Added aspect ratio option to RICE GLES1.1
[mupen64plus-pandora.git] / source / mupen64launcher / src / cselector.h
8b5037a6 1/**
2 * @section LICENSE
3 *
4 * PickleLauncher
5 * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Scott Smith
6 *
7 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 * (at your option) any later version.
11 *
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
19 *
20 * @section LOCATION
21 */
23#ifndef CSELECTOR_H
24#define CSELECTOR_H
26#include "version.h"
27#include "cbase.h"
28#include "cconfig.h"
29#include "cprofile.h"
30#include "csystem.h"
32using namespace std;
34#define ARG_RESETGUI "--resetgui" /** Flag to reset GUI settings based on the current resolution. */
35#define ARG_CONFIG "--config" /** Flag to override the config file. */
36#define DEF_CONFIG "config.txt" /** Default config filename. */
37#define ARG_PROFILE "--profile" /** Flag to override the profile file. */
38#define DEF_PROFILE "profile.txt" /** Default profile filename. */
39#define ARG_ZIPLIST "--ziplist" /** Flag to override the ziplist file. */
40#define DEF_ZIPLIST "ziplist.txt" /** Default ziplist filename. */
42#define ENTRY_ARROW "-> " /** Ascii fallback for the entry arrow selector. */
43#define BUTTON_LABEL_ONE_UP "<" /** Ascii text fallback for the one up button label. */
44#define BUTTON_LABEL_ONE_DOWN ">" /** Ascii text fallback for the one down button label. */
45#define BUTTON_LABEL_PAGE_UP "<<" /** Ascii text fallback for the page up button label. */
46#define BUTTON_LABEL_PAGE_DOWN ">>" /** Ascii text fallback for the page down button label. */
47#define BUTTON_LABEL_DIR_UP "U" /** Ascii text fallback for the directory up button label. */
48#define BUTTON_LABEL_DIR_DOWN "D" /** Ascii text fallback for the directory down button label. */
49#define BUTTON_LABEL_ZIP_MODE "Z" /** Ascii text fallback for the zip mode label. */
50#define BUTTON_LABEL_CONFIG "Def. Plugins" /** Ascii text fallback for the options button label. */
51#define BUTTON_LABEL_EDIT "ROM Plugins" /** Ascii text fallback for the edit item button label. */
52#define BUTTON_LABEL_SET_ONE "Set" /** Ascii text fallback for the set button label. */
53#define BUTTON_LABEL_SET_ALL "Default" /** Ascii text fallback for the default button label. */
54#define BUTTON_LABEL_BACK "Back" /** Ascii text fallback for the back button label. */
55#define BUTTON_LABEL_SELECT "Select" /** Ascii text fallback for the select button label. */
56#define BUTTON_LABEL_QUIT "Quit" /** Ascii text fallback for the quit button label. */
58#define EMPTY_DIR_LABEL "<no files detected in dir>" /** Ascii text for display if no files or dirs are detected. */
59#define EMPTY_ZIP_LABEL "<no files detected in zip>" /** Ascii text for display if no files in a zip are detected. */
61#define EVENT_LOOPS_ON 0 /** Value set to loops to indentify an active event. */
62#define EVENT_LOOPS_OFF 0x7F /** Value set to loops to indentify an inactive event. */
63#define EVENT_LOOPS 10 /** Number of loops an event must be active to be detected to be on. */
64#define IsEventOn(x) (( <= EVENT_LOOPS_ON) ? true : false) /** Determines if an event is active. */
65#define IsEventOff(x) (( == EVENT_LOOPS_OFF) ? true : false) /** Determines if an event is inactive. */
67#define MS_PER_SEC 1000 /** Milliseconds in 1 Second. */
68#define FRAMES_PER_SEC 60 /** Frames in 1 Second. */
69#define FRAME_SKIP_RATIO 4 /** Maximum frames skip ratio, draw 1 frame for every X number of skipped frames. */
71#define FREE_IMAGE(X) if (X != NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(X); X = NULL; } /** Macro for checking and releasing pointers to pixel data. */
73/** @brief Modes of the launcher.
74 */
75enum MODES_T {
76 MODE_SELECT_ENTRY=0, /** Main mode for selecting an file to run. */
77 MODE_SELECT_ARGUMENT, /** Select an argument or command belonging to an entry. */
78 MODE_SELECT_VALUE, /** Select an value belonging to an argument. */
79 MODE_SELECT_OPTION, /** Select a Def. Plugin type */
80 MODE_SELECT_PLUGIN, /** Selct one Def. Plugin */
83 MODE_TOTAL /** Number of modes. */
86/** @brief List positions for the current item and first and last items.
87 */
88struct item_pos_t {
89 item_pos_t() : first(0), last(0), absolute(0), relative(0), total(0) {};
90 int16_t first; /** Index of the first item on the display list. */
91 int16_t last; /** Index of the last item on the display list. */
92 int16_t absolute; /** Absolute index of the currently selected item in the display list. */
93 int16_t relative; /** Relative index of the currently selected item in the display list. */
94 int16_t total; /** Total number of items. */
97/** @brief The font, color, text for a item in the display list
98 */
99struct listtext_t {
100 listtext_t() : font(0), color(0), text("") {};
101 int8_t font; /** Index of the selected font size for the text. */
102 int8_t color; /** Index of the color for the text. */
103 string text; /** Text for an item for the display list. */
106/** @brief This class controls resources, logic for gui, interaction with the user.
107 */
108class CSelector : public CBase
110 public:
111 /** Constructor. */
112 CSelector();
113 /** Destructor. */
114 virtual ~CSelector();
116 /** @brief Run the main loop of the application.
117 * @param argc : number of arguments.
118 * @param argv : arguments passed to the application.
119 * @return 0 if passed 1 if failed.
120 */
121 int8_t Run( int argc, char** argv );
123 private:
124 /** @brief Parse and handle arguments sent to the application.
125 * @param argc : number of arguments.
126 * @param argv : arguments passed to the application.
127 */
128 void ProcessArguments ( int32_t argc, char** argv );
130 /** @brief Open system interfaces and load configuration information.
131 * @return 0 if passed 1 if failed.
132 */
133 int8_t OpenResources ( void );
135 /** @brief Close system interfaces and save configuration information.
136 * @param result : result of the application, do not save config files if an error occurs.
137 * @return 0 if passed 1 if failed.
138 */
139 void CloseResources ( int8_t result );
141 /** @brief Main loop of the application, polls input, runs current mode, and freshes the screen.
142 * @return -1 for no selection otherwise the entry selection number.
143 */
144 int16_t DisplayScreen ( void );
146 /** @brief Check which screen rects a rect overlaps. The marked screen rects will only be updated for the screen.
147 */
148 void UpdateRect ( int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h );
150 /** @brief Handles logic for measuring and counting frame drawing to the screen.
151 */
152 void UpdateScreen ( void );
154 /** @brief Determines the mode to run based on user input events.
155 */
156 void SelectMode ( void );
158 /** @brief Mode to display list of input files.
159 * @return 0 if passed 1 if failed.
160 */
161 int8_t DisplaySelector ( void );
163 /** @brief Loads the preview image if any exists.
164 */
165 void LoadPreview ( const string& name );
167 /** @brief Moves the current path one directory level up.
168 */
169 void DirectoryUp ( void );
171 /** @brief Moves the current path one directory level down.
172 */
173 void DirectoryDown ( void );
175 /** @brief Moves the current path out of a zip file.
176 */
177 void ZipUp ( void );
179 /** @brief Moves the current path into a zip file.
180 */
181 void ZipDown ( void );
183 /** @brief Load the display list with text labels and font info.
184 */
185 void PopulateList ( void );
187 /** @brief Load the display with items with entries.
188 */
189 void PopModeEntry ( void );
191 /** @brief Load the display with items with entry arguments.
192 */
193 void PopModeArgument ( void );
195 /** @brief Load the display list with items with argument values.
196 */
197 void PopModeValue ( void );
199 /** @brief Load the display list with items with type of plugin.
200 */
201 void PopModeOption ( void );
203 void PopModeRomOption ( void );
205 /** @brief Load the display list with items with Plugin detail for 1 type.
206 */
207 void PopModePlugin ( void );
209 void PopModeRomPlugin ( void );
211 /** @brief Will redetect items for the current mode.
212 */
213 void RescanItems ( void );
215 /** @brief Draws the names for the items in the display list for the current mode.
216 * @return 0 if passed 1 if failed.
217 */
218 int8_t DrawNames ( SDL_Rect& location );
220 /** @brief Calculates the indices of the entries that should be displayed based on the current selection
221 * @param pos : reference to the position selections in the current list of entries
222 */
223 void SelectionLimits ( item_pos_t& pos );
225 /** @brief Will either fill the screen with a color or blit a specified image to the screen
226 */
227 void DrawBackground ( void );
229 /** @brief Configures the buttons to be displayed on the screen for the current mode
230 * @return 0 if passed 1 if failed
231 */
232 int8_t ConfigureButtons ( void );
234 /** @brief Draws the buttons to the screen, in either fill color mode or bitmap's
235 * @param location : rect contains the starting coordinates for the buttons
236 */
237 int8_t DrawButtons ( SDL_Rect& location );
239 /** @brief Draw a button to the screen
240 * @param button : the button to draw (index is defined in EVENT_T)
241 * @param font : the font used for render
242 * @param location : the coordinates and dimensions of the button
243 * @return 0 if passed 1 if failed
244 */
245 int8_t DrawButton ( uint8_t button, TTF_Font* font, SDL_Rect& location );
247 /** @brief Draws text labels to the screen, like title and author info
248 * @param location : contains the starting coordinates for the text
249 * @return 0 if passed 1 if failed
250 */
251 int8_t DrawText ( SDL_Rect& location );
253 /** @brief Creates a command script to run the target application
254 * @param selection : the entry selection to use for input to the target application
255 * @return 0 if passed 1 if failed
256 */
257 int8_t RunExec ( uint16_t selection );
259 /** @brief Collect all input events from the user
260 * @return 0 if passed 1 if failed
261 */
262 int8_t PollInputs ( void );
264 CSelector(const CSelector &);
265 CSelector & operator=(const CSelector&);
267 bool Redraw;
268 bool SkipFrame;
269 bool Rescan; /**< Set to cause the current directory to be rescaned. */
270 bool RefreshList; /**< Set to cause the current display list to be populated. */
271 bool SetOneEntryValue; /**< Set value for the current entry to the selected value. */
272 bool SetAllEntryValue; /**< Set default for all entries to the selected value. */
273 bool TextScrollDir; /**< Determines the direction of the horizontal scroll, left or right. */
274 bool ExtractAllFiles; /**< True if all files should be extracted from a zip, if false only the selected file is. */
276 bool DrawState_Title;
277 bool DrawState_About;
278 bool DrawState_Filter;
279 bool DrawState_FilePath;
280 bool DrawState_Index;
281 bool DrawState_ZipMode;
282 bool DrawState_Preview;
283 bool DrawState_ButtonL;
284 bool DrawState_ButtonR;
286 uint8_t Mode; /**< The current mode of the application. */
287 uint8_t LastSelectedEntry; /**< Stores the index of the last seclected entry so scrolling can be restarted. */
288 uint16_t TextScrollOffset; /**< Number of pixels to offset the entry text surface when it will blit to the screen. */
289 uint16_t CurScrollSpeed; /**< Current number of loops used to decide when to offset the entry text scroll effect. */
290 uint16_t CurScrollPause; /**< Current number of loops used to decide when to pause the entry text scroll effect. */
291 uint16_t ListNameHeight;
292 int16_t FramesDrawn; /**< Counter for the number frames drawn to the screen. */
293 int16_t FramesSkipped; /**< Counter for the number frames not drawn to the screen. */
294 int16_t FramesSleep;
295#if defined(DEBUG)
296 int16_t FPSDrawn; /**< Number frames drawn to the screen per second. */
297 int16_t FPSSkip; /**< Number frames not drawn to the screen per second. */
298 int16_t FPSSleep;
299 int32_t FrameCountTime; /**< Tick count from measureing FPS. */
300 int16_t LoopTimeAverage; /**< Average loop time. */
302 int32_t FrameEndTime; /**< Tick count at the end of the frame. */
303 int32_t FrameStartTime; /**< Tick count at the start of the frame. */
304 int16_t FrameDelay; /**< Tick duration of the frame. */
305 SDL_Rect Mouse; /**< Stores the absolute position of the mouse pointer. */
306 SDL_Joystick* Joystick; /**< SDL surface reference to the first joystick device. */
307 SDL_Surface* Screen; /**< SDL surface reference to the screen. */
308 SDL_Surface* ImageBackground; /**< SDL surface reference to the background pixel data (optional). */
309 SDL_Surface* ImagePointer; /**< SDL surface reference to the pointer pixel data (optional). */
310 SDL_Surface* ImageSelectPointer; /**< SDL surface reference to the list select pointer pixel data (optional). */
311 SDL_Surface* ImagePreview; /**< SDL surface reference to the preview pixel data. */
312 SDL_Surface* ImageTitle; /**< SDL surface reference to the title text pixel data. */
313 SDL_Surface* ImageAbout; /**< SDL surface reference to the about text pixel data. */
314 SDL_Surface* ImageFilePath; /**< SDL surface reference to the about text pixel data. */
315 SDL_Surface* ImageFilter; /**< SDL surface reference to the about text pixel data. */
316 SDL_Surface* ImageIndex; /**< SDL surface reference to the about text pixel data. */
317 SDL_Surface* ImageZipMode; /**< SDL surface reference to the about text pixel data. */
318#if defined(DEBUG)
319 SDL_Surface* ImageDebug; /**< SDL surface reference to the about text pixel data. */
321 vector<SDL_Surface*> ImageButtons; /**< SDL surface references to the button's pixel data (optional). */
322 vector<TTF_Font*> Fonts; /**< SDL-TTF references to the rendered font in different size. */
323 CConfig Config; /**< The configuration data. */
324 CProfile Profile; /**< The extension and entries data. */
325 CSystem System; /**< System specific controls and methods. */
326 string ConfigPath; /**< Contains the file path to the config.txt. */
327 string ProfilePath; /**< Contains the file path to the profile.txt. */
328 string ZipListPath; /**< Contains the path and name of the files that have been unzipped. */
329 vector<bool> EventReleased; /**< Collection of the states if a release event was detected. */
330 vector<int8_t> EventPressCount; /**< Collection of the loop counts for when an event can act again. */
331 vector<uint8_t> ButtonModesLeft; /**< Collection of the state of the buttons on the left side. */
332 vector<uint8_t> ButtonModesRight; /**< Collection of the state of the buttons on the right side. */
333 vector<item_pos_t> DisplayList; /**< Collection of the positions and limits of list selection for each mode. */
334 vector<string> LabelButtons; /**< Collection of text labels for the buttons. */
335 vector<listtext_t> ListNames; /**< Collection of text and font information for the entry currently displayed. */
336 vector<listitem_t> ItemsEntry; /**< Collection of directories and filenames detected in the current path. */
337 vector<listoption_t> ItemsArgument; /**< Collection of options for an entry or config. */
338 vector<listitem_t> ItemsDefPlugin; /**< Collection of Plugin for selected plugin type. */
339 uint8_t WhichPlugin; /**< Wich Plugin is selected */
340 vector<listoption_t> ItemsRomOption; /**< Collection of options for an entry or config. */
341 vector<listitem_t> ItemsRomPlugin; /**< Collection of Plugin for selected plugin type. */
342 uint8_t WhichRomPlugin; /**< Wich Plugin is selected */
343 vector<string> ItemsValue; /**< Collection of values for an option. */
344 vector<SDL_Rect> RectEntries; /**< Collection of position rects for the displayed entries. */
345 vector<SDL_Rect> RectButtonsLeft; /**< Collection of position rects for the displayed buttons on left. */
346 vector<SDL_Rect> RectButtonsRight; /**< Collection of position rects for the displayed buttons on right. */
347 vector<SDL_Rect> ScreenRectsDirty; /**< Collection of rects for the areas of the screen that will be updated. */
350#endif // CSELECTOR_H