add keymaps
[android_pandora.git] / apps / oi-filemanager / FileManager / res / values-pt-rBR / strings.xml
811a5a4a 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2008
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 *
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 -->
18 <!-- ***************************
19 About information
20 *************************** -->
22 <!-- Automatically filled in by Launchpad: -->
23 <string name="about_translators">Launchpad Contributions:
24 André Gondim
25 DanielElias
26 Luiz Lopes</string>
28 <!-- Short explanation of the application (max. 80 characters) -->
29 <string name="about_comments">Manage files on the SD card with OI File Manager.</string>
31 <!-- ***************************
32 Applicatio-specific strings
33 *************************** -->
34 <!-- Name of application. Can be localized. OI = OpenIntents should stay unmodified. -->
35 <string name="app_name">OI File Manager</string>
37 <string name="menu_new_folder">Nova Pasta</string>
39 <!-- Multi select option menu -->
40 <string name="menu_multi_select">Seleção múltipla</string>
42 <string name="menu_delete">Apagar</string>
43 <string name="menu_rename">Renomear</string>
44 <string name="menu_send">Enviar</string>
45 <string name="menu_open">Abrir</string>
46 <string name="menu_move">Mover</string>
47 <string name="menu_copy">Copiar</string>
48 <string name="menu_details">Details</string>
49 <string name="menu_more">More</string>
50 <string name="menu_compress">Compress (ZIP)</string>
51 <string name="menu_extract">Extract (ZIP)</string>
52 <string name="menu_filter">Filter</string>
53 <string name="menu_include_in_media_scan">Incluir no scanner de mídia.</string>
54 <string name="menu_exclude_from_media_scan">Remover do scanner de mídia.</string>
55 <string name="menu_bookmark">Add to bookmarks</string>
56 <string name="menu_refresh">Refresh</string>
58 <string name="create_new_folder">Criar nova pasta</string>
59 <string name="folder_name">Nome da Pasta</string>
60 <string name="file_name">Nome da Pasta</string>
61 <string name="extension">Extension (with \'.\')</string>
62 <string name="this_folder_is_empty">Esta pasta está vazia.</string>
63 <string name="really_delete">Você realmente deseja deletar %s ?</string>
64 <string name="file_deleted">Arquivo deletado.</string>
65 <string name="folder_deleted">Pasta deletada.</string>
66 <string name="file_renamed">Arquivo renomeado.</string>
67 <string name="folder_renamed">Pasta renomeada.</string>
68 <string name="file_moved">Arquivo movido.</string>
69 <string name="folder_moved">Pasta movida.</string>
70 <string name="file_copied">Arquivo copiado.</string>
71 <string name="move_title">Escolha a pasta para onde deseja mover</string>
72 <string name="move_button">Mover aqui</string>
73 <string name="copy_title">Escolha a pasta para onde deseja copiar</string>
74 <string name="copy_button">Copiar aqui</string>
75 <string name="deleting_files">Excluindo arquivos...</string>
76 <string name="title_warning_some_may_not_work">Warning</string>
77 <string name="warning_some_may_not_work">Some of the following options may not work.</string>
78 <string name="show_warning_again">Show warning again</string>
80 <!-- Strings for a multi select feature -->
81 <string name="really_delete_multiselect">Tem certeza de que deseja deletar %d arquivos?</string>
82 <string name="move_button_multiselect">Mover</string>
83 <string name="copy_button_multiselect">Copiar</string>
84 <string name="delete_button_multiselect">Apagar</string>
27a4fda1 85
86 <!-- ZIP is the ZIP compression (NOT the ZIP code!) -->
811a5a4a 87 <string name="compress_zip_button_multiselect">ZIP</string>
27a4fda1 88
811a5a4a 89 <string name="multiselect_title">Selecione varios arquivos</string>
90 <string name="error_selection">Favor selecionar um ou mais arquivos</string>
92 <!-- Strings for details table -->
93 <string name="details_type">Type</string>
94 <string name="details_type_folder">Folder</string>
95 <string name="details_type_file">File</string>
96 <string name="details_type_other">Other</string>
97 <string name="details_size">Size</string>
98 <string name="details_permissions">Permissions</string>
99 <string name="details_hidden">Hidden</string>
100 <string name="details_lastmodified">Last Modified</string>
101 <string name="details_yes">Yes</string>
102 <string name="details_no">No</string>
104 <!-- Construct a unique file name of a file called %s. -->
105 <string name="copied_file_name">Cópia de %s</string>
107 <!-- Construct a unique file name with number %1$d of a file called %2$s. -->
108 <string name="copied_file_name_2">Copia %1$d de %2$s</string>
110 <string name="media_scan_included">Esta pasta será incluída no próximo escaneamento de mídia</string>
111 <string name="media_scan_excluded">Esta pasta será excluída durante o próximo escaneamento de mídia.</string>
113 <string name="error_creating_new_folder">Não é possível criar nova pasta.</string>
114 <string name="error_deleting_file">Não é possível deletar arquivo.</string>
115 <string name="error_deleting_folder">Não é possível deletar pasta \'%s\'.</string>
116 <string name="error_renaming_file">Não é possível renomar arquivo.</string>
117 <string name="error_renaming_folder">Não é possível renomar pasta.</string>
118 <string name="error_moving_file">Não é possível mover arquivo.</string>
119 <string name="error_moving_folder">Não é possível mover pasta.</string>
120 <string name="error_copying_file">Não é possível copiar arquivo.</string>
121 <string name="error_file_does_not_exists">Arquivo não existe.</string>
122 <string name="error_deleting_child_file">Não é possível excluir arquivo filho \'%s\'.</string>
123 <string name="error_generic">Um erro ocorreu:</string>
124 <string name="error_media_scan">Não é possível mudar configurações do scanner de mídia.</string>
126 <string name="send_not_available">Sem aplicativos disponíveis para envio.</string>
128 <string name="application_not_available">Aplicativo indisponível.</string>
130 <!-- ***************************
131 Preferences
132 *************************** -->
133 <!-- Menu item for Settings -->
134 <string name="settings">Configurações</string>
136 <!-- Category for preferences. -->
137 <string name="preference_advanced_features">Funcionalidades avançadas</string>
138 <string name="preference_mediascan_title">Remover do scanner de mídia.</string>
139 <string name="preference_mediascan_summary_on">Mostrar item de menu para excluir arquivos da pesquisa de mídia.</string>
140 <string name="preference_mediascan_summary_off">Ocultar item de menu para excluir arquivos da pesquisa de mídia.</string>
142 <string name="preference_showallwarning_title">Show all warnings</string>
143 <string name="preference_showallwarning_summary_on">Show all warning messages</string>
144 <string name="preference_showallwarning_summary_off">Suppress warning messages</string>
146 <string name="preference_displayhiddenfiles_title">Display hidden files</string>
147 <string name="preference_displayhiddenfiles_summary_on">Display hidden files</string>
148 <string name="preference_displayhiddenfiles_summary_off">Hide hidden files</string>
150 <string name="preference_sort_settings">Sort settings</string>
151 <string name="preference_sortby">Sort by</string>
152 <string name="preference_sortby_ascending">In ascending order</string>
153 <string name="preference_sortby_ascending_summary_on">Sort in ascending order</string>
154 <string name="preference_sortby_ascending_summary_off">Sort in descending order</string>
155 <string-array name="preference_sortby_names">
156 <item>Name</item>
157 <item>Size</item>
158 <item>Last modified</item>
159 </string-array>
162 <!-- ***************************
163 Strings for the \'Save as\' feature
164 *************************** -->
165 <string name="saveas_no_file_picked">You haven\'t picked any file.</string>
166 <string name="saveas_error">An error occured.</string>
167 <string name="saveas_file_saved">File successfully saved!</string>
171 <string name="bookmarks">Bookmarks</string>
172 <string name="bookmarks_cancel">Cancel</string>
173 <string name="bookmarks_delete">Apagar</string>
174 <string name="bookmarks_select_to_delete">Select bookmarks to delete</string>
175 <string name="bookmarks_manage">Manage bookmarks</string>
176 <string name="bookmark_added">Bookmark added</string>
177 <string name="bookmark_not_found">Bookmarked destination not found.</string>
178 <string name="bookmarks_deleted">Selected bookmarks deleted</string>
179 <string name="bookmark_already_exists">This file is already bookmarked</string>
182 <!-- ***************************
183 Strings for the \'Compressing\' and \'Extracting\' feature
184 *************************** -->
185 <string name="compressing_success">Item compressed successfully</string>
186 <string name="compressing_error">Could not compress the item</string>
187 <string name="compress_into_archive">Compress into archive:</string>
188 <string name="extracting_success">Item extracted successfully</string>
189 <string name="extracting_error">Could not extract the item</string>
190 <string name="extract_into_folder">Extract into folder:</string>
191 <string name="extract_title">Select folder to extract into</string>
192 <string name="extract_button">Extract here</string>
193 <string name="extracting">Extracting...</string>
194 <string name="compressing">Compressing...</string>
195 <string name="warning_overwrite">File %s exists. Do you want to overwrite it?</string>
197 <string name="change_file_extension">Do you want to change the file extension?</string>