descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeSat, 9 Aug 2014 07:14:20 +0000 (09:14 +0200)
2014-08-09 ptitSebAdded missing launcher master
2014-07-02 ptitSebRICE: Copy of Notaz optim to GLES1.1 version
2014-07-02 ptitSebRICE: Copy of Notaz optim to GLES1.1 version
2014-06-28 notazcore: different frame limiter implementation 2/head
2014-06-24 notazrice: avoid redundant gl calls 1/head
2014-06-24 notazrice: split cold paths out of hot function
2014-06-24 notazrice: neon: fix last vertex overwrite
2014-06-24 notazrice: optimize IsTriangleVisible
2014-06-23 notazrice: optimize some uv calculations
2014-06-23 notazrice: remove NEON debug code
2014-06-23 notazrice: ProcessVertex implemented in NEON
2014-06-23 notazrice: initial NEON transform code
2014-06-23 notazrice: C version of upcoming NEON func
2014-06-22 ptitSebGLES2RICE: Fix for good this time the shader not compiling
2014-06-22 ptitSebGLES2RICE: Fix for shader not compiling
2014-06-16 ptitSebRSP: Added some missing files
9 years ago drm
9 years ago master