GLES11RICE: Some fixes on multi texturing
[mupen64plus-pandora.git] / source / mupen64plus-core / doc / emuwiki-api-doc / Mupen64Plus_v2.0_Core_Basic.txt
451ab91e 1[[Mupen64Plus v2.0 Core API v1.0|Mupen64Plus v2.0 API]]
3= Mupen64Plus v2.0 Basic Core API =
5Most libmupen64plus functions return an <tt>m64p_error</tt> return code, which is an enumerated type defined in [[Mupen64Plus v2.0 headers#m64p_types.h|m64p_types.h]]. Front-end code should check the return value of each call to a libmupen64plus function.
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9|'''<tt>m64p_error PluginGetVersion(m64p_plugin_type *PluginType, int *PluginVersion, int *APIVersion, const char **PluginNamePtr, int *Capabilities)</tt>'''
11|Input Parameters
12|'''<tt>PluginType</tt>''' Pointer to an enumerated type to store the plugin type. The value <tt>M64PLUGIN_CORE</tt> will always be stored.<br />
13'''<tt>PluginVersion</tt>''' Pointer to an integer to store the version number of the Mupen64Plus core. Version number 2.1.3 would be stored as 0x00020103.<br />
14'''<tt>APIVersion</tt>''' Pointer to an integer to store the version number of the Core--Front-end API used by the Mupen64plus core library.<br />
15'''<tt>PluginNamePtr</tt>''' Pointer to a const character pointer to receive the name of the core library. The const char * which is returned must point to a persistent string (ie, not stored on the stack).<br />
16'''<tt>Capabilities</tt>''' Pointer to an integer to store a logically-or'd set of flags which specify the capabilities of the core which were built into the library during compilation. These are defined in the <tt>m64p_core_caps</tt> enumerated type, defined in [[Mupen64Plus v2.0 headers#m64p_types.h|m64p_types.h]].
19|This function retrieves version information from the core library. This function is the same for the core library and the plugins, so that a front-end may examine all shared libraries in a directory and determine their types. Any of the input parameters may be set to NULL and this function will succeed but won't return the corresponding information.
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24|'''<tt>m64p_error CoreGetAPIVersions(int *ConfigVersion, int *DebugVersion, int *VidextVersion, int *ExtraVersion)</tt>'''
26|Input Parameters
27|'''<tt>ConfigVersion</tt>''' Pointer to an integer to store the version number of the Config API exported by the Mupen64plus core library.<br />
28'''<tt>DebugVersion</tt>''' Pointer to an integer to store the version number of the Debug API exported by the Mupen64plus core library.<br />
29'''<tt>VidextVersion</tt>''' Pointer to an integer to store the version number of the Video Extension API exported by the Mupen64plus core library.<br />
30'''<tt>ExtraVersion</tt>''' Pointer to an integer to store an API version number for future use. Currently set to 0.<br />
33|This function retrieves API version information from the core library. This function may be used by either the front-end application or any plugin modules. Any of the input parameters may be set to NULL and this function will succeed but won't return the corresponding information.
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38|'''<tt>const char * CoreErrorMessage(m64p_error ReturnCode)</tt>'''
40|Input Parameters
41|'''<tt>ReturnCode</tt>''' Enumerated type containing an error code.
44|This function returns a pointer to a NULL-terminated string giving a human-readable description of the error.
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