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648db22b 1Zstandard Compression Format
4### Notices
6Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
8Permission is granted to copy and distribute this document
9for any purpose and without charge,
10including translations into other languages
11and incorporation into compilations,
12provided that the copyright notice and this notice are preserved,
13and that any substantive changes or deletions from the original
14are clearly marked.
15Distribution of this document is unlimited.
17### Version
f535537f 190.4.0 (2023-06-05)
648db22b 20
25The purpose of this document is to define a lossless compressed data format,
26that is independent of CPU type, operating system,
27file system and character set, suitable for
28file compression, pipe and streaming compression,
29using the [Zstandard algorithm](
30The text of the specification assumes a basic background in programming
31at the level of bits and other primitive data representations.
33The data can be produced or consumed,
34even for an arbitrarily long sequentially presented input data stream,
35using only an a priori bounded amount of intermediate storage,
36and hence can be used in data communications.
37The format uses the Zstandard compression method,
38and optional [xxHash-64 checksum method](,
39for detection of data corruption.
41The data format defined by this specification
42does not attempt to allow random access to compressed data.
44Unless otherwise indicated below,
45a compliant compressor must produce data sets
46that conform to the specifications presented here.
47It doesn’t need to support all options though.
49A compliant decompressor must be able to decompress
50at least one working set of parameters
51that conforms to the specifications presented here.
52It may also ignore informative fields, such as checksum.
53Whenever it does not support a parameter defined in the compressed stream,
54it must produce a non-ambiguous error code and associated error message
55explaining which parameter is unsupported.
57This specification is intended for use by implementers of software
58to compress data into Zstandard format and/or decompress data from Zstandard format.
59The Zstandard format is supported by an open source reference implementation,
60written in portable C, and available at : .
63### Overall conventions
64In this document:
65- square brackets i.e. `[` and `]` are used to indicate optional fields or parameters.
66- the naming convention for identifiers is `Mixed_Case_With_Underscores`
68### Definitions
69Content compressed by Zstandard is transformed into a Zstandard __frame__.
70Multiple frames can be appended into a single file or stream.
71A frame is completely independent, has a defined beginning and end,
72and a set of parameters which tells the decoder how to decompress it.
74A frame encapsulates one or multiple __blocks__.
75Each block contains arbitrary content, which is described by its header,
76and has a guaranteed maximum content size, which depends on frame parameters.
77Unlike frames, each block depends on previous blocks for proper decoding.
78However, each block can be decompressed without waiting for its successor,
79allowing streaming operations.
83- [Frames](#frames)
84 - [Zstandard frames](#zstandard-frames)
85 - [Blocks](#blocks)
86 - [Literals Section](#literals-section)
87 - [Sequences Section](#sequences-section)
88 - [Sequence Execution](#sequence-execution)
89 - [Skippable frames](#skippable-frames)
90- [Entropy Encoding](#entropy-encoding)
91 - [FSE](#fse)
92 - [Huffman Coding](#huffman-coding)
93- [Dictionary Format](#dictionary-format)
97Zstandard compressed data is made of one or more __frames__.
98Each frame is independent and can be decompressed independently of other frames.
99The decompressed content of multiple concatenated frames is the concatenation of
100each frame decompressed content.
102There are two frame formats defined by Zstandard:
103 Zstandard frames and Skippable frames.
104Zstandard frames contain compressed data, while
105skippable frames contain custom user metadata.
107## Zstandard frames
108The structure of a single Zstandard frame is following:
110| `Magic_Number` | `Frame_Header` |`Data_Block`| [More data blocks] | [`Content_Checksum`] |
111|:--------------:|:--------------:|:----------:| ------------------ |:--------------------:|
112| 4 bytes | 2-14 bytes | n bytes | | 0-4 bytes |
1164 Bytes, __little-endian__ format.
117Value : 0xFD2FB528
118Note: This value was selected to be less probable to find at the beginning of some random file.
119It avoids trivial patterns (0x00, 0xFF, repeated bytes, increasing bytes, etc.),
120contains byte values outside of ASCII range,
121and doesn't map into UTF8 space.
122It reduces the chances that a text file represent this value by accident.
1262 to 14 Bytes, detailed in [`Frame_Header`](#frame_header).
130Detailed in [`Blocks`](#blocks).
131That’s where compressed data is stored.
135An optional 32-bit checksum, only present if `Content_Checksum_flag` is set.
136The content checksum is the result
137of [xxh64() hash function](
138digesting the original (decoded) data as input, and a seed of zero.
139The low 4 bytes of the checksum are stored in __little-endian__ format.
141### `Frame_Header`
143The `Frame_Header` has a variable size, with a minimum of 2 bytes,
144and up to 14 bytes depending on optional parameters.
145The structure of `Frame_Header` is following:
147| `Frame_Header_Descriptor` | [`Window_Descriptor`] | [`Dictionary_ID`] | [`Frame_Content_Size`] |
148| ------------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------- | ---------------------- |
149| 1 byte | 0-1 byte | 0-4 bytes | 0-8 bytes |
151#### `Frame_Header_Descriptor`
153The first header's byte is called the `Frame_Header_Descriptor`.
154It describes which other fields are present.
155Decoding this byte is enough to tell the size of `Frame_Header`.
157| Bit number | Field name |
158| ---------- | ---------- |
159| 7-6 | `Frame_Content_Size_flag` |
160| 5 | `Single_Segment_flag` |
161| 4 | `Unused_bit` |
162| 3 | `Reserved_bit` |
163| 2 | `Content_Checksum_flag` |
164| 1-0 | `Dictionary_ID_flag` |
166In this table, bit 7 is the highest bit, while bit 0 is the lowest one.
170This is a 2-bits flag (`= Frame_Header_Descriptor >> 6`),
171specifying if `Frame_Content_Size` (the decompressed data size)
172is provided within the header.
173`Flag_Value` provides `FCS_Field_Size`,
174which is the number of bytes used by `Frame_Content_Size`
175according to the following table:
177| `Flag_Value` | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
178| -------------- | ------ | --- | --- | --- |
179|`FCS_Field_Size`| 0 or 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 |
181When `Flag_Value` is `0`, `FCS_Field_Size` depends on `Single_Segment_flag` :
182if `Single_Segment_flag` is set, `FCS_Field_Size` is 1.
183Otherwise, `FCS_Field_Size` is 0 : `Frame_Content_Size` is not provided.
187If this flag is set,
188data must be regenerated within a single continuous memory segment.
190In this case, `Window_Descriptor` byte is skipped,
191but `Frame_Content_Size` is necessarily present.
192As a consequence, the decoder must allocate a memory segment
193of size equal or larger than `Frame_Content_Size`.
195In order to preserve the decoder from unreasonable memory requirements,
196a decoder is allowed to reject a compressed frame
197which requests a memory size beyond decoder's authorized range.
199For broader compatibility, decoders are recommended to support
200memory sizes of at least 8 MB.
201This is only a recommendation,
202each decoder is free to support higher or lower limits,
203depending on local limitations.
207A decoder compliant with this specification version shall not interpret this bit.
208It might be used in any future version,
209to signal a property which is transparent to properly decode the frame.
210An encoder compliant with this specification version must set this bit to zero.
214This bit is reserved for some future feature.
215Its value _must be zero_.
216A decoder compliant with this specification version must ensure it is not set.
217This bit may be used in a future revision,
218to signal a feature that must be interpreted to decode the frame correctly.
222If this flag is set, a 32-bits `Content_Checksum` will be present at frame's end.
223See `Content_Checksum` paragraph.
227This is a 2-bits flag (`= FHD & 3`),
228telling if a dictionary ID is provided within the header.
229It also specifies the size of this field as `DID_Field_Size`.
231|`Flag_Value` | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
232| -------------- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
233|`DID_Field_Size`| 0 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
235#### `Window_Descriptor`
237Provides guarantees on minimum memory buffer required to decompress a frame.
238This information is important for decoders to allocate enough memory.
240The `Window_Descriptor` byte is optional.
241When `Single_Segment_flag` is set, `Window_Descriptor` is not present.
242In this case, `Window_Size` is `Frame_Content_Size`,
243which can be any value from 0 to 2^64-1 bytes (16 ExaBytes).
245| Bit numbers | 7-3 | 2-0 |
246| ----------- | ---------- | ---------- |
247| Field name | `Exponent` | `Mantissa` |
249The minimum memory buffer size is called `Window_Size`.
250It is described by the following formulas :
252windowLog = 10 + Exponent;
253windowBase = 1 << windowLog;
254windowAdd = (windowBase / 8) * Mantissa;
255Window_Size = windowBase + windowAdd;
257The minimum `Window_Size` is 1 KB.
258The maximum `Window_Size` is `(1<<41) + 7*(1<<38)` bytes, which is 3.75 TB.
260In general, larger `Window_Size` tend to improve compression ratio,
261but at the cost of memory usage.
263To properly decode compressed data,
264a decoder will need to allocate a buffer of at least `Window_Size` bytes.
266In order to preserve decoder from unreasonable memory requirements,
267a decoder is allowed to reject a compressed frame
268which requests a memory size beyond decoder's authorized range.
270For improved interoperability,
271it's recommended for decoders to support `Window_Size` of up to 8 MB,
272and it's recommended for encoders to not generate frame requiring `Window_Size` larger than 8 MB.
273It's merely a recommendation though,
274decoders are free to support larger or lower limits,
275depending on local limitations.
277#### `Dictionary_ID`
279This is a variable size field, which contains
280the ID of the dictionary required to properly decode the frame.
281`Dictionary_ID` field is optional. When it's not present,
282it's up to the decoder to know which dictionary to use.
284`Dictionary_ID` field size is provided by `DID_Field_Size`.
285`DID_Field_Size` is directly derived from value of `Dictionary_ID_flag`.
2861 byte can represent an ID 0-255.
2872 bytes can represent an ID 0-65535.
2884 bytes can represent an ID 0-4294967295.
289Format is __little-endian__.
291It's allowed to represent a small ID (for example `13`)
292with a large 4-bytes dictionary ID, even if it is less efficient.
294A value of `0` has same meaning as no `Dictionary_ID`,
295in which case the frame may or may not need a dictionary to be decoded,
296and the ID of such a dictionary is not specified.
297The decoder must know this information by other means.
299#### `Frame_Content_Size`
301This is the original (uncompressed) size. This information is optional.
302`Frame_Content_Size` uses a variable number of bytes, provided by `FCS_Field_Size`.
303`FCS_Field_Size` is provided by the value of `Frame_Content_Size_flag`.
304`FCS_Field_Size` can be equal to 0 (not present), 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes.
306| `FCS_Field_Size` | Range |
307| ---------------- | ---------- |
308| 0 | unknown |
309| 1 | 0 - 255 |
310| 2 | 256 - 65791|
311| 4 | 0 - 2^32-1 |
312| 8 | 0 - 2^64-1 |
314`Frame_Content_Size` format is __little-endian__.
315When `FCS_Field_Size` is 1, 4 or 8 bytes, the value is read directly.
316When `FCS_Field_Size` is 2, _the offset of 256 is added_.
317It's allowed to represent a small size (for example `18`) using any compatible variant.
323After `Magic_Number` and `Frame_Header`, there are some number of blocks.
324Each frame must have at least one block,
325but there is no upper limit on the number of blocks per frame.
327The structure of a block is as follows:
329| `Block_Header` | `Block_Content` |
331| 3 bytes | n bytes |
335`Block_Header` uses 3 bytes, written using __little-endian__ convention.
336It contains 3 fields :
338| `Last_Block` | `Block_Type` | `Block_Size` |
340| bit 0 | bits 1-2 | bits 3-23 |
344The lowest bit signals if this block is the last one.
345The frame will end after this last block.
346It may be followed by an optional `Content_Checksum`
347(see [Zstandard Frames](#zstandard-frames)).
351The next 2 bits represent the `Block_Type`.
352`Block_Type` influences the meaning of `Block_Size`.
353There are 4 block types :
355| Value | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
356| ------------ | ----------- | ----------- | ------------------ | --------- |
357| `Block_Type` | `Raw_Block` | `RLE_Block` | `Compressed_Block` | `Reserved`|
359- `Raw_Block` - this is an uncompressed block.
360 `Block_Content` contains `Block_Size` bytes.
362- `RLE_Block` - this is a single byte, repeated `Block_Size` times.
363 `Block_Content` consists of a single byte.
364 On the decompression side, this byte must be repeated `Block_Size` times.
366- `Compressed_Block` - this is a [Zstandard compressed block](#compressed-blocks),
367 explained later on.
368 `Block_Size` is the length of `Block_Content`, the compressed data.
369 The decompressed size is not known,
370 but its maximum possible value is guaranteed (see below)
372- `Reserved` - this is not a block.
373 This value cannot be used with current version of this specification.
374 If such a value is present, it is considered corrupted data.
378The upper 21 bits of `Block_Header` represent the `Block_Size`.
380When `Block_Type` is `Compressed_Block` or `Raw_Block`,
381`Block_Size` is the size of `Block_Content` (hence excluding `Block_Header`).
383When `Block_Type` is `RLE_Block`, since `Block_Content`’s size is always 1,
384`Block_Size` represents the number of times this byte must be repeated.
386`Block_Size` is limited by `Block_Maximum_Size` (see below).
388__`Block_Content`__ and __`Block_Maximum_Size`__
390The size of `Block_Content` is limited by `Block_Maximum_Size`,
391which is the smallest of:
392- `Window_Size`
393- 128 KB
395`Block_Maximum_Size` is constant for a given frame.
396This maximum is applicable to both the decompressed size
397and the compressed size of any block in the frame.
399The reasoning for this limit is that a decoder can read this information
400at the beginning of a frame and use it to allocate buffers.
401The guarantees on the size of blocks ensure that
402the buffers will be large enough for any following block of the valid frame.
405Compressed Blocks
407To decompress a compressed block, the compressed size must be provided
408from `Block_Size` field within `Block_Header`.
410A compressed block consists of 2 sections :
411- [Literals Section](#literals-section)
412- [Sequences Section](#sequences-section)
414The results of the two sections are then combined to produce the decompressed
415data in [Sequence Execution](#sequence-execution)
417#### Prerequisites
418To decode a compressed block, the following elements are necessary :
419- Previous decoded data, up to a distance of `Window_Size`,
420 or beginning of the Frame, whichever is smaller.
421- List of "recent offsets" from previous `Compressed_Block`.
422- The previous Huffman tree, required by `Treeless_Literals_Block` type
423- Previous FSE decoding tables, required by `Repeat_Mode`
424 for each symbol type (literals lengths, match lengths, offsets)
426Note that decoding tables aren't always from the previous `Compressed_Block`.
428- Every decoding table can come from a dictionary.
429- The Huffman tree comes from the previous `Compressed_Literals_Block`.
431Literals Section
433All literals are regrouped in the first part of the block.
434They can be decoded first, and then copied during [Sequence Execution],
435or they can be decoded on the flow during [Sequence Execution].
437Literals can be stored uncompressed or compressed using Huffman prefix codes.
438When compressed, a tree description may optionally be present,
439followed by 1 or 4 streams.
441| `Literals_Section_Header` | [`Huffman_Tree_Description`] | [jumpTable] | Stream1 | [Stream2] | [Stream3] | [Stream4] |
442| ------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------- | ------- | --------- | --------- | --------- |
445### `Literals_Section_Header`
447Header is in charge of describing how literals are packed.
448It's a byte-aligned variable-size bitfield, ranging from 1 to 5 bytes,
449using __little-endian__ convention.
451| `Literals_Block_Type` | `Size_Format` | `Regenerated_Size` | [`Compressed_Size`] |
452| --------------------- | ------------- | ------------------ | ------------------- |
453| 2 bits | 1 - 2 bits | 5 - 20 bits | 0 - 18 bits |
455In this representation, bits on the left are the lowest bits.
459This field uses 2 lowest bits of first byte, describing 4 different block types :
461| `Literals_Block_Type` | Value |
462| --------------------------- | ----- |
463| `Raw_Literals_Block` | 0 |
464| `RLE_Literals_Block` | 1 |
465| `Compressed_Literals_Block` | 2 |
466| `Treeless_Literals_Block` | 3 |
468- `Raw_Literals_Block` - Literals are stored uncompressed.
469- `RLE_Literals_Block` - Literals consist of a single byte value
470 repeated `Regenerated_Size` times.
471- `Compressed_Literals_Block` - This is a standard Huffman-compressed block,
472 starting with a Huffman tree description.
473 In this mode, there are at least 2 different literals represented in the Huffman tree description.
474 See details below.
475- `Treeless_Literals_Block` - This is a Huffman-compressed block,
476 using Huffman tree _from previous Huffman-compressed literals block_.
477 `Huffman_Tree_Description` will be skipped.
478 Note: If this mode is triggered without any previous Huffman-table in the frame
479 (or [dictionary](#dictionary-format)), this should be treated as data corruption.
483`Size_Format` is divided into 2 families :
485- For `Raw_Literals_Block` and `RLE_Literals_Block`,
486 it's only necessary to decode `Regenerated_Size`.
487 There is no `Compressed_Size` field.
488- For `Compressed_Block` and `Treeless_Literals_Block`,
489 it's required to decode both `Compressed_Size`
490 and `Regenerated_Size` (the decompressed size).
491 It's also necessary to decode the number of streams (1 or 4).
493For values spanning several bytes, convention is __little-endian__.
495__`Size_Format` for `Raw_Literals_Block` and `RLE_Literals_Block`__ :
497`Size_Format` uses 1 _or_ 2 bits.
498Its value is : `Size_Format = (Literals_Section_Header[0]>>2) & 3`
500- `Size_Format` == 00 or 10 : `Size_Format` uses 1 bit.
501 `Regenerated_Size` uses 5 bits (0-31).
502 `Literals_Section_Header` uses 1 byte.
503 `Regenerated_Size = Literals_Section_Header[0]>>3`
504- `Size_Format` == 01 : `Size_Format` uses 2 bits.
505 `Regenerated_Size` uses 12 bits (0-4095).
506 `Literals_Section_Header` uses 2 bytes.
507 `Regenerated_Size = (Literals_Section_Header[0]>>4) + (Literals_Section_Header[1]<<4)`
508- `Size_Format` == 11 : `Size_Format` uses 2 bits.
509 `Regenerated_Size` uses 20 bits (0-1048575).
510 `Literals_Section_Header` uses 3 bytes.
511 `Regenerated_Size = (Literals_Section_Header[0]>>4) + (Literals_Section_Header[1]<<4) + (Literals_Section_Header[2]<<12)`
513Only Stream1 is present for these cases.
514Note : it's allowed to represent a short value (for example `27`)
515using a long format, even if it's less efficient.
517__`Size_Format` for `Compressed_Literals_Block` and `Treeless_Literals_Block`__ :
519`Size_Format` always uses 2 bits.
521- `Size_Format` == 00 : _A single stream_.
522 Both `Regenerated_Size` and `Compressed_Size` use 10 bits (0-1023).
523 `Literals_Section_Header` uses 3 bytes.
524- `Size_Format` == 01 : 4 streams.
525 Both `Regenerated_Size` and `Compressed_Size` use 10 bits (6-1023).
526 `Literals_Section_Header` uses 3 bytes.
527- `Size_Format` == 10 : 4 streams.
528 Both `Regenerated_Size` and `Compressed_Size` use 14 bits (6-16383).
529 `Literals_Section_Header` uses 4 bytes.
530- `Size_Format` == 11 : 4 streams.
531 Both `Regenerated_Size` and `Compressed_Size` use 18 bits (6-262143).
532 `Literals_Section_Header` uses 5 bytes.
534Both `Compressed_Size` and `Regenerated_Size` fields follow __little-endian__ convention.
535Note: `Compressed_Size` __includes__ the size of the Huffman Tree description
536_when_ it is present.
537Note 2: `Compressed_Size` can never be `==0`.
538Even in single-stream scenario, assuming an empty content, it must be `>=1`,
539since it contains at least the final end bit flag.
540In 4-streams scenario, a valid `Compressed_Size` is necessarily `>= 10`
541(6 bytes for the jump table, + 4x1 bytes for the 4 streams).
5434 streams is faster than 1 stream in decompression speed,
544by exploiting instruction level parallelism.
545But it's also more expensive,
546costing on average ~7.3 bytes more than the 1 stream mode, mostly from the jump table.
548In general, use the 4 streams mode when there are more literals to decode,
549to favor higher decompression speeds.
550Note that beyond >1KB of literals, the 4 streams mode is compulsory.
552Note that a minimum of 6 bytes is required for the 4 streams mode.
553That's a technical minimum, but it's not recommended to employ the 4 streams mode
554for such a small quantity, that would be wasteful.
555A more practical lower bound would be around ~256 bytes.
557#### Raw Literals Block
558The data in Stream1 is `Regenerated_Size` bytes long,
559it contains the raw literals data to be used during [Sequence Execution].
561#### RLE Literals Block
562Stream1 consists of a single byte which should be repeated `Regenerated_Size` times
563to generate the decoded literals.
565#### Compressed Literals Block and Treeless Literals Block
566Both of these modes contain Huffman encoded data.
568For `Treeless_Literals_Block`,
569the Huffman table comes from previously compressed literals block,
570or from a dictionary.
573### `Huffman_Tree_Description`
574This section is only present when `Literals_Block_Type` type is `Compressed_Literals_Block` (`2`).
575The tree describes the weights of all literals symbols that can be present in the literals block, at least 2 and up to 256.
576The format of the Huffman tree description can be found at [Huffman Tree description](#huffman-tree-description).
577The size of `Huffman_Tree_Description` is determined during decoding process,
578it must be used to determine where streams begin.
579`Total_Streams_Size = Compressed_Size - Huffman_Tree_Description_Size`.
582### Jump Table
583The Jump Table is only present when there are 4 Huffman-coded streams.
585Reminder : Huffman compressed data consists of either 1 or 4 streams.
587If only one stream is present, it is a single bitstream occupying the entire
588remaining portion of the literals block, encoded as described in
589[Huffman-Coded Streams](#huffman-coded-streams).
591If there are four streams, `Literals_Section_Header` only provided
592enough information to know the decompressed and compressed sizes
593of all four streams _combined_.
594The decompressed size of _each_ stream is equal to `(Regenerated_Size+3)/4`,
595except for the last stream which may be up to 3 bytes smaller,
596to reach a total decompressed size as specified in `Regenerated_Size`.
598The compressed size of each stream is provided explicitly in the Jump Table.
599Jump Table is 6 bytes long, and consists of three 2-byte __little-endian__ fields,
600describing the compressed sizes of the first three streams.
601`Stream4_Size` is computed from `Total_Streams_Size` minus sizes of other streams:
603`Stream4_Size = Total_Streams_Size - 6 - Stream1_Size - Stream2_Size - Stream3_Size`.
605`Stream4_Size` is necessarily `>= 1`. Therefore,
606if `Total_Streams_Size < Stream1_Size + Stream2_Size + Stream3_Size + 6 + 1`,
607data is considered corrupted.
609Each of these 4 bitstreams is then decoded independently as a Huffman-Coded stream,
610as described in [Huffman-Coded Streams](#huffman-coded-streams)
613Sequences Section
615A compressed block is a succession of _sequences_ .
616A sequence is a literal copy command, followed by a match copy command.
617A literal copy command specifies a length.
618It is the number of bytes to be copied (or extracted) from the Literals Section.
619A match copy command specifies an offset and a length.
621When all _sequences_ are decoded,
622if there are literals left in the _literals section_,
623these bytes are added at the end of the block.
625This is described in more detail in [Sequence Execution](#sequence-execution).
627The `Sequences_Section` regroup all symbols required to decode commands.
628There are 3 symbol types : literals lengths, offsets and match lengths.
629They are encoded together, interleaved, in a single _bitstream_.
631The `Sequences_Section` starts by a header,
632followed by optional probability tables for each symbol type,
633followed by the bitstream.
635| `Sequences_Section_Header` | [`Literals_Length_Table`] | [`Offset_Table`] | [`Match_Length_Table`] | bitStream |
636| -------------------------- | ------------------------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | --------- |
638To decode the `Sequences_Section`, it's required to know its size.
639Its size is deduced from the size of `Literals_Section`:
640`Sequences_Section_Size = Block_Size - Literals_Section_Size`.
643#### `Sequences_Section_Header`
645Consists of 2 items:
646- `Number_of_Sequences`
647- Symbol compression modes
651This is a variable size field using between 1 and 3 bytes.
652Let's call its first byte `byte0`.
648db22b 653- `if (byte0 < 128)` : `Number_of_Sequences = byte0` . Uses 1 byte.
f535537f 654- `if (byte0 < 255)` : `Number_of_Sequences = ((byte0 - 0x80) << 8) + byte1`. Uses 2 bytes.
655 Note that the 2 bytes format fully overlaps the 1 byte format.
656- `if (byte0 == 255)`: `Number_of_Sequences = byte1 + (byte2<<8) + 0x7F00`. Uses 3 bytes.
658`if (Number_of_Sequences == 0)` : there are no sequences.
659 The sequence section stops immediately,
660 FSE tables used in `Repeat_Mode` aren't updated.
661 Block's decompressed content is defined solely by the Literals Section content.
648db22b 662
663__Symbol compression modes__
665This is a single byte, defining the compression mode of each symbol type.
667|Bit number| 7-6 | 5-4 | 3-2 | 1-0 |
668| -------- | ----------------------- | -------------- | -------------------- | ---------- |
669|Field name| `Literals_Lengths_Mode` | `Offsets_Mode` | `Match_Lengths_Mode` | `Reserved` |
671The last field, `Reserved`, must be all-zeroes.
673`Literals_Lengths_Mode`, `Offsets_Mode` and `Match_Lengths_Mode` define the `Compression_Mode` of
674literals lengths, offsets, and match lengths symbols respectively.
676They follow the same enumeration :
678| Value | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
679| ------------------ | ----------------- | ---------- | --------------------- | ------------- |
680| `Compression_Mode` | `Predefined_Mode` | `RLE_Mode` | `FSE_Compressed_Mode` | `Repeat_Mode` |
682- `Predefined_Mode` : A predefined FSE distribution table is used, defined in
683 [default distributions](#default-distributions).
684 No distribution table will be present.
685- `RLE_Mode` : The table description consists of a single byte, which contains the symbol's value.
686 This symbol will be used for all sequences.
687- `FSE_Compressed_Mode` : standard FSE compression.
688 A distribution table will be present.
689 The format of this distribution table is described in [FSE Table Description](#fse-table-description).
690 Note that the maximum allowed accuracy log for literals length and match length tables is 9,
691 and the maximum accuracy log for the offsets table is 8.
692 `FSE_Compressed_Mode` must not be used when only one symbol is present,
693 `RLE_Mode` should be used instead (although any other mode will work).
694- `Repeat_Mode` : The table used in the previous `Compressed_Block` with `Number_of_Sequences > 0` will be used again,
695 or if this is the first block, table in the dictionary will be used.
696 Note that this includes `RLE_mode`, so if `Repeat_Mode` follows `RLE_Mode`, the same symbol will be repeated.
697 It also includes `Predefined_Mode`, in which case `Repeat_Mode` will have same outcome as `Predefined_Mode`.
698 No distribution table will be present.
699 If this mode is used without any previous sequence table in the frame
700 (nor [dictionary](#dictionary-format)) to repeat, this should be treated as corruption.
702#### The codes for literals lengths, match lengths, and offsets.
704Each symbol is a _code_ in its own context,
705which specifies `Baseline` and `Number_of_Bits` to add.
706_Codes_ are FSE compressed,
707and interleaved with raw additional bits in the same bitstream.
709##### Literals length codes
711Literals length codes are values ranging from `0` to `35` included.
712They define lengths from 0 to 131071 bytes.
713The literals length is equal to the decoded `Baseline` plus
714the result of reading `Number_of_Bits` bits from the bitstream,
715as a __little-endian__ value.
717| `Literals_Length_Code` | 0-15 |
718| ---------------------- | ---------------------- |
719| length | `Literals_Length_Code` |
720| `Number_of_Bits` | 0 |
722| `Literals_Length_Code` | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
723| ---------------------- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
724| `Baseline` | 16 | 18 | 20 | 22 | 24 | 28 | 32 | 40 |
725| `Number_of_Bits` | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
727| `Literals_Length_Code` | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
728| ---------------------- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
729| `Baseline` | 48 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512 | 1024 | 2048 | 4096 |
730| `Number_of_Bits` | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
732| `Literals_Length_Code` | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 |
733| ---------------------- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
734| `Baseline` | 8192 |16384 |32768 |65536 |
735| `Number_of_Bits` | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
738##### Match length codes
740Match length codes are values ranging from `0` to `52` included.
741They define lengths from 3 to 131074 bytes.
742The match length is equal to the decoded `Baseline` plus
743the result of reading `Number_of_Bits` bits from the bitstream,
744as a __little-endian__ value.
746| `Match_Length_Code` | 0-31 |
747| ------------------- | ----------------------- |
748| value | `Match_Length_Code` + 3 |
749| `Number_of_Bits` | 0 |
751| `Match_Length_Code` | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 |
752| ------------------- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
753| `Baseline` | 35 | 37 | 39 | 41 | 43 | 47 | 51 | 59 |
754| `Number_of_Bits` | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
756| `Match_Length_Code` | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 |
757| ------------------- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
758| `Baseline` | 67 | 83 | 99 | 131 | 259 | 515 | 1027 | 2051 |
759| `Number_of_Bits` | 4 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
761| `Match_Length_Code` | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 |
762| ------------------- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
763| `Baseline` | 4099 | 8195 |16387 |32771 |65539 |
764| `Number_of_Bits` | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
766##### Offset codes
768Offset codes are values ranging from `0` to `N`.
770A decoder is free to limit its maximum `N` supported.
771Recommendation is to support at least up to `22`.
772For information, at the time of this writing.
773the reference decoder supports a maximum `N` value of `31`.
775An offset code is also the number of additional bits to read in __little-endian__ fashion,
776and can be translated into an `Offset_Value` using the following formulas :
779Offset_Value = (1 << offsetCode) + readNBits(offsetCode);
780if (Offset_Value > 3) offset = Offset_Value - 3;
782It means that maximum `Offset_Value` is `(2^(N+1))-1`
783supporting back-reference distances up to `(2^(N+1))-4`,
784but is limited by [maximum back-reference distance](#window_descriptor).
786`Offset_Value` from 1 to 3 are special : they define "repeat codes".
787This is described in more detail in [Repeat Offsets](#repeat-offsets).
789#### Decoding Sequences
790FSE bitstreams are read in reverse direction than written. In zstd,
791the compressor writes bits forward into a block and the decompressor
792must read the bitstream _backwards_.
794To find the start of the bitstream it is therefore necessary to
795know the offset of the last byte of the block which can be found
796by counting `Block_Size` bytes after the block header.
798After writing the last bit containing information, the compressor
799writes a single `1`-bit and then fills the byte with 0-7 `0` bits of
800padding. The last byte of the compressed bitstream cannot be `0` for
801that reason.
803When decompressing, the last byte containing the padding is the first
804byte to read. The decompressor needs to skip 0-7 initial `0`-bits and
805the first `1`-bit it occurs. Afterwards, the useful part of the bitstream
808FSE decoding requires a 'state' to be carried from symbol to symbol.
809For more explanation on FSE decoding, see the [FSE section](#fse).
811For sequence decoding, a separate state keeps track of each
812literal lengths, offsets, and match lengths symbols.
813Some FSE primitives are also used.
814For more details on the operation of these primitives, see the [FSE section](#fse).
816##### Starting states
817The bitstream starts with initial FSE state values,
818each using the required number of bits in their respective _accuracy_,
819decoded previously from their normalized distribution.
821It starts by `Literals_Length_State`,
822followed by `Offset_State`,
823and finally `Match_Length_State`.
825Reminder : always keep in mind that all values are read _backward_,
826so the 'start' of the bitstream is at the highest position in memory,
827immediately before the last `1`-bit for padding.
829After decoding the starting states, a single sequence is decoded
830`Number_Of_Sequences` times.
831These sequences are decoded in order from first to last.
832Since the compressor writes the bitstream in the forward direction,
833this means the compressor must encode the sequences starting with the last
834one and ending with the first.
836##### Decoding a sequence
837For each of the symbol types, the FSE state can be used to determine the appropriate code.
838The code then defines the `Baseline` and `Number_of_Bits` to read for each type.
839See the [description of the codes] for how to determine these values.
841[description of the codes]: #the-codes-for-literals-lengths-match-lengths-and-offsets
843Decoding starts by reading the `Number_of_Bits` required to decode `Offset`.
844It then does the same for `Match_Length`, and then for `Literals_Length`.
845This sequence is then used for [sequence execution](#sequence-execution).
847If it is not the last sequence in the block,
848the next operation is to update states.
849Using the rules pre-calculated in the decoding tables,
850`Literals_Length_State` is updated,
851followed by `Match_Length_State`,
852and then `Offset_State`.
853See the [FSE section](#fse) for details on how to update states from the bitstream.
855This operation will be repeated `Number_of_Sequences` times.
856At the end, the bitstream shall be entirely consumed,
857otherwise the bitstream is considered corrupted.
859#### Default Distributions
860If `Predefined_Mode` is selected for a symbol type,
861its FSE decoding table is generated from a predefined distribution table defined here.
862For details on how to convert this distribution into a decoding table, see the [FSE section].
864[FSE section]: #from-normalized-distribution-to-decoding-tables
866##### Literals Length
867The decoding table uses an accuracy log of 6 bits (64 states).
869short literalsLength_defaultDistribution[36] =
870 { 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1,
871 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
872 -1,-1,-1,-1 };
875##### Match Length
876The decoding table uses an accuracy log of 6 bits (64 states).
878short matchLengths_defaultDistribution[53] =
879 { 1, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
880 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
881 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,-1,-1,
882 -1,-1,-1,-1,-1 };
885##### Offset Codes
886The decoding table uses an accuracy log of 5 bits (32 states),
887and supports a maximum `N` value of 28, allowing offset values up to 536,870,908 .
889If any sequence in the compressed block requires a larger offset than this,
890it's not possible to use the default distribution to represent it.
892short offsetCodes_defaultDistribution[29] =
893 { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
894 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 };
898Sequence Execution
900Once literals and sequences have been decoded,
901they are combined to produce the decoded content of a block.
903Each sequence consists of a tuple of (`literals_length`, `offset_value`, `match_length`),
904decoded as described in the [Sequences Section](#sequences-section).
905To execute a sequence, first copy `literals_length` bytes
906from the decoded literals to the output.
908Then `match_length` bytes are copied from previous decoded data.
909The offset to copy from is determined by `offset_value`:
910if `offset_value > 3`, then the offset is `offset_value - 3`.
911If `offset_value` is from 1-3, the offset is a special repeat offset value.
912See the [repeat offset](#repeat-offsets) section for how the offset is determined
913in this case.
915The offset is defined as from the current position, so an offset of 6
916and a match length of 3 means that 3 bytes should be copied from 6 bytes back.
917Note that all offsets leading to previously decoded data
918must be smaller than `Window_Size` defined in `Frame_Header_Descriptor`.
920#### Repeat offsets
921As seen in [Sequence Execution](#sequence-execution),
922the first 3 values define a repeated offset and we will call them
923`Repeated_Offset1`, `Repeated_Offset2`, and `Repeated_Offset3`.
924They are sorted in recency order, with `Repeated_Offset1` meaning "most recent one".
926If `offset_value == 1`, then the offset used is `Repeated_Offset1`, etc.
928There is an exception though, when current sequence's `literals_length = 0`.
929In this case, repeated offsets are shifted by one,
930so an `offset_value` of 1 means `Repeated_Offset2`,
931an `offset_value` of 2 means `Repeated_Offset3`,
f535537f 932and an `offset_value` of 3 means `Repeated_Offset1 - 1`.
934In the final case, if `Repeated_Offset1 - 1` evaluates to 0, then the
935data is considered corrupted.
648db22b 936
937For the first block, the starting offset history is populated with following values :
938`Repeated_Offset1`=1, `Repeated_Offset2`=4, `Repeated_Offset3`=8,
939unless a dictionary is used, in which case they come from the dictionary.
941Then each block gets its starting offset history from the ending values of the most recent `Compressed_Block`.
942Note that blocks which are not `Compressed_Block` are skipped, they do not contribute to offset history.
944[Offset Codes]: #offset-codes
946###### Offset updates rules
948During the execution of the sequences of a `Compressed_Block`, the
949`Repeated_Offsets`' values are kept up to date, so that they always represent
950the three most-recently used offsets. In order to achieve that, they are
951updated after executing each sequence in the following way:
953When the sequence's `offset_value` does not refer to one of the
954`Repeated_Offsets`--when it has value greater than 3, or when it has value 3
955and the sequence's `literals_length` is zero--the `Repeated_Offsets`' values
956are shifted back one, and `Repeated_Offset1` takes on the value of the
957just-used offset.
959Otherwise, when the sequence's `offset_value` refers to one of the
960`Repeated_Offsets`--when it has value 1 or 2, or when it has value 3 and the
961sequence's `literals_length` is non-zero--the `Repeated_Offsets` are re-ordered
962so that `Repeated_Offset1` takes on the value of the used Repeated_Offset, and
963the existing values are pushed back from the first `Repeated_Offset` through to
964the `Repeated_Offset` selected by the `offset_value`. This effectively performs
965a single-stepped wrapping rotation of the values of these offsets, so that
966their order again reflects the recency of their use.
968The following table shows the values of the `Repeated_Offsets` as a series of
969sequences are applied to them:
971| `offset_value` | `literals_length` | `Repeated_Offset1` | `Repeated_Offset2` | `Repeated_Offset3` | Comment |
973| | | 1 | 4 | 8 | starting values |
974| 1114 | 11 | 1111 | 1 | 4 | non-repeat |
975| 1 | 22 | 1111 | 1 | 4 | repeat 1: no change |
976| 2225 | 22 | 2222 | 1111 | 1 | non-repeat |
977| 1114 | 111 | 1111 | 2222 | 1111 | non-repeat |
978| 3336 | 33 | 3333 | 1111 | 2222 | non-repeat |
979| 2 | 22 | 1111 | 3333 | 2222 | repeat 2: swap 1 & 2 |
980| 3 | 33 | 2222 | 1111 | 3333 | repeat 3: rotate 3 to 1 |
981| 3 | 0 | 2221 | 2222 | 1111 | special case : insert `repeat1 - 1` |
982| 1 | 0 | 2222 | 2221 | 1111 | == repeat 2 |
985Skippable Frames
988| `Magic_Number` | `Frame_Size` | `User_Data` |
990| 4 bytes | 4 bytes | n bytes |
992Skippable frames allow the insertion of user-defined metadata
993into a flow of concatenated frames.
995Skippable frames defined in this specification are compatible with [LZ4] ones.
999From a compliant decoder perspective, skippable frames need just be skipped,
1000and their content ignored, resuming decoding after the skippable frame.
1002It can be noted that a skippable frame
1003can be used to watermark a stream of concatenated frames
1004embedding any kind of tracking information (even just a UUID).
1005Users wary of such possibility should scan the stream of concatenated frames
1006in an attempt to detect such frame for analysis or removal.
10104 Bytes, __little-endian__ format.
1011Value : 0x184D2A5?, which means any value from 0x184D2A50 to 0x184D2A5F.
1012All 16 values are valid to identify a skippable frame.
1013This specification doesn't detail any specific tagging for skippable frames.
1017This is the size, in bytes, of the following `User_Data`
1018(without including the magic number nor the size field itself).
1019This field is represented using 4 Bytes, __little-endian__ format, unsigned 32-bits.
1020This means `User_Data` can’t be bigger than (2^32-1) bytes.
1024The `User_Data` can be anything. Data will just be skipped by the decoder.
1028Entropy Encoding
1030Two types of entropy encoding are used by the Zstandard format:
1031FSE, and Huffman coding.
1032Huffman is used to compress literals,
1033while FSE is used for all other symbols
1034(`Literals_Length_Code`, `Match_Length_Code`, offset codes)
1035and to compress Huffman headers.
1040FSE, short for Finite State Entropy, is an entropy codec based on [ANS].
1041FSE encoding/decoding involves a state that is carried over between symbols,
1042so decoding must be done in the opposite direction as encoding.
1043Therefore, all FSE bitstreams are read from end to beginning.
1044Note that the order of the bits in the stream is not reversed,
1045we just read the elements in the reverse order they are written.
1047For additional details on FSE, see [Finite State Entropy].
1049[Finite State Entropy]:
1051FSE decoding involves a decoding table which has a power of 2 size, and contain three elements:
1052`Symbol`, `Num_Bits`, and `Baseline`.
1053The `log2` of the table size is its `Accuracy_Log`.
1054An FSE state value represents an index in this table.
1056To obtain the initial state value, consume `Accuracy_Log` bits from the stream as a __little-endian__ value.
1057The next symbol in the stream is the `Symbol` indicated in the table for that state.
1058To obtain the next state value,
1059the decoder should consume `Num_Bits` bits from the stream as a __little-endian__ value and add it to `Baseline`.
1063### FSE Table Description
1064To decode FSE streams, it is necessary to construct the decoding table.
1065The Zstandard format encodes FSE table descriptions as follows:
1067An FSE distribution table describes the probabilities of all symbols
1068from `0` to the last present one (included)
1069on a normalized scale of `1 << Accuracy_Log` .
1070Note that there must be two or more symbols with nonzero probability.
1072It's a bitstream which is read forward, in __little-endian__ fashion.
1073It's not necessary to know bitstream exact size,
1074it will be discovered and reported by the decoding process.
1076The bitstream starts by reporting on which scale it operates.
1077Let's `low4Bits` designate the lowest 4 bits of the first byte :
1078`Accuracy_Log = low4bits + 5`.
1080Then follows each symbol value, from `0` to last present one.
1081The number of bits used by each field is variable.
1082It depends on :
1084- Remaining probabilities + 1 :
1085 __example__ :
1086 Presuming an `Accuracy_Log` of 8,
1087 and presuming 100 probabilities points have already been distributed,
1088 the decoder may read any value from `0` to `256 - 100 + 1 == 157` (inclusive).
f535537f 1089 Therefore, it may read up to `log2sup(157) == 8` bits, where `log2sup(N)`
1090 is the smallest integer `T` that satisfies `(1 << T) > N`.
648db22b 1091
1092- Value decoded : small values use 1 less bit :
1093 __example__ :
1094 Presuming values from 0 to 157 (inclusive) are possible,
1095 255-157 = 98 values are remaining in an 8-bits field.
1096 They are used this way :
1097 first 98 values (hence from 0 to 97) use only 7 bits,
1098 values from 98 to 157 use 8 bits.
1099 This is achieved through this scheme :
1101 | Value read | Value decoded | Number of bits used |
1102 | ---------- | ------------- | ------------------- |
1103 | 0 - 97 | 0 - 97 | 7 |
1104 | 98 - 127 | 98 - 127 | 8 |
1105 | 128 - 225 | 0 - 97 | 7 |
1106 | 226 - 255 | 128 - 157 | 8 |
1108Symbols probabilities are read one by one, in order.
1110Probability is obtained from Value decoded by following formula :
1111`Proba = value - 1`
1113It means value `0` becomes negative probability `-1`.
1114`-1` is a special probability, which means "less than 1".
1115Its effect on distribution table is described in the [next section].
1116For the purpose of calculating total allocated probability points, it counts as one.
1118[next section]:#from-normalized-distribution-to-decoding-tables
1120When a symbol has a __probability__ of `zero`,
1121it is followed by a 2-bits repeat flag.
1122This repeat flag tells how many probabilities of zeroes follow the current one.
1123It provides a number ranging from 0 to 3.
1124If it is a 3, another 2-bits repeat flag follows, and so on.
1126When last symbol reaches cumulated total of `1 << Accuracy_Log`,
1127decoding is complete.
1128If the last symbol makes cumulated total go above `1 << Accuracy_Log`,
1129distribution is considered corrupted.
f535537f 1130If this process results in a non-zero probability for a value outside of the
1131valid range of values that the FSE table is defined for, even if that value is
1132not used, then the data is considered corrupted.
648db22b 1133
1134Then the decoder can tell how many bytes were used in this process,
1135and how many symbols are present.
1136The bitstream consumes a round number of bytes.
1137Any remaining bit within the last byte is just unused.
1139#### From normalized distribution to decoding tables
1141The distribution of normalized probabilities is enough
1142to create a unique decoding table.
1144It follows the following build rule :
1146The table has a size of `Table_Size = 1 << Accuracy_Log`.
1147Each cell describes the symbol decoded,
1148and instructions to get the next state (`Number_of_Bits` and `Baseline`).
1150Symbols are scanned in their natural order for "less than 1" probabilities.
1151Symbols with this probability are being attributed a single cell,
1152starting from the end of the table and retreating.
1153These symbols define a full state reset, reading `Accuracy_Log` bits.
1155Then, all remaining symbols, sorted in natural order, are allocated cells.
1156Starting from symbol `0` (if it exists), and table position `0`,
1157each symbol gets allocated as many cells as its probability.
1158Cell allocation is spread, not linear :
1159each successor position follows this rule :
1162position += (tableSize>>1) + (tableSize>>3) + 3;
1163position &= tableSize-1;
1166A position is skipped if already occupied by a "less than 1" probability symbol.
1167`position` does not reset between symbols, it simply iterates through
1168each position in the table, switching to the next symbol when enough
1169states have been allocated to the current one.
1171The process guarantees that the table is entirely filled.
1172Each cell corresponds to a state value, which contains the symbol being decoded.
1174To add the `Number_of_Bits` and `Baseline` required to retrieve next state,
1175it's first necessary to sort all occurrences of each symbol in state order.
1176Lower states will need 1 more bit than higher ones.
1177The process is repeated for each symbol.
1179__Example__ :
1180Presuming a symbol has a probability of 5,
1181it receives 5 cells, corresponding to 5 state values.
1182These state values are then sorted in natural order.
1184Next power of 2 after 5 is 8.
1185Space of probabilities must be divided into 8 equal parts.
1186Presuming the `Accuracy_Log` is 7, it defines a space of 128 states.
1187Divided by 8, each share is 16 large.
1189In order to reach 8 shares, 8-5=3 lowest states will count "double",
1190doubling their shares (32 in width), hence requiring one more bit.
1192Baseline is assigned starting from the higher states using fewer bits,
1193increasing at each state, then resuming at the first state,
1194each state takes its allocated width from Baseline.
648db22b 1196| state order | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1197| ---------------- | ----- | ----- | ------ | ---- | ------ |
f535537f 1198| state value | 1 | 39 | 77 | 84 | 122 |
648db22b 1199| width | 32 | 32 | 32 | 16 | 16 |
1200| `Number_of_Bits` | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 |
1201| range number | 2 | 4 | 6 | 0 | 1 |
1202| `Baseline` | 32 | 64 | 96 | 0 | 16 |
1203| range | 32-63 | 64-95 | 96-127 | 0-15 | 16-31 |
1205During decoding, the next state value is determined from current state value,
1206by reading the required `Number_of_Bits`, and adding the specified `Baseline`.
1208See [Appendix A] for the results of this process applied to the default distributions.
1210[Appendix A]: #appendix-a---decoding-tables-for-predefined-codes
1213Huffman Coding
1215Zstandard Huffman-coded streams are read backwards,
1216similar to the FSE bitstreams.
1217Therefore, to find the start of the bitstream, it is required to
1218know the offset of the last byte of the Huffman-coded stream.
1220After writing the last bit containing information, the compressor
1221writes a single `1`-bit and then fills the byte with 0-7 `0` bits of
1222padding. The last byte of the compressed bitstream cannot be `0` for
1223that reason.
1225When decompressing, the last byte containing the padding is the first
1226byte to read. The decompressor needs to skip 0-7 initial `0`-bits and
1227the first `1`-bit it occurs. Afterwards, the useful part of the bitstream
1230The bitstream contains Huffman-coded symbols in __little-endian__ order,
1231with the codes defined by the method below.
1233### Huffman Tree Description
1235Prefix coding represents symbols from an a priori known alphabet
1236by bit sequences (codewords), one codeword for each symbol,
1237in a manner such that different symbols may be represented
1238by bit sequences of different lengths,
1239but a parser can always parse an encoded string
1240unambiguously symbol-by-symbol.
1242Given an alphabet with known symbol frequencies,
1243the Huffman algorithm allows the construction of an optimal prefix code
1244using the fewest bits of any possible prefix codes for that alphabet.
1246Prefix code must not exceed a maximum code length.
1247More bits improve accuracy but cost more header size,
1248and require more memory or more complex decoding operations.
1249This specification limits maximum code length to 11 bits.
1251#### Representation
1253All literal values from zero (included) to last present one (excluded)
1254are represented by `Weight` with values from `0` to `Max_Number_of_Bits`.
1255Transformation from `Weight` to `Number_of_Bits` follows this formula :
1257Number_of_Bits = Weight ? (Max_Number_of_Bits + 1 - Weight) : 0
1259When a literal value is not present, it receives a `Weight` of 0.
1260The least frequent symbol receives a `Weight` of 1.
f535537f 1261If no literal has a `Weight` of 1, then the data is considered corrupted.
1262If there are not at least two literals with non-zero `Weight`, then the data
1263is considered corrupted.
648db22b 1264The most frequent symbol receives a `Weight` anywhere between 1 and 11 (max).
1265The last symbol's `Weight` is deduced from previously retrieved Weights,
1266by completing to the nearest power of 2. It's necessarily non 0.
1267If it's not possible to reach a clean power of 2 with a single `Weight` value,
1268the Huffman Tree Description is considered invalid.
1269This final power of 2 gives `Max_Number_of_Bits`, the depth of the current tree.
1270`Max_Number_of_Bits` must be <= 11,
1271otherwise the representation is considered corrupted.
1273__Example__ :
1274Let's presume the following Huffman tree must be described :
1276| literal value | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1277| ---------------- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
1278| `Number_of_Bits` | 1 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 4 |
1280The tree depth is 4, since its longest elements uses 4 bits
1281(longest elements are the one with smallest frequency).
1282Literal value `5` will not be listed, as it can be determined from previous values 0-4,
1283nor will values above `5` as they are all 0.
1284Values from `0` to `4` will be listed using `Weight` instead of `Number_of_Bits`.
1285Weight formula is :
1287Weight = Number_of_Bits ? (Max_Number_of_Bits + 1 - Number_of_Bits) : 0
1289It gives the following series of weights :
1291| literal value | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1292| ------------- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
1293| `Weight` | 4 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 |
1295The decoder will do the inverse operation :
1296having collected weights of literal symbols from `0` to `4`,
1297it knows the last literal, `5`, is present with a non-zero `Weight`.
1298The `Weight` of `5` can be determined by advancing to the next power of 2.
1299The sum of `2^(Weight-1)` (excluding 0's) is :
1300`8 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 = 15`.
1301Nearest larger power of 2 value is 16.
1302Therefore, `Max_Number_of_Bits = 4` and `Weight[5] = log_2(16 - 15) + 1 = 1`.
1304#### Huffman Tree header
1306This is a single byte value (0-255),
1307which describes how the series of weights is encoded.
1309- if `headerByte` < 128 :
1310 the series of weights is compressed using FSE (see below).
1311 The length of the FSE-compressed series is equal to `headerByte` (0-127).
1313- if `headerByte` >= 128 :
1314 + the series of weights uses a direct representation,
1315 where each `Weight` is encoded directly as a 4 bits field (0-15).
1316 + They are encoded forward, 2 weights to a byte,
1317 first weight taking the top four bits and second one taking the bottom four.
1318 * e.g. the following operations could be used to read the weights:
1319 `Weight[0] = (Byte[0] >> 4), Weight[1] = (Byte[0] & 0xf)`, etc.
1320 + The full representation occupies `Ceiling(Number_of_Weights/2)` bytes,
1321 meaning it uses only full bytes even if `Number_of_Weights` is odd.
1322 + `Number_of_Weights = headerByte - 127`.
1323 * Note that maximum `Number_of_Weights` is 255-127 = 128,
1324 therefore, only up to 128 `Weight` can be encoded using direct representation.
1325 * Since the last non-zero `Weight` is _not_ encoded,
1326 this scheme is compatible with alphabet sizes of up to 129 symbols,
1327 hence including literal symbol 128.
1328 * If any literal symbol > 128 has a non-zero `Weight`,
1329 direct representation is not possible.
1330 In such case, it's necessary to use FSE compression.
1333#### Finite State Entropy (FSE) compression of Huffman weights
1335In this case, the series of Huffman weights is compressed using FSE compression.
1336It's a single bitstream with 2 interleaved states,
1337sharing a single distribution table.
1339To decode an FSE bitstream, it is necessary to know its compressed size.
1340Compressed size is provided by `headerByte`.
1341It's also necessary to know its _maximum possible_ decompressed size,
1342which is `255`, since literal values span from `0` to `255`,
1343and last symbol's `Weight` is not represented.
1345An FSE bitstream starts by a header, describing probabilities distribution.
1346It will create a Decoding Table.
1347For a list of Huffman weights, the maximum accuracy log is 6 bits.
1348For more description see the [FSE header description](#fse-table-description)
1350The Huffman header compression uses 2 states,
1351which share the same FSE distribution table.
1352The first state (`State1`) encodes the even indexed symbols,
1353and the second (`State2`) encodes the odd indexed symbols.
1354`State1` is initialized first, and then `State2`, and they take turns
1355decoding a single symbol and updating their state.
1356For more details on these FSE operations, see the [FSE section](#fse).
1358The number of symbols to decode is determined
1359by tracking bitStream overflow condition:
1360If updating state after decoding a symbol would require more bits than
1361remain in the stream, it is assumed that extra bits are 0. Then,
1362symbols for each of the final states are decoded and the process is complete.
f535537f 1364If this process would produce more weights than the maximum number of decoded
1365weights (255), then the data is considered corrupted.
648db22b 1367#### Conversion from weights to Huffman prefix codes
1369All present symbols shall now have a `Weight` value.
1370It is possible to transform weights into `Number_of_Bits`, using this formula:
1372Number_of_Bits = (Weight>0) ? Max_Number_of_Bits + 1 - Weight : 0
1374Symbols are sorted by `Weight`.
1375Within same `Weight`, symbols keep natural sequential order.
1376Symbols with a `Weight` of zero are removed.
1377Then, starting from lowest `Weight`, prefix codes are distributed in sequential order.
1379__Example__ :
1380Let's presume the following list of weights has been decoded :
1382| Literal | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1383| -------- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
1384| `Weight` | 4 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
1386Sorted by weight and then natural sequential order,
1387it gives the following distribution :
1389| Literal | 3 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
1390| ---------------- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---- |
1391| `Weight` | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1392| `Number_of_Bits` | 0 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
1393| prefix codes | N/A | 0000| 0001| 001 | 01 | 1 |
1395### Huffman-coded Streams
1397Given a Huffman decoding table,
1398it's possible to decode a Huffman-coded stream.
1400Each bitstream must be read _backward_,
1401that is starting from the end down to the beginning.
1402Therefore it's necessary to know the size of each bitstream.
1404It's also necessary to know exactly which _bit_ is the last one.
1405This is detected by a final bit flag :
1406the highest bit of latest byte is a final-bit-flag.
1407Consequently, a last byte of `0` is not possible.
1408And the final-bit-flag itself is not part of the useful bitstream.
1409Hence, the last byte contains between 0 and 7 useful bits.
1411Starting from the end,
1412it's possible to read the bitstream in a __little-endian__ fashion,
1413keeping track of already used bits. Since the bitstream is encoded in reverse
1414order, starting from the end read symbols in forward order.
1416For example, if the literal sequence "0145" was encoded using above prefix code,
1417it would be encoded (in reverse order) as:
1419|Symbol | 5 | 4 | 1 | 0 | Padding |
1421|Encoding|`0000`|`0001`|`01`|`1`| `00001` |
1423Resulting in following 2-bytes bitstream :
142500010000 00001101
1428Here is an alternative representation with the symbol codes separated by underscore:
14300001_0000 00001_1_01
1433Reading highest `Max_Number_of_Bits` bits,
1434it's possible to compare extracted value to decoding table,
1435determining the symbol to decode and number of bits to discard.
1437The process continues up to reading the required number of symbols per stream.
1438If a bitstream is not entirely and exactly consumed,
1439hence reaching exactly its beginning position with _all_ bits consumed,
1440the decoding process is considered faulty.
1443Dictionary Format
1446Zstandard is compatible with "raw content" dictionaries,
1447free of any format restriction, except that they must be at least 8 bytes.
1448These dictionaries function as if they were just the `Content` part
1449of a formatted dictionary.
1451But dictionaries created by `zstd --train` follow a format, described here.
1453__Pre-requisites__ : a dictionary has a size,
1454 defined either by a buffer limit, or a file size.
1456| `Magic_Number` | `Dictionary_ID` | `Entropy_Tables` | `Content` |
1457| -------------- | --------------- | ---------------- | --------- |
1459__`Magic_Number`__ : 4 bytes ID, value 0xEC30A437, __little-endian__ format
1461__`Dictionary_ID`__ : 4 bytes, stored in __little-endian__ format.
1462 `Dictionary_ID` can be any value, except 0 (which means no `Dictionary_ID`).
1463 It's used by decoders to check if they use the correct dictionary.
1465_Reserved ranges :_
1466If the dictionary is going to be distributed in a public environment,
1467the following ranges of `Dictionary_ID` are reserved for some future registrar
1468and shall not be used :
1470 - low range : <= 32767
1471 - high range : >= (2^31)
1473Outside of these ranges, any value of `Dictionary_ID`
1474which is both `>= 32768` and `< (1<<31)` can be used freely,
1475even in public environment.
1478__`Entropy_Tables`__ : follow the same format as tables in [compressed blocks].
1479 See the relevant [FSE](#fse-table-description)
1480 and [Huffman](#huffman-tree-description) sections for how to decode these tables.
1481 They are stored in following order :
1482 Huffman tables for literals, FSE table for offsets,
1483 FSE table for match lengths, and FSE table for literals lengths.
1484 These tables populate the Repeat Stats literals mode and
1485 Repeat distribution mode for sequence decoding.
1486 It's finally followed by 3 offset values, populating recent offsets (instead of using `{1,4,8}`),
1487 stored in order, 4-bytes __little-endian__ each, for a total of 12 bytes.
1488 Each recent offset must have a value <= dictionary content size, and cannot equal 0.
1490__`Content`__ : The rest of the dictionary is its content.
1491 The content act as a "past" in front of data to compress or decompress,
1492 so it can be referenced in sequence commands.
1493 As long as the amount of data decoded from this frame is less than or
1494 equal to `Window_Size`, sequence commands may specify offsets longer
1495 than the total length of decoded output so far to reference back to the
1496 dictionary, even parts of the dictionary with offsets larger than `Window_Size`.
1497 After the total output has surpassed `Window_Size` however,
1498 this is no longer allowed and the dictionary is no longer accessible.
1500[compressed blocks]: #the-format-of-compressed_block
1502If a dictionary is provided by an external source,
1503it should be loaded with great care, its content considered untrusted.
1507Appendix A - Decoding tables for predefined codes
1510This appendix contains FSE decoding tables
1511for the predefined literal length, match length, and offset codes.
1512The tables have been constructed using the algorithm as given above in chapter
1513"from normalized distribution to decoding tables".
1514The tables here can be used as examples
1515to crosscheck that an implementation build its decoding tables correctly.
1517#### Literal Length Code:
1519| State | Symbol | Number_Of_Bits | Base |
1520| ----- | ------ | -------------- | ---- |
1521| 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 |
1522| 1 | 0 | 4 | 16 |
1523| 2 | 1 | 5 | 32 |
1524| 3 | 3 | 5 | 0 |
1525| 4 | 4 | 5 | 0 |
1526| 5 | 6 | 5 | 0 |
1527| 6 | 7 | 5 | 0 |
1528| 7 | 9 | 5 | 0 |
1529| 8 | 10 | 5 | 0 |
1530| 9 | 12 | 5 | 0 |
1531| 10 | 14 | 6 | 0 |
1532| 11 | 16 | 5 | 0 |
1533| 12 | 18 | 5 | 0 |
1534| 13 | 19 | 5 | 0 |
1535| 14 | 21 | 5 | 0 |
1536| 15 | 22 | 5 | 0 |
1537| 16 | 24 | 5 | 0 |
1538| 17 | 25 | 5 | 32 |
1539| 18 | 26 | 5 | 0 |
1540| 19 | 27 | 6 | 0 |
1541| 20 | 29 | 6 | 0 |
1542| 21 | 31 | 6 | 0 |
1543| 22 | 0 | 4 | 32 |
1544| 23 | 1 | 4 | 0 |
1545| 24 | 2 | 5 | 0 |
1546| 25 | 4 | 5 | 32 |
1547| 26 | 5 | 5 | 0 |
1548| 27 | 7 | 5 | 32 |
1549| 28 | 8 | 5 | 0 |
1550| 29 | 10 | 5 | 32 |
1551| 30 | 11 | 5 | 0 |
1552| 31 | 13 | 6 | 0 |
1553| 32 | 16 | 5 | 32 |
1554| 33 | 17 | 5 | 0 |
1555| 34 | 19 | 5 | 32 |
1556| 35 | 20 | 5 | 0 |
1557| 36 | 22 | 5 | 32 |
1558| 37 | 23 | 5 | 0 |
1559| 38 | 25 | 4 | 0 |
1560| 39 | 25 | 4 | 16 |
1561| 40 | 26 | 5 | 32 |
1562| 41 | 28 | 6 | 0 |
1563| 42 | 30 | 6 | 0 |
1564| 43 | 0 | 4 | 48 |
1565| 44 | 1 | 4 | 16 |
1566| 45 | 2 | 5 | 32 |
1567| 46 | 3 | 5 | 32 |
1568| 47 | 5 | 5 | 32 |
1569| 48 | 6 | 5 | 32 |
1570| 49 | 8 | 5 | 32 |
1571| 50 | 9 | 5 | 32 |
1572| 51 | 11 | 5 | 32 |
1573| 52 | 12 | 5 | 32 |
1574| 53 | 15 | 6 | 0 |
1575| 54 | 17 | 5 | 32 |
1576| 55 | 18 | 5 | 32 |
1577| 56 | 20 | 5 | 32 |
1578| 57 | 21 | 5 | 32 |
1579| 58 | 23 | 5 | 32 |
1580| 59 | 24 | 5 | 32 |
1581| 60 | 35 | 6 | 0 |
1582| 61 | 34 | 6 | 0 |
1583| 62 | 33 | 6 | 0 |
1584| 63 | 32 | 6 | 0 |
1586#### Match Length Code:
1588| State | Symbol | Number_Of_Bits | Base |
1589| ----- | ------ | -------------- | ---- |
1590| 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 |
1591| 1 | 1 | 4 | 0 |
1592| 2 | 2 | 5 | 32 |
1593| 3 | 3 | 5 | 0 |
1594| 4 | 5 | 5 | 0 |
1595| 5 | 6 | 5 | 0 |
1596| 6 | 8 | 5 | 0 |
1597| 7 | 10 | 6 | 0 |
1598| 8 | 13 | 6 | 0 |
1599| 9 | 16 | 6 | 0 |
1600| 10 | 19 | 6 | 0 |
1601| 11 | 22 | 6 | 0 |
1602| 12 | 25 | 6 | 0 |
1603| 13 | 28 | 6 | 0 |
1604| 14 | 31 | 6 | 0 |
1605| 15 | 33 | 6 | 0 |
1606| 16 | 35 | 6 | 0 |
1607| 17 | 37 | 6 | 0 |
1608| 18 | 39 | 6 | 0 |
1609| 19 | 41 | 6 | 0 |
1610| 20 | 43 | 6 | 0 |
1611| 21 | 45 | 6 | 0 |
1612| 22 | 1 | 4 | 16 |
1613| 23 | 2 | 4 | 0 |
1614| 24 | 3 | 5 | 32 |
1615| 25 | 4 | 5 | 0 |
1616| 26 | 6 | 5 | 32 |
1617| 27 | 7 | 5 | 0 |
1618| 28 | 9 | 6 | 0 |
1619| 29 | 12 | 6 | 0 |
1620| 30 | 15 | 6 | 0 |
1621| 31 | 18 | 6 | 0 |
1622| 32 | 21 | 6 | 0 |
1623| 33 | 24 | 6 | 0 |
1624| 34 | 27 | 6 | 0 |
1625| 35 | 30 | 6 | 0 |
1626| 36 | 32 | 6 | 0 |
1627| 37 | 34 | 6 | 0 |
1628| 38 | 36 | 6 | 0 |
1629| 39 | 38 | 6 | 0 |
1630| 40 | 40 | 6 | 0 |
1631| 41 | 42 | 6 | 0 |
1632| 42 | 44 | 6 | 0 |
1633| 43 | 1 | 4 | 32 |
1634| 44 | 1 | 4 | 48 |
1635| 45 | 2 | 4 | 16 |
1636| 46 | 4 | 5 | 32 |
1637| 47 | 5 | 5 | 32 |
1638| 48 | 7 | 5 | 32 |
1639| 49 | 8 | 5 | 32 |
1640| 50 | 11 | 6 | 0 |
1641| 51 | 14 | 6 | 0 |
1642| 52 | 17 | 6 | 0 |
1643| 53 | 20 | 6 | 0 |
1644| 54 | 23 | 6 | 0 |
1645| 55 | 26 | 6 | 0 |
1646| 56 | 29 | 6 | 0 |
1647| 57 | 52 | 6 | 0 |
1648| 58 | 51 | 6 | 0 |
1649| 59 | 50 | 6 | 0 |
1650| 60 | 49 | 6 | 0 |
1651| 61 | 48 | 6 | 0 |
1652| 62 | 47 | 6 | 0 |
1653| 63 | 46 | 6 | 0 |
1655#### Offset Code:
1657| State | Symbol | Number_Of_Bits | Base |
1658| ----- | ------ | -------------- | ---- |
1659| 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
1660| 1 | 6 | 4 | 0 |
1661| 2 | 9 | 5 | 0 |
1662| 3 | 15 | 5 | 0 |
1663| 4 | 21 | 5 | 0 |
1664| 5 | 3 | 5 | 0 |
1665| 6 | 7 | 4 | 0 |
1666| 7 | 12 | 5 | 0 |
1667| 8 | 18 | 5 | 0 |
1668| 9 | 23 | 5 | 0 |
1669| 10 | 5 | 5 | 0 |
1670| 11 | 8 | 4 | 0 |
1671| 12 | 14 | 5 | 0 |
1672| 13 | 20 | 5 | 0 |
1673| 14 | 2 | 5 | 0 |
1674| 15 | 7 | 4 | 16 |
1675| 16 | 11 | 5 | 0 |
1676| 17 | 17 | 5 | 0 |
1677| 18 | 22 | 5 | 0 |
1678| 19 | 4 | 5 | 0 |
1679| 20 | 8 | 4 | 16 |
1680| 21 | 13 | 5 | 0 |
1681| 22 | 19 | 5 | 0 |
1682| 23 | 1 | 5 | 0 |
1683| 24 | 6 | 4 | 16 |
1684| 25 | 10 | 5 | 0 |
1685| 26 | 16 | 5 | 0 |
1686| 27 | 28 | 5 | 0 |
1687| 28 | 27 | 5 | 0 |
1688| 29 | 26 | 5 | 0 |
1689| 30 | 25 | 5 | 0 |
1690| 31 | 24 | 5 | 0 |
1694Appendix B - Resources for implementers
1697An open source reference implementation is available on :
1700The project contains a frame generator, called [decodeCorpus],
1701which can be used by any 3rd-party implementation
1702to verify that a tested decoder is compliant with the specification.
1706`decodeCorpus` generates random valid frames.
1707A compliant decoder should be able to decode them all,
1708or at least provide a meaningful error code explaining for which reason it cannot
1709(memory limit restrictions for example).
1712Version changes
f535537f 1714- 0.4.0 : fixed imprecise behavior for nbSeq==0, detected by Igor Pavlov
648db22b 1715- 0.3.9 : clarifications for Huffman-compressed literal sizes.
1716- 0.3.8 : clarifications for Huffman Blocks and Huffman Tree descriptions.
1717- 0.3.7 : clarifications for Repeat_Offsets, matching RFC8878
1718- 0.3.6 : clarifications for Dictionary_ID
1719- 0.3.5 : clarifications for Block_Maximum_Size
1720- 0.3.4 : clarifications for FSE decoding table
1721- 0.3.3 : clarifications for field Block_Size
1722- 0.3.2 : remove additional block size restriction on compressed blocks
1723- 0.3.1 : minor clarification regarding offset history update rules
1724- 0.3.0 : minor edits to match RFC8478
1725- 0.2.9 : clarifications for huffman weights direct representation, by Ulrich Kunitz
1726- 0.2.8 : clarifications for IETF RFC discuss
1727- 0.2.7 : clarifications from IETF RFC review, by Vijay Gurbani and Nick Terrell
1728- 0.2.6 : fixed an error in huffman example, by Ulrich Kunitz
1729- 0.2.5 : minor typos and clarifications
1730- 0.2.4 : section restructuring, by Sean Purcell
1731- 0.2.3 : clarified several details, by Sean Purcell
1732- 0.2.2 : added predefined codes, by Johannes Rudolph
1733- 0.2.1 : clarify field names, by Przemyslaw Skibinski
1734- 0.2.0 : numerous format adjustments for zstd v0.8+
1735- 0.1.2 : limit Huffman tree depth to 11 bits
1736- 0.1.1 : reserved dictID ranges
1737- 0.1.0 : initial release