--- /dev/null
+// (c) Copyright 2006,2007 notaz, All rights reserved.\r
+// Free for non-commercial use.\r
+// For commercial use, separate licencing terms must be obtained.\r
+// don't like to use loads of #ifdefs, so duplicating GP2X code\r
+// horribly instead\r
+#include <stdio.h>\r
+#include <string.h>\r
+#include <stdlib.h>\r
+#include <unistd.h> // for getcwd cegcc implementation\r
+#include <windows.h>\r
+#include "giz.h"\r
+#include "emu.h"\r
+#include "menu.h"\r
+#include "../common/arm_utils.h"\r
+#include "../common/menu.h"\r
+#include "../common/readpng.h"\r
+#include "version.h"\r
+#include "kgsdk/Framework.h"\r
+#include "kgsdk/Framework2D.h"\r
+#include <Pico/PicoInt.h>\r
+#include <Pico/Patch.h>\r
+#include <zlib/zlib.h>\r
+extern char romFileName[MAX_PATH];\r
+extern char *rom_data;\r
+extern int state_slot;\r
+extern int config_slot, config_slot_current;\r
+#define gizKeyUnkn "???"\r
+static const char * const gizKeyNames[] = {\r
+ gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn,\r
+ gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn, gizKeyUnkn,\r
+static unsigned char bg_buffer[321*240*2];\r
+char menuErrorMsg[40] = {0, };\r
+static void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, const void *src, int pixels, int darker);\r
+static void menu_prepare_bg(int use_game_bg);\r
+static unsigned int inp_prev = 0;\r
+static int inp_prevjoy = 0;\r
+static unsigned long wait_for_input(unsigned int interesting)\r
+ unsigned int ret;\r
+ static int repeats = 0, wait = 50;\r
+ int release = 0, i;\r
+ if (repeats == 2 || repeats == 4) wait /= 2;\r
+ if (repeats == 6) wait = 15;\r
+ for (i = 0; i < 6 && inp_prev == Framework_PollGetButtons(); i++) {\r
+ if (i == 0) repeats++;\r
+ Sleep(wait);\r
+ }\r
+ while ( !((ret = Framework_PollGetButtons()) & interesting) ) {\r
+ Sleep(50);\r
+ release = 1;\r
+ }\r
+ if (release || ret != inp_prev) {\r
+ repeats = 0;\r
+ wait = 50;\r
+ }\r
+ inp_prev = ret;\r
+ inp_prevjoy = 0;\r
+ // we don't need diagonals in menus\r
+ if ((ret&BTN_UP) && (ret&BTN_LEFT)) ret &= ~BTN_LEFT;\r
+ if ((ret&BTN_UP) && (ret&BTN_RIGHT)) ret &= ~BTN_RIGHT;\r
+ if ((ret&BTN_DOWN) && (ret&BTN_LEFT)) ret &= ~BTN_LEFT;\r
+ if ((ret&BTN_DOWN) && (ret&BTN_RIGHT)) ret &= ~BTN_RIGHT;\r
+ return ret;\r
+static void menu_draw_begin(int use_bgbuff)\r
+ if (giz_screen == NULL)\r
+ {\r
+ Framework2D_WaitVSync();\r
+ giz_screen = Framework2D_LockBuffer();\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ lprintf("%s: screen was not NULL\n", __FUNCTION__);\r
+ }\r
+ memcpy32(giz_screen, (int *)bg_buffer, 321*240*2/4);\r
+static void menu_draw_end(void)\r
+ Framework2D_UnlockBuffer();\r
+ giz_screen = NULL;\r
+// --------- loading ROM screen ----------\r
+static void load_progress_cb(int percent)\r
+ int ln, len = percent * 320 / 100;\r
+ unsigned short *dst;\r
+ menu_draw_begin(0);\r
+ dst = (unsigned short *)giz_screen + 321*20;\r
+ if (len > 320) len = 320;\r
+ for (ln = 10; ln > 0; ln--, dst += 320)\r
+ memset(dst, 0xff, len*2);\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+void menu_romload_prepare(const char *rom_name)\r
+ const char *p = rom_name + strlen(rom_name);\r
+ while (p > rom_name && *p != '/') p--;\r
+ if (rom_data == NULL)\r
+ memset(giz_screen, 0, 321*240*2);\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ smalltext_out16(1, 1, "Loading", 0xffff);\r
+ smalltext_out16_lim(1, 10, p, 0xffff, 53);\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+ PicoCartLoadProgressCB = load_progress_cb;\r
+void menu_romload_end(void)\r
+ PicoCartLoadProgressCB = NULL;\r
+ menu_draw_begin(0);\r
+ smalltext_out16(1, 30, "Starting emulation...", 0xffff);\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+// -------------- ROM selector --------------\r
+// rrrr rggg gggb bbbb\r
+#if 0\r
+static unsigned short file2color(const char *fname)\r
+ const char *ext = fname + strlen(fname) - 3;\r
+ static const char *rom_exts[] = { "zip", "bin", "smd", "gen", "iso" };\r
+ static const char *other_exts[] = { "gmv", "pat" };\r
+ int i;\r
+ if (ext < fname) ext = fname;\r
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rom_exts)/sizeof(rom_exts[0]); i++)\r
+ if (strcasecmp(ext, rom_exts[i]) == 0) return 0xbdff;\r
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(other_exts)/sizeof(other_exts[0]); i++)\r
+ if (strcasecmp(ext, other_exts[i]) == 0) return 0xaff5;\r
+ return 0xffff;\r
+static void draw_dirlist(char *curdir, struct dirent **namelist, int n, int sel)\r
+ int start, i, pos;\r
+ start = 12 - sel;\r
+ n--; // exclude current dir (".")\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ if (rom_data == NULL) {\r
+ menu_darken_bg(giz_screen, giz_screen, 321*240, 0);\r
+ }\r
+ menu_darken_bg((char *)giz_screen + 321*120*2, (char *)giz_screen + 321*120*2, 321*8, 0);\r
+ if(start - 2 >= 0)\r
+ smalltext_out16_lim(14, (start - 2)*10, curdir, 0xffff, 53-2);\r
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {\r
+ pos = start + i;\r
+ if (pos < 0) continue;\r
+ if (pos > 23) break;\r
+ if (namelist[i+1]->d_type == DT_DIR) {\r
+ smalltext_out16_lim(14, pos*10, "/", 0xfff6, 1);\r
+ smalltext_out16_lim(14+6, pos*10, namelist[i+1]->d_name, 0xfff6, 53-3);\r
+ } else {\r
+ unsigned short color = file2color(namelist[i+1]->d_name);\r
+ smalltext_out16_lim(14, pos*10, namelist[i+1]->d_name, color, 53-2);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ text_out16(5, 120, ">");\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+static int scandir_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)\r
+ struct dirent **d1 = (struct dirent **)p1, **d2 = (struct dirent **)p2;\r
+ if ((*d1)->d_type == (*d2)->d_type) return alphasort(d1, d2);\r
+ if ((*d1)->d_type == DT_DIR) return -1; // put before\r
+ if ((*d2)->d_type == DT_DIR) return 1;\r
+ return alphasort(d1, d2);\r
+static char *filter_exts[] = {\r
+ ".mp3", ".MP3", ".srm", ".brm", "s.gz", ".mds", "bcfg", ".txt", ".htm", "html",\r
+ ".jpg", ".gpe", ".cue"\r
+static int scandir_filter(const struct dirent *ent)\r
+ const char *p;\r
+ int i;\r
+ if (ent == NULL || ent->d_name == NULL) return 0;\r
+ if (strlen(ent->d_name) < 5) return 1;\r
+ p = ent->d_name + strlen(ent->d_name) - 4;\r
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(filter_exts)/sizeof(filter_exts[0]); i++)\r
+ {\r
+ if (strcmp(p, filter_exts[i]) == 0) return 0;\r
+ }\r
+ return 1;\r
+static char *romsel_loop(char *curr_path)\r
+ struct dirent **namelist;\r
+ DIR *dir;\r
+ int n, sel = 0;\r
+ unsigned long inp = 0;\r
+ char *ret = NULL, *fname = NULL;\r
+ // is this a dir or a full path?\r
+ if ((dir = opendir(curr_path))) {\r
+ closedir(dir);\r
+ } else {\r
+ char *p;\r
+ for (p = curr_path + strlen(curr_path) - 1; p > curr_path && *p != '/'; p--);\r
+ *p = 0;\r
+ fname = p+1;\r
+ }\r
+ n = scandir(curr_path, &namelist, scandir_filter, scandir_cmp);\r
+ if (n < 0) {\r
+ // try root\r
+ n = scandir("/", &namelist, scandir_filter, scandir_cmp);\r
+ if (n < 0) {\r
+ // oops, we failed\r
+ lprintf("dir: "); lprintf(curr_path); lprintf("\n");\r
+ perror("scandir");\r
+ return NULL;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ // try to find sel\r
+ if (fname != NULL) {\r
+ int i;\r
+ for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {\r
+ if (strcmp(namelist[i]->d_name, fname) == 0) {\r
+ sel = i - 1;\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ for (;;)\r
+ {\r
+ draw_dirlist(curr_path, namelist, n, sel);\r
+ if(inp & BTN_UP ) { sel--; if (sel < 0) sel = n-2; }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_DOWN) { sel++; if (sel > n-2) sel = 0; }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_LEFT) { sel-=10; if (sel < 0) sel = 0; }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_L) { sel-=24; if (sel < 0) sel = 0; }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_RIGHT) { sel+=10; if (sel > n-2) sel = n-2; }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_R) { sel+=24; if (sel > n-2) sel = n-2; }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_PLAY) { // enter dir/select\r
+ again:\r
+ if (namelist[sel+1]->d_type == DT_REG) {\r
+ strcpy(romFileName, curr_path);\r
+ strcat(romFileName, "/");\r
+ strcat(romFileName, namelist[sel+1]->d_name);\r
+ ret = romFileName;\r
+ break;\r
+ } else if (namelist[sel+1]->d_type == DT_DIR) {\r
+ int newlen = strlen(curr_path) + strlen(namelist[sel+1]->d_name) + 2;\r
+ char *p, *newdir = malloc(newlen);\r
+ if (strcmp(namelist[sel+1]->d_name, "..") == 0) {\r
+ char *start = curr_path;\r
+ p = start + strlen(start) - 1;\r
+ while (*p == '/' && p > start) p--;\r
+ while (*p != '/' && p > start) p--;\r
+ if (p <= start) strcpy(newdir, "/");\r
+ else { strncpy(newdir, start, p-start); newdir[p-start] = 0; }\r
+ } else {\r
+ strcpy(newdir, curr_path);\r
+ p = newdir + strlen(newdir) - 1;\r
+ while (*p == '/' && p >= newdir) *p-- = 0;\r
+ strcat(newdir, "/");\r
+ strcat(newdir, namelist[sel+1]->d_name);\r
+ }\r
+ ret = romsel_loop(newdir);\r
+ free(newdir);\r
+ break;\r
+ } else {\r
+ // unknown file type, happens on NTFS mounts. Try to guess.\r
+ FILE *tstf; int tmp;\r
+ strcpy(romFileName, curr_path);\r
+ strcat(romFileName, "/");\r
+ strcat(romFileName, namelist[sel+1]->d_name);\r
+ tstf = fopen(romFileName, "rb");\r
+ if (tstf != NULL)\r
+ {\r
+ if (fread(&tmp, 1, 1, tstf) > 0 || ferror(tstf) == 0)\r
+ namelist[sel+1]->d_type = DT_REG;\r
+ else namelist[sel+1]->d_type = DT_DIR;\r
+ fclose(tstf);\r
+ goto again;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_STOP) break; // cancel\r
+ }\r
+ if (n > 0) {\r
+ while(n--) free(namelist[n]);\r
+ free(namelist);\r
+ }\r
+ return ret;\r
+static char *romsel_loop(char *curr_path)\r
+ return NULL;\r
+// ------------ patch/gg menu ------------\r
+static void draw_patchlist(int sel)\r
+ int start, i, pos, active;\r
+ start = 12 - sel;\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ for (i = 0; i < PicoPatchCount; i++) {\r
+ pos = start + i;\r
+ if (pos < 0) continue;\r
+ if (pos > 23) break;\r
+ active = PicoPatches[i].active;\r
+ smalltext_out16_lim(14, pos*10, active ? "ON " : "OFF", active ? 0xfff6 : 0xffff, 3);\r
+ smalltext_out16_lim(14+6*4, pos*10, PicoPatches[i].name, active ? 0xfff6 : 0xffff, 53-6);\r
+ }\r
+ pos = start + i;\r
+ if (pos < 24) smalltext_out16_lim(14, pos*10, "done", 0xffff, 4);\r
+ text_out16(5, 120, ">");\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+static void patches_menu_loop(void)\r
+ int menu_sel = 0;\r
+ unsigned long inp = 0;\r
+ for(;;)\r
+ {\r
+ draw_patchlist(menu_sel);\r
+ if(inp & BTN_UP ) { menu_sel--; if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = PicoPatchCount; }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_DOWN) { menu_sel++; if (menu_sel > PicoPatchCount) menu_sel = 0; }\r
+ if(inp &(BTN_LEFT|BTN_L)) { menu_sel-=10; if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = 0; }\r
+ if(inp &(BTN_RIGHT|BTN_R)) { menu_sel+=10; if (menu_sel > PicoPatchCount) menu_sel = PicoPatchCount; }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_PLAY) { // action\r
+ if (menu_sel < PicoPatchCount)\r
+ PicoPatches[menu_sel].active = !PicoPatches[menu_sel].active;\r
+ else return;\r
+ }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_STOP) return;\r
+ }\r
+// ------------ savestate loader ------------\r
+static int state_slot_flags = 0;\r
+static void state_check_slots(void)\r
+ int slot;\r
+ state_slot_flags = 0;\r
+ for (slot = 0; slot < 10; slot++)\r
+ {\r
+ if (emu_check_save_file(slot))\r
+ {\r
+ state_slot_flags |= 1 << slot;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+static void draw_savestate_bg(int slot)\r
+ struct PicoVideo tmp_pv;\r
+ unsigned short tmp_cram[0x40];\r
+ unsigned short tmp_vsram[0x40];\r
+ void *tmp_vram, *file;\r
+ char *fname;\r
+ fname = emu_GetSaveFName(1, 0, slot);\r
+ if (!fname) return;\r
+ tmp_vram = malloc(sizeof(Pico.vram));\r
+ if (tmp_vram == NULL) return;\r
+ memcpy(tmp_vram, Pico.vram, sizeof(Pico.vram));\r
+ memcpy(tmp_cram, Pico.cram, sizeof(Pico.cram));\r
+ memcpy(tmp_vsram, Pico.vsram, sizeof(Pico.vsram));\r
+ memcpy(&tmp_pv, &Pico.video, sizeof(Pico.video));\r
+ if (strcmp(fname + strlen(fname) - 3, ".gz") == 0) {\r
+ file = gzopen(fname, "rb");\r
+ emu_set_save_cbs(1);\r
+ } else {\r
+ file = fopen(fname, "rb");\r
+ emu_set_save_cbs(0);\r
+ }\r
+ if (file) {\r
+ if (PicoMCD & 1) {\r
+ PicoCdLoadStateGfx(file);\r
+ } else {\r
+ areaSeek(file, 0x10020, SEEK_SET); // skip header and RAM in state file\r
+ areaRead(Pico.vram, 1, sizeof(Pico.vram), file);\r
+ areaSeek(file, 0x2000, SEEK_CUR);\r
+ areaRead(Pico.cram, 1, sizeof(Pico.cram), file);\r
+ areaRead(Pico.vsram, 1, sizeof(Pico.vsram), file);\r
+ areaSeek(file, 0x221a0, SEEK_SET);\r
+ areaRead(&Pico.video, 1, sizeof(Pico.video), file);\r
+ }\r
+ areaClose(file);\r
+ }\r
+ emu_forced_frame();\r
+ menu_prepare_bg(1);\r
+ memcpy(Pico.vram, tmp_vram, sizeof(Pico.vram));\r
+ memcpy(Pico.cram, tmp_cram, sizeof(Pico.cram));\r
+ memcpy(Pico.vsram, tmp_vsram, sizeof(Pico.vsram));\r
+ memcpy(&Pico.video, &tmp_pv, sizeof(Pico.video));\r
+ free(tmp_vram);\r
+static void draw_savestate_menu(int menu_sel, int is_loading)\r
+ int tl_x = 25, tl_y = 60, y, i;\r
+ if (state_slot_flags & (1 << menu_sel))\r
+ draw_savestate_bg(menu_sel);\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, 30, is_loading ? "Load state" : "Save state");\r
+ menu_draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 108);\r
+ /* draw all 10 slots */\r
+ y = tl_y;\r
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++, y+=10)\r
+ {\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, y, "SLOT %i (%s)", i, (state_slot_flags & (1 << i)) ? "USED" : "free");\r
+ }\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, y, "back");\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+static int savestate_menu_loop(int is_loading)\r
+ static int menu_sel = 10;\r
+ int menu_sel_max = 10;\r
+ unsigned long inp = 0;\r
+ state_check_slots();\r
+ for(;;)\r
+ {\r
+ draw_savestate_menu(menu_sel, is_loading);\r
+ inp = wait_for_input(BTN_UP|BTN_DOWN|BTN_PLAY|BTN_STOP);\r
+ if(inp & BTN_UP ) {\r
+ do {\r
+ menu_sel--; if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = menu_sel_max;\r
+ } while (!(state_slot_flags & (1 << menu_sel)) && menu_sel != menu_sel_max && is_loading);\r
+ }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_DOWN) {\r
+ do {\r
+ menu_sel++; if (menu_sel > menu_sel_max) menu_sel = 0;\r
+ } while (!(state_slot_flags & (1 << menu_sel)) && menu_sel != menu_sel_max && is_loading);\r
+ }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_PLAY) { // save/load\r
+ if (menu_sel < 10) {\r
+ state_slot = menu_sel;\r
+ if (emu_SaveLoadGame(is_loading, 0)) {\r
+ strcpy(menuErrorMsg, is_loading ? "Load failed" : "Save failed");\r
+ return 1;\r
+ }\r
+ return 0;\r
+ } else return 1;\r
+ }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_STOP) return 1;\r
+ }\r
+// -------------- key config --------------\r
+static char *action_binds(int player_idx, int action_mask)\r
+ static char strkeys[32*5];\r
+ int i;\r
+ strkeys[0] = 0;\r
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) // i is key index\r
+ {\r
+ if (currentConfig.KeyBinds[i] & action_mask)\r
+ {\r
+ if (player_idx >= 0 && ((currentConfig.KeyBinds[i] >> 16) & 3) != player_idx) continue;\r
+ if (strkeys[0]) { strcat(strkeys, " + "); strcat(strkeys, gizKeyNames[i]); break; }\r
+ else strcpy(strkeys, gizKeyNames[i]);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ return strkeys;\r
+static void unbind_action(int action)\r
+ int i;\r
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)\r
+ currentConfig.KeyBinds[i] &= ~action;\r
+static int count_bound_keys(int action)\r
+ int i, keys = 0;\r
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)\r
+ if (currentConfig.KeyBinds[i] & action) keys++;\r
+ return keys;\r
+typedef struct { char *name; int mask; } bind_action_t;\r
+static void draw_key_config(const bind_action_t *opts, int opt_cnt, int player_idx, int sel)\r
+ int x, y, tl_y = 40, i;\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ if (player_idx >= 0) {\r
+ text_out16(80, 20, "Player %i controls", player_idx + 1);\r
+ x = 100;\r
+ } else {\r
+ text_out16(80, 20, "Emulator controls");\r
+ x = 40;\r
+ }\r
+ menu_draw_selection(x - 16, tl_y + sel*10, (player_idx >= 0) ? 66 : 130);\r
+ y = tl_y;\r
+ for (i = 0; i < opt_cnt; i++, y+=10)\r
+ text_out16(x, y, "%s : %s", opts[i].name, action_binds(player_idx, opts[i].mask));\r
+ text_out16(x, y, "Done");\r
+ if (sel < opt_cnt) {\r
+ text_out16(30, 180, "Press a button to bind/unbind");\r
+ text_out16(30, 190, "Use SELECT to clear");\r
+ text_out16(30, 200, "To bind UP/DOWN, hold SELECT");\r
+ text_out16(30, 210, "Select \"Done\" to exit");\r
+ } else {\r
+ text_out16(30, 190, "Use Options -> Save cfg");\r
+ text_out16(30, 200, "to save controls");\r
+ text_out16(30, 210, "Press B or X to exit");\r
+ }\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+static void key_config_loop(const bind_action_t *opts, int opt_cnt, int player_idx)\r
+ int sel = 0, menu_sel_max = opt_cnt, prev_select = 0, i;\r
+ unsigned long inp = 0;\r
+ for (;;)\r
+ {\r
+ draw_key_config(opts, opt_cnt, player_idx, sel);\r
+ inp = wait_for_input(CONFIGURABLE_KEYS);\r
+ if (!(inp & BTN_HOME)) {\r
+ prev_select = 0;\r
+ if(inp & BTN_UP ) { sel--; if (sel < 0) sel = menu_sel_max; continue; }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_DOWN) { sel++; if (sel > menu_sel_max) sel = 0; continue; }\r
+ }\r
+ if (sel >= opt_cnt) {\r
+ if (inp & (BTN_PLAY|BTN_STOP)) break;\r
+ else continue;\r
+ }\r
+ // if we are here, we want to bind/unbind something\r
+ if ((inp & BTN_HOME) && !prev_select)\r
+ unbind_action(opts[sel].mask);\r
+ prev_select = inp & BTN_HOME;\r
+ inp &= ~BTN_HOME;\r
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)\r
+ if (inp & (1 << i)) {\r
+ if (count_bound_keys(opts[sel].mask) >= 2)\r
+ currentConfig.KeyBinds[i] &= ~opts[sel].mask; // allow to unbind only\r
+ else currentConfig.KeyBinds[i] ^= opts[sel].mask;\r
+ if (player_idx >= 0) {\r
+ currentConfig.KeyBinds[i] &= ~(3 << 16);\r
+ currentConfig.KeyBinds[i] |= player_idx << 16;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+static void draw_kc_sel(int menu_sel)\r
+ int tl_x = 25+40, tl_y = 60, y;\r
+ y = tl_y;\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ menu_draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 138);\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, y, "Player 1");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "Player 2");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "Emulator controls");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "Done");\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+// PicoPad[] format: MXYZ SACB RLDU\r
+static bind_action_t ctrl_actions[] =\r
+ { "UP ", 0x001 },\r
+ { "DOWN ", 0x002 },\r
+ { "LEFT ", 0x004 },\r
+ { "RIGHT ", 0x008 },\r
+ { "A ", 0x040 },\r
+ { "B ", 0x010 },\r
+ { "C ", 0x020 },\r
+ { "START ", 0x080 },\r
+ { "MODE ", 0x800 },\r
+ { "X ", 0x400 },\r
+ { "Y ", 0x200 },\r
+ { "Z ", 0x100 },\r
+// player2_flag, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, menu\r
+static bind_action_t emuctrl_actions[] =\r
+ { "Load State ", 1<<28 },\r
+ { "Save State ", 1<<27 },\r
+ { "Prev Save Slot ", 1<<25 },\r
+ { "Next Save Slot ", 1<<24 },\r
+ { "Switch Renderer", 1<<26 },\r
+ { "Volume Down ", 1<<30 },\r
+ { "Volume Up ", 1<<29 },\r
+ { "Enter Menu ", 1<<23 },\r
+static void kc_sel_loop(void)\r
+ int menu_sel = 3, menu_sel_max = 3;\r
+ unsigned long inp = 0;\r
+ int is_6button = currentConfig.PicoOpt & 0x020;\r
+ while (1)\r
+ {\r
+ draw_kc_sel(menu_sel);\r
+ inp = wait_for_input(BTN_UP|BTN_DOWN|BTN_PLAY|BTN_STOP);\r
+ if (inp & BTN_UP ) { menu_sel--; if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = menu_sel_max; }\r
+ if (inp & BTN_DOWN) { menu_sel++; if (menu_sel > menu_sel_max) menu_sel = 0; }\r
+ if (inp & BTN_PLAY) {\r
+ switch (menu_sel) {\r
+ case 0: key_config_loop(ctrl_actions, is_6button ? 12 : 8, 0); return;\r
+ case 1: key_config_loop(ctrl_actions, is_6button ? 12 : 8, 1); return;\r
+ case 2: key_config_loop(emuctrl_actions,\r
+ sizeof(emuctrl_actions)/sizeof(emuctrl_actions[0]), -1); return;\r
+ case 3: if (rom_data == NULL) emu_WriteConfig(0); return;\r
+ default: return;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (inp & BTN_STOP) return;\r
+ }\r
+// --------- sega/mega cd options ----------\r
+menu_entry cdopt_entries[] =\r
+ { "CD LEDs", MB_ONOFF, MA_CDOPT_LEDS, ¤tConfig.EmuOpt, 0x0400, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "CDDA audio (using mp3s)", MB_ONOFF, MA_CDOPT_CDDA, ¤tConfig.PicoOpt, 0x0800, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "PCM audio", MB_ONOFF, MA_CDOPT_PCM, ¤tConfig.PicoOpt, 0x0400, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { NULL, MB_NONE, MA_CDOPT_READAHEAD, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "SaveRAM cart", MB_ONOFF, MA_CDOPT_SAVERAM, ¤tConfig.PicoOpt, 0x8000, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Scale/Rot. fx (slow)", MB_ONOFF, MA_CDOPT_SCALEROT_CHIP,¤tConfig.PicoOpt, 0x1000, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Better sync (slow)", MB_ONOFF, MA_CDOPT_BETTER_SYNC, ¤tConfig.PicoOpt, 0x2000, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "done", MB_NONE, MA_CDOPT_DONE, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+#define CDOPT_ENTRY_COUNT (sizeof(cdopt_entries) / sizeof(cdopt_entries[0]))\r
+struct bios_names_t\r
+ char us[32], eu[32], jp[32];\r
+static void menu_cdopt_cust_draw(const menu_entry *entry, int x, int y, void *param)\r
+ struct bios_names_t *bios_names = param;\r
+ char ra_buff[16];\r
+ switch (entry->id)\r
+ {\r
+ case MA_CDOPT_TESTBIOS_USA: text_out16(x, y, "USA BIOS: %s", bios_names->us); break;\r
+ case MA_CDOPT_TESTBIOS_EUR: text_out16(x, y, "EUR BIOS: %s", bios_names->eu); break;\r
+ case MA_CDOPT_TESTBIOS_JAP: text_out16(x, y, "JAP BIOS: %s", bios_names->jp); break;\r
+ if (PicoCDBuffers > 1) sprintf(ra_buff, "%5iK", PicoCDBuffers * 2);\r
+ else strcpy(ra_buff, " OFF");\r
+ text_out16(x, y, "ReadAhead buffer %s", ra_buff);\r
+ break;\r
+ default:break;\r
+ }\r
+static void draw_cd_menu_options(int menu_sel, struct bios_names_t *bios_names)\r
+ int tl_x = 25, tl_y = 60;\r
+ menu_id selected_id;\r
+ char ra_buff[16];\r
+ if (PicoCDBuffers > 1) sprintf(ra_buff, "%5iK", PicoCDBuffers * 2);\r
+ else strcpy(ra_buff, " OFF");\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ menu_draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 246);\r
+ me_draw(cdopt_entries, CDOPT_ENTRY_COUNT, tl_x, tl_y, menu_cdopt_cust_draw, bios_names);\r
+ selected_id = me_index2id(cdopt_entries, CDOPT_ENTRY_COUNT, menu_sel);\r
+ if ((selected_id == MA_CDOPT_TESTBIOS_USA && strcmp(bios_names->us, "NOT FOUND")) ||\r
+ (selected_id == MA_CDOPT_TESTBIOS_EUR && strcmp(bios_names->eu, "NOT FOUND")) ||\r
+ (selected_id == MA_CDOPT_TESTBIOS_JAP && strcmp(bios_names->jp, "NOT FOUND")))\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, 210, "Press start to test selected BIOS");\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+static void cd_menu_loop_options(void)\r
+ static int menu_sel = 0;\r
+ int menu_sel_max = 10;\r
+ unsigned long inp = 0;\r
+ struct bios_names_t bios_names;\r
+ menu_id selected_id;\r
+ char *bios, *p;\r
+ if (find_bios(4, &bios)) { // US\r
+ for (p = bios+strlen(bios)-1; p > bios && *p != '/'; p--); p++;\r
+ strncpy(bios_names.us, p, sizeof(bios_names.us)); bios_names.us[sizeof(bios_names.us)-1] = 0;\r
+ } else strcpy(bios_names.us, "NOT FOUND");\r
+ if (find_bios(8, &bios)) { // EU\r
+ for (p = bios+strlen(bios)-1; p > bios && *p != '/'; p--); p++;\r
+ strncpy(bios_names.eu, p, sizeof(bios_names.eu)); bios_names.eu[sizeof(bios_names.eu)-1] = 0;\r
+ } else strcpy(bios_names.eu, "NOT FOUND");\r
+ if (find_bios(1, &bios)) { // JP\r
+ for (p = bios+strlen(bios)-1; p > bios && *p != '/'; p--); p++;\r
+ strncpy(bios_names.jp, p, sizeof(bios_names.jp)); bios_names.jp[sizeof(bios_names.jp)-1] = 0;\r
+ } else strcpy(bios_names.jp, "NOT FOUND");\r
+ for(;;)\r
+ {\r
+ draw_cd_menu_options(menu_sel, &bios_names);\r
+ if (inp & BTN_UP ) { menu_sel--; if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = menu_sel_max; }\r
+ if (inp & BTN_DOWN) { menu_sel++; if (menu_sel > menu_sel_max) menu_sel = 0; }\r
+ selected_id = me_index2id(cdopt_entries, CDOPT_ENTRY_COUNT, menu_sel);\r
+ if (inp & (BTN_LEFT|BTN_RIGHT)) { // multi choise\r
+ if (!me_process(cdopt_entries, CDOPT_ENTRY_COUNT, selected_id, (inp&BTN_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0) &&\r
+ selected_id == MA_CDOPT_READAHEAD) {\r
+ if (inp & BTN_LEFT) {\r
+ PicoCDBuffers >>= 1;\r
+ if (PicoCDBuffers < 64) PicoCDBuffers = 0;\r
+ } else {\r
+ if (PicoCDBuffers < 64) PicoCDBuffers = 64;\r
+ else PicoCDBuffers <<= 1;\r
+ if (PicoCDBuffers > 8*1024) PicoCDBuffers = 8*1024; // 16M\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (inp & BTN_PLAY) { // toggleable options\r
+ if (!me_process(cdopt_entries, CDOPT_ENTRY_COUNT, selected_id, 1) &&\r
+ selected_id == MA_CDOPT_DONE) {\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ switch (selected_id) { // BIOS testers\r
+ if (find_bios(4, &bios)) { // test US\r
+ strcpy(romFileName, bios);\r
+ engineState = PGS_ReloadRom;\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ if (find_bios(8, &bios)) { // test EU\r
+ strcpy(romFileName, bios);\r
+ engineState = PGS_ReloadRom;\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ if (find_bios(1, &bios)) { // test JP\r
+ strcpy(romFileName, bios);\r
+ engineState = PGS_ReloadRom;\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ default:\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (inp & (BTN_STOP|BTN_REW)) return;\r
+ }\r
+// --------- advanced options ----------\r
+menu_entry opt2_entries[] =\r
+ { "Emulate Z80", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT2_ENABLE_Z80, ¤tConfig.PicoOpt,0x0004, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Emulate YM2612 (FM)", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT2_ENABLE_YM2612, ¤tConfig.PicoOpt,0x0001, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Emulate SN76496 (PSG)", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT2_ENABLE_SN76496,¤tConfig.PicoOpt,0x0002, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "gzip savestates", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT2_GZIP_STATES, ¤tConfig.EmuOpt, 0x0008, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Don't save last used ROM", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT2_NO_LAST_ROM, ¤tConfig.EmuOpt, 0x0020, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "done", MB_NONE, MA_OPT2_DONE, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+#define OPT2_ENTRY_COUNT (sizeof(opt2_entries) / sizeof(opt2_entries[0]))\r
+static void draw_amenu_options(int menu_sel)\r
+ int tl_x = 25, tl_y = 50;\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ menu_draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 252);\r
+ me_draw(opt2_entries, OPT2_ENTRY_COUNT, tl_x, tl_y, NULL, NULL);\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+static void amenu_loop_options(void)\r
+ static int menu_sel = 0;\r
+ int menu_sel_max;\r
+ unsigned long inp = 0;\r
+ menu_id selected_id;\r
+ menu_sel_max = me_count_enabled(opt2_entries, OPT2_ENTRY_COUNT) - 1;\r
+ for(;;)\r
+ {\r
+ draw_amenu_options(menu_sel);\r
+ if (inp & BTN_UP ) { menu_sel--; if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = menu_sel_max; }\r
+ if (inp & BTN_DOWN) { menu_sel++; if (menu_sel > menu_sel_max) menu_sel = 0; }\r
+ selected_id = me_index2id(opt2_entries, OPT2_ENTRY_COUNT, menu_sel);\r
+ if (inp & (BTN_LEFT|BTN_RIGHT)) { // multi choise\r
+ if (!me_process(opt2_entries, OPT2_ENTRY_COUNT, selected_id, (inp&BTN_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0) &&\r
+ selected_id == MA_OPT2_GAMMA) {\r
+ while ((inp = Framework_PollGetButtons(1)) & (BTN_LEFT|BTN_RIGHT)) {\r
+ currentConfig.gamma += (inp & BTN_LEFT) ? -1 : 1;\r
+ if (currentConfig.gamma < 1) currentConfig.gamma = 1;\r
+ if (currentConfig.gamma > 300) currentConfig.gamma = 300;\r
+ draw_amenu_options(menu_sel);\r
+ Sleep(18);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (inp & BTN_PLAY) { // toggleable options\r
+ if (!me_process(opt2_entries, OPT2_ENTRY_COUNT, selected_id, 1) &&\r
+ selected_id == MA_OPT2_DONE) {\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (inp & (BTN_STOP|BTN_REW)) return;\r
+ }\r
+// -------------- options --------------\r
+menu_entry opt_entries[] =\r
+ { NULL, MB_NONE, MA_OPT_RENDERER, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Scale low res mode", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT_SCALING, ¤tConfig.scaling, 0x001, 0, 3, 1 },\r
+ { "Accurate timing (slower)", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT_ACC_TIMING, ¤tConfig.PicoOpt, 0x040, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Accurate sprites (slower)", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT_ACC_SPRITES, ¤tConfig.PicoOpt, 0x080, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Show FPS", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT_SHOW_FPS, ¤tConfig.EmuOpt, 0x002, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { NULL, MB_RANGE, MA_OPT_FRAMESKIP, ¤tConfig.Frameskip, 0, -1, 16, 1 },\r
+ { "Enable sound", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT_ENABLE_SOUND, ¤tConfig.EmuOpt, 0x004, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { NULL, MB_NONE, MA_OPT_SOUND_QUALITY, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "6 button pad", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT_6BUTTON_PAD, ¤tConfig.PicoOpt, 0x020, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { NULL, MB_NONE, MA_OPT_REGION, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Use SRAM/BRAM savestates", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT_SRAM_STATES, ¤tConfig.EmuOpt, 0x001, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Save slot", MB_RANGE, MA_OPT_SAVE_SLOT, &state_slot, 0, 0, 9, 1 },\r
+ { "[Sega/Mega CD options]", MB_NONE, MA_OPT_SCD_OPTS, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "[advanced options]", MB_NONE, MA_OPT_ADV_OPTS, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { NULL, MB_NONE, MA_OPT_SAVECFG, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Save cfg for current game only",MB_NONE,MA_OPT_SAVECFG_GAME,NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { NULL, MB_NONE, MA_OPT_LOADCFG, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+#define OPT_ENTRY_COUNT (sizeof(opt_entries) / sizeof(opt_entries[0]))\r
+static const char *region_name(unsigned int code)\r
+ static const char *names[] = { "Auto", " Japan NTSC", " Japan PAL", " USA", " Europe" };\r
+ static const char *names_short[] = { "", " JP", " JP", " US", " EU" };\r
+ int u, i = 0;\r
+ if (code) {\r
+ code <<= 1;\r
+ while((code >>= 1)) i++;\r
+ if (i > 4) return "unknown";\r
+ return names[i];\r
+ } else {\r
+ static char name[24];\r
+ strcpy(name, "Auto:");\r
+ for (u = 0; u < 3; u++) {\r
+ i = 0; code = ((PicoAutoRgnOrder >> u*4) & 0xf) << 1;\r
+ while((code >>= 1)) i++;\r
+ strcat(name, names_short[i]);\r
+ }\r
+ return name;\r
+ }\r
+static void menu_opt_cust_draw(const menu_entry *entry, int x, int y, void *param)\r
+ char *str, str24[24];\r
+ switch (entry->id)\r
+ {\r
+ if (currentConfig.PicoOpt&0x10)\r
+ str = " 8bit fast";\r
+ else if (currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x80)\r
+ str = "16bit accurate";\r
+ else\r
+ str = " 8bit accurate";\r
+ text_out16(x, y, "Renderer: %s", str);\r
+ break;\r
+ if (currentConfig.Frameskip < 0)\r
+ strcpy(str24, "Auto");\r
+ else sprintf(str24, "%i", currentConfig.Frameskip);\r
+ text_out16(x, y, "Frameskip %s", str24);\r
+ break;\r
+ str = (currentConfig.PicoOpt&0x08)?"stereo":"mono";\r
+ text_out16(x, y, "Sound Quality: %5iHz %s", currentConfig.PsndRate, str);\r
+ break;\r
+ case MA_OPT_REGION:\r
+ text_out16(x, y, "Region: %s", region_name(currentConfig.PicoRegion));\r
+ break;\r
+ switch ((currentConfig.EmuOpt >> 9) & 5) {\r
+ default: str = "OFF"; break;\r
+ case 1: str = "writes"; break;\r
+ case 4: str = "loads"; break;\r
+ case 5: str = "both"; break;\r
+ }\r
+ text_out16(x, y, "Confirm savestate %s", str);\r
+ break;\r
+ case MA_OPT_SAVECFG:\r
+ str24[0] = 0;\r
+ if (config_slot != 0) sprintf(str24, " (profile: %i)", config_slot);\r
+ text_out16(x, y, "Save cfg as default%s", str24);\r
+ break;\r
+ case MA_OPT_LOADCFG:\r
+ text_out16(x, y, "Load cfg from profile %i", config_slot);\r
+ break;\r
+ default:\r
+ lprintf("%s: unimplemented (%i)\n", __FUNCTION__, entry->id);\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+static void draw_menu_options(int menu_sel)\r
+ int tl_x = 25, tl_y = 24;\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ menu_draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 284);\r
+ me_draw(opt_entries, OPT_ENTRY_COUNT, tl_x, tl_y, menu_opt_cust_draw, NULL);\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+static int sndrate_prevnext(int rate, int dir)\r
+ int i, rates[] = { 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 44100 };\r
+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)\r
+ if (rates[i] == rate) break;\r
+ i += dir ? 1 : -1;\r
+ if (i > 4) return dir ? 44100 : 22050;\r
+ if (i < 0) return dir ? 11025 : 8000;\r
+ return rates[i];\r
+static void region_prevnext(int right)\r
+ // jp_ntsc=1, jp_pal=2, usa=4, eu=8\r
+ static int rgn_orders[] = { 0x148, 0x184, 0x814, 0x418, 0x841, 0x481 };\r
+ int i;\r
+ if (right) {\r
+ if (!currentConfig.PicoRegion) {\r
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)\r
+ if (rgn_orders[i] == PicoAutoRgnOrder) break;\r
+ if (i < 5) PicoAutoRgnOrder = rgn_orders[i+1];\r
+ else currentConfig.PicoRegion=1;\r
+ }\r
+ else currentConfig.PicoRegion<<=1;\r
+ if (currentConfig.PicoRegion > 8) currentConfig.PicoRegion = 8;\r
+ } else {\r
+ if (!currentConfig.PicoRegion) {\r
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)\r
+ if (rgn_orders[i] == PicoAutoRgnOrder) break;\r
+ if (i > 0) PicoAutoRgnOrder = rgn_orders[i-1];\r
+ }\r
+ else currentConfig.PicoRegion>>=1;\r
+ }\r
+static void menu_options_save(void)\r
+ PicoOpt = currentConfig.PicoOpt;\r
+ PsndRate = currentConfig.PsndRate;\r
+ PicoRegionOverride = currentConfig.PicoRegion;\r
+ if (!(PicoOpt & 0x20)) {\r
+ // unbind XYZ MODE, just in case\r
+ unbind_action(0xf00);\r
+ }\r
+ scaling_update();\r
+static int menu_loop_options(void)\r
+ static int menu_sel = 0;\r
+ int menu_sel_max, ret;\r
+ unsigned long inp = 0;\r
+ menu_id selected_id;\r
+ currentConfig.PicoOpt = PicoOpt;\r
+ currentConfig.PsndRate = PsndRate;\r
+ currentConfig.PicoRegion = PicoRegionOverride;\r
+ me_enable(opt_entries, OPT_ENTRY_COUNT, MA_OPT_SAVECFG_GAME, rom_data != NULL);\r
+ me_enable(opt_entries, OPT_ENTRY_COUNT, MA_OPT_LOADCFG, config_slot != config_slot_current);\r
+ menu_sel_max = me_count_enabled(opt_entries, OPT_ENTRY_COUNT) - 1;\r
+ if (menu_sel > menu_sel_max) menu_sel = menu_sel_max;\r
+ while (1)\r
+ {\r
+ draw_menu_options(menu_sel);\r
+ if (inp & BTN_UP ) { menu_sel--; if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = menu_sel_max; }\r
+ if (inp & BTN_DOWN) { menu_sel++; if (menu_sel > menu_sel_max) menu_sel = 0; }\r
+ selected_id = me_index2id(opt_entries, OPT_ENTRY_COUNT, menu_sel);\r
+ if (inp & (BTN_LEFT|BTN_RIGHT)) { // multi choise\r
+ if (!me_process(opt_entries, OPT_ENTRY_COUNT, selected_id, (inp&BTN_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0)) {\r
+ switch (selected_id) {\r
+ if (inp & BTN_LEFT) {\r
+ if ( currentConfig.PicoOpt&0x10) currentConfig.PicoOpt&= ~0x10;\r
+ else if (!(currentConfig.EmuOpt &0x80))currentConfig.EmuOpt |= 0x80;\r
+ else if ( currentConfig.EmuOpt &0x80) break;\r
+ } else {\r
+ if ( currentConfig.PicoOpt&0x10) break;\r
+ else if (!(currentConfig.EmuOpt &0x80))currentConfig.PicoOpt|= 0x10;\r
+ else if ( currentConfig.EmuOpt &0x80) currentConfig.EmuOpt &= ~0x80;\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ if ((inp & BTN_RIGHT) && currentConfig.PsndRate == 44100 && !(currentConfig.PicoOpt&0x08)) {\r
+ currentConfig.PsndRate = 8000; currentConfig.PicoOpt|= 0x08;\r
+ } else if ((inp & BTN_LEFT) && currentConfig.PsndRate == 8000 && (currentConfig.PicoOpt&0x08)) {\r
+ currentConfig.PsndRate = 44100; currentConfig.PicoOpt&=~0x08;\r
+ } else currentConfig.PsndRate = sndrate_prevnext(currentConfig.PsndRate, inp & BTN_RIGHT);\r
+ break;\r
+ case MA_OPT_REGION:\r
+ region_prevnext(inp & BTN_RIGHT);\r
+ break;\r
+ int n = ((currentConfig.EmuOpt>>9)&1) | ((currentConfig.EmuOpt>>10)&2);\r
+ n += (inp & BTN_LEFT) ? -1 : 1;\r
+ if (n < 0) n = 0; else if (n > 3) n = 3;\r
+ n |= n << 1; n &= ~2;\r
+ currentConfig.EmuOpt &= ~0xa00;\r
+ currentConfig.EmuOpt |= n << 9;\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ case MA_OPT_SAVE_SLOT:\r
+ if (inp & BTN_RIGHT) {\r
+ state_slot++; if (state_slot > 9) state_slot = 0;\r
+ } else {state_slot--; if (state_slot < 0) state_slot = 9;\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ case MA_OPT_SAVECFG:\r
+ case MA_OPT_LOADCFG:\r
+ config_slot += (inp&BTN_RIGHT) ? 1 : -1;\r
+ if (config_slot > 9) config_slot = 0;\r
+ if (config_slot < 0) config_slot = 9;\r
+ me_enable(opt_entries, OPT_ENTRY_COUNT, MA_OPT_LOADCFG, config_slot != config_slot_current);\r
+ menu_sel_max = me_count_enabled(opt_entries, OPT_ENTRY_COUNT) - 1;\r
+ if (menu_sel > menu_sel_max) menu_sel = menu_sel_max;\r
+ break;\r
+ default:\r
+ //lprintf("%s: something unknown selected (%i)\n", __FUNCTION__, selected_id);\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (inp & BTN_PLAY) {\r
+ if (!me_process(opt_entries, OPT_ENTRY_COUNT, selected_id, 1))\r
+ {\r
+ switch (selected_id)\r
+ {\r
+ case MA_OPT_SCD_OPTS:\r
+ cd_menu_loop_options();\r
+ if (engineState == PGS_ReloadRom)\r
+ return 0; // test BIOS\r
+ break;\r
+ case MA_OPT_ADV_OPTS:\r
+ amenu_loop_options();\r
+ break;\r
+ case MA_OPT_SAVECFG: // done (update and write)\r
+ menu_options_save();\r
+ if (emu_WriteConfig(0)) strcpy(menuErrorMsg, "config saved");\r
+ else strcpy(menuErrorMsg, "failed to write config");\r
+ return 1;\r
+ case MA_OPT_SAVECFG_GAME: // done (update and write for current game)\r
+ menu_options_save();\r
+ if (emu_WriteConfig(1)) strcpy(menuErrorMsg, "config saved");\r
+ else strcpy(menuErrorMsg, "failed to write config");\r
+ return 1;\r
+ case MA_OPT_LOADCFG:\r
+ ret = emu_ReadConfig(1, 1);\r
+ if (!ret) ret = emu_ReadConfig(0, 1);\r
+ if (ret) strcpy(menuErrorMsg, "config loaded");\r
+ else strcpy(menuErrorMsg, "failed to load config");\r
+ return 1;\r
+ default:\r
+ //lprintf("%s: something unknown selected (%i)\n", __FUNCTION__, selected_id);\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if(inp & (BTN_STOP|BTN_REW)) {\r
+ menu_options_save();\r
+ return 0; // done (update, no write)\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+// -------------- credits --------------\r
+static void draw_menu_credits(void)\r
+ int tl_x = 15, tl_y = 64, y;\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, 20, "PicoDrive v" VERSION " (c) notaz, 2006,2007");\r
+ y = tl_y;\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, y, "Credits:");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "Dave: Cyclone 68000 core,");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), " base code of PicoDrive");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "Reesy & FluBBa: DrZ80 core");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "MAME devs: YM2612 and SN76496 cores");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "Charles MacDonald: Genesis hw docs");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "Stephane Dallongeville:");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), " opensource Gens");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "Haze: Genesis hw info");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "Reesy: TODO");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "TODO: gizmondo hardware");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "ketchupgun: skin design");\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+// -------------- root menu --------------\r
+menu_entry main_entries[] =\r
+ { "Resume game", MB_NONE, MA_MAIN_RESUME_GAME, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },\r
+ { "Save State", MB_NONE, MA_MAIN_SAVE_STATE, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },\r
+ { "Load State", MB_NONE, MA_MAIN_LOAD_STATE, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },\r
+ { "Reset game", MB_NONE, MA_MAIN_RESET_GAME, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },\r
+ { "Load new ROM/ISO", MB_NONE, MA_MAIN_LOAD_ROM, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Change options", MB_NONE, MA_MAIN_OPTIONS, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Configure controls", MB_NONE, MA_MAIN_CONTROLS, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Credits", MB_NONE, MA_MAIN_CREDITS, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Patches / GameGenie",MB_NONE, MA_MAIN_PATCHES, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },\r
+ { "Exit", MB_NONE, MA_MAIN_EXIT, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 }\r
+#define MAIN_ENTRY_COUNT (sizeof(main_entries) / sizeof(main_entries[0]))\r
+static void draw_menu_root(int menu_sel)\r
+ const int tl_x = 70, tl_y = 70;\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, 20, "PicoDrive v" VERSION);\r
+ menu_draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 146);\r
+ me_draw(main_entries, MAIN_ENTRY_COUNT, tl_x, tl_y, NULL, NULL);\r
+ // error\r
+ if (menuErrorMsg[0]) {\r
+ memset((char *)giz_screen + 321*224*2, 0, 321*16*2);\r
+ text_out16(5, 226, menuErrorMsg);\r
+ }\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+static void menu_loop_root(void)\r
+ static int menu_sel = 0;\r
+ int ret, menu_sel_max;\r
+ unsigned long inp = 0;\r
+ me_enable(main_entries, MAIN_ENTRY_COUNT, MA_MAIN_RESUME_GAME, rom_data != NULL);\r
+ me_enable(main_entries, MAIN_ENTRY_COUNT, MA_MAIN_SAVE_STATE, rom_data != NULL);\r
+ me_enable(main_entries, MAIN_ENTRY_COUNT, MA_MAIN_LOAD_STATE, rom_data != NULL);\r
+ me_enable(main_entries, MAIN_ENTRY_COUNT, MA_MAIN_RESET_GAME, rom_data != NULL);\r
+ me_enable(main_entries, MAIN_ENTRY_COUNT, MA_MAIN_PATCHES, PicoPatches != NULL);\r
+ menu_sel_max = me_count_enabled(main_entries, MAIN_ENTRY_COUNT) - 1;\r
+ if (menu_sel > menu_sel_max) menu_sel = menu_sel_max;\r
+ /* make sure action buttons are not pressed on entering menu */\r
+ draw_menu_root(menu_sel);\r
+ while (Framework_PollGetButtons(1) & (BTN_PLAY|BTN_STOP|BTN_HOME)) Sleep(50);\r
+ for (;;)\r
+ {\r
+ draw_menu_root(menu_sel);\r
+ if(inp & BTN_UP ) { menu_sel--; if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = menu_sel_max; }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_DOWN) { menu_sel++; if (menu_sel > menu_sel_max) menu_sel = 0; }\r
+ if(inp &(BTN_HOME|BTN_STOP)){\r
+ if (rom_data) {\r
+ while (Framework_PollGetButtons(1) & (BTN_HOME|BTN_STOP)) Sleep(50); // wait until select is released\r
+ engineState = PGS_Running;\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_PLAY) {\r
+ switch (me_index2id(main_entries, MAIN_ENTRY_COUNT, menu_sel))\r
+ {\r
+ if (rom_data) {\r
+ while (Framework_PollGetButtons(1) & BTN_PLAY) Sleep(50);\r
+ engineState = PGS_Running;\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ if (rom_data) {\r
+ if(savestate_menu_loop(0))\r
+ continue;\r
+ engineState = PGS_Running;\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ if (rom_data) {\r
+ if(savestate_menu_loop(1))\r
+ continue;\r
+ engineState = PGS_Running;\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ if (rom_data) {\r
+ emu_ResetGame();\r
+ engineState = PGS_Running;\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ case MA_MAIN_LOAD_ROM:\r
+ {\r
+ char curr_path[MAX_PATH], *selfname;\r
+ FILE *tstf;\r
+ if ( (tstf = fopen(currentConfig.lastRomFile, "rb")) )\r
+ {\r
+ fclose(tstf);\r
+ strcpy(curr_path, currentConfig.lastRomFile);\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ getcwd(curr_path, MAX_PATH);\r
+ selfname = romsel_loop(curr_path);\r
+ if (selfname) {\r
+ lprintf("selected file: %s\n", selfname);\r
+ engineState = PGS_ReloadRom;\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ ret = menu_loop_options();\r
+ if (ret == 1) continue; // status update\r
+ if (engineState == PGS_ReloadRom)\r
+ return; // BIOS test\r
+ break;\r
+ kc_sel_loop();\r
+ break;\r
+ draw_menu_credits();\r
+ Sleep(500);\r
+ inp = wait_for_input(BTN_PLAY|BTN_STOP);\r
+ break;\r
+ case MA_MAIN_EXIT:\r
+ engineState = PGS_Quit;\r
+ return;\r
+ if (rom_data && PicoPatches) {\r
+ patches_menu_loop();\r
+ PicoPatchApply();\r
+ strcpy(menuErrorMsg, "Patches applied");\r
+ continue;\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ default:\r
+ lprintf("%s: something unknown selected\n", __FUNCTION__);\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ menuErrorMsg[0] = 0; // clear error msg\r
+ }\r
+// warning: alignment\r
+static void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, const void *src, int pixels, int darker)\r
+ unsigned int *dest = dst;\r
+ const unsigned int *srce = src;\r
+ pixels /= 2;\r
+ if (darker)\r
+ {\r
+ while (pixels--)\r
+ {\r
+ unsigned int p = *srce++;\r
+ *dest++ = ((p&0xf79ef79e)>>1) - ((p&0xc618c618)>>3);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ while (pixels--)\r
+ {\r
+ unsigned int p = *srce++;\r
+ *dest++ = (p&0xf79ef79e)>>1;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+static void menu_prepare_bg(int use_game_bg)\r
+ if (use_game_bg)\r
+ {\r
+ // darken the active framebuffer\r
+ memset(bg_buffer, 0, 321*8*2);\r
+ menu_darken_bg(bg_buffer + 321*8*2, (char *)giz_screen + 321*8*2, 321*224, 1);\r
+ memset(bg_buffer + 321*232*2, 0, 321*8*2);\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ // should really only happen once, on startup..\r
+ readpng(bg_buffer, "skin/background.png", READPNG_BG);\r
+ }\r
+static void menu_gfx_prepare(void)\r
+ menu_prepare_bg(rom_data != NULL);\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+void menu_loop(void)\r
+ menu_gfx_prepare();\r
+ menu_loop_root();\r
+ menuErrorMsg[0] = 0;\r
+// --------- CD tray close menu ----------\r
+static void draw_menu_tray(int menu_sel)\r
+ int tl_x = 70, tl_y = 90, y;\r
+ menu_draw_begin(1);\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, 20, "The unit is about to");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, 30, "close the CD tray.");\r
+ y = tl_y;\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, y, "Load new CD image");\r
+ text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "Insert nothing");\r
+ // draw cursor\r
+ text_out16(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, ">");\r
+ // error\r
+ if (menuErrorMsg[0]) text_out16(5, 226, menuErrorMsg);\r
+ menu_draw_end();\r
+int menu_loop_tray(void)\r
+ int menu_sel = 0, menu_sel_max = 1;\r
+ unsigned long inp = 0;\r
+ char curr_path[MAX_PATH], *selfname;\r
+ FILE *tstf;\r
+ menu_gfx_prepare();\r
+ if ( (tstf = fopen(currentConfig.lastRomFile, "rb")) )\r
+ {\r
+ fclose(tstf);\r
+ strcpy(curr_path, currentConfig.lastRomFile);\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ getcwd(curr_path, MAX_PATH);\r
+ }\r
+ /* make sure action buttons are not pressed on entering menu */\r
+ draw_menu_tray(menu_sel);\r
+ while (Framework_PollGetButtons(1) & BTN_PLAY) Sleep(50);\r
+ for (;;)\r
+ {\r
+ draw_menu_tray(menu_sel);\r
+ inp = wait_for_input(BTN_UP|BTN_DOWN|BTN_PLAY);\r
+ if(inp & BTN_UP ) { menu_sel--; if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = menu_sel_max; }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_DOWN) { menu_sel++; if (menu_sel > menu_sel_max) menu_sel = 0; }\r
+ if(inp & BTN_PLAY ) {\r
+ switch (menu_sel) {\r
+ case 0: // select image\r
+ selfname = romsel_loop(curr_path);\r
+ if (selfname) {\r
+ int ret = -1, cd_type;\r
+ cd_type = emu_cd_check(NULL);\r
+ if (cd_type > 0)\r
+ ret = Insert_CD(romFileName, cd_type == 2);\r
+ if (ret != 0) {\r
+ sprintf(menuErrorMsg, "Load failed, invalid CD image?");\r
+ lprintf("%s\n", menuErrorMsg);\r
+ continue;\r
+ }\r
+ engineState = PGS_RestartRun;\r
+ return 1;\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ case 1: // insert nothing\r
+ engineState = PGS_RestartRun;\r
+ return 0;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ menuErrorMsg[0] = 0; // clear error msg\r
+ }\r
#include "gp2x.h"\r
#include "emu.h"\r
#include "menu.h"\r
-#include "fonts.h"\r
#include "usbjoy.h"\r
-#include "asmutils.h"\r
-#include "readpng.h"\r
+#include "../common/arm_utils.h"\r
+#include "../common/menu.h"\r
+#include "../common/readpng.h"\r
#include "version.h"\r
#include <Pico/PicoInt.h>\r
extern int state_slot;\r
extern int config_slot, config_slot_current;\r
-static unsigned char menu_font_data[10240];\r
-static char *gp2xKeyNames[] = {\r
+static const char *gp2xKeyNames[] = {\r
"UP", "???", "LEFT", "???", "DOWN", "???", "RIGHT", "???",\r
"START", "SELECT", "L", "R", "A", "B", "X", "Y",\r
"???", "???", "???", "???", "???", "???", "VOL DOWN", "VOL UP",\r
"???", "???", "???", "PUSH", "???", "???", "???", "???"\r
-static int menu_text_color = 0xffff; // default to white\r
-static int menu_sel_color = -1; // disabled\r
char menuErrorMsg[40] = {0, };\r
static void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, int pixels, int darker);\r
static void menu_prepare_bg(int use_game_bg);\r
-// draws text to current bbp16 screen\r
-static void text_out16_(int x, int y, const char *text, int color)\r
- int i, l, u, tr, tg, tb, len;\r
- unsigned short *dest = (unsigned short *)gp2x_screen + x + y*320;\r
- tr = (color & 0xf800) >> 8;\r
- tg = (color & 0x07e0) >> 3;\r
- tb = (color & 0x001f) << 3;\r
- if (text == (void *)1)\r
- {\r
- // selector symbol\r
- text = "";\r
- len = 1;\r
- }\r
- else\r
- len = strlen(text);\r
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)\r
- {\r
- unsigned char *src = menu_font_data + (unsigned int)text[i]*4*10;\r
- unsigned short *dst = dest;\r
- for (l = 0; l < 10; l++, dst += 320-8)\r
- {\r
- for (u = 8/2; u > 0; u--, src++)\r
- {\r
- int c, r, g, b;\r
- c = *src >> 4;\r
- r = (*dst & 0xf800) >> 8;\r
- g = (*dst & 0x07e0) >> 3;\r
- b = (*dst & 0x001f) << 3;\r
- r = (c^0xf)*r/15 + c*tr/15;\r
- g = (c^0xf)*g/15 + c*tg/15;\r
- b = (c^0xf)*b/15 + c*tb/15;\r
- *dst++ = ((r<<8)&0xf800) | ((g<<3)&0x07e0) | (b>>3);\r
- c = *src & 0xf;\r
- r = (*dst & 0xf800) >> 8;\r
- g = (*dst & 0x07e0) >> 3;\r
- b = (*dst & 0x001f) << 3;\r
- r = (c^0xf)*r/15 + c*tr/15;\r
- g = (c^0xf)*g/15 + c*tg/15;\r
- b = (c^0xf)*b/15 + c*tb/15;\r
- *dst++ = ((r<<8)&0xf800) | ((g<<3)&0x07e0) | (b>>3);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- dest += 8;\r
- }\r
-void text_out16(int x, int y, const char *texto, ...)\r
- va_list args;\r
- char buffer[512];\r
- va_start(args,texto);\r
- vsprintf(buffer,texto,args);\r
- va_end(args);\r
- text_out16_(x,y,buffer,menu_text_color);\r
-static void smalltext_out16(int x, int y, const char *texto, int color)\r
- int i;\r
- unsigned char *src;\r
- unsigned short *dst;\r
- for (i = 0;; i++, x += 6)\r
- {\r
- unsigned char c = (unsigned char) texto[i];\r
- int h = 8;\r
- if (!c) break;\r
- src = fontdata6x8[c];\r
- dst = (unsigned short *)gp2x_screen + x + y*320;\r
- while (h--)\r
- {\r
- int w = 0x20;\r
- while (w)\r
- {\r
- if( *src & w ) *dst = color;\r
- dst++;\r
- w>>=1;\r
- }\r
- src++;\r
- dst += 320-6;\r
- }\r
- }\r
-static void smalltext_out16_lim(int x, int y, const char *texto, int color, int max)\r
- char buffer[320/6+1];\r
- strncpy(buffer, texto, 320/6);\r
- if (max > 320/6) max = 320/6;\r
- if (max < 0) max = 0;\r
- buffer[max] = 0;\r
- smalltext_out16(x, y, buffer, color);\r
-static void draw_selection(int x, int y, int w)\r
- int i, h;\r
- unsigned short *dst, *dest;\r
- text_out16_(x, y, (void *)1, (menu_sel_color < 0) ? menu_text_color : menu_sel_color);\r
- if (menu_sel_color < 0) return; // no selection hilight\r
- if (y > 0) y--;\r
- dest = (unsigned short *)gp2x_screen + x + y*320 + 14;\r
- for (h = 11; h > 0; h--)\r
- {\r
- dst = dest;\r
- for (i = w; i > 0; i--)\r
- *dst++ = menu_sel_color;\r
- dest += 320;\r
- }\r
-static void menu_flip(void)\r
- gp2x_video_flush_cache();\r
- gp2x_video_flip2();\r
-typedef enum\r
- MB_NONE = 1, /* no auto processing */\r
- MB_ONOFF, /* ON/OFF setting */\r
- MB_RANGE, /* [min-max] setting */\r
-} menu_behavior;\r
-typedef enum\r
- MA_NONE = 1,\r
- MA_OPT2_ENABLE_YM2612,\r
- MA_OPT2_ENABLE_SN76496,\r
-} menu_id;\r
-typedef struct\r
- char *name;\r
- menu_behavior beh;\r
- menu_id id;\r
- void *var; /* for on-off settings */\r
- int mask;\r
- signed char min; /* for ranged integer settings, to be sign-extended */\r
- signed char max;\r
- char enabled;\r
-} menu_entry;\r
-static int me_id2offset(const menu_entry *entries, int count, menu_id id)\r
- int i;\r
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)\r
- {\r
- if (entries[i].id == id) return i;\r
- }\r
- printf("%s: id %i not found\n", __FUNCTION__, id);\r
- return 0;\r
-static void me_enable(menu_entry *entries, int count, menu_id id, int enable)\r
- int i = me_id2offset(entries, count, id);\r
- entries[i].enabled = enable;\r
-static int me_count_enabled(const menu_entry *entries, int count)\r
- int i, ret = 0;\r
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)\r
- {\r
- if (entries[i].enabled) ret++;\r
- }\r
- return ret;\r
-static menu_id me_index2id(const menu_entry *entries, int count, int index)\r
- int i;\r
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)\r
- {\r
- if (entries[i].enabled)\r
- {\r
- if (index == 0) break;\r
- index--;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- if (i >= count) i = count - 1;\r
- return entries[i].id;\r
-typedef void (me_draw_custom_f)(const menu_entry *entry, int x, int y, void *param);\r
-static void me_draw(const menu_entry *entries, int count, int x, int y, me_draw_custom_f *cust_draw, void *param)\r
- int i, y1 = y;\r
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)\r
- {\r
- if (!entries[i].enabled) continue;\r
- if (entries[i].name == NULL)\r
- {\r
- if (cust_draw != NULL)\r
- cust_draw(&entries[i], x, y1, param);\r
- y1 += 10;\r
- continue;\r
- }\r
- text_out16(x, y1, entries[i].name);\r
- if (entries[i].beh == MB_ONOFF)\r
- text_out16(x + 27*8, y1, (*(int *)entries[i].var & entries[i].mask) ? "ON" : "OFF");\r
- else if (entries[i].beh == MB_RANGE)\r
- text_out16(x + 27*8, y1, "%i", *(int *)entries[i].var);\r
- y1 += 10;\r
- }\r
-static int me_process(menu_entry *entries, int count, menu_id id, int is_next)\r
- int i = me_id2offset(entries, count, id);\r
- menu_entry *entry = &entries[i];\r
- switch (entry->beh)\r
- {\r
- case MB_ONOFF:\r
- *(int *)entry->var ^= entry->mask;\r
- return 1;\r
- case MB_RANGE:\r
- *(int *)entry->var += is_next ? 1 : -1;\r
- if (*(int *)entry->var < (int)entry->min) *(int *)entry->var = (int)entry->min;\r
- if (*(int *)entry->var > (int)entry->max) *(int *)entry->var = (int)entry->max;\r
- return 1;\r
- default:\r
- return 0;\r
- }\r
-static int parse_hex_color(char *buff)\r
- char *endp = buff;\r
- int t = (int) strtoul(buff, &endp, 16);\r
- if (endp != buff) return ((t>>8)&0xf800) | ((t>>5)&0x07e0) | ((t>>3)&0x1f);\r
- return -1;\r
-void menu_init(void)\r
- int c, l;\r
- unsigned char *fd = menu_font_data;\r
- char buff[256];\r
- FILE *f;\r
- // generate default font from fontdata8x8\r
- memset(menu_font_data, 0, sizeof(menu_font_data));\r
- for (c = 0; c < 256; c++)\r
- {\r
- for (l = 0; l < 8; l++)\r
- {\r
- unsigned char fd8x8 = fontdata8x8[c*8+l];\r
- if (fd8x8&0x80) *fd |= 0xf0;\r
- if (fd8x8&0x40) *fd |= 0x0f; fd++;\r
- if (fd8x8&0x20) *fd |= 0xf0;\r
- if (fd8x8&0x10) *fd |= 0x0f; fd++;\r
- if (fd8x8&0x08) *fd |= 0xf0;\r
- if (fd8x8&0x04) *fd |= 0x0f; fd++;\r
- if (fd8x8&0x02) *fd |= 0xf0;\r
- if (fd8x8&0x01) *fd |= 0x0f; fd++;\r
- }\r
- fd += 8*2/2; // 2 empty lines\r
- }\r
- // load custom font and selector (stored as 1st symbol in font table)\r
- readpng(menu_font_data, "skin/font.png", READPNG_FONT);\r
- memcpy(menu_font_data, menu_font_data + ((int)'>')*4*10, 4*10); // default selector symbol is '>'\r
- readpng(menu_font_data, "skin/selector.png", READPNG_SELECTOR);\r
- // load custom colors\r
- f = fopen("skin/skin.txt", "r");\r
- if (f != NULL)\r
- {\r
- printf("found skin.txt\n");\r
- while (!feof(f))\r
- {\r
- fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), f);\r
- if (buff[0] == '#' || buff[0] == '/') continue; // comment\r
- if (buff[0] == '\r' || buff[0] == '\n') continue; // empty line\r
- if (strncmp(buff, "text_color=", 11) == 0)\r
- {\r
- int tmp = parse_hex_color(buff+11);\r
- if (tmp >= 0) menu_text_color = tmp;\r
- else printf("skin.txt: parse error for text_color\n");\r
- }\r
- else if (strncmp(buff, "selection_color=", 16) == 0)\r
- {\r
- int tmp = parse_hex_color(buff+16);\r
- if (tmp >= 0) menu_sel_color = tmp;\r
- else printf("skin.txt: parse error for selection_color\n");\r
- }\r
- else\r
- printf("skin.txt: parse error: %s\n", buff);\r
- }\r
- fclose(f);\r
- }\r
static unsigned long inp_prev = 0;\r
static int inp_prevjoy = 0;\r
return ret;\r
+static void menu_flip(void)\r
+ gp2x_video_flush_cache();\r
+ gp2x_video_flip2();\r
// --------- loading ROM screen ----------\r
text_out16(tl_x, 30, is_loading ? "Load state" : "Save state");\r
- draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 108);\r
+ menu_draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 108);\r
/* draw all 10 slots */\r
y = tl_y;\r
x = 40;\r
- draw_selection(x - 16, tl_y + sel*10, (player_idx >= 0) ? 66 : 130);\r
+ menu_draw_selection(x - 16, tl_y + sel*10, (player_idx >= 0) ? 66 : 130);\r
y = tl_y;\r
for (i = 0; i < opt_cnt; i++, y+=10)\r
y = tl_y;\r
- draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 138);\r
+ menu_draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 138);\r
text_out16(tl_x, y, "Player 1");\r
text_out16(tl_x, (y+=10), "Player 2");\r
- draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 246);\r
+ menu_draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 246);\r
me_draw(cdopt_entries, CDOPT_ENTRY_COUNT, tl_x, tl_y, menu_cdopt_cust_draw, bios_names);\r
{ NULL, MB_NONE, MA_OPT2_GAMMA, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 },\r
{ "A_SN's gamma curve", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT2_A_SN_GAMMA, ¤tConfig.EmuOpt, 0x1000, 0, 0, 1 },\r
- { "Perfecf vsync", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT2_VSYNC, ¤tConfig.EmuOpt, 0x2000, 0, 0, 1 },\r
+ { "Perfect vsync", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT2_VSYNC, ¤tConfig.EmuOpt, 0x2000, 0, 0, 1 },\r
{ "Emulate Z80", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT2_ENABLE_Z80, ¤tConfig.PicoOpt,0x0004, 0, 0, 1 },\r
{ "Emulate YM2612 (FM)", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT2_ENABLE_YM2612, ¤tConfig.PicoOpt,0x0001, 0, 0, 1 },\r
{ "Emulate SN76496 (PSG)", MB_ONOFF, MA_OPT2_ENABLE_SN76496,¤tConfig.PicoOpt,0x0002, 0, 0, 1 },\r
- draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 252);\r
+ menu_draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 252);\r
me_draw(opt2_entries, OPT2_ENTRY_COUNT, tl_x, tl_y, menu_opt2_cust_draw, NULL);\r
- draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 284);\r
+ menu_draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 284);\r
me_draw(opt_entries, OPT_ENTRY_COUNT, tl_x, tl_y, menu_opt_cust_draw, NULL);\r
text_out16(tl_x, 20, "PicoDrive v" VERSION);\r
- draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 146);\r
+ menu_draw_selection(tl_x - 16, tl_y + menu_sel*10, 146);\r
me_draw(main_entries, MAIN_ENTRY_COUNT, tl_x, tl_y, NULL, NULL);\r
char curr_path[PATH_MAX], *selfname;\r
FILE *tstf;\r
- gp2x_memset_all_buffers(0, 0xe0, 320*240);\r
+ gp2x_memset_all_buffers(0, 0, 320*240*2);\r
if ( (tstf = fopen(currentConfig.lastRomFile, "rb")) )\r