| 1 | /***************************************************************************\r |
| 2 | texture.c - description\r |
| 3 | -------------------\r |
| 4 | begin : Sun Mar 08 2009\r |
| 5 | copyright : (C) 1999-2009 by Pete Bernert\r |
| 6 | web : www.pbernert.com \r |
| 7 | ***************************************************************************/\r |
| 8 | \r |
| 9 | /***************************************************************************\r |
| 10 | * *\r |
| 11 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *\r |
| 12 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *\r |
| 13 | * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *\r |
| 14 | * (at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for *\r |
| 15 | * additional informations. *\r |
| 16 | * *\r |
| 17 | ***************************************************************************/\r |
| 18 | \r |
| 19 | //*************************************************************************// \r |
| 20 | // History of changes:\r |
| 21 | //\r |
| 22 | // 2009/03/08 - Pete \r |
| 23 | // - generic cleanup for the Peops release\r |
| 24 | //\r |
| 25 | //*************************************************************************// \r |
| 26 | \r |
| 27 | \r |
| 28 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 29 | // Texture related functions are here !\r |
| 30 | //\r |
| 31 | // The texture handling is heart and soul of this gpu. The plugin was developed\r |
| 32 | // 1999, by this time no shaders were available. Since the psx gpu is making\r |
| 33 | // heavy use of CLUT (="color lookup tables", aka palettized textures), it was \r |
| 34 | // an interesting task to get those emulated at good speed on NV TNT cards \r |
| 35 | // (which was my major goal when I created the first "gpuPeteTNT"). Later cards \r |
| 36 | // (Geforce256) supported texture palettes by an OGL extension, but at some point\r |
| 37 | // this support was dropped again by gfx card vendors.\r |
| 38 | // Well, at least there is a certain advatage, if no texture palettes extension can\r |
| 39 | // be used: it is possible to modify the textures in any way, allowing "hi-res" \r |
| 40 | // textures and other tweaks.\r |
| 41 | //\r |
| 42 | // My main texture caching is kinda complex: the plugin is allocating "n" 256x256 textures,\r |
| 43 | // and it places small psx texture parts inside them. The plugin keeps track what \r |
| 44 | // part (with what palette) it had placed in which texture, so it can re-use this \r |
| 45 | // part again. The more ogl textures it can use, the better (of course the managing/\r |
| 46 | // searching will be slower, but everything is faster than uploading textures again\r |
| 47 | // and again to a gfx card). My first card (TNT1) had 16 MB Vram, and it worked\r |
| 48 | // well with many games, but I recommend nowadays 64 MB Vram to get a good speed.\r |
| 49 | //\r |
| 50 | // Sadly, there is also a second kind of texture cache needed, for "psx texture windows".\r |
| 51 | // Those are "repeated" textures, so a psx "texture window" needs to be put in \r |
| 52 | // a whole texture to use the GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_ features. This cache can get full very\r |
| 53 | // fast in games which are having an heavy "texture window" usage, like RRT4. As an \r |
| 54 | // alternative, this plugin can use the OGL "palette" extension on texture windows, \r |
| 55 | // if available. Nowadays also a fragment shader can easily be used to emulate\r |
| 56 | // texture wrapping in a texture atlas, so the main cache could hold the texture\r |
| 57 | // windows as well (that's what I am doing in the OGL2 plugin). But currently the\r |
| 58 | // OGL1 plugin is a "shader-free" zone, so heavy "texture window" games will cause\r |
| 59 | // much texture uploads.\r |
| 60 | //\r |
| 61 | // Some final advice: take care if you change things in here. I've removed my ASM\r |
| 62 | // handlers (they didn't cause much speed gain anyway) for readability/portability,\r |
| 63 | // but still the functions/data structures used here are easy to mess up. I guess it\r |
| 64 | // can be a pain in the ass to port the plugin to another byte order :)\r |
| 65 | //\r |
| 66 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 67 | \r |
| 68 | #define _IN_TEXTURE\r |
| 69 | \r |
| 70 | #include "gpuStdafx.h"\r |
| 71 | \r |
| 72 | #include "gpuDraw.h"\r |
| 73 | //#include "plugins.h"\r |
| 74 | #include "gpuExternals.h"\r |
| 75 | #include "gpuTexture.h"\r |
| 76 | #include "gpuPlugin.h"\r |
| 77 | #include "gpuPrim.h"\r |
| 78 | \r |
| 79 | #define CLUTCHK 0x00060000\r |
| 80 | #define CLUTSHIFT 17\r |
| 81 | \r |
| 82 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 83 | // texture conversion buffer .. \r |
| 84 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 85 | \r |
| 86 | GLubyte ubPaletteBuffer[256][4];\r |
| 87 | GLuint gTexMovieName=0;\r |
| 88 | GLuint gTexBlurName=0;\r |
| 89 | GLuint gTexFrameName=0;\r |
| 90 | int iTexGarbageCollection=1;\r |
| 91 | unsigned int dwTexPageComp=0;\r |
| 92 | int iVRamSize=0;\r |
| 93 | int iClampType=GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;\r |
| 94 | int iFilter = GL_LINEAR;\r |
| 95 | void (*LoadSubTexFn) (int,int,short,short);\r |
| 96 | unsigned int (*PalTexturedColourFn) (unsigned int);\r |
| 97 | \r |
| 98 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 99 | // defines\r |
| 100 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 101 | \r |
| 102 | #define PALCOL(x) PalTexturedColourFn (x)\r |
| 103 | \r |
| 104 | #define CSUBSIZE 2048\r |
| 105 | #define CSUBSIZEA 8192\r |
| 106 | #define CSUBSIZES 4096\r |
| 107 | \r |
| 108 | #define OFFA 0\r |
| 109 | #define OFFB 2048\r |
| 110 | #define OFFC 4096\r |
| 111 | #define OFFD 6144\r |
| 112 | \r |
| 113 | #define XOFFA 0\r |
| 114 | #define XOFFB 512\r |
| 115 | #define XOFFC 1024\r |
| 116 | #define XOFFD 1536\r |
| 117 | \r |
| 118 | #define SOFFA 0\r |
| 119 | #define SOFFB 1024\r |
| 120 | #define SOFFC 2048\r |
| 121 | #define SOFFD 3072\r |
| 122 | \r |
| 123 | #define MAXWNDTEXCACHE 128\r |
| 124 | \r |
| 125 | #define XCHECK(pos1,pos2) ((pos1.c[0]>=pos2.c[1])&&(pos1.c[1]<=pos2.c[0])&&(pos1.c[2]>=pos2.c[3])&&(pos1.c[3]<=pos2.c[2]))\r |
| 126 | #define INCHECK(pos2,pos1) ((pos1.c[0]<=pos2.c[0]) && (pos1.c[1]>=pos2.c[1]) && (pos1.c[2]<=pos2.c[2]) && (pos1.c[3]>=pos2.c[3]))\r |
| 127 | \r |
| 128 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 129 | \r |
| 130 | unsigned char * CheckTextureInSubSCache(int TextureMode,unsigned int GivenClutId,unsigned short * pCache);\r |
| 131 | void LoadSubTexturePageSort(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy);\r |
| 132 | void LoadPackedSubTexturePageSort(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy);\r |
| 133 | void DefineSubTextureSort(void);\r |
| 134 | \r |
| 135 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 136 | // some globals\r |
| 137 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 138 | \r |
| 139 | int GlobalTexturePage;\r |
| 140 | GLint XTexS;\r |
| 141 | GLint YTexS;\r |
| 142 | GLint DXTexS;\r |
| 143 | GLint DYTexS;\r |
| 144 | int iSortTexCnt=32;\r |
| 145 | BOOL bUseFastMdec=FALSE;\r |
| 146 | BOOL bUse15bitMdec=FALSE;\r |
| 147 | int iFrameTexType=0;\r |
| 148 | int iFrameReadType=0;\r |
| 149 | \r |
| 150 | unsigned int (*TCF[2]) (unsigned int);\r |
| 151 | unsigned short (*PTCF[2]) (unsigned short);\r |
| 152 | \r |
| 153 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 154 | // texture cache implementation\r |
| 155 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 156 | \r |
| 157 | // "texture window" cache entry\r |
| 158 | \r |
| 159 | typedef struct textureWndCacheEntryTag\r |
| 160 | {\r |
| 161 | unsigned int ClutID;\r |
| 162 | short pageid;\r |
| 163 | short textureMode;\r |
| 164 | short Opaque;\r |
| 165 | short used;\r |
| 166 | EXLong pos;\r |
| 167 | GLuint texname;\r |
| 168 | } textureWndCacheEntry;\r |
| 169 | \r |
| 170 | // "standard texture" cache entry (12 byte per entry, as small as possible... we need lots of them)\r |
| 171 | \r |
| 172 | typedef struct textureSubCacheEntryTagS \r |
| 173 | {\r |
| 174 | unsigned int ClutID;\r |
| 175 | EXLong pos;\r |
| 176 | unsigned char posTX;\r |
| 177 | unsigned char posTY;\r |
| 178 | unsigned char cTexID;\r |
| 179 | unsigned char Opaque;\r |
| 180 | } textureSubCacheEntryS;\r |
| 181 | \r |
| 182 | \r |
| 183 | //---------------------------------------------\r |
| 184 | \r |
| 185 | #define MAXTPAGES_MAX 64\r |
| 186 | #define MAXSORTTEX_MAX 196\r |
| 187 | \r |
| 188 | //---------------------------------------------\r |
| 189 | \r |
| 190 | textureWndCacheEntry wcWndtexStore[MAXWNDTEXCACHE];\r |
| 191 | textureSubCacheEntryS * pscSubtexStore[3][MAXTPAGES_MAX];\r |
| 192 | EXLong * pxSsubtexLeft [MAXSORTTEX_MAX];\r |
| 193 | GLuint uiStexturePage[MAXSORTTEX_MAX];\r |
| 194 | \r |
| 195 | unsigned short usLRUTexPage=0;\r |
| 196 | \r |
| 197 | int iMaxTexWnds=0;\r |
| 198 | int iTexWndTurn=0;\r |
| 199 | int iTexWndLimit=MAXWNDTEXCACHE/2;\r |
| 200 | \r |
| 201 | GLubyte * texturepart=NULL;\r |
| 202 | GLubyte * texturebuffer=NULL;\r |
| 203 | unsigned int g_x1,g_y1,g_x2,g_y2;\r |
| 204 | unsigned char ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 205 | \r |
| 206 | unsigned short MAXTPAGES = 32;\r |
| 207 | unsigned short CLUTMASK = 0x7fff;\r |
| 208 | unsigned short CLUTYMASK = 0x1ff;\r |
| 209 | unsigned short MAXSORTTEX = 196;\r |
| 210 | \r |
| 211 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 212 | // Texture color conversions... all my ASM funcs are removed for easier\r |
| 213 | // porting... and honestly: nowadays the speed gain would be pointless \r |
| 214 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 215 | \r |
| 216 | unsigned int XP8RGBA(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 217 | {\r |
| 218 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;\r |
| 219 | if(DrawSemiTrans && !(BGR&0x8000)) \r |
| 220 | {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}\r |
| 221 | return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 222 | }\r |
| 223 | \r |
| 224 | unsigned int XP8RGBAEx(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 225 | {\r |
| 226 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;\r |
| 227 | if(DrawSemiTrans && !(BGR&0x8000)) \r |
| 228 | {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}\r |
| 229 | return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 230 | }\r |
| 231 | \r |
| 232 | unsigned int CP8RGBA(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 233 | {\r |
| 234 | unsigned int l;\r |
| 235 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;\r |
| 236 | if(DrawSemiTrans && !(BGR&0x8000)) \r |
| 237 | {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}\r |
| 238 | l=((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 239 | if(l==0xffffff00) l=0xff000000;\r |
| 240 | return l;\r |
| 241 | }\r |
| 242 | \r |
| 243 | unsigned int CP8RGBAEx(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 244 | {\r |
| 245 | unsigned int l;\r |
| 246 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;\r |
| 247 | if(DrawSemiTrans && !(BGR&0x8000)) \r |
| 248 | {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}\r |
| 249 | l=((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 250 | if(l==0xffffff00) l=0xff000000;\r |
| 251 | return l;\r |
| 252 | }\r |
| 253 | \r |
| 254 | unsigned int XP8RGBA_0(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 255 | {\r |
| 256 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;\r |
| 257 | return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 258 | }\r |
| 259 | \r |
| 260 | unsigned int XP8RGBAEx_0(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 261 | {\r |
| 262 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;\r |
| 263 | return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 264 | }\r |
| 265 | \r |
| 266 | unsigned int XP8BGRA_0(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 267 | {\r |
| 268 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;\r |
| 269 | return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 270 | }\r |
| 271 | \r |
| 272 | unsigned int XP8BGRAEx_0(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 273 | {\r |
| 274 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;\r |
| 275 | return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 276 | }\r |
| 277 | \r |
| 278 | unsigned int CP8RGBA_0(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 279 | {\r |
| 280 | unsigned int l;\r |
| 281 | \r |
| 282 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;\r |
| 283 | l=((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 284 | if(l==0xfff8f800) l=0xff000000;\r |
| 285 | return l;\r |
| 286 | }\r |
| 287 | \r |
| 288 | unsigned int CP8RGBAEx_0(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 289 | {\r |
| 290 | unsigned int l;\r |
| 291 | \r |
| 292 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;\r |
| 293 | l=((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 294 | if(l==0xfff8f800) l=0xff000000;\r |
| 295 | return l;\r |
| 296 | }\r |
| 297 | \r |
| 298 | unsigned int CP8BGRA_0(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 299 | {\r |
| 300 | unsigned int l;\r |
| 301 | \r |
| 302 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;\r |
| 303 | l=((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 304 | if(l==0xff00f8f8) l=0xff000000;\r |
| 305 | return l;\r |
| 306 | }\r |
| 307 | \r |
| 308 | unsigned int CP8BGRAEx_0(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 309 | {\r |
| 310 | unsigned int l;\r |
| 311 | \r |
| 312 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;\r |
| 313 | l=((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 314 | if(l==0xff00f8f8) l=0xff000000;\r |
| 315 | return l;\r |
| 316 | }\r |
| 317 | \r |
| 318 | unsigned int XP8RGBA_1(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 319 | {\r |
| 320 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;\r |
| 321 | if(!(BGR&0x8000)) {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}\r |
| 322 | return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 323 | }\r |
| 324 | \r |
| 325 | unsigned int XP8RGBAEx_1(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 326 | {\r |
| 327 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;\r |
| 328 | if(!(BGR&0x8000)) {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}\r |
| 329 | return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 330 | }\r |
| 331 | \r |
| 332 | unsigned int XP8BGRA_1(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 333 | {\r |
| 334 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;\r |
| 335 | if(!(BGR&0x8000)) {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}\r |
| 336 | return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 337 | }\r |
| 338 | \r |
| 339 | unsigned int XP8BGRAEx_1(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 340 | {\r |
| 341 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;\r |
| 342 | if(!(BGR&0x8000)) {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}\r |
| 343 | return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 344 | }\r |
| 345 | \r |
| 346 | unsigned int P8RGBA(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 347 | {\r |
| 348 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0;\r |
| 349 | return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 350 | }\r |
| 351 | \r |
| 352 | unsigned int P8BGRA(unsigned int BGR)\r |
| 353 | {\r |
| 354 | if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0;\r |
| 355 | return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;\r |
| 356 | }\r |
| 357 | \r |
| 358 | unsigned short XP5RGBA(unsigned short BGR)\r |
| 359 | {\r |
| 360 | if(!BGR) return 0;\r |
| 361 | if(DrawSemiTrans && !(BGR&0x8000)) \r |
| 362 | {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)));}\r |
| 363 | return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)))|1;\r |
| 364 | }\r |
| 365 | \r |
| 366 | unsigned short XP5RGBA_0 (unsigned short BGR)\r |
| 367 | {\r |
| 368 | if(!BGR) return 0;\r |
| 369 | \r |
| 370 | return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)))|1;\r |
| 371 | }\r |
| 372 | \r |
| 373 | unsigned short CP5RGBA_0 (unsigned short BGR)\r |
| 374 | {\r |
| 375 | unsigned short s;\r |
| 376 | \r |
| 377 | if(!BGR) return 0;\r |
| 378 | \r |
| 379 | s=((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)))|1;\r |
| 380 | if(s==0x07ff) s=1;\r |
| 381 | return s;\r |
| 382 | }\r |
| 383 | \r |
| 384 | unsigned short XP5RGBA_1(unsigned short BGR)\r |
| 385 | {\r |
| 386 | if(!BGR) return 0;\r |
| 387 | if(!(BGR&0x8000)) \r |
| 388 | {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)));}\r |
| 389 | return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)))|1;\r |
| 390 | }\r |
| 391 | \r |
| 392 | unsigned short P5RGBA(unsigned short BGR)\r |
| 393 | {\r |
| 394 | if(!BGR) return 0;\r |
| 395 | return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)))|1;\r |
| 396 | }\r |
| 397 | \r |
| 398 | unsigned short XP4RGBA(unsigned short BGR)\r |
| 399 | {\r |
| 400 | if(!BGR) return 6;\r |
| 401 | if(DrawSemiTrans && !(BGR&0x8000)) \r |
| 402 | {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)));}\r |
| 403 | return (((((BGR&0x1e)<<11))|((BGR&0x7800)>>7)|((BGR&0x3c0)<<2)))|0xf;\r |
| 404 | }\r |
| 405 | \r |
| 406 | unsigned short XP4RGBA_0 (unsigned short BGR)\r |
| 407 | {\r |
| 408 | if(!BGR) return 6;\r |
| 409 | return (((((BGR&0x1e)<<11))|((BGR&0x7800)>>7)|((BGR&0x3c0)<<2)))|0xf;\r |
| 410 | }\r |
| 411 | \r |
| 412 | unsigned short CP4RGBA_0 (unsigned short BGR)\r |
| 413 | {\r |
| 414 | unsigned short s;\r |
| 415 | if(!BGR) return 6;\r |
| 416 | s=(((((BGR&0x1e)<<11))|((BGR&0x7800)>>7)|((BGR&0x3c0)<<2)))|0xf;\r |
| 417 | if(s==0x0fff) s=0x000f;\r |
| 418 | return s;\r |
| 419 | }\r |
| 420 | \r |
| 421 | unsigned short XP4RGBA_1(unsigned short BGR)\r |
| 422 | {\r |
| 423 | if(!BGR) return 6;\r |
| 424 | if(!(BGR&0x8000)) \r |
| 425 | {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)));}\r |
| 426 | return (((((BGR&0x1e)<<11))|((BGR&0x7800)>>7)|((BGR&0x3c0)<<2)))|0xf;\r |
| 427 | }\r |
| 428 | \r |
| 429 | unsigned short P4RGBA(unsigned short BGR)\r |
| 430 | {\r |
| 431 | if(!BGR) return 0;\r |
| 432 | return (((((BGR&0x1e)<<11))|((BGR&0x7800)>>7)|((BGR&0x3c0)<<2)))|0xf;\r |
| 433 | }\r |
| 434 | \r |
| 435 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 436 | // CHECK TEXTURE MEM (on plugin startup)\r |
| 437 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 438 | \r |
| 439 | int iFTexA=512;\r |
| 440 | int iFTexB=512;\r |
| 441 | \r |
| 442 | void CheckTextureMemory(void)\r |
| 443 | {\r |
| 444 | GLboolean b;GLboolean * bDetail;\r |
| 445 | int i,iCnt,iRam=iVRamSize*1024*1024;\r |
| 446 | int iTSize;char * p;\r |
| 447 | \r |
| 448 | \r |
| 449 | if(iVRamSize)\r |
| 450 | {\r |
| 451 | int ts;\r |
| 452 | \r |
| 453 | iRam-=(iResX*iResY*8);\r |
| 454 | iRam-=(iResX*iResY*(iZBufferDepth/8));\r |
| 455 | \r |
| 456 | ts=4;\r |
| 457 | iSortTexCnt=iRam/(256*256*ts);\r |
| 458 | \r |
| 459 | if(iSortTexCnt>MAXSORTTEX) \r |
| 460 | {\r |
| 461 | iSortTexCnt=MAXSORTTEX-min(1,0);\r |
| 462 | }\r |
| 463 | else\r |
| 464 | {\r |
| 465 | iSortTexCnt-=3+min(1,0);\r |
| 466 | if(iSortTexCnt<8) iSortTexCnt=8;\r |
| 467 | }\r |
| 468 | \r |
| 469 | for(i=0;i<MAXSORTTEX;i++)\r |
| 470 | uiStexturePage[i]=0;\r |
| 471 | \r |
| 472 | return;\r |
| 473 | }\r |
| 474 | \r |
| 475 | #if 1\r |
| 476 | iSortTexCnt=MAXSORTTEX;\r |
| 477 | #else // below vram detector supposedly crashes some drivers\r |
| 478 | \r |
| 479 | iTSize=256;\r |
| 480 | p=(char *)malloc(iTSize*iTSize*4);\r |
| 481 | \r |
| 482 | iCnt=0;\r |
| 483 | glGenTextures(MAXSORTTEX,uiStexturePage);\r |
| 484 | for(i=0;i<MAXSORTTEX;i++)\r |
| 485 | {\r |
| 486 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,uiStexturePage[i]);\r |
| 487 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType);\r |
| 488 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType);\r |
| 489 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter);\r |
| 490 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter);\r |
| 491 | glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, iTSize, iTSize, 0,GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p);\r |
| 492 | }\r |
| 493 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0);\r |
| 494 | \r |
| 495 | free(p);\r |
| 496 | \r |
| 497 | bDetail=(GLboolean*)malloc(MAXSORTTEX*sizeof(GLboolean));\r |
| 498 | memset(bDetail,0,MAXSORTTEX*sizeof(GLboolean));\r |
| 499 | \r |
| 500 | glDeleteTextures(MAXSORTTEX,uiStexturePage);\r |
| 501 | \r |
| 502 | for(i=0;i<MAXSORTTEX;i++)\r |
| 503 | {\r |
| 504 | if(bDetail[i]) iCnt++;\r |
| 505 | uiStexturePage[i]=0;\r |
| 506 | }\r |
| 507 | \r |
| 508 | free(bDetail);\r |
| 509 | \r |
| 510 | if(b) iSortTexCnt=MAXSORTTEX-min(1,0);\r |
| 511 | else iSortTexCnt=iCnt-3+min(1,0); // place for menu&texwnd\r |
| 512 | \r |
| 513 | if(iSortTexCnt<8) iSortTexCnt=8;\r |
| 514 | #endif\r |
| 515 | } \r |
| 516 | \r |
| 517 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 518 | // Main init of textures\r |
| 519 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 520 | \r |
| 521 | void InitializeTextureStore() \r |
| 522 | {\r |
| 523 | int i,j;\r |
| 524 | \r |
| 525 | if(iGPUHeight==1024)\r |
| 526 | {\r |
| 527 | MAXTPAGES = 64;\r |
| 528 | CLUTMASK = 0xffff;\r |
| 529 | CLUTYMASK = 0x3ff;\r |
| 530 | MAXSORTTEX = 128;\r |
| 531 | iTexGarbageCollection=0;\r |
| 532 | }\r |
| 533 | else\r |
| 534 | {\r |
| 535 | MAXTPAGES = 32;\r |
| 536 | CLUTMASK = 0x7fff;\r |
| 537 | CLUTYMASK = 0x1ff;\r |
| 538 | MAXSORTTEX = 196;\r |
| 539 | }\r |
| 540 | \r |
| 541 | memset(vertex,0,4*sizeof(OGLVertex)); // init vertices\r |
| 542 | \r |
| 543 | gTexName=0; // init main tex name\r |
| 544 | \r |
| 545 | iTexWndLimit=MAXWNDTEXCACHE;\r |
| 546 | /* if(!iUsePalTextures) */iTexWndLimit/=2;\r |
| 547 | \r |
| 548 | memset(wcWndtexStore,0,sizeof(textureWndCacheEntry)*\r |
| 549 | MAXWNDTEXCACHE);\r |
| 550 | texturepart=(GLubyte *)malloc(256*256*4);\r |
| 551 | memset(texturepart,0,256*256*4);\r |
| 552 | texturebuffer=NULL;\r |
| 553 | \r |
| 554 | for(i=0;i<3;i++) // -> info for 32*3\r |
| 555 | for(j=0;j<MAXTPAGES;j++)\r |
| 556 | { \r |
| 557 | pscSubtexStore[i][j]=(textureSubCacheEntryS *)malloc(CSUBSIZES*sizeof(textureSubCacheEntryS));\r |
| 558 | memset(pscSubtexStore[i][j],0,CSUBSIZES*sizeof(textureSubCacheEntryS));\r |
| 559 | }\r |
| 560 | for(i=0;i<MAXSORTTEX;i++) // -> info 0..511\r |
| 561 | {\r |
| 562 | pxSsubtexLeft[i]=(EXLong *)malloc(CSUBSIZE*sizeof(EXLong));\r |
| 563 | memset(pxSsubtexLeft[i],0,CSUBSIZE*sizeof(EXLong));\r |
| 564 | uiStexturePage[i]=0;\r |
| 565 | }\r |
| 566 | }\r |
| 567 | \r |
| 568 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 569 | // Clean up on exit\r |
| 570 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 571 | \r |
| 572 | void CleanupTextureStore() \r |
| 573 | {\r |
| 574 | int i,j;textureWndCacheEntry * tsx;\r |
| 575 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 576 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0);\r |
| 577 | glError();\r |
| 578 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 579 | free(texturepart); // free tex part\r |
| 580 | texturepart=0;\r |
| 581 | if(texturebuffer)\r |
| 582 | {\r |
| 583 | free(texturebuffer);\r |
| 584 | texturebuffer=0;\r |
| 585 | }\r |
| 586 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 587 | tsx=wcWndtexStore; // loop tex window cache\r |
| 588 | for(i=0;i<MAXWNDTEXCACHE;i++,tsx++)\r |
| 589 | {\r |
| 590 | if(tsx->texname) // -> some tex?\r |
| 591 | glDeleteTextures(1,&tsx->texname); // --> delete it\r |
| 592 | glError();\r |
| 593 | }\r |
| 594 | iMaxTexWnds=0; // no more tex wnds\r |
| 595 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 596 | if(gTexMovieName!=0) // some movie tex?\r |
| 597 | glDeleteTextures(1, &gTexMovieName); // -> delete it\r |
| 598 | glError();\r |
| 599 | gTexMovieName=0; // no more movie tex\r |
| 600 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 601 | if(gTexFrameName!=0) // some 15bit framebuffer tex?\r |
| 602 | glDeleteTextures(1, &gTexFrameName); // -> delete it\r |
| 603 | glError();\r |
| 604 | gTexFrameName=0; // no more movie tex\r |
| 605 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 606 | if(gTexBlurName!=0) // some 15bit framebuffer tex?\r |
| 607 | glDeleteTextures(1, &gTexBlurName); // -> delete it\r |
| 608 | glError();\r |
| 609 | gTexBlurName=0; // no more movie tex\r |
| 610 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 611 | for(i=0;i<3;i++) // -> loop\r |
| 612 | for(j=0;j<MAXTPAGES;j++) // loop tex pages\r |
| 613 | {\r |
| 614 | free(pscSubtexStore[i][j]); // -> clean mem\r |
| 615 | pscSubtexStore[i][j]=0;\r |
| 616 | }\r |
| 617 | for(i=0;i<MAXSORTTEX;i++)\r |
| 618 | {\r |
| 619 | if(uiStexturePage[i]) // --> tex used ?\r |
| 620 | {\r |
| 621 | glDeleteTextures(1,&uiStexturePage[i]);\r |
| 622 | glError();\r |
| 623 | uiStexturePage[i]=0; // --> delete it\r |
| 624 | }\r |
| 625 | free(pxSsubtexLeft[i]); // -> clean mem\r |
| 626 | pxSsubtexLeft[i]=0;\r |
| 627 | }\r |
| 628 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 629 | }\r |
| 630 | \r |
| 631 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 632 | // Reset textures in game...\r |
| 633 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 634 | \r |
| 635 | void ResetTextureArea(BOOL bDelTex)\r |
| 636 | {\r |
| 637 | int i,j;textureSubCacheEntryS * tss;EXLong * lu;\r |
| 638 | textureWndCacheEntry * tsx;\r |
| 639 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 640 | \r |
| 641 | dwTexPageComp=0;\r |
| 642 | \r |
| 643 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 644 | if(bDelTex) {glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0); glError();gTexName=0;}\r |
| 645 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 646 | tsx=wcWndtexStore;\r |
| 647 | for(i=0;i<MAXWNDTEXCACHE;i++,tsx++)\r |
| 648 | {\r |
| 649 | tsx->used=0;\r |
| 650 | if(bDelTex && tsx->texname)\r |
| 651 | {\r |
| 652 | glDeleteTextures(1,&tsx->texname); glError();\r |
| 653 | tsx->texname=0;\r |
| 654 | }\r |
| 655 | }\r |
| 656 | iMaxTexWnds=0;\r |
| 657 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 658 | \r |
| 659 | for(i=0;i<3;i++)\r |
| 660 | for(j=0;j<MAXTPAGES;j++)\r |
| 661 | {\r |
| 662 | tss=pscSubtexStore[i][j];\r |
| 663 | (tss+SOFFA)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 664 | (tss+SOFFB)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 665 | (tss+SOFFC)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 666 | (tss+SOFFD)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 667 | }\r |
| 668 | \r |
| 669 | for(i=0;i<iSortTexCnt;i++)\r |
| 670 | {\r |
| 671 | lu=pxSsubtexLeft[i];\r |
| 672 | lu->l=0;\r |
| 673 | if(bDelTex && uiStexturePage[i])\r |
| 674 | {glDeleteTextures(1,&uiStexturePage[i]); glError();uiStexturePage[i]=0;}\r |
| 675 | }\r |
| 676 | }\r |
| 677 | \r |
| 678 | \r |
| 679 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 680 | // Invalidate tex windows\r |
| 681 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 682 | \r |
| 683 | void InvalidateWndTextureArea(int X,int Y,int W, int H)\r |
| 684 | {\r |
| 685 | int i,px1,px2,py1,py2,iYM=1;\r |
| 686 | textureWndCacheEntry * tsw=wcWndtexStore;\r |
| 687 | \r |
| 688 | W+=X-1; \r |
| 689 | H+=Y-1;\r |
| 690 | if(X<0) X=0;if(X>1023) X=1023;\r |
| 691 | if(W<0) W=0;if(W>1023) W=1023;\r |
| 692 | if(Y<0) Y=0;if(Y>iGPUHeightMask) Y=iGPUHeightMask;\r |
| 693 | if(H<0) H=0;if(H>iGPUHeightMask) H=iGPUHeightMask;\r |
| 694 | W++;H++;\r |
| 695 | \r |
| 696 | if(iGPUHeight==1024) iYM=3;\r |
| 697 | \r |
| 698 | py1=min(iYM,Y>>8);\r |
| 699 | py2=min(iYM,H>>8); // y: 0 or 1\r |
| 700 | \r |
| 701 | px1=max(0,(X>>6));\r |
| 702 | px2=min(15,(W>>6));\r |
| 703 | \r |
| 704 | if(py1==py2)\r |
| 705 | {\r |
| 706 | py1=py1<<4;px1+=py1;px2+=py1; // change to 0-31\r |
| 707 | for(i=0;i<iMaxTexWnds;i++,tsw++)\r |
| 708 | {\r |
| 709 | if(tsw->used)\r |
| 710 | {\r |
| 711 | if(tsw->pageid>=px1 && tsw->pageid<=px2)\r |
| 712 | {\r |
| 713 | tsw->used=0;\r |
| 714 | }\r |
| 715 | }\r |
| 716 | }\r |
| 717 | }\r |
| 718 | else\r |
| 719 | {\r |
| 720 | py1=px1+16;py2=px2+16;\r |
| 721 | for(i=0;i<iMaxTexWnds;i++,tsw++)\r |
| 722 | {\r |
| 723 | if(tsw->used)\r |
| 724 | {\r |
| 725 | if((tsw->pageid>=px1 && tsw->pageid<=px2) ||\r |
| 726 | (tsw->pageid>=py1 && tsw->pageid<=py2))\r |
| 727 | {\r |
| 728 | tsw->used=0;\r |
| 729 | }\r |
| 730 | }\r |
| 731 | }\r |
| 732 | }\r |
| 733 | \r |
| 734 | // adjust tex window count\r |
| 735 | tsw=wcWndtexStore+iMaxTexWnds-1;\r |
| 736 | while(iMaxTexWnds && !tsw->used) {iMaxTexWnds--;tsw--;}\r |
| 737 | }\r |
| 738 | \r |
| 739 | \r |
| 740 | \r |
| 741 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 742 | // same for sort textures\r |
| 743 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 744 | \r |
| 745 | void MarkFree(textureSubCacheEntryS * tsx)\r |
| 746 | {\r |
| 747 | EXLong * ul, * uls;\r |
| 748 | int j,iMax;unsigned char x1,y1,dx,dy;\r |
| 749 | \r |
| 750 | uls=pxSsubtexLeft[tsx->cTexID];\r |
| 751 | iMax=uls->l;ul=uls+1;\r |
| 752 | \r |
| 753 | if(!iMax) return;\r |
| 754 | \r |
| 755 | for(j=0;j<iMax;j++,ul++)\r |
| 756 | if(ul->l==0xffffffff) break;\r |
| 757 | \r |
| 758 | if(j<CSUBSIZE-2)\r |
| 759 | {\r |
| 760 | if(j==iMax) uls->l=uls->l+1;\r |
| 761 | \r |
| 762 | x1=tsx->posTX;dx=tsx->pos.c[2]-tsx->pos.c[3];\r |
| 763 | if(tsx->posTX) {x1--;dx+=3;}\r |
| 764 | y1=tsx->posTY;dy=tsx->pos.c[0]-tsx->pos.c[1];\r |
| 765 | if(tsx->posTY) {y1--;dy+=3;}\r |
| 766 | \r |
| 767 | ul->c[3]=x1;\r |
| 768 | ul->c[2]=dx;\r |
| 769 | ul->c[1]=y1;\r |
| 770 | ul->c[0]=dy;\r |
| 771 | }\r |
| 772 | }\r |
| 773 | \r |
| 774 | void InvalidateSubSTextureArea(int X,int Y,int W, int H)\r |
| 775 | {\r |
| 776 | int i,j,k,iMax,px,py,px1,px2,py1,py2,iYM=1;\r |
| 777 | EXLong npos;textureSubCacheEntryS * tsb;\r |
| 778 | int x1,x2,y1,y2,xa,sw;\r |
| 779 | \r |
| 780 | W+=X-1; \r |
| 781 | H+=Y-1;\r |
| 782 | if(X<0) X=0;if(X>1023) X=1023;\r |
| 783 | if(W<0) W=0;if(W>1023) W=1023;\r |
| 784 | if(Y<0) Y=0;if(Y>iGPUHeightMask) Y=iGPUHeightMask;\r |
| 785 | if(H<0) H=0;if(H>iGPUHeightMask) H=iGPUHeightMask;\r |
| 786 | W++;H++;\r |
| 787 | \r |
| 788 | if(iGPUHeight==1024) iYM=3;\r |
| 789 | \r |
| 790 | py1=min(iYM,Y>>8);\r |
| 791 | py2=min(iYM,H>>8); // y: 0 or 1\r |
| 792 | px1=max(0,(X>>6)-3); \r |
| 793 | px2=min(15,(W>>6)+3); // x: 0-15\r |
| 794 | \r |
| 795 | for(py=py1;py<=py2;py++)\r |
| 796 | {\r |
| 797 | j=(py<<4)+px1; // get page\r |
| 798 | \r |
| 799 | y1=py*256;y2=y1+255;\r |
| 800 | \r |
| 801 | if(H<y1) continue;\r |
| 802 | if(Y>y2) continue;\r |
| 803 | \r |
| 804 | if(Y>y1) y1=Y;\r |
| 805 | if(H<y2) y2=H;\r |
| 806 | if(y2<y1) {sw=y1;y1=y2;y2=sw;}\r |
| 807 | y1=((y1%256)<<8);\r |
| 808 | y2=(y2%256);\r |
| 809 | \r |
| 810 | for(px=px1;px<=px2;px++,j++)\r |
| 811 | {\r |
| 812 | for(k=0;k<3;k++)\r |
| 813 | {\r |
| 814 | xa=x1=px<<6;\r |
| 815 | if(W<x1) continue;\r |
| 816 | x2=x1+(64<<k)-1;\r |
| 817 | if(X>x2) continue;\r |
| 818 | \r |
| 819 | if(X>x1) x1=X;\r |
| 820 | if(W<x2) x2=W;\r |
| 821 | if(x2<x1) {sw=x1;x1=x2;x2=sw;}\r |
| 822 | \r |
| 823 | if (dwGPUVersion == 2)\r |
| 824 | npos.l=0x00ff00ff;\r |
| 825 | else\r |
| 826 | npos.l=((x1-xa)<<(26-k))|((x2-xa)<<(18-k))|y1|y2;\r |
| 827 | \r |
| 828 | {\r |
| 829 | tsb=pscSubtexStore[k][j]+SOFFA;iMax=tsb->pos.l;tsb++;\r |
| 830 | for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsb++)\r |
| 831 | if(tsb->ClutID && XCHECK(tsb->pos,npos)) {tsb->ClutID=0;MarkFree(tsb);}\r |
| 832 | \r |
| 833 | // if(npos.l & 0x00800000)\r |
| 834 | {\r |
| 835 | tsb=pscSubtexStore[k][j]+SOFFB;iMax=tsb->pos.l;tsb++;\r |
| 836 | for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsb++)\r |
| 837 | if(tsb->ClutID && XCHECK(tsb->pos,npos)) {tsb->ClutID=0;MarkFree(tsb);}\r |
| 838 | }\r |
| 839 | \r |
| 840 | // if(npos.l & 0x00000080)\r |
| 841 | {\r |
| 842 | tsb=pscSubtexStore[k][j]+SOFFC;iMax=tsb->pos.l;tsb++;\r |
| 843 | for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsb++)\r |
| 844 | if(tsb->ClutID && XCHECK(tsb->pos,npos)) {tsb->ClutID=0;MarkFree(tsb);}\r |
| 845 | }\r |
| 846 | \r |
| 847 | // if(npos.l & 0x00800080)\r |
| 848 | {\r |
| 849 | tsb=pscSubtexStore[k][j]+SOFFD;iMax=tsb->pos.l;tsb++;\r |
| 850 | for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsb++)\r |
| 851 | if(tsb->ClutID && XCHECK(tsb->pos,npos)) {tsb->ClutID=0;MarkFree(tsb);}\r |
| 852 | }\r |
| 853 | }\r |
| 854 | }\r |
| 855 | }\r |
| 856 | }\r |
| 857 | }\r |
| 858 | \r |
| 859 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 860 | // Invalidate some parts of cache: main routine\r |
| 861 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 862 | \r |
| 863 | void InvalidateTextureAreaEx(void)\r |
| 864 | {\r |
| 865 | short W=sxmax-sxmin;\r |
| 866 | short H=symax-symin;\r |
| 867 | \r |
| 868 | if(W==0 && H==0) return;\r |
| 869 | \r |
| 870 | if(iMaxTexWnds) \r |
| 871 | InvalidateWndTextureArea(sxmin,symin,W,H);\r |
| 872 | \r |
| 873 | InvalidateSubSTextureArea(sxmin,symin,W,H);\r |
| 874 | }\r |
| 875 | \r |
| 876 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 877 | \r |
| 878 | void InvalidateTextureArea(int X,int Y,int W, int H)\r |
| 879 | {\r |
| 880 | if(W==0 && H==0) return;\r |
| 881 | \r |
| 882 | if(iMaxTexWnds) InvalidateWndTextureArea(X,Y,W,H); \r |
| 883 | \r |
| 884 | InvalidateSubSTextureArea(X,Y,W,H);\r |
| 885 | }\r |
| 886 | \r |
| 887 | \r |
| 888 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 889 | // tex window: define\r |
| 890 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 891 | \r |
| 892 | void DefineTextureWnd(void)\r |
| 893 | {\r |
| 894 | if(gTexName==0)\r |
| 895 | glGenTextures(1, &gTexName);\r |
| 896 | glError();\r |
| 897 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);\r |
| 898 | glError();\r |
| 899 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);\r |
| 900 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT);\r |
| 901 | glError(); \r |
| 902 | {\r |
| 903 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter);\r |
| 904 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter);\r |
| 905 | glError();\r |
| 906 | }\r |
| 907 | \r |
| 908 | glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,GL_RGBA, \r |
| 909 | TWin.Position.x1, \r |
| 910 | TWin.Position.y1, \r |
| 911 | 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart);\r |
| 912 | glError();\r |
| 913 | //LOGE("DefineTextureWnd x:%d y:%d",TWin.Position.x1,TWin.Position.y1);\r |
| 914 | \r |
| 915 | }\r |
| 916 | \r |
| 917 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 918 | // tex window: load packed stretch\r |
| 919 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 920 | \r |
| 921 | void LoadStretchPackedWndTexturePage(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)\r |
| 922 | {\r |
| 923 | unsigned int start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm,ldx,ldy,ldxo;\r |
| 924 | unsigned int palstart;\r |
| 925 | unsigned short *px,*pa,*ta;\r |
| 926 | unsigned char *cSRCPtr,*cOSRCPtr;\r |
| 927 | unsigned short *wSRCPtr,*wOSRCPtr;\r |
| 928 | unsigned int LineOffset;unsigned short s;\r |
| 929 | int pmult=pageid/16;\r |
| 930 | unsigned short (*LPTCOL)(unsigned short);\r |
| 931 | \r |
| 932 | LPTCOL=PTCF[DrawSemiTrans];\r |
| 933 | \r |
| 934 | ldxo=TWin.Position.x1-TWin.OPosition.x1;\r |
| 935 | ldy =TWin.Position.y1-TWin.OPosition.y1;\r |
| 936 | \r |
| 937 | pa=px=(unsigned short *)ubPaletteBuffer;\r |
| 938 | ta=(unsigned short *)texturepart;\r |
| 939 | palstart=cx+(cy*1024);\r |
| 940 | \r |
| 941 | ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 942 | \r |
| 943 | switch(mode)\r |
| 944 | {\r |
| 945 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 946 | // 4bit texture load ..\r |
| 947 | case 0:\r |
| 948 | if(GlobalTextIL)\r |
| 949 | {\r |
| 950 | unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;\r |
| 951 | \r |
| 952 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 953 | for(row=0;row<16;row++)\r |
| 954 | *px++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);\r |
| 955 | \r |
| 956 | column=g_y2-ldy;\r |
| 957 | for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=column;TXV++)\r |
| 958 | {\r |
| 959 | ldx=ldxo;\r |
| 960 | for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2-ldxo;TXU++)\r |
| 961 | {\r |
| 962 | n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 2 ) & ~0x3c ) + ( ( TXV << 2 ) & 0x3c );\r |
| 963 | n_yi = ( TXV & ~0xf ) + ( ( TXU >> 4 ) & 0xf );\r |
| 964 | \r |
| 965 | s=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x03 ) << 2 ) ) & 0x0f ));\r |
| 966 | *ta++=s;\r |
| 967 | \r |
| 968 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 969 | }\r |
| 970 | \r |
| 971 | if(ldy) \r |
| 972 | {ldy--;\r |
| 973 | for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)\r |
| 974 | *ta++=*(ta-(g_x2-g_x1));\r |
| 975 | }\r |
| 976 | }\r |
| 977 | \r |
| 978 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 979 | \r |
| 980 | break;\r |
| 981 | }\r |
| 982 | \r |
| 983 | \r |
| 984 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;\r |
| 985 | \r |
| 986 | // convert CLUT to 32bits .. and then use THAT as a lookup table\r |
| 987 | \r |
| 988 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 989 | for(row=0;row<16;row++)\r |
| 990 | *px++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);\r |
| 991 | \r |
| 992 | sxm=g_x1&1;sxh=g_x1>>1;\r |
| 993 | if(sxm) j=g_x1+1; else j=g_x1;\r |
| 994 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + sxh;\r |
| 995 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 996 | {\r |
| 997 | cOSRCPtr=cSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;\r |
| 998 | if(sxm) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF));\r |
| 999 | \r |
| 1000 | for(row=j;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)\r |
| 1001 | {\r |
| 1002 | s=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF));\r |
| 1003 | *ta++=s;\r |
| 1004 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1005 | row++;\r |
| 1006 | if(row<=g_x2-ldxo) \r |
| 1007 | {\r |
| 1008 | s=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF));\r |
| 1009 | *ta++=s; \r |
| 1010 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1011 | }\r |
| 1012 | cSRCPtr++;\r |
| 1013 | }\r |
| 1014 | \r |
| 1015 | if(ldy && column&1) \r |
| 1016 | {ldy--;cSRCPtr = cOSRCPtr;}\r |
| 1017 | else cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*(column+1)) + sxh;\r |
| 1018 | }\r |
| 1019 | \r |
| 1020 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1021 | break;\r |
| 1022 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1023 | // 8bit texture load ..\r |
| 1024 | case 1:\r |
| 1025 | if(GlobalTextIL)\r |
| 1026 | {\r |
| 1027 | unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;\r |
| 1028 | \r |
| 1029 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 1030 | for(row=0;row<256;row++)\r |
| 1031 | *px++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);\r |
| 1032 | \r |
| 1033 | column=g_y2-ldy;\r |
| 1034 | for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=column;TXV++)\r |
| 1035 | {\r |
| 1036 | ldx=ldxo;\r |
| 1037 | for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2-ldxo;TXU++)\r |
| 1038 | {\r |
| 1039 | n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 1 ) & ~0x78 ) + ( ( TXU << 2 ) & 0x40 ) + ( ( TXV << 3 ) & 0x38 );\r |
| 1040 | n_yi = ( TXV & ~0x7 ) + ( ( TXU >> 5 ) & 0x7 );\r |
| 1041 | \r |
| 1042 | s=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x01 ) << 3 ) ) & 0xff));\r |
| 1043 | \r |
| 1044 | *ta++=s;\r |
| 1045 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1046 | }\r |
| 1047 | \r |
| 1048 | if(ldy) \r |
| 1049 | {ldy--;\r |
| 1050 | for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)\r |
| 1051 | *ta++=*(ta-(g_x2-g_x1));\r |
| 1052 | }\r |
| 1053 | \r |
| 1054 | }\r |
| 1055 | \r |
| 1056 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1057 | \r |
| 1058 | break;\r |
| 1059 | }\r |
| 1060 | \r |
| 1061 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;\r |
| 1062 | \r |
| 1063 | // not using a lookup table here... speeds up smaller texture areas\r |
| 1064 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + g_x1;\r |
| 1065 | LineOffset = 2048 - (g_x2-g_x1+1) +ldxo; \r |
| 1066 | \r |
| 1067 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1068 | {\r |
| 1069 | cOSRCPtr=cSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;\r |
| 1070 | for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)\r |
| 1071 | {\r |
| 1072 | s=LPTCOL(psxVuw[palstart+ *cSRCPtr++]);\r |
| 1073 | *ta++=s;\r |
| 1074 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1075 | }\r |
| 1076 | if(ldy && column&1) {ldy--;cSRCPtr=cOSRCPtr;}\r |
| 1077 | else cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;\r |
| 1078 | }\r |
| 1079 | \r |
| 1080 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1081 | break;\r |
| 1082 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1083 | // 16bit texture load ..\r |
| 1084 | case 2:\r |
| 1085 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*64)+256*1024*pmult;\r |
| 1086 | wSRCPtr = psxVuw + start + (1024*g_y1) + g_x1;\r |
| 1087 | LineOffset = 1024 - (g_x2-g_x1+1) +ldxo; \r |
| 1088 | \r |
| 1089 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1090 | {\r |
| 1091 | wOSRCPtr=wSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;\r |
| 1092 | for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)\r |
| 1093 | {\r |
| 1094 | s=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);\r |
| 1095 | *ta++=s;\r |
| 1096 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1097 | }\r |
| 1098 | if(ldy && column&1) {ldy--;wSRCPtr=wOSRCPtr;}\r |
| 1099 | else wSRCPtr+=LineOffset;\r |
| 1100 | }\r |
| 1101 | \r |
| 1102 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1103 | break;\r |
| 1104 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1105 | // others are not possible !\r |
| 1106 | }\r |
| 1107 | }\r |
| 1108 | \r |
| 1109 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1110 | // tex window: load stretched\r |
| 1111 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1112 | \r |
| 1113 | void LoadStretchWndTexturePage(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)\r |
| 1114 | {\r |
| 1115 | unsigned int start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm,ldx,ldy,ldxo,s;\r |
| 1116 | unsigned int palstart;\r |
| 1117 | unsigned int *px,*pa,*ta;\r |
| 1118 | unsigned char *cSRCPtr,*cOSRCPtr;\r |
| 1119 | unsigned short *wSRCPtr,*wOSRCPtr;\r |
| 1120 | unsigned int LineOffset;\r |
| 1121 | int pmult=pageid/16;\r |
| 1122 | unsigned int (*LTCOL)(unsigned int);\r |
| 1123 | \r |
| 1124 | LTCOL=TCF[DrawSemiTrans];\r |
| 1125 | \r |
| 1126 | ldxo=TWin.Position.x1-TWin.OPosition.x1;\r |
| 1127 | ldy =TWin.Position.y1-TWin.OPosition.y1;\r |
| 1128 | \r |
| 1129 | pa=px=(unsigned int *)ubPaletteBuffer;\r |
| 1130 | ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 1131 | palstart=cx+(cy*1024);\r |
| 1132 | \r |
| 1133 | ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 1134 | \r |
| 1135 | switch(mode)\r |
| 1136 | {\r |
| 1137 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1138 | // 4bit texture load ..\r |
| 1139 | case 0:\r |
| 1140 | //------------------- ZN STUFF\r |
| 1141 | \r |
| 1142 | if(GlobalTextIL)\r |
| 1143 | {\r |
| 1144 | unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;\r |
| 1145 | \r |
| 1146 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 1147 | \r |
| 1148 | row=4;do\r |
| 1149 | {\r |
| 1150 | *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);\r |
| 1151 | *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));\r |
| 1152 | *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));\r |
| 1153 | *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));\r |
| 1154 | row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;\r |
| 1155 | }\r |
| 1156 | while (row);\r |
| 1157 | \r |
| 1158 | column=g_y2-ldy;\r |
| 1159 | for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=column;TXV++)\r |
| 1160 | {\r |
| 1161 | ldx=ldxo;\r |
| 1162 | for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2-ldxo;TXU++)\r |
| 1163 | {\r |
| 1164 | n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 2 ) & ~0x3c ) + ( ( TXV << 2 ) & 0x3c );\r |
| 1165 | n_yi = ( TXV & ~0xf ) + ( ( TXU >> 4 ) & 0xf );\r |
| 1166 | \r |
| 1167 | s=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x03 ) << 2 ) ) & 0x0f ));\r |
| 1168 | *ta++=s;\r |
| 1169 | \r |
| 1170 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1171 | }\r |
| 1172 | \r |
| 1173 | if(ldy) \r |
| 1174 | {ldy--;\r |
| 1175 | for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)\r |
| 1176 | *ta++=*(ta-(g_x2-g_x1));\r |
| 1177 | }\r |
| 1178 | }\r |
| 1179 | \r |
| 1180 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1181 | \r |
| 1182 | break;\r |
| 1183 | }\r |
| 1184 | \r |
| 1185 | //-------------------\r |
| 1186 | \r |
| 1187 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;\r |
| 1188 | // convert CLUT to 32bits .. and then use THAT as a lookup table\r |
| 1189 | \r |
| 1190 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 1191 | for(row=0;row<16;row++)\r |
| 1192 | *px++=LTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);\r |
| 1193 | \r |
| 1194 | sxm=g_x1&1;sxh=g_x1>>1;\r |
| 1195 | if(sxm) j=g_x1+1; else j=g_x1;\r |
| 1196 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + sxh;\r |
| 1197 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1198 | {\r |
| 1199 | cOSRCPtr=cSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;\r |
| 1200 | if(sxm) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF));\r |
| 1201 | \r |
| 1202 | for(row=j;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)\r |
| 1203 | {\r |
| 1204 | s=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF));\r |
| 1205 | *ta++=s;\r |
| 1206 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1207 | row++;\r |
| 1208 | if(row<=g_x2-ldxo) \r |
| 1209 | {\r |
| 1210 | s=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF));\r |
| 1211 | *ta++=s; \r |
| 1212 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1213 | }\r |
| 1214 | cSRCPtr++;\r |
| 1215 | }\r |
| 1216 | if(ldy && column&1) \r |
| 1217 | {ldy--;cSRCPtr = cOSRCPtr;}\r |
| 1218 | else cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*(column+1)) + sxh;\r |
| 1219 | }\r |
| 1220 | \r |
| 1221 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1222 | break;\r |
| 1223 | //--------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 1224 | // 8bit texture load ..\r |
| 1225 | case 1:\r |
| 1226 | //------------ ZN STUFF\r |
| 1227 | if(GlobalTextIL)\r |
| 1228 | {\r |
| 1229 | unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;\r |
| 1230 | \r |
| 1231 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 1232 | \r |
| 1233 | row=64;do\r |
| 1234 | {\r |
| 1235 | *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);\r |
| 1236 | *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));\r |
| 1237 | *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));\r |
| 1238 | *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));\r |
| 1239 | row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;\r |
| 1240 | }\r |
| 1241 | while (row);\r |
| 1242 | \r |
| 1243 | column=g_y2-ldy;\r |
| 1244 | for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=column;TXV++)\r |
| 1245 | {\r |
| 1246 | ldx=ldxo;\r |
| 1247 | for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2-ldxo;TXU++)\r |
| 1248 | {\r |
| 1249 | n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 1 ) & ~0x78 ) + ( ( TXU << 2 ) & 0x40 ) + ( ( TXV << 3 ) & 0x38 );\r |
| 1250 | n_yi = ( TXV & ~0x7 ) + ( ( TXU >> 5 ) & 0x7 );\r |
| 1251 | \r |
| 1252 | s=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x01 ) << 3 ) ) & 0xff));\r |
| 1253 | *ta++=s;\r |
| 1254 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1255 | }\r |
| 1256 | \r |
| 1257 | if(ldy) \r |
| 1258 | {ldy--;\r |
| 1259 | for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)\r |
| 1260 | *ta++=*(ta-(g_x2-g_x1));\r |
| 1261 | }\r |
| 1262 | \r |
| 1263 | }\r |
| 1264 | \r |
| 1265 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1266 | \r |
| 1267 | break;\r |
| 1268 | }\r |
| 1269 | //------------\r |
| 1270 | \r |
| 1271 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult; \r |
| 1272 | \r |
| 1273 | // not using a lookup table here... speeds up smaller texture areas\r |
| 1274 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + g_x1;\r |
| 1275 | LineOffset = 2048 - (g_x2-g_x1+1) +ldxo; \r |
| 1276 | \r |
| 1277 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1278 | {\r |
| 1279 | cOSRCPtr=cSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;\r |
| 1280 | for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)\r |
| 1281 | {\r |
| 1282 | s=LTCOL(psxVuw[palstart+ *cSRCPtr++]);\r |
| 1283 | *ta++=s;\r |
| 1284 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1285 | }\r |
| 1286 | if(ldy && column&1) {ldy--;cSRCPtr=cOSRCPtr;}\r |
| 1287 | else cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;\r |
| 1288 | }\r |
| 1289 | \r |
| 1290 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1291 | break;\r |
| 1292 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1293 | // 16bit texture load ..\r |
| 1294 | case 2:\r |
| 1295 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*64)+256*1024*pmult;\r |
| 1296 | \r |
| 1297 | wSRCPtr = psxVuw + start + (1024*g_y1) + g_x1;\r |
| 1298 | LineOffset = 1024 - (g_x2-g_x1+1) +ldxo; \r |
| 1299 | \r |
| 1300 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1301 | {\r |
| 1302 | wOSRCPtr=wSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;\r |
| 1303 | for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)\r |
| 1304 | {\r |
| 1305 | s=LTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);\r |
| 1306 | *ta++=s;\r |
| 1307 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1308 | }\r |
| 1309 | if(ldy && column&1) {ldy--;wSRCPtr=wOSRCPtr;}\r |
| 1310 | else wSRCPtr+=LineOffset;\r |
| 1311 | }\r |
| 1312 | \r |
| 1313 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1314 | break;\r |
| 1315 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1316 | // others are not possible !\r |
| 1317 | }\r |
| 1318 | }\r |
| 1319 | \r |
| 1320 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1321 | // tex window: load packed simple\r |
| 1322 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1323 | \r |
| 1324 | void LoadPackedWndTexturePage(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)\r |
| 1325 | {\r |
| 1326 | unsigned int start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm;\r |
| 1327 | unsigned int palstart;\r |
| 1328 | unsigned short *px,*pa,*ta;\r |
| 1329 | unsigned char *cSRCPtr;\r |
| 1330 | unsigned short *wSRCPtr;\r |
| 1331 | unsigned int LineOffset;\r |
| 1332 | int pmult=pageid/16;\r |
| 1333 | unsigned short (*LPTCOL)(unsigned short);\r |
| 1334 | \r |
| 1335 | LPTCOL=PTCF[DrawSemiTrans];\r |
| 1336 | \r |
| 1337 | pa=px=(unsigned short *)ubPaletteBuffer;\r |
| 1338 | ta=(unsigned short *)texturepart;\r |
| 1339 | palstart=cx+(cy*1024);\r |
| 1340 | \r |
| 1341 | ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 1342 | \r |
| 1343 | switch(mode)\r |
| 1344 | {\r |
| 1345 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1346 | // 4bit texture load ..\r |
| 1347 | case 0:\r |
| 1348 | if(GlobalTextIL)\r |
| 1349 | {\r |
| 1350 | unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;\r |
| 1351 | \r |
| 1352 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 1353 | for(row=0;row<16;row++)\r |
| 1354 | *px++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);\r |
| 1355 | \r |
| 1356 | for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=g_y2;TXV++)\r |
| 1357 | {\r |
| 1358 | for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)\r |
| 1359 | {\r |
| 1360 | n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 2 ) & ~0x3c ) + ( ( TXV << 2 ) & 0x3c );\r |
| 1361 | n_yi = ( TXV & ~0xf ) + ( ( TXU >> 4 ) & 0xf );\r |
| 1362 | \r |
| 1363 | *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x03 ) << 2 ) ) & 0x0f ));\r |
| 1364 | }\r |
| 1365 | }\r |
| 1366 | \r |
| 1367 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1368 | \r |
| 1369 | break;\r |
| 1370 | }\r |
| 1371 | \r |
| 1372 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;\r |
| 1373 | \r |
| 1374 | // convert CLUT to 32bits .. and then use THAT as a lookup table\r |
| 1375 | \r |
| 1376 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 1377 | for(row=0;row<16;row++)\r |
| 1378 | *px++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);\r |
| 1379 | \r |
| 1380 | sxm=g_x1&1;sxh=g_x1>>1;\r |
| 1381 | if(sxm) j=g_x1+1; else j=g_x1;\r |
| 1382 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + sxh;\r |
| 1383 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1384 | {\r |
| 1385 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*column) + sxh;\r |
| 1386 | \r |
| 1387 | if(sxm) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF));\r |
| 1388 | \r |
| 1389 | for(row=j;row<=g_x2;row++)\r |
| 1390 | {\r |
| 1391 | *ta++=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF)); row++;\r |
| 1392 | if(row<=g_x2) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF)); \r |
| 1393 | cSRCPtr++;\r |
| 1394 | }\r |
| 1395 | }\r |
| 1396 | \r |
| 1397 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1398 | break;\r |
| 1399 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1400 | // 8bit texture load ..\r |
| 1401 | case 1:\r |
| 1402 | if(GlobalTextIL)\r |
| 1403 | {\r |
| 1404 | unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;\r |
| 1405 | \r |
| 1406 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 1407 | for(row=0;row<256;row++)\r |
| 1408 | *px++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);\r |
| 1409 | \r |
| 1410 | for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=g_y2;TXV++)\r |
| 1411 | {\r |
| 1412 | for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)\r |
| 1413 | {\r |
| 1414 | n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 1 ) & ~0x78 ) + ( ( TXU << 2 ) & 0x40 ) + ( ( TXV << 3 ) & 0x38 );\r |
| 1415 | n_yi = ( TXV & ~0x7 ) + ( ( TXU >> 5 ) & 0x7 );\r |
| 1416 | \r |
| 1417 | *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x01 ) << 3 ) ) & 0xff));\r |
| 1418 | }\r |
| 1419 | }\r |
| 1420 | \r |
| 1421 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1422 | \r |
| 1423 | break;\r |
| 1424 | }\r |
| 1425 | \r |
| 1426 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;\r |
| 1427 | \r |
| 1428 | // not using a lookup table here... speeds up smaller texture areas\r |
| 1429 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + g_x1;\r |
| 1430 | LineOffset = 2048 - (g_x2-g_x1+1); \r |
| 1431 | \r |
| 1432 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1433 | {\r |
| 1434 | for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2;row++)\r |
| 1435 | *ta++=LPTCOL(psxVuw[palstart+ *cSRCPtr++]);\r |
| 1436 | cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;\r |
| 1437 | }\r |
| 1438 | \r |
| 1439 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1440 | break;\r |
| 1441 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1442 | // 16bit texture load ..\r |
| 1443 | case 2:\r |
| 1444 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*64)+256*1024*pmult;\r |
| 1445 | wSRCPtr = psxVuw + start + (1024*g_y1) + g_x1;\r |
| 1446 | LineOffset = 1024 - (g_x2-g_x1+1); \r |
| 1447 | \r |
| 1448 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1449 | {\r |
| 1450 | for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2;row++)\r |
| 1451 | *ta++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);\r |
| 1452 | wSRCPtr+=LineOffset;\r |
| 1453 | }\r |
| 1454 | \r |
| 1455 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1456 | break;\r |
| 1457 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1458 | // others are not possible !\r |
| 1459 | }\r |
| 1460 | }\r |
| 1461 | \r |
| 1462 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1463 | // tex window: load simple\r |
| 1464 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1465 | \r |
| 1466 | void LoadWndTexturePage(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)\r |
| 1467 | {\r |
| 1468 | unsigned int start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm;\r |
| 1469 | unsigned int palstart;\r |
| 1470 | unsigned int *px,*pa,*ta;\r |
| 1471 | unsigned char *cSRCPtr;\r |
| 1472 | unsigned short *wSRCPtr;\r |
| 1473 | unsigned int LineOffset;\r |
| 1474 | int pmult=pageid/16;\r |
| 1475 | unsigned int (*LTCOL)(unsigned int);\r |
| 1476 | \r |
| 1477 | LTCOL=TCF[DrawSemiTrans];\r |
| 1478 | \r |
| 1479 | pa=px=(unsigned int *)ubPaletteBuffer;\r |
| 1480 | ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 1481 | palstart=cx+(cy*1024);\r |
| 1482 | \r |
| 1483 | ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 1484 | \r |
| 1485 | switch(mode)\r |
| 1486 | {\r |
| 1487 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1488 | // 4bit texture load ..\r |
| 1489 | case 0:\r |
| 1490 | if(GlobalTextIL)\r |
| 1491 | {\r |
| 1492 | unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;\r |
| 1493 | \r |
| 1494 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 1495 | \r |
| 1496 | row=4;do\r |
| 1497 | {\r |
| 1498 | *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);\r |
| 1499 | *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));\r |
| 1500 | *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));\r |
| 1501 | *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));\r |
| 1502 | row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;\r |
| 1503 | }\r |
| 1504 | while (row);\r |
| 1505 | \r |
| 1506 | for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=g_y2;TXV++)\r |
| 1507 | {\r |
| 1508 | for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)\r |
| 1509 | {\r |
| 1510 | n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 2 ) & ~0x3c ) + ( ( TXV << 2 ) & 0x3c );\r |
| 1511 | n_yi = ( TXV & ~0xf ) + ( ( TXU >> 4 ) & 0xf );\r |
| 1512 | \r |
| 1513 | *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x03 ) << 2 ) ) & 0x0f ));\r |
| 1514 | }\r |
| 1515 | }\r |
| 1516 | \r |
| 1517 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1518 | \r |
| 1519 | break;\r |
| 1520 | }\r |
| 1521 | \r |
| 1522 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;\r |
| 1523 | \r |
| 1524 | // convert CLUT to 32bits .. and then use THAT as a lookup table\r |
| 1525 | \r |
| 1526 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 1527 | for(row=0;row<16;row++)\r |
| 1528 | *px++=LTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);\r |
| 1529 | \r |
| 1530 | sxm=g_x1&1;sxh=g_x1>>1;\r |
| 1531 | if(sxm) j=g_x1+1; else j=g_x1;\r |
| 1532 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + sxh;\r |
| 1533 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1534 | {\r |
| 1535 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*column) + sxh;\r |
| 1536 | \r |
| 1537 | if(sxm) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF));\r |
| 1538 | \r |
| 1539 | for(row=j;row<=g_x2;row++)\r |
| 1540 | {\r |
| 1541 | *ta++=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF)); row++;\r |
| 1542 | if(row<=g_x2) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF)); \r |
| 1543 | cSRCPtr++;\r |
| 1544 | }\r |
| 1545 | }\r |
| 1546 | \r |
| 1547 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1548 | break;\r |
| 1549 | //--------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 1550 | // 8bit texture load ..\r |
| 1551 | case 1:\r |
| 1552 | if(GlobalTextIL)\r |
| 1553 | {\r |
| 1554 | unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;\r |
| 1555 | \r |
| 1556 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 1557 | \r |
| 1558 | row=64;do\r |
| 1559 | {\r |
| 1560 | *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);\r |
| 1561 | *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));\r |
| 1562 | *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));\r |
| 1563 | *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));\r |
| 1564 | row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;\r |
| 1565 | }\r |
| 1566 | while (row);\r |
| 1567 | \r |
| 1568 | for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=g_y2;TXV++)\r |
| 1569 | {\r |
| 1570 | for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)\r |
| 1571 | {\r |
| 1572 | n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 1 ) & ~0x78 ) + ( ( TXU << 2 ) & 0x40 ) + ( ( TXV << 3 ) & 0x38 );\r |
| 1573 | n_yi = ( TXV & ~0x7 ) + ( ( TXU >> 5 ) & 0x7 );\r |
| 1574 | \r |
| 1575 | *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x01 ) << 3 ) ) & 0xff));\r |
| 1576 | }\r |
| 1577 | }\r |
| 1578 | \r |
| 1579 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1580 | \r |
| 1581 | break;\r |
| 1582 | }\r |
| 1583 | \r |
| 1584 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;\r |
| 1585 | \r |
| 1586 | // not using a lookup table here... speeds up smaller texture areas\r |
| 1587 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + g_x1;\r |
| 1588 | LineOffset = 2048 - (g_x2-g_x1+1); \r |
| 1589 | \r |
| 1590 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1591 | {\r |
| 1592 | for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2;row++)\r |
| 1593 | *ta++=LTCOL(psxVuw[palstart+ *cSRCPtr++]);\r |
| 1594 | cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;\r |
| 1595 | }\r |
| 1596 | \r |
| 1597 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1598 | break;\r |
| 1599 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1600 | // 16bit texture load ..\r |
| 1601 | case 2:\r |
| 1602 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*64)+256*1024*pmult;\r |
| 1603 | \r |
| 1604 | wSRCPtr = psxVuw + start + (1024*g_y1) + g_x1;\r |
| 1605 | LineOffset = 1024 - (g_x2-g_x1+1); \r |
| 1606 | \r |
| 1607 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1608 | {\r |
| 1609 | for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2;row++)\r |
| 1610 | *ta++=LTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);\r |
| 1611 | wSRCPtr+=LineOffset;\r |
| 1612 | }\r |
| 1613 | \r |
| 1614 | DefineTextureWnd();\r |
| 1615 | break;\r |
| 1616 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1617 | // others are not possible !\r |
| 1618 | }\r |
| 1619 | }\r |
| 1620 | \r |
| 1621 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1622 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1623 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1624 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1625 | \r |
| 1626 | void UploadTexWndPal(int mode,short cx,short cy)\r |
| 1627 | {\r |
| 1628 | unsigned int i,iSize;\r |
| 1629 | unsigned short * wSrcPtr;\r |
| 1630 | unsigned int * ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 1631 | \r |
| 1632 | wSrcPtr=psxVuw+cx+(cy*1024);\r |
| 1633 | if(mode==0) i=4; else i=64;\r |
| 1634 | iSize=i<<2;\r |
| 1635 | ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 1636 | \r |
| 1637 | do\r |
| 1638 | {\r |
| 1639 | *ta =PALCOL(*wSrcPtr);\r |
| 1640 | *(ta+1)=PALCOL(*(wSrcPtr+1));\r |
| 1641 | *(ta+2)=PALCOL(*(wSrcPtr+2));\r |
| 1642 | *(ta+3)=PALCOL(*(wSrcPtr+3));\r |
| 1643 | ta+=4;wSrcPtr+=4;i--;\r |
| 1644 | }\r |
| 1645 | while(i);\r |
| 1646 | \r |
| 1647 | /* (*glColorTableEXTEx)(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_RGBA8,iSize,\r |
| 1648 | GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,texturepart);\r |
| 1649 | */}\r |
| 1650 | \r |
| 1651 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1652 | \r |
| 1653 | void DefinePalTextureWnd(void)\r |
| 1654 | {\r |
| 1655 | if(gTexName==0)\r |
| 1656 | glGenTextures(1, &gTexName);\r |
| 1657 | glError();\r |
| 1658 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);\r |
| 1659 | glError();\r |
| 1660 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);\r |
| 1661 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT);\r |
| 1662 | glError();\r |
| 1663 | {\r |
| 1664 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter);\r |
| 1665 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter);\r |
| 1666 | }\r |
| 1667 | glError();\r |
| 1668 | glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,GL_RGBA, \r |
| 1669 | TWin.Position.x1, \r |
| 1670 | TWin.Position.y1, \r |
| 1671 | 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,texturepart);\r |
| 1672 | glError();\r |
| 1673 | //LOGE("DefinePalTextureWnd x:%d y:%d",TWin.Position.x1,TWin.Position.y1);\r |
| 1674 | }\r |
| 1675 | \r |
| 1676 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1677 | \r |
| 1678 | void LoadPalWndTexturePage(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)\r |
| 1679 | {\r |
| 1680 | unsigned int start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm;\r |
| 1681 | unsigned char *ta;\r |
| 1682 | unsigned char *cSRCPtr;\r |
| 1683 | unsigned int LineOffset;\r |
| 1684 | int pmult=pageid/16;\r |
| 1685 | \r |
| 1686 | ta=(unsigned char *)texturepart;\r |
| 1687 | \r |
| 1688 | switch(mode)\r |
| 1689 | {\r |
| 1690 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1691 | // 4bit texture load ..\r |
| 1692 | case 0:\r |
| 1693 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;\r |
| 1694 | \r |
| 1695 | sxm=g_x1&1;sxh=g_x1>>1;\r |
| 1696 | if(sxm) j=g_x1+1; else j=g_x1;\r |
| 1697 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + sxh;\r |
| 1698 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1699 | {\r |
| 1700 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*column) + sxh;\r |
| 1701 | \r |
| 1702 | if(sxm) *ta++=((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF);\r |
| 1703 | \r |
| 1704 | for(row=j;row<=g_x2;row++)\r |
| 1705 | {\r |
| 1706 | *ta++=(*cSRCPtr & 0xF); row++;\r |
| 1707 | if(row<=g_x2) *ta++=((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF); \r |
| 1708 | cSRCPtr++;\r |
| 1709 | }\r |
| 1710 | }\r |
| 1711 | \r |
| 1712 | DefinePalTextureWnd();\r |
| 1713 | break;\r |
| 1714 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1715 | // 8bit texture load ..\r |
| 1716 | case 1:\r |
| 1717 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;\r |
| 1718 | \r |
| 1719 | // not using a lookup table here... speeds up smaller texture areas\r |
| 1720 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + g_x1;\r |
| 1721 | LineOffset = 2048 - (g_x2-g_x1+1); \r |
| 1722 | \r |
| 1723 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1724 | {\r |
| 1725 | for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2;row++)\r |
| 1726 | *ta++=*cSRCPtr++;\r |
| 1727 | cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;\r |
| 1728 | }\r |
| 1729 | \r |
| 1730 | DefinePalTextureWnd();\r |
| 1731 | break;\r |
| 1732 | }\r |
| 1733 | UploadTexWndPal(mode,cx,cy);\r |
| 1734 | }\r |
| 1735 | \r |
| 1736 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1737 | \r |
| 1738 | void LoadStretchPalWndTexturePage(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)\r |
| 1739 | {\r |
| 1740 | unsigned int start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm,ldx,ldy,ldxo;\r |
| 1741 | unsigned char *ta,s;\r |
| 1742 | unsigned char *cSRCPtr,*cOSRCPtr;\r |
| 1743 | unsigned int LineOffset;\r |
| 1744 | int pmult=pageid/16;\r |
| 1745 | \r |
| 1746 | ldxo=TWin.Position.x1-TWin.OPosition.x1;\r |
| 1747 | ldy =TWin.Position.y1-TWin.OPosition.y1;\r |
| 1748 | \r |
| 1749 | ta=(unsigned char *)texturepart;\r |
| 1750 | \r |
| 1751 | switch(mode)\r |
| 1752 | {\r |
| 1753 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1754 | // 4bit texture load ..\r |
| 1755 | case 0:\r |
| 1756 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;\r |
| 1757 | \r |
| 1758 | sxm=g_x1&1;sxh=g_x1>>1;\r |
| 1759 | if(sxm) j=g_x1+1; else j=g_x1;\r |
| 1760 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + sxh;\r |
| 1761 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1762 | {\r |
| 1763 | cOSRCPtr=cSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;\r |
| 1764 | if(sxm) *ta++=((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF);\r |
| 1765 | \r |
| 1766 | for(row=j;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)\r |
| 1767 | {\r |
| 1768 | s=(*cSRCPtr & 0xF);\r |
| 1769 | *ta++=s;\r |
| 1770 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1771 | row++;\r |
| 1772 | if(row<=g_x2-ldxo) \r |
| 1773 | {\r |
| 1774 | s=((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF);\r |
| 1775 | *ta++=s; \r |
| 1776 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1777 | }\r |
| 1778 | cSRCPtr++;\r |
| 1779 | }\r |
| 1780 | if(ldy && column&1) \r |
| 1781 | {ldy--;cSRCPtr = cOSRCPtr;}\r |
| 1782 | else cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*(column+1)) + sxh;\r |
| 1783 | }\r |
| 1784 | \r |
| 1785 | DefinePalTextureWnd();\r |
| 1786 | break;\r |
| 1787 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 1788 | // 8bit texture load ..\r |
| 1789 | case 1:\r |
| 1790 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;\r |
| 1791 | \r |
| 1792 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + g_x1;\r |
| 1793 | LineOffset = 2048 - (g_x2-g_x1+1) +ldxo; \r |
| 1794 | \r |
| 1795 | for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)\r |
| 1796 | {\r |
| 1797 | cOSRCPtr=cSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;\r |
| 1798 | for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)\r |
| 1799 | {\r |
| 1800 | s=*cSRCPtr++;\r |
| 1801 | *ta++=s;\r |
| 1802 | if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}\r |
| 1803 | }\r |
| 1804 | if(ldy && column&1) {ldy--;cSRCPtr=cOSRCPtr;}\r |
| 1805 | else cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;\r |
| 1806 | }\r |
| 1807 | \r |
| 1808 | DefinePalTextureWnd();\r |
| 1809 | break;\r |
| 1810 | }\r |
| 1811 | UploadTexWndPal(mode,cx,cy);\r |
| 1812 | }\r |
| 1813 | \r |
| 1814 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1815 | // tex window: main selecting, cache handler included\r |
| 1816 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1817 | \r |
| 1818 | GLuint LoadTextureWnd(int pageid,int TextureMode,unsigned int GivenClutId)\r |
| 1819 | {\r |
| 1820 | textureWndCacheEntry * ts, * tsx=NULL;\r |
| 1821 | int i;short cx,cy;\r |
| 1822 | EXLong npos;\r |
| 1823 | \r |
| 1824 | npos.c[3]=TWin.Position.x0;\r |
| 1825 | npos.c[2]=TWin.OPosition.x1;\r |
| 1826 | npos.c[1]=TWin.Position.y0;\r |
| 1827 | npos.c[0]=TWin.OPosition.y1;\r |
| 1828 | \r |
| 1829 | g_x1=TWin.Position.x0;g_x2=g_x1+TWin.Position.x1-1;\r |
| 1830 | g_y1=TWin.Position.y0;g_y2=g_y1+TWin.Position.y1-1;\r |
| 1831 | \r |
| 1832 | if(TextureMode==2) {GivenClutId=0;cx=cy=0;}\r |
| 1833 | else \r |
| 1834 | {\r |
| 1835 | cx=((GivenClutId << 4) & 0x3F0);cy=((GivenClutId >> 6) & CLUTYMASK);\r |
| 1836 | GivenClutId=(GivenClutId&CLUTMASK)|(DrawSemiTrans<<30);\r |
| 1837 | \r |
| 1838 | // palette check sum\r |
| 1839 | {\r |
| 1840 | unsigned int l=0,row;\r |
| 1841 | unsigned int * lSRCPtr=(unsigned int *)(psxVuw+cx+(cy*1024));\r |
| 1842 | if(TextureMode==1) for(row=1;row<129;row++) l+=((*lSRCPtr++)-1)*row;\r |
| 1843 | else for(row=1;row<9;row++) l+=((*lSRCPtr++)-1)<<row;\r |
| 1844 | l=(l+HIWORD(l))&0x3fffL;\r |
| 1845 | GivenClutId|=(l<<16);\r |
| 1846 | }\r |
| 1847 | \r |
| 1848 | }\r |
| 1849 | \r |
| 1850 | ts=wcWndtexStore;\r |
| 1851 | \r |
| 1852 | for(i=0;i<iMaxTexWnds;i++,ts++)\r |
| 1853 | {\r |
| 1854 | if(ts->used)\r |
| 1855 | {\r |
| 1856 | if(ts->pos.l==npos.l &&\r |
| 1857 | ts->pageid==pageid &&\r |
| 1858 | ts->textureMode==TextureMode)\r |
| 1859 | {\r |
| 1860 | if(ts->ClutID==GivenClutId)\r |
| 1861 | {\r |
| 1862 | ubOpaqueDraw=ts->Opaque;\r |
| 1863 | return ts->texname;\r |
| 1864 | }\r |
| 1865 | }\r |
| 1866 | }\r |
| 1867 | else tsx=ts;\r |
| 1868 | }\r |
| 1869 | \r |
| 1870 | if(!tsx) \r |
| 1871 | {\r |
| 1872 | if(iMaxTexWnds==iTexWndLimit)\r |
| 1873 | {\r |
| 1874 | tsx=wcWndtexStore+iTexWndTurn;\r |
| 1875 | iTexWndTurn++; \r |
| 1876 | if(iTexWndTurn==iTexWndLimit) iTexWndTurn=0;\r |
| 1877 | }\r |
| 1878 | else\r |
| 1879 | {\r |
| 1880 | tsx=wcWndtexStore+iMaxTexWnds;\r |
| 1881 | iMaxTexWnds++;\r |
| 1882 | }\r |
| 1883 | }\r |
| 1884 | \r |
| 1885 | gTexName=tsx->texname;\r |
| 1886 | \r |
| 1887 | if(TWin.OPosition.y1==TWin.Position.y1 &&\r |
| 1888 | TWin.OPosition.x1==TWin.Position.x1)\r |
| 1889 | {\r |
| 1890 | LoadWndTexturePage(pageid,TextureMode,cx,cy);\r |
| 1891 | } \r |
| 1892 | else\r |
| 1893 | {\r |
| 1894 | LoadStretchWndTexturePage(pageid,TextureMode,cx,cy);\r |
| 1895 | }\r |
| 1896 | \r |
| 1897 | tsx->Opaque=ubOpaqueDraw;\r |
| 1898 | tsx->pos.l=npos.l;\r |
| 1899 | tsx->ClutID=GivenClutId;\r |
| 1900 | tsx->pageid=pageid;\r |
| 1901 | tsx->textureMode=TextureMode;\r |
| 1902 | tsx->texname=gTexName;\r |
| 1903 | tsx->used=1;\r |
| 1904 | \r |
| 1905 | return gTexName;\r |
| 1906 | }\r |
| 1907 | \r |
| 1908 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1909 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1910 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1911 | \r |
| 1912 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1913 | // movie texture: define\r |
| 1914 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1915 | \r |
| 1916 | void DefinePackedTextureMovie(void)\r |
| 1917 | {\r |
| 1918 | if(gTexMovieName==0)\r |
| 1919 | {\r |
| 1920 | glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);\r |
| 1921 | glGenTextures(1, &gTexMovieName); glError();\r |
| 1922 | gTexName=gTexMovieName;\r |
| 1923 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName); glError();\r |
| 1924 | \r |
| 1925 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType); glError();\r |
| 1926 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType); glError();\r |
| 1927 | \r |
| 1928 | if(!bUseFastMdec) \r |
| 1929 | {\r |
| 1930 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glError();\r |
| 1931 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glError();\r |
| 1932 | }\r |
| 1933 | else\r |
| 1934 | {\r |
| 1935 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter); glError();\r |
| 1936 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter); glError();\r |
| 1937 | }\r |
| 1938 | \r |
| 1939 | glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, //giWantedRGBA, \r |
| 1940 | GL_RGBA,\r |
| 1941 | 256, 256, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart); glError();\r |
| 1942 | }\r |
| 1943 | else \r |
| 1944 | {\r |
| 1945 | gTexName=gTexMovieName;glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName); glError();\r |
| 1946 | }\r |
| 1947 | \r |
| 1948 | glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0,\r |
| 1949 | (xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0), \r |
| 1950 | (xrMovieArea.y1-xrMovieArea.y0), \r |
| 1951 | GL_RGBA,\r |
| 1952 | GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,\r |
| 1953 | texturepart); glError();\r |
| 1954 | //LOGE("DefinePackedTextureMovie x:%d y:%d",(xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0),(xrMovieArea.y1-xrMovieArea.y0));\r |
| 1955 | \r |
| 1956 | }\r |
| 1957 | \r |
| 1958 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1959 | \r |
| 1960 | void DefineTextureMovie(void)\r |
| 1961 | {\r |
| 1962 | if(gTexMovieName==0)\r |
| 1963 | {\r |
| 1964 | glGenTextures(1, &gTexMovieName); glError();\r |
| 1965 | gTexName=gTexMovieName;\r |
| 1966 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName); glError();\r |
| 1967 | \r |
| 1968 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType); glError();\r |
| 1969 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType); glError();\r |
| 1970 | \r |
| 1971 | if(!bUseFastMdec) \r |
| 1972 | {\r |
| 1973 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glError();\r |
| 1974 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glError();\r |
| 1975 | }\r |
| 1976 | else\r |
| 1977 | {\r |
| 1978 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter); glError();\r |
| 1979 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter); glError();\r |
| 1980 | }\r |
| 1981 | \r |
| 1982 | glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 256, 256, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart); glError();\r |
| 1983 | }\r |
| 1984 | else \r |
| 1985 | {\r |
| 1986 | gTexName=gTexMovieName;glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName); glError();\r |
| 1987 | }\r |
| 1988 | \r |
| 1989 | glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0,\r |
| 1990 | (xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0), \r |
| 1991 | (xrMovieArea.y1-xrMovieArea.y0), \r |
| 1992 | GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart); glError();\r |
| 1993 | //LOGE("DefineTextureMovie x:%d y:%d",(xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0),(xrMovieArea.y1-xrMovieArea.y0));\r |
| 1994 | }\r |
| 1995 | \r |
| 1996 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1997 | // movie texture: load\r |
| 1998 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 1999 | \r |
| 2000 | #define MRED(x) ((x>>3) & 0x1f)\r |
| 2001 | #define MGREEN(x) ((x>>6) & 0x3e0)\r |
| 2002 | #define MBLUE(x) ((x>>9) & 0x7c00)\r |
| 2003 | \r |
| 2004 | #define XMGREEN(x) ((x>>5) & 0x07c0)\r |
| 2005 | #define XMRED(x) ((x<<8) & 0xf800)\r |
| 2006 | #define XMBLUE(x) ((x>>18) & 0x003e)\r |
| 2007 | \r |
| 2008 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2009 | // movie texture: load\r |
| 2010 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2011 | \r |
| 2012 | unsigned char * LoadDirectMovieFast(void)\r |
| 2013 | {\r |
| 2014 | int row,column;\r |
| 2015 | unsigned int startxy;\r |
| 2016 | \r |
| 2017 | unsigned int * ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 2018 | \r |
| 2019 | if(PSXDisplay.RGB24)\r |
| 2020 | {\r |
| 2021 | unsigned char * pD;\r |
| 2022 | \r |
| 2023 | startxy=((1024)*xrMovieArea.y0)+xrMovieArea.x0;\r |
| 2024 | \r |
| 2025 | for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++,startxy+=1024)\r |
| 2026 | {\r |
| 2027 | pD=(unsigned char *)&psxVuw[startxy];\r |
| 2028 | for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)\r |
| 2029 | {\r |
| 2030 | *ta++=*((unsigned int *)pD)|0xff000000;\r |
| 2031 | pD+=3;\r |
| 2032 | }\r |
| 2033 | }\r |
| 2034 | }\r |
| 2035 | else\r |
| 2036 | {\r |
| 2037 | unsigned int (*LTCOL)(unsigned int);\r |
| 2038 | \r |
| 2039 | LTCOL=XP8RGBA_0;//TCF[0];\r |
| 2040 | \r |
| 2041 | ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 2042 | \r |
| 2043 | for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++)\r |
| 2044 | {\r |
| 2045 | startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;\r |
| 2046 | for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)\r |
| 2047 | *ta++=LTCOL(psxVuw[startxy++]|0x8000);\r |
| 2048 | }\r |
| 2049 | }\r |
| 2050 | \r |
| 2051 | return texturepart;\r |
| 2052 | }\r |
| 2053 | \r |
| 2054 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2055 | \r |
| 2056 | GLuint LoadTextureMovieFast(void)\r |
| 2057 | {\r |
| 2058 | int row,column;\r |
| 2059 | unsigned int start,startxy;\r |
| 2060 | \r |
| 2061 | {\r |
| 2062 | if(PSXDisplay.RGB24)\r |
| 2063 | {\r |
| 2064 | unsigned char * pD;\r |
| 2065 | unsigned int * ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 2066 | \r |
| 2067 | startxy=((1024)*xrMovieArea.y0)+xrMovieArea.x0;\r |
| 2068 | \r |
| 2069 | for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++,startxy+=1024)\r |
| 2070 | {\r |
| 2071 | //startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;\r |
| 2072 | pD=(unsigned char *)&psxVuw[startxy];\r |
| 2073 | for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)\r |
| 2074 | {\r |
| 2075 | *ta++=*((unsigned int *)pD)|0xff000000;\r |
| 2076 | pD+=3;\r |
| 2077 | }\r |
| 2078 | }\r |
| 2079 | }\r |
| 2080 | else\r |
| 2081 | {\r |
| 2082 | unsigned int (*LTCOL)(unsigned int);\r |
| 2083 | unsigned int *ta;\r |
| 2084 | \r |
| 2085 | LTCOL=XP8RGBA_0;//TCF[0];\r |
| 2086 | \r |
| 2087 | ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 2088 | ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 2089 | \r |
| 2090 | for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++)\r |
| 2091 | {\r |
| 2092 | startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;\r |
| 2093 | for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)\r |
| 2094 | *ta++=LTCOL(psxVuw[startxy++]|0x8000);\r |
| 2095 | }\r |
| 2096 | }\r |
| 2097 | DefineTextureMovie();\r |
| 2098 | }\r |
| 2099 | return gTexName; \r |
| 2100 | }\r |
| 2101 | \r |
| 2102 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2103 | \r |
| 2104 | GLuint LoadTextureMovie(void)\r |
| 2105 | {\r |
| 2106 | short row,column,dx;\r |
| 2107 | unsigned int startxy;\r |
| 2108 | BOOL b_X,b_Y;\r |
| 2109 | \r |
| 2110 | if(bUseFastMdec) return LoadTextureMovieFast();\r |
| 2111 | \r |
| 2112 | b_X=FALSE;b_Y=FALSE;\r |
| 2113 | \r |
| 2114 | if((xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0)<255) b_X=TRUE;\r |
| 2115 | if((xrMovieArea.y1-xrMovieArea.y0)<255) b_Y=TRUE;\r |
| 2116 | \r |
| 2117 | {\r |
| 2118 | if(PSXDisplay.RGB24)\r |
| 2119 | {\r |
| 2120 | unsigned char * pD;\r |
| 2121 | unsigned int * ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 2122 | \r |
| 2123 | if(b_X)\r |
| 2124 | {\r |
| 2125 | for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++)\r |
| 2126 | {\r |
| 2127 | startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;\r |
| 2128 | pD=(unsigned char *)&psxVuw[startxy];\r |
| 2129 | for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)\r |
| 2130 | {\r |
| 2131 | *ta++=*((unsigned int *)pD)|0xff000000;\r |
| 2132 | pD+=3;\r |
| 2133 | }\r |
| 2134 | *ta++=*(ta-1);\r |
| 2135 | }\r |
| 2136 | if(b_Y)\r |
| 2137 | {\r |
| 2138 | dx=xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0+1;\r |
| 2139 | for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)\r |
| 2140 | *ta++=*(ta-dx);\r |
| 2141 | *ta++=*(ta-1);\r |
| 2142 | }\r |
| 2143 | }\r |
| 2144 | else\r |
| 2145 | {\r |
| 2146 | for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++)\r |
| 2147 | {\r |
| 2148 | startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;\r |
| 2149 | pD=(unsigned char *)&psxVuw[startxy];\r |
| 2150 | for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)\r |
| 2151 | {\r |
| 2152 | *ta++=*((unsigned int *)pD)|0xff000000;\r |
| 2153 | pD+=3;\r |
| 2154 | }\r |
| 2155 | }\r |
| 2156 | if(b_Y)\r |
| 2157 | {\r |
| 2158 | dx=xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0;\r |
| 2159 | for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)\r |
| 2160 | *ta++=*(ta-dx);\r |
| 2161 | }\r |
| 2162 | }\r |
| 2163 | }\r |
| 2164 | else\r |
| 2165 | {\r |
| 2166 | unsigned int (*LTCOL)(unsigned int);\r |
| 2167 | unsigned int *ta;\r |
| 2168 | \r |
| 2169 | LTCOL=XP8RGBA_0;//TCF[0];\r |
| 2170 | \r |
| 2171 | ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 2172 | ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 2173 | \r |
| 2174 | if(b_X)\r |
| 2175 | {\r |
| 2176 | for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++)\r |
| 2177 | {\r |
| 2178 | startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;\r |
| 2179 | for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)\r |
| 2180 | *ta++=LTCOL(psxVuw[startxy++]|0x8000);\r |
| 2181 | *ta++=*(ta-1);\r |
| 2182 | }\r |
| 2183 | \r |
| 2184 | if(b_Y)\r |
| 2185 | {\r |
| 2186 | dx=xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0+1;\r |
| 2187 | for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)\r |
| 2188 | *ta++=*(ta-dx);\r |
| 2189 | *ta++=*(ta-1);\r |
| 2190 | }\r |
| 2191 | }\r |
| 2192 | else\r |
| 2193 | {\r |
| 2194 | for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++)\r |
| 2195 | {\r |
| 2196 | startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;\r |
| 2197 | for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)\r |
| 2198 | *ta++=LTCOL(psxVuw[startxy++]|0x8000);\r |
| 2199 | }\r |
| 2200 | \r |
| 2201 | if(b_Y)\r |
| 2202 | {\r |
| 2203 | dx=xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0;\r |
| 2204 | for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)\r |
| 2205 | *ta++=*(ta-dx);\r |
| 2206 | }\r |
| 2207 | }\r |
| 2208 | }\r |
| 2209 | \r |
| 2210 | xrMovieArea.x1+=b_X;xrMovieArea.y1+=b_Y;\r |
| 2211 | DefineTextureMovie();\r |
| 2212 | xrMovieArea.x1-=b_X;xrMovieArea.y1-=b_Y;\r |
| 2213 | }\r |
| 2214 | return gTexName; \r |
| 2215 | }\r |
| 2216 | \r |
| 2217 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2218 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2219 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2220 | \r |
| 2221 | GLuint BlackFake15BitTexture(void)\r |
| 2222 | {\r |
| 2223 | int pmult;short x1,x2,y1,y2;\r |
| 2224 | \r |
| 2225 | if(PSXDisplay.InterlacedTest) return 0;\r |
| 2226 | \r |
| 2227 | pmult=GlobalTexturePage/16;\r |
| 2228 | x1=gl_ux[7];\r |
| 2229 | x2=gl_ux[6]-gl_ux[7];\r |
| 2230 | y1=gl_ux[5];\r |
| 2231 | y2=gl_ux[4]-gl_ux[5];\r |
| 2232 | \r |
| 2233 | if(iSpriteTex)\r |
| 2234 | {\r |
| 2235 | if(x2<255) x2++;\r |
| 2236 | if(y2<255) y2++;\r |
| 2237 | }\r |
| 2238 | \r |
| 2239 | y1+=pmult*256;\r |
| 2240 | x1+=((GlobalTexturePage-16*pmult)<<6);\r |
| 2241 | \r |
| 2242 | if( FastCheckAgainstFrontScreen(x1,y1,x2,y2)\r |
| 2243 | || FastCheckAgainstScreen(x1,y1,x2,y2))\r |
| 2244 | {\r |
| 2245 | if(!gTexFrameName)\r |
| 2246 | {\r |
| 2247 | glGenTextures(1, &gTexFrameName); glError();\r |
| 2248 | gTexName=gTexFrameName;\r |
| 2249 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName); glError();\r |
| 2250 | \r |
| 2251 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType); glError();\r |
| 2252 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType); glError();\r |
| 2253 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter); glError();\r |
| 2254 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter); glError();\r |
| 2255 | \r |
| 2256 | {\r |
| 2257 | unsigned int * ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 2258 | for(y1=0;y1<=4;y1++)\r |
| 2259 | for(x1=0;x1<=4;x1++)\r |
| 2260 | *ta++=0xff000000;\r |
| 2261 | }\r |
| 2262 | glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 4, 4, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart); glError();\r |
| 2263 | \r |
| 2264 | }\r |
| 2265 | else\r |
| 2266 | {\r |
| 2267 | gTexName=gTexFrameName;\r |
| 2268 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName); glError();\r |
| 2269 | }\r |
| 2270 | //LOGE("BlackFake15BitTexture x:%d y:%d",4,4);\r |
| 2271 | ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 2272 | \r |
| 2273 | return (GLuint)gTexName;\r |
| 2274 | }\r |
| 2275 | return 0;\r |
| 2276 | }\r |
| 2277 | \r |
| 2278 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2279 | \r |
| 2280 | BOOL bFakeFrontBuffer=FALSE;\r |
| 2281 | BOOL bIgnoreNextTile =FALSE;\r |
| 2282 | \r |
| 2283 | int iFTex=512;\r |
| 2284 | \r |
| 2285 | GLuint Fake15BitTexture(void)\r |
| 2286 | {\r |
| 2287 | int pmult;short x1,x2,y1,y2;int iYAdjust;\r |
| 2288 | float ScaleX,ScaleY;RECT rSrc;\r |
| 2289 | \r |
| 2290 | if(iFrameTexType==1) return BlackFake15BitTexture();\r |
| 2291 | if(PSXDisplay.InterlacedTest) return 0;\r |
| 2292 | \r |
| 2293 | pmult=GlobalTexturePage/16;\r |
| 2294 | x1=gl_ux[7];\r |
| 2295 | x2=gl_ux[6]-gl_ux[7];\r |
| 2296 | y1=gl_ux[5];\r |
| 2297 | y2=gl_ux[4]-gl_ux[5];\r |
| 2298 | \r |
| 2299 | y1+=pmult*256;\r |
| 2300 | x1+=((GlobalTexturePage-16*pmult)<<6);\r |
| 2301 | \r |
| 2302 | if(iFrameTexType==3)\r |
| 2303 | {\r |
| 2304 | if(iFrameReadType==4) return 0;\r |
| 2305 | \r |
| 2306 | if(!FastCheckAgainstFrontScreen(x1,y1,x2,y2) &&\r |
| 2307 | !FastCheckAgainstScreen(x1,y1,x2,y2))\r |
| 2308 | return 0;\r |
| 2309 | \r |
| 2310 | if(bFakeFrontBuffer) bIgnoreNextTile=TRUE;\r |
| 2311 | CheckVRamReadEx(x1,y1,x1+x2,y1+y2);\r |
| 2312 | return 0;\r |
| 2313 | }\r |
| 2314 | \r |
| 2315 | /////////////////////////\r |
| 2316 | \r |
| 2317 | if(FastCheckAgainstFrontScreen(x1,y1,x2,y2))\r |
| 2318 | {\r |
| 2319 | x1-=PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;\r |
| 2320 | y1-=PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;\r |
| 2321 | }\r |
| 2322 | else\r |
| 2323 | if(FastCheckAgainstScreen(x1,y1,x2,y2))\r |
| 2324 | {\r |
| 2325 | x1-=PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;\r |
| 2326 | y1-=PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;\r |
| 2327 | }\r |
| 2328 | else return 0;\r |
| 2329 | \r |
| 2330 | bDrawMultiPass = FALSE;\r |
| 2331 | \r |
| 2332 | if(!gTexFrameName)\r |
| 2333 | {\r |
| 2334 | char * p;\r |
| 2335 | \r |
| 2336 | if(iResX>1280 || iResY>1024) iFTex=2048;\r |
| 2337 | else\r |
| 2338 | if(iResX>640 || iResY>480) iFTex=1024;\r |
| 2339 | else iFTex=512; \r |
| 2340 | \r |
| 2341 | glGenTextures(1, &gTexFrameName); glError();\r |
| 2342 | gTexName=gTexFrameName;\r |
| 2343 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName); glError();\r |
| 2344 | \r |
| 2345 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType); glError();\r |
| 2346 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType); glError();\r |
| 2347 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter); glError();\r |
| 2348 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter); glError();\r |
| 2349 | \r |
| 2350 | p=(char *)malloc(iFTex*iFTex*4);\r |
| 2351 | memset(p,0,iFTex*iFTex*4);\r |
| 2352 | glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, iFTex, iFTex, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p); glError();\r |
| 2353 | free(p);\r |
| 2354 | \r |
| 2355 | glGetError();\r |
| 2356 | }\r |
| 2357 | else \r |
| 2358 | {\r |
| 2359 | gTexName=gTexFrameName;\r |
| 2360 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName); glError();\r |
| 2361 | }\r |
| 2362 | //LOGE("Fake15BitTexture x:%d y:%d",iFTex,iFTex);\r |
| 2363 | x1+=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;\r |
| 2364 | y1+=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;\r |
| 2365 | \r |
| 2366 | if(PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x)\r |
| 2367 | ScaleX=(float)rRatioRect.right/(float)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x;\r |
| 2368 | else ScaleX=1.0f;\r |
| 2369 | if(PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y)\r |
| 2370 | ScaleY=(float)rRatioRect.bottom/(float)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y;\r |
| 2371 | else ScaleY=1.0f;\r |
| 2372 | \r |
| 2373 | rSrc.left =max(x1*ScaleX,0);\r |
| 2374 | rSrc.right =min((x1+x2)*ScaleX+0.99f,iResX-1);\r |
| 2375 | rSrc.top =max(y1*ScaleY,0);\r |
| 2376 | rSrc.bottom=min((y1+y2)*ScaleY+0.99f,iResY-1);\r |
| 2377 | \r |
| 2378 | iYAdjust=(y1+y2)-PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y;\r |
| 2379 | if(iYAdjust>0)\r |
| 2380 | iYAdjust=(int)((float)iYAdjust*ScaleY)+1;\r |
| 2381 | else iYAdjust=0;\r |
| 2382 | \r |
| 2383 | gl_vy[0]=255-gl_vy[0];\r |
| 2384 | gl_vy[1]=255-gl_vy[1];\r |
| 2385 | gl_vy[2]=255-gl_vy[2];\r |
| 2386 | gl_vy[3]=255-gl_vy[3];\r |
| 2387 | \r |
| 2388 | y1=min(gl_vy[0],min(gl_vy[1],min(gl_vy[2],gl_vy[3])));\r |
| 2389 | \r |
| 2390 | gl_vy[0]-=y1;\r |
| 2391 | gl_vy[1]-=y1;\r |
| 2392 | gl_vy[2]-=y1;\r |
| 2393 | gl_vy[3]-=y1;\r |
| 2394 | gl_ux[0]-=gl_ux[7];\r |
| 2395 | gl_ux[1]-=gl_ux[7];\r |
| 2396 | gl_ux[2]-=gl_ux[7];\r |
| 2397 | gl_ux[3]-=gl_ux[7];\r |
| 2398 | \r |
| 2399 | ScaleX*=256.0f/((float)(iFTex));\r |
| 2400 | ScaleY*=256.0f/((float)(iFTex));\r |
| 2401 | \r |
| 2402 | y1=((float)gl_vy[0]*ScaleY); if(y1>255) y1=255;\r |
| 2403 | gl_vy[0]=y1;\r |
| 2404 | y1=((float)gl_vy[1]*ScaleY); if(y1>255) y1=255;\r |
| 2405 | gl_vy[1]=y1;\r |
| 2406 | y1=((float)gl_vy[2]*ScaleY); if(y1>255) y1=255;\r |
| 2407 | gl_vy[2]=y1;\r |
| 2408 | y1=((float)gl_vy[3]*ScaleY); if(y1>255) y1=255;\r |
| 2409 | gl_vy[3]=y1;\r |
| 2410 | \r |
| 2411 | x1=((float)gl_ux[0]*ScaleX); if(x1>255) x1=255;\r |
| 2412 | gl_ux[0]=x1;\r |
| 2413 | x1=((float)gl_ux[1]*ScaleX); if(x1>255) x1=255;\r |
| 2414 | gl_ux[1]=x1;\r |
| 2415 | x1=((float)gl_ux[2]*ScaleX); if(x1>255) x1=255;\r |
| 2416 | gl_ux[2]=x1;\r |
| 2417 | x1=((float)gl_ux[3]*ScaleX); if(x1>255) x1=255;\r |
| 2418 | gl_ux[3]=x1;\r |
| 2419 | \r |
| 2420 | x1=rSrc.right-rSrc.left;\r |
| 2421 | if(x1<=0) x1=1;\r |
| 2422 | if(x1>iFTex) x1=iFTex;\r |
| 2423 | \r |
| 2424 | y1=rSrc.bottom-rSrc.top;\r |
| 2425 | if(y1<=0) y1=1;\r |
| 2426 | if(y1+iYAdjust>iFTex) y1=iFTex-iYAdjust;\r |
| 2427 | \r |
| 2428 | \r |
| 2429 | glCopyTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, \r |
| 2430 | 0,\r |
| 2431 | iYAdjust,\r |
| 2432 | rSrc.left+rRatioRect.left,\r |
| 2433 | iResY-rSrc.bottom-rRatioRect.top,\r |
| 2434 | x1,y1); glError();\r |
| 2435 | \r |
| 2436 | if(glGetError()) \r |
| 2437 | {\r |
| 2438 | char * p=(char *)malloc(iFTex*iFTex*4);\r |
| 2439 | memset(p,0,iFTex*iFTex*4);\r |
| 2440 | glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, iFTex, iFTex,\r |
| 2441 | GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p); glError();\r |
| 2442 | free(p);\r |
| 2443 | }\r |
| 2444 | \r |
| 2445 | \r |
| 2446 | ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 2447 | \r |
| 2448 | if(iSpriteTex)\r |
| 2449 | {\r |
| 2450 | sprtW=gl_ux[1]-gl_ux[0]; \r |
| 2451 | sprtH=-(gl_vy[0]-gl_vy[2]);\r |
| 2452 | }\r |
| 2453 | \r |
| 2454 | return (GLuint)gTexName;\r |
| 2455 | }\r |
| 2456 | \r |
| 2457 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2458 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2459 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2460 | //\r |
| 2461 | // load texture part (unpacked)\r |
| 2462 | //\r |
| 2463 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2464 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2465 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2466 | \r |
| 2467 | void LoadSubTexturePageSort(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)\r |
| 2468 | {\r |
| 2469 | unsigned int start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm;\r |
| 2470 | unsigned int palstart;\r |
| 2471 | unsigned int *px,*pa,*ta;\r |
| 2472 | unsigned char *cSRCPtr;\r |
| 2473 | unsigned short *wSRCPtr;\r |
| 2474 | unsigned int LineOffset;\r |
| 2475 | unsigned int x2a,xalign=0;\r |
| 2476 | unsigned int x1=gl_ux[7];\r |
| 2477 | unsigned int x2=gl_ux[6];\r |
| 2478 | unsigned int y1=gl_ux[5];\r |
| 2479 | unsigned int y2=gl_ux[4];\r |
| 2480 | unsigned int dx=x2-x1+1;\r |
| 2481 | unsigned int dy=y2-y1+1;\r |
| 2482 | int pmult=pageid/16;\r |
| 2483 | unsigned int (*LTCOL)(unsigned int);\r |
| 2484 | unsigned int a,r,g,b,cnt,h;\r |
| 2485 | unsigned int scol[8];\r |
| 2486 | \r |
| 2487 | LTCOL=TCF[DrawSemiTrans];\r |
| 2488 | \r |
| 2489 | pa=px=(unsigned int *)ubPaletteBuffer;\r |
| 2490 | ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 2491 | palstart=cx+(cy<<10);\r |
| 2492 | \r |
| 2493 | ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 2494 | \r |
| 2495 | if(YTexS) {ta+=dx;if(XTexS) ta+=2;}\r |
| 2496 | if(XTexS) {ta+=1;xalign=2;}\r |
| 2497 | \r |
| 2498 | switch(mode)\r |
| 2499 | {\r |
| 2500 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 2501 | // 4bit texture load ..\r |
| 2502 | case 0:\r |
| 2503 | if(GlobalTextIL)\r |
| 2504 | {\r |
| 2505 | unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;\r |
| 2506 | \r |
| 2507 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 2508 | \r |
| 2509 | row=4;do\r |
| 2510 | {\r |
| 2511 | *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);\r |
| 2512 | *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));\r |
| 2513 | *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));\r |
| 2514 | *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));\r |
| 2515 | row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;\r |
| 2516 | }\r |
| 2517 | while (row);\r |
| 2518 | \r |
| 2519 | for(TXV=y1;TXV<=y2;TXV++)\r |
| 2520 | {\r |
| 2521 | for(TXU=x1;TXU<=x2;TXU++)\r |
| 2522 | {\r |
| 2523 | n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 2 ) & ~0x3c ) + ( ( TXV << 2 ) & 0x3c );\r |
| 2524 | n_yi = ( TXV & ~0xf ) + ( ( TXU >> 4 ) & 0xf );\r |
| 2525 | \r |
| 2526 | *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x03 ) << 2 ) ) & 0x0f ));\r |
| 2527 | }\r |
| 2528 | ta+=xalign;\r |
| 2529 | }\r |
| 2530 | break;\r |
| 2531 | }\r |
| 2532 | \r |
| 2533 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)<<7)+524288*pmult;\r |
| 2534 | // convert CLUT to 32bits .. and then use THAT as a lookup table\r |
| 2535 | \r |
| 2536 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 2537 | \r |
| 2538 | row=4;do\r |
| 2539 | {\r |
| 2540 | *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);\r |
| 2541 | *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));\r |
| 2542 | *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));\r |
| 2543 | *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));\r |
| 2544 | row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;\r |
| 2545 | }\r |
| 2546 | while (row);\r |
| 2547 | \r |
| 2548 | x2a=x2?(x2-1):0;//if(x2) x2a=x2-1; else x2a=0;\r |
| 2549 | sxm=x1&1;sxh=x1>>1;\r |
| 2550 | j=sxm?(x1+1):x1;//if(sxm) j=x1+1; else j=x1;\r |
| 2551 | for(column=y1;column<=y2;column++)\r |
| 2552 | {\r |
| 2553 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (column<<11) + sxh;\r |
| 2554 | \r |
| 2555 | if(sxm) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF));\r |
| 2556 | \r |
| 2557 | for(row=j;row<x2a;row+=2)\r |
| 2558 | {\r |
| 2559 | *ta =*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF)); \r |
| 2560 | *(ta+1)=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF)); \r |
| 2561 | cSRCPtr++;ta+=2;\r |
| 2562 | }\r |
| 2563 | \r |
| 2564 | if(row<=x2) \r |
| 2565 | {\r |
| 2566 | *ta++=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF)); row++;\r |
| 2567 | if(row<=x2) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF));\r |
| 2568 | }\r |
| 2569 | \r |
| 2570 | ta+=xalign;\r |
| 2571 | }\r |
| 2572 | \r |
| 2573 | break;\r |
| 2574 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 2575 | // 8bit texture load ..\r |
| 2576 | case 1:\r |
| 2577 | if(GlobalTextIL)\r |
| 2578 | {\r |
| 2579 | unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;\r |
| 2580 | \r |
| 2581 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 2582 | \r |
| 2583 | row=64;do\r |
| 2584 | {\r |
| 2585 | *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);\r |
| 2586 | *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));\r |
| 2587 | *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));\r |
| 2588 | *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));\r |
| 2589 | row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;\r |
| 2590 | }\r |
| 2591 | while (row);\r |
| 2592 | \r |
| 2593 | for(TXV=y1;TXV<=y2;TXV++)\r |
| 2594 | {\r |
| 2595 | for(TXU=x1;TXU<=x2;TXU++)\r |
| 2596 | {\r |
| 2597 | n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 1 ) & ~0x78 ) + ( ( TXU << 2 ) & 0x40 ) + ( ( TXV << 3 ) & 0x38 );\r |
| 2598 | n_yi = ( TXV & ~0x7 ) + ( ( TXU >> 5 ) & 0x7 );\r |
| 2599 | \r |
| 2600 | *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x01 ) << 3 ) ) & 0xff));\r |
| 2601 | }\r |
| 2602 | ta+=xalign;\r |
| 2603 | }\r |
| 2604 | \r |
| 2605 | break;\r |
| 2606 | }\r |
| 2607 | \r |
| 2608 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)<<7)+524288*pmult;\r |
| 2609 | \r |
| 2610 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (y1<<11) + x1;\r |
| 2611 | LineOffset = 2048 - dx; \r |
| 2612 | \r |
| 2613 | if(dy*dx>384)\r |
| 2614 | {\r |
| 2615 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 2616 | \r |
| 2617 | row=64;do\r |
| 2618 | {\r |
| 2619 | *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);\r |
| 2620 | *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));\r |
| 2621 | *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));\r |
| 2622 | *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));\r |
| 2623 | row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;\r |
| 2624 | }\r |
| 2625 | while (row);\r |
| 2626 | \r |
| 2627 | column=dy;do \r |
| 2628 | {\r |
| 2629 | row=dx;\r |
| 2630 | do {*ta++=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr++));row--;} while(row);\r |
| 2631 | ta+=xalign;\r |
| 2632 | cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;column--;\r |
| 2633 | }\r |
| 2634 | while(column);\r |
| 2635 | }\r |
| 2636 | else\r |
| 2637 | {\r |
| 2638 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 2639 | \r |
| 2640 | column=dy;do \r |
| 2641 | {\r |
| 2642 | row=dx;\r |
| 2643 | do {*ta++=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+*cSRCPtr++));row--;} while(row);\r |
| 2644 | ta+=xalign;\r |
| 2645 | cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;column--;\r |
| 2646 | }\r |
| 2647 | while(column);\r |
| 2648 | }\r |
| 2649 | \r |
| 2650 | break;\r |
| 2651 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 2652 | // 16bit texture load ..\r |
| 2653 | case 2:\r |
| 2654 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)<<6)+262144*pmult;\r |
| 2655 | \r |
| 2656 | wSRCPtr = psxVuw + start + (y1<<10) + x1;\r |
| 2657 | LineOffset = 1024 - dx; \r |
| 2658 | \r |
| 2659 | column=dy;do \r |
| 2660 | {\r |
| 2661 | row=dx;\r |
| 2662 | do {*ta++=LTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);row--;} while(row);\r |
| 2663 | ta+=xalign;\r |
| 2664 | wSRCPtr+=LineOffset;column--;\r |
| 2665 | }\r |
| 2666 | while(column);\r |
| 2667 | \r |
| 2668 | break;\r |
| 2669 | //--------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 2670 | // others are not possible !\r |
| 2671 | }\r |
| 2672 | \r |
| 2673 | x2a=dx+xalign;\r |
| 2674 | \r |
| 2675 | if(YTexS)\r |
| 2676 | {\r |
| 2677 | ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 2678 | pa=(unsigned int *)texturepart+x2a;\r |
| 2679 | row=x2a;do {*ta++=*pa++;row--;} while(row); \r |
| 2680 | pa=(unsigned int *)texturepart+dy*x2a;\r |
| 2681 | ta=pa+x2a;\r |
| 2682 | row=x2a;do {*ta++=*pa++;row--;} while(row);\r |
| 2683 | YTexS--;\r |
| 2684 | dy+=2;\r |
| 2685 | }\r |
| 2686 | \r |
| 2687 | if(XTexS)\r |
| 2688 | {\r |
| 2689 | ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 2690 | pa=ta+1;\r |
| 2691 | row=dy;do {*ta=*pa;ta+=x2a;pa+=x2a;row--;} while(row);\r |
| 2692 | pa=(unsigned int *)texturepart+dx;\r |
| 2693 | ta=pa+1;\r |
| 2694 | row=dy;do {*ta=*pa;ta+=x2a;pa+=x2a;row--;} while(row);\r |
| 2695 | XTexS--;\r |
| 2696 | dx+=2;\r |
| 2697 | }\r |
| 2698 | \r |
| 2699 | DXTexS=dx;DYTexS=dy;\r |
| 2700 | \r |
| 2701 | if(!iFilterType) {DefineSubTextureSort();return;}\r |
| 2702 | if(iFilterType!=2 && iFilterType!=4 && iFilterType!=6) {DefineSubTextureSort();return;}\r |
| 2703 | if((iFilterType==4 || iFilterType==6) && ly0==ly1 && ly2==ly3 && lx0==lx3 && lx1==lx2)\r |
| 2704 | {DefineSubTextureSort();return;}\r |
| 2705 | \r |
| 2706 | ta=(unsigned int *)texturepart;\r |
| 2707 | x1=dx-1;\r |
| 2708 | y1=dy-1;\r |
| 2709 | \r |
| 2710 | if(bOpaquePass)\r |
| 2711 | {\r |
| 2712 | {\r |
| 2713 | for(column=0;column<dy;column++)\r |
| 2714 | {\r |
| 2715 | for(row=0;row<dx;row++)\r |
| 2716 | {\r |
| 2717 | if(*ta==0x50000000)\r |
| 2718 | {\r |
| 2719 | cnt=0;\r |
| 2720 | \r |
| 2721 | if( column && *(ta-dx) !=0x50000000 && *(ta-dx)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-dx);\r |
| 2722 | if(row && *(ta-1) !=0x50000000 && *(ta-1)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-1);\r |
| 2723 | if(row!=x1 && *(ta+1) !=0x50000000 && *(ta+1)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+1);\r |
| 2724 | if( column!=y1 && *(ta+dx) !=0x50000000 && *(ta+dx)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx);\r |
| 2725 | \r |
| 2726 | if(row && column && *(ta-dx-1)!=0x50000000 && *(ta-dx-1)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-dx-1);\r |
| 2727 | if(row!=x1 && column && *(ta-dx+1)!=0x50000000 && *(ta-dx+1)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-dx+1);\r |
| 2728 | if(row && column!=y1 && *(ta+dx-1)!=0x50000000 && *(ta+dx-1)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx-1);\r |
| 2729 | if(row!=x1 && column!=y1 && *(ta+dx+1)!=0x50000000 && *(ta+dx+1)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx+1);\r |
| 2730 | \r |
| 2731 | if(cnt)\r |
| 2732 | {\r |
| 2733 | r=g=b=a=0;\r |
| 2734 | for(h=0;h<cnt;h++)\r |
| 2735 | {\r |
| 2736 | a+=(scol[h]>>24);\r |
| 2737 | r+=(scol[h]>>16)&0xff;\r |
| 2738 | g+=(scol[h]>>8)&0xff;\r |
| 2739 | b+=scol[h]&0xff;\r |
| 2740 | }\r |
| 2741 | r/=cnt;b/=cnt;g/=cnt;\r |
| 2742 | \r |
| 2743 | *ta=(r<<16)|(g<<8)|b;\r |
| 2744 | if(a) *ta|=0x50000000;\r |
| 2745 | else *ta|=0x01000000;\r |
| 2746 | }\r |
| 2747 | }\r |
| 2748 | ta++;\r |
| 2749 | }\r |
| 2750 | }\r |
| 2751 | }\r |
| 2752 | }\r |
| 2753 | else\r |
| 2754 | for(column=0;column<dy;column++)\r |
| 2755 | {\r |
| 2756 | for(row=0;row<dx;row++)\r |
| 2757 | {\r |
| 2758 | if(*ta==0x00000000)\r |
| 2759 | {\r |
| 2760 | cnt=0;\r |
| 2761 | \r |
| 2762 | if(row!=x1 && *(ta+1) !=0x00000000) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+1);\r |
| 2763 | if( column!=y1 && *(ta+dx) !=0x00000000) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx);\r |
| 2764 | \r |
| 2765 | if(cnt)\r |
| 2766 | {\r |
| 2767 | r=g=b=0;\r |
| 2768 | for(h=0;h<cnt;h++)\r |
| 2769 | {\r |
| 2770 | r+=(scol[h]>>16)&0xff;\r |
| 2771 | g+=(scol[h]>>8)&0xff;\r |
| 2772 | b+=scol[h]&0xff;\r |
| 2773 | }\r |
| 2774 | r/=cnt;b/=cnt;g/=cnt;\r |
| 2775 | *ta=(r<<16)|(g<<8)|b;\r |
| 2776 | }\r |
| 2777 | }\r |
| 2778 | ta++;\r |
| 2779 | }\r |
| 2780 | }\r |
| 2781 | \r |
| 2782 | DefineSubTextureSort();\r |
| 2783 | }\r |
| 2784 | \r |
| 2785 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2786 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2787 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2788 | //\r |
| 2789 | // load texture part (packed)\r |
| 2790 | //\r |
| 2791 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2792 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2793 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 2794 | \r |
| 2795 | void LoadPackedSubTexturePageSort(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)\r |
| 2796 | {\r |
| 2797 | unsigned int start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm;\r |
| 2798 | unsigned int palstart;\r |
| 2799 | unsigned short *px,*pa,*ta;\r |
| 2800 | unsigned char *cSRCPtr;\r |
| 2801 | unsigned short *wSRCPtr;\r |
| 2802 | unsigned int LineOffset;\r |
| 2803 | unsigned int x2a,xalign=0;\r |
| 2804 | unsigned int x1=gl_ux[7];\r |
| 2805 | unsigned int x2=gl_ux[6];\r |
| 2806 | unsigned int y1=gl_ux[5];\r |
| 2807 | unsigned int y2=gl_ux[4];\r |
| 2808 | unsigned int dx=x2-x1+1;\r |
| 2809 | unsigned int dy=y2-y1+1;\r |
| 2810 | int pmult=pageid/16;\r |
| 2811 | unsigned short (*LPTCOL)(unsigned short);\r |
| 2812 | unsigned int a,r,g,b,cnt,h;\r |
| 2813 | unsigned short scol[8];\r |
| 2814 | \r |
| 2815 | LPTCOL=PTCF[DrawSemiTrans];\r |
| 2816 | \r |
| 2817 | pa=px=(unsigned short *)ubPaletteBuffer;\r |
| 2818 | ta=(unsigned short *)texturepart;\r |
| 2819 | palstart=cx+(cy<<10);\r |
| 2820 | \r |
| 2821 | ubOpaqueDraw=0;\r |
| 2822 | \r |
| 2823 | if(YTexS) {ta+=dx;if(XTexS) ta+=2;}\r |
| 2824 | if(XTexS) {ta+=1;xalign=2;}\r |
| 2825 | \r |
| 2826 | switch(mode)\r |
| 2827 | {\r |
| 2828 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 2829 | // 4bit texture load ..\r |
| 2830 | case 0:\r |
| 2831 | if(GlobalTextIL)\r |
| 2832 | {\r |
| 2833 | unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;\r |
| 2834 | \r |
| 2835 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 2836 | row=4;do\r |
| 2837 | {\r |
| 2838 | *px =LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr);\r |
| 2839 | *(px+1)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));\r |
| 2840 | *(px+2)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));\r |
| 2841 | *(px+3)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));\r |
| 2842 | row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;\r |
| 2843 | }\r |
| 2844 | while (row);\r |
| 2845 | \r |
| 2846 | for(TXV=y1;TXV<=y2;TXV++)\r |
| 2847 | {\r |
| 2848 | for(TXU=x1;TXU<=x2;TXU++)\r |
| 2849 | {\r |
| 2850 | n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 2 ) & ~0x3c ) + ( ( TXV << 2 ) & 0x3c );\r |
| 2851 | n_yi = ( TXV & ~0xf ) + ( ( TXU >> 4 ) & 0xf );\r |
| 2852 | \r |
| 2853 | *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x03 ) << 2 ) ) & 0x0f ));\r |
| 2854 | }\r |
| 2855 | ta+=xalign;\r |
| 2856 | }\r |
| 2857 | break;\r |
| 2858 | }\r |
| 2859 | \r |
| 2860 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)<<7)+524288*pmult;\r |
| 2861 | \r |
| 2862 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 2863 | row=4;do\r |
| 2864 | {\r |
| 2865 | *px =LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr);\r |
| 2866 | *(px+1)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));\r |
| 2867 | *(px+2)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));\r |
| 2868 | *(px+3)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));\r |
| 2869 | row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;\r |
| 2870 | }\r |
| 2871 | while (row);\r |
| 2872 | \r |
| 2873 | x2a=x2?(x2-1):0;//if(x2) x2a=x2-1; else x2a=0;\r |
| 2874 | sxm=x1&1;sxh=x1>>1;\r |
| 2875 | j=sxm?(x1+1):x1;//if(sxm) j=x1+1; else j=x1;\r |
| 2876 | \r |
| 2877 | for(column=y1;column<=y2;column++)\r |
| 2878 | {\r |
| 2879 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (column<<11) + sxh;\r |
| 2880 | \r |
| 2881 | if(sxm) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF));\r |
| 2882 | \r |
| 2883 | for(row=j;row<x2a;row+=2)\r |
| 2884 | {\r |
| 2885 | *ta =*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF));\r |
| 2886 | *(ta+1)=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF)); \r |
| 2887 | cSRCPtr++;ta+=2;\r |
| 2888 | }\r |
| 2889 | \r |
| 2890 | if(row<=x2)\r |
| 2891 | {\r |
| 2892 | *ta++=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF));row++;\r |
| 2893 | if(row<=x2) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF));\r |
| 2894 | }\r |
| 2895 | \r |
| 2896 | ta+=xalign;\r |
| 2897 | }\r |
| 2898 | break;\r |
| 2899 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 2900 | // 8bit texture load ..\r |
| 2901 | case 1:\r |
| 2902 | if(GlobalTextIL)\r |
| 2903 | {\r |
| 2904 | unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;\r |
| 2905 | \r |
| 2906 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 2907 | \r |
| 2908 | row=64;do\r |
| 2909 | {\r |
| 2910 | *px =LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr);\r |
| 2911 | *(px+1)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));\r |
| 2912 | *(px+2)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));\r |
| 2913 | *(px+3)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));\r |
| 2914 | row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;\r |
| 2915 | }\r |
| 2916 | while (row);\r |
| 2917 | \r |
| 2918 | for(TXV=y1;TXV<=y2;TXV++)\r |
| 2919 | {\r |
| 2920 | for(TXU=x1;TXU<=x2;TXU++)\r |
| 2921 | {\r |
| 2922 | n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 1 ) & ~0x78 ) + ( ( TXU << 2 ) & 0x40 ) + ( ( TXV << 3 ) & 0x38 );\r |
| 2923 | n_yi = ( TXV & ~0x7 ) + ( ( TXU >> 5 ) & 0x7 );\r |
| 2924 | \r |
| 2925 | *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x01 ) << 3 ) ) & 0xff));\r |
| 2926 | }\r |
| 2927 | ta+=xalign;\r |
| 2928 | }\r |
| 2929 | \r |
| 2930 | break;\r |
| 2931 | }\r |
| 2932 | \r |
| 2933 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)<<7)+524288*pmult;\r |
| 2934 | \r |
| 2935 | cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (y1<<11) + x1;\r |
| 2936 | LineOffset = 2048 - dx;\r |
| 2937 | \r |
| 2938 | if(dy*dx>384) // more pix? use lut\r |
| 2939 | {\r |
| 2940 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 2941 | \r |
| 2942 | row=64;do\r |
| 2943 | {\r |
| 2944 | *px =LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr);\r |
| 2945 | *(px+1)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));\r |
| 2946 | *(px+2)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));\r |
| 2947 | *(px+3)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));\r |
| 2948 | row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;\r |
| 2949 | }\r |
| 2950 | while (row);\r |
| 2951 | \r |
| 2952 | column=dy;do \r |
| 2953 | {\r |
| 2954 | row=dx;\r |
| 2955 | do {*ta++=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr++));row--;} while(row);\r |
| 2956 | \r |
| 2957 | ta+=xalign;\r |
| 2958 | \r |
| 2959 | cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;column--;\r |
| 2960 | }\r |
| 2961 | while(column);\r |
| 2962 | }\r |
| 2963 | else // small area? no lut\r |
| 2964 | { \r |
| 2965 | wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;\r |
| 2966 | \r |
| 2967 | column=dy;do \r |
| 2968 | {\r |
| 2969 | row=dx;\r |
| 2970 | do {*ta++=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+*cSRCPtr++));row--;} while(row);\r |
| 2971 | \r |
| 2972 | ta+=xalign;\r |
| 2973 | \r |
| 2974 | cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;column--;\r |
| 2975 | }\r |
| 2976 | while(column);\r |
| 2977 | }\r |
| 2978 | break;\r |
| 2979 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 2980 | // 16bit texture load ..\r |
| 2981 | case 2:\r |
| 2982 | start=((pageid-16*pmult)<<6)+262144*pmult;\r |
| 2983 | \r |
| 2984 | wSRCPtr = psxVuw + start + (y1<<10) + x1;\r |
| 2985 | LineOffset = 1024 - dx; \r |
| 2986 | \r |
| 2987 | column=dy;do \r |
| 2988 | {\r |
| 2989 | row=dx;\r |
| 2990 | do {*ta++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);row--;} while(row);\r |
| 2991 | \r |
| 2992 | ta+=xalign;\r |
| 2993 | \r |
| 2994 | wSRCPtr+=LineOffset;column--;\r |
| 2995 | }\r |
| 2996 | while(column);\r |
| 2997 | break;\r |
| 2998 | //--------------------------------------------------// \r |
| 2999 | // others are not possible !\r |
| 3000 | }\r |
| 3001 | \r |
| 3002 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3003 | \r |
| 3004 | x2a=dx+xalign;\r |
| 3005 | \r |
| 3006 | if(YTexS)\r |
| 3007 | {\r |
| 3008 | ta=(unsigned short *)texturepart;\r |
| 3009 | pa=(unsigned short *)texturepart+x2a;\r |
| 3010 | row=x2a;do {*ta++=*pa++;row--;} while(row);\r |
| 3011 | \r |
| 3012 | pa=(unsigned short *)texturepart+dy*x2a;\r |
| 3013 | ta=pa+x2a;\r |
| 3014 | row=x2a;do {*ta++=*pa++;row--;} while(row);\r |
| 3015 | \r |
| 3016 | YTexS--;\r |
| 3017 | dy+=2;\r |
| 3018 | }\r |
| 3019 | \r |
| 3020 | if(XTexS)\r |
| 3021 | {\r |
| 3022 | ta=(unsigned short *)texturepart;\r |
| 3023 | pa=ta+1;\r |
| 3024 | row=dy;do {*ta=*pa;ta+=x2a;pa+=x2a;row--;} while(row);\r |
| 3025 | \r |
| 3026 | pa=(unsigned short *)texturepart+dx;\r |
| 3027 | ta=pa+1;\r |
| 3028 | row=dy;do {*ta=*pa;ta+=x2a;pa+=x2a;row--;} while(row);\r |
| 3029 | \r |
| 3030 | XTexS--;\r |
| 3031 | dx+=2;\r |
| 3032 | }\r |
| 3033 | \r |
| 3034 | DXTexS=dx;DYTexS=dy;\r |
| 3035 | \r |
| 3036 | if(!iFilterType) {DefineSubTextureSort();return;}\r |
| 3037 | if(iFilterType!=2 && iFilterType!=4 && iFilterType!=6) {DefineSubTextureSort();return;}\r |
| 3038 | if((iFilterType==4 || iFilterType==6) && ly0==ly1 && ly2==ly3 && lx0==lx3 && lx1==lx2)\r |
| 3039 | {DefineSubTextureSort();return;}\r |
| 3040 | \r |
| 3041 | ta=(unsigned short *)texturepart;\r |
| 3042 | x1=dx-1;\r |
| 3043 | y1=dy-1; \r |
| 3044 | \r |
| 3045 | {\r |
| 3046 | for(column=0;column<dy;column++)\r |
| 3047 | {\r |
| 3048 | for(row=0;row<dx;row++)\r |
| 3049 | {\r |
| 3050 | if(*ta==0)\r |
| 3051 | {\r |
| 3052 | cnt=0;\r |
| 3053 | \r |
| 3054 | if( column && *(ta-dx) &1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-dx);\r |
| 3055 | if(row && *(ta-1) &1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-1);\r |
| 3056 | if(row!=x1 && *(ta+1) &1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+1);\r |
| 3057 | if( column!=y1 && *(ta+dx) &1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx);\r |
| 3058 | \r |
| 3059 | if(row && column && *(ta-dx-1)&1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-dx-1);\r |
| 3060 | if(row!=x1 && column && *(ta-dx+1)&1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-dx+1);\r |
| 3061 | if(row && column!=y1 && *(ta+dx-1)&1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx-1);\r |
| 3062 | if(row!=x1 && column!=y1 && *(ta+dx+1)&1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx+1);\r |
| 3063 | \r |
| 3064 | if(cnt)\r |
| 3065 | {\r |
| 3066 | r=g=b=0;\r |
| 3067 | for(h=0;h<cnt;h++)\r |
| 3068 | {\r |
| 3069 | r+=scol[h]>>11;\r |
| 3070 | g+=(scol[h]>>6)&0x1f;\r |
| 3071 | b+=(scol[h]>>1)&0x1f;\r |
| 3072 | }\r |
| 3073 | r/=cnt;b/=cnt;g/=cnt;\r |
| 3074 | *ta=(r<<11)|(g<<6)|(b<<1);\r |
| 3075 | }\r |
| 3076 | }\r |
| 3077 | ta++;\r |
| 3078 | }\r |
| 3079 | }\r |
| 3080 | }\r |
| 3081 | \r |
| 3082 | DefineSubTextureSort();\r |
| 3083 | }\r |
| 3084 | \r |
| 3085 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3086 | \r |
| 3087 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3088 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3089 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3090 | //\r |
| 3091 | // hires texture funcs\r |
| 3092 | //\r |
| 3093 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3094 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3095 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3096 | \r |
| 3097 | \r |
| 3098 | #define GET_RESULT(A, B, C, D) ((A != C || A != D) - (B != C || B != D))\r |
| 3099 | \r |
| 3100 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3101 | \r |
| 3102 | #define colorMask8 0x00FEFEFE\r |
| 3103 | #define lowPixelMask8 0x00010101\r |
| 3104 | #define qcolorMask8 0x00FCFCFC\r |
| 3105 | #define qlowpixelMask8 0x00030303\r |
| 3106 | \r |
| 3107 | \r |
| 3108 | #define INTERPOLATE8_02(A, B) (((((A & colorMask8) >> 1) + ((B & colorMask8) >> 1) + (A & B & lowPixelMask8))|((((A&0xFF000000)==0x03000000)?0x03000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x03000000)?0x03000000:(((A&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0xFF000000)))))))\r |
| 3109 | \r |
| 3110 | #define Q_INTERPOLATE8_02(A, B, C, D) (((((A & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((B & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((C & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((D & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((((A & qlowpixelMask8) + (B & qlowpixelMask8) + (C & qlowpixelMask8) + (D & qlowpixelMask8)) >> 2) & qlowpixelMask8))|((((A&0xFF000000)==0x03000000)?0x03000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x03000000)?0x03000000:(((C&0xFF000000)==0x03000000)?0x03000000:(((D&0xFF000000)==0x03000000)?0x03000000:(((A&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((C&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((D&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0xFF000000)))))))))))\r |
| 3111 | \r |
| 3112 | #define INTERPOLATE8(A, B) (((((A & colorMask8) >> 1) + ((B & colorMask8) >> 1) + (A & B & lowPixelMask8))|((((A&0xFF000000)==0x50000000)?0x50000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x50000000)?0x50000000:(((A&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0xFF000000)))))))\r |
| 3113 | \r |
| 3114 | #define Q_INTERPOLATE8(A, B, C, D) (((((A & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((B & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((C & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((D & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((((A & qlowpixelMask8) + (B & qlowpixelMask8) + (C & qlowpixelMask8) + (D & qlowpixelMask8)) >> 2) & qlowpixelMask8))|((((A&0xFF000000)==0x50000000)?0x50000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x50000000)?0x50000000:(((C&0xFF000000)==0x50000000)?0x50000000:(((D&0xFF000000)==0x50000000)?0x50000000:(((A&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((C&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((D&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0xFF000000)))))))))))\r |
| 3115 | \r |
| 3116 | void Super2xSaI_ex8_Ex(unsigned char *srcPtr, DWORD srcPitch,\r |
| 3117 | unsigned char *dstBitmap, int width, int height)\r |
| 3118 | {\r |
| 3119 | DWORD dstPitch = srcPitch * 2;\r |
| 3120 | DWORD line;\r |
| 3121 | DWORD *dP;\r |
| 3122 | DWORD *bP;\r |
| 3123 | int width2 = width*2;\r |
| 3124 | int iXA,iXB,iXC,iYA,iYB,iYC,finish;\r |
| 3125 | DWORD color4, color5, color6;\r |
| 3126 | DWORD color1, color2, color3;\r |
| 3127 | DWORD colorA0, colorA1, colorA2, colorA3,\r |
| 3128 | colorB0, colorB1, colorB2, colorB3,\r |
| 3129 | colorS1, colorS2;\r |
| 3130 | DWORD product1a, product1b,\r |
| 3131 | product2a, product2b;\r |
| 3132 | \r |
| 3133 | line = 0;\r |
| 3134 | \r |
| 3135 | {\r |
| 3136 | for (; height; height-=1)\r |
| 3137 | {\r |
| 3138 | bP = (DWORD *)srcPtr;\r |
| 3139 | dP = (DWORD *)(dstBitmap + line*dstPitch);\r |
| 3140 | for (finish = width; finish; finish -= 1 )\r |
| 3141 | {\r |
| 3142 | //--------------------------------------- B1 B2\r |
| 3143 | // 4 5 6 S2\r |
| 3144 | // 1 2 3 S1\r |
| 3145 | // A1 A2\r |
| 3146 | if(finish==width) iXA=0;\r |
| 3147 | else iXA=1;\r |
| 3148 | if(finish>4) {iXB=1;iXC=2;}\r |
| 3149 | else\r |
| 3150 | if(finish>3) {iXB=1;iXC=1;}\r |
| 3151 | else {iXB=0;iXC=0;}\r |
| 3152 | if(line==0) iYA=0;\r |
| 3153 | else iYA=width;\r |
| 3154 | if(height>4) {iYB=width;iYC=width2;}\r |
| 3155 | else\r |
| 3156 | if(height>3) {iYB=width;iYC=width;}\r |
| 3157 | else {iYB=0;iYC=0;}\r |
| 3158 | \r |
| 3159 | \r |
| 3160 | colorB0 = *(bP- iYA - iXA);\r |
| 3161 | colorB1 = *(bP- iYA);\r |
| 3162 | colorB2 = *(bP- iYA + iXB);\r |
| 3163 | colorB3 = *(bP- iYA + iXC);\r |
| 3164 | \r |
| 3165 | color4 = *(bP - iXA);\r |
| 3166 | color5 = *(bP);\r |
| 3167 | color6 = *(bP + iXB);\r |
| 3168 | colorS2 = *(bP + iXC);\r |
| 3169 | \r |
| 3170 | color1 = *(bP + iYB - iXA);\r |
| 3171 | color2 = *(bP + iYB);\r |
| 3172 | color3 = *(bP + iYB + iXB);\r |
| 3173 | colorS1= *(bP + iYB + iXC);\r |
| 3174 | \r |
| 3175 | colorA0 = *(bP + iYC - iXA);\r |
| 3176 | colorA1 = *(bP + iYC);\r |
| 3177 | colorA2 = *(bP + iYC + iXB);\r |
| 3178 | colorA3 = *(bP + iYC + iXC);\r |
| 3179 | \r |
| 3180 | //--------------------------------------\r |
| 3181 | if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3)\r |
| 3182 | {\r |
| 3183 | product2b = product1b = color2;\r |
| 3184 | }\r |
| 3185 | else\r |
| 3186 | if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6)\r |
| 3187 | {\r |
| 3188 | product2b = product1b = color5;\r |
| 3189 | }\r |
| 3190 | else\r |
| 3191 | if (color5 == color3 && color2 == color6)\r |
| 3192 | {\r |
| 3193 | register int r = 0;\r |
| 3194 | \r |
| 3195 | r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (color1&0x00ffffff), (colorA1&0x00ffffff));\r |
| 3196 | r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (color4&0x00ffffff), (colorB1&0x00ffffff));\r |
| 3197 | r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (colorA2&0x00ffffff), (colorS1&0x00ffffff));\r |
| 3198 | r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (colorB2&0x00ffffff), (colorS2&0x00ffffff));\r |
| 3199 | \r |
| 3200 | if (r > 0)\r |
| 3201 | product2b = product1b = color6;\r |
| 3202 | else\r |
| 3203 | if (r < 0)\r |
| 3204 | product2b = product1b = color5;\r |
| 3205 | else\r |
| 3206 | {\r |
| 3207 | product2b = product1b = INTERPOLATE8_02(color5, color6);\r |
| 3208 | }\r |
| 3209 | }\r |
| 3210 | else\r |
| 3211 | {\r |
| 3212 | if (color6 == color3 && color3 == colorA1 && color2 != colorA2 && color3 != colorA0)\r |
| 3213 | product2b = Q_INTERPOLATE8_02 (color3, color3, color3, color2);\r |
| 3214 | else\r |
| 3215 | if (color5 == color2 && color2 == colorA2 && colorA1 != color3 && color2 != colorA3)\r |
| 3216 | product2b = Q_INTERPOLATE8_02 (color2, color2, color2, color3);\r |
| 3217 | else\r |
| 3218 | product2b = INTERPOLATE8_02 (color2, color3);\r |
| 3219 | \r |
| 3220 | if (color6 == color3 && color6 == colorB1 && color5 != colorB2 && color6 != colorB0)\r |
| 3221 | product1b = Q_INTERPOLATE8_02 (color6, color6, color6, color5);\r |
| 3222 | else\r |
| 3223 | if (color5 == color2 && color5 == colorB2 && colorB1 != color6 && color5 != colorB3)\r |
| 3224 | product1b = Q_INTERPOLATE8_02 (color6, color5, color5, color5);\r |
| 3225 | else\r |
| 3226 | product1b = INTERPOLATE8_02 (color5, color6);\r |
| 3227 | }\r |
| 3228 | \r |
| 3229 | if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6 && color4 == color5 && color5 != colorA2)\r |
| 3230 | product2a = INTERPOLATE8_02(color2, color5);\r |
| 3231 | else\r |
| 3232 | if (color5 == color1 && color6 == color5 && color4 != color2 && color5 != colorA0)\r |
| 3233 | product2a = INTERPOLATE8_02(color2, color5);\r |
| 3234 | else\r |
| 3235 | product2a = color2;\r |
| 3236 | \r |
| 3237 | if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3 && color1 == color2 && color2 != colorB2)\r |
| 3238 | product1a = INTERPOLATE8_02(color2, color5);\r |
| 3239 | else\r |
| 3240 | if (color4 == color2 && color3 == color2 && color1 != color5 && color2 != colorB0)\r |
| 3241 | product1a = INTERPOLATE8_02(color2, color5);\r |
| 3242 | else\r |
| 3243 | product1a = color5;\r |
| 3244 | \r |
| 3245 | *dP=product1a;\r |
| 3246 | *(dP+1)=product1b;\r |
| 3247 | *(dP+(width2))=product2a;\r |
| 3248 | *(dP+1+(width2))=product2b;\r |
| 3249 | \r |
| 3250 | bP += 1;\r |
| 3251 | dP += 2;\r |
| 3252 | }//end of for ( finish= width etc..)\r |
| 3253 | \r |
| 3254 | line += 2;\r |
| 3255 | srcPtr += srcPitch;\r |
| 3256 | }; //endof: for (; height; height--)\r |
| 3257 | }\r |
| 3258 | }\r |
| 3259 | \r |
| 3260 | \r |
| 3261 | void Super2xSaI_ex8(unsigned char *srcPtr, DWORD srcPitch,\r |
| 3262 | unsigned char *dstBitmap, int width, int height)\r |
| 3263 | {\r |
| 3264 | DWORD dstPitch = srcPitch * 2;\r |
| 3265 | DWORD line;\r |
| 3266 | DWORD *dP;\r |
| 3267 | DWORD *bP;\r |
| 3268 | int width2 = width*2;\r |
| 3269 | int iXA,iXB,iXC,iYA,iYB,iYC,finish;\r |
| 3270 | DWORD color4, color5, color6;\r |
| 3271 | DWORD color1, color2, color3;\r |
| 3272 | DWORD colorA0, colorA1, colorA2, colorA3,\r |
| 3273 | colorB0, colorB1, colorB2, colorB3,\r |
| 3274 | colorS1, colorS2;\r |
| 3275 | DWORD product1a, product1b,\r |
| 3276 | product2a, product2b;\r |
| 3277 | \r |
| 3278 | line = 0;\r |
| 3279 | \r |
| 3280 | {\r |
| 3281 | for (; height; height-=1)\r |
| 3282 | {\r |
| 3283 | bP = (DWORD *)srcPtr;\r |
| 3284 | dP = (DWORD *)(dstBitmap + line*dstPitch);\r |
| 3285 | for (finish = width; finish; finish -= 1 )\r |
| 3286 | {\r |
| 3287 | //--------------------------------------- B1 B2\r |
| 3288 | // 4 5 6 S2\r |
| 3289 | // 1 2 3 S1\r |
| 3290 | // A1 A2\r |
| 3291 | if(finish==width) iXA=0;\r |
| 3292 | else iXA=1;\r |
| 3293 | if(finish>4) {iXB=1;iXC=2;}\r |
| 3294 | else\r |
| 3295 | if(finish>3) {iXB=1;iXC=1;}\r |
| 3296 | else {iXB=0;iXC=0;}\r |
| 3297 | if(line==0) iYA=0;\r |
| 3298 | else iYA=width;\r |
| 3299 | if(height>4) {iYB=width;iYC=width2;}\r |
| 3300 | else\r |
| 3301 | if(height>3) {iYB=width;iYC=width;}\r |
| 3302 | else {iYB=0;iYC=0;}\r |
| 3303 | \r |
| 3304 | \r |
| 3305 | colorB0 = *(bP- iYA - iXA);\r |
| 3306 | colorB1 = *(bP- iYA);\r |
| 3307 | colorB2 = *(bP- iYA + iXB);\r |
| 3308 | colorB3 = *(bP- iYA + iXC);\r |
| 3309 | \r |
| 3310 | color4 = *(bP - iXA);\r |
| 3311 | color5 = *(bP);\r |
| 3312 | color6 = *(bP + iXB);\r |
| 3313 | colorS2 = *(bP + iXC);\r |
| 3314 | \r |
| 3315 | color1 = *(bP + iYB - iXA);\r |
| 3316 | color2 = *(bP + iYB);\r |
| 3317 | color3 = *(bP + iYB + iXB);\r |
| 3318 | colorS1= *(bP + iYB + iXC);\r |
| 3319 | \r |
| 3320 | colorA0 = *(bP + iYC - iXA);\r |
| 3321 | colorA1 = *(bP + iYC);\r |
| 3322 | colorA2 = *(bP + iYC + iXB);\r |
| 3323 | colorA3 = *(bP + iYC + iXC);\r |
| 3324 | \r |
| 3325 | //--------------------------------------\r |
| 3326 | if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3)\r |
| 3327 | {\r |
| 3328 | product2b = product1b = color2;\r |
| 3329 | }\r |
| 3330 | else\r |
| 3331 | if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6)\r |
| 3332 | {\r |
| 3333 | product2b = product1b = color5;\r |
| 3334 | }\r |
| 3335 | else\r |
| 3336 | if (color5 == color3 && color2 == color6)\r |
| 3337 | {\r |
| 3338 | register int r = 0;\r |
| 3339 | \r |
| 3340 | r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (color1&0x00ffffff), (colorA1&0x00ffffff));\r |
| 3341 | r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (color4&0x00ffffff), (colorB1&0x00ffffff));\r |
| 3342 | r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (colorA2&0x00ffffff), (colorS1&0x00ffffff));\r |
| 3343 | r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (colorB2&0x00ffffff), (colorS2&0x00ffffff));\r |
| 3344 | \r |
| 3345 | if (r > 0)\r |
| 3346 | product2b = product1b = color6;\r |
| 3347 | else\r |
| 3348 | if (r < 0)\r |
| 3349 | product2b = product1b = color5;\r |
| 3350 | else\r |
| 3351 | {\r |
| 3352 | product2b = product1b = INTERPOLATE8(color5, color6);\r |
| 3353 | }\r |
| 3354 | }\r |
| 3355 | else\r |
| 3356 | {\r |
| 3357 | if (color6 == color3 && color3 == colorA1 && color2 != colorA2 && color3 != colorA0)\r |
| 3358 | product2b = Q_INTERPOLATE8 (color3, color3, color3, color2);\r |
| 3359 | else\r |
| 3360 | if (color5 == color2 && color2 == colorA2 && colorA1 != color3 && color2 != colorA3)\r |
| 3361 | product2b = Q_INTERPOLATE8 (color2, color2, color2, color3);\r |
| 3362 | else\r |
| 3363 | product2b = INTERPOLATE8 (color2, color3);\r |
| 3364 | \r |
| 3365 | if (color6 == color3 && color6 == colorB1 && color5 != colorB2 && color6 != colorB0)\r |
| 3366 | product1b = Q_INTERPOLATE8 (color6, color6, color6, color5);\r |
| 3367 | else\r |
| 3368 | if (color5 == color2 && color5 == colorB2 && colorB1 != color6 && color5 != colorB3)\r |
| 3369 | product1b = Q_INTERPOLATE8 (color6, color5, color5, color5);\r |
| 3370 | else\r |
| 3371 | product1b = INTERPOLATE8 (color5, color6);\r |
| 3372 | }\r |
| 3373 | \r |
| 3374 | if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6 && color4 == color5 && color5 != colorA2)\r |
| 3375 | product2a = INTERPOLATE8(color2, color5);\r |
| 3376 | else\r |
| 3377 | if (color5 == color1 && color6 == color5 && color4 != color2 && color5 != colorA0)\r |
| 3378 | product2a = INTERPOLATE8(color2, color5);\r |
| 3379 | else\r |
| 3380 | product2a = color2;\r |
| 3381 | \r |
| 3382 | if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3 && color1 == color2 && color2 != colorB2)\r |
| 3383 | product1a = INTERPOLATE8(color2, color5);\r |
| 3384 | else\r |
| 3385 | if (color4 == color2 && color3 == color2 && color1 != color5 && color2 != colorB0)\r |
| 3386 | product1a = INTERPOLATE8(color2, color5);\r |
| 3387 | else\r |
| 3388 | product1a = color5;\r |
| 3389 | \r |
| 3390 | *dP=product1a;\r |
| 3391 | *(dP+1)=product1b;\r |
| 3392 | *(dP+(width2))=product2a;\r |
| 3393 | *(dP+1+(width2))=product2b;\r |
| 3394 | \r |
| 3395 | bP += 1;\r |
| 3396 | dP += 2;\r |
| 3397 | }//end of for ( finish= width etc..)\r |
| 3398 | \r |
| 3399 | line += 2;\r |
| 3400 | srcPtr += srcPitch;\r |
| 3401 | }; //endof: for (; height; height--)\r |
| 3402 | }\r |
| 3403 | }\r |
| 3404 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3405 | \r |
| 3406 | #define colorMask4 0x0000EEE0\r |
| 3407 | #define lowPixelMask4 0x00001110\r |
| 3408 | #define qcolorMask4 0x0000CCC0\r |
| 3409 | #define qlowpixelMask4 0x00003330\r |
| 3410 | \r |
| 3411 | #define INTERPOLATE4(A, B) ((((A & colorMask4) >> 1) + ((B & colorMask4) >> 1) + (A & B & lowPixelMask4))|((((A&0x0000000F)==0x00000006)?0x00000006:(((B&0x0000000F)==0x00000006)?0x00000006:(((A&0x0000000F)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0x0000000F)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0x0000000F))))))\r |
| 3412 | \r |
| 3413 | #define Q_INTERPOLATE4(A, B, C, D) ((((A & qcolorMask4) >> 2) + ((B & qcolorMask4) >> 2) + ((C & qcolorMask4) >> 2) + ((D & qcolorMask4) >> 2) + ((((A & qlowpixelMask4) + (B & qlowpixelMask4) + (C & qlowpixelMask4) + (D & qlowpixelMask4)) >> 2) & qlowpixelMask4))| ((((A&0x0000000F)==0x00000006)?0x00000006:(((B&0x0000000F)==0x00000006)?0x00000006:(((C&0x0000000F)==0x00000006)?0x00000006:(((D&0x0000000F)==0x00000006)?0x00000006:(((A&0x0000000F)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0x0000000F)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((C&0x0000000F)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((D&0x0000000F)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0x0000000F))))))))))\r |
| 3414 | \r |
| 3415 | \r |
| 3416 | #define colorMask5 0x0000F7BC\r |
| 3417 | #define lowPixelMask5 0x00000842\r |
| 3418 | #define qcolorMask5 0x0000E738\r |
| 3419 | #define qlowpixelMask5 0x000018C6\r |
| 3420 | \r |
| 3421 | #define INTERPOLATE5(A, B) ((((A & colorMask5) >> 1) + ((B & colorMask5) >> 1) + (A & B & lowPixelMask5))|((((A&0x00000001)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0x00000001)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0x00000001))))\r |
| 3422 | \r |
| 3423 | #define Q_INTERPOLATE5(A, B, C, D) ((((A & qcolorMask5) >> 2) + ((B & qcolorMask5) >> 2) + ((C & qcolorMask5) >> 2) + ((D & qcolorMask5) >> 2) + ((((A & qlowpixelMask5) + (B & qlowpixelMask5) + (C & qlowpixelMask5) + (D & qlowpixelMask5)) >> 2) & qlowpixelMask5))| ((((A&0x00000001)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0x00000001)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((C&0x00000001)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((D&0x00000001)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0x00000001))))))\r |
| 3424 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3425 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3426 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3427 | //\r |
| 3428 | // ogl texture defines\r |
| 3429 | //\r |
| 3430 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3431 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3432 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3433 | \r |
| 3434 | void DefineSubTextureSortHiRes(void)\r |
| 3435 | {\r |
| 3436 | int x,y,dx2;\r |
| 3437 | \r |
| 3438 | if(!gTexName) \r |
| 3439 | {\r |
| 3440 | glGenTextures(1, &gTexName); glError();\r |
| 3441 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName); glError();\r |
| 3442 | \r |
| 3443 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType); glError();\r |
| 3444 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType); glError();\r |
| 3445 | \r |
| 3446 | if(iFilterType)\r |
| 3447 | {\r |
| 3448 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glError();\r |
| 3449 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glError();\r |
| 3450 | }\r |
| 3451 | else\r |
| 3452 | { \r |
| 3453 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter); glError();\r |
| 3454 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter); glError();\r |
| 3455 | } \r |
| 3456 | glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 512, 512, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturebuffer); glError();\r |
| 3457 | }\r |
| 3458 | else glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName); glError();\r |
| 3459 | \r |
| 3460 | glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, XTexS<<1, YTexS<<1,\r |
| 3461 | DXTexS<<1, DYTexS<<1,\r |
| 3462 | GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturebuffer); glError();\r |
| 3463 | //LOGE("DefineSubTextureSortHiRes x:%d y:%d",XTexS<<1,YTexS<<1);\r |
| 3464 | }\r |
| 3465 | \r |
| 3466 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3467 | \r |
| 3468 | void DefineSubTextureSort(void)\r |
| 3469 | {\r |
| 3470 | \r |
| 3471 | if(!gTexName)\r |
| 3472 | {\r |
| 3473 | glGenTextures(1, &gTexName); glError();\r |
| 3474 | glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName); glError();\r |
| 3475 | \r |
| 3476 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType); glError();\r |
| 3477 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType); glError();\r |
| 3478 | \r |
| 3479 | if(iFilterType)\r |
| 3480 | {\r |
| 3481 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glError();\r |
| 3482 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glError();\r |
| 3483 | }\r |
| 3484 | else\r |
| 3485 | {\r |
| 3486 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter); glError();\r |
| 3487 | glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter); glError();\r |
| 3488 | }\r |
| 3489 | glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 256, 256, 0,GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart); glError();\r |
| 3490 | }\r |
| 3491 | else glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName); glError();\r |
| 3492 | \r |
| 3493 | glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, XTexS, YTexS,\r |
| 3494 | DXTexS, DYTexS,\r |
| 3495 | GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart); glError();\r |
| 3496 | //LOGE("DefineSubTextureSort x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d",XTexS,YTexS,DXTexS,DYTexS);\r |
| 3497 | }\r |
| 3498 | \r |
| 3499 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3500 | \r |
| 3501 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3502 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3503 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3504 | //\r |
| 3505 | // texture cache garbage collection\r |
| 3506 | //\r |
| 3507 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3508 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3509 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3510 | \r |
| 3511 | void DoTexGarbageCollection(void)\r |
| 3512 | {\r |
| 3513 | static unsigned short LRUCleaned=0;\r |
| 3514 | unsigned short iC,iC1,iC2;\r |
| 3515 | int i,j,iMax;textureSubCacheEntryS * tsb;\r |
| 3516 | \r |
| 3517 | iC=4;//=iSortTexCnt/2,\r |
| 3518 | LRUCleaned+=iC; // we clean different textures each time\r |
| 3519 | if((LRUCleaned+iC)>=iSortTexCnt) LRUCleaned=0; // wrap? wrap!\r |
| 3520 | iC1=LRUCleaned; // range of textures to clean\r |
| 3521 | iC2=LRUCleaned+iC;\r |
| 3522 | \r |
| 3523 | for(iC=iC1;iC<iC2;iC++) // make some textures available\r |
| 3524 | {\r |
| 3525 | pxSsubtexLeft[iC]->l=0;\r |
| 3526 | }\r |
| 3527 | \r |
| 3528 | for(i=0;i<3;i++) // remove all references to that textures\r |
| 3529 | for(j=0;j<MAXTPAGES;j++)\r |
| 3530 | for(iC=0;iC<4;iC++) // loop all texture rect info areas\r |
| 3531 | {\r |
| 3532 | tsb=pscSubtexStore[i][j]+(iC*SOFFB);\r |
| 3533 | iMax=tsb->pos.l;\r |
| 3534 | if(iMax)\r |
| 3535 | do\r |
| 3536 | {\r |
| 3537 | tsb++;\r |
| 3538 | if(tsb->cTexID>=iC1 && tsb->cTexID<iC2) // info uses the cleaned textures? remove info\r |
| 3539 | tsb->ClutID=0;\r |
| 3540 | } \r |
| 3541 | while(--iMax);\r |
| 3542 | }\r |
| 3543 | \r |
| 3544 | usLRUTexPage=LRUCleaned;\r |
| 3545 | }\r |
| 3546 | \r |
| 3547 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3548 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3549 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3550 | //\r |
| 3551 | // search cache for existing (already used) parts\r |
| 3552 | //\r |
| 3553 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3554 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3555 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3556 | \r |
| 3557 | unsigned char * CheckTextureInSubSCache(int TextureMode,unsigned int GivenClutId,unsigned short * pCache)\r |
| 3558 | {\r |
| 3559 | textureSubCacheEntryS * tsx, * tsb, *tsg;//, *tse=NULL;\r |
| 3560 | int i,iMax;EXLong npos;\r |
| 3561 | unsigned char cx,cy;\r |
| 3562 | int iC,j,k;unsigned int rx,ry,mx,my;\r |
| 3563 | EXLong * ul=0, * uls;\r |
| 3564 | EXLong rfree;\r |
| 3565 | unsigned char cXAdj,cYAdj;\r |
| 3566 | \r |
| 3567 | npos.l=*((unsigned int *)&gl_ux[4]);\r |
| 3568 | \r |
| 3569 | //--------------------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3570 | // find matching texturepart first... speed up...\r |
| 3571 | //--------------------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3572 | \r |
| 3573 | tsg=pscSubtexStore[TextureMode][GlobalTexturePage];\r |
| 3574 | tsg+=((GivenClutId&CLUTCHK)>>CLUTSHIFT)*SOFFB;\r |
| 3575 | \r |
| 3576 | iMax=tsg->pos.l;\r |
| 3577 | if(iMax)\r |
| 3578 | {\r |
| 3579 | i=iMax;\r |
| 3580 | tsb=tsg+1; \r |
| 3581 | do\r |
| 3582 | {\r |
| 3583 | if(GivenClutId==tsb->ClutID &&\r |
| 3584 | (INCHECK(tsb->pos,npos)))\r |
| 3585 | {\r |
| 3586 | {\r |
| 3587 | cx=tsb->pos.c[3]-tsb->posTX;\r |
| 3588 | cy=tsb->pos.c[1]-tsb->posTY;\r |
| 3589 | \r |
| 3590 | gl_ux[0]-=cx;\r |
| 3591 | gl_ux[1]-=cx;\r |
| 3592 | gl_ux[2]-=cx;\r |
| 3593 | gl_ux[3]-=cx;\r |
| 3594 | gl_vy[0]-=cy;\r |
| 3595 | gl_vy[1]-=cy;\r |
| 3596 | gl_vy[2]-=cy;\r |
| 3597 | gl_vy[3]-=cy;\r |
| 3598 | \r |
| 3599 | ubOpaqueDraw=tsb->Opaque;\r |
| 3600 | *pCache=tsb->cTexID;\r |
| 3601 | return NULL;\r |
| 3602 | }\r |
| 3603 | } \r |
| 3604 | tsb++;\r |
| 3605 | }\r |
| 3606 | while(--i);\r |
| 3607 | }\r |
| 3608 | \r |
| 3609 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3610 | \r |
| 3611 | cXAdj=1;cYAdj=1;\r |
| 3612 | \r |
| 3613 | rx=(int)gl_ux[6]-(int)gl_ux[7];\r |
| 3614 | ry=(int)gl_ux[4]-(int)gl_ux[5];\r |
| 3615 | \r |
| 3616 | tsx=NULL;tsb=tsg+1;\r |
| 3617 | for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsb++)\r |
| 3618 | {\r |
| 3619 | if(!tsb->ClutID) {tsx=tsb;break;}\r |
| 3620 | }\r |
| 3621 | \r |
| 3622 | if(!tsx) \r |
| 3623 | {\r |
| 3624 | iMax++;\r |
| 3625 | if(iMax>=SOFFB-2) \r |
| 3626 | {\r |
| 3627 | if(iTexGarbageCollection) // gc mode?\r |
| 3628 | {\r |
| 3629 | if(*pCache==0) \r |
| 3630 | {\r |
| 3631 | dwTexPageComp|=(1<<GlobalTexturePage);\r |
| 3632 | *pCache=0xffff;\r |
| 3633 | return 0;\r |
| 3634 | }\r |
| 3635 | \r |
| 3636 | iMax--;\r |
| 3637 | tsb=tsg+1;\r |
| 3638 | \r |
| 3639 | for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsb++) // 1. search other slots with same cluts, and unite the area\r |
| 3640 | if(GivenClutId==tsb->ClutID)\r |
| 3641 | {\r |
| 3642 | if(!tsx) {tsx=tsb;rfree.l=npos.l;} // \r |
| 3643 | else tsb->ClutID=0;\r |
| 3644 | rfree.c[3]=min(rfree.c[3],tsb->pos.c[3]);\r |
| 3645 | rfree.c[2]=max(rfree.c[2],tsb->pos.c[2]);\r |
| 3646 | rfree.c[1]=min(rfree.c[1],tsb->pos.c[1]);\r |
| 3647 | rfree.c[0]=max(rfree.c[0],tsb->pos.c[0]);\r |
| 3648 | MarkFree(tsb);\r |
| 3649 | }\r |
| 3650 | \r |
| 3651 | if(tsx) // 3. if one or more found, create a new rect with bigger size\r |
| 3652 | {\r |
| 3653 | *((unsigned int *)&gl_ux[4])=npos.l=rfree.l;\r |
| 3654 | rx=(int)rfree.c[2]-(int)rfree.c[3];\r |
| 3655 | ry=(int)rfree.c[0]-(int)rfree.c[1];\r |
| 3656 | DoTexGarbageCollection();\r |
| 3657 | \r |
| 3658 | goto ENDLOOP3;\r |
| 3659 | }\r |
| 3660 | }\r |
| 3661 | \r |
| 3662 | iMax=1;\r |
| 3663 | }\r |
| 3664 | tsx=tsg+iMax;\r |
| 3665 | tsg->pos.l=iMax;\r |
| 3666 | }\r |
| 3667 | \r |
| 3668 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3669 | // now get a free texture space\r |
| 3670 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3671 | \r |
| 3672 | if(iTexGarbageCollection) usLRUTexPage=0;\r |
| 3673 | \r |
| 3674 | ENDLOOP3:\r |
| 3675 | \r |
| 3676 | rx+=3;if(rx>255) {cXAdj=0;rx=255;}\r |
| 3677 | ry+=3;if(ry>255) {cYAdj=0;ry=255;}\r |
| 3678 | \r |
| 3679 | iC=usLRUTexPage;\r |
| 3680 | \r |
| 3681 | for(k=0;k<iSortTexCnt;k++)\r |
| 3682 | {\r |
| 3683 | uls=pxSsubtexLeft[iC];\r |
| 3684 | iMax=uls->l;ul=uls+1;\r |
| 3685 | \r |
| 3686 | //--------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3687 | // first time\r |
| 3688 | \r |
| 3689 | if(!iMax) \r |
| 3690 | {\r |
| 3691 | rfree.l=0;\r |
| 3692 | \r |
| 3693 | if(rx>252 && ry>252)\r |
| 3694 | {uls->l=1;ul->l=0xffffffff;ul=0;goto ENDLOOP;}\r |
| 3695 | \r |
| 3696 | if(rx<253)\r |
| 3697 | {\r |
| 3698 | uls->l=uls->l+1;\r |
| 3699 | ul->c[3]=rx;\r |
| 3700 | ul->c[2]=255-rx;\r |
| 3701 | ul->c[1]=0;\r |
| 3702 | ul->c[0]=ry;\r |
| 3703 | ul++;\r |
| 3704 | }\r |
| 3705 | \r |
| 3706 | if(ry<253)\r |
| 3707 | {\r |
| 3708 | uls->l=uls->l+1; \r |
| 3709 | ul->c[3]=0;\r |
| 3710 | ul->c[2]=255;\r |
| 3711 | ul->c[1]=ry;\r |
| 3712 | ul->c[0]=255-ry;\r |
| 3713 | }\r |
| 3714 | ul=0;\r |
| 3715 | goto ENDLOOP;\r |
| 3716 | }\r |
| 3717 | \r |
| 3718 | //--------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3719 | for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,ul++)\r |
| 3720 | {\r |
| 3721 | if(ul->l!=0xffffffff && \r |
| 3722 | ry<=ul->c[0] && \r |
| 3723 | rx<=ul->c[2])\r |
| 3724 | {\r |
| 3725 | rfree=*ul;\r |
| 3726 | mx=ul->c[2]-2;\r |
| 3727 | my=ul->c[0]-2;\r |
| 3728 | if(rx<mx && ry<my)\r |
| 3729 | {\r |
| 3730 | ul->c[3]+=rx;\r |
| 3731 | ul->c[2]-=rx;\r |
| 3732 | ul->c[0]=ry;\r |
| 3733 | \r |
| 3734 | for(ul=uls+1,j=0;j<iMax;j++,ul++)\r |
| 3735 | if(ul->l==0xffffffff) break;\r |
| 3736 | \r |
| 3737 | if(j<CSUBSIZE-2)\r |
| 3738 | {\r |
| 3739 | if(j==iMax) uls->l=uls->l+1;\r |
| 3740 | \r |
| 3741 | ul->c[3]=rfree.c[3];\r |
| 3742 | ul->c[2]=rfree.c[2];\r |
| 3743 | ul->c[1]=rfree.c[1]+ry;\r |
| 3744 | ul->c[0]=rfree.c[0]-ry;\r |
| 3745 | }\r |
| 3746 | }\r |
| 3747 | else if(rx<mx)\r |
| 3748 | {\r |
| 3749 | ul->c[3]+=rx;\r |
| 3750 | ul->c[2]-=rx;\r |
| 3751 | }\r |
| 3752 | else if(ry<my)\r |
| 3753 | {\r |
| 3754 | ul->c[1]+=ry;\r |
| 3755 | ul->c[0]-=ry;\r |
| 3756 | }\r |
| 3757 | else\r |
| 3758 | {\r |
| 3759 | ul->l=0xffffffff;\r |
| 3760 | }\r |
| 3761 | ul=0;\r |
| 3762 | goto ENDLOOP;\r |
| 3763 | }\r |
| 3764 | }\r |
| 3765 | \r |
| 3766 | //--------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3767 | \r |
| 3768 | iC++; if(iC>=iSortTexCnt) iC=0;\r |
| 3769 | }\r |
| 3770 | \r |
| 3771 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3772 | // check, if free space got\r |
| 3773 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3774 | \r |
| 3775 | ENDLOOP:\r |
| 3776 | if(ul)\r |
| 3777 | {\r |
| 3778 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3779 | \r |
| 3780 | {\r |
| 3781 | dwTexPageComp=0;\r |
| 3782 | \r |
| 3783 | for(i=0;i<3;i++) // cleaning up\r |
| 3784 | for(j=0;j<MAXTPAGES;j++)\r |
| 3785 | {\r |
| 3786 | tsb=pscSubtexStore[i][j];\r |
| 3787 | (tsb+SOFFA)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 3788 | (tsb+SOFFB)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 3789 | (tsb+SOFFC)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 3790 | (tsb+SOFFD)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 3791 | }\r |
| 3792 | for(i=0;i<iSortTexCnt;i++)\r |
| 3793 | {ul=pxSsubtexLeft[i];ul->l=0;}\r |
| 3794 | usLRUTexPage=0;\r |
| 3795 | }\r |
| 3796 | \r |
| 3797 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3798 | iC=usLRUTexPage;\r |
| 3799 | uls=pxSsubtexLeft[usLRUTexPage];\r |
| 3800 | uls->l=0;ul=uls+1;\r |
| 3801 | rfree.l=0;\r |
| 3802 | \r |
| 3803 | if(rx>252 && ry>252)\r |
| 3804 | {uls->l=1;ul->l=0xffffffff;}\r |
| 3805 | else\r |
| 3806 | {\r |
| 3807 | if(rx<253)\r |
| 3808 | {\r |
| 3809 | uls->l=uls->l+1;\r |
| 3810 | ul->c[3]=rx;\r |
| 3811 | ul->c[2]=255-rx;\r |
| 3812 | ul->c[1]=0;\r |
| 3813 | ul->c[0]=ry;\r |
| 3814 | ul++;\r |
| 3815 | }\r |
| 3816 | if(ry<253)\r |
| 3817 | {\r |
| 3818 | uls->l=uls->l+1; \r |
| 3819 | ul->c[3]=0;\r |
| 3820 | ul->c[2]=255;\r |
| 3821 | ul->c[1]=ry;\r |
| 3822 | ul->c[0]=255-ry;\r |
| 3823 | }\r |
| 3824 | }\r |
| 3825 | tsg->pos.l=1;tsx=tsg+1;\r |
| 3826 | }\r |
| 3827 | \r |
| 3828 | rfree.c[3]+=cXAdj;\r |
| 3829 | rfree.c[1]+=cYAdj;\r |
| 3830 | \r |
| 3831 | tsx->cTexID =*pCache=iC;\r |
| 3832 | tsx->pos = npos;\r |
| 3833 | tsx->ClutID = GivenClutId;\r |
| 3834 | tsx->posTX = rfree.c[3];\r |
| 3835 | tsx->posTY = rfree.c[1];\r |
| 3836 | \r |
| 3837 | cx=gl_ux[7]-rfree.c[3];\r |
| 3838 | cy=gl_ux[5]-rfree.c[1];\r |
| 3839 | \r |
| 3840 | gl_ux[0]-=cx;\r |
| 3841 | gl_ux[1]-=cx;\r |
| 3842 | gl_ux[2]-=cx;\r |
| 3843 | gl_ux[3]-=cx;\r |
| 3844 | gl_vy[0]-=cy;\r |
| 3845 | gl_vy[1]-=cy;\r |
| 3846 | gl_vy[2]-=cy;\r |
| 3847 | gl_vy[3]-=cy;\r |
| 3848 | \r |
| 3849 | XTexS=rfree.c[3];\r |
| 3850 | YTexS=rfree.c[1];\r |
| 3851 | \r |
| 3852 | return &tsx->Opaque;\r |
| 3853 | }\r |
| 3854 | \r |
| 3855 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3856 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3857 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3858 | //\r |
| 3859 | // search cache for free place (on compress)\r |
| 3860 | //\r |
| 3861 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3862 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3863 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3864 | \r |
| 3865 | BOOL GetCompressTexturePlace(textureSubCacheEntryS * tsx)\r |
| 3866 | {\r |
| 3867 | int i,j,k,iMax,iC;unsigned int rx,ry,mx,my;\r |
| 3868 | EXLong * ul=0, * uls, rfree;\r |
| 3869 | unsigned char cXAdj=1,cYAdj=1;\r |
| 3870 | \r |
| 3871 | rx=(int)tsx->pos.c[2]-(int)tsx->pos.c[3];\r |
| 3872 | ry=(int)tsx->pos.c[0]-(int)tsx->pos.c[1];\r |
| 3873 | \r |
| 3874 | rx+=3;if(rx>255) {cXAdj=0;rx=255;}\r |
| 3875 | ry+=3;if(ry>255) {cYAdj=0;ry=255;}\r |
| 3876 | \r |
| 3877 | iC=usLRUTexPage;\r |
| 3878 | \r |
| 3879 | for(k=0;k<iSortTexCnt;k++)\r |
| 3880 | {\r |
| 3881 | uls=pxSsubtexLeft[iC];\r |
| 3882 | iMax=uls->l;ul=uls+1;\r |
| 3883 | \r |
| 3884 | //--------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3885 | // first time\r |
| 3886 | \r |
| 3887 | if(!iMax)\r |
| 3888 | {\r |
| 3889 | rfree.l=0;\r |
| 3890 | \r |
| 3891 | if(rx>252 && ry>252)\r |
| 3892 | {uls->l=1;ul->l=0xffffffff;ul=0;goto TENDLOOP;}\r |
| 3893 | \r |
| 3894 | if(rx<253)\r |
| 3895 | {\r |
| 3896 | uls->l=uls->l+1;\r |
| 3897 | ul->c[3]=rx;\r |
| 3898 | ul->c[2]=255-rx;\r |
| 3899 | ul->c[1]=0;\r |
| 3900 | ul->c[0]=ry;\r |
| 3901 | ul++;\r |
| 3902 | }\r |
| 3903 | \r |
| 3904 | if(ry<253)\r |
| 3905 | {\r |
| 3906 | uls->l=uls->l+1;\r |
| 3907 | ul->c[3]=0;\r |
| 3908 | ul->c[2]=255;\r |
| 3909 | ul->c[1]=ry;\r |
| 3910 | ul->c[0]=255-ry;\r |
| 3911 | }\r |
| 3912 | ul=0;\r |
| 3913 | goto TENDLOOP;\r |
| 3914 | }\r |
| 3915 | \r |
| 3916 | //--------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3917 | for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,ul++)\r |
| 3918 | {\r |
| 3919 | if(ul->l!=0xffffffff &&\r |
| 3920 | ry<=ul->c[0] &&\r |
| 3921 | rx<=ul->c[2])\r |
| 3922 | {\r |
| 3923 | rfree=*ul;\r |
| 3924 | mx=ul->c[2]-2;\r |
| 3925 | my=ul->c[0]-2;\r |
| 3926 | \r |
| 3927 | if(rx<mx && ry<my)\r |
| 3928 | {\r |
| 3929 | ul->c[3]+=rx;\r |
| 3930 | ul->c[2]-=rx;\r |
| 3931 | ul->c[0]=ry;\r |
| 3932 | \r |
| 3933 | for(ul=uls+1,j=0;j<iMax;j++,ul++)\r |
| 3934 | if(ul->l==0xffffffff) break;\r |
| 3935 | \r |
| 3936 | if(j<CSUBSIZE-2)\r |
| 3937 | {\r |
| 3938 | if(j==iMax) uls->l=uls->l+1;\r |
| 3939 | \r |
| 3940 | ul->c[3]=rfree.c[3];\r |
| 3941 | ul->c[2]=rfree.c[2];\r |
| 3942 | ul->c[1]=rfree.c[1]+ry;\r |
| 3943 | ul->c[0]=rfree.c[0]-ry;\r |
| 3944 | }\r |
| 3945 | }\r |
| 3946 | else if(rx<mx)\r |
| 3947 | {\r |
| 3948 | ul->c[3]+=rx;\r |
| 3949 | ul->c[2]-=rx;\r |
| 3950 | }\r |
| 3951 | else if(ry<my)\r |
| 3952 | {\r |
| 3953 | ul->c[1]+=ry;\r |
| 3954 | ul->c[0]-=ry;\r |
| 3955 | }\r |
| 3956 | else\r |
| 3957 | {\r |
| 3958 | ul->l=0xffffffff;\r |
| 3959 | }\r |
| 3960 | ul=0;\r |
| 3961 | goto TENDLOOP;\r |
| 3962 | }\r |
| 3963 | }\r |
| 3964 | \r |
| 3965 | //--------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3966 | \r |
| 3967 | iC++; if(iC>=iSortTexCnt) iC=0;\r |
| 3968 | }\r |
| 3969 | \r |
| 3970 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3971 | // check, if free space got\r |
| 3972 | //----------------------------------------------------//\r |
| 3973 | \r |
| 3974 | TENDLOOP:\r |
| 3975 | if(ul) return FALSE;\r |
| 3976 | \r |
| 3977 | rfree.c[3]+=cXAdj;\r |
| 3978 | rfree.c[1]+=cYAdj;\r |
| 3979 | \r |
| 3980 | tsx->cTexID = iC;\r |
| 3981 | tsx->posTX = rfree.c[3];\r |
| 3982 | tsx->posTY = rfree.c[1];\r |
| 3983 | \r |
| 3984 | XTexS=rfree.c[3];\r |
| 3985 | YTexS=rfree.c[1];\r |
| 3986 | \r |
| 3987 | return TRUE;\r |
| 3988 | }\r |
| 3989 | \r |
| 3990 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3991 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3992 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3993 | //\r |
| 3994 | // compress texture cache (to make place for new texture part, if needed)\r |
| 3995 | //\r |
| 3996 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3997 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3998 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 3999 | \r |
| 4000 | void CompressTextureSpace(void)\r |
| 4001 | {\r |
| 4002 | textureSubCacheEntryS * tsx, * tsg, * tsb;\r |
| 4003 | int i,j,k,m,n,iMax;EXLong * ul, r,opos;\r |
| 4004 | short sOldDST=DrawSemiTrans,cx,cy;\r |
| 4005 | int lOGTP=GlobalTexturePage;\r |
| 4006 | unsigned int l,row;\r |
| 4007 | unsigned int * lSRCPtr;\r |
| 4008 | \r |
| 4009 | opos.l=*((unsigned int *)&gl_ux[4]);\r |
| 4010 | \r |
| 4011 | // 1. mark all textures as free\r |
| 4012 | for(i=0;i<iSortTexCnt;i++)\r |
| 4013 | {ul=pxSsubtexLeft[i];ul->l=0;}\r |
| 4014 | usLRUTexPage=0;\r |
| 4015 | \r |
| 4016 | // 2. compress\r |
| 4017 | for(j=0;j<3;j++)\r |
| 4018 | {\r |
| 4019 | for(k=0;k<MAXTPAGES;k++)\r |
| 4020 | {\r |
| 4021 | tsg=pscSubtexStore[j][k];\r |
| 4022 | \r |
| 4023 | if((!(dwTexPageComp&(1<<k))))\r |
| 4024 | {\r |
| 4025 | (tsg+SOFFA)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 4026 | (tsg+SOFFB)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 4027 | (tsg+SOFFC)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 4028 | (tsg+SOFFD)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 4029 | continue;\r |
| 4030 | }\r |
| 4031 | \r |
| 4032 | for(m=0;m<4;m++,tsg+=SOFFB)\r |
| 4033 | {\r |
| 4034 | iMax=tsg->pos.l;\r |
| 4035 | \r |
| 4036 | tsx=tsg+1;\r |
| 4037 | for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsx++)\r |
| 4038 | {\r |
| 4039 | if(tsx->ClutID)\r |
| 4040 | {\r |
| 4041 | r.l=tsx->pos.l;\r |
| 4042 | for(n=i+1,tsb=tsx+1;n<iMax;n++,tsb++)\r |
| 4043 | {\r |
| 4044 | if(tsx->ClutID==tsb->ClutID)\r |
| 4045 | {\r |
| 4046 | r.c[3]=min(r.c[3],tsb->pos.c[3]);\r |
| 4047 | r.c[2]=max(r.c[2],tsb->pos.c[2]);\r |
| 4048 | r.c[1]=min(r.c[1],tsb->pos.c[1]);\r |
| 4049 | r.c[0]=max(r.c[0],tsb->pos.c[0]);\r |
| 4050 | tsb->ClutID=0;\r |
| 4051 | }\r |
| 4052 | }\r |
| 4053 | \r |
| 4054 | // if(r.l!=tsx->pos.l)\r |
| 4055 | {\r |
| 4056 | cx=((tsx->ClutID << 4) & 0x3F0); \r |
| 4057 | cy=((tsx->ClutID >> 6) & CLUTYMASK);\r |
| 4058 | \r |
| 4059 | if(j!=2)\r |
| 4060 | {\r |
| 4061 | // palette check sum\r |
| 4062 | l=0;lSRCPtr=(unsigned int *)(psxVuw+cx+(cy*1024));\r |
| 4063 | if(j==1) for(row=1;row<129;row++) l+=((*lSRCPtr++)-1)*row;\r |
| 4064 | else for(row=1;row<9;row++) l+=((*lSRCPtr++)-1)<<row;\r |
| 4065 | l=((l+HIWORD(l))&0x3fffL)<<16;\r |
| 4066 | if(l!=(tsx->ClutID&(0x00003fff<<16)))\r |
| 4067 | {\r |
| 4068 | tsx->ClutID=0;continue;\r |
| 4069 | }\r |
| 4070 | }\r |
| 4071 | \r |
| 4072 | tsx->pos.l=r.l;\r |
| 4073 | if(!GetCompressTexturePlace(tsx)) // no place?\r |
| 4074 | {\r |
| 4075 | for(i=0;i<3;i++) // -> clean up everything\r |
| 4076 | for(j=0;j<MAXTPAGES;j++)\r |
| 4077 | {\r |
| 4078 | tsb=pscSubtexStore[i][j];\r |
| 4079 | (tsb+SOFFA)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 4080 | (tsb+SOFFB)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 4081 | (tsb+SOFFC)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 4082 | (tsb+SOFFD)->pos.l=0;\r |
| 4083 | }\r |
| 4084 | for(i=0;i<iSortTexCnt;i++)\r |
| 4085 | {ul=pxSsubtexLeft[i];ul->l=0;}\r |
| 4086 | usLRUTexPage=0;\r |
| 4087 | DrawSemiTrans=sOldDST;\r |
| 4088 | GlobalTexturePage=lOGTP;\r |
| 4089 | *((unsigned int *)&gl_ux[4])=opos.l;\r |
| 4090 | dwTexPageComp=0;\r |
| 4091 | \r |
| 4092 | return;\r |
| 4093 | }\r |
| 4094 | \r |
| 4095 | if(tsx->ClutID&(1<<30)) DrawSemiTrans=1;\r |
| 4096 | else DrawSemiTrans=0;\r |
| 4097 | *((unsigned int *)&gl_ux[4])=r.l;\r |
| 4098 | \r |
| 4099 | gTexName=uiStexturePage[tsx->cTexID];\r |
| 4100 | LoadSubTexFn(k,j,cx,cy);\r |
| 4101 | uiStexturePage[tsx->cTexID]=gTexName;\r |
| 4102 | tsx->Opaque=ubOpaqueDraw;\r |
| 4103 | }\r |
| 4104 | }\r |
| 4105 | }\r |
| 4106 | \r |
| 4107 | if(iMax) \r |
| 4108 | {\r |
| 4109 | tsx=tsg+iMax;\r |
| 4110 | while(!tsx->ClutID && iMax) {tsx--;iMax--;}\r |
| 4111 | tsg->pos.l=iMax;\r |
| 4112 | }\r |
| 4113 | \r |
| 4114 | } \r |
| 4115 | }\r |
| 4116 | }\r |
| 4117 | \r |
| 4118 | if(dwTexPageComp==0xffffffff) dwTexPageComp=0;\r |
| 4119 | \r |
| 4120 | *((unsigned int *)&gl_ux[4])=opos.l;\r |
| 4121 | GlobalTexturePage=lOGTP;\r |
| 4122 | DrawSemiTrans=sOldDST;\r |
| 4123 | }\r |
| 4124 | \r |
| 4125 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 4126 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 4127 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 4128 | //\r |
| 4129 | // main entry for searching/creating textures, called from prim.c\r |
| 4130 | //\r |
| 4131 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 4132 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 4133 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 4134 | \r |
| 4135 | GLuint SelectSubTextureS(int TextureMode, unsigned int GivenClutId) \r |
| 4136 | {\r |
| 4137 | unsigned char * OPtr;unsigned short iCache;short cx,cy;\r |
| 4138 | \r |
| 4139 | // sort sow/tow infos for fast access\r |
| 4140 | \r |
| 4141 | unsigned char ma1,ma2,mi1,mi2;\r |
| 4142 | if(gl_ux[0]>gl_ux[1]) {mi1=gl_ux[1];ma1=gl_ux[0];}\r |
| 4143 | else {mi1=gl_ux[0];ma1=gl_ux[1];}\r |
| 4144 | if(gl_ux[2]>gl_ux[3]) {mi2=gl_ux[3];ma2=gl_ux[2];}\r |
| 4145 | else {mi2=gl_ux[2];ma2=gl_ux[3];}\r |
| 4146 | if(mi1>mi2) gl_ux[7]=mi2; \r |
| 4147 | else gl_ux[7]=mi1;\r |
| 4148 | if(ma1>ma2) gl_ux[6]=ma1; \r |
| 4149 | else gl_ux[6]=ma2;\r |
| 4150 | \r |
| 4151 | if(gl_vy[0]>gl_vy[1]) {mi1=gl_vy[1];ma1=gl_vy[0];}\r |
| 4152 | else {mi1=gl_vy[0];ma1=gl_vy[1];}\r |
| 4153 | if(gl_vy[2]>gl_vy[3]) {mi2=gl_vy[3];ma2=gl_vy[2];}\r |
| 4154 | else {mi2=gl_vy[2];ma2=gl_vy[3];}\r |
| 4155 | if(mi1>mi2) gl_ux[5]=mi2; \r |
| 4156 | else gl_ux[5]=mi1;\r |
| 4157 | if(ma1>ma2) gl_ux[4]=ma1; \r |
| 4158 | else gl_ux[4]=ma2;\r |
| 4159 | \r |
| 4160 | // get clut infos in one 32 bit val\r |
| 4161 | \r |
| 4162 | if(TextureMode==2) // no clut here\r |
| 4163 | {\r |
| 4164 | GivenClutId=CLUTUSED|(DrawSemiTrans<<30);cx=cy=0;\r |
| 4165 | \r |
| 4166 | if(iFrameTexType && Fake15BitTexture()) \r |
| 4167 | return (GLuint)gTexName;\r |
| 4168 | } \r |
| 4169 | else \r |
| 4170 | {\r |
| 4171 | cx=((GivenClutId << 4) & 0x3F0); // but here\r |
| 4172 | cy=((GivenClutId >> 6) & CLUTYMASK);\r |
| 4173 | GivenClutId=(GivenClutId&CLUTMASK)|(DrawSemiTrans<<30)|CLUTUSED;\r |
| 4174 | \r |
| 4175 | // palette check sum.. removed MMX asm, this easy func works as well\r |
| 4176 | {\r |
| 4177 | unsigned int l=0,row;\r |
| 4178 | \r |
| 4179 | unsigned int * lSRCPtr=(unsigned int *)(psxVuw+cx+(cy*1024));\r |
| 4180 | if(TextureMode==1) for(row=1;row<129;row++) l+=((*lSRCPtr++)-1)*row;\r |
| 4181 | else for(row=1;row<9;row++) l+=((*lSRCPtr++)-1)<<row;\r |
| 4182 | l=(l+HIWORD(l))&0x3fffL;\r |
| 4183 | GivenClutId|=(l<<16);\r |
| 4184 | }\r |
| 4185 | \r |
| 4186 | }\r |
| 4187 | \r |
| 4188 | // search cache\r |
| 4189 | iCache=0;\r |
| 4190 | OPtr=CheckTextureInSubSCache(TextureMode,GivenClutId,&iCache);\r |
| 4191 | \r |
| 4192 | // cache full? compress and try again\r |
| 4193 | if(iCache==0xffff)\r |
| 4194 | {\r |
| 4195 | CompressTextureSpace();\r |
| 4196 | OPtr=CheckTextureInSubSCache(TextureMode,GivenClutId,&iCache);\r |
| 4197 | }\r |
| 4198 | \r |
| 4199 | // found? fine\r |
| 4200 | usLRUTexPage=iCache;\r |
| 4201 | if(!OPtr) return uiStexturePage[iCache];\r |
| 4202 | \r |
| 4203 | // not found? upload texture and store infos in cache\r |
| 4204 | gTexName=uiStexturePage[iCache];\r |
| 4205 | LoadSubTexFn(GlobalTexturePage,TextureMode,cx,cy);\r |
| 4206 | uiStexturePage[iCache]=gTexName;\r |
| 4207 | *OPtr=ubOpaqueDraw;\r |
| 4208 | return (GLuint) gTexName;\r |
| 4209 | }\r |
| 4210 | \r |
| 4211 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 4212 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |
| 4213 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r |