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[fceu.git] / Documentation / tech / ppu / timing.txt
c62d2810 1NTSC PPU timing
2by Samus Aran (
3date: Sept. 25th, Y2K
5This weekend, I setup an experiment with my NTSC NES MB & my PC so's I could
6RE the PPU's timing. What I did was (using a PC interface) analyse the
7changes that occur on the PPU's address and data pins on every rising &
8falling edge of the PPU's clock. I was not planning on removing the PPU from
9the motherboard (yet), so basically I just kept everything intact (minus the
10stuff I added onto the MB so I could monitor the PPU's signals), and popped
11in a game, so that it would initialize the PPU for me (I used DK classics,
12since it was only taking somthing like 4 frames before it was turning on the
15The only change I made was taking out the 21 MHz clock generator circuitry.
16To replace the clock signal, I connected a port controlled latch to the
17NES's main clock line instead. Now, by writing a 0 or a 1 out to an PC ISA
18port of my choice (I was using $104), I was able to control the 21 MHz
19clockline of the NES. After I would create a rise or a fall on the NES's
20clock line, I would then read in the data that appeared on the PPU's address
21and data pins, which included monitoring what PPU registers the game
22read/wrote to (& the data that was read/written).
24My findings:
26- The PPU makes NO external access to name or character tables, unless the
27background or sprites are enabled. This means that the PPU's address and
28data busses are dead while in this state.
30- Because the PPU's palette RAM is internal to it, the PPU has multiport
31access to it, and therefore, instant access to it at all times (this is why
32reading palette RAM via $2007 does not require a throw-away read). This is
33why when a scanline is being rendered, never does the PPU put the palette
34address on it's bus; it's simply unneccessary. Additionally, when the
35programmer accesses palette RAM via $2006/7, the palette address accessed
36actually does show up on the PPU's external address bus, but the PPU's /R &
37/W flags are not activated. This is required; to prevent writing over name
38table data falling under the approprite mirrored area. I don't know why
39Nintendo didn't just devote an exclusive area for palette RAM, like it did
40for sprite RAM.
42- Sprite DMA is 6144 clock cycles long (or in CPU clock cycles, 6144/12).
43256 individual transfers are made from CPU memory to a temp register inside
44the CPU, then from the CPU's temp reg, to $2004.
46- One scanline is EXACTLY 1364 cycles long. In comparison to the CPU's
47speed, one scanline is 1364/12 CPU cycles long.
49- One frame is EXACTLY 357368 cycles long, or EXACTLY 262 scanlines long.
52Sequence of pixel rendering
55External PPU memory is accessed every 8 clock cycles by the PPU when it's
56drawing the background. Therefore, the PPU will typically access external
57memory 170 times per scanline. After the 170th fetch, the PPU does nothing
58for 4 clock cycles (except in the case of a 1360 clock cycle scanline (more
59on this later)), and thus making the scanline up of 1364 cycles.
61 accesses
62 --------
64 1 thru 128:
66 1. Fetch 1 name table byte
67 2. Fetch 1 attribute table byte
68 3. Fetch 2 pattern table bitmap bytes
70 This process is repeated 32 times (32 tiles in a scanline).
72 This is when the PPU retrieves the appropriate data from PPU memory for
73rendering the background. The first background tile fetched here is actually
74the 3rd to be drawn on the screen (the background data for the first 2 tiles
75to be rendered on the next scanline are fetched at the end of the scanline
76prior to this one).
78In one complete cycle of fetches (4 fetches, or 32 cycles), the PPU renders
79or draws 8 pixels on the screen. However, this does not suggest that the PPU
80is always drawing on-screen results while background data is being fetched.
81There is a delay inside the PPU from when the first background tile is
82fetched, and when the first pixel to be displayed on the screen is rendered.
83It is important to be aware of this delay, since it specifically relates to
84the "sprite 0 hit" flag's timing. I currently do not know what the delay
85time is (as far as clock cycles go).
87 Note that the PPU fetches a nametable byte for every 8 horizontal pixels
88it draws. It should be understood that with some custom cartridge hardware,
89the PPU's color area could be increased (more about this at the end of this
92 It is also during this time that the PPU evaluates the "Y coordinate"
93entries of all 64 sprites (starting with sprite 0) in sprite RAM, to see if
94the sprites are within range (to be drawn on the screen) FOR THE NEXT
95SCANLINE. For sprite entries that have been found to be in range, they (that
96is, the sprite's nametable, and x coordinate bytes, attribute (5 bits) and
97fine y scroll (3 or 4 bits, depending on bit 5 of $2000 ("sprite size"))
98bits) accumulate into a part of PPU memory called the "sprite temporary
99memory", which is big enough to hold the data for up to 8 sprites. If 8
100sprites have accumulated into the temporary memory and the PPU is still
101finding more sprites in range for drawing on the next scanline, then the
102sprite data is ignored (not loaded into the sprite temporary memory), and
103the PPU raises a flag (bit 5 of $2002) indicating that it is going to be
104dropping sprites for the next scanline.
106 129 thru 160:
108 1. Fetch 2 garbage name table bytes
109 2. Fetch 2 pattern table bitmap bytes for applicable sprites ON THE NEXT
112 This process is repeated 8 times.
114 This is the period of time when the PPU retrieves the appropriate pattern
115table data for the sprites to be drawn on the next scanline. Where the PPU
116fetches pattern table data for an individual sprite depends on the nametable
117byte, and fine y scroll bits of a single sprite entry in the sprite
118temporary memory, and bits 3 and 5 of $2000 ("sprite pattern table select"
119and "sprite size" bits, respectively). The fetched pattern table data (which
120is 2 bytes), plus the associated 5 attribute bytes, and the x coordinate
121byte in sprite temporary memory are then loaded into a part of the PPU
122called the "sprite buffer memory". This memory area again, is large enough
123to hold the contents for 8 sprites. The makeup of one sprite memory cell
124here is composed of 2 8-bit shift registers (the fetched pattern table data
125is loaded in here, where it will be serialized at the appropriate time), a
1265-bit latch (which holds the attribute data for a sprite), and a 8-bit down
127counter (this is where the x coordinate is loaded). The counter is
128decremented every time the PPU draws a pixel on screen, and when the counter
129reaches 0, the pattern table data in the shift registers will start to
130serialize, and be drawn on the screen.
132 Even if no sprites exist on the next scanline, a pattern table fetch takes
135 Although the fetched name table data is thrown away, I still can't make
136much sense out of the name table address accesses the PPU makes during this
137time. However, the address does seem to relate to the first name table tile
138to be rendered on the screen.
140 It should also be noted that because this fetch is required for sprites on
141the next line, it is neccessary for a garbage scanline to exist prior to the
142very first scanline to be actually rendered, so that sprite RAM entries can
143be evaluated, and the appropriate bitmap data retrieved.
145 Finally, it would appear to me that the PPU's 8 sprite/scanline
146bottleneck exists clearly because the PPU could only find the time in one
147scanline to fetch the pattern bitmaps for 8 sprites. However, why the PPU
148doesn't attempt to access pattern table data in the time when it fetches 2
149garbage name table bytes is a good question.
151 161 thru 168:
153 1. Fetch 1 name table byte
154 2. Fetch 1 attribute table byte
155 3. Fetch 2 pattern table bitmap bytes
157 This process is repeated 2 times.
159 It is during this time that the PPU fetches the appliciable background
160data for the first and second tiles to be rendered on the screen for the
161next scanline. The rest of tiles (3..128) are fetched at the beginning of
162the following scanline.
164 169 thru 170:
166 1. Fetch 1 name table byte
168 This process is repeated 2 times.
170 I'm unclear of the reason why this particular access to memory is made.
171The nametable address that is accessed 2 times in a row here, is also the
172same nametable address that points to the 3rd tile to be rendered on the
173screen (or basically, the first nametable address that will be accessed when
174the PPU is fetching background data on the next scanline).
177 After memory access 170, the PPU simply rests for 4 cycles (or the
178equivelant of half a memory access cycle) before repeating the whole
179pixel/scanline rendering process. If the scanline being rendered is the very
180first one on every second frame, then this delay simply doesn't exist.
183Sequence of line rendering
186 1. Starting at the instant the VINT flag is pulled down (when a NMI is
187generated), 20 scanlines make up the period of time on the PPU which I like
188to call the VINT period. During this time, the PPU makes NO access to it's
189external memory (i.e. name / pattern tables, etc.).
191 2. After 20 scanlines worth of time go by (since the VINT flag was set),
192the PPU starts to render scanlines. Now, the first scanline it renders is a
193dummy one; although it will access it's external memory in the same sequence
194it would for drawing a valid scanline, the fetched background data is thrown
195away, and the places that the PPU accesses name table data is unexplainable
196(for now).
198IMPORTANT! this is the only scanline that has variable length. On every
199second rendered frame, this scanline is only 1360 cycles. Otherwise it's
202 3. after rendering 1 dummy scanline, the PPU starts to render the actual
203data to be displayed on the screen. This is done for 240 scanlines, of
206 4. after the very last rendered scanline finishes, the PPU does nothing for
2071 scanline (i.e. makes no external memory accesses). When this scanline
208finishes, the VINT flag is set, and the process of drawing lines starts all
209over again.
211This makes a total of 262 scanlines. Although one scanline is slightly
212shorter on every second rendered frame (4 cycles), I don't know if this
213feature is neccessary to implement in emulators, since it only makes 1/3 a
214CPU cycle difference per frame (and there's NO way that a game could take
215into account 1/3 of a CPU cycle).
218Food for thought
221What's important to remember about the NES's 2C02 or picture proecssing unit
222(hereon PPU) is that all screen data is fetched & drawn on a real-time
223basis. For example, let's consider how the PPU draws background tiles.
225We know that one name table byte is associated with an 8x8 cluster of pixels
226(and therefore, 16 bytes worth of pattern bitmap data, plus 2 attribute
227bits). Therefore, it would make sense for the PPU to only have to fetch a
228name table byte once for each 8x8 pixel array it draws (one tile), and 1
229attribute byte fetch for every 4x4 tile matrix that it draws. However, since
230the PPU always draws one complete scanline before drawing the next, The PPU
231will actually fetch the same name table byte 8 times, once each scanline at
232the appropriate x coordinate. Since these name table address access reads
233are redundant, with some custom cartridge hardware, it would be possible to
234make the PPU appear as if it had background tiles as small as 8x1 pixels!
236Additionally, an attribute table byte is fetched from name table RAM once
237per 2 fetched pattern bitmap bytes (or, every 8 pixels worth of pattern
238bitmap data). This is useful information to keep in mind, for with some
239custom cartridge hardware, this would allow the NES's PPU to appear to have
240an effective color area as small as of 8*1 pixels (!), where only the 8
241pixels are limited to having 4 exclusive colors, which, is *alot* better
242than the PPU's default color area of 16x16 pixels.
244So basically, what I'm getting at here, is that the PPU has absolutely NO
245memory whatsoever of what it rendered last scanline, and therefore all data
246must be processed/evaluated again, whether it's name table accesses,
247attribute table accesses, or even it's internal sprite RAM accesses.
249What's good, and what's bad about the way the PPU draws it's pictures:
251What's good about it is that it makes the PPU a hell of alot more versatile,
252provided you have the appropriate hardware to assist in the improvement of
253the PPU's background drawing techniques (MMC5 comes to mind). Also, by doing
254background rendering in the real time, the PPU complexity is less, and less
255internal temporary registers are required.
257What's bad about it is that it eats up memory bandwidth like it's going out
258of style. When the PPU is rendering scanlines, the PPU is accessing the VRAM
259every chance it gets, which takes away from the time that the programmer
260gets to access the VRAM. In contrast, if redundantly loaded data (like
261attribute bytes) were kept in internal PPU RAM, this would allow some time
262for the PPU to allow access to it's VRAM.
264All in all though, Nintendo engineered quite a cost effective, versatile
265graphic processor. Now, if only they brought the 4 expansion pins on the PPU
266out of the deck!