Added missing launcher
[mupen64plus-pandora.git] /
... / ...
1#!/usr/bin/env python
3#/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
4# * Mupen64plus - *
5# * Mupen64Plus homepage: *
6# * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Richard Goedeken *
7# * *
8# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
9# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
10# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
11# * (at your option) any later version. *
12# * *
13# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
14# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
16# * GNU General Public License for more details. *
17# * *
18# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
19# * along with this program; if not, write to the *
20# * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
21# * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
22# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
24from optparse import OptionParser
25from threading import Thread
26from datetime import date
27import subprocess
28import commands
29import shutil
30import stat
31import sys
32import os
34# set global report string
35report = "Mupen64Plus Regression Test report\n----------------------------------\n"
38# main functions
41def main(rootdir, cfgfile, nobuild, noemail):
42 global report
43 # set up child directory paths
44 srcdir = os.path.join(rootdir, "source")
45 shotdir = os.path.join(rootdir, "current")
46 refdir = os.path.join(rootdir, "reference")
47 archivedir = os.path.join(rootdir, "archive")
48 # run the test procedure
49 tester = RegTester(rootdir, srcdir, shotdir)
50 rval = 0
51 while True:
52 # Step 1: load the test config file
53 if not tester.LoadConfig(cfgfile):
54 rval = 1
55 break
56 # Step 2: check out from Mercurial
57 if not nobuild:
58 if not tester.CheckoutSource(srcdir):
59 rval = 2
60 break
61 # Step 3: run test builds
62 if not nobuild:
63 for modname in tester.modulesAndParams:
64 module = tester.modulesAndParams[modname]
65 if "testbuilds" not in module:
66 continue
67 modurl = module["url"]
68 modfilename = modurl.split('/')[-1]
69 testlist = [ name.strip() for name in module["testbuilds"].split(',') ]
70 makeparams = [ params.strip() for params in module["testbuildparams"].split(',') ]
71 if len(testlist) != len(makeparams):
72 report += "Config file error for test builds in %s. Build name list and makefile parameter list have different lengths.\n" % modname
73 testbuilds = min(len(testlist), len(makeparams))
74 for i in range(testbuilds):
75 buildname = testlist[i]
76 buildmake = makeparams[i]
77 BuildSource(srcdir, modfilename, modname, buildname, buildmake, module["outputfiles"], True)
78 # Step 4: build the binary for the video regression test
79 if not nobuild:
80 for modname in tester.modulesAndParams:
81 module = tester.modulesAndParams[modname]
82 modurl = module["url"]
83 modfilename = modurl.split('/')[-1]
84 videobuild = module["videobuild"]
85 videomake = module["videobuildparams"]
86 if not BuildSource(srcdir, modfilename, modname, videobuild, videomake, module["outputfiles"], False):
87 rval = 3
88 break
89 if rval != 0:
90 break
91 # Step 5: run the tests, check the results
92 if not tester.RunTests():
93 rval = 4
94 break
95 if not tester.CheckResults(refdir):
96 rval = 5
97 break
98 # test procedure is finished
99 break
100 # Step 6: send email report and archive the results
101 if not noemail:
102 if not tester.SendReport():
103 rval = 6
104 if not tester.ArchiveResults(archivedir):
105 rval = 7
106 # all done with test process
107 return rval
110# Checkout & build functions
113def BuildSource(srcdir, moddir, modname, buildname, buildmake, outputfiles, istest):
114 global report
115 makepath = os.path.join(srcdir, moddir, "projects", "unix")
116 # print build report message and clear counters
117 testbuildcommand = "make -C %s %s" % (makepath, buildmake)
118 if istest:
119 report += "Running %s test build \"%s\"\n" % (modname, buildname)
120 else:
121 report += "Building %s \"%s\" for video test\n" % (modname, buildname)
122 warnings = 0
123 errors = 0
124 # run make and capture the output
125 output = commands.getoutput(testbuildcommand)
126 makelines = output.split("\n")
127 # print warnings and errors
128 for line in makelines:
129 if "error:" in line:
130 report += " " + line + "\n"
131 errors += 1
132 if "warning:" in line:
133 report += " " + line + "\n"
134 warnings += 1
135 report += "%i errors. %i warnings.\n" % (errors, warnings)
136 if errors > 0 and not istest:
137 return False
138 # check for output files
139 for filename in outputfiles.split(','):
140 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(makepath, filename)):
141 report += "Build failed: '%s' not found\n" % filename
142 errors += 1
143 if errors > 0 and not istest:
144 return False
145 # clean up if this was a test
146 if istest:
147 os.system("make -C %s clean" % makepath)
148 # if this wasn't a test, then copy our output files and data files
149 if not istest:
150 for filename in outputfiles.split(','):
151 shutil.move(os.path.join(makepath, filename), srcdir)
152 datapath = os.path.join(srcdir, moddir, "data")
153 if os.path.isdir(datapath):
154 copytree(datapath, os.path.join(srcdir, "data"))
155 # build was successful!
156 return True
159# Test execution classes
161class RegTester:
162 def __init__(self, rootdir, bindir, screenshotdir):
163 self.rootdir = rootdir
164 self.bindir = bindir
165 self.screenshotdir = screenshotdir
166 self.generalParams = { }
167 self.gamesAndParams = { }
168 self.modulesAndParams = { }
169 self.videoplugins = [ "" ]
170 self.thisdate = str(
172 def LoadConfig(self, filename):
173 global report
174 # read the config file
175 report += "\nLoading regression test configuration.\n"
176 try:
177 cfgfile = open(os.path.join(self.rootdir, filename), "r")
178 cfglines ="\n")
179 cfgfile.close()
180 except Exception, e:
181 report += "Error in RegTestConfigParser::LoadConfig(): %s" % e
182 return False
183 # parse the file
184 GameFilename = None
185 ModuleName = None
186 for line in cfglines:
187 # strip leading and trailing whitespace
188 line = line.strip()
189 # test for comment
190 if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#':
191 continue
192 # test for new game filename
193 if line[0] == '[' and line [-1] == ']':
194 GameFilename = line[1:-1]
195 if GameFilename in self.gamesAndParams:
196 report += " Warning: Config file '%s' contains duplicate game entry '%s'\n" % (filename, GameFilename)
197 else:
198 self.gamesAndParams[GameFilename] = { }
199 continue
200 # test for new source module build
201 if line[0] == '{' and line [-1] == '}':
202 ModuleName = line[1:-1]
203 if ModuleName in self.modulesAndParams:
204 report += " Warning: Config file '%s' contains duplicate source module '%s'\n" % (filename, ModuleName)
205 else:
206 self.modulesAndParams[ModuleName] = { }
207 continue
208 # print warning and continue if it's not a (key = value) pair
209 pivot = line.find('=')
210 if pivot == -1:
211 report += " Warning: Config file '%s' contains unrecognized line: '%s'\n" % (filename, line)
212 continue
213 # parse key, value
214 key = line[:pivot].strip().lower()
215 value = line[pivot+1:].strip()
216 if ModuleName is None:
217 paramDict = self.generalParams
218 elif GameFilename is None:
219 paramDict = self.modulesAndParams[ModuleName]
220 else:
221 paramDict = self.gamesAndParams[GameFilename]
222 if key in paramDict:
223 report += " Warning: duplicate key '%s'\n" % key
224 continue
225 paramDict[key] = value
226 # check for required parameters
227 if "rompath" not in self.generalParams:
228 report += " Error: rompath is not given in config file\n"
229 return False
230 # config is loaded
231 return True
233 def CheckoutSource(self, srcdir):
234 global report
235 # remove any current source directory
236 if not deltree(srcdir):
237 return False
238 os.mkdir(srcdir)
239 os.mkdir(os.path.join(srcdir, "data"))
240 # loop through all of the source modules
241 for modname in self.modulesAndParams:
242 module = self.modulesAndParams[modname]
243 if "url" not in module:
244 report += "Error: no Hg repository URL for module %s\n\n" % modname
245 return False
246 modurl = module["url"]
247 modfilename = modurl.split("/")[-1]
248 # call Hg to checkout Mupen64Plus source module
249 output = commands.getoutput("hg clone --cwd %s %s" % (srcdir, modurl))
250 # parse the output
251 lastline = output.split("\n")[-1]
252 if "0 files unresolved" not in lastline:
253 report += "Hg Error: %s\n\n" % lastline
254 return False
255 # get the revision info
256 RevFound = False
257 output = commands.getoutput("hg tip -R %s" % os.path.join(srcdir, modfilename))
258 for line in output.split('\n'):
259 words = line.split()
260 if len(words) == 2 and words[0] == 'changeset:':
261 report += "Hg Checkout %s: changeset %s\n" % (modfilename, words[1])
262 RevFound = True
263 if not RevFound:
264 report += "Hg Error: couldn't find revision information\n\n"
265 return False
266 return True
268 def RunTests(self):
269 global report
270 rompath = self.generalParams["rompath"]
271 if not os.path.exists(rompath):
272 report += " Error: ROM directory '%s' does not exist!\n" % rompath
273 return False
274 # Remove any current screenshot directory
275 if not deltree(self.screenshotdir):
276 return False
277 # Data initialization and start message
278 os.mkdir(self.screenshotdir)
279 for plugin in self.videoplugins:
280 videoname = plugin[:plugin.find('.')]
281 os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.screenshotdir, videoname))
282 report += "\nRunning regression tests on %i games.\n" % len(self.gamesAndParams)
283 # loop over each game filename given in regtest config file
284 for GameFilename in self.gamesAndParams:
285 GameParams = self.gamesAndParams[GameFilename]
286 # if no screenshots parameter given for this game then skip it
287 if "screenshots" not in GameParams:
288 report += " Warning: no screenshots taken for game '%s'\n" % GameFilename
289 continue
290 # make a list of screenshots and check it
291 shotlist = [ str(int(framenum.strip())) for framenum in GameParams["screenshots"].split(',') ]
292 if len(shotlist) < 1 or (len(shotlist) == 1 and shotlist[0] == '0'):
293 report += " Warning: invalid screenshot list for game '%s'\n" % GameFilename
294 continue
295 # run a test for each video plugin
296 for plugin in self.videoplugins:
297 videoname = plugin[:plugin.find('.')]
298 # check if this plugin should be skipped
299 if "skipvideo" in GameParams:
300 skipit = False
301 skiplist = [ name.strip() for name in GameParams["skipvideo"].split(',') ]
302 for skiptag in skiplist:
303 if skiptag.lower() in plugin.lower():
304 skipit = True
305 if skipit:
306 continue
307 # construct the command line
308 exepath = os.path.join(self.bindir, "mupen64plus")
309 exeparms = [ "--corelib", os.path.join(self.bindir, "") ]
310 exeparms += [ "--testshots", ",".join(shotlist) ]
311 exeparms += [ "--sshotdir", os.path.join(self.screenshotdir, videoname) ]
312 exeparms += [ "--plugindir", self.bindir ]
313 exeparms += [ "--datadir", os.path.join(self.bindir, "data") ]
314 myconfig = os.path.join(self.rootdir, "config")
315 exeparms += [ "--configdir", myconfig ]
316 exeparms += [ "--gfx", plugin ]
317 exeparms += [ "--emumode", "2" ]
318 exeparms += [ os.path.join(rompath, GameFilename) ]
319 # run it, but if it takes too long print an error and kill it
320 testrun = RegTestRunner(exepath, exeparms)
321 testrun.start()
322 testrun.join(60.0)
323 if testrun.isAlive():
324 report += " Error: Test run timed out after 60 seconds: '%s'\n" % " ".join(exeparms)
325 os.kill(, 9)
326 testrun.join(10.0)
328 # all tests have been run
329 return True
331 def CheckResults(self, refdir):
332 global report
333 # print message
334 warnings = 0
335 errors = 0
336 report += "\nChecking regression test results\n"
337 # get lists of files in the reference folders
338 refshots = { }
339 if not os.path.exists(refdir):
340 os.mkdir(refdir)
341 for plugin in self.videoplugins:
342 videoname = plugin[:plugin.find('.')]
343 videodir = os.path.join(refdir, videoname)
344 if not os.path.exists(videodir):
345 os.mkdir(videodir)
346 refshots[videoname] = [ ]
347 else:
348 refshots[videoname] = [ filename for filename in os.listdir(videodir) ]
349 # get lists of files produced by current test runs
350 newshots = { }
351 for plugin in self.videoplugins:
352 videoname = plugin[:plugin.find('.')]
353 videodir = os.path.join(self.screenshotdir, videoname)
354 if not os.path.exists(videodir):
355 newshots[videoname] = [ ]
356 else:
357 newshots[videoname] = [ filename for filename in os.listdir(videodir) ]
358 # make list of matching ref/test screenshots, and look for missing reference screenshots
359 checklist = { }
360 for plugin in self.videoplugins:
361 videoname = plugin[:plugin.find('.')]
362 checklist[videoname] = [ ]
363 for filename in newshots[videoname]:
364 if filename in refshots[videoname]:
365 checklist[videoname] += [ filename ]
366 else:
367 report += " Warning: reference screenshot '%s/%s' missing. Copying from current test run\n" % (videoname, filename)
368 shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.screenshotdir, videoname, filename), os.path.join(refdir, videoname))
369 warnings += 1
370 # look for missing test screenshots
371 for plugin in self.videoplugins:
372 videoname = plugin[:plugin.find('.')]
373 for filename in refshots[videoname]:
374 if filename not in newshots[videoname]:
375 report += " Error: Test screenshot '%s/%s' missing.\n" % (videoname, filename)
376 errors += 1
377 # do image comparisons
378 for plugin in self.videoplugins:
379 videoname = plugin[:plugin.find('.')]
380 for filename in checklist[videoname]:
381 refimage = os.path.join(refdir, videoname, filename)
382 testimage = os.path.join(self.screenshotdir, videoname, filename)
383 diffimage = os.path.join(self.screenshotdir, videoname, os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + "_DIFF.png")
384 cmd = ("/usr/bin/compare", "-metric", "PSNR", refimage, testimage, diffimage)
385 pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).stdout
386 similarity =
387 pipe.close()
388 try:
389 db = float(similarity)
390 except:
391 db = 0
392 if db > 60.0:
393 os.unlink(diffimage)
394 else:
395 report += " Warning: test image '%s/%s' does not match reference. PSNR = %s\n" % (videoname, filename, similarity)
396 warnings += 1
397 # give report and return
398 report += "%i errors. %i warnings.\n" % (errors, warnings)
399 return True
401 def SendReport(self):
402 global report
403 # if there are no email addresses in the config file, then just we're done
404 if "sendemail" not in self.generalParams:
405 return True
406 if len(self.generalParams["sendemail"]) < 5:
407 return True
408 # construct the email message header
409 emailheader = "To: %s\n" % self.generalParams["sendemail"]
410 emailheader += "From:\n"
411 emailheader += "Subject: %s Regression Test Results for Mupen64Plus\n" % self.thisdate
412 emailheader += "Reply-to:\n"
413 emailheader += "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
414 emailheader += "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n"
415 # open a pipe to sendmail and dump our report
416 try:
417 pipe = subprocess.Popen(("/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-t"), stdin=subprocess.PIPE).stdin
418 pipe.write(emailheader)
419 pipe.write(report)
420 pipe.close()
421 except Exception, e:
422 report += "Exception encountered when calling sendmail: '%s'\n" % e
423 report += "Email header:\n%s\n" % emailheader
424 return False
425 return True
427 def ArchiveResults(self, archivedir):
428 global report
429 # create archive dir if it doesn't exist
430 if not os.path.exists(archivedir):
431 os.mkdir(archivedir)
432 # move the images into a subdirectory of 'archive' given by date
433 subdir = os.path.join(archivedir, self.thisdate)
434 if os.path.exists(subdir):
435 if not deltree(subdir):
436 return False
437 if os.path.exists(self.screenshotdir):
438 shutil.move(self.screenshotdir, subdir)
439 # copy the report into the archive directory
440 f = open(os.path.join(archivedir, "report_%s.txt" % self.thisdate), "w")
441 f.write(report)
442 f.close()
443 # archival is complete
444 return True
447class RegTestRunner(Thread):
448 def __init__(self, exepath, exeparms):
449 self.exepath = exepath
450 self.exeparms = exeparms
451 = 0
452 self.returnval = None
453 Thread.__init__(self)
455 def run(self):
456 # start the process
457 testprocess = subprocess.Popen([self.exepath] + self.exeparms)
458 # get the PID of the new test process
459 =
460 # wait for the test to complete
461 self.returnval = testprocess.wait()
465# Generic helper functions
468def deltree(dirname):
469 global report
470 if not os.path.exists(dirname):
471 return True
472 try:
473 for path in (os.path.join(dirname, filename) for filename in os.listdir(dirname)):
474 if os.path.isdir(path):
475 if not deltree(path):
476 return False
477 else:
478 os.unlink(path)
479 os.rmdir(dirname)
480 except Exception, e:
481 report += "Error in deltree(): %s\n" % e
482 return False
484 return True
486def copytree(srcpath, dstpath):
487 if not os.path.isdir(srcpath) or not os.path.isdir(dstpath):
488 return False
489 for filename in os.listdir(srcpath):
490 filepath = os.path.join(srcpath, filename)
491 if os.path.isdir(filepath):
492 subdstpath = os.path.join(dstpath, filename)
493 os.mkdir(subdstpath)
494 copytree(filepath, subdstpath)
495 else:
496 shutil.copy(filepath, dstpath)
497 return True
500# main function call for standard script execution
503if __name__ == "__main__":
504 # parse the command-line arguments
505 parser = OptionParser()
506 parser.add_option("-n", "--nobuild", dest="nobuild", default=False, action="store_true",
507 help="Assume source code is present; don't check out and build")
508 parser.add_option("-e", "--noemail", dest="noemail", default=False, action="store_true",
509 help="don't send email or archive results")
510 parser.add_option("-t", "--testpath", dest="testpath",
511 help="Set root of testing directory to PATH", metavar="PATH")
512 parser.add_option("-c", "--cfgfile", dest="cfgfile", default="daily-tests.cfg",
513 help="Use regression test config file FILE", metavar="FILE")
514 (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
515 # check test path
516 if opts.testpath is None:
517 # change directory to the directory containing this script and set root test path to "."
518 scriptdir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
519 os.chdir(scriptdir)
520 rootdir = "."
521 else:
522 rootdir = opts.testpath
523 # call the main function
524 rval = main(rootdir, opts.cfgfile, opts.nobuild, opts.noemail)
525 sys.exit(rval)