hardware verification of http://tasvideos.org/4348S.html youtube: http://youtu.be/IHBWJv1LUS8 Changes made to input file: - all lag/idle frames (where game doesn't read i/o) stripped from the input, as the bot can only see frames where TH (select) pin changes on i/o port - 32 no-input frames inserted before start of Spring Yard 1 - 12 no-input frames inserted before start of Labyrinth 1 - 2 frames of pressing down changed to no-input at the end of Labyrinth 2 to prevent game crash - 32 no-input frames inserted before start of Star Light 1 - 55 no-input frames inserted before start of Scrap Brain 1 All modifications where extra frames are inserted were verified to use minimum values. hardware/software used: - PAL MegaDrive running in 60Hz mode with MegaCD+32X addons attached. - Mega Evedrive flashcart to run the loader program and the game. Loader program: megaed-sv from http://notaz.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=megadrive.git - Teensy 3.1 running TeensyTAS (https://github.com/notaz/teensytas) - pandora (openpandora.org) to stream input data to teensy over USB. A loader program was used to start the game at around hvcounter value 0x0065 to avoid needing many attempts as the console starts in undefined state. Frame starts on falling TH edge.