some changes for common z80 code
[picodrive.git] / platform / uiq2 / audio / mediaserver / polledas.cpp
1 /*******************************************************************\r
2  *\r
3  *      File:           PolledAS.cpp\r
4  *\r
5  *      Author:         Peter van Sebille (\r
6  *\r
7  *      (c) Copyright 2002, Peter van Sebille\r
8  *      All Rights Reserved\r
9  *\r
10  *******************************************************************/\r
11 \r
12 /*\r
13  * Oh Lord, forgive me for I have sinned.\r
14  * In their infinite wisdom, Symbian Engineers have decided that\r
15  * the Active Scheduler's queue of Active Objects is private\r
16  * and no getters are provided... sigh.\r
17  * This mere mortal will have to excercise the power of C pre-processor \r
18  * once more to circumvent the will of the gods.\r
19  */\r
20 \r
21 \r
22 #include <e32std.h>\r
23 \r
24 // from e32base.h\r
25 class CBase\r
26         {\r
27 public:\r
28         IMPORT_C virtual ~CBase();\r
29         inline TAny* operator new(TUint aSize,TAny *aBase) {Mem::FillZ(aBase,aSize);return(aBase);}\r
30         IMPORT_C TAny* operator new(TUint aSize);\r
31         inline TAny* operator new(TUint aSize, TLeave) {return newL(aSize);}\r
32         IMPORT_C TAny* operator new(TUint aSize,TUint anExtraSize);\r
33 protected:\r
34         IMPORT_C CBase();\r
35 private:\r
36         CBase(const CBase&);\r
37         CBase& operator=(const CBase&);\r
38         IMPORT_C static TAny* newL(TUint aSize);\r
39         };\r
40 \r
41 class CActive : public CBase\r
42         {\r
43 public:\r
44 enum TPriority\r
45         {\r
46         EPriorityIdle=-100,\r
47         EPriorityLow=-20,\r
48         EPriorityStandard=0,\r
49         EPriorityUserInput=10,\r
50         EPriorityHigh=20,\r
51         };\r
52 public:\r
53         IMPORT_C ~CActive();\r
54         IMPORT_C void Cancel();\r
55         IMPORT_C void Deque();\r
56         IMPORT_C void SetPriority(TInt aPriority);\r
57         inline TBool IsActive() const {return(iActive);}\r
58         inline TBool IsAdded() const  {return(iLink.iNext!=NULL);}\r
59         inline TInt Priority() const  {return iLink.iPriority;}\r
60 protected:\r
61         IMPORT_C CActive(TInt aPriority);\r
62         IMPORT_C void SetActive();\r
63 // Pure virtual\r
64         virtual void DoCancel() =0;\r
65         virtual void RunL() =0;\r
66         IMPORT_C virtual TInt RunError(TInt aError);\r
67 public:\r
68         TRequestStatus iStatus;\r
69 private:\r
70         TBool iActive;\r
71         TPriQueLink iLink;\r
72         friend class CActiveScheduler;\r
73 //      friend class CServer;\r
74         friend class CPrivatePolledActiveScheduler; // added\r
75         };\r
76 \r
77 class CActiveScheduler : public CBase\r
78         {\r
79 public:\r
80         IMPORT_C CActiveScheduler();\r
81         IMPORT_C ~CActiveScheduler();\r
82         IMPORT_C static void Install(CActiveScheduler* aScheduler);\r
83         IMPORT_C static CActiveScheduler* Current();\r
84         IMPORT_C static void Add(CActive* anActive);\r
85         IMPORT_C static void Start();\r
86         IMPORT_C static void Stop();\r
87         IMPORT_C static TBool RunIfReady(TInt& aError, TInt aMinimumPriority);\r
88         IMPORT_C static CActiveScheduler* Replace(CActiveScheduler* aNewActiveScheduler);\r
89         IMPORT_C virtual void WaitForAnyRequest();\r
90         IMPORT_C virtual void Error(TInt anError) const;\r
91 private:\r
92         void DoStart();\r
93         void OwnedStartLoop(TInt& aRunning);\r
94         IMPORT_C virtual void OnStarting();\r
95         IMPORT_C virtual void OnStopping();\r
96         IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_1();\r
97         IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_2();\r
98         friend class CPrivatePolledActiveScheduler; // added\r
99 private:\r
100         // private interface used through by CActiveSchedulerWait objects\r
101         friend class CActiveSchedulerWait;\r
102         static void OwnedStart(CActiveSchedulerWait& aOwner);\r
103 protected:\r
104         inline TInt Level() const {return(iLevel);}\r
105 private:\r
106         TInt iLevel;\r
107         TPriQue<CActive> iActiveQ;\r
108         };\r
109 \r
110 class TCleanupItem;\r
111 class CleanupStack\r
112         {\r
113 public:\r
114         IMPORT_C static void PushL(TAny* aPtr);\r
115         IMPORT_C static void PushL(CBase* aPtr);\r
116         IMPORT_C static void PushL(TCleanupItem anItem);\r
117         IMPORT_C static void Pop();\r
118         IMPORT_C static void Pop(TInt aCount);\r
119         IMPORT_C static void PopAndDestroy();\r
120         IMPORT_C static void PopAndDestroy(TInt aCount);\r
121         IMPORT_C static void Check(TAny* aExpectedItem);\r
122         inline static void Pop(TAny* aExpectedItem);\r
123         inline static void Pop(TInt aCount, TAny* aLastExpectedItem);\r
124         inline static void PopAndDestroy(TAny* aExpectedItem);\r
125         inline static void PopAndDestroy(TInt aCount, TAny* aLastExpectedItem);\r
126         };\r
127 \r
128 \r
129 /*\r
130  * This will declare CPrivatePolledActiveScheduler as a friend\r
131  * of all classes that define a friend. CPrivatePolledActiveScheduler needs to\r
132  * be a friend of CActive\r
133  */\r
134 //#define friend friend class CPrivatePolledActiveScheduler; friend\r
135 \r
136 \r
137 /*\r
138  * This will change the:\r
139  *               void DoStart();\r
140  * method in CActiveScheduler to:\r
141  *               void DoStart(); friend class CPrivatePolledActiveScheduler;\r
142  * We need this to access the private datamembers in CActiveScheduler.\r
143  */\r
144 //#define DoStart() DoStart(); friend class CPrivatePolledActiveScheduler;\r
145 //#include <e32base.h>\r
146 #include "PolledAS.h"\r
147 \r
148 \r
149 class CPrivatePolledActiveScheduler : public CActiveScheduler\r
150 {\r
151 public:\r
152         void Schedule();\r
153 };\r
154 \r
155 \r
156 \r
157 void CPrivatePolledActiveScheduler::Schedule()\r
158 {\r
159         TDblQueIter<CActive> q(iActiveQ);\r
160         q.SetToFirst();\r
161         FOREVER\r
162         {\r
163                 CActive *pR=q++;\r
164                 if (pR)\r
165                 {\r
166                         if (pR->IsActive() && pR->iStatus!=KRequestPending)\r
167                         {\r
168                                 pR->iActive=EFalse;\r
169                                 TRAPD(r,pR->RunL());\r
170                                 break;\r
171                         }\r
172                 }\r
173                 else\r
174                         break;\r
175         }\r
176 }\r
177 \r
178 \r
179 CPolledActiveScheduler::~CPolledActiveScheduler()\r
180 {\r
181         delete iPrivatePolledActiveScheduler;\r
182 }\r
183 \r
184 //static CPolledActiveScheduler* sPolledActiveScheduler = NULL;\r
185 CPolledActiveScheduler* CPolledActiveScheduler::NewL()\r
186 {\r
187         //sPolledActiveScheduler = \r
188         CPolledActiveScheduler* self = new(ELeave)CPolledActiveScheduler;\r
189         CleanupStack::PushL(self);\r
190         self->ConstructL();\r
191         CleanupStack::Pop();\r
192         return self;\r
193 }\r
194 \r
195 void CPolledActiveScheduler::ConstructL()\r
196 {\r
197         iPrivatePolledActiveScheduler = new(ELeave) CPrivatePolledActiveScheduler;\r
198         iPrivatePolledActiveScheduler->Install(iPrivatePolledActiveScheduler);\r
199 }\r
200 \r
201 \r
202 void CPolledActiveScheduler::Schedule()\r
203 {\r
204         iPrivatePolledActiveScheduler->Schedule();\r
205 }\r
206 \r
207 /*\r
208 CPolledActiveScheduler* CPolledActiveScheduler::Instance()\r
209 {\r
210 //      return (CPolledActiveScheduler*) CActiveScheduler::Current();\r
211         return sPolledActiveScheduler;\r
212 }\r
213 */\r