static void addCrosshair(int port, int crosshair_color, unsigned short *buffer, int bufferStride, int pos_x, int pos_y, int thickness, int size_x, int size_y) {
for (port = 0; port < 2; port++) {
// Draw the horizontal line of the crosshair
- for (int i = pos_y - thickness / 2; i <= pos_y + thickness / 2; i++) {
- for (int j = pos_x - size_x / 2; j <= pos_x + size_x / 2; j++) {
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = pos_y - thickness / 2; i <= pos_y + thickness / 2; i++) {
+ for (j = pos_x - size_x / 2; j <= pos_x + size_x / 2; j++) {
if ((i + vout_height) >= 0 && (i + vout_height) < bufferStride && j >= 0 && j < bufferStride && in_enable_crosshair[port] > 0)
buffer[i * bufferStride + j] = crosshair_color;
- }
+ }
// Draw the vertical line of the crosshair
- for (int i = pos_x - thickness / 2; i <= pos_x + thickness / 2; i++) {
- for (int j = pos_y - size_y / 2; j <= pos_y + size_y / 2; j++) {
+ for (i = pos_x - thickness / 2; i <= pos_x + thickness / 2; i++) {
+ for (j = pos_y - size_y / 2; j <= pos_y + size_y / 2; j++) {
if (i >= 0 && i < bufferStride && (j + vout_height) >= 0 && (j + vout_height) < bufferStride && in_enable_crosshair[port] > 0)
buffer[j * bufferStride + i] = crosshair_color;
for (port = 0; port < 2; port++) {
if (in_enable_crosshair[port] > 0 && (in_type[port] == PSE_PAD_TYPE_GUNCON || in_type[port] == PSE_PAD_TYPE_GUN))
- struct CrosshairInfo crosshairInfo;
- CrosshairDimensions(port, &crosshairInfo);
+ struct CrosshairInfo crosshairInfo;
+ CrosshairDimensions(port, &crosshairInfo);
addCrosshair(port, in_enable_crosshair[port], dest, dstride, crosshairInfo.pos_x, crosshairInfo.pos_y, crosshairInfo.thickness, crosshairInfo.size_x, crosshairInfo.size_y);
- "pcsx_rearmed_crosshair1",
- "pcsx_rearmed_crosshair2",
+ "pcsx_rearmed_crosshair1",
+ "pcsx_rearmed_crosshair2",