#ifdef _3DS
static u32 mapped_addrs[8];
static u32 mapped_ram, mapped_ram_src;
+static void *vram_mem;
// http://3dbrew.org/wiki/Memory_layout#ARM11_User-land_memory_regions
static void *pl_3ds_mmap(unsigned long addr, size_t size,
*can_retry_addr = 0;
+ if (tag == MAP_TAG_VRAM && vram_mem)
+ return vram_mem;
if (__ctr_svchax) do
// idea from fbalpha2012_neogeo
+ if (ptr && ptr == vram_mem)
+ return;
if (ptr && __ctr_svchax)
size_t i;
+// debug
+static int ctr_get_tlbe_k(u32 ptr)
+ u32 tlb_base = -1, tlb_ctl = -1, *l1;
+ s32 tlb_mask = 0xffffc000;
+ asm volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c2, c0, 0" : "=r"(tlb_base));
+ asm volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c2, c0, 2" : "=r"(tlb_ctl));
+ tlb_mask >>= tlb_ctl & 7;
+ l1 = (u32 *)((tlb_base & tlb_mask) | 0xe0000000);
+ return l1[ptr >> 20];
+static int ctr_get_tlbe(void *ptr)
+ if (svcConvertVAToPA((void *)0xe0000000, 0) != 0x20000000)
+ return -1;
+ return svcCustomBackdoor(ctr_get_tlbe_k, ptr, NULL, NULL);
if (__ctr_svchax)
svcGetSystemInfo(&mem_used, 0, 1);
- SysPrintf("mem: %d/%d heap: %d linear: %d stack: %d exe: %d\n", (int)mem_used, app_memory,
- __heap_size, __linear_heap_size, __stacksize__, (int)&__end__ - 0x100000);
+ SysPrintf("mem: %d/%d heap: %d linear: %d/%d stack: %d exe: %d\n",
+ (int)mem_used, app_memory, __heap_size, __linear_heap_size - linearSpaceFree(),
+ __linear_heap_size, __stacksize__, (int)&__end__ - 0x100000);
#ifdef _3DS
- vout_buf = linearMemAlign(VOUT_MAX_WIDTH * VOUT_MAX_HEIGHT * 2, 0x80);
+ // Place psx vram in linear mem to take advantage of it's supersection mapping.
+ // The emu allocs 2x (0x201000 to be exact) but doesn't really need that much,
+ // so place vout_buf below to also act as an overdraw guard.
+ vram_mem = linearMemAlign(1024*1024 + 4096 + VOUT_MAX_WIDTH * VOUT_MAX_HEIGHT * 2, 4096);
+ if (vram_mem) {
+ vout_buf = (char *)vram_mem + 1024*1024 + 4096;
+ if (__ctr_svchax)
+ SysPrintf("vram: %p PA %08x tlb %08x\n", vram_mem,
+ svcConvertVAToPA(vram_mem, 0), ctr_get_tlbe(vram_mem));
+ }
#elif defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && (_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L) && P_HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN
if (posix_memalign(&vout_buf, 16, VOUT_MAX_WIDTH * VOUT_MAX_HEIGHT * 2) != 0)
vout_buf = NULL;
#ifdef _3DS
- linearFree(vout_buf);
+ linearFree(vram_mem);
+ vram_mem = NULL;