---------------- release: 1.2 date: 2012-02-18 Thanks to Google Code-in for many of the following patches: (see http://www.google-melange.com/gci/homepage/google/gci2011 ) - Limit icon size in file list (issue 319, patch by John Doe) - Hide optional commands in context menu (issue 329, patch by John Doe). - "Save as" integration for Google Mail (Google Code-in task by Matěj Konečný) - Option to hide hidden files (Google Code-In task by Matěj Konečný) - Filter by file type (issue 166, Google Code-in task by Aviral Dasgupta) - Show file details through context menu (Google Code-in task by Aviral Dasgupta) - Option to sort files (Google Code-In task by Matěj Konečný) - Keep list position after delete (Google Code-in task by Chickenbellyfinn) - Show correct toast when deleting file (issue 365, Google Code-in task by Chickenbellyfinn) - Apk icon support (Google Code-in task by Philip Hayes) - Bookmarks of folder locations (Google Code-In task by Matěj Konečný) - Details dialog shows size of folder contents (Google Code-In task by Philip Hayes) - Fixed bug with details dialog on API 7 and earlier (Google Code-In task by Philip Hayes) - Fixed bug with More option (issue 330, Google Code-In task by Matěj Konečný) - Select/Deselect all in multi-select (Google Code-In task by Philip Hayes) - remember previous directory when attaching files (Google Code-in task by Matěj Konečný) - Better visibility for multi-select selection (issue 460, Google Code-in task by Philip Hayes) - support for ZIP compression (patch by Evgeniy Berlog) - warning dialog for file extension changes (issue 397, patch by Evgeniy Berlog) - Refresh menu item (Google Code-in task by Aviral Dasgupta) - Lazy loading of thumbnails (issue 271, Google Code-in task by Philip Hayes) - Use custom icons for certain file types (issue 333, Google Code-in task by Matěj Konečný) - Accept return key for entering a path (issue 461, Google Code-in task by Matěj Konečný) - Support View Intent to open the filemanager (issue 396, Google Code-in task by Chickenbellyfinn) - support for multi-select ZIP compression (patch by Evgeniy Berlog) - new icons and translations by Google Code-in students ---------------- release: 1.1.6 date: 2011-06-02 - fix bug that prevented sending attachments through menu "Send" (patch by Alex) ---------------- release: 1.1.5 date: 2011-05-28 - new menu item for multiselect: copy, move or delete multiple files at once (patch by John Doe). - case insensitive sort order (issue 334, patch by Vishrut Patel). - handle projections in the provider (issue 324, patch by Dominik Pretzsch). - drop "mimetype" from provider path. - delete files and folders in background (issue 294, patch by Damienix). ---------------- For the complete list of changes and a list of frequently asked questions, please visit: http://www.openintents.org You can help to improve the translation into your language at Launchpad: https://translations.launchpad.net/openintents/trunk The source code of this free and open source application is available at: http://code.google.com/p/openintents