git subrepo pull (merge) --force deps/libchdr
[pcsx_rearmed.git] / deps / libchdr / deps / zstd-1.5.6 / .github / workflows / commit.yml
1 name: facebook/zstd/commit
2 on:
3   push:
4     branches:
5     - dev
6 permissions: read-all
7 jobs:
8   short-tests-0:
9     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
10     services:
11       docker:
12         image: fbopensource/zstd-circleci-primary:0.0.1
13         options: --entrypoint /bin/bash
14     steps:
15     - uses: actions/checkout@v4
16     - name: Install Dependencies
17       run: |
18         sudo apt-get update
19         sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
20     - name: Test
21       run: |
22         ./tests/
23         cc -v
24         CFLAGS="-O0 -Werror -pedantic" make allmost; make clean
25         make c99build; make clean
26         make c11build; make clean
27         make -j regressiontest; make clean
28         make shortest; make clean
29         make cxxtest; make clean
30   short-tests-1:
31     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
32     services:
33       docker:
34         image: fbopensource/zstd-circleci-primary:0.0.1
35         options: --entrypoint /bin/bash
36     steps:
37     - uses: actions/checkout@v4
38     - name: Install Dependencies
39       run: |
40         sudo apt-get update
41         sudo apt-get install gcc-powerpc-linux-gnu gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu libc6-dev-ppc64-powerpc-cross libcurl4-gnutls-dev lib64gcc-11-dev-powerpc-cross
42     - name: Test
43       run: |-
44         make gnu90build; make clean
45         make gnu99build; make clean
46         make ppc64build V=1; make clean
47         make ppcbuild   V=1; make clean
48         make armbuild   V=1; make clean
49         make aarch64build V=1; make clean
50         make -C tests test-legacy test-longmatch; make clean
51         make -C lib libzstd-nomt; make clean
52   regression-test:
53     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
54     services:
55       docker:
56         image: fbopensource/zstd-circleci-primary:0.0.1
57         options: --entrypoint /bin/bash
58     env:
59       CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS: "/tmp/circleci-artifacts"
60     steps:
61     - uses: actions/checkout@v4
62     - name: restore_cache
63       uses: actions/cache@v4
64       with:
65         key: regression-cache-{{ checksum "tests/regression/data.c" }}-v0
66         path: tests/regression/cache
67         restore-keys: regression-cache-{{ checksum "tests/regression/data.c" }}-v0
68     - name: Install Dependencies
69       run: |
70         sudo apt-get update
71         sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
72     - name: Regression Test
73       run: |
74         make -C programs zstd
75         make -C tests/regression test
76         mkdir -p $CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS
77         ./tests/regression/test                     \
78             --cache  tests/regression/cache         \
79             --output $CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS/results.csv  \
80             --zstd   programs/zstd
81         echo "NOTE: The new results.csv is uploaded as an artifact to this job"
82         echo "      If this fails, go to the Artifacts pane in CircleCI, "
83         echo "      download /tmp/circleci-artifacts/results.csv, and if they "
84         echo "      are still good, copy it into the repo and commit it."
85         echo "> diff tests/regression/results.csv $CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS/results.csv"
86         diff tests/regression/results.csv $CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS/results.csv
87     - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
88       with:
89         path: "/tmp/circleci-artifacts"