pIn )
+ memcpy(m, pIn, 16*4);
+ memcpy(m, pIn.m, 16*4);
+XMATRIX::XMATRIX( float _11, float _12, float _13, float _14,
+ float _21, float _22, float _23, float _24,
+ float _31, float _32, float _33, float _34,
+ float _41, float _42, float _43, float _44 )
+ this->_11 = _11;
+ this->_12 = _12;
+ this->_13 = _13;
+ this->_14 = _14;
+ this->_21 = _21;
+ this->_22 = _22;
+ this->_23 = _23;
+ this->_24 = _24;
+ this->_31 = _31;
+ this->_32 = _32;
+ this->_33 = _33;
+ this->_34 = _34;
+ this->_41 = _41;
+ this->_42 = _42;
+ this->_43 = _43;
+ this->_44 = _44;
+float& XMATRIX::operator () ( unsigned int Row, unsigned int Col )
+ return m[Row][Col];
+float XMATRIX::operator () ( unsigned int Row, unsigned int Col ) const
+ return m[Row][Col];
+XMATRIX::operator float* ()
+ return (float*)m;
+XMATRIX::operator const float* () const
+ return (float*)m;
+XMATRIX& XMATRIX::operator *= ( const XMATRIX &pIn )
+ XMATRIX mTemp(*this);
+ *this = mTemp*pIn;
+ return *this;
+XMATRIX& XMATRIX::operator += ( const XMATRIX &pIn )
+ XMATRIX mTemp(*this);
+ *this = mTemp+pIn;
+ return *this;
+XMATRIX& XMATRIX::operator -= ( const XMATRIX &pIn )
+ XMATRIX mTemp(*this);
+ *this = mTemp-pIn;
+ return *this;
+XMATRIX& XMATRIX::operator *= ( float f)
+ for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
+ {
+ ((float*)m)[i] *= f;
+ }
+ return *this;
+XMATRIX& XMATRIX::operator /= ( float f)
+ for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
+ {
+ ((float*)m)[i] /= f;
+ }
+ return *this;
+XMATRIX XMATRIX::operator + () const
+ return *this;
+XMATRIX XMATRIX::operator - () const
+ XMATRIX mTemp;
+ for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
+ {
+ ((float*)mTemp.m)[i] = -((float*)m)[i];
+ }
+ return mTemp;
+XMATRIX XMATRIX::operator * ( const XMATRIX &pIn ) const
+ XMATRIX mTemp;
+ for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
+ {
+ mTemp.m[i][j] = m[i][0]*pIn.m[0][j] +
+ m[i][1]*pIn.m[1][j] +
+ m[i][2]*pIn.m[2][j] +
+ m[i][3]*pIn.m[3][j];
+ }
+ }
+ return mTemp;
+XMATRIX XMATRIX::operator + ( const XMATRIX &pIn ) const
+ XMATRIX mTemp;
+ for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
+ {
+ ((float*)mTemp.m)[i] = ((float*)m)[i] + ((float*)pIn.m)[i];
+ }
+ return mTemp;
+XMATRIX XMATRIX::operator - ( const XMATRIX &pIn ) const
+ XMATRIX mTemp;
+ for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
+ {
+ ((float*)mTemp.m)[i] = ((float*)m)[i] - ((float*)pIn.m)[i];
+ }
+ return mTemp;
+ XMATRIX operator * ( float ) const;
+ XMATRIX operator / ( float ) const;
+ friend XMATRIX operator * ( float, const XMATRIX & );
+ bool operator == ( const XMATRIX & ) const;
+ bool operator != ( const XMATRIX & ) const;
+//---------- VECTOR3
+XVECTOR3::XVECTOR3( const float *f )
+ x = f[0];
+ y = f[1];
+ z = f[2];
+ x = v.x;
+ y = v.y;
+ z = v.z;
+XVECTOR3::XVECTOR3( float _x, float _y, float _z )
+ x = _x;
+ y = _y;
+ z = _z;
+ // casting
+ inline operator float* ();
+ inline operator const float* () const;
+ // assignment operators
+ inline XVECTOR3& operator += ( const XVECTOR3 &op );
+ inline XVECTOR3& operator -= ( const XVECTOR3 &op );
+ inline XVECTOR3& operator *= ( float op );
+ inline XVECTOR3& operator /= ( float op );
+ // unary operators
+ inline XVECTOR3 operator + () const;
+ inline XVECTOR3 operator - () const;
+ // binary operators
+ inline XVECTOR3 operator + ( const XVECTOR3 &op ) const;
+ inline XVECTOR3 operator - ( const XVECTOR3 &op ) const;
+ inline XVECTOR3 operator * ( float op ) const;
+ inline XVECTOR3 operator / ( float op ) const;
+ friend XVECTOR3 operator * ( float, const XVECTOR3& );
+ inline bool operator == ( const XVECTOR3 &op ) const;
+ inline bool operator != ( const XVECTOR3 &op ) const;
+//---------- XVECTOR4
+ XVECTOR4( const float *f );
+ XVECTOR4( const VECTOR4 &v );
+ XVECTOR4( float _x, float _y, float _z, float _w );
+ // casting
+ inline operator float* ();
+ inline operator const float* () const;
+ // assignment operators
+ inline XVECTOR4& operator += ( const XVECTOR4 &op );
+ inline XVECTOR4& operator -= ( const XVECTOR4 &op );
+ inline XVECTOR4& operator *= ( float op );
+ inline XVECTOR4& operator /= ( float op );
+ // unary operators
+ inline XVECTOR4 operator + () const;
+ inline XVECTOR4 operator - () const;
+ // binary operators
+ inline XVECTOR4 operator + ( const XVECTOR4 &op ) const;
+ inline XVECTOR4 operator - ( const XVECTOR4 &op ) const;
+ inline XVECTOR4 operator * ( float op ) const;
+ inline XVECTOR4 operator / ( float op ) const;
+ friend XVECTOR4 operator * ( float, const XVECTOR4& );
+ inline bool operator == ( const XVECTOR4 &op ) const;
+ inline bool operator != ( const XVECTOR4 &op ) const;
+//---------- OTHER
+XMATRIX* MatrixTranspose( XMATRIX* pOut, const XMATRIX* pM )
+ pOut->_11 = pM->_11;
+ pOut->_12 = pM->_21;
+ pOut->_13 = pM->_31;
+ pOut->_14 = pM->_41;
+ pOut->_21 = pM->_12;
+ pOut->_22 = pM->_22;
+ pOut->_23 = pM->_32;
+ pOut->_24 = pM->_42;
+ pOut->_31 = pM->_13;
+ pOut->_32 = pM->_23;
+ pOut->_33 = pM->_33;
+ pOut->_34 = pM->_43;
+ pOut->_41 = pM->_14;
+ pOut->_42 = pM->_24;
+ pOut->_43 = pM->_34;
+ pOut->_44 = pM->_44;
+ return pOut;
+XVECTOR4 Vec3Transform( XVECTOR4 *pOut, const XVECTOR3 *pV, const XMATRIX *pM )
+ pOut->x = pV->x*pM->_11 + pV->y*pM->_21 + pV->z*pM->_31 + pM->_41;
+ pOut->y = pV->x*pM->_12 + pV->y*pM->_22 + pV->z*pM->_32 + pM->_42;
+ pOut->z = pV->x*pM->_13 + pV->y*pM->_23 + pV->z*pM->_33 + pM->_43;
+ pOut->w = pV->x*pM->_14 + pV->y*pM->_24 + pV->z*pM->_34 + pM->_44;
+ return *pOut;
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - VectorMath.h *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964 *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+ * 4x4 matrix
+ ******************************************************************************/
+typedef struct _MATRIX {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ float _11, _12, _13, _14;
+ float _21, _22, _23, _24;
+ float _31, _32, _33, _34;
+ float _41, _42, _43, _44;
+ };
+ float m[4][4];
+ };
+typedef struct XMATRIX : public MATRIX {
+ XMATRIX( const float * );
+ XMATRIX( const MATRIX & );
+ XMATRIX( float _11, float _12, float _13, float _14,
+ float _21, float _22, float _23, float _24,
+ float _31, float _32, float _33, float _34,
+ float _41, float _42, float _43, float _44 );
+ float& operator () ( unsigned int Row, unsigned int Col );
+ float operator () ( unsigned int Row, unsigned int Col ) const;
+ operator float* ();
+ operator const float* () const;
+ // assignment operators
+ XMATRIX& operator *= ( const XMATRIX & );
+ XMATRIX& operator += ( const XMATRIX & );
+ XMATRIX& operator -= ( const XMATRIX & );
+ XMATRIX& operator *= ( float );
+ XMATRIX& operator /= ( float );
+ // unary operators
+ XMATRIX operator + () const;
+ XMATRIX operator - () const;
+ // binary operators
+ XMATRIX operator * ( const XMATRIX & ) const;
+ XMATRIX operator + ( const XMATRIX & ) const;
+ XMATRIX operator - ( const XMATRIX & ) const;
+ XMATRIX operator * ( float ) const;
+ XMATRIX operator / ( float ) const;
+ friend XMATRIX operator * ( float, const XMATRIX & );
+ bool operator == ( const XMATRIX & ) const;
+ bool operator != ( const XMATRIX & ) const;
+ * 3d vector
+ ******************************************************************************/
+typedef struct _VECTOR3
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ float z;
+class XVECTOR3 : public VECTOR3
+ XVECTOR3( const float *f );
+ XVECTOR3( const VECTOR3 &v );
+ XVECTOR3( float _x, float _y, float _z );
+ // casting
+ inline operator float* ();
+ inline operator const float* () const;
+ // assignment operators
+ inline XVECTOR3& operator += ( const XVECTOR3 &op );
+ inline XVECTOR3& operator -= ( const XVECTOR3 &op );
+ inline XVECTOR3& operator *= ( float op );
+ inline XVECTOR3& operator /= ( float op );
+ // unary operators
+ inline XVECTOR3 operator + () const;
+ inline XVECTOR3 operator - () const;
+ // binary operators
+ inline XVECTOR3 operator + ( const XVECTOR3 &op ) const;
+ inline XVECTOR3 operator - ( const XVECTOR3 &op ) const;
+ inline XVECTOR3 operator * ( float op ) const;
+ inline XVECTOR3 operator / ( float op ) const;
+ friend XVECTOR3 operator * ( float, const XVECTOR3& );
+ inline bool operator == ( const XVECTOR3 &op ) const;
+ inline bool operator != ( const XVECTOR3 &op ) const;
+ * 4d vector
+ ******************************************************************************/
+typedef struct _VECTOR4
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ float z;
+ float w;
+class XVECTOR4 : public VECTOR4
+ XVECTOR4( const float *f );
+ XVECTOR4( const VECTOR4 &v );
+ XVECTOR4( float _x, float _y, float _z, float _w );
+ // casting
+ inline operator float* ();
+ inline operator const float* () const;
+ // assignment operators
+ inline XVECTOR4& operator += ( const XVECTOR4 &op );
+ inline XVECTOR4& operator -= ( const XVECTOR4 &op );
+ inline XVECTOR4& operator *= ( float op );
+ inline XVECTOR4& operator /= ( float op );
+ // unary operators
+ inline XVECTOR4 operator + () const;
+ inline XVECTOR4 operator - () const;
+ // binary operators
+ inline XVECTOR4 operator + ( const XVECTOR4 &op ) const;
+ inline XVECTOR4 operator - ( const XVECTOR4 &op ) const;
+ inline XVECTOR4 operator * ( float op ) const;
+ inline XVECTOR4 operator / ( float op ) const;
+ friend XVECTOR4 operator * ( float, const XVECTOR4& );
+ inline bool operator == ( const XVECTOR4 &op ) const;
+ inline bool operator != ( const XVECTOR4 &op ) const;
+XVECTOR4 Vec3Transform(XVECTOR4 *pOut, const XVECTOR3 *pV, const XMATRIX *pM);
+XMATRIX* MatrixTranspose(XMATRIX* pOut, const XMATRIX* pM);
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - VertexShaderConstantDef.h *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964 *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#define iPos v0
+#define iNormal v1
+#define iColor v2
+#define iT0 v3
+#define R_NORMAL r1
+#define R_DIFFUSE r2
+#define R_TEMP1 r3
+#define R_TEMP2 r4
+#define R_TEMP3 r5
+#define R_SPECULAR r6
+#define R_POS r7
+#define CV_ZERO 0
+#define CV_ONE 1
+#define CV_HALF 2
+#define CV_TENTH 3
+#define CV_NINE_TENTH 4
+#define CV_200 5
+#define CV_WORLDVIEWPROJ_0 10
+#define CV_WORLDVIEWPROJ_1 11
+#define CV_WORLDVIEWPROJ_2 12
+#define CV_WORLDVIEWPROJ_3 13
+#define CV_WORLDVIEW_0 14
+#define CV_WORLDVIEW_1 15
+#define CV_WORLDVIEW_2 16
+#define CV_WORLDVIEW_3 17
+#define CV_LIGHT0_AMBIENT 20
+#define CV_LIGHT1_DIFFUSE 21
+#define CV_LIGHT2_DIFFUSE 22
+#define CV_LIGHT3_DIFFUSE 23
+#define CV_LIGHT4_DIFFUSE 24
+#define CV_LIGHT5_DIFFUSE 25
+#define CV_LIGHT6_DIFFUSE 26
+#define CV_LIGHT7_DIFFUSE 27
+#define PRIMARY_DEPTH 41
+#define FOG_IS_ENABLED 42
+#define PRIMARY_COLOR 44
+#define FORCE_VTX_ALPHA 46
+#define VTX_ALPHA 47
+#define Z_HACK_ENABLE 49
+#define T0_SCALE_X_Y 50
+#define T1_SCALE_X_Y 51
+#define T0_OFFSET_X_Y 52
+#define T1_OFFSET_X_Y 53
+#define FOG_MUL 60
+#define FOG_ADD 61
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Richard Goedeken
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "osal_opengl.h"
+#include "m64p_types.h"
+#include "m64p_common.h"
+#include "m64p_plugin.h"
+#include "osal_dynamiclib.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "Debugger.h"
+#include "DeviceBuilder.h"
+#include "FrameBuffer.h"
+#include "GraphicsContext.h"
+#include "Render.h"
+#include "RSP_Parser.h"
+#include "TextureFilters.h"
+#include "TextureManager.h"
+#include "Video.h"
+#include "version.h"
+// local variables
+static void (*l_DebugCallback)(void *, int, const char *) = NULL;
+static void *l_DebugCallContext = NULL;
+static int l_PluginInit = 0;
+// global variables
+PluginStatus status;
+GFX_INFO g_GraphicsInfo;
+CCritSect g_CritialSection;
+unsigned int g_dwRamSize = 0x400000;
+unsigned int *g_pRDRAMu32 = NULL;
+signed char *g_pRDRAMs8 = NULL;
+unsigned char *g_pRDRAMu8 = NULL;
+RECT frameWriteByCPURect;
+std::vector<RECT> frameWriteByCPURects;
+RECT frameWriteByCPURectArray[20][20];
+bool frameWriteByCPURectFlag[20][20];
+std::vector<uint32> frameWriteRecord;
+void (*renderCallback)(int) = NULL;
+/* definitions of pointers to Core config functions */
+ptr_ConfigOpenSection ConfigOpenSection = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigSetParameter ConfigSetParameter = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigGetParameter ConfigGetParameter = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigGetParameterHelp ConfigGetParameterHelp = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigSetDefaultInt ConfigSetDefaultInt = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigSetDefaultFloat ConfigSetDefaultFloat = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigSetDefaultBool ConfigSetDefaultBool = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigSetDefaultString ConfigSetDefaultString = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigGetParamInt ConfigGetParamInt = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigGetParamFloat ConfigGetParamFloat = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigGetParamBool ConfigGetParamBool = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigGetParamString ConfigGetParamString = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigGetUserConfigPath ConfigGetUserConfigPath = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigGetUserDataPath ConfigGetUserDataPath = NULL;
+ptr_ConfigGetUserCachePath ConfigGetUserCachePath = NULL;
+/* definitions of pointers to Core video extension functions */
+ptr_VidExt_Init CoreVideo_Init = NULL;
+ptr_VidExt_Quit CoreVideo_Quit = NULL;
+ptr_VidExt_ListFullscreenModes CoreVideo_ListFullscreenModes = NULL;
+ptr_VidExt_SetVideoMode CoreVideo_SetVideoMode = NULL;
+ptr_VidExt_SetCaption CoreVideo_SetCaption = NULL;
+ptr_VidExt_ToggleFullScreen CoreVideo_ToggleFullScreen = NULL;
+ptr_VidExt_ResizeWindow CoreVideo_ResizeWindow = NULL;
+ptr_VidExt_GL_GetProcAddress CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress = NULL;
+ptr_VidExt_GL_SetAttribute CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute = NULL;
+ptr_VidExt_GL_GetAttribute CoreVideo_GL_GetAttribute = NULL;
+ptr_VidExt_GL_SwapBuffers CoreVideo_GL_SwapBuffers = NULL;
+// For Fameskip
+float mspervi = 1000.0f/60.0f; //default is shortest frame
+float numvi = 0.0f;
+// Forward function declarations
+extern "C" EXPORT void CALL RomClosed(void);
+// Static (local) functions
+static void ChangeWindowStep2()
+ status.bDisableFPS = true;
+ windowSetting.bDisplayFullscreen = !windowSetting.bDisplayFullscreen;
+ g_CritialSection.Lock();
+ windowSetting.bDisplayFullscreen = CGraphicsContext::Get()->ToggleFullscreen();
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_AND_DEPTH_BUFFER);
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_AND_DEPTH_BUFFER);
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_AND_DEPTH_BUFFER);
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+ status.bDisableFPS = false;
+ status.ToToggleFullScreen = FALSE;
+static void ResizeStep2(void)
+ g_CritialSection.Lock();
+ // Delete all OpenGL textures
+ gTextureManager.CleanUp();
+ RDP_Cleanup();
+ // delete our opengl renderer
+ CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->DeleteRender();
+ // call video extension function with updated width, height (this creates a new OpenGL context)
+ windowSetting.uDisplayWidth = status.gNewResizeWidth;
+ windowSetting.uDisplayHeight = status.gNewResizeHeight;
+ CoreVideo_ResizeWindow(windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight);
+ // re-initialize our OpenGL graphics context state
+ bool res = CGraphicsContext::Get()->ResizeInitialize(windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight, !windowSetting.bDisplayFullscreen);
+ if (res)
+ {
+ // re-create the OpenGL renderer
+ CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateRender();
+ CRender::GetRender()->Initialize();
+ DLParser_Init();
+ }
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+ status.ToResize = false;
+static void UpdateScreenStep2 (void)
+ status.bVIOriginIsUpdated = false;
+ if( status.ToToggleFullScreen && status.gDlistCount > 0 )
+ {
+ ChangeWindowStep2();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (status.ToResize && status.gDlistCount > 0)
+ {
+ ResizeStep2();
+ return;
+ }
+ g_CritialSection.Lock();
+ //framskip, count vi
+ numvi++;
+ if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture )
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->CloseRenderTexture(true);
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->SetAddrBeDisplayed(*g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG);
+ if( status.gDlistCount == 0 )
+ {
+ // CPU frame buffer update
+ uint32 width = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG;
+ if( (*g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG & (g_dwRamSize-1) ) > width*2 && *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_H_START_REG != 0 && width != 0 )
+ {
+ SetVIScales();
+ CRender::GetRender()->DrawFrameBuffer(true);
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ }
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+ return;
+ }
+ TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE1("VI ORIG is updated to %08X", *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG));
+ if( currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting == SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_VI_UPDATE )
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP( pauseAtNext, TRACE1("Update Screen: VIORIG=%08X", *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG));
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+ return;
+ }
+ TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE1("VI ORIG is updated to %08X", *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG));
+ if( currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting == SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_VI_UPDATE_AND_DRAWN )
+ {
+ if( status.bScreenIsDrawn )
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP( pauseAtNext, TRACE1("Update Screen: VIORIG=%08X", *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP( pauseAtNext, TRACE1("Skip Screen Update: VIORIG=%08X", *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG));
+ }
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+ return;
+ }
+ if( currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting==SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_VI_CHANGE )
+ {
+ if( *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG != status.curVIOriginReg )
+ {
+ if( *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG < status.curDisplayBuffer || *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG > status.curDisplayBuffer+0x2000 )
+ {
+ status.curDisplayBuffer = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG;
+ status.curVIOriginReg = status.curDisplayBuffer;
+ //status.curRenderBuffer = NULL;
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame();
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP( pauseAtNext, TRACE1("Update Screen: VIORIG=%08X", *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status.curDisplayBuffer = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG;
+ status.curVIOriginReg = status.curDisplayBuffer;
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_FRAME, {DebuggerAppendMsg("Skip Screen Update, closed to the display buffer, VIORIG=%08X", *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG);});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_FRAME, {DebuggerAppendMsg("Skip Screen Update, the same VIORIG=%08X", *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG);});
+ }
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+ return;
+ }
+ if( currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting >= SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_1ST_CI_CHANGE )
+ {
+ status.bVIOriginIsUpdated=true;
+ DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_FRAME, {DebuggerAppendMsg("VI ORIG is updated to %08X", *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG);});
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+ return;
+ }
+ DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP( pauseAtNext, TRACE1("VI is updated, No screen update: VIORIG=%08X", *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_ORIGIN_REG));
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+static void ProcessDListStep2(void)
+ g_CritialSection.Lock();
+ if( status.toShowCFB )
+ {
+ CRender::GetRender()->DrawFrameBuffer(true);
+ status.toShowCFB = false;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ DLParser_Process((OSTask *)(g_GraphicsInfo.DMEM + 0x0FC0));
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ TRACE0("Unknown Error in ProcessDList");
+ TriggerDPInterrupt();
+ TriggerSPInterrupt();
+ }
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+static bool StartVideo(void)
+ windowSetting.dps = windowSetting.fps = -1;
+ windowSetting.lastSecDlistCount = windowSetting.lastSecFrameCount = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ g_CritialSection.Lock();
+ memcpy(&g_curRomInfo.romheader, g_GraphicsInfo.HEADER, sizeof(ROMHeader));
+ unsigned char *puc = (unsigned char *) &g_curRomInfo.romheader;
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned char temp;
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ROMHeader); i += 4) /* byte-swap the ROM header */
+ {
+ temp = puc[i];
+ puc[i] = puc[i+3];
+ puc[i+3] = temp;
+ temp = puc[i+1];
+ puc[i+1] = puc[i+2];
+ puc[i+2] = temp;
+ }
+ ROM_GetRomNameFromHeader(g_curRomInfo.szGameName, &g_curRomInfo.romheader);
+ Ini_GetRomOptions(&g_curRomInfo);
+ char *p = (char *) g_curRomInfo.szGameName + (strlen((char *) g_curRomInfo.szGameName) -1); // -1 to skip null
+ while (p >= (char *) g_curRomInfo.szGameName)
+ {
+ if( *p == ':' || *p == '\\' || *p == '/' )
+ *p = '-';
+ p--;
+ }
+ GenerateCurrentRomOptions();
+ status.dwTvSystem = CountryCodeToTVSystem(g_curRomInfo.romheader.nCountryID);
+ if( status.dwTvSystem == TV_SYSTEM_NTSC ) {
+ status.fRatio = 0.75f;
+ mspervi=1000.0f/60.0f; //for framskipping
+ } else {
+ status.fRatio = 9/11.0f;
+ mspervi=1000.0f/50.0f;
+ }
+printf("TV system=%s, ms per VI=%f\n", (status.dwTvSystem==TV_SYSTEM_NTSC)?"NTSC":"PAL", mspervi);
+ InitExternalTextures();
+ try {
+ CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateGraphicsContext();
+ CGraphicsContext::InitWindowInfo();
+printf("bool res = CGraphicsContext::Get()->Initialize(640, 480, !windowSetting.bDisplayFullscreen);\n");
+ bool res = CGraphicsContext::Get()->Initialize(640, 480, !windowSetting.bDisplayFullscreen);
+ if (!res)
+ {
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+ return false;
+ }
+ CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->CreateRender();
+ CRender::GetRender()->Initialize();
+ DLParser_Init();
+ status.bGameIsRunning = true;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Exception caught while starting video renderer");
+ throw 0;
+ }
+printf("VideoInit finished\n");
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+ return true;
+static void StopVideo()
+ g_CritialSection.Lock();
+ status.bGameIsRunning = false;
+ try {
+ CloseExternalTextures();
+ // Kill all textures?
+ gTextureManager.RecycleAllTextures();
+ gTextureManager.CleanUp();
+ RDP_Cleanup();
+ CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->DeleteRender();
+ CGraphicsContext::Get()->CleanUp();
+ CDeviceBuilder::GetBuilder()->DeleteGraphicsContext();
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ TRACE0("Some exceptions during RomClosed");
+ }
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+ windowSetting.dps = windowSetting.fps = -1;
+ windowSetting.lastSecDlistCount = windowSetting.lastSecFrameCount = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ status.gDlistCount = status.gFrameCount = 0;
+// Global functions, for use by other source files in this plugin
+void SetVIScales()
+ if( g_curRomInfo.VIHeight>0 && g_curRomInfo.VIWidth>0 )
+ {
+ windowSetting.fViWidth = windowSetting.uViWidth = g_curRomInfo.VIWidth;
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.uViHeight = g_curRomInfo.VIHeight;
+ }
+ else if( g_curRomInfo.UseCIWidthAndRatio && g_CI.dwWidth )
+ {
+ windowSetting.fViWidth = windowSetting.uViWidth = g_CI.dwWidth;
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.uViHeight =
+ g_curRomInfo.UseCIWidthAndRatio == USE_CI_WIDTH_AND_RATIO_FOR_NTSC ? g_CI.dwWidth/4*3 : g_CI.dwWidth/11*9;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float xscale, yscale;
+ uint32 val = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_X_SCALE_REG & 0xFFF;
+ xscale = (float)val / (1<<10);
+ uint32 start = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_H_START_REG >> 16;
+ uint32 end = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_H_START_REG&0xFFFF;
+ uint32 width = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG;
+ windowSetting.fViWidth = (end-start)*xscale;
+ if( abs((int)(windowSetting.fViWidth - width) ) < 8 )
+ {
+ windowSetting.fViWidth = (float)width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebuggerAppendMsg("fViWidth = %f, Width Reg=%d", windowSetting.fViWidth, width);
+ }
+ val = (*g_GraphicsInfo.VI_Y_SCALE_REG & 0xFFF);// - ((*g_GraphicsInfo.VI_Y_SCALE_REG>>16) & 0xFFF);
+ if( val == 0x3FF ) val = 0x400;
+ yscale = (float)val / (1<<10);
+ start = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_V_START_REG >> 16;
+ end = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_V_START_REG&0xFFFF;
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = (end-start)/2*yscale;
+ if( yscale == 0 )
+ {
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.fViWidth*status.fRatio;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG > 0x300 )
+ windowSetting.fViHeight *= 2;
+ if( windowSetting.fViWidth*status.fRatio > windowSetting.fViHeight && (*g_GraphicsInfo.VI_X_SCALE_REG & 0xFF) != 0 )
+ {
+ if( abs(int(windowSetting.fViWidth*status.fRatio - windowSetting.fViHeight)) < 8 )
+ {
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.fViWidth*status.fRatio;
+ }
+ /*
+ else
+ {
+ if( abs(windowSetting.fViWidth*status.fRatio-windowSetting.fViHeight) > windowSetting.fViWidth*0.1f )
+ {
+ if( status.fRatio > 0.8 )
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.fViWidth*3/4;
+ //windowSetting.fViHeight = (*g_GraphicsInfo.VI_V_SYNC_REG - 0x2C)/2;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ if( windowSetting.fViHeight<100 || windowSetting.fViWidth<100 )
+ {
+ //At sometime, value in VI_H_START_REG or VI_V_START_REG are 0
+ windowSetting.fViWidth = (float)*g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG;
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.fViWidth*status.fRatio;
+ }
+ }
+ windowSetting.uViWidth = (unsigned short)(windowSetting.fViWidth/4);
+ windowSetting.fViWidth = windowSetting.uViWidth *= 4;
+ windowSetting.uViHeight = (unsigned short)(windowSetting.fViHeight/4);
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.uViHeight *= 4;
+ uint16 optimizeHeight = (uint16)(windowSetting.uViWidth*status.fRatio);
+ optimizeHeight &= ~3;
+ uint16 optimizeHeight2 = (uint16)(windowSetting.uViWidth*3/4);
+ optimizeHeight2 &= ~3;
+ if( windowSetting.uViHeight != optimizeHeight && windowSetting.uViHeight != optimizeHeight2 )
+ {
+ if( abs(windowSetting.uViHeight-optimizeHeight) <= 8 )
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.uViHeight = optimizeHeight;
+ else if( abs(windowSetting.uViHeight-optimizeHeight2) <= 8 )
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.uViHeight = optimizeHeight2;
+ }
+ if( gRDP.scissor.left == 0 && gRDP.scissor.top == 0 && gRDP.scissor.right != 0 )
+ {
+ if( (*g_GraphicsInfo.VI_X_SCALE_REG & 0xFF) != 0x0 && gRDP.scissor.right == windowSetting.uViWidth )
+ {
+ // Mario Tennis
+ if( abs(int( windowSetting.fViHeight - gRDP.scissor.bottom )) < 8 )
+ {
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.uViHeight = gRDP.scissor.bottom;
+ }
+ else if( windowSetting.fViHeight < gRDP.scissor.bottom )
+ {
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.uViHeight = gRDP.scissor.bottom;
+ }
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.uViHeight = gRDP.scissor.bottom;
+ }
+ else if( gRDP.scissor.right == windowSetting.uViWidth - 1 && gRDP.scissor.bottom != 0 )
+ {
+ if( windowSetting.uViHeight != optimizeHeight && windowSetting.uViHeight != optimizeHeight2 )
+ {
+ if( status.fRatio != 0.75 && windowSetting.fViHeight > optimizeHeight/2 )
+ {
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.uViHeight = gRDP.scissor.bottom + gRDP.scissor.top + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( gRDP.scissor.right == windowSetting.uViWidth && gRDP.scissor.bottom != 0 && status.fRatio != 0.75 )
+ {
+ if( windowSetting.uViHeight != optimizeHeight && windowSetting.uViHeight != optimizeHeight2 )
+ {
+ if( status.fRatio != 0.75 && windowSetting.fViHeight > optimizeHeight/2 )
+ {
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = windowSetting.uViHeight = gRDP.scissor.bottom + gRDP.scissor.top + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SetScreenMult(windowSetting.uDisplayWidth/windowSetting.fViWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight/windowSetting.fViHeight);
+void TriggerDPInterrupt(void)
+ *(g_GraphicsInfo.MI_INTR_REG) |= MI_INTR_DP;
+ g_GraphicsInfo.CheckInterrupts();
+void TriggerSPInterrupt(void)
+ *(g_GraphicsInfo.MI_INTR_REG) |= MI_INTR_SP;
+ g_GraphicsInfo.CheckInterrupts();
+void _VIDEO_DisplayTemporaryMessage(const char *Message)
+void DebugMessage(int level, const char *message, ...)
+ char msgbuf[1024];
+ va_list args;
+ if (l_DebugCallback == NULL)
+ return;
+ va_start(args, message);
+ vsprintf(msgbuf, message, args);
+ (*l_DebugCallback)(l_DebugCallContext, level, msgbuf);
+ va_end(args);
+// Global functions, exported for use by the core library
+// since these functions are exported, they need to have C-style names
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Mupen64Plus plugin functions */
+EXPORT m64p_error CALL PluginStartup(m64p_dynlib_handle CoreLibHandle, void *Context,
+ void (*DebugCallback)(void *, int, const char *))
+ if (l_PluginInit)
+ /* first thing is to set the callback function for debug info */
+ l_DebugCallback = DebugCallback;
+ l_DebugCallContext = Context;
+ /* attach and call the CoreGetAPIVersions function, check Config and Video Extension API versions for compatibility */
+ ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions CoreAPIVersionFunc;
+ CoreAPIVersionFunc = (ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "CoreGetAPIVersions");
+ if (CoreAPIVersionFunc == NULL)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Core emulator broken; no CoreAPIVersionFunc() function found.");
+ }
+ int ConfigAPIVersion, DebugAPIVersion, VidextAPIVersion;
+ (*CoreAPIVersionFunc)(&ConfigAPIVersion, &DebugAPIVersion, &VidextAPIVersion, NULL);
+ if ((ConfigAPIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (CONFIG_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Emulator core Config API (v%i.%i.%i) incompatible with plugin (v%i.%i.%i)",
+ }
+ if ((VidextAPIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (VIDEXT_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Emulator core Video Extension API (v%i.%i.%i) incompatible with plugin (v%i.%i.%i)",
+ }
+ /* Get the core config function pointers from the library handle */
+ ConfigOpenSection = (ptr_ConfigOpenSection) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigOpenSection");
+ ConfigSetParameter = (ptr_ConfigSetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetParameter");
+ ConfigGetParameter = (ptr_ConfigGetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParameter");
+ ConfigSetDefaultInt = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultInt) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultInt");
+ ConfigSetDefaultFloat = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultFloat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultFloat");
+ ConfigSetDefaultBool = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultBool) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultBool");
+ ConfigSetDefaultString = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultString) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultString");
+ ConfigGetParamInt = (ptr_ConfigGetParamInt) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamInt");
+ ConfigGetParamFloat = (ptr_ConfigGetParamFloat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamFloat");
+ ConfigGetParamBool = (ptr_ConfigGetParamBool) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamBool");
+ ConfigGetParamString = (ptr_ConfigGetParamString) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamString");
+ ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath = (ptr_ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath");
+ ConfigGetUserConfigPath = (ptr_ConfigGetUserConfigPath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetUserConfigPath");
+ ConfigGetUserDataPath = (ptr_ConfigGetUserDataPath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetUserDataPath");
+ ConfigGetUserCachePath = (ptr_ConfigGetUserCachePath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetUserCachePath");
+ if (!ConfigOpenSection || !ConfigSetParameter || !ConfigGetParameter ||
+ !ConfigSetDefaultInt || !ConfigSetDefaultFloat || !ConfigSetDefaultBool || !ConfigSetDefaultString ||
+ !ConfigGetParamInt || !ConfigGetParamFloat || !ConfigGetParamBool || !ConfigGetParamString ||
+ !ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath || !ConfigGetUserConfigPath || !ConfigGetUserDataPath || !ConfigGetUserCachePath)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't connect to Core configuration functions");
+ }
+ /* Get the core Video Extension function pointers from the library handle */
+ CoreVideo_Init = (ptr_VidExt_Init) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_Init");
+ CoreVideo_Quit = (ptr_VidExt_Quit) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_Quit");
+ CoreVideo_ListFullscreenModes = (ptr_VidExt_ListFullscreenModes) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_ListFullscreenModes");
+ CoreVideo_SetVideoMode = (ptr_VidExt_SetVideoMode) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_SetVideoMode");
+ CoreVideo_SetCaption = (ptr_VidExt_SetCaption) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_SetCaption");
+ CoreVideo_ToggleFullScreen = (ptr_VidExt_ToggleFullScreen) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_ToggleFullScreen");
+ CoreVideo_ResizeWindow = (ptr_VidExt_ResizeWindow) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_ResizeWindow");
+ CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress = (ptr_VidExt_GL_GetProcAddress) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_GL_GetProcAddress");
+ CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute = (ptr_VidExt_GL_SetAttribute) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_GL_SetAttribute");
+ CoreVideo_GL_GetAttribute = (ptr_VidExt_GL_GetAttribute) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_GL_GetAttribute");
+ CoreVideo_GL_SwapBuffers = (ptr_VidExt_GL_SwapBuffers) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_GL_SwapBuffers");
+ if (!CoreVideo_Init || !CoreVideo_Quit || !CoreVideo_ListFullscreenModes || !CoreVideo_SetVideoMode ||
+ !CoreVideo_ResizeWindow || !CoreVideo_SetCaption || !CoreVideo_ToggleFullScreen || !CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress ||
+ !CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute || !CoreVideo_GL_GetAttribute || !CoreVideo_GL_SwapBuffers)
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't connect to Core video extension functions");
+ }
+ /* open config section handles and set parameter default values */
+ if (!InitConfiguration())
+ return M64ERR_INTERNAL;
+ l_PluginInit = 1;
+ return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
+EXPORT m64p_error CALL PluginShutdown(void)
+ if (!l_PluginInit)
+ return M64ERR_NOT_INIT;
+ if( status.bGameIsRunning )
+ {
+ RomClosed();
+ }
+ if (bIniIsChanged)
+ {
+ WriteIniFile();
+ TRACE0("Write back INI file");
+ }
+ /* reset some local variables */
+ l_DebugCallback = NULL;
+ l_DebugCallContext = NULL;
+ l_PluginInit = 0;
+ return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
+EXPORT m64p_error CALL PluginGetVersion(m64p_plugin_type *PluginType, int *PluginVersion, int *APIVersion, const char **PluginNamePtr, int *Capabilities)
+ /* set version info */
+ if (PluginType != NULL)
+ *PluginType = M64PLUGIN_GFX;
+ if (PluginVersion != NULL)
+ *PluginVersion = PLUGIN_VERSION;
+ if (APIVersion != NULL)
+ if (PluginNamePtr != NULL)
+ *PluginNamePtr = PLUGIN_NAME;
+ if (Capabilities != NULL)
+ {
+ *Capabilities = 0;
+ }
+ return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
+EXPORT void CALL ChangeWindow (void)
+ if( status.ToToggleFullScreen )
+ status.ToToggleFullScreen = FALSE;
+ else
+ status.ToToggleFullScreen = TRUE;
+EXPORT void CALL MoveScreen (int xpos, int ypos)
+EXPORT void CALL RomClosed(void)
+ TRACE0("To stop video");
+ Ini_StoreRomOptions(&g_curRomInfo);
+ StopVideo();
+ TRACE0("Video is stopped");
+EXPORT int CALL RomOpen(void)
+ /* Read RiceVideoLinux.ini file, set up internal variables by reading values from core configuration API */
+ LoadConfiguration();
+ if( g_CritialSection.IsLocked() )
+ {
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+ TRACE0("g_CritialSection is locked when game is starting, unlock it now.");
+ }
+ status.bDisableFPS=false;
+ g_dwRamSize = 0x800000;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if( debuggerPause )
+ {
+ debuggerPause = FALSE;
+ usleep(100 * 1000);
+ }
+ if (!StartVideo())
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+EXPORT void CALL UpdateScreen(void)
+ if(options.bShowFPS)
+ {
+ static unsigned int lastTick=0;
+ static int frames=0;
+ unsigned int nowTick = SDL_GetTicks();
+ frames++;
+ if(lastTick + 5000 <= nowTick)
+ {
+ char caption[200];
+ sprintf(caption, "%s v%i.%i.%i - %.3f VI/S", PLUGIN_NAME, VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(PLUGIN_VERSION), frames/5.0);
+ CoreVideo_SetCaption(caption);
+ frames = 0;
+ lastTick = nowTick;
+ }
+ }
+ UpdateScreenStep2();
+EXPORT void CALL ViStatusChanged(void)
+ g_CritialSection.Lock();
+ SetVIScales();
+ CRender::g_pRender->UpdateClipRectangle();
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+EXPORT void CALL ViWidthChanged(void)
+ g_CritialSection.Lock();
+ SetVIScales();
+ CRender::g_pRender->UpdateClipRectangle();
+ g_CritialSection.Unlock();
+EXPORT int CALL InitiateGFX(GFX_INFO Gfx_Info)
+ memset(&status, 0, sizeof(status));
+ memcpy(&g_GraphicsInfo, &Gfx_Info, sizeof(GFX_INFO));
+ g_pRDRAMu8 = Gfx_Info.RDRAM;
+ g_pRDRAMu32 = (uint32*)Gfx_Info.RDRAM;
+ g_pRDRAMs8 = (signed char *)Gfx_Info.RDRAM;
+ windowSetting.fViWidth = 320;
+ windowSetting.fViHeight = 240;
+ status.ToToggleFullScreen = FALSE;
+ status.ToResize = false;
+ status.bDisableFPS=false;
+ if (!InitConfiguration())
+ {
+ DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Failed to read configuration data");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ CGraphicsContext::InitWindowInfo();
+ CGraphicsContext::InitDeviceParameters();
+ return(TRUE);
+EXPORT void CALL ResizeVideoOutput(int width, int height)
+ // save the new window resolution. actual resizing operation is asynchronous (it happens later)
+ status.gNewResizeWidth = width;
+ status.gNewResizeHeight = height;
+ status.ToResize = true;
+EXPORT void CALL ProcessRDPList(void)
+ try
+ {
+ RDP_DLParser_Process();
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ TRACE0("Unknown Error in ProcessRDPList");
+ TriggerDPInterrupt();
+ TriggerSPInterrupt();
+ }
+EXPORT void CALL ProcessDList(void)
+ ProcessDListStep2();
+ Function: FrameBufferRead
+ Purpose: This function is called to notify the dll that the
+ frame buffer memory is beening read at the given address.
+ DLL should copy content from its render buffer to the frame buffer
+ in N64 RDRAM
+ DLL is responsible to maintain its own frame buffer memory addr list
+ DLL should copy 4KB block content back to RDRAM frame buffer.
+ Emulator should not call this function again if other memory
+ is read within the same 4KB range
+ Since depth buffer is also being watched, the reported addr
+ may belong to depth buffer
+ input: addr rdram address
+ val val
+ size 1 = uint8, 2 = uint16, 4 = uint32
+ output: none
+EXPORT void CALL FBRead(uint32 addr)
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->FrameBufferReadByCPU(addr);
+ Function: FrameBufferWrite
+ Purpose: This function is called to notify the dll that the
+ frame buffer has been modified by CPU at the given address.
+ Since depth buffer is also being watched, the reported addr
+ may belong to depth buffer
+ input: addr rdram address
+ val val
+ size 1 = uint8, 2 = uint16, 4 = uint32
+ output: none
+EXPORT void CALL FBWrite(uint32 addr, uint32 size)
+ g_pFrameBufferManager->FrameBufferWriteByCPU(addr, size);
+Function: FBGetFrameBufferInfo
+Purpose: This function is called by the emulator core to retrieve frame
+ buffer information from the video plugin in order to be able
+ to notify the video plugin about CPU frame buffer read/write
+ operations
+ size:
+ = 1 byte
+ = 2 word (16 bit) <-- this is N64 default depth buffer format
+ = 4 dword (32 bit)
+ when frame buffer information is not available yet, set all values
+ in the FrameBufferInfo structure to 0
+input: FrameBufferInfo pinfo[6]
+ pinfo is pointed to a FrameBufferInfo structure which to be
+ filled in by this function
+output: Values are return in the FrameBufferInfo structure
+ Plugin can return up to 6 frame buffer info
+ ************************************************************************/
+EXPORT void CALL FBGetFrameBufferInfo(void *p)
+ FrameBufferInfo * pinfo = (FrameBufferInfo *)p;
+ memset(pinfo,0,sizeof(FrameBufferInfo)*6);
+ //if( g_ZI.dwAddr == 0 )
+ //{
+ // memset(pinfo,0,sizeof(FrameBufferInfo)*6);
+ //}
+ //else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<5; i++ )
+ {
+ if( status.gDlistCount-g_RecentCIInfo[i].lastUsedFrame > 30 || g_RecentCIInfo[i].lastUsedFrame == 0 )
+ {
+ //memset(&pinfo[i],0,sizeof(FrameBufferInfo));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pinfo[i].addr = g_RecentCIInfo[i].dwAddr;
+ pinfo[i].size = 2;
+ pinfo[i].width = g_RecentCIInfo[i].dwWidth;
+ pinfo[i].height = g_RecentCIInfo[i].dwHeight;
+ TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE3("Protect 0x%08X (%d,%d)", g_RecentCIInfo[i].dwAddr, g_RecentCIInfo[i].dwWidth, g_RecentCIInfo[i].dwHeight));
+ pinfo[5].width = g_RecentCIInfo[i].dwWidth;
+ pinfo[5].height = g_RecentCIInfo[i].dwHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ pinfo[5].addr = g_ZI.dwAddr;
+ //pinfo->size = g_RecentCIInfo[5].dwSize;
+ pinfo[5].size = 2;
+ TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE3("Protect 0x%08X (%d,%d)", pinfo[5].addr, pinfo[5].width, pinfo[5].height));
+ }
+// Plugin spec 1.3 functions
+EXPORT void CALL ShowCFB(void)
+ status.toShowCFB = true;
+//void ReadScreen2( void *dest, int *width, int *height, int bFront )
+EXPORT void CALL ReadScreen2(void *dest, int *width, int *height, int bFront)
+ if (width == NULL || height == NULL)
+ return;
+ *width = windowSetting.uDisplayWidth;
+ *height = windowSetting.uDisplayHeight;
+ if (dest == NULL)
+ return;
+#ifndef HAVE_GLES
+//*TODO*, what's the use of this function ? *SEB*
+ GLint oldMode;
+ glGetIntegerv( GL_READ_BUFFER, &oldMode );
+ if (bFront)
+ glReadBuffer( GL_FRONT );
+ else
+ glReadBuffer( GL_BACK );
+ glReadPixels( 0, 0, windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight,
+ glReadBuffer( oldMode );
+EXPORT void CALL SetRenderingCallback(void (*callback)(int))
+ renderCallback = callback;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2002 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#include "m64p_config.h"
+#include "m64p_plugin.h"
+#include "m64p_vidext.h"
+typedef struct {
+ float fViWidth, fViHeight;
+ unsigned short uViWidth, uViHeight;
+ unsigned short uDisplayWidth, uDisplayHeight;
+ BOOL bDisplayFullscreen;
+ BOOL bVerticalSync;
+ float fMultX, fMultY;
+ int vpLeftW, vpTopW, vpRightW, vpBottomW, vpWidthW, vpHeightW;
+ int statusBarHeight, statusBarHeightToUse, toolbarHeight, toolbarHeightToUse;
+ BOOL screenSaverStatus;
+ struct {
+ uint32 left;
+ uint32 top;
+ uint32 right;
+ uint32 bottom;
+ uint32 width;
+ uint32 height;
+ bool needToClip;
+ } clipping;
+ int timer;
+ float fps; // frame per second
+ float dps; // dlist per second
+ uint32 lastSecFrameCount;
+ uint32 lastSecDlistCount;
+typedef enum
+} PrimitiveType;
+typedef enum
+} CurScissorType;
+typedef struct {
+ bool bGameIsRunning;
+ uint32 dwTvSystem;
+ float fRatio;
+ BOOL frameReadByCPU;
+ BOOL frameWriteByCPU;
+ uint32 SPCycleCount; // Count how many CPU cycles SP used in this DLIST
+ uint32 DPCycleCount; // Count how many CPU cycles DP used in this DLIST
+ uint32 dwNumTrisRendered;
+ uint32 dwNumDListsCulled;
+ uint32 dwNumTrisClipped;
+ uint32 dwNumVertices;
+ uint32 dwBiggestVertexIndex;
+ uint32 gDlistCount;
+ uint32 gFrameCount;
+ uint32 gUcodeCount;
+ uint32 gRDPTime;
+ BOOL ToToggleFullScreen;
+ bool ToResize;
+ uint32 gNewResizeWidth, gNewResizeHeight;
+ bool bDisableFPS;
+ bool bUseModifiedUcodeMap;
+ bool ucodeHasBeenSet;
+ bool bUcodeIsKnown;
+ uint32 curRenderBuffer;
+ uint32 curDisplayBuffer;
+ uint32 curVIOriginReg;
+ CurScissorType curScissor;
+ PrimitiveType primitiveType;
+ uint32 lastPurgeTimeTime; // Time textures were last purged
+ bool UseLargerTile[2]; // This is a speed up for large tile loading,
+ uint32 LargerTileRealLeft[2]; // works only for TexRect, LoadTile, large width, large pitch
+ bool bVIOriginIsUpdated;
+ bool bCIBufferIsRendered;
+ int leftRendered,topRendered,rightRendered,bottomRendered;
+ bool isMMXSupported;
+ bool isSSESupported;
+ bool isVertexShaderSupported;
+ bool isMMXEnabled;
+ bool isSSEEnabled;
+ bool isVertexShaderEnabled;
+ bool bUseHW_T_L; // Use hardware T&L, for debug purpose only
+ bool toShowCFB;
+ bool bAllowLoadFromTMEM;
+ // Frame buffer simulation related status variables
+ bool bN64FrameBufferIsUsed; // Frame buffer is used in the frame
+ bool bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer; // The current N64 game is rendering into render_texture, to create self-rendering texture
+ bool bHandleN64RenderTexture; // Do we need to handle of the N64 render_texture stuff?
+ bool bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM; // When drawing into render_texture, this value =
+ // = true don't render, but write real N64 graphic value into RDRAM
+ // = false rendering into render_texture of DX or OGL, the render_texture
+ // will be copied into RDRAM at the end
+ bool bFrameBufferIsDrawn; // flag to mark if the frame buffer is ever drawn
+ bool bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles; // flag to tell if the buffer is even drawn by Triangle cmds
+ bool bScreenIsDrawn;
+} PluginStatus;
+#define MI_INTR_DP 0x00000020
+#define MI_INTR_SP 0x00000001
+extern PluginStatus status;
+extern GFX_INFO g_GraphicsInfo;
+extern WindowSettingStruct windowSetting;
+extern unsigned int g_dwRamSize;
+extern unsigned int *g_pRDRAMu32;
+extern signed char *g_pRDRAMs8;
+extern unsigned char *g_pRDRAMu8;
+/* declarations of pointers to Core config functions */
+extern ptr_ConfigListSections ConfigListSections;
+extern ptr_ConfigOpenSection ConfigOpenSection;
+extern ptr_ConfigListParameters ConfigListParameters;
+extern ptr_ConfigSaveFile ConfigSaveFile;
+extern ptr_ConfigSetParameter ConfigSetParameter;
+extern ptr_ConfigGetParameter ConfigGetParameter;
+extern ptr_ConfigGetParameterHelp ConfigGetParameterHelp;
+extern ptr_ConfigSetDefaultInt ConfigSetDefaultInt;
+extern ptr_ConfigSetDefaultFloat ConfigSetDefaultFloat;
+extern ptr_ConfigSetDefaultBool ConfigSetDefaultBool;
+extern ptr_ConfigSetDefaultString ConfigSetDefaultString;
+extern ptr_ConfigGetParamInt ConfigGetParamInt;
+extern ptr_ConfigGetParamFloat ConfigGetParamFloat;
+extern ptr_ConfigGetParamBool ConfigGetParamBool;
+extern ptr_ConfigGetParamString ConfigGetParamString;
+extern ptr_ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath;
+extern ptr_ConfigGetUserConfigPath ConfigGetUserConfigPath;
+extern ptr_ConfigGetUserDataPath ConfigGetUserDataPath;
+extern ptr_ConfigGetUserCachePath ConfigGetUserCachePath;
+/* declarations of pointers to Core video extension functions */
+extern ptr_VidExt_Init CoreVideo_Init;
+extern ptr_VidExt_Quit CoreVideo_Quit;
+extern ptr_VidExt_ListFullscreenModes CoreVideo_ListFullscreenModes;
+extern ptr_VidExt_SetVideoMode CoreVideo_SetVideoMode;
+extern ptr_VidExt_SetCaption CoreVideo_SetCaption;
+extern ptr_VidExt_ToggleFullScreen CoreVideo_ToggleFullScreen;
+extern ptr_VidExt_ResizeWindow CoreVideo_ResizeWindow;
+extern ptr_VidExt_GL_GetProcAddress CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress;
+extern ptr_VidExt_GL_SetAttribute CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute;
+extern ptr_VidExt_GL_GetAttribute CoreVideo_GL_GetAttribute;
+extern ptr_VidExt_GL_SwapBuffers CoreVideo_GL_SwapBuffers;
+/* global functions provided by Video.cpp */
+extern char generalText[];
+extern void (*renderCallback)(int);
+void DebugMessage(int level, const char *message, ...);
+void SetVIScales();
+extern void _VIDEO_DisplayTemporaryMessage2(const char *msg, ...);
+extern void _VIDEO_DisplayTemporaryMessage(const char *msg);
+extern void XBOX_Debugger_Log(const char *Message, ...);
--- /dev/null
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Scott R. Smith
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "eglport.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define USE_EGL_SDL 1
+#define USE_GLES1 1
+#if defined(USE_EGL_SDL)
+#include "SDL.h"
+#include "SDL_syswm.h"
+SDL_SysWMinfo sysWmInfo; /** Holds our X Display/Window information */
+#endif /* USE_EGL_SDL */
+#if defined(PANDORA) /* Pandora VSync Support */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <linux/fb.h>
+#define FBIO_WAITFORVSYNC _IOW('F', 0x20, __u32)
+int fbdev = -1;
+#elif defined(RPI)
+#include "bcm_host.h"
+#endif /* PANDORA */
+enum EGL_RENDER_T {
+ RENDER_RAW=0, /** Sets render mode to raw or framebuffer mode. */
+ RENDER_SDL, /** Sets render mode to X11/SDL mode. */
+ CFG_MODE=0, /** Render mode for EGL 0=RAW 1=SDL. */
+ CFG_VSYNC, /** Controls system vsync if available. */
+ CFG_FSAA, /** Number of samples for full screen AA. 0 is off, 2/4 samples. */
+ CFG_FPS, /** Calculate and report frame per second. */
+ CFG_RED_SIZE, /** Number of bits of Red in the color buffer. */
+ CFG_GREEN_SIZE, /** Number of bits of Green in the color buffer. */
+ CFG_BLUE_SIZE, /** Number of bits of Blue in the color buffer. */
+ CFG_ALPHA_SIZE, /** Number of bits of Alpha in the color buffer. */
+ CFG_DEPTH_SIZE, /** Number of bits of Z in the depth buffer. */
+ CFG_BUFFER_SIZE, /** The total color component bits in the color buffer. */
+ CFG_STENCIL_SIZE, /** Number of bits of Stencil in the stencil buffer. */
+ CFG_TOTAL /** Total number of settings. */
+NativeDisplayType nativeDisplay = 0; /** Reference to the systems native display */
+NativeWindowType nativeWindow = 0; /** Reference to the systems native window */
+EGLint eglSettings[CFG_TOTAL]; /** Stores setting values. */
+EGLDisplay eglDisplay = NULL; /** Reference to the EGL display */
+EGLConfig eglConfig = NULL; /** Reference to the EGL config */
+EGLContext eglContext = NULL; /** Reference to the EGL context */
+EGLSurface eglSurface = NULL; /** Reference to the EGL surface */
+#define totalConfigsIn 5 /** Total number of configurations to request */
+EGLint totalConfigsFound = 0; /** Total number of configurations matching attributes */
+EGLConfig eglConfigs[totalConfigsIn]; /** Structure containing references to matching configurations */
+uint32_t fpsCount = 0; /** Total number of frames counted */
+uint32_t fpsTime = 0; /** Start time of frame count measurment */
+int8_t eglColorbits = 0;
+int8_t eglDepthbits = 0;
+int8_t eglStencilbits = 0;
+/** Private API */
+void OpenCfg ( const char* file );
+int8_t ConfigureEGL ( EGLConfig config );
+int8_t FindEGLConfigs ( void );
+int8_t CheckEGLErrors ( const char* file, uint16_t line );
+int8_t GetNativeDisplay ( void );
+int8_t GetNativeWindow ( uint16_t width, uint16_t height );
+void FreeNativeDisplay ( void );
+void FreeNativeWindow ( void );
+void Platform_Open ( void );
+void Platform_Close ( void );
+void Platform_VSync ( void );
+uint32_t Platform_GetTicks ( void );
+/** @brief Release all EGL and system resources
+ */
+void EGL_Close( void )
+ /* Release EGL resources */
+ if (eglDisplay != NULL)
+ {
+ peglMakeCurrent( eglDisplay, NULL, NULL, EGL_NO_CONTEXT );
+ if (eglContext != NULL) {
+ peglDestroyContext( eglDisplay, eglContext );
+ }
+ if (eglSurface != NULL) {
+ peglDestroySurface( eglDisplay, eglSurface );
+ }
+ peglTerminate( eglDisplay );
+ }
+ eglSurface = NULL;
+ eglContext = NULL;
+ eglDisplay = NULL;
+ eglColorbits = 0;
+ eglDepthbits = 0;
+ eglStencilbits = 0;
+ /* Release platform resources */
+ FreeNativeWindow();
+ FreeNativeDisplay();
+ Platform_Close();
+ CheckEGLErrors( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ printf( "EGLport: Closed\n" );
+/** @brief Swap the surface buffer onto the display
+ */
+void EGL_SwapBuffers( void )
+ if (eglSettings[CFG_VSYNC] != 0) {
+ Platform_VSync();
+ }
+ peglSwapBuffers( eglDisplay, eglSurface );
+ if (eglSettings[CFG_FPS] != 0) {
+ fpsCount++;
+ if (fpsTime - Platform_GetTicks() >= 1000)
+ {
+ printf( "EGLport: %d fps\n", fpsCount );
+ fpsTime = Platform_GetTicks();
+ fpsCount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+/** @brief Obtain the system display and initialize EGL
+ * @param width : desired pixel width of the window (not used by all platforms)
+ * @param height : desired pixel height of the window (not used by all platforms)
+ * @return : 0 if the function passed, else 1
+ */
+int8_t EGL_Open( uint16_t width, uint16_t height )
+ EGLint eglMajorVer, eglMinorVer;
+ EGLBoolean result;
+ uint32_t configIndex = 0;
+ const char* output;
+ static const EGLint contextAttribs[] =
+ {
+#if defined(USE_GLES2)
+ };
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ printf( "EGLport Warning: DEBUG is enabled which may effect performance\n" );
+ /* Check that system is not open */
+ if (eglDisplay != NULL || eglContext != NULL || eglSurface != NULL)
+ {
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: EGL system is already open!\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Check for the cfg file to alternative settings */
+ OpenCfg( "eglport.cfg" );
+ /* Setup any platform specific bits */
+ Platform_Open();
+ printf( "EGLport: Opening EGL display\n" );
+ if (GetNativeDisplay() != 0)
+ {
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Unable to obtain native display!\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ eglDisplay = peglGetDisplay( nativeDisplay );
+ if (eglDisplay == EGL_NO_DISPLAY)
+ {
+ CheckEGLErrors( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Unable to create EGL display.\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf( "EGLport: Initializing\n" );
+ result = peglInitialize( eglDisplay, &eglMajorVer, &eglMinorVer );
+ if (result != EGL_TRUE )
+ {
+ CheckEGLErrors( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Unable to initialize EGL display.\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Get EGL Library Information */
+ printf( "EGL Implementation Version: Major %d Minor %d\n", eglMajorVer, eglMinorVer );
+ output = peglQueryString( eglDisplay, EGL_VENDOR );
+ printf( "EGL_VENDOR: %s\n", output );
+ output = peglQueryString( eglDisplay, EGL_VERSION );
+ printf( "EGL_VERSION: %s\n", output );
+ output = peglQueryString( eglDisplay, EGL_EXTENSIONS );
+ printf( "EGL_EXTENSIONS: %s\n", output );
+ if (FindEGLConfigs() != 0)
+ {
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Unable to configure EGL. See previous error.\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf( "EGLport: Using Config %d\n", configIndex );
+#if defined(EGL_VERSION_1_2)
+ /* Bind GLES and create the context */
+ printf( "EGLport: Binding API\n" );
+ result = peglBindAPI( EGL_OPENGL_ES_API );
+ if ( result == EGL_FALSE )
+ {
+ CheckEGLErrors( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Could not bind EGL API.\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+#endif /* EGL_VERSION_1_2 */
+ printf( "EGLport: Creating Context\n" );
+ eglContext = peglCreateContext( eglDisplay, eglConfigs[configIndex], NULL, contextAttribs );
+ if (eglContext == EGL_NO_CONTEXT)
+ {
+ CheckEGLErrors( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Unable to create GLES context!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf( "EGLport: Creating window surface\n" );
+ if (GetNativeWindow( width, height ) != 0)
+ {
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Unable to obtain native window!\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ eglSurface = peglCreateWindowSurface( eglDisplay, eglConfigs[configIndex], nativeWindow, 0 );
+ if (eglSurface == EGL_NO_SURFACE)
+ {
+ CheckEGLErrors( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Unable to create EGL surface!\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf( "EGLport: Making Current\n" );
+ result = peglMakeCurrent( eglDisplay, eglSurface, eglSurface, eglContext );
+ if (result != EGL_TRUE)
+ {
+ CheckEGLErrors( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Unable to make GLES context current\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ {
+ EGLint color, depth, stencil;
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(eglDisplay, eglConfigs[configIndex], EGL_BUFFER_SIZE, &color);
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(eglDisplay, eglConfigs[configIndex], EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, &depth);
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(eglDisplay, eglConfigs[configIndex], EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, &stencil);
+ eglColorbits = (color==16)?5:8; //quick hack
+ eglDepthbits = depth;
+ eglStencilbits = stencil;
+ }
+ printf( "EGLport: Setting swap interval\n" );
+ peglSwapInterval( eglDisplay, (eglSettings[CFG_VSYNC] > 0) ? 1 : 0 );
+ printf( "EGLport: Complete\n" );
+ CheckEGLErrors( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ return 0;
+/** @brief Read settings that configure how to use EGL
+ * @param file : name of the config file
+ */
+void OpenCfg ( const char* file )
+ #define MAX_STRING 20
+ #define MAX_SIZE 100
+ uint8_t i;
+ FILE* fp = NULL;
+ char* location = NULL;
+ char eglStrings[CFG_TOTAL][MAX_STRING];
+ char buffer[MAX_SIZE];
+ strncpy( eglStrings[CFG_MODE], "egl_mode=", MAX_STRING );
+ strncpy( eglStrings[CFG_VSYNC], "use_vsync=", MAX_STRING );
+ strncpy( eglStrings[CFG_FSAA], "use_fsaa=", MAX_STRING );
+ strncpy( eglStrings[CFG_RED_SIZE], "size_red=", MAX_STRING );
+ strncpy( eglStrings[CFG_GREEN_SIZE], "size_green=", MAX_STRING );
+ strncpy( eglStrings[CFG_BLUE_SIZE], "size_blue=", MAX_STRING );
+ strncpy( eglStrings[CFG_ALPHA_SIZE], "size_alpha=", MAX_STRING );
+ strncpy( eglStrings[CFG_DEPTH_SIZE], "size_depth=", MAX_STRING );
+ strncpy( eglStrings[CFG_BUFFER_SIZE], "size_buffer=", MAX_STRING );
+ strncpy( eglStrings[CFG_STENCIL_SIZE], "size_stencil=", MAX_STRING );
+ /* Set defaults */
+#if defined(USE_EGL_SDL)
+ eglSettings[CFG_MODE] = RENDER_SDL;
+ eglSettings[CFG_MODE] = RENDER_RAW;
+ eglSettings[CFG_VSYNC] = 0;
+ eglSettings[CFG_FSAA] = 0;
+ eglSettings[CFG_FPS] = 0;
+ eglSettings[CFG_RED_SIZE] = 5;
+ eglSettings[CFG_GREEN_SIZE] = 6;
+ eglSettings[CFG_BLUE_SIZE] = 5;
+ eglSettings[CFG_ALPHA_SIZE] = 0;
+ eglSettings[CFG_DEPTH_SIZE] = 16;
+ eglSettings[CFG_BUFFER_SIZE] = 16;
+ eglSettings[CFG_STENCIL_SIZE] = 0;
+ /* Parse INI file */
+ fp = fopen( file, "r");
+ if (fp != NULL)
+ {
+ while (fgets( buffer, MAX_SIZE, fp ) != NULL)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<CFG_TOTAL; i++)
+ {
+ location = strstr( buffer, eglStrings[i] );
+ if (location != NULL)
+ {
+ eglSettings[i] = atol( location+strlen( eglStrings[i] ) );
+ printf( "EGLport: %s set to %d.\n", eglStrings[i], eglSettings[i] );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose( fp );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf( "EGL ERROR: Unable to read ini settings from file '%s'. Using defaults\n", file );
+ }
+/** @brief Find a EGL configuration tht matches the defined attributes
+ * @return : 0 if the function passed, else 1
+ */
+int8_t FindEGLConfigs( void )
+ EGLBoolean result;
+ int attrib = 0;
+ EGLint ConfigAttribs[23];
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_RED_SIZE; /* 1 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = eglSettings[CFG_RED_SIZE]; /* 2 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_GREEN_SIZE; /* 3 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = eglSettings[CFG_GREEN_SIZE]; /* 4 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_BLUE_SIZE; /* 5 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = eglSettings[CFG_BLUE_SIZE]; /* 6 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_ALPHA_SIZE; /* 7 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = eglSettings[CFG_ALPHA_SIZE]; /* 8 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_DEPTH_SIZE; /* 9 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = eglSettings[CFG_DEPTH_SIZE]; /* 10 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_BUFFER_SIZE; /* 11 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = eglSettings[CFG_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* 12 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_STENCIL_SIZE; /* 13 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = eglSettings[CFG_STENCIL_SIZE]; /* 14 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_SURFACE_TYPE; /* 15 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_WINDOW_BIT; /* 16 */
+#if defined(EGL_VERSION_1_2)
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE; /* 17 */
+#if defined(USE_GLES1)
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_OPENGL_ES_BIT;
+#elif defined(USE_GLES2)
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT; /* 18 */
+#endif /* USE_GLES1 */
+#endif /* EGL_VERSION_1_2 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS; /* 19 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = (eglSettings[CFG_FSAA] > 0) ? 1 : 0; /* 20 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_SAMPLES; /* 21 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = eglSettings[CFG_FSAA]; /* 22 */
+ ConfigAttribs[attrib++] = EGL_NONE; /* 23 */
+ result = peglChooseConfig( eglDisplay, ConfigAttribs, eglConfigs, totalConfigsIn, &totalConfigsFound );
+ if (result != EGL_TRUE || totalConfigsFound == 0)
+ {
+ CheckEGLErrors( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Unable to query for available configs, found %d.\n", totalConfigsFound );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf( "EGLport: Found %d available configs\n", totalConfigsFound );
+ return 0;
+/** @brief Error checking function
+ * @param file : string reference that contains the source file that the check is occuring in
+ * @param line : numeric reference that contains the line number that the check is occuring in
+ * @return : 0 if the function passed, else 1
+ */
+int8_t CheckEGLErrors( const char* file, uint16_t line )
+ EGLenum error;
+ const char* errortext;
+ const char* description;
+ error = eglGetError();
+ if (error != EGL_SUCCESS && error != 0)
+ {
+ switch (error)
+ {
+ errortext = "EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED.";
+ description = "EGL is not or could not be initialized, for the specified display.";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_BAD_ACCESS EGL";
+ description = "cannot access a requested resource (for example, a context is bound in another thread).";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_BAD_ALLOC EGL";
+ description = "failed to allocate resources for the requested operation.";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE";
+ description = "An unrecognized attribute or attribute value was passed in anattribute list.";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_BAD_CONFIG";
+ description = "An EGLConfig argument does not name a valid EGLConfig.";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_BAD_CONTEXT";
+ description = "An EGLContext argument does not name a valid EGLContext.";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_BAD_CURRENT_SURFACE";
+ description = "The current surface of the calling thread is a window, pbuffer,or pixmap that is no longer valid.";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_BAD_DISPLAY";
+ description = "An EGLDisplay argument does not name a valid EGLDisplay.";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_BAD_MATCH";
+ description = "Arguments are inconsistent; for example, an otherwise valid context requires buffers (e.g. depth or stencil) not allocated by an otherwise valid surface.";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_BAD_NATIVE_PIXMAP";
+ description = "An EGLNativePixmapType argument does not refer to a validnative pixmap.";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW";
+ description = "An EGLNativeWindowType argument does not refer to a validnative window.";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_BAD_PARAMETER";
+ description = "One or more argument values are invalid.";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_BAD_SURFACE";
+ description = "An EGLSurface argument does not name a valid surface (window,pbuffer, or pixmap) configured for rendering";
+ break;
+ errortext = "EGL_CONTEXT_LOST";
+ description = "A power management event has occurred. The application mustdestroy all contexts and reinitialise client API state and objects to continue rendering.";
+ break;
+ default:
+ errortext = "Unknown EGL Error";
+ description = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: EGL Error detected in file %s at line %d: %s (0x%X)\n Description: %s\n", file, line, errortext, error, description );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/** @brief Obtain a reference to the system's native display
+ * @param window : pointer to save the display reference
+ * @return : 0 if the function passed, else 1
+ */
+int8_t GetNativeDisplay( void )
+ if (eglSettings[CFG_MODE] == RENDER_RAW) /* RAW FB mode */
+ {
+ printf( "EGLport: Using EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY\n" );
+ nativeDisplay = EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY;
+ }
+ else if (eglSettings[CFG_MODE] == RENDER_SDL) /* SDL/X11 mode */
+ {
+#if defined(USE_EGL_SDL)
+ printf( "EGLport: Opening SDL/X11 display\n" );
+ SDL_VERSION(&sysWmInfo.version);
+ SDL_GetWMInfo(&sysWmInfo);
+ nativeDisplay = (EGLNativeDisplayType)sysWmInfo.info.x11.display;
+ if (nativeDisplay == 0)
+ {
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: unable to get display!\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: SDL mode was not enabled in this compile!\n" );
+ }
+ return 0;
+/** @brief Obtain a reference to the system's native window
+ * @param width : desired pixel width of the window (not used by all platforms)
+ * @param height : desired pixel height of the window (not used by all platforms)
+ * @return : 0 if the function passed, else 1
+ */
+int8_t GetNativeWindow( uint16_t width, uint16_t height )
+ nativeWindow = 0;
+#if defined(WIZ) || defined(CAANOO)
+ nativeWindow = (NativeWindowType)malloc(16*1024);
+ if(nativeWindow == NULL) {
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Memory for window Failed\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+#elif defined(RPI)
+ EGLBoolean result;
+ uint32_t screen_width, screen_height;
+ static EGL_DISPMANX_WINDOW_T nativewindow;
+ DISPMANX_ELEMENT_HANDLE_T dispman_element;
+ DISPMANX_DISPLAY_HANDLE_T dispman_display;
+ DISPMANX_UPDATE_HANDLE_T dispman_update;
+ VC_RECT_T dst_rect;
+ VC_RECT_T src_rect;
+ /* create an EGL window surface */
+ result = graphics_get_display_size(0 /* LCD */, &screen_width, &screen_height);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: RPi graphicget_display_size failed\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ dst_rect.x = 0;
+ dst_rect.y = 0;
+ dst_rect.width = screen_width;
+ dst_rect.height = screen_height;
+ src_rect.x = 0;
+ src_rect.y = 0;
+ src_rect.width = width << 16;
+ src_rect.height = height << 16;
+ dispman_display = vc_dispmanx_display_open( 0 /* LCD */);
+ dispman_update = vc_dispmanx_update_start( 0 );
+ dispman_element = vc_dispmanx_element_add ( dispman_update, dispman_display,
+ 0 /*layer*/, &dst_rect, 0 /*src*/,
+ &src_rect, DISPMANX_PROTECTION_NONE, (VC_DISPMANX_ALPHA_T*)0 /*alpha*/, (DISPMANX_CLAMP_T*)0 /*clamp*/, (DISPMANX_TRANSFORM_T)0 /*transform*/);
+ nativewindow.element = dispman_element;
+ nativewindow.width = screen_width;
+ nativewindow.height = screen_height;
+ vc_dispmanx_update_submit_sync( dispman_update );
+ nativeWindow = (NativeWindowType)&nativewindow;
+#else /* default */
+ if (eglSettings[CFG_MODE] == RENDER_RAW) /* RAW FB mode */
+ {
+ nativeWindow = 0;
+ }
+ else if(eglSettings[CFG_MODE] == RENDER_SDL) /* SDL/X11 mode */
+ {
+#if defined(USE_EGL_SDL)
+ /* SDL_GetWMInfo is populated when display was opened */
+ nativeWindow = (NativeWindowType)sysWmInfo.info.x11.window;
+ if (nativeWindow == 0)
+ {
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: unable to get window!\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: SDL mode was not enabled in this compile!\n" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Unknown EGL render mode %d!\n", eglSettings[CFG_MODE] );
+ return 1;
+ }
+#endif /* WIZ / CAANOO */
+ return 0;
+/** @brief Release the system's native display
+ */
+void FreeNativeDisplay( void )
+/** @brief Release the system's native window
+ */
+void FreeNativeWindow( void )
+#if defined(WIZ) || defined(CAANOO)
+ if (nativeWindow != NULL) {
+ free( nativeWindow );
+ }
+ nativeWindow = NULL;
+#endif /* WIZ / CAANOO */
+/** @brief Open any system specific resources
+ */
+void Platform_Open( void )
+#if defined(PANDORA)
+ /* Pandora VSync */
+ fbdev = open( "/dev/fb0", O_RDONLY /* O_RDWR */ );
+ if ( fbdev < 0 ) {
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: Couldn't open /dev/fb0 for Pandora Vsync\n" );
+ }
+#elif defined(RPI)
+ bcm_host_init();
+#endif /* PANDORA */
+/** @brief Release any system specific resources
+ */
+void Platform_Close( void )
+#if defined(PANDORA)
+ /* Pandora VSync */
+ close( fbdev );
+ fbdev = -1;
+#endif /* PANDORA */
+/** @brief Check the systems vsync state
+ */
+void Platform_VSync( void )
+#if defined(PANDORA)
+ /* Pandora VSync */
+ if (fbdev >= 0) {
+ int arg = 0;
+ ioctl( fbdev, FBIO_WAITFORVSYNC, &arg );
+ }
+#endif /* PANDORA */
+/** @brief Get the system tick time (ms)
+ */
+uint32_t Platform_GetTicks( void )
+ uint32_t ticks = 0;
+#if defined(USE_EGL_SDL)
+ ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
+ printf( "EGLport ERROR: SDL mode was not enabled in this compile!\n" );
+ return ticks;
--- /dev/null
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Scott R. Smith
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef EGLPORT_H
+#define EGLPORT_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "EGL/egl.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** Defines (in every case choose only one) */
+/** Common: */
+/** DEBUG : enable additional error monitoring per EGL function call */
+/** Native display and window system for use with EGL */
+/** USE_EGL_SDL : used for access to a SDL X11 window */
+/** Platform: settings that are specific to that device */
+/** WIZ (USE_GLES1) */
+/** CAANOO (USE_GLES1) */
+/** RPI (USE_GLES1 or USE_GLES2) */
+/** GLES Version */
+/** USE_GLES1 : EGL for use with OpenGL-ES 1.X contexts */
+/** USE_GLES2 : EGL for use with OpenGL-ES 2.0 contexts */
+/** Public API */
+void EGL_Close ( void );
+int8_t EGL_Open ( uint16_t width, uint16_t height );
+void EGL_SwapBuffers ( void );
+extern int8_t eglColorbits;
+extern int8_t eglDepthbits;
+extern int8_t eglStencilbits;
+/** Simple Examples */
+/** Raw mode:
+ EGL_Open( window_width, window_height );
+ do while(!quit) {
+ ... run app
+ EGL_SwapBuffers();
+ }
+ EGL_Close();
+/** X11/SDL mode:
+ SDL_Surface* screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 16, SDL_SWSURFACE|SDL_FULLSCREEN);
+ EGL_Open( window_width, window_height );
+ do while(!quit) {
+ ... run app
+ EGL_SwapBuffers();
+ }
+ EGL_Close();
+ SDL_Quit();
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ { \
+ CheckEGLErrors(__FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ }
+#define peglQueryString(A,B) GET_EGLERROR(eglQueryString(A,B))
+#define peglDestroyContext(A,B) GET_EGLERROR(eglDestroyContext(A,B))
+#define peglDestroySurface(A,B) GET_EGLERROR(eglDestroySurface(A,B))
+#define peglTerminate(A) GET_EGLERROR(eglTerminate(A))
+#define peglSwapBuffers(A,B) GET_EGLERROR(eglSwapBuffers(A,B))
+#define peglGetDisplay(A) GET_EGLERROR(eglGetDisplay(A))
+#define peglBindAPI(A) GET_EGLERROR(eglBindAPI(A))
+#define peglCreateContext(A,B,C,D) GET_EGLERROR(eglCreateContext(A,B,C,D))
+#define peglCreateWindowSurface(A,B,C,D) GET_EGLERROR(eglCreateWindowSurface(A,B,C,D))
+#define peglInitialize(A,B,C) GET_EGLERROR(eglInitialize(A,B,C))
+#define peglMakeCurrent(A,B,C,D) GET_EGLERROR(eglMakeCurrent(A,B,C,D))
+#define peglChooseConfig(A,B,C,D,E) GET_EGLERROR(eglChooseConfig(A,B,C,D,E))
+#define peglSwapInterval(A,B) GET_EGLERROR(eglSwapInterval(A,B))
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* EGLPORT_H */
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _BMG_LIB_
+#define _BMG_LIB_
+// header file for the BMGLib DLL
+// This DLL encapsulates the libTIFF library, libJPEG library,
+// libPNG library, and the GeoTIFF library.
+// Copyright 2000, 2001 M. Scott Heiman
+// All Rights Reserved
+// libTIFF is Copyright Sam Leffler and SGI
+// libJPEG is Copyright (C) 1991-1998, Thomas G. Lane and is part of the
+// Independent JPEG Group's software.
+// libPNG is Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.
+// (libpng versions 0.5, May 1995, through 0.89c, May 1996)
+// Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger
+// (libpng versions 0.90, December 1996, through 0.96, May 1997)
+// Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
+// (libpng versions 0.97, January 1998, through 1.0.5, October 15, 1999)
+// zLib Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly.
+// GeoTIFF is Copyright (c) 1999, Frank Warmerdam
+// libPROJ (used by GeoTIFF) is Copytight (c) 2000, Frank Warmerdam
+// libUnGif is Copyright (c) 1997, Eric S. Raymond
+// You may use the software for any purpose you see fit. You may modify
+// it, incorporate it in a commercial application, use it for school,
+// even turn it in as homework. You must keep the Copyright in the
+// header and source files. This software is not in the "Public Domain".
+// You may use this software at your own risk. I have made a reasonable
+// effort to verify that this software works in the manner I expect it to;
+// however,...
+#include "BMGImage.h"
+#include "tiffrw.h"
+#include "pngrw.h"
+#include "jpegrw.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+/* returns a BITMAPINFO structure with the given height, width,
+ bit count, and compression scheme. This structure DOES NOT contain any
+ palette information (bmiColors = NULL) */
+BITMAPINFO CreateBMI( unsigned int dwWidth, /* width in pixels */
+ unsigned int dwHeight, /* height in pixels */
+ unsigned short wBitCount, /* 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, & 32 */
+ int compression ); /* biCompression value */
+/* returns an array of RGBA or BGRA values for all supported graphics file
+ formats. The RGBA pixel format is supported by all versions of OpenGL.
+ The BGRA format is an extension supported by may OpenGL vendors. */
+BMGError GetUnpackedArray( const char *filename,
+ unsigned int *width,
+ unsigned int *height,
+ unsigned char **bits,
+ int bgra );
+/* Saves an array of RGB, RGBA, BGR, and BGRA values to a file. The RGB and RGBA
+ pixel formats are supported by OpenGL. The BGR and BGRA extensions are
+ supported by many OpenGL vendors */
+BMGError SaveUnpackedArray( const char *filename,
+ unsigned char bytes_per_pixel,
+ unsigned int width,
+ unsigned int height,
+ unsigned char *bits,
+ int bgra );
+/* saves the contents of an HBITMAP to a file. The extension of the file name
+// determines the file type. returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise */
+BMGError SaveBitmapToFile( HBITMAP hBitmap, /* bitmap to be saved */
+ const char *filename, /* name of output file */
+ void *parameters );
+/* Creates an HBITMAP to an image file. The extension of the file name
+// determines the file type. returns an HBITMAP if successfull, NULL
+// otherwise */
+HBITMAP CreateBitmapFromFile( const char *filename,
+ void *parameters,
+ int blend );
+/* extracts a BMGImageStruct from any one of the supported image files */
+BMGError GetDataFromFile( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img,
+ void *parameters );
+/* the following functions will read/write image files using raw data */
+BMGError ReadRGB( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+BMGError WriteRGB( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct img );
+BMGError ReadTGA( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+BMGError WriteTGA( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct img );
+BMGError ReadBMP( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+BMGError WriteBMP( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct img );
+BMGError ReadCEL( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+BMGError ReadGIF( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+BMGError ReadPSD( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+BMGError ReadIFF( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+BMGError ReadPCX( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// source code for the BMGImage functions
+// Copyright (C) 2001 Michael S. Heiman
+// You may use the software for any purpose you see fit. You may modify
+// it, incorporate it in a commercial application, use it for school,
+// even turn it in as homework. You must keep the Copyright in the
+// header and source files. This software is not in the "Public Domain".
+// You may use this software at your own risk. I have made a reasonable
+// effort to verify that this software works in the manner I expect it to;
+// however,...
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "BMGUtils.h"
+/* initializes a BMGImage to default values */
+void InitBMGImage( struct BMGImageStruct *img )
+ img->width = img->height = 0;
+ img->bits_per_pixel = 0;
+ img->palette_size = 0;
+ img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 0;
+ img->bits = NULL;
+ img->palette = NULL;
+ img->opt_for_bmp = 0;
+ img->scan_width = 0;
+ img->transparency_index = -1;
+/* frees memory allocated to a BMGImage */
+void FreeBMGImage( struct BMGImageStruct *img )
+ if ( img->bits != NULL )
+ {
+ free( img->bits );
+ img->bits = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( img->palette != NULL )
+ {
+ free( img->palette );
+ img->palette = NULL;
+ }
+ img->bits_per_pixel = 0;
+ img->palette_size = 0;
+ img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 0;
+ img->width = img->height = 0;
+ img->opt_for_bmp = 0;
+ img->scan_width = 0;
+ img->transparency_index = -1;
+/* allocates memory for the bits & palette. Assigned values to scan_line
+ & bits_per_palette_entry as well. Assumes opt_for_bmp has been set before
+ this function is called. Assumes that all images with bits_per_pixel <= 8
+ require a palette.
+ */
+BMGError AllocateBMGImage( struct BMGImageStruct *img )
+ unsigned int mempal;
+ SetLastBMGError( BMG_OK );
+ /* make sure that all REQUIRED parameters are valid */
+ if ( img->width * img->height <= 0 )
+ {
+ SetLastBMGError(errInvalidSize);
+ return errInvalidSize;
+ }
+ switch( img->bits_per_pixel )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ case 4:
+ case 8:
+ case 16:
+ case 24:
+ case 32:
+ break;
+ default:
+ SetLastBMGError( errInvalidPixelFormat );
+ return errInvalidPixelFormat;
+ }
+ /* delete old memory */
+ if ( img->bits != NULL )
+ {
+ free( img->bits );
+ img->bits = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( img->palette != NULL )
+ {
+ free( img->palette );
+ img->palette = NULL;
+ }
+ /* allocate memory for the palette */
+ if ( img->bits_per_pixel <= 8 )
+ {
+ if ( img->opt_for_bmp > 0 )
+ img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 4U;
+ else
+ {
+ /* we only support 3-byte and 4-byte palettes */
+ if ( img->bytes_per_palette_entry <= 3U )
+ img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 3U;
+ else
+ img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 4U;
+ }
+ /*
+ use bits_per_pixel to determine palette_size if none was
+ specified
+ */
+ if ( img->palette_size == 0 )
+ img->palette_size = (unsigned short)(1 << img->bits_per_pixel);
+ mempal = img->bytes_per_palette_entry * img->palette_size;
+ img->palette = (unsigned char *)calloc( mempal, sizeof(unsigned char) );
+ if ( img->palette == NULL )
+ {
+ SetLastBMGError(errMemoryAllocation);
+ return errMemoryAllocation;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 0;
+ img->palette_size = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ set the scan width. Bitmaps optimized for windows have scan widths that
+ are evenly divisible by 4.
+ */
+ img->scan_width = ( img->bits_per_pixel * img->width + 7 ) / 8;
+ if ( img->opt_for_bmp && img->scan_width % 4 )
+ img->scan_width += 4 - img->scan_width % 4;
+ /* allocate memory for the bits */
+ mempal = img->scan_width * img->height;
+ if ( mempal > 0 )
+ {
+ img->bits = (unsigned char *)calloc( mempal, sizeof( unsigned char) );
+ if ( img->bits == NULL )
+ {
+ if ( img->palette != NULL )
+ {
+ free( img->palette );
+ img->palette = NULL;
+ }
+ SetLastBMGError(errMemoryAllocation);
+ return errMemoryAllocation;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetLastBMGError(errInvalidSize);
+ return errInvalidSize;
+ }
+ return BMG_OK;
+ A utility function for compressing paletted images. Will automatically
+ convert 8-bit paletted images to 1-bit or 4-bit paletted images based
+ upon palette_size. Assumes that indices in img->bits are valid. That is,
+ 0 <= img->bits[i] <= 1 for all i if 1-bit compression is desired, and
+ 0 <= img->bits[i] <= 15 for all i if 4-bit compression is desired Returns
+ BMG_OK if successful, or an error code otherwise.
+BMGError CompressBMGImage( struct BMGImageStruct *img )
+ unsigned char new_bits_per_pixel;
+ unsigned int new_scan_width;
+ unsigned char *new_bits = NULL;
+ unsigned int new_bit_size;
+ unsigned char *new_row, *old_row, *p, *q;
+ unsigned char *end;
+ unsigned short scale;
+ SetLastBMGError( BMG_OK );
+ /* if we cannot compress it then do no harm and return "true" */
+ if ( img->palette == NULL ||
+ img->palette_size > 16 ||
+ img->bits_per_pixel != 8 )
+ {
+ return BMG_OK;
+ }
+ /* calculate new dimensions */
+ new_bits_per_pixel = img->palette_size <= 2 ? 1U : 4U;
+ new_scan_width = ( new_bits_per_pixel * img->width + 7 ) / 8;
+ if ( img->opt_for_bmp > 0 && new_scan_width % 4 )
+ new_scan_width += 4 - new_scan_width % 4;
+ new_bit_size = new_scan_width * img->height;
+ /* allocate & test memory */
+ new_bits = (unsigned char *)calloc( new_bit_size, sizeof(unsigned char) );
+ if ( new_bits == NULL )
+ {
+ SetLastBMGError( errMemoryAllocation );
+ return errMemoryAllocation;
+ }
+ old_row = img->bits;
+ for ( new_row = new_bits; new_row < new_bits + new_bit_size;
+ new_row += new_scan_width, old_row += img->scan_width )
+ {
+ scale = 8 / new_bits_per_pixel;
+ end = new_row + img->width / scale;
+ p = old_row;
+ if ( new_bits_per_pixel == 1 )
+ {
+ for ( q = new_row; q < end; q++, p += scale )
+ {
+ *q = (unsigned char)( (p[0] << 7) | (p[1] << 6) |
+ (p[2] << 5) | (p[3] << 4) |
+ (p[4] << 3) | (p[5] << 2) |
+ (p[6] << 1) | p[7] );
+ }
+ scale = img->width % scale;
+ if ( scale-- > 0 )
+ {
+ *q = (unsigned char)(p[0] << 7);
+ if ( scale-- )
+ {
+ *q |= (unsigned char)(p[1] << 6);
+ if ( scale-- )
+ {
+ *q |= (unsigned char)(p[2] << 5);
+ if ( scale-- )
+ {
+ *q |= (unsigned char)(p[3] << 4);
+ if ( scale-- )
+ {
+ *q |= (unsigned char)(p[4] << 3);
+ if ( scale-- )
+ {
+ *q |= (unsigned char)(p[5] << 2);
+ if ( scale-- )
+ *q |= (unsigned char)(p[6] << 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else /* new_bits_per_pixel == 4 */
+ {
+ for ( q = new_row; q < end; q++, p += scale )
+ {
+ *q = (unsigned char)( (p[0] << 4) | (p[1] & 0x0F) );
+ }
+ if ( img->width % scale )
+ *q = (unsigned char)(p[0] << 4);
+ }
+ }
+ /* replace old values with new values */
+ free( img->bits );
+ img->bits = new_bits;
+ img->scan_width = new_scan_width;
+ img->bits_per_pixel = new_bits_per_pixel;
+ return BMG_OK;
+/* this function simply frees memory that was allocated by any function
+ in the BMGLib. This was required because acces violations occurred
+ when I tried to delete memory created by CreateRGBAArray in the demo
+ applications */
+void FreeBMGMemory( unsigned char *mem )
+ if ( mem != NULL )
+ free( mem );
+/* converts a BGR to a gray scale
+// color[0] = blue, color[1] = green, color[2] = red */
+static unsigned char CreateGrayScale( unsigned char *color )
+ return (unsigned char)( 0.299f * color[2] + 0.587f * color[1]
+ + 0.114f * color[0] + 0.5f );
+// converts a color image to a gray scale image. If img is a 16 or
+// 24-BPP image then it is converted to a 256 color grayscale bitmap.
+// If img is a 1, 4, or 8 BPP image, then it will have the same number
+// of grayscales as it has palette entries. If it is a 32-BPP bitmap then
+// it will remain a 32-BPP bitmap to preserve the alpha channel.
+// This function returns BMG_OK if successfull, or an error state
+// otherwise.
+BMGError ConvertToGrayScale( struct BMGImageStruct *img )
+ unsigned char *p, *q, *r, *end, gray;
+ SetLastBMGError( BMG_OK );
+ /* if this is a paletted image then we simply need to convert the
+ // palette entries */
+ switch ( img->bits_per_pixel )
+ {
+ default:
+ end = img->palette + img->palette_size * img->bytes_per_palette_entry;
+ for ( p = img->palette; p < end; p += img->bytes_per_palette_entry )
+ {
+ gray = CreateGrayScale( p );
+ memset( (void *)p, gray, 3 );
+ }
+ break;
+ /* 16 BPP image are converted to 24 BPP images */
+ case 16:
+ {
+ BMGError tmp = Convert16to24( img );
+ if ( tmp != BMG_OK )
+ {
+ SetLastBMGError( tmp );
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ case 24:
+ {
+ unsigned char *new_bits;
+ unsigned char *s, *s_end;
+ unsigned short i;
+ /* calculate the new scan width */
+ unsigned int new_scan_width = img->width;
+ if ( new_scan_width % 4 && img->opt_for_bmp )
+ new_scan_width += 4 - new_scan_width % 4;
+ /* allocate memory for the new pixel values */
+ new_bits = (unsigned char *)calloc( new_scan_width * img->height,
+ sizeof(unsigned char) );
+ if ( new_bits == NULL )
+ {
+ SetLastBMGError( errMemoryAllocation );
+ return errMemoryAllocation;
+ }
+ /* allocate memory for a 256 gray scale palette */
+ img->bytes_per_palette_entry = img->opt_for_bmp == 1 ? 4 : 3;
+ img->palette_size = 256;
+ img->palette =
+ (unsigned char *)calloc(img->bytes_per_palette_entry *
+ img->palette_size,
+ sizeof(unsigned char) );
+ if ( img->palette == NULL )
+ {
+ free( new_bits );
+ img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 0;
+ img->palette_size = 0;
+ SetLastBMGError( errMemoryAllocation );
+ return errMemoryAllocation;
+ }
+ /* assign values to the gray scale palette */
+ for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
+ {
+ p = img->palette + i * img->bytes_per_palette_entry;
+ memset( (void *)p, i, 3 );
+ if ( img->bytes_per_palette_entry == 4 )
+ p[3] = 0;
+ }
+ /* cycle through the pixels and convert them to gray scale values */
+ q = new_bits;
+ end = img->bits + img->scan_width * img->height;
+ for ( p = img->bits; p < end; p += img->scan_width, q += new_scan_width )
+ {
+ s_end = p + 3 * img->width;
+ r = q;
+ for ( s = p; s < s_end; s += 3, r++ )
+ *r = CreateGrayScale( s );
+ }
+ free( img->bits );
+ img->bits = new_bits;
+ img->scan_width = new_scan_width;
+ img->bits_per_pixel = 8;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 32:
+ end = img->bits + img->scan_width * img->height;
+ for ( p = img->bits; p < end; p += img->scan_width )
+ {
+ r = p + img->scan_width;
+ for ( q = p; q < r; q += 4 )
+ {
+ gray = CreateGrayScale( q );
+ memset( (void *)q, gray, 3 );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return BMG_OK;
+// converts a color image to a pseudo-gray scale image. This is a implementation
+// is based upon the code published by Rich Franzen
+// <http://rocq.home.att.net/pseudoGrey.html>. I have "simplified" the 2 functions
+// he published into a single function. This implementation creates 1786 gray
+// scales from a 24-bit image. 16-BPP images are converted to 24-BPP images. 24
+// and 32-BPP images will keep the same bitdepth. Paletted images and 16-BPP images
+// are not supported.
+// This function returns BMK_OK if successfull,
+// errInvalidPixelFormat otherwise
+BMGError ConvertToPseudoGrayScale( struct BMGImageStruct *img )
+ unsigned char *p, *p_end;
+ unsigned char *q, *q_end;
+ unsigned char gray;
+ unsigned int bytes_per_pixel;
+ SetLastBMGError( errMemoryAllocation );
+ if ( img->bits_per_pixel <= 16 )
+ {
+ SetLastBMGError( errInvalidPixelFormat );
+ return errInvalidPixelFormat;
+ }
+ bytes_per_pixel = img->bits_per_pixel / 8;
+ p_end = img->bits + img->scan_width * img->height;
+ for ( p = img->bits; p < p_end; p += img->scan_width )
+ {
+ q_end = p + bytes_per_pixel * img->width;
+ for ( q = p; q < q_end; q += bytes_per_pixel )
+ {
+ /* Rich's code has 1 function that converts an RGB triplet to a float
+ // bounded by 0 and 1. He has a second function that converts a
+ // float to a pseudo gray value. Pseudo gray values are RGB triplets
+ // whose red, green and blue values differ by no more than 1. I have
+ // combined these two functions into a single function that simply
+ // looks for pseudo gray RGB triplets. If an RGB triplet meets this
+ // criteria, I leave it unchanged; otherwise, I use the common intensity
+ // conversion to create a grayscale value */
+ unsigned char cmin, cmax;
+ cmin = q[0];
+ if ( q[1] < cmin )
+ cmin = q[1];
+ if ( q[2] < cmin )
+ cmin = q[2];
+ cmax = q[0];
+ if ( q[1] > cmax )
+ cmax = q[1];
+ if ( q[2] > cmax )
+ cmax = q[2];
+ if ( cmax - cmin > 2 )
+ {
+ gray = CreateGrayScale( q );
+ memset( (void *)q, gray, 3 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return BMG_OK;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+// extracts the dimensional information, pixel array, and color table from an
+// hBitmap can be a handle to a DIB or a DDB. This function assumes that DDBs
+// will not have a palette. If you create a DDB on a 256-color graphics card,
+// then the DDB will have a palette and this function will fail.
+// returns BMK_OK if successfull, and error state otherwise.
+BMGError GetDataFromBitmap( HBITMAP hBitmap,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img,
+ int remove_alpha )
+ unsigned int DIBScanWidth;
+ HWND hWnd = GetForegroundWindow();
+ HDC hMemDC = NULL;
+ unsigned char red, green, blue;
+ int FreelpBits = 0;
+ unsigned int numBytes;
+ size_t soDIBSECTION = sizeof(DIBSECTION);
+ size_t soBITMAP = sizeof(BITMAP);
+ unsigned char *p, *q, *lpBits, alpha;
+ jmp_buf err_jmp;
+ int error;
+ BMGError bmgerr;
+ /* error handler */
+ error = setjmp( err_jmp );
+ if ( error != 0 )
+ {
+ if ( hMemDC != NULL )
+ DeleteDC( hMemDC );
+ if ( hDC != NULL )
+ ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
+ if ( FreelpBits )
+ free( lpBits );
+ FreeBMGImage( img );
+ SetLastBMGError( (BMGError)error );
+ return (BMGError)error;
+ }
+ SetLastBMGError( BMG_OK );
+ /* check for valid bitmap*/
+ if ( !hBitmap )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidBitmapHandle );
+ /* Extract DIBSECTION info from the HBITMAP. numBytes will equal
+ // soDIBSECTION (84) if hBitmap is a handle to a DIBSECTION (DIB).
+ // numBytes will equal soBITMAP (24) if hBitmap is a handle to a
+ // BITMAP (DDB). */
+ numBytes = GetObject( hBitmap, sizeof(DIBSECTION), &DS );
+ if ( numBytes == 0 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errWindowsAPI );
+ img->opt_for_bmp = 1;
+ if ( numBytes == soDIBSECTION )
+ {
+ img->width = DS.dsBmih.biWidth;
+ img->height = DS.dsBmih.biHeight;
+ img->bits_per_pixel = (unsigned char)DS.dsBmih.biBitCount;
+ if ( img->bits_per_pixel <= 8 && DS.dsBmih.biClrUsed > 0 )
+ img->palette_size = (unsigned short)DS.dsBmih.biClrUsed;
+ lpBits = (unsigned char *)DS.dsBm.bmBits;
+ }
+ /* this may be a DDB which must be handled differently */
+ else if ( numBytes == soBITMAP )
+ {
+ BITMAP bm;
+ if ( GetObject( hBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm ) == 0 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errWindowsAPI );
+ /* DDB with a palette */
+ if ( bm.bmBitsPixel <= 8 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidPixelFormat );
+ img->width = bm.bmWidth;
+ img->height = bm.bmHeight;
+ img->bits_per_pixel = (unsigned char)bm.bmBitsPixel;
+ bmi = InternalCreateBMI( bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, bm.bmBitsPixel,
+ BI_RGB );
+ lpBits = (unsigned char *)calloc( bm.bmHeight * bm.bmWidthBytes,
+ sizeof(unsigned char) );
+ if ( lpBits == 0 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ FreelpBits = 1;
+ hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
+ if ( GetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, 0, bm.bmHeight, (void *)lpBits, &bmi,
+ DIB_RGB_COLORS ) == 0 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errWindowsAPI );
+ ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
+ hDC = NULL;
+ }
+ else /* I have no idea what this is */
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidBitmapHandle );
+ /* allocate memory */
+ bmgerr = AllocateBMGImage( img );
+ if ( bmgerr != BMG_OK )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)bmgerr );
+ /* dimensions */
+ DIBScanWidth = ( img->width * img->bits_per_pixel + 7 )/8;
+ if ( DIBScanWidth % 4 )
+ DIBScanWidth += 4 - DIBScanWidth % 4;
+ p = img->bits;
+ for ( q = lpBits; q < lpBits + DIBScanWidth * img->height;
+ p += img->scan_width, q += DIBScanWidth )
+ {
+ memcpy( (void *)p, (void *)q, DIBScanWidth );
+ }
+ /* "un-blend" the image if requested. NOTE: unblending only works with
+ // bland backgrounds */
+ if ( remove_alpha > 0 &&
+ img->bits_per_pixel == 32 &&
+ numBytes == soDIBSECTION )
+ {
+ unsigned char *color = GetBackgroundColor();
+ red = color[2];
+ green = color[1];
+ blue = color[0];
+ for ( p = img->bits; p < img->bits + img->scan_width * img->height;
+ p += 4 )
+ {
+ alpha = p[3];
+ p[2] = InverseAlphaComp( p[2], alpha, blue);
+ p[1] = InverseAlphaComp( p[1], alpha, green);
+ p[0] = InverseAlphaComp( p[0], alpha, red);
+ }
+ }
+ /* 32-bit DDBs must have the alpha channel set to 0xFF before they are
+ // saved to a file. This may not be true for all devices that generate
+ // 32-bit DDBs. I have only created 32-bit DDBs using an Intense3D Wildcat
+ // 4110 card. The alpha channel was always 0. */
+ if (img->bits_per_pixel == 32 && numBytes == soBITMAP )
+ {
+ for ( p = img->bits + 3; p < img->bits + img->scan_width * img->height;
+ p += 4 )
+ {
+ *p = 0xFF;
+ }
+ }
+ /* create palette if necessary */
+ if ( img->bits_per_pixel <= 8 )
+ {
+ hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
+ hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC );
+ SelectObject( hMemDC, hBitmap );
+ if ( !GetDIBColorTable( hMemDC, 0, img->palette_size,
+ (RGBQUAD *)img->palette ) )
+ {
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errWindowsAPI );
+ }
+ DeleteDC( hMemDC );
+ ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
+ }
+ if ( FreelpBits )
+ free( lpBits );
+ return BMG_OK;
+// this function creates a bitmap from raw data. Returns an HBITMAP if it
+// succeeds, otherwise NULL */
+HBITMAP CreateBitmapFromData( struct BMGImageStruct img,
+ int alpha_blend )
+ HBITMAP hBitmap = NULL;
+ HDC hMemDC = NULL;
+ HWND hWnd = GetForegroundWindow();
+ RGBQUAD *pColor = NULL;
+ unsigned char *rbits;
+ unsigned char *bits;
+ unsigned char *lpBits;
+ unsigned char alpha;
+ unsigned int DIBScanWidth;
+ int i;
+ jmp_buf err_jmp;
+ int error;
+ /* error handler */
+ error = setjmp( err_jmp );
+ if ( error != 0 )
+ {
+ if ( hMemDC != NULL )
+ DeleteDC( hMemDC );
+ if ( hDC != NULL )
+ ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
+ if ( pColor != NULL && img.bytes_per_palette_entry == 3U )
+ free( pColor );
+ SetLastBMGError( (BMGError)error );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ SetLastBMGError( BMG_OK );
+ /* create the DIB section that will hold this bitmap */
+ bmi = InternalCreateBMI( (unsigned int)img.width, (unsigned int)img.height,
+ (unsigned short)img.bits_per_pixel, BI_RGB );
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = bmi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant =
+ img.palette_size;
+ hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
+ hBitmap = CreateDIBSection( hDC, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
+ (void **)&lpBits, NULL, 0 );
+ if ( !hBitmap || !lpBits )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errWindowsAPI );
+ /* create a palette if needed */
+ if ( img.palette != NULL )
+ {
+ /* copy pixel data to pColor */
+ if ( img.bytes_per_palette_entry == 4U )
+ pColor = (RGBQUAD *)img.palette;
+ else /* bytes_per_palette_entry === 3 */
+ {
+ pColor = (RGBQUAD *)calloc(img.palette_size, sizeof(RGBQUAD) );
+ if ( pColor == NULL )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ bits = img.palette;
+ for ( i = 0; i < (int)bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed; i++, bits += 3 )
+ {
+ pColor[i].rgbRed = bits[0];
+ pColor[i].rgbGreen = bits[1];
+ pColor[i].rgbBlue = bits[2];
+ }
+ }
+ if ( img.transparency_index > -1 )
+ {
+ unsigned char *color = GetBackgroundColor();
+ rbits = img.palette + img.bytes_per_palette_entry *
+ img.transparency_index;
+ rbits[0] = color[2];
+ rbits[1] = color[1];
+ rbits[2] = color[0];
+ }
+ /* save color table in bitmap */
+ hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC );
+ SelectObject( hMemDC, hBitmap );
+ if ( !SetDIBColorTable( hMemDC, 0, img.palette_size, pColor ) )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errWindowsAPI );
+ DeleteDC( hMemDC );
+ hMemDC = NULL;
+ if ( img.bytes_per_palette_entry == 3U )
+ free( pColor );
+ pColor = NULL;
+ }
+ /* calculate the scan line width */
+ DIBScanWidth = img.scan_width;
+ if ( DIBScanWidth % 4 )
+ DIBScanWidth += 4 - DIBScanWidth % 4;
+ if ( img.opt_for_bmp == 0 )
+ {
+ /* store bits into hBitmap */
+ rbits = img.bits;
+ for ( bits = lpBits;
+ bits < lpBits + img.height * DIBScanWidth;
+ bits += DIBScanWidth, rbits += img.scan_width )
+ {
+ memcpy( (void *)bits, (void *)rbits, img.scan_width );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ memcpy( (void *)lpBits, (void *)img.bits, img.scan_width * img.height );
+ /* blend the image with the window background if alpha pixels
+ // are present */
+ if ( img.bits_per_pixel == 32 )
+ {
+ /* blend with a bland background */
+ if ( alpha_blend == 1 )
+ {
+ unsigned char *color = GetBackgroundColor();
+ unsigned char red = color[2];
+ unsigned char green = color[1];
+ unsigned char blue = color[0];
+ for ( rbits = lpBits;
+ rbits < lpBits + img.height*DIBScanWidth;
+ rbits += DIBScanWidth )
+ {
+ for ( bits = rbits; bits < rbits + DIBScanWidth; bits += 4 )
+ {
+ alpha = bits[3];
+ bits[2] = AlphaComp( bits[2], alpha, blue );
+ bits[1] = AlphaComp( bits[1], alpha, green );
+ bits[0] = AlphaComp( bits[0], alpha, red );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* blend with a background image */
+ else if ( alpha_blend == 2 )
+ {
+ unsigned char *bg_bits;
+ unsigned char *bg_bits_2;
+ unsigned int bg_bytes_per_pixel;
+ struct BMGImageStruct *bg = GetBackgroundImage();
+ /* make sure we can blend with a background image
+ // I assume that the background image is invalid if it does not
+ // have a valid width */
+ if ( bg->width <= 0 || bg->height <= 0 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errUndefinedBGImage );
+ /* I cannot blend a foreground image with a background image that
+ // is smaller than it */
+ if ( bg->width < img.width || bg->height < img.height )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errBGImageTooSmall );
+ /* the background image was forced to be a 24 or 32-BPP image;
+ // therefore, we can safely divide by 8 to determined the
+ // bytes per pixel*/
+ bg_bytes_per_pixel = bg->bits_per_pixel / 8;
+ /* I will assume that the upper left corner of the input image
+ // must be aligned with the upper left corner of the background
+ // image. This allows me to have background images that are bigger
+ // than the input image. */
+ bg_bits = bg->bits;
+ for ( rbits = lpBits;
+ rbits < lpBits + img.height*DIBScanWidth;
+ rbits += DIBScanWidth, bg_bits += bg->scan_width )
+ {
+ bg_bits_2 = bg_bits;
+ for ( bits = rbits; bits < rbits + DIBScanWidth;
+ bits += 4, bg_bits_2 += bg_bytes_per_pixel )
+ {
+ alpha = bits[3];
+ bits[2] = AlphaComp( bits[2], alpha, bg_bits_2[2] );
+ bits[1] = AlphaComp( bits[1], alpha, bg_bits_2[1] );
+ bits[0] = AlphaComp( bits[0], alpha, bg_bits_2[0] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
+ return hBitmap;
+#endif // _WIN32
+// ConvertPaletteToRGB converts paletted and 16-BPP images that do not have
+// transparent pixels to 24-BPP images. Paletted images with transparent pixels
+// are converted to 32-BPP images. 24-BPP and 32-BPP images are simply copied
+// to the output structure
+// img_in
+// img_out
+// returns BMG_OK if no errors occur, an error code otherwise
+BMGError ConvertPaletteToRGB( struct BMGImageStruct img_in,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img_out )
+ jmp_buf err_jmp;
+ int error;
+ /* error handler */
+ error = setjmp( err_jmp );
+ if ( error != 0 )
+ {
+ FreeBMGImage( img_out );
+ SetLastBMGError( (BMGError)error );
+ return (BMGError)error;
+ }
+ SetLastBMGError( BMG_OK );
+ if ( img_in.height == 0 || img_in.width == 0 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidSize );
+ InitBMGImage( img_out );
+ // copy 16, 24, and 32-BPP images into the output image
+ if ( img_in.bits_per_pixel > 8 )
+ {
+ BMGError out;
+ img_out->bits_per_pixel = img_in.bits_per_pixel;
+ out = CopyBMGImage( img_in, img_out );
+ if ( out != BMG_OK )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)out );
+ // 16-BPP are converted to 24-BPP images
+ if ( img_out->bits_per_pixel == 16 )
+ {
+ out = Convert16to24( img_out );
+ if ( out != BMG_OK )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)out );
+ }
+ }
+ else // convert paletted images to 24-BPP BGR or 32-BPP BGRA images
+ {
+ BMGError out;
+ unsigned char *buf;
+ unsigned int scan_width;
+ int dealloc;
+ unsigned char *q0, *q1, *p0, *p1;
+ unsigned int bpp;
+ // allocate memory for the 24-BPP output image
+ img_out->width = img_in.width;
+ img_out->height = img_in.height;
+ img_out->opt_for_bmp = img_in.opt_for_bmp;
+ img_out->bits_per_pixel = img_in.transparency_index > -1 ? 32 : 24;
+ out = AllocateBMGImage( img_out );
+ if ( out != BMG_OK )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)out );
+ // 1-BPP and 4-BPP images are packed, so we need to unpack them
+ if ( img_in.bits_per_pixel < 8 )
+ {
+ dealloc = 1;
+ scan_width = img_in.width;
+ buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(scan_width * img_in.height);
+ if ( buf == NULL )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ if ( img_in.bits_per_pixel == 1 )
+ Convert1to8( img_in, buf );
+ else
+ Convert4to8( img_in, buf );
+ }
+ else // simply point to the bits array if we have a 8-BPP image
+ {
+ dealloc = 0;
+ buf = img_in.bits;
+ scan_width = img_in.scan_width;
+ }
+ // convert palette indices to BGR pixels
+ bpp = img_out->bits_per_pixel / 8;
+ q0 = img_out->bits;
+ for ( p0 = buf; p0 < buf + scan_width * img_in.height;
+ p0 += scan_width, q0 += img_out->scan_width )
+ {
+ q1 = q0;
+ for ( p1 = p0; p1 < p0 + img_in.width; p1++, q1 += bpp )
+ {
+ memcpy( (void *)q1,
+ (void *)(img_in.palette + *p1 * img_in.bytes_per_palette_entry), 3 );
+ if ( bpp == 4 )
+ {
+ q1[3] = *p1 == img_in.transparency_index ? 0 : 0xFF;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( dealloc == 1 )
+ free( buf );
+ }
+ return BMG_OK;
+// CopyBMG copies the contents of img_in into img_out.
+// CopyBMG returns BMG_OK if successful, otherwise, it returns an error code
+BMGError CopyBMGImage( struct BMGImageStruct img_in,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img_out )
+ BMGError out = BMG_OK;
+ SetLastBMGError( out );
+ FreeBMGImage( img_out );
+ img_out->height = img_in.height;
+ img_out->width = img_in.width;
+ img_out->bits_per_pixel = img_in.bits_per_pixel;
+ img_out->palette_size = img_in.palette_size;
+ img_out->opt_for_bmp = img_in.opt_for_bmp;
+ if ( img_in.width > 0 && img_in.height > 0 )
+ {
+ out = AllocateBMGImage( img_out );
+ if ( out == BMG_OK )
+ {
+ memcpy( (void *)img_out->bits, (void *)img_in.bits,
+ img_in.scan_width * img_in.height );
+ if ( img_in.palette_size > 0 )
+ memcpy( (void *)img_out->palette, (void *)img_in.palette,
+ img_in.palette_size * img_in.bytes_per_palette_entry );
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+/* sets the background color for alpha blending
+ color points to an array of 4 unsigned chars
+ color[0] = blue, color[1] = green, color[2] = red, color[3] = unused */
+void SetBMGBackgroundColor( unsigned char *color )
+ memcpy( (void *)GetBackgroundColor(), (void *)color,
+ 4*sizeof(unsigned char) );
+#ifdef _WIN32
+/* defines the background bitmap that is used for alpha blending & transparent
+ pixels */
+BMGError SetBMGBackgroundBitmap( HBITMAP hBitmap )
+ BMGError out;
+ struct BMGImageStruct tmp;
+ InitBMGImage( &tmp );
+ /* first we extract the data from the HBITMAP */
+ out = GetDataFromBitmap( hBitmap, &tmp, 0 );
+ if ( out == BMG_OK )
+ {
+ /* clean up the old background image */
+ FreeBMGImage( GetBackgroundImage() );
+ /* next, we convert paletted & 16-BPP images to 24 or 32-BPP images.
+ // this will simplify the alpha blending. */
+ out = ConvertPaletteToRGB( tmp, GetBackgroundImage() );
+ }
+ return out;
+#endif // _WIN32
+/* defines the background image that is used for alpha blending & transparent
+ pixels */
+BMGError SetBMGBackgroundImage( struct BMGImageStruct img )
+ /* clean up the old background image */
+ FreeBMGImage( GetBackgroundImage() );
+ /* convert paletted and 16-BPP images to 24-BPP or 32-BPP images. This
+ // will simplify the alpha blending logic*/
+ return ConvertPaletteToRGB( img, GetBackgroundImage() );
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _BMG_IMAGE_H_
+#define _BMG_IMAGE_H_
+// header file for the BMGImage functions
+// Copyright 2000, 2001 M. Scott Heiman
+// You may use the software for any purpose you see fit. You may modify
+// it, incorporate it in a commercial application, use it for school,
+// even turn it in as homework. You must keep the Copyright in the
+// header and source files. This software is not in the "Public Domain".
+// You may use this software at your own risk. I have made a reasonable
+// effort to verify that this software works in the manner I expect it to;
+// however,...
+#include "../osal_preproc.h"
+#if !defined(WIN32)
+ typedef struct tagRGBQUAD
+ {
+ unsigned char rgbBlue;
+ unsigned char rgbGreen;
+ unsigned char rgbRed;
+ unsigned char rgbReserved;
+enum BMG_Error
+ BMG_OK = 0,
+ errLib = 1,
+ errInvalidPixelFormat = 2,
+ errMemoryAllocation = 3,
+ errInvalidSize = 4,
+ errInvalidBitmapHandle = 5,
+ errWindowsAPI = 6,
+ errFileOpen = 7,
+ errUnsupportedFileFormat = 8,
+ errInvalidBMGImage = 9,
+ errInvalidFileExtension = 10,
+ errFileRead = 11,
+ errFileWrite = 12,
+ errInvalidGeoTIFFPointer = 13,
+ errUndefinedBGImage = 14,
+ errBGImageTooSmall = 15,
+ errCorruptFile = 16
+typedef enum BMG_Error BMGError;
+#pragma pack(push,1)
+struct BMGImageStruct
+ unsigned int width;
+ unsigned int height;
+ unsigned char bits_per_pixel;
+ unsigned char *bits;
+ unsigned short palette_size;
+ unsigned char bytes_per_palette_entry;
+ unsigned char *palette;
+ unsigned int scan_width;
+ int opt_for_bmp; /*= 1 if memory has been sized for HBITMAP, 0 otherwise*/
+ short transparency_index;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+/* initializes a BMGImage to default values */
+void InitBMGImage(struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+/* frees memory allocated to a BMGImage */
+void FreeBMGImage( struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+/* allocates memory (bits & palette) for a BMGImage.
+ returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise.
+ width, height, bits_per_pixel, palette_size, & opt_for_bmp must have valid
+ values before this function is called.
+ Assumes that all images with bits_per_pixel <= 8 requires a palette.
+ will set bits_per_palette_entry, scan_width, bits, & palette */
+BMGError AllocateBMGImage( struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+/* compresses 8 BPP paletted images to 1 BPP or 4 BPP paletted images if
+ possible */
+BMGError CompressBMGImage( struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+/* a utility function for freeing memory created in BMGLib */
+void FreeBMGMemory( unsigned char *mem );
+/* converts a color image to a gray scale image */
+BMGError ConvertToGrayScale( struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+/* converts a color image to a pseudo-gray scale image */
+BMGError ConvertToPseudoGrayScale( struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+/* stores the contents of a bitmap into a BMGImageStruct */
+BMGError GetDataFromBitmap( HBITMAP hBitmap,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img,
+ int remove_alpha );
+/* creates an HBITMAP from a BMGImageStruct */
+HBITMAP CreateBitmapFromData( struct BMGImageStruct img,
+ int alpha_blend );
+/* sets the background color for alpha blending
+ color points to an array of 4 unsigned chars
+ color[0] = blue, color[1] = green, color[2] = red, color[3] = unused */
+void SetBMGBackgroundColor( unsigned char *color );
+/* defines the background bitmap that is used for alpha blending & transparent
+ pixels */
+BMGError SetBMGBackgroundBitmap( HBITMAP hBitmap );
+/* defines the background image that is used for alpha blending & transparent
+ pixels */
+BMGError SetBMGBackgroundImage( struct BMGImageStruct img );
+/* Converts paletted images and 16-BPP images to 24-BPP images */
+BMGError ConvertPaletteToRGB( struct BMGImageStruct img_in,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img_out );
+/* copies the contents of the input image into the output image */
+BMGError CopyBMGImage( struct BMGImageStruct img_in,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img_out );
+/* returns the last error state */
+BMGError GetLastBMGError();
+/* gets the error message */
+void GetLastBMGErrorMessage( const char **msg );
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _BMG_LIBPNG_H_
+#define _BMG_LIBPNG_H_
+// header file for the BMGLibPNG functions
+// Copyright 2000, 2001 M. Scott Heiman
+// All Rights Reserved
+// libPNG is Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.
+// (libpng versions 0.5, May 1995, through 0.89c, May 1996)
+// Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger
+// (libpng versions 0.90, December 1996, through 0.96, May 1997)
+// Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
+// (libpng versions 0.97, January 1998, through 1.0.5, October 15, 1999)
+// You may use the software for any purpose you see fit. You may modify
+// it, incorporate it in a commercial application, use it for school,
+// even turn it in as homework. You must keep the Copyright in the
+// header and source files. This software is not in the "Public Domain".
+// You may use this software at your own risk. I have made a reasonable
+// effort to verify that this software works in the manner I expect it to;
+// however,...
+#include "pngrw.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+//#pragma message ("Exporting BMGLibPNG functions")
+/* saves the contents of an HBITMAP to a file. The extension of the file name
+// determines the file type. returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise */
+BMGError SaveBitmapToPNGFile( HBITMAP hBitmap, /* bitmap to be saved */
+ const char *filename); /* name of output file */
+/* Creates an HBITMAP to an image file. The extension of the file name
+// determines the file type. returns an HBITMAP if successfull, NULL
+// otherwise */
+HBITMAP CreateBitmapFromPNGFile( const char *filename,
+ int blend );
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// source code for the BMGLib Utility functions
+// Copyright (C) 2001 M. Scott Heiman
+// All Rights Reserved
+// You may use the software for any purpose you see fit. You may modify
+// it, incorporate it in a commercial application, use it for school,
+// even turn it in as homework. You must keep the Copyright in the
+// header and source files. This software is not in the "Public Domain".
+// You may use this software at your own risk. I have made a reasonable
+// effort to verify that this software works in the manner I expect it to;
+// however,...
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "BMGUtils.h"
+#ifndef _WIN32
+#include <string.h>
+#endif // _WIN32
+/* error strings for all BMG errors */
+static char BMGErrorStrings[17][128] = {
+"No Error",
+"Corrupted file or invalid file format",
+"Invalid bits per pixel for this file format",
+"Memory allocation error",
+"Invalid requested image size",
+"Invalid bitmap handle",
+"Windows API Error", /* this will be overwritten */
+"Unable to open file",
+"Unsupported file format option",
+"Invalid pointer to a BMG image",
+"Unsupported file extension",
+"Error reading file",
+"Error writing to the output file",
+"Invalid pointer to a GeoTIFF structure",
+"The background image is undefined",
+"The background image is too small",
+"Corrupt File"
+/* stores last BMG error */
+static BMGError LastBMGError;
+/* sets the last BMG error */
+void SetLastBMGError( BMGError err )
+ LastBMGError = err;
+/* returns the last error state */
+BMGError GetLastBMGError(void)
+ return LastBMGError;
+/* gets the error message */
+void GetLastBMGErrorMessage( const char **msg )
+ if ( LastBMGError == errWindowsAPI )
+ {
+ char* lpMsgBuf = "Erreur BMG\n";
+ /* copy the string. */
+ strcpy( BMGErrorStrings[(int)LastBMGError], (char *)lpMsgBuf );
+ }
+ *msg = BMGErrorStrings[(int)LastBMGError];
+/* Global background color variables */
+static unsigned char BackgroundColor[4];
+static struct BMGImageStruct BackgroundImage;
+/* this function simply initializes the background info. It is called from
+ the DllEntryPoint function */
+void InitBackground(void)
+ memset( (void *)BackgroundColor, 0xFF, 3 ); /* white */
+ BackgroundColor[3] = 0; /* ignored */
+ InitBMGImage( &BackgroundImage );
+unsigned char *GetBackgroundColor(void)
+ return &BackgroundColor[0];
+struct BMGImageStruct *GetBackgroundImage(void)
+ return &BackgroundImage;
+/* converts an array of 1-bit scanlines to 8-bit scanlines */
+void Convert1to8( struct BMGImageStruct img,
+ unsigned char *out )
+ unsigned char *p, *q, *r, *s, *end;
+ int i;
+ q = out;
+ for ( s = img.bits; s < img.bits + img.scan_width * img.height;
+ s += img.scan_width, q += img.width )
+ {
+ i = img.width % 8;
+ end = q + img.width - i;
+ p = s;
+ for ( r = q; r < end; p++ )
+ {
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x80) ? 1 : 0);
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x40) ? 1 : 0);
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x20) ? 1 : 0);
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x10) ? 1 : 0);
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x08) ? 1 : 0);
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x04) ? 1 : 0);
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x02) ? 1 : 0);
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)(*p & 0x01);
+ }
+ if ( i-- )
+ {
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x80) ? 1 : 0);
+ if ( i-- )
+ {
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x40) ? 1 : 0);
+ if ( i-- )
+ {
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x20) ? 1 : 0);
+ if ( i-- )
+ {
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x10) ? 1 : 0);
+ if ( i-- )
+ {
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x08) ? 1 : 0);
+ if ( i-- )
+ {
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x04) ? 1 : 0);
+ if ( i )
+ *r = (unsigned char)((*p & 0x02) ? 1:0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* converts an array of 4-bit scanlines to 8-bit scanlines */
+void Convert4to8( struct BMGImageStruct img,
+ unsigned char *out )
+ unsigned char *p, *q, *r, *s, *end;
+ int i;
+ q = out;
+ for ( s = img.bits; s < img.bits + img.scan_width * img.height;
+ s += img.scan_width, q += img.width )
+ {
+ i = img.width % 2;
+ end = q + img.width - i;
+ p = s;
+ for ( r = q; r < end; p++ )
+ {
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)((*p >> 4) & 0x0F);
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)(*p & 0x0F);
+ }
+ if ( i )
+ *r = (unsigned char)((*p >> 4) & 0x0F);
+ }
+/* this function performs alpha blending. It is a variation of a function
+ that I found in the PNG example code */
+unsigned char AlphaComp( unsigned char fg,
+ unsigned char alpha,
+ unsigned char bg )
+ unsigned char out;
+ unsigned short temp;
+ switch ( alpha )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ out = bg;
+ break;
+ case 255:
+ out = fg;
+ break;
+ default:
+ temp = ((unsigned short)(fg)*(unsigned short)(alpha) +
+ (unsigned short)(bg)*(unsigned short)(255 -
+ (unsigned short)(alpha)) + (unsigned short)128);
+ out = (unsigned char)((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8);
+ break;
+ }
+ return out;
+// Converts a 16 BPP image to a 24 BPP image
+// returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise */
+BMGError Convert16to24( struct BMGImageStruct *img )
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int new_scan_width;
+ unsigned char *new_bits;
+ /* this function will only work with 16 BBP images */
+ if ( img->bits_per_pixel != 16 )
+ return errInvalidPixelFormat;
+ /* calculate the new scan width */
+ new_scan_width = 3 * img->width;
+ if ( new_scan_width % 4 && img->opt_for_bmp )
+ new_scan_width += 4 - new_scan_width % 4;
+ /* allocate memory for the new pixel values */
+ new_bits = (unsigned char *)calloc( new_scan_width * img->height, sizeof(unsigned char) );
+ if ( new_bits == NULL )
+ return errMemoryAllocation;
+ /* convert the 16 BPP pixel values to the equivalent 24 BPP values */
+ for ( i = 0; i < img->height; i++ )
+ {
+ unsigned char *p24;
+ unsigned short *p16 = (unsigned short *)(img->bits + i * img->scan_width);
+ unsigned char *start = new_bits + i * new_scan_width;
+ unsigned char *end = start + new_scan_width;
+ for ( p24 = start; p24 < end; p24 += 3, p16++ )
+ {
+ p24[0] = (unsigned char)( (*p16 & 0x001F) << 3 );
+ p24[1] = (unsigned char)( (*p16 & 0x03E0) >> 2 );
+ p24[2] = (unsigned char)( (*p16 & 0x7C00) >> 7 );
+ }
+ }
+ free( img->bits );
+ img->bits = new_bits;
+ img->scan_width = new_scan_width;
+ img->bits_per_pixel = 24;
+ return BMG_OK;
+/* this function undoes alpha blending - kind-a-sort-of ;-) */
+unsigned char InverseAlphaComp( unsigned char fg, unsigned char alpha,
+ unsigned char bg )
+ unsigned char out;
+ short temp;
+ switch ( alpha )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ out = bg;
+ break;
+ case 255:
+ out = fg;
+ break;
+ default:
+ temp = (255*fg - bg*(255-alpha))/alpha;
+ if ( temp < 0 )
+ temp = 0;
+ out = (unsigned char)temp;
+ break;
+ }
+ return out;
+// Creates a BITMAPINFOHEADER for the given width, height, bit count, and
+// compression. Compression must = BI_RGB, BI_BITFIELDS, BI_RLE4, or BI_RLE8.
+BITMAPINFO InternalCreateBMI( unsigned int dwWidth, /* width */
+ unsigned int dwHeight, /* height */
+ unsigned short wBitCount, /* bit count */
+ int compression ) /* compression type */
+ BITMAPINFO bi; /* bitmap header */
+ unsigned int dwBytesPerLine; /* Number of bytes per scanline */
+ /* clear the bitmapinfo structure */
+ memset(&bi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
+ /* Make sure bits per pixel is valid */
+ if (wBitCount <= 1)
+ wBitCount = 1;
+ else if (wBitCount <= 4)
+ wBitCount = 4;
+ else if (wBitCount <= 8)
+ wBitCount = 8;
+ else if (wBitCount <= 16)
+ wBitCount = 16;
+ else if (wBitCount <= 24)
+ wBitCount = 24;
+ else if (wBitCount <= 32)
+ wBitCount = 32;
+ else
+ wBitCount = 8; /* set default value to 8 if parameter is bogus */
+ dwBytesPerLine = (((wBitCount * dwWidth) + 31) / 32 * 4);
+ /* initialize BITMAPINFO */
+ bi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ bi.bmiHeader.biWidth = dwWidth;
+ bi.bmiHeader.biHeight = dwHeight;
+ bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; /* must be 1 */
+ bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = wBitCount;
+ bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = compression;
+ bi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = dwBytesPerLine*dwHeight;
+ bi.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
+ bi.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
+ bi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = wBitCount <= 8 ? 1U << wBitCount : 0;
+ bi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = bi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed;
+ return bi;
+short SwapShort( short in )
+ char sin[2];
+ char sout[2];
+ memcpy( (char *)sin, (char *)&in, 2 );
+ sout[0] = sin[1];
+ sout[1] = sin[0];
+ return *((short *)sout);
+unsigned short SwapUShort( unsigned short in )
+ char sin[2];
+ char sout[2];
+ memcpy( (char *)sin, (char *)&in, 2 );
+ sout[0] = sin[1];
+ sout[1] = sin[0];
+ return *((unsigned short *)sout);
+int SwapLong( int in )
+ char sin[4];
+ char sout[4];
+ memcpy( (char *)sin, (char *)&in, 4 );
+ sout[0] = sin[3];
+ sout[1] = sin[2];
+ sout[2] = sin[1];
+ sout[3] = sin[0];
+ return *((int *)sout);
+unsigned int SwapULong( unsigned int in )
+ char sin[4];
+ char sout[4];
+ memcpy( (char *)sin, (char *)&in, 4 );
+ sout[0] = sin[3];
+ sout[1] = sin[2];
+ sout[2] = sin[1];
+ sout[3] = sin[0];
+ return *((unsigned int *)sout);
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _BMG_UTILS_H_
+#define _BMG_UTILS_H_
+ some handy utilities used in several units
+ Copyright 2001
+ M. Scott Heiman
+ All Rights Reserved
+#include "BMGImage.h"
+#include "../osal_preproc.h"
+/* the following 3 functions are used to access the background color
+// and the background image */
+void InitBackground(void);
+unsigned char *GetBackgroundColor(void);
+struct BMGImageStruct *GetBackgroundImage(void);
+/* creates a 24 bpp image from a 16 bpp image */
+BMGError Convert16to24( struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+/* converts an array of 1-bit scanlines to 8-bit scanlines */
+void Convert1to8( struct BMGImageStruct img,
+ unsigned char *out );
+/* converts an array of 4-bit scanlines to 8-bit scanlines */
+void Convert4to8( struct BMGImageStruct img,
+ unsigned char *out );
+unsigned char AlphaComp( unsigned char fg,
+ unsigned char alpha,
+ unsigned char bg );
+unsigned char InverseAlphaComp( unsigned char fg,
+ unsigned char alpha,
+ unsigned char bg );
+BITMAPINFO InternalCreateBMI( unsigned int dwWidth, /* width */
+ unsigned int dwHeight, /* height */
+ unsigned short wBitCount, /* bit count */
+ int compression ); /* compression type */
+void SetLastBMGError( BMGError err );
+/* the following 4 functions are for dealing with file formats
+ that store data in big endian format */
+short SwapShort( short in );
+unsigned short SwapUShort( unsigned short in );
+int SwapLong( int in );
+unsigned int SwapULong( unsigned int in );
--- /dev/null
+// source code for the ImageLib BMP functions
+// Copyright (C) 2001 M. Scott Heiman
+// All Rights Reserved
+// You may use the software for any purpose you see fit. You may modify
+// it, incorporate it in a commercial application, use it for school,
+// even turn it in as homework. You must keep the Copyright in the
+// header and source files. This software is not in the "Public Domain".
+// You may use this software at your own risk. I have made a reasonable
+// effort to verify that this software works in the manner I expect it to;
+// however,...
+#include "BMGDLL.h"
+#include "BMGUtils.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#ifndef _WIN32
+#include <string.h>
+#endif // _WIN32
+static const unsigned short BMP_ID = 0x4D42;
+ ReadBMP - reads the image data from a BMP files and stores it in a
+ BMGImageStruct.
+ Inputs:
+ filename - the name of the file to be opened
+ Outputs:
+ img - the BMGImageStruct containing the image data
+ Returns:
+ BMGError - if the file could not be read or a resource error occurred
+ BMG_OK - if the file was read and the data was stored in img
+ Limitations:
+ will not read BMP files using BI_RLE8, BI_RLE4, or BI_BITFIELDS
+BMGError ReadBMP( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img )
+ FILE *file = NULL;
+ int error;
+ BMGError tmp;
+ unsigned char *p, *q; /*, *q_end; */
+/* unsigned int cnt; */
+ int i;
+/* int EOBMP; */
+ unsigned int mask[3];
+ unsigned int DIBScanWidth;
+ unsigned int bit_size, rawbit_size;
+ unsigned char *rawbits = NULL;
+ SetLastBMGError( BMG_OK );
+ if ( img == NULL )
+ { error = (int) errInvalidBMGImage; goto err_jmp; }
+ file = fopen( filename, "rb" );
+ if ( file == NULL )
+ { error = (int) errFileOpen; goto err_jmp; }
+ /* read the file header */
+ if ( fread( (void *)&bmfh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, file ) != 1 )
+ { error = (int) errFileRead; goto err_jmp; }
+ /* confirm that this is a BMP file */
+ if ( bmfh.bfType != BMP_ID )
+ { error = (int) errUnsupportedFileFormat; goto err_jmp; }
+ /* read the bitmap info header */
+ if ( fread( (void *)&bmih, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, file ) != 1 )
+ { error = (int) errFileRead; goto err_jmp; }
+ /* abort if this is an unsupported format */
+ if ( bmih.biCompression != BI_RGB )
+ { printf("planes: %i bits: %i type: %i ", bmih.biPlanes, bmih.biBitCount, bmih.biCompression); error = (int) errUnsupportedFileFormat; goto err_jmp; }
+ img->bits_per_pixel = (unsigned char)bmih.biBitCount;
+ img->width = bmih.biWidth;
+ img->height = bmih.biHeight;
+ if ( img->bits_per_pixel <= 8 )
+ {
+ img->palette_size = (unsigned short)bmih.biClrUsed;
+ img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 4U;
+ }
+ tmp = AllocateBMGImage( img );
+ if ( tmp != BMG_OK )
+ { error = (int) tmp; goto err_jmp; }
+ /* read palette if necessary */
+ if ( img->bits_per_pixel <= 8 )
+ {
+ if ( fread( (void *)img->palette, sizeof(RGBQUAD), img->palette_size,
+ file ) != (unsigned int)img->palette_size )
+ {
+ error = (int) errFileRead;
+ goto err_jmp;
+ }
+ }
+ /* dimensions */
+ DIBScanWidth = ( img->bits_per_pixel * img->width + 7 ) / 8;
+ if ( DIBScanWidth %4 )
+ DIBScanWidth += 4 - DIBScanWidth % 4;
+ bit_size = img->scan_width * img->height;
+ /* allocate memory for the raw bits */
+ if ( bmih.biCompression != BI_RGB )
+ rawbit_size = bmfh.bfSize - bmfh.bfOffBits;
+ else
+ rawbit_size = DIBScanWidth * img->height;
+ rawbits = (unsigned char *)calloc( rawbit_size, 1 );
+ if ( rawbits == NULL )
+ { error = (int) errMemoryAllocation; goto err_jmp; }
+ if ( fread( (void *)rawbits, sizeof(unsigned char), rawbit_size, file )
+ != rawbit_size )
+ {
+ error = (int) errFileRead;
+ goto err_jmp;
+ }
+ if ( bmih.biCompression == BI_RGB )
+ {
+ p = rawbits;
+ for ( q = img->bits; q < img->bits + bit_size;
+ q += img->scan_width, p += DIBScanWidth )
+ {
+ memcpy( (void *)q, (void *)p, img->scan_width );
+ }
+ }
+ /* swap rows if necessary */
+ if ( bmih.biHeight < 0 )
+ {
+ for ( i = 0; i < (int)(img->height) / 2; i++ )
+ {
+ p = img->bits + i * img->scan_width;
+ q = img->bits + ((img->height) - i - 1 ) * img->scan_width;
+ memcpy( (void *)rawbits, (void *)p, img->scan_width );
+ memcpy( (void *)p, (void *)q, img->scan_width );
+ memcpy( (void *)q, (void *)rawbits, img->scan_width );
+ }
+ }
+ fclose( file );
+ free( rawbits );
+ return BMG_OK;
+ /* error handler */
+ if ( file != NULL )
+ fclose( file );
+ if ( rawbits != NULL )
+ free( rawbits );
+ FreeBMGImage( img );
+ SetLastBMGError( (BMGError)error );
+ return (BMGError)error;
+ WriteBMP - writes the contents of an BMGImageStruct to a bmp file.
+ Inputs:
+ filename - the name of the file to be opened
+ img - the BMGImageStruct containing the image data
+ Returns:
+ BMGError - if a write error or a resource error occurred
+ BMG_OK - if the data was successfilly stored in filename
+ Limitations:
+ will not write BMP files using BI_RLE8, BI_RLE4, or BI_BITFIELDS
+BMGError WriteBMP( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct img )
+ FILE * volatile file = NULL;
+ jmp_buf err_jmp;
+ int error;
+ unsigned char * volatile bits = NULL;
+ unsigned int DIBScanWidth;
+ unsigned int BitsPerPixel;
+ unsigned int bit_size; /*, new_bit_size; */
+/* unsigned int rawbit_size; */
+ unsigned char *p, *q, *r, *t;
+/* unsigned int cnt; */
+ unsigned char * volatile pColor = NULL;
+ SetLastBMGError( BMG_OK );
+ /* error handler */
+ error = setjmp(err_jmp);
+ if (error != 0)
+ {
+ if (file != NULL)
+ fclose(file);
+ if (bits != NULL)
+ free(bits);
+ if (pColor != NULL)
+ free(pColor);
+ SetLastBMGError((BMGError)error);
+ return (BMGError) error;
+ }
+ if ( img.bits == NULL )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidBMGImage );
+ file = fopen( filename, "wb" );
+ if ( file == NULL )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errFileOpen );
+ /* abort if we do not support the data */
+ if ( img.palette != NULL && img.bytes_per_palette_entry < 3 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidBMGImage );
+ /* calculate dimensions */
+ BitsPerPixel = img.bits_per_pixel < 32 ? img.bits_per_pixel : 24U;
+ DIBScanWidth = ( BitsPerPixel * img.width + 7 ) / 8;
+ if ( DIBScanWidth % 4 )
+ DIBScanWidth += 4 - DIBScanWidth % 4;
+ bit_size = DIBScanWidth * img.height;
+/* rawbit_size = BITScanWidth * img.height; */
+ /* allocate memory for bit array - assume that compression will
+ // actually compress the bitmap */
+ bits = (unsigned char *)calloc( bit_size, 1 );
+ if ( bits == NULL )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ /* some initialization */
+ memset( (void *)&bmih, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) );
+ bmih.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ bmih.biWidth = img.width;
+ bmih.biHeight = img.height;
+ bmih.biPlanes = 1;
+ /* 32-bit images will be stored as 24-bit images to save space. The BMP
+ format does not use the high word and I do not want to store alpha
+ components in an image format that does not recognize it */
+ bmih.biBitCount = BitsPerPixel;
+ bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB; // assumed
+ bmih.biSizeImage = bit_size; // assumed
+ bmih.biClrUsed = img.palette == NULL ? 0 : img.palette_size;
+ bmih.biClrImportant = img.palette == NULL ? 0 : img.palette_size;
+ /* if we are not compressed then copy the raw bits to bits */
+ if ( bmih.biCompression == BI_RGB )
+ {
+ p = img.bits;
+ /* simple memcpy's for images containing < 32-bits per pixel */
+ if ( img.bits_per_pixel < 32 )
+ {
+ for ( q = bits; q < bits + bit_size; q += DIBScanWidth,
+ p += img.scan_width )
+ {
+ memcpy( (void *)q, (void *)p, img.scan_width );
+ }
+ }
+ /* store 32-bit images as 24-bit images to save space. alpha terms
+ are lost */
+ else
+ {
+ DIBScanWidth = 3 * img.width;
+ if ( DIBScanWidth % 4 )
+ DIBScanWidth += 4 - DIBScanWidth % 4;
+ for ( q = bits; q < bits + bit_size; q += DIBScanWidth,
+ p += img.scan_width )
+ {
+ t = p;
+ for ( r = q; r < q + DIBScanWidth; r += 3, t += 4 )
+ memcpy( (void *)r, (void *)t, 3 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* create the palette if necessary */
+ if ( img.palette != NULL )
+ {
+ pColor = (unsigned char *)calloc( img.palette_size, sizeof(RGBQUAD) );
+ if ( pColor == NULL )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ if ( img.bytes_per_palette_entry == 3 )
+ {
+ p = img.palette;
+ for ( q = pColor + 1; q < pColor +img.palette_size*sizeof(RGBQUAD);
+ q += sizeof(RGBQUAD), p += 3 )
+ {
+ memcpy( (void *)pColor, (void *)p, 3 );
+ }
+ }
+ else /* img.bytes_per_palette_entry == 4 */
+ {
+ memcpy( (void *)pColor, (void *)img.palette,
+ img.palette_size * sizeof(RGBQUAD) );
+ }
+ }
+ /* now that we know how big everything is let's write the file */
+ memset( (void *)&bmfh, 0, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) );
+ bmfh.bfType = BMP_ID;
+ bmfh.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +
+ img.palette_size * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
+ bmfh.bfSize = bmfh.bfOffBits + bit_size;
+ if ( fwrite( (void *)&bmfh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, file ) != 1 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errFileWrite );
+ if ( fwrite( (void *)&bmih, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, file ) != 1 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errFileWrite );
+ if ( pColor != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( fwrite( (void *)pColor, sizeof(RGBQUAD), img.palette_size, file )
+ != (unsigned int)img.palette_size )
+ {
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errFileWrite );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( fwrite( (void *)bits, sizeof(unsigned char), bit_size, file )
+ != bit_size )
+ {
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errFileWrite );
+ }
+ fclose( file );
+ free( bits );
+ if ( pColor != NULL )
+ free( pColor );
+ return BMG_OK;
+/* following code is not tested. I keep it here in case I ever find a BMP
+ file that is compressed and I want to test it */
+ else if ( bmih.biCompression == BI_RLE8 )
+ {
+ bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ bmih.biSizeImage = DIBScanWidth * img.height;
+ p = rawbits;
+ q = img.bits;
+ EOBMP = 1;
+ while ( q < img.bits + bit_size && p < rawbits + rawbit_size && EOBMP )
+ {
+ cnt = (unsigned int)*p;
+ p++;
+ /* encoded mode */
+ if ( cnt == 0 )
+ {
+ cnt = (unsigned int)*p;
+ if ( cnt < 3U )
+ {
+ p++;
+ /* EOL */
+ if ( *p == 0 )
+ p++;
+ /* end of bitmap */
+ else if ( *p == 1 )
+ EOBMP = 0;
+ /* delta */
+ else if ( *p == 2 )
+ {
+ p++;
+ q += *p; /* columns */
+ p++;
+ q += (*p)*BITScanWidth; /* rows */
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* copy *p duplicates of *(p++) into the bit array */
+ else
+ {
+ cnt = (unsigned int)*p;
+ p++;
+ q_end = q + cnt;
+ while ( q < q_end )
+ *q++ = *p;
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* absolute mode */
+ else
+ {
+ q_end = q + cnt;
+ while ( q < q_end )
+ *q++ = *p++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if compression is desired && possible then attempt compression. The
+ // following logic will try to compress the data. If the compressed data
+ // requires more space than the uncompressed data then the bits will be
+ // stored in an uncompressed format */
+ if ( try_compression != 0 && img.bits_per_pixel == 8 )
+ {
+ p = rawbits;
+ r = bits;
+ new_bit_size = 0;
+ cnt = 0;
+ while ( p < rawbits + rawbit_size && new_bit_size < bit_size )
+ {
+ q = p;
+ while ( q < p + BITScanWidth )
+ {
+ t = q;
+ while ( t < q + 255 && t < p + BITScanWidth )
+ {
+ /* look for non-repeats - absolute mode */
+ if ( *t != *(t+1) )
+ {
+ while ( *t != *(t+1) &&
+ cnt < 255 &&
+ t < p + BITScanWidth )
+ {
+ t++;
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ cnt++;
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)cnt;
+ memcpy( (void *)r, (void *)q, cnt );
+ r += cnt;
+ q += cnt;
+ new_bit_size += 1 + cnt;
+ cnt = 0;
+ }
+ /* else look for repeats */
+ else
+ {
+ while ( *t == *(t+1) &&
+ cnt < 255 &&
+ t < p + BITScanWidth )
+ {
+ t++;
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ cnt++;
+ if ( cnt > 2 )
+ {
+ *r++ = 0;
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)cnt;
+ *r++ = *(t-1);
+ new_bit_size += 3;
+ q = t;
+ cnt = 0;
+ }
+ /* use absolute mode if we have reached the EOL &&
+ // cnt <= 2 */
+ else if ( t >= p + BITScanWidth )
+ {
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)cnt;
+ memcpy( (void *)r, (void *)q, cnt );
+ r += cnt;
+ q += cnt;
+ new_bit_size += 1 + cnt;
+ cnt = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* put an EOL marker here */
+ *r++ = 0;
+ *r++ = 0;
+ new_bit_size += 2;
+ cnt = 0;
+ }
+ p += BITScanWidth;
+ }
+ /* put the EOB marker here */
+ if ( new_bit_size < bit_size - 2 )
+ {
+ *r++ = 0;
+ *r = 1;
+ new_bit_size += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ new_bit_size = bit_size + 1;
+ /* if the compressed image will take less space then use it */
+ if ( new_bit_size < bit_size )
+ {
+ bmih.biCompression = BI_RLE8;
+ bmih.biSizeImage = bit_size = new_bit_size;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _JPEG_RW_H_
+#define _JPEG_RW_H_
+// header file for the BMGLib JPEG functions
+// Copyright 2000, 2001 M. Scott Heiman
+// All Rights Reserved
+// libJPEG is Copyright (C) 1991-1998, Thomas G. Lane and is part of the
+// Independent JPEG Group's software.
+// We are releasing this software for both noncommercial and commercial use.
+// Companies are welcome to use it as the basis for JPEG-related products.
+// We do not ask a royalty, although we do ask for an acknowledgement in
+// product literature (see the README file in the distribution for details).
+// We hope to make this software industrial-quality --- although, as with
+// anything that's free, we offer no warranty and accept no liability.
+#include "BMGImage.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+extern BMGError ReadJPEG( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img );
+extern BMGError WriteJPEG( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct img,
+ int quality );
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// source code for the ImageLib PNG functions
+// Copyright (C) 2001 M. Scott Heiman
+// All Rights Reserved
+// You may use the software for any purpose you see fit. You may modify
+// it, incorporate it in a commercial application, use it for school,
+// even turn it in as homework. You must keep the Copyright in the
+// header and source files. This software is not in the "Public Domain".
+// You may use this software at your own risk. I have made a reasonable
+// effort to verify that this software works in the manner I expect it to;
+// however,...
+#include "BMGUtils.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "BMGLibPNG.h"
+#include "pngrw.h"
+#include <png.h>
+#ifndef png_jmpbuf
+# define png_jmpbuf(png_ptr) ((png_ptr)->jmpbuf)
+/* this stuff is necessary because the normal png_init_io() method crashes in Win32 */
+static void user_read_data(png_structp png_read, png_bytep data, png_size_t length)
+ FILE *fPtr = (FILE *) png_get_io_ptr(png_read);
+ if (fread(data, 1, length, fPtr) != length)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read %i bytes from PNG file.\n", (int) length);
+static void user_write_data(png_structp png_write, png_bytep data, png_size_t length)
+ FILE *fPtr = (FILE *) png_get_io_ptr(png_write);
+ if (fwrite(data, 1, length, fPtr) != length)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write %i bytes to PNG file.\n", (int) length);
+static void user_flush_data(png_structp png_read)
+ FILE *fPtr = (FILE *) png_get_io_ptr(png_read);
+ fflush(fPtr);
+ReadPNG - Reads the contents of a PNG file and stores the contents into
+ BMGImageStruct
+ filename - the name of the file to be opened
+ img - the BMGImageStruct containing the image data
+ BMGError - if the file could not be read or a resource error occurred
+ BMG_OK - if the file was read and the data was stored in img
+ None.
+ 2-bit images are converted to 4-bit images.
+ 16-bit images are converted to 8-bit images.
+ gray scale images with alpha components are converted to 32-bit images
+BMGError ReadPNG( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct * volatile img )
+ jmp_buf err_jmp;
+ int error;
+ FILE * volatile file = NULL;
+ int BitDepth;
+ int ColorType;
+ int InterlaceType;
+ unsigned char signature[8];
+ png_structp volatile png_ptr = NULL;
+ png_infop volatile info_ptr = NULL;
+ png_infop volatile end_info = NULL;
+ png_color_16 *ImageBackground = NULL;
+ png_bytep trns = NULL;
+ int NumTrans = 0;
+ int i, k;
+ png_color_16p TransColors = NULL;
+ png_uint_32 Width, Height;
+ unsigned char *bits;
+ unsigned char** volatile rows = NULL;
+ BMGError tmp;
+ /* error handler */
+ error = setjmp( err_jmp );
+ if (error != 0)
+ {
+ if (end_info != NULL)
+ png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, (png_infop *) &info_ptr, (png_infop *) &end_info);
+ else if (info_ptr != NULL)
+ png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, (png_infop *) &info_ptr, NULL);
+ else if (png_ptr != NULL)
+ png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, NULL, NULL);
+ if (rows)
+ {
+ if (rows[0])
+ free(rows[0]);
+ free(rows);
+ }
+ if (img)
+ FreeBMGImage(img);
+ if (file)
+ fclose(file);
+ SetLastBMGError((BMGError) error);
+ return (BMGError) error;
+ }
+ if ( img == NULL )
+ longjmp ( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidBMGImage );
+ file = fopen( filename, "rb" );
+ if ( !file || fread( signature, 1, 8, file ) != 8)
+ longjmp ( err_jmp, (int)errFileOpen );
+ /* check the signature */
+ if ( png_sig_cmp( signature, 0, 8 ) != 0 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errUnsupportedFileFormat );
+ /* create a pointer to the png read structure */
+ png_ptr = png_create_read_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL );
+ if ( !png_ptr )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ /* create a pointer to the png info structure */
+ info_ptr = png_create_info_struct( png_ptr );
+ if ( !info_ptr )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ /* create a pointer to the png end-info structure */
+ end_info = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
+ if (!end_info)
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ /* bamboozle the PNG longjmp buffer */
+ /*generic PNG error handler*/
+ /* error will always == 1 which == errLib */
+// error = png_setjmp(png_ptr);
+ error = setjmp( png_jmpbuf( png_ptr ) );
+ if ( error > 0 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, error );
+ /* set function pointers in the PNG library, for read callbacks */
+ png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, (png_voidp) file, user_read_data);
+ /*let the read functions know that we have already read the 1st 8 bytes */
+ png_set_sig_bytes( png_ptr, 8 );
+ /* read all PNG data up to the image data */
+ png_read_info( png_ptr, info_ptr );
+ /* extract the data we need to form the HBITMAP from the PNG header */
+ png_get_IHDR( png_ptr, info_ptr, &Width, &Height, &BitDepth, &ColorType,
+ &InterlaceType, NULL, NULL);
+ img->width = (unsigned int) Width;
+ img->height = (unsigned int) Height;
+ img->bits_per_pixel = (unsigned char)32;
+ img->scan_width = Width * 4;
+ /* convert 16-bit images to 8-bit images */
+ if (BitDepth == 16)
+ png_set_strip_16(png_ptr);
+ /* These are not really required per Rice format spec,
+ * but is done just in case someone uses them.
+ */
+ /* convert palette color to rgb color */
+ if (ColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
+ png_set_palette_to_rgb(png_ptr);
+ }
+ /* expand 1,2,4 bit gray scale to 8 bit gray scale */
+ if (ColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && BitDepth < 8)
+ png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8(png_ptr);
+ /* convert gray scale or gray scale + alpha to rgb color */
+ if (ColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY ||
+ png_set_gray_to_rgb(png_ptr);
+ }
+ /* add alpha channel if any */
+ if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) {
+ png_set_tRNS_to_alpha(png_ptr);
+ }
+ /* convert rgb to rgba */
+ if (ColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) {
+ png_set_filler(png_ptr, 0xff, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
+ }
+ png_set_bgr(png_ptr);
+ /* set the background color if one is found */
+ if ( png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_bKGD) )
+ png_get_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &ImageBackground);
+ /* get the transparent color if one is there */
+ if ( png_get_valid( png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS ) )
+ png_get_tRNS( png_ptr, info_ptr, &trns, &NumTrans, &TransColors );
+ img->palette_size = (unsigned short)0;
+ img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 4U;
+ tmp = AllocateBMGImage( img );
+ if ( tmp != BMG_OK )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)tmp );
+ png_read_update_info( png_ptr, info_ptr );
+ /* create buffer to read data to */
+ rows = (unsigned char **)malloc(Height*sizeof(unsigned char *));
+ if ( !rows )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ k = png_get_rowbytes( png_ptr, info_ptr );
+ rows[0] = (unsigned char *)malloc( Height*k*sizeof(char));
+ if ( !rows[0] )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ for ( i = 1; i < (int)Height; i++ )
+ rows[i] = rows[i-1] + k;
+ /* read the entire image into rows */
+ png_read_image( png_ptr, rows );
+ bits = img->bits + (Height - 1) * img->scan_width;
+ for ( i = 0; i < (int)Height; i++ )
+ {
+ memcpy(bits, rows[i], 4*Width);
+ bits -= img->scan_width;
+ }
+ free( rows[0] );
+ free( rows );
+ png_read_end( png_ptr, info_ptr );
+ png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, (png_infop *) &info_ptr, (png_infop *) &end_info);
+ fclose( file );
+ return BMG_OK;
+BMGError ReadPNGInfo( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct * volatile img )
+ jmp_buf err_jmp;
+ int error;
+ FILE * volatile file = NULL;
+ int BitDepth;
+ int ColorType;
+ int InterlaceType;
+ unsigned char signature[8];
+ png_structp volatile png_ptr = NULL;
+ png_infop volatile info_ptr = NULL;
+ png_infop volatile end_info = NULL;
+ png_uint_32 Width, Height;
+ /* error handler */
+ error = setjmp( err_jmp );
+ if (error != 0)
+ {
+ if (end_info != NULL)
+ png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, (png_infop *) &info_ptr, (png_infop *) &end_info);
+ else if (info_ptr != NULL)
+ png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, (png_infop *) &info_ptr, NULL);
+ else if (png_ptr != NULL)
+ png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, NULL, NULL);
+ if (img)
+ FreeBMGImage(img);
+ if (file)
+ fclose(file);
+ SetLastBMGError((BMGError) error);
+ return (BMGError) error;
+ }
+ if ( img == NULL )
+ longjmp ( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidBMGImage );
+ file = fopen( filename, "rb" );
+ if ( !file || fread( signature, 1, 8, file ) != 8)
+ longjmp ( err_jmp, (int)errFileOpen );
+ /* check the signature */
+ if ( png_sig_cmp( signature, 0, 8 ) != 0 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errUnsupportedFileFormat );
+ /* create a pointer to the png read structure */
+ png_ptr = png_create_read_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL );
+ if ( !png_ptr )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ /* create a pointer to the png info structure */
+ info_ptr = png_create_info_struct( png_ptr );
+ if ( !info_ptr )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ /* create a pointer to the png end-info structure */
+ end_info = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
+ if (!end_info)
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ /* bamboozle the PNG longjmp buffer */
+ /*generic PNG error handler*/
+ /* error will always == 1 which == errLib */
+// error = png_setjmp(png_ptr);
+ error = setjmp( png_jmpbuf( png_ptr ) );
+ if ( error > 0 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, error );
+ /* set function pointers in the PNG library, for read callbacks */
+ png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, (png_voidp) file, user_read_data);
+ /*let the read functions know that we have already read the 1st 8 bytes */
+ png_set_sig_bytes( png_ptr, 8 );
+ /* read all PNG data up to the image data */
+ png_read_info( png_ptr, info_ptr );
+ /* extract the data we need to form the HBITMAP from the PNG header */
+ png_get_IHDR( png_ptr, info_ptr, &Width, &Height, &BitDepth, &ColorType,
+ &InterlaceType, NULL, NULL);
+ img->width = (unsigned int) Width;
+ img->height = (unsigned int) Height;
+ img->bits_per_pixel = (unsigned char)32;
+ img->scan_width = Width * 4;
+ img->palette_size = (unsigned short)0;
+ img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 4U;
+ img->bits = NULL;
+ png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, (png_infop *) &info_ptr, (png_infop *) &end_info);
+ fclose( file );
+ return BMG_OK;
+WritePNG - writes the contents of a BMGImageStruct to a PNG file.
+ filename - the name of the file to be opened
+ img - the BMGImageStruct containing the image data
+ 0 - if the file could not be written or a resource error occurred
+ 1 - if the file was written
+ 16-BPP BMG Images are converted to 24-BPP images
+BMGError WritePNG( const char *filename, struct BMGImageStruct img )
+ jmp_buf err_jmp;
+ int error = 0;
+ int BitDepth = 0;
+ int ColorType = 0;
+ png_structp png_ptr = NULL;
+ png_infop info_ptr = NULL;
+ png_colorp PNGPalette = NULL;
+ unsigned char *bits, *p, *q;
+ unsigned char **rows = NULL;
+ volatile int GrayScale, NumColors; // mark as volatile so GCC won't throw warning with -Wclobbered
+ int DIBScanWidth;
+ FILE *outfile = NULL;
+ int i;
+ BMGError tmp;
+ /* error handler */
+ error = setjmp( err_jmp );
+ fprintf(stderr,"Writing PNG file %s.\n", filename);
+ if ( error != 0 )
+ {
+ if ( png_ptr != NULL )
+ png_destroy_write_struct( &png_ptr, NULL );
+ if ( rows )
+ {
+ if ( rows[0] )
+ {
+ free( rows[0] );
+ }
+ free( rows );
+ }
+ if ( PNGPalette )
+ free( PNGPalette );
+ if (outfile)
+ {
+ fclose( outfile );
+ }
+ SetLastBMGError( (BMGError)error );
+ return (BMGError)error;
+ }
+ SetLastBMGError( BMG_OK );
+ /* open the file */
+ if ((outfile = fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s for reading.\n", filename);
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errFileOpen );
+ }
+ /* 16 BPP DIBS do not have palettes. libPNG expects 16 BPP images to have
+ a palette. To correct this situation we must convert 16 BPP images to
+ 24 BPP images before saving the data to the file */
+ if ( img.bits_per_pixel == 16 )
+ {
+ tmp = Convert16to24( &img );
+ if ( tmp != BMG_OK )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)tmp );
+ }
+ GrayScale = 0;
+ NumColors = 0;
+ if (img.bits_per_pixel <= 8) // has palette
+ {
+ NumColors = img.palette_size;
+ /* if this is a grayscale image then set the flag and delete the palette*/
+ i = 0;
+ bits = img.palette;
+ while ( i < NumColors && bits[0] == bits[1] && bits[0] == bits[2] )
+ {
+ i++;
+ bits += img.bytes_per_palette_entry;
+ }
+ GrayScale = (i == NumColors);
+ }
+ /* dimensions */
+ DIBScanWidth = ( img.width * img.bits_per_pixel + 7 ) / 8;
+ /* create the png pointer */
+ png_ptr = png_create_write_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if ( !png_ptr )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ /* create the info pointer */
+ info_ptr = png_create_info_struct( png_ptr );
+ if ( !info_ptr )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ /* bamboozle the png error handler */
+ /* error will always == 1 which equals errLib */
+// error = png_setjmp(png_ptr);
+ error = setjmp( png_jmpbuf( png_ptr ) );
+ if ( error > 0 )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, error );
+ /* set function pointers in the PNG library, for write callbacks */
+ png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, (png_voidp) outfile, user_write_data, user_flush_data);
+ /* prepare variables needed to create PNG header */
+ BitDepth = img.bits_per_pixel < 8 ? img.bits_per_pixel : 8;
+ /* determine color type */
+ if ( GrayScale )
+ else if ( img.bits_per_pixel == 32 )
+ else if ( img.bits_per_pixel == 24 )
+ else
+ /* create the PNG header */
+ png_set_IHDR( png_ptr, info_ptr, img.width, img.height, BitDepth, ColorType, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE );
+ /* store the palette information if there is any */
+ if ( img.palette != NULL && !GrayScale )
+ {
+ PNGPalette = (png_colorp)png_malloc( png_ptr,
+ NumColors*sizeof(png_color));
+ if ( PNGPalette )
+ {
+ bits = img.palette;
+ for ( i = 0; i < NumColors; i++, bits += img.bytes_per_palette_entry )
+ {
+ PNGPalette[i].red = bits[2];
+ PNGPalette[i].green = bits[1];
+ PNGPalette[i].blue = bits[0];
+ }
+ png_set_PLTE( png_ptr, info_ptr, PNGPalette, NumColors );
+ }
+ else
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ }
+ /* write the file header information */
+ png_write_info( png_ptr, info_ptr );
+ /* create array to store data in */
+ rows = (unsigned char **)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char*));
+ if ( !rows )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+ rows[0] = (unsigned char *)malloc( DIBScanWidth * sizeof(unsigned char));
+ if ( !rows[0] )
+ longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
+/* point to the bottom row of the DIB data. DIBs are stored bottom-to-top,
+ PNGs are stored top-to-bottom. */
+ bits = img.bits + (img.height - 1) * img.scan_width;
+ /* store bits */
+ for ( i = 0; i < (int)img.height; i++ )
+ {
+ switch ( img.bits_per_pixel )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ case 4:
+ case 8:
+ memcpy( (void *)rows[0], (void *)bits, DIBScanWidth );
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ q = bits;
+ for ( p = rows[0]; p < rows[0] + DIBScanWidth; p += 3, q += 3 )
+ {
+ p[0] = q[2];
+ p[1] = q[1];
+ p[2] = q[0];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ q = bits;
+ for ( p = rows[0]; p < rows[0] + DIBScanWidth; p += 4, q += 4 )
+ {
+ p[3] = q[3];
+ p[0] = q[2];
+ p[1] = q[1];
+ p[2] = q[0];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ png_write_rows( png_ptr, rows, 1 );
+ bits -= img.scan_width;
+ }
+ /* finish writing the rest of the file */
+ png_write_end( png_ptr, info_ptr );
+ /* clean up and exit */
+ if ( PNGPalette )
+ free( PNGPalette );
+ free( rows[0] );
+ free( rows );
+ png_destroy_write_struct( &png_ptr, NULL );
+ fclose( outfile );
+ return BMG_OK;
+#pragma message ("Creating BMGLibPNG functions")
+#ifdef _WIN32
+/* saves the contents of an HBITMAP to a file. returns 1 if successfull,
+ // 0 otherwise */
+ BMGError SaveBitmapToPNGFile( HBITMAP hBitmap, /* bitmap to be saved */
+ const char *filename) /* name of output file */
+ struct BMGImageStruct img;
+ char msg[256], ext[4], *period;
+ BMGError out = BMG_OK;
+ InitBMGImage( &img );
+ /* determine the file type by using the extension */
+ strcpy( msg, filename );
+ period = strrchr( msg, '.' );
+ if ( period != NULL )
+ {
+ period++;
+ strcpy( ext, period );
+ ext[0] = toupper( ext[0] );
+ ext[1] = toupper( ext[1] );
+ ext[2] = toupper( ext[2] );
+ ext[3] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( msg, ".PNG" );
+ strcpy( ext, "PNG" );
+ }
+ if ( strcmp( ext, "PNG" ) == 0 )
+ {
+/* extract data from the bitmap. We assume that 32 bit images have been
+// blended with the background (unless this is a DDB - see GetDataFromBitmap
+ // for more details) */
+ out = GetDataFromBitmap( hBitmap, &img, 1 );
+ if ( out == BMG_OK )
+ {
+ out = WritePNG( msg, img );
+ }
+ FreeBMGImage( &img );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out = errInvalidFileExtension;
+ }
+ SetLastBMGError( out );
+ return out;
+#endif // _WIN32
+/* Creates an HBITMAP to an image file. returns an HBITMAP if successfull,
+// NULL otherwise */
+HBITMAP CreateBitmapFromPNGFile( const char *filename,
+ int blend )
+ char ext[4], msg[256];
+ char *period;
+ BMGError out = BMG_OK;
+ struct BMGImageStruct img;
+ HBITMAP hBitmap = NULL;
+ InitBMGImage( &img );
+ img.opt_for_bmp = 1;
+ strcpy( msg, filename );
+ period = strrchr( msg, '.' );
+ if ( period != NULL )
+ {
+ period++;
+ strncpy( ext, period, 3 );
+ ext[0] = toupper( ext[0] );
+ ext[1] = toupper( ext[1] );
+ ext[2] = toupper( ext[2] );
+ ext[3] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( msg, ".PNG" );
+ strcpy( ext, "PNG" );
+ }
+ if ( strcmp( ext, "PNG" ) == 0 )
+ {
+ out = ReadPNG( msg, &img );
+ if ( out == BMG_OK )
+ {
+ hBitmap = CreateBitmapFromData( img, blend );
+ }
+ FreeBMGImage( &img );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out = errInvalidFileExtension;
+ }
+ SetLastBMGError( out );
+ return hBitmap;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _PNG_RW_H_
+#define _PNG_RW_H_
+// header file for the BMGLib PNG functions
+// Copyright 2000, 2001 M. Scott Heiman
+// All Rights Reserved
+// libPNG is Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.
+// (libpng versions 0.5, May 1995, through 0.89c, May 1996)
+// Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger
+// (libpng versions 0.90, December 1996, through 0.96, May 1997)
+// Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
+// (libpng versions 0.97, January 1998, through 1.0.5, October 15, 1999)
+// You may use the software for any purpose you see fit. You may modify
+// it, incorporate it in a commercial application, use it for school,
+// even turn it in as homework. You must keep the Copyright in the
+// header and source files. This software is not in the "Public Domain".
+// You may use this software at your own risk. I have made a reasonable
+// effort to verify that this software works in the manner I expect it to;
+// however,...
+#include "BMGImage.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+BMGError ReadPNG( const char *filename, struct BMGImageStruct * volatile img );
+BMGError ReadPNGInfo( const char *filename, struct BMGImageStruct * volatile img );
+BMGError WritePNG( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct img );
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _TIFF_RW_H_
+#define _TIFF_RW_H_
+// header file defining BMGLib libTIFF structures and functions
+// Copyright 2000, 2001 Scott Heiman
+// libTIFF is Copyright Sam Leffler and SGI
+// zLib Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly.
+// Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and
+// its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
+// that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
+// all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
+// Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
+// publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
+// permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
+#include "BMGImage.h"
+/* enumeration types that support libTIFF */
+enum TiffCompressionEnum { NONE, CCITTRLE, CCITTFAX3, CCITTFAX4, LZW, JPEG6,
+enum TiffOrientationEnum { TOPLEFT, BOTTOMLEFT };
+typedef enum TiffCompressionEnum TiffCompression;
+typedef enum TiffPhotometricEnum TiffPhotometric;
+typedef enum TiffOrientationEnum TiffOrientation;
+#pragma pack(push,1)
+struct TIFFInfoStruct
+ TiffCompression compression;
+ TiffPhotometric photometric;
+ TiffOrientation orientation;
+ unsigned short predictor;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+BMGError ReadTIFF( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct *img,
+ struct TIFFInfoStruct *info );
+BMGError WriteTIFF( const char *filename,
+ struct BMGImageStruct img,
+ struct TIFFInfoStruct *info );
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus-core - osal/dynamiclib.h *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Goedeken *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#if !defined(OSAL_DYNAMICLIB_H)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "m64p_types.h"
+void * osal_dynlib_getproc(m64p_dynlib_handle LibHandle, const char *pccProcedureName);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* #define OSAL_DYNAMICLIB_H */
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus-core - osal/dynamiclib_unix.c *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Goedeken *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include "m64p_types.h"
+#include "osal_dynamiclib.h"
+void * osal_dynlib_getproc(m64p_dynlib_handle LibHandle, const char *pccProcedureName)
+ if (pccProcedureName == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return dlsym(LibHandle, pccProcedureName);
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus-ui-console - osal_dynamiclib_win32.c *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Goedeken *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "m64p_types.h"
+#include "osal_dynamiclib.h"
+m64p_error osal_dynlib_open(m64p_dynlib_handle *pLibHandle, const char *pccLibraryPath)
+ if (pLibHandle == NULL || pccLibraryPath == NULL)
+ *pLibHandle = LoadLibrary(pccLibraryPath);
+ if (*pLibHandle == NULL)
+ {
+ char *pchErrMsg;
+ DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
+ fprintf(stderr, "LoadLibrary('%s') error: %s\n", pccLibraryPath, pchErrMsg);
+ LocalFree(pchErrMsg);
+ }
+ return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
+void * osal_dynlib_getproc(m64p_dynlib_handle LibHandle, const char *pccProcedureName)
+ if (pccProcedureName == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return GetProcAddress(LibHandle, pccProcedureName);
+m64p_error osal_dynlib_close(m64p_dynlib_handle LibHandle)
+ int rval = FreeLibrary(LibHandle);
+ if (rval == 0)
+ {
+ char *pchErrMsg;
+ DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
+ fprintf(stderr, "FreeLibrary() error: %s\n", pchErrMsg);
+ LocalFree(pchErrMsg);
+ return M64ERR_INTERNAL;
+ }
+ return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus-ui-console - osal_files.h *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Goedeken *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+/* This header file is for all kinds of system-dependent file handling
+ *
+ */
+#if !defined(OSAL_FILES_H)
+#define OSAL_FILES_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "m64p_types.h"
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ #define PATH_MAX _MAX_PATH
+ #define strdup _strdup
+#else /* Not WIN32 */
+ #include <limits.h> // for PATH_MAX
+ /* PATH_MAX only may be defined by limits.h */
+ #ifndef PATH_MAX
+ #define PATH_MAX 4096
+ #endif
+int osal_is_directory(const char* name);
+int osal_mkdirp(const char *dirpath, int mode);
+void * osal_search_dir_open(const char *pathname);
+const char *osal_search_dir_read_next(void * dir_handle);
+void osal_search_dir_close(void * dir_handle);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* #define OSAL_FILES_H */
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus-core - osal_files_unix.c *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Goedeken *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+/* This file contains the definitions for the unix-specific file handling
+ * functions
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include "osal_files.h"
+/* global functions */
+int osal_is_directory(const char* name)
+ DIR* dir;
+ dir = opendir(name);
+ if(dir != NULL)
+ {
+ closedir(dir);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int osal_mkdirp(const char *dirpath, int mode)
+ struct stat fileinfo;
+ int dirpathlen = strlen(dirpath);
+ char *currpath = strdup(dirpath);
+ /* first, break the path into pieces by replacing all of the slashes wil NULL chars */
+ while (strlen(currpath) > 1)
+ {
+ char *lastslash = strrchr(currpath, '/');
+ if (lastslash == NULL)
+ break;
+ *lastslash = 0;
+ }
+ /* then re-assemble the path from left to right until we get to a directory that doesn't exist */
+ while (strlen(currpath) < dirpathlen)
+ {
+ if (strlen(currpath) > 0 && stat(currpath, &fileinfo) != 0)
+ break;
+ currpath[strlen(currpath)] = '/';
+ }
+ /* then walk up the path chain, creating directories along the way */
+ do
+ {
+ if (stat(currpath, &fileinfo) != 0)
+ {
+ if (mkdir(currpath, mode) != 0)
+ {
+ free(currpath);
+ return 1; /* mkdir failed */
+ }
+ }
+ if (strlen(currpath) == dirpathlen)
+ break;
+ else
+ currpath[strlen(currpath)] = '/';
+ } while (1);
+ free(currpath);
+ return 0;
+void * osal_search_dir_open(const char *pathname)
+ DIR *dir;
+ dir = opendir(pathname);
+ return dir;
+const char *osal_search_dir_read_next(void * dir_handle)
+ DIR *dir = (DIR *) dir_handle;
+ struct dirent *entry;
+ entry = readdir(dir);
+ if (entry == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return entry->d_name;
+void osal_search_dir_close(void * dir_handle)
+ closedir((DIR *) dir_handle);
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus-core - osal_files_win32.c *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Goedeken *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+/* This file contains the definitions for the unix-specific file handling
+ * functions
+ */
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <direct.h>
+#include "osal_files.h"
+/* global functions */
+int osal_is_directory(const char* name)
+ char DirName[MAX_PATH + 1];
+ int namelen = 0;
+ /* we must remove any trailing backslash on the end of the pathname, or this will fail */
+ strncpy(DirName, name, MAX_PATH);
+ DirName[MAX_PATH] = 0;
+ namelen = strlen(DirName);
+ if (namelen > 0 && DirName[namelen-1] == '\\')
+ DirName[namelen-1] = 0;
+ return (GetFileAttributes(DirName) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
+int osal_mkdirp(const char *dirpath, int mode)
+ struct _stat fileinfo;
+ size_t dirpathlen = strlen(dirpath);
+ char *currpath = _strdup(dirpath);
+ /* first, remove sub-dirs on the end (by replacing slashes with NULL chars) until we find an existing directory */
+ while (strlen(currpath) > 1 && _stat(currpath, &fileinfo) != 0)
+ {
+ char *lastslash = strrchr(currpath, '\\');
+ if (lastslash == NULL)
+ {
+ free(currpath);
+ return 1; /* error: we never found an existing directory, this path is bad */
+ }
+ *lastslash = 0;
+ }
+ /* then walk up the path chain, creating directories along the way */
+ do
+ {
+ if (currpath[strlen(currpath)-1] != '\\' && _stat(currpath, &fileinfo) != 0)
+ {
+ if (_mkdir(currpath) != 0)
+ {
+ free(currpath);
+ return 2; /* mkdir failed */
+ }
+ }
+ if (strlen(currpath) == dirpathlen)
+ break;
+ else
+ currpath[strlen(currpath)] = '\\';
+ } while (1);
+ free(currpath);
+ return 0;
+typedef struct {
+ HANDLE hFind;
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data;
+} dir_search_info;
+void * osal_search_dir_open(const char *pathname)
+ char SearchString[MAX_PATH + 1];
+ dir_search_info *pInfo = malloc(sizeof(dir_search_info));
+ if (pInfo == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ pInfo->find_data.cFileName[0] = 0;
+ if (pathname[strlen(pathname)-1] == '\\')
+ _snprintf(SearchString, MAX_PATH, "%s*", pathname);
+ else
+ _snprintf(SearchString, MAX_PATH, "%s\\*", pathname);
+ SearchString[MAX_PATH] = 0;
+ pInfo->hFind = FindFirstFile(SearchString, &pInfo->find_data);
+ return (void *) pInfo;
+const char *osal_search_dir_read_next(void * search_info)
+ static char last_filename[_MAX_PATH];
+ dir_search_info *pInfo = (dir_search_info *) search_info;
+ if (pInfo == NULL || pInfo->hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || pInfo->find_data.cFileName[0] == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ strcpy(last_filename, pInfo->find_data.cFileName);
+ if (FindNextFile(pInfo->hFind, &pInfo->find_data) == 0)
+ {
+ pInfo->find_data.cFileName[0] = 0;
+ }
+ return last_filename;
+void osal_search_dir_close(void * search_info)
+ dir_search_info *pInfo = (dir_search_info *) search_info;
+ if (pInfo != NULL)
+ {
+ if (pInfo->hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ FindClose(pInfo->hFind);
+ free(pInfo);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - osal_opengl.h *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Richard Goedeken *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#if !defined(OSAL_OPENGL_H)
+#define OSAL_OPENGL_H
+#include <SDL_config.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_GLES
+#include <SDL_opengles.h>
+#define glClearDepth glClearDepthf
+#define glDepthRange glDepthRangef
+#define glOrtho glOrthof
+#include <SDL_opengl.h>
+#define GLSL_VERSION "120"
+// Extension names
+#define OSAL_GL_ARB_MULTITEXTURE "GL_ARB_multitexture"
+#define OSAL_GL_ARB_TEXTURE_ENV_ADD "GL_ARB_texture_env_add"
+#include <SDL_opengles2.h>
+#define GLSL_VERSION "100"
+// Extension names
+#define OSAL_GL_ARB_MULTITEXTURE "GL_multitexture"
+#define OSAL_GL_ARB_TEXTURE_ENV_ADD "GL_texture_env_add"
+// Vertex shader params
+#define VS_POSITION 0
+#define VS_COLOR 1
+#define VS_TEXCOORD0 2
+#define VS_TEXCOORD1 3
+// Constant substitutions
+#define GL_ADD 0x0104
+#define GL_MODULATE 0x2100
+#define GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB 0x8575
+#define GL_CONSTANT_ARB 0x8576
+#define GL_PREVIOUS_ARB 0x8578
+// Function substitutions
+#define glClearDepth glClearDepthf
+#define pglActiveTexture glActiveTexture
+#define pglActiveTextureARB glActiveTexture
+// No-op substitutions (unavailable in GLES2)
+#define glLoadIdentity()
+#define glMatrixMode(x)
+#define glOrtho(a,b,c,d,e,f)
+#define glReadBuffer(x)
+#define glTexEnvi(x,y,z)
+#define glTexEnvfv(x,y,z)
+#define glTexCoord2f(u,v)
+#endif // SDL_VIDEO_OPENGL*
+#endif // OSAL_OPENGL_H
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus - osal_preproc.h *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Goedeken *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Hacktarux *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+/* this header file is for system-dependent #defines, #includes, and typedefs */
+#if !defined(OSAL_PREPROC_H)
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ #include <windows.h>
+ #if defined(__MINGW32__)
+ #define ALIGN(BYTES,DATA) DATA __attribute__((aligned(BYTES)));
+ #else
+ #define ALIGN(BYTES,DATA) __declspec(align(BYTES)) DATA;
+ #define strncasecmp _strnicmp
+ #define strcasecmp _stricmp
+ #endif
+ #define ALIGN(BYTES,DATA) DATA __attribute__((aligned(BYTES)));
+typedef unsigned int BOOL;
+typedef void* HBITMAP;
+typedef struct
+ int top;
+ int bottom;
+ int right;
+ int left;
+} RECT;
+#define __cdecl
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE 0
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE 1
+typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER
+ unsigned int biSize;
+ int biWidth;
+ int biHeight;
+ unsigned short biPlanes;
+ unsigned short biBitCount;
+ unsigned int biCompression;
+ unsigned int biSizeImage;
+ int biXPelsPerMeter;
+ int biYPelsPerMeter;
+ unsigned int biClrUsed;
+ unsigned int biClrImportant;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) BITMAPINFOHEADER;
+typedef struct tagBITMAPINFO
+ unsigned int unused;
+typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER
+ unsigned short bfType;
+ unsigned int bfSize;
+ unsigned short bfReserved1;
+ unsigned short bfReserved2;
+ unsigned int bfOffBits;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) BITMAPFILEHEADER;
+#define BI_RGB 0
+#endif // WIN32
+#endif // OSAL_PREPROC_H
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _TYPEDEFS_H_
+#define _TYPEDEFS_H_
+#include "osal_preproc.h"
+#include "VectorMath.h"
+#define uchar unsigned char
+#define uint16 unsigned short
+#define uint32 unsigned int
+#define uint64 unsigned long long
+typedef unsigned char uint8;
+typedef signed char s8;
+typedef int s32;
+typedef unsigned int u32;
+typedef unsigned char u8;
+typedef unsigned int COLOR;
+typedef struct _COORDRECT
+ int x1,y1;
+ int x2,y2;
+#define COLOR_RGBA(r,g,b,a) (((r&0xFF)<<16) | ((g&0xFF)<<8) | ((b&0xFF)<<0) | ((a&0xFF)<<24))
+#define SURFFMT_A8R8G8B8 21
+#define RGBA_GETALPHA(rgb) ((rgb) >> 24)
+#define RGBA_GETRED(rgb) (((rgb) >> 16) & 0xff)
+#define RGBA_GETGREEN(rgb) (((rgb) >> 8) & 0xff)
+#define RGBA_GETBLUE(rgb) ((rgb) & 0xff)
+typedef XMATRIX Matrix;
+typedef void* LPRICETEXTURE ;
+typedef struct
+ uint32 dwRGBA, dwRGBACopy;
+ char x,y,z; // Direction
+ uint8 pad;
+} N64Light;
+typedef struct
+ unsigned int dwFormat:3;
+ unsigned int dwSize:2;
+ unsigned int dwWidth:10;
+ uint32 dwAddr;
+ uint32 bpl;
+} SetImgInfo;
+typedef struct
+ // Set by RDP_SetTile
+ unsigned int dwFormat :3; // e.g. RGBA, YUV etc
+ unsigned int dwSize :2; // e.g 4/8/16/32bpp
+ unsigned int dwLine :9; // Ummm...
+ unsigned int dwPalette :4; // 0..15 - a palette index?
+ uint32 dwTMem; // Texture memory location
+ unsigned int bClampS :1;
+ unsigned int bClampT :1;
+ unsigned int bMirrorS :1;
+ unsigned int bMirrorT :1;
+ unsigned int dwMaskS :4;
+ unsigned int dwMaskT :4;
+ unsigned int dwShiftS :4;
+ unsigned int dwShiftT :4;
+ // Set by RDP_SetTileSize
+ int sl; // Upper left S - 8:3
+ int tl; // Upper Left T - 8:3
+ int sh; // Lower Right S
+ int th; // Lower Right T
+ int hilite_sl;
+ int hilite_tl;
+ int hilite_sh;
+ int hilite_th;
+ float fsl; // Upper left S - 8:3
+ float ftl; // Upper Left T - 8:3
+ float fsh; // Lower Right S
+ float fth; // Lower Right T
+ float fhilite_sl;
+ float fhilite_tl;
+ float fhilite_sh;
+ float fhilite_th;
+ uint32 dwDXT;
+ uint32 dwPitch;
+ uint32 dwWidth;
+ uint32 dwHeight;
+ float fShiftScaleS;
+ float fShiftScaleT;
+ uint32 lastTileCmd;
+ bool bSizeIsValid;
+ bool bForceWrapS;
+ bool bForceWrapT;
+ bool bForceClampS;
+ bool bForceClampT;
+} Tile;
+typedef struct
+ float u;
+ float v;
+} TexCord;
+typedef struct VECTOR2
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ VECTOR2( float newx, float newy ) {x=newx; y=newy;}
+ VECTOR2() {x=0; y=0;}
+typedef struct
+ short x;
+ short y;
+} IVector2;
+typedef struct
+ short x;
+ short y;
+ short z;
+} IVector3;
+typedef struct {
+ float x,y,z;
+ float rhw;
+ union {
+ COLOR dcDiffuse;
+ struct {
+ uint8 b;
+ uint8 g;
+ uint8 r;
+ uint8 a;
+ };
+ };
+ COLOR dcSpecular;
+ TexCord tcord[2];
+typedef struct {
+ float x,y,z;
+ union {
+ COLOR dcDiffuse;
+ struct {
+ uint8 b;
+ uint8 g;
+ uint8 r;
+ uint8 a;
+ };
+ };
+ COLOR dcSpecular;
+ TexCord tcord[2];
+typedef struct {
+ float x,y,z;
+ float rhw;
+ union {
+ COLOR dcDiffuse;
+ struct {
+ uint8 b;
+ uint8 g;
+ uint8 r;
+ uint8 a;
+ };
+ };
+ COLOR dcSpecular;
+typedef struct {
+ float x,y,z;
+ float rhw;
+ COLOR dcDiffuse;
+#include "COLOR.h"
+#include "IColor.h"
+typedef struct
+ float x,y,z;
+ float nx,ny,nz;
+ union {
+ COLOR dcDiffuse;
+ struct {
+ uint8 b;
+ uint8 g;
+ uint8 r;
+ uint8 a;
+ };
+ };
+ float u,v;
+typedef struct
+ union {
+ struct {
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ float z;
+ float range; // Range == 0 for directional light
+ // Range != 0 for point light, Zelda MM
+ };
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ uint8 r;
+ uint8 g;
+ uint8 b;
+ uint8 a;
+ };
+ uint32 col;
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ float fr;
+ float fg;
+ float fb;
+ float fa;
+ };
+ float fcolors[4];
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ float tx;
+ float ty;
+ float tz;
+ float tdummy;
+ };
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ float ox;
+ float oy;
+ float oz;
+ float odummy;
+ };
+ };
+} Light;
+typedef struct
+ char na;
+ char nz; // b
+ char ny; //g
+ char nx; //r
+typedef struct
+ short y;
+ short x;
+ short flag;
+ short z;
+ short tv;
+ short tu;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ uint8 a;
+ uint8 b;
+ uint8 g;
+ uint8 r;
+ } rgba;
+ NormalStruct norma;
+ };
+} FiddledVtx;
+typedef struct
+ short y;
+ short x;
+ uint8 a;
+ uint8 b;
+ short z;
+ uint8 g;
+ uint8 r;
+} FiddledVtxDKR;
+typedef struct
+ short y;
+ short x;
+ uint16 cidx;
+ short z;
+ short t;
+ short s;
+} N64VtxPD;
+class CTexture;
+class COGLTexture;
+class CDirectXTexture;
+struct TxtrCacheEntry;
+typedef struct {
+ LPRICETEXTURE m_lpsTexturePtr;
+ union {
+ CTexture * m_pCTexture;
+ CDirectXTexture * m_pCDirectXTexture;
+ COGLTexture * m_pCOGLTexture;
+ };
+ uint32 m_dwTileWidth;
+ uint32 m_dwTileHeight;
+ float m_fTexWidth;
+ float m_fTexHeight; // Float to avoid converts when processing verts
+ TxtrCacheEntry *pTextureEntry;
+} RenderTexture;
+typedef struct
+ unsigned int dwFormat;
+ unsigned int dwSize;
+ unsigned int dwWidth;
+ unsigned int dwAddr;
+ unsigned int dwLastWidth;
+ unsigned int dwLastHeight;
+ unsigned int dwHeight;
+ unsigned int dwMemSize;
+ bool bCopied;
+ unsigned int dwCopiedAtFrame;
+ unsigned int dwCRC;
+ unsigned int lastUsedFrame;
+ unsigned int bUsedByVIAtFrame;
+ unsigned int lastSetAtUcode;
+} RecentCIInfo;
+typedef struct
+ uint32 addr;
+ uint32 FrameCount;
+} RecentViOriginInfo;
+typedef enum {
+} RenderShadeMode;
+typedef enum {
+} TextureUVFlag;
+typedef struct
+ TextureUVFlag N64flag;
+ uint32 realFlag;
+} UVFlagMap;
+typedef enum {
+} TextureFilter;
+typedef struct
+ TextureFilter N64filter;
+ uint32 realFilter;
+} TextureFilterMap;
+typedef struct {
+ const char* description;
+ int number;
+ uint32 setting;
+} BufferSettingInfo;
+typedef struct {
+ const char* description;
+ uint32 setting;
+} SettingInfo;
+typedef union {
+ uint8 g_Tmem8bit[0x1000];
+ short g_Tmem16bit[0x800];
+ uint32 g_Tmem32bit[0x300];
+ uint64 g_Tmem64bit[0x200];
+} TmemType;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 dwFormat;
+ uint32 dwSize;
+ BOOL bSetBy;
+ uint32 dwLoadAddress;
+ uint32 dwTotalWords;
+ uint32 dxt;
+ BOOL bSwapped;
+ uint32 dwWidth;
+ uint32 dwLine;
+ int sl;
+ int sh;
+ int tl;
+ int th;
+ uint32 dwTmem;
+} TMEMLoadMapInfo;
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "UcodeDefs.h"
+#ifndef _UCODE_H_
+#define _UCODE_H_
+//typedef void (*RDPInstruction)(Gfx *gfx);
+typedef void (*RDPInstruction)(Gfx*);
+extern RDPInstruction *currentUcodeMap;
+typedef RDPInstruction UcodeMap[256] ;
+//#define UcodeFunc(name) void name(uint32, uint32)
+#define UcodeFunc(name) void name(Gfx*)
+UcodeFunc( RSP_S2DEX_BG_1CYC);
+UcodeFunc( RSP_S2DEX_BG_COPY);
+UcodeFunc( RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxtr);
+UcodeFunc( RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxSprite);
+UcodeFunc( RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxRect);
+UcodeFunc( RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxRectR);
+UcodeFunc( RSP_S2DEX_RDPHALF_0);
+UcodeFunc( RSP_S2DEX_Yoshi_Unknown);
+UcodeFunc( RSP_RDP_InsertMatrix );
+UcodeFunc( RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxtr );
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+const char* ucodeNames_GBI1[256] =
+ "RSP_SPNOOP", "RSP_MTX", "Reserved0", "RSP_MOVEMEM",
+ "RSP_VTX", "Reserved1", "RSP_DL", "Reserved2",
+ //10
+ //20
+ //30
+ //40
+ //50
+ //60
+ //70
+ "RDP_TriFill", "RDP_TriFillZ", "RDP_TriTxtr", "RDP_TriTxtrZ",
+ "RDP_TriShade", "RDP_TriShadeZ", "RDP_TriShadeTxtr", "RDP_TriShadeTxtrZ",
+const char* ucodeNames_GBI2[256] =
+ "NOOP", "GBI2_Vtx", "ModifyVtx", "GBI2_CullDL",
+ "BranchZ", "GBI2_Tri1", "GBI2_Tri2","GBI2_Line3D",
+ "Nothing", "ObjBG1CYC", "ObjBGCopy", "OBJ_RenderMode",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Load_Ucode",
+ "BranchZ", "Tri2_Goldeneye", "ModifyVtx", "RDPHalf_2",
+ "RDPHalf_1", "Line3D", "ClearGeometryMode", "SetGeometryMode",
+ "EndDL", "SetOtherMode_L", "SetOtherMode_H", "Texture",
+ "MoveWord", "PopMtx", "CullDL", "Tri1",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "RDP_TriFill", "RDP_TriFillZ", "RDP_TriTxtr", "RDP_TriTxtrZ",
+ "RDP_TriShade", "RDP_TriShadeZ", "RDP_TriShadeTxtr", "RDP_TriShadeTxtrZ",
+ "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing", "Nothing",
+ "Nothing", "GBI2_DL_N", "GBI2_SubModule", "GBI2_Texture",
+ "GBI2_PopMtx", "GBI2_SetGeometryMode", "GBI2_Mtx", "GBI2_MoveWord",
+ "GBI2_MoveMem", "Load_Ucode", "GBI2_DL", "GBI2_EndDL",
+ "SPNOOP", "RDPHalf_1", "GBI2_SetOtherMode_L", "GBI2_SetOtherMode_H",
+ "TexRect", "TexRectFlip", "RDPLoadSync", "RDPPipeSync",
+ "RDPTileSync", "RDPFullSync", "SetKeyGB", "SetKeyR",
+ "SetConvert", "SetScissor", "SetPrimDepth", "RDPSetOtherMode",
+ "LoadTLut", "Nothing", "SetTileSize", "LoadBlock",
+ "LoadTile", "SetTile", "FillRect", "SetFillColor",
+ "SetFogColor", "SetBlendColor", "SetPrimColor", "SetEnvColor",
+ "SetCombine", "SetTImg", "SetZImg", "SetCImg",
+typedef RDPInstruction UcodeMap[256] ;
+// Ucode: F3DEX, for most games
+UcodeMap ucodeMap1 =
+ RSP_GBI1_SpNoop, RSP_GBI0_Mtx, RSP_GBI1_Reserved, RSP_GBI1_MoveMem,
+ RSP_GBI1_Vtx, RSP_GBI1_Reserved, RSP_GBI0_DL, RSP_GBI1_Reserved,
+ RSP_GBI1_Reserved, RSP_GBI1_Sprite2DBase, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_GBI1_LoadUCode,
+ RSP_GBI1_BranchZ, RSP_GBI1_Tri2, RSP_GBI1_ModifyVtx, RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_2,
+ RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_1, RSP_GBI1_Line3D, RSP_GBI1_ClearGeometryMode, RSP_GBI1_SetGeometryMode,
+ RSP_GBI1_EndDL, RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeL, RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeH, RSP_GBI1_Texture,
+ RSP_GBI1_MoveWord, RSP_GBI1_PopMtx, RSP_GBI1_CullDL, RSP_GBI1_Tri1,
+ RSP_GBI1_Noop, RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxtr_Ucode1, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RDP_TriFill, RDP_TriFillZ, RDP_TriTxtr, RDP_TriTxtrZ,
+ RDP_TriShade, RDP_TriShadeZ, RDP_TriShadeTxtr, RDP_TriShadeTxtrZ,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ DLParser_TexRect, DLParser_TexRectFlip, DLParser_RDPLoadSync, DLParser_RDPPipeSync,
+ DLParser_RDPTileSync, DLParser_RDPFullSync, DLParser_SetKeyGB, DLParser_SetKeyR,
+ DLParser_SetConvert, DLParser_SetScissor, DLParser_SetPrimDepth, DLParser_RDPSetOtherMode,
+ DLParser_LoadTLut, RSP_RDP_Nothing, DLParser_SetTileSize, DLParser_LoadBlock,
+ DLParser_LoadTile, DLParser_SetTile, DLParser_FillRect, DLParser_SetFillColor,
+ DLParser_SetFogColor, DLParser_SetBlendColor, DLParser_SetPrimColor, DLParser_SetEnvColor,
+ DLParser_SetCombine, DLParser_SetTImg, DLParser_SetZImg, DLParser_SetCImg
+UcodeMap ucodeMap0=
+ RSP_GBI1_SpNoop, RSP_GBI0_Mtx, RSP_GBI1_Reserved, RSP_GBI1_MoveMem,
+ RSP_GBI0_Vtx, RSP_GBI1_Reserved, RSP_GBI0_DL, RSP_GBI1_Reserved,
+ RSP_GBI1_Reserved, RSP_GBI0_Sprite2DBase, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
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+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_GBI0_Tri4, RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_Cont, RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_2,
+ RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_1, RSP_GBI1_Line3D, RSP_GBI1_ClearGeometryMode, RSP_GBI1_SetGeometryMode,
+ RSP_GBI1_EndDL, RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeL, RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeH, RSP_GBI1_Texture,
+ RSP_GBI1_MoveWord, RSP_GBI1_PopMtx, RSP_GBI1_CullDL, RSP_GBI1_Tri1,
+ RSP_GBI1_Noop, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RDP_TriFill, RDP_TriFillZ, RDP_TriTxtr, RDP_TriTxtrZ,
+ RDP_TriShade, RDP_TriShadeZ, RDP_TriShadeTxtr, RDP_TriShadeTxtrZ,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ DLParser_TexRect, DLParser_TexRectFlip, DLParser_RDPLoadSync, DLParser_RDPPipeSync,
+ DLParser_RDPTileSync, DLParser_RDPFullSync, DLParser_SetKeyGB, DLParser_SetKeyR,
+ DLParser_SetConvert, DLParser_SetScissor, DLParser_SetPrimDepth, DLParser_RDPSetOtherMode,
+ DLParser_LoadTLut, RSP_RDP_Nothing, DLParser_SetTileSize, DLParser_LoadBlock,
+ DLParser_LoadTile, DLParser_SetTile, DLParser_FillRect, DLParser_SetFillColor,
+ DLParser_SetFogColor, DLParser_SetBlendColor, DLParser_SetPrimColor, DLParser_SetEnvColor,
+ DLParser_SetCombine, DLParser_SetTImg, DLParser_SetZImg, DLParser_SetCImg
+// Zelda and new games, F3DEX_GBI_2
+UcodeMap ucodeMap5=
+ RSP_GBI1_Noop, RSP_GBI2_Vtx, RSP_GBI1_ModifyVtx, RSP_GBI2_CullDL,
+ RSP_GBI1_BranchZ, RSP_GBI2_Tri1, RSP_GBI2_Tri2, RSP_GBI2_Line3D,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
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+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
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+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_GBI1_LoadUCode,
+ RSP_GBI1_BranchZ, RSP_GBI0_Tri4, RSP_GBI1_ModifyVtx, RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_2,
+ RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_1, RSP_GBI1_Line3D, RSP_GBI1_ClearGeometryMode, RSP_GBI1_SetGeometryMode,
+ RSP_GBI1_EndDL, RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeL, RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeH, RSP_GBI1_Texture,
+ RSP_GBI1_MoveWord, RSP_GBI1_PopMtx, RSP_GBI1_CullDL, RSP_GBI1_Tri1,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RDP_TriFill, RDP_TriFillZ, RDP_TriTxtr, RDP_TriTxtrZ,
+ RDP_TriShade, RDP_TriShadeZ, RDP_TriShadeTxtr, RDP_TriShadeTxtrZ,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_GBI2_DL_Count, RSP_GBI2_SubModule, RSP_GBI2_Texture,
+ RSP_GBI2_PopMtx, RSP_GBI2_GeometryMode, RSP_GBI2_Mtx, RSP_GBI2_MoveWord,
+ RSP_GBI2_MoveMem, RSP_GBI1_LoadUCode, RSP_GBI2_DL, RSP_GBI2_EndDL,
+ RSP_GBI1_SpNoop, RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_1, RSP_GBI2_SetOtherModeL, RSP_GBI2_SetOtherModeH,
+ DLParser_TexRect, DLParser_TexRectFlip, DLParser_RDPLoadSync, DLParser_RDPPipeSync,
+ DLParser_RDPTileSync, DLParser_RDPFullSync, DLParser_SetKeyGB, DLParser_SetKeyR,
+ DLParser_SetConvert, DLParser_SetScissor, DLParser_SetPrimDepth, DLParser_RDPSetOtherMode,
+ DLParser_LoadTLut, RSP_RDP_Nothing, DLParser_SetTileSize, DLParser_LoadBlock,
+ DLParser_LoadTile, DLParser_SetTile, DLParser_FillRect, DLParser_SetFillColor,
+ DLParser_SetFogColor, DLParser_SetBlendColor, DLParser_SetPrimColor, DLParser_SetEnvColor,
+ DLParser_SetCombine, DLParser_SetTImg, DLParser_SetZImg, DLParser_SetCImg
+// S2DEX 1.--
+UcodeMap ucodeMap7=
+ RSP_GBI1_Reserved, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
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+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
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+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_GBI1_LoadUCode,
+ RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_1, RSP_GBI1_Line3D, RSP_GBI1_ClearGeometryMode, RSP_GBI1_SetGeometryMode,
+ RSP_GBI1_EndDL, RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeL, RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeH, RSP_GBI1_Texture,
+ RSP_GBI1_MoveWord, RSP_GBI1_PopMtx, RSP_GBI1_CullDL, RSP_GBI1_Tri1,
+ RSP_GBI1_Noop, RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxtr, RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxSprite, RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxRect,
+ RSP_S2DEX_SPObjLoadTxRectR, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RDP_TriFill, RDP_TriFillZ, RDP_TriTxtr, RDP_TriTxtrZ,
+ RDP_TriShade, RDP_TriShadeZ, RDP_TriShadeTxtr, RDP_TriShadeTxtrZ,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
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+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_S2DEX_RDPHALF_0, DLParser_TexRectFlip, DLParser_RDPLoadSync, DLParser_RDPPipeSync,
+ DLParser_RDPTileSync, DLParser_RDPFullSync, DLParser_SetKeyGB, DLParser_SetKeyR,
+ DLParser_SetConvert, DLParser_SetScissor, DLParser_SetPrimDepth, DLParser_RDPSetOtherMode,
+ DLParser_LoadTLut, RSP_RDP_Nothing, DLParser_SetTileSize, DLParser_LoadBlock,
+ DLParser_LoadTile, DLParser_SetTile, DLParser_FillRect, DLParser_SetFillColor,
+ DLParser_SetFogColor, DLParser_SetBlendColor, DLParser_SetPrimColor, DLParser_SetEnvColor,
+ DLParser_SetCombine, DLParser_SetTImg, DLParser_SetZImg, DLParser_SetCImg
+// Ucode 3 - S2DEX GBI2
+UcodeMap ucodeMap3=
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ //10
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
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+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ //20
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ //30
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
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+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ //40
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ //50
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
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+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ //60
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ //70
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ //80
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ //90
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ //a0
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_GBI1_LoadUCode,
+ //b0
+ RSP_GBI1_BranchZ, RSP_GBI0_Tri4, RSP_GBI1_ModifyVtx, RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_2,
+ RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_1, RSP_GBI1_Line3D, RSP_GBI1_ClearGeometryMode, RSP_GBI1_SetGeometryMode,
+ RSP_GBI1_EndDL, RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeL, RSP_GBI1_SetOtherModeH, RSP_GBI1_Texture,
+ RSP_GBI1_MoveWord, RSP_GBI1_PopMtx, RSP_GBI1_CullDL, RSP_GBI1_Tri1,
+ //c0
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RDP_TriFill, RDP_TriFillZ, RDP_TriTxtr, RDP_TriTxtrZ,
+ RDP_TriShade, RDP_TriShadeZ, RDP_TriShadeTxtr, RDP_TriShadeTxtrZ,
+ //d0
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_RDP_Nothing,
+ RSP_RDP_Nothing, RSP_GBI2_DL_Count, RSP_GBI2_SubModule, RSP_GBI2_Texture,
+ RSP_GBI2_PopMtx, RSP_GBI2_GeometryMode, RSP_GBI2_Mtx, RSP_GBI2_MoveWord,
+ RSP_GBI2_MoveMem, RSP_GBI1_LoadUCode, RSP_GBI2_DL, RSP_GBI2_EndDL,
+ //e0
+ RSP_GBI1_SpNoop, RSP_GBI1_RDPHalf_1, RSP_GBI2_SetOtherModeL, RSP_GBI2_SetOtherModeH,
+ DLParser_TexRect, DLParser_TexRectFlip, DLParser_RDPLoadSync, DLParser_RDPPipeSync,
+ DLParser_RDPTileSync, DLParser_RDPFullSync, DLParser_SetKeyGB, DLParser_SetKeyR,
+ DLParser_SetConvert, DLParser_SetScissor, DLParser_SetPrimDepth, DLParser_RDPSetOtherMode,
+ //f0
+ DLParser_LoadTLut, RSP_RDP_Nothing, DLParser_SetTileSize, DLParser_LoadBlock,
+ DLParser_LoadTile, DLParser_SetTile, DLParser_FillRect, DLParser_SetFillColor,
+ DLParser_SetFogColor, DLParser_SetBlendColor, DLParser_SetPrimColor, DLParser_SetEnvColor,
+ DLParser_SetCombine, DLParser_SetTImg, DLParser_SetZImg, DLParser_SetCImg
+RDPInstruction *currentUcodeMap = ucodeMap1;
--- /dev/null
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Mupen64plus-video-rice - version.h *
+ * Mupen64Plus homepage: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Richard Goedeken *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+/* This header file is for versioning information
+ *
+ */
+#if !defined(VERSION_H)
+#define VERSION_H
+#define PLUGIN_NAME "Mupen64Plus OpenGL Video Plugin by Rice"
+#define PLUGIN_VERSION 0x020000
+#define VIDEO_PLUGIN_API_VERSION 0x020200
+#define CONFIG_API_VERSION 0x020000
+#define VIDEXT_API_VERSION 0x030000
+#define VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(x) (((x) >> 16) & 0xffff), (((x) >> 8) & 0xff), ((x) & 0xff)
+#endif /* #define VERSION_H */
--- /dev/null
+{ global:
+local: *; };