[http://mupen64plus.retrouprising.com Project page] == m64p_types.h == /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* Platform-specific stuff */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* necessary headers */ #if defined(WIN32) #include #endif /* DLL handles and function declaration specifiers */ #if defined(WIN32) #define IMPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) #define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #define CALL __cdecl typedef HMODULE m64p_dynlib_handle; #else #define IMPORT extern "C" #define EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #define CALL typedef void * m64p_dynlib_handle; #endif /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* Structures and Types for Core library API */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ typedef void * m64p_handle; typedef void (*m64p_frame_callback)(unsigned int FrameIndex); typedef void (*m64p_input_callback)(void); typedef void (*m64p_audio_callback)(void); typedef void (*m64p_vi_callback)(void); typedef enum { M64TYPE_INT = 1, M64TYPE_FLOAT, M64TYPE_BOOL, M64TYPE_STRING } m64p_type; typedef enum { M64MSG_ERROR = 1, M64MSG_WARNING, M64MSG_INFO, M64MSG_STATUS, M64MSG_VERBOSE } m64p_msg_level; typedef enum { M64ERR_SUCCESS = 0, M64ERR_NOT_INIT, /* Function is disallowed before InitMupen64Plus() is called */ M64ERR_ALREADY_INIT, /* InitMupen64Plus() was called twice */ M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE, /* API versions between components are incompatible */ M64ERR_INPUT_ASSERT, /* Invalid parameters for function call, such as ParamValue=NULL for GetCoreParameter() */ M64ERR_INPUT_INVALID, /* Invalid input data, such as ParamValue="maybe" for SetCoreParameter() to set a BOOL-type value */ M64ERR_INPUT_NOT_FOUND, /* The input parameter(s) specified a particular item which was not found */ M64ERR_NO_MEMORY, /* Memory allocation failed */ M64ERR_FILES, /* Error opening, creating, reading, or writing to a file */ M64ERR_INTERNAL, /* Internal error (bug) */ M64ERR_INVALID_STATE, /* Current program state does not allow operation */ M64ERR_PLUGIN_FAIL, /* A plugin function returned a fatal error */ M64ERR_SYSTEM_FAIL, /* A system function call, such as an SDL or file operation, failed */ M64ERR_UNSUPPORTED, /* Function call is not supported (ie, core not built with debugger) */ M64ERR_WRONG_TYPE /* A given input type parameter cannot be used for desired operation */ } m64p_error; typedef enum { M64CAPS_DYNAREC = 1, M64CAPS_DEBUGGER = 2, M64CAPS_CORE_COMPARE = 4 } m64p_core_caps; typedef enum { M64PLUGIN_NULL = 0, M64PLUGIN_RSP = 1, M64PLUGIN_GFX, M64PLUGIN_AUDIO, M64PLUGIN_INPUT, M64PLUGIN_CORE } m64p_plugin_type; typedef enum { M64EMU_STOPPED = 1, M64EMU_RUNNING, M64EMU_PAUSED } m64p_emu_state; typedef enum { M64VIDEO_NONE = 1, M64VIDEO_WINDOWED, M64VIDEO_FULLSCREEN } m64p_video_mode; typedef enum { M64VIDEOFLAG_SUPPORT_RESIZING = 1 } m64p_video_flags; typedef enum { M64CORE_EMU_STATE = 1, M64CORE_VIDEO_MODE, M64CORE_SAVESTATE_SLOT, M64CORE_SPEED_FACTOR, M64CORE_SPEED_LIMITER, M64CORE_VIDEO_SIZE, M64CORE_AUDIO_VOLUME, M64CORE_AUDIO_MUTE, M64CORE_INPUT_GAMESHARK, M64CORE_STATE_LOADCOMPLETE, M64CORE_STATE_SAVECOMPLETE } m64p_core_param; typedef enum { M64CMD_NOP = 0, M64CMD_ROM_OPEN, M64CMD_ROM_CLOSE, M64CMD_ROM_GET_HEADER, M64CMD_ROM_GET_SETTINGS, M64CMD_EXECUTE, M64CMD_STOP, M64CMD_PAUSE, M64CMD_RESUME, M64CMD_CORE_STATE_QUERY, M64CMD_STATE_LOAD, M64CMD_STATE_SAVE, M64CMD_STATE_SET_SLOT, M64CMD_SEND_SDL_KEYDOWN, M64CMD_SEND_SDL_KEYUP, M64CMD_SET_FRAME_CALLBACK, M64CMD_TAKE_NEXT_SCREENSHOT, M64CMD_CORE_STATE_SET, M64CMD_READ_SCREEN, M64CMD_RESET, M64CMD_ADVANCE_FRAME } m64p_command; typedef struct { unsigned int address; int value; } m64p_cheat_code; /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* Structures to hold ROM image information */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ typedef enum { SYSTEM_NTSC = 0, SYSTEM_PAL, SYSTEM_MPAL } m64p_system_type; typedef struct { unsigned char init_PI_BSB_DOM1_LAT_REG; /* 0x00 */ unsigned char init_PI_BSB_DOM1_PGS_REG; /* 0x01 */ unsigned char init_PI_BSB_DOM1_PWD_REG; /* 0x02 */ unsigned char init_PI_BSB_DOM1_PGS_REG2; /* 0x03 */ unsigned int ClockRate; /* 0x04 */ unsigned int PC; /* 0x08 */ unsigned int Release; /* 0x0C */ unsigned int CRC1; /* 0x10 */ unsigned int CRC2; /* 0x14 */ unsigned int Unknown[2]; /* 0x18 */ unsigned char Name[20]; /* 0x20 */ unsigned int unknown; /* 0x34 */ unsigned int Manufacturer_ID; /* 0x38 */ unsigned short Cartridge_ID; /* 0x3C - Game serial number */ unsigned short Country_code; /* 0x3E */ } m64p_rom_header; typedef struct { char goodname[256]; char MD5[33]; unsigned char savetype; unsigned char status; /* Rom status on a scale from 0-5. */ unsigned char players; /* Local players 0-4, 2/3/4 way Netplay indicated by 5/6/7. */ unsigned char rumble; /* 0 - No, 1 - Yes boolean for rumble support. */ } m64p_rom_settings; /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* Structures and Types for the Debugger */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ typedef enum { M64P_DBG_RUN_STATE = 1, M64P_DBG_PREVIOUS_PC, M64P_DBG_NUM_BREAKPOINTS, M64P_DBG_CPU_DYNACORE, M64P_DBG_CPU_NEXT_INTERRUPT } m64p_dbg_state; typedef enum { M64P_DBG_MEM_TYPE = 1, M64P_DBG_MEM_FLAGS, M64P_DBG_MEM_HAS_RECOMPILED, M64P_DBG_MEM_NUM_RECOMPILED, M64P_DBG_RECOMP_OPCODE = 16, M64P_DBG_RECOMP_ARGS, M64P_DBG_RECOMP_ADDR } m64p_dbg_mem_info; typedef enum { M64P_MEM_NOMEM = 0, M64P_MEM_NOTHING, M64P_MEM_RDRAM, M64P_MEM_RDRAMREG, M64P_MEM_RSPMEM, M64P_MEM_RSPREG, M64P_MEM_RSP, M64P_MEM_DP, M64P_MEM_DPS, M64P_MEM_VI, M64P_MEM_AI, M64P_MEM_PI, M64P_MEM_RI, M64P_MEM_SI, M64P_MEM_FLASHRAMSTAT, M64P_MEM_ROM, M64P_MEM_PIF, M64P_MEM_MI, M64P_MEM_BREAKPOINT } m64p_dbg_mem_type; typedef enum { M64P_MEM_FLAG_READABLE = 0x01, M64P_MEM_FLAG_WRITABLE = 0x02, M64P_MEM_FLAG_READABLE_EMUONLY = 0x04, // the EMUONLY flags signify that emulated code can read/write here, but debugger cannot M64P_MEM_FLAG_WRITABLE_EMUONLY = 0x08 } m64p_dbg_mem_flags; typedef enum { M64P_DBG_PTR_RDRAM = 1, M64P_DBG_PTR_PI_REG, M64P_DBG_PTR_SI_REG, M64P_DBG_PTR_VI_REG, M64P_DBG_PTR_RI_REG, M64P_DBG_PTR_AI_REG } m64p_dbg_memptr_type; typedef enum { M64P_CPU_PC = 1, M64P_CPU_REG_REG, M64P_CPU_REG_HI, M64P_CPU_REG_LO, M64P_CPU_REG_COP0, M64P_CPU_REG_COP1_DOUBLE_PTR, M64P_CPU_REG_COP1_SIMPLE_PTR, M64P_CPU_REG_COP1_FGR_64, M64P_CPU_TLB } m64p_dbg_cpu_data; typedef enum { M64P_BKP_CMD_ADD_ADDR = 1, M64P_BKP_CMD_ADD_STRUCT, M64P_BKP_CMD_REPLACE, M64P_BKP_CMD_REMOVE_ADDR, M64P_BKP_CMD_REMOVE_IDX, M64P_BKP_CMD_ENABLE, M64P_BKP_CMD_DISABLE, M64P_BKP_CMD_CHECK } m64p_dbg_bkp_command; #define M64P_MEM_INVALID 0xFFFFFFFF // invalid memory read will return this #define BREAKPOINTS_MAX_NUMBER 128 #define BPT_FLAG_ENABLED 0x01 #define BPT_FLAG_CONDITIONAL 0x02 #define BPT_FLAG_COUNTER 0x04 #define BPT_FLAG_READ 0x08 #define BPT_FLAG_WRITE 0x10 #define BPT_FLAG_EXEC 0x20 #define BPT_FLAG_LOG 0x40 //Log to the console when this breakpoint hits. #define BPT_CHECK_FLAG(a, b) ((a.flags & b) == b) #define BPT_SET_FLAG(a, b) a.flags = (a.flags | b); #define BPT_CLEAR_FLAG(a, b) a.flags = (a.flags & (~b)); #define BPT_TOGGLE_FLAG(a, b) a.flags = (a.flags ^ b); typedef struct _breakpoint { unsigned int address; unsigned int endaddr; unsigned int flags; //unsigned int condition; //Placeholder for breakpoint condition } breakpoint; /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /* Structures and Types for Core Video Extension API */ /* ------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { unsigned int uiWidth; unsigned int uiHeight; } m64p_2d_size; typedef enum { M64P_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER = 1, M64P_GL_BUFFER_SIZE, M64P_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, M64P_GL_RED_SIZE, M64P_GL_GREEN_SIZE, M64P_GL_BLUE_SIZE, M64P_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, M64P_GL_SWAP_CONTROL, M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES } m64p_GLattr; typedef struct { unsigned int Functions; m64p_error (*VidExtFuncInit)(void); m64p_error (*VidExtFuncQuit)(void); m64p_error (*VidExtFuncListModes)(m64p_2d_size *, int *); m64p_error (*VidExtFuncSetMode)(int, int, int, int, int); void * (*VidExtFuncGLGetProc)(const char*); m64p_error (*VidExtFuncGLSetAttr)(m64p_GLattr, int); m64p_error (*VidExtFuncGLGetAttr)(m64p_GLattr, int *); m64p_error (*VidExtFuncGLSwapBuf)(void); m64p_error (*VidExtFuncSetCaption)(const char *); m64p_error (*VidExtFuncToggleFS)(void); m64p_error (*VidExtFuncResizeWindow)(int, int); } m64p_video_extension_functions;