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[pcsx_rearmed.git] / deps / libchdr / deps / zstd-1.5.5 / build / README.md
648db22b 1Projects for various integrated development environments (IDE)
4#### Included projects
6The following projects are included with the zstd distribution:
7- `cmake` - CMake project contributed by Artyom Dymchenko
8- `VS2005` - Visual Studio 2005 Project (this project has been moved to the contrib directory and will no longer be supported)
9- `VS2008` - Visual Studio 2008 project
10- `VS2010` - Visual Studio 2010 project (which also works well with Visual Studio 2012, 2013, 2015)
11- `VS_scripts` - command line scripts prepared for Visual Studio compilation without IDE
14#### How to compile zstd with Visual Studio
161. Install Visual Studio e.g. VS 2015 Community Edition (it's free).
172. Download the latest version of zstd from https://github.com/facebook/zstd/releases
183. Decompress ZIP archive.
194. Go to decompressed directory then to `projects` then `VS2010` and open `zstd.sln`
205. Visual Studio will ask about converting VS2010 project to VS2015 and you should agree.
216. Change `Debug` to `Release` and if you have 64-bit Windows change also `Win32` to `x64`.
227. Press F7 on keyboard or select `BUILD` from the menu bar and choose `Build Solution`.
238. If compilation will be fine a compiled executable will be in `projects\VS2010\bin\x64\Release\zstd.exe`
26#### Projects available within zstd.sln
28The Visual Studio solution file `visual\VS2010\zstd.sln` contains many projects that will be compiled to the
29`visual\VS2010\bin\$(Platform)_$(Configuration)` directory. For example `zstd` set to `x64` and
30`Release` will be compiled to `visual\VS2010\bin\x64_Release\zstd.exe`. The solution file contains the
31following projects:
33- `zstd` : Command Line Utility, supporting gzip-like arguments
34- `datagen` : Synthetic and parametrable data generator, for tests
35- `fullbench` : Precisely measure speed for each zstd inner functions
36- `fuzzer` : Test tool, to check zstd integrity on target platform
37- `libzstd` : A static ZSTD library compiled to `libzstd_static.lib`
38- `libzstd-dll` : A dynamic ZSTD library (DLL) compiled to `libzstd.dll` with the import library `libzstd.lib`
39- `fullbench-dll` : The fullbench program compiled with the import library; the executable requires ZSTD DLL
42#### Using ZSTD DLL with Microsoft Visual C++ project
44The header file `lib\zstd.h` and the import library
45`visual\VS2010\bin\$(Platform)_$(Configuration)\libzstd.lib` are required to compile
46a project using Visual C++.
481. The path to header files should be added to `Additional Include Directories` that can
49 be found in Project Properties of Visual Studio IDE in the `C/C++` Property Pages on the `General` page.
502. The import library has to be added to `Additional Dependencies` that can
51 be found in Project Properties in the `Linker` Property Pages on the `Input` page.
52 If one will provide only the name `libzstd.lib` without a full path to the library
53 then the directory has to be added to `Linker\General\Additional Library Directories`.
55The compiled executable will require ZSTD DLL which is available at