ProcessVertexData = ProcessVertexDataSSE;
+#elif defined(__ARM_NEON__)
+ if( !g_curRomInfo.bPrimaryDepthHack && options.enableHackForGames != HACK_FOR_NASCAR && options.enableHackForGames != HACK_FOR_ZELDA_MM && !options.bWinFrameMode)
+ {
+ ProcessVertexData = ProcessVertexDataNEON;
+ }
+ else
ProcessVertexData = ProcessVertexDataNoSSE;
-bool PrepareTriangle(uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwV1, uint32 dwV2)
+extern "C" void pv_neon(XVECTOR4 *g_vtxTransformed, XVECTOR4 *g_vecProjected,
+ uint32 *g_dwVtxDifColor, VECTOR2 *g_fVtxTxtCoords,
+ float *g_fFogCoord, uint32 *g_clipFlag2,
+ uint32 dwNum, const FiddledVtx *vtx,
+ const Light *gRSPlights, const float *fRSPAmbientLightRGBA,
+ const XMATRIX *gRSPworldProject, const XMATRIX *gRSPmodelViewTop,
+ uint32 gRSPnumLights, float gRSPfFogMin);
+void ProcessVertexDataNEON(uint32 dwAddr, uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwNum)
+ if (gRSP.bTextureGen && gRSP.bLightingEnable) {
+ ProcessVertexDataNoSSE(dwAddr, dwV0,dwNum);
+ return;
+ }
+ // assumtions:
+ // - g_clipFlag is not used at all
+ // - g_vtxNonTransformed is not used after ProcessVertexData*() returns
+ // - g_normal - same
+#define PV_NEON_ENABLE_LIGHT (1 << 0)
+#define PV_NEON_ENABLE_SHADE (1 << 1)
+#define PV_NEON_ENABLE_FOG (1 << 2)
+#define PV_NEON_FOG_ALPHA (1 << 3)
+ int neon_state = 0;
+ if ( gRSP.bLightingEnable )
+ neon_state |= PV_NEON_ENABLE_LIGHT;
+ if ( (gRDP.geometryMode & G_SHADE) || gRSP.ucode >= 5 )
+ neon_state |= PV_NEON_ENABLE_SHADE;
+ if ( gRSP.bFogEnabled )
+ neon_state |= PV_NEON_ENABLE_FOG;
+ if ( gRDP.geometryMode & G_FOG )
+ neon_state |= PV_NEON_FOG_ALPHA;
+ uint32 i;
+ UpdateCombinedMatrix();
+ // This function is called upon SPvertex
+ // - do vertex matrix transform
+ // - do vertex lighting
+ // - do texture cooridinate transform if needed
+ // - calculate normal vector
+ // Output: - g_vecProjected[i] -> transformed vertex x,y,z
+ // - g_vecProjected[i].w -> saved vertex 1/w
+ // - g_vtxTransformed[i]
+ // - g_dwVtxDifColor[i] -> vertex color
+ // - g_fVtxTxtCoords[i] -> vertex texture cooridinates
+ // - g_fFogCoord[i]
+ // - g_clipFlag2[i]
+ const FiddledVtx * pVtxBase = (const FiddledVtx*)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwAddr);
+ g_pVtxBase = (FiddledVtx *)pVtxBase;
+ // SP_Timing(RSP_GBI0_Vtx);
+ status.SPCycleCount += Timing_RSP_GBI0_Vtx * dwNum;
+ if (!(neon_state & (PV_NEON_ENABLE_LIGHT | PV_NEON_ENABLE_SHADE))) {
+ for (i = dwV0; i < dwV0 + dwNum; i++)
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = gRDP.primitiveColor; // FLAT shade
+ }
+ for (i = dwV0; i < dwV0 + dwNum; i++)
+ {
+ const FiddledVtx & vert = pVtxBase[i - dwV0];
+ XVECTOR3 vtx_raw; // was g_vtxNonTransformed
+ vtx_raw.x = (float)vert.x;
+ vtx_raw.y = (float)vert.y;
+ vtx_raw.z = (float)vert.z;
+ Vec3Transform(&g_vtxTransformed[i], &vtx_raw, &gRSPworldProject); // Convert to w=1
+ g_vecProjected[i].w = 1.0f / g_vtxTransformed[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].x = g_vtxTransformed[i].x * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].y = g_vtxTransformed[i].y * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ g_vecProjected[i].z = g_vtxTransformed[i].z * g_vecProjected[i].w;
+ if( neon_state & PV_NEON_ENABLE_FOG )
+ {
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = g_vecProjected[i].z;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].w < 0 || g_vecProjected[i].z < 0 || g_fFogCoord[i] < gRSPfFogMin )
+ g_fFogCoord[i] = gRSPfFogMin;
+ }
+ // RSP_Vtx_Clipping(i);
+ g_clipFlag2[i] = 0;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].w > 0 )
+ {
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].x > 1 ) g_clipFlag2[i] |= X_CLIP_MAX;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].x < -1 ) g_clipFlag2[i] |= X_CLIP_MIN;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].y > 1 ) g_clipFlag2[i] |= Y_CLIP_MAX;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].y < -1 ) g_clipFlag2[i] |= Y_CLIP_MIN;
+ }
+ if( neon_state & PV_NEON_ENABLE_LIGHT )
+ {
+ XVECTOR3 normal; // was g_normal
+ float r, g, b;
+ normal.x = (float)vert.norma.nx;
+ normal.y = (float)vert.norma.ny;
+ normal.z = (float);
+ Vec3TransformNormal(normal, gRSPmodelViewTop);
+ r = gRSP.fAmbientLightR;
+ g = gRSP.fAmbientLightG;
+ b = gRSP.fAmbientLightB;
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l < gRSPnumLights; l++)
+ {
+ float fCosT = normal.x * gRSPlights[l].x + normal.y * gRSPlights[l].y + normal.z * gRSPlights[l].z;
+ if (fCosT > 0 )
+ {
+ r += gRSPlights[l].fr * fCosT;
+ g += gRSPlights[l].fg * fCosT;
+ b += gRSPlights[l].fb * fCosT;
+ }
+ }
+ if (r > 255) r = 255;
+ if (g > 255) g = 255;
+ if (b > 255) b = 255;
+ g_dwVtxDifColor[i] = ((vert.rgba.a<<24)|(((uint32)r)<<16)|(((uint32)g)<<8)|((uint32)b));
+ }
+ else if( neon_state & PV_NEON_ENABLE_SHADE )
+ {
+ IColor &color = *(IColor*)&g_dwVtxDifColor[i];
+ color.b = vert.rgba.r;
+ color.g = vert.rgba.g;
+ color.r = vert.rgba.b;
+ color.a = vert.rgba.a;
+ }
+ // ReplaceAlphaWithFogFactor(i);
+ if( neon_state & PV_NEON_FOG_ALPHA )
+ {
+ // Use fog factor to replace vertex alpha
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].z > 1 )
+ *(((uint8*)&(g_dwVtxDifColor[i]))+3) = 0xFF;
+ if( g_vecProjected[i].z < 0 )
+ *(((uint8*)&(g_dwVtxDifColor[i]))+3) = 0;
+ else
+ *(((uint8*)&(g_dwVtxDifColor[i]))+3) = (uint8)(g_vecProjected[i].z*255);
+ }
+ g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].x = (float)vert.tu;
+ g_fVtxTxtCoords[i].y = (float);
+ }
+ bool PrepareTriangle(uint32 dwV0, uint32 dwV1, uint32 dwV2)
if( status.isVertexShaderEnabled || status.bUseHW_T_L )