return fa;
+static int decode_block(int ch)
+ unsigned char *start;
+ unsigned int nSample;
+ int predict_nr,shift_factor,flags,d,s;
+ int fa,s_1,s_2;
+ int ret = 0;
+ s_chan[ch].iSBPos=0;
+ start=s_chan[ch].pCurr; // set up the current pos
+ if (start == (unsigned char*)-1) // special "stop" sign
+ {
+ dwChannelOn&=~(1<<ch); // -> turn everything off
+ s_chan[ch].bStop=1;
+ s_chan[ch].ADSRX.EnvelopeVol=0;
+ return 0; // -> and done for this channel
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////// spu irq handler here? mmm... do it later
+ s_1=s_chan[ch].s_1;
+ s_2=s_chan[ch].s_2;
+ predict_nr=(int)*start;start++;
+ shift_factor=predict_nr&0xf;
+ predict_nr >>= 4;
+ flags=(int)*start;start++;
+ // -------------------------------------- //
+ for (nSample=0;nSample<28;start++)
+ {
+ d=(int)*start;
+ s=((d&0xf)<<12);
+ if(s&0x8000) s|=0xffff0000;
+ fa=(s >> shift_factor);
+ fa=fa + ((s_1 * f[predict_nr][0])>>6) + ((s_2 * f[predict_nr][1])>>6);
+ s_2=s_1;s_1=fa;
+ s=((d & 0xf0) << 8);
+ s_chan[ch].SB[nSample++]=fa;
+ if(s&0x8000) s|=0xffff0000;
+ fa=(s>>shift_factor);
+ fa=fa + ((s_1 * f[predict_nr][0])>>6) + ((s_2 * f[predict_nr][1])>>6);
+ s_2=s_1;s_1=fa;
+ s_chan[ch].SB[nSample++]=fa;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////// irq check
+ if(irqCallback && (spuCtrl&0x40)) // some callback and irq active?
+ {
+ if((pSpuIrq > start-16 && // irq address reached?
+ pSpuIrq <= start) ||
+ ((flags&1) && // special: irq on looping addr, when stop/loop flag is set
+ (pSpuIrq > s_chan[ch].pLoop-16 &&
+ pSpuIrq <= s_chan[ch].pLoop)))
+ {
+ irqCallback(); // -> call main emu
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////// flag handler
+ if((flags&4) && (!s_chan[ch].bIgnoreLoop))
+ s_chan[ch].pLoop=start-16; // loop adress
+ if(flags&1) // 1: stop/loop
+ {
+ // We play this block out first...
+ //if(!(flags&2)) // 1+2: do loop... otherwise: stop
+ if(flags!=3 && flags!=7) // PETE: if we don't check exactly for 3, loop hang ups will happen (DQ4, for example)
+ {
+ start = (unsigned char*)-1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ start = s_chan[ch].pLoop;
+ }
+ }
+ if (start - spuMemC >= 0x80000)
+ start = (unsigned char*)-1;
+ s_chan[ch].pCurr=start; // store values for next cycle
+ s_chan[ch].s_1=s_1;
+ s_chan[ch].s_2=s_2;
+ return ret;
// here is the main job handler... thread, timer or direct func call
static void *MAINThread(void *arg)
- int s_1,s_2,fa,ns,ns_from,ns_to;
+ int fa,ns,ns_from,ns_to;
#if !defined(_MACOSX) && !defined(__arm__)
int voldiv = iVolume;
const int voldiv = 2;
- unsigned char * start;unsigned int nSample;
- int ch,predict_nr,shift_factor,flags,d,s;
+ int ch,d;
int bIRQReturn=0;
while(!bEndThread) // until we are shutting down
if(lastch>=0) // will be -1 if no continue is pending
- ch=lastch; ns_from=lastns+1; lastch=-1; // -> setup all kind of vars to continue
+ ch=lastch; ns_from=lastns; lastch=-1; // -> setup all kind of vars to continue
int sval;
+ if(!(dwChannelOn&(1<<ch))) break; // something turned ch off (adsr or flags)
if(s_chan[ch].bFMod==1 && iFMod[ns]) // fmod freq channel
if(s_chan[ch].iSBPos==28) // 28 reached?
- start=s_chan[ch].pCurr; // set up the current pos
- if (start == (unsigned char*)-1) // special "stop" sign
+ d = decode_block(ch);
+ if(d && iSPUIRQWait) // -> option: wait after irq for main emu
- dwChannelOn&=~(1<<ch); // -> turn everything off
- s_chan[ch].ADSRX.EnvelopeVol=0;
- goto ENDX; // -> and done for this channel
+ bIRQReturn=1;
+ lastch=ch;
+ lastns=ns_to=ns;
+ goto ENDX; // do remaining chans unil this ns
- s_chan[ch].iSBPos=0;
- //////////////////////////////////////////// spu irq handler here? mmm... do it later
- s_1=s_chan[ch].s_1;
- s_2=s_chan[ch].s_2;
- predict_nr=(int)*start;start++;
- shift_factor=predict_nr&0xf;
- predict_nr >>= 4;
- flags=(int)*start;start++;
- // -------------------------------------- //
- for (nSample=0;nSample<28;start++)
- {
- d=(int)*start;
- s=((d&0xf)<<12);
- if(s&0x8000) s|=0xffff0000;
- fa=(s >> shift_factor);
- fa=fa + ((s_1 * f[predict_nr][0])>>6) + ((s_2 * f[predict_nr][1])>>6);
- s_2=s_1;s_1=fa;
- s=((d & 0xf0) << 8);
- s_chan[ch].SB[nSample++]=fa;
- if(s&0x8000) s|=0xffff0000;
- fa=(s>>shift_factor);
- fa=fa + ((s_1 * f[predict_nr][0])>>6) + ((s_2 * f[predict_nr][1])>>6);
- s_2=s_1;s_1=fa;
- s_chan[ch].SB[nSample++]=fa;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////// irq check
- if(irqCallback && (spuCtrl&0x40)) // some callback and irq active?
- {
- if((pSpuIrq > start-16 && // irq address reached?
- pSpuIrq <= start) ||
- ((flags&1) && // special: irq on looping addr, when stop/loop flag is set
- (pSpuIrq > s_chan[ch].pLoop-16 &&
- pSpuIrq <= s_chan[ch].pLoop)))
- {
- irqCallback(); // -> call main emu
- if(iSPUIRQWait) // -> option: wait after irq for main emu
- {
- iSpuAsyncWait=1;
- bIRQReturn=1;
- lastch=ch;
- lastns=ns;
- ns_to=ns+1;
- }
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////// flag handler
- if((flags&4) && (!s_chan[ch].bIgnoreLoop))
- s_chan[ch].pLoop=start-16; // loop adress
- if(flags&1) // 1: stop/loop
- {
- // We play this block out first...
- //if(!(flags&2)) // 1+2: do loop... otherwise: stop
- if((flags!=3 && flags!=7) // PETE: if we don't check exactly for 3, loop hang ups will happen (DQ4, for example)
- || s_chan[ch].pLoop==NULL) // and checking if pLoop is set avoids crashes, yeah
- {
- start = (unsigned char*)-1;
- // Actua Soccer 2, Jungle Book, other games that check for this condition
- s_chan[ch].ADSRX.EnvelopeVol = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- start = s_chan[ch].pLoop;
- }
- }
- if (start - spuMemC >= 0x80000)
- start = (unsigned char*)-1;
- s_chan[ch].pCurr=start; // store values for next cycle
- s_chan[ch].s_1=s_1;
- s_chan[ch].s_2=s_2;
fa=s_chan[ch].SB[s_chan[ch].iSBPos++]; // get sample data
fa=iGetNoiseVal(ch); // get noise val
else fa=iGetInterpolationVal(ch); // get sample val
- sval = (MixADSR(ch) * fa) / 1023; // mix adsr
+ sval = (MixADSR(ch) * fa) / 1024; // mix adsr
if(s_chan[ch].bFMod==2) // fmod freq channel
iFMod[ns]=sval; // -> store 1T sample data, use that to do fmod on next channel
s_chan[ch].spos += s_chan[ch].sinc;
-ENDX: ;
+ENDX: ;
- if(bIRQReturn) // special return for "spu irq - wait for cpu action"
+ if(bIRQReturn && iSPUIRQWait) // special return for "spu irq - wait for cpu action"
+ iSpuAsyncWait=1;