--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from time import sleep
+from sys import argv
+from os import environ
+import subprocess
+def get_next_line(p):
+ line = ""
+ while line[0:5] != "CYCLE":
+ line = p.readline().decode()
+ if (len(line) == 0):
+ sleep(0.001)
+ elif line[0:5] != "CYCLE":
+ print(line[:-1])
+ return line
+def print_differences(inter, dynarec):
+ inter_array = inter.split(" ")
+ inter_dict = dict(zip(inter_array[::2], inter_array[1::2]))
+ dynarec_array = dynarec.split(" ")
+ dynarec_dict = dict(zip(dynarec_array[::2], dynarec_array[1::2]))
+ diff = dict([(k, (inter_dict[k], dynarec_dict[k])) for k in inter_dict.keys() if inter_dict[k] != dynarec_dict[k]])
+ print("\nDifferences:")
+ print("{:15}{:15}{:15}".format("", "Interpreter", "Dynarec"))
+ for k in diff:
+ print("{:15}{:15}{:15}".format(k, diff[k][0], diff[k][1]))
+def print_mismatch(inter, dynarec, oldline):
+ print("\nMismatch!")
+ print(inter + " - Interpreter")
+ print(dynarec + " - Dynarec")
+ print("State before the mismatch:")
+ print(oldline)
+ print_differences(inter, dynarec)
+def read_loop(p1, p2):
+ oldline = ""
+ while True:
+ line1 = get_next_line(p1)
+ line2 = get_next_line(p2)
+ if line1 != line2:
+ # TODO: Proper matching
+ # Lightrec might be lagging behind
+ #if line1[0:16] != line2[0:16]:
+ if line1[6:16] != line2[6:16]:
+ cycle1 = int(line1[6:16], 16)
+ cycle2 = int(line2[6:16], 16)
+ if cycle1 < cycle2:
+ print(line2[:-1] + " - Dynarec")
+ while cycle1 < cycle2:
+ print(line1[:-1] + " - Interpreter lagging behind")
+ print_differences(line1[:-1], line2[:-1])
+ line1 = get_next_line(p1)
+ cycle1 = int(line1[6:16], 16)
+ while cycle1 > cycle2:
+ print(line2[:-1] + " - Dynarec lagging behind")
+ print_differences(line1[:-1], line2[:-1])
+ line2 = get_next_line(p2)
+ cycle2 = int(line2[6:16], 16)
+ if line1 != line2:
+ print_mismatch(line1[:-1], line2[:-1], oldline)
+ break
+ if cycle2 < cycle1:
+ print(line1[:-1] + " - Interpreter")
+ while cycle1 > cycle2:
+ print(line2[:-1] + " - Dynarec lagging behind")
+ print_differences(line1[:-1], line2[:-1])
+ line2 = get_next_line(p2)
+ cycle2 = int(line2[6:16], 16)
+ while cycle1 < cycle2:
+ print(line1[:-1] + " - Interpreter lagging behind")
+ print_differences(line1[:-1], line2[:-1])
+ line1 = get_next_line(p1)
+ cycle1 = int(line1[6:16], 16)
+ if line1 != line2:
+ print_mismatch(line1[:-1], line2[:-1], oldline)
+ break
+ if line1 == line2:
+ oldline = line1[:-1]
+ print(oldline[:16] + " - Match")
+ continue
+ print_mismatch(line1[:-1], line2[:-1], oldline)
+ break
+ else:
+ oldline = line1[:-1]
+def main():
+ with subprocess.Popen(['./pcsx'] + argv[1:], env={ **environ, 'LIGHTREC_DEBUG': '1', 'LIGHTREC_INTERPRETER': '1' }, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) as fifo_int:
+ with subprocess.Popen(['./pcsx'] + argv[1:], env={ **environ, 'LIGHTREC_DEBUG': '1' }, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) as fifo_jit:
+ read_loop(fifo_int.stdout, fifo_jit.stdout)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()