PRODUCT_PACKAGES := \ ApiDemos \ SoundRecorder \ GeneralRunner \ BluetoothSCOApp \ alsa.$(TARGET_PRODUCT) \ kill_android \ AndroidTerm \ libjackpal-androidterm3-pnd \ oi-filemanager \ $(call inherit-product, build/target/product/ # Overrides PRODUCT_BRAND := openpandora PRODUCT_NAME := pandora PRODUCT_DEVICE := pandora PRODUCT_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS := device/rowboat/generic # this make file is to extend FRAMEWORKS_BASE_SUBDIRS from # and this is placed in common-open as this common between omap3 and omap4 include device/ti/common-open/ # Making ril wake lock timeout to zero. This is required to decrease the device suspend delay. # ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += # Install the features available on this device. PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/base/data/etc/android.hardware.wifi.xml:system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.wifi.xml