removed 098 snd due to problems with it
[fceu.git] / Documentation / rel / 2.0.linux
... / ...
2/* 2.0) Starting FCE Ultra */
5 Start FCE Ultra using the following format:
7 ./fceu <arguments> romimage.nes
9 <arguments> can be one or more of the following:
11 -vmode x Select video mode(all are 8 bpp).
12 1 = 256x240 @ 72 hz <Default>
13 2 = 256x256 @ 65 hz
14 3 = 256x256(with scanlines) @ 120 hz
15 4 = 640x480(with scanlines)
16 5 = 640x480("1 per 4")
17 6 = 256x224(with scanlines) @ 120 hz
18 7 = 320x240
19 8 = 256x224 @ 103 hz
20 -vsync x Wait for the screen's vertical retrace before updating
21 the screen. If you have sound enabled and enable this,
22 you may have to increase the number of sound fragments
23 from the default of 8, to reduce buffer underruns.
24 Buffer underruns will not be preventable if the
25 current video refresh rate is < ~60 hz (or < ~50 hz
26 if PAL emulation is enabled).
27 0 = Disabled. <Default>
28 1 = Enabled.
29 -cpalette x Load a custom global palette from file x.
30 The filename x is saved in the configuration file,
31 not the data from the file. Note that you should
32 probably use an absolute("/home/jp/test.pal") filename
33 rather than a relative("test.pal") filename. If x is 0,
34 the default (built in) global palette will be used.
35 -ntsccol Emulate an NTSC's TV's colors based on user-supplied
36 hue and tint values.
37 0 = Disabled. <Default>
38 1 = Enabled.
39 -sound x Sound. <Default=48000>
40 0 = Disabled.
41 Otherwise, x = playback rate in samples per second.
42 -soundvol x Sound volume. x is an integral percentage value.
43 The default value is, obviously, 100.
44 Setting it higher will increase the likelihood that
45 sound clipping will occur. This shouldn't be noticeable
46 if the volume is reasonable(200% or lower; perhaps even
47 higher for many games).
48 -sfragsize x Set sound fragment size to 2^x(2 to the power of x)
49 SAMPLES. The default value is 7.
50 -snfrags x Set number of sound fragments to x. The default value
51 is 8.
52 -f8bit x Force 8-bit sound. Enabling this will decrease
53 sound quality noticeably without increasing
54 performance noticeably. Only use when 16-bit sound
55 is problematic.
56 0 = Disabled. <Default>
57 1 = Enabled.
58 -nothrottle x Disables speed throttling used when sound is disabled
59 if x is non-zero. The default value of x is 0.
60 -joyx y Joystick mapped to virtual joystick x(1-4).
61 0 = Disabled, reset configuration. <Default>
62 Otherwise, y(1-inf) = joystick number.
63 -inputx str Select device mapped to virtual NES-style input port
64 x(1-2).
65 The default for both virtual input ports is "gamepad".
66 str may be: none, gamepad, zapper, powerpada,
67 powerpadb, arkanoid
68 -fcexp str Select Famicom expansion port device. If you select
69 a device other than "none", you should enable the
70 "gamepad" on both NES-style virtual input ports.
71 The default is "none".
72 str may be: none, shadow, arkanoid, 4player, fkb
73 -nofs x Disables Four-Score emulation if x is 1. Default is 0.
74 Note that Four-Score emulation will only be active
75 if "gamepad" is mapped to one or both virtual input
76 ports.
77 -gg Enable Game Genie emulation.
78 -pal Emulate a PAL NES.
79 -no8lim x Disables the 8 sprites per scanline limitation.
80 0 = Limitation enabled. <Default>
81 1 = Limitation disabled.
82 -subase x Save extra game data files(such as battery-backed RAM)
83 under the base directory if enabled.
84 0 = Disabled. <Default>
85 1 = Enabled.
86 -snapname x Selects what type of file name screen snapshots will
87 have.
88 0 = Numeric(0.png) <Default>
89 1 = File base and numeric(mario-0.png)
90 -clipsides x Clip leftmost and rightmost 8 columns of pixels of
91 video output.
92 0 = Disabled. <Default>
93 1 = Enabled.
94 -slstart x Set the first drawn emulated scanline for NTSC emulation
95 mode. Valid values for x are 0 through 239.
96 The default value is 8.
97 -slend x Set the last drawn emulated scanline for NTSC emulation
98 mode. Valid values for x are 0 through 239.
99 The default value is 239.
100 -slstartp x Set the first drawn emulated scanline for PAL emulation
101 mode. Valid values for x are 0 through 239.
102 The default value is 0.
103 -slendp x Set the last drawn emulated scanline for PAL emulation
104 mode. Valid values for x are 0 through 239.
105 The default value is 239.
106 -connect s Connect to server 's' for TCP/IP network play.
107 -server Be a host/server for TCP/IP network play.
108 -netport x Use TCP/IP port x for network play. The default
109 port is 4046.